1. Spiders and Scorpions!
"Ah, New York, the city that never sleeps. It's honestly pretty beautiful up here and not down in the crowded streets."
I was standing on the peak of the Chrysler Building with incredible balance.
"And since it never sleeps, I should check to make sure that no one is trying to steal anything out of the cookie jar while mom and pop are asleep."
I took a single step off the building and began to free fall through the air without a single care. It was then that I pressed down on a device attached to my wrist, which shot out a web that attached itself to a nearby building. The momentum I had allowed me to swing forward and upwards through the air as I cheered to myself before shooting another web from my other wrist.
"Even after three years, this still never gets old."
Who was this strange man jumping off of buildings like a madman? This was none other than (Y/n) Parker. Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. Aka, me.
At the age of 15, I was bitten by a radioactive spider that caused my DNA to change drastically. The spider bite had increased my muscle growth and gave me a higher metabolism. It also increased my strength, speed, stamina, and agility. Along with the incredible ability to climb along most surfaces and have a sixth sense for oncoming danger, I dubbed my spider sense. I also had a minor healing factor.
These were everything I needed to become Spider-Man.
I did a few flips on the air before landing on a building that was relatively closer to the streets.
"Alright, it looks like someone is deciding to be bad."
I looked over further up the street and saw a trio of men running out of a jewelry store with some duffel bags in their hands.
"I did say someone was gonna steal right out of the cookie jar."
I jumped off the building and attached a web to the side of it, and swung myself over to them. With ease, I landed on a lamppost and stood straight with my arms crossed.
"Excuse me, gentlemen, I happen to notice your rather large bags. I do hope that's your gym equipment."
"It's Spider-Man!" Said one of the men. He was currently wearing a green ski mask that exposed his eyes and mouth. The other two wore similar styled ones but with different colors. One was red and the other was blue."
"That's my name! Don't wear it out."
I finger gunned in his direction as they all simultaneously pulled their real guns out.
"Wow, you boys are in sync! I can't even lie. The way you all did that at the same time was just beyond amazing. I'll give you a round of applause."
I gave them my congratulations as the green masked one shot at me. But I felt a tingle run through my head beforehand, which gave me time to react. I slid my feet back as my strange position caused me to fall backward, but due to my ability to stick to things, I merely rotated along the lamppost and hung upside down with my back facing them.
I dropped down and rotated my body to face them.
"Any bright ideas, Huey?" Asked the blue masked man.
"Don't use my name, Dewey, you dumbass!" Screamed Huey.
"Wait. Your name is Huey, and you're wearing red? And your name is Dewey and you're wearing blue? Lemme guess, you're Louie?" I jokingly asked the green masked man.
"N-No!" He said immediately, deflecting any assumption to his name. He then dropped his shoulders and sighed. "Yeah. It is."
"Oh my God! That's adorable! Did you guys form a team before or after finding out each others' names?"
"Oh, shut the hell up!" Huey angrily said.
"Easy man, easy. We wouldn't want anyone to get... hurt!"
I immediately shot a web at his chest and pulled him close to me. Once he was in my range, I punched him in the gut before following it up with an uppercut that knocked him on his back. As he was done, I quickly webbed up his torso and arms to keep him pinned.
I did a backflip as I dodged gunfire from the other two. I shot weblines at their guns and yanked them right from their grips.
"Well, Huey," Louie started to say. "We'll most definitely come back for you."
"You bastards!" Huey shouted.
The other two began to take off down the street as I shook my head.
"Some friends you got. Don't you know you shouldn't get mixed in with the wrong crowd? Trust me, I certainly don't."
I shot webs at their backs and pulled them towards me. Their bodies flew through the air before I caught them by the back of their coats and bashed their heads together to dizzy them. They slumped down to the ground while leaning against each other, which made it easier for me to web 'em up.
"The boys in blue are coming by, have fun!"
I webbed the edge of a building and hoisted myself up to it and swung away from the scene of the crime.
"I should grab my camera. I left it back on the Chrysler Building, and then I'll head home just in time for some of Aunt May's killer lasagna."
"Aunt May, I'm home!"
"(Y/n), dear, you're just in time. The lasagna is fresh out of the oven." My Aunt May said as her voice rang out from the kitchen.
Since it was already dark out and I lived in a quiet neighborhood, I swing in to my bedroom window and got changed in my room. I crawl along the ceiling quietly while on the lookout for Aunt May before dropping in front of the door. That's when the easy part comes into play, I just open and close the door immediately after, and Aunt May thinks I've entered the front door like a normal person.
I walked into the kitchen, where we also had a small round wooden table with plates resting on it. The table had clear vinyl on it to keep stains from ever reaching the actual wood on the table. May had cut pieces of lasagna for her and I as we sat down with her resting a pitcher of lemonade between us.
"Thank you for the food, Aunt May."
"Of course, dear. Now, since you're here, I wanted to talk about your school."
"Aunt May, you can't possibly mean--"
"Prom. That's right, (Y/n)."
"Aunt May, as much as prom sounds fun, parties aren't really my thing. Any huge social event, really."
"But (Y/n)," Aunt May began to say with a concerned look in her light blue eyes. "You're an 18 year old boy in your senior year. I know things haven't been easy, but I want you to enjoy yourself. These are the most important years of your life."
She reached out to me and grasped my left hand with both of her hands. Despite the age and wrinkles, her hands were as soft as ever. Emphasizing her nurturing nature of hers. I looked up at her as my (e/c) eyes met her own. A soft pleading look was present on her face.
I sighed and gave her a small smile, which caused her to pull back her hands and smile as well.
"Alright, Aunt May. I'll try and go to prom. If I find a date, then great!"
"Oh, don't you worry about a date, (Y/n)! Anna Watson from across the street has a niece that's actually moving in with her! She's the same age as you."
"A blind date? Aunt May, I'm way worse at those than any shindig!"
"Come now, (Y/n), she has a great personality!"
I just sighed in exasperation and just ate my lasagna.
I was at my locker, grabbing the things I needed as I was about to head to one of my classes.
"Parker!" Someone from down the hall shouted my name.
I groaned in annoyance before closing my locker and looking to my left to see my old bully Eugene "Flash" Thompson.
"Flash," I replied neutrally.
"So, you know that prom is this Friday, right?" He asked me with a smirk on his face as he leaned against the set of lockers next to mine.
"I'm aware of that, yes."
"Well, me and ol' Sally are going together, seeing as we're the definitive power couple!"
"Don't you guys break up like every other week?"
"Watch it, Parker!"
He got closer and glared at me.
"Easy, Flash, boy. Why are you bothering me with this common knowledge?"
Flash smirked before leaning back and adjusting his letterman jacket.
"Simple, Parker, I just wanted to flex the fact that I have a hot date to prom and you don't. Or is Aunt May gonna be your date?"
"She was at the top of my list, but she decided it'd be better for me to have a blind date."
Flash looked at me with a blank stare before letting out a loud laughter that echoed throughout the halls. People glanced in our direction before going on with their day.
"Oh, Parker, that's hilarious! Trust me, that chick's definitely gonna need to be blind if she's gonna be hanging out with you! Haha!"
He brushed past me as I shook my head.
A successful blind date is like playing the lottery. My chances of hitting a jackpot are slim to none!
I shook my head before heading to class. I plopped down into my seat as our chemistry teacher walked in right as the bell rang. Behind me, I could hear giggles and chuckles to Midtown High's other "cute couple," Harry Osborn and Liz Allan.
Harry Osborn was the son of the business tycoon, Norman Osborn. Harry and I used to be buddies back in middle school up to our freshman year, but after that, he just sorta became distant. Him and Flash started hanging around once Flash found out the guy came from money.
Soon, everyone flocked to him like a pack of vultures seeing a dead dog on the road. He pretty much paid off the popular clique to become his friends.
And his girlfriend Liz Allan was cheer captain. It was hard to tell whether or not she fell in love with either the guy or his money. But I wouldn't put it past her for going after his money.
"Yo, (Y/n), Flash boy says you're bringing a blind date to prom, that true?" I heard Harry ask.
I sighed and rubbed my forehead before turning in my seat to face Harry and his girl. My eyes looked over to his strangely styled ginger hair as his brown eyes held a look of superiority. Liz Allan clung to his arm and held a look of amusement on her face.
"Word gets out fast. But yeah, I'll be bringing my blind date to prom."
"Haha! Can't wait!"
"Yeah... Me neither."
Liz Allan just giggled as I turned around in my seat and wished the day would hurry up.
I was on the higher floors of the Daily Bugle as I held developed pictures of Spider-Man in my hand.
Taking photos of myself? It's too easy of a gig to pass up, right? Trust me, it took some doing to get clear shots of Spider-Man in action. Though I try not to take pictures of all my exploits. People will question just how fast little ol' (Y/n) Parker can travel to get so many shots of Spidey.
"Good afternoon, (Y/n)," said a lovely female.
I turned my head to the right to see Betty Brant sitting pretty at her desk. I flashed her a smile, which caused her to give one in response.
"And a good afternoon to you too, Ms. Brant."
I glanced at her and admired her fair complexion, the way her dark brunette hair was styled in a Bob cut with her bangs hanging in front of her forehead. Her light brown eyes with a gleam in them.
"You doing alright?" Betty asked.
"I am. Got some new photos for ol' J.J. I'm sure he'll love these."
"For a freelance photographer, you're pretty great with a camera. Always able to get the money shot."
"What can I say? I just got a knack for it."
She giggled, which caused my smile to be even bigger. The door to Jameson's office opened, and a pasty looking guy that was hunched over scurried out while glancing at me. The guy had messy dirty blonde hair and wore a green blazer with a light blue shirt underneath. The shirt was a bit stained as he also wore dark jeans and boots.
"Who was that?"
"Mac Gargan. Some acquaintance of Jonah's," Betty replied.
"Huh. I could've sworn the guy was giving me the stink eye. Well, it's not much of a big deal."
I walked into J. Jonah Jameson's office as he lit up a cigar and stared at me.
"Parker! Took ya long enough!" Jameson exclaimed. "Did you get those pictures?!"
"I sure did."
I handed him the pictures as he glared at each single one.
"They suck! This one here, I'll be using that one. Tell the girl to hand you your pay!"
"Pleasure doing business with ya, Jameson."
"I'm sure it is. Parker, before you go, I have a question."
"Lay it on me."
"How are you able to get so many shots of Spider-Man?" He focused his glare at me and raised a brow.
"It's New York, Mr. Jameson, tons of fire escapes to climb on."
"Right," he drawled out. "Anyway, get outta here!"
"Going. Going."
I closed the door behind me and walked over to Betty's desk as she handed me a check for $150. I sighed, but I can't really risk asking for more and end up getting less.
"Don't go spending it all in one place." Betty said with a cheeky grin.
"Trust me, if I could blow this all on some new threads, I would. Can't, though."
She let out a small laugh and held up the sides of her chin with her hands. Her soft pink lips seemed to shine thanks to the lights, plus her lip gloss she wore.
"What do you do with that money? If you don't mind me asking?"
I looked around as the other employees scribbled away at paperwork or typed away on their computers. I leaned in to her desk as she brought her face closer. I could practically smell the perfume coming off of her, and it was without a doubt some mesmerizing stuff. I silently sent any unnecessary thoughts away.
"Well, I use my funds to help my Aunt May out."
I backed away as she smiled.
"That's so sweet of you (Y/n)." Betty said as she looked right into my eyes.
"It's what I gotta do. Aunt May needs me, so I figuratively and quite literally can't afford to be selfish."
"But (Y/n)," she began. "You need to at least treat yourself once in a while."
"I work out. Does that count? It helps me relieve any stress."
"I guess. But... listen, will you be free Saturday night?"
"As far I'm aware of, yeah."
"How about you and I go somewhere? My treat."
Whoa, is the beautiful Betty Brant asking me out? Who would've thunk? Not me, that's for sure.
"I'm flattered, Betty. But I can't allow you to do that. I'm happy where I am."
"Is it because you don't want to be around me?" Betty asked as she began to bat her eyelashes at me.
Great... just what I need. Some flirty girl. Well, at least this date with Betty can possibly be better than that blind date Aunt May set me up for.
"What? Of course, I wanna be around you. You're a knockout, Betty. Hell, I'm happy just being in the same room as someone as lovely as you."
Betty's cheeks suddenly gained a pink tint to them as she covered her mouth with one hand.
I may have overdone it...
"Then it's settled, Mr. Parker, you and I are hanging out Saturday night. Give me your phone."
I unlocked my phone and gave it to her as she added herself to my contacts and used my phone to shoot a message to hers.
"Perfect," she stated with a smile. "I'll text you the address."
I smiled as she handed my phone back, and I walked out with a wave towards her. I stepped into the elevator as it descended.
Damn, if I hadn't promised Aunt May about this dumb blind date, I could've asked Betty to prom. The look on Flash's face when he'd see a woman like Betty would be priceless!
After cashing in my check, I started to simply walk along the streets. It was actually rather peaceful at the moment.
Or so I thought. My spider sense just went off as I paused and looked over my shoulder to that Mac Gargan guy several feet away from me. He noticed my stare and jumped before scurrying away into an alley.
What the hell is he after me for? Oh wait, I bet one million bucks Jonah put him up to this. The guy sure was curious about how I could take pictures of my better half. Well, I know just how to shake him off.
I glanced over and saw that Mac was still gone. I smiled to myself and ran into a different alley. I managed to see a space between the end of the alley and one of the buildings. I was able to squeeze through it and climbed on top of the building.
I luckily had my school bag with me as I crouched down and changed out of my clothes. Underneath, I had my red and blue spandex suit. Inside my bag, I had my mask. I slipped it on and smirked underneath my mask.
I webbed my bag to the roof as I used some extra webbing to cover it up so no one could figure out whose bag it belonged to. I jumped across the rooftops before spotting Mac Gargan peering out the corner of the alley he had run into.
I slowly crawled along the wall before shooting a webline to his back and hoisted him up so I could speak to him face to face.
"Excuse me, sir, is there any reason you're hanging around an alley?"
"S-Spider-Man!" He stammered.
"Yes, it's me. So answer my question."
"I-I ain't tellin' you!"
"And why not?"
"I was paid not to!"
"Paid by who? And what did they want you to do?"
"No one and nothing!" He shouted.
Okay, I'm just gonna go in circles if this keeps up, I'll just do this another way.
"Okay, pal, I'm really starting to lose my patience! What's keeping me from dragging your ass to the Empire State and leaving you dangling right over everyone. And fun fact, my webs dissolve within an hour. Plenty of time to think out your will. If there's anything in the dome of yours, of course."
"C-Calm down!"
"Oh, I'm very much calm. What about you?"
"J. Jonah Jameson gave me a deal! He wanted me to figure out how that Parker kid keeps nabbin' photos of ya!"
I knew it! Well, it's time to throw these boys off my trail for good.
"Parker? Pfft, I keep telling that loser to get lost. The guy just can't seem to understand that I'm busy saving the day. Frankly, the guy needs a new hobby. Listen, if he gets hurt, then don't pin the blame on me. Put that shit on Jameson. Ya hear?"
"L-Loud and clear, sir!"
"Good, now get outta here!"
I let him back onto the ground as he scurried off. I silently laughed to myself before swinging away.
"Finally, I have some breathing room again."
A loud bang was heard as J. Jonah Jameson slammed his fist into his desk.
"Gargan, you're useless." Jonah muttered loud enough for the man to hear.
"Don't call me names!" Mac retorted. "And listen, Spidey made it clear that if any fuck ups happen, it'll all be on your head!"
"Damnit. Fine, want to make yourself useful? I know someone who can help you. Here's the number for L. Thompson Lincoln. Give him a call and tell him you want to get rid of New York's bug problem. Got it?" Jonah questioned as he handed Gargan a business card with only a name a number on it.
Gargan took it and left the Daily Bugle in a hurry. Jonah smirked to himself and began to think to himself.
Your days as a menace are over, Spider-Man. Mr. Lincoln has ties to so many people. Osborn is one of those many people. So you should watch your back.
"Umm, Mr. Lincoln, sir?" Gargan cautiously asked the man sitting in his chair who was facing away from the hunched man.
"Gargan, right? I was wondering when you'd show up." Said a deep voice that held much authority.
"S-Sorry, sir!"
"It's not that important now, but I'm a busy man. I have things to do. Not that you'd know anything about the busy life. But I digress, I've had enough of that damned Spider-Man. And now that you're here, we can get started on a project I've had in the works."
"A project?" Gargan questioned.
"Yes," L. Thompson Lincoln replied. "I call it Project Scorpion. Think of it as a way to even the playing field with the bug. I'll have one of my boys take you to an Oscorp lab in Staten Island."
"Staten Island?! Seriously?!"
"Mind your tone around me."
Gargan immediately gulped and quickly apologized.
"Now get out of here."
Gargan complied as Lincoln stared out his office windows and smirked as the sun was beginning to set.
Time went by as Gargan was escorted to a small lab in Staten Island.
"So you're the one volunteering?" Questioned a man in a lab coat.
"Yeah, that's right."
"Hmm. Well, no matter. Trust me when I say you'll have all the power you need."
"What do I gotta do?" Mac Gargan asked.
"Wear this suit, and I'll douse you in radiation."
"Radiation?! Isn't that dangerous?!"
"Relax, it's controlled."
Gargan simply nodded and walked elsewhere before slipping into the strange green suit that he was given. It was similar in material to spandex as the torso, arms, and thighs of the suit were lime green. The gloves and boots that went with the suit were a dark shade of green. On the back was a metal device that attacked the scorpion tail to the suit. The tail was long and the same shade of green as the torso and arms. But the tip of the tail was dark green as it had a hole at the end of it plus a sharp metal hook on one side of it.
"Looking good. Now, stand in that pod in the center of the room."
Gargan did as he asked as he stood into a large pod as the scientist shut the door firmly and locked it. He went back to his station and began typing away at the control board of his system. Soon, the pod began to hum as a ring of light started to glow above Gargan. It hummed quietly as Gargan was being bathed in the radiation.
"Wonderful, everything is proceeding normally," muttered the scientist.
He looked back over at Gargan, who was closing his eyes as the radiation continued to shower him.
"I'm going to increase the output now."
"Alright," Gargan replied.
The scientist pushed up some sliders on his control board, which increased the glow of the radiation, and Gargan began to groan. The scientist did nothing as he watched as Gargan's body began to fix his posture and watched as he grew into the suit. He grew taller, gained more muscle, and began to chuckle in delight. Soon, the light died down, and the scientist quickly rushed over to open the door as Gargan stepped out, admiring his arms.
"I could get used to this!" He exclaimed with joy present in his voice.
"Hmph, I knew it'd be a success. Now, to hold up your end of the deal... Go kill Spider-Man. After all, you're a scorpion now, the natural predator of a spider."
"Don't need to tell me twice!"
He laughed as he ran out of the lab with the scientist going to grab himself a glass of wine for a job a well done. When he left, he failed to realize something on his control board flashing. It was a message that read: DNA has 80% to become unstable.
I was swinging through Manhattan without much care as I had stopped a few muggings while out on my patrol.
What the...?
I turned around and saw some weirdo in a green costume tackle me out of the sky and onto a nearby roof. We rolled along it before I kicked the guy off.
"Gah! What's your damage?"
"I'm here to damage you!" Said the green weirdo.
"Wow, so clever. I'll be sure to give you a standing ovation for that one."
"Listen, Spider-Man, I'm your predator. Call me, the Scorpion!" Shouted the so-called Scorpion.
"Huh, clever. Did you write that one down?"
"Yap all you want Spider--"
"Oh, don't mind if I do." I said, cutting him off.
"But I've got super powers, too. I'm stronger and faster than you!"
"Is that so?"
"Then why don't we test that theory?"
Scorpion cackled before charging at me. I felt my head tingle as I jumped over his head, and while I thought I avoided him, his tail made its way to my face, but I managed to slap it away. My feet touched the ground as I quickly shot a web to his tail and pulled him towards me.
Scorpion was flying through the air as I jumped up and landed a back kick to his back.
"Gah!" He shouted in pain.
He tumbled along the ground as I flipped over to him and grabbed him by his tail. I lifted him up and slammed him against an ac unit on the roof. He cracked it in half as sparks flew out. He let out a small groan of pain, and I couldn't laugh.
"He's my predator he says. Come on, man, I thought you were supposed to be a super villain or something. Don't get me wrong, it's nice knowing there's someone who can actually take me in a fight. You're just awful at it."
"Shut up!" Scorpion suddenly screamed.
He suddenly got up and aimed his tail over his shoulder. I noticed there was a hole, which left me confused until I saw something shoot out of it. I jumped out the way as a blob of a disgusting shade of green liquid was sent out. It touched the floor and began to melt away at it.
"Is that corrosive acid?!"
"Now you're scared, huh?"
"Freaked out is more like it. I appreciate the hustle, my man. Why don't you bring it in?"
I shot a web line at his chest and yanked to me as I extended out my other arm and clotheslined him. He was knocked onto his back as he tried to swipe at me with the hook on his tail.
I did a backflip as he picked himself back up.
"See, now you're actually being a nuisance by being able to stand up from a few of my hits."
"It's because you hit like a girl." He said with a grin.
"Seriously, dude? That's your comeback. What are we in? The 90s? It's the modern age, man, get with it. This is 2020!"
"Don't you know when to shut up?"
"Wanna make me?"
Scorpion grit his teeth and charged at me with his left fist raised and swung at me. I used the back of my right hand to push his fist aside before gut checking him. He groaned in pain as I stepped back before raising up my right leg into the air before bringing my heel down on his head.
"Fuck!" He shouted.
He collapsed to the ground, and I looked around to see my camera was on the ground. I picked it up and smirked.
Now, to find a good spot to pose with the catch of the day.
I glanced around to find a nice spot to put my camera before I heard Scorpion grunting. I decided to quickly attach it to a nearby rod sticking out from the roof as the camera began to snap photos automatically.
"Ready for round two?"
I turned around as Scorpion was on his knees, holding his stomach grunting in pain. His whole body was starting to shake.
"Ugghhh..." He groaned with a pained voice. "M-My body... Wh-What's happening to it?!"
He growled as he let go of his stomach and put his hands by his head as his nails began to sharpen. His back began to expand in size as he roared with pain. He looked up at me from the ground, and I saw his face was a nasty shade of green as his canines had extended and sharpened.
"Hey man, are you alright?"
"This is your fault..." He muttered.
"Excuse me?"
"This is your fault! Always ruining stuff for the little guys!"
"Hey! If anything, I'm looking out for the little guys."
"I was made to kill you. And now I'm nothing more than a freak! Like you!"
"Ouch. That was the most damage you've dealt to me this entire fight."
Scorpion just yelled at me as I did a backflip to avoid a tail swipe. I stood on the ledge of the building before shooting some web in his eyes. He grunted in annoyance as I ran up to him and swept his legs from under him. He fell on his back as I grabbed his tail and dragged him to the ledge.
I looked up and was too late to react as he punched me across the face and sent me over the edge of the building. We were falling down to the street as people below us gasped and started recording.
I shot two webs past Scorpion as he held onto my suit. The webs attached themselves to the side of the building we were on as I pulled us towards it. I shifted my body as my knees rested on his stomach. We finally reached the building, and the force caused me to dig my knees deep into his stomach.
He groaned in pain as I jumped away and shot another web at him. I yanked him to me before back handing him to the street below. People gasped as Scorpion managed to stand back up.
"Is that the best you can do?"
"I thought I did a pretty good job. Everyone's a critic..."
I rolled my eyes under my mask playfully as he ran at me. We began to exchange blows as I was the only one of us to land any solid hits. But he would use his acid and the hook on his tail to get me to back up.
"Listen, pal, I got places to be and people to see, so could we wrap this up?"
"Gladly." He replied with a menacing smirk on his face.
He shot more acid my way, which I managed to dodge. He then leaped at me as he tackled me onto the ground. He was now on top of me as he slugged me across the face several times. It was starting to become annoying before he raised his stinger at me.
"This is your end, Spidey!"
I looked past him and saw some rubble from when I knocked him to the street. I smirked underneath my mask and shot a web net to a chunk of rubble that enveloped it.
"And this is yours!"
I tugged it back to us and watched it soar through the air before bashing him in the back of the head. He yelled in pain before I kicked him off. He stumbled backward before I rolled my neck.
"Okay, Scorpy, let's finish this."
I ran to him as he shot acid at me that I evaded. I shot web in his eyes once again as he began to pull away at it. Once I got close, I hit him with a left hook that made him stumble. I then shot some webs at his stinger and made it stuck to the ground.
I then aimed at his boots before delivering jab after jab to his face before ending things off with an elbow to his stomach. He grunted and fell over in pain. The cops soon came as I quickly swung away. I got somewhere safe and changed back to my civilian clothes. I looked at my camera and smirked with glee. I managed to take some decent pictures of me and Scorpion fighting on the rooftop. I laughed to myself before my phone rang.
"Aunt May. How's it going?"
"Oh, (Y/n), Anna Watson's niece is here! Hurry on over!" She exclaimed with enthusiasm in her voice.
"Be right there!"
Welp, time to meet Ms. Nice Personality.
I got home and slipped by unnoticed.
"Aunt May, I'm home!"
"We're over here in the living room, dear!" She shouted back.
I exhaled before fixing up my hair a bit and put my hands in my pockets. I saw Aunt May and her friend Anna Watson, who I greeted warmly.
"(Y/n), meet Mary Jane Watson, my lovely niece." Ms. Watson said.
I entered the living room fully, and my jaw dropped. Sitting on a recliner was a girl, no, a woman, with bright red hair and a set of rosy red lips. She was slender yet had such defined curves. On top of that, her green eyes seemed to be locked onto my eyes. Her supple lips curved into a smile as I glanced at her outfit.
She wore a black tank top that was tucked into her pants. Her pants were light blue jeans with a brown belt, keeping it firmly in place. She got out the recliner and practically sauntered over to me. Her jeans clung tightly to her legs, extenuating her hips and no doubt her ass too.
"Face it, Tiger, you just hit the jackpot." Mary Jane said with a cheeky grin.
Until next time, readers!
A/n: I should say this now, this is my take on a Spider-Man story. I'm going to be taking story elements from different sources, whether that be TV shows or the comics or even the games! For the sake of simplicity, my Marvel Earth shall be called Earth 20k. I chose this since the only Earths I know are 616 and 19999. I don't know if the MCU is still called Earth 19999. Either way mine is 20k.
I apologize if the chapter was a little weird. I tried my best to write like how it would be in a cartoon or something. But if you enjoyed it then great! I always wanted to do a Marvel story, but never knew if I should do an MCU based story or one in the main universe. I decided making my own would be easier since I know what characters I want. And I also chose Spidey because he's him.
Like I said, I'll be taking several story elements from various sources so share with me what you hope to see. Him being 18 and near the end of his school year is also a personal choice. I kinda wanna explore the aspect of Spidey's college life since it's bound to be quite stressful. Plus it'd be weird for a grown man like Eddie Brock to be beefing with a guy in high school.
That's gonna be it from me, folks! Be sure to vote and leave a comment so I know you guys are interested in this story.
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