Chapter 5

"Alex! I don't know what to wear!" Louis wails from inside his room, standing in front of the pile of clothes on his bed. Numerous types of boxers and underwear lie pathetically on the floor, making him grimace at the sight of his horrendously messy room.

After he got home from the nursery, Louis straight away started digging his closet, pulling out one by one of the clothes he owns until his closet is empty and he still has yet to find a perfectly good outfit to wear. At this point, Louis is thankful enough if he gets to wear a decent outfit. But the problem is, he can't find any. He's tried to match every top with every one of his pants and nothing works. Nothing.

Edward had texted him earlier, telling him to wear something nice since they're going to have dinner. Everything he has is too casual and none of them look even slightly right. And now Louis is shitting his pants trying to work out a perfect attire.

It won't do any good at all if he just has a mental breakdown right now. He wonders what kind of picture it would be if Edward arrives only to find Louis rocking back and forth on the floor. The desire to just curl up and bawl about everything threatens to overcome but Louis strives to keep his mental health in check. He needs to go on this date. He has to.

But one glance at the mountain of fabrics again and Louis is pulling at his hair, screaming.

"Where's the fire?" Alex asks, calmly striding past the door without any care about the state of Louis' room. He walks over to the bed and wordlessly sits on the pile.

"Alex. Nothing works. I'm going to call Edward and cancel the date. This is not working out." The Omega says hurriedly, clearly a breath away from full blown panicking. "I'm going to die."

"You're not." Alex drawls, crossing his legs.

Louis slides onto the floor, sighing dejectedly. "I'm going to cancel the date. And we're not going to mate. We're never going to get married and I'm never going to get my litter of puppies. The whole world is going to crash. People are gonna die!"

"Always so dramatic." Alex rolls his eyes, shifting on the pile and pulling out one cloth at a time, observing it and shaking his head before tossing it behind him without a care. Louis watches him with remorse, trying not to cry.

"Well, you have nothing to wear, it turns out." The flat mate says observantly once he's finished going through Louis' clothes. The mountain of clothes has been reduced to nothing, instead they are now scattered around on the floor. Louis barely remembers the colour of his carpet.

"Wow, you're so sharp." Louis retorts back dryly. He pouts and goes back to mourning while he hugs his knees to his chest.

Alex makes a disapproving sound, getting off of the bed and walking over to where his friend is sitting pathetically. He grips the back of Louis' shirt, hauling the Omega to his feet and dragging him out of the room.

"Are you kicking me out because I'm failing horribly even before the first date?" Louis asks, as if already accepting his fate as he slouches down while he trails behind his friend.

Alex shoots him a punch on the arm. He almost wants to aim Louis' neck. "No, you tit. Shut up. You're going to borrow my clothes instead."

"Sorry I can't afford nice clothes. I'm poor as fuck."

"No, you're not. The clothes you deserve are just too expensive."

When they reach Alex's room, Louis immediately helps himself to drop down on Alex's bed while the owner of the room heads for the furniture that holds his fashionable clothes. Louis can't lie that he's had times where he's jealous that Alex can always afford to buy more stylish outfit and other stuff Louis really wants but is financially incapable of. But then he remembers that the money he could've used to buy those things are being used to make his mother happy and that's enough to make him content with life.

Alex pulls out a dark blue short sleeved shirt. He's never seen his friend wear that before. Louis wonders why. It's a nice one.

"Here. I bought this when I went shopping with my Mum once. Purchased it just because she insisted. Said it looked nice on me." Alex makes a face. "I disagree at all circumstances. I look terrible in this colour, mate." He pauses, smiling at Louis. "But I know this would look good on you. So put this on. I want you to have it."

Louis sits up. "Al, I can't take this. It looks expensive, must've cost you a fortune." He shakes his head, but reaches out to touch it and feel the material when Alex brings it over to the bed.

"Nah, that doesn't matter. I don't need it."

"I'll buy it from you, then." Louis tries to negotiate.

Alex glares at him. "Nonsense."

Louis' protest dies in his throat when Alex quickly spins around to get back to his clothes again. The blue eyed Omega smiles timidly, smoothing down the blue dress shirt he's holding and admiring it quietly. "Thank you, Alex."

His friend makes a non-committal sound before pulling out a pair of black pants. "Hah! Here it is. Perfect!" Alex quickly walks over to Louis and throwing it on his face. "Come on, come on, put them on." He glances at his watch. "Mr Styles is going to be here in twenty minutes."

Louis widens his eyes, scrambling to get onto his feet. He holds the shirt away from his body while he moves, trying not to cause any crease. Then he runs to the toilet to put it on.

When Louis walks back out, he doesn't look too happy. "Alex, I can barely walk in this." He points to the trousers he's wearing. It hugs his legs nicely, perfectly showing his curves and his thighs.

"Stop being so dramatic. You walk just fine." Alex says, a hint of excitement visible in his voice as he claps his hands together. "Now turn around. Show me that arse."

Louis is about to obey, until he hears the second sentence. "Wha- Hey!"

"Just turn around."

"Pervert." Louis grumbles, but spins on his heels regardless. His head twists back, trying to see Alex's reaction.

Alex makes happy sounds. "Yes. Perfect. I want you to wear this for the date with each of the triplets."

Louis stands to face his friend again. "Alex, I feel naked in this. I'm not going on a date with Edward wearing this!" He hisses, shuffling on his spot.

"But, Lou! That arse deserves the attention this kind of pants would attract."

Louis rolls his eyes. "They get attention no matter what I wear, Al."

"See?" Alex cheers. "You know your arse is bomb."

"And this would only bring more attention." Louis huffs, crossing his arms.

Alex waves his hand. "Aren't you all about that testing the Alphas on dates? Just consider wearing this as a test for them." He winks. "I know you revel in the attention your bum gets."

Louis knows that trying to argue with Alex and his non-logical argument would only get him nowhere, so he settles with rolling his eyes.

"How are you doing your hair, then?"


The doorbell rings.

"Alex, oh my God, Alex he's here!" Louis panics, fixing his quiff again.

"Calm down, he's here to take you out on a date, not to ask for your hand in marriage. That'll come later. Breathe." Alex assures, rubbing small circles on Louis' back.

Everything he says flies completely over Louis' head, of course. And the Omega continues hyperventilating in front of the mirror.

"Come on, Lou. You look good." Alex pats his back. "Get yourself together. I'll get the door."

Louis stares intently at his reflection in the mirror once Alex is gone. "Come on, Tommo. You can do this." He waits until his breath is even, giving his quiff one last touch before he exits the room.

He hears faint voices that slowly grow clearer as he approaches the kitchen. It seems that Alex has invited Edward in.

"You're going to bring him home in one piece?" He hears Alex asks. Louis immediately frowns, wondering what Alex is up to.

Edward clears his throat. "Yeah. Of course."

"Make sure no Alpha disturbs him, alright? Break a hand if you need to, a neck even. Nobody touches my son."

Louis wants to slam his head into the nearest wall but he spent five minutes shaping his quiff, so he aborts that idea.


"If Louis doesn't walk through that door this evening looking like he's got the best Christmas present ever, I won't let you see him again." Alex warns the Alpha. At times like this, Louis thinks that the lad probably forgets he's a Beta.

Louis wonders if Edward is considering cancelling their date. He also wonders if he'll scare Edward away if he storm into the kitchen and punch Alex in the face.

When Edward is silent, Louis takes the chance to step in and stop his crazy overprotective friend.

He walks around the corner and clears his throat, making the two people in the kitchen turn to him. Edward's mouth twitches when he sees Louis, and the subtle way the Alpha runs his eyes down Louis' figure doesn't go unnoticed. It makes the Omega blush pleasantly.

Both Edward and Alex stand up, the latter trying to observe Edward's reaction to seeing Louis.

"Hi." Louis says shyly, face tinted a faint shade of red. He can barely meet Edward's eyes. What's wrong with him? Yesterday he's teasing Edward and today he can't even look at him without blushing.

"Hi." Edward parrots softly.

Alex clears his throat unnecessarily loudly, addressing Edward when he talks. "Remember what I said?"

Edward just nods. "Yes."

"Alex, I'm murdering you in your sleep." Louis gives him a sinister smile, really wishing he could stab his friend right now.

Alex's smile is lopsided as the three of them start walking out of the kitchen. "You know I'm just worried about you, sweetie."

"Fuck off." Louis replies, but he's smiling as he stops at the door. Edward brushes past him, walking out first and leaving the two friends to say their goodbye.

"Have fun, okay? You know I'm on speed dial if anything happens." He smooths down the fabric resting on Louis' shoulder, shooting a sly look at Edward who raises his eyebrows in reply.

Louis rolls his eyes as he grabs his coat and puts it on. "I know, it's my phone. Don't expect any call, though."

Alex points his tongue out and Louis mirrors him. Such mature adults, the two of them.

"Don't wait up for me." Louis says, giving Alex a brief hug before stepping back.

Alex nods. "I love you, but not enough to sacrifice my beauty sleep. Have fun."

Louis laughs, closing the door on his way out. Edward is patiently waiting for him, hands crossed behind his back with a straight posture. It makes him smile fondly as he approaches the man.

"Ready to go?" Edward asks, tilting his head to the side.

Louis didn't manage to truly observe him when they were back inside, afraid that Alex would tease him. But now that they're alone in the hallway, he briefly checks him out, appreciating the view. Edward wears a dark brown jumper with black jeans. His long, curly hair falls beautifully down the side of his face, making him look a little angelic when he's looking at Louis like that. God, he's so beautiful. And his outfit probably cost Louis' six months worth of salary.

"Like what you see?" Edward says mischievously with a smirk, cocking an eyebrow.

"Guilty." Louis ducks his head, smiling timidly with a blush.

Edward steps closer. "Yeah? Probably not as much as I like what I see, though."

"Really, now?" Louis asks, chuckling. He takes a deep breath, then grabs Edward's hand as they start walking. Edward stiffens a little, but then intertwines their fingers. The Alpha's hand feels so big wrapped up around his own, and Louis finds that so hot but also heartwarming.

When they reach the car - Edward has decided to bring the Audi - Louis feels himself suddenly being pushed against the passenger door. The cold metal pressed along his back makes him shiver, but the warmth engulfing around him a second later makes up for it.

Edward is cupping his face before he can react, and Louis' eyes fall shut even before soft lips press against his. He hums into the close lipped kiss, his arms curling around Edward's body as he pulls the man closer.

The scent filling his head makes his heart elate and he smiles, tilting his head. Edward's hand brushes around to cup the side of his neck, his thumb rubbing soothingly on his skin while their lips work together in a soft, greeting kiss.

Edward pecks him once before pulling back. "Couldn't do that with your parent around." He smirks.

Louis groans at that. "I swear he's not always that weird. He's just trying to look out for me." He keeps his arms around Edward. "I don't think you should take his warning too lightly, though."

"Yeah, yeah. I'm glad he's concerned about you."

Louis shrugs.

"Have you got everything, then?" Edward questions.

Louis releases one of his arms around Edward in order to pat down his own body to make sure that he's got everything. When he's certain that he's left nothing behind, his arm returns to where it was holding his date. "Yeah."

Edward is a little sceptical. "Really?"


"Got your phone?"


"Your wallet?


Edward's playful face turns into a disapproving frown. "Why do you have your wallet with you? It's not like you're paying for anything."

That prompts an eyeroll from the Omega. "Well, still have to bring my ID, don't I?"

"What else.." Edward taps his foot on the ground, trying to think. "What about your pepper spray? Do you have it?"

Louis frowns in confusion. "No..." He pauses. "Why would I need it? I have you to protect me."

"Yeah. But what do you have to protect you against me?"

The Omega raises his eyebrows. "Are you going to try to do anything stupid?"

Edward shrugs. "I won't." He says. "But if I were to, how would you protect yourself?"

Louis lasts a second before he bursts out laughing. He's still laughing when he grabs Edward by the collar and tugs him down until their lips crash together. Edward kisses him back, unable to do it properly because he's grinning.

"What's funny?" He asks, kissing the Omega again.

Louis shakes his head. "Nothing. I just don't think you'd ever do anything I won't want you to." He murmurs. "I trust you."

"That's quite bold of you to be trusting an Alpha you barely know."

"Well, said Alpha has made zero attempt to touch my bum so far, so I'm pretty sure I can trust my instinct." Louis shrugs.

Edward's face immediately twists into a disgusted expression, and he holds the Omega tighter. "They do that?"

Louis ducks his head, burying his face at Edward's collarbone. He presses his nose there and hums a reluctant confirmation.

"On the first date?"

He sighs, pressing his face further into Edward's neck.

"What the fuck."

Louis pulls back. "Forget it. They never succeed anyway." He assures.


"Yes, good. Now, don't we have a date to get to?"

"Yeah, come on." He tugs Louis to his chest so he could open the door for him. "I think we're running late for our reservation."

"Thank you." Louis says as he enters the car, the door closing behind him before Edward walks around the front and gets into the driver seat.

Edward pulls out of the parking space, his nose scrunching up when he looks at the building. "I can't wait to take you out of this dump."

"Hey!" Louis says, offended. "This dump provided my place to live for the past five years.

"I'm sorry, kitten. But you deserve better than this." He still looks disapprovingly at the flat while they drive away.

Louis harrumphs. "Rich bastards."

"Don't be upset."

He only pouts in response, then asks instead. "Where are we going?"

Edward gives him an amused look but Louis ignores him. The Alpha has no choice but to answer. "You'll love it."

"You sound so certain." Louis shoots back.

His companion smirks when he looks over to Louis.

The way Edward is looking at him is almost too much to bear, so Louis casts his eyes down for a moment, thinking of changing the topic.

"So, um, do Niall and his husbands live far from you three?"

"Not really. They're just ten minutes away. At first, they lived in the city. But Liam complained that we're too far away from them, so Zayn bought a house on a lot that's closer to us but still near the town. They visit us almost everyday; especially in the weekend. God knows I'm tired of looking at their stupid faces."

"That's so nice, to have friends that are that close."

"Yeah, it helps that they are just nearby. If anything happens, we're there for each other."

Louis thinks of what Alex said yesterday and quickly tries to bring it up. He's not really sure how he can talk about it without sounding like he stalked the triplets when the truth is that his best friend's girlfriend just has unnecessary extensive knowledge involving them. "So, um... I understood that you're filthy rich." Okay, that just makes him sound like a gold digger.

"I hope that's not the entire reason you're letting us court you." Edward seems to be thinking the same thing too.

Louis scoffs. "Excuse me, if I wanted an Alpha because of their fortune I would've been sitting on a throne made of gold right now." Okay maybe that was an over exaggeration, but whatever.

"Fair point."

"So you're the boss of Cox Corporation? Like, you own several hotels, then? And what else do you do? You sell cars too, and boats, right? How old are you even?" Louis asks one question after another, barely giving the Alpha any chance to answer. "I mean, it's bizarre. If you think about it, it's quite hard to brain."

"Calm down." Edward chuckles a little as he holds out a hand, keeping the other hand on the steering wheel. "How did you even know about this?"

Louis widens his eyes a little, shifting further into his seat. "Well..... Alex's girlfriend is sort of...a fan of Harry? And she apparently knows a lot about the three of you?"

Edward seems surprised by that. "Even me?"

"Yeah. Alex said that she's mainly interested in Harry but apparently that also sometimes involves you and Marcel." Louis makes a face. "Alex is the one who told me about what you do." He pauses, his face sceptical. "Is Harry really a model?"

Edward chuckles at the thought of his brother. "You would never expect, right?"

"I thought Alex was joking. I mean..."

"Yeah, Harry can be a little....childish at times. But he's good at what he does." Edward says thoughtfully.

Louis nods, smiling fondly at the memories of Harry's giggles. The Alpha always looks so flamboyant, it makes Louis happy just thinking about him.

"We're here." Edward announces as the car slows to a stop. Louis looks around and sure enough, they're parked in front of a building. The valet is already standing by the car, waiting patiently.

The Omega almost screams when he looks at the name of the building. "Edward? We're eating here? Oh God, this place is so expensive! I'm not even wearing a suitable attire. I can't let you pay for me if we're eating here!" He panics in the passenger seat, looking at Edward in alarm.

"Calm down, kitten. You don't always have to put on a tux or dress up just because you want to eat at a hotel. I'm wearing a jumper, for goodness' sake." He shrugs. "Besides, we're not paying for anything."

"Wha-What?" Louis asks, dumbfounded.

"This hotel belongs to me." Edward says casually. It makes Louis want to throw a shoe at his head. He says that so casually, as if he's talking about the weather.

Louis wants to panic but he should've expected this so he just sighs heavily. "This is going to mess with my sanity."

Edward smiles reassuringly and holds up a finger as he gets out of the car. Louis understands it as a signal for him to stay in his seat while the Alpha walks around the car to open the door for him.

"You look good, by the way." Edward says when he's closing the door after Louis has climbed out.


"Just need to say that again." Edward murmurs as he wraps an arm around Louis' waist and starts walking, leading his date towards the entrance. The valet bows a little when they walk pass, and Edward nods in acknowledgement.

"Thank you, I guess." Louis bites on his lower lip, turning red again.

"You look like you don't believe me."

"Leave me alone." Louis can't help but poke at his side, pairing it with a glare.

Edward rolls his eyes a little, but smiles as they headed to the lift.


"I feel out of place." Louis confesses once they are seated at a table and their orders are taken. He looks around, a grimace slowly taking place on his face while he squirms back in his seat. Edward rests a hand on top of Louis' on the table, simultaneously cutting the Omega's attention back to him. His face relaxes slightly but there is still tension hiding beneath the muscles in his jaw.

"Don't worry. Nobody minds. I'm wearing casual."

"But..." He inhales sharply. "People were gawking at us when we entered. That's quite the contrary of what you said, Mr. Styles."

The Alpha chuckles. "Oh princess, did you think they were staring because of what you're wearing?"

Louis shamefully nods, his teeth gnawing on his lip.

"You're actually quite right." He cocks his head to the side, pressing a fist to his cheek and resting on his elbow. The picture is so hot and it's messing up Louis' brain. He carefully saves it at the back of his mind, one to be refreshed when he'd be having a wank.

What Edward said finally catches up and Louis ducks his head.

"But not for that reason." Edward quickly says when he sees Louis' reaction.

"What do you mean?" Louis is confused now. And really embarrassed too. If what Edward said is true, he desperately wants to go somewhere else, please. Maybe a cheap diner, somewhere that is in his element.

"Let me just say that.... your outfit today really compliments your assets." The Alpha clears his throat, smirking a little.

"Oh." The Omega breathes, the gears turning in his head. A small smile tickles at the edge of his mouth, and he relents as he looks at Edward again.

Edward shifts, suddenly sitting straight. The focus of his sight is the man sitting in front of him, and he doesn't plan to look away any time soon. "So, um.. Tell me about yourself, Louis."

"God, what is this? A job interview?" Louis complains, placing his hands on the table as his posture starts to relax. "What is there to know about me anyway?"

"Tell me anything, what do you like to do?"

Louis pretends to ponder for a moment. "Well, I like football."

Edward raises his eyebrow before one side of his mouth crooks up. "Any good?"

"I'm quite good, if I say so myself. Are you?"

Edward shrugs. "I don't really play much, but Marcel's really good."

"And Harry?" Louis asks, really interested.

The oldest triplet purses his lips, shaking his head. "Poor bloke doesn't stand a chance. He's not even in control of his limbs."

Louis giggles, trying to imagine Harry with his long legs attempting to play football. "I think he's got two left feet!"

"Yeah, yeah, exactly." Edward agrees, laughing a little as he nods his head and brushes his hair back.

They are interrupted momentarily by the waiter swinging by and pouring them wine before another one comes and serves them their meal.

"You still haven't answered my question, though." Louis says after the waiters have gone.

Edward's eyebrows shoot up. "Which one is that?"

"When we were in the car. Your age?"

"Oh. Is that so vital?" The Alpha scrunches up his face, teasing. He sips on his wine, prompting Louis to mirror him. Louis doesn't want to think about how much it costs.

"I don't know, I'm just curious."

"We reached twenty five a few days ago."

Louis' eyes widen. "What? I thought you were older than me."

"How old are you?"

"I'll be twenty seven this December." He grumbles. "And here I thought I'd be having the sugar daddies I've always dreamed of."

Edward laughs quietly. "I'm sorry, no sugar daddies for you."

"Seems so." Louis pretends to sigh in disappointment.

"If it makes you feel better, we are richer than six sugar daddies combined. If you want anything, just ask for it and you shall receive."

"I'm not materialistic, Edward." Louis glares.

Edward rolls his eyes, tugging his sleeves back a little before he picks up the cutleries. "Then what do you need a sugar daddy for?"

"I don't know, it seems fun." He mutters, the way his lower lip is jutting out slightly makes him look a little petulant.

Louis picks up his forks and they start eating in peace then, both of them taking a bite and relishing the delicious taste of flavours exploding on their tongues.

Louis clears his throat quietly when the silence has stretched for quite some time, making him a little uneasy albeit it's not uncomfortable. He doesn't even know how it happened, maybe he accidentally knocked Edward's leg with his feet when he tried to stretch them below the table but somehow Edward took that as a sign to play footsie and they've been stroking each other's ankles for the past twenty minutes.

He's never done this before, but Louis knows it's appropriate when he keeps sending Edward flirty eyes from across the table when the Alpha's foot brushes up his calf and threatens to go past his knee. Edward reacts to his sultry looks with a smirk, taking his feet away.

Then Louis carefully reaches out, brushing his toes up the Alpha's leg. Edward doesn't even look at him, eating his steak and looking around as if the tip of Louis' feet isn't poking inside the hem of his pants. Louis' heart beats faster when his toe touches soft skin underneath, caressing gently.

Edward is still smirking when he looks at Louis. "You're a minx."

Said Omega retracts his limb back to himself and gives Edward a look of pure innocence. "I don't know what you're talking about." He glances at the food sitting in Edward's plate. "Can I have a taste?" of your cock, please.

Oh Lord, where did that even come from?

"Sure, princess." Edward is already cutting a small piece of meat, ready to please his date. Louis brightens as he is offered the speared flesh on the fork.

The Omega leans forward, his mouth falling open before his thin, pink lips enclose down on the cutlery, engulfing the flesh and dragging his lips across the metal while he tugs the meat off the fork with his teeth. Edward watches him intently, enraptured by the way Louis' lips look wrapped around it.

He hears the Alpha's breath hitching as he sits straight again, chewing the meat and making appreciative sounds. "Edward, this is so delicious."

Said Alpha is glaring at Louis, looking like he wants to grab the Omega and throw him onto the table before taking him right there and then. Louis almost entertains the thought, a shiver running down his spine.

"Minx." Edward repeats.

Louis makes a scandalous face, placing a hand on his chest as he swallows. "I feel so attacked right now."

"I'm the one being attacked here." Edward drawls with a roll of his eyes, placing his fork down.

Louis giggles in reply. God, he hates himself.

At his laughter, Edward's glare fades away and he gives Louis a fond look.

"So, has Harry decided when to take you out, then?"

Louis nods with a smile. "Yeah. We're going out on Saturday. He told me to wear something really casual. I'm not sure where he's taking me, though."

"He said he's going to do something fun. I myself can't even tell you what his idea of fun would be this time. The last time he said that to me and Marcel, he took the three of us on a date to ride a bike around a big lake." Edward's nose scrunches up again, trying to hide a smile at the mention of his little brother.

"That is fun!"

"Well, not when you're with those idiots." The scrunching worsens. "Harry and Marcel wanted to see how long they can cycle beside each other while simultaneously making out. Both of them ended up inside the lake."

Louis bursts out laughing, his face brightening as he covers his mouth with the back of his hand.

"Yeah, I made them wait until they're dry before I allow them inside the car. Those imbeciles are not going to ruin my car just because they forgot to use their brain." He pauses, tilting his head to the side. "Again."

"Are you always that mean to them?" Louis tries to sound disapproving, but he only manages to bite on his lips to hide the smile blooming on his face.

Edward hesitates. "Yes."

"Your relationship confuses me. I mean, you're triplets." He starts to say, bringing the topic up out of nowhere.

"Well observed, kitten."

Louis rolls his eyes, choosing to ignore his statement. "But you guys are really....close?"

Edward rests his elbows on the table, leaning forward. "Princess, both of us are mature adults." He chastises with a smirk. "Yes, the three of us fuck. All the time."

"So you've never had an Omega before? Like, the three of you?" Louis asks.

The Alpha shakes his head. "No, you're the first one we are considering to be with. We tried having one individually, it didn't work out."

"But why? It looks like you don't need an Omega. You have each other to satisfy your....need, and I think all of you are content with each other. Why consider an Omega now?"

Edward winces a little; his action is followed with a sigh. "You notice that too... Well, if we're being honest, it's been years and the want or need itself to have an Omega has never came."

"So why the sudden change of mind?"

"Maybe because it's time we find someone."

"When did you start looking?"

"We aren't exactly looking." Edward shrugs. "It's quite complicated. There have been no one that fits."

The Omega leans back, eyes narrowing. "I don't understand. I mean, it doesn't make sense. How come people like the three of you cannot find someone who would want to settle down with you? I mean, it couldn't have been that hard to find Omegas that would want you."

"Trust me, it's not." Edward says, sipping on his wine again. He places the glass back on the table before he continues. "It's just, it's quite rare to find an Omega that would want to be with three Alphas."

Louis hums softly to himself. "Couldn't have been that hard then, since you've found one sitting in front of you now."

"Yeah, just so happen to be our luck." Edward smiles. Then his face twists again. "The Omegas usually would be attracted to one of us, but the moment we propose our idea of relationship, they just back out. I don't blame them for it. The idea of it is quite hard to process when you're an Omega for three Alphas."

"Yeah, I agree." He nods slowly.

Silence falls upon them for a moment, and Louis takes that moment to take another bite out of his meal.

Then he speaks again. "But, why me?"

Edward pauses cutting his steak, his eyes adverting to the Omega again. "What?"

Louis shifts on his seat, fixing his fringe. "Why do you suddenly want to court me?"

The Alpha laughs quietly, deciding to release his cutleries and lean back too. "I didn't think you'd ask that."

"Why not?" Louis laughs too, his eyes crinkling.

Edward shakes his head. "We're courting you because we want to."

He quiets down, but his smile stays. "Okay."

An eyebrow quirks up at that. "You're not going to push for it?"

He receives a shrug in response at that, Louis turning back to his plate. "Maybe one day you'll tell me."



Louis raises his eyebrows when he looks out the window and sees the lake laid out in front of them. It's quite dark, the pathway circling the natural beauty but the moon does a fair job lighting up the surrounding.

He turns to Edward, about to ask why they're here. But he barely gets a word out because it dies in his throat when Edward's not even in the car anymore. A second later, his door opens and Edward offers a hand to him. Louis smiles, taking it and the Alpha helps him out.

They silently start to walk along towards the lake, the grass crunching softly underneath their feet with every step that they take until they reach the stone path.

"So.." Louis starts after a few moment of wordless travel. "What are we doing here?"

Edward pauses in his track, stopping Louis too. "Why? You don't like it here?" He questions, his green eyes widening a little.

"No, no, I'm fine." Louis says, tilting his head to the side and his lips involuntarily stretch into an amused smile. "Didn't take you for someone who'd take their date to a place like this."

Edward shrugs, and they continue walking again. It's a little deserted; Louis can hear the crickets, the frogs, and the water. It's really serene. Louis really likes it, glad that Edward's decided to bring him here.

"I don't know, can't really decide where to take you. Then I remembered this lake so I just drove here." He murmurs. "Have you had a date at a lake before?"

Louis shakes his head. "Nope. You're the first one to take me." He teases, nudging Edward's shoulder lightly.

Edward snickers a little, shoving a hand into his pocket. "Very creative."

"No, I like it." Louis tells him, subtly circling his arm around Edward's.

"It's quite weird, isn't it?"


"Dates." Edward makes a face. "I mean, I've never really understood what it's about."

"Well, you get to know each other." Louis tells him.

"And then once you do? What do people go out on dates for after that?" Edward asks.

Louis frowns, going along when Edward changes their direction and heads towards a bench instead. "To spend time together." Then his face clears out. "Besides, I don't think you'd ever truly know someone. Even if you've known them your whole life, there's always going to be something new you'll figure out everyday."

Edward nods as they stop in front of the bench, languidly sitting down and bringing Louis with him. "Fair point."

"Don't you go out on dates with Marcel or Harry?" Louis questions, shifting so that he's pressed up against the Alpha.


"What do you do usually, then?"

Edward sighs, leaning back into his seat. "Well.." He licks his lips before starting. "We go for ice creams, and movies, whatever Harry feels like doing."

"Wait, so you just go out whenever Harry wants to do something?" Louis narrows his eyes.

"Not really. Sometimes I take Marcel out to watch the hockey games that he wants." He thinks for a moment then adds: "It's usually Harry who'd suggest we go out. Sometimes if Marcel feels bored, he'd urge us to go for dates too."

Louis makes a distressed sound and crosses his arms. "Do I have to teach you about dates? For goodness' sake."

"What do you mean?" Edward looks attacked at Louis' statement.

The Omega laughs. "If this works out, I'll take you out on lots of dates."


Louis lets out a contented sigh. And when Edward lifts his arm up and curls it around the Omega, Louis wastes no time leaning into Edward's space, resting his head on his shoulder.

"Do you want children, Edward?" Louis doesn't know where that question comes from, and neither does he know why he's being blunt. But he is curious about it, and it's out there anyway.

Edward hums beside him, thinking. "I haven't really thought about it." He says quietly. Louis leaves his statement hanging because he sounds like he isn't finished. "But maybe one day, yeah."

"That's great."

"Do you?" Edward asks him.

"What, want children?"

Edward nods.

"Yeah." Louis' eyes twinkle a little. "I love kids. That's why I work at the nursery. They bring me so much happiness, and I've always loved taking care of them. Been doing so with my little sisters anyway."

Edward can't help but smile at that, at the adoration on Louis' face. "How much would you want then?"

Louis shrugs, his eyes almost disappearing with the effect of his smile. "I don't know. As much as possible. The least is four."

Edward's eyes widens. "Four?" Then he laughs. "That's quite a lot for a minimum."

Louis can't help but join his laughter. "Well, what can I say? I love children."

"Harry does too." Edward tells him. "Having a big litter does sound fun."

"Well, maybe you need an Omega after all." Louis smirks, nudging Edward's shoulder with his cheek.

The Alpha grins at his cheekiness, nodding and pursing his lips. "I didn't say otherwise." He looks down at Louis. "But even if I don't, I'd still want one. Especially after I met you."


Louis' heart gladly flutters in his heart, and a wide smile stretches his mouth that his face hurts with it. "Smooth, Alpha."

Something in Edward's face changes a little at that. And Louis is worried he'd said something wrong, but Edward just pulls him closer. "I like that."

"What?" Louis questions, a hand brushing up from Edward's chest to his neck. "Me calling you Alpha?"

Edward raises his eyebrows in confirmation, prompting Louis to chuckle.

"Yeah, I can get used to that." Louis claims softly as Edward leans down. He's still smiling when their lips meet and Louis wonders when he's suddenly so accustomed to kissing this often. In fact, he wants it. Always wants Edward's mouth against him.

It doesn't feel like a chore, kissing Edward. Everything is so smooth and relaxing and Louis doesn't have to think to do it. He just does and it feels good and he likes it. Even Edward's arms around him doesn't feel encaging, just warm and reassuring.

It's been so long since he's felt this way, this comfortable around an Alpha and he can barely remember the last time he felt the same.

Edward's hand feels so huge pressing in the middle of his back. Louis likes that. It's so hot, their difference in size. He presses himself closer as Edward gently sucks on Louis' lower lip, making the Omega sigh a little.

His body is growing hotter by the second and Louis grips Edward tighter, his tongue sneaking out and running experimentally along Edward's lip.

The Alpha pulls back and chuckles when Louis tries to follow his mouth, licking his own lips. "Whoa, slow down, tiger."

Louis frowns and gives him a pout.

"Don't do that." Edward presses his thumb at the corner of Louis' lips, rubbing small circles. "Don't give me that face, please."

When Louis doesn't relent, he pecks him. Then does it again, and again until Louis slaps his chest and bursts out laughing.

"You're so annoying." Louis says, trying to glare at him but failing miserably.

Edward gives him a crooked smile, then leans forward to capture his mouth again. Louis gladly responds to the kiss, cradling Edward's face with both of his hands when it grows more passionate.

"You know.." Louis says when they pull back again, his smile doesn't seem to be disappearing anytime soon. "You remind me again why kissing is fun."

Edward scoffs. "Must have been boring Alphas you were with, then."

"Probably." He agrees, nodding his head. He allows one second to pass between them before he's tugging Edward close again. "Is it normal to like kissing someone this much?" He whispered, his bottom lip touching Edward's when he speaks.

Edward makes a non-comittal sound, using his thumb to press against Louis' mouth. It caught his attention, how swollen the Omega's lips are. And he wants to add much more to it. "All I know is that I'm addicted to your kisses."

"As am I." Louis murmurs, gasping a breath before he's pressing forward again.

All the cliched thing he's ever read about the feeling of kissing someone and all the sparks flying that used to be bullshit to him are suddenly not myths anymore.

Louis knows he's falling, especially with the way that he's only on the first date with the first triplet and it's already making those movie scenes come true for Louis. He's scared, shitless. But with this, he'll take the chance. He's falling hard and he's going freely. He's taking the risk. Maybe instead of hard ground, he'll land in pairs of warm arms instead.


"I had a really great time." Louis says when they're in the car, heading for Louis' flat. The Omega is visibly happy. There's a glint of happiness in Louis' eyes that wasn't there before and he can't seem to stop smiling.

"Me too." Edward nods from the driver seat, making Louis' eyes crinkle even further with how wide he's smiling.

The Omega's hand twitches suddenly, reaching across the console and placing a hand on Edward's thigh. Then he leans over, placing his head on the firm shoulder.

"Hmm? What is this?" Edward questions. Louis doesn't even have to look at him to know that he is grinning. Edward takes a hand off the wheel to place it on Louis', gripping his fingers gently.

The action makes him happy, strengthening the feeling in Louis' heart that this might be it. With his past experience, whenever Louis gets a bit touchy with an Alpha, they'd sometimes take that as an invitation.

He shivers at the memory.

"You alright?" Edward asks in concern, sparing Louis a glance before he focuses on the road again.

Louis smiles, pressing his cheek further into Edward's shoulder. "Yeah. I'm fine." He stares at Edward's huge hand covering his where they lay on Edward's thigh. Louis turns his hand so that his palm is facing up, trying to lace their fingers together. The Alpha wastes no time curling his fingers down, tangling their hands tightly. Louis knows Edward feels it when his heart skips a beat, and a smile blooms on his face when Edward tilts his head so that his cheek is pressed to Louis' hair.

"I like it when your heart does that."

Louis frowns, turning his face so that he's resting his chin on Edward's shoulder. "Do what, exactly?"

The car slows to a stop at a red light and Edward turns to him, barely any space between their faces. Louis doesn't expect it at all when Edward pecks him on the mouth. His pulse jumps.

"That." The little shit smirks and pretend to focus back on the road when the light turns green.

Louis is too embarrassed to say anything. He knows Edward can hear it, doesn't mean it's fun for it to be pointed out.


Louis' ears perk up. "Hmm?"

Edward chuckles.

"What?" Louis sits straight again, scowling at the Alpha. Their fingers untangle when Louis pulls his hand away to cross his arms.

"Nothing." He assures, shaking his head but the fire of amusement doesn't die in his eyes.

Louis makes an annoyed sound. "You're such a little shit."

"Don't be mad, kitten." Edward tries to console.

"What do I get if I'm not mad?"

"A kiss?"

"Not enough." Louis says.

"Two kisses?"

"Hmm, I'll think about it."

When they arrive, Edward parks the car but doesn't cut off the engine. He clears his throat and turns to Louis with a teasing smile. "Are you still mad?"

Louis gives him an uninterested look. "I don't know. Maybe you should give me those two kisses first, and I'll decide."

"Okay." Edward's mouth tilts into a crooked smile as he leans forward, nearly making the Omega melt with how gorgeous he looks. He cups one side of Louis' face, brushing his hair back before their eyes fall shut and their lips meet.

Louis hums pleasantly, his hands choosing to rub up and down Edward's chest, feeling him nibble gently on his lower lip. He tilts his head to the side, fitting their mouth even more perfectly. Edward brings his other hand up, thumb hovering over Louis' cheek. His finger barely grazes the Omega's skin yet the contact makes Louis shiver.

"Still mad?" Edward asks, pulling back and extracting all limbs back to his seat.

Louis pouts. "Not any more. Just upset now."

"Why is that?" Edward questions as if he's talking to a baby. Louis can be petulant sometimes but with Edward he just wants to be cared for and it brings out the most childish part in him. They've only known for three days; Louis is going to have a headache.

His pout stays. "This date ended too fast."

"Louis, we've been out for hours." Edward reasons, forehead creasing.

"I know. But is it weird that I want to see you always? Like, all the time." Louis says, sounding frustrated with himself as he glares at the dashboard.

Edward is silent for a moment. And suddenly Louis feels like he's said the wrong thing. Is it too fast? But that's the truth. Even the first time they met, the triplets affected him so much. There is no denying that there's something between them.

"You'll be moving in with us in a few days anyway. You can see me all the time that way." Edward replies, reminding him.

Louis tsks. "You sound so sure that you'd want me."

"Am I giving you the impression that I don't?" Edward asks, and when Louis turns to him, the Alpha has his arms crossed. The expression on his face has changed.

"What if Marcel or Harry doesn't think the same? We can't get to know each other that well after just a first date."

Edward sighs, a long finger scratches at his temple. "Tell me, Lou, do you like me?"

The questions catches Louis off guard, making his expression falter and his palms start to sweat. He feels his heart kicks in his chest and silently curses Edward. "I-I'm, uh, well. Ugh." He blinks. "Yes. Yeah."

"Do you want me?" Edward presses, leaning forward a little. Louis wants to slap him.

"You know the answer."

"Would you like to have me be the first thing you'd see in the morning?"


"Do you want to be my mate after having this date with me?"

Louis is pretty sure his face is scarlet right now, the heat is burning his skin and the intense embarrassment he's feeling makes him grip his knees to keep himself grounded. "I.."

"Yes or no?"

Louis shrugs.

"If you've already decided you want me after the first date, why can't I decide I want you? I'm questioning the lack of justice here." Edward's query makes Louis fall silent and the Omega ducks his head, his hands folded on his lap.

He can see where Edward is going with this, but he still can't help but feel insecure.

"Louis.., why do you keep entertaining the thought that we might not want you?" Edward asks softly.

The Omega doesn't like this confrontation at all. Nope. No. Bye.

"I just feel that way..."

"Why wouldn't anybody want you? Have you looked at you?" Edward leans forward a little, his face twisting into a frown when he sees the upset look on Louis' face.

"Exactly!" Louis snaps. His statement shocks them both, but Louis quickly regains his composure and goes on. "Everybody wants me. I don't go a day without an Alpha telling me how much they want me, how 'beautiful' and 'gorgeous' I am. And then they touch me without my permission. I don't feel beautiful or gorgeous at all, Edward. I feel disgusted. Everybody wants me. But they just want me for my body. Because I'm this Omega who has a pretty arse with a pretty face." His voice shakes and Louis takes a deep breath so he won't start crying. "They all want to know how good I would be in bed. They all want to know how warm I would be. They don't want to know me. They don't care about me. They only care about my body. People look at me like I'm a thing instead of a person. You don't know how many rape attempts I've had to escape from ever since the day I presented. I'm sick and tired of being looked as a thing you can just use instead of love. So if you're just here because of how I look, then I'm okay if you don't want me."

Louis shuts his eyes after that, the tears starting to prick at his eyes. Oh no, no, no, please don't. Not now tears. He quickly tries to control his breathing, really not wanting to cry in front of the Alpha.

It's probably not a good idea, talking about this and pointing out things about his body while being in a car with an Alpha, and trying not to cry at the same time. Give him more of your weaknesses, why don't you Louis?

Fuck, he had such a great time, and now everything's going downhill. Why did he have to ruin it like this?

Louis blinks, wondering why Edward has been so silent. And he fears for himself a little as he opens his eyes. Edward looks murderous.

He doesn't know what triggered it. Maybe it's himself, talking about it, or maybe looking at Edward, as much as he doesn't know how it would but maybe it did.

Images and scenes of things that used to happen to him starts to flash up in his mind, clouding his vision with the remembrance and constricting his chest. He stutters a breath and holds back a whimper when the tears start flowing like his eyes are a broken dam.

"Louis?" Edward asks carefully. "Oh no, don't cry."

Louis flinches when the Alpha reaches out and instantly feels bad about it. He wants to say something but he knows if he opens his mouth, the only thing that comes out would be a sob. So he settles for whimpering again, trying to stop the crying.

"I'm not going to hurt you." Edward says soothingly, his forehead creasing again; a hand slowly reaching for Louis' face.

Louis looks anywhere but Edward's face as a thumb starts to wipe his tears away.

"I'm sorry I said that. And I'm sorry it upset you. You're right." He sighs. "You're more than just your body, I know that. I've never looked at you less than that Lou. I'm sorry if I made you think so."

Louis stays quiet, pressing his lips together with hitching breaths as he tries to calm himself down.

He doesn't have to look to know that the Alpha is staring at him with a sympathetic look, the big hand still cupping his face and callous fingers brushing at his skin. Each tear Edward wipes away, a new one rolls down.

"Hey, come on." Edward tries to console. "You okay?"

Louis shakes his head.

"Please stop crying. I hate seeing you cry." He pleads softly, the tips of his fingers hovering over the top of his cheekbones. Edward traces his index down Louis' temple. "Talk to me, baby."

Louis doesn't reply.

"You don't want to talk?" He receives a silent no. "Okay, can I make you feel better in any way?" Pause, then a silent nod. Edward tilts his head. "How?"




"You need a hug?"

Louis nods pitifully, the hesitance is clear as ever on his face.

Edward's face softens. "Come here."

He wastes no time climbing over the console, fitting himself on Edward's lap and burying his face into the Alpha's neck. Edward holds him tightly, trying to soothe him down with comforting strokes up and down his back.

Louis' tears slowly subsides, and he inhales the Alpha's scent deeply, trying to fill his lungs with it. It's strangely comforting, and Edward smells really nice. But he notices how tense Edward is underneath him, and when he looks up, the Alpha has this furious look on his face again. Louis immediately curls himself tighter, cowering a little.

"Are you mad at me?" He asks in a timid voice, hiding his face.

Edward relaxes. "No, God, no. I'm not."

Louis says nothing.

"Hey, kitten, come on." Edward calls, using a hand to cup Louis' chin and pulls his face up so that he could look into those blue eyes. "I'm not mad." He promises, dropping a gentle, lingering kiss on the Omega's lips and curling his arm around him tighter.

Louis relents a little when they pull away but there's still doubt in him. It probably shows on his face because Edward sighs heavily.

"I'm pissed off at the Alphas who touched you without your permission." He admits quietly. "I wish I could find all of them and make them pay."

Louis smiles, bringing a hand up to brush his fingers across Edward's cheek, just wanting to touch him. "I could never thank you enough for saving me that day."

"Alphas like that don't deserve to live." He hisses.

Louis cradles his face, lightly kissing a spot on Edward's cheek. His lips linger there, faintly pulsing against his skin. "It's common for Omegas to be treated like that, apparently."

"We would never do that to anyone." Edward says quietly. "Mum brought us up better than that."

"Your Mum is a wonderful woman. And I haven't even met her yet."

"Hmm, she would love you."

Fuck, they're talking about meeting the parents. Louis is screaming inside but he just presses their forehead together. "You're serious, about courting me." It isn't a question.

"Are you only getting that now?" Edward laughs at him. "You know, other Alphas and Omegas move in the next day after courting. And here you are asking for dates first and stuff."

Louis shrugs mindlessly, twirling a strand of Edward's hair around his finger while his other hand lightly touches the Alpha's face. Louis notices he gets very touchy around Edward and mentally smacks himself. "Nobody's really taught me anything about mating and getting an Alpha."

"Your Mum?" Edward questions.

"She's always been too busy. With my sisters and stuff. And I've never asked anyway. I've always thought that I would never want one. Or three." Louis admits, honesty lacing his every word.

"Don't they teach it in school?"

"Do I look like the kid who pays attention in class?"

Edward rolls his eyes. "Well, most of the time, an Alpha would approach the Omega that they like and tell them that they would like to court the Omega. And then the Omega would have three days to decide, and once the Omega agrees, they would straight away move in with the Alpha. It's to avoid any other Alphas trying to court the soon-to-be-mated Omega." Edward tells him. "There are also cases where the Alpha and Omega mate first, then the Omega moves in."

"Like Liam and Niall." Louis giggles.

Edward smiles fondly. "Yeah, like Liam and Niall."

"Do the Omegas always have to move in or do they have a choice?"

"Well, they do have a choice. But I've never heard of an Omega or an Alpha that wouldn't want to live together once they're mated. The separation anxiety could be bad if it's for too long." Edward explains patiently.

Louis nods. "You said that the Omega has three days to decide, what does that mean?"

"If the Omega doesn't give an answer by then, the Alpha can move on to look for another Omega if they want to. But most Omegas say yes straight away. I think they feel that the sooner they have a mate, the better and safer it would be. Alphas usually stay away from mated Omegas." Edward murmurs, letting Louis cuddle him.

"That's good to know." He replies softly.

Louis' phone rings in the short, comfortable silence and he groans. "If that's Alex, I swear to God..." He mumbles while his arms loosen from around Edward so he could lean back to fish his phone out of his pocket. "I'm killing him." He tells Edward just before he answers.

The Alpha smirks.

"This better be good." He sighs into the line.

"Louis, you have a class to teach tomorrow and it's already ten. You're not dead, are you?"

"If I'm dead I wouldn't be able to answer this call, you daft sandwich. You'll be dead by the time I arrive." He warns the Beta, seriously pissed at him for interrupting such a calm, cuddling session.

Alex gasps. "Were you making out?"

"Sadly, no." Louis says, biting his lip while he sneaks a glance at Edward. The Alpha raises his eyebrows, playfully pinching the skin at Louis' waist. "Ow! You abuser! Stop pinching me."

"He's already abusing you after the first date?!" Alex shrieks into the phone, making Louis roll his eyes. "Louis, I'm telling you, just ditch his arse and come home. We can watch Love Actually together."

"You just said that I have a class to teach tomorrow."


"Bye Alex. Don't call again. I'll be home soon." He says quickly and tosses the phone into the passenger seat.

Edward is watching him with an unreadable expression when he turns back to the Alpha.


"Nothing." Edward shakes his head. "Come on, I'll walk you up."

Louis' face falls and his shoulders sag. "Already?"

Edward cocks his eyebrow. "If you want to come home with me, you can take the guest room."

That sounds so tempting. "Thanks, but no thanks. I'd probably get all three of you to come cuddle me in the middle of the night."

"Is that a bad thing?" Edward teases.

"Stop trying to steal my virtue, you bad, bad wolf." Louis bops his nose, scrunching his face up disapprovingly.

Edward shakes his head at the lack of maturity. "Come on, off. You have a parent waiting at home." He says, patting Louis' hip.

"Fine, fine. Damn it." Louis doesn't bother to hide his annoyance as he climbs off the Alpha's lap back to his seat. He makes sure he has everything with him before nodding to Edward. "Let's go."


"When can I see you again?" Louis asks when they stop in front of the door to Louis' flat. After exiting the lift, Louis had shamelessly fitted himself to Edward's side as they walked. He even made Edward wrap a hand around him. So that's how they're standing right now, with Louis still snuggling against Edward. He doesn't look like he would want to let the Alpha go any time soon.

"Soon." Edward promises, his hand dropping from Louis' waist and he ignored the disappointed sound Louis makes as he moves to stand in front of the Omega. "After your date with Marcel, let us know when you'd like to move in. And then, you can see us all day everyday, it'd probably tire you out by the third day."

"Probably." Louis agrees.


Louis hums as he tugs the man forward. "You're not going to leave without kissing me, are you?"

"Maybe I should."

"Mean." Louis pouts, his hand curling around Edward's neck and pulling him down until their noses touch, but not kissing him. He stares at Edward, waiting for him to close the distance. Dark, green eyes gaze into his, making Louis' heart stutter and skipping beats inside his chest. He almost wants to pull away and sulk when Edward takes another step closer and bends down to claim Louis' lips. Warm, big hands cover his hips and Louis moans happily into slick mouth, pressing his body against the Alpha and wrapping his arms tightly around Edward's neck.

Edward playfully bites onto his lip, making Louis sigh and the Omega prods his tongue against the Alpha's mouth, licking wetly across Edward's bottom lip.

Edward pulls back and laughs. "Why do you keep doing that?"

"Why won't you let me do that?" Louis asks, rejected.

"If we start making out here, I'm not sure you'd be walking past that door tonight." Edward points out.


"What if I don't mind?"

"Well, I do."

"I hate you." Louis says grumpily and crosses his arm, the picture of sulking.

The Alpha steps closer, pecking his cheek and dimpling down at him. "Sleep well, Princess."

"You too." He sighs heavily, watching while Edward gives him another smirk before he leaves. The moment Edward is gone from his vision, he heaves another sigh. Louis seriously hopes this works out. He's already in too deep.

A/N: So, what do you guys think? I think it was kinda cringy that I made Louis cry near the end but then I think that it fits and it leads to all the cute cuddling and stuff. What are your thoughts? Do you like it? Do you hate it? Do tell me! I'll try and take all your comments as constructive criticism. I love talking to you guys! :) Votes are highly appreciated! xoxo

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