Chapter 24
Surprise bitches, bet you thought you've seen the last of me. Some of yall really thought that I've given up on this fic, huh? I promised I won't, and I won't. <3
Anyway, if you're reading this I just want to tell you that I'm so grateful and I can never thank you enough for your support. Thank you for being so patient with me even though I took months to finally update again. I've missed all of you so much and I'm so sad that after this, there's only going to be one more chapter left to this story.
I know you know what will happen in this chapter, and I'm so excited for you to read it! I'm sorry if it wasn't that good. I've been super busy and distracted these past months, but I hope you like it.
Thank you so much, again. I love each and every single one of you.
I wasn't ready then, I'm ready now,
I'm heading straight for you.
You will only be eternally,
The one that I belong to.
- Adele
Louis widens his eyes as he straightens up again in his seat. He peeks around to see if anyone noticed, but none of them is bothered. In fact, everyone is tucked away at their own desks. The Omega sighs to himself, scowling at the ugly scrawl his pen made on the paper he was working on when he nodded off.
He puts the pen down, pressing the heels of his palms into his eyes.
He's exhausted. He's been working so hard these past few days. Being one of the people in charge for Harry's brand launching and store opening, Louis needs to do his part well to make sure that everything goes perfectly. He wants things to be great for his Alpha.
It's been taking a bit of a toll on him, but Louis tells himself that it'll be over soon. Besides, it's his job anyway. Despite the fatigue and the amount of times he'd fallen asleep without even realising it, Louis knows he can fight through it. Though, he can live without his head spinning most parts of the day. Stress really does that to him.
He blinks a few times to try and get rid of the drowsiness. Louis puts away the paper and turns to his computer, trying to do something else so he wouldn't be bored and succumb to sleep again.
He startles awake again twenty minutes later, almost drooling on the paperwork. Louis hastily wipes his face as he jerks back with an annoyed grunt.
He climbs to his feet and makes his way to the bathroom, offering a tired smile to anyone who greets him. Their knowing looks make Louis even more irritated with this whole situation. He washes his face, slapping at his cheeks to wake himself up. Staring at his reflection, Louis is surprised to see how tired he looks.
Louis rushes out, eyeing his table but instead of taking his seat, he walks past it. He knows he shouldn't, but Louis carries nothing but determination as he heads towards his destination. Something like his conscience tells him to at least announce his arrival. Louis sort of agrees with it except he's already pushing the door open.
Harry looks up, surprised but curious upon having his door thrown open without evena knock. Right, Louis should've at least knocked.
His brain is already shutting down, though, so Louis thinks he can be forgiven.
"Harry, I'll explain later, but I really need to sleep right now." Louis dashes for the sofa. His head barely lands on the cushion before he's out.
It's fifteen minutes later that Louis rouses awake, having not moved a single inch from the position he fell asleep in. He can hear Harry's low voice discussing business on the phone and he sits up, rubbing his eyes. The motion draws Harry's gaze to him, and Louis offers him a smile as he stretches his arms out.
He motions to the toilet, waiting for a nod from the Alpha before he makes his move. When he comes back, Harry is leaning against his table, hands tucked in his pockets. The Alpha takes them out to open his arms, and within the next second, Louis cuddling up to him.
"What just happened?" Harry asks, lips pressing at his forehead.
Louis chuckles. "Really needed to kip."
"Been slacking on the job again?" Harry teases with a grin. "People are telling me I should have a word with you about it."
"I've been working hard, alright? I deserve my breaks." Louis huffs, glaring at him.
Harry finds his lips and steals a kiss. "I know, babe. Thank you."
"Want everything to be perfect for you." Louis replies, kissing him again. He looks at his watch and sighs. "I should get back to work." Taking a step back, Louis smirks at his Alpha. "We don't want people thinking I'm slacking off again, do we?"
"Okay." The Alpha pecks his cheek, then after a pinch to Louis' arse, he lets him go.
Louis opens his arms and smiles at him, the kind that makes him look so innocent and pure. It destroys all Edward's walls any day.
"I'll see you for dinner, yeah?" He asks as he collects Louis into his embrace, lips pressing at the Omega's cheek.
Louis doesn't answer him, and Edward pulls back to see him frowning. His cute, little nose is scrunched up and he appears to be in distaste. Upon an expectant look from the Alpha, Louis' frown deepens. "Did you change cologne?"
Edward shakes his head. "No. Why?"
Louis stares at him as if he doesn't believe the Alpha. "I don't like it."
"Babe, you were literally licking it off my neck last week."
"I know." Louis glares at him. "But I don't like it anymore." He says, crossing his arms.
Despite the angry look on his face, it only makes Edward fond. So he leans down and kisses him to subdue the Omega.
Louis grunts and pushes him back. "You're not coming anywhere near me smelling like that."
"You're being ridiculous, Princess." Edward steps back despite his protest.
"Says the one walking around wearing that cologne."
"Fuck, you're lucky that I love you."
"You better." Louis replies, smug. Then he shuts his eyes, putting more distance between them. "I'm serious about the cologne, Edward. I'm getting a headache."
"Are you okay?" Edward steps forward to help him, but he stops himself.
"Yeah, just. Just go." Louis blinks, clutching his head. It's making him nauseous now. "I'll see you tonight."
Edward nods. "Okay, love you."
"Love you too." Louis watches him walk out of the door, then he takes a moment to clear his head.
Harry should be down soon, and Louis can't wait to eat. He's hungry but he wants to dine with his Alpha. Once he feels better, he heads for the dining room. He'll wait for Harry there.
The same cologne he smelt on Edward wafts in the air five minutes later, causing Louis to look up in confusion. Did Edward come back?
The smell is making his head spin and he cringes, disgusted. He turns around to see Harry beaming at him. Louis scowls, causing the Alpha's smile to disappear and he stops on his tracks from the doorway.
Harry sounds scared when he asks, "why are you looking at me like that, Lou?"
"Are you using Edward's cologne?"
Louis huffs in frustration. "Could you change to something else? I can't stand the smell."
Harry is genuinely bewildered by the statement that he gapes for a moment. "But I thought you loved this one."
"I know, fuck." Louis knocks his head against the chair. "But I can't stand it anymore. So, could you please wipe it away and pick something else?"
Harry looks so dejected as he leaves that Louis feels a little guilty. He'll make it up with kisses later.
Louis cups his mouth when bile rises in his throat, sprinting out to head for the bathroom. His throat burns as he empties his stomach into the toilet, silently cursing the stupid cologne.
When he comes back to the dining room, Harry is already there, pouting to himself. He looks more alert once he notices Louis. "Lou, are you okay?"
The Omega nods. "Yeah." He takes a seat and peers at the food with less interest than he had before. He feels a bit weak from getting sick, silently thanking Harry for doing as told and not sticking with Edward's cologne.
"I'll throw the bottle away." Harry tells him, still studying his face.
"Yes, please, thank you."
Louis huffs to himself, his face scrunching up as he drops his knife and fork and leans back in his chair.
"What's wrong?"
He turns to Marcel and frowns, mumbling, "I don't know..." He pokes at the chicken in front of him. Usually a chicken cooked like this would make him drool all over the table before it even arrives, but for some reasons, he could barely look at it tonight. "I don't like it.."
Edward has taken them out for dinner, choosing yet another extravagant place for them to feast at. When they made their order, Louis was highly enthusiastic about the chicken from the menu. But upon receiving it, he's reluctant to dig into the meal like his Alphas. But then again, his Alphas didn't choose the chicken, opting for beef instead.
"Is there something wrong?" Marcel is already picking up a small piece from Louis' plate and shoving it into his mouth. He chews for a few seconds, then gives Louis a weird look. "It's good, Lou." To prove his point, he takes another bit.
Louis sighs, pushing the plate towards Marcel. "I don't know..." He pouts, then his eyes fall on the rib in front of Edward. He looks back at his own meal and glowers at the innocent chicken. "I don't want it anymore." He proceeds to stare longingly at Edward's meal, jutting out his lip.
Edward's hand pauses mid-air when he notices Louis' eyes on him. He stares at the delicious bit of meat on his fork. "And you want mine." The Alpha is already exhaling a sound of surrender, putting his fork and knife down before lifting his plate and passing it over to the Omega who takes it with glee.
"Thank you, Alpha!" Louis beams, digging in right away. He moans appreciatively as he swallows, letting Edward know just how much he loves it.
"Just pass me his plate." Edward groans when his brothers stare at him in silence.
Harry obeys, placing Louis' plate in front of him while Marcel studies the interaction in disbelief.
"It tastes just fine. Don't know what you're fussing about." Edward grumbles, stabbing more chicken with his fork.
Louis doesn't let that deter his mood. He suddenly makes an excited sound, wiping his mouth. "I've almost forgotten! I got you something." He says, producing a small bag from beneath the table.
That sparks all of their attention, and they stop eating to focus on him. They watch quietly as Louis doesn't even bother to pass them the bag before he pulls out a small box and flashes them a cute smile.
"Princess.." Edward drawls after reading what the box says. "You've got to be pulling my leg."
Louis ignores him. "I got you a new cologne!" He says with full enthusiasm. "I'm so glad we got rid of the horrible one!"
"I thought you loved it on Edward?" Marcel questions with narrowed eyes.
Louis is annoyed with how many times he's been asked that today, almost slamming the box on the table. "I don't anymore, so what?"
"Thank you, baby." Edward says to calm the situation down, giving Louis a small smile. "I'll use it from now on, okay?"
Louis brightens at that, nodding happily and tucking the box back into the bag.
"Stop moving, Lou." Marcel complains when the Omega accidentally hits his face. He rubs his cheek where Louis elbowed him; the spot doesn't hurt as much as his pride does. His hold on the Omega tightens anyway, hoping that it'd keep him still.
"Sorry." Louis says, but he's still squirming in Marcel's arms. He whines in discomfort before wriggling himself out of the Alpha's embrace and crawling over Harry to roll to the other side of the bed. A relieved sigh escapes his lips and he finally relaxes into the mattress.
"Is everything okay?" Harry asks, sharing a confused look with his brother.
"Yeah, yeah." Louis waves his hand, kicking the duvet off and letting out another exaggerated sound of relief. "Just feeling a bit hot tonight. I'm all sweaty."
"Alright...." Marcel trails off, unable to keep the confusion out of his voice. It catches him off guard, being denied a cuddle from the Omega. Usually Louis would complain loudly if he's not being warmed up in their embrace, away from the harsh, cold air. Since the Alpha still feels like cuddling, he reaches for his brother and pulls him into his arms. The small spoon giggles, and it makes Marcel smile. When they turn back to Louis, the Omega is still in distress. "Are you feeling okay now?" Marcel asks, amused at the way Louis can't stay still.
"A bit." Louis sits up. Sweat has pooled on his forehead, and he grunts. "I just don't understand why it's so bloody hot."
"It feels fine for me." Harry says.
"Me too." It's not as cold now, but it's barely warm. Marcel frowns, wondering if the Omega is feeling poorly.
Edward appears from the bathroom, flicking the light switch off. He heads straight for the bed, climbing on and reaching out for Louis. Before he could touch him, his hands are slapped away.
What did I do now?" The Alpha pauses, throwing a glance at his brothers for any sort of hint.
"Nothing." Harry laughs. "Louis says that it's warm tonight."
"Really?" Edward raises his eyebrows, surprised. "Usually you'd be whining about how cold it is."
"Well, it's not cold now. Leave me alone." Louis rolls his eyes, turning his face away to show that he's upset at the comment. He even adds a little huff.
"Alright, alright. Fine." Edward sighs, lying down next to him and feeling dejected. He gives Louis a look of disbelief when the Omega rolls away the moment their arms touch. "Are you serious?"
"You're too warm!" Louis protests.
"Bloody Hell." Edward throws his hands up but he doesn't pursue the Omega anymore. He does, however, stares at the back of Louis' head and wonders why he's being all weird lately. "Are you okay, Lou?"
"Fine." Louis grumbles back.
"Good night. Love you." Edward crawls closer, plastering his body all over Louis' to press a sloppy kiss on his cheek. When Louis screeches in response, he barks out a loud laugh before scooting back to his spot and lying on his back.
"Love you too, arsehole." Louis mumbles, wiping his cheek in irritation.
The Alpha smiles.
Edward doesn't fall asleep despite the breaths around him starting to even out, instead he stares at the Omega even though he can't really see him in the dark.
He holds his breath when Louis starts shifting and turning, not wanting to do anything that would set him off.
"Edward." Louis whines, his eyes fluttering open and frustration pulling a his mouth. "Could you turn on the aircond, please? I can't sleep."
As Edward climbs off the bed to oblige with Louis' request, he makes a mental note to climb under the duvet later. It's usually not too cold that he has to be under the covers, but the aircond is going to lower the temperature even more.
He can hear Louis moaning in relief when cold air begins to flow in the room. It's so ridiculous.
"Is that better, baby?" Edward questions as he returns. He thinks he can see Louis smiling.
"Yeah." Louis' voice sounds happier, more relaxed. "Thank you, Alpha."
Edward continues staring at him, making sure Louis is sound asleep before he lets the night consume him.
Harry hears a frustrated grunt that falls on borderline furious so he restrains himself from taking a glance in case he's noticed. He wouldn't want to face the wrath coming his way.
It's really hard not to look, though, or laugh, for that matter. Louis has been jumping up and down for the past few minutes while he tries to squeeze into the pair of trousers only to no avail. Harry is surprised he's managed to stifle his snort for this long now.
Of course he loses control and finally turns to the Omega. Fear takes over his face when he sees Louis throwing daggers his way the moment he notices Harry looking at him. The Alpha quickly recomposes his face and clears his throat before looking away.
But the moment Louis starts cursing again, he takes the chance to look. He wishes Louis wasn't so good at distracting him with whatever he's doing. Harry's been trying to put on his tie but Louis struggling to fit into the trousers is just so cute.
With another annoyed grunt, Louis finally manages to pull the fabric up his thighs. Harry smiles a little, proud of his achievement. Even the Omega lets out a relieved sigh, reaching to do his button.
The Alpha watches while Louis' fingers try to clasp the button, struggling for a few moments before he manages to put it on. He instantly gasps when it's too tight, clawing at the button again until he's free from the confinement.
"Fuck." Louis breathes, and Harry freezes at the crack in his voice. "Fuck this!" He cries, tears suddenly flowing down his face and his body slumping. "I'm getting fat!" He claims with quivering lips before his shoulders start to shake and he's sobbing into his hands.
This isn't what Harry was expecting on a Wednesday morning, but he knows he needs to deal with this. He should take a moment to think how to handle this situation. Knowing himself, he'd probably make things worse if he didn't take extra caution.
He starts with approaching the Omega. Louis doesn't move when Harry places a palm on his shoulder, so he takes that as a good sign. "Baby..." He says, pressing closer until he's holding Louis in his arms and the Omega is crying into his chest. "What's wrong, love?"
"I can't fit in my trousers!" Louis wails.
Harry gulps. "Are you really crying because of that, or is it about something else?"
Louis whines, sniffing. "I'm getting fat..."
"The trousers probably just shrunk." Harry tries to reassure him, rubbing his palm up and down the Omega's arm.
"They didn't!" Louis protests with an angry face, his little nose red and eyes teary. God, Harry loves him so much. "I've been working out a lot and for what? Why should I even put so much effort if nothing comes out of it?"
Harry could see where he's coming from with his frustration. Louis had indeed spent a lot of time at the gym, with and without the triplets. Harry would be upset too if he was in his shoes.
"I'm sorry, babe." He says. "It's alright, let's find something else to wear, okay?"
Louis nods, pouting as Harry wipes his tears away. "Okay, Alpha."
Harry kisses his cheeks, then hugs him properly to make him feel better. "That's my baby." He praises, pecking Louis' lips and getting a small smile. "Let's take this off of you first." He bends down to help Louis out of the cursed trousers, not saying anything when it takes more effort than usual to peel it off his thighs.
Louis stands in his spot while Harry looks for something else for him. He comes back soon after with another trousers in hand.
"Let's try this one on." He says, already crouching down to help Louis into it.
He manages to pull it up Louis' thighs smoothly, and does the button without any hassle. He's even smiling as he stands back to his height, relieved. But his face falls when he sees that his Omega is crying again.
"This is yours, Harry. Why do I fit in your trousers?" He asks in a broken voice.
Harry admits he's a little bewildered and panicked, but he's sure it could be excused. After all, he's never had to deal with this situation before. "Baby.." He begins warily. "Our sizes aren't too different, yeah?"
Louis' cries subside at that. "Yeah..."
Tension seeps out of Harry's body. "Come on. It's alright."
Louis chuckles wetly. "I know..." He sighs. "I'm sorry, I don't know what's gotten into me."
Harry's eyes soften. "It's fine. I know you've been under a lot of stress." He mutters, arms curling around Louis' waist. "You should really shag the boss for more paid leaves, you know?"
Louis bursts out laughing. "You're the boss."
"Exactly." Harry winks.
Louis laughs again, louder this time. His tears have fully dried, and Harry silently pats himself on the back.
Marcel steps into the door, humming softly under his breath. His eyes land on the figure on the bed and he freezes, eyes widening. "Hey, babe." He says, careful. Fear is clear on his face no matter how hard he tries to suppress it, and Marcel silently scolds himself for showcasing his weakness.
His Omega is sitting on the bed, arms crossed over his chest with a glare on his face. The angry look is directed at the Alpha who had just entered the room, eyebrows furrowed together and he looks like he's going to start yelling soon.
Things have been weird lately. It's starting to worry the Alphas that their Omega keeps snapping at them even when they did nothing wrong. And sometimes Louis would be in a bad mood without any apparent reason. He'd be cheerful and happy at first, and then all of a sudden he'd get pouty and snappy. It's been causing a lot of fights no matter how hard the Alphas try to be patient. They can't even tell what brought this on.
"Is everything okay?" Harry asks from where he's sitting on the armchair, voice equally wary while he studies Louis' expression. He turns to Edward, and the Alpha also has his phone abandoned to watch the exchange.
Louis scoffs. "Why don't you ask Marcel?" He says, throwing Harry an annoyed glance. Then he's back to glaring at Marcel. "Is it so hard for you to close the door once you've walked in? For fuck's sake, Marcel."
Marcel takes a deep breath, holding it in as he counts from one to ten. His face is already growing red. He's not one to burst so easily, but Louis' current behaviour is starting to change that. The pent up emotions are making it easy to start retaliating at the Omega. "I'm going to the pantry after this, but I'm changing first."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever."
"What's the deal with you, Omega?" Edward asks, sitting straighter. His gaze is intense when Louis meets his eyes.
"What?" Louis says, his chest puffed out.
"Don't use that tone with me. I'm asking you nicely. What do you have stuck up your arse?" Edward narrows his eyes, leaning back in his chair. "If you have a problem, speak up. Don't start yelling at everyone. We're not mind readers."
"Yeah.." Harry says, a thoughtful look on his face but his lower lip is slightly jutted out in a pout. "We don't really appreciate being yelled at for everything."
"Then stop getting on my nerves." Louis retorts.
"No, you need to stop getting on our nerves." Marcel replies, stopping beside the bed with a pointed stare at his Omega.
"Of course, team up against me."
"You've been insufferable. I don't know what's wrong with you, but you need to recheck how you've been behaving." Edward's voice is low now, calm despite the look on his face. Louis has never received that look from Edward before.
Something inside him crumbles, and his whole demeanor changes. His shoulders begin to slump, and his arms fall limp to his sides. "I'm sorry, then."
All of the Alphas groan in unison as the waterworks start.
"Baby, come on."
"It's fine. I was wrong, I know." Louis climbs under the duvet before his Alphas could get to him, still crying softly.
"For God's sake..." Edward trails off, but he pushes away from his seat. Harry moves too, walking towards the bed where Marcel has already climbed on.
"You can't do that, Lou. Don't play victim, you started this." Marcel is saying, but he's pulling the Omega into his arms.
Louis hides his face in Marcel's shoulder, curling into himself so he could be smaller.
"Talk to us, baby." Edward pleads. "If something's bothering you, talk to us about it."
"It's nothing." Louis shakes his head. "I'm just being an arse."
"You really are." Edward nods. When Louis glares at him, he glares back. "Don't look at me like that. You said it yourself, and it's true."
Louis sighs, giving in. "I know, I'm sorry."
"Just, stop doing that. Tell us what's wrong instead screaming at everyone." Marcel says. "Could you do that, please?"
Louis nods. "Okay, I will."
Louis is so tired from all day of working, so the moment he climbs into the passenger seat at the end of the day, he tilts his seat back and falls asleep before Harry could even say hi to him. He hasn't seen the Alpha since breakfast, but Louis is sure he could be excused. It's out of his control, anyway.
"Babe, we're home." Harry shakes him awake. It feels like Louis only slept a blink.
"Already?" Louis groans.
Harry gives him a pitiful look. "Want a massage later?"
They climb out of the car, shredding their coats once they reach the entrance hall and heading inside. Louis is about to head for the dining room, but Harry pulls him towards the lift instead.
"Let's go freshen up first. I'll bring us dinner after that." The Alpha says, noticing that Louis looks ready to die on his feet.
Louis moans in appreciation. "Yes, please. My head is killing me."
Harry lets Louis lean on him in the lift, rubbing his arm. He walks slowly as they head for their room, not wanting to rush his steps in case the Omega is too tired for that.
He releases him as they step past the door, and he turns to suggest that Louis goes and shower first, but the Omega is wearing a grimace. "What's wrong?"
"Is someone drinking coffee?" He squeezes out, strained.
Edward who is in his usual seat looks up at the question. "Me." He gestures at the steaming cup of coffee in front of him, quite an unusual sight. "I'm staying up for a conference call tonight."
Louis nods, exhaling. It's harsh, shaking through his whole body. For a moment, it appears as if he's got his composure, standing straight and his face clearing up. But then he's gagging, and Louis pushes past Harry to run for the bathroom.
His lunch comes out in intense waves, barely giving him a break to catch his breath. Louis trembles once it ends, his body heaving with his pants. "God.."
Coffee wafts in the air again, then he hears Edward asking him if he's okay.
Louis can't think. His head is spinning again. "Please go. You stink of coffee." And then he's back to emptying whatever content his stomach still has.
He's spent when he's done, fumbling with the lever before he could flush. His knees buckle a little when he grows to his feet, but he manages to cross the distance to the sink. He only notices Harry once he's washed his mouth. "Can you grab me a towel?"
"Let's take a warm bath." Harry says. "Fill the tub. I'll join you in a bit."
Louis does as told, climbing in the moment the water is at the right temperature. He's almost asleep when Harry finally joins him. "Massage." Louis mumbles, demanding what he's promised.
"Okay." Harry chuckles, pulling Louis to his chest before he starts to work his fingers on Louis' shoulders.
"That feels so good." Louis breathes, letting out a quiet moan when Harry press at the right spots. "A bit harder, please."
Harry obeys, smiling when Louis moans again, louder this time. He takes his time working out all the tension in his muscles until Louis is relaxed and pliant against him. Then he washes both of them, making sure they're scrubbed clean before he stands up to grab a towel.
After drying off, both of them step back into the room. Thankfully, it doesn't smell like coffee anymore. Instead the sliding door to the balcony is wide open, and the air is fresh.
"I told Edward to leave it open." Harry informs him, pulling him to the wardrobe and passing him a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. "I also told him to grab us dinner."
"I'm not sure if I could eat. I just want to sleep." Louis complains while he puts his clothes on, drying his hair with the towel before passing it back to Harry.
"Louis, you need to eat." The Alpha says, but Louis isn't listening. He's already out of the wardrobe, climbing onto the bed and making himself comfortable. He's out in an instant.
Louis tries to keep the smile on his face even though the noise in the hall is throwing him off a little. He's started the day so excited but now he's feeling a little overwhelmed, and not in a good way.
He looks around, trying to find Harry among the crowd. He's been gone for a while now, and Louis is starting to grow jittery at being left alone. Edward is on the stage, sitting on one of the sofas arranged neatly facing the audience. Marcel is right beside him, talking animatedly with a mic in hand. Harry was supposed to stay with Louis, but the Alpha disappeared some time after Marcel greeted the audience.
Marcel had been talking about his book launch for a while now, and Louis got more and more excited about it every time Marcel brought it up. It's making the Omega so happy to be here and see that it's turning out perfect, exactly how Marcel had envisioned it.
He's smiling every time the crowd cheers to whatever Marcel says, but his head is starting to spin. Even Marcel's enthusiastic voice booming off the mic makes him wince despite it being only slightly above acceptable volume.
Marcel had chosen one of their hotels to host his event. The ballroom is a perfect size, and the staff had done an outstanding work with the decorations. They're gorgeous, showing off elegance in the way they're put together without leaving out the fun in their elements. Louis was definitely charmed by the setting, and he's certain everyone was too if the collective surprised gasp released when they first stepped in was anything to go by.
Louis could already memorise the details of the toilet too, considering how many times he's had to go. He makes a mental note to stop drinking too much water too fast.
The room is even air-conditioned and probably a little too cold if Louis paid attention, so he wonders why his head is getting so heavy as if he's been standing under the Sun for too long. And where the Hell is Harry?
Louis takes a split second to decide that he should go and look for the Alpha, not wanting to be on his own any longer. He stumbles a bit as he starts walking, his hand quickly grabbing onto the first thing he could reach to stabilise himself. As he fixes his stance, Louis is horrified to find himself holding onto someone's arm.
"I'm so sorry." He says, blinking repeatedly when the pounding in his head becomes too much.
"Are you alright?" The person says instead of addressing his apology, concerned.
"I'm okay." He takes in a deep breath, trying to get himself together. "Thank you." After taking a moment to make sure that he's really fine, the person walks away.
Louis lets his eyes roam the hall, mentally reminding himself to look for a tall Alpha wearing a leopard print shirt.
He turns to the stage after no luck, surprised when he finds Edward and Marcel's eyes on him. The latter is speaking to the audience, his voice calm. But Louis knows he's worried from his lack of enthusiasm, could even see the concern in his gaze. The Omega gives them a reassuring shake of his head, then blows them a kiss.
Marcel turns back to the audience, a small smile on his lips while Edward replies with a curt nod. Louis holds his gaze a little longer, mouthing that he's going to find Harry.
He doesn't have to look for long this time. He finally sees Harry walking out of the toilet, fixing his hair as his eyes search the crowd, probably for Louis. Harry's eyes land on him, and the Alpha pauses in his steps to hold out a hand. It prompts the Omega to make his way over with giggles, stretching out his own hand.
His head is hurting again, and Louis feels his steps falter as his vision begins to cloud up. He sees panic flashing on Harry's face, and the Alpha's mouth moves to form his name, but Louis hears nothing. Everything is already going black.
Someone is holding his hand, a tight grip that would make it uncomfortable hadn't it been for the way a thumb is rubbing random shapes into his skin. It feels nice. Whoever's holding his hand has a warm palm.
"Louis?" A voice calls out to him, and for a moment Louis couldn't identify which of his Alpha it is. He feels a hand in his hair, and even though his eyes are still shut, Louis can't help but smile and lean into the touch. "Baby, can you hear me?"
"Hmm.." He tries to open his eyes, surprised when it takes more effort than usual. Nothing makes sense for a moment when his lids are fluttering open, his visuals blurring together. Louis clamps his eyes shut again, letting a second pass before blinking them open and taking everything in better this time. He sees Harry sitting beside him on the bed, his forehead wrinkled. "Hi, handsome."
Relief floods the Alpha's expression, and a smile blooms on his face as he surges forward to press a loving kiss on the top of Louis' head. "How are you feeling?" He pulls away, not waiting for an answer before he's kissing Louis on his lips. "You worried us." He says, kissing Louis again, calmer this time.
Louis pulls him closer until Harry is lying beside him, arms wrapping Louis up in an embrace. "What happened?" He asks, trying to recall the last event he could remember as he presses his lips to Harry's jaw.
"You passed out. Marcel was ready to jump off that stage."
"Fuck!" Louis gasps, pulling back and staring at Harry with wide eyes. The last thing he remembers is seeing Harry. "The launch! Shit, I ruined everything!"
Harry laughs at his reaction, cupping his face and pressing close. "No, you didn't." Harry kisses him to calm him down. It works. It always works. "Marcel's doing the signing now, and then they're going to come up."
Louis sighs in relief at that. Hopefully Harry is telling him the truth and not just saying that to ease him. He looks around and realises that they're in an unknown room, most likely one at the hotel. Louis appreciates how extravagant it is, but at the same time he wonders how much it costs. He turns to Harry to voice his thoughts, but the moment he sees his Alpha's questioning eyes, he could only think about the event. "Everything went well?"
"Yeah. Don't worry." Harry nods. "I got you out of there as fast as I could."
"Okay, if you say so." He looks around the room and smiles. "The room's nice."
Harry's mouth twitches. "Yeah? It's the most expensive suite."
"Completely unnecessary if you asked me."
The Alpha giggles, pressing his face into Louis' neck. "Always want the best for you."
Louis rolls his eyes at that. "To do what? I don't have time to appreciate anything when I'm unconscious."
Harry's giggles turns into a full blown laughter that his body shakes with it, making Louis laugh as well. "Well, you could at least be comfortable while you're at it."
Louis smacks him. "You're so ridiculous."
"You love me."
"Mm, I do." Louis agrees, leaning forward. As their lips touch, he tries to imagine a time where kissing Harry doesn't make his blood race. It sounds impossible.
The Alpha pulls back and stares at him, his expression is not saying much, but his eyes are saying everything. It makes Louis feel a little self-conscious, and he tries to hide his face. "No, don't." Harry smiles, holding both of his cheeks to keep him in place. "You're so beautiful, Lou."
Louis blushes, struggling not to smile as he meets Harry's eyes. "I'm yours."
Harry sighs in contentment. He embraces Louis properly on the bed, their bodies fitting together like puzzle pieces. "Um, Lou?"
"Yeah?" Louis' voice is soft, muffled against Harry's chest.
"Should we be worried? About you? I mean, you must have been working so hard." There's tension in Harry's voice, and he holds Louis' tighter. "You should take a break, get some rest."
"Yeah, I probably could do with that." Louis agrees. "But not now. Your launch is coming up."
"You should take the week off." Harry advises.
"You know that I just need rest, right? I'm not dying."
"I don't want to take risks."
"Two days." Louis says.
"Two days." Louis glares.
"Three." Harry glares right back.
Louis resorts to playing dirty, surging forward and kissing him. "Two?" He asks, using his little voice and adding in a pout.
Harry groans, reconnecting their lips. It makes the Omega smirk; he knows he's already won.
They snog for a few minutes, then Harry lets him sleep. Though, when the door opens and shuts an hour later, it wakes him up.
Louis rubs his eyes, a little disoriented. He's still tucked to Harry's side. The Alpha is also snoring lightly, looking angelic in his sleep. Louis looks up to see Edward and Marcel stepping into the room. They look tired, especially Marcel. Even so, there is also that happy glow he has on him after spending time with his fans.
Edward sheds his coat, then takes a seat at one of the chairs at the corner of the room. He eyes Louis, noticing that the Omega is awake. "Alright?"
Louis nods. "Feel better now."
Marcel climbs into bed, burying his face into Louis' tummy. "I'm knackered."
"How was it? Was it good?" Louis asks, his fingers slipping into Marcel's hair.
"Yeah. Everyone was lovely." Marcel's voice comes out muffled, not bothering to lift his head up.
Louis waits for him to continue, his hand playing with his Alpha's soft locks. But when no other sound comes out, he looks down and chuckles when he finds Marcel already asleep. His cheek is squished where he's laying his head on Louis' tummy, his arm loosely wrapped around Louis' figure.
Harry shifts, one arm slinging over Louis' chest as he moves to bury his face in Louis' neck.
"Regretting saying yes when we courted you?" Edward teases, smirking at the way Louis is trapped by his brothers. There's still space for Edward to squeeze in on his other side, and both of them know it.
"I'm starting to." Louis huffs jokingly, but he's content to lie where he is. Even the added weight of Marcel on his lower half feels nice. "Are you going to keep sitting there?" He pouts.
The Alpha shrugs. "Maybe. Why? Miss me already?"
Louis nods. "Cuddle me."
"You have two Alphas on you."
"I mated with three."
Edward sighs, but he pushes away from his seat. He's careful not to jostle everyone too much as he climbs onto the bed. "You're needy, did you know that?" He grumbles to his Omega as he offers his arm to be Louis' pillow, careful not to disturb Harry.
"I know." He replies, smiling. Then his pout returns. "Kiss me."
Edward shakes his head, as if Louis is asking too much of him, but he does as told anyway.
Louis is glad he took Harry's suggestion to stay home. He's been having headache all day, unable to do much with his head feeling like it's going to pop.
Not to mention the amount of times he's gone to the loo. Having nothing to do means more time for him to keep himself hydrated; which he does in hopes of relieving his headache. It's starting to piss him off, having to walk back and forth to the nearest bathroom every hour.
Although his day has been a little boring, he doesn't have much choice but to lie down and rest. He even had to ask a Beta to bring him lunch to his room, unable to stand up without feeling like he might get sick or pass out.
After lunch, Louis watches a bit of cooking show, then falls asleep with the TV still on.
He feels much better when he wakes up two hours later. His head is lighter and he doesn't feel so nauseous anymore. Louis takes the chance to do some light work out in the gym, hoping that moving his body and sweating it out would relieve him of whatever this is.
When he goes back to the room an hour later, he's surprised to see Edward. He's still in his suit, looking as gorgeous as ever.
"What are you doing here?" Louis asks, using his towel to dry his face.
Edward's face brightens, but it's fast to be replaced by confusion. "Why are you all sweaty?"
"I was at the gym."
The Alpha nods, eyes raking down Louis' figure as he steps closer. "One of the Betas said you weren't feeling well."
"Are they snitching on me now?" Louis rolls his eyes.
"I asked them to." Edward licks his lips, resting his hands on Louis' waist. "They're just doing their job."
"I know. I'm fine now."
"Take a shower with me?" Edward says, distracted as he buries his face into Louis' neck, forgoing the fact that the Omega is still drenched with sweat.
Louis is already accustomed to the Alpha's weird obsession with his scent, so he barely bats an eyelash when Edward kisses his wet skin. "Okay."
Louis' phone starts ringing before any of them could move; not that Edward minds. He can stay here and kiss Louis all day long.
"Hello." Louis says into the phone, tilting his head back to allow Edward better access.
"Louis! Are you free tomorrow morning? Join us for a run!" Perrie couldn't be more excited if she tried.
That would actually be great, Louis needs to start being active again.
"Okay, pick me up."
"Great, see you!"
Edward grabs his phone once the call is ended, tossing it behind him. Louis watches as the device lands on the bed and bounces to the floor. He turns to Edward with an accusatory look, causing the Alpha to sigh and shuts his eyes in defeat.
"If it's broken, I'll buy you a new one." He promises, giving Louis a regretful but non-apologetic look.
Louis bursts out laughing. "You're that desperate, aren't you?"
Edward shrugs, his hands sliding down from Louis' waist to his arse. "Well, I don't know if you noticed but you're bloody fit."
"Gonna fuck me hard and make me cry?" Louis teases, pushing Edward's jacket off his shoulders.
Edward hums. "Only if you want me to."
Louis reaches for his buttons, nodding vigorously. "Of course I'd want that. Get your kit off."
The next day, Louis is already dressed in his sportswear fifteen minutes before the girls are supposed to arrive. He woke up before his alarm went off, something that rarely happens. Louis knew if he went back to sleep, he'd surely miss it, so he got up and went straight to the bathroom to get ready.
Something's been feeling weird ever since he got up, but Louis tries not to dwell on it. He can't put his finger on what it is, but he knows that there's something out of place. Involving what, he can't say he knows.
The headache he had yesterday is starting to come back albeit not as intense. It's easy enough to ignore it. Louis silently prays that it doesn't get worse.
Louis makes sure to fill his water bottle before he goes to the front door and puts his shoes on. By the time he's waiting outside, he can already see the Mazda driving in from the gate.
Louis slides into the back seat when the car stops in front of him, saying quiet greetings to the girls before they fall into a comfortable silence. All of them hum quietly to the music playing on the radio, too early to be making conversation.
The sun is just about to crack the dark sky when they arrive, but they can already see people running on the track. The engine is cut off, and they climb out of the car.
"Let's find a spot and do some warm up first." Eleanor says as they're walking towards the park.
Perrie looks around and points under a tree. "There."
They make their way over without a sound, focusing on their stretching and warming up once they reach the spot.
"Can we go grab breakfast together after this?" Perrie asks, her leg stretched out in front of her.
"We haven't even started running yet." Eleanor deadpans.
"But I'm hungry."
Louis rolls his eyes, fond. "Yeah, yeah, we can get breakfast." He says before he takes off to the track.
Perrie cheers, following suit with Eleanor trailing behind her.
They've finished one round on the track when Louis starts feeling lightheaded. He slows down a little, shaking his head in hopes to clear it.
"Are you okay, Lou?" Eleanor asks when she notices he's fallen a few steps behind. The girls slow to a stop as they wait for him to catch up, concern plastered on their faces.
Perrie reaches out to him when he's close enough, noticing the look on his face. "You don't look too well, darling."
"I'm fine." Louis smiles tightly, giving her a reassuring squeeze when she takes his hand.
"If you're sure." Eleanor replies, still staring at him. "Just let us know if anything's wrong."
"Yeah." Louis nods.
They start to run again, Eleanor and Perrie side by side while Louis keeps his pace behind them.
When his world starts to spin and he begins to lose his balance, Louis is about to tell them that maybe he should take it slow after all. But the words die in his throat and he collapses on to the ground before he could make a sound.
Perrie is the first thing he sees when he wakes up. The panic is obvious in her wide eyes.She's also holding on to his hands as if she wanted to break them. Louis flinches when he realises that she's near shouting.
"Oh my God, Lou! Are you okay?"
Louis clutches his head as he sits up, noticing a small crowd surrounding them. He blinks a few times, breathing in and out properly.
"What happened?" He croaks out.
"You passed out." One of them says, concerned. "You okay, mate?"
"Yeah." Louis replies. "I'm fine."
"You should get some rest." A girl says, and she's greeted with murmured agreements.
"Yeah, I will. Thank you."
Knowing that he's fine, everyone begins to leave, continuing with their activity. Louis turns to Perrie, finding her eyes red with drying tears.
"You worried me!" Perrie accuses, hitting his arm. "Don't do that again!"
Louis chuckles, opening his arms and hugging her tight. "I'm sorry, love." He drops a kiss to her cheek, then looks around in wonder. "Where's El?"
Perrie turns around, and Louis follows her gaze. He sees Eleanor standing not too far away from them, phone pressed to her ear. She looks serious as she talks, nodding every now and then.
"It's Edward." Perrie tells him.
"You called my Alpha?" Louis' mouth falls open in disbelief. "Why would you do that?"
Perrie smacks his arm. "You were unconscious! We thought one of them should know, at least."
"Fuck." Louis sighs. "This isn't the first time. He'll surely go bonkers."
"Have you got it checked?" Perrie frowns. "What if it's something serious, Lou?"
"I know, I know."
Eleanor comes back, sitting beside them and hugging her knees. "Edward's on the way here."
"You really shouldn't have called him." Louis groans, already thinking of what Edward would say.
Eleanor looks like she already knows what's to come, and she shoots him a smirk. "Good luck."
Louis kicks her shin, making her laugh. "I'm sorry I ruined our activities. Just continue, please. I don't think I should go again."
"That's true. Imagine what Edward would do if Louis is passed out again when he gets here." Perrie says, pouting. "He'll kill us all."
"Oh, so you're only scared of Edward but not of me?" Louis is beyond betrayed.
Perrie barks out a laugh. "You're not scary at all, Lou."
The girls decide to do one more round while Louis cools down so his body won't hurt later. He does some stretching and takes sips of water in between while he watches his friends run the track, the two of them talking and laughing. They wave at him every time they pass by his spot, and Louis finds it amusing. They're like a group of little children who keeps seeing each other on the streets.
Louis is bent down as he stretches his fingers to his toes when he feels a palm slide over his arse. He widens his eyes, reaching back to grab the wrist and twisting it while he simultaneously spins around to see the perpetrator.
"Ow, ow! Baby, it's me!" Edward grimaces, trying to pull his arm back but Louis holds on tight.
Louis huffs, twisting it even more and savouring the Alpha's sound of pain before releasing him. "Forgot your manners? Should've just broken your hand." He glares.
Edward grunts, nursing his wrist and throwing an accusing scowl at his Omega. Seeing the expression on Louis' face, he relents. "I'm sorry, okay? You were flaunting your arse, couldn't resist."
"Apology accepted." Louis says after a moment of thought. He straightens up and smiles, tilting his face with his arms crossed behind his back. "Gonna greet me properly?"
Edward smirks. That he can do. He steps closer and circles Louis' waist with his arms, finding his hands to lace their fingers together as he captures Louis' mouth in a sweet kiss.
"You smell good." Edward murmurs against his lips, moving down to nibble at Louis' neck.
"I'm all sweaty." Louis complains.
"And I'm supposed to care because?"
"Get a room!" Perrie yells from the distant, her and Eleanor are already approaching the couple.
Edward freezes, rolling his eyes as he parts with Louis. "Don't be such a child." He calls out.
Perrie laughs, Eleanor grinning by her side.
"Are you going to leave?" Eleanor asks when they reach the couple.
Louis looks at Edward and raises his eyebrows. "I can't believe you forgot why you're even here."
Edward blinks. "Right. This is all you and your arse's fault." He narrows his eyes. "What happened? Why did you pass out? Did you grab anything to eat before you left?"
Louis blinks, guilty.
"Louis." Edward scolds.
"I know, I know. I forgot, okay?" He crosses his arms.
"Next time, make sure you have something before you go for a run."
Louis sighs. "Yes, Alpha."
"Aren't you two the cutest thing!!" Perrie gushes, her hands on her mouth while she stares at them with twinkle in her eyes.
"That wasn't what you were saying." Edward mutters.
She sticks out her tongue.
The Alpha takes a look at his watch, then purses his lips. "We should go now. I've already cancelled a meeting. Cancelling two would be horrendous."
"Fine. But carry me to the car." Louis pouts, holding out his arms.
The Alpha just silently bends his knees, allowing his Omega to climb over his back. "Are you two leaving as well?"
"Yeah, we're just going to cool down first, then grab some breakfast." Eleanor waves her hand.
"Alright, take care girls." Edward nods, straightening up as if Louis weighed nothing on his back.
"You too, bye!" Perrie waves as Edward walks away, and Louis waves back until he can't see her anymore.
"Lou, I have to go." Edward grunts, but he responds when the Omega kisses him again to shut him up. He was ready to leave ten minutes ago, but somehow Louis managed to push him up against the wall and he got lost in the taste of Louis' lips that all thoughts about work fly out of the window.
Louis hums as he presses himself further into Edward. "Do you?" He teases, cupping the Alpha's neck. The hands on Louis' waist slide down to grab his arse, thoroughly feeling it up. The Omega releases a pleased moan, letting Edward swallow the sound.
"Lou.." Edward mumbles. He's still holding Louis like a vice.
"Fine." He pecks the Alpha one last time before taking a step back, swollen lip jutted out into a pout.
"I'll be back soon, I promise." Edward says as he fixes his jacket and tugs at his tie. "You'll be the end of me, I swear."
Louis giggles when Edward points an accusing finger at him, sticking his tongue out at the Alpha. "Bye, love you!"
"Love you too." Edward smiles, opening the door. He shoots Louis one last look before the door shuts behind him.
The Omega leaves the entrance hall to head for the dining room. Edward had already informed the Betas to prepare breakfast for Louis so it must be ready by now. He takes a trip to the loo, then continues his journey. He hopes there would be sausages.The Betas start to bring him breakfast the moment he takes a seat at the dining table, and Louis watches in glee as there are, indeed, sausages. He quickly grabs a few onto his plate, thanking the Betas for the meal. The table in front of him is quick to be served with various of other things like toast and fruits, but Louis pouts when his tea hasn't arrived yet.
Finally a hand places a mug in front of him, making him flash the Beta a bright smile. "Thanks!"
Louis happily takes a sip while he waits for the Betas to finish setting the table. He frowns to himself when he's taken aback by the taste, taking a few more sips. Then he turns to one of the Beta, ready to ask for sugar in his tea.
Louis stops himself before he could utter the word, and the mug slips from his hold. The crash echoes loudly in the quiet house when the it breaks into tiny pieces as it collides with the marble floor. Somehow Louis doesn't even flinch at the sound despite the Betas around him gasping in shock.
"Oh my God." The Omega whispers.
"Louis, are you alright?"
"What's wrong, Louis?"
But Louis is too busy freaking out in his head that the voices calling out to him are completely muted.
Louis waits in the living room, curled up on the sofa and lost in his thoughts. The front door shuts, then he hears quiet voices coming from the entrance hall. Louis sits up straighter, waiting for them to reach him.
"Louis?" Eleanor's voice calls out.
"In here."
Not long after his response, the girls appear at the doorway. They're in fresh clothes now, presumably went home and showered before they made their way over.
The two of them rush to his side, and Louis quietly thanks his friends for coming over as soon as they could when he asked them to. Perrie wraps him up in her tight embrace, and Louis feels Eleanor's arms around him too. He sinks into the comfort, trying not to think too much.
"Are you sure?" Eleanor suddenly asks as they part, her face torn between being happy and wary.
Louis thinks about it for a moment, then he nods. "I've had some hints, but I didn't really think about it. I thought I was just working too hard."
Perrie bites her lower lip. "I hope it's true."
Louis makes a face, causing them to laugh. He nudges the blond. "Did you get them?"
Perrie nods with a wide grin, opening her bag and pulling out a crumpled package before handing it to him. "We've got seven of them."
Louis opens it up to peek inside, taking a deep breath at the pregnancy kits staring back at him. "Should I do it now?"
"Yes." Eleanor replies, calm.
"How long do we need to wait for this?" Eleanor asks as she pokes at one of the pregnancy kits on the floor. Each of them is of different brands, and they're placed facing down so they could only see the result once the time is up.
Perrie grabs the box behind her, reading the instructions. "Twenty minutes."
"Just five minutes left." He scolds his friends. They're so impatient.
Eleanor turns to him, resting her chin on her knees. "How do you think you're going to tell them?"
Louis mules it over, staring at the clutter of plastic in front of him. "I haven't really thought of that yet."
Perrie hums. "You should do a grand announcement for everyone."
Louis laughs. "I don't think so. I don't think I'm going to tell anyone anytime soon."
They fall silent.
"You're going to tell your Alphas right away, right?" Perrie looks at him with wide, questioning eyes.
Louis gives her a small smile. "We'll see."
"Louis." Eleanor looks at him, a silent warning.
"I know." He sighs. "They've been avoiding that topic lately, though. So I'll have to find the right time to break it to them."
"What, children?"
"Yeah, I've been trying to talk about it, but they keep shutting me down."
Eleanor huffs. "Louis, I'm sure they didn't mean it that way."
"Yeah." Perrie agrees. "We know how clueless your Alphas can be."
"Hey!" Louis laughs.
"It's true!"
The alarm goes off, and everyone tenses up in suspense. Perrie shuts it off, leaving the room in silence again while Eleanor stares at Louis to pressure him into checking the result.
He reaches out and begins to flip each of the test on its back, careful not to eye what they say yet. Once all of them are facing up, Louis holds his breath and scans all of them at once.
His eyes water as he turns to the girls, biting on his lower lip to contain his smile. "Pregnant."
Louis groans to himself as he clamps a hand over his mouth and nose. He shuts his eyes, using all his focus to get a hold of himself. He spends a few minutes like that, frozen.
When he's certain that it's gone, he relaxes in his seat and pulls his hand away. There's still a hint of it in the air, but it's bearable now. His body sags, muttering his gratitude under his breath.
It's only been three days since he found out he's pregnant, and Louis already has too much problems than he would like.
First, he hasn't told his Alphas yet. He's a coward, that's what he is. He still hasn't given much thought to how he's going to break it to them. But Louis will cross that bridge when he gets there.
Apart from that, he's starting to be nauseous at random hours of the day. So far he hasn't vomited yet, but Louis knows it will come.
The worst thing in the world is coffee. Louis can't smell coffee, or he's going to bend over the nearest object that resembles a bucket and get sick all over it.
But of course, everyone in the office loves coffee, which makes it inevitable for the scent to waft over to his table. He needs to be constantly prepared; he never knows when it's going to come.
He probably has to get an air freshener that is strong enough to overshadow the smell of coffee. Yeah, he should do that.
He's still on the computer an hour later, determined to do as much work as he could. His back is starting to hurt, from the position, from the pregnancy. He's also tired as fuck. Louis wants to murder something.
He jumps when a hand claps on his shoulder, and turns to see one of his colleagues, Gabriel, standing there. Louis smiles, nodding in greeting. "Hey Gab, leaving for lunch?"
"Yeah, are you joining us?"
Louis shakes his head. "Nah, I think I'll pass."
Gabriel smirks. "Having lunch with the boss today?"
"No." Louis laughs. "Get out of here."
Gabriel snorts, punching his arm in a joking manner before he leaves.
Louis grabs his phone, cursing when he sees the time. He quickly shoots Harry a text.
Can't join you for lunch today. Sorry. I'm going home early, I don't feel too well.
Louis doesn't wait for Harry to reply as he gathers his things and heads for the lift.
Louis hangs his towel up, walking over to his part of the wardrobe. He discards his bathrobe and pulls his joggers on, surprised at how snug it is around his belly. It's still comfortable, though, so Louis decides to leave it on.
It's barely four pm, but Louis feels so exhausted. He went to see his obstetrician for his first meeting during lunch hour. The vitamins he got make him giddy. At this point, any physical evidence of his pregnancy makes him go over the moon.
The obstetrician said that he's currently six weeks pregnant, tracing back to his heat for the date of conception. She advised him on his symptoms and diet and gave him a few screening tests. They've already decided on another appointment at his tenth week. The first ultrasound will be done then, so Louis has to bring his Alphas. He still has time to build up the courage to tell them.
Louis looks down, resting a hand on his lower stomach. There's not much bump, but it's already enough to stretch his waistband. He can't believe he's pregnant again. "I can't wait for you to grow, my love." He whispers, rubbing his middle.
Louis attempts to hint at his Alphas about them having a baby a week after he found out. He's already in bed, his feet the only part of his body under the cover while he leans against the headboard. He still gets hot at night, but his feet get cold sometimes. That would lead to more toilet trips than there already are, so Louis makes sure his feet are warm and protected.
He's got their iPad in his hands, a page of cute babies on the screen. Once his Alphas are settled on the bed too, he shoves the device into Edward's hand. "Do you think our baby would be as cute?"
The Alpha stares at the photos, then he sighs. "Louis." Is the only thing he says, but it strikes the Omega. He sounds so tired of this topic, as if he's told Louis a million times not to bring this up.
Louis grabs the iPad back. "Right, sorry." He mumbles, scooting to the other side of the bed. Louis puts the iPad on the bedside table, then lies facing away from his Alphas.
No one moves for a moment, and if a pin were to drop, they would all hear it. Louis can feel Edward's gaze burning into the back of his head, but he stays frozen.
He hears Edward sigh, then the bed shifts.
When he hears his Alphas starting to snore, tears slowly pool in his eyes until they flow down. Louis falls asleep before they could dry.
Louis is so affected by what Edward did that he avoids him for the whole week. It's easy to do so when he throws himself into work so he doesn't have to answer his phone. In the morning, he'd tell Harry that they should grab breakfast on the way so he doesn't have to see Edward. Whenever he feels like it, he'd drag Harry to dinner at some restaurants after work hours. That way when they get home, Louis can shower and go straight to sleep.
Despite his attempts to go to sleep as early as he can so he doesn't have to talk to Edward, Louis would still take a few minutes to look at his bump in front of the mirror before he climbs into bed. He's obsessed with it; he usually does it before he sleeps so he could see if there's any difference in the morning. He'd be disappointed more than not, but sometimes he can see a little growth and it would make his whole day.
"What are you doing, love? Come to bed." Marcel's voice makes him jump where he's standing in front of the mirror.
"Just a moment." He replies, recomposing himself so he doesn't appear too caught off guard. He's grateful that he didn't have his shirt up when Marcel came in. That would make things awkward and Louis would just end up embarrassing himself.
Marcel approaches him, wrapping Louis up in his arms as he presses himself along Louis' back. His lips brush against the Omega's neck as he speaks. "I know you know that you're fit, but you can't stare at yourself every night before you sleep. We're here if you need a reminder."
Louis digs his elbow into Marcel's ribs, scoffing despite his smile. "Git."
Marcel chuckles, his lips pressing more insistently on Louis' skin as his hands begin to roam the Omega's front.
Louis holds his breath as he stares at the mirror, watching in the reflection as Marcel's hands run down his torso. It's not unusual for Marcel to touch him all over. In fact, all of his Alphas love to do that. They always put their hands on him, and Louis loves the touch and the attention, especially the tummy rubs.
He keeps his eyes wide open as Marcel's palm reaches his bump, the Alpha frowning at the curve that wasn't there before. Marcel lifts his head, and he meets Louis' eyes in the mirror. There are so much emotions on his face, but the ones Louis can pinpoint are disbelief and a hint of excitement.
Marcel keeps rubbing up and down on his belly, and the more he does it, the more his face contorts in disbelief. Louis can see the gears turning in his head, and his heart beats faster. The bump is bigger now, noticeable especially when one pays attention. There's no way for Marcel to not know.
"Louis.." Marcel starts quietly, carefully. His palm finally stops moving, resting on the bump. Both of them stare at it in the reflection, and it paints such a pretty picture that Louis can't resist covering his Alpha's hand with his own, encouraging him to spread his fingers as they both caress the bump.
The Omega feels emotional all of a sudden, and he leans back into Marcel. They're still staring at the mirror, and Louis doesn't want to look away any time soon.
"Darling, are you-" Marcel cuts himself off, unblinking as they gaze at each other through their reflection.
Louis takes a deep breath, then nods. "Yeah."
Marcel makes a sound that resembles a sob, and he pulls Louis tighter against him. He pets Louis' bump more carefully this time, then slips his palm underneath his shirt so he has direct contact with skin.
"You're going to be a Papa soon." Louis says. Then a lump grows in his throat.
The Alpha releases him before spinning him around so they're facing each other. His eyes are red, and he looks torn between being happy and wary. "Are you sure?"
Louis giggles, tears already dripping from his eyes. "I have seven pregnancy tests that say so."
Marcel kisses him, one of his hands cradling Louis' head while another arm on his waist traps Louis against him. Both of them are crying, their kiss salty and wet but Marcel keeps kissing and kissing him until Louis starts sobbing that he couldn't respond properly.
The Alpha hushes him as he pulls Louis to his chest, dropping another kiss on his head.
"I'm sorry, I just.." Louis takes a shaky breath, laughing a little as he wipes at his eyes. "I can't believe I finally get to tell you."
Marcel hugs him again. "Baby, I'm so, I can't believe it." He laughs quietly, fighting a losing battle against his own tears. His mouth keeps opening but nothing would come out, the words stuck in his throat.
Louis nods. He's the same, chest tight and full with so much emotions that he can't say out loud. He buries his face into Marcel's shoulder, and they hold each other until their tears dry.
Marcel pulls back, cupping his face and smiling when he sees Louis' tear stained face. "I love you, more than anything. You know that, right?" He doesn't let Louis answer before he continues. "I'm sorry I wasn't there before, but this time around I'll do it right. I'm here."
"I love you." Louis whispers, holding tightly onto him as he kisses Louis' forehead again. The touch lingers, and with every second that passes, the Omega knows that his luck is different this time.
Marcel's face is so fond when he stares at Louis, a hand sneaking down to find Louis' little bump. "How long have you known?"
"Two weeks." Louis whispers. "I didn't know how to tell you."
His face tenses a little, and he looks pensive for a moment. "Lou, did you, were you afraid to tell us?"
"Well, you three weren't exactly supportive with the idea of having a baby." Louis ducks his face. "I'm sorry. I swear I took all of my pills."
"Fuck, Lou. Don't be sorry." Marcel tilts his chin up and kisses him again. "I'm sorry, darling. We should have been more attentive to what you need."
"It's fine." Louis shakes his head. He pauses, biting his lower lip. "You don't, you don't mind right?"
"Are you mad? Of course not. I'm so.." Marcel laughs, almost like a mad man. "I love you so much."
"I love you too." Louis pecks him on the mouth, a shy smile on his face.
Marcel hugs him tightly, still absorbing the news. "I thought you couldn't make me happier than you already do." He sighs when he pulls back. "I'm glad I was wrong."
Edward and Harry are asleep by the time they get to bed, and it makes him disappointed that he couldn't tell them the news yet. However, Marcel cuddles him and tells him that he can surprise them tomorrow so Louis nods and falls asleep in his arms, happy.
When Louis rolls awake the next morning, he comes face to face with Harry, and it instantly makes him smile. "Hi." His voice is a bit rough from sleep but it doesn't stop the Alpha from leaning forward and kissing him.
"Where were you last night?" Harry asks, caressing Louis' cheek.
Louis' expression changes, and he scoots closer to his Alpha. He looks around and notes that they're the only ones in the room. "I need to tell you something."
"What is it?" Harry asks distractedly, kissing him again.
Louis grabs his face so he could hold him in place in case Harry is going to kiss him again. "I need you to hear me out. You can't change the topic, or distract me. Please?"
Harry studies his gaze, his body tensing up at first but he slowly relaxes. His eyes fall shut for a moment, and when they open again, it's as if he already knows what they're going to discuss. "Okay. I promise."
"Okay." Louis takes a deep breath. "I know you've been avoiding the idea of having a baby." When Harry's face changes but he says nothing, Louis continues. "And I know it's not because you don't want to have a baby." Louis presses his lips together. "You do want to have a baby with me, right?"
Harry smiles, soft. "Of course I want to. We'd make some gorgeous little ones."
Louis giggles, unable to resist kissing him. "Good, because I'm pregnant."
The amusement disappears from Harry's features, and his muscles begin to form a scowl. "Lou, don't joke about things like this. It's not funny."
"No one's laughing, Harry."
Louis buries his face in Harry's chest. "I've been getting sick, I've been exhausted every day. My mood swings come at unexpected times. It's all there, Haz."
The Alpha is silent for a moment, and Louis almost wants to think that he won't believe him. But when Harry speaks up, his voice breaks. "Are you sure?"
"Yeah. I'm eight weeks pregnant." Louis looks up, giving Harry a small smile.
Harry rolls onto his back, pressing his hands into his eyes as he begins to cry.
"Harry, darling." Louis coos to comfort him, reaching a hand out to his chest. "Don't cry."
Harry coughs out a sob. His eyes are red when he removes his hands so he could look at Louis. "I'm going to be a father?"
Louis nods, grabbing one of his hands so he could press a kiss to it. Then he slowly guides Harry's huge palm until it rests on his growing belly. "It's our baby."
Harry rolls onto his side, shifting down until he can bury his face in Louis' bump. He continues crying, pressing wet kisses through Louis' shirt. The Omega's fingers are in his hair, and Harry doesn't know it but Louis is holding back tears himself.
Once the Alpha is calm enough, he takes a deep, shaky breath. "Hey." He says. Louis almost replies until he realises that Harry isn't talking to him. "This is Papa Harry." The Alpha makes an emotional sound, trying to keep his voice steady. "I just found out about you, but guess what?" He pushes Louis' shirt up, his lips making direct contact with Louis' skin. "I already love you so much. So, so much. Be good, okay? I'll, I'll see you soon."
"Harry." Louis chokes out, pulling the Alpha up until they are tangled together in a mess of limbs. They share a smile despite their tears, and Harry presses a kiss to his lips, chaste but sweet enough.
"Thank you." The Alpha says, pressing their foreheads together.
Louis has lunch with his Alphas, knowing that two of them are aware that he's carrying. But throughout the meal, Edward hasn't looked at him once. It makes Louis a little hesitant to say anything to him, but Louis knows that Edward has a right to know regardless of how upset Louis is with him. Besides, he deserves the treatment from Edward. After all, he's the one who's been avoiding Edward for a week.
It dampens things a bit when Louis can't find said Alpha anywhere after that. Upon asking a Beta, he is informed that Edward is most likely in his office. He makes his way there as fast as he can, not wanting to take any more time than he needs. Louis takes a deep breath once he arrives at the door, counting to three before he knocks. Edward's voice is quiet when he tells Louis to come in.
The Alpha looks up as he enters, closing the file he's holding and putting it on the table. "Lou, what is it?"
"Am I disturbing you?" Louis shuts the door behind him but he doesn't make any move to step further into the room. He blinks and looks down, suddenly ashamed when he recalls his behaviour towards Edward the past week.
"Of course not, baby." Edward leans back in his chair. "You want to come here?"
"Okay." Louis sounds timid even to his own ears. He's confused now. Edward wouldn't look at him at lunch and now he's calling Louis baby?
The Alpha turns in his chair, spreading his legs as Louis nears. It's an invitation to sit on his lap, and Louis won't ever say no to that. He's silent as he makes himself comfortable on Edward's lap, avoiding his eyes.
"I've missed you." Edward says, kissing his shoulder. His hand rubs up and down Louis' back, and it's nothing out of the extraordinary. He always does that. It shouldn't feel so much like an act of reassurance or comfort, but Louis can't help feeling like it is. And Edward doesn't make it better. "Feels like I barely see you these days."
Edward is probably just saying that, he's probably not accusing Louis of anything, but the Omega feels his emotions getting to him. And he just, bursts out crying.
"What's wrong?" Edward asks in concern, holding Louis closer. His question only makes the Omega sob, and Edward engulfs him in a tighter embrace in hopes of calming him down. He peppers the top of Louis' head with kisses, his hand never stopping the rub on his back. "Is everything okay, baby?"
Louis shakes his head, clutching onto Edward's shirt as he curls his legs up into his chest. "No." He blurts out, sniffling.
"Talk to me, baby." Edward says. "What's making you upset?"
Louis takes a full five minutes before he could breathe properly. His head hurts from crying so hard, and he spends another minute trying to catch his breath. "Um, I was, I was avoiding you."
Edward kisses his wet cheek. "I know, babe. Will you tell me why?"
Louis pouts, avoiding Edward's eyes. "You wouldn't talk to me about babies..."
Edward falls silent. Then his arms tighten around him. "I'm sorry."
"You hurt my feelings." Louis points out, almost petulantly. "I really needed your support."
"I know, and I'm sorry, Princess." Edward repeats, kissing his hair again.
Louis is quiet after that, still curled up on the Alpha's lap. "I need to tell you something."
"I'm listening."
Louis looks up. "I'm pregnant."
Edward nods. "I know."
Louis frowns, his blood running cold. "What?"
The Alpha clears his throat. "I heard you, last night, when you told Marcel." He draws in a sharp breath. "I didn't know what to do, or what to feel, so I went straight to sleep."
"You wouldn't look at me, when we were having lunch." Louis starts to panic. "Are you angry? I'm sorry, please, please. Please don't be angry."
Edward kisses his pulse point when Louis starts to hyperventilate. "Shh, baby, I'm not. I'm not." He repeats it in a low voice until Louis is calm again. "I could never be angry at you for something like this."
"Okay." Louis inhales, clutching on to him.
"I'm happy with the news. I was just-" Edward sighs. "I was thinking. Haven't stopped ever since I woke up."
Louis leans back in and plays with the buttons on his collar. "What were you thinking about, love?"
"I don't know. You, me. Us." He throws his head back. "I was wondering why you haven't told me yet, and thinking of what I did." Edward pauses, then he kisses Louis' hair. "I kept wondering if I'm ready to be a father."
Louis peeks up at him, eyes widened in fear. "Are you, are you not ready?"
He meets Louis' eyes. "I don't know."
The Omega takes a deep breath despite the tears gathering in his eyes again. "You'd be a great one."
"So you might think." The Alpha tenses against him. "The last time I found out I was going to be a father, it wasn't even true anymore. And you can't-you were scared to tell me about the baby, Lou." He scoffs. "Doesn't that already say a lot about what kind of a father I would be? What kind of Alpha..."
A small sob escapes Louis, and he buries his face against his Alpha. "Oh, Edward." He leans away so he could cup Edward's face in his hands, forcing the Alpha to look at him when he refuses to. "Baby, I love you so, so much. It wasn't your fault."
"I know." Edward's eyes flutter shut in frustration, squeezing some tears out. "But I wasn't there when you needed me. And even when you found out about the baby, I still, I wasn't listening to you."
The Alpha doesn't make much sense, but Louis knows what he's trying to say. "You're here now." He kisses Edward's forehead to reassure him. "For me." Louis reaches down to grab Edward's hand, slowly guiding it until the Alpha's palm is flat on his bump. "For us."
Edward surges forward and kisses him. "I love you. I'm right here. I'm never leaving you again." He promises in between kisses, unable to keep his emotions in control.
"Good." Louis whispers. "Because we need you, Papa."
"Jesus Christ." Epiphany really strikes him and he blinks in a daze. "My Omega is pregnant."
That prompts a giggle from Louis, and he nods. "Might need extra attention now."
"Of course." Edward grins, kissing him again. It's soft and slow, their hands cradling each other's face. When Edward pulls back, a thoughtful look crosses his face. "Lou, could you stand up for a second?"
Louis looks at him weirdly, but he does as told. He holds on to Edward's shoulders as he climbs off of him. Louis stands up straight, wondering what Edward is on about.
The Alpha leans forward and pushes Louis' shirt up so his skin is exposed. When Edward places his palms on Louis' tummy, it feels so light and gentle that Louis wonders if the Alpha was touching him at all. He's uncertain, shooting Louis a look. Upon getting an encouraging smile, he begins to touch the bump properly. His hands are warm, and Louis leans into them as awe takes over Edward's face.
The Alpha doesn't take his time anymore, pressing his lips on the baby bump and making a pained sound as his kiss lingers. "Hello little one." His voice comes out raw and scratchy, his lips grazing Louis' skin as he speaks. "It's your Papa here."
Louis can't describe what's going on in his chest, seeing Edward like this. He's so overwhelmed, so happy that he feels like crying again. He keeps himself quiet, not wanting to disturb the moment Edward is having. Instead he stares at his Alpha, sliding his fingers into Edward's hair.
"I.. I wasn't very good to your Mummy before." He clears his throat. "That probably was the biggest mistake I've ever made in my life." Edward looks up at Louis and smiles, barely a tilt at the corner of his lips. "I promise that this time around, I'm going to take care of you. Nothing's going to happen to you. I'll protect you with my life." Louis knows that Edward's supposedly talking to their baby, but he knows those words are meant for him too.
It's dark when Louis jerks awake the next day, still trapped in between his Alphas with their arms all over him. He's sweating buckets, drenched with it and he feels disgusting. But that's not the reason why he's awake.
Louis struggles to push Harry's and Edward's arms off of him, the limbs heavier with sleep. "Get off!" He finally snaps, pushing at Edward's chest.
It wakes the Alpha, and the hold around him loosens. "Lou, what's going on?"
"Get off me!" He repeats, voice strained as he continues pushing at him until Edward lets him go. Louis doesn't wait any moment to start climbing off the bed; he probably even stepped on Edward while he clambers off.
Louis doesn't linger to apologise, running straight for the bathroom. He couldn't even think to turn the lights on, throwing himself on his knees and retching into the toilet. The sound echoes in the silence, but Louis can't deal with that. He's too busy emptying his stomach.
A hand rubs at his back. With every wave that comes, the hand moves to his hair, then his shoulders, then back to rubbing his back. It doesn't help much, but the comfort makes it a little bearable.
Louis feels like a useless rag by the time it's over. His eyes are clamped shut, short pants coming out of his mouth from the effort, and his Alpha is still rubbing his back.
"Don't look 't me." Louis croaks, turning his face away and burying it into the crook of his elbow. "'M disgusting."
"You are." Edward chuckles. "But you're my Omega and I love you." He adds before Louis could react to his initial words.
Louis doesn't move, taking his time to calm his breath. Then he lifts his face and cringes at Edward. "What time is it?"
"Four." Edward replies, pushing Louis' hair back. "Do you want to wash up?"
When Louis nods, the Alpha grows to his feet and helps him up. He's careful and gentle when he leads Louis to the sink. While the Omega cleans his mouth, Edward goes back to the toilet and flushes it.
Louis wipes his hands and turns around, sighing heavily. "I really wish you didn't have to see that."
"What are you talking about?" Edward steps closer until he can grab Louis' waist. "I'm here for you, okay? Let me be here with you."
Louis palms his face, nodding. "Okay, thank you."
"Baby." Edward sighs, pecking his lips. "Don't thank me for doing something I should be doing."
Louis nods again, pressing his forehead to Edward's chest. "Sorry, I just. You're here, and you know."
Edward embraces him properly, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. "I love you." He repeats, and he'll do it as many times as he needs until Louis gets it through his thick head.
"I love you too." Louis replies, his arms curling around his Alpha. "Take me back to bed, please." He says, tired.
Edward scoops him up bridal style, and by the time he reaches the bed, Louis is already asleep in his arms.
Louis' morning sickness gets worse as he reaches his ninth week. He could barely climb out of bed from the fatigue of the pregnancy itself and getting sick every few hours. His Alphas don't leave him alone, making sure at least one of them is with him at all time. Harry makes sure to tell him that he doesn't have to worry about whatever's going on at the office. If Louis was being honest, anything apart from being in bed and succumbing to his fatigue is the last thing in his mind.
He could start the day feeling alright, but some time near noon, his head would start spinning and he'd begin to get sick. It lasts until night time. Every other symptom he gets pales in comparison to this.
It's worse after the sun has set. That's also the time where everyone is home, and they would witness Louis in his worst state. Louis hates the thought of his Alphas seeing him like that, but he can't deny that their presence makes him feel better.
"Fucking Hell." Edward grunts when Louis heaves over the toilet bowl, his knuckles white and body jerking as he struggles through it. The Alpha is standing by the wall, arms crossed together while he frowns at the scene. He's in distress every single time he has to witness Louis suffering from his morning sickness, but tonight is particularly bad and Edward couldn't stand it anymore. "Is there anything we can do? Fuck."
Marcel looks up at him from where he's seated beside Louis, a silent agreement in his eyes. He continues rubbing the Omega's back.
Edward glances at Harry who's leaning against the sink counter, looking as stressed out as Edward feels.
Louis' body relaxes a little once he stops heaving, and he throws Edward a small, weak smile. "Maybe you could go through this for me instead." His voice is hoarse, ruining the teasing in his tone.
"I wish." Edward grumbles. "You know I would do that in a heartbeat."
Louis doesn't reply, pressing his forehead to his arm while he takes a few deep breaths. After a few minutes, he straightens up. "I think I'm done."
Marcel stands up first, offering a hand to help his Omega up. He gives Louis a kind smile as he pulls him up to his feet, ready to let him go so he could grab the flush.
But before Marcel could release him, Louis goes limp and his body gets heavy. The Alpha catches him before he could fall, tightening his hold and keeping Louis close to him.
"Shit." Harry gasps, pushing away from the counter at the same time Edward rushes towards Marcel and their unconscious Omega.
"Get him to bed." Edward orders the moment he gets a hold of himself.
Marcel obeys, heading out of the bathroom with Harry on his trail while Edward stays back to flush the toilet.
When Edward walks into the room, Harry is on the phone. Their Omega is lying unconscious on the bed, and Marcel is nowhere to be seen.
"Yeah, yeah. No, he was getting sick. Yeah." Harry mutters into the phone, glancing up at Edward when he notices his brother. "Alright, okay. Thank you so much."
"Was that the obstetrician?" Edward asks when the call has ended.
Harry pockets his phone and nods. "Yeah. She's bringing the date forward. She wants to see Louis tomorrow."
"I'll take the day off." Edward says, already reaching for his phone.
Harry turns around and takes a seat at the edge of the bed. "You don't have to. Marcel and I could take him."
"Don't be daft. Of course I want to go, it's our first time." Edward starts typing on his phone. "Where is Marcel, anyway?"
"He's grabbing Louis some water and snacks." Harry peers at the Omega.
Edward gives his phone one last tap before turning the screen off. "Is it always this bad during the day?" He questions.
"Not really. But it happens quite often." Harry reaches out and covers Louis' hand with his. "I hope the ob knows how to help him."
"She's one of the best in London." Edward is staring at Louis' face as he says it. "I'm sure she'll figure it out."
The bedroom door shuts, and Harry and Edward turn to see Marcel with a bottle of water and some crisps. He nods at his brothers in acknowledgement before placing the bottle and the packet of crisps on the bedside table.
"Should we wake him up? We need to make sure he's hydrated." Marcel looks at the clock and sighs. "He's been out for a while now."
"I think he's just tired. We should let him sleep." Harry says.
"Let's just go to sleep. I'm sure we'll notice if he wakes up." Marcel replies, climbing on the bed.
Edward nods, already making himself comfortable next to Marcel.
Harry gets the lights, kissing his mate on the forehead before he squeezes in between his brothers.
Louis sleeps through the whole night.
When the Alphas break the news to Louis about seeing the obstetrician earlier because of his situation, Louis goes berserk. He yells at them for making choices for him without taking his opinion into account.
Thankfully, the appointment is at two, so they still have time to change Louis' mind.
After Louis storms out of the room, still furious, Edward tells his brothers to let him be. He'll come around.
It's safe to say that he's right, Louis comes up to them later on, crying the house down while he apologises. None of the Alphas takes offence to his action, they know his hormones are everywhere and Louis needs their support now more than ever.
After lunch, all of them climb into the Range Rover and drive to the city for the appointment. Louis is nervous the whole car journey, squirming in his seat. He's nervous as he holds on to Harry's hand like a lifeline in the waiting room, and he's still nervous even after his physical check-up.
His obstetrician is a middle aged Omega called Patricia, and Louis likes her even from his first appointment. She's very patient and kind. Even his Alphas approve of her.
Louis tells her about his horrible morning sickness, comparing it to his previous one. It was bad before, but not as much as this one.
Patricia tells him that it happens and he's one of the unfortunate ones to face that. Apart from that, everything else is fine. She prescribes him with medications to help with his morning sickness and tells him to come back if it doesn't help.
Louis doesn't know why he's still so anxious. The fact that he made it this far in his pregnancy and he's seeing his ob at the second appointment should be soothing for him if he wanted to compare to his past experience.
Not to mention all of his Alphas are here. Edward is standing by the bed Louis is currently lying on, holding his hand tightly and kissing the back of it. Harry is enraptured by the model of a full size baby in the womb across the room. He's been staring at it for the past five minutes. Marcel, on the other hand, is reading the posters in the room about pregnancy and babies.
Patricia disappeared after she told him to get on the bed so they could look at his babies. Louis wonders where she went, but within a few minutes, she's already back in the room with a wide smile on her face. "Ready?" She asks, wheeling the ultrasound machine closer to the bed.
"Yeah, I'm a bit nervous." Louis rasps, offering her a timid smile. Harry and Marcel have gravitated back to the bed, both with a hand on his feet. He doesn't think they're aware of it; but Louis is grateful for it. It's comforting.
"That's perfectly fine. It's your first time." She says, turning the machine on and setting it up. "But I'm sure you're more excited, aren't you?"
"Yeah." Louis replies softly.
Patricia clasps her hands together and beams at all of them. "Are the Alphas ready? We're about to look at the baby!"
Louis' heart skips a beat, then his blood races faster. He feels breathless.
"Yes, please." Edward says, squeezing Louis' hand.
She picks a bottle from the machine and points at Louis' shirt. "Could you lift his shirt up, please?"
Edward reaches out to do as asked, exposing Louis' tummy. "Is that good?"
"Yes, thank you, Mr Styles." Patricia steps closer. "This will be a bit cold." She warns Louis before pressing a blob of gel onto his skin. He flinches in surprise and she chuckles. "Sorry, I warned you."
"That's alright."
"Okay, let's find your baby." She turns to the screen, grabbing the wand and pressing it to his belly, simultaneously spreading the gel around as she rolls it over his bump.
The screen is a mess of black and white, and everything's moving as she shifts the wand across his skin, trying to locate the baby. Patricia hums, lifting the wand up before pressing it back on him. Eventually, she makes a happy sound and the screen goes still.
"There's your baby!" She chirps.
Louis releases a breath he didn't realise he was holding. A part of him was terrified that she'd suddenly say that there's no baby or something like that. He inhales deeply and finally looks properly at the screen. He doesn't quite understand what he's looking at, and turns to Patricia to ask for explanation. But when he sees that she's frowning, Louis' blood goes cold.
The Alphas notice his distress right away, and Edward squeezes his hand again. Marcel clears his throat and eyes the practitioner. "Is everything okay?"
"Yeah." Patricia trails off, moving the wand again. Her face contradicts her response, for the frown she's spotting doesn't really reassure them. "Oh, you're having twins." She blurts out, a smile appearing out of nowhere.
Louis widens his eyes, noticing an additional blob on the screen.
"Twins?" Harry echoes, voice mixed with surprise and excitement.
She nods. "Yeah, definitely twins. When you come back for your next appointment, we'll check whether they're fraternal or identical." She tells them, then her finger reaches out to circle the screen. "These," Patricia pauses to give him a big smile that infects him. "are your babies. They're about the size of cherries now."
"Wow.." Marcel breathes.
Tension begins to seep out of every single cell in Louis' body, and he stares at the picture he doesn't quite understand. But he knows that those are his babies. He'll be having two babies.
"I'll print this out for you!" She offers, receiving no response from the four of them. They're still blinking stupidly at the screen. She chuckles as she puts the photos aside once they are printed, then looks back at the screen. "Let's find their heartbeats."
It takes a while but eventually they can hear a faint thumping sound filling the room. It's so soothing for Louis, his heart filling up with so much emotions that if his chest blew up, the emotions wouldn't stop there. A sob suddenly escapes his mouth just as tears begin to gather in his eyes. "My babies." He bites his lower lip, trying to contain his emotions.
"Yeah, those are your babies' heartbeats." Patricia confirms with a nod, her smile sad.
The Omega sniffles. "Can we record this?"
Patricia lights up at the idea. "Of course!"
Louis turns to Marcel, and the Alpha quickly pulls out his phone. He places it near the machine, letting the device record the sound for a few seconds. Then he stops it before putting his phone away.
"Thank you." Louis says both to his Alpha and practitioner. He's smiling now, even as he's wiping his tears away.
The Alphas stay home for three days straight after the appointment, taking care of the Omega and making sure that he gets what he needs. But Louis isn't really making it easy.
"Darling, you have to eat."
Louis makes a face, shutting his eyes and turning away from the tray of food Marcel has brought him. The Omega has been in bed for most part of the day, only getting up for the loo or getting sick. Sometimes Edward makes him take a walk to make him feel better, but other than that, Louis just stays in bed.
He doesn't feel like eating. He doesn't think he can stomach anything at this point.
"Just small bites." Marcel puts the tray down so he could climb in beside the Omega.
Edward is sitting in his usual seat with a newspaper in hand; he stares at the food Marcel has brought up. It's chicken salad. It's light enough, but he knows Louis wouldn't want it anyway. "What do you feel like having, Lou? There's got to be something you could have."
Louis tries to think long and hard, his face scrunching up. "I don't know." He sighs. "Maybe some porridge? It won't be so bad if it's going to come out later."
Marcel kisses the side of his head. "I'll go and make you some, okay? But you have to promise you'll eat."
"Okay." Louis smiles.
Marcel gives him one last peck before climbing off the bed and taking the tray with him as he leaves the room.
"How are you feeling?" Edward folds the newspaper and puts it away.
Louis shrugs, slipping under the covers again and snuggling up to Harry who's taking a nap beside him. "Fine, for now."
"Are the medications helping?" Edward wonders, forehead creasing.
Louis nods, looking adorable with only the top of his head visible. "I don't get sick that much anymore. But I'm still exhausted."
Edward pushes off his chair and climbs over his sleeping brother. He settles next to Louis, wrapping him up tightly in his hold, but gentle at the same time. The Alpha peppers kisses on Louis' head, wondering how he could love him more and more each day. "I'm sorry we couldn't do anything to make it better."
Louis takes his time to reply. "But you do. You take such good care of me."
Edward jerks back when he hears the sniffle in Louis' voice. "Are you crying?" And sure enough, the blue eyes are filled with tears, bottom lip quivering.
Louis hits his chest with a fist, a weak motion. "I'm just emotional. Leave me alone."
The Alpha chuckles, cradling Louis to his chest again. "Never leaving you alone." Edward can feel the tears on his skin when Louis tucks his face in his neck.
"Sorry." It comes out muffled and wet.
"Nothing to be sorry for." Edward rubs his back, feeling the way Louis' body trembles in his hold. "Baby, what's wrong?"
Louis says nothing, shaking against him while he cries. Edward hasn't the slightest idea why his Omega is crying, but he doesn't let him go.
"It's okay, I'm here, baby. I'm here." Edward whispers repeatedly into the Omega's ear, hushing him and kissing his forehead.
It takes a few more minutes before Louis could calm down. He gradually becomes still, taking deep breaths until he's no longer shaking. Louis chuckles as he pulls back, wiping his cheeks. "I'm sorry."
"Wanna tell me why?" Edward encourages, voice soft and soothing.
"I think it's the hormones." The Omega replies, blinking teary blue eyes up at him. "But I'm just glad to have you here with me."
Edward kisses him, fingers sliding into Louis' hair as his free hand finds Louis' chin to tilt his face up so their mouths could slot better together. His arm is still curled around him, and he doesn't plan to let him go.
A couple of weeks pass by with more toilet trips and falling asleep at the unlikeliest of places. Marcel already found him asleep in front of the toilet bowl two days in a row. Louis wonders if the Betas laugh at him first before waking him up whenever they find him snoring in different rooms all over the house.
The Betas obviously figured it out even when Louis hadn't really said anything. Louis had received a few congratulations and it'd always make him smile. It's usually the Alphas that fetched his ginger tea, so Louis never sees the Betas much for that. But Ingrid came to see him one day to give him a hug from all of the staff and congratulate him personally. It made him feel so touched, and Louis never appreciated the Betas more.
He's also been too focused on his symptoms that he and his Alphas never got to sit down and discuss about how things are going to go now that he's pregnant. It's a big step in their relationship. Even though all of them are ready for it, they should still talk about the changes.
Louis is feeling healthy enough when he suggests having the discussion. They're all already in bed, but the telly is still on and no one seems ready to sleep yet.
"We've been avoiding Mum's calls." Harry says.
All of the Alphas cringe. "Well," Edward rubs the back of his neck. "She's been asking when we're coming home. We're running out of excuse."
Louis remembers when his morning sickness was so bad one day because he misplaced his pills and Edward was about to call Anne and ask for tips. The Omega had grabbed the closest thing he could reach which was Harry's phone, and flung it across the room to stop his Alpha from calling her. The device hit Edward's wrist, making him drop his phone onto the floor along with Harry's. Then Louis got sick into the toilet. They couldn't even be angry at him for breaking two phones at once, but Edward refused to give him his goodnight kiss until he pouted.
Louis never offered an explanation, but his Alphas respected his decision to keep the pregnancy a secret for a while. It's his fault now that both of their mothers are looking for them. Even his own Mum has been texting, but Louis hasn't replied much, not wanting to accidentally give anything away.
"I'm sorry that we had to do that." He sighs. "But I didn't want to tell anyone about it yet. I wanted to wait until my second trimester." Louis looks away. "The probability of a miscarriage is drastically less, then."
Marcel reaches for his hand. "Should've just told us that earlier."
"I know, I'm sorry." Louis squeezes him, grateful.
"Who currently knows?"
"Us, El and Pez, and the Betas." Louis says, confident.
Harry stares at Louis' tummy, looking so deep in thought. "How far along are you?"
"I'm almost twelve weeks." Louis caress his stomach, still only a slight bump but noticeable enough even when he's wearing a loose t-shirt. "We should go back this week."
The way his Alphas' faces light up makes him smile.
Edward leans forward, resting a hand on his belly. "Mum would be ecstatic to know."
"Ooh! Oh! I have an idea on how we should tell her!" Harry says in glee, almost bouncing in his seat.
Marcel chuckles, fond at his brother's excitement. "Tell us."
"Nope." Harry smirks like the smug little bugger he is. "You'll find out later."
Louis rolls his eyes. "I'll call Mum."
"I'll do that too." Marcel reaches for his phone.
They leave home early in the morning on Saturday. They barely make it to the gate before Louis is cuddling up to Marcel who's sitting at the back seat with him, and falling asleep.
He's out for the whole car drive, only waking up once they've reached the Tomlinson household. Even then, he hesitates before taking off his seat belt and giving his Alphas a nervous look.
"Ready?" Marcel asks him, reaching for his hand.
Louis takes a moment to breathe, then he nods. Harry cuts the engine off, and everyone climbs out of the car. The Omega fixes his shirt, careful to make sure the fabric doesn't stick to his body and give everything away before they could announce it. He's wearing Harry's oversized jumper, big enough to swallow him whole and hide his baby bump.
As they're grabbing their bags from the boot, the front door to the house swings open. Lottie appears with a wide grin on her face.
"Finally remembered the way home, did you?" She calls out, crossing her arms as she leans against the door frame.
"Shut it." Louis rolls his eyes, but he smiles as he walks up to the house. He pauses once he reaches his sister, leaning forward and kissing her on the cheek. "Missed you."
"Missed you too, twat. I genuinely thought you think you're too good for us now." Lottie teases, punching him in his middle.
It's gentle enough not to do him any harm, but he does feel like the breath is knocked out of him. "Lottie!" He reprimands, his hands cradling his bump protectively. "You could've hurt us!"
When she sees his bump, Lottie's mouth falls open and she gapes at him. "Oh my God! Are you-?"
"Surprise, Aunt Lottie." Louis beams, opening his arms.
Lottie jumps onto him, wrapping him up in a hug. "Oh my God!" She shrieks again, starting to cry. "Oh my God. Mum!!"
Both of them are crying by the time the Alphas approach the scene, and they share a chuckle at Lottie's reaction. "How are you feeling, Aunt Lotts?" Edward teases as he opens his arms to offer her a hug.
She laughs through her tears. "I'm going to be an aunt!"
"Yes, you are." Marcel says when she goes to hug him next. She grins, tilting her head as she releases him so she could go to Harry. "Congratulations."
"Thank you." Harry kisses her cheek, patting her back.
Lottie parts from Harry and turns back to Louis. "Mum." She whispers, then her claws are taking her brother's arm as hostage, dragging him inside. "Mum!!" She yells through the whole house, as if about to tell on Louis for something bad he did.
"Jesus, Lottie. What are you screaming about for?" Jay appears from the kitchen, staring at her daughter with a disapproving look. It disappears when she notices Louis. "Oh, darling you're back!"
"No, wait!" Lottie holds out a hand before Jay could hug him. When her Mum gives her an unimpressed stare, Lottie groans. "Look at this!" She grabs Louis' shoulders to make him stand sideways in front of their Mum, then she tugs his jumper up.
"Lottie!" Louis scolds, but he doesn't do anything to stop her.
"What are you doing, young lady?" Jay fits her palms on her hips, shaking her head.
Lottie gestures to her brother's belly. "Look, Mum! Louis's gotten fat!"
Louis turns around and slaps his sister's arm. "How dare you?"
The girl cackles with laughter, especially when she sees that his bump is still exposed.
"Louis..." Jay trails off, slowly approaching her children. Her eyes are stuck to his middle, never looking away as she steps closer.
He turns to his mother, peeling the jumper down. He's starting to get self-conscious with the way his bump is hanging out for them to see. "I'm twelve weeks pregnant with twins."
Louis flinches back when both of them screams at the announcement. He's pulled into his mother's arms, her hold tight enough to suffocate him. Lottie is still screaming at him for not telling her that he'd be having twins.
Well, at least they're happy with the news.
That night, everyone retreats to bed early except for Louis and Jay. They sit on the sofa, the TV on low volume, merely a background noise. Louis is on his back, taking most part of the sofa with his head on Jay's lap. Her fingers are in his hair, and occasionally she'd tease his nose, making him scrunch his face up and they would laugh.
"When did you find out?" Jay asks, causing Louis to open his eyes. He hadn't noticed when he shut them. The house is quiet now, only the faint sound of the girls' laughter could occasionally be heard. He can barely hear the TV now.
Louis hums while he tries to remember. "About a month ago."
"Oh?" Jay pauses, then she continues playing with his hair. "That's why you haven't come back?"
"Yeah, sorry Mum." He looks up at her with a smile. "Besides, I was dying."
"Oh, don't be so dramatic."
"It's true!" Louis laughs. "I had to take medication for my morning sickness."
Jay smiles. "Well, you are carrying twins, after all. Double the sickness."
"Yeah." Louis' eyes shut again. He leans into his mother's touch and hums again. "I'm so happy, Mum."
"I'm glad." She replies, but then he feels her hand on his neck. Jay says nothing as she picks up the locket resting on his skin and slowly opens it to see the names. "Have you moved on, then?"
"I don't think I'll ever be able to move on, at least not fully." Louis gently pries the locket out of her hold. He brings it to his lips, lightly kissing it as he meets her eyes. "But in a way, yes, I think I'm ready to move on."
She leans down to kiss his forehead, stroking his hair back. "I'm so proud of you, darling."
Louis clasps the locket close and lets it fall back to his chest. "Thank you, Mum."
Jay hugs them multiple times before she lets them leave the next day. And as they drive away, Louis waves his hand out of the window until his house is gone from view.
The car ride is making him dizzy soon enough, so he burrows himself into Edward's arms and goes to sleep.
"Lou, we're here." The Alpha gently shakes him awake once they've arrived. It feels lie he's only blinked.
"Mmkay." Louis mumbles, looking a little petulant as his eyes flutter open. "I'm so tired." He complains, dropping his head into Edward's chest again.
Edward chuckles. "I know babe. Come on, I'll carry you."
Louis pulls back, waiting for Edward to exit the car. It's only then that he notices they're the only ones there. Harry and Marcel must have gone inside.
He hops off the car and on to Edward's back, holding on tightly while the Alpha closes the door and starts to head up to the house.
As they approach the front entrance, they can hear the commotion from the inside.
"Harry, why did you put the buns in the oven?" Anne's voice is heard asking, confused.
Despite his state, Louis can't help but giggle. "Oh, Harry."
"Only Harry." Edward agrees, amusement colouring his voice.
"Oh my God. Oh my God!"
"She finally gets it." Edward says to him just as they pass the threshold. "I come bearing a pregnant Omega."
At Edward's announcement, Anne appears in the hallway with Marcel and Harry behind her. "My darling!" She calls out, running straight for Louis. "Edward, put him down! I want to give him a cuddle."
Louis bursts out laughing, already feeling better with Anne's loving welcome. He kisses the Alpha's cheek before squirming himself off of Edward's back. "Hello, Anne." He grins, letting her kiss both of his cheeks before she tugs him into a tight hug.
"Do we even need to come back with him anymore?" Edward drawls to his brothers. "At this point he can come here alone, and Mum wouldn't even notice that we're not with him."
"That's true." Anne says.
"See?" Edward gestures at her, staring pointedly at his brothers.
Louis is still grinning as Anne lets her go, but she doesn't leave his side.
"Is there anything you'd like to have, darling? I'll make whatever you want."
"Oh! Oh! I want a pie!" Harry says, raising his hand in enthusiasm.
Anne shoots him a look. "I was asking Louis, love."
Marcel quickly consolidates a disappointed Harry while Louis laughs. "A pie would be lovely, Anne, if that's not too much trouble." When he catches Harry's eyes, he gives his Alpha a wink.
"Of course, dear." Anne pats his cheek fondly before heading for the kitchen. "I'm going to be a grandma!"
"Mum, you already are one." Edward deadpans, but his mother has already left the hallway. He turns around and scowls at his Omega. "Happy now that you've stolen our love, from our own mother?"
Louis giggles. "Yes. It was my plan all along."
"I knew it." Edward sighs, reaching an arm out that Louis easily waltz into. "Wanna go and rest?"
"Yes, please."
"I'm going to help Mum with the pie." Harry announces, happy that he's going to get what he wants. "Marcy, come with me?"
"Don't call me that." Marcel rolls his eyes, but he takes Harry's hand. He looks at Edward and Louis and says, "if you need anything, we'll be down here."
"Have fun." Louis replies, blowing them a kiss.
They tell Gemma over the phone after dinner, putting her on loudspeaker. She screams so loud for so long that Edward reaches out and cuts off the call.
"What?" The Alpha says with a shrug when everybody shoots him a look. "She's annoying."
Anne snatches the phone from him, shaking her head while she's already redialling her daughter's number.
"Fuck off, Edward!" Is the first thing Gemma says when she's back on the line.
"Who do you think you are trying to throw such an accusation around?"
Louis glares at his Alpha before turning back to the phone call. "By the way, Gems. If you're thinking of giving us anything for the baby, make sure there's two."
"You're having twins? Oh my God! Oh my God oh my God oh my God!! Louis, I can't be-"
"Stop doing that!!" Louis screeches at Edward when he's reached out and cut off the call again.
"She's someone's Mum! Is she supposed to be reacting like that?" Edward huffs.
Louis glares at him, grabbing the phone and leaving the room so he could talk to Gemma in peace.
"Piss him off again and he'll make you sleep in the street." Marcel warns.
"I feel like I've spent these past weeks lying in bed and getting sick." Louis speaks his thoughts three days later in bed. "I mean, that's all I did."
"Yeah, that sums it up." Harry replies.
Louis rolls onto his side and lifts himself up on his elbow. "I haven't really had the time for all of you, I'm sorry."
"You don't have to apologise." Edward says.
"I know, but it feels one sided. You're doing all the hard work, taking care of me."
"Babe, the one doing the hard work is you." Marcel points out. "You're growing two people inside you. What we're doing is the bare minimum, really."
Louis purses his lips, a hand resting on his bump. "No, you take good care of us."
All of his Alphas turn soft at that. The closest of them, Harry, reaches for Louis and tugs him down. Giggles ring in the air as Harry showers Louis' face with kisses.
"I love your little bump." Marcel says, reaching out to caress Louis' belly. The skin firm now, a little taut.
"It's not so little anymore." Louis says. "They're growing so fast."
Edward chuckles. "I can't wait to see you get bigger. You'd look so beautiful."
"I'm going to be a whale." Louis groans at the thought. "My back would kill me."
"We'll carry you everywhere." Marcel promises, shifting on the bed until he could nuzzle his face into Louis' belly.
"You'd look so hot." Harry murmurs in agreement, already sounding elsewhere as he touches Louis' bump too.
Louis shakes his head. "Ridiculous."
"No, I agree." Edward says, extending his arm so he could add on to the number of hands on Louis' middle.
Louis looks down and smiles, his bump is covered by palms, disappearing from view. "We'll see if you still think the same when I'll be waddling everywhere." He throws his head back when Harry leans down to attach his mouth on his neck.
"You smell so good." Harry mumbles against his skin, pressing more kisses up to his jaw.
"It's the pregnancy." Louis shrugs. Then he notices Edward staring at him. "What?"
Edward shakes his head, swollen lips stretched into a wide grin. "Nothing. I love you."
"I love you too." Louis ducks his face, overwhelmed. Edward is having none of that, cupping his chin and leaning down until he can capture Louis' lips.
Marcel must have been feeling a little left out; pushing up Louis' shirt before his lips begin tracing every inch of Louis' skin.
Louis pulls back from the kiss, full of amusement. "You know, when the baby comes, we probably won't get as much time to ourselves anymore."
Marcel makes a sound of agreement. "They're going to need all of our attention."
"And we'll give them exactly that." Edward grins. "I'd love every moment of it."
"Really? Even when you have to wake up at 3 in the morning to change some nappies?" Louis teases. His breath stutters when Harry sucks on the sensitive spot of his throat.
"Especially then." Edward confirms, but his face is saying otherwise.
Louis laughs. "I will take you up on that." The kisses Harry keeps giving him is starting to take effect, and Louis gently pushes him back. "Stop, you're making me hard."
"That's the point." Marcel reaches down to cup his semi, making Louis' hips jerk in surprise.
Edward chuckles, reaching for Louis' nipple, visible through his shirt. "Besides, you said that we won't have time anymore after this. We should cherish it while we can."
"Oh, that's what this is, then? A mission to get into my pants?"
"It's not a mission if it's not difficult." Marcel shrugs, staring at the wet spot on Louis' shorts.
Louis releases a scandalous gasp. "Are you saying I'm easy?"
"But you are." Edward cups his face and draws him in again, the kiss heated and full of intention. Louis goes pliant instantly, and it makes the Alpha grin against his lips.
By the fourteenth week, his morning sickness is almost completely gone that Louis wonders if it really happened at all. He's still nauseous at some parts of the day but never to the point of vomiting. Louis is also pleased to find that he's more energetic.
He takes a walk with Harry in the morning to make up for the time he's spent in bed. It feels good to be able to walk again without feeling like his body is going to give up on him. Marie has even started coming again, adjusting his exercise plan to fit his pregnancy. Louis wants to stay healthy, both for him and the babies.
He also finds it surprising just how much he eats in a day. He's constantly eating. Patricia tells him to eat away so he could gain weight, but she doesn't really make him feel better about it. That doesn't mean that Louis won't listen to her, though. She's his practitioner, after all, so Louis would take all of her advice.
His Alphas are kind enough not to say anything when Louis has a second round during dinner. They better not, because even a weird look from them when he's at the dining table would be enough to make Louis start sobbing.
Other than that, Louis feels huge. If he ignored the fact that he cannot fit into most of his t-shirts anymore and his back kills him every time he stands for longer than five minutes, Louis is absolutely delighted about his bump. He read somewhere that his babies are currently the size of lemons.
He's very sensitive about it, though.
"Oh look, you're showing." Marcel had said one morning when Louis woke up with an obvious bump.
His brothers tried to warn him with silent looks but it was already too late.
"Yes, I'm fat now, Marcel. Thank you very much." Louis snapped, then left the room without a single glance at his gaping Alpha.
It's safe to say none of them made any comments about his bump after that, even if they wanted to compliment him.
Louis loves his babies with all of his heart. Sometimes thinking about the fact that one day they're not going to be within the safety of his womb makes him cry. But at the same time, Louis yearns for those comfortable nights when he could still sleep on his stomach. His bump is making it impossible.
Despite how much he complains and how sensitive he is whenever people talk about it, Louis loves his bump. He still looks at it every night before he sleeps. He loves knowing that his babies are healthy and growing.
By week 15, Louis cannot fit in anything anymore. All of his trousers are tucked below his belly and it's so uncomfortable that it's driving him mad. His belly also itches from growing so fast, so he has his Alphas put lotion on him every night.
They never told him, but putting lotion on his belly is their favourite thing to do at the end of the day.
"Edward!" Louis calls out, stepping into the Alpha's office. His determination deteriorates the moment he sees that his Alpha is on the phone and he had just barged in. "Sorry." He whispers, gently closing the door behind him.
Edward stares at him with nothing but love and amusement, holding a finger up. "I'll call you back." He says into his phone, then hangs up. "What is it, Kitten?"
"Nothing fits me anymore." Louis complains, dragging his feet as he crosses the room to reach his Alpha.
Edward is staying home today, but Louis told him that he can do his work in his office as long as Louis has the right to come in at any time for his attention, which is what he's currently doing.
The Alpha chuckles, opening his arms that Louis freely falls into. "Let's go shopping, then. We'll find something comfortable for you."
Louis grins. "Can we look at baby stuff too?"
Edward pecks his lips. "Of course we can."
Louis hops up, turning around and tugging at Edward's hands. "Let's go then!" He looks absolutely incredible, wearing only a jumper because he's discarding trousers any time he has the chance to.
Edward is truly, madly, deeply in love with him.
"Alright, alright, let's go." He chuckles, growing to his feet. When Louis is about to lead him away, Edward doesn't move. Instead he pulls Louis close until their lips meet, his hand reaching down to pet the bump in between them.
Louis pushes him back. "Kiss me again and I'll be bending over your table and no shopping will be done. Let's. Go."
Edward follows when Louis drags him away this time.
Marcel is home early from his meeting, and he smiles when he runs into his brother and his mate in the entrance hall. "Where are you off to?"
"We're going shopping!" Louis says in excitement.
"Come with, brother." Edward waves his hand, not wanting to delay their departure.
Half an hour later, they're already walking into the store. Louis is in awe as he looks at the maternity clothes on display, happy to see something that he knows would fit him.
A sales associate walks up to them, wearing a bright smile. It seems to grow when she eyes Louis' bump. "Hello, how may I help you?"
"Hi, I'd like to look for some clothes that I could wear even when I'm further along. I could barely fit in anything, now." Louis says, rubbing his belly.
The sales associate nods. "Of course, please come this way."
The store has a lot of sitting areas so pregnant Omegas could take a seat and not tire themselves out while they shop. Edward thinks it's very practical.
Their sales associate leads them to an empty one, inviting them to sit down.
"My name is Theresa and I'm here to help you find everything you need." She says, flashing Louis a wide grin.
Louis takes a liking to her immediately. They fall into an easy conversation and an hour later, there is already a big pile of clothes that Louis is buying.
Marcel hasn't stopped smiling ever since Louis first stepped into the dressing room to try out a maternity shirt. Louis keeps coming out looking more and more beautiful.
"Keep it in your pants." Edward snorts when he sees the way Marcel is looking at their Omega.
The younger triplet blushes. "Is it obvious?"
"I believe Theresa is expecting you to mount Louis right here anytime soon." He replies, smirking. "I wonder how Louis hasn't noticed yet."
Both of them eye their Omega, now back in the clothes he came in, laughing with Theresa while the two of them separate all the garments into those that Louis will take and those that he doesn't really like. Louis even helps the associate to fold the clothes despite her repeated pleas for him not to.
Once done, the Omega comes running to them. "We're ready to pay!" He announces.
"Okay, baby. Let's go." Edward rises from the sofa at the same time Marcel does, and the three of them walk up to the cashier where Theresa is scanning all of the items.
The price on the screen goes from three digits to four and continues to increase with each clothing, making Louis' smile grow smaller and smaller.
Edward shares a look with Marcel, and both of them decide on a plan in an instant. "Why don't we go and look at baby clothes?" Edward suggests, already tugging at Louis' arm to distract him.
The Omega brightens, following his Alpha without hesitation. "I saw this cute little hat when we pass by!"
Edward looks back, winking at Marcel who stays back at the counter to pay.
"Louis doesn't let you spend on him?" Theresa asks the Alpha, chuckling under her breath.
Marcel shakes his head, smiling wide. "Never. We have to fight tooth and blood for it."
Theresa laughs, scanning the last item before she begins to pack them up into bags. "He's so cute."
Marcel turns around, peeking at his Omega. "Yeah, he is." He turns back to her to see her giving him a knowing look. "What?"
"Nothing." She smiles. "I like your books."
"Oh, thank you." Marcel replies, bashful. It still catches him off guard whenever someone recognises him from his books.
Once she finishes things up, Marcel hands her his credit card, then quickly pockets the receipt in case Louis comes back. "Thank you so much, Theresa."
"Of course, Mr Styles." She beams.
Marcel waves his brother and mate over, then he grabs some of the bags from Louis' shopping session, leaving the rest for Edward to take.
"Did you look at tiny shoes?" Marcel asks once Louis is within earshot, the happiness on the Omega's face telling him that Louis did.
"Yeah, but it's still too early to buy anything!" Louis says, reaching for one of the bags but Edward takes all of them before he could. He gives the Alpha a pout, but Edward just kisses it off him.
"Once the time comes, we'll buy as much baby clothes as you want." Marcel replies.
"Okay, Alpha." The Omega grins with all his teeth showing, looking so precious and doing things to Marcel.
Edward's right, he really can't keep it in his pants.
It has been so long since Louis saw Niall and his family, so when he receives a call from Zayn, he accidentally yells into the phone from his excitement. "Hello!"
"Hey, Lou! Are you home?" Zayn asks. Despite the yelling, his friend appears unfazed. And from the screams in the background of who Louis supposes are Hana and Haziq, he understands why loud noises don't affect Zayn.
"Yeah, are you coming over?"
"Do you mind if I do? Niall is out with Heather and Liam's working. The children are bored at home and Hana wants to see you." Zayn chuckles. "Been a while."
"Come over, lad! I've missed them so much!" Louis grins to himself. "I'll tell the Betas to make something sweet."
"Lou, you better not. They'll blow the roof off."
Louis throws his head back and laughs. "Let them."
"Fine. I'll be there in ten minutes." Zayn says and hangs up.
Louis runs to the wardrobe in excitement, pulling on a pair of yoga pants and a loose tank top he bought when he went shopping. After drying his hair, he grabs his phone and heads straight to the kitchen to let the Betas know that they will be having guests.
He's waiting in the living room when he hears giggles of little ones and a voice telling them not to be too noisy. "Louis?" Zayn's voice calls out to him. Hana says something unintelligible, making Haziq laugh.
"Here!" Louis grows to his feet just as Zayn and his children appear at the door.
The Alpha takes one look at him and pauses. "When the hell did that happen?" He asks, shocked.
Louis shrugs, a cheeky smile tugging at his lips. "Hana! Haziq!" He says instead, opening his arms and his face brightening when he looks at them.
"Uncle Louis!" Hana calls back, leaving her father's side to run towards him. Her action prompts Haziq into motion too.
"Uncle Louis!" Haziq says with as much excitement as he can, following his sister.
The Omega kneels down and they jump into his arms at the same time, all of them giggling. "Oh, I've missed you so much." He coos, kissing the top of their heads. "Have you two been good?"
"I'm a good boy!" Haziq announces, placing both hands on his chest.
"Really? I'm proud of you." Louis ruffles his hair and turns to Hana. "What about you, my lady?"
"I'm always good!" Hana replies.
Louis laughs, standing up again when his knees are starting to hurt. "Excellent! The Betas are making cookies and both of you deserve them since you've been good."
The children cheer, running around before they get distracted with the TV remote. The two of them sit on the floor while they fight over what to watch. Louis stares at them fondly, not realising that Zayn has walked up to him.
"Please tell me your Alphas know."
Louis scoffs. "They're daft, but not blind. Even if I didn't tell them, they would've found out by now." Louis elbows him, teasing.
Zayn takes a seat on the sofa, and Louis sits down beside him. "How did they take it?"
"All of them cried." Louis laughs at the memory, soft whenever he thinks of his Alphas.
Zayn smirks. "Even Edward?"
"Even Edward."
Zayn keeps his eyes on Hana and Haziq. "How come you didn't say anything?"
"Couldn't even think to. I was too busy trying not to die." Louis waves his hand, ever the dramatic one.
"That bad?"
"Yeah, but they took care me." Louis leans into him, resting his head on Zayn's shoulder. "They won't leave me alone until I got better."
"How far along are you now, then?" Zayn wonders, glancing down at his bump.
"Four months." Louis tells him in glee.
Surprise colours the Alpha's features. "Really?"
Louis slaps his chest. "I know you want to say that I'm bigger than I should be." He accuses. "I'm carrying twins."
"Lou, that's great!" Zayn's eyes twinkle, kissing his cheek.
"I know, I'm so happy, Zayn. You have no idea." Louis sighs in elation.
Zayn nods down to his belly. "May I?" When Louis gives him an affirmative, he gently reaches down to touch the bump. "I remember when Hana first kicked."
"Yeah? What was it like?"
"I was just petting the bump, and suddenly I felt it." Zayn is smiling, but he looks like he's reliving the memory. "It was then that it really occurred to me that we were going to have a baby."
Louis doesn't have a chance to reply when suddenly there are little ones in front of them, staring at Zayn's palm on Louis' bump.
"Papa, is Uncle Louis going to have a baby?" Hana asks.
Louis nods. "Yes, darling. Do you want to touch it?"
Hana peers down like she doesn't believe him. "Why is it not big, like when Mummy with Heather?"
"That's because the babies are still small." Zayn explains. "Later they will grow, and Uncle Louis will be very big."
Louis pinches his waist, making Zayn jerk back. "Don't be rude."
The Alpha barks with laughter, but he makes space for Haziq to climb on between them while Hana takes a seat on Louis' other side.
"Baby? Hello?" Haziq calls out warily, poking at Louis' bump.
"Shh, baby is sleeping." Hana scolds her brother in a quiet voice, pressing her finger to her lips.
"Can baby hear us?" Haziq asks his sister.
"Yes, when you were in Mummy's belly. I always sing to you." Hana giggles, then she looks up. "Can we sing to the baby?"
Louis nods. "Of course!"
Both of them are singing different songs and are very off-key, but Louis thinks it's the sweetest thing he's ever heard.
The first time they go to a baby store, Louis coos at everything he sees. They're only going to see what they would need to buy, and it's not suppose to take a long time since they're only taking a look. But since the Omega spends at least ten minutes at every aisle, they find themselves still in the store two hours later.
"Oh, look at this!" Louis says, grabbing a bee bodysuit from the rack. "It's so cute."
"It is." Marcel says, reaching out to touch the fabric. It's so soft and small. "We should get it."
Edward is already pulling out his wallet. "Okay."
"But look at this one! It says 'I love Mummy'." Harry calls out, showing them another one.
"Awww, we should get that too!" Louis gushes, already snatching it out of Harry's hold.
The Alphas shake their heads, but they say nothing as they follow Louis to the next section.
With Louis almost five months pregnant, they decided that they need to start working on the nursery and baby stuff. But looking at the situation now, Louis might be inclined only on the latter.
"Babe, let's focus. Do you want to look at the cots?" Edward says when Louis is grabbing the seventh baby garment he sees.
Louis hums. "Okay."
The Alphas sigh in relief, and they quickly lead Louis to the cots section before he could see anything else and get sidetracked.
Louis is annoyed. His feet are swollen, he has weird cravings, and his head hurts. Despite that, he's also highly energetic, in general and in bed. If he isn't busy listing out the things that they need for the baby, it's because he's too busy having his Alphas shag the daylight out of him.
At least he'd find out the genders of his babies tomorrow, so Louis is happy about that.
He's currently seated in between Harry's legs on their bed, leaning back into his Alpha while they watch Boss Baby on the TV.
Louis couldn't stop rubbing his belly every time he coos at the screen. It makes Harry so fond that he keeps kissing the top of the Omega's head whenever Louis points at the screen and turns around to look at Harry's reaction. But how could Harry see what Louis is cooing about when his eyes are wide open like that, filled with awe and love and his hair is a mess?
Harry kisses him when it happens again, unable to resist. Louis giggles in surprise, but he melts into it for a moment before he's pushing him back.
"Don't distract me, Haz." He scolds, but he wraps Harry's arms a little tighter around himself as he turns back to the TV.
"Okay, okay. Sorry." Harry murmurs, lips brushing the back of Louis' neck as he speaks.
Louis suddenly jumps, knocking his head into Harry's face. He doesn't hear the Alpha's cry of pain, because he swears he just felt movement in his belly. It'd happened before, but he was sure that it's probably just gas. This time, he doesn't really believe bloating caused it. Louis freezes, probably even holding his breath, and not long after he feels it again, stronger.
"Harry, I think the babies are moving."
"What? Really?" Harry moves to sit in front of him, a hand reaching out to Louis' belly. Both of them wait, but after a few minutes and there's nothing, Louis bashfully removes Harry's hand.
"They went back to sleep, I suppose."
Harry pouts, but he doesn't look too disappointed. "They'll move again soon, right?"
"Definitely." Louis kisses his pout away. "Sorry I knocked you in the nose."
Harry rubs at his nose and makes a face. "It doesn't hurt so much. I'm fine."
Louis kisses him again, then pulls back and groans when the telly is showing the credits. "I missed the ending."
"We can watch it again if you want." Harry offers, already grabbing the remote.
Louis shakes his head. "It's fine, I have a session with Marie after this."
"What time?"
"In forty-five minutes." Louis says after looking at the clock. He hums, turning back to Harry. "Get off your kit."
"Again?" Harry asks, but he's peeling his shirt off. He wonders why he even bothered to put it on. At this point, he might as well just walk around naked in case Louis needs an urgent shag.
Seeing his topless Alpha flips a switch inside Louis, and suddenly he feels like he would die if he's not sitting on his Alpha's cock in two minutes.
Harry throws his head back and laughs upon seeing Louis' face. "Come on, babe."
Louis looks like he's going to start jumping along the hallway, and Marcel has to hold him at his side to ensure Louis does no such thing.
"Princess, relax." Edward chuckles.
Louis shoots him an elated smile at that. "Nope."
"Were you correct about the babies, then?" Edward wonders, shrugging off his coat.
"Maybe." He touches his bump and his smile widens.
They've just came back from seeing the obstetrician, and the babies were in position for them to be able to find out the genders. Louis hasn't stopped smiling ever since they left Patricia's office.
Marcel kisses his cheek. "Are we going to tell Mum?"
"Let's make it a surprise." Harry cuts in.
"Yes!" Louis agrees. "Besides, it doesn't really matter what gender the babies are. I'm sure our family would want them to be healthy."
Edward steals him from Marcel's arms. "It's your Mum's first grandchildren. She deserves to know."
"Fine, we're telling our Mums." Louis huffs. "But I want to name the girl."
"Okay, then we get the boy." Marcel interrupts, crossing his arms and making them grin.
When Edward wakes up in the middle of the night, it's to a crying Louis and a groggy Marcel. His brother has their Omega in his embrace, half asleep as he strokes his hand down Louis' hair. "What's going on?" Edward grunts out. "Where's Harry?"
"Louis dreamt that he was eating carrot cake."
"Please don't tell me we're making carrot cake at... what time is it?" Edward rubs at his eyes.
"Three in the morning!" Edward finishes, sitting up. He glares at the back of Louis' head, but the moment the Omega turns to him with pouting lips and wet eyes, Edward knows he's lost. He pushes himself out of the bed and sighs. "Fine, let's go."
Marcel deposits Louis into Edward's arms and all of them head out. The Omega looks happier now that Edward had said yes. If Edward tried hard enough, he could probably see Louis sucking his tears back in.
The house is dark, but the moment they get to the kitchen, it's bright and Harry is singing.
"Harry, it's three in the morning." Edward grumbles, grabbing a chair for Louis to sit on at the counter.
"I know." Harry grins. He's prepared everything they need for the cake, and the counter is full of the ingredients. Edward is certain his brother is not human. Who would be so happy to bake a cake at three in the morning?
Marcel walks up to the counter, yawning. "Let's do this."
Edward groans, washing his hands before he joins his brothers.
Louis is watching while they bake and he looks so cheerful at three in the morning that Edward can't help but hate him a little. "Why carrot cake? Why can't it be fried eggs or toast?" The Alpha complains.
Louis' face falls. "I'm sorry."
"Now you've done it." Marcel grits out when Louis moves the chair so he's facing away.
"It's three in the morning." Edward whispers.
Marcel wants to smack him, Edward's sure of it. "He's pregnant, Edward. Give him a break."
Edward takes a deep breath, then he rolls his eyes before walking over to Louis. "Baby, I'm sorry. I know you're struggling with the pregnancy. I wasn't thinking."
"It's fine." Louis replies, not looking at him. His voice is barely heard.
Edward looks at his brothers, taken aback when he gets two angry scowls. He scowls back, then sighs. Moving to stand in front of the Omega, he crouches down. "Look, I love you. And I promised to take care you. I'm sorry I hurt your feelings."
Louis tries to wipe his tears in discreet, and he offers Edward a small, apologetic smile. "I'm sorry, too. I don't think baking at three in the morning is convenient."
"Growing two people inside you is not convenient." Edward pecks his lips. "It's the least we can do."
"Thank you."
Louis hums to himself while his Alphas bake for him, and now that Edward is more awake, he knows that sacrificing his sleep is nothing when he gets to see Louis smile like that.
Once the batter is in the oven, they sit at the counter and discuss the nursery.
"We still need to decide the cots for the nursery, but since the babies will be sleeping with us, let's get bassinets too for our room." Marcel voices his opinion.
"Yeah, that sounds great. That way we don't have to move things around." Harry nods.
"What about pushchairs, how many do we need?" Edward leans back in his chair. His question prompts all of them to look at the Omega.
Louis shrugs as if he didn't spend a lot of time thinking about it. "Three, I guess."
"I really like this one pram I saw." Harry says, then frowns. "I think it was from Silver Cross."
Edward purses his lips. "Good taste."
Louis' eyes light up at Harry's words and he releases a sound of glee. He clearly knows which one Harry is talking about. "Can we get them?"
The Alphas share an amused look before Marcel nods. "Of course we can, darling."
Louis seems pleased by that. There's no doubt that he's already done enough research and knows what he wants. He just doesn't want to say it.
"You said we'd need three." Marcel starts, cautious. "Other than the prams, what should we get?"
"Um, I also looked at the twin one. It looks nice and handy." Louis says, hesitating. "What do you think?"
Edward chuckles. "Of course we'll get it. You know you only have to ask."
"Thank you."
"Perfect." Edward says. "We need to take the furniture out from the guest room. That way we can start with the nursery."
"I was thinking of light, pastel yellow for the nursery." Harry supplies. "What do you think?"
Louis thinks about it, then gives his Alpha an approving look. "I'd love that."
Harry's phone suddenly blares his alarm, signifying that the cake is ready. He quickly shuts it off. It sounds too loud at this hour.
"My cake!" Louis grows to his feet and takes off towards the oven before any of his Alphas could say anything.
Louis pants, his palms flat on Edward's abs as he works himself on the Alpha's cock. His thighs are starting to get sore, but Louis knows he can still take it. He's not moving too fast anyway.
Edward would look unaffected if he wasn't holding on to Louis' waist so tightly. "That's it, Kitten." He murmurs, occasionally fucking up into him.
All of a sudden Louis freezes. "Oh my God." He gasps, sitting back down. It pushes Edward deep inside him and the Alpha chokes out but Louis' brain barely registers it. "They're kicking!" He blinks at the epiphany. "Edward, they're kicking!"
He's been feeling light flutters all week, but this one was strongest.
Louis grabs Edward's hands from his waist and places them on his belly. "They're kicking." He repeats.
And sure enough, there's a light nudge to Edward's palm after he says that. He barely feels it, but when it happens again, the Alpha's eyes widen. "Holy shit."
"I need to show Harry and Marcel!" Louis announces, and all of a sudden he's climbed off Edward's cock and is putting on his joggers. His own cock has gotten soft in his excitement.
"Lou.." Edward tries to call for him, a hand reached out but it's already too late. His Omega has disappeared out of the door before he could ask if they can at least finish things first. The Alpha groans in frustration. Guess he has to finish himself off.
"Hey, Lou." Marcel says. The Omega jumps at his greeting, scrambling to hide the paper he was writing on. "What are you doing?" Questions Marcel, confused.
"Nothing!" Louis gushes, sitting up still and tossing his pen away. "I was doing nothing."
Marcel narrows his eyes. Then excitement takes over his face. "You're picking a name for our girl, aren't you?"
Louis huffs, pulling his paper out. It's crumpled now, and Louis shoots it a glare. "Fine, I was."
The Alpha takes a seat beside him. "May I see?"
"No." Louis presses the paper to his chest. "It's a surprise."
Marcel chuckles. "Alright, then." He pecks Louis' cheek. "Have you chosen any?"
"I've got five that I like, but I think I know what I want to name her." Louis replies, eyes unfocused as he fondly talks about his baby.
"That's good. We've already decided on the boy's name too." The Alpha replies, nuzzling their cheeks together. "Edward really likes the middle name we chose."
"It better be a good name or you're banned from naming our children after this." Louis folds his paper properly and tucks it away before wrapping his arms around Marcel's neck.
His words make the Alpha grin. "We're going to have more, then?"
"Of course." Louis says, but he's grinning too. "But not any time soon. Maybe once the twins reach five, then we can consider."
Marcel kisses him. "You're not even done with this pregnancy yet."
"I know." Louis laughs. "But I love children. I want to have as many we can."
"Well, that's your choice." Marcel says that against his lips. "You're the one carrying them."
Louis retracts his arms so he could grab Marcel's hands and put them on his big belly. "It's not the smoothest ride, but I know it'll be worth it." He leans forward and kisses Marcel again. "And you three are always here for me, so I don't really feel like I'm going through it alone."
"You are never alone." Marcel promises. "We're here with you, always."
"Yeah." Louis murmurs, eyes crinkling. "I know."
I spent a lot of time doing research for this chapter, but there are some things that require experience for them to be accurate. So, I apologise if I got anything wrong. I rewrote it so many times because I couldn't decide a lot of things. I think the scene where Louis told his Alpha was changed four times. I was that indecisive. But I hope this one was good!
I died editing and proofreading this. Please let me know if there are any mistakes!
This is quite short and so packed! I'm so sorry! I had to rush a few things. I really want to keep it within 25 chapters and I think it's already too long anyway *cries
Btw, I know I wasn't really active before but now I'm back on Twitter and I would love to talk to you! I'm on it almost everyday! I've also made Instagram, so give me a follow to see me suffering while I write the last chapter! Hit me up on Twitter and Instagram at @anosutesto
Thank you so, so much for reading. I love you! - R
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