Chapter 20


Hello everyone! I'm so sorry for the late chapter again! I understand if you guys hate me now. I've been caught up with a lot of things. I'm so sorry. :(

I've probably gone through this chapter like, thirty times, and that's most likely not even an exaggeration. I tried so hard to put a lot of thoughts into this chapter, but it's so hard to be satisfied with it, I think it could be so much better. There has been quite a lot of problems lately, and I could never fully focus to write because of the things I kept thinking about. So, sorry for this trash.

I don't know what's wrong, but I've been having a bad case of flu for the last two weeks and proofreading is hard when you can barely get oxygen into your brain hahahahah. I'm sorry if there are any mistakes. As usual, feel free to point them out! 

The short poem below was written by my friend for this chapter. I made a special request. I don't think she'll ever read this story, but thank you, Yaya! You can find her at @yymrx_ on Twitter. She has a poetry book out, Serenity. She writes lovely things. I love her.

I also used some of the lines from Niall's song Flicker and LM's, Love Me Or Leave Me, and a line from Happier by Ed. I was trying to find lines or quotes I could put inside the story, and then these songs came up and I was like, why not? They sound fitting. Hope you feel the same way too!

Before you start reading, I just want you to know that you won't like me nor Louis very much after you finish with this chapter. Okay, that's all. Continue.

And thank you for being so patient, I love all of you so much! xxxxx


"I know the veins decorating your arms
Like the road leading me back home
Yet now I'm constantly lost
Stuck in the labyrinth of us
Feet stuck in an endless march
Not knowing if there is a beautiful end."

- Amira Shafiqah

Louis sits up, no trace of sleep whatsoever in his features as he reaches back to grab his bag. It proves to Edward that Louis has been awake this whole time. He doesn't point it out, though, giving Louis a tight smile when the Omega looks at him.

Edward exits the car first, rushing over to open Louis' door for him.

"Thank you." Louis mumbles, but his eyes don't look at Edward once.

"Here. Let me carry that for you." The Alpha offers, extending his arms towards the bag Louis is holding.

"It's fine."

Edward presses his lips together, nodding.

Both of them make their way up to the entrance hall. Their footsteps echo in the space, making Louis cringe with how silent the house actually is.

After putting away their shoes, Louis continues inside the house, not waiting for Edward.

He doesn't even bother holding the lift door open when Edward catches up a bit late, running in hope to make it. He could have made it, if only Louis didn't let the doors slip shut. It leaves the Alpha to either use the stairs or wait.

He feels a little bad about it when he reaches the top floor, but he shakes his head and goes straight to their room.

A shiver runs down his spine when he nudges the door open, the smell of the triplets' scents mixed together with the natural scent of the room welcomes him. It makes him truly feel like coming home.

His mouth inevitably curves into a small smile.

The bed is unmade, but it's not that messy. There's a t-shirt hanging on the sofa where Edward always sits to use his phone before bed, and Louis can see two romance novels on the bedside table that clearly belong to Marcel. The sight, the smell; they put him at ease.

"It's really messy. I'm sorry." Edward rasps from behind him. He's fast; probably used the stairs rather than wait for the lift.

Louis lets his face turn sour. After all, Edward just ruined his moment. "It's fine." He replies. "I'm going to put my clothes up."

"Do you need any help?" Edward asks as Louis walks off into the closet.


"Okay." Edward looks back at the room, deciding that it's somewhat decent enough.

Despite what Louis said, Edward can't help but want to join him. He doesn't want to hover, but at the same time, he's curious to see how Louis is fitting in again. The truth is that he just wants to look at Louis, as creepy as that sounds.

The Omega is hanging up his clothes when Edward walks in, leaning against the nearest cabinet to watch Louis quietly. Deep inside, he hopes Louis doesn't notice him there.

"What do you want?" Louis' clipped voice demands to know.

"Just trying to see how you're doing." The excuse almost takes too long to roll off his tongue.

Louis continues with his task. His shoulders are careful not to tilt even a little bit towards Edward's direction. He stays where he's facing until he's done. Once the bag is empty, Louis shoves it inside the lower compartment before finally turning around. He sends Edward an annoyed look. "Are you done?"

Edward stares at his face, his body slumping. "You really do hate me, don't you?"

Louis is taken aback by the accusation, blinking rapidly. "What?"

"I'm sorry." Regret is heavy in his tone when Edward breathes that out. "Lou, I'm sorry."

Louis shuts his eyes for a few seconds, then his blue eyes appear again. "That's all you keep saying ever since you came to see me, Edward." He looks down, then meets the Alpha's eyes again. "It won't change a thing, though, would it? It won't bring my babies back."

Louis' words strike him like lightning that Edward is left there, stunned while the Omega shoulders past him. They hit straight deep into his heart, sheathed within his flesh. And God, it hurts.

And as Louis walks away, Edward feels lost. Feels like the chance he thought he had was merely an imagination, something he desperately wanted that his mind conjured up so he'd be at ease even when it doesn't exist.

When you feel your love's been taken
When you know there's something missing
In the dark, we're barely hangin' on...


"Louis?!" Harry gasps when he enters the lounge, the paper bag he's holding dropping onto the floor. Louis' eyes flicker down to see milk seeping out and apples rolling away. He wonders why Harry had gone grocery shopping. It's not like they don't have those in the pantry. Weird, weird Alpha.

He manages to recollect himself again after a moment, recalling that Harry is still in deep shock to see him here. So he lets his body relax before he offers Harry a small smile. "Hi."

In a matter of seconds, Harry has crossed the room within few long strides, and then Louis is in his arms, Harry's face buried in his hair. Louis presses close, inhaling the familiar scent that is all Harry, letting it fill his lungs until he can't breathe anything but his Alpha.

"You're back." Harry whispers, the reality only dawning on him now. He pushes Louis back and stares at him with inexplicable excitement. "You're back!!"

Louis nods, giggling. "Yeah."

Harry hugs him tightly. "God, thank you. Thank you for coming back." He whispers into Louis' ear, holding onto the Omega like he won't ever let go. "We don't deserve it." His arms loosen so he could gaze into Louis' eyes. "Thank you for giving us another chance."

Louis reaches for his face, cupping Harry's cheeks and pulling him down. The Alpha sighs into his mouth when their lips meet, and Louis takes his time kissing his Alpha softly, gently.

"I love you." Harry murmurs, his lips claiming Louis' over and over again.

Louis doesn't say it back, only hums in response. He can't afford to willingly give all of him again, even though he knows that the triplets will try their hardest to not fuck things up again. He wants to at least learn from his own mistake.

Harry notices his lack of reply to the love declaration, but he says nothing as he pulls back. Though, Louis sees the way Harry's smile falters a little.

"Edward drove you home?" Harry asks, trying not to let silence surround them.

"Yeah." Louis shifts back, pulling Harry with him so they can take a seat on the sofa Louis occupied. "The drive was alright."

"Lou- what the fuck?!"

The couple turns around to see Marcel standing over the paper bag Harry dropped, one of his feet inside the puddle of milk that has spilt. His face is sour, and Louis knows the Alpha is contemplating murdering his brother.

"Oh no." Harry whispers in horror.

Louis bursts out laughing.

"What's all this, Harry?" Marcel looks at his brother in disapproval. "Go get a rag and clean this up."

Harry groans, but he gets up and does as told anyway, mumbling complaints under his breath the whole way.

Marcel huffs as he waits with his arms crossed, causing Louis to chuckle at the sight. The Alpha still has his foot in the puddle, refusing to step out just in case he makes more mess.

"I'm waiting for you to come and kiss me." Louis finally says to get his Alpha's attention again, a hint of blush on his cheeks.

"Darling." Marcel coos, and Louis' heart flutters at the name. "You know I was about to. But someone just had to fuck things up for me." He raises his voice to let Harry hear, eyes trailing to the direction where Harry disappeared.

Louis grins, allowing himself to stare. He's missed this, the stupid things that would always happen in this house and the laughter that would entail.

He's missed Marcel a lot. Right now, when he's across the room and not pressed up against Louis, it's so easy to act as if they're picking up where they left off. But Louis knows it's wouldn't be that easy once Marcel is in his space later on.

Harry reappears with the rag in hand, and he's still grumbling. He glares at Marcel, and his brother glares right back.

"Give me." Marcel holds a hand out for the rag.

Harry pouts, but he passes it to his brother without a sound.

Marcel finally brings his foot up, a grimace twisting his face when the milk drips down. "For God's sake, Harry."

"I'm sorry." Harry's pout grows, and Marcel rolls his eyes.

Marcel wipes his foot clean, and then tosses the rag back to him. "Clean it up."


Harry drops to his knees to start wiping the milk, making disgusted sounds that Louis and Marcel ignore when the puddle is disturbed and the milk starts spreading.

Meanwhile, Marcel is already making his way towards Louis. The way he's looking at the Omega makes him giggle.

But when Marcel tugs him up and into his embrace, Louis falls silent, his heart hammering in his chest as their lips slot together.

His hands wrap around Marcel's torso, holding him tightly. The Alpha kisses him slow. It's so different from how he usually would kiss Louis, but right now, being in his arms and knowing that they will have to work to shape their future again after a bad fallout, this kiss is perfect.

"I've missed you." Marcel breathes out, then kisses him again.

"I've missed you too." Louis closes his eyes, letting his cheek press against Marcel's shoulder.

"Thank you, Lou."

He gets no reply.


Dinner is awkward.

Harry and Marcel try quite hard to have a lively atmosphere in the dining room, and Louis entertains them, replying and giving his input to whatever the two are saying. But they know that Louis' retaliation is merely half-hearted.

It's like being dumped into ice cold water for Harry and Marcel. It wakes them up, that Louis still needs time to fit in again, that it's going to take so much more than their simple reunion for things to get back to how they used to be, even if the triplets were all that Louis knew merely months before.

They eventually fall silent, exhausted for more attempts. It makes it worse that Edward has been quiet the whole time.

"Mum called." The eldest Alpha says after too many minutes filled with the clanking of china and cutleries but lack of voices. "Wanted to know how Louis is doing."

The Omega looks up upon his name being said, but Edward is staring at his own plate.

Marcel and Harry share a look when Louis says nothing and turns back to his food too. Marcel clears his throat, forcing a smile and trying to keep the conversation going. They don't need things to be more awkward than they already are. "She did? What did you tell her?"

"I told her he's doing okay. She was thinking of visiting."

"Really?!" Harry gets excited upon hearing that, his face brightening up that it affects the whole table. Even Edward offers him a small smile.

"Yeah." Edward nods. "She'll be here when she can."

"Well, it'll be good to see Anne again." Louis shrugs, avoiding Edward's eyes when the Alpha looks at him.

"I can't wait until Mum is here. Maybe we should go to the spa together." Harry ponders to himself.

It takes Edward's attention off Louis, and Marcel throws his brother his napkin. "Mum would be here to see us, not just you."

"Doesn't mean we can't go to the spa!!"

Louis and Edward sigh.


Louis takes his time in the bathroom, standing longer than necessary under the shower. He remembers the first time Edward touched him, remembers being pressed against the glass wall, remembers all the times he took a shower with his Alphas in here, especially Edward. All the laughter and love they whispered into each other's skin, the smiles and giggles they shared while they washed each other's hair. And somehow that makes him sad, and before he knows it, he's crying under the water.

When he emerges into the room wearing his bathrobe fifteen minutes later, his Alphas stare at him. All of them hold an apologetic expression on their faces, but Edward looks like he would be willing to kneel right there and then if Louis would let him. They must have heard him in the shower. Louis quickly turns away, disappearing into the closet.

He reappears wearing one of Harry's t-shirts and a pair of track bottoms. Edward is sitting on his sofa again, dealing with his emails. Marcel and Harry lie on the bed, the latter cuddling close to his brother. It's a familiar picture, and it would be more significant if things weren't so tensed between them.

Harry smiles at him when he climbs on, and Louis willingly goes into his arms, burying his face in Harry's neck.

He falls asleep like that.


Do you remember when you loved me once?

What happened, what happened?

It's been a week since Louis moved back in with the triplets.

Things between him and Harry, and him and Marcel are going well. Everything is awkward at first, but slowly it dissipates. They're slowly stitching up their wounds.

Harry makes Louis laugh all the time. The Omega knows that Harry does that because they're trying to fix things between them, but the way Harry stares at him when he has his head thrown back and disgusting snorts coming out of him makes Louis think that Harry just loves the sight of him laughing. Sometimes Harry tickles him, and Louis wonders if he will ever learn not to do that because in the end, Harry would always end up injured. They'd share a good laugh over that, so everything's good.

Marcel is trying to rebuild their relationship by flirting with Louis all over again, and the Omega finds the situation hilarious. Marcel leaves him notes everywhere, having lame pick up lines written that would make Louis go hysterical. Louis thinks it's a talent to be able to insult him while he's dying of laughter. Occasionally Marcel asks him if his method is working, and Louis just laughs harder and kisses him.

It's so easy to remember why he fell in love with them in the first place, and Louis can't lie to himself. He's missed them so much, too much. But it's entertaining and flattering to have them woo him again.

Things are picking up fast between him and the two Alphas, but not with Edward.

It's effortless for him to walk up to Harry or Marcel and kiss them, and he'd always keep himself close to them. He lets himself laugh around them, always touching them even with the most subtle way. He is himself.

And yet it's entirely different with Edward.

Louis keeps his distance, and Edward doesn't try to change that. He knows Edward doesn't feel like he deserves a chance yet, and Louis wants to keep him feeling that way for now.

They barely talk, is the thing. Louis doesn't even bother glancing at Edward whenever he steps into the room and Edward's there. It's not like he's ignoring him altogether, but he doesn't speak to him unless it's necessary.

He replies when Edward talks to him, say thanks where needed, and gives his answer whenever Edward asks him a question, but other than that, it's like Edward doesn't exist, as if he's invisible.

Edward tries not to take it to heart. He knows that Louis needs time before they can try again.

He just prays that it would happen sooner than later.


"Are you going somewhere?" Edward asks when Louis walks past him in the hallway. He turns around, trailing after the Omega instead of heading to his office like he planned to.

Louis has put on a pair of slacks and one of Harry's jumpers. It's really big that Louis is swimming in it, but Edward's heart just bursts with fond. But he knows that Louis won't really appreciate his expression, so he keeps quiet. Instead, he wonders why his Omega is all dressed up with his hair done.

Louis rolls his eyes, as if it's not obvious enough. "Out."

"Oh." Edward mutters, surprised. "You're not having lunch with us?"


Edward doesn't reply, following him out into the entrance hall. "Who are you going out with?" He's just asking because he wants to know, how he usually was. But Louis disagrees.

"How is that any of your business?" Louis opens up the shoe cupboard and grabs the pair he's looking for.

"I was just wondering." Edward replies. Louis turns to see his jaws clenching, and he feels a sense of satisfaction upon pissing his Alpha off.

He realises something and closes the cupboard before he frowns at Edward. "Are you not working?"

Edward watches him bend down to put his shoes on. "Haven't really been to the office ever since you left."

Louis pauses, his foot half-shoved into the shoe. He clears his throat, then puts it on properly. "Right." He does the same with the other one, then straightens up to look at him again. "I'm going out with El and Pez." He finally says, so that his Alphas will know who to call if anything happens.

"Be safe." Edward replies, clipped and monotoned. And then he's turning around and heading back into the house.

Louis walks out of the door as if he's on autopilot. Eleanor and Perrie haven't arrived yet, and he doesn't really know why he's waiting out here, but he stays where he is.

When the Mazda rolls to a stop in front of him, Louis expects that he'd smile and greet his friends with laughter, but once he climbs into the backseat, the first thing he does is burst into tears.


"Lou..." Perrie says, reaching out and grabbing his hand. "It's okay that you're feeling this way. You're still confused."

"I don't know, Pez." He sighs out. "I love him so much, but every time I look at his face, I keep remembering what he did, and I can't get rid of this anger inside me."

"Do you still blame him?" Eleanor asks, then pauses when he looks at her. "Do you still blame him about the babies?"

Louis shrugs, then he shakes his head. "I don't know... but every time I think about it, it's so hard to convince myself otherwise."

"Lou.." Perrie squeezes his hand. "You can't keep doing this. I know you were hurt, and I know it was a really great loss. But it wasn't his fault."

"It's not fair to both of you. You're not just hurting him, you're hurting yourself too." Eleanor adds, grabbing his other hand. Louis knows they mean well, they're genuine and caring.

"It's hard." He mutters out. "It's not easy."

"I know, babe. And you're not making it any easier."

"I thought I've had enough time. We were already apart for too long, and yet, when I see him, I just want him to pay for what happened." Louis squeezes the hands he's holding. "It's bothering me a lot."

Perrie and Eleanor frown. "Just remember that he's your Alpha, Lou. He loves you."

"But, I..."

"You need to give him a chance too, and you need to mean it."

Louis stares down at their clasped hands. The way they're looking at him makes him squirm, and he knows that they know that it's transparent how not ready Louis actually is.


The nightmares start on the week after. The triplets are woken up by Louis' loud cries; screaming as if something horrible is happening and he can do nothing to stop it. The three of them rush to sit up on the bed, circling their mate. The sounds Louis is making break their heart, and for a moment they're lost on what to do.

Edward looks at his brothers when Louis starts crying like he's being tortured, and then the Alpha is grabbing both of Louis' arms and holding him still. "Louis!" He calls, the low timbre of his Alpha voice sending a shiver down the Omega's spine before his lids flutter open and he freezes. His cries immediately halt. Edward's face softens, and he carefully observes Louis' reaction. "Lou..?"

Louis' red, wet eyes are wide, and he stares at Edward in horror. He's panting, unable to focus and his body is still shaking. The room is quiet, filled with his distressed breathing, and the Alphas can hear his booming heartbeat.

Louis finally sits up, pushing Edward's hands off of him and scrambling backwards. He starts sobbing again, pulling his knees to his chest.

"Lou..." Marcel starts, reaching for him.

But Louis shakes his head, inching away from reach. "No."

The triplets try to touch him, wanting to offer him comfort, but he doesn't even let them land a finger on his skin. He's crying so hard, and the sight is the worst thing the triplets have ever witnessed.

They let him cry, unable to do anything but watch while Louis wails his heart out.

It feels like hours later before Edward moves to reach for him again, hesitant and wary. When Louis doesn't flinch away, he shifts closer.

He's careful as he wraps the Omega up in his embrace, feeling the warmth of Louis' tears heating his skin when Louis cries into his neck. Edward clutches onto him, wishing he could know what Louis dreamed of so he could convince him that it's not real. Though, he fears that Louis was just reliving the events of his life within the past few months.

Harry and Marcel surround them, and it helps to calm Louis down. The group hug feels a bit suffocating after a while, but none of the Alphas moves. If this is calming for Louis, then they will let him have it until he's okay again.

It takes half an hour for Louis' tears to subside, and he's too exhausted from all the crying that he finally falls back asleep.

Louis pretends nothing happened the next morning, changing the topic or leaving the room whenever the Alphas try to bring it up. They eventually get the message and leave him alone, trying to pretend they didn't witness the most heart-shattering thing the night before.


When he hears the tiny whimper, Edward knows Louis' nightmare has started. He sits up quickly, placing a hand on Louis' arm. "Babe..."

Louis' head turns, his face pale and he's breathing in distress. "N-No." He gasps in his sleep.

"Louis." Edward calls again, and his voice wakes his brothers up. "Baby, wake up."

"Please, please." Louis is begging, heartbroken.

"Wake him up, Edward." Marcel says, frowning. Edward looks over to see his brothers seated, legs crossed on the bed while they stare at him.

Harry nods, face scrunched up as if he's in pain. "Do it. Please."

"Louis..." Edward calls, still uncomfortable with using his voice on his Omega. "Wake up."

The Omega startles awake, and his blue eyes open wide. He gasps in a huge breath, his body heaving. Louis sits up, shocked and scared as he looks around.

"Are you okay, Lou?" Edward asks when Louis' gaze lands on him.

Louis gapes, his lower lip quivering. And then he starts crying as he shakes his head. "No." He croaks out, sobbing softly as he shifts forward and heading straight into Edward's embrace.

"You're alright.." Edward whispers, holding him tightly as he kisses his forehead.

Louis is overwhelmed by his emotions that he can't even speak, can only cry as loud and as much as he can while Harry and Marcel drape over his back like they did yesterday. He only sobs harder at that, and for a moment they worry that they're making it worse. But Louis won't let them move, wanting to be suffocated in it.

Louis cries himself to sleep for another night.


It continues like that for the whole week. Louis will either wake himself up screaming, or Edward would have to do it. Every single night, it would end up with Louis bawling his heart out.

It tires all of them out, especially Louis. And the Alphas get more and more concerned about it.

So Harry takes the initiative to ask. He approaches Louis while the Omega is alone on his phone in the lounge, and moves to sit close to him. "Hi."

Louis takes his attention off his phone and looks up at Harry, grinning when he sees him. "Hello, handsome." He puts his phone down, attacking Harry with a kiss as he wraps all his limbs around the Alpha like a protective octopus.

Harry gets caught up with the way Louis' lips move against his that he momentarily forgets about his question, just enjoying their snogging session. When he finally does remember, Harry quickly pulls back, causing their lips to separate with a smacking sound. "We need to talk."

Louis' face pales a bit, and he frowns. "About what?"

The Alpha stares at him, making him squirm. "Your nightmares."

Bright, blue eyes widen to the size of saucers, and the Omega shakes his head. "It's nothing."


"It's nothing, Harry."

"Baby..." Harry gently tugs at his wrist, reaching out and cupping his Omega's cheek. "You know you can talk to me." He murmurs when their eyes meet.

Louis' eyes start brimming with tears as he stares at him. "I don't know..." He takes a deep breath, and holds on to Harry's encouraging look to continue talking. "It's a bit of everything."

Harry moves in, reassuring him with a hug and stroking his hair. "What are they about, babe?"

Louis takes his times, his eyes clenched shut. "Edward left." He finally whispers, swallowing to try to get rid of the lump in his throat. "In my dreams. He was leaving all over again."

Harry hushes him when he starts crying. "What else?" He knows that isn't all.

Louis presses his fist to his eyes, his body shaking as he takes more time before speaking up. "They're, it's...." He bites his lower lip, too overwhelmed to speak.

"It's fine. It's alright." Harry coos, tightening his hold.

Louis takes a deep breath. "I dreamt..." He smiles to himself, sad. "I dreamt of them."

"Who?" Harry has to ask, uncertain.

"Our babies." Louis' fingers press even more into his eyes. Somehow it makes him feel like it helps to cease his tears. "I-I dreamt of them."

"Oh Lou..." Harry's eyes tear up too, and he realises how little he had been involved, how distant all of them had been. They had mourned upon knowing about Louis' miscarriage, but they don't realise just how different it was for Louis and them. Louis was present throughout everything, the moment he found out about his pregnancy, spending a whole period of time with the knowledge that he was pregnant; but the triplets lacked that privilege. It was something that happened because of their own fault, but Harry never took the time to think of how much it affected Louis more than it affected any of them.

"I dreamt that they were here." Louis chuckles. "They were already speaking, running around and yelling Papa because that was the only word they knew."

Harry will give up everything to turn back time and have it differently.

"It's just..." Louis' voice gets thick again. "I know it was just a dream. But how could I not dwell on what could have been, Harry?"

"I'm sorry, baby. I'm sorry I didn't know." Harry presses his lips against Louis' hair, lost on how to express his regret and guilt. He feels helpless. "I'm sorry I knew too late."

"It still hurts, Harry." Louis clenches his hand to his chest, sobbing his heart out as he buries his face in Harry's neck.

Whatever Harry could've done, it's too late. So he can only cry in silence while he showers Louis with kisses, trying to comfort his Omega, trying to comfort himself.

It's not enough, and Harry has a slight peek at how much Louis had to go through.


Talking about it seems to help a little. Louis tosses and turns throughout the night, but it never gets really bad to the point of crying. Edward still holds him close, the only time he can have his Omega in his arms. And Louis never questions why he always wakes up lying on top of Edward.

The issue of him ignoring Edward has grown over the days regardless of him being the one to actually hold Louis tight at night.

Even now, as they are having dinner at one of the posh restaurants Marcel picked, Louis sits with his body angled away from Edward.

He ignores whatever Edward contributes to the conversation, focusing solely on Harry and Marcel. His actions are very offending, causing Edward to feel as if he's out of place even when he's with his own brothers.

Harry and Marcel noticed what he's doing ever since he started, but every time they try to change his mind, Louis would flee the scene.

Edward shakes his head when Harry and Marcel give him apologetic looks from across the table. It's not their fault. Edward brought himself to this point of life, and he'll face it.

"Excuse me." Marcel suddenly stands up, his hands flat on the table as he sets a piercing stare on to Edward. "I need the loo." He mutters, briefly glancing at his mate, then Harry.

Edward raises his eyebrows when Marcel throws him a look over his shoulder as he leaves, but says nothing. He gives it a few minutes, then rises to his feet as well. He doesn't bother saying anything, knows that Harry knows where he's going, and Louis doesn't care.

It takes him no time to find the men's room. He looks around before he enters, trying to make sure anyone wouldn't be coming any time soon.

He pushes the door open and finds Marcel by the sink, his knuckles white from gripping the counter, waiting for Edward. He looks distressed. It almost confuses Edward; usually Harry would be the one in distress. He wonders what Marcel has got going on in his head that has him behaving like this.

"Alright?" Edward asks, stopping a few feet away. His forehead is wrinkled from his frown, concerned.

Marcel pushes away from the counter, and then he's walking towards Edward with a determined look on his face. Once he stands in front of his brother, he's all over Edward, lips finding Edward's easily and nudging him until his back hits the wall. Edward is very confused on why exactly Marcel is snogging him in the loo, but if anyone's complaining, it's not him.

His hands reach down to hold on to Marcel's hips as he lets his brother's fingers slide into his hair. Marcel's hand is cupping his cheek, and his grip is insistent.

"You know I love you, right?" Marcel gasps when they part, his eyes searching Edward's face.

Edward is frowning again. "I know."

"I don't want to be without you." Marcel tells him, shaking his head.

"You won't be." Saying that Edward is confused would be an understatement, especially when Marcel is so disturbed by the thought that it makes Edward wonder where all of this is coming from. Don't get him wrong, he knows Marcel and Harry have been uneasy since the first time they found out how Louis is treating Edward. But Marcel is panicking, and Edward tries to recall if anything significant happened that slipped his mind. "Marcel, what's wrong?"

"I'm scared, Edward! Can't you see that?!" The youngest triplet snaps, stepping back. "Do you even realise what Louis is doing?"

Edward blinks. "I know, Marcel. I know what he's doing."

"Then why are you pretending as if nothing's wrong? Why aren't you doing something?" Marcel asks, exasperated as he takes another step back.

Edward shakes his head. "It's not that simple. What can I do? I can't win him back if he doesn't let me."

"But it's been almost a month!"

"Exactly. It's only been a month." Edward sighs, approaching him again. His hand reaches out to caress Marcel's cheek. "Don't worry, Marcel. He needs time."

The younger Alpha lets out a heavy breath, leaning down to rest his forehead on his brother's shoulder. "I'm just scared if things won't turn out alright."

"It will." Edward reassures him, using his palm to rub calming patterns down Marcel's back. "He still loves me, I know that."

"He does." Marcel confirms. "He says your name when he sleeps."

That is brand new information for Edward, but he doesn't let it show on his face. He doesn't want Marcel to know that he actually has the same doubts as his brother. The early nights were spent with him wondering if there would even be a future between them.

"See?" He tells Marcel. "We both know that. Things will be fine."

Marcel nods, timid. "I hope so. I don't want to have to choose."

"Louis won't do that." Edward reasons. "It won't come to that."

"You don't know that."

Edward steps forward, kissing him again. "Baby, stop thinking about it. Remember when I wanted to leave, and you told me to stay and fight for him?" When Marcel nods, Edward presses another kiss to his lips. "This is me, doing just that. I'm here, and I'm fighting for him. I'm not going anywhere."

Marcel presses his lips together, and his eyes shimmer with unshed tears. "I love you."

Edward smiles, fond as he draws him into his arms again. "I love you too. Things will be fine."


Things are not fine. It doesn't get better between Louis and Edward. In fact, it gets worse.

Aside from ignoring him on multiple occasions, Louis has also started to pick fights with his Alpha. Every time Edward does something wrong, Louis would taunt him, and whenever he gets the chance, he'd always say things to rile the Alpha up.

Edward never retaliates. He is as lovely as ever to his Omega, letting Louis walk past first whenever he bumps into Edward just to be annoying, he lets Louis say whatever he wants to say, and he even lets Louis get away whenever the Omega steals his food. It's not exactly a healthy progress between them, but Edward's relieved there's progress at all.

Edward is in his office when Louis comes barging in without a single knock. However, he's happy to abandon his computer screen and focus on the intimidating, sexy Omega standing before his table. "Hello." Edward says. "What's going on?"

"Why are you here?" Louis asks, staring down at him as he places his palms on the table and leans forward. There's a challenging look on his face, one that Edward has recognised to come up whenever Louis wants Edward to react, wants the Alpha to get mad.

But Edward only frowns in confusion, looking around to make sure that he is indeed in his office and not a random room in the house. "Uh... am I not supposed to be here?"

"Why are you not at the office, why are you working from home?" Louis demands to know.

"Um..." Edward trails off. "I mean, is that wrong?"

"You're the boss. How is your company going to function if the boss doesn't come into work?!"

"Well, I thought it'd be best for me to stay home first. I mean..." He sighs. "I put work first too many times. I want to be home so you could be my top priority without me having to abandon my work."

Louis is taken aback by his reply, falling silent as he stares into Edward's dark, green eyes. "Oh.." He straightens up, his palms leaving faint marks that slowly disappear once he retracts them. "Go to work." He murmurs, not unkindly. His eyes have been averted away, unwilling to stare right into Edward's intense gaze. "Your company needs you."

"So do you."

"See you for dinner." Louis mumbles, already spinning around and heading straight out to get back to where he came from.

Edward groans, gripping his temple and resting his elbows on the desk.


Waking up to Edward's alarm almost feels religious. It's a violent tug on his heart, though. Especially when it reminds him of how they used to be, but now things aren't the same. And Louis honestly can't say what he feels about the future.

He watches as Edward stumbles out of bed, hair sticking everywhere. He looks ridiculous with one eye open as he scrolls through his emails, a sight Louis hasn't seen in a long time. Tears spring in his eyes, but he swallows to get rid of the lump in his throat.

Edward notices him watching, and he turns his body just slightly. Louis gets a smile, but even in his groggy state, Louis can tell that it wasn't a genuine one. He keeps his eyes on Edward's back as the Alpha leaves for the bathroom.

By the time Edward is ready for work, Louis is leaning against the headboard and playing on his phone.

Edward walks over to the bed, wary as he pats Harry's arm twice before he leans down and kisses him. When he pulls away, Harry whimpers and tries to follow his mouth. It makes Edward chuckle, and he offers his brother one last kiss before he moves on to Marcel. All Marcel allows him is a peck before the youngest Alpha rolls over and goes back to sleep.

Edward moves on to Louis and freezes. For a moment he's uncertain; should he kiss him, hug him, just wave?

The Omega's eyes are opened as big as his while they stare at each other.

Louis is curious to see what Edward would do, but at the same time he's divided on his choices. They haven't kissed in a long time, and as much as Louis missed his kisses, he doesn't want it like this.

Finally, the Omega tilts his face and leans forward.

Edward smiles, pressing his lips against Louis' cheek, caressing his hair and holding him in place while his lips linger. Louis tries to pull back after Edward's lips leave his skin, but the Alpha pecks his forehead before truly letting him go.

Louis feels a little sad as he watches Edward carries his briefcase out. And he wallows in his sadness by snuggling into Marcel's arms and nothing but Edward in his mind.


"Well, fuck off, then!"

Harry flinches at the slamming of the door, and Marcel wraps an arm around him.

"God..." Marcel murmurs, shaking his head in annoyance. "Could they stop that?"

"I don't like this, Marcel..." Harry sighs, bending his knees and hugging them to his chest. "They keep fighting."

"I know, babe. I don't like this, either."

Ever since Edward started working again, he's been getting stressed at the amount of work and catching up to do, not to mention the problems he had to deal with, so when Louis kept picking fights with him, he began snapping back.

At first, it'd just be a short argument. But lately, Louis has been getting on his nerves too much. So Harry and Marcel had to start getting used to all the screaming and the door slamming.

It happens almost every day. Louis and Edward will fight like the world is coming to an end, and then Edward would leave the room just so that the fight would end.

It's fucked up for all of them; Louis and Edward because they keep fighting, and Harry and Marcel because they have to endure it.


"Edward, can we talk?" Marcel asks, stepping into the lounge where Edward is sitting. Harry is right behind him, both of them hesitant.

"Yeah.." Edward frowns, curious. He turns off his phone, putting it away and shifting on the sofa. His frown deepens when he sees that Harry is here too. "Alright?"

Harry shakes his head, pouting. His shoulders are hunched as he walks over to Edward, straight into his waiting arms.

Marcel's steps are slower, but he reaches Edward eventually, taking a seat next to him. "We need to talk." He says again.

"About you and Lou." Harry adds.

Edward clears his throat. "Okay. What about us?"

"All you do is fight." Harry complains.

"We're worried."

Edward stares at Harry, then Marcel. They're genuinely concerned. "Why are you worried?"

"Are you serious?" Harry raises his eyebrows in disbelief, his arms falling down from where they rested on Edward's shoulders. "The only time you're talking to him, both of you spend it by yelling. Don't ask me why I'm worried."

The eldest Alpha sighs. "I'm sorry that things aren't exactly at their best now, but I think it's progress. Don't you think so, too?"

Marcel looks at Edward in distraught, as if he doesn't understand a thing Edward just said. "Progress? What kind of progress is it, Edward? One of these days, one of you is going to bite the other's head off!"

"At least he's talking to me, Marcel."

"For fuck's sake, Edward!" Harry pushes away from him, getting to his feet and pacing around. "Don't say that as if he's not a volcano ready to explode whenever he sees you. How could you be so calm?"

Edward presses his fingers to his temple. "Harry, it's not that easy for me to fix these problems between us."

"Cause he's not letting you."

"Yes, thank you for that, Marcel." Edward rolls his eyes. "He needs time."

"How much longer, exactly?" Harry asks. "Until he's fallen out of love with you?"

Edward's body shifts with it when he sighs. "I don't know, Harry."

Harry stops his pacing, his green eyes fixed on his brother. Then he turns around and leaves, marking the end of the conversation. There's nothing more to say anyway. Clearly, they see things differently.

"He's upset because of the way Louis is treating you." Marcel murmurs, scooting closer until Edward can wrap his arm around his shoulders.

A small smile teases the edge of Edward's mouth. "Why?"

"It makes you upset." Marcel accuses. "Whenever Louis yells at you."

"Well, no one likes to be yelled at." Edward shrugs.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"That I couldn't do anything." Marcel blinks up at Edward, his lips curving downwards.

Edward's lips stretch into a wide, fond smile. "Having you with me is already more than enough."

Marcel grabs his face with frantic movements, desperate to feel Edward's lips on his.

His arms curl properly around Marcel, holding him tight. "Don't worry."

But how could Marcel not?


You can take this heart,

Heal it or break it all apart.

Louis inhales through his nose, pausing in front of the mirror to check his appearance. He fixes his hair one last time, then proceeds to the front door.

Anne looks as beautiful as ever when he opens the door, and she beams upon seeing him. "Hello, darling!" One would have thought she's greeting her own son.

"Hello, Anne." Louis bends down and pecks her cheek, giving her a brief hug. "How are you?"

"Good. Lovely." She nods. She does look fresh and well-rested. After all, she just came back from her spa session with Harry.

Louis releases her, letting her step inside. When he turns around, Harry is already at the front door. His hair has been let down, and he looks gorgeous. Going to the spa does wonders to the Alpha. Louis' heart melts at the sight of Harry smiling, and he grins in reply as Harry comes up to him.

"Hello, sexy." Harry greets, pulling Louis against him by his waist. It prompts the Omega to giggle. "You're looking extra ravishing today."

"That's not something you should really say in front of your mother." Louis retorts, but he does coyly toy with the collar of Harry's shirt.

Harry stretches his neck to look inside the entrance hall. "Well, Mum isn't here anymore."

"Doesn't mean I want to stay and hear you serenade me with the variations of the word 'hot'." Louis is rolling his eyes in annoyance, but the grin on his lips says otherwise.

The Alpha chuckles. "Yeah, words don't do you justice."

"Oh, shut up." Louis pretends to groan even when his blushing cheeks betray him, his fingers flattening on the back of Harry's neck as he tugs the Alpha down. Their kiss makes Louis giddy, and he can't stop grinning when they part.

Harry lets him close the door before they make their way inside the house.

"I think I'm going to go and change. I'll see you for dinner?" Harry says when they stop at the hallway. When Louis nods, he pecks the Omega's cheek and heads for the lift while Louis goes to look for Anne.

He finds her in the living room, seated on the sofa with the TV on. "Hey." He smiles, taking a seat next to her.

Anne opens her arms, and Louis dives into her embrace without a care. "How are you?" She asks, stroking his hair.

"Okay, I guess." Louis shrugs.

"You look better now." Anne notes, pinching his cheek.

"Hey!" Louis laughs.

She grins as she lets him go, stifling her laughter. "I didn't say anything bad!"

Louis replies with a cheeky smile, but it falters when Edward appears.

"Edward!" Anne calls for him in excitement, growing to her feet and embracing him.

"Hi, Mum." He buries his face in her neck, clinging to her petite form.

"I'll be... yeah." Louis mutters, excusing himself before any of them could stop him.

Anne cups Edward's cheek when they pull back, trying to read his expression. She stares into his eyes, her thumbs brushing his skin. "Come on, let's sit down." He follows suit when she tugs at his arm.

"How was the spa?" Edward asks, trying to loosen up the tension before they'll talk. He knows his mother, and she knows him. She can feel that something's wrong even before Edward can think of the words to say.

"It was heavenly. The service was excellent." Anne gushes, approving.

Edward tilts his head with a smirk. "Well, remind me to send them my personal thank you, then. They took such good care of my mother."

"Oh, you're too much." Anne pinches his nose. Then her playful demeanour dissipates, and she takes his hand. "What's wrong, my baby?"

The Alpha sighs. "Mum..."

"What happened?" Anne asks, her voice soft and full of compassion.

"What I did, was it really unforgivable?" He breathes, shutting his eyes.

Anne pauses, clasping her hands tighter around his. "I don't believe so."

"Louis and I..." He starts. "We're not really talking."

His mother hums, listening.

"We keep fighting." Edward chuckles to himself. "He keeps saying these things to make me upset, never says anything to me properly, always snapping."

"He does?" Anne is surprised to hear that, but she quickly recomposes herself.

"Yeah, and he ignores me too. I don't know, Mum." Edward frowns when he looks at her, shaking his head in confusion. "I don't know what's going on between us."

"Have you two sat down and talk?"

Edward shrugs. "Not really. He'd always leave, or I will, because I can't stand us screaming at each other like that." He looks so nonchalant, and it hurts her to know how much more he's actually hurting.

"It's that bad?" Anne asks, unable to hide how horrified she is.

When Edward smiles at her, she knows he's sad. And it breaks her heart. "Yeah." He sighs. "Do I deserve that, Mum? Being treated like that? Is that what it would take for him to forgive me?"

"I don't know, love." She leans her head on his shoulder. "Is that what you believe?"

"I don't know." He trails off. "I just...." His body heaves. "I miss him."

Anne can feel the pain she hears in his voice. "Oh, darling.." Exasperation weighs her tone, wishing she could lessen his pain. He knows she can't do anything, but he appreciates her being a good listener.

Edward sends her a tight-lipped smile, a failed attempt to reassure her that he's okay. "Thank you for coming over, Mum."

She nods slowly, her palm pressing at his cheek and guiding his face down so she could drop a loving kiss on his forehead. "You don't deserve it." She finally answers his question. "I believe he will forgive you. But I disagree that he's hurting you like this."

"You're just biased." He comments.

Anne laughs. "Of course I am. You're my baby." She wraps her arms around his shoulder, pressing their cheeks together.

"For God's sake mother, I'm twenty-six."

"You're always my baby no matter how old you are." She urges, stern.

"Right. Understood." Edward chuckles.


"Loueh!" Zayn grins until his eyes crinkle as he walks up to the Omega and hugs him tight. "Been so long, mate."

Louis sighs, at ease as he holds Zayn just as tight. "I've missed you a lot."

"Me too." Zayn replies while pulling back. "No one can ever annoy me as much as you do."

Louis hits his arm, but he's laughing. "Is that a compliment or an insult, you git?"

"Both." Zayn joins his laughter, slinging an arm over his shoulder and leading him inside. "Niall made biscuits."

"No way!" Louis widens his eyes. "I told you not to prepare anything!"

"He wanted to." Zayn releases him before they cross the threshold, letting him walk in first. "You won't die of food poisoning, you have my word for that."

"Alright, then." He smirks. "I'll give it a go."

They head into the living room, where Niall is bending over the coffee table, pouring tea. There's a plate of biscuits that Louis can already smell, and some cakes have been served too.

"Hey, Ni."

Niall's face lights up when he sees his friend, and he quickly places the kettle down to attack Louis with a hug. "Holy shit, mate!" He kisses all over Louis' face, taking delight in the disgusted sounds his friend makes.

"I missed you too." Louis laughs, patting his back.

"So, how have you been?" Niall asks once all of them are settled down with tea in their hands. "Is everything okay at home?"

Louis shrugs, sipping his tea as his eyes shift from Niall to Zayn. Both of them are watching him attentively, waiting for his reply. They have to admit that they're a bit curious just as much as they're concerned about the progress between Louis and the triplets. "Things have been okay.." He trails off. Another shrug follows, and he forces out a tight-lipped smile.

"Bullshit." Zayn snorts. "Talk to us."

Louis sighs into his drink, cradling the mug just a little bit tighter. He only speaks up after another sip and the porcelain has been placed on the coffee table. "I don't know." Well, he's being honest.

Niall is silent, but Louis can see that he's doing a lot of thinking where he's sitting. After a beat too long, he puts his mug down too. "Edward told me you're not talking to him."

When Zayn's face twists in disgust, Louis notices it. "Are you two best friends now?" Zayn asks, unable to keep the sarcasm out of his voice.

"He talks to you about that?" Louis adds in before Niall could reply to his husband.

Niall decides to ignore Zayn's comment and focus on Louis. "He used to come over a lot, when you were gone. Heather made him really happy." He looks up at Louis and smiles. "Guess he's used to it, venting to me."

"What else did he say?" Louis wonders, quiet.

"Nothing much." Niall replies.

Zayn clears his throat. "Why aren't you talking to him?"

Louis chuckles to himself, though the couple couldn't find any humour in the situation, try as they may. "I don't know. I don't want to. It still hurts."

Niall lets out a heavy sigh. "It wasn't his fault, Louis."

"It's..." Louis takes a shaky breath, still smiling despite his eyes watering. "I know."

"Then, why..? I don't understand."

Louis blinks, squeezing his tears out and they roll down his cheeks. "God, he hurt me so much. Even if it wasn't his fault, he hurt me so, so much Ni. And I can't, I can't find it within me to forgive him yet."

"Do you still love him?"

Louis' mouth falls open and he stares at Zayn in betrayal. "Of course I do!"

Zayn raises his eyebrows. "So you're just angry."

"I'm angry." Louis confirms. "Angry, sad, heartbroken." He stares at Zayn. "He kept leaving me, he didn't comfort me, and he had the nerve to accuse me of cheating on him. Yes, Zayn. I'm very angry."

Niall buries his face in his hands, rubbing his palms down his cheeks. "Do you intend on forgiving him anytime soon?" He really wants to know. "I'll be honest. I can't tell where this is going."

"It sucks, Niall." Louis whimpers. "I missed him. I love him. I love him with all of me. And all I want to do right now is go home and kiss him silly."

"Then why don't you?"

"Because every time I look at his face, my heart hurts. I get mad." Louis grits out.

Zayn leans back into his chair, his eyes unmoving from Louis' face. "That's not healthy."

"'s what El and Pez told me too." Louis scoffs.

"What would it take for you to forgive him?" Niall voices again, picking up his tea. It's probably gone cold by now.

"I don't know."


"I don't know, Niall." Louis pulls his legs up so he could hug his knees to his chest. "I'm scared if things are never going to be alright between us."

Niall opens up his mouth, but before Louis could notice, he's turned back to his tea.


"Are you sure you don't mind?" Harry asks quietly.

Marcel rolls his eyes. "This is the tenth time, Harry." He grins, kissing his brother on his cheek. "I don't mind."

"Do you think Louis would mind?"

"Of course he wouldn't."

"Are you sure?"

Marcel stares at him, unimpressed. "Just go, Harry."

"Alright, alright."


Harry gets down from the car, smiling as he looks up the building. His footsteps echo slightly in the lobby after he walked in past the automated sliding door. His smile brightens upon passing by the reception, the staff behind the counter greeting him with familiarity.

He produces a card from his pocket when he reaches the lift and entering, touching the card against the reader before he's pressing the button to his destination.

It doesn't really take long before the lift slows to a stop and he steps out. He easily finds the doors that he's too familiar with, and he doesn't even bother knocking as he pushes it open and taking excited strides in.

Edward looks up with a frown at the knowledge that someone just walked in without a single knock, but his face instantly relaxes upon seeing his brother. The employee in front of him is forgotten, Harry's dimples taking all of Edward's attention.

"Good morning, Mr Styles." The staff, Harry recognises him as Jim, says with a nod.

Harry turns to him. "Morning, Jim." He moves forward and takes a seat next to Jim, eyeing his brother momentarily before he looks at Jim again. His face changes from excited and playful to collected and professional. "What are we discussing about?"

"I was just telling Mr Styles," he points to Edward. "..about the progress of the project in Dubai. There were some problems when Mr Jaafar went as a permanent head of the project, the changes taking time and effort to be implemented since Mr Styles left, but now it's going great."

Harry knows how fucked up things have been at the office lately. All three of them taking a break when Louis left would've sent the company crumbling down and collapsing if it wasn't for their team of hardworking staff. It did make Harry feel guilty that they left just like that, even though he rarely helped with the company. But Edward is working extra hard with all the time he has in the office, and with the boss back in his chair, things are starting to improve again.

"Is Sam doing okay on his own? Should we send someone else?" Harry wonders. "What about the other projects? Italy, China?"

Edward watches in fascination as Harry takes over the conversation, giving his input and ideas to help solve issues that Jim brings up. His lips wouldn't stop twitching.


"Finally." Harry sighs in frustration after he closes the door. Jim had just left, and Harry escorted him to the door to send him out, but also to twist the lock so that they can have privacy. He turns back to Edward who's smirking at him. "I almost wanted to kick him out."

Edward raises an eyebrow, teasing. "Why the sudden appearance?"

Harry grins, rushing over to him with fast steps and he's across the room within seconds. He walks around the table, pulling at Edward's chair until they're facing each other before he shamelessly climbs on Edward's lap. Edward's open arms are welcoming and his hands grip at Harry's thighs once Harry is comfortable in his lap.

"Just missed you." Harry dimples, cupping Edward's cheek. "Let's get lunch together."

Edward purses his lips, not disagreeing. "We can do lunch."

Harry looks at his watch, humming. Then, he places his arm on Edward's shoulder. "We can do lunch, and then work, then we can go out and have a dinner date?" He sounds inviting but uncertain, putting the idea forward but letting Edward decide.

Edward stares at him, smiling. "You want that?"

"Yeah." Harry nods, leaning down and kissing him softly.

Edward's hands move up to his waist, pulling him close. "It's a date, then."

"Yeay!" Harry cheers, pumping his fist in the air.

Edward chuckles, kissing his jaw. Then he pinches Harry's skin. "Now get off me, I've got work to do."

That causes a pout to form, and Harry presses closer. "But I'm here!" He complains. "Why do work when you can do me?"

Edward rolls his eyes. "I have a lot to do, Harry."

Harry giggles. "But have you seen yourself when you work? You're so hot when you're working!" He leans forward and traps Edward's earlobe between his teeth, his arms wrapping tightly around his neck while he grinds down on his brother's lap. "How could I not want you?"

Edward smirks, his hands sliding down until he's cupping Harry's arse. "Always so needy."

Harry's lips latch onto Edward's neck, releasing a muffled moan against him. "Missed having your cock inside me."

Edward massages the ample flesh in his palms, groaning. "Harry."

Harry scrambles to get off of his brother, almost falling over in the process. He doesn't waste any time sinking onto his knees in between Edward's legs.

As Harry mouths against his bulge, Edward's phone lights up. "Fuck." He curses when he sees the notification. He has another meeting with someone from HR, one that he's been putting off for a while. He can't cancel that meeting now. "Haz, stop." He grits out, his fingers pulling at Harry's hair. His brother starts whining. "You need to unlock the door."

Harry responds with a sad pout.

Edward sighs, wondering how to tackle this issue. Trying to choose between a meeting and having Harry suck him off in the office is a really important, big decision. "Suck me off while I have this meeting." He says in the end.

Harry squeak a sound of glee and grows to his knees, and then he's running to the door to unlock it so he could return to his position. Edward can't help but bite his lip to suppress a fond smile.

He pushes Harry down under his table, and once both of them are comfortable, Harry goes back to kissing Edward's cock through his trousers.

Edward's office phone rings, and he presses a button to answer the call. His assistant's voice fills the air. "Mr Styles, Mr Evans is here for your 11 AM meeting. Should I send him in?"

"Yes, please. Thank you."

By the time Sebastian Evans walks into the office, Harry already has half of Edward's length in his mouth. He sucks slowly and carefully, not wanting to make any noise.

"Mr Styles." Sebastian greets him with a small smile and a nod.

"Hello, Sebastian. Do sit down." Edward gestures to the seat in front of him, opening the file that was already on his table before he even came in this morning.

Sebastian nods, taking a seat and opening his file as well.

Harry takes him deeper, and Edward coughs out, gripping Harry's hair and holding him down.

"So, what are we going to look at right now?" Edward asks his employee, his eyebrows furrowing as he ignores the urge to fuck into Harry's mouth. He releases his brother, and the younger Alpha sputters before gasping.

Sebastian pauses, then he looks around. "Did you hear that?"

Edward doesn't even blink. "Hear what?"

"Um, nothing." The employee shakes his head, blinking repeatedly.

Edward snickers. "So what's the problem?"

"Right." Sebastian gets himself together, turning back to the file containing the same copies of papers Edward is looking at on his side of the table. "Charles thinks that we're short on people in China. I was thinking of expanding our workforce."

"And why is that?" He hisses when Harry tongues at his slit, tugging on his brother's hair in warning. A muffled moan sounds in the office, and Sebastian flinches in shock.

"Did you hear that?" Sebastian stares wide-eyed at his boss. Edward stares back at him, bored and unimpressed. "Right, sorry boss." He ducks his head in embarrassment.

Harry bites onto Edward's thigh to muffle his laughter.

"I know that we're struggling a little at the office, but if we divide the people right, we can send a team to China."

"But Sir, we've sent most of our people to the sites across the continents. Once the projects are done, are we going to keep them where they are currently placed, or do we start hiring for the positions there?"

Edward pretends he's thinking, he is, but the tip of his cock is nuzzled at the back of Harry's throat. It's quite hard for him to even remember his name. "And if we are to expand our workforce, would there be any problems?"

"So far, not really. We can start it now, so by the time the project is done, we can get things going right away." Sebastian flips over the pages in the file. "If we are going to move anyone for a long time, we should announce it early. I suggest that we open it up, so we'll send those who want to go, and keep those who want to stay."

Edward agrees with that, but the word is stuck in his throat, because Harry is sucking on his cockhead like he wants to swallow it down.

"What do you think, boss?" Sebastian prompts in reluctance. His boss isn't saying anything and that's worrying him.

"Yes, we'll discuss more into that. I think it's better if we have Marcel with us." Edward's voice is lower when he speaks, and Sebastian wonders if he did anything wrong. "I'll tell Sarah to arrange another meeting. Do inform her when you'll be free."

Sebastian knows that the meeting is over even if he has more things to bring forth, but he doesn't dare ask for otherwise. He closes the file, and grows to his feet. "Thank you, boss. I'll see you tomorrow."

Edward manages to keep a straight face, but once the door shuts behind his employee, he leans into his chair and throws his head back. "Fucking Hell. Your fucking mouth." He growls, looking down at Harry. He reaches down to cradle the back of Harry's head, his hips thrusting up to fuck Harry's mouth. Harry's eyes flutter shut, and he lets his jaws slack to allow Edward to use his mouth as he please.

When Edward releases him, Harry pulls off completely, grinning as he brushes his lips across the tip before his mouth parts to take Edward down again, not bothering to take a breath.

Usually, Harry would be happy to sit under the table and play with Edward's cock for as long as he likes. But Edward is going to drive himself mad if Harry is not writhing under him and full of his cock soon.

"Lock the door." He orders, jerking Harry's head up.

Harry presses his lips together, obeying.

Edward keeps his eyes locked on his brother, his hand picking up the phone. "Sarah, if anyone wants to see me, I'm only available after lunch. No disturbance until then." He doesn't wait for her to reply, hanging up and sitting back on his chair.

Harry is giving him that sultry look, strolling across the room.

"Undress. Now." Edward barks, already loosening his tie.

Harry is more than happy to oblige. He starts with his jacket, letting it thud as it lands on the floor. Next to go is his shirt and his trousers and the pants follow right away.

Edward feels eighteen all over again, ready to shoot off at the sight of Harry naked before him. "Come here, you minx."

Harry climbs onto his lap with eased practise, and Edward groans again when smooth hands run up and down his chest. He's biting his lip as he eyes down Edward's torso. "You're so hot."

"Get the lube, baby." Edward points at the bottom drawer. Harry reaches down to retrieve the bottle, and by the time he straightens up, Edward has got his shirt opened and his chest exposed.

Harry finds Edward's mouth, and within seconds the low burn of their tension grow into a flaming heat. Harry can't think anymore, just wants Edward and his cock and he doesn't even care if he's not prepped.

Edward grabs the bottle of lube from him, and Harry takes the chance to pepper Edward's neck with kisses while Edward lubes his fingers up.

He's expected it, but when wet fingertips brush against his entrance, Harry whines in surprise and need.

His body tenses when a slap lands on his cheek. Edward rubs the skin with his palm afterwards, gripping the flesh as he presses against the puckered skin. Harry is almost drooling on him as Edward slowly buries the first digit inside his warmth.

"Edward..." Harry pleads when his brother pumps the finger torturously slow. He knows Edward would bring up the issue of not wanting to hurt him, but Harry's known him for too long to know that he's just doing it to tease. "More, please."

Edward chuckles, but he does add another finger. Harry pants into his ear while he scissors him open, and it doesn't take long for Edward to add the third one.

Harry is steadily leaking against his own stomach, though the tip of his cock occasionally brushes against Edward's abs. He's making these sounds that Edward doesn't think he's aware of. They're obscene, and Edward is so hard it's borderline painful.

He pulls his fingers out so he could slick up his cock with the lube. Harry almost wants to complain about the loss, but the thought of what's to come makes up for it. Harry rises on his knees, his hand reaching back to grab a hold of Edward's cock brushing against his arse. He bites on his lip as he slowly guides it until the tip is pressing at his hole.

When they lock eyes, Edward gives him a curt nod. Harry takes a breath and sinks down, a broken moan leaving his mouth when the head pops in. "Oh...." He mewls, curling up around his brother.

Once Harry's arse is pressed flushed against Edward's thighs, both of them take the time to breathe. Edward slowly rubs his thumb over Harry's hip, silently soothing him and giving him as much time as he needs.

Harry pants above him, their foreheads pressing together. He claims Edward's lips, starting to lift his hips before lowering them again. "Fuck." He gasps, pressing his tongue past Edward's lips to muffle his moans while he begins to move faster.

Edward is grunting, grabbing him by the hips and guiding him to move them together as one. His mouth moves relentlessly against Harry's, at the same time he rocks up every time Harry comes down.

There's a layer of sweat on Harry's back as he bounces enthusiastically on Edward's cock, riding him like there's no tomorrow. Edward's name is a chant on his tongue, and he shamelessly recites it loud.

Edward suddenly stands up, careful as he lets Harry land on his feet. The younger Alpha finds himself empty all of a sudden, though he doesn't have time to dwell on it. Within seconds he's bent over and pressed on the table, and Edward is shoving back inside. His thrusts are unforgivable, and a hand has to be clamped on Harry's mouth so they won't risk being caught with the amount of noises he's making.

"Fuck!" Edward lines his front along Harry's back, biting on his shoulder when he feels the familiar approach of his orgasm.

Harry's hand reaches forward to grip the edge of the table, his knuckles turning white. His stomach is already tightening.

Edward slaps his hand on the table when he comes, sending Harry over the edge too when he starts spilling inside.


Louis has been sitting alone in the library for the past hour.

He doesn't mind that. He's really invested in the novel he's reading. Harry is out to see Edward, and Marcel is nowhere to be found, but Louis doesn't really care.

Until he comes across a particular scene in the book he's reading.

He squirms on the sofa he's lying on, his cock twitching in his trackie as he impatiently reads the words.

He's got a hand on his bulge when he finishes the scene, sitting up and groaning to himself. It's a little embarrassing that he got so hard from reading a sex scene, but then again he hasn't really got laid ever since he came back.

It was an unspoken thing between them, but he knew that they would never touch him unless he's ready. Louis himself never really felt the need for it, and he needed time until he'd be fit to be that intimate with the Alphas again, so he hasn't really made any move regarding that.

But now, now Louis is going to find Marcel and have his brain fucked out.

All because of a random sex scene he accidentally read.

In the midst of his embarrassment, Louis lets his needs take over. The book falls onto the floor, but Louis doesn't care. He gets up onto his feet, unbothered with the hard on he's spotting.

"Marcel!" He calls, desperate.

"Lounge!" Marcel calls back.

Just hearing his voice is making Louis even hotter. He almost wants to stay where he is and wank until his Alpha finds him, maybe by that time he'd already have two fingers inside his arse and Marcel could just slide in.

He's panting when he finds Marcel, peeling his shirt off as he crosses their distance.

Marcel perks up at the scent, and he smirks in amusement upon seeing a shirtless Louis approaching him. The tent on the Omega's crotch doesn't go unnoticed. "Well, someone's excited."

Louis moans, climbing onto his lap and starting to grind on him. His mouth claims Marcel's, and he sucks on the plush lips as if he's been lost in the desert and Marcel's kisses are water and his lips are an oasis. Marcel looks shocked by the time Louis pulls back; his eyes are blown wide and he's gaping. But Louis just kisses him again, hard. And then he starts clawing at his shirt. "Take me to our room and fuck me, now."

The Alpha's eyes widen even more. It doesn't even cross his mind to turn off the TV. His cock stands hard, his temperature rising like a flick of a switch. He grips Louis' arse, holding him tight as he jumps onto his feet to hurry away.

By the time they reach their room, Louis has the fabric of his trackie soaked with his slick. Their mouths are swollen with the amount of stops they took just to snog and touch each other. Louis is sucking on Marcel's throat, his nails digging into the Alpha's skin while he keeps releasing needy whimpers that he knows makes Marcel all hot and bothered.

"What brought this on?" Marcel laughs as he dumps Louis onto the bed, taking his own top off and sending it sailing to the floor. Clearly, he has recovered from his initial shock of being attacked by a horny Omega. He crawls onto the mattress, bending down to kiss Louis on his tummy, making the Omega keen.

Louis doesn't reply, too desperate to get himself naked. Marcel aids him to pull down his trackie, his cock bobbing out in the open and the Omega hisses.

"What do you want?" Marcel asks, kissing and licking and sucking on Louis' thighs.

The Omega pants, pre-cum dribbling from his slit and the mattress wet with his slick. "Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me."

"If I didn't know better, I'd think you're in heat." Marcel teases, easily flipping him on the bed.

Louis mouths at the bedsheet when Marcel slips a finger inside him. It enters easily with the amount of slick he's produced, lubing the finger up and swallowing it whole.

"God... Louis." Marcel moans at his scent, unable to resist ducking down and licking at Louis' rim, around his finger. It's been so long, and Louis' taste in his mouth is driving him crazy.

"More, more, please!!" Louis rocks back against him, tears already pricking at his eyes because Marcel is taking so long to prepare him and it's starting to get frustrating.

Marcel obeys, easily adding another finger. He scissors them in a rush, stretching the Omega up but he takes advantage of the moment to suck and kiss at Louis' entrance for his taste. "Baby.." He moans. "You taste so good." He watches how it stretches Louis up as he includes a third finger, almost not hearing the whine Louis releases. "I could eat you out for hours."

"If you do that, I will pull your knot out!" Louis screams at him, almost hysterical. "Put it to use!!"

Marcel laughs, biting on Louis' arse. He gathers all the slick he can manage as he retracts his fingers, lathering them onto his cock. He shoves three fingers back in just to check that Louis is ready, but the scolding sound Louis makes changes his mind. "You're so bossy." Marcel scolds, gripping his length and kneeling behind the Omega.

"You can spank me later, just get inside me no-"

Marcel fucks into him hard, cutting his words and turning them into a surprised but pleasured moan. He allows Louis a short breath before he's pulling out and pounding back inside.

A big hand presses on the middle of Louis' back, and his arms give out until he's pressed onto the mattress. Marcel holds him like that, ensuring that he cannot move before he gives what Louis has asked for. His hips snap relentlessly against the Omega, pulling a high pitched grunt every single time he's balls deep inside.

Louis' legs tremble, and his eyes are rolling back into his head. He can't even hear the sounds he's making anymore, his blood is racing too loudly in his ear.

He freezes up all of a sudden, and then his body relaxes in shudders as he comes, a strangled moan barely escaping his throat.

Marcel doesn't even slow down, in fact, he slams inside faster, harder. "Baby." He growls, slapping at Louis' jiggling cheeks.

"Fuckfuckfuck" Louis gasps, his toes curling when he's starting to get sensitive.

Marcel grips his hair, pulling hard so Louis is brought up on all fours again. "Again."

Louis doesn't need Marcel to tell him, his next orgasm is already approaching. He can't even keep his eyes open let alone focus on what the Alpha is saying. Instead the only things coming out of his mouth are "yes", "please", and "Alpha".

Marcel's thrusts start stuttering when he's close. He pulls out, pumping himself while he rolls Louis onto his back. He kneels in between Louis' thighs, releasing his cock to lift Louis' hips up before pushing back in. The Omega throws his head back, his back arching and crying out when Marcel nails him right on his prostate. The bedsheet is almost torn with how much Louis is pulling on it.

Louis sobs when he comes again, Marcel's cock pumping every single drop out of him. He can't speak, can barely comprehend anything; too lost in bliss to think.

Marcel shouts when his knot forms and he's locked inside the Omega. "Oh, fuck!" He presses as deep as he can, holding himself there until he starts coming.


It's three days later that Edward comes home to an empty house.

Imagine his surprise when he walks into their room to find Louis screaming his throat out with Harry and Marcel sheathed deep inside him, stretching his hole with their cocks. The Omega's nails are drawing bloody lines along Harry's back, yet the Alpha is too busy focusing on the drag of his cock inside Louis to notice that he's bleeding.

Edward's mouth falls open, and he stares as sweat drips down Marcel's back while he works his way into the delicious heat that is all Louis.

Louis stiffens when he takes a whiff of the air with Edward's scent in it, but Harry and Marcel are too caught up in their pending orgasm to notice their brother's presence. The Omega's eyes flutter open just in time to catch Edward's gaze. He's unblinking as his body shakes and his jaws fall slack, come spraying onto his stomach when Harry pounds his prostate.

Edward takes a deep breath, his cock interested in the arousal he inhales. But he blinks and looks away, dropping his briefcase and heading straight for the bathroom.

He tries to erase the sight from his mind, willing himself not to get hard at the thought of it.

But who is he kidding? Louis is too good for anyone in this world, and he's lucky enough to witness him in his naked glory. No matter how hard he tries not to get hard, his cock disagrees.

He washes his face first, then brushes his teeth.

His cock is standing tall when he sheds his clothes and steps into the shower, all his effort to no avail.

Edward stands there unmoving. Water runs down his body. Then he realises he's still hard no matter how cold the water is, because he saw Louis, because he was the first to touch Louis right where he is, and now he doesn't get to touch him at all.

He remembers it crystal clear, how Louis looked like the first time Edward touched him, tasted him. How sinful the sounds he made when Edward took care of him, how it felt like to hear him beg.

He was unreal when his body glistened with water, when he's warm against Edward, how small he was in Edward's hold.

Edward sighs, wrapping a hand around himself. He'll get himself off just so it won't be uncomfortable for him later.

He pants quietly, tightening his hold on his length and closing his eyes to imagine it's Louis' tiny hand that is getting him off.

The bathroom door suddenly opens, but Edward doesn't bother to look.

It takes him a minute to detect the smell, and his hand stops. His breathing is harsh; he was already close to his finish.

By the time he turns around, Louis is already standing in front of him, crowding into his space in the shower. "Hi." Louis whispers, his hand gently clasping on top of Edward's around his cock.

"Hi." Edward replies, frozen.

Louis nudges Edward's hand off, replacing it with his own. The Alpha's breath stutters as Louis' palm starts rubbing along his length. After months of no contact with Louis, this feels heavenly.

All of a sudden, Louis is pushing him up against the wall, stepping in between his legs. He presses up against Edward, and the Alpha shuts his eyes when Louis kisses his jaw. When the Omega hops up, his Alpha is ready to catch him. His legs are strong around Edward's waist.

Louis stares at him, their breaths mingling together as he reaches down for Edward's cock, slowly guiding it to his used hole.

"No." Edward breathes out before the head could slip in. It won't be hard to be inside him, leaning forward only by an inch would land Edward inside the warmth he's yearned for for so long. And yet here he is, gripping Louis' hips so tightly in fear that any of them would move and he'd be inside the Omega.

Louis eyes him with shock, holding his breath.

Edward refuses to meet his gaze, instead he focus on looking down. His chest is slightly heaving, from what, exactly, he doesn't know. "I don't want it like this." He clears his throat.

"You don't want me?" Louis asks, hurt.

Edward blinks, finally meeting his eyes. "I'd always want you. But not like this. Not when you don't want this."

"I'm here." Louis reasons, his voice quiet, soft. "I'm right here. I'm in your arms. What else would you want?"

"You're here because you feel guilty." Edward releases his hips, his heart tugging because of how wrong it feels to have his palms there. It doesn't feel right to even hold his Omega intimately. "I know you don't want to be here."

Louis sighs, leaning forward and kissing his neck. "I'm here because I want you." He pulls back, resting his arms on Edward's shoulders. "I want you." He reaffirms, staring into Edward's eyes.

"I love you, Louis." Edward tells him, honest. "I love you, I swear." Then he carefully peels Louis' arms off of him. "But I can't do this. I can't do this when you're going to go back to ignoring me once we step out there."

Louis gasps when Edward pushes him back, until Louis' legs aren't wrapped around him anymore. "Edward.."

"I'm sorry." The Alpha murmurs, shouldering past him to get back to the water.

Edward expects to hear the door shut, but then there are arms wrapping around his chest from behind.

"Let me suck you off at least, please." Louis whispers in his ear.

Edward wants to say no, because it's hurting him that this is how things are between them. But Louis has him backed up against the wall again in no time, dropping to his knees in front of Edward with those eyes.

"Please." Louis begs, his lips pressing against Edward's thigh, his palms stroking at Edward's skin.

The Alpha says nothing, just shuts his eyes.

He feels Louis' mouth on him, and Louis doesn't give him time before he's swallowing Edward's length down. Edward has to start counting in his head to keep himself calm.

Edward doesn't open his eyes even once, not even when Louis gags on his size, trying to please him. He keeps his lids shut even when Louis makes him fuck his mouth, and when he covers Louis' face with his come, Edward doesn't see it.

Louis stands up tall, pulling him back under the shower. It surprises him that Louis doesn't leave right away.

Instead, he stays. He lets the water drench them both, then helps lather Edward's body with the shower gel before he lets Edward do the same thing to him. No word is spoken, and they keep staring at each other, but Edward's heart has never hurt this much.

Louis clings to him once they've rinsed the shower gel off their bodies, his cheek pressing on Edward's shoulder. Edward has his palm on Louis' back, not wanting to leave if he gets to hold the Omega like this, yet he doesn't want to stay because at the same time he'd rather not be fooled.

After Edward turns the shower off, Louis releases him with great reluctance.

The Alpha grabs two towels for the both of them, and he wraps one of them around his waist before he goes to dry Louis with the other one.

He pats down Louis' chest, letting the fabric soak up the water, brushing along the Omega's arms. Somehow Edward finds it easier to do that when he doesn't look at Louis' face, easier to pretend.

When he finally wraps the towel around Louis' waist, he hears sniffing. It takes a second for him to realise that the Omega is crying, and when he looks up, Louis' eyes are red, tears running down his cheeks.

Edward doesn't comfort him, just turns around and leaves.

No, this isn't fair,
Love me or leave me here.


Edward's eyes flutter open when he hears the single sound, already too accustomed to his Omega when he sleeps that it takes him nothing to wake up whenever he knows Louis is having a nightmare. Louis' face is scrunched up in distress, sweating profusely where he's lying. His fingers are curled tightly into the fabric Edward wears, his mouth releasing tiny whimpers that are barely heard if one doesn't pay attention.

Edward shifts closer to him, even though there isn't any more space between them. His hand goes up to Louis' forehead, brushing his fringe to the side while his hand on Louis' back starts to rub up and down in soothing motions. "Lou." He calls in a whisper, hoping to get Louis' attention in his subconscious mind. "Louis, baby. Wake up." He's saying it quietly, not trying to be forceful with it.

Louis' body jerks after a moment, and Edward tightens his hold.

The blue eyes slowly appear, and Louis' body goes lax.

"Hi." Edward kisses his forehead, still rubbing down his back in reassurement. "Talk to me."

Louis shakes his head, tears gathering in his eyes. "I don't.." He clears his throat. "I don't want to remember."

"I'm sorry." Edward mutters, knows that he's probably a big contributor to the events Louis keeps seeing in his dreams.

Louis' lower lip quivers, and he buries his face into Edward's chest. He feels content to be held so tightly in Edward's arms, yet it's not tight enough.


Edward puts his own phone down when he hears ringing, looking up to search for the source. Then he sees Louis' phone on the bedside table.

"Lou, your phone!" He calls for the Omega, walking over to pick it up. Edward blinks, freezing momentarily when he sees the caller ID.


He clears his throat, knows that Louis won't mind if he answers it. Besides, Zayn is supposedly his best friend. And if Louis is going to kill him for this, Edward just wants to feed his curiosity. "Hello."

Zayn doesn't reply straight away, knows that it's him. "Is Louis around, mate?"

"And hello to you too, Zayn." Edward says, taking a seat on the edge of the bed.

"Hello." Zayn snickers, just to entertain him. "Is Louis there?"

"I'm not sure." Edward pulls the phone off of his ear, then calls for the Omega again.

"Coming!" Louis finally replies.

"What's up?" Edward asks into the phone while he waits for Louis to appear.

Zayn hums a non-committal sound at the other end. "Nothing much. Is Louis there yet, should I call back?"

"He's right here." Edward says, looking up when the door opens and Louis enters. The Omega pauses in strides when he sees Edward on his phone, a scowl taking place as he continues walking and snatches the phone from the Alpha. "It's Zayn." Edward stammers. "Your phone was ringing."

Louis rolls his eyes, turning around and putting the phone to his ear. "Hey, Zee!" It's amazing how different his tone is when talking to someone else that isn't Edward. Louis heads for the balcony, disappearing behind the curtains but he doesn't bother closing the door. Edward can still hear him talking. "Yeah, sure. What? Of course, you twat!" Louis giggles. Edward sighs.

He doesn't want to hear it anymore, so he quickly leaves the room, not even bothering to grab his own phone.


Louis observes himself in the mirror, making sure his attire is decent. He's put on a suit that he bought long ago, one he never managed to wear. It does look quite nice on him, if he must say.

Edward is about to pass by behind him, but the Alpha pauses upon seeing the outfit Louis has on. He blinks, a low whistle coming from him. "You look good."

The Omega briefly meets his eyes in the reflection, then looks away. "Thank you."

"Going somewhere?"

"Just out." Louis responds, clipped. "Have a dinner with El and Pez."

Edward nods, unable to resist walking up to him and kissing his cheek. "Have fun. Take care, yeah?"

Louis nods, still fixing his jacket.

Edward lingers for a moment longer, then he leaves. The Omega watches him go, waiting until he's certain that Edward is gone before he grabs his wallet and phone. After one last look in the mirror, Louis quickly exits the room and heads for the lift.

He almost bumps into Marcel on the way out.

"Careful, darling." Marcel chuckles, steadying him with hands on his arms. His eyes trail down Louis' figure and he grins. "Well, don't you look ravishing?"

"And late." Louis replies, tugging Marcel by his collar so he could kiss him.

"Have fun. Tell him you're to be back by 10." Marcel reminds him once they part.

Louis rolls his eyes, smiling when he pecks his Alpha again. "He'd probably want to go back before dessert."

Both of them laugh, and Marcel releases him. "Call if you need anything."

The Omega nods, then continues towards the front door. He puts his shoes on and grabs his coat, checking that he hasn't left anything before closing the door behind him. The Bentley is waiting for him right outside the entrance, and Louis hops into the passenger seat.

"Don't slam my door, Tommo!" Zayn scolds him when he accidentally closes the door too hard.

"Good evening to you too, Malik." Louis retorts, clearly unbothered. He dumps his coat at the back seat. It's only going to be used once they get there, anyway.

Zayn huffs in annoyance, putting the car into drive. "So, what did you tell Edward?"

"I didn't tell him." Louis spares him no glance.


"I don't want to make things worse between us, Zayn. If he finds out I'm going with you for a dinner, he'd lose his shit." Louis tries to reason.

"He's your Alpha."

Louis pulls his phone out. "Can we not do this right now?"

Zayn sighs, but he obliges. His fingers press at the console to turn the radio on.

Louis leans back into his seat, keeping his eyes on his phone. He has his legs crossed, his breathing a bit harsh. Zayn manages to count to five in his head before Louis bursts. "I can go out with whoever I want to."

"He knows that. Which is why I don't understand why you didn't tell him."

"You hate each other." Louis says, glaring at him. "If I mention your name and dinner in the same sentence, I wouldn't hear the end of it."

"Lou, give him some credit. He's been trying his best to be the Alpha that would make you happy." Zayn tries. "Besides, even if he's jealous, he has the right to be."

"I just don't understand why he's so threatened by you." Louis shakes his head, disbelief weighing his words.

Zayn chuckles. "He's not threatened by me. He's just afraid to lose you."

"Stupid Alpha." Louis grumbles.

"You're acting as if he's been breathing fire out of his mouth every time he hears my name."

Louis throws a punch to his arm. "Zayn, I'm serious."

Zayn sighs heavily, scratching his temple. "Babe, I know you're still hurt by what he said, what he did. But he's got his shit together now. You need to give him a chance for you to see that."

"I don't know, Zayn.."

"I mean, you're not exactly eligible for Best Omega Award either if you keep being around me if Edward has made it clear that he doesn't like me."

"How is that fair?" Louis narrows his eyes.

Zayn shrugs. "It's not. Just how it's not fair to him that you aren't willing to let him try."

"Zayn, I live under the same roof with him. We sleep in the same bed. He has all the chances he needs."

"Really? And when was the last time you let him try to make you smile?"

Louis falls silent.

"I get it. I understand the cold treatment you give him, I understand why you want to piss him off all the tim-"

"How would you even know that?!" Louis points out, exasperation dripping off his voice. He looks at Zayn questioningly, suspicious.

Zayn gapes, stuttering to answer. "Well..." He blinks at the road, then at Louis. "Edward talked to me about it."

Louis raises his eyebrows, shifting in his seat. "Right."

"We're best friends, Lou." Zayn has to remind him. "He was my best friend, first."

"What else did he say, then? I'm a mean, cold-hearted bitch?"

Zayn scowls at him, shaking his head with disappointment. "The only thing he keeps talking about is how to make it up to you."

Louis ducks his head in embarrassment, wishing his seat would swallow him. "Oh..."

"Things between us isn't exactly good." Zayn starts. "Sometimes I don't understand why I listen to him, why I want to confide in him. But he's always been my best friend, the brother I never had. I'm still livid when I think about what he did to you. But..."

"I'm sorry...." Louis looks up to meet his eyes. "..that things are strained between you two."

"It happened." Zayn inhales. "I just, I wish you'd stop looking at him as if he's always on a mission to hurt you, when the only one doing the hurting right now is you."

"He hurt me first!"

Zayn chuckles non-humorously. "So, what? Is this a game between you two, then? When will it end, Lou? Once one of you can't go on anymore? Are you going to keep it going until you lose the best thing you could've had?"

Zayn has turned to the road, but Louis still stares intently at him. "You weren't in my shoes, Zayn."

The car rolls to a stop, and Zayn puts it into park. He takes off his seat belt and shifts until he's facing the Omega. "Look, Lou." He holds Louis' gaze. "No one could ever relate to you with your loss. But don't use that as a reason for you to hurt your Alpha. He loves you, he's trying. Isn't that enough?"

Louis doesn't have an answer, because he hasn't given it that much thought.

"Don't cry." Zayn murmurs, reaching out to wipe the tears Louis never even realised fell down his face. "I'm sorry that I made us talk about this." He searches Louis' face until the Omega looks at him. "We're here to have fun, can we do that?"

Louis nods, drying the rest of his tears. He offers Zayn a small smile, and the Alpha gives him a brief hug that he needs.

"Come on. We have food waiting." Zayn says, patting his back as they pull away.

Louis smiles when Zayn opens his door for him, offering his arm for Louis to hold on to while they make their way inside the hotel that the dinner is held.

"What is this dinner for, exactly?" Louis asks, impressed when he sees the ostentatious decorations and the people that are present. There are a lot of influential people around, a glass in their hands while they socialise before they'd have to sit down for the dinner to commence.

Zayn shrugs. "Not sure. My manager told me I was invited, and it might help if I make an appearance. So here we are."

"Oh." Louis nods, following wherever Zayn leads him.

They are asked to take a picture first, a backdrop and a professional photographer waiting for them. Louis gives his best smile, and after three pictures, they are sent away.

"Malik!" A voice calls when they're heading to their table, and Zayn turns around with a huge smile. Louis drops his arm as Zayn steps forward to hug the man that called for his name. "Haven't seen you forever, mate! How are you?"

"Been fine." Zayn cocks his head, smirking. "What about you? Still fucking around?"

"Well, what else could I do? Still haven't found the one." The man replies.

Zayn laughs, smacking his shoulder. "You'll find someone for you, one day." Then he turns to Louis and beckons him in. "Mate, this is Louis."

Zayn's friend holds out a hand, replying Louis' smile with one of his charming own. Instead of shaking Louis' hand, he brings it up to kiss the back of his palm.

"Pleasure to meet you." The man grins. "I'm Charles."

Louis chuckles. "Pleasure, Charles."

"He's a very beautiful Omega, Malik. You are very lucky." Charles says when Louis steps back to Zayn's side.

Zayn bursts into laughter, shaking his head. "Unfortunately, he's not my mate. This gorgeous Omega right here is a mate of the Styles."

Louis blushes when Charles' eyes widened in shock.

"Oh boy, is he really?"

Zayn smirks. "Yes, so don't even think about trying."

"No, I'm not!" Charles rolls his eyes, amused as he punches Zayn's arm. "I'm not here to pull."

"A bit weird if you try to do that here, isn't it? This isn't a club." Louis comments.

Charles raises his eyebrows, then nods. "Right."

Zayn looks over and notices that people are slowly getting to their tables. "Come on, then. Time for some food."

"Yes, please." Louis cheers, and Zayn places a hand on the middle of his back, guiding him away to their table.

Charles' seat is at the same table, and Louis notices how his eyes linger on Louis whenever he is laughing at whatever Zayn said, or when Louis is eating. It makes him uncomfortable as much as it annoys him.

"That was delicious." Louis says, wiping his mouth after they finished their steak.

"Yeah." Zayn agrees, leaning back in his chair. "Do you want to stay for dessert?"

Louis shakes his head. "I don't mind. Up to you."

"Let's leave." Zayn murmurs, looking around. "Let me just head to the loo first."

"I'll be here."

Charles clears his throat the moment Zayn is gone, shifting his chair closer. "So...."

"Yeah?" Louis smiles, sipping his drink.

"How come you're someone else's date for the night? Where are your Alphas?" Charles wonders, grabbing his drink too.

Louis shrugs. "His own Omega couldn't make it. So here I am."

"You don't think that's scandalous?" Charles asks, curious.

It hits a nerve, especially when he remembers Edward. "Our families are close." He replies.

"I see." Charles grins. He clears his throat, placing his glass on the table. "That, or you're simply not happy."

"Excuse me?" Louis frowns, crossing his arms. "What are you suggesting?"

Charles chuckles. "I'm just saying.." He trails off, pulling his wallet out of his pocket. He smirks as he hands Louis his card. "I could make you happy too, if there's any opening."

"I thought you're not pulling tonight?"

"No, I'm not." Charles waves his hand. "Just, for future consideration."

Louis takes the card from him, and Charles' mouth tilts even further up, but the smile disappears when Louis starts tearing the card into small pieces. They fall onto the floor like dead leaves.

"No, thanks." Louis replies. "No one could make me half as happy as my Alphas do."

"Really, now?" Charles raises his eyebrows.

Louis scoffs. "Have you seen them? If their money doesn't make me happy, their cocks sure do." He turns around to see Zayn approaching, and quickly stands up. "Goodbye, Charles."

Zayn looks at him questioningly when Louis steers him away towards the exit. "Hey, I didn't get to say goodbye to Charles."

"He has to answer a call."

"Oh, okay."


Zayn lets out a breath as the car rolls to a stop. "Well, here we are." He turns to Louis and smiles. "Thank you for being my date tonight."

"You're welcome." Louis leans over and kisses his cheek. "You looked really handsome. Would've been a perfect sight if it was Niall instead of me next to you." He says, recalling the photo session.

"Stop reminding me." Zayn groans. "I miss him already."

Louis chuckles. "Clingy.."

"Yeah, yeah, get out of my car." Zayn waves his hand, jokingly trying to push Louis out.

"Such manners." The Omega elbows him, huffing and opening the door while Zayn cackles.

"Thanks again, Lou." Zayn says as Louis climbs out. He rolls down the window when Louis shuts the door.

"Drive safe." Louis tells him.

Zayn nods, ready to drive off. But the car halts before it could move. "Lou?"


"Promise me something."

Louis stares at him. "What?"

"Tell Edward the truth."

Before Louis could protest, Zayn rolls the window up. But the car doesn't move.

Sighing, Louis walks up to the front door. He steps inside, and waves at Zayn as the Alpha drives away.

He closes the door, then makes sure the lock is secure before he takes off his shoes. He can't wait to get to bed.

"Welcome home." Edward says when Louis walks into the room, being the only one there. The Alpha's heart sinks a little when he sees how the happiness leaves Louis' expression the moment he realises that it's Edward who's talking to him. "Had fun with the girls?"

Louis turns his back on Edward as he pulls his phone and wallet out to put them aside. The Alpha says nothing against his action; he's getting used to it. Louis has been doing that whenever he feels like he needs to make it clear that he doesn't enjoy the fact that Edward is talking to him. "Yeah." Louis replies, unbuttoning the dress shirt he's wearing. He can't wait to hop into the shower, put on Edward's black jumper that he loves most, and go to sleep. It's been a really tiring day.

Harry walks into the room and brightens upon seeing Louis home. "Hey, babe! How was the dinner?"

Louis grins, abandoning his task and leaving his shirt parted as he tilts his head when Harry comes close. "Was good, food was amazing. We should really go there sometimes." He mutters, leaning forward and fitting their lips.

"Yeah?" Harry's smile widens, and he pecks Louis' mouth again before releasing him. "It's still early. Zayn didn't want to stay, did he?" He laughs.

Louis' face falls, and he doesn't manage to convey anything to Harry before Edward intervenes.

"Zayn? Did he join Louis and the girls?"

Harry looks at his brother in confusion. "What girls? Zayn had a dinner to go, and Niall and Liam are busy, so Lou went as his plus one."

Louis shuts his eyes, ignoring Harry's bewilderment as he sucks in a deep breath. Edward is silent where he is on his couch, and Louis doesn't dare turn around.

Edward clears his throat, and Louis winces. "Harry, leave us, please."

Louis doesn't spare him a glance, even when Harry stares at him, demanding his explanation. The Alpha doesn't move at first, but before Edward could remind him of his request, Harry walks out and shuts the door behind him.

It's almost funny how Louis feels like a child waiting to be scolded by the parent for being caught of doing something they shouldn't. For a moment he feels guilty, but then again, he doesn't. He knows it's toxic that he keeps finding things to put forth so Edward will fight with him over it. Louis doesn't know what satisfaction he gets from them yelling at each other, but it feels good to see Edward at the end of his tether and screaming when he's always been calm and cold, always pretending he's unbothered even when he's upset.

"Lou?" Edward prompts, voice still kind. But Louis listens, and he knows his Alpha is furious.

He makes sure he looks pissed off before he turns around. "What?"

"Did you go out with Zayn? Tell me the truth, please." Edward asks, still collected. Louis knows that it's him not wanting to jump into conclusion, and Louis appreciates that. If only he'd think the same way when he was supposed to.

Louis crosses his arms, a challenge. "Yeah." He answers. The 'what are you going to do about that?' remains unsaid.

Edward's jaws clench, and the Alpha's nostrils flare when he breathes in. "Where?"

"Like Harry said, dinner. I was his plus one because Niall and Liam couldn't make it." Louis replies, not a slight interest within his bones towards the conversation.

Edward doesn't reply for a moment, and he places his phone down before growing to his feet. He doesn't like their distance, so he walks. He moves until he's standing in front of Louis. "Why did you lie?"

Louis' glare gets more intensed, and he looks up at Edward with an expression that makes the Alpha confused between wanting to kiss him or walk away. "You'd get mad."

"You don't know that." Edward replies, offended.

Louis scoffs. "Really? Then why are you so angry now?"

"I'm not."

"You are."

"I'm not. I haven't raised my voice once." Edward grits out.

"Just because you didn't, doesn't mean you're not."

"What is your problem?" Edward asks upon the accusation, mirroring Louis with his arm crossed over his chest.

Louis' mouth falls open in disbelief. "What does this have anything to do with me?" He takes a step back, shaking his head. "If you don't like it, just be honest."

Edward's face is taut. "Okay, fine. I hate that you lied to me. I don't see why you felt the need to do it."

"There is no way you would have let me go with him." Louis laughs, humourless.

Edward's eyebrows rise. "Is the dinner that important, then?"

"It's not." Louis snaps. "Don't I have to right to accompany my best friend?"

"I'd appreciate it if you've at least told me about it."

"And have you try to make me stay?"

Edward throws his hands up, giving in. "I just wanted to know." He looks somewhere else to control his anger, then his eyes settle on Louis' face again. "Please tell me where you're going next time."

"Fucking Hell, Edward! I can go wherever the fuck I want!"

"I know!" Edward yells back. "I know you don't give a damn about what I think about anything. Let me know where you are and who you're with, at least. If anything happens I'd know where to find you. Is that so fucking hard to understand?!"

"You are insufferable!"

"So are you!"

"Zayn is your best friend! You should trust him. But you don't, you don't even trust me!" Louis hisses out.

"I never said that I wouldn't let you go if I knew about Zayn beforehand."

"So it's up to you whether I get to go or not?"

"You said you lied because you thought I wouldn't have let you go."

"Yes! Because you don't trust me!" Louis can't calm himself down enough to not scream.

"I do trust you."

"Really?" Louis laughs.

"Why are you doing this? What is wrong with you?" Edward snaps, turning around and walking back to his couch. He doesn't want this to continue. It's exhausting, both mentally and physically. "Let's just, let's not do this now, please. I have work tomorrow."

Apparently, that's the wrong thing to say. "Fuck you." Louis yells at him, tears lacing his words. It stops Edward. "Right from the start, that's the only thing that matters to you."

Edward takes a deep breath, and turns around. He looks tired, done. "I stayed home. I left my company struggling because I wanted to stay here and cater to you." He places his hands on his hips, hanging his head. "You told me to go back to work, and that's what I did." Edward looks infuriated when their eyes meet again. "I did everything you asked me to, and you still feel the need to make me feel like shit, yell at me. What do you want, Louis?!"

"Good! I want you to feel like shit! You deserve it!" Louis sobs out. "Maybe you'll feel half of what I felt!" He sucks in a shaky breath, then screams at Edward the words he'd never want to hear coming out of Louis' mouth in that tone. "I hate you!"

Edward's eyes fall shut as Louis' sobs fade away with his leaving, the door slamming behind him.

Well, that went to Hell.

Edward lands himself on his couch again. He has to take a lot of deep breaths before his anger starts to dissipate. He knows he has the right to be upset at Louis because the Omega is handling things in a negative way that affects their relationship instead of tackling the issue properly. But at the same time, he just wants the Omega to be happy. And as much as he's hurting because of what Louis said, it's more concerning to him that Louis is sad.

The things people do for love.

So he grows to his feet and sets out to find him.

He walks down the hall, trying to guess where Louis would be. Maybe he's gone to cry to one of his brothers. Edward should start with that.

"Lou, please." Edward hears Marcel's voice pleading, followed by a knocking sound.

He walks down the stairs and follows the sound before he comes to find Harry and Marcel knocking at one of the guest rooms. They look desperate, as if they've been knocking for a while.

"Louis, babe..." Harry sighs, knocking one last time with his knuckles before he leans his forehead on the door with a thud.

"Let me." Edward clears his throat, his pace fast and determined as he crosses the distance until he's standing next to his brothers.

Harry and Marcel move to give him space, looking like lost puppies.

"He won't even answer us." Marcel groans in frustration as he leans against the wall.

Edward ignores him, his ears instead picking up the sound of Louis crying softly in the room. It causes regret within him.

"Lou.." Edward calls out, knocking twice on the door, gentle. "Could you open the door for me, please?" He looks over at his brothers while he waits. "I'm sorry this happened."

Now his brothers look sad. "I just want things back like how they were." Harry mumbles out.

"I know, babe." Edward sighs. "Me too."

The door clicks, and Harry and Marcel's eyes widen to the size of saucers. It opens slightly, but Louis doesn't appear.

"It's fine. I got this." Edward tells them, placing a hand on the handle. "Wait for us upstairs."

He doesn't linger for their response, pushing the door open and stepping in. Edward closes the door behind him, locking it.

Louis is sitting on the bed, his body curled up that his knees are pressed to his chest.

Every step Edward takes is filled with hesitation, but he manages to find himself standing by the bed in the end. Louis barely twitches when Edward climbs on.

"Baby..." Edward calls under his breath, gently pulling Louis into his arms. The Omega huffs, but he doesn't say anything, going lax in Edward's hold. His lips press against Louis' forehead, and he cradles Louis to his chest. "I'm sorry."

Louis makes a sound of distraught at that, and he starts crying again. "Why do you do that?" He pulls back to ask, devastated and angry. "Why are you apologising?!"

"I made you upset." Edward replies, reaching out to wipe the fresh tears that fall down Louis' face. "I made you cry."

Louis cries harder, his sobs alarming. "Don't apologise!" He scolds, his body heaving. "It was my fault! Why are you the one apologising?"

"Baby..." Edward shakes his head, drawing Louis into his embrace again.

"Just shut up! Shut up!" Louis grips onto Edward's shirt, pressing himself closer until he's comfortable. His face buries at the Alpha's neck, and he sniffs as his eyes squeeze out the remaining tears.

Edward strokes his hair, his other hand rubbing up and down Louis' back. He hums softly, a quiet, rumbling sound that barely fills the air. If Louis doesn't want them to talk, fine. It's better that way.

It puts Louis to sleep. And once Edward notices, he almost wants to fall asleep right here. Because it's been so long since he's got Louis to himself. The only times they're alone were filled with fighting and tensed conversations. Edward missed him.

He would love to stay here, just the two of them. But he wouldn't want to leave Louis waking up by himself tomorrow once he leaves for work. So after savouring the moment for minutes longer, Edward gathers Louis up and carries him back to their room.


Louis stares at the screen. He's been sitting here for hours, caught up in the movies that he chose to watch.

Honestly, Louis would rather do this in their room, but that's too far up. Not to mention he'd feel extremely unproductive if he watches three movies in one sitting snuggled up under the duvet.

It does feel kind of boring after an ample amount of time has passed by. Not to mention that he spent those hours watching the movies all by himself. But none of his Alphas are home.

Harry is out to see his manager, and Marcel has a meeting about his new book. Louis is so proud of all of them for getting back on track with their lives. It feels like he should do that too.

He needs to work again. He can't keep spending all hours of the day like this.

He'll sit down and think about it. It's highly possible that the nursery will take him back, but then again, Louis feels like he should do something else. Something more flexible.

As he continues to sit and watch the movie, two Betas enter the lounge for the usual daily cleaning before they go home. Louis only acknowledges them with a glance. They do their job quick, not wanting to disturb him for too long.

As they wipe the tables and windows, Louis changes the channel. "Hey, is there anyone going to the city?" Louis wonders to the Betas after seeing a Subway advert.

Riley, one of the Betas, shares a look with Gale, her cleaning partner. "I'm not sure. Is there anything we could get you?"

"Yeah, if it's not too much trouble, I'd like some cookies from Subway."

Riley chuckles. "Of course. We'll remember to tell someone that."

"Thanks!" He leans back into his seat, hugging a cushion to his chest as he gets immersed into his activity.

When Louis looks away from the TV again, the Betas have left. He glances at the clock and notes that it's thirty five minutes past six.

Edward would likely be home soon.

Just as he finishes that thought, the Alpha enters the lounge. Louis doesn't acknowledge him, tightening the hold he has on the cushion and changing the channel again. God, he's the definition of a couch potato.

"Hi, I'm home." Edward greets as he stops near Louis, shifting from foot to foot. His eyes are nowhere but on Louis' face. He's smiling really widely; Louis doesn't have to look to know.

When Louis doesn't even bother looking at him let alone reply, Edward clears his throat and holds something out for the Omega. "I, uh.. I got you Subway. The Betas said you wanted cookies."

Louis pauses, lowering his arm that was pointing at the TV. He puts the remote away and drops his cushion as he finally turns look at his Alpha. Edward still looks good even after a long day. Louis doesn't know how he does it, honestly. He's wary as he grabs the paper bag, but Edward encourages him with twinkles in his eyes. "Thank you." He murmurs, focusing on what he's holding rather than the way Edward is staring at him.

"You're welcome." Edward replies. "May I have a kiss?"

Louis shyly offers up his cheek, blushing when Edward pecks his skin. Both of them avoid eye contact as the Alpha leaves without another sound. The Omega pulls up the cookies and ignores the thumping of his heartbeat.


Louis never really noticed until the fourth day it happens.

It's not really something he's aware of. He's just grown really comfortable with the lounge on the second floor that it's now his go-to place whenever he wants to laze around and watch TV.

All three Alphas have started to commit to their work again, so Louis will always find himself to be alone during the day.

Harry will arrive home at 4, and he'd usually relax in their bedroom, cuddling with Louis. Then he'd go to the gym and work out until 7, and take a shower after.

Marcel works on his novel in the morning, something that he can do freely because Louis usually wakes up at 10 and he'd only demand attention after lunch. By 6, he'd join Harry in the gym.

Maybe Louis should start joining his Alphas in the gym.

Edward arrives home at half past six. And Louis only realises that because he's been sitting in the lounge for the past few days and Edward will always stop by to greet him.

"Hi." The Alpha murmurs when he sees Louis, horizontal on the couch as how he always is whenever Edward arrives. He's beaming again, and Louis wonders if he's tired at all from his day if he's this happy after those hours of working.

"Hey." Louis replies, quiet. He doesn't smile back, but he does look at Edward to acknowledge his presence.

That's the only thing they say to each other, is the thing.

At dinner, Louis is how he always is. He ignores Edward. The only time Edward matters to him is when they sleep, before Edward leaves for work, and when Edward comes back home from work.

It's another level of fucked up in their relationship, but Louis can't see it being any other way right now. He can't let Edward in yet, he doesn't know if he's ready yet.

He doesn't really know if he would be, at all.


Louis is sitting comfortably on the sofa with his legs crossed while he snacks on some crisps. He's put the telly on as usual, and he's immersed into the show he's watching. If one confronts him and asks if he's waiting for Edward to come home, Louis would slap them with the cushion and shower them with crisps.

But he keeps shaking his legs, shifting in his seat every now and then, and his eyes would glance at the clock every five minutes.

He's doing it again; looking at the time. And Louis hates how his body relaxes when he sees that there's only ten more minutes left before Edward would be home.

He breathes out a small sigh, raising the volume and trying to focus. Edward would step in anytime soon, anyway.

When he looks at the time again, it's ten minutes to seven.

And Edward still isn't home.

The Omega pauses, staring at the hands on the clock.

He grabs his phone, trying to see if there are any messages from the Alpha. Sometimes when he's going to be late, he'd let Louis know even though the Omega never bothers to reply. But there's nothing. The last time Edward was online on Whatsapp was forty-five minutes ago.

Louis gnaws on his lower lip, starting to worry. He almost wants to text Edward, but on another thought, he doesn't really want to. Edward might be driving and he probably couldn't see the message, anyway. Maybe he got caught up in a meeting? Sometimes it happens.

He shouldn't worry too much.

Louis puts his phone away, clutching onto the cushion to try and channel his uneasiness.

Barely a minute later, the familiar scent fills his nose and Louis sags into the sofa in relief. All of a sudden, his vision is filled with yellow. He flinches back, startled.

He blinks, and his heart possibly melts.

"Hi, love. I'm home." Edward says softly, a light blush coating his face. He's standing by the sofa, his tender eyes staring at Louis. He looks charming in his suit, still dashing as he usually is.

But none of that holds Louis' attention. It's the bouquet of sunflowers in Edward's hand that does. It looks fresh, perfectly arranged within the wrapping papers that accentuate the yellow colour but the whole thing looks so gentle and pretty to the eyes. The Alpha slowly holds the huge bouquet towards him.

"It's for you." He murmurs. "Saw this and I can't resist. So I stopped by and bought one. It's why I'm late, sorry." He ducks his head.

Louis grows to his feet, a big lump strangely forming in his throat as he accepts it with reluctance. They look even more gorgeous up close. The lump grows even more.

"They reminded me of you, for some reason." Edward chuckles to himself as he gestures at the flowers. "They're gorgeous, something that you can just sit back and admire." He pauses, smiling fondly at him. "That's the kind of person you are to me. You make me very happy, Lou."

Louis doesn't know what's more fucked up, Edward being happy even when Louis treats him like shit, or Louis himself for treating him like shit.

"I think I keep forgetting, because I don't know if you'd want me to." Edward frowns. "But I want to tell you every day from now on. I love you." His face relaxes and his gaze softens again. "I know that things aren't exactly good between us right now, but I want you to live through every day of your life knowing how much I love you, how in love I am with you."

Tears spring in Louis' eyes, but he refuses to blink. He can't say anything, knows that if he does, he'd start crying. So he takes a step forward, and kisses Edward on the cheek.

Before Edward could say anything else, Louis steps back and quickly leaves. He doesn't look back. He just keeps walking, not even paying attention to where he's going. He manages to escape into the library, and the first thing he does is drop onto the ground, hugging the flowers close to his chest before he starts sobbing.

Then I look in my heart
There's light in the dark
Still a flicker of hope that you first gave to me
That I wanna keep
Please don't leave..


Edward brings him some chocolates the next day. On the box is a sticky note that says "I love you". Louis smiles at him, asking Edward to sit so they could share them. None of them said anything, both of them are blushing too hard to even look at each other for more than two seconds.

Louis gets a teddy bear the next week, and he scolds Edward for ten minutes straight for wasting money on something so expensive and unnecessary. The bear is taller than Louis. Where is he even going to keep it? How did Edward bring it home in the first place?

Louis gets something almost every day. Sometimes it's more flowers, sometimes it's a card, sometimes Edward doesn't bring anything back, but Louis doesn't care at all. He doesn't fail to remind Louis every day that he loves him.

Louis falls even more in love with him every single day. But he doesn't tell Edward that yet.


Louis is surprised to wake up in Edward's arms. Usually he'd be alone on the bed.

The Alpha is awake, and he smiles when Louis looks up at him. "Good morning." He greets, leaning down and kissing Louis on the forehead.

Louis rubs the sleep out of his eyes. "Aren't you working?"

"Harry and Marcel are, so I chose to stay home today." Edward replies, taking advantage of the groggy Omega and pressing his face to Louis' hair.

Louis yawns, leaning into him. "I miss my Mum."

"Do you want to go and see her?" Edward pulls back to ask.

Louis nods.

Edward clears his throat. "Would you mind if I come with you?"

Louis thinks about it. "I'm going to stay the night." He doesn't really mind, but at the same time he's thinking twice about it.

"That's fine by me."



"Ready?" Edward asks, putting a beanie on the Omega's head. It's not particularly cold today, but Louis looks extra cute with it.

The Omega nods. "Yeah."

Edward grabs their coats, then open the door and lets Louis step out first so he could lock it behind him. The car is already waiting for them, but Louis waits until Edward is done.

The Alpha is happy to open the car door for his Omega, and Louis climbs in with a tiny "thanks" under his breath. Edward tries not to stare at his arse, and he climbs in after Louis.

Louis' eyes are droopy twenty minutes into the ride. He's blinking repeatedly, trying not to fall asleep.

"Come here." Edward nudges him when he notices, lifting his arm.

Louis yawns, scooting closer until he's tucked at Edward's side. He won't say no to a cuddle while he sleeps.

When he wakes up, there's still half an hour for the journey. And Louis is a little more awake when he finds out that he's curled up on Edward's lap. God knows how he got here.

He pulls back a little while he rubs at his eyes, surprised to see Edward staring at him. They're so close, and Louis' heart beats a little faster at their proximity. He can feel Edward's breath on his lips.

Out of nowhere, Edward has leant forward and kissed him. Louis doesn't get to process that or even react before Edward jerks back. The Alpha's eyes are wide, shocked with his own action. "I'm sorry." He rasps.

Louis isn't entirely aware of what he's doing, but if he was, he'd know that his palms are cupping Edward's jaws. By the time their lips meet again, Louis chooses not to think about it, just wraps his arms around Edward and pulls him closer as if they aren't already pressed together.

The Alpha isn't greedy, even though this is their first kiss in months and Louis has presented him with this rare chance. His lips are slow, careful against Louis'. His hands grip at Louis' hips, almost trembling, like it's taking him everything to keep them there, to not make a single movement that would drive Louis away.

They don't part for the rest of the journey.

By the time the car rolls to a stop, Louis stiffens up. He pulls back, eyes fluttering open when their lips separate. He briefly meets Edward's eyes before he climbs off and exits the car. Edward still has half the mind to thank the driver before he follows suit. He sighs when Louis doesn't bother waiting for him, already at the front door and ringing the bell.

"Mum's not home." Louis says when Edward catches up with him. His tone is casual. It makes Edward wonder if they did snog or if it was just his imagination. "Lottie and Fizzy are in Leeds for a music festival. So -"

An unknown female Omega opens the door.

"So." Louis continues. "Mum's hired a babysitter." He turns to Edward. "This is Edith."

"Hi, you must be Louis!" The girl chirps .

"Yes, hi Edith." Louis offers her a smile. "How are the girls so far?"

She chuckles, clasping her hands together. "Don't worry, they've been lovely."

"Good." Louis nods.

"And who's this?" Edith's voice probably has gone higher in pitch as she eyes Edward down, not that Louis is aware of it. He's too busy disappearing into the house to notice.

"That's Edward." Louis' distant voice says.

Edith smiles at the Alpha, too widely to his liking. "Oh, hi. Do come in."

Edward waits for her to move so he could step in. But she doesn't. "Uh, do you mind?"

"No, not at all." She replies, still staring at him.

He clears his throat, not a single ounce of shame within him as he shoves her to make way for him to enter. Edward feels ridiculous that he's running away from Edith as if she scares him. But he doesn't like the way she's looking at him, so he has to find Louis and make it very clear that he's mated, thank you.

Louis already has his coat off where he's seated on the couch, playing on his phone. Edward puts his own coat away, quickly snuggling up to Louis before Edith appears in the room. His Omega gives him a weird look, but he says nothing about Edward pressing up against him like a clingy child. Edward silently offers his gratitude.

"Hey, Edith?"

She moves to sit opposite them, tilting her head. "Yes, Louis?"

"Since Edward and I are here, you can go home." He says. "And don't worry about the payment."

"Oh, Mrs Tomlinson didn't tell you?" She makes a face. "My parents aren't around until next Monday. So I'm staying here, and Mrs Tomlinson doesn't pay me. She offered me a place in her home, and in return I'll take care of the girls."

"Great." Edward whispers underneath his breath, clearly sarcastic.

Louis pinches his thigh. "Be nice." He whispers back, then focus on Edith again. "Oh. How long have you stayed here?"

"Just two nights."

There are suddenly footsteps echoing in the house, a result from the girls running down the stairs.

"Edith, can we have some biscuits?" Phoebe appears, Daisy behind her. Both of them pause upon seeing two extra people in the home, and then they're squealing at the top of their lungs. "Edward!!"

"Oh, of course." Louis rolls his eyes. "It's not like I'm your brother or anything."

The Alpha chuckles when he gets armfuls of the twins. "Hello girls." He kisses each of their foreheads before hugging them properly. "Have you done your homework, yet?"

"Ew." Daisy scrunches her nose. "It's summer."

"Doesn't mean you don't do your homework." Edward widens his eyes.

"You're no fun." She replies, wriggling out of his hold and jumping onto Louis' lap. "Hello!"

"Go away." Louis pretends to sulk.

Daisy pouts. "You're the fun brother, don't do this!"

"I'm your only brother!"

Phoebe cackles when Louis starts tickling her twin. She turns to Edward, still perched on his thigh. "How was the drive?"

"Long." Edward sighs, feigning fatigue.

"You must be tired." Edith notes, growing to her feet. "Let me make you some tea."

"Milk, no sugar please." Louis tells her. "Thank you."

"Just sugar."

Edith nods and leaves for the kitchen.

"Louis, could we have some biscuits?" Daisy asks, remembering why they came down in the first place. Now that their brother is here, the babysitter doesn't hold the judgement any longer.

"Yeah, Lou? Can we? Please?" Phoebe adds, pouting to have her brother's sympathy.

Louis shares a glance with Edward. "I don't know. What makes you think you deserve biscuits?"

The girls groan. Phoebe accentuates her pout, turning it to Edward instead.

The Alpha barks out his laughter. "There has to be something!"

"Fine, fine." Daisy glowers at them. "What if we do our Maths homework? Can we have biscuits afterwards?"

"That sounds like a fair trade." Edward shrugs.

Louis doesn't get a say before the girls are squealing again, kissing the Alpha's cheek.

"Thank you!" And then they have disappeared upstairs.

Louis offers his Alpha a tiny smile, but he quickly looks away.

Edward is about to speak up, but Edith appearing reminds him that they're not really alone. So he shuts his mouth and watches as Edith hands Louis' his mug before offering one to him as well. He frowns when her fingers brush his as she's passing it to him, but he doesn't think too much of it.

"So how old are you, exactly?" Louis asks, blowing on his tea.

Edith looks excited to answer the question. "Well, I just turned nineteen last month!" She emphasises the number, staring at Edward.

This times, Louis notices how she's looking at his Alpha, and his face twists in suspicion. "Oh."

"Mrs Tomlinson didn't really say much about you, Louis. Where are you staying now?"

Louis tells her where he lives, but she's looking at Edward as if the Alpha is the one doing the talking. Edward subtly moves to sling an arm over Louis' shoulders, pressing close to him when he notices that his Omega is uneasy.

She carries the conversation on, asking questions to Louis about a lot of things, but she's really interested to know what Edward does, where he works. Not to mention how she's only staring at Edward the whole time.

Louis finds it really rude that she's doing this when he's right here. Honestly, the way she's looking at Edward makes him feel naked.

"So, you have triplet brothers?" She asks, very interested. "Any chance I could get to know any of them?"

"That's unfortunate." Louis cuts in, his hand resting on Edward's thigh, marking his territory. He even slides it down so his palm is curling around Edward's inner thigh. "I'm bonded with all three of them."

Edith's eyes follow his hand, but she only smirks. "Is that so?" She cups her cheek. "Lucky, aren't you?"

Louis doesn't like how sarcastic she sounds, but before he could give her a piece of his mind, he hears Daisy's voice calling for him. "Excuse me." He mutters, growing to his feet and going upstairs.

"Lou!" Daisy complains when he appears. "Mathematics sucks."

It's only after he's done helping her with the question that he realises he just left Edward and Edith alone.

Louis steps downstairs slowly, not wanting to be hasty and do anything he'd regret. By the time he's downstairs, it's mostly quiet. He doesn't know if that's alarming or reassuring. He takes a deep breath, approaching the living room. He peeks inside, and his blood drains from his face.

Edith is all over Edward, almost sitting on his lap. The Alpha has her wrists in his hands, and his face looks stricken.

"Louis doesn't have to know." Edith is saying.

"I'm not interested." Edward reaffirms, releasing her. "Now, please get off me before Louis comes back."

Edith chuckles. "Edward, please. I'm young and pretty. I could blow your mind." She boasts, making Louis cross his arms where he's standing. "Just stop by my room tonight. I promise I won't make any noise." She bites down her lower lip, her index finger trailing down Edward's chest. Louis looks at the way Edward's eyes move, how he appears to be thinking. And it makes him wince.

"I said I'm not interested."

"You're scared of him, aren't you?" She accuses, this time climbing on until she's on his lap. "You're afraid that he's going to find out."

Edward blinks at her, then laughs. "The only thing I'm afraid of is losing him."

"He's not going to find out. Trust me."

Edward grips her arm, ready to push her off. But Louis steps inside, his pace rushed and hurried. All of a sudden his fist is wrapped in the back of her shirt. Edward's eyes widen when he sees his Omega, but he knows Louis will take over this, so he takes his hand off. "Edith, maybe you should start preparing dinner." Louis suggests, trying to be kind although he's growling.

She shrugs his hold off, and throws him a smug smirk. "Why, afraid your man might give in to me if I'm with him for too long?"

And then Louis' fingers are in her hair, and she's screaming. He barely reacts to the sound, dragging her to the front door by her locks. She struggles to get him off, but Louis pays it no mind when she tries to push at him. He doesn't hesitate opening the door wide. She's still screaming when Louis throws her out, the girl shrieking when she lands face first. He slams the door close, turning the lock.

Edward hears the muffled sounds of the girl begging Louis to open the door. But his mind doesn't register that. His heart is pounding in his chest, and his hands are clutching at his own thighs. Louis looks murderous when he reappears, and Edward doesn't know whether to be scared or turned on. He does flinch, but Louis just takes a seat beside him again.

"Your tea has gone cold." The Omega says. "Do you want me to make you a new one?"

Edward gulps, shaking his head as he keeps his eyes on Louis' face. "No, it's alright." He shifts on the sofa, then clears his throat. "I'm sorry. I tried to stop her."

"I know." Louis replies, the way he blinks giving the illusion that he doesn't care. "I heard."

Edward takes a deep breath, unsure of how he should act in this situation. He tries to be calm, but his heart sure isn't. "You just threw her out. By her hair." Well, that isn't exactly what he wanted to say, but it's out there now.

"Yeah." Louis confirms. So Edward wasn't dreaming then.

"That's hot." Edward doesn't really want to say that either, but he's always been a bit stupid when it comes to Louis.

Louis narrows his eyes. "O...kay.." He inhales. "What do you want for dinner?"

Edward's head clears, and he raises his eyebrows. This is the most Louis has talked to him in a while without them screaming each other's heads off. "You should ask the girls." He suggests, weirded out that Louis is asking for his opinion.

Louis stares at him, as if giving him a chance to take that back and decide what to eat. But Edward catches onto that too late. "Okay." The Omega says before Edward could open his mouth. When Edward tries to reach for him, Louis has already stood up, walking out the door.

Edward grips his head, internally screaming at himself.

"Daisy, Phoebe! What do you want for dinner?" He hears Louis' voice calling out.

It doesn't take long before the girls run down the stairs again.




"No, pasta!"

"No, pizza!"

Edward knows that Louis is most likely rolling his eyes, he can even tell which eyeroll it is. "Rock, paper, scissors." Louis tells his sisters. "The one who wins gets to decide."

When Louis appears in the living room again, Edward contemplates to contribute to the decision of which cuisine to choose for dinner. But whatever he's thinking about goes out of the window when Louis heads straight for him and plops down on his lap. The word dies in his throat, and he can't breathe.

Daisy and Phoebe come running into the room, giggling as they elbow past each other.

"I won." Daisy claims once they stop in front of the couple.

The smile disappears from Phoebe's face and she frowns. "No, she's lying! She cheated!"

The two continue to bicker, talking over each other until Louis groans. "Are you two quite finished?" He snaps, silencing the young teens. "Again, in front of me. Three wins. If someone cheats, I will know."

They find that fair, so the game starts again. Louis watches their hands carefully, his own arms crossed over his chest.

Edward has frozen up beneath the Omega, not knowing where to put his hands. His palms are sweating and he's still having an internal debate on whether or not to put them on Louis' waist.

Daisy wins the first round, but Phoebe scores the second, and the third. Phoebe finishes it off with another win.

"Phoebe wins." Louis notes, ignoring Daisy's frustrated complaints. "What do you want for dinner?"


Louis turns around, then his breath hitches when his face is too close to Edward. His eyes flit down, and for a moment Edward feels like the Omega is going to lean forward and kiss him. But Louis just takes a deep breath. "Um.." He stammers. "Are you okay with pasta?"

"Uh...." Edward trails off. "Yeah."

Louis nods, but he says nothing, neither does he move back. He faintly hears Phoebe screaming in victory, and Daisy grumbling about getting both pizza and pasta. Louis honestly thinks that it'd be a great idea, if only he wasn't too caught up with staring at his Alpha.

A moment later, Phoebe nudges a phone into his shoulder, and Louis stares at the device. "Could you call them now? I'm hungry and Mum will be back soon."

Louis grabs the phone, then nods.

The girls leave, and Louis suddenly realises where he is.

He clears his throat, avoiding Edward's eyes as he climbs off of the Alpha's lap.

Edward faintly hears Louis' voice in the kitchen after he's disappeared out of the door.


When Jay comes home, she looks displeased. Louis is about to start a drama about his own mother being unhappy when he comes home, but then he sees Edith standing behind her. "Oh." Louis claims. "She's still here, then?"

"Louis!" Jay scolds, alarmed at his behaviour. "Where are your manners? She's a guest!"

Louis gapes at his mother. "Mum!" He protests in disbelief. Is she seriously going to be upset even if she doesn't know what actually happened? She's choosing Edith's side?! "You don't even know what she did!"

"Alright." Jay purses her lips. "So tell me."

Louis crosses his arms. "What did she tell you?"

"She said that you threw her out, by her hair, for no reason!"

"Mum, you know me. That's bullshit!"

"I had to sit out in the cold!" Edith cuts in, upset.

Louis snorts. "It's fucking summer."

"Louis!" Jay gasps, horrified.

"I'm not sorry, Mum. She was all over my Alpha. She should be grateful her eyes are still attached to her head." Louis hisses, then leaves without waiting for another word from his mother.


Edward finds it extremely ridiculous that Louis refuses to sit anywhere but on his lap. It's clear that he's trying to establish his claim as if it isn't obvious enough by the marks on his neck, but Edward understands why he's doing this. It's sad that Louis is only acknowledging him when someone else is trying for Edward, but the Alpha will take anything he can get. He's missed his Omega.

"Louis, take a seat, for Heaven's sake." Jay says a few minutes into the meal, pressing at her temple.

Daisy and Phoebe find it amusing that Louis chose to have Edward as his chair instead of using an actual chair. Jay disagrees with them, but Edith is just plain uncomfortable about the whole thing.

"I'm comfortable." Louis shrugs, leaning back against Edward as he toys around with the pasta using his fork. "Edward doesn't mind." He pauses and tilts his head back a little. "Do you?"

Edward chuckles. "No place I'd rather be."

"See?" Louis shrugs again.

Daisy and Phoebe snigger, but they quickly quiet down when Jay threatens them with murder through her gaze.

Then Jay turns to the spawn of Satan, and Louis feels annoyance within his blood. "What actually happened, Edith? Why did Louis throw you out?"

"Oh, Jay." She pouts, starting her sob story. "It was horrible! I was just trying to make friends with Edward, but suddenly Louis pulled my hair and threw me out. And then he left me there until you came home."

Louis glances at his sisters to see if they're buying this, but he's glad to find frowns on the twins' faces. They clearly don't believe her.

Louis is a very possessive person, but he's not that crazy. He won't simply throw someone out for only trying to get to know Edward.

Jay frowns; she knows that too. "Louis did that?"

"Yes, and now my head hurts because he pulled too hard. Just because I was trying to get to know Edward better."

"Oh, please. You don't want to know him better, you want to know his cock." Louis scoffs, annoyed. Daisy and Phoebe start cackling under their breaths, and Jay appears to be exasperated.

"That's not true!"

"That's not true!" Louis mimics, seething. "If you try anything with my Alpha again, I swear to God I won't be responsible for what will happen to you." He snarls, glaring.

"H-He was the one to suggest it first!"

Louis' face blanks. "Edward will never do that to me." He hisses. "Don't you dare put the blame on my Alpha when you're the one trying to ruin people's happiness."

"I was only trying to save him because he doesn't even look happy in the first place." Edith retorts, glaring at Louis with challenge in her eyes.

"Enough!" Jay raises her voice. "Edith, just, stay away from Edward."

"You're letting her stay?" Louis asks, betrayed.

Jay gives him a guilty look. "Where else would she go, Boo?"

Louis stands up, shaking his head and leaving.

"Lou!" Jay calls, ready to go after him. But Edward climbs to his feet first, placing his hand on her shoulder and gently pushing to make sure she stays in her seat.

"I got this." He kisses her forehead before running after his Omega. He goes up to Louis' room, fully certain that that's where Louis would be.

He is glad to see that he's correct, although Louis is fuming when he arrives. Edward gently grabs his arms, and Louis is panting when he glowers up at Edward. "Baby..." Edward starts.

Louis cuts him off before he could utter another word. "I'm not in the mood for this, Edward. I just, let's just, I want to sleep." He shakes his head, agitated in Edward's arms.

Edward nods, touching his cheek to calm him down. "Alright, okay. Let's go to sleep." He agrees. "Would I be sleeping with you in here?"

Louis takes a shaky breath, lifting his head to meet Edward's eyes. And then his hands are on Edward's chest, pushing the Alpha back. "If you want to go and sleep with her, feel free to do it, Edward. Fuck her, do whatever. Fuck off!"

Edward's jaws clench, and he grabs Louis by the shoulders. "I just wanted to know if you're comfortable with me sleeping with you. If you're not, I'd gladly sleep on the couch. That's all I wanted to know, Louis."

"Why?!" Louis yells at his face. "So it'd be easier for you to sneak to her room?!"

"What is wrong with you?!" Edward snaps back. "Why are you so obsessed with the idea that I would even consider wanting her?"

"Because I saw you, Edward!" Louis pushes him again, tears springing in his eyes but he wills himself not to cry. "You were thinking about it."

"Don't be delusional." Edward takes a step back. "Can we stop doing this, please?"

"Now I'm delusional?! What about when you accused me of sleeping with Zayn when I was carrying YOUR child?!"

Edward's shoulders sag, and all of a sudden his world is crumbling all over again. When he speaks, his voice has softened, sad. "Baby, I'm sorry... I'm so sorry."

Louis' eyes sting again, and this time he's helpless against the tears. "I saw you." He repeats in the middle of his sob. "You were thinking about it. You wanted her. You were thinking about it when she said I wouldn't find out."

Edward sighs as he approaches Louis again. He wants to ask Louis why would it matter, when Louis had been treating him like he only existed when Louis needed him, but that would only feed the bad thoughts in the Omega's mind. "I wasn't, okay? I was trying to come up with a way to let her down. I promise."

"You lie." Louis accuses weakly, still sobbing.

"I'm not." Edward assures him. "Please, Lou. Believe me. I love you."

The Omega wipes his tears, body still shaking. He stares at the floor, no emotions on his face after his last tear. "I want to take a shower. And then sleep."

Edward almost wants to punch the wall when Louis leaves for the bathroom. He's getting tired of this, tired of leaving their argument hanging and never coming to a peaceful end. He doesn't punch anything. Instead he takes a deep breath and goes downstairs. He hopes a cup of tea will calm him down.

It does help, but the warmth that pools in his chest makes it so easy for him to burn with anger again.

Edward rushes back to Louis' room, hoping he wouldn't come across anyone on the way. He doesn't think he can contain his anger. When he steps inside, Louis is already on the bed, tucked beneath the blanket and playing on his phone. He watches for a moment, wondering if Louis would talk to him. But when Louis doesn't, he heads straight for the shower.

He takes his time under the water, letting it wash away his anger and frustration. Once he's certain he's liberated of any negative feelings in his bones, Edward finally turns the water off. He doesn't take too long to dry himself and put on his clothes.

When he returns to the room, Louis' phone is on the bedside table, but the Omega isn't asleep yet. Edward hesitates, but he makes his way towards the bed. He's still unsure as he climbs onto the mattress, getting under the blanket and lying facing Louis. But Louis is facing away from him.

He clears his throat, then moves in to kiss Louis' cheek. "I love you. Please don't go to bed angry."

Louis rolls onto his back so he could look at Edward. "I thought that's how we go to sleep every night, angry at each other."

Edward pauses, hurt. "I never do that."

Louis falls silent, and he rolls back to his side, still facing away.

"Goodnight." Edward murmurs, and Louis can feel it when Edward shifts, putting a distance between them.

They manage to sleep, but only after hours of sleepless blinks.


Then you rest your head upon my chest,
And you feel like there ain't nothing left,
I'm afraid that what we had is gone.

Louis wakes up how he always does, no matter how far they lie apart from each other the previous night, it's so easy to gravitate towards each other. He's wrapped up in Edward's arm again, and Louis has what he's wanted for so long. When all Edward did was leave, all Louis wanted was to be in his arms; and now Edward's here, and his chest is what Louis wakes up to every day, and yet he's not happy.

He sighs, snuggling closer as he lets his hand roam Edward's torso, just wanting to touch him. He wonders when this will be enough for him, why is it not enough.

A knock is suddenly heard. "Lou, breakfast is-"

"Leave." Louis orders.

Daisy chuckles at his grumble. "Alright." And then her footsteps lead her away.

Edward takes a deep breath, and Louis knows he's awake when his arm loosens around him. Louis inches closer, and it makes Edward freeze. Louis can feel Edward's eyes on his head, but he doesn't move. And after a beat too long, Edward tightens his hold again. "Why do we do this, Lou?" He wonders quietly, kissing the top of Louis' head. "Why do you do this?"

Louis shakes his head. "Let's not talk about this now."

"That's not fair to me."

"Nothing's fair in love, Edward." Louis looks up and meets his eyes. "I loved you, and you hurt me. Now I'm hurting you."

"It doesn't have to be that way." Edward argues. "Why is it that way?"

"I don't know."

"Do you even still love me?" Edward can't help but wonder, softly, devastated.

Louis is silent, and he turns his face down so that it's buried in Edward's armpit. And that, that's his favourite smell, all musky and all Edward, and Louis can't contain the emotion inside his chest. "Edward.."

"I know." Edward releases a breath as if he's exhausted from this conversation alone. "I just.."

Louis shifts, holding his body up on his elbow. He stares at Edward, and the Alpha stares right back. "Sometimes, we hurt the person we love most."

Edward's mouth twitches into a smirk. "I should know about that, shouldn't I?"

Louis goes lax in his embrace, and when he buries his face at Edward's neck, he knows Edward can feel his tears spilling and smudging on the Alpha's skin.


Jay is folding some clothes on her bed when Louis enters the room, carefully closing the door and locking it to give him privacy with his mother. She looks up when she hears the lock turning, a smile breaking out on her face upon seeing Louis. "Hello, darling."

"Hey, Mum. Could we talk?"

"Of course." Jay pauses her chore, and she puts the shirt off to the side. "What's wrong?"

Louis moves to take a seat next to her, sighing heavily. He looks down at his hands. "Promise you won't judge me?"

"Lou, what's going on? You're scaring me."

Louis opens his mouth, and everything spills out. He tells her everything, tells her what he's been doing to Edward, what he feels. She is horrified to hear it, but she waits until he's done before she says anything.

"Louis, oh love, why did you do that?" She stares at him, eyes wide.

"I don't know, Mum. I don't know." Louis bites his lower lip, trying to make it stop trembling. "It feels good when he's angry, I want him to be angry. I want him to hurt."

Jay cups his face, distressed. "Louis, baby. You didn't just hurt him. You disrespected him as your Alpha, as your partner. I'm disappointed by your actions, Lou."

Louis nods. "I know. I'm disappointed too."

"Is he still okay with his brothers, at least?" Jay wonders.

Her son shrugs. "I don't know, I think so. Things haven't really changed between them."

Jay pulls him into a hug. "Louis.."

Her tone makes him fall apart, and Louis starts sobbing. "I'm a horrible Omega, Mum. I realised what I was doing to him, I knew, but I still did it."

"Baby, you made a mistake, just like he did." Jay soothes him, her hand running through his hair.

"But I did it on purpose! I wanted to hurt him." Louis cries harder at the horrible epiphany, his body shaking in her hold. "And the worst thing is, he's so lovely to me. He's so good to me. I don't deserve him. He deserves better."

"Louis, Louis, please." Jay grips his shoulders, forcing him to look at her. "Can't you see how much he loves you? I know you hurt him, but you need to stop dwelling on it. You already spent too long hurting him. If you let yourself get caught up with regret, you'll never have space to give yourself the chance to love him." She pauses, then stutters out. "Do you, do you still love him?"

"I do!" Louis laughs, wet and broken. "And that just makes it worse doesn't it?! I love him, but how could I say that when I kept treating him like shit? Is it love if the first thing I could think of to do whenever he looks at me is to yell at him?"

Jay's heart breaks at the devastation in Louis' tone. She doesn't know what to say.

"I just, I just want him." Louis cries, his shoulders heaving. "Why am I so angry?"

Jay hushes him, rocking them both back and forth in an attempt to calm him down.

"Do you think he'll forgive me?" Louis croaks out after he's calmed a bit.

Jay pulls back and smiles, sad that it's come to the point where Louis has to wonder about that. "Of course he would. That man loves you, he'd grab the stars if you asked him to."

Louis stares at her, then falls apart all over again.


Jay's heart hurts and her eyes sting when Edward kisses her cheek and hugs her tightly. His arms loosen around her, ready to let go, but she holds on. She sniffs, her hand touching his cheek when she finally lets him go. "I'm so sorry, Edward."

The Alpha is stunned for a moment, but he is composed enough to reply. "Me too."

Jay can't resist, hugging him again. He looks like he needs it. She wishes she has more time to comfort him, more space.

"I hope you'll make each other happy again soon."

Edward's lips twitch, and he presses a fond kiss to her forehead. "Thank you, Jay."

Louis lets Edward climb into the car first, following suit after he's blown Jay a kiss.

Louis feels a bit lighter after telling his Mum, but his heart is heavy with dread and guilt.


It's quiet during the ride home. None of them bothers to say anything. Not even the radio is on.

They can probably fit two more people with the distance between them. Edward doesn't try to reach for him.

By the time they're about an hour away, Edward's phone beeps with a notification. He quickly pulls it out, thumbing at the screen to open up the message. After he finishes reading it, Louis can sense his hesitation before he turns to look at Louis.

"What?" Louis asks, can feel that Edward has got a question at the tip of his tongue.

"I forgot that the board members have invited me to join them for dinner tonight. Would you mind if I go?" Edward's tone says it's entirely up to him but Louis can see in his eyes that he would be happy if he gets to go.

Louis doesn't like that Edward is asking him like this. It's a nice change from Edward doing things as he likes without considering Louis' feelings, before. But honestly, like Zayn said, Louis hasn't really been the best Omega either. "Up to you."

"I don't want to go if it upsets you." Edward tells him, subtle as he moves to scoot closer to him.

Louis wants to tell Edward that he doesn't want him to go. In fact, he doesn't even want to go home. He wants to have some alone time with Edward. He wants to talk things over, do it properly. He wants to apologise and he wants to forgive Edward, wants to kiss him and hug him and hold him, and just, be where he belongs, in Edward's arms; home.

But for some reasons, he doesn't have the guts to do it. Can't do it. Not yet. Instead, what comes out of his mouth is, "I'm not upset. I promise."

Edward doesn't buy it, can probably tell something's wrong. He stares at Louis to figure him out, but the Omega looks away. There's no way Louis can endure such an intense gaze from such mesmerising eyes when he's drowning within his own feelings that he keeps questioning.

The Alpha shifts even closer, and suddenly he's kissing the side of Louis' head. "David." Edward calls out to the driver, scooting again to maintain their previous distance. He's typing away on his phone. "Please drop me off at my office."

The journey there is filled with silence.

Louis watches, his face blank when the car rolls to a stop in front of a tall building. He can't dwell on that, because the door is opening and Edward is getting ready to climb out.

Louis isn't aware of how tensed he is until he sees Edward pausing at the door; the Omega almost sighs with relief, hoping his Alpha has changed his mind.

Edward moves back into Louis' space, and Louis is ready to kiss him. But Edward's lips don't land where he wants them to, instead he feels them on his forehead. Edward ducks down after that, burying his face at Louis' neck and inhaling deeply as he squeezes him in a tight hug. And then he's out and the door closes, then the car is driving away.

Louis doesn't know when his tears started, but he's already sobbing by the time he realises it. He questions himself as he wastes his attempts to wipe his tears. He questions Edward, he questions everything.

He cries all the way home.


Ain't nobody hurt you like I hurt you,

but ain't nobody love you like I do.

Harry points the remote at the TV, flipping through all the channels. Louis is seated in between his legs, popping popcorns into his mouth every now and then while Harry looks for something to watch. Marcel is on the bed beside them, reading a novel. He looks very into it, his eyebrows furrowing every now and then.

Edward had texted Harry after dinner, saying that he'll be home late and to not wait up for him.

Louis was a little dejected when he heard Harry announce that. He was hoping he could pull Edward away when he comes home and they'll get to talk. But with that brand new information, it seems like he'll have to postpone it until tomorrow, at least.

Edward didn't exactly specify what time he'd be back, but Louis has insisted to his Alphas that he doesn't want to sleep until Edward gets home.

So that's why they're watching TV to pass the time.

"Where is he?" Marcel suddenly asks out loud. When Harry and Louis look at him, he's putting his phone down. His book is still opened on his lap. "It's almost eleven."

Louis presses his lips together, trying to get rid of all bad thoughts in his head. "Try and call him."

Marcel sighs, picking his phone up again and thumbing for Edward's contact name. He presses the phone to his ear once it starts ringing. There's a delay before Edward finally answers.

Harry mutes the telly. The frown already on Marcel's face deepens. "Are you drunk?" He asks his brother in disbelief. Louis presses closer to Harry. "Do you know what time it is? Lou is waiting for you. Where are you now?"

Edward is saying something, and then Marcel just looks livid. "Pull your shit together Edward." He snaps, then ends the call.

"Where is he?" Louis asks softly.

"He's taking a taxi." Marcel mumbles out. "Don't know what he's thinking."

Louis sighs, relieved that Edward didn't drive to that dinner.

"How drunk is he?" Harry asks, voice tensed.

Marcel huffs. "He's wasted."

Louis hugs his arms around his middle. "If you want to go to sleep first, it's alright. I'll wait for him."

"Just sleep, babe." Harry tells him. "It's already late."

"Yeah, let's just sleep." Marcel grunts out in agreement, already putting the book away and getting under the covers. "Nobody wants to deal with him when he's drunk like that."

Harry sighs. "He's right. Edward isn't the most pleasant person when he's drunk."

"But who is?" Louis questions back.

Marcel grins. "Harry is. He pets people's hair and cries whenever someone doesn't accept his compliment."

Harry cackles. "I'm a very loving drunk."

"What kind of a drunk are you, then?" Louis asks Marcel, amused.

"I'm easily entertained. I laugh at the simplest things. And Harry usually laughs with me even when he doesn't know what I'm laughing at. He's louder too." Marcel blurts out, causing Louis to giggle.

Then, Louis quiets down again. "And Edward?"

Marcel falls silent too, exchanging a look with Harry. "Edward doesn't get drunk often. You can count on one hand how many times he's drank in his whole life. And there's a reason for that." He tells Louis. "When he's drunk, he tends to be quite aggressive. Angry. Paranoid."

"He's short-tempered too." Harry continues. "He gets snappy. He'd yell at us for everything, anything. ."

"That's why he doesn't drink." Marcel's voice is really quiet all of a sudden. "I'm not sure why he's drinking tonight."

None of them says anything after that. And suddenly the mood has changed.

Harry yawns. "I'm going to sleep now."

Marcel takes that as his cue to go to sleep too. Louis lets him move until they're lying side by side, snuggling into Marcel's arms and wishing them goodnight.

Harry starts snoring soon enough, and Marcel's breath evens out. But Louis still can't sleep. It's like his body refuses to shut down until he knows Edward is safely home.

Love me baby please
'Cause I could still be the only one you need
The only one close enough to feel you breathe

He doesn't have to wait too long. The door opens half an hour later, and Edward stumbles in. He looks dishevelled, his collar unbuttoned and his jacket missing. His sleeves have been rolled up to his elbows. He would have looked handsome if he wasn't such a mess.

Louis slowly sits up, alerting Edward with his movement. Edward turns to him, then looks away again. "You're back." Louis murmurs, thankful Edward made it back safely.

Edward starts unbuttoning his shirt, as if he didn't hear Louis. And maybe he didn't, so Louis doesn't say anything else. The Omega wants to leave it at that, wants to lie back down and go to sleep. "Not that you care." Edward finally responds in a gruff voice, bitter.

"Of course I do." Louis replies, soft. He can't exactly pinpoint the moment he decided to yield, but he's made up his mind. He wants to let go of all the pain and the hurt, just wants his Alpha again. He gets off the bed, brushing his fringe to the side as he stands there and stares at Edward taking off his shirt. The Alpha doesn't reply, turning around and disappearing into the closet. Louis waits for him, uncertain if this is over or not.

When Edward comes back out, he's in a trackie and a loose t-shirt. He pauses when he sees that Louis is still there, frowning. "What do you want?" He barks.

Louis flinches at that, surprised. He knows Marcel told him Edward gets like this when he's drunk, but he doesn't expect him to be screaming like this. "You don't have to raise your voice. It's late."

"I'll do whatever I want." Edward replies, but at least he's not yelling. "Nothing I do matters to you, anyway. I don't matter. So stop pretending."

"Don't say that. You know that's not true."

"How would I, Lou?" Edward has never been more exasperated. "You barely acknowledged my existence, barely acknowledge me as your Alpha, let alone your lover, and now you want to say that you care?" He ends it with a scoff.

Louis' eyes burn. "I do care."

"But do you?" Edward grits back. "I get it. I hurt you. I can never take that back. You said you needed time to forgive me. But it's been two months." His voice slowly rises again. "You don't let me touch you, you don't let me kiss you! You don't even say anything to me unless you need to. I feel like I'm living with a stranger."

Louis blinks, the tears rolling down his face. His timid voice cracks on his words. "I'm sorry."

Edward continues as if Louis had said nothing. "I walk on eggshells around you, I try every day. I don't know what else you want me to do. I love you." Edward breathes out, his body shaking. "God, I do. I love you more than life. But it's like you're taking all my efforts for granted. I don't know if I can do this anymore."

"Edward, please." Louis begs.

"You don't even talk to me, Lou!" Edward snaps, harsh. "You want me to try, but are you trying? Do you even want to forgive me? Cause it doesn't look like you do. I don't know where I stand with you anymore. I don't even know who I am in your life." He exhales heavily, staring at Louis with unblinking eyes. "You said you care, but do you?"

"I do." Louis cries.

"Do you care that I hurt because it's my fault you lost our babies? Did you even think that it wasn't just you who lost? They were my children too. I know I can't compare to you as a mother, but I hurt too. Do you care that I hurt whenever you kiss Harry and Marcel but never me?" Edward whispers. "You're always smiling at them, but you only smile at me when I give you flowers. You are always in their arms, but you don't let me touch you. I keep wondering if you're ever going to look at me the same way you look at them again. I keep wondering if I would ever get to hear you tell me you love me again."

Louis starts sobbing when he sees a tear rolling down Edward's cheek.

"I go to sleep every night wondering if I can ever make this right." Edward clears his throat. "Jay told me to keep fighting." He smiles sadly to himself. "But I don't know if I can make you happy anymore."

Louis buries his face in his hands when his sobs get borderline hysterical, wondering when he became such an idiot that he would let his relationship crumble like this.

Edward sighs, wiping his face. Then he heads for the door.

"Wh-Where are you going?" Louis stutters out.

Edward pauses with his hand on the door handle. He looks at Louis. "I think I'll sleep in the guest room tonight. I can't do this. Not tonight."

"Don't go." Louis croaks out.

Edward looks down, his fingers tightening around the handle. "I'm sorry, Lou." And then he's gone.

Louis collapses onto the floor, sobbing his heart out. His thoughts are a mess, his chest hurts. His tears flow down like his eyes are a broken dam, and his body heaves while he curls up into himself.

He doesn't stop crying when Marcel picks him up and tucks him back to bed, wrapping him tightly in his arms. He isn't even aware of it. He's crying too hard to notice it when Marcel wakes Harry up to tell him to sleep with Edward.

Louis got the talk he wanted to have with Edward, but it wasn't exactly how he imagined it would go.

He goes to sleep, drowning in guilt, regret, and missing Edward like he never did before.

He wanted Edward to have a taste of what he felt, and it's only fair that it goes both ways. Now, he gets to go through what Edward did, too.

Yeah I could still be that place where you run
Instead of the one that you're running from.

Love me or leave me here.



It was initially supposed to be more than a 30k word long chapter, but I was overwhelmed when I reread it so I divided it into two. And it's still this long. It's 28k words long. Fuck me. The next one might be short. Regardless, what do you guys think about it? Thank you for reading!

Oh! And I'm so sorry for the badly written smut????? They're so bad, forgive me. I have no excuse for that.

And I'm so sorry for another sad chapter!! I promise the next one will be a happy one!

Again, the lyrics that I included in this are from Flicker by Niall Horan, Love Me or Leave Me by Little Mix, and Happier by Ed Sheeran.

Thank you thank you thank you so much for reading!! <3 Pretty please, do leave me a vote. It means a lot! And thank you if you already had! A comment would be lovely too! :p xxxx

Love, R.

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