Chapter 3
Hi! I'd like to mention that in this fic, Alphas have their ruts like how Omegas get their heats. I know generally it's supposed to be the Alphas going into ruts when an Omega nearby goes into heat or something but it's a little different in this. And some fics are like this too, so I prefer this one. I hope you'd enjoy! xx
"Here you go." Niall says as he heaves himself down on the seat next to Louis, one of the warm mugs in his hands is transferred to Louis when small hands curl around the porcelain and grab it away from him. He watches his best friend sips on the tea quietly while looking over the whole living area. It's a big hall complete with posh furnitures and expensive decorations that perfectly serve their purposes to make the area look cosy but luxurious at the same time, and he doesn't blame Louis for being in awe of the interior design. He almost shit his pants too the first time he came here. Smiling as he's thinking of the old times they used to spend together, it suddenly physically hurts him to think of how it must have pained Louis when the lad thought he was dead. He sits straighter, downing half of the content in his mug and shaking his head at the heat that pools in his chest. "You deserve an explanation."
Louis pauses, takes another sip, and leans back on the comfortable cushions of the mahogany sofa before he nods. He cradles the mug on his lap, careful not to let the content spill. "Yeah, I do."
"It's been what, six, seven years?" Niall guesses, his forehead creasing with his attempt to remember.
Louis clears his throat. "Ten, ten years." He corrects him, but there's no spite behind it.
Niall flinches, eyes meeting Louis' in horror and abrupt sadness. "Lou.."
"You didn't even write me, or gave me any single hint or a sign that you are alive." Louis let out exasperatedly. "Greg knows that you weren't dead all this time?"
Niall nods solemnly, going back to stare at his mug, swirling the tea around.
"Hey, don't do that. You're here now, yeah?" Louis slowly moves closer until their shoulder touch, making the Irish relax a little and he offers Louis a weak smile.
"Okay." Louis had to strain to hear his reply. "It's actually a funny story. I was walking home after that party at Stan's." Niall starts in a steady voice so Louis shifts until he could sit facing his friend.
Louis remembers that night, he had offered to walk Niall home but the blond declined, saying that he'll be fine. He also didn't want to burden his friend since Louis' house was nearer to Stan's so Louis would be taking twice the length of the journey to his house if he walked Niall first. So Louis had let him go, making Niall promise to text him once he's arrived.
An hour after Louis got home and he still hadn't received a text, he tried calling for Niall. He texted him, called him, but nobody answered. When he called for the God-knows-how-many time, it went straight to voice mail and Louis knew straight away that something was wrong.
So he had sneaked out, running along the path Niall would take when he would go home, calling out for his name. Louis' heart had dropped when he stepped on something on the pavement and it was Niall's broken phone. Louis knew because the sticker of a smiling unicorn is looking up at him. Louis had put it on Niall's phone one day as a joke, but Niall said it reminded him of Louis a lot so he never took it off.
Judging by the state of the phone, it was already destroyed even before Louis stepped on it. So Louis ran straight to Niall's home, his hands scrambling to call Niall's older brother who answered him with a groggy voice since it was late at night.
When Louis told him what happened, Greg said he'll take it from there and told Louis to go home. Louis knew he could do nothing else because if he tried to help and if somehow anything reached Niall's father, he wouldn't want to imagine what would happen.
Niall never told him, not a single tear in front of Louis about his father. But he knew the bruises and the flinches weren't caused by Niall falling. Nobody was ever that clumsy. And him never inviting Louis over to his house just made it more obvious. Niall's father was abusive, yet Louis never really had a solid proof to confront Niall about it.
So when the next day Greg called him and said Niall was gone, Louis was in disbelief. Greg told him that Niall was attacked by an Alpha, and that broke Louis' heart because he probably could've saved Niall if he hadn't let him walk home on his own. He had cried and screamed and wailed, thrashed around the house until Jay came over and hugged him and he cried into her shoulder until he passed out.
So Louis didn't understand what happened. There wasn't many people who went to the funeral. Greg kept it really small. Louis didn't go cause he couldn't do it, couldn't see his best friend being lowered into the ground. Who knew the same best friend would be sitting in front of him now?
Niall's voice brought him back to reality. "Liam tried to attack me that night. He was supposed to take his suppressant but somehow he left it home before he travelled and his rut took over. I was a virgin Omega walking alone at night so it was quite inevitable, really."
"I was really scared, and I tried to call you when I ran, but Liam got me, threw my phone away and just dragged me into his car. I couldn't scream, couldn't move while he drove. He brought me to the house he was renting. It was scary, the house was secluded and everything was dark. He cut off the engine, got out and opened my door, then he scooped me into his arms in the gentlest way possible." Niall chuckles quietly at the memory. It makes Louis smile, glad that his friend is able to tell the story happily. He hopes nothing bad happened and everything's happy until the end. "It only got weirder from there."
"What happened?"
"So he's in his rut, right? When we arrived in his bedroom, there were handcuffs and ropes on the bed and I was super freaked out because of course I thought he was going to rape me. But then Liam locked the door, put me down and he lied on the bed before handcuffing himself to the bed post."
Louis stares at Niall with a shocked expression, jaw slacked and gaping. "Wh-What?" His question prompts Niall to cackle with laughter.
"Exactly! I was confused, I mean, is this twat on crack or something? But then he blushed and said 'Can you tie my legs too?'" Niall slaps his knees a few times, still howling with laughter. Louis could almost feel the irritation radiating from Liam in the room. He couldn't help but giggle a little. "I was scared and pissed and confused at the time, so I just did what he asked. It didn't occur to me at that time that the Alpha was tied up and I could just run away."
Louis rolls his eyes. "Of course you didn't."
"Shut up." Niall laughs. "Then he just asked me for a cuddle while he goes through it."
Louis' jaws would be sore by the time this story is done cause he's staring at Niall with his mouth in a big O again. "A cuddle?"
"Yeah!" Niall nods, his face red with how much he's laughing. "Of course I said yes, have you seen those puppy eyes he has?"
"So you just cuddled until his rut passed?" It sounds even weirder coming out of his mouth.
Niall sips his tea. "Nah, I couldn't even stand an hour before I was begging him to fuck me." He shrugs. "Have you seen him, mate?"
"Yeah, couldn't exactly blame you for that." Louis says quietly, both of them cackling in the silence after that. He turns to Niall after finishing his tea. "Doesn't explain why you had to be dead, though."
"Yeah, about that." Niall scratches his head. "Liam bonded me that night."
"He what?!"
Niall blushes. "He was in rut, I was overwhelmed and I didn't realise that I was asking for him to do it, to bite me. It was overwhelming that he just did it. Both of us didn't notice, and it was only when Liam pointed it out at the end that it finally occurred to me." He pauses. "So Liam asked me to come with him. He apologised repeatedly for bonding me but I was the one who asked for it. He wanted to be responsible. And I just agreed. He looked like a nice lad, I was super pissed, and I didn't want to go back home ever again in my life."
Louis falls silent, then. "Yeah, you never told me about that."
"Yeah, I.. I'm sorry." Niall puts his mug away and pulls Louis into a hug, the omega quickly returning the gesture. "My Dad drank a lot, he's always drunk. After Mum was gone, he blamed me for it. He said the car crash was my fault. But I know it wasn't. I didn't think so back then, though. So when he started beating me up everyday because I 'deserved' it, I just took it. Because I thought I did."
"Oh Niall." Louis hugs him tighter, the urge to just comfort him and tell him that nothing would ever be his fault is there, but he knows it'd just refresh the old wounds. So he keeps his mouth shut.
"So when Liam said he would take me away, take me to London with him, I said yes. Cause I didn't want to go back. I called Greg using Liam's phone and told him everything. I didn't want our father to come looking for me, so I told Greg to tell him I was dead."
"How did he convince your father, though?" Louis wonders aloud.
Niall smiles tightly, none of it reaching his eyes. "Turned out he didn't care. Said he was glad I was finally gone."
Louis couldn't even react before a growl resonates in the living room and Liam appears before them, pointing strictly at his mate. "No, don't you dare feel like that while I'm still alive. I want you, Zayn wants you. You're care for, you're needed. Don't you dare feel like you're unwanted. Your husbands love you more than enough to make up for the love he didn't give you." Liam falls onto his knees in front of Niall, grabbing his hand and holding it tightly. "It kills me every time you feel like that, Ni."
Niall smiles lovingly as he releases Louis and kisses Liam sweetly on the mouth. "I know, just can't help but feel that way whenever I think about him."
"Then don't think about him." Liam hisses, glaring at Louis for bringing up such a thing.
Louis holds his hands up. "Sorry."
"Hey!" Niall laughs, slapping Liam's shoulder. "Don't threaten my best friend."
Liam relaxes, blushing and throwing an apologetic look at Louis, making the omega burst out laughing. "Yeah Ni, I understand why you did it. I would run away with him in a heartbeat too." Louis teases, winking at the alpha, causing Liam to blush even redder.
"Yeah, now go away. Let me finish my story." Niall says, pushing Liam off and turning back to Louis as if he didn't just make his Alpha tumble back onto his bum. "So Greg held a fake funeral for me, claiming I was attacked bla bla bla and the only thing left was my leg. I think he watched too many crime films. It's not like Alphas eat people, for Merlin's sake."
"But why didn't you tell me? Why would you let me think that I could've saved you if I just sent you home that night. I felt like it was my fault."
Niall sighs. "Because you would drop everything and run to look for me to make sure I wasn't truly kidnapped and being held hostage. You're always dramatic."
Louis wants to protest but he knows what Niall said is true, so he just settles for hitting Niall on the arm. "Dick."
"But you're here, that's what important. And I would buy you ice cream everyday until you stop feeling like it's your fault that I 'died'." Niall laughs. "When I think of it again, it is because of you that Liam managed to take me and give me the most wonderful family ever. So, thank you, really."
Louis nods, then, laughing. "Yeah, when you put it that way. I would've probably beat his arse."
Niall turns to Liam. "You better be glad he wasn't there. Louis used to carry a pepper spray and put it up people's nose. He was ruthless."
Louis' stomach grumbles out of nowhere before he could speak up, and he quickly wraps a hand around his middle, his face flushing while he smiles bashfully at Niall. "Sorry."
Suddenly another two strong scents of Alphas are heavy in the air, making his head clouded. In seconds, Niall is pushed away. Instead it is Marcel who sits next to him, and Harry sits on his other side, both of them staring attentively at him with worry obvious on their faces but none of them touching him. Louis appreciates that they are respecting his space. His heartbeat picks up, though and he doubts the Alphas can't hear that.
"Are you hungry?"
"Would you like something to eat?"
He squirms under the attention, the blush growing to his neck. His palms are starting to sweat. Harry's eyes are bright and green when their gazes lock and Louis' heart skips a beat. He can barely recall that he has a question to answer. "Um.., breakfast would be good. Just show me the way, and I'll get them myself."
"It's okay." Harry shakes his head. "You just stay here."
"I'll get it." Marcel offers, already standing up.
Louis' eyes widen. "No, I'll get it myself. And I'll make you breakfast too."
Marcel and Harry laugh, not allowing Louis' blush to fade. Even Niall is laughing along. Liam just sits there, admiring his omega.
It's Niall who takes pity on Louis' confused state and choose to speak. "Louis, no Omega does any work in this house."
"What? Why?" Niall's statement does nothing but double his confusion.
Marcel stares fondly at him. "It's what the Betas are for, silly."
"We've hired Betas to help with housework." Harry explains, grinning at Louis.
"Oh.." Louis frowns. "But that's what omegas are supposed to do. Take care of their Alphas and cook."
"Right, but these people are weirdos. Besides, I get to relax all day, the Betas get high salary, and the Alphas are taken care of. Everybody wins in this house." Niall leans back on the couch with a contented smile.
Louis relents, still frowning. "Okay, then... But doesn't mean that it's not weird." He says, then crosses his arms and turns to Harry. "Do the Betas get treated nicely?"
"Yeah, payment is always on time and they're allowed to have their leaves and we never yell. Well, Edward did one time because the new Beta accidentally went into his office." Disapproval crosses Harry's expression, as if he disagreed with Edward's action too. "But other than that, I don't think we give them any reason to dislike working here."
Louis nods, as if satisfied with the answer. He's all for equality for the oppressed. "Okay, then."
"Alright, would you like your breakfast now?" Marcel smiles carefully.
Louis nods, placing a finger on his chin. "Hmm... I think I'm going to ask for something special."
"Anything." Harry promises.
"Then, can I have some cereal, please?" Louis asks politely, blinking at the Alphas as if he's the most innocent thing ever.
Niall cackles from behind Marcel on the couch.
"H-How's that special, kitten?" Harry asks, a smile still on his face but his expression is twisted in confusion.
Louis scowls. "How dare you?"
"Umm..." Harry widens his eyes, looking to Marcel for help when Louis rises so he's eye to eye with Harry.
Niall is bent over laughing.
"Just because you have a lot of money and get to decide whether or not you want a steak or lobster any time of the day, does not mean that all of us have the same financial luck like you do." With the the last three words, he gives each a jab to Harry's chest, speaking in a low growl. "Some of us barely eat for days and we are extremely grateful even with a slice of bread. And sometimes one slice has to last through breakfast, lunch, and dinner." He continues poking at the firm skin.
Harry gulps. "Is that how your life is?" He asks regretfully.
Louis scoffs, following it with a shrug. "Used to be. When I was in uni. It's not bad now."
Marcel and Harry share a look.
"Doesn't mean I have to abandon my cereal just because I have some extra cash in my pocket." He says, annoyed. Suddenly he sits up straighter in alert, making the Alphas around him jump back at his sudden movement. "Oh my God!"
"What?! What is it?" Marcel asks in panic, grabbing Louis' arm.
Niall just keeps himself entertained at the interaction between them.
"My babies!" Louis shrieks.
"Babies?!" All of them question at the same time.
"No, no, the children, my babies! The nursery!" Louis flails around, trying to release himself from Marcel's grip.
Someone clears their throat from the door and Louis stills, all heads snapping to the direction of the entrance to find Edward leaning by the door frame with his arms crossed.
"They know you're not coming in today." Edward informs, his dark green eyes boring into Louis' blue ones. It sends shivers down the Omega's body.
"Edward!" Harry says excitedly.
"B-But how?" Louis is confused. In the midst of it all, he had definitely forgotten that he still has a job to get to. Not to mention that he had just disappeared last night from the restaurant. All of his colleagues must be confused. He'd be lucky if he still has a job.
"The office called this morning and I took it. Told them you're not well, so don't worry about it."
Louis' face softens and he sends Edward a small smile, nodding his head. "Thank you, Edward."
Edward gives him a curt nod and then disappears up the stairs.
"He doesn't talk much, does he?" Louis questions to Marcel, who's still staring up at the top of the stairs.
The mentioned Alpha smiles reassuringly at him. "No, he doesn't. Mostly he just speaks among us, not to outsiders."
"Okay. Can I have my cereal now, please? Or should I go and get it myself? I thought the Omegas are supposed to be special here." Louis honestly doesn't mean for that to come out that sassy since the triplets don't deserve that especially that they were nice to him. He's getting more comfortable now, and that means his sassy side is coming out. Judging by the way Niall is laughing at him and Harry looks like he's just been slapped while Marcel looks horrified, Louis knows there's no way to take it back.
"He's a feisty one, isn't he?" Liam says, his eyes mere slits where he's still smiling amusedly at Louis.
Niall nods. "Yeah, the only time Lou is polite to an Alpha is when he's working."
"I'll go get your cereal." Marcel announces.
"I miss polite Louis already." Harry pouts while Marcel goes to the kitchen to fetch the cereal Louis has demanded.
Louis rolls his eyes but God knows he's so endeared. "Edward's not here to kiss that away, stop making that face."
Niall and Liam burst out laughing at Harry's offended expression, making him scowl at his supposed friends.
"Here you go." Marcel has returned with a bowl in hands, and he bends over in front of Louis to hand the China to him.
Louis smiles, cradling the bowl to his chest and pecking Marcel's cheek before he starts to eat.
He misses it when Marcel stumbles back, finding a couch to sit on. His hand touches the skin where Louis kissed, the blush tinting his cheeks inevitable when he looks at the Omega eating his cereal passionately while also giggling with Niall and Liam.
He doesn't notice the weight on his lap until Harry is wriggling on his dick and he scowls. "What is it, Harry?" He doesn't even try to mask his annoyance, his hands settling on his brother's waist to assist him.
Harry curls himself into a ball, trying to make himself small as if he doesn't have long, gangly limbs that knocks on everything when he's clumsy. "I like him." He says timidly, voice small.
Marcel sighs. "Me too."
"Let's court him." Harry says in earnest, eyes wide and eager. Marcel can't help but smile and peck him on the mouth.
"But Edward said.."
"I know. But he's lying if he says he doesn't want to." Harry shoots an upset look at the stairs, knowing Edward is listening to them.
Marcel nods knowingly. "We know him better than anyone. Of course he wants to. He likes him, and I've never seen him behave this way around an Omega before. It's kind of interesting, don't you think?"
"Yeah, and I know Liam is right. Louis doesn't look like he's scared of Edward." Harry murmurs thoughtfully.
"But that doesn't mean Louis would agree to us." Marcel says, the idea making him sad. "Look at him. He's perfect. He must have had other Alphas trying to court him before, and he's not mated nor does he have a partner. That means he's said no to other Alphas. What makes you think he'd say yes to us?"
"Because he likes us?" Harry raises an eyebrow.
"So you're saying that he's never liked an Alpha before? That's bullshit, Harry."
Harry suddenly gasps. "What if he's not into Alphas?!"
"I don't think he is. Look at him"
"What if he would just like us for our money?"
Marcel frowns. "He doesn't look like he knows, though. I mean, he didn't say anything about it, did he?" Both of them peek a look at Louis, speaking animatedly while he tells a joke that makes Liam and Niall cackle. "Harry, he looks so innocent and pure."
"Edward once said that Omegas could be manipulative." Harry informs his brother, fixing his collar before toying with his hair. "Do you think Louis thinks we're weird, cause we're Alphas but we sleep with each other?"
"Not to mention we're brothers." Marcel shrugs. "I don't know. Who knows? Maybe he thinks it's hot? There are a few Omegas who feel that way."
"Really? Who?"
"Well, remember Janet? She was my friend during uni and she once told me that she finds us really hot. Said she wanted to watch sometimes. It creeps me a little bit to be honest." Marcel shudders in disgust. He looks at Harry and groans in frustration. "Don't tell me you're interested in that."
"Hey, I thought you share my kink. Why are you not with me this time?" Harry laughs.
"I like doing it where people 'could' see, as in, they would only see when we get caught or if we let them. Having sex while someone watches just for the sole reason of it, well, it makes me a little uncomfortable." Marcel tugs at his collar, shaking his head.
"Not me, though." Harry grins.
"Of course not, you're the people pleaser, you are. It's weird how you let Edward dominate you in bed. You're an Alpha. Are you going to let an Omega fuck you?" Marcel pokes at Harry's neck, making his brother giggle.
"No, of course not. I only let you both dominate me. I think my dominant side would come out once we settle with an Omega. Besides, you can't deny I fuck you good, can you?" Harry smirks, bending down and biting on Marcel's lip.
Marcel pinches his elbow. "Smug doesn't suit you." He rolls his eyes but lets Harry nibble on his mouth. "Doesn't erase the fact that you're a cockslut."
"Only for you and Edward, babe."
"I can hear you both from here, please stop." Liam squeaks from where he's sitting with Niall and Louis, a traumatised expression on his face.
Niall points an accusing finger at the Styles. "You both should really stop talking about your sexcapades in public. Or at least where people could hear. Be a little like Edward, at least."
Harry's eyes bore on Niall. "I just sucked his cock in the movies two weeks ago."
"I didn't ask for it, you sex crazed beast. You're the one jumping on people and sucking on their cock." Edward yells back from their room, making Harry roll his eyes.
"You didn't push me off or say no." He retorts.
Edward appears at the top of the stairs, glaring down at his brother. "Yeah, because I know you would start whining like a baby."
Harry pouts in response.
"I am not going to be arrested for public indecencies, Harry. If you want to do it at least let it be somewhere decent." Edward huffs, clutching the bridge of his nose. "And I don't talk about sex in public. You two are the one responsible at embarrassing the family when it comes to this. This is why nobody wants us." He goes on and babbles as he disappears upstairs again.
The antics are making Louis laugh and he doesn't even bother keeping in the happiness bubbling out of him.
"Aww, Harry, don't be sad. Nialler wants you." Niall coos when Harry pouts even more, quickly making his way over to where Harry is seated on Marcel's lap.
"Yeah, come back to us when you're not mated." Marcel shoos him, waving his hand dismissively.
Niall pays him no notice and hops onto Harry's lap, doubling the weight onto Marcel and the poor Alpha yelps. "My sweet little cinnamon." The blond says, grabbing a giggling Harry and cradling his head to his chest.
"I'm telling Zayn!" Liam faux gasps. "He's your only little cinnamon."
Louis ignores the giggling mess on top of Marcel in favour of questioning Liam of what he said. "Who's Zayn?"
"Oh?" Liam brightens up at the mention of the name. "He's my husband."
Louis frowns confusedly. "But Niall? I thought Niall's your Omega?"
"He is." Liam nods with a beam, which makes Louis even more confused.
"But Zayn's your Omega too?" Louis guesses. Maybe Liam's one of those that keeps more than one Omega in their house. He's heard of the Omegas living in harmonies having that kind of relationship, but he doesn't expect Niall to be one.
Liam pauses, frowning. Louis fears he might have said something wrong, but before he can take it back, Liam is laughing. "Oh, no no. God forbid Zayn hears you say that. He's very much an Alpha, my lovely Zayn, he is."
"Two Alphas? One Omega?" Louis says in surprise, delighted. "I've heard rumours about those kinds of relationship in nests but I've never really known it was legitimate. Whoa."
"It's legit, Tommo. And it's the most wonderful thing ever." Niall nods from where he's now folded his knees to his chest in favour of curling up on Harry's lap. Marcel doesn't look bothered by the weight, only a little annoyed.
Louis tries not to think about it, but it's inevitable for the thought to pierce his mind. The image of him being with the triplet sounds really inviting and he can't help but let his mind wander with the idea while he finishes his cereal, a little bit soggy now.
He wonders how kissing each of them would be like, how different their lips would be. He thinks of Edward and his cold demeanour, thinks of lovely Harry, and he thinks of sweet Marcel. Now that the idea is laid out in front of him, if he is offered ever, he wouldn't want the triplets if he can't have all three of them.
He thinks of how it'd be to have three Alphas to go home to, them kissing him and taking him into their arms while they ask Louis about his day when he comes back. Or he could be the perfect Omega, waiting for them and kissing each of them the moment they step through the door, having dinner together and two extra eyes would be on him when they talk instead of just one. It all sounds so heavenly.
Oh no, Louis wants them.
He widens his eyes slightly, tensing as he stares down at his cereal. Okay, maybe he doesn't exactly want them in a sure way. But his brain is entertaining the thoughts of being with them, so surely that says something. Besides, his body has reacted so strongly to them the first time they met.
And it doesn't matter how much Louis denies, because whether he wants it or not, the triplets and him are compatible.
He knows the triplets want him, even Edward. Louis has mastered the skill of identifying those looks an Alpha would send him. And as much as their looks aren't as objectifying as others' were, it still gives Louis an idea of what they want to do to him.
He can say that the triplets don't act out on it, though. If they desire Louis, they sure don't show it now. It's probably a slip of control that night that allows Louis to know the triplets are interested in him. But from what he sees, they let the lust out onto each other. So that might be why they're in such control of themselves. Harry and Marcel barely even look at him when they're talking to each other.
As much as he's a little offended for getting no attention from his targeted potential mates, he finds it a good thing too.
Oh God, he's thinking about mating now. He needs to get out of this house.
"Umm.." Louis slowly stands up, causing milk to slosh around in the bowl.
"Are you alright, Lou?" Niall asks attentively.
"I want to go home."
"You ask him."
"No, you ask him, please?"
"No! Edward, you ask him."
"Why should I?"
"Stop being difficult."
"Both of you are being difficult."
"Let's just not ask."
"Edward, we've been over this."
"Edward should ask, he's the leader of the pack."
"Since when?"
"Just do it, Eddy, please?"
"Don't call me that."
"Please, Edward."
"Shut the fuck up."
Liam shakes his head downstairs, massaging his temples. "Oh dear, those three are idiots."
"Tell me about it, babe." Niall rolls his eyes.
They all agreed that Edward would send Louis home, they all as in the triplets. It's not that Louis have any problem with that.
He had hugged Niall tightly, promising to visit him at his house sometime later. He also got a warm hug from Liam who told him to stay safe. Louis thanked him profusely, making Liam blush.
Then Harry and Marcel both took turn and hugged him tightly, lingering their embrace around him and almost making him whimper when they step away. He did receive a kiss on the cheek by each of them afterwards, so he didn't exactly want to complain.
Now he's on his way towards town in the triplet's Range Rover. When he got out of the house, his jaw almost hit the floor at the sight of the size of the building and the huge land surrounding them which Marcel claimed to be their lawn.
Louis didn't know the Styles were rich but now, he does feel very insecure about letting Edward drop him at his place since it's just a cheap flat and one that he even shares with Alex.
He stares out of the window during the ride, content to just look at the beautiful scenery while they head back into town. He had also hoped it would help calm his crazy beating heart down, but judging by the way his blood is still racing, it's to no avail.
He had spoken to Edward the least during his stay, but he affected him the most. He at least have some control over his emotion when he's around Marcel or Harry (does he really?), but all that control disappears the moment Edward is present.
"Why are you so nervous?" He flinches when Edward speaks up.
Thankfully, the Alpha doesn't question it so Louis quickly works his brain to reply. "What do you mean?" Wow, way to go, Tommo.
Louis' heart does a cartwheel when Edward reaches out and grabs his hand, making his wrist look extra small in his giant hand when he presses a thumb on the bandaged skin. "Your heart is racing. What's wrong?"
He really hopes Edward doesn't notice how much faster the blood is pumping through his veins right now. "I'm, uh, I'm okay."
"Really?" The corner of Edward's mouth twitches when he turns to look at Louis. He is looking forward again before Louis could do something stupid like drool.
"Okay, sure."
It gets quiet then, and the silence isn't exactly comfortable. Edward hasn't let his wrist go, instead content to just have Louis in his grip. It makes his heart flutter, but does nothing to help calm his nerves. And it's hard to even think of what to say when it feels like his heart is going to jump out of his chest.
"I never got to thank you for last night." Louis chooses to say, trying to ignore the warm hand pressing onto his skin. "If you hadn't found me-"
"Don't speak of it." Edward cuts him off with a hiss, tensing up and retracting his hand to wrap around the steering wheel again. His grip is tight, turning his knuckles white.
Louis desperately tries not to feel the disappointment crawling up in his chest.
"Thank you." He murmurs, looking down at his hand on his lap.
"I heard Niall said that you used to carry a pepper spray." Edward says, apparent that he's trying to make up a conversation.
Louis blushes, but giggles softly and nods. "Yeah.. Never went out without it before."
"Do you still have it?" Edward asks, turning a corner and looking at the side mirror. Louis smiles to himself when he catches Edward's eyes brushing over his feature for a slight second, pleased.
When Edward looks at him expectantly, he remembers he still has a question to answer. "Oh, yeah. I think I do. Misplaced it when I moved. But I think it's still there."
"Okay, good. I want you to carry it with you anywhere you go. Am I understood?" He asks in a stern voice, his tone definitely dominant while he fixes Louis with a sharp look. It sends shivers down Louis' spine and he squirms when the hairs on his body stand tall due to the urge to submit.
"Y-Yeah, okay." If his reply is a little breathless, none of them says anything.
Louis stops trying to talk after that. Edward looks more content with the silence anyway, so Louis is extremely grateful. He can't wait to go home and have a wank over the triplets.
Occasionally, Louis glances over to Edward during the drive. It's hard not to. Edward looks good. He's just wearing a long sleeved top with a pair of black jeans and a blue beanie. But he looks so good? Louis is confused? What kind of witchcraft? Though, every single time Louis does, it's to find him already looking at Louis. And Edward's not even a bit embarrassed about being caught staring, instead his eyes just get a little more intense, letting their electric gazes lock for a few seconds before he turns to the road again. If Louis isn't going to die from Edward's lack of attention to the traffic, then he's sure going to die because of a heart attack.
He feels relieved when the car rolls to a stop in front of his building, but at the same time he's also self conscious of such a difference between the financial state of the triplets and himself. Not to mention the annoying feeling that creeps up in his chest all of a sudden, making him sad that they're about to part.
"I can't believe you live here." Edward complains, scrunching up his nose as he ducks to see the building from inside the car. Louis squirms further into the seat, blushing with embarrassment.
"Uh, yeah, I, thank you for sending me home." He says quickly, taking off his seatbelt and scrambling to open the door.
"Wait." Edward's voice stops him in his motion and he quickly turns to face the Alpha again. He watches Louis carefully and pauses, letting the moment drag for so long Louis almost thought that he had made up the sound of Edward's voice calling him. Finally he speaks. "My brothers want to court you."
"Court me?" Louis parrots, frozen up. Wait, what? "Court me as in.."
"As in courting for a mate." Edward explains, eyes nowhere but Louis' face even now that the Omega is staring at him intently.
"Oh." His face reddens again. "Do you three come in package then?"
"Unfortunately, yes. So if you want to say no, then that's totally fine." Edward murmurs, his voice steady but there's a hint of insecurity behind it.
Louis is slightly annoyed. "I didn't say anything yet." He snaps, causing the Alpha to look at him in slight surprise. The way his eyebrows shoot up like that shouldn't be so attractive.
"You want us, then?" Edward's eyes are suddenly really green.
Louis nibbles on his bottom lip, his teeth sawing the soft flesh and he tugs at his lip with his fingers. "You said your brothers want to. Does this mean that you don't?"
"I didn't say that." Edward replies calmly, earning himself a small smile.
"Then?" Louis prompts, his calm heart lurching again.
"It's just, I don't know you, Louis." The way he says Louis' name is already enough to make Louis curl and purr.
Louis rolls his eyes. "That's what dating is going to be for, you tosser."
Edward shoots him a scowl, and instead of blushing, it makes Louis laugh. It's probably the crinkles in his eyes that makes Edward's face clear. "Do you want us too, then?"
Louis clears his throat. "Does this mean you're going to take me out on a date? Each of you?"
"If you want it to be that way, then yes." Edward immediately agrees. It makes Louis grin.
Louis leans forward a little, wondering where the fuck his courage comes from. "Tell me you want me first."
Edward pauses, and for a moment Louis wonders if he went too far. "Why me?"
"You said your brothers want me. You didn't say you do. So tell me." He requests, eyes locking onto Edward's.
The Alpha doesn't blink. "I want you." He says, his gaze into Louis' soul doesn't waver. "Will you let us court you?"
"Yes." Louis breathes, hoping it comes out as sexy instead of pathetic.
Edward's eyes roam his face, slightly unfocused, and Louis grows a little excited when he leans forward a little, probably subconsciously. His eyelids start to flutter when the Alpha is inches away. And Louis's about to let them shut when he hears a sharp intake of breath and.. "Stay here." Edward suddenly says before he's hopping out of the door.
Wait, what? Louis leans back in his seat, crossing his arms and pouting. He was so hopeful that he's going to get a kiss. Did he do it wrong? Are they not supposed to kiss? Was that too fast of him to expect that? And here he thought he was in a movie.
He couldn't ponder for long because suddenly his door opens and it takes him a moment to register that Edward had opened it for him. The information makes him smile and he jumps out of the car, letting Edward close the door before he's shyly grinning up at the Alpha, fluttering his lashes in the way he knows that makes him attractive.
"How come you're not afraid of me?" Edward quietly asks.
"Why should I be afraid of you?" Louis' shoulders sagged, his face twisting in bewilderment. "What kind of a question is that?"
He receives a shrug. "I don't know. Most Omegas either hate me or are afraid of me."
"You've given me no reason to hate you or be afraid of you." Louis admits, still a little confused. Edward is so fucking hot, why would people ever hate him? "Quite the contrary, really."
Edward cocks his eyebrow. "Do I now?"
"You don't know me." He reasons.
Louis shakes his head. "I don't. But I want to."
"You're stupid."
"Excuse me?" Louis glares, making Edward smirk. It shocks him a little that his glare falters.
Edward sighs, his face twisting momentarily as if he's having an internal fight with himself before he finally moves, taking off the beanie he's wearing and putting it on Louis' head. The action surprises Louis a little and he almost flinches. "Three Alphas can be overwhelming."
"I was hoping I'd be the judge of that." He replies dryly, letting Edward tuck his hair under the fabric along with his ears. His nose scrunches up. "I'm not cold, you know."
"Yeah, because I won't let you be."
"When are you going to kiss me?" Louis blurts out, then instantly regrets it because the moment the words are out of his mouth, Edward freezes. He stands there gawking at Louis as if Louis just told him he murdered his parents.
Then Edward continues with the beanie again, schooling his expression into a calm one. In the middle of fixing Louis' hair, he had stepped closer. Once he's done, he makes no move to step back. "Do you want me to?" He asks quietly.
"Desperately." Louis confirms, feeling his mouth go dry and quickly licking his lips to moisturise them. He holds back the urge to jump around giddily when Edward's eyes follow the motion of his tongue.
Their gazes connect again. "I haven't taken you out on a date yet."
"Well, if you kiss me now and then kiss me again after our date, you'd be kissing me for the second time instead of the first." Louis says.
Edward scoffs softly, not a bite in his tone. "Where's your logic in this?"
"None. Are you going to kiss me or not?" Louis is usually in control and calm but he doesn't know what happened to that now that Edward is standing so close to him. He can smell the Alpha, so musky and manly and his knees are growing weak already.
Edward is chuckling. Why is he chuckling and not kissing Louis? "You're very pushy."
"Yeah, I was told. If you're not going to kiss me I'll ju- mmffphh!"
Louis gasps into a warm mouth, a pair of plump lips pressing against him and two hands on his waist, making his eyes flutter close, body going pliant in Edward's hold. His knees shake a little as he slowly kisses him back, causing the Alpha to grip him tighter and pushes him until he's leaning against the car and Edward is pinning him against it.
Edward sucks on his bottom lip, his hands burning on his waist while Louis' own hands move to wrap around the Alpha's body, small hands resting on the broad, muscled back. His lips are persistent against Louis', moving in a way that coaxes a moan out of the Omega while he clings onto the strong body so he won't collapse onto the ground.
His lips are so soft, soft soft, yet his kiss is warm, urgent and rough but Louis loves it, kissing him back just as rough and moans again when teeth tugs on his lip. Edward pulls back then to let both of them catch their breath.
Louis pulls him down again when he's about to speak, and Edward lets him. He stands there, crowding Louis against the car, sucking and kissing and biting his mouth over and over until Louis' head spins.
It feels like hours after that when Edward pulls away again. His lips are red and swollen, telling Louis that his are probably in the same state. Both of them are panting harshly, and Louis' heart is beating rapidly as if he just finished a marathon. He can feel how flushed his face is, the blush probably covering his neck.
The grip on his waist doesn't loosen.
When Louis slips his hand up to grip Edward's curly lock and tugs him down again, their lips meet in a soft, gentle kiss. It makes Louis smile against Edward's mouth, causing the Alpha to pull him closer until their bodies align. He quietly sighs into Edward's mouth, separating their lips with a smacking sound and smiling shyly up at him.
"You have a very sweet mouth, kitten." Edward murmurs, bending down to nose along Louis' jaw. Louis purrs softly, tilting his head back to allow better access. The nickname makes his heart jump and for the first time in forever, he feels giddy instead of disgusted hearing that kind of pet name.
He mewls when Edward drops a lingering kiss on his neck. "Take me out on a date fast so I can kiss you again."
"Tomorrow night." Edward says, straightening up and licking his lips.
Louis pouts. "I can't. I gotta work."
"The restaurant? You're going back?" Edward gives him a frown.
"I need to work, Edward." Louis huffs, taking his hands off the body pressed up against him in favour of crossing his arms. His action prompts an amused look.
"If you're going to be our mate, you don't need to work any more." He says.
Louis shakes his head. "But it's not confirmed yet that you would choose me. If you change your mind, you'll lose nothing but I'd lose a job."
"Trust me, we wouldn't change our mind." Edward says convincingly.
"Says you now." Louis grumbles.
Edward chuckles, brushing his nose along Louis' cheek, the graze of his eyelash on the boy's skin making the Omega giggle. "Quit the job, please? I don't want anybody treating you any less than you deserve."
"We're not even in a relationship, yet and you're telling me what to do? Should I be certain that this isn't going to be an abusive relationship?" Louis raises his eyebrows, teasing.
It earns him a pinch on his waist. "Don't be naughty."
"Ow! See? Abusive." Louis scrunches up his face.
Edward's face turns serious, then, making Louis sigh. "Princess, promise me you'll quit the job."
"Okay, okay, fine. And you say I'm pushy. Ugh." He taps Edward's nose, ignoring the way his heart jumps happily at the nickname. "I'll only listen to you this once because you're cute."
"I am not cute."
"Yes, you are." Louis sing song, standing on his tip toe to press their lips briefly. "Oh God, we're not even dating yet and I'm already addicted to your kisses."
"Is that a bad thing?" Edward asks with a crooked smile, the little shit.
Louis hums as he brushes their lips together, but not kissing. "It makes me wonder if your brothers have delicious lips like you too."
"As much as it pains me to say this, they do." Edward sighs.
"I can't wait for the date." He says excitedly, pulling back to grin up at him.
"I'll tell them to text you later." Edward informs him, leaning forward as if he wants to kiss Louis on top of his head but quickly stops himself before he steps back to put a distance between them. Louis already misses his warmth.
"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow, then." Louis smiles, ready to take the beanie off to hand it back to Edward but a hand stops him.
The Alpha groans in annoyance before moving to fix it again. "Keep it."
"I'm going to take it off again once I'm inside." Louis tells him but Edward shuts him up with a glare. When Edward finishes, Louis asks him. "Can I go now?"
"Okay, drive carefully." Louis says, grabbing Edward's shoulder and pulling him down so he could kiss him on the cheek.
He's about to leave when Edward grabs his elbow and waltz him back into his arms.
"You forgot something." He tells Louis, a tiny smirk on his lips.
Louis widens his eyes and holds his breath when he feels a hand ghosting over the top of his arse. He gasps when the hand slides into his back pocket, then leaves something inside once it disappears.
Edward drops his hands and clears his throat. "Your phone." He clarifies, then takes a step back.
"Oh." Louis breathes, his heart still racing as if all his blood cells are having a marathon. It's probably true cause his face is flushing.
He walks over to the entrance of his building, stopping and turning around. Edward is still watching him, unmoving from where he's standing.
"Well, go." Louis waves his hand, as if he's shooing a dog. "What are you waiting for?"
Edward rolls his eyes annoyedly. "Go inside."
Louis makes a face, then smiles until he barely can see. "Okay." He quickly obeys, watching from inside the door as Edward gets inside the car and drives away.
And if he screams excitedly and startles an old lady when he's fully inside, no one has to know that. Except maybe the old lady.
A/N: So, what do you think? I think this chapter is quite a mess. Sorry for any mistakes. Do tell me what you think! xx :)
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