Chapter 9

"Hi." Louis greets shyly as he walks out of his building to see the three Alphas leaning against the black Range Rover parked right in front of the entrance. He does feel a little shy about meeting all three of them again.

"Hey gorgeous." Edward smirks, already holding out a hand for the overnight bag Louis is carrying.

The Omega passes it to him, blushing at the term. He's totally aware of the other two Alphas still staring at him with fond smiles. It's making him so giddy Louis doesn't know what to do with his own face. He hopes that he's not cringing.

Harry steps closer to him when he turns around to greet them properly. The Alpha tentatively bends down; he pauses when his face is centimeters away from Louis', trying to see if the Omega is going to pull away. When Louis doesn't budge, Harry lightly brushes their lips together. "Hey." The cheeky smile Harry gives him when they pull away makes Louis weak in the knees.

Louis pecks Harry's cheek and moves on to Marcel. Blushing as an arm wraps around his waist, Louis stands on his tip toes to meet Marcel's lips halfway, his eyes falling shut. The kiss is sweet, chaste; but it still manages to kick start his heart.

"You look beautiful." Marcel compliments when he pulls away, dropping a kiss on Louis' forehead.

Louis scoffs lightly. "I'm in my ugliest clothes probably."

"You could put on a trash bag and still look pretty." Edward says as he tugs Louis out of his brother's arms and into his own. Louis could barely work up a reply before passionate lips are enclosing upon his and he gasps into the kiss. His hands grip at Edward's biceps, holding on while the Alpha gently abuses Louis' mouth with his own, taking his breath away.

His head spins a little when he steps back, blush spreading out along his cheekbones while his lips still tingle from three different kisses.

"Ready?" Marcel asks, opening the back door for Louis and gesturing inside.

The Omega nods with a smile and his response prompts the others to move as well. All of them quickly fill in the rover, Edward driving with Harry in the passenger seat and Marcel and Louis at the back.

The journey starts out quiet among them, with the windows open and Harry letting his hand ride the wind and the radio playing some song Louis doesn't know. Edward is focused on the road, occasionally glancing at the rearview mirror. Sometimes their eyes meet, and every time, Louis would only manage to hold their gaze for less than a second before he has to turn away with red cheeks.

They're barely half an hour in when Louis' eyelids are dropping and he's yawning every few minutes. Marcel notices and pulls him close with a smile, wrapping an arm around him and tucking him at his side. The Omega goes willingly, his body relaxed and pliant. He rests his head on Marcel's shoulder without a shame. Pressed close to Marcel and absorbing his warmth, Louis is easily giving in to sleep. He feels a pair of lips pressing on his forehead and sighs contentedly, snuggling closer until he's fully comfortable. Then he's out.

Since Louis has already had them keyed in the address to his Mum's, they just follow the GPS and don't even spend a second to spare a thought to wake the Omega up.

Harry turns to the back now and then, a little jealous that Marcel gets to hold Louis in his arm. Mostly he just wants to snuggle up to someone. He sighs, then glares at the console between him and Edward. He would like to cuddle with his brother, but of course the thing has to be in the way.

"What's up with you?" Edward asks when he glances over and Harry is pouting. He quickly reaches out and playfully flicks at the pout.

Harry mewls in pain, swatting his brother's hand away. He scowls at him, touching his mouth as it throbs from Edward's cruel hit. "Don't do that, it hurts."

Edward's face softens and he lovingly caresses Harry's plump lips with callous fingers. "Okay, I'm sorry, babe. Why were you pouting?"

"Wanted to cuddle with you.." He complains, glaring at the console that's separating them again.

"You feeling lonely?" Edward questions, stroking across Harry's cheek and his face twitching when the Alpha leans into his touch.

"A little."

"Do you want to go and sit at the back with Lou and Marcy?"

"Don't call me that." Marcel cuts in quietly.

Edward sneers at him through the rear view mirror. "Wasn't asking you."

The youngest triplet rolls his eyes, turning to stare at the view outside.

"Wanna sit with you." Harry mumbles quietly.

"You can't right now, babe." Edward says, his eyes fully on the road again. "We'll stop at the gas station for some snacks, and you can move to sit at the back with Lou and Marcel if you want."

Harry nods, clutching Edward's hand and refusing to let it go.

Edward wants to express his annoyance but seeing how Harry's leaning back in his seat with their fingers tangled together makes him fall silent instead.

As promised, they stop by the gas station. Harry decides he needs the toilet while Edward goes to buy something for Harry to munch on through the rest of the journey. He knows how much his brother gets bored during car rides, and giving him snacks always keeps him occupied if there's no one to entertain him.

When he returns to the car with the plastic bag, Marcel is sitting in the passenger seat while Harry has moved to the back seat. He's replaced their youngest brother, cuddling into Louis who is sleeping so soundly. Edward shrugs, getting back into the driver seat and passing the plastic bag to Marcel.

"Do you want me to drive?" Marcel offers. He knows that it's not much of a far journey anymore but he's growing bored too.

"It's fine." Edward shakes his head, pulling the car out of the parking space. "We're almost there, anyway."

Marcel pulls out the snacks Edward bought and passes one of them to Harry.

"Thank you!" Harry brightens, taking the chocolate bar and happily unwraps it before proceeding to start chewing away.


"Are you nervous?" Marcel quietly asks, finally speaking up again half an hour later. He's starting to feel the nerve, unable to sit still at the thought of meeting Louis' Mum. She's probably a lovely woman, Marcel's sure of it. But she's also the mother of the Omega they're courting, and there's an expectation that he needs to fulfil to be eligible as the Alpha that would be with Louis.

"A bit." Edward admits, his hands tightening just slightly around the steering wheel.

"What if I make a fool out of myself?" Marcel bites on his lower lip, shifting in his seat so he's more angled towards Edward. He turns to the back and Harry's fallen asleep as well, his cheek pressing against the top of Louis's head.

Edward throws him a look. "You won't."


"People get nervous when it comes to things like this. It's not unusual. It'd be more odd if you aren't nervous, if I'm completely honest."

"Yeah... You're right." He sighs, closing his eyes and throwing his head back against the head rest. "I've just never done this before."

"Neither have I, nor Harry." Edward reasons. "You'll be fine. It'll be fine."

Marcel doesn't reply at first"Okay."

"Have you told Mum we're coming over tomorrow?"

Marcel gasps. "I forgot."

"Text her now." Edward says, frowning disapprovingly. He sure hopes that their Mum isn't going anywhere for the weekend or else they would have to bring Louis to meet her another time. He doesn't really want that. It'd be easier to get it over with as soon as possible.

Marcel obeys, pulling out his phone and sending her a text that says they'd be home by tomorrow evening.

A reply comes in shortly after.

Mum: This is very out of the blue, Marcel. But alright. Can't wait to see you! Xx

"How long till we arrive?"

"It says here that it'd be 20 more minutes or so." Marcel replies, checking the GPS.

Both of them fall quiet at that, the reality of the whole situation finally dawning on them.

"Fuck." Edward breathes. "This is really happening."

"Yes." Marcel chokes out.

"Well, fuck me."


By the time they reach Louis' housing area, Marcel is hyperventilating. The sky is dark out, and the rows of houses are bright with light. His eyes scan them all, awaiting the moment they'd reach Louis'.

"Harry." Edward calls, trying to wake his brother up when they finally stop at their destination.

His voice wakes Louis up too, the blue eyes blinking repeatedly as he tries to recall where he is and what is happening. The Omega yawns timidly, pressing the back of his hand to his mouth. Harry frowns sleepily, rubbing his eyes.

"Are we here already?" Louis asks in disbelief as he looks around. "I can't believe I slept through the whole journey." A moment later his face brightens. "Oh my God, we're here! We're at my Mum's!"

From the car, they can see figures running around in the house. Louis' heart is already racing at the thought of seeing the people he loves so much again. It's been so long and he can barely stay still with the excitement. "Come on!" He chirps, almost bouncing in his seat. "I can't wait to see them. Oh, they're going to love you!"

Harry notices the look on Marcel's face and how quiet he's being, so he reaches out and gently grabs Marcel's arm. "Hey, it'll be okay."

"What's wrong?" Louis turns to Marcel questioningly.

"He's nervous." Edward rasps. "All of us are."

The Omega can't help the fond smile that graces his face when he hears that. "You don't have to be. She would love all of you. I promise." Louis says, looking at each of their faces.

"Y-You don't know that." Marcel stammers out, shaking his head. "She might hate me."

"Or me." Edward cringes.

"She won't." Louis urges. "She would never hate people who mean a lot to me."

Immediately after he said that, all three of them snap their heads at him. Louis gapes, starting to flush red.

"Yeah..." Marcel starts to relax, his face softening. "Yeah, okay."

Louis' blush is still yet to fade but he brightens again anyway, and his smile grows wider when Edward is nodding in agreement to what Marcel said. He turns to look at his house again and the glee inside him is barely contained. "Let's go, let's go!"

The Omega throws the door open and hops out, excitedly running to the bonnet to get their bags out.

"God, look at him." Edward mumbles.

All of them start to filter out of the car, and Harry grabs Marcel once the doors are closed. He pulls his brother close, covering Marcel's mouth with his before the Alpha can react. He knows Marcel is still fidgety, so he cradles him close until all tension leaves his body, until Marcel is finally relaxing against him.

Edward clears his throat, having walked around the car and is fixing his shirt. He gives them a look that says they need to get going. And seeing how Louis is now stumbling along the yard and struggling with their bags - as if he can carry them all by himself - Harry has to agree. He kisses Marcel on his forehead before he releases him and they start moving to trail after Louis.

Once they catch up with Louis halfway through the path leading to his doorstep, each of them takes a bag from the Omega. Edward takes two from him; his own bag and Louis', until Louis is left with nothing.

"Hey!!" The Omega protests, crossing his arms and staring at all of them in what appear to be shock and betrayal.

"Hush, princess." Edward coaxes, wrapping an arm around his petite body and kissing the side of his head. "Come on."

They continue along the path until all of them are stopped at the front door. Voices and squeals are coming from inside the house, and Louis needs a moment to compose himself before he can ring the bell. It rings twice through the house.

"Daisy, could you get the door?" The faint voice of Louis' mother says.

"Alright, Mum!"

A few seconds later, the door creaks open and Daisy appears. She gasps, widening her eyes as they start to fill with tears. "Lou!" And before he knows it, she's in his arms and he's inhaling her hair and in any other occasion he would've pushed her away because her hair is in his mouth but right now, he couldn't be more glad to breathe her scent again.

Instantly, all chatters inside the house stops and it falls silent following Daisy's exclaim. After a second, the screaming starts.

"Oh my God, oh my God!"

"Lou's back!"

"Oh my God, Mum, Lou's back!"


The Omega is already crying into Daisy's hair as the footsteps grow louder before the rest of his sisters appear and he couldn't even process it before they are throwing themselves at him and he gets a harmful of his girls in his arms.

"We've missed you so much, Lou!" Fizzy exclaims as Louis tries to wrap his arms around all of them.

"I've missed all of you more." He almost sobs, trying to kiss each of them on the cheek.

"We're so glad you're home." Phoebe whispers, clutching to his shirt as if she never wants to let him go ever again.

"Girls, you could have at least let him come in first before jumping on him." Jay says as she stands at the entrance with her hands on her hips. Her tone is disapproving, but her face says otherwise.

Louis' mouth tilts up at that and he smiles tearfully at his mother. "I'm used to it, Mum."

"Sorry, Lou." The girls say quickly, murmuring their apology as they slowly release him and take a step back.

"Get inside, all of you." Jay orders, pointing into the house. The girls grumble at that, but obey nonetheless. It makes Louis smile. He's missed her so much. She looks at Louis, then glances at the tall Alphas he's brought along with him. They might be six feet tall and Jay's only a petite Omega, but the way she's staring at them appraisingly makes all of them cower a little. "Come on, boys. Inside. It's cold out here."

She's disappeared into the door before they could say anything.

"Come on." Louis prompts, sparing them one look before he's following his mother in.

"Well..." Edward starts.

"She looks scary."

"What are we, ten?" Edward retorts, then shakes his head and proceeds to walk inside with his brothers trailing behind him.

When they enter the living room, Louis is hugging his mother and she is dropping kisses all over his face. The girls are in the kitchen, their chatters and giggles could be heard. The triplets place their bags on the floor by the wall momentarily, unsure where to put them anyway. Once Jay and Louis are finished with their reunion, Louis is pulling her over to where the triplets are standing.

"Mum, these are the Styles triplets." He introduces with a smile.

"Um, evening, Ma'am." Edward nods, clearly nervous.



Jay stares at them for a moment longer, assessing each and every one of their faces. She observes the features of Harry's face, her lips pursing from side to side, then she moves on to Marcel, doing the same before she gasps softly. "Oh my God, aren't you that famous author?"

Louis and the triplets are stunned into silence for a moment, the four of them sharing eye contacts before Marcel opens his mouth. Nothing comes out at first, then he tries again. "I'm, um, yeah, uh, yeah."

"M.H. Styles, right?" She grins excitedly.

"Mum, this is Marcel. He's the youngest triplet." Louis gestures at the Alpha, feeling extremely giddy as Marcel holds out a hand towards his mother.

She takes it with an approving nod, her grin is still in place as she uses their connected hands to pull him into an embrace. "Nice to meet you, dear."

"A-And you too, Mrs Tomlinson." Harry and Edward send Marcel a proud look, nodding at him to tell him that he's got this.

"No need for those, just call me Jay." She smiles as she pulls back, patting the back of his hand.

"Oh, al-alright, Jay." Marcel cracks a timid grin, making her coo before she goes to Harry again.

Louis clears his throat a little, hoping he's not puking rainbow when he speaks. "This is Harry, he's the middle one."

"Hi love, how are you?" She asks warmly, causing the Alpha to dimple and bend down when she wraps her arms around him.

"Good." Harry informs her. "How about you?"

"Absolutely much better now that my son is back home." She replies, patting his cheek before they release each other.

When she faces Edward, she tilts her head to the side. Louis doesn't get to introduce him as Edward speaks up first. "Edward Styles, pleasure to meet you Ma'am." The oldest triplet says, holding a hand out towards her.

Unlike Marcel, she ignores his hand and straight away hugs him. "Now, now, what did I say about those nonsense? Just call me Jay, love." She scolds gently.

Louis hides his laugh in a cough.

"Right." Edward nods curtly, his arms reluctantly wrapping around her too.

She pats his back once before taking a step back and looking at the three of them again. "Oh, where's my manners? Have you all had dinner?"

"No, we didn't.." Louis ignores the look the Alphas are giving him. "We didn't stop by for dinner."

"Well, all of you are having dinner first before I let you settle down." She decides, clasping her hands together.

Edward makes a face at Louis as Harry speaks up. "Are you sure, though, Mrs- I mean, Jay? There are three of us, and..."

"Don't worry, darling. There are always plenty of food to go around." She assures. "Come on, then, dinner."

Jay leaves to go to the kitchen, leaving them for a moment to serve the table.

Louis walks excitedly towards the Alphas, unable to keep the grin off his face. "So, what do you think?" He looks at Marcel. "How are you feeling?"

"Good.. Better now." Marcel admits, heaving out a sigh. "I still feel like I'm walking on eggshells here. Like I'm just waiting for the moment that I'll do something stupid and she'll hate me."

"No, she won't. She's really liking all of you." Louis tells them.

"How would you know, though?" Edward chastises.

The Omega sends him a look. "Well, she's my Mum, isn't she? I know her."

"She doesn't look like she knows me." Harry speaks up all of a sudden.

"Yeah? Does that hurt your alter ego?" Edward teases, nudging his brother on the side with his elbow.

Harry giggles, shying away from the touch. "No! I'm actually quite glad. It means I can be myself."

"Yeah, I'm a bit like my Mum. We don't really know what's going on among the kids these days." He shrugs. "Can't say the same for my sisters, though. I hope they won't be a problem."

"Of course they won't." Harry reassures.

Phoebe runs into the room, going straight to Louis. "Lou, food's ready." She informs them, sending a shy look towards Harry before the girl flees again.

"See? Not a problem at all."

"Yeah, except creepy glances from underage children." Louis retorts as they start to walk to the dining room.

Jay ushers them inside when she sees them. "Come on, take a seat everybody."

Louis can see that everything has been served and quietly thanks his mother and the girls. He can't wait to dive in. He's been missing his Mum's cooking so much recently.

After making sure that the triplets are properly settled down at the table, Louis finally takes his seat next to Edward.

His mother gets up from her seat, then disappears into the hall when they hear the phone rings. Louis decides that it's not a bad time to introduce the triplets to his sisters.

"Lads, these are my sisters." He motions to the girls staring at the Alphas. He starts going through each of them. "This is Daisy and Phoebe. They're twins. Then that's Fizzy and Lottie."

"Ooh, their names rhyme!" Harry cheers.

"Girls, these are..." Louis hesitates, then without meeting the Alphas' eyes, he continues. "These are my boyfriends." He knows he's grinning too wide and his face is probably flushed when he says that, but sue him. "These are Edward, Harry, and Marcel."

"Were you the one who almost hit the pap that one time?" Lottie questions, looking at Edward.

The Alpha blinks. "Yes, guilty."

Lottie nods with a smirk. "I like you already."

Edward grins, sending her a wink. It makes her giggle, prompting Louis to glare at her. She laughs even louder when she realises she's at the receiving end of the playful look. "Hey, he's mine."

His sister points her tongue at him, and Louis does the same.

"Alright, children. Time to dig in." Jay announces when she reappears, finally sitting down again.

While everyone starts to do so, Edward turns to Louis with a tiny smirk.

Louis pretends to ignore it, instead helping Edward to some mashed potatoes. But then the Alpha whispers into his ears, which is a little hard to ignore.

"Yours, Princess."

The Omega turns so red at that his cheeks are hurting with the flames of it.

"So, what do you three do?" Jay asks after a few minutes of comfortable silence following the commencement of their meal. "Apart from Marcel, of course. I already know."

Edward looks at his triplet and opts to answer first. "I, um, I work at Cox Corporation."

Louis doesn't know whether to be annoyed or fond at his extreme modesty.

"Ooh, that's one of the biggest companies here, isn't it?" Jay gushes, interested. She pauses her feast, placing her cutleries down and tucking her hands under her chin.

The Alpha nods in assertion. "Yeah, we deal with automotive and ships and boats. We also own a few hotels."

"That sounds fantastic." Jay smiles. Louis snorts at that. "What about you, Harry?"

It's Fizzy who cuts in. "Mum, you can't seriously not know?"

"What?" Jay frowns at her daughter, picking up her spoon and fork and resuming to eat.

Lottie scoffs in disbelief, her hands gesturing at Harry. "Don't you recall, at all?"

Harry is dimpling, his cheeks tinting as he ducks his head.

"What are you two talking about?" Jay shakes her head, clearly baffled. Daisy and Phoebe are cackling at her reaction, amused at their mother's confusion.

"When you walk in the twins' room, who do you see, Mum?" Lottie asks.

"Harry Sty - Oh..." She blinks, turning to Harry again. "It is him!"

Louis sighs heavily, face palming.


"So.." Louis says as he takes a seat next to Harry on the bed. It is way past dinner and the triplets have been given the twins' room to stay in while the girls all sleep in Fizzy and Lottie's room. "What do you think?"

"Of what, your family?" Harry questions. When Louis nods, he grins and shows off his dimples. "I love them. They're so lively."

"Apart from the fact that they're a handful and they can get on your nerves sometimes." Louis rolls his eyes but it only comes off as fond. He loves his family too much to be talking about them like that.

"I love the girls. They're really lovely." Harry cocks his head to the side. "And I can see where you got your beauty from."

"Oh, shut up."

"Your house feels so much like home." Harry comments, leaning back until he's lying on the bed and smiling up at Louis. "It's so comfortable and cosy."

"Yeah?" Louis raises his eyebrows, shifting until he's facing Harry before he copies the Alpha, lying down next to Harry with his head on Harry's shoulder. "My step dad bought it when he and my Mum first got married."

Harry brings a hand up, stroking his fingers along Louis' cheek. "Where is he now?"

"Um.. he died in a car accident a few years back." Louis shuts his eyes, throat closing up.

"I'm sorry." Harry murmurs, brushing his thumb across Louis' cheekbones and those blue eyes pop open. Louis doesn't reply to him, instead choosing to run his gaze along Harry's features up close and appreciating the beauty in front of him.

"I noticed you talking to Lottie and Fizzy just now. What did you talk about?" Louis smirks, changing the topic. "You look as excited talking to them as they are talking to you."

"Oh.." Harry tilts his head, trying to remember what the contents of their conversation were. "They were asking me about how it's like to walk the runway."

Louis props his head up on his elbow. "Did you take pictures?"

"No." Harry shakes his head. "They didn't ask."

"Huh, that's weird. I thought they'd be trying to snap a picture with you anytime they can." Louis says, which Harry shrugs to in reply. "Um, remember when you said you'd make a statement about dating someone but not saying who?"

"Yeah." Harry nods. "Why?"

"What did you say?" Louis wonders, curious.

"Ah..." Harry murmurs, patting his pockets and pulling out his phone. "I actually tweeted it. Hold on.."

Louis watches quietly as Harry unlocks the device, opening up the Twitter app before he's showing Louis the screen.

The Omega takes it, lying on his back again with their shoulders pressed together as he reads it.

Harry Styles. @Harry_Styles

At least the Sun is right about me being taken. All the love. H

"That's it?" Louis asks, scrolling down through Harry's profile. The Alpha doesn't tweet a lot, just a few things here and there. "How did people react?"

Harry purses his lips. "Well, my mentions blew up, for starters. Some were very happy that I've apparently found an Omega to be with. Some were jealous." He shrugs. "There were a lot of reactions."

Louis hums thoughtfully, toying with the phone in his hands. "So, most of your fans are supportive of the fact that you've finally found someone?"

"Yeah. They think it's time for me to settle down, apparently." He laughs. "Sometimes they really behave like my mother."

"Oh Harry, my son, Harry!!!" Louis fakes a high pitched shriek, trying to mimic Harry's fans.

Both of them howl with laughter.

Louis sighs, a little tired after laughing. He notices something as they slip into a comfortable silence, then looks around the room and frowns. "Where are Edward and Marcel?"

"They went down to ask for towels." Harry replies, lifting his head to stare at the door. "I wonder what's taking them so long."

"If I were to move in this week, how would it go?" Louis suddenly asks, bringing the topic up. He's wanted to approach it with Harry, only one of them first before he tells the rest.

Harry grows excited at that. "You're going to move in soon? Which day?"

"I haven't decided yet. Still need to sit down and talk with my Mum." He glances at Harry. "Would it.. Um, am I expected to move in straight with you? Like, in the same room, the same bed?" He blushes a little at the thought.

Harry blinks. "Um, I'm not entirely sure. But I think so..?" He stares at Louis. "Do you.. Do you want it to be otherwise?"

Louis ducks his gaze. "I was wondering if it'd be okay if I take another room first. I mean.. I've never had an Alpha in my bed. Let's start with living under one roof, then we'll see how it progress to staying in the same room."

"Okay." Harry says. "As long as you're comfortable. I just want to see you all day every day. I think Edward and Marcel would agree anyway."

"Agree to what?" Marcel asks as he enters the room with Edward in tow, both of them carrying the towels they've procured from Jay.

Harry and Louis sit up on the bed, crossing their legs.

"What took you so long?" Louis scrunches up his nose.

Edward shrugs. "We were chatting with your Mum." He looks at Harry. "What were you talking about?"

"Louis wants to stay in a separate bedroom first when he moves in." Harry informs his brother.

"Just want to take it slow, if that's okay." Louis quickly says before any of them could speak up. "Sleeping with three Alphas on the same bed all of a sudden is pretty overwhelming, if you think about it."

Edward and Marcel look at each other as they process that thought, then nod and turn back to Louis. "Yeah, fair point. I don't see a problem with that."

Louis smiles, glad to know his request is immediately taken into kind consideration without any protest from the Alphas.

Edward places the towels on the small, rounded table at the corner of the room and glances at his brothers. "So, who's taking a shower first?"

"Me." Marcel says, already grabbing a towel at the same time Harry dashes to take one.

"But I want to shower first!" Harry complains, both of them racing to the door. They nudge each other harshly, trying to fit through the door frame while attempting to wrestle the other.

Louis and Edward share a look, then roll their eyes simultaneously.

Marcel ends up letting Harry shower first, because as much as he likes to tease his brother, he is also very fond of him.

So that's how Louis finds himself sitting on the bed, straddling Marcel with their lips glued together after Marcel suggested they snog to pass the time. Edward had left earlier when he received a call from work that he couldn't decline.

Louis hums softly when Marcel's lips press against his again. He feels mischievous, like he's a teenager all over again, kissing his boyfriend while they hope his Mum is not going to come in and find them.

Louis pulls back to get some oxygen, panting slightly as he stares down into Marcel's green eyes. Both of them are flushed, pressed together with their chests aligned and their heartbeat synchronised.

Marcel's breath hitches when he sees the state Louis is in. His eyes are unfocused, his lips swollen with kisses and the flush is visible from his cheeks down to his neck. He looks fucked out and Marcel doesn't even want to think about how Louis would look like when he's actually fucked out.

The Omega moans when Marcel pulls him closer, connecting their mouths again and he can't help grinding down against the Alpha. He's sporting a semi now, unable to control his body when all he can think of is the gorgeous Alpha shoving a tongue down his throat and how his palms burn everywhere they touch on Louis' body and how it feels like to be pressed up against the solid chest and the warmth that they share. Louis whines when he feels Marcel's hands drag down his back, stopping at the curve along his spine just above his hips.

He moans out frustrated and disappointed noises when those hands stop there and don't move, wriggling his bottom to get Marcel to touch him.

"Please." Louis breaks their kiss to gasp out, his arms loosening from around Marcel's neck to reach down and behind him. He grips Marcel's wrists, guiding his hands down until those huge palms are flat on his bum. "Touch me."

Marcel locks their gaze, unblinking when he slowly squeezes Louis' ample cheeks.

Louis moans, his eyes falling shut. When he grinds down again, he finds Marcel's cock fully hard, similar to his own and pressing together.

The Omega makes a sound high in his throat as Marcel finds his mouth again, swallowing the noises he make while Marcel continues to knead his flesh.

He knows how good kissing feels like, have felt it before, the lovely taste of it when their lips press together, how the sweetness feels like a great pleasure when their tongues brush together with their roaming hands all over each other's bodies.

But a kiss like this that holds a promise of much more makes him feel a lot of things at once. It makes him excited, unable to sit still in his skin, urges him to keep grinding against Marcel as he builds them up. Louis doesn't stop moving even as Marcel is nibbling and sucking on his lip, even biting gently while he abuses Louis' mouth without relent. It makes him hot, his body ignited on every surface that they're pressed against each other, every spot Marcel has touched. He is producing slick with the smell of his arousal that grows more and more pronounced the harder Marcel massages his cheeks.

"Marcel.." Louis gasps, tilting his head to the side when the Alpha showers his skin with kisses. Marcel presses his lips to the spot that holds Louis' scent gland, sucking and nibbling and kissing it while Louis grows nearer to his release.

He can barely think, barely able to comprehend what's happening. All in his mind is the tightening in his stomach, the pleasure it erupts when Marcel keeps sucking on his skin, the brush of their clothed dicks that feels better and better with each stroke.

Louis is making a lot of obscene sounds, not able to keep quiet. He's so close, so so close...

"Jesus Christ." Edward grunts in disbelief when he enters the room. "Marcel, get off him!"

The Alpha snaps up, his eyes blinking open while his body tensed. He hesitates at first but eventually releases Louis, shoving the Omega off on the mattress before he scrambles to get off the bed, away from Louis.

Louis whimpers at the loss of contact, sitting back on his feet in confusion. He was so close, his trousers damp on the back and front from his leaking. Louis takes note of how Marcel's glasses are all fogged up and how unsettled he looks. It's so hot that Louis' dick twitches with interest.

"What were you thinking?" Edward crosses his arms as he glares at Marcel, fuming. "We're at his mother's house!"

"I'm sorry." Marcel gasps out, standing with his body fully facing his brother, the Alpha of his pack. "I-I wasn't thinking."

Edward fixes him with a furious scowl, upset and disappointed. "Control yourself, Marcel." He orders.

Louis can see it when Marcel shivers, his head bowed. "Yes, Alpha." He says, answering to his brother.

When Edward looks at Louis, his gaze is still tensed, stern. The Omega quickly tries stuttering out, wincing a little at being sent that look. "Edward, I, I'm sorry."

Edward's face softens, though only slightly and he's still glaring. "Maybe you should go freshen up or something." He suggests in a rough voice, casting his eyes away.

Louis knows that Edward is telling him to leave. It almost offends him, but he knows Edward must has an explanation for being so angry. So he doesn't hesitate climbing off of the bed, keeping his head lowered too as he walks out.

He deflates when the door closes behind him, wondering why the oldest triplet is behaving as such. Then he hears Edward's voice starting to lecture Marcel while he leaves.

Louis rushes to his room, barging into the toilet as he pulls all of his clothes off and starts a cold shower to get rid of his erection.

By the time he's squeaky clean and is dressed in his sweats sitting on his bed, there is a knock on the door before his mother steps in.

"Hey." She says softly, bringing a mug of tea with her.

"Hi Mum." Louis smiles, patting the space on the bed next to him.

She hands him the mug, keeping a close watch on his face as she settles down beside him. "So..."

Louis raises his eyebrows in question, sipping quietly on his tea. "So..?"

"I heard.." She pauses. "And smelled what happened. In fact, everyone did."

"Oh God." Louis blushes red, trying to hide his face behind the mug and lowering his head.

Jay laughs. "No, no, it's fine. Don't be embarrassed." She assures, trying to pull the mug down to see him. "It's a natural thing."

"How bad was it though?" Louis asks weakly, biting down on his lip.

Jay makes a face. "Um, Lottie maybe filed a complaint about the smell. Said she didn't need to know what you were 'getting up to' as she put it." She motions the quotation mark with her fingers.

"Oh my God." Louis groans again in embarrassment, wishing he could just dig a hole and bury himself there. His whole family knows he was aroused.

Jay couldn't keep it in and laughs out loud. "Don't feel bad."

"Bad?" Louis scoffs in disbelief. "I want to kill myself right now, I'm so embarrassed."

"For what? For finding some good Alphas that finally know how to treat you well?" Jay raises an eyebrow.

The moment her last word registers in his head, Louis is shoving the mug into her hold and burying his face in his hands. "Are we seriously talking about this? Right now?"

"Of course! I never got to talk to you about it." Jay nudges his shoulder with her knuckles and he looks up at her. "It's completely fine, Lou. We can talk."

"Mum, stop."

"Have you seen each other naked yet?" Jay asks, curious.

Louis' reply consists of a high pitched disgusted sound which prompts his mother into another fit of laughter. "Please stop, Mum, before I die of embarrassment here."

Jay gives him a break. "Alright, alright. Just remember that I'll be here if you have any question."

Louis wants to cry when she legitimately winks at him. "Kill me now."

Jay stares at him, smiling widely. She reaches down to put the tea away, and when her back is straight again, she resumes staring at him. Her eyes run over his face, all of it. Louis can see that her eyes are starting to shimmer with unshed tears. "Come here, baby." She opens her arms a little, her voice cracking.

Louis feels a sad tug to his heart and he goes straight away, plastering himself against her and pressing his face into her neck.

"My baby." Jay coos, rocking them side to side. "Soon you won't be my baby anymore. Not going to be mine anymore."

Louis' heart breaks when he hears that and he clutches her tightly, his eyes pricking with tears. "Don't say that, Mum."

"You've grown up so fast, honey." She murmurs, stroking his hair. "It feels like yesterday that you told me you wanted to leave for uni, and then you went to London, and now you already found your own Alphas."

Louis pulls back a little to look at her, wiping his tears away when they flow down. "Mum, I'm almost twenty seven." He claims, making them both chuckle in spite of their tears.

"I know, honey. I've wondered when that happened." She replies, hugging him close again. "You're my best friend, Lou. My son, my baby, my best friend."

"I'm not going anywhere." He says sadly. "Don't talk as if I'm dying."

"Of course." Jay obliges with another tiny chuckle. "It's just a little much for me to take in."

Louis sucks in her smell, the most familiar one he has ever had in his whole life. "You're my best friend too, Mum."

"I'm so happy you've found the Alphas that are going to take care of you, Lou." She tells him, dropping kisses on his head. "I don't have to worry too much anymore."

Louis laughs tearfully. "I'm a grown man, I can take care of myself."

Jay pushes him back to look at him disapprovingly. "You can't cook to save your life, boo bear."

"Seriously?" Louis widens his eyes in betrayal. "You're insulting my cooking skills right now?"

He can't even keep up his angry face when she bursts into a tearful laughter again, her eyes twinkling as she looks at him.

"I love you so much, Mum." Louis says, kissing her cheek.

"I love you too." Jay replies, pinching his cheek. "Don't stay up too late."

Louis nods. "Yeah." He says. "Okay."

"Okay." She echoes. "Goodnight, love."

Louis keeps his eyes on her face while she gets off the bed and bends down to grab the mug before moving on to the door. "Goodnight, Mum." He says, blinking lazily and smiling even after his Mum walks out.

Not long after that, there's a quiet knock on the door and it slowly creaks open. Edward stands behind the threshold, looking slightly bashful. "May I come in?" He requests politely.

Louis nods, grinning from ear to ear as he opens his arms wide. It's an obvious invitation to have the Alpha in his embrace.

Edward stares at him for a few moment, probably internally debating with himself whether or not to comply with Louis' silent demand. The Alpha stands there unmoving. Louis' face falls a little at that, and he slowly lowers his arms, letting it fall to his side with a sad pout.

Seeing that, Edward gives a low huff and he steps inside, letting the door swing close behind him. He stalks towards Louis, his expression stoic.

The Omega doesn't let it get to him though, scooting back a little and putting his arms up again.

Edward pauses when he reaches the bed, staring down at Louis.

"Come here, please." Louis murmurs, making grabby hands at him. He looks so soft and cuddly on the bed, begging for Edward's attention and touch. The Alpha couldn't possibly deny him even if he wants to.

Edward sighs, placing his knee on the mattress as he slowly gets on. He shuffles forward a little, and Louis doesn't give him a warning before he is grabbing a handful of the front of Edward's shirt, letting his petite body fall back onto the mattress and pulling the Alpha down with him.

Edward slaps his palms onto the mattress on both side of Louis' head, preventing him from crushing the Omega underneath. He is about to scold him when Louis wraps his arms and legs around Edward, pulling him down with force. The Alpha huffs when their bodies are finally pressed together and he's fully lying on top of Louis.

"Lou, I'm crushing you." He says, trying to get off.

Louis holds on to him tight, making sure that they're not moving. "You are not. I'll tell you if you are." He says, shaking his head.

Edward sighs heavily, letting his body go lax as he gives in to the Omega. "I'm sorry for Marcel's behaviour." He says quietly.

Louis cocks an eyebrow. "What behaviour? Kissing me?"

"No, inappropriate conduct in your mother's house."

"Seriously?" Louis scoffs. "It was nothing but messing around."

"Exactly, he was being a fool treating you like that." Edward says.

"I initiated it. I was the one who took it farther when we were kissing." Louis reasons, frowning.

The Alpha mirrors his facial expression. "Well, he should've stopped it."


"He's disrespecting you and your family. You are not yet our mate and it's extremely frowned upon to do that when in a parent's house, especially the Omega's." Edward hisses through gritted teeth.

Louis' face turns fond and he bites down on his lower lip. "You're very traditional, aren't you? Is it how you were raised?" He asks softly, brushing Edward's hair to the side.

"Yes." His reply is a little grumpy. "Our mother finds a few modern society's ways to be very..displeasing. She says that since people have adapted to the modernisation, a lot of our courteous practise have been forsaken. That's why she tries very hard to instil traditional ways that she deems worthy to uphold."

"That's really cute!" Louis coos, ruffling his hair.

"Don't objectify me, Omega." He tries to glare at him, but he is failing miserably in fighting the smirk off his face.

Louis chuckles, the sound soft and quiet. "My mother doesn't mind, you know? About the Marcel thing." He supplies, then pauses. "Maybe Lottie does."

"I just.." Edward huffs. "I don't want any of us to do anything that'd make us lose you." He exhales through his nose, pressing his forehead against Louis' shoulder.

"You're not going to lose me." Louis tells him.

"I don't want to do anything wrong." Edward murmurs, pulling back to stare into his eyes.

"Hey, hey, you're not, yeah?" Louis assures, his hands stroking along Edward's back until they're resting on his shoulder. "You're not doing anything wrong. I promise."

Edward searches his eyes, trying to see if there's any hint of dishonesty. When he finds none, the tension leaves his body and his mouth twitches. "Yeah."

"You're so cute." Louis pinches his cheek, patting it gently afterwards.

The soft expression turns sour again and Edward scowls at him. "I'm tired of telling you this. I am not cute."

"Yes, you are. Kiss me." He puckers his lips, tilting his face up and waiting for Edward to comply.

"Bossy." Edward comments, kissing his nose first before he slots their lips together. The kiss is close mouthed, sweet. It makes Louis' toes curl when Edward's mouth grows a little forceful against his despite the fact that Edward won't open up to him every time Louis tries to brush his tongue past Edward's lips.

When Edward finally pulls back to let them catch their breaths and presses their forehead together, Louis glares up at him. The Alpha licks his lips, raising his eyebrows in question to the look he's being given.

"You never kiss me properly." Louis complains, a tone of sadness in his voice coming along with the statement.

"I just kissed you." Edward puts forward his point, growing more confused when Louis' face twists to show that the Omega is clearly upset now. His arms have even loosened from around Edward, instead keeping it to his side and his legs falling to the bed.

Louis mutters incoherent words under his breath, using his hands to push Edward off of him by his chest. When the Alpha falls to the side, Louis sits up with his arms and legs crossed and his back facing him.

"Di-Did I do something wrong?" Edward stammers, surprised at such reaction.

Louis shrugs exaggeratedly. "I don't know, you tell me."

"Lou..." Edward calls softly, sitting up and scooting over until his front is pressed along Louis' back. "Don't be upset."

"Do you not want me? Is that why you never kiss me the way I want you to?" He grumbles, wriggling half heartedly when Edward traps him with his arms.

Edward makes a sound of disagreement, pressing his lips at the spot behind Louis' ear. "Of course I want you. It's why I'm here, isn't it? Seeking approval from your Mum."

"You know that's not what I meant." He snaps, suppressing the urge to elbow Edward in his rib so he could go and sulk.

Edward is silent for a moment. When he speaks, his blowing breath at Louis' ear makes the Omega shiver. "If only you knew the kind of thoughts I have of you." He says lowly.

Louis whimpers. "Tell me." He pleads in a whisper, clutching at Edward's wrists.

"No." Edward shakes his head, kissing Louis' cheek instead.

"You keep rejecting me. My inner Omega is wounded, you know?" Louis sighs heavily, sagging against Edward's chest.

Edward hums a non-comittal sound. "I'll make it up to you soon enough. Promise." He says, tugging Louis' collar until it stretches to reveal the skin of his shoulder. Edward doesn't hesitate to press his lips against the exposed part of Louis' body.

He moans quietly. "Stop saying things like that if you're going to leave me tonight with nothing but a kiss."

The Alpha chuckles. "I'm sorry."



Louis turns to the side, biting his lip. "When would you make it up to me?" His eyes are already unfocused, things he imagines Edward would do to him flashing up in his minds.

"When the time comes." Edward replies, smirking. Then he pecks Louis on the mouth. "Come on, you should go to sleep now. We've got another journey tomorrow."

The Omega whines at the change of topic. He clucks his tongue once then swats angrily at Edward's arm. The touch is very light, not even intending to hurt. "What time are we leaving?" Louis enquires, tilting his head and pressing his lips along Edward's jaw.

"After lunch. Is it okay?" He questions.

Louis pulls back and nods, throwing his head back to lean against Edward's shoulder. "Are the three of you settling down okay?" He asks after a few beats have passed.

"Yeah." Edward looks distant for a moment, his face showing that he's focusing on somewhere else. He listens to the sound coming from Harry and Marcel and makes a face. "My brothers are asleep."

Louis mulls over the information. He's very unsure, but something comes up in his brain and he blurts the question out anyway. "Do you want to sleep here with me tonight?"

Edward looks surprised at his offer, but he quickly schools his expression. "Uh, that's not, that's not really a good idea."

Louis visibly wilts at his answer. "Oh, okay."

"Trust me, I want to." Edward says, trying to convince him. He grabs Louis' chin and drops a kiss on his lips. "Harry doesn't sleep well without me in the same bed when we're under the same roof."

Louis stares at him. "You already said no. Don't make it worse with excuses."

"It's not an excuse." Edward says hurriedly. "Something happened, when we were kids. It.. It scarred the three of us very badly, especially Harry. Like I said, he can't sleep well without me and Marcel when we're under the same roof. He'd get terrible nightmares if we're apart for too long."

Louis gulps. "What happened?"

Edward blinks, and he looks worn out all of a sudden. His breath hitches and his heartbeat increases. "I can't.. I can't tell you yet." He gasps, breath coming out shaky.

"Shh.. It's alright." Louis turns around and embraces him. "You don't have to tell me."

Edward sucks in a deep breath, clamping his eyes close. "Maybe one day."

Louis agrees with a tiny nod.

Edward opens his eyes and stares at him quietly, the expression on his face contributing nothing to make Louis aware of what the Alpha is feeling. "I should go."

"Yeah." Louis relents although inside he wishes for Edward to stay a little longer. "Okay."

He grins when Edward kisses him one last time.

"Sleep well, babe." The Alpha murmurs, looking at him with a small smile.

Louis exhales heavily as Edward gets off the bed, walking to the door and pausing once he gets there. "Goodnight, Edward." Louis bids him, blowing him one last kiss.

"Goodnight, gorgeous." Is the last thing he says before he exits and closes the door.


Louis wakes up early that morning. After he showers, he pads away to the kitchen to fix himself a cup of tea. The house is quiet, not a hint of living under the roof but him. At least not yet. The air is peaceful and calm, and Louis loves how much of home it feels like. Even the sound of the birds chirping outside doesn't feel like a disturbance, merely an accompanying piece to the slow morning.

Soft footsteps make him aware that someone else is awake. Louis turns around with a smile when the person stops at the kitchen, his lips stretching even wider when he finds his Mum standing there.

"Morning." He greets softly.

"Morning boo. What are you doing up so early?" Louis shuts his eyes when his Mum walks over and kisses him on top of his head. She loves doing that no matter how much taller he is compared to her.

Louis shrugs. "I don't know. Woke up before my alarm. I could help you with breakfast." He offers.

Jay smiles, fetching another mug for herself. "That's great, then. I could use a little help."

"I never got to ask last night. What do you think?" Louis asks moments later when they both are sitting down with a warm mug of tea in their hands. Jay is still smiling at him, though his question causes a hint of confusion to show through her features.


"What do you think of them? Are they okay?" He chuckles.

Jay starts to beam and Louis visibly relaxes, knowing from that look on his mother's face that they're indeed okay. "They're perfect for you, really."

Louis sighs contentedly, resting his chin on his hand propped up on the table. "So you like them."

"Yes." Jay's eyes soften. "I could tell they're genuine and they really like you. Could barely take their eyes off of you, honey."

Louis blushes at his Mum's observation, yet he can't help the small smile tickling at the edge of his lips. "Were you watching their every move, Mum? Don't do that! They might get creeped out."

"They didn't notice is the thing, isn't it? Were too busy watching you instead." Jay smirks, taking a sip of her tea. She wriggles her eyebrows and it has Louis doubled over laughing. Her face lights up like it's Christmas, watching him so happy. And once he's calmed, she speaks up again. "I can't tell you how grateful and happy I am that you met them. I've always been so worried about who's going to take care of you. And now you've got three of them. And I believe that they won't let me down."

"Oh Mum." Louis sighs, reaching out to hold her hand. She squeezes instantly, giving him a smile. "I told you. You don't have to worry about me. I'll be fine."

"Yeah I know. If anything happens, I'll know whose arse I need to kick anyway."



By the time the clock says that it's nine in the morning, everybody's already awake and showered. The girls are in the living room, gushing and screaming about things Louis isn't sure he wants to know. He's stayed and helped his mother prepare their breakfast. His mother might have shed another tear or two when Louis said he wanted to learn to cook as well.

It's Harry who comes down first, freshly showered with damp hair and a big smile on his face. He enters the dining room when Louis is alone and setting the table. The Omega grins when he sees the dimples on show, poking at one of them the moment the Alpha reaches him. "Morning." He greets, then turns around to move to the kitchen. As expected, Harry follows him where he goes.

"Good morning." Harry says, pressing himself to Louis' back and resting his chin on his shoulder.

The Omega almost drops the mug he's holding as his heart does a cartwheel. He's trying to do the dishes, and he hopes he doesn't break anything. Harry mindlessly wraps an arm around his middle, and Louis has to hold back from choking on his own spit. "Did you sleep well last night?" He pretends to ask, trying to make up a conversation.

Harry's reply consists of him nuzzling his face against Louis and kissing a spot on his neck. "Yeah. Did you?"

"Yeah. It's so good for me to be back home." Louis says honestly, smiling as he turns slightly to Harry.

Harry frowns at that. "How often do you come back home?"

Louis makes a face. "Not too often." At the expectant look Harry gives him, Louis sighs. "In the summer, and Christmas."

Harry's still waiting, and when he sees that that's all Louis has to say, his jaw drops. "That's it? Twice a year?"

"Yeah, well.. I can't really afford to leave often. I used to have two jobs, remember?" He nudges their temples gently, eyes focused on trying to clear the sink of the dishes.

A disapproving sound comes from the Alpha. "The three of us go back to Cheshire once every two months. I'll make sure you get to do the same too."

Louis puts away the last plate and dries his hands. Then he spins around in Harry's arm to face him. "Thank you." He says.

Harry kisses him in reply.

"Mum! Louis is snogging with his boyfriend in the kitchen!" Daisy shrieks from the doorway. Louis can tell from her voice that she's just doing it to give him shit.

"Leave them alone, Phoebe." Comes Jay's reply.

Louis starts cackling with laughter at the betrayed look on Daisy's face.

"I'm Daisy!"

"I know that." Jay retorts, which causes Louis and Harry to burst out laughing.

Louis nudges the Alpha off of him and walks over to a pouting Daisy, pulling her into a hug and pestering her face with kisses. She shrieks loudly, giggling as she tries to push him away. "Aww my little Daisy, she doesn't mean that." He says in a baby voice, grabbing her cheeks.

"Lou, get off!!" She groans in mock irritation, her face pressing at his chest to try to get him to stop. Her attempt goes to waste when Louis laughs and starts tickling her as well.

Harry watches fondly as Daisy laughs and begs for mercy, slapping Louis' hands away. Then when Louis finally stops, she sighs and hugs him tight.

"I've missed you so much, Lou." She says, looking up at him. "Wish you're home more often."

The smile on Harry's face vanishes when Louis doesn't reply, merely casts a tiny grin to his sister.


"You're leaving already?" Fizzy and Phoebe asks with an upset face when they see the triplets bringing their bags down.

"Yeah, we're going to our Mum's." Marcel replies, smiling kindly as he follows Edward down the hall to the front door. They're putting the bags in the car, wanting to make sure everything is packed before they bid their farewells.

Fizzy runs to the stairs, screaming up at her sister. "Lottie!! They're leaving now!" She tells her.

There is a pause before there's any reaction. A door opens and slams, followed by a patter of footsteps and then Lottie appears at the middle of the stairs. "Already?" She blurts.

"Yeah, it appears so." Fizzy shrugs, a little sadly.

Lottie produces a sad sound, and she hurries herself downstairs to go to the living room. Louis comes down moments later, walking over to the entrance and handing his bag to Edward who suddenly reappears at the door. He grabs the Omega's bag and disappears out again afterwards.

Louis joins his siblings in the living room. He observes his sister and his eyebrows knit together when he frowns after seeing the look on their faces. "What's with all of you?" He asks.

"You're leaving so soon." Fizzy mumbles.

Louis softens at that, cooing as he opens his arms and let his sisters crowd into his embrace. "I'll visit again soon, I promise."

"By soon you mean in the summer." Phoebe grumbles where she is hugging him from behind, her face pressed against his shoulder.

The Omega throws his head back and laughs. "No, no. I promise. It'll be before summer." He says confidently.

"Promise?" Lottie asks, looking up at him with her forehead creasing and eyes staring intently at him.

Louis kisses her on the forehead, nodding. "Promise."

The girls cheer at that, hugging him tighter. He's somehow in the middle of the group hug, and Louis tries to hug them all but he's only got two arms.

Jay walks inside the living room and laughs quietly, placing her hands on her hips. "Hogging your brother, I see." She teases.

"Yep, not letting him go until it is necessary." Daisy chirps.

"Really?" Louis asks with widened eyes, causing laughter to ring in the small space of the house.

Fizzy confirms with a nod. "Yeah. So don't even think about escaping."

Louis shrugs, absolutely unbothered with that information. "Nah, I'm content to be here."

When the triplets walk in, they look at the Tomlinson siblings in confusion. Harry's eyes grow wide and excited when he figures out what's happening as he hurries over to them.

"Is this a group hug?" He asks, already opening his arms and trying to join in.

"No, not for you." Lottie says as all of them takes a few steps away from him, shifting their group around, their hold around each other not loosening for one second. "This is us savouring our last moment with our brother that you are stealing from us."

Marcel starts cackling at the look on Harry's face.

Jay takes pity on him and clucks her tongue. "Now, now, girls. Don't be mean to him." She says, feigning disapproval. "It's okay, dear. I'll give you a hug."

Harry brightens up at that, giving the siblings a taunting look as if it bothers them that he gets to hug their mother. "Yeay, I get a hug too!"

"Such an embarrassment to our family." Edward smirks, watching as Harry unashamedly buries his face into Jay's shoulder and sends his brothers a toothy grin. He glances to Marcel and sees that he also has a pout plastered in his face.

Jay notices the same time Edward does and she chuckles. "Come here, Marcel. You can get a hug too."

The pout disappears and a delighted smile takes place instead. He walks over to where Jay and Harry are standing, tugging at the back of Harry's shirt. "It's my turn now, Harry."

Harry shakes his head. "No, no hugs for you. Only for me!" He affirms his statement by clutching tighter to the petite woman who only finds their behaviour endearing.

"Oi! Stop harrassing my mother." Louis calls out, making the girls snicker.

"Come on." Jay releases an arm and reaches out to Marcel, wrapping it around to his back when he slots himself next to Harry.

Jay turns to Edward and raises an eyebrow. She cocks her head invitingly. "Are you just going to stand there, Edward?"

He huffs, relenting. When he stops by them, he finds that there's no room for him so he wraps his arms around all of them. Jay directs him a beam, reaching out to place a kiss on his cheek.

"She's found new children to take care of. Let's run away together." Lottie suggests to her siblings.

"Yeah, we can keep Lou forever that way." Daisy pipes in.

Phoebe supports the motion with a small sound of agreement. "Lottie and Fizzy could sell fish at the market and Daisy and me could sell sweets at school."

"No one's selling fish or sweets." Louis says in between laughter. "We're not going to leave Mum behind if we go, are we?"

"But look at her. She's much happier now with her new children. There's no more place for us in this house." Fizzy says, feigning a sad tone and making the little twins giggle with her dramatic act.

"Let my mother go now, you're suffocating her." Louis says when the girls and him finally part, brushing down and straightening their clothes where they crinkled when they hugged.

"I can assure you that I am not suffocating." She tells him, but the triplets release her anyway. "Oh come here all of you." She says, pulling Harry down since he's so bloody tall so that she could give him a motherly kiss on the cheek. Marcel goes down willingly, smiling from ear to ear when she pats his back before he's released.

"Thank you so much for your hospitality, Jay." Edward says when it's his turn, kissing her cheek too at the same time she kisses his. "It's been a really great stay."

"Of course." She replies, not letting him go just yet. "I am so grateful that you met my son."

"It's the best thing that happened to us, to be honest." Edward dimples at her, trying to cheer her up when he sees the tears starting to well in her eyes.

Jay coos and squeezes him once again before Edward straightens and takes a step back. "Take care, Jay. Give us a call if you need anything."

"You three take care too." She replies, letting them lead her to the front door despite that it's her house. The girls are still saying their goodbyes to Louis, apparently unable to do it without the tears as it seems that Daisy and Phoebe are already crying and clinging to him.

They walk out to the lawn, heading to the car first.

Harry and Marcel watch Edward meaningfully, silently carrying out a conversation among the three of them without a word being spoken. Jay, of course, being a mother, notices that.

"What are you three up to, now?" She questions, crossing her arms and giving them a look.

They duck their heads, as if they're children being caught doing something mischievous.

Harry and Marcel sends Edward a look again and he nods. He turns to Jay, appearing a bit nervous all of a sudden. "Uh, we just, we want to officially ask you for permission to court your son."

Jay flashes them a radiant smile. "Oh, bless your Mother for raising such good boys." She coos lovingly. "Of course you have my blessing." She tells them, her cheeks hurting with the smile she's unable to suppress as she looks at the Alphas.

"Thank you, Jay." Harry exhales in relief, rushing to hug her in gratitude.

"We were sort of worried you would say no." Marcel says honestly, keeping his head down.

She eyes them with fondness when Harry steps back. "I know you are genuinely interested in my son. And I believe you can and you will take care of him. I trust you." Jay holds on to Harry's hand, patting it twice. "Don't give me any reason not to."

"He'll be our most important responsibility. You have my word." Edward nods.

Jay pats Harry's hand again before she lets it fall to the Alpha's side. "Quite honestly, I thought you were going to ask for my blessing to propose just now."

The triplets widen their eyes in surprise.

"Not yet." Marcel assures, repeatedly shaking his head.

A commotion at the front door steals their attention and they turn to see Louis trying to walk out. Daisy and Phoebe apparently think it's funny to hold on to his legs in a humorous attempt to make him stay.

"Let go of me, peasants! Such disgusting behaviour! I should've stayed in the castle instead of trying to meddle with you poor." Louis complains loudly, his antics causing loud giggles to come from the little girls.

"Not yet." Harry agrees, picking up their conversation without taking his eyes off the Omega that will always his attention.

"Maybe in the future." Edward supplies, struggling as well to turn away from Louis to look at Jay again.

She has a knowing look in her eyes, but she says nothing. It's good that she doesn't because Louis arrives at that moment with a huff.

"Sorry, I'm late. The poor was blocking the street, again." He says, brushing his hair to the side. "What were you saying when you complimented me before I arrived?"

His mother smacks him at his shoulder. "Stop being pompous."

Louis pouts but it is ignored. The cause are his sisters who run down towards them to say goodbye to his boyfriends.

"Bye Edward!" Daisy and Phoebe chorus, not giving the Alpha any warning before they are attacking him with a hug.

The Alpha barely staggers, of course, and he pets their hair and smiles. "You girls take care, alright?"

Meanwhile, Lottie is hugging Harry and Fizzy is hugging Marcel before they swap. Louis takes that moment to steal his mother for a second, pulling her away from the group.

He produces a small envelope from his pocket and presses it into her hand, ignoring her surprised gasp and kissing her on the cheek. "For you."

"Louis." She huffs, but she doesn't refuse it. He knows she knows that he'd insist until she keeps it if she is to reject it. "Thank you, boo bear."

Louis goes willingly when she hugs him. "Love you, Mum."

"I love you too, baby."

"I need to ask you something." Louis clears his throat, straightening up when her arms uncurl from around him. She gives him an encouraging look, silently telling him to continue. "It's about me moving in with them."

Jay nods. "Okay, have you decided?"

"I wanted to ask you. When do you think I should move in?"

That makes her frown. "You didn't have to ask me. You'd be moving in, not me." She looks at him incredulously. "But if you still want my opinion, I'd say you should do it as soon as possible."

Louis doesn't respond, willing his mother to elaborate.

"You're already growing attached and you're not yet mated. Soon the separation anxiety is going to get to you if you don't move in within a few days." She tells him.

Louis knows that, Edward has told him about that. "So, you're okay with me moving in?"

"Of course! I told you I wanted to meet them first, and I did. Now, it is up to you when you want to take the next step." She says kindly, smiling at him.

"Alright. Okay." Louis sighs. "Thanks Mum."

When they walk back to where his sisters and the triplets are, Louis is pleased to see how well they get along. Daisy and Phoebe are now hanging around Marcel, talking and laughing while Fizzy is taking a picture with Harry and making all these ugly faces that Louis only finds endearing. He turns and finds that Lottie and Edward have got their phones out, probably exchanging contacts.

"I sure hope you're not planning to text my man behind my back." Louis clears his throat when he walks over to Edward and Lottie.

"Don't blame me if I become his favourite Tomlinson." She says smugly, shoving her phone in her jeans and wrapping an arm around Edward's neck.

Edward winks at him playfully, his arm curling around Lottie's waist. "She is growing on me, after all." He proves his point by kissing her on the cheek.

Louis crosses his arms, narrowing his eyes at Lottie. "I knew I should've gotten rid of you when you were a baby."

The look on Lottie's face is priceless.


After a final goodbye, they finally got into the car and started their journey to Cheshire. Louis didn't stop waving to his family until they're gone from his sight.

"I had so much fun being around your family." Marcel tells him a few minutes into their journey when they've started talking about the time they've spent at Louis' home.

Louis brightens so much his eyes are twinkling. "See? I told you they'd love you."

"Now I can't wait for you to meet our Mum." Harry says gleefully, growing more and more excited at the mere thought.

"Shit. I forgot I still have to deal with that." Louis breathes, shifting in his seat and leaning back.

"Don't worry, Lou. Our Mum already loves you." Harry chirps, trying to soothe him. Whatever he said goes unheard to Louis who is trying not to panic.

"Now you know how I felt." Marcel smirks, taunting him.

"God, you're so mean. I was about to ask you to come and kiss me to help with my nerves." Louis rolls his eyes. "Nevermind, then." He eyes Harry, making a come hither motion at the Alpha.

"Lou, I was kidding!" Marcel tries to reason as Harry takes off his seatbelt and climbs over to the back seat.

Edward laughs very loudly when Harry gives Marcel a smug look before Louis is all over him and Marcel is left to listen to the obnoxious goading from Edward while he glares out of the window. It doesn't help that Harry and Louis are purposely making these loud, smacking sounds as they kiss and the Omega keeps moaning.

It's going to be a long ride for Marcel.


A/N: I've never had a boyfriend or a girlfriend before so I to be honest don't know how it usually goes when you bring your bf/gf home to meet your mother. So... bear with me. Hahaha. Thank you for reading! Leave a comment and vote if you liked that! xx :)

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