Chapter 6
It's on Friday that Louis receives a text right after he finishes teaching for the day. He's sitting at his table, wanting to relax a little before he has to pack up and go home. That's when his phone vibrates and a message comes up.
Unknown: Hi Lou. Sorry for disturbing you. This is Marcel. I was wondering when you'd be free for our date?
He silently laughs at how formal Marcel's message is. Louis also quietly squeals inside. He stares at the screen, trying to come up with a reply. It takes him a few minutes before he can eventually send the message.
Hi Marcel! I am free on the weekend but Harry's taking me out on Saturday. Maybe we could go on Sunday, if that's okay with you?
As Louis puts his phone down, he turns to look at the mess on his desk and in the class. He sighs, moving on to start clearing them so he could go home for the day and relax in his bed and sleep to dream about three identical, hot men.
Two sharp knocks at his door makes him look up, and he throws the man standing by the entrance a smile. "Hey, Jake."
Jake Henderson teaches the class at the end of the hall. They got to know each other on Louis' first day when Louis accidentally entered the wrong classroom. Later on that day, Jake had brought Louis lunch and then they just have lunch together almost everyday and Jake is one of the people Louis is closest with at the nursery. Since Jake is a mated Alpha, Louis doesn't have a problem being close friends with him. Louis even gets on well with Jake's partner, Thomas, who happens to be an Omega too.
"Done for the day?" Jake asks, entering the classroom and taking a seat on the desk, perching his arse up. Louis pays him no notice as he continues cleaning, wanting to be home soon so he could properly plan his date with Marcel. He also has to think of his attire for his date with Harry tomorrow.
"Yeah. Today is really tiring. Wish I could have a break for a while." Louis stretches to prove his point. "But then I'll miss the kids too much."
"I'm sure the kids would miss you more. They've always been so obsessed with you." Jake says with a snort.
Louis laughs, gathering the scattered files on his desk.
"So, why exactly were you absent on Tuesday?"
"I wasn't well." Louis frowns, stacking his files up and putting them away in the drawer. "Why?"
Jake smiles. "Nothing. Just wondering." He shakes his head. "So, uh, I've got two tickets to a movie this weekend. Would you like to go?"
Louis raises his eyebrows. "Oh? That sounds lovely. But I can't. I'm quite busy this weekend." He informs him, walking around the table to get his class in check. Louis picks up the brushes the kids used. He had fun painting with them today. He even got some paint on his face and probably his hair. Most of it don't make it to paper and instead on himself and the kids. They still had a great time though, and Louis thinks that's what matters.
"Busy? With what? You're always free. Are you going back to Donny?"
"Oh, no. I was thinking to go back, though. I do miss my family. Probably next month or something." Louis waves his hand, straightening a frame on the wall.
Jake looks at him suspiciously. "Why are you busy this weekend?"
"Well, I've got a date." Louis tells him excitedly.
"A date?" Jake's face is a mixture of horror and shock. It irks Louis a little. It's as if Jake thinks he's incapable of getting a date. "With who?"
"This one, lovely Alpha." Louis shrugs, already smiling fondly at the thought of Harry and his clumsy limbs and gorgeous smile. "I can't wait to see him."
"Well, what about Sunday? You're busy too?"
"Yeah. I'm so sorry. Why didn't you ask Thomas, anyway?" Louis inquires, his attention taken away when his phone vibrates again.
Jake shrugs. "Thomas would be out of town. But that's okay. I'll ask somebody else."
"Yeah. I'm so sorry that I can't go." Louis says, sparing Jake a short glance before he turns to his phone again.
Marcel: Yeah, that would be lovely. I'll pick you up at your place, okay? Can't wait to see your lovely face again. xx
Louis grins, quickly typing away a reply.
Sure. What time? Can't wait to see you too. xx
"So.." Jake starts again, making Louis turn to him. "Tell me about this Alpha of yours. He must be special then, if he can make you smile like that over a text."
Louis laughs, walking along the class to clean up the rest of the mess the children made. "Yeah. Well, he is actually they." He corrects his friend shyly.
"Well, there are three of them." Louis bites his lips.
Jake widens his eyes. "Three?" His tone challenges Louis to say it again.
Is it so unbelievable to Jake that Louis could have Alphas? Why does he act like Louis could never get one?
"Who are they?" Jake's curiosity starts peaking up.
Louis shrugs. "You probably don't know them." He probably does, but that's more of the reason Louis doesn't want to tell him. Don't want him running off telling people he's got a date with Harry Styles the model tomorrow.
"I thought you would never let any Alpha court you?" Jake questions with a raise of his eyebrow.
Louis takes a deep breath, a little annoyed. "Well, they're really lovely. And as much as I thought I'd never find an Alpha that'd be good enough for me, I think I've found three." Louis tells him.
Jake clears his throat, shifting a little on the table before he looks at Louis again. "Are you sure you can trust them?"
Louis gives Jake a look, pausing where he's across the room, picking up a few books that are scattered on the floor. "Yeah. They respect me. And they make me feel safe." He rolls his eyes as he slowly put them up the shelves.
Louis spins on his heels and places his hands on his hips. "Look, why are you so sceptical about them? I finally found someone I actually would want to be with and you're here questioning my decision and my potential mates. You, as my friend, should be happy for me." He says disapprovingly, narrowing his eyes at Jake. Louis walks back to the table, focusing on packing the stuff he'd be bringing home. He ignores a gaping Jake.
"Louis, you know I don't mean for you to feel like that. I'm just trying to look out for you." Jake tells him in a regretful voice.
Louis shakes his head, sighing. He slings on his bag, making sure he has everything with him. "You don't have to, Jake. You're not my dad. I can look out for myself just fine." He says in a clipped tone, pressing his lips together. "Come on, now. I'm going to lock up."
Louis only manages to look at the message Marcel sent him once he gets home. He dumps his bag on the couch in the living room and sits down, turning the TV on but lowering the volume until it's nothing but a background noise.
Marcel: I'm going to pick you up at 11. That okay with you? The journey takes quite some time.
That's fine by me. What should I wear?
Marcel: Great. You can just wear casual.
Okay. See you on Sunday. xx
"Alex, I'm nervous." Louis admits to his friend while they wait for Harry to arrive. He keeps bouncing on his feet, the nerves in his veins preventing him from standing still. He needs to keep moving. He needs to shake off all his nerves.
Alex eats popcorn on the couch, giving him an annoyed look. He points a popcorn towards Louis. "You had a great time with Edward. You even woke up early to make breakfast. Don't worry. You'll have fun."
"But.." Louis is starting to say when the bell rings. Butterflies start filling his stomach, and he widens his eyes at Alex. "Oh my God, he's here. Alex, what should I do?!"
Alex rolls his eyes. "Get out there and have fun, Louis."
"Can't you do the whole parent thing first?" Louis pouts. "It'll give me some time to calm down."
Alex shakes his head, frowning when he reaches into the bowl and there's no more popcorn left. "I already did that with Edward. It's boring now."
Louis sighs heavily, shaking his head. "Okay. I can do this."
"Yes, you can. Now get out, please. I'm going to make more popcorn." Alex announces, getting up and walking away to the kitchen.
Louis curses his friend under his breath, walking over to the entrance. He inhales deeply, making sure his attire looks fine one last time before opening the door.
And Louis is blind.
Well, he's actually not. But he's as good as.
Having a Harry Styles standing at his door step, grinning down at him with dimples on display while he looks like that feels like too much of a blessing in one day. Louis almost faints.
"Hi Louuuuuu." The Alpha drags out the vowel, prompting an annoyed but fond eye roll.
"Hey, Haz." Louis greets him, grabbing his coat from behind the door and stepping over the threshold.
Harry giggles. "Hey, that's not my name."
Louis forgot how endearing Harry is. The date hasn't even started yet but he already feels like combusting.
He feigns a surprised face. "Oh, sorry, Harold. I forgot."
Louis chuckles, putting on his coat and smiling up at Harry. "I'm kidding, Harry."
"You look really good." Harry tells him.
"Thank you. So do you, Harry." He receives a beam from his date and Louis' heart swell. "So, where are you taking me tonight?"
"That would be a surprise." Harry informs him with a cheeky wink. Louis wants to punch him.
Instead he just sighs and reaches for Harry's hand. "Okay fine. You better bring me there soon, though."
The Alpha squeezes his hand, their size difference making Louis go crazy inside. "Alright." Harry leads them away, walking towards the lift. While they wait, Harry turns to him. "So, you're a teacher at the nursery, right?"
"Yeah." Louis nods. "I love working with children. They're the loveliest."
Harry brightens. "I love children, too! Can I come over and visit, sometime?"
"Of course!" Louis agrees. "I'm sure the kids would love to see you."
Harry's dimple is so deep, Louis has to push away the urge to poke it with his finger.
Once they're out the building entrance, Harry leads Louis to the Audi he's starting to grow familiar with. Louis blushes with internal embarrassment when he remembers that the first thing Edward did was push him against the car and kiss him the other day. He almost expects the same treatment from Harry.
Harry does open the door for him, though, and Louis kisses his cheek as thank you before he gets in. He watches quietly as Harry closes the door and walks around the car. He has this smirk on his face, making him look so hot while he walks in that Burberry coat and Louis wants to cry.
How would he survive when he's living with this perfect specimen of a human being later on? Not to mention there are still Edward and Marcel.
The whole time Harry is driving, Louis could barely focus on anything but Harry's hands curled around the steering wheel. They're just so big! Louis can't stop thinking about what Harry could do with them. His fingers are long and slender and the gears start turning in Louis' head about the places those fingers could reach.
"Lou?" Harry's voice snaps him to reality and he turns to the Alpha, a little flustered.
"Do you wanna hear a joke?" He asks, an excited smile on his face. He looks so eager that Louis doesn't have the heart to tell him no.
Louis nods with a slightly dubious look, but he shifts his body to face Harry in the car. "Yeah, sure."
"Knock knock!" Harry starts with a grin.
"Seriously?" Louis asks, already laughing.
"What? Come on..." Harry tries to whine but he just bursts out laughing too. "Come on, play along, please?"
The pout Harry has on his face is capable of crumbling the strongest of men and Louis is already melting. "Okay, okay, fine. Go again."
"Okay. Don't laugh at me. You're being mean."
"Stop pouting." Louis drawls, reaching out to poke at a firm side.
Harry squeals, swatting the prodding hand away. Once he's free from Louis' teasing hand, he dimples. "Knock knock."
"Who's there?" Louis replies, looking at Harry expectantly.
"Honeydew who?"
"Honeydew you know how good you look right now?" Harry looks so proud of himself once he finishes that sentence, giving Louis an excited look and grinning so wide.
Louis is rendered speechless for a total of two seconds before he's burying his face in his hands. "I'm going on a date with an idiot."
"Heeeeyyyyy!" Harry drags the word out. "I'm trying to compliment you here."
"Oh.." Louis blushes, his teeth securing his bottom lip while he stares at Harry. The Alpha looks like he said nothing but the truth. "Thanks, I guess?"
Harry smiles slyly at him, eyes glinting with unreadable emotions.
The air in the car falls silent for a moment, and Louis manages to struggle for five seconds before he bursts out laughing. Harry sputters and the car swerves a little as both of them howl loudly with laughter. The noise would probably shock people on the outside if the windows were rolled down.
"I'm sorry, that was just..." Louis shakes his head, clutching his stomach. "How much shit do Edward and Marcel give you for those?"
Harry's smile is lopsided when he looks at Louis. "Too much."
Louis wipes non-existent tears at his eyes. The silence swallows them up again and Louis' brain quickly works to come up with a topic. It's not an uncomfortable silence but Louis wants to talk more with Harry.
He clears his throat. "So, I found out what you do."
Harry nods slowly, a smirk making way to his face. "Did you Google me?"
"You did!" Harry accuses excitedly, pointing a finger at him. He looks so happy with the idea.
"I did not." Maybe Louis did. And maybe he wanked to a few pics of them and Google'd for Marcel too to have the same outcome. But none of them needs to know that.
"Yes, you did." Harry sing song, eyes gleaming brighter. "How did you find out?"
"My friend told me about you." Louis says nonchalantly.
"Oh, also, me mate's girlfriend is like, obsessed with you. She knows everything." Louis informs him, his face twisting into a scowl when he thinks of how creepy it must have sounded. It felt better when it was in his head.
But Harry barely blinks in response, just tilts his head in acknowledgement to what Louis said.
"Tell me about your job." Louis requests of him, lacing his hands together and resting them on his lap while he fixes his sight on the Alpha.
"Well.." Harry starts with a small smile twitching at his lips. "It's not a very difficult job. Marcel said that I just had to be there and look pretty. Though, sometimes it can be a bit difficult." A frown grazes his features, making his face slightly resemble Edward in the lack of lighting in the car. "Art is not always easy, you know?"
What a pretentious twat.
"Yeah.. but shouldn't be too hard for you since your existence is art itself."
It's silent for a moment. Then, "Louis Tomlinson, are you hitting on me?"
A playful smack lands on Harry's shoulder. "We're going on a date right now, you arse." He scolds with a light huff.
Harry laughs. "Okay, alright, thank you." He sneaks a look at Louis and grins when he sees that the Omega is trying not to blush. "The fun part about it is that I get to travel, a lot."
Louis perks up, leaning forward in his seat. Interest is visible in his expression. "That sounds fun, alright. Where have you been?"
"Lots of places. Germany, Italy, Greece, France." He pauses. "I like America."
"But the downside of it is when I have to travel for a long time. Sometimes Edward will try and get a meeting that'll happen somewhere I'm going or Marcel would hold a book signing that matches my venue and date. But that can't happen all the time. So there are days where I have to go alone." Harry's drawl gets slower when he talks about being apart from his brother. Louis finds it awfully cute how close the triplets are with each other. "I never really function well without them. I need at least one of them with me." His eyebrows start to furrow together.
"Do they get anxious too when you're not around for long?"
Harry purses his lips. "Marcel does. Sometimes Edward does, too. It's very rare, though."
"What do they do, then? When that happens?"
"Marcel's calls would become frequent, and we would Skype a lot. It helps. But sometimes it's just not enough, and Marcel would fly to me or I'd come home early." Harry smiles fondly, prompting Louis to do the same. "But not with Edward. He doesn't tell me if he misses me. He'd just start losing his temper and freaking out at the office. And when Zayn points it out, he'd just disappear."
Confusion takes over Louis' face. "Disappear?"
"Yeah, he'd shut his phone and pack some of his stuff. And hours later he's just there waiting in my hotel room. Edward pretends he's me at the reception and that he lost the key card to get inside my room." Harry should've sounded upset about it, but he's got a content smile on his face. Something tells Louis that their reunion probably isn't one that should really happen between siblings.
Louis leans his head at the headrest. "I guess there's pros and cons to everything." He breathes. "How did you get into the industry?"
Harry giggles at the question. "So um, when we were 22, at that time, Edward had just taken over the company. And we wanted to introduce a new design of the boats and cars we make. The model who was supposed to do it fell sick at the day of the shooting. Edward was furious. But he was also busy, so he just grabbed me and threw me into the shoot." His giggles grow louder, making Louis smile. "I remember them freaking out and trying to dress me up, one was screaming out to her assistant while she did my hair. I don't even know what was happening. But Edward looked like he would stab me if I dared say anything. So I just followed through. And then I saw my picture on a billboard."
Louis smiles, trying to imagine how Harry reacted. "It must've felt amazing."
"Yeah! Everything was surreal and bizarre! I had to lie down for a few minutes." They both chuckle at that. "A few weeks later, I received a call from a couple car companies asking me if I'm interested to model for them." He pauses for a moment, taking the time to focus on his driving. Then he continues. "I sat Marcel and Edward down, asking for their opinions. They told me to just go for it. So I did. And then, Nike called me and after that I started getting calls from Burberry and stuff."
"That's really nice."
"Yeah." Harry nods excitedly. "I love doing what I do."
Louis hums. "So, um... Do you think it'd be a good idea for me to move in - if you still agree - a week after my date with Marcel?"
The frown he receives makes Louis cower a little, ducking his head and wondering if he shouldn't have asked. "What do you mean if?" Harry asks him. "Babe, you know we do want you. These dates would only make us want you more."
Louis hides his face in shame, sighing a little with his lower lip jutted out. The expression looks childish if the features on his face doesn't say that he's actually a little upset. "I'm sorry, I just.." He sighs heavily. "I just keep entertaining the thought that you'd change your mind all of a sudden."
"But why?" Harry asks, the usual cheery tone in his voice is gone and replaced with hurt as if it offended him that Louis would even think that the triplets wouldn't want him.
"I don't know. It's stupid. You three are too perfect to be real. You're all I want, so much it's hurting." Louis admits with a voice barely audible even to the Alpha ears. "If I keep myself ready, then it probably wouldn't hurt as much if it happens."
"It should be us who feel that way. Edward talked to me about this, and I don't want you to feel like that. If anyone should doubt anybody, it's us you. We're really a handful and it probably would get a little overwhelming at one point. So we want you to really know what you're getting into. And it's fine if you change your mind. We understand." Harry says, his face suddenly falling and his mouth starts curving downward. The sadness in his tone makes Louis sad too. "I hope you don't, though. I really like you, and I honest to God don't know what I would do if you change your mind."
Louis stares at the Alpha for a moment, a little loss for word. His mind reels in his brain while Harry puts his whole attention to his driving. "Harry.." He tries, a hand reaching out and touching tense biceps. The muscles under his palm immediately relax, and Harry's shoulders visibly slump. "I promise I won't change my mind." He rubs his hand down the Alpha's arm until his fingers reach Harry's hand. He curls their pinky fingers together. "Pinky promise."
"Okay." Harry starts to smile, glancing at Louis. "Good. You can move in any time you want."
Louis blushes a little when Harry brings the back of Louis' hand to his mouth so he could kiss it. "Can you decide for me?"
"In that case, move in on Monday."
"That's the day after my date with Marcel!" Louis' eyes widen. "I won't have time to pack!"
Harry smirks. "You can walk around in my clothes."
Maybe both of them grow a little flustered at that thought but Louis is not going to point it out.
"We're here. Taa daa!" Harry beams as he cuts off the engine. The car is parked in a wide field, surrounded by many of the other cars. The bright light occasionally shining inside gives Louis a vision of how excited his date is.
He smiles at Harry, reaching out and tugging a little on his curls. "A funfair?"
"Yeah, we're going to have lots of fun." Harry nods, his eyes falling close as he leans into Louis' touch.
"Yeah, that we will." He retracts his hand. "Come on."
Louis gets out of the car, meeting with Harry and letting Harry take his hand before they cross the road to go into the funfair. His heart flutters a little in his heart, loving how good it feels like to be holding hands with him. The Alpha leads him away, and Louis barely acknowledges where they're going. He is too focused on the way Harry's warmth seeped into his skin.
"Which one do you want to ride first?" Harry asks as he stops them in the middle of walking, people grumbling around them at the sudden abrupt. "I think we should go for the carousel first."
"Okay. I'm fine with that." Louis nods, smiling fondly at how excited Harry looks. He's always so eager. "Come on." He prompts, tugging at the Alpha's hand and leading him towards their intended ride.
"Edward never gets on with me." Harry says, causing the Omega to reach out and tap his nose with a little grin that erupts the butterflies in his stomach. It feels weirdly nauseating and annoying how there's more than one person to cause this kind of effect on him.
"It's okay." Louis is strangely optimistic, his grin getting Harry closer to become a fully blinded person with the way he's looking at him like that. "That's why I'm here, isn't it?"
Harry giggles. "Okay."
"You know, just forget about it, please." Louis drawls impatiently, trying to tug on the hem of Harry's shirt but his existence is barely acknowledged by the tall Alpha standing in front of him. Harry is sweating, the layer of moisture on his back has soaked onto the fabric of his expensive top. The scent should not be this good. Louis hates how good it smells. "Harry." He says again, trying to focus on his objective instead of drooling over how attractive Harry is.
"No, Lou. I'm going to do this. Trust me." Harry is insistent, gently trying to shake off the hold Louis has got on him. He turns around when Louis doesn't let. "Babe."
"This is your fifth try, Harry. Don't waste your money like this." Louis grumbles, glaring up at the Alpha. He's also trying to fight the blush rising at the pet name. "I was joking anyway. I don't want that stupid bear." Harry makes frustrated, protesting sounds at him. The noise prompts him to roll his eyes, albeit lack of the usual fondness. "Look, if you really want me to have a God damned bear, buy me one at the stores."
"But that's not the same, is it?" Harry throws the ball he's holding into the air, quickly catching it again in his palm. The simple coordination surprises Louis a little since as long as Louis has known him, Harry barely has control over his own face. Let alone his limbs. "If I win you a bear right now, it'll be from my hard work."
"You're impossible." Louis groans, digging the heel of his palms into his eyes. "Stop it now, before you spend every penny on this shit."
Harry sighs heavily, shaking his head. "Last one." He pleads, more with his eyes than voice. And Louis should've left right there and then, because he knows he'll never be able to resist those puppy eyes. God hates him.
"Alright. Alright." He grunts, petulantly stomping his foot onto the ground. With his arms crossed, he takes a step back. "Last one." His face scrunches up in annoyance as he huffs. He's quite torn between wanting Harry to win and wanting him to lose. If he wins, Louis gets a bear that he could hug at night and pretend it's one of the triplets. But if Harry loses, Louis gets the satisfaction of seeing the tosser mourn about when he's been trying to get him to stop.
However, the face splitting grin that suddenly appears on Harry's face cuts off any thought Louis has in his mind.
"Thank you, Lou." Harry chirps, shuffling forward and sloppily dropping a kiss on Louis' cheek before he turns back around to the booth with new found determination.
Louis watches quietly in anticipation while Harry curls his fist tighter around the ball he's holding, eyeing the stack of bottles arranged neatly into a pyramid across the inside of the booth. Of course, trust Harry not to win something so easy.
Harry sucks in a huge breath - Louis finds that a bit tad too dramatic - and pulls his arm back before lashing it forward.
Louis tries. He honestly did. But he rolls his eyes so hard it hurts his head anyway. From the way the ball surges forward, the Omega can already tell that it would go crushing down things that are not the bottles.
"Bugger!" Harry kicks at the booth, hissing loudly while he throws daggers to the attendant at the booth. His eyes flick back and forth between the bottles and the Beta man staring back at Harry with boredom that Louis could relate to.
Louis sighs when the Alpha shoots an apologetic look at him, his big hands already pulling out a couple notes from inside his pocket. "God, give me strength." He mutters, charging up to Harry and snatching the money away from the grip of his long fingers. "Give that to me."
"Louis?" Harry asks in confusion, flinching slightly while Louis walks up to the booth and slams the notes down.
"If I win, I want that huge arse bear." He demands to the Beta, hips cocked to the side. He can feel Harry's shocked stare but he ignores it for the moment.
The Beta looks at him, then glances swiftly at the bear before shrugging. "Sure."
Louis knocks down the bottles within the first try.
"Here." He says to Harry, handing him the white teddy bear. Flicking his hair to the side, Louis waits patiently for the Alpha's brain to start functioning again. When Harry does nothing but stares at him, Louis shoves it into his arms with another groan. "Come on, you twat." He drags a hand down his face, the other hand on his hip.
"You're the most amazing Omega that there is." Harry blurts out, still looking at him in wonder.
Louis rolls his eyes with pink spot tinged on his cheeks. "The date hasn't even ended yet. For all you know, it could all go downhill."
"I think I might love you already." Harry says in lieu of response.
Despite his heating cheeks, Louis reaches out to wrap a small hand around Harry's biceps and starts tugging him away. "You always spit bullshit."
"No, I don't." The warm breath at his ear makes Louis wince and his steps falter a little. Harry walks ever so calm beside him, now clutching the plush toy against his chest. Louis wants to punch him a little. Then maybe kiss him afterwards.
"Come on, Haz. Let's get some cotton candy." He quickly changes the topic, steering them to the left and heading towards the stand. Louis turns around once they've stopped only to see the Alpha smirking down at him. "What?" He snaps lightly.
Harry's smirk widens. "Nothing."
Louis makes a face. telling Harry that he's very annoyed but he decides to stay quiet about it.
Harry stands behind him while he makes their order. Once Louis has paid - he insisted because Harry is paying for everything else, and also because Harry is holding the bear so he can't reach for his wallet - they make their way to find a bench to sit down.
They finally find one after walking for a while, a bench that is secluded from the crowd at the fair. Louis makes sure Harry is properly seated and only when the bear is safely tucked between them does he hand Harry his cotton candy.
"Thanks." Harry's deep voice runs a shiver along his spine, the brush of his fingers on Louis' hand as the cotton candy exchanges hands adding up the tingling down his body.
"Okay." He replies weakly. Louis turns to his candy, tearing a bit of the sugary sweetness with his fingers before popping it in his mouth. Harry just takes a huge bite.
"Oh my God, it's so fluffy!" Harry exclaims once his mouth is empty.
"Yes, Harry. That's why it's called a cotton candy." He mocks playfully.
Harry gives him a grin. "You're so sarcastic all the time. I like it."
Harry's comment triggers his heart to kick start and he tuts in response.
"Hey, Louis?"
"I like you."
Louis sputters on his food, but if anyone points it out, Louis would deny it until his last breath. He shoots Harry a wary look.
"I really, really like you." Harry says, a small smile toying at the edge of his mouth when Louis turns to face him. Mindlessly, the Alpha inches closer until their noses are almost touching. "You're beautiful."
His blush is so intense, he can feel the heat radiating off of his way so warmly that it breeches uncomfortable. "Thank you., I don't know what to say." That's the most pathetic thing Louis has ever said but he'll decapitate anyone who blames him for it since his brain tends to stop functioning the moment any of the Styles Alphas breathes anywhere he can see.
"You don't have to say anything." Harry assures him, nudging Louis' shoulder with his. The smile lingers on his lips, the cotton candy halfway eaten. He is about to take another bite when he pauses once he notices Louis is staring at him. His hand lowers. "You know, I know you would think I'm joking, but I feel something between us. And I desperately need us to happen."
"Stop it." Louis says, snapping out of his trance and shaking his head firmly. "What is up with you two and talking about deep stuff on the first date?" He rolls his eyes when Harry responds with a cheeky smile.
"Well, thinking about a future with you turns me on, honestly."
He snorts to a chuckling Harry.
They continue to eat in silence, enjoying their treats while they sit there and watch people going on and about in the funfair. There's a couple walking pass them, the Omega tucked safely at the Alpha's side while they head away to the Love Tunnel. Louis internally scoffs. What's so romantic about being in the dark with your date? They can't even see each other!
He finishes his candy and turns to see Harry licking away the last taste of his own candy off of his fingers. Desire shoots through Louis and he gets the urge to kiss Harry. Looking at the way Harry's tongue peeks out to lick away at the sugary residue on his thumb courses shivers down Louis' spine. He lets his mind drift away and wonders how it would probably feel to have Harry's plump lips moving against his own. Louis could've cried when he realises how badly he wants Harry to kiss him.
Louis tries keeping it cool, sucking in a deep breath to maintain his composure while he finishes what's left of his candy before getting up and walking over to a nearby trash can to dispose of the small cone. Harry grows to his feet to copy Louis when the Omega takes his seat. When Harry is settled beside Louis once again, he realises how close Harry is. Their shoulders are brushing slightly, making Louis' toes curl with the spark it sends across his body.
He turns to Harry with a smile, trying to maintain his composure. His attempt goes to waste because the smile on his face drops the moment he moves his head. Louis blinks and Harry's just...there. Harry's so close, they're almost breathing in the same air, staring down at Louis with those magical green orbs. Louis momentarily forgets how to breathe, his lungs constricting and his mouth parts to suck in air. The smell of Harry's cologne fills his nose, making his thoughts swirl in the delicious scent as Harry inches closer.
"Lou?" The Alpha asks when his nose brushes gently against Louis'.
"Yeah?" His hands sweat a little, his heart racing beneath his skin as his eyes flit to Harry's mouth. In the midst of it, his tongue peeks out a little, wetting his lips. Harry's gaze follows the motion, and the corner of those plump lips twitches.
Harry's hand is huge when it comes up to run slender fingers across Louis' cheek before the palm cups the side of his face. He shivers a little at the touch, eyes falling shut and leaning slightly into it. Harry's thumb hovers on his lips, and when Harry speaks, Louis can feel his breath on his face. "Can I kiss you?"
"God, yes please." Louis gasps, and before he can take another breath, Harry's mouth is on him. He immediately clings to the Alpha, hands gripping on Harry's biceps while his lips nibble on Harry's. His head spins, his heart kick starting as they tilt their heads to the side, fitting their mouth more perfectly together.
Harry holds his head a little tighter, coaxing Louis' mouth open with gentle caress of his lips, sucking gently on the flesh and pulling the Omega closer. Louis can feel Harry's body warmth radiating off of him, and he willingly closes off their distance in favour of moulding his front to Harry's until he's plastered against Harry's chest. An arm curls around him and he feels the palm of Harry's hand pressing at the middle of his back.
Every thought in his head washes away and his brain screams nothing but Harry, their kiss, and their shared warmth. If they were standing, Louis would probably fall because being here in this embrace makes his knees go weak even when he's sitting down.
Harry makes to pull back but Louis whimpers, his small hand reaching up to tangle his fingers in the soft curls and gripping before tugging Harry down again. Their lips meet with Harry's stretched into a smile. Louis kisses him again and again, enough to leave them both panting but keeping it sweet.
When they do part, Louis does so flushing with embarrassment. "Oops, sorry." He quickly retracts all his limbs and scoots away so that there's a distance between them.
"Oh, Lou. Don't be embarrassed." Harry coos, shuffling close to kiss Louis' cheek. "I like kissing you too." He tells him with a bright smile.
Louis ducks his head, cheeks heating up. "Yeah?"
"Yeah." He nods eagerly. To prove his point, he kisses Louis again.
Louis blushes with a smile when he pulls away, lips still tingling. "Okay." He responds. He grips Harry's face, drawing him into another kiss. Though it's more like a clashing of teeth since they are both giggling. "Come on, you dork. Let's get on the swinger."
"What about Teddy?" Harry asks like he's genuinely upset about leaving his plush bear behind.
"There's got to be lockers here somewhere. We can put it there." Louis replies, getting up and brushing his bum.
Harry's face twists in disagreement. "He won't fit in there. Maybe we should put him in the car."
"Okay, okay. Come on." He offers a hand, and Harry gladly takes it. Once he's stable on his feet, he grabs the huge plush toy and hugs it to his chest as if it's the most valuable object to him. It's a ridiculous sight. The bear is almost as big as he is.
It makes Louis giggle a little. He knows Harry tries to be dominant and as hot as it is, Louis prefers it when he's just himself. "Hey, Harry?"
"Yeah, Lou?" Harry responds, already skipping away with Louis trailing behind him.
"Never stop being you."
Harry pauses, gives him a brilliant smile then proceeds to continue skipping.
Louis might already be in love.
"It's so beautiful." Louis says in awe, looking at the view below them as they spin to the top of the Ferris Wheel. Harry is seated beside him, more satisfied with Louis as his view instead of the magnificent one around them.
"You're beautiful." The Alpha sighs, lips stretched so wide he looks like a frog.
Louis rolls his eyes, but grins happily at the compliment. "You're such a sap."
"Well, my mother taught me to always say the truth." Harry quips, dimples still in view.
The Omega laughs, scooting closer to Harry until their thighs and knees touch. He released a happy sigh and leans his head on his shoulder. "I'm having such a good time tonight."
"Yeah?" Harry nudges the top of Louis' head gently with his cheek. He takes Louis' hand and hold it in his palm while his other one starts to draw insignificant abstract at the back of the small, dainty hand. "I told you that you'd have a good time."
"I know."
"Being with you is so easy, it makes me wonder where you've been all my life." Harry murmurs, drawing a heart. It warms Louis' own.
"Probably avoiding you." He says in response to what Harry said. "God knows how many unfunny jokes you've made tonight."
"Heyyyyy." Harry exclaims. "You laughed every single time!"
Louis snorts, shifting his head and looking up at Harry. "Yeah, well, the only reason for that is probably because I like you. Or I would've given you so much shit."
Harry cackles quietly. "Then it's probably a good thing that I really like you too."
"Really?" Louis pretends to widen his eyes, lifting a hand and poking at Harry's dimple.
"That would probably explain why you were staring at me like a creep just now."
Harry smiles, his eyes glued to the way Louis' mouth moves when he talks. "Well, my way of flirting is to stare until said person likes me back." He licks his lips.
Louis leans closer, eyes flicking to Harry's mouth. "That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard."
"I'm sitting here with you, about to be kissing you. You can't say it doesn't work." Harry smirks, every word he lets out blows warmly against Louis' face.
"Shut up and kiss me, you fool."
Harry continues by surging forward and connecting their lips, breathing in the overwhelming scent of the Omega. He wastes no time fitting his hand at Louis' waist, pulling him close until they're sharing warmth. Harry's lips are so soft and he kisses him so gently, so sweetly that it gives Louis a headache, his lips are so full and plump and they fit perfectly over Louis' own.
If someone told Louis a few days ago he would willingly be in an Alpha's embrace while enjoying kissing said Alpha, he would probably throw his shoe at them. And yet here he is, his little fingers dancing across Harry's skin while they quietly giggle into the kiss.
He doesn't know why they were laughing, but being with Harry makes him so happy he just wants to burst into giggles all the damn time and maybe that's why. Harry's still kissing him and his arms feel so good and strong around him so Louis doesn't really give it a thought. He's never felt this happy in his entire life.
He thinks - and hopes - that everything is about to change.
"So, do you have any siblings?" Harry asks while they walk around at the funfair. Both of them are done with the rides; they didn't get on all of them but somehow Louis thinks it's fine not to. He'd rather talk more with Harry.
"Yeah. I've got four little sisters."
Harry pauses for a moment in his step, widening his eyes excitedly. "Four?"
Louis can't help but chuckle at his reaction. "Yes, four."
"That's so exciting! You have a big family." Harry gushes.
"Well.." Louis ducks his head. "Maybe you can meet them sometimes. But then again, they're really a handful."
Harry shrugs. "I don't mind. I love kids. Can't wait to visit you at the nursery too." He says again, the idea of it already making him happy.
"Yeah, I'm sure the children would love to meet the popular Harry Styles." Louis teases with a crinkled eyes smile.
"I don't think they'd know me, to be honest. I'm not a pop star."
Louis hums. "Well, maybe you should be. You sure do have the image."
Harry chuckles, shaking his head and casually wrapping an arm around Louis as they walk. When he pulls him close, Louis is nothing but pleased. "I'm not sure if I want to take a step into that path. It's already hard enough leaving Marcel and Edward behind." Then he turns to Louis. "Soon, I'd have you to be left behind too."
"Who says I'm letting you leave me behind?" Louis challenges with a smirk, raising his eyebrows.
Harry bursts out laughing. "Okay.... The only place I'm leaving you behind is the hotel room, then." He dimples again.
Louis laughs along with him, nudging Harry's shoulder playfully. Then his eyes settle onto something a few feet in front of them.
The Alpha follows his gaze and smiles. "You want ice cream?"
"Can we?"
"Yeah, sure. Come on." Harry replies, leading him away towards the ice cream booth.
There is a long line queuing for the ice cream, but both of them don't mind since they're content to talk while they wait anyway.
"Do you have other siblings?" Louis asks, turning around in his spot to face Harry. "Apart from Edward and Marcel, that is."
Harry's face brightens. "Yeah! We have an older sister. Her name's Gemma." He makes a thoughtful face. "Now that you've mentioned her, I still haven't told her about you."
Louis smiles, endeared for the countless time. He steps closer, so that his face is almost tucked under Harry's chin. "Are you close with her, then?"
Harry nods, hugging Louis close and pressing his lips to the Omega's forehead. "I'm probably the closest with her. But Edward and her used to pull pranks on me and Marcel when we were little. They used to be a really good team. Edward looks like he's boring, but back then when it comes to teasing and pranking people, he's the first one to step up." He murmurs.
"Yeah? Does he still do that now?"
"Not really. He said he's retired." Harry says and they both cackle quietly.
Louis opens his mouth to speak but halts his speech, letting Harry walk them forward as the line moves. Once they've stopped again, he speaks up. "What happened to the team?"
"Nothing. Apparently me and Marcel are in the team too now that we've grown up. When all four of us are home, my Mum and Robin are the victims." Harry chuckles.
Louis looks at him a little questioningly. "Who's Robin?"
"He's our step-father." Harry tells him with a smile.
"I'm trying to imagine the kind of pranks you pull on your own mother."
"Well, it's nothing too much or too bad. Most of the time, Marcel doesn't bother joining in." Harry thinks for a moment, then bursts out laughing. "Okay, okay." He starts, causing Louis to give him his full attention, not that he hasn't since the past hour. "There was this one time, I think it was on Thanksgiving four years ago. Gemma had a cop come up to our house and arrest her. Like, with the handcuffs and all. The 'cop' looked very serious. Marcel and I weren't involved because apparently Edward thinks it'd be easier to handle if less people were involved." Both of them roll their eyes. "I was losing my shit. I've always known that Gemma was rebellious so it wasn't impossible to have her does something that'd cause her to get arrested. My Mum was crying and Robin was too panicked to even think. Edward was yelling at Gemma asking her what she did and Gemma herself was crying and begging the cop not to take her away." Harry starts laughing again.
Louis lets the Alpha take his time to laugh as he moves them up along the line. "What happened?" Louis asks, trying hard not to laugh too.
"So, the cop was like 'I'm sorry, Ma'am. I need to take your daughter away. She committed a very serious crime.' and Edward was shaking Gemma begging her to tell him what she did so that he can get her out of jail or fight for her in court or something." Harry takes a deep breath. "Then my Mum was grabbing the cop and asking what Gemma did, and you know what he told her?"
Harry bends over after that, laughing so hard and Louis can't help but join along too. "I don't know! What did he say? Tell me!"
The Alpha wipes the tears pooling in his eyes from how hard he's laughing. "He told my Mum, 'Your daughter is a thief, Ma'am! She stole my heart!' And apparently Gemma wanted to introduce her boyfriend to the family. He happens to be a cop."
Both of them share a look and start cackling.
"That's-That is so brilliant!" Louis howls with his laughter. "How did they not laugh?"
"I don't know!" Harry gasps in between laughter. "I think that's why Edward excluded me out. I would've been on the floor laughing before her boyfriend even arrived."
When they're finished laughing, Louis turns to Harry. "How did your Mum react?"
"I think Gemma is still thankful to this day that she wasn't disowned." He grins. "But Mum laughs every single time they bring that story up. It works for a good laugh.
"What else have you done?" Louis questions.
"Well, Gemma and Edward put me in a bunch of boxes to scare our Mum on April Fool's day three years ago. Gemma requested my Mum to find a particular box in the store where I was. When she walks over, I pop out of the box and she screamed so loud that our neighbours came over to check up on us. We're in our twenties but we got grounded." Harry chuckles. "But I know my Mum is secretly glad that we still get on well with each other."
"What did Marcel do?"
"He recorded the whole thing so we could play it during Christmas."
"Your sister sounds so fun." Louis notes.
"She is. You remind me of her, you know." Harry says honestly.
They're getting closer to the ice cream booth now. What Harry said surprises Louis a little and he widens his eyes. "Really?"
"Yeah. She's going to love you." Harry says with full faith. He reaches out for Louis, pulling him close and prompting giggles from the Omega.
Louis relents when Harry bends down to peck him sweetly on the mouth. When they pull away, Louis' happy face immediately turns into a frown as he looks around.
Harry is quick to notice. "What's wrong?"
"People are watching us. And I think I saw two guys with big cameras behind that tree." Louis whispers, trying to point without being obvious.
Only then does Harry takes his gaze away from Louis. And sure enough, people are staring and some are even pulling their phones out. He looks over to the direction that Louis pointed at and has to squint a little but the Omega is correct. There are paps trying to hide behind a big tree. Someone must have noticed Harry and Louis earlier and talked about it somewhere.
"Shit." He mutters quietly. "Do you want to go?"
Louis buries his face into Harry's neck, hoping that his face won't make it into the shot if the paps try to take a picture of them. He nods a little disappointedly. "I want ice cream, first, though."
Harry chuckles. "Yeah, okay." He responds, dropping another kiss on Louis' head. "Sorry. I was hoping we wouldn't get noticed. I should've warned you first, though."
"It's alright." Louis assures, content to be in Harry's hold. "It's not your fault."
"Do you think Edward would kill me if I bring you back home tonight?" Harry asks him while they were on the way home.
Louis laughs from the passenger seat. "I'm sure if he does, he won't be the only one."
"Really? Who else is there to come after my arse?" Harry giggles, taking a bite out of his ice cream. Louis laughs at him when he gets a brain freeze and shudders in the driver seat.
"Alex, my flatmate. You haven't met him yet." The Omega tells him. "He gave Edward the 'parent talk' thing the other day."
"How come Edward gets one and I don't?" Of course, trust Harry to be upset about something like that. Louis wishes he could hate him.
"I think it's because he wants to avoid meeting you in the first place." Louis tells him honestly, biting into his cone. "His girlfriend is a huge fan of yours and I think he doesn't want to explain to her why he gets to see you and she doesn't."
Harry bursts out laughing at that. "Is that so?"
"So no Louis for me tonight?" Harry pouts, watching Louis eat the last bit of his cone and wiping his hands.
Louis mirrors him with a shake of his head, reaching back to grab the huge bear at the back seat and bringing it to the front. He holds it by its arms, moving them around and making hugging actions. "No Louis for you. You can cuddle Teddy, though."
"Would it be creepy if I pretend it's you?"
"Yes, Harold, what kind of a question is that?"
Harry pouts even more. "Why can't you just move in tonight?"
"Even if I do, it's not like you're going to get any cuddle." Lies, lies.
"Do you miss us when you're home?" Harry inquires.
"Harry, I don't even have two days to myself before I have to see you and your brothers again. I couldn't even miss you if I wanted to." replies Louis, rolling his eyes.
The Alpha chuckles. "Would you miss us then, if we're away for long?"
"What do you mean maybe?" Harry looks so offended that Louis bursts out laughing.
Louis sighs happily, reaching forward and pecking Harry's cheek. "Yeah, Haz, I would."
Louis tries to hug the bear but jerks his face back, his nose crinkling. "Please wash this thing once you get home."
"I can't believe I just went on a date with Harry Styles." Louis teases when they reach his door, nudging Harry's shoulder with his own. He receives a bashful smile in response, complete with the precious dimples.
"How did it go, then?" Harry teases back.
Smiling until his eyes disappear, Louis bites on his lower lip. "It was alright."
"You look like that and it was just alright?" Harry pokes at his cheek, making him giggle. "If our date was alright, I wonder how it went with Edward."
Louis feigns a gasp, grabbing Harry's wrist. "Are you insulting your brother?"
"He took you to dinner on the first date!"
"Excuse me, Harold. I did have fun with your brother." Louis steps closer and prods at Harry's middle with a finger. "Unlike you, he doesn't bombard me with knock knock jokes every ten minutes."
Harry laughs, bending over as he tries to swat away Louis' hand. "That's because he's boring."
Louis rolls his eyes, pulling his hands back and instead shamelessly fitting himself against Harry. "Stop talking shit about your brother."
Harry ignores him in favour of wrapping his arms around Louis and kissing his nose. "I'm so glad you're saying yes to us."
"Me too." Louis smiles, nodding. "But let's see if you regret asking later."
"Trust me, we won't." His hands clutch the Omega tighter. "Stop feeling that way, please."
"Thank you for tonight, love." Louis says instead, his arms curling around Harry's neck. "I honestly had a great time. I've forgotten how much fun one can have at a funfair."
"The pleasure's mine, Lou." He murmurs, bending down and softly capturing Louis' lips between his. He pulls him closer until they're flushed against each other.
Louis wonders how his life got turned upside down in just a span of a few days. He knows he's got the triplets to blame, though. But he hopes he won't have it any other way. They change his mind so fast and suddenly being with them is what he wants. Eventhough he hasn't gone for a date with Marcel yet, he knows they're genuine. He doesn't know how to deal with it though; he's super scared, but he knows he wants to try with them.
It's lost to him how long they have been standing there kissing, he's lost in the feeling of Harry's lips brushing against his own. His mind is empty except of the thoughts of the Alpha pressed against him.
"Goodnight." Harry murmurs, their mouths still connected.
"Hmm, you too." He replies, eyes still shut and fingers toying with Harry's curls.
None of them make the move to release each other. Louis takes the advantage and clings to Harry, kissing him again and again until Harry starts giggling and Louis follows suit and they're a couple of idiots giggling in the hallway.
"Goodnight, Louis." Harry bids, his arms falling from around Louis' waist. Louis pouts when the Alpha steps back.
"Goodnight. Sleep well, Harry." He says, face breaking into a smile when Harry pecks him one last time.
He feels so fond when the Alpha literally twirls away and almost bumps into a wall. Louis can't stop the smile when Harry widens his eyes as if saying 'Oops!' and then blowing a kiss at Louis and disappearing at the corner.
Giddy. That's what he is when he steps into the door. And if Alex says anything, he'll throw a shoe at his head.
A/N: Thank you so much for reading! xx
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