Chapter 17
I was hoping I could make it for this story's birthday, but nope. You know me, I always take too long to proofread and still end up with tons of mistakes. Yeah, I'm trying to embrace that part of myself. And I'll be honest, I've checked this three times, but my mind keeps going elsewhere. So I'm sorry for the mistakes that go unnoticed. Feel free to point them out!
I updated this in a rush. Hope everything's well!
Also, thank you for all the lovely comments and the votes you've left! They mean a lot! ❤️
Anyway, enjoy this chapter!
to cease to support or look after (someone); desert.
"Mr Tomlinson?" A tiny voice calls as Louis settles down in his chair.
He puts on a sweet smile before he even turns to the little girl standing by his table, almost hiding at the corner of it. "Lux, what's up, love?" Louis asks in a quiet, gentle tone. He subtly beckons her to come forward.
Her guarded demeanour falls away as she takes a step towards him, leaving the corner of the table that shielded her from his view. She still looks uncertain as she stops in front of him, her tiny foot poking at the floor and she keeps her head down when she speaks. "Are you not well?"
The Omega beams at her concern. He did have a few toilet trips here and there during class when he needed to get sick, but overall he's fine. He needs to ask Liam for some pills to help with his nausea. He can't have his students thinking he's fallen ill. "I'm alright. My stomach just feels funny, that's it." He reassures her, almost wanting to chuckle at how worried she looks. She's a very thoughtful child.
"Would you like a hug? Mummy always give me hugs whenever I'm not well." She wonders, genuinely upset that her teacher is not in his best condition.
Louis coos. "Of course you can, dear." He bends down a little in his chair, opening his arms wide. Lux brightens, already running into his embrace with her tiny hands wrapped tightly around his neck.
"Get well soon, Mr Tomlinson." She grins when she pulls back, a tooth missing at the front.
"Thank you, love. I already feel better." He kisses her forehead, then nods at the door. "Go on, now. Your mother might be worried."
Lux pats his wrist twice before she leaves with a big smile and a small wave. The Omega watches her go and imagines if his first child is a girl. It'd be so cute to have a little one with green eyes and a beautiful smile like her fathers. Her tiny voice would fill the house whenever she'd giggle during their playtime, and he already knows that she'd have the triplets wrapped tightly around her finger and have them get her whatever she wants. She'd be spoiled rotten.
Louis shivers to himself, eager at the thought of seeing his Alphas being fathers. He can't wait to let them know about his pregnancy and see their reactions.
When the clock signals that it's almost five in the evening, Louis finishes whatever work he has left before starting to pack up. He makes sure he doesn't leave anything behind before locking up as usual.
"Hi." Louis greets the waiting Alpha the moment he arrives outside.
"Done already?" The Alpha responds with a raise of his eyebrow, lifting his arm to look at his watch. "You're early today."
"Not really in the mood to stay for too long." Louis shrugs, staying where he is with an appointed stare at the white shaft trapped in between the Alpha's lips.
"Right, sorry." Zayn shakes his head, finally realising his mistake once he noticed that Louis is making no move to approach him. Sometimes Zayn forgets that Louis is pregnant and still smokes around him. The Alpha gives him an apologetic face, taking one last drag before he rids the cigarette.
"S'alright." Louis says, waiting until the last puff of smoke has disappeared before he walks up to Zayn. "Can we go and get ice cream? I want cookie dough." He requests as he links his arm with the Alpha's, his action prompting both of them to start heading to the car.
The Alpha's face lights up at the mention of ice cream. "Yeah? Could do with those too."
"Yes!" Louis cheers, releasing him so he could run to the car with excitement.
They chat the whole way to the parlour, laughter filling the car every now and then to drown the faint sound of the radio. Zayn isn't particularly a funny person, but often when they share their thoughts, the Alpha could come up with some hilarious jokes that can make Louis laugh until he cries.
The Omega is currently laughing so hard that he almost feels like he can't stop. He places a hand on his belly as he wipes his tears. Zayn looks extremely proud for the joke he just made.
"That's the funniest thing you have ever said!" Louis sputters, pressing a hand to his mouth in hope to muffle his laughter.
"Why, thank you." Zayn grins, his eyes locked on the road again as they near their destination.
Louis sighs heavily when he's finally calmed, and Zayn gives him an amused look before he focus on driving to find parking.
Once the car is properly parked inside the provided space, Zayn cuts off the engine and both of them climb out. The Alpha makes sure that the doors are locked, then he walks up to Louis, wrapping an arm around his shoulders before they head over to the parlour.
The bell rings when they enter, and Louis proceeds to take a seat while Zayn goes straight for the counter.
"How's your morning sickness?" Zayn asks later once they're settled down with a cup of ice cream in their hands.
Louis doesn't respond yet, enjoying the sweet taste in his mouth. Then he looks at Zayn and groans. "Don't even remind me. It's the worst in the morning and in the evening." He grumbles. "But at least it's not that bad during the day. I could still get some work done. I want to ask Liam for those pills that help."
"If it gets too much, you should just stay home and rest." Zayn advises.
Louis pokes at his ice cream with his spoon. "I was planning to quit my job, actually."
Zayn doesn't even bat an eyelash. "Cool. About time, anyway."
"What do you mean?"
"It means that you can finally get some break from responsibilities and just focus on taking care of yourself. You need a lot of rest." Zayn puts down his cup to wipe at his mouth. "You look like you're three minutes from death every time I see you."
Louis' mouth drops open. "That's not true! Do I look like I'm dying right now?"
"Yes." There was absolutely no hesitation on Zayn's part.
Louis throws him a crumpled tissue, but Zayn catches it with ease. "But I don't know." Louis sags into the chair. "I told them I'll quit when we have kids. But there are no kids yet."
"But you're too tired to do anything." Zayn points out. "It's better for you to stay home. There are a lot of risks you're taking if you keep working."
"But staying at home would kill me! What is there to do? I would die from boredom!"
Zayn is already used to how dramatic Louis is, so he isn't even fazed. "Find a hobby, or something. I don't know, ask Niall."
Louis leans forward curiously. "Did Niall quit his job when he was pregnant too?"
"Yeah. We didn't want anything to happen to him." Zayn explains. "It was his choice too. There's nothing wrong with it."
"I know. I just don't like the idea of fully relying on them, especially when I still can work."
"Excuse me." Zayn waves his hands to Louis as if the Omega couldn't see him. "You become a useless human after you get sick. You can't work."
Louis scowls at him. "I do not!" His outburst makes Zayn laugh, and the Omega pouts again.
Edward tried calling him this morning, but Louis rejected it. He wasn't ready to speak with his Alpha yet.
He's not ready now, either, but what choice does he have? Edward is coming home regardless, so he might as well just go and pick him up.
The drive to the airport is quiet, with Louis sitting quietly at the back. He's trying to think of all the things he wants to say to Edward. There are so many of them, that Louis is quite lost as to where he should start and where he should end.
But the moment the car stops and Edward slides into the back seat, Louis silently curses the Alpha in his head for that fond, gentle look on his handsome face. He can't do that. That's not fair, how can Louis remember what he wanted to say when Edward looks like that and is looking at him like that?
Louis can tell that Edward is glad he came along to fetch him. Louis also knows that Edward knows he's upset, but he looks so happy to see Louis again.
Louis lets his thoughts disappear.
As Edward gently tugs him into a tight hug, Louis knows how upset he is with Edward and he wants to smash someone's face just to ease the feelings a little. But being in the Alpha's embrace right now, knowing he hasn't got much days before Edward will be leaving for Dubai, Louis decides he's more in love with his Alpha than he is upset with him.
He presses his forehead to Edward's cheek, his body melting completely against the strong figure engulfing him with warmth, safety. He pulls back and an inevitable smile tugs at his lips. "Hi."
Edward kisses his forehead, lingering for so long that Louis wonders if he's ever going to pull away. And then he drops a kiss to Louis' cheek. "Hi." He finally replies.
"Did you know.." Louis starts, his hand reaching up to trace his fingers across Edward's lips. " much in love with you I am?"
Edward's right eyebrow shoots up. "Certainly not as much as I am in love with you."
Louis blushes, balling his hand into a fist and knocking at Edward's chest. A quiet giggle escapes his mouth, and Louis is quick in hiding his face into the Alpha's shoulder. Louis has slowly gotten used to their exchanged 'I love yous' although his heart never fails to skip a beat every time Edward says it to him. But being reminded that they are also in love, it makes Louis extremely giddy.
Edward grins in confusion upon seeing his reaction. "Why are you laughing?"
Louis shakes his head, his arms curling around Edward's body. "Nothing. Just me being silly."
Edward pushes him back to look at his face, cupping his chin and tilting it up until they're eye to eye. There's still a faint blush tinting Louis' skin. "Like it, then?" He asks, teasing.
"What?" Louis counters back weakly, unable to stop the spreading smile on his face.
"I'm in love with you, Louis Tomlinson."
"I hate you." The Omega mumbles, slapping Edward's wrist away so he could bury his face at the Alpha's neck again, not wanting Edward to taunt him with how much heat is rising to his skin.
Edward chuckles, and a comfortable silence follows for the rest of the journey. Louis sticks to his position where he's plastered against Edward's side, unmoving. The ride isn't that long, but Louis wishes it won't end yet.
This feels like their safe haven for a moment. Like their problems are pushed aside for this little reunion, and Louis desperately wants to hold on to it. Because by the time they get home, the unspoken things between them are going to catch up, and Louis doesn't want to face those yet.
Edward's hand looks for his as the car rolls to a stop in front of their house, and their fingers slide together before palms are clasped. He helps Louis out of the car, closing the door and watching the vehicle drive away before he's turning to Louis again.
He awards Louis with a kiss on the side of his head, and it makes the Omega relax a little.
Louis helps Edward out of his coat, hanging it and his own coat up on the cupboard. The Alpha is waiting for him as he closes the door, a quiet creak in the silence.
Edward holds out a hand. "Sleep?" He asks, tilting his head.
Louis ignores his outstretched palm, going straight for an embrace before their lips meet. He feels Edward retracts his arm to attach it around Louis, and his heart does a cartwheel when the Alpha kisses him back.
He wants more. He wants Edward to run his hands up and down his body, along his thighs, wants Edward to mark him up and kiss him all over. He wants them to make love again.
But things are not alright between them, and it'd just feel wrong.
Louis is not mad, is the thing. If he was furious, then maybe they could incorporate that angst into bed. But he's upset, and he doesn't think it'd be pretty if he adds it to the equation.
Edward seems to be reading his mind, because his palms stay on Louis' waist, making no sign to edge further down. There's also no urgency in their kiss; they're just snogging to pass the time.
"Sleep." Louis finally says after he pulls away, then he presses their lips together again.
The Alpha nods, and they release each other.
Edward nudges Louis' shoulder on the way to the lift, playful. The Omega scowls, then nudges back. Edward barely moves.
"Not fair." Louis huffs, nudging him again, harder this time. "How come you're so strong?"
Edward chuckles at how dissatisfied Louis is with that fact, wrapping him in a one armed hug as they enter the lift. "How else would I protect you, then?"
Louis looks at him as if he's talking shit. "From what, exactly?"
"From aliens."
The Omega rolls his eyes. And if anyone points out that he did it fondly, he would deny it until his deathbed. "You can never seem to protect me from your brother's knock knock jokes."
Edward deadpans. "No one can be protected against that."
They share a laugh over that as they exit the lift together, Edward taking his hand while they walk to their bedroom.
Louis feels like shit, but he still pretends that nothing's wrong.
"Hi, love." Marcel shifts on the bed until he's comfortably lying on his belly before he smiles at the screen.
"Hey, baby." Harry coos from the other side of the world. "You look tired."
"Busy day." The younger Alpha explains, sighing. "How was yours?"
Harry brightens. "It was amazing. They're really considering it."
"That's great, Harry."
Suddenly Harry is overcame with solemness, all happy vibes disappearing from his air and it shows on his face.
"What's up with that, then?"
Harry sighs heavily, his eyes lowering down until he's not looking at Marcel anymore. "I'm starting to question if I really want to do this, Marcel."
"Why so? You've always wanted to start your own clothing line. What changed?"
His brother gives him a look. "We have an Omega waiting at home now."
Ah, that ought to be brought up soon enough.
Marcel clears his throat, holding the phone firmly as he changes position until he's sitting up and leaning against the headboard. "I wanted to talk to you about that too."
"Well, I'm listening."
Marcel stares at him. "Louis is hurting. You realise that, yeah?"
Harry's mouth curves down, and he's regretful when he nods.
"I want to go back." Marcel blurts out.
Harry's identical green eyes are full of questions. "Go back, as in.."
"What's the use of billions of profits if the person we love is unhappy?" He scoffs, making a sound of disbelief at what he's saying. "Hell, we are unhappy!" Marcel shakes his head, disappointed that they realised this too late.
"You're right.." The way Harry's shoulders sag is visible. "The separation makes me exhausted. And I can't put all of my efforts into my work. It's so hard to focus sometimes."
Marcel presses his fist to his lips. "That's what you feel, Haz. Try to think about how Louis must be feeling. I'm sure it's worse. We should be taking care of him."
The elder Alpha's face scrunches up and he looks pained all of a sudden. "Remember what happened to Mum?"
"Fuck." Marcel's fist loosens up until he's clutching at the bridge of his nose. The memory he's recalling is far from pleasant, and he silently curses Harry for reminding him. "We can't let that happen."
"We have to go back." Harry reaffirms Marcel's suggestion.
Marcel exhales through his nose, relaxing on the bed. "I think the fastest I can make it is at the end of this month. I still need to get a few things fixed before I can leave."
"I'm going home next weekend, but I don't think I can get a sooner date. So I think I'll be home with you at the end of the month as well."
"Another month." Marcel groans. "I hope Louis would be okay. He doesn't look well lately."
Harry agrees with a hard look on his face. "He's always so tired and weak whenever we call."
"But what's Edward doing? I thought he said he won't go to some of the trips? And yet he's going to Dubai. For a week." Marcel questions, angry when he thinks about the eldest brother. "Did he talk to you about that? Every time we call, he'd always keep it short."
"I don't know. He didn't really say anything. He's at the office whenever I call him, so we don't talk much either." Harry doesn't even try to hide how disappointed he is with Edward.
Marcel groans again. "That idiot! He needs to start sorting out his priorities. It's like he's getting too much into work all over again."
"He gets like this every time there is a project, Marcel." Harry reminds him with a sigh, already too use to Edward's behaviour. He's had years of experience to know that Edward gets like this. "But I don't think we can let this go on. What would happen if there's another project in the future, when we have kids? Is he going to put work first, still?"
"Scratch that, Harry. Let's look at the things happening now. What happens if Louis has had enough?" Marcel shuts his eyes, unable to even think about the possibilities. "I don't know, Haz. It's happening again. And this time, Louis is the victim."
Harry is silent for a moment. "I think Edward keeps forgetting that we have Louis to get back to at home now. You know, he's always started a project when it's confirmed that none of us is going to be home. So it was always fine that all of us are hopping from one country to another."
"And now it's different." Marcel continues. "Because we have Louis."
Harry nods. "Exactly."
Turns out it's not just Louis who's pretending. The whole three days that pass after Edward came back are filled with usual laughter, tender touches, and kisses, as if nothing happened in the first place. Louis enjoys it, loves that those days are spent without them being upset at each other.
They ignore the elephant in the room.
Until Friday.
It should've happened earlier, so Louis has been bracing himself for it when Edward finally brings it up after dinner. But he can't say that he's ready.
"I'm leaving tomorrow." The Alpha says once he's wiped his mouth with his napkin, placing it down on the table. He only looks at Louis after a great hesitation.
Louis stares at his plate, nodding without a single word. His face shows nothing of his emotion; and after he's looked at the food for too long, Louis continues eating.
They could hear a pin drop with how quiet it is in the dining room. Louis can feel the burning gaze on his face, but he doesn't give in to it. Suddenly the chicken he's swallowing down feels like a pebble instead of the savoury, juicy flesh he should be expecting.
"Lou." Edward whispers, reaching out to touch him, but he changes his mind in the last minute and retracts his arm. His face contorts up, wanting a reaction out of the Omega.
"Do you have to go?" Louis asks as a response, his voice almost muted.
"How long?" He still hasn't looked at Edward once.
The Alpha sighs. "A week."
"A week?" Louis echoes in shock, his gaze finally settling on him.
Edward shuts his eyes, turning his face away. He's unwilling to see how much betrayal lives in those eyes that lost their light after he heard that. "Yes, a week." He breathes out.
Louis puts his cutlery down, having lost his appetite. How is he going to survive sleeping a whole week alone? He presses the heels of his palm into his eyes, hoping it'd help him to do something so he wouldn't cry. But the tears fight their way through anyway. "Why do you keep leaving me?" His voice breaks as he asks, making Edward restless in his seat.
"No, babe. I never wanted to leave you." Edward tries to explain. "You were supposed to come with me."
"According to whom?" Louis snaps. "According to you? You said nothing to me about it, Edward!"
The Alpha knows that, tensing up in his seat. "You're right. That was a mistake on my part. I thought you'd be able to come with me on every trip."
"Well, I can, if you've told me earlier." Louis grumbles back, crossing his arms and looking away.
"I know. I'm sorry." Edward sighs. "I assumed-"
Louis widens his eyes, turning back to him. "You assumed?" He scoffs in disbelief. "Edward, I am your bond mate, your partner, not your slave. I'm not someone you can drag along wherever you go. You should talk to me about any decision that involves me, not decide for me."
Edward ducks his head. "I'm sorry, Lou."
Louis makes a disgusted sound. "Is this one of your sick ways to establish your dominance over me? You know I struggle to be without you."
Edward's eyes snap up, his face hardening but Louis can see that the Alpha is devastated. "Louis, I will never do that." He shakes his head. "I'm not a weak Alpha that needs his ego to be reassured. I love our relationship, I don't care about dominance and submission."
Louis knows that Edward isn't like that, but for a moment he was worried.
"Louis, would you come with me, please?"
"I can't, Edward." Louis already has submitted his resignation letter. He has a lot of things he needs to settle before he can quit at the end of this month. "I told you, if you've talked to me earlier, maybe I can."
Edward stares at him, face unreadable as always. "Is there anything I can do?"
"You could stay."
But judging from the way Edward's expression changes when he said that, Louis knows that won't happen.
Louis doesn't blink, his eyes never leaving the sausages on his plate as he chews the bit of food he just shoved into his mouth. His face twitches when it tastes salty, not at all what he expects when he ate it, and it takes him a while to realise that it's just his tears.
He spent last night crying into Edward's chest, feeling so helpless where gentle hands rub up and down on his back to soothe him. And yet those touches did nothing to calm him down. No matter how tight Edward held him last night, how long he kissed Louis on the mouth, how much words of love he whispered against Louis' skin, it still didn't change the fact that Louis is having his breakfast alone just hours later.
Edward left half an hour ago; Louis didn't want to send him to the airport, couldn't do it.
He can still feel the way Edward's lips brushed his, how he lingered when he kissed Louis' forehead too, his fingers tangled in Louis' hair. Edward's scent is still strong in his nose, and Louis can't imagine sleeping those five days without any of his Alphas with him.
The thought of Marcel coming back today puts him a bit at ease, but everything is just going to start again when he leaves as well. Louis doesn't know how he could hold on this long, if he could hold on much longer.
He drops the fork, the metal clanking loudly against the expensive china.
He hears sobbing before he realises that it's him. The Omega pulls his legs up onto the chair he's sitting on, hugging his arms around his middle.
Louis clings to whoever it is when a pair of arms wraps around him, and another pair, and another, and another. He couldn't even speak to thank the Betas for the comfort, lost in the waves of his emotions. They say nothing, hushing him and rubbing his arm, stroking his hair back from his wet face.
Despite how much better he feels after he cried, he still feels really embarrassed for his break down. He pulls away from their hugs once he's calmed enough, making them release him to step back. "Thank you." He whispers, clearing his throat from his sore voice.
"Don't worry. We're always here for you, Louis." One of them reminds him with a sad voice. After making sure that he's really alright, they pat his shoulder before making their way back to work.
Louis finds it hilarious how the Betas are here to be the ones to comfort him instead of his Alphas, but he doesn't have it in him to laugh.
Louis manages to hold it together, taking his mind off everything by having a full body massage, then a facial treatment. He even did some yoga with the help of one of the Betas. He's quite relaxed by noon, his emotions stable and he is smiling again.
Well, that is, until Marcel walks past the front door. It seems like the pregnancy does things to his hormones that make him burst into tears at the simplest things, but somehow add one of his Alphas to the situation, and it gets worse. It's as if his body is trying to scream at them, "look at me! Notice me! I'm pregnant!" And yet his Alphas would just think that he's emotional because they're gone.
Louis wants to kick his own backside when he has another breakdown the moment he's wrapped in Marcel's arms. He's so tired, so tired of crying, so tired of hurting and yet he's stuck with it.
"Shhh, it's alright, it's alright." Marcel hushes him, kissing all over his face to get him to stop crying. It suddenly registers in Louis' head how ugly he must look with his face flushed and his hair everywhere and there are snots and tears all over, and that makes him sob harder.
Marcel scoops him up into his strong arms, walking up the stairs to the lounge on the second floor. He puts Louis down, and by then, the Omega's tears have reduced to sniffing. Most of his snots are on Marcel's Gucci shirt, but the Alpha barely gives it a glance. "You okay?" He asks instead, concerned about Louis' wellbeing.
Louis shakes his head, hugging his knees to his chest.
"Do you want some water?" Marcel offers. He receives a nod. "Okay, stay here. I'll get you water." He bends down, kissing Louis' cheek before he leaves to fetch Louis what he wants.
Louis is almost asleep when Marcel returns, his cheek pressed to his knees and his eyes drooping. Marcel gently touches his back, causing him to jerk up in surprise. The Omega widens his eyes as he straightens up, then relaxes when he sees that it's just his Alpha.
Marcel passes Louis the water, taking a seat next to him. He keeps a hand on Louis' back while Louis drinks, watching how cute his Omega looks when he takes tiny sips from the rim of the glass.
It isn't long until it's empty, so Marcel grabs it and puts it away on the coffee table. Then he pats at his lap. "Come here, baby." He murmurs.
Louis obeys without a single word, cautiously climbing onto Marcel's thighs and making himself comfortable as he sits facing him.
The Alpha takes Louis' face in between his hands, gentle when he tugs Louis down until their lips meet. "Hi." He says after the greeting kiss he gives Louis.
"Hi." Louis breathes out, stealing another kiss.
Marcel cradles Louis close to him, pressing their fronts together while he lets his hand rest on Louis' back. "I want to tell you something."
"Hmm? What is it?" Louis wonders, pressing his forehead to Marcel's shoulder.
"Harry and I had a talk." He pauses, frowning. No, that's not right. "We had a lot of talks, actually. And we've come to a decision."
He doesn't blame Louis at how confused he looks as he pulls back. "About what, exactly?" What Marcel told him is too vague for him to guess anything.
Marcel pecks his lips, then does it again, and again, until Louis is giggling and kissing him back. He leans back to stare at Louis' face where a bright smile is stretching across the Omega's lips, and yet the glint in his eyes are held back by the sadness he seems to conceal behind those cerulean blue eyes. "We're coming back, back for you."
Louis freezes, trying to understand what Marcel is telling him. There is a dash of hope in his expression, and Marcel tightens his hold on the petite body in his arms. "Are you, are you saying what I think you're saying?"
"Yeah." Marcel grins, nodding.
Louis gives an excited squeal at that, his arms curling around Marcel's neck. "Oh my God!! You're not pulling my leg, are you?"
"No." Marcel laughs. "But.." He trails off.
Louis pouts. "But..?"
"We can only come back at the end of the month. Can't really drop everything just like that now, can we?" He taps Louis' nose with his finger. "Actually, we can. But Harry didn't want us to be cruel to the people we're working with."
Louis' smile returns, and he brushes their noses together. "I understand." He bites his lower lip, giddy. "So you'll be back to stay at the end of the month?"
"Yeah." Marcel confirms. "Harry's back for the weekend next week, right?"
"Could you do 19 days? We'll be back on the 29th." Marcel asks, trailing his finger down Louis' jaw. "Or you could find a date that you'll be free, come and stay with me until that day comes."
Louis shakes his head. "I can't." But he mulls it over. "19 days."
"19 days." Marcel parrots. "Do you think you'll be okay?"
"Yeah. Okay." Louis smiles, nuzzling their faces together. He slightly feels bad about taking their work away from them, but he should be their top priority. Not to mention he is now carrying their child.
"I'm sorry that we keep leaving." Marcel strokes his face, brushing his fingers along Louis' skin. "We'll come back, and we'll never leave you again."
Louis hums happily, feeling like everything is starting to fall back into their places. Harry and Marcel would be back at the end of the month, which would mark somewhere in the start of the ninth week of Louis' pregnancy. That means his Alphas could come with him to the first visit.
"Thank you." Louis mutters, latching his lips on the skin under Marcel's jaw. The Alpha hisses in pleasure when Louis starts marking his neck. His palms find the ample cheeks sitting on him, and Louis takes that as a sign to start grinding on him. He pulls back and grins at the red spot forming on Marcel's throat.
"Fuck." Marcel moans when Louis' arse brushes across his covered cock. It's never exactly difficult for him to get it up when it comes to Louis, and he's already growing in his trousers.
"Someone's excited." Louis teases with a sultry smirk.
Marcel growls in response, gripping Louis' thighs and standing up. The Omega screams at the sudden movement, clinging onto the Alpha as he is taken to their bedroom.
Louis giggles upon being playfully thrown to the bed, watching Marcel eyeing him like a predator would a prey. His skin is prickling with excitement, and he's already hard in his joggers.
Marcel is impatient to rid Louis of his clothing, only calming slightly once the Omega is naked on the bed. He steps back to appreciate the view, making Louis preen.
"Stop staring and get naked." The Omega scolds, tugging at the duvet to cover himself eventhough Marcel has seen every single inch of him.
Marcel rolls his eyes, but he obliges with Louis' request. He dumps his clothes on the floor, his cock red and hard against his stomach. The sight of his Alpha makes Louis needy.
"Marcel." He whines, already parting his legs where his hole is soaked with slick.
The Alpha settles himself in between Louis' thighs, a hand reaching down to press a finger past the tight ring of muscles.
Louis arches his back, his eyes falling shut as Marcel takes his time opening him up.
The Alpha manages up to three fingers before Louis is a begging mess.
"Alright, alright." Marcel chuckles, pulling his fingers out and letting Louis watch as he licks them dry. After he's done and Louis is begging again, he finally reaches down to guide his cock until it's pointing at Louis' entrance.
Louis jerks backwards when Marcel slams inside. A cry escapes his mouth, followed by another, the sounds not stopping when Marcel doesn't bother starting slow. He moves his hips according to his liking, their skin slapping repeatedly where he buries his length inside the heavenly warmth he's missed so much.
Louis holds on to the firm biceps as Marcel pounds into him in an unrelenting pace, causing Louis to sob out with how good it feels. His fingernails dig into the Alpha's skin, probably piercing through but the pleasure numbs the pain.
"M-Marcel! Oh, fuck!" Louis moans, his thighs already trembling with his approaching orgasm. It's only been minutes, and yet he's already close. "Please, please."
Marcel pulls out of him all of a sudden, the room filling with a disappointed cry as Louis is deprived from the fullness he craves for. The Alpha ignores him, flipping him over until he's on his belly. He slides inside with a smooth glide, Louis' protest dying in his throat the moment Marcel fills him up again.
Louis comes unexpectedly, his body tensing up and a high pitched squeal escaping his mouth before he shudders beneath the Alpha. Marcel presses his lips to Louis' cheek, his thrusts undeterred.
"Love when I fuck you like this?" Marcel breathes into his ear, running a shiver down Louis' spine.
"Marcel!" He pleads, his hips weakly pushing back for more. "Fuck me."
The Alpha straightens up, smacking a palm across one cheek, watching it jiggles and redden from his touch. He delivers another slap to the other cheek, then grips both as he pulls Louis up onto his hands and knees. He gives Louis what he wants, his hips almost uncontrollable as he fucks into Louis.
"I'm close, baby." Marcel tells him, leaning forward so he's plastered over Louis' back.
Louis gasps when Marcel's huge palm flattens on his tummy, his heart skipping a beat.
"Can't wait until you're pregnant. Going to fill you up with my pups." Marcel buries his face at Louis' neck, his knot already growing inside the Omega.
Louis relaxes, resisting the urge to let out a relieved sigh. 'I already am, you idiot,' he bites his lips in amusement.
Marcel's teeth clamps down on Edward's mark, and that's all it takes until Louis shakes beneath him, clenching and unclenching on Marcel's length as he comes, causing the Alpha to pop his knot and starts filling him up.
Louis wants to join Zayn and Liam's bet; he thinks Marcel would cry too.
Sunday is filled with lazy kisses, more sex, movies, books, and laughter. All in all, Louis had a great weekend.
Currently, he's sliding up and down on Marcel's cock in the library, feeling really naughty with how Marcel is fully dressed and he's all starkers. It's probably an obscene view, how his hole swallows up Marcel's girth and length. He can never get enough of this, because it feels so good every single time.
After their rough sex last night, Louis had a bit of spotting. He was worried but after calling Liam, the doctor assured him that it's normal for that to happen after sex, especially at this stage of pregnancy. So Louis was at ease, knowing he doesn't have to cut back from sex. But he knows that he at least have to slow things down a little.
He has his eyes shut as he grips Marcel's shoulders, rocking his hips up and down. He's slightly tired but his muscles be damned. When he opens his eyes, Louis almost falls over at the sight of Marcel holding his phone.
"Are you recording me?" He scolds, but makes no move to stop him.
"Harry and Edward would appreciate this." Marcel replies, angling the phone until he gets the view of Louis' hole swallowing up his cock on the screen. "Make some noise, baby."
Louis starts by moaning, shifting his hips and angling them so Marcel would hit him in the right places every time he drops down. An obscene sound escapes his mouth, and Louis thrives on the knowledge that Edward would definitely curse his name when he sees the video, and Harry would probably spill something.
He focuses on putting up a show, calling out for Harry and Edward just to be a fucking tease, moving with earnest until Marcel is grunting in his ear, their voices mixing well together as they grow closer to their peak. He feels Marcel's arm wrapping around his waist, and then the Alpha is holding him still.
Louis widens his eyes, his mouth dropping open when Marcel starts thrusting up into him. His hips move so fast that it's almost a blur against Louis' arse, and Louis takes a moment to appreciate how strong Marcel is to fuck up into him like that while his other hand is still holding the phone.
"I'm close, I'm close." Louis starts chanting, his fingers gripping and relaxing on Marcel's shirt. He leans down, biting on the Alpha's neck as he comes.
Marcel moans, tossing the phone away before he grips Louis' hips to chase his own orgasm.
"Morning." Zayn greets as Louis enters the car. The Omega doesn't reply to him, his face lacks of any elements that hint of happiness. Zayn doesn't let it kill his spirit, though. "How's my favourite Omega doing today?" He teases, hoping he'd get a reaction out of Louis.
Silence is the only thing he gets.
"Come on, mate." Zayn sighs, reaching out to nudge at Louis' arm with his fist. "You could at least not ignore me. I'm driving you to work."
That causes Louis to glare at him. "I could drive myself if it's too much trouble for you."
Zayn brightens at the amount of venom in Louis' voice. "There's the Louis that I know!"
"Fuck you."
"No, thank you very much." Zayn shakes his head. "I'd rather not have three idiots coming after my arse."
Louis knows Zayn is trying from the way the Alpha peeks at his face, hoping he'd at least smile. But Louis can't even do that.
He had a wonderful weekend, but when Marcel left, it's as if he took away the happiness with him. All that Louis is left with is nausea, back pain, and mood swings.
"Niall's invited you to dinner." Zayn tries again.
Louis rolls his eyes. It's clear from Zayn's tone that Niall didn't, and he just wants Louis to be around people so that he won't spend too many hours moping. He'd probably call Niall later if Louis says yes.
"It's alright. I just want to be home right away after work." Louis replies. Truthfully, he doesn't want to burden Niall and his family too much. Zayn is already helping him a lot with driving him to and back from work.
Zayn stares at him, but he knows he can't make Louis change his mind. The rest of the drive is quiet.
Louis leans forward, kissing Zayn on the cheek before thanking him and exiting the car. It's Tuesday, and time feels like it's barely passing. Three more days until Edward is home.
He doesn't watch Zayn drive off, knows that the Alpha won't do so until he's inside, anyway.
His phone rings in the silence of the hall, so Louis moves to the living room, taking a seat before he looks at the screen. His heart skips a beat at Edward's face staring back at him.
Edward wants to facetime.
Louis knows he would regret it later if he doesn't take the call. It's one thing to ignore his voice calls, but he'd be stupid not to take the chance to see Edward.
Edward looks as sad as Louis feels. "Hi."
Louis' throat feels dry. "Hi." The word barely comes out, but he's sure Edward heard him anyway.
"How have you been holding up?" Edward asks, eyes gentle and loving.
Louis doesn't trust his voice, so he shakes his head to signal that he is not holding up. He's pretty sure that he's going to cry if he talks.
"I'm sorry." Edward frowns to himself. "I wish you're with me right now. I miss you."
Louis wants to say that he misses Edward too. But a lump is already growing in his throat, so he stays quiet.
Edward looks down for a moment, knows Louis is still upset. When he looks up again, he tries putting on a smile. "So, someone mistook me for Harry today. She started screaming at my face."
Louis' mouth twitches at that. He can imagine how alarmed Edward is with his shocked face and awkwardly trying to run away from the fan. He doesn't have anything in his mind to say other than imissyouimissyouiloveyoucomeback, but he knows it won't help the situation if he says that.
"I told her I'm not Harry, but she was too busy screaming to even hear me." Edward chuckles to himself as he recalls the event. "And when she finally heard what I was saying, she got so scared and ran away."
Louis smiles, amused. If he was with Edward when that happened, he would've been on the floor laughing.
"I think the only thing she can remember about Edward Styles is how he almost ran over a pap before." He makes a face as if it's ridiculous. "Well, I wasn't going to run her over. I wasn't even in a car!"
The Omega finally giggles at how confused Edward is.
The sound makes Edward forget what they're talking about, and all of a sudden he can't focus on anything other than how lovely Louis is when he giggles like that. He openly stares with an immeasurable amount of fondness on his face.
Louis blushes when he sees the way Edward is looking at him, ducking his head.
"I miss you." Edward says, his eyebrows furrowed together as if he's in pain. "All I do is think of you."
Louis feels a little bitter at that. That doesn't seems to be what Edward is thinking when he leaves Louis behind to be alone. Edward doesn't really think of him when he's with Louis, just thinks of him when they're not together. "Come home." Louis finally speaks for the first time since their video call started.
"Friday, yeah? I'll see you then?" Edward murmurs.
Louis takes a deep breath so he won't be angry, and when he has the strength to stay calm, he nods. "Okay."
Edward clears his throat. "I... uh." His face is flushed all of a sudden. "I saw the video Marcel sent me."
Louis recalls riding Marcel's cock like there was no tomorrow, recalls calling out Edward and Harry's name as if they're there too. And he almost drops the phone to hide. He uses his free hand to cover his face, making embarrassed sounds.
"It was so hot." Edward groans, his eyes shut. When he opens them, his eyes are not focus, as if he's imagining the scene happening in front of him.
"Stop thinking about it!!" Louis scolds, his face hot. He didn't think Marcel would actually send them the video.
Edward laughs. "It's the number one video in my wank material now."
Louis bites his lower lip.
"Can't wait to go home." Edward mumbles, staring at Louis on the screen. "I miss you."
"You already said that three times. Do you miss me or do you miss my arse?"
They continue to chat, laughing while they talk. Louis is still guarded, and Edward is careful with what he says, but Louis enjoys it, feels a pang in his heart every time Edward laughs.
By the time they're saying their goodbyes, Louis is close to tears again. He doesn't cry, though, holding them back while they exchange their 'I love you's.
He starts crying only after the call has ended.
Louis fumbles with his phone as he struggles to see through the tears, dialling for Eleanor's number. She answers within the first ring. "Hello?"
"Can you come over?" Louis sniffs into the line, wiping angrily at his cheeks.
"Babe, are you okay?" She asks with concern, already sounding like she's in a rush to get to him. Louis feels grateful.
He coughs to get rid of the uncomfortable feeling in his throat. "Not really. Come soon, please?"
"I'll be over with Pez as soon as I can."
The moment the door opens and the girls appear with worry etched on their faces, Perrie takes him into her arms. Louis feels relieved with the touch, even though he's probably clutching her too hard, but he buries his face at her neck, and before he knows it, her skin is wet with his tears. His sobs echo in the entrance hall.
Eleanor has a hand on his back, trying to comfort him while Perrie hushes him. Once he's a bit calmed, they take his hands to lead him inside until they're seated on the couch. Perrie pulls him back into her arms, and Eleanor drapes over him so that they're merged together in a group hug. He cries and cries and cries, and Perrie's jumper is soaked with salty tears, but she says nothing, just continues holding him, waiting for him to cry it out.
It takes too long for him to calm down, but eventually his tears stop, and he's left with nothing but quiet sniffs and puffy eyes.
"What's wrong?" Eleanor asks, her voice barely audible as she strokes her fingers through his hair.
Louis clears his throat, inhaling deeply as he pulls back from Perrie. "I miss my Alphas."
His friends pause in confusion. Perrie reaches out to wipe his tears away, then she cups his face so he would look at her. "Are you sure that's it?"
Louis nods, then he frowns. Then he shakes his head.
"What is it, Lou?" Eleanor prompts softly, her fingers still in his hair. It's comforting, somehow. "You know you can tell us anything."
"We won't judge." Perrie adds.
The male Omega sighs, a heavy sound that shifts his whole body. "I'm pregnant."
Eleanor and Perrie look like they've just walked into their own surprise birthday party.
"What!?" Both of them chorus in shock.
Louis starts crying again. "I'm pregnant." He repeats.
Eleanor leans forward to sniff him, then she gasps. "Oh my God, you do smell different!"
Perrie's lower lip trembles the longer she looks at Louis crying, and she takes him back into a hug. "Do they know?" She asks in a broken voice.
"No." Louis cries harder. "W-Want to wait."
"Oh, darling." Eleanor's mouth curves down, and she starts tearing up too.
They hold Louis until he stops crying.
"Have you thought about what you want to do today?" Zayn wonders when Louis climbs into the car the next evening.
Louis frowns at his friend, his hands slowing down where he's putting the seat belt on. "Um.., not really. Why?"
"Harry told me to take you to see Alex." The car smoothly transitions into its movement.
"Oh my God, yes! Please!" Louis almost jumps in his seat, his face lighting up like the Sun. "God, I haven't seen him since forever!"
Zayn laughs, happy that he got the reaction he was expecting. "Alright, then. Next stop, Alex."
Louis could barely contain his excitement as Zayn drives them to Louis' old flat. The building is as ugly as ever, but Louis holds the nostalgia fondly in his heart. It's only been five months, but Louis has always been quite sentimental when it comes to something that had been with him for a long time.
The Alpha chuckles when Louis chooses to run along the hall that leads to Alex's door instead of walk beside him. Zayn doesn't follow suit, not changing his pace, but he does keep an eye on the Omega. He's sort of worried if Louis falls over or anything, that'd be quite risky for him since his pregnancy is still early.
"Fucking hell!" Alex's voice can be heard from the outside when Louis starts pounding at the door as if he wants to knock the entrance down.
"You're scaring him, twat." Zayn scolds as he arrives where Louis is standing, tugging at his wrist so that he would stop his abuse on the poor wooden door.
Louis gives him a toothy grin, bouncing on the balls of his feet while they wait for Alex to open up.
The lock clicks. "Who the fuc-"
"Alex!!!" Louis shouts, not even waiting until the door has fully opened before he's already throwing himself at his best mate and almost making them fall over.
"Fucking Hell!"
"Louis!" Zayn rebukes while reaching out and gripping the Omega's arm so that he won't topple them both onto the floor.
Louis giggles, letting Zayn pull him up.
"Look, I get it. You missed me, no need to try and kill us all." Alex drawls, scowling at him.
The Omega dashes forward and hugs him again, this time properly. The Beta chuckles, holding on to Louis just as tightly as Louis is holding on to him.
Alex pulls back with a thoughtful hum and a frown, reaching out and touching Louis' belly. "See? I told you not to use the lift! Now your abs are gone!"
"Uh oh." Zayn says just as Louis freezes.
Louis's arms fall back from around Alex, and he looks so offended; as if Alex had just insulted his grandmother. The Omega huffs, stepping back and fitting himself at Zayn's side with his arms crossed.
Zayn laughs at the panicked look on Alex's face, placing his hand around Louis' waist while he uses his free hand to give a dismissive wave. "Let's talk inside." He suggests before the situation could get awkward.
Alex nods, still panicked and confused as he opens the door wider and steps back.
Zayn carefully guides Louis past the door, crinkling his nose at the tiny flat. He says nothing, though, afraid to have Louis feeling more insulted if Zayn makes a bad comment about anything involving him, past or present.
"Okay, what's going on?" Alex asks when all of them are seated.
Zayn looks at Louis in expectancy, and the Omega huffs again. He shuffles closer to Zayn.
"I'm not fat!" Louis suddenly bursts, glaring at his former flatmate. Zayn turns his head as he presses a fist to his mouth, trying to cover his chuckle with a cough.
Alex's mouth falls open. "I didn't say you were!"
"You implied it!"
"I was kidding! Did you leave for a few months and forgot what joking is?" Alex retorts.
Zayn places a hand on Louis' shoulder, signalling that Louis should just tell him instead of picking a fight with the lost Beta. He also doesn't want to risk Louis saying more ridiculous things that would make him laugh. It'd just make Louis upset and that won't be pretty for anyone.
Louis pouts, his blue eyes still glaring at Alex with an amount of petulance that makes Zayn feel like he's babysitting.
"I'm pregnant, you dickhead."
Alex bursts out laughing, thinking that it's a joke. It sure is funny.
But when he sees that Zayn and Louis are staring at him with stricken faces, he pauses, eyes widening. "Oh shit, you're serious!" Then he laughs again, this time in delight. "Lou, that's great!"
Louis doesn't lose his pout even when Alex comes to hug him. "Told you I'm not fat."
"Told you I didn't say you were." Alex rolls his eyes. "And even if you were, there's nothing wrong with it."
"Lou is a little emotional now that he's pregnant." Zayn tells Alex with a grin, playfully punching at Louis' arm. "Always have to be careful with what you say."
Louis harrumphs in annoyance, rolling his eyes but he doesn't look too angry.
Alex grins. "What did your boys say?" He wonders, eager to hear the triplets' reactions upon finding out that their Omega has got a bun in the oven.
Zayn and Louis fall silent, their expressions morphing into a mixture of sadness and disappointment.
"They don't, they don't know yet." Louis stammers, unwilling to look at Alex in the eye.
Alex frowns, his gaze fleeting to Zayn. "Why not?"
Zayn scratches his forehead. "Um..." He hesitates, sneaking a peek at Louis' face to make sure that it's okay for him to say something about it. When he's certain that Louis has no objection to him being the one telling Alex, Zayn continues. "They haven't really been home."
"Where do they go?" Alex asks, his frown lingering on his face. He already looks a little angry although Zayn had only said a sentence.
"Harry's in America, Marcel is in Germany. And Edward has to go away a lot. He's now in Dubai." Louis mumbles, eyes still casted down.
"What?!" Alex booms, making Louis flinch back in surprise. The Beta quickly holds out a hand, reassuring his friend. "Sorry, didn't mean to do that." His expression softens, then his anger resurfaces again. "That's so fucking stupid. Don't they realise that they have you now? Why are they leaving?!"
Louis shakes his head, a silent gesture that says he doesn't have the slightest idea.
"What a bunch of dicks!" Alex almost shouts, his hands already curled into fists. That tells Louis a lot about how mad the Beta is. And yet, Louis feels like he can never be as angry at his Alphas as other people are.
Zayn is proud that Alex is protective of the Omega as much as he is, but he doesn't want Louis to feel bad by talking about the triplets too much. He was planning to have Louis see Alex so that it'd cheer him up, so he gives Alex a look. "Louis came over to see you. Let's keep him a happy, pregnant Omega."
"Right." Alex sighs. "Do you want anything to drink to start with that?"
Louis thinks about it. "Make me tea."
"Alright." Alex smiles, clapping him on the shoulder. Then he turns to Zayn. "You want anything, mate?"
"Just water will do, thanks."
Alex stands up, ready to leave for the kitchen. But Zayn holding out a hand stops him from walking away.
"Make sure to add sugar in Lou's tea. Pregnancy changed his taste." Zayn reminds him.
Alex raises his eyebrows, but thankfully he says nothing. He gives Zayn a nod as an affirmation, then continues with his short journey to the kitchen.
Louis is no longer beside him when Zayn turns to look at him, instead the Omega is up and bending over the other couch while he tries to look for the remote. He's mumbling something about how Alex is watching stupid shows on the telly, and how it probably happened because Alex can't find the remote and only Louis can find it. Zayn chuckles to himself, but then he calls out to the Omega for his attention. "Hey, you want to have dinner later on?"
Louis brightens up, momentarily forgetting the lost remote upon the offer Zayn made. "Yeah, sure! I really want to have some Thai."
"Alright. I'll book a table." Zayn nods, pulling out his phone.
Louis returns to his seat beside the Alpha, placing a hand on Zayn's thigh while he leans forward to kiss his cheek. "Thank you."
"You're welcome, babe." He smiles, then an idea crosses his mind. "We should ask Alex to join us."
"Join you for what?" Alex questions, having reappeared with a tray of two mugs and a glass. He passes the water to Zayn, then warily gives Louis the tea.
"Zayn and I are having Thai tonight." Louis tells him, carefully bringing the mug up to his mouth before he starts to take a tiny sip on his tea. The Beta and the Alpha watch him quietly, waiting for his reaction with bated breath. Zayn almost wants to run in case Alex made it wrong. "Thank you, Alex. You made it perfectly!"
Zayn sighs in relief, brushing his hand down his chest.
"You're welcome." Alex replies, clearly more relieved than he thought he would be after he sees how Zayn reacted. "Thai?" He asks, turning to Zayn.
Zayn holds up his phone. "Yeah, I'm going to make a booking now if you want to come along."
Alex grins but shakes his head. "It's alright, mate. Hailey promised me her lasagna tonight."
The Beta doesn't look offended at all when Louis scoffs, knows it was done in a teasing manner. "You've always been obsessed with that."
"Well, it's bloody good. Don't blame me."
Zayn squeezes Louis' knee, a silent gesture before he stands up to leave for the phone call. He wants to let Louis and Alex talk while he makes the booking for their dinner.
"Your Alphas are shitty, mate." Alex says the moment Zayn disappears out of the front door.
Louis puts the mug down, glaring. "What makes you say that?"
"Well, first of all, you're here, and they're.... not even in the country." Alex drawls, pointing at his index finger, then his middle finger. "Second of all, you look like shit. You're fucking brooding, for fuck's sake, so that tells me a lot about how your Alphas have been treating you lately."
"Suddenly you know everything about me?" Louis cuts in before Alex could continue.
"I've lived with you for years, I know how you are when you're sad." Alex doesn't even blink. Then his face softens. "What happened, Lou?"
Louis shrugs, his little hands reaching out to place the mug on the table as he looks up at his former flatmate. "I don't know, Al. One moment I had it all, I was so happy. And suddenly Harry and Marcel left. And Edward started leaving too. They were all slipping away from me, day by day. And now I'm all alone in that mansion, and I don't know what's happening anymore."
Alex scoots closer, wrapping an arm around Louis. "I'm sorry." He murmurs, pressing their heads together. "Why haven't you told them yet?"
Louis' lips twitch into a slight smile. "I want to see their faces. It won't exactly be as meaningful if they're not in front of me."
"Well, when do you plan to tell them, then? You said none of them would be home?"
"Marcel told me that he and Harry didn't want to leave anymore. They knew it was affecting me. So they're coming back by the end of this month. I hope Edward isn't going anywhere; I'd really like to tell them as soon as possible." Louis shrugs, and even that action is half-hearted.
Alex relaxes a little upon hearing that, but he's still in disapproval. He can't imagine Louis having to stay alone in that ginormous place they call home while he's pregnant. It'd definitely affect him, and the outcome won't be a positive one.
"Things would be okay, soon." Louis says, trying to convince himself. Alex can see that his friend is struggling to even get by another day, and he admires how strong Louis is.
Alex hugs him properly. "If they can't see how bad you have it and get their shit together soon, I'll have their heads." The Beta promises, squeezing the Omega in his arms.
Louis laughs, knows that it's impossible. But he appreciates it anyway.
Zayn is relieved that Louis is in a good mood after last night. He was even chatty and loud when they had dinner. Seeing Alex had successfully cheered him up, and Zayn is happy to see his best friend happy again. "Have you had breakfast?" He asks Louis as he drove out of the compound.
"Yeah." Louis nods, though his unfocused eyes show that he's currently thinking. "But can we stop by Starbucks later? I want coffee."
"Would you like anything?" Louis wonders to the Alpha when they arrive and the car is parked. They can see the Starbucks sign from inside the car.
"No, it's alright."
Louis doesn't spend too long in the store, not wanting to be late. He does add a stop to buy a newspaper, though. Louis scans the titles, trying to decide which one he's interested on reading for today.
He freezes when he sees his face on the front page. Louis shakes his head, blinking again to make sure that he's not seeing things. There he is, on front page.
Zayn Malik and Styles' Omega?
Louis frowns at the title. He tilts his head as he looks at the pictures. There is a big one where he and Zayn went to dinner last night, both of them laughing, and a smaller one that holds a photo of when Louis and Zayn went for ice cream, then a few other ones of them being seen when Zayn was driving him.
The Sun is a pretty shitty paper, so Louis doesn't want to waste his money on such piece of trash. He heads back to the car, fuming.
"What's up?" Zayn wonders when he sees the look on Louis' face as he climbs back inside the passenger seat. He worked to have Louis happy again, and now it's already going wrong.
"Did you see the news?" Louis asks, his good mood ruined.
Zayn frowns, shaking his head. "Why? Was Harry seen with a pretty model again?"
In another day, Louis would threaten Zayn with murder so he would explain what he means with 'again', but today is not that day. "No. I was, apparently."
Zayn raises his eyebrows, already pulling his phone out at the expression on Louis' face. "Is the pretty model you're talking about, me?"
Louis doesn't say a word, nodding to the phone in Zayn's hold. "Look up your name."
The Alpha types it down, waiting for a moment, then he scrolls, and taps.
Zayn bursts out laughing after he reads the first line. "They called you a twink!"
Louis' mouth drops open. "Not again!"
"Listen to this." Zayn says, holding up a finger as he starts reading the content out loud. "Supermodel Zayn Malik was seen having a romantic dinner with the pretty twink, lover of the famous Styles triplets. This is not the first time the two are seen together. Last week, Malik and the Omega had a cosy time getting some ice cream. Both looked extremely happy when they're around each other. Should Harry Styles and his brothers be worried?"
Louis rolls his eyes. "Bullshit."
"They love making stories out of nothing." Zayn shrugs, putting his phone down and pulling the car out of the parking. "You know the Sun is a fucking joke. Don't worry about it."
Louis sips on his Starbucks. "How did they even find us?" He asks in disbelief. He can't recall seeing any paps.
Zayn shrugs again. "Maybe there was another celebrity nearby, and a pap saw us and took the chance."
"Doesn't explain how they got pictures when we went for ice cream."
"Hey.." Zayn mutters, placing a hand on Louis' thigh to comfort him. "There's nothing to worry, yeah? We know those rumours aren't true."
"I know." Louis sighs. "But I don't want to be seen as unfaithful." He grumbles. "This is all your fault."
"My fault?!"
"If you weren't famous too, this wouldn't have happened!" Louis blames him.
Zayn stares at him, then cackles out loud. "Oh my God, you're actually serious!"
Louis would pour his coffee on Zayn if the Alpha isn't driving.
Louis stares out of the window as the Audi rolls to a stop. His heart aches, yearning for the person in that plane. He can already feel his Alpha's presence, wanting nothing more than to run out and hold him tight. But he tells himself to be patient, to wait.
He watches as Edward steps out of the plane, and after taking a few deep breaths, Louis finally has the courage to make a move to climb out of the car.
The moment Edward glances his way, Louis' heart kick-starts.
The Omega doesn't trust his limbs, which is why he stays rooted to his spot after he slams the door shut, all the while his eyes follow Edward's figure as he makes his way towards the car. If his knee wouldn't give out within the first step, Louis would already be running towards his Alpha.
The wind blows, gentle in the open area. It carries Louis' favourite scent with it as the breeze brushes across his cheek, and Louis closes his eyes to inhale deeply. When his blue eyes open again, Edward is standing in front of him. Close, but not close enough.
"Hi." Edward says carefully, his eyes searching Louis' eyes. His stance is a little guarded, and Louis understands why. It wasn't exactly a clean, peaceful parting they had when Edward departed.
Louis closes their distance, burying his face into the scent he's missed so much. It's been seven days, and it was one hundred and sixty eight hours of Hell without him. "Hi." He whispers, relaxing against the strong chest when Edward's hand presses onto his back.
Edward kisses the top of his head, his forehead, down to his cheek, before his mouth closes upon Louis'.
The Omega almost wants to laugh at the absurdity of the whole situation when his knees buckle underneath him the moment Edward's lips touch his. He clings tightly to the Alpha, strong arms the only thing holding him up.
Edward pulls back, a small, contented smile plastered across his lips as he stares at Louis' face. He opens the car door with one hand, his other arm holding Louis tightly to his side. After helping the Omega slide into the backseat, Edward climbs in as well.
No words are spoken during the whole ride home. The couple is happy with the comfortable silence, none of them moving even a bit from their position. Louis is tucked beneath Edward's arm, his head resting on his shoulder while Edward presses his cheek to Louis' hair.
Edward holds his hand while they walk to the front door after their driver dropped them off. They help each other out of their coats, occasionally sharing a kiss here and there before they enter the house further.
Their dinner is silent, but Louis knows that whatever they have to say, it can wait. They're comfortable with it, and they know that even though things are not at their best, they're okay. That's the only thing that matters.
Edward waits up with him for Harry to come back.
The younger Alpha walks inside after one in the morning, but despite how sleepy and tired he is, Louis has never felt more content than when he's hugging Harry tightly and Edward holds them both from behind him. Louis wishes that Marcel is here too, but he knows that in a few weeks, he'll have his Alphas again, so this is good enough for now.
He sleeps with his face buried in Edward's chest and Harry draped over his back. Louis doesn't even twitch throughout the night.
"Good morning, Princess." Harry chirps, peppering Louis' face with kisses to wake him up.
Louis smiles, turning his head right and left to avoid the ticklish touch of lips against his skin. "Harry." He scolds in a playful tone.
Harry grips his cheek, holding him in place so he could kiss him on the mouth. Louis instantly relaxes, moving his lips according to Harry's pace as his arms curl around the Alpha's body.
"Good morning." Louis finally replies, kissing him again.
"Did you miss me?" Harry asks. His fingers pinch and nudge at Louis' cheek, just to annoy the Omega.
Louis holds his Alpha tight in lieu of a reply, bringing his legs up to wrap around Harry as well.
"I'll take that as a yes, then." He smirks, stroking Louis' hair as he rests his body on top of the Omega's without crushing him. Every inch of their fronts press together that Louis can feel Harry's warmth seeping into his skin.
There is something in Louis' chest at the thought that his Alpha is so close to the seed they've planted inside his womb. He doesn't know if he can wait any longer, but he wants it to be special for them. "Missed you so, so, so much."
"Missed you so, so, so much too." Harry replies, dimpling as he drops a kiss on the tip of Louis' nose.
Louis tilts his chin up so their mouths slot together, smiling when Harry licks across his bottom lip.
Harry gets off of him, leaving Louis to lie there a little bit longer while he gets up to do some stretching. The Omega grins, copying him and stretching out all his limbs until he feels his joints popping and relieving his muscles. He rolls over to find Edward seated next to him, his eyes fixed on his phone while he leans against the headboard.
Louis lights up with delight, sitting up and beaming at his Alpha. "Hi." He says, placing a hand on Edward's thigh as he crawls over to sit in between his legs.
Edward's eyes briefly glance at him, then a smile forms on the Alpha's face as he refocus on his phone again. "Morning, baby."
Louis pouts, hoping to get his attention. He scoots closer, wanting Edward to abandon his phone. "Babe.." He whines.
"What, love?" Edward asks, still not taking his eyes away from his screen. He can feel Harry watching him.
"Stop being on your phone." Louis requests.
"Mm, okay." Edward replies, clearly hasn't properly heard what Louis said.
Louis clicks his tongue, ducking down so he could come up in the loop Edward's formed with his arms where he's holding the device Louis is starting to hate. "Edward." He calls, nudging one of the Alpha's arms off so he'd only hold the phone in one hand.
"Lou." Edward's voice holds a warning tone.
The Omega sighs, burying his face into Edward's neck and inhaling his scent. He feels a palm on his waist and smiles at the touch from his Alpha. "Let's go have breakfast." Louis suggests.
"Okay." Edward nods, still not looking at Louis.
Louis feels his face falls, and when he glances at Harry, the Alpha is glaring at his brother.
The Omega purses his lips, then without a second thought, he snatches the phone away from Edward's grip. "Breakfast." He enthusiastically says when Edward stares at him in disbelief.
Edward's jaws clench. "Lou, give me back my phone." He warns.
"Let's have breakfast, first. Then you can get back to work." Louis clutches the phone to his chest as he pleads.
Harry makes a sound of agreement. "Work can wait."
"Louis." Edward groans, already trying to reach for it again. The Omega holds onto it tightly. "Louis, my phone!" Edward barks, his voice causing Louis to flinch. Tears sprang in the Omega's eyes, not from being yelled at, but at the fact that Edward is yelling at him because Louis is trying to have them spend time together instead of letting him work.
"Fine." Louis breathes, crawling away from Edward before throwing the phone at him. The device hits him on the chest, then flops onto the mattress.
Harry growls low in his throat, and Edward's eyes snap up. He snarls back, louder.
"Harry, let's go have breakfast, please." Louis offers Harry a smile, holding his hand out. Tears have ran down his face, his voice cracking when he speaks. It's enough to make Harry drop his disagreement with his brother to attend to his Omega.
He walks over to Louis, wrapping him up with one arm before they start to walk out of the room. Edward says nothing as they leave, and it's what makes Louis bury his face at Harry's neck and starts sobbing the moment the door closes.
"Fucking idiot." Harry mutters low in his breath as he rubs his hand up and down the Omega's back.
Edward looks up when his office door is thrown open, a furious Harry walking in. He rolls his eyes when the door slams shut, Harry stopping in front of his table with his hands on his hips. "What?"
"What's your problem?" Harry asks, despising the sight of Edward still working. It's a Sunday, and even after he's made Louis cry yesterday, Edward still won't think to stop and give his Omega attention. He made Louis cry again last night, when the Omega was laughing at the telly. Edward was trying to work do some work in the bedroom, but Louis was apparently too loud. The Alpha had yelled at him again, then proceeded to continue his work in his office. Harry came out of the bathroom to another crying Louis.
Edward pinches the bridge of his nose, huffing in irritation. "If you want something, just spit it out. I have work to settle."
"Did you forget that you have an Omega now?" Harry crosses his arms, raising his voice. He's so angry. Edward was so insecure at their early point of relationship, not wanting to fuck things up and make them lose Louis. But now his brother is doing exactly the opposite.
"No, I didn't." Edward replies, calm and collected. "What do you have against me, Harry?"
"You've made him cry twice in the past twenty four hours." Harry growls through gritted teeth. "Is that not a problem to you?"
Edward looks regretful, and for a second Harry is thankful that his brother still has human feelings. "He's become so emotional these days, Haz. It's not my fault he keeps crying."
"Fucking Hell, Edward!" Harry storms over to the table, slamming his fist down. "Maybe if you'd stop abandoning him, he won't be so emotional! You promised us you'd stay with him."
"I said I would if I didn't have to travel." Edward protests.
Harry wants to punch him across the face. "You could've just asked for someone else. We made a pact, Edward. You knew that Marcel and I were leaving. You could have rearranged your meetings."
"No, fuck you, Edward. You kept leaving him, and when you're home, you don't even spend time with him." Harry shakes his head, furious. "You're leaving him." His words are full of regret. "Like you left me."
Edward shoots up, reaching out for his brother but his hand is slapped away the moment he moves it. "You know that was a mistake."
"And you're doing it again." Harry spits, pushing away from the table as he turns around. "Marcel and I are coming back at the end of the month. Whatever you want to do then, it's up to you."
"Harry, please."
Harry ignores him, slamming the door close on his way out.
Louis is a little surprised when he sees Edward's face staring at him from the screen. It's lunch time, the hour they'd usually spend to talk before, but since there was a time difference when Edward left for Dubai last week, Louis had gotten used to having lunch without his Alpha's voice filling his break.
"Hi." Louis' voice is quiet when he answers, clipped. He's still upset with what Edward did that weekend, and they've barely talked after Harry left. The Omega will rush to get ready in the morning so that he can have breakfast while Edward is still getting dressed. They also had a fight because Louis didn't want Edward to drive him to work anymore and Edward insisted, but Louis gave in just because both of them were already late.
"Hello." Edward sounds awkward. "Are you having lunch?"
"Yeah, just about to." Louis murmurs, leaning back in his seat. He was about to leave, but food is so irrelevant compared to Edward's voice.
Edward clears his throat. "Do you want to have lunch with me, instead?"
Louis pauses, wondering if Edward is being serious. There's no way he's asking Louis out for lunch. He's usually too busy. "Um, what?"
"I'm outside your building right now...." Edward trails off, making Louis widen his eyes.
"Edward!" He scolds, already jumping to his feet and running out. "You can't do that!"
"But I did." Edward replies, amused.
Louis rolls his eyes, slowing down when he leaves the entrance and Edward's in his Bugatti and indeed, waiting for him. Rich bastard and his luxurious car, insufferable. "You're an idiot."
"I know." Edward replies, then cuts off the call.
The Alpha tugs at his arm the moment he climbs inside, and suddenly his lips are on Louis' thin ones, his hands going to clutch at Louis' face.
"Hi." Louis breathes, unable to stop his grin when Edward pulls back, his hands still holding Louis' cheeks.
"Baby." Edward searches his eyes, stroking his cheek with a thumb. "I'm sorry."
Louis peels one of Edward's hands off his face, turning it over and kissing it. Then he gives Edward a reassuring smile, but he says nothing about it. "Lunch now?"
Edward ducks his head, knows that Louis accepts his apology, but chooses not to forgive him yet. He nods, understands. "Alright, okay. Let's go." He leans forward, kissing Louis one more time before he finally releases the Omega and turns back to the road. Then he pauses. "I almost forgot."
Louis watches him quietly as Edward reaches into the back, and suddenly a huge bouquet of roses is in his face. "For me?" The Omega asks in disbelief.
Edward nods, biting on his lower lip as Louis takes it from his hold.
Louis blushes, his face doing weird things as he struggles to control his expression. His heart is growing, and he appreciates the gift. "Thank you."
The Alpha puts the car into motion as he smiles in reply. "What would you like to eat?"
Louis touches his tummy with his free hand, pursing his lips. "I've never had oyster before."
That takes Edward by surprise, and he widens his eyes. "Oyster?" He repeats, chuckling. "You'd like to have oyster?"
The Omega pouts, nodding. "Can we have oyster?"
"Of course, babe. Anything for you." Edward speeds up the car, wanting to save as much time as possible.
Louis cheers, leaning back in his seat. He turns to Edward, his heart skipping a beat at the sight of his Alpha driving. Such weird, simple things that keep reminding him that he's in love. Louis exchanges the bouquet into his other arm so he could hold one out to Edward. "Give me your hand."
Edward doesn't waste a second, taking one of his hands off the steering wheel. His fingers find Louis' slender ones, and then their palms mould together while Edward drives.
Louis sighs, his thumb rubbing small circles on Edward's skin. "I love you, Edward Styles."
"I love you too, Louis Tomlinson."
"This is so good!" Louis moans, gripping at the table cloth.
"Princess, stop making those sounds." Edward ducks his head to hiss at his Omega, then his back straightens again, growling low in his throat when other unmated Alphas glance their way. Then he whispers at Louis again. "You're drawing attention to yourself."
Louis looks up at him, eyes glazed over. "Why didn't you ever let me eat oyster?" He asks, betrayed.
Edward deadpans, dragging his palm down his face. He smiles in the midst of his exasperation, reaching out and cleaning a smudge on Louis' cheek. "You're so annoying." He murmurs.
Louis grins, squirming in his seat. He's read somewhere that oysters increase sex drive, especially in Omega. But he can't afford to let his thoughts travel there, or he won't get back to work at all. They've only got forty five minutes left, and Louis would rather finish his oyster than have a quickie.
Louis takes another bite of the fried oyster, then another mewl escapes his mouth. "God, it's so good." He throws his head back, his fingers gripping at Edward's sleeve.
"The sounds you make are obscene, Omega." Edward mutters low in his throat, his eyes following the motion of Louis leaning forward and swallowing another one.
Louis presses his lips together this time, suppressing the pleased sound his body is in the urge to make.
"Finish this and I'll drive you back to the nursery." Edward shakes his head in amusement.
"Okay." Louis preens at the way Edward is looking at him.
Thankfully, Louis only has a couple more of oysters to finish before he's done. Edward has never really liked those, so he can't say he understands the appeal. But he's happy to see how content Louis looks as he leads the petite Omega out of the restaurant twenty minutes later.
Louis releases his hand, full of glee as he skips ahead of Edward. He's unaware of the Alpha's eyes scanning down his figure while he does so.
Edward loves how thick Louis has gotten since he moved in, and he can't wait until they get home in the evening so he can ravish his sweet Omega.
"Thank you for taking me to lunch." Louis says quietly as the car slows to a stop in front of the nursery. Edward puts the car into park, then turns to his Omega with a grin.
"Was quite a sight seeing you like that." He teases, making Louis blush scarlet.
"I didn't do it on purpose!" He huffs.
The Alpha leans into the passenger side, dropping a kiss on his cheek. "I know, baby. Was hot, though." Then he scowls. "Though, other Alphas were quite eager to see you behaving in such ways."
"You don't have to worry, you know that." Louis hums, tilting his face so that Edward's lips would enclose upon his. Then he presses their foreheads together as their mouths part. "I'm yours."
"I know." Edward breathes, pecking him again.
Louis sighs when Edward returns to his seat. "I'll see you tonight."
"I'm picking you up." Edward tells him, smirking when Louis lights up like a Christmas tree.
"Really?" Louis squeals when the Alpha nods, surging forward to wrap his arms around Edward's neck, peppering his face with kisses. "Yes, yes!"
Edward chuckles, letting Louis press his lips to his cheek longer. "I'll see you, pretty boy."
"See you, my strong Alpha." Louis teases, leaning down to bite on Edward's earlobe.
Edward groans, his palm flattening on Louis' back. "Don't tease me like this, baby." His palm slides down until he's cupping at Louis' arse.
Louis grabs at Edward's wrist, tossing it away and pulling back. He reaches back for the bouquet of roses before throwing the door open, then blows Edward a kiss. "See you, baby."
Edward throws his head back, groaning as he watches the way Louis sways his hips as he walks back into the nursery.
Edward tangles his fingers into Louis' hair, cursing loudly as the car swerves a little but he quickly regains control. "Fuck." He gasps, his arm flexing as he grips at the steering wheel tightly. "Fucking minx."
Louis hums, causing the Alpha to curse again. His mouth is full of his Alpha's cock, sliding up and down happily. He's bent over the console, hand gripping at Edward's thigh. The angle is a little uncomfortable, but the way Edward is losing his mind makes up for it.
Louis' mouth is full of come by the time the car is parked in the garage, badly if he says so. Edward usually makes sure that every car is parked perfectly, but today seems not to be the day because the Alpha is already cutting off the engine. Louis doesn't even manage to close the car door after he exits when Edward does it for him, then takes him into his arms.
Louis screams as he holds on to Edward's neck, his thighs wrapping at his waist while Edward carries him up.
They make it to the nearest guest room on the second floor before Edward is shoving him down onto the bed, pushing his trousers down and Louis gets a tongue in his arse.
Louis has been falling asleep and waking up smiling for the past five days, always in his Alpha's embrace. He can't describe how happy he feels to be woken up by Edward kissing at his hair, at his cheek, or tickling him. On Thursday, both of them are late to work because Louis woke up with two fingers in his arse and a tongue on his nipple.
On top of that, Harry and Marcel are going to come home in two more weeks. Louis is smiling where ever he goes.
He wakes up alone on Saturday, the bed cold around him. Louis rubs his eyes, then goes to grab his phone to see what time it is. The clock shows that it's only ten in the morning.
He doesn't have to wonder where Edward is, because ten seconds later the Alpha walks into the door with a tray of breakfast in his hands.
Edward beams when he sees that Louis is already awake. "Good morning, Princess."
Louis sprawls out on the bed, blinking lazily at Edward when the Alpha stops by the bed. "Morning."
"Made you breakfast." Edward is careful as he sits down, making sure not to spill anything.
Louis' eyes widen, and he quickly sits up. "You made breakfast?!"
"Yeah." Edward is sheepish as he replies. "I'm not as good as Harry and Marcel, but I'm not that bad with food, either." He shrugs.
Louis is positively melting. "You cooked for me." It's not a question.
"I did." Edward smiles to confirm.
Louis can't be more in love with Edward even if the Gods try. The knowledge that his Alpha cooked for him makes him so happy that he's unable to stop smiling.
He coos, grabbing Edward's face so he could kiss him on the cheek. "Aw baby, you cooked for me." He repeats, more excited this time.
"It's just cooking." Edward rolls his eyes.
Louis shrugs. "Still."
"Come on now, I almost burned myself trying to make pancakes for you." He says, nodding at the pancakes sitting nicely on the plate. They look brown and fluffy, but Edward still worries about the taste.
"It's just pancakes." Louis assures him. "How do you even fuck pancakes up?"
Edward cocks his head. "Don't talk as if you've ever tried making pancakes in your life."
"I'll burn the whole house down, you know that." Louis retorts, already reaching for the fork to spear a bit of the food.
Edward doesn't reply, distracted by Louis trying to taste his cooking. He appears nervous as the Omega pops the bit of pancake into his mouth. Louis purses his lips as he chews, humming. "Well?" The Alpha frowns, impatient.
Instead of replying, Louis takes another bit of the pancake and presses it against Edward's lips. The Alpha opens up, then relaxes when the pancake doesn't taste like shit. "It's delicious. Thank you, darling." Louis is fond when he says that, and he quickly takes another bite to prove what he said.
"I love you." Edward whispers, unable to take his eyes off of Louis' face. The Omega blushes, but he doesn't look away from Edward's eyes. "You're the most important thing to me." He says, cupping Louis' face.
Louis' face falls a little, his smile getting smaller. "I think it's time you start acting like it."
Edward says nothing.
Louis' muscles ache a little with fatigue, though there are hints of satisfaction hiding within his bones. His hole is sore as he's used to, and it's delicious.
They've had sex for so many times that Louis can't keep count anymore. Honestly, it's all his fault. It's really hard to stop himself from jumping on Edward now that his Alpha is always in front of him.
Edward actually complained about his cock 'falling off' but Louis heard nothing of that sort when he was riding Edward in their tub this morning, so the Omega knows that his Alpha likes it.
Louis has so many bruises on his body that it reminds him of their heat and rut, and he's as pregnant as he can be with how much come he took in his arse.
"Are you thinking about my cock again?" Edward asks from where he is sitting, peeking from behind the newspaper in his hands.
Louis points out his tongue. "It's mine. I can do what I want with it."
"Stop objectifying me."
The Omega rolls his eyes. "Your cock is safe." He smirks. "For now."
"Jesus." Edward shakes his head. "Aren't you sore?"
Louis raises his eyebrows. "Is that supposed to stop me?"
"I know I shouldn't have given in." Edward says in mock regret. "Now I'm a sex slave."
"Stop being so dramatic."
Louis hums, pulling up his phone and scrolling through his Instagram. He sees a picture of Harry on set, being his goofy self as usual. Fondness spreads in his chest, and Louis quickly double taps to like it.
He gets off the sofa he's sitting on, then walks over to Edward, flopping on to his lap and crumpling the newspaper Edward is reading. "Let's take a selfie."
"Why?" Is what Edward replies, looking at his newspaper Louis just sat on. It's all destroyed now. Sad.
"Because, you look really handsome." Louis shows his teeth, wrapping an arm around Edward's neck.
"Please." Louis pouts, slapping at Edward's chest.
The Alpha sighs, pecking his lips. "Fine."
"Yeay!" Louis shifts on the Alpha's lap, turning around so that his back is pressed to Edward's chest. The Alpha rests his chin on Louis' shoulder, fitting their heads together while Louis opens up the camera app. The Omega tugs at the sleeve of his Alpha's jumper that he's wearing, making sure it covers his hand before he brings it up to press it under his jaw. "Smile, babe." He tells Edward before taking a photo.
"You look beautiful." Edward murmurs when they look back at the photo, kissing Louis' hair.
"We look so good together." Louis coos.
"We should get it printed and framed."
"We should!" Louis agrees. "We need more pictures of me in this house!"
"Oh Lord, I'm already getting tired of looking at your face."
Louis stands sideways in front of the mirror, his shirt pulled up until it's bundled above his chest. His nipples are slightly darker now, a bit sore but other than that they look the same. His belly is no longer soft, now firm and a little stretched. His little pudge has grown, and Louis bites his lip to contain his happiness that he's already starting to show despite that he's only in his seventh weeks. He's read online that there's a possibility for twins if a mother starts to show earlier than usual. The fact that his Alphas are triplets and he also has twins in his family makes it possible that he's probably carrying twins.
He gently caresses the skin, feeling his heart grows. "Hello, love." He says quietly, staring down at his own belly. "I hope you're comfortable in there." The Omega giggles, a bit giddy as he talks to his child. He knows that he can't be heard yet, but he has the urge to do so, wants his baby to be familiar with his voice before they can even hear. "You're still so tiny, just a little raspberry from what I've read. We have a long way to go, and we've only just started, but I know that this will be quite a journey."
Louis doesn't worry about Edward accidentally finding him like this. The Alpha is taking a nap, and Louis knows he would only wake up when it's time for dinner.
"Your Papas don't know about you, yet. But I'll tell them soon enough. Though, I don't know if they're ready for you." He pauses, still smiling. "But I am. You are my main priority now, my number one importance. I hope I'll be a good mother to you."
"I was a little scared at first, when I found out about you. But now I know that I have nothing to be afraid of. I still can't believe that you are growing inside me." He strokes his thumb over his skin, his palm splayed over the slight curve. "I already love you so much, and I'm sure your Papas will love you too."
His smile widens. "Papa Harry and Papa Marcel are coming back soon. And Papa Edward is staying more now. I can't wait to tell them about you. Let's hope Papa Edward won't go anywhere again so he can take care of us." Louis hums. "But whatever happens, you'll always have me, yeah?"
Louis pulls his shirt down, amused when his belly can't really be seen when the clothing covers his body. But he knows that he's showing.
"Fuck you, Edward!"
The Omega sobs, ignoring Edward's voice calling for his name. He dashes straight for one of the guest rooms, throwing the door close and locking it straight away.
"Louis." Edward knocks on the door. "Louis, baby, please. Open the door."
The Omega clutches his phone to his chest, one of the only things he managed to bring with him when ran out of their room, unable to see or breathe with how hard he's crying.
"Louis, please. I'm sorry." Edward begs, his knuckles still knocking. "Baby, you know why I did that."
"No." Louis protests. "I don't know, Edward."
"We were happy. You were happy. I didn't want to ruin that." Edward tells him, pausing his knocking so he can be heard.
"You ruined it the moment you keep something like that away from me. You're leaving me again." Louis accuses, his voice slightly muffled with the door standing in between them.
Edward restarts the knocking. "Please open the door, Lou. I know I messed up. Please let me in."
Louis places a hand on his belly, tears non stop as they run down his face. "Five days, Edward. You're leaving me for five more days." He wails.
"Lou, please. I'm leaving tomorrow. I don't want to leave with you being mad at me."
"And I don't want you to leave."
"Louis, please. I don't know what to do, baby."
"You know what you should do. You should stay."
"Louis, I know it feels like I'm putting the company first right now, but it'll be over soon."
Louis' brain racks as he curls into himself, wondering if he's truly just over reacting. Partners make sacrifices, and Louis quietly asks himself if he's just refusing to make one. Is he being selfish?
But Edward is the one who won't sacrifice from his end. Louis had already went through a month with Edward being distant and focused on his work. No, Louis has the right to ask him to stay.
"How many times are you going to say that until you left me abandoned, Edward?"
"Lou, I'm not abandoning you."
"Leave me alone."
It's silent for a moment, and after a few minutes have passed, Louis is certain that Edward has left. He grabs a pillow, shoving his face into the fluffy material before crying himself to sleep.
Louis wakes up when Edward knocks at the door again the next morning.
"Lou, I have to leave soon." The Alpha says quietly behind the door. "Wouldn't you come out and see me first?"
Louis sits up on the bed, rubbing at his eyes. He was too tired from all the crying that he slept through the whole night.
He stares at the door, not knowing what he's feeling. He doesn't know if it's better to see him before he leaves or not to see him at all. "You're really leaving." Is what he says. It happened too many times before and yet Louis still has troubles believing it.
"I'm sorry, Lou. But I'd like to see you before I go."
"I can't." Louis whispers, hugging his knees close to his chest. It's already so painful, knowing he's going to fall asleep alone again tonight, wake up alone, have dinner alone, drive home alone. "Just go, Edward."
No reply meets him, and for a moment Louis almost thinks that Edward has already gone. But then the Alpha starts knocking again. "Lou, please. Don't do this. I don't want to go without seeing you."
"And I don't want to see you go."
"Louis, please don't make this difficult." Edward says in exasperation.
The Omega gives in, hopping off of the bed in anger and pulling the door open. "Difficult? I make this difficult?" Louis asks, furious. "How could you say that, Edward? I'm-" pregnant with your child "- lonely every time you go, and you don't think about that."
"Then come with me."
Louis scoffs in disbelief. "And do what, exactly? Sit around like a fool waiting for you to come home?" He challenges, crossing his arms.
"Well, what do you want me to do, then?" Edward asks back impatiently, his voice slightly rising. At his tone, Louis glares at him and offers him no reply. The Alpha sighs then. "You can wait for me at the hotel, or you could wait for me here, home."
Louis recognises his tone. It says that his decision is final, and Louis shall not push it anymore. But Louis softly speaks up with a crack in his voice. "My home is you."
"You made the promise to take care of me when you bonded me. You're my Alpha, you're supposed to care for me." He starts, unable to stop the tears from brimming at his eyes. "I should not wake up every day and feel like I'm feeling ungrateful for wishing that my Alpha would be with me. Marcel said you'd stay with me."
"Lou.." Edward tries again, but Louis cuts him off.
"I shouldn't have to eat dinner alone every single night, wondering when things went wrong! You probably don't care about how I'm feeling, you get to sleep in peace in your hotel room knowing that you did your job but your Omega is left alone."
"Do you even think about me? Do you even ca-"
"Will you shut the fuck up?!" Edward finally bellows, his voice echoing in the house.
Louis flinches back violently, staring at his Alpha in shock. He gapes at Edward for a few seconds before his lower lip quivers and he's shaking, his vision blurring.
"Lou..." Edward immediately softens, remorse filling his expression as he tries to reach for Louis to comfort him and apologise. But the Omega winces the moment Edward takes a step, and Edward feels like he's been punched.
Louis sobs quietly, burying his face in his hands. He manages to squeeze some tears out to compose himself again. When he looks up at Edward, his tears are still fresh on his flushed face, and his voice is hoarse, but he acts like his Alpha had not just shaken him with fear. "Um.." He starts reluctantly, taking a step back from him.
"Louis.. I'm sorry."
Louis doesn't look at him as he wipes his tears and starts to back away into the room. "Have a safe flight." He says, frowning and then nodding to himself, pointing randomly into the room. "I'll just be here. Yeah."
Edward doesn't get a chance to move before Louis slams the door in his face. "Louis, please. I'm sorry."
"Leave, Edward. Your work is waiting for you."
"Lou, I'm sorry." Edward repeats. "I love you."
The Omega doesn't say it back for the first time. Because Edward doesn't deserve that, because Louis doesn't believe him. Because if he loves Louis, he would stay.
Louis ignores his vibrating phone. He doesn't even offer it a glance. Instead, he focus on the screen that's showing the movie he can't even focus on.
Zayn grunts, annoyed at the sound of the vibration that's been going on for the past thirty minutes. He finally goes and rejects the call.
"Why won't you answer him?" The Alpha asks.
Edward has been calling for the past half an hour.
"I have nothing to say to him, and I don't want to hear anything he has to say to me." Louis shrugs, his eyes on the screen.
Zayn sighs, putting the phone back down. He's sure that it's going to start vibrating again soon, but he does it anyway. "You two need to sit down and talk."
"Maybe if he isn't too busy leaving me behind, that can actually be done."
Zayn shakes his head, knows that Louis would reject anything he says involving Edward right now. He scoots closer, wrapping his arm around him. Louis leans his head on Zayn's shoulder, trying not to think about his Alpha. Zayn came over so that they can help Louis takes his mind off things, so that's what Louis should be doing.
Zayn startles a little when Louis is snoring a few minutes later. But he understands, Louis must have been tired from his pregnancy, from stressing out, from crying. He's probably getting dehydrated too.
Zayn makes a mental note to remind Louis to drink more water.
The Alpha reaches for the remote, shifting a bit but he's unable to move when Louis clings to him.
"Edward." He mumbles in his sleep, grabbing a hold of Zayn's shirt.
Zayn's heart breaks at how clearly Louis craves for Edward's attention and care, and yet the Alpha is getting more and more ignorant each day. He doesn't know how much Louis can take until he gives up, and he hopes Edward would stop being so careless.
He holds Louis tightly, wishing Edward is here so he could break his best friend's face. Zayn uses his free hand to pull out his phone, then orders Siri to dial for Niall's number.
"Hewo." Haziq's voice greets him.
Zayn chuckles at his son's cute voice. "Haziq, Papa here."
"Papa Zayn!" The little boy replies in excitement.
"Hi, love. Could you please pass the phone to Mummy?"
"Okay." Haziq says, then he starts screaming. "Mummy!! Papa Zayn wanna walk!"
He smiles when he hears Niall cackling at the mistake Haziq made. "No, silly bunny. It's talk, not walk."
"Walk." Haziq tries to echo his mum, making Zayn laugh.
"Talk." Niall repeats, slower this time.
"You're hopeless." Niall laughs. "Give me the phone."
Zayn snorts, waiting until the phone has been handed to Niall. "Hey babe."
"Hey babe!" Niall greets back. "Is Lou okay?"
Zayn hesitates. "Not really. I think they had a big fight before Edward left. Louis won't take any of his call."
"Ouch." Niall lets out a low noise. "That sounds bad."
"Where's Lou now?" Niall asks, worried about his friend.
Zayn sighs, looking down at the sleeping Omega in his arms. "He fell asleep on me. I tried to move, but he won't let me, thought I was Edward."
Niall makes a sad sound. "Poor Lou, he must miss Edward a lot."
"Of course he does. They've only bonded recently. Can't imagine why Edward would do this." Zayn shakes his head. "Marcel told me he was supposed to stay."
"Shit, I hope Edward gets his shit together." He groans. "But at least Harry and Marcel are coming back soon."
Zayn hums. "Yeah. I don't think it's good for Louis to be left alone so much. He keeps crying every time I see him."
"I would be too if you and Li left me alone when I'm pregnant!" Niall scolds.
Zayn glances at the screen as he grins, the TV is showing an ad about a vacation. "We'll never leave you, you know that."
"I bet Edward said that to Lou." Niall says, annoyed. "Are you going to be home for dinner?"
"I don't think I'll make it, but I'll be home after that."
"Babe, you probably should just stay the night." Niall tells him thoughtfully. "I bet Louis gets really lonely."
Zayn cocks his head. "Are you sure? How about I bring him to ours? He could sleep over. We can keep our eyes on him that way, at least."
"Yeah, that's brilliant!" Zayn could hear from his Omega's voice how much he loves that idea. "I'll get the guest room ready."
"Alright, babe. See you at home."
"You too, bye."
Zayn cuts off the call, then he looks at the time. It's almost half past six, so they better get going. He gently shakes Louis awake. "Lou, babe. Wake up."
Louis whimpers in protest, burying his face at Zayn's neck. Then he freezes, pulling back. The Alpha can see it in his eyes, how the light leaves those beautiful blue and the way Louis' face falls. "Oh." Louis whispers, his body slumping again.
"I'm sorry." Zayn murmurs, knows that Louis thought he was Edward. He leans forward and kisses his forehead. "Do you want to stay the night?"
At the question, Louis raises his eyebrow. "You're in my house, and you're inviting me to stay the night?"
Zayn bursts out laughing. "No, you idiot!" He huffs, crossing his arms. "Niall wants you to spend the night at ours. He invited you to dinner."
Louis purses his lips. "Are you sure? Won't I be a bother?"
"Of course not, you twat. We want you there."
"If this is just you pitying me, I'm alright, Zayn."
The Alpha rolls his eyes. "Niall missed you. Stop thinking so highly of yourself."
Louis scoffs in response. "Excuse me, you are one to talk."
"What does that mean?"
"As if I haven't caught you in front of a mirror a thousand times."
"Stop exaggerating!"
"Uncle Louis, that's not how you do it!" Hana scolds him, already trying to fix the Legos he just put together in his hands. It looks alright to him, but apparently it's a disgrace to the little girl since she's frowning so hard at it that he almost expects to see laser beam coming out of her eyes.
"I'm sorry, dear. How do you think it should be, then?" He pouts. "Why don't you show me?"
She huffs, grabbing the whole thing. "I'll show you."
Louis tries to focus as she explains to him, but he's distracted by the giggling sounds Heather is making. He looks up, and a smile instantly forms on his face. Niall is holding the little girl at arm length while his husbands sit at either side of him. They're all making weird faces and sounds that becomes the source of Heather's happiness.
It warms Louis' heart at the sight of pure joy on the married trio's faces, how they seem to light up even more each time Heather giggles. It's even cuter when Zayn chuckles and kisses Niall's cheek passionately.
Louis is extremely happy for them, but he also can't help but feel jealous. He wants that with the triplets too.
He wants to be pampered, to be fussed over by his Alphas and have them overreact to everything that he does. But it seems so far away now. Things are horrendous between him and Edward, and with Harry and Marcel away, Louis feels like things are worse than they actually are because he has none of them with him to convince him that they are not falling apart.
"Uncle Louis! Are you paying attention?"
Louis picks up his phone, looking at the face he's missed so much yet is the one who keeps hurting him. The phone is silent except for the vibrating sound, and Louis turns it over and puts it down.
He leaves for lunch, and comes back to ten missed calls from Edward.
Edward calls again on Sunday, the third day that he's gone. Louis still doesn't answer.
On the other hand, he talks to Harry and Marcel every day.
No matter what they talk about, it always comes back to discussing the fact that they'll be home by next Saturday. Louis is really excited about having his Alphas home again. Harry keeps giggling at the thought of them seeing each other again and how excited he is because he hasn't seen Marcel in a while. All of them need the 29th to come soon; they're going crazy.
He has Eleanor and Perrie over today, unable to be alone or else he'd drive himself mad with how much he's brooding. They've agreed to sleep over, eager to provide Louis with their company if that's what would make him happy.
"She's so stupid, that's not what you do in real life!" Perrie yells at the telly. It was Louis' idea to watch the horror; maybe it'd make him forget about things.
Eleanor barely blinks from beside her, hugging the cushion to her chest. "This whole movie itself is ridiculous. Who picked it?"
Perrie pouts. "I thought it'd be scary."
"It's a little scary, but there's no actual, relevant plot." Louis comments.
Eleanor yawns. "Can we watch The Book of Life after this?"
"Ooh! Let's watch it now!" Perrie jumps out of her seat, already going to change the DVD. Eleanor and Louis laugh at how excited she is, but they say nothing as Perrie lays back and they wait for the movie to start.
"What do you want to do after this?" Louis asks, glancing at his phone. It's only eleven in the morning, and they still have no plan on what to do after lunch.
Eleanor hums. "Let's go out and buy baby clothes." She suggests.
Louis widens his eyes. "It's still too early!" He says, amused. "I haven't even met my OB yet."
Eleanor's face clears. "Have you chosen someone yet?" She wonders, bringing it up since they're on the topic.
"Liam got in touch with someone at the private birth center in town, and I'll be seeing her tomorrow with Zayn to see if we're compatible." Louis grabs his phone, trying to recall what Liam said. "She's apparently one of the best, so I think I'll just go with whatever Liam says."
"If anything comes up, you can just change practitioner. There'd be no troubles." Perrie adds.
"You've been with Zayn an awful lot lately, haven't you?" Eleanor suddenly asks, voice timid and full of hesitation. She shares a look with Perrie. "Is there something going on?"
"I mean, we saw the article...." Perrie trails off, awkward.
Louis alternates his stares between Eleanor and Perrie's face, then he bursts out laughing. "Of course not! He's Niall's husband! And I still love my Alphas, thank you very much."
Perrie sighs in relief. "Thank God! I wasn't really sure I want to be involved in that much drama."
"Excuse me?" Louis' jaws drop open in disbelief. "I'm your best friend! My drama is your drama!"
"Not necessarily!"
Louis giggles as Eleanor and Perrie argue about who gets to sleep at which side of the bed. He is still in the en suite, washing his face, but their voices can be heard.
"But I always sleep on the right, El!"
"So do I!"
Louis exits the bathroom and shakes his head at the sight of both women crossing their arms and glaring at each other.
"Alright, fine!" Eleanor finally gives in. "Take the right side, you bitchy baby."
"That's the lamest insult you've ever came up with." Perrie scoffs at her.
"Well, take it or I'm sleeping on that side."
Louis sits on the bed with an amused smile on his face. "I don't know how you two are best friends. All you do is fight."
"Perrie is lovely when she isn't annoying, aren't you Pez?" Eleanor grins, blowing her a kiss.
Perrie winks, pretending to catch the kiss. "And El's the best when she isn't bossing you around."
Louis pretends to roll his eyes, betrayed by the smile on his lips. "Both of you are intolerable to me." He enjoys the gasps they let out. "Can we sleep now? Mummy and baby need rest." He pats his tummy.
Perrie shifts on the king bed, patting the middle space where Louis would be. Eleanor sits on the other side, already leaning against the headboard. The male Omega climbs up in between them, lying back and sighing.
Perrie is all over him within seconds, poking at his tummy. "Hello, baby! This is your Aunty Pez. I'm the best aunt, so make sure that I am your favourite, yeah?" Then she kisses the small bump.
"Hey, that's not fair!" Eleanor protests, moving to talk to the bump too. "Don't listen to her, she'll buy you the wrong sized clothes. I am your favourite aunt. When your parents are too busy being in love, I'll be the one to take care of you. I'll give you anything you want, and if your Mummy won't give you ice cream, I'll be here."
"No, you're not!" Louis cackles.
Perrie stares at his middle, ducking down to look at it from another angle. "You're already showing!" She exclaims, pushing up his shirt to look at his exposed skin as she flattens a palm on the spot. "Awwww."
"Your bump is so cute!" Eleanor coos, placing a hand next to Perrie's.
Louis scrunches up his nose. "You're going to be the worst aunts ever."
Louis pushes the door open, running inside and heading straight for the toilet. His retching reminds him of the first time his nausea occurred, and somehow that makes it worse. His palms slap at the toilet bowl, hoping to get some release from the way his body is heaving.
Zayn looks at him with eyes full of sympathy as he bends down and rubs at Louis' back while the tiny Omega heaves.
Louis whimpers when he's done, letting Zayn help him to the sink to wash his mouth before he's collapsing into the Alpha's arms, sighing heavily.
Zayn helps him to the living room, then succeeds in obtaining a ginger tea from the Betas that he brings back to Louis, only to find the Omega soundly asleep.
He places the tea on the coffee table, fixing Louis' position so that he'd be more comfortable on the sofa. Then Zayn takes a seat at the other end, with Louis' feet on his lap.
The tea has gone cold when Louis rouses awake, and he appears a bit disoriented and lost. "Did I fall asleep?" He asks Zayn, rubbing his eyes. His question receives a nod. "Sorry, I'm so tired."
"S'alright." Zayn smiles, then he nods at the mug. "Your tea's got a bit cold, though. Want me to ask for a new one?"
Louis waves his hand, dismissing the offer. "No, thanks." He reaches for the mug, and even when it's cold, it still helps.
"What do you think about her?" Zayn asks, bringing up the OB they just saw at the birthing center.
"I think she's okay." Louis shrugs. "She's very friendly."
"And patient." Zayn adds, amused. He recalls Louis already asking weird questions that involve his pregnancy, and the OB didn't even blink.
"Yeah." Louis nods, sipping at his tea again. "What time is it?" He wonders, then sees that it's already way past dinner.
"I should probably go home soon." Zayn murmurs, pulling out his phone.
"Zee?" Louis calls out, but his voice is so soft that it's almost inaudible. Zayn looks over to him with a questioning look, and he ducks his head. "Could you stay the night? I don't want to sleep alone."
Zayn's face softens, feeling hurt that Louis looks so ashamed to request that. "Of course. I'll call Niall and tell him."
Louis nods. "Thank you."
"Sure, babe." Zayn leans over, kissing his cheek before stepping out into the patio to call his Omega.
"Hey, darling. How was the meeting with the OB?" Niall asks right after he answers the call.
"It was alright. I think Louis likes her. He's already set the date, anyway."
"Ooh, when is it?"
"Next Wednesday. Marcel and Harry are coming home this Saturday, so Louis would already let them know by then." Zayn tells him.
Niall makes a sound to signal that he's listening. "I hope everything goes well for him."
"Yeah. Um, babe?"
"Lou's asked me to sleep over, said that he didn't want to spend the night alone. What do you think?"
"Are you crazy?" Niall scolds him. "Don't you dare leave him. God, I wish I could be with him instead bu-"
"But Heather's unwell." Zayn continues for him.
"So you don't mind?" Zayn wonders, worried if Niall feels jealous or anything. After all, he did spend a lot of time helping Louis. And regardless that they're best friends, one can never guess.
"Of course not!" Niall laughs. "You're not exactly Lou's taste. And I know you love me."
Zayn chuckles. "Yeah, I do. The most."
"Say hi to Lou for me. Cuddle him on my behalf!"
"Alright, baby."
"Love you!"
"I love you too."
Zayn is still smiling as he cuts off the call, and Louis looks a little alive by the time he's gone back inside. "I'm staying the night." He confirms to Louis, and he can see that the Omega relaxes at the thought that he won't be left alone.
"Thank you, Zayn." Louis says as Zayn sits back down in front of him. "You've done so much for me, and I really don't know how to pay you back."
"I know how." Zayn murmurs. "I want to see you happy again, Lou."
Louis' mouth twitches. "I'll try."
Louis is disturbed awake at the ringing noise, scrunching up his face and making an irritated sound. He's sleeping on a very firm chest, but the scent in his nose is not of Edward and neither does it belong to any of his Alphas. And the god damned phone is still ringing.
Before Louis can freak out about having an Alpha that doesn't belong to him in bed, the body he's using as his pillow moves and suddenly he hears Zayn's voice croaking into the phone. "'Lo?"
Right. Zayn.
Not Edward.
The Alpha rubs his back the moment he sees Louis' face, his expression apologetic.
"Spent the night." Zayn says into the call, yawning. He pauses, then his eyes fleet to Louis again. "He's right here."
"Who is it?" Louis whispers quietly.
Zayn offers him the phone. "He wants to talk to you."
Louis peeks at the screen and his mouth curves downward, shaking his head. He's already getting up, and Zayn immediately feels bad for asking. "Have fun talking to him." The Omega stretches out to kiss Zayn on the cheek, and then he climbs off of the bed to leave for the bathroom.
"He doesn't want to talk." The Alpha murmurs into the phone. "Sorry, mate."
Edward makes a miserable sound, and then Zayn hears a pen cluttering in the background. "Fuck."
"So, you spent the night? Did anything happen?" Edward wonders. Zayn can hear how the Alpha is trying to act cool, but he knows his best friend. Edward is jealous.
He has no reason to be.
Zayn stretches his limbs, starfishing on the bed. "Not really. He wanted me to." He sits up and runs his fingers through his hair.
"Oh..." Edward trails off.
"He told me it's hard to sleep when he's in bed alone." Zayn hums thoughtfully. "He didn't move once last night. So I think it helped."
Edward scoffs softly. "So, you're a knight in shining armour now?"
Zayn knows he's not joking. "I'm trying to pick up your mess, Edward."
"And that requires sleeping with my Omega?"
Zayn doesn't know which one to tackle first. "Now he's your Omega? What about all those times you left without a single care of how he'd be feeling, or all the times you've made him cry?" He eyes the bathroom door, then lowers his voice again. "And I was just trying to help him get enough sleep. Honestly, do you not see how bad your Omega's condition is when you come home?"
"Zee, you don't want to start." Edward warns.
Zayn sighs, anger simmering inside of him. "He misses you."
There's a short silence while Edward tries to process that to respond.
The longer the silence stretch, the angrier Zayn feels.
"I miss him too." Edward mumbles, regret filling his tone.
"Come home, mate. He needs you." Zayn thinks of the fact that Louis is pregnant and Edward doesn't even know. It proves how ignorant his best friend is.
Edward grunts. "I can't, Malik. You know that. This project is really important for the company. It's not just myself I have to think about."
"Do you value the company over Louis?" Zayn snaps. "Because right now, that's how Louis sees it. That's how I see it."
"You're doing it again, Edward." Zayn mutters, putting as much disappointment as he can muster into his tone. "Harry might have forgiven you just like that, he worships the ground you walk on. But just because someone forgave you once, doesn't mean Louis will."
Edward growls. "I'm just doing my job."
"That's what you said to Harry too. Remember what happened." Zayn reminds him.
"I gotta go." Edward says, rushing. "Tell Louis I love him."
"If you didn't fuck up, you could've told him yourself."
Edward hangs up.
Louis stares at the food in his plate in sorrow, his fork pushing and poking the bits of sausages around. He barely took three bites of the food, and now he has lost his appetite.
Zayn stares from across the table, his eyes paying attention to the fact that Louis' fork hasn't moved at all from his plate. "Louis, you have to eat."
Louis sighs. "I don't feel like it, Zayn."
"You need to. You barely eat in a day. Think of your health, babe. Think of your baby." Zayn reminds him gently, not wanting to say the wrong thing and upset the Omega.
Louis puts his fork down, his gaze shifting to his friend. "Why do you care about me, Zayn?" He asks, another heavy sigh escaping him. "Even my Alphas don't care about me."
"Don't say that. They do care about you. They love you."
"Do they, though?" Louis spits, his voice shaky.
Zayn abandons his cutlery too, not feeling like eating anymore. "Lou.."
"Why are you here instead of them, Zayn? I'm pregnant with their child, and.." Louis takes a deep breath so he won't start crying. His attempt is a bit futile since the tears have already gathered at his waterline. "None of them knows about it. Edward won't even stay."
"Just tell him, Lou. He'd surely forsake everything else and take care of you."
Louis buries his face into his hands and sobs. "He won't stay for me, Zayn. Does it really have to take a baby for him to care for me?"
Zayn's eyes soften, and he slowly grows onto his feet. He walks over to Louis and engulfs the Omega in a hug. "Edward loves you more than anything." He barely blinks when Louis clutches on him. "But he's always had a problem of sorting out his priorities when it comes to work." He moves to sit down next to Louis, letting Louis back into his embrace once he's settled on the chair. "Ever since he took over the company, he put himself so much into it. It used to be a big issue. He and Harry fought a lot because what he is doing to you now, he once did to Harry. And there was a point that Harry kicked Edward out of the house. He told Edward to leave, to start a new life without them since he was so obsessed with work. Harry was so upset."
Louis pulls back slightly, paying attention to the story with his red rimmed eyes.
"Edward stayed with us for weeks, because Harry would go berserk every time Edward tried to come back and apologise. He didn't even want to see Edward's face. At first, Edward was fine, he felt bad, but he tried not to let it get to him. But by the second week, he was already a mess. He knew he fucked up. And it took a lot of time and begging and sorries before Harry forgave him. Harry only let him move back in after a month, and it still took longer before they went back like they used to be." Zayn brushes his fringe to the side. "I think he doesn't realise that he's doing it again."
"What do I do, Zayn? Do I have to leave for him to realise?" Louis bites his trembling lip. "What if it doesn't matter? What if he doesn't love me anymore? And that's why he doesn't care about leaving me."
Zayn hushes him while he cries, wishing Edward is here so he could fling his best friend against the wall for being such an idiot. "Don't think about it like that. Edward obviously loves you very much. He does. But he's a workaholic, and when it comes to his job, he often forgets the people he has to care for."
"Why does he keep leaving me, Zayn?" Louis asks, his voice heartbreaking. "Am I not good enough anymore?"
Zayn holds him tighter. "No, babe, of course not."
"I can't do this anymore, Zayn. I'm so tired." Louis complains in a sore voice, angrily wiping at his tears. "It's always you who has to comfort me when I cry." He looks so upset by that. "I need to stop being so emotional."
Zayn chuckles, using his thumbs to wipe Louis' tears away. "I don't mind." He shrugs. "Lou, please don't think that Edward doesn't love you. He does."
"I'm starting to doubt that, to be honest." Louis chuckles dryly. "I think I'm not good enough for him, maybe that's why he keeps leaving." He mumbles, using his finger to poke and pull at a strand of Zayn's shirt.
"Lou." Zayn frowns, reprimanding gently with his tone. "You know that's not true."
"But do I, Zayn? All he does is leave, and leave." Louis shakes his head. "He's acting as if he doesn't have a choice." The Omega chuckles bitterly. "Maybe it's just me."
Zayn doesn't know what to say. He knows he can never convince Louis with words at this point.
"I miss him. So much. It hurts, Zayn." Louis starts sobbing, his body heaving and shaking. "I want him here, I want Edward."
Tears prick at Zayn's eyes at how much Louis is hurting, but he can do nothing except hold the Omega tighter, hushing him. Louis ignores the soothing sounds he makes, wailing that he wants Edward. He sounds like a toddler screaming and crying for a toy, but it's heartbreaking.
Zayn sees the Betas peeking into the dining room, placing a hand on their mouth and looking at Louis sadly. He can relate, watching Louis breaking down like this hurts more than they can ever imagine.
The crying only stops when Louis is too tired from his crying that he has fallen asleep in Zayn's arms. Zayn strokes his hair, wishing Edward would get his shit together.
"Mr Malik.." A group of Betas steps into the room. They exchange uncertain looks with each other, as if still contemplating whether or not to tell Zayn what they want to say.
"What is it?" Zayn asks, clearing his throat.
Finally, one of them speaks up. "This isn't the first time he broke down like this."
"He had a random burst in the library the other day." Another Beta says.
"I found him sobbing by the piano too." Another one adds in, looking close to tears herself.
"You have to tell Sir Edward about his pregnancy!" The first one urges him. "He's hurting so much. It's going to get worse if we don't do something."
Zayn sighs heavily, cradling Louis closer to his chest. "He doesn't want the baby to be the sole reason Edward would come back."
"But it's going to affect his health." They remind him.
"I know." Zayn groans in frustration.
They sigh too, bowing slightly at him before they start to leave.
Zayn scoops the petite Omega into his arms, carrying him up to the Master bedroom. The room smells so much like the triplets, and it's visible how Louis is instantly more relaxed in his arms. As he places Louis onto the bed, Louis rolls over and nuzzles his face into the pillow, sighing contentedly.
Zayn doesn't want to think of how disappointed Louis is going to be when he wakes up and he'd be alone. He drops a kiss on the side of Louis' head, then heads out.
He rings his husband.
"Hello, babe." Liam's voice greets him.
"Li, Louis misses him so much."
Liam is quiet for a few seconds. "Have you tried talking to Edward?"
"I did. He's so fucking stubborn." He sighed, going to the lounge and taking a seat.
Liam echoes his sentiment with a sigh of his own. "How is he holding up?"
"I'm not sure if he is, at this point. It's been, what, two weeks? And Edward has only been home for around fours days." Zayn clicks his tongue, irritated. "I mean, Louis needs full attention."
"I know. Remember when we were busy when Niall was pregnant?"
"He almost lost the baby." Zayn grips his hair. "I don't want that to happen to Lou."
"At least you're there to keep him company." Liam notes.
Zayn nods. "I think he feels better that I'm here, at least. But I know he misses them."
"Poor Lou."
Louis keeps his hands on his lap, his eyes locked on to the figure walking towards the car where Louis is seated in the back. Personally, Louis thinks Edward looks good. He's always so gorgeous. It's really not fair. Sometimes Louis feels like he doesn't deserve the triplets. They're so beautiful, magnificent. And he doesn't compare to that.
Edward startles when he opens the door to see Louis sitting there waiting for him, as if he hasn't been expecting Louis to come along to fetch him.
He slides in silently beside the Omega, placing his bag on the floor. Turning to Louis, a smile spreads across his face that his Omega is still the first person he sees the moment he gets off the plane.
Edward scoots closer, pressing his forehead to Louis' shoulder even though Louis sits facing away. "Hi." He murmurs, kissing Louis there. His lips start to travel across his shoulder blades, kissing the Omega's neck, then to his jaw. "I've missed you."
Louis doesn't offer a reply, let alone a glance. But he doesn't push Edward away, so maybe the Alpha still has a chance.
"I'm sorry." Edward whispers, nudging Louis' chin with the top of his head.
Louis makes a dismissive sound, still unmoving.
"How long are you going to be mad at me?" Edward asks softly, can't help but be amused at how petulant Louis looks when he's upset.
Louis shrugs. "Until you start listening to me."
"I do listen to you."
"No, you don't. If you do, you wouldn't have left." Louis says through gritted teeth, turning his head just slightly.
Edward sighs, straightening up before wrapping his arms around the Omega. "Baby, don't be like this, please." He begs.
Louis frowns at the tone of Edward's voice. He shuts his eyes as he tenses up in the half embrace. "You're leaving again." It's not a question.
"Harry and Marcel are coming back." Edward tries to reason.
Louis finally turns to him in disbelief. "So that's an excuse for you to leave?"
"It's not." Edward denies. "But at least you won't be alone."
Louis shakes his head, using his elbow to push Edward off. "Just, stay away from me."
"Lou, please."
"Save it."
Louis knows it'd go wrong the moment he decides to do it, but he still refuses to sleep close to his Alpha. He's still upset. Edward can leave him for those many days, Louis damn well can refuse to sleep within an arm length away from him.
"You can't sleep." Edward points out from where he's lying on his side facing Louis, head propped up on his elbow. Louis will not acknowledge that his Alpha is smirking. "Just come here, babe."
"Well, you're still awake. So that means you can't sleep, either." Louis retorts, huffing and rolling over until his back is turned to Edward.
The Alpha sighs. "You're so stubborn."
Louis gasps when there are arms circling him, dragging him against a strong chest. "What are you doing? Let me go!" He shrieks, struggling against Edward's hold.
The Alpha releases him in an instant at the order, and Louis shuffles back to his spot, away from Edward. "Louis, you're being really childish right now." He says, exasperated.
"We both have work tomorrow, love. I don't want you going out all tired." He tries to persuade.
Louis stays unmoving. "I can't really sleep when I'm alone, either. Have you considered that?"
"Lou, let's not fight." Edward groans.
The Omega sits up with a huff, turning to look at him. "We're not fighting, Edward. I don't want to fight you. I just want to talk. Do you really think that we're going to end up fighting every time I bring an issue up?"
Louis takes a deep breath to calm himself. "I can't believe that I can't even talk to you."
"No, Lou. I'm sorry." Edward reaches out a hand. "Of course we can talk."
"Forget it." Louis scoffs, crawling over to him and lying down before pressing himself close. Though, he does lie facing away from Edward. "This is what you want, isn't it? You got it. Just shut up and sleep."
Edward hesitates before his arms are curled around Louis. He nuzzles into Louis' neck, holding him tightly. "I'm sorry, baby."
No reply.
Edward closes his eyes, savouring the warmth in his embrace. "Goodnight."
Louis sleeps so well that he wakes up before Edward does, before his alarm goes off, exactly in the position they were in the night before. Edward's arm is slung over his middle, squeezing him lightly even in the Alpha's slumber.
The Omega sighs, allowing himself to stay how they are longer. He looks down, then gently grabs Edward's hand before guiding it to flatten the Alpha's huge palm on his abdomen. Louis smiles at the sight, his heart skipping a beat as he imagines his Alphas touching belly when he's further into the pregnancy.
Just two more days, and Harry and Marcel would be home. And then Louis can finally tell them about it.
Edward stirs in his sleep and Louis panics, releasing his wrist and trying to relax. The Alpha hums lowly, tightening his hold around Louis and pressing closer. "Love you." He mumbles.
"Edward?" He calls out, confused as to whether the Alpha is awake or not. There is no reply, and Edward's breathing is even. Louis rolls his eyes, prying Edward's arms off of him.
The Alpha rolls onto his back when Louis leaves his arms, then continues snoring. Louis pads away to the bathroom, deciding to take a shower and get ready for work since he's already fully awake.
He's shampooing his hair when he hears Edward's alarm going off before it quiets down. It means his Alpha is up, then.
Louis is lathering his body with the body wash when a hand touches his hip. He flinches in surprise, then his lips curves downward. Edward starts mouthing at his shoulder, and Louis feels his traitor of a cock twitching with interest.
He shakes his head, shrugging Edward off before he finishes rinsing his body and hurries out.
He ignores how disappointed and sad Edward looks.
"I'll see you in the evening." Edward says as he stops the car.
"Okay." Louis nods, ready to get out. Edward grabs his arm before he could move, holding him in place as he leans forward. The Omega feels like turning away, but he lets Edward kiss him, let himself be coaxed into the mirage that things are fine. If he doesn't, he'd be pushing Edward off. He instantly relaxes, giving his everything into the kiss.
"I love you." Edward murmurs when they separate.
Louis blinks, his lips tingling. "You too."
Edward is smiling as Louis climbs out, and the Omega can't resist offering him a small one in reply. It brightens the Alpha up, and Louis is in a good mood by the time he is in the building.
Edward calls him during lunch, and it's out of habit that he rejects it. He stares at the phone, still unsure whether he is going to answer or not when Edward calls again.
Sure enough, a second later the screen lights up again with Edward's face on. He's looking at the camera in the picture, his mouth formed into a smirk while his head is slightly tilted back. Louis appreciates how good he looks in it.
He answers after the third time Edward calls.
"What's up?" Louis asks.
"Uh, should I not call?"
Louis purses his lips. "I didn't say that."
Edward makes an annoyed sound, but then he inhales and asks, "do you want to go out for dinner tonight? I'll make a booking."
"Okay." Edward parrots. "Right. I'll just, get back to work."
"Okay." Louis repeats.
Then Edward hangs up. Louis frowns, his fingers quickly working to call his Alpha back.
"You forgot something." He accuses once Edward answers.
The Alpha makes a confused sound, then he gets it. "Right, sorry." He chuckles. "Love you, baby."
Louis allows himself to keen since Edward isn't here to see it. "You too. Bye."
Jake catches him smiling when he passes by, then stops at the door to grin at him in amusement. "Someone's happy."
"Go away." Louis waves his hand, blushing.
Jake does the otherwise, stepping into the room and taking a seat in front of Louis. "Your Alphas are back, then?"
"Just Edward. Harry and Marcel will arrive on Saturday." Louis tells him.
"Are you finally going to tell them?" Jake guesses. He's one of the people that immediately knew he's pregnant the moment his smell was noticeable. Louis got an excited hug and a congratulation, but Jake's smile was wiped away when Louis made him swear to keep it quiet. But his friend is still happy for him.
Louis nods. "Yeah. My appointment is on Wednesday."
"How far along are you?"
"Almost in my ninth week." Louis tells him. "I'm already showing a bit, though. I think I'm carrying twins."
Jake scoffs, still amused. "That won't be impossible, considering your own Alphas are triplets."
"Exactly." Louis laughs.
"So," Jake starts again. "How am I going to see you again after this?"
It's Louis' last day, but he'll come back to get his stuff only after he's told the triplets about it. He's a little sad about leaving what he loves to do, and all his colleagues and the children, but he has more important people to pay attention to.
"We could have lunch." Louis shrugs, laughing. "I'm sure we'll find a way."
Edward takes him to an expensive dinner date, letting Louis order whatever he wants. While they wait for their meals, Edward tells Louis about his day. Louis mostly listens, but he does add a comment every now and then.
Louis feels like they're stuck in a cycle now. A cycle where Edward will leave and Louis will hurt, and he'll come back and things are tensed but they'll try and pretend that everything is okay even though it's not, and Louis holds a little grudge, and Edward knows that Louis does but they'll be too busy restarting the cycle to do anything about that. It's not healthy, and Louis knows it. He's hoping things will chance when Harry and Marcel get back. So he'll hold on until then.
Edward still looks at him the same way he did when they first admitted that they were in love, and Louis' heart still skips a beat when Edward holds his hand. Louis thinks that they're not falling out, it's just things are going wrong at the moment. And he'd be stupid to let what they have go just like that.
As Edward drives with one hand so he could hold Louis' on the way home, Louis tells himself that things will get better.
As Edward wraps an arm around him while they head to the lift and he gets a kiss in his hair, Louis wonders when.
But as he falls asleep with his face pressed at Edward's chest, Louis just wants his Alphas with him.
It is after dinner on Friday that Louis goes up to find Edward in the closet with a suitcase opened. His blood drain from his face and Louis should've gotten immune to this since he faced it so many times already, but he still feels his heart break.
Edward sees him standing there and he pales a bit, but they need to face it sooner or later. "I'm leaving tomorrow."
Louis looks at the suitcase with sorrow, a lump growing in his throat but no tears prick at his eyes. "But you just came back three days ago." He manages to squeak out.
"I know, I'm sorry." Edward says, continuing to pack.
"Can't you stay?" Louis asks quietly. Edward is walking around the closet, essential things he needs for his travel cradled in his arm as he picks them up. The Omega's eyes follow him everywhere he goes, trailing over his figure no matter his whereabouts.
At hearing his mate's request, Edward sighs heavily. "Come on, Lou. We've been over that." His steps don't falter as he says it, throwing the stuff he's carrying into the luggage he's got opened.
Louis folds his arms over his middle, silent as he continues watching Edward pack. He suddenly feels lost. "How long will you be gone for?"
Edward doesn't even falter from his fast steps taking him around the closet. "Three nights."
"Edward." Louis is begging now. "Please."
That makes the Alpha stop, and he looks at Louis in frustration. "Babe..." He sighs heavily, making Louis' shoulders sag. "I have to go for this one. And then I'll be back to Dubai for two nights, and that's it. No more travelling."
Would it even matter anymore at that point?
Louis thinks of telling Edward right now, but he doesn't want to use his baby as a tool just to make his Alpha stay. "Okay." He relents, nodding his head.
Edward smiles at him. "Thank you."
"I'll sleep in the guest room tonight." Louis announces, already turning around so he doesn't have to see it when Edward's face falls.
He barely manages to take the first step before a hand is curled around his arm. "Lou, why?"
"Let me go, Edward!" Louis snaps, shrugging his touch off. "You might as well get used to sleeping alone again."
"Louis, don't go." Edward pleads.
The Omega shakes his head, walking out of the closet. "That's what I keep telling you, but you never listen." Edward tries to reach for him again, but Louis quickly walks out until he's past the door.
It hurts with every step that Louis walks away from their room. It hurts when he reaches one of the guest rooms and there is no sign at all that Edward has followed him. It hurts even more when he gets onto the bed and waits for fifteen minutes, hoping Edward would slip in with him and he'd fall asleep to the sound of his Alpha's heartbeat. It hurts the most when Louis wakes up in the middle of the night after falling asleep with tears on the pillow and he's still alone as ever in one of the rooms he'd probably never stepped a foot in before. He'd never felt so distant from Edward.
Louis walks down the next day feeling like shit even though he is with the knowledge that Harry and Marcel are coming back today. That feeling grows when he sees Edward standing in the entrance hall, fixing his cufflinks with his jacket already on and the cupboard door open. He's ready to go, his suitcase standing beside him, taunting Louis with the fact that Edward is leaving.
There's not even a hint of surprise in Louis' tone when he asks right as he steps off the stairs. "You're leaving without seeing me."
Edward's eyes snap to him, and there's slightly guilt in those green orbs, but it doesn't affect Louis at all. "Don't know if you'd want me to." His reply is void of emotions, as if trying to reprimand Louis for what he did last night.
"Since when you care about what I want?" Louis replies scornfully.
"Of course I do." Edward dissents with a frown.
Louis shakes his head. "I want you to stay."
"Lou, don't do this." Edward's eyebrows furrow together, finishing with his cufflinks and his hands fall to his sides.
"No, Edward, you don't do this. I can't stand this anymore. I'm tired! I can't even remember the last time I sleep having all three of you in the same bed. And the person who I was told would stay with me kept leaving. Do you know how hard it is for me to fall asleep, alone?" Louis asks, trying to keep his voice steady. He feels so timid all of a sudden, standing here in his joggers and an old jumper and bed hair while Edward is there in his suit and hair combed and styled. Louis feels insignificant.
Edward stares back at him. "Do you think it's easy for me to sleep alone, either?"
Seriously, he's going to make it a competition? Louis lifts his head up again, snarling. "Well, then clearly you are not as affected by it as I am."
Edward sighs heavily, gripping the bridge of his nose. "Lou, I'm working hard to give you what we have. Do you think we could've stayed the way we are right now if I don't work? Do you think I could've afford to give you the amount that you have in your card now?"
"That's bullshit, Edward!" Louis exclaims, taking a step closer. If he has the card with him, he'd have flung it at the Alpha's face. "You have fortune to last us more than three lifetimes!" The Omega clamps his eyes shut when he feels the burn of pending tears. His voice croaks as he speaks. "You said you love me."
"Did I give you the impression that I don't?" Edward glares at him.
"Money and luxury don't mean love, Edward." Louis says softly, shaking his head.
"What do you want, then? When are things going to be enough for you?"
Louis is so frustrated that he finally starts crying. "Don't you get it?" His throat is almost sore when he gets that one out. "I don't need luxury, I don't need maids. I don't even care if we live in a small house by the dump! I want you. I love you. I just want you."
And Louis can't maintain their eye contact anymore, ducking his head and sobbing loudly. "You were so lovely before, when we first met. So good to me." Louis croaks in between his wails. "And now you don't even care how much I miss you."
Edward's face is stoic, hands twitching to comfort his Omega, but millions of thoughts are running through his head.
Louis cries so hard he couldn't speak, and he has to take a few deep breaths before he could continue. "It's hard for me to get through the nights. I keep losing sleep, I need you with me. The house feels so empty when I'm alone."
Something flickers across Edward's features before he glowers down at Louis. "I thought you wouldn't have a problem with none of us home, considering the Betas told me Zayn keeps coming over." He blinks as he recalls something. "Not to mention when Zayn spent the night; that's not that first time is it?"
A betrayed look spread across Louis' face and he gasps. "Edward!"
"And there are also those pap pics of you with him. There are quite a lot." Edward tells him, crossing his arms. "I thought you would be alright since it's easy for you to find entertainment when we're not here."
Louis feels anger surging through him. "He was just trying to cheer me up. I was so depressed about all of you being gone!"
"Cheer you up? With his cock?"
Louis freezes in place, his jaws slacked. "You really think I'd cheat on you? With Zayn, of all people? My best friend's husband? Your own best friend?"
Edward shrugs, the nonchalant facade making Louis fume even more.
"For fuck's sake, Edward, he's a mated Alpha! I'm a mated Omega!"
"Well, just because an Alpha's mated, doesn't mean that he won't think of fucking another Omega!"
Louis doesn't even flinch when Edward screams, the words he said strike Louis even harder than his loud voice.
"Oh.." His shoulders slump. "Is that how you feel, Edward?" He whispers quietly.
Edward says nothing, his gaze hard as ever, giving nothing away from his expression.
Louis closes his eyes, so he doesn't see it when Edward flinches from the hurt he can feel through their bond.
"Is that what you do, Edward?" Louis asks helplessly. "Do you leave me here, and you look for another Omega?" His eyes focus on something else instead of his Alpha as his body starts heaving. "Were you fucking another Omega when I'm sat here missing you?"
Edward's body sags. "Lou. No." He reaches out to grab at Louis' arm but the Omega moves back.
"Don't touch me!" He shouts as he slaps Edward's hand away. Louis sobs, taking a step back and gasping repeatedly as if he can't breathe. "I, I want to leave."
"Lou, please..."
"I can't stay right now." Louis cups his mouth, ready to go.
Edward lets his hand drop, a scowl taking over his face. "Fine, go to your Zayn. He makes everything better, doesn't he?"
"Fuck you, Edward." Louis yells, his palm throbbing with the pain after he slapped Edward across the face.
And before the Alpha knows it, Louis has disappeared out the door.
Louis runs out, heading straight for the exit. It takes some time before he finally nears the gate. The Betas look alarmed at the sight of him approaching, but Louis ignores them, heading for the small entrance by the side. He pauses when he reaches there, looking back, hoping Edward would come after him. The Alpha is nowhere in sight, and Louis can almost hear the sound of his own heart breaking. Once he's out of the compound, Louis takes off without any last glance.
Edward buries his face in his hands, taking too many deep breaths that he lost count. His thoughts slowly start to settle, but it's already too late when he realises what he just did. His Omega had just ran away from home, from him. And it's his fault.
"Louis!" Edward dashes out of the door, cursing loudly when he's drenched with water from the pouring rain. He heads straight for the gate, yelling at the Betas about Louis.
They start telling him things, each of them speaking above the other in panic. But Edward only hears one thing. "He ran out."
Edward sees red, his hand already grabbing the collar of the one who said that, his fist pulling back to punch the Beta across the face. "WHY DIDN'T YOU STOP HIM!?" He roars at the poor staff, then throws the Beta to the floor before he takes off back to the house. Edward grabs a key and jumps into the car. He slams the horn a few times as he accelerates out of the garage so that the gates are opened wide by the time he speeds out.
It's lost to him how long he's been driving, but with each minute that passes and no sight of Louis, Edward begins to grow more and more desperate.
He left Louis too many times these past few weeks, maybe now Louis had finally made the decision to leave him.
And Edward doesn't know if Louis would ever want to come back.
His legs are growing tired by the minutes but Louis doesn't let himself stop. The hurt in his heart overpowers everything that's inside him and every single one of his muscles aches along with the pain. He runs along the road, not even knowing where he's going. All that he knows is that he has to get away from there, he needs to leave.
The road stretches in front of him, and Louis feels like he's barely moving but he has to keep going. He runs, taking turns he doesn't know where they would lead him to.
He stops crying eventually, but he's still running.
He runs, and runs.
He still runs when lightning strikes and thunders start rumbling. Louis is determined, so he doesn't stop even when the rain comes pouring down. Even when he's drenched and shivering, even when he can't see where he's going.
He only stops when he doesn't see the car coming and then he's thrown down, head hitting the pavement. He sees the headlights in the dark, glaring through the pouring rain, body shivering where he lies and the wipers are the last thing he hears before his vision goes black.
Tell me what you think and pleases don't hate me? Love you!
- Rose xx
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