Chapter 15
Hello, I'm sorry this took so long. My creative juice ran out. :( Even the editing took ages. Sorry.
There's.... so much words... and so much smut..... I don't know what happened or why I even included them in... I still suck at writing them, but yeah. Enjoy.
I'm not going to lie. This chapter is bad. Like, I'm not sure I'm even half satisfied about it. Maybe one day I'll come back and rewrite it, at least.
I checked this a few times already, but there is so much in my head, and I'm feeling poorly, again, so I'm sorry for any mistakes.
By the way, I know this is a little late, but I hope you'd take some time from your day to pray for all the people that have been affected by the recent tragedies that happened lately, Manchester, Marawi, Afghanistan, and the others. Let us also pray that the world would eventually become peaceful one day. And remember what Harry said, choose love, give love. <3
Also, Happy Ramadhan to those who are celebrating. xx
Louis rouses awake when he is being peppered with kisses all over his face, the caress of Harry's soft lips against his skin ticklish. A small giggle escapes his mouth, and his first instinct is to scrunch up his face, prompting Harry to shower him with even more kisses. He finally grips the Alpha's face, trying to push him away, both of them giggling. "Harry." He scolds, his sleepy voice making Harry press closer. The kisses start edging towards his lips, and Louis sighs softly before Harry's mouth covers his. "Hmm."
Harry pecks him again before finally pulling back, a wide smile on his stretched lips. "You're finally up." He notes, as if he's only realised that fact. Both of them are still cradling each other's face, barely inches between their noses.
"Of course I'm up!" Louis makes a sound of disbelief. "Someone thought it'd be funny to wake me up with kisses." He retorts, scowling up at the Alpha as his fingers release Harry's cheeks in favour of wrapping his arms around his neck. "That someone better have a damn good reason."
Harry grins to show his innocence. "Well, since we are landing soon, I hope that'd be a good enough reason to wake the Princess up." He leans forward, pressing their foreheads together. His hands travel down, until his palms are gripping Louis' hips.
He watches as Louis' face brightens and light seems to reflect in his eyes after he said that. "We are?" Louis' hold loosens, and he quickly unbuckles his seatbelt. Harry moves back to give him space as he rises to look out of the window. "We're in America?"
Harry nods, fondly gazing at his mate. "We are, babe." He kisses Louis' shoulder, dropping another kiss to the crook of his neck. "Are you excited?"
"Harry, I'm buzzing." Louis says happily, his smile so wide that it sacrifices his eyes to express his excitement. "I can't believe you're taking me to New York!"
Louis reaches out and connects their lips. He curls into himself against Harry's chest, as if trying to make himself smaller, as if he's not petite, as if he isn't already a perfect fit in Harry's arms. Whenever their lips touch like this, it's always hard for them to pay attention to their surrounding. Louis' lips mould perfectly against Harry's, and none of them could think when the brush of their lips make their hearts beat faster, their breathings laboured; time passes and they wouldn't even notice, too caught up in their kiss.
Harry pulls back. "Are you happy?"
"I am." Louis whispers. "I still can't believe this."
The Alpha shrugs. "Had to sacrifice a few of my people to make this happen, but I guess you're worth it."
Louis rolls his eyes, pulling Harry in again.
Being here, sitting with Harry and giggling as their teeth clash while they try to kiss like a couple of fools, makes Louis feel young. Harry makes Louis feel carefree, like nothing can ever come to get him when he's with Harry. It's sort of a distinctive feature that Harry has compared to his brothers, but Edward and Marcel complete him; they complete each other. Louis would never choose any of his Alphas above the other.
The pilot announces that they're about to land soon, and Louis ignores Harry's complaints when he gets off to buckle up in his seat again. He does give Harry a flying kiss, though.
It's already dark when they arrive at the hotel in a posh limo van. Louis spent ten minutes just staring at the interior when he first climbed in. The seats are comfortable and lush, the ambiance grand and relaxed. It's even got a mini bar inside.
Their check in goes smoothly, and in twenty minutes, they're already standing in front of the door to their hotel room. Harry unlocks the door and pushes it open, letting Louis step in first.
The Omega's eyes grow wide to the size of saucers as he looks around. They're into a foyer upon entrance that leads to a modern living room. The carpet is soft under his feet as he travels across the room to look out the wide window glass that takes up almost the whole wall to give them the perfect view to the city of New York.
"It's so beautiful." Louis says in awe, continuing his tour of the suite. He briefly goes into the dining room and the kitchen before finally making his way to the bedroom. It's wide and spacious, with a king sized bed pressed to the wall in the middle, and a flat screen on the wall opposite it. A desk sat in the corner facing out of the clear window, and three couches are placed in a circle around a tiny coffee table at the other corner.
Harry says nothing, just watching quietly while his Omega looks around.
Louis steps out of the bathroom once he's satisfied, teeth buried in his lower lip. "It's so extravagant." He finally says as he walks up to Harry.
"You like it?" He asks, raising his eyebrow and tilting his mouth.
"I do." Louis nods.
"Good, all for you." Harry bends down and pecks his lips.
Louis preens, blushing faintly. "Thank you."
The bellboy finally comes with their luggage, and after giving him a very generous tip, Harry and Louis start unpacking for their six days stay.
By the time they're done, Harry calls room service for dinner. Louis is so knackered that he can barely swallow down the food, so Harry finishes everything, and then they get ready for bed.
When Louis wakes up the next day, Harry isn't there. But there's a trolley full of breakfast in the middle of the room, and also a small card for Louis.
The Omega trudges out of the bed, wrapping the duvet around his body as he picks up the folded paper. Inside is Harry's scrawl with a message.
Will be back after lunch. Enjoy your breakfast.
Love you, H.
Louis grins, glancing at the clock. It's not even breakfast anymore.
Louis enjoys his brunch, anyway.
"Honey, I'm home!" Harry playfully announces as he kicks the door shut behind him. His hands are full some things they could have for tea. He goes past the door that leads to the bedroom and makes a confused sound when Louis isn't there.
Harry puts the paper bags down on the dining table, wondering where his Omega is. He goes to the bathroom, frowning when he finds out that it's empty. Where could Louis be?
"Lou? Baby?" He calls out, walking back to their room and checking the closet. Just in case.
Harry walks out to the balcony to see if the Omega is there. It's empty, and Harry's heart starts kicking in his chest.
Walking back inside, Harry quickly pulls out his phone. His thumbs move with languid movements as he searches for Louis' contact.
The call rings for too long, but eventually Harry breathes out a sigh of relief when Louis answers. "Baby, where are you?"
"I'm at the pool." Louis chirps back.
Harry relaxes in his stance, a smile slowly taking over his lips. "Did you have a swim?"
"No, was just watching people while I wait for you." Louis replies. "Are you back?"
"Yeah, I'm at the room. But I'll come down and get you." Harry says, already making his way to the front door again.
"Alright, I'll be by the pool, yeah?"
"Okay." Harry cuts off the call and shoves his phone back into his pocket, rushing out of the hotel room and running to the lift.
Once he reaches the destined level, Harry quickly exits and looks for the pool area. He finds Louis sitting on one of the lounge chairs, wearing one of his t-shirts that sticks to his body and shows off his curves. The Alpha licks his lips at the sight of his gorgeous, tanned Omega. Louis is laughing, and Harry is ready to melt into a puddle on the floor at such a happy sight on his Omega's face.
Wait, why is he laughing?
Blinking, Harry finally notices a man standing over Louis beside the chair. Both of them are talking, and every now and then both of them burst into laughter.
Jealousy rises in his chest, but Harry pushes it down for now. Maybe it's just another Omega. Harry's inner Alpha begs to differ, though. The man's stance looks like it belongs to an Alpha.
He doesn't waste a second to start heading to where Louis is seated. His blood boils a little when he arrives and the lad is indeed an Alpha. How come Louis looks so cosy talking to him?
"Yeah, they're lovely. Wouldn't mind having a few of my own." The unknown Alpha is saying.
Louis sighs happily. "Aren't they? I can't wait until I have them too." His British accent is distinct from the Alpha's American one.
Harry clears his throat once he arrives, shoving his hands into his pockets, his face taut. "Hello."
Louis and the unknown Alpha turn around at the same time, and the Omega brightens up upon seeing Harry standing there. "Harry!"
The unknown Alpha's eyes widen in surprise and disbelief.
Louis grins, climbing off the lounge chair. "Harry, this is Ian." He says excitedly, pressing himself to Harry's front.
Harry doesn't spare Ian a glance, doesn't even care that the friendly smile on Ian's face falls. He keeps his eyes on his Omega. "Let's go."
Louis frowns. "Harry." He warns.
"Louis." Harry says back through gritted teeth.
Louis turns to Ian with an apologetic smile. "I'll see you soon, yeah?"
"Of course." Ian nods, his smile awkward.
"I'll call you about it tonight." Louis tells him, already grabbing Harry's hand in a too tight grip as a telltale that he's beyond mad at his Alpha.
Harry can almost feel steam blowing off through his ears at the fact that Louis is talking about calling another Alpha in front of him.
"Yeah, yeah. I'll wait for it." Ian sends a hopeful look at Harry's way, and the model almost punches him right there and then.
Louis casts a small, close lipped smile at his newly made friend before he's tugging Harry away. Once they're far away where Ian cannot see, Louis drops his hand and leaves him there, hurrying away.
"Lou. Louis." Harry tries to grab Louis' arm as he catches up with him in the lift. He manages to curl his fingers around Louis' biceps but the Omega angrily shakes his hold off. "Louis."
The Omega doesn't reply, crossing his arms and glaring at the floor while the doors close.
Harry's jaw clenches, but he says nothing else and presses the button to their floor.
The tension is so thick in the lift. Louis refuses to look at him, dodging his hand again when he tries to touch Louis as they exit.
Louis is still glowering when they stop in front of their hotel room, Harry pulling out the key card and unlocking the door. Louis nudges past him without another word, putting so much force that Harry stumbles back.
"What was that, Harry!?" Louis finally asks once the door falls shut behind Harry, his voice almost hysterical. His shoulders are heaving as he turns around to direct his glare at the equally upset Alpha.
"What do you mean what was that? What were you doing with another Alpha?" Harry barks back.
"We were talking. That's what people do when they go out sometimes. They socialise! He was a nice company! You didn't have to be a dick!"
"You sure looked like you were having such a good time talking to him!"
Louis shuts his eyes, kicking his trainers off. "He was a fan of yours! We were talking about you!" He growls in frustration.
Harry falls quiet for a moment. The crease in his forehead stays, though. "Doesn't erase the fact that he's a bloody Alpha."
Harry walks further into the room when Louis ignores him, trailing behind his Omega. "Don't walk away from this conversation, Tomlinson."
"I don't want to talk to you until you calm down." Louis says, flopping down onto the bed.
Harry grips the bridge of his nose. "I'm sorry, okay? I was jealous when I saw you with another Alpha."
"I am allowed to speak to whoever that I want." Louis says.
"I know."
"You don't have the right to tell me what to do and who to talk to."
"I know. I'm sorry." He exhales a heavy sigh. "Baby, please." Harry takes a step forward, his expression relaxing into regret.
Louis huffs. "I don't want to look at your face right now. You were bloody rude. You embarrassed me and yourself, to your own fan, even!"
"What can I do to make it right?"
Louis doesn't reply.
"Baby, talk to me please. Don't ignore me."
Louis takes a deep breath. "We're meeting him tonight, and you are going to apologise."
"Fuck no!"
Louis almost snaps his neck turning around to kill Harry with his look. "Then you can get stuffed."
Louis grows back to his feet, panting with anger. "For fuck's sake, Harry! Can you stop for a moment and not put your brain in your knee?"
"What do you mean, Lou? I can't just feel nothing when I see you with another Alpha. You even said you were going to call him!"
"I told you, he's a fan of yours! I wanted us to have dinner with him because he wanted to meet you." Louis tries to explain.
"Is that one of his ways to get your number?" Harry asks back.
"He likes Alphas!" Louis screams.
Harry blinks, stunned by the information.
"Fuck you, Harry." Louis grits out, breath stuttering as he walks out of the room. He picks up his trainers and leaves the hotel room before Harry can react.
"Bloody hell." Harry whispers, burying his face in his hand.
Edward holds up a hand at the talking Alpha in front of him, simultaneously cutting off whatever the Alpha is saying. His other hand quickly reaches out for the ringing phone, the picture of a soft Louis on the screen. "I need to take this." He says to his staff, not even bothering to send him out as he spins on his chair.
"Edward." Louis sobs into the line and the Alpha sits up straight, alarmed. Is his Omega in danger? Did something happen?
"Baby, what's going on?"
"Harry, Harry's an arsehole."
Edward sighs, relaxing into his seat. "You don't mean that, baby. What did he do?"
"I went to the pool. And then an Alpha came up to me. He's Harry's fan and he knows me from the pap pictures." Louis sniffs. "He was hoping to meet Harry, so we talked for a while."
Edward nods, listening to him intently. "What happened then, baby?"
"And then Harry called me because he was looking for me so I told him to come down to the pool. I really wanted him to meet Ian. And Harry was so rude. He didn't even look at Ian!" Louis sobs harder. "He's such a twat, Edward! If I want to talk to another Alpha and laugh or giggle with him, I bloody will! I am mated and bonded to you! I don't want anyone else."
Louis gasps for breath in between his sobs. "I know I get jealous too, but I don't make you feel like shit about it, do I?"
"Princess..." Edward tries again, hoping it'd calm the Omega down.
"I hate Harry." Louis croaks out petulantly.
"No baby, you don't." Edward says into the phone, amused. "But you're right. Harry was being an arsehole. Where are you now, love?"
"I'm outside the hotel." Louis sniffs.
Edward sighs again. Harry's going to get it the moment he touches down in England. "Lou, love. You should go back to Harry. What if you get lost? And I'm sure he's worried about you. Won't you let him apologise?"
"No." Louis grumbles. "I want him to trip and fall on his face."
Edward chuckles. "We all want that, Princess."
Louis giggles on the other end.
"Lou, I'm sure Harry was just shocked. I mean, to think of it, he's rarely seen you with another Alpha. It's always just you and me or the four of us for dinner. He needs time getting used to it. Harry's a caveman, he loses his head whenever he's jealous." Edward reminds him. "And we know he's petty. He hissed at a woman for even looking at Marcel once."
"I know." Louis mumbles. "But I'm still angry."
Edward hums. "What can cause you not to be angry anymore?"
"I don't know." Louis groans in annoyance. "I just can't look at his face right now. It'd make me feel like bursting into flames."
"Alright. Then you should stay where you are until you're calm. But promise me you'll go back to him right after, okay?"
"You're such an idiot."
"I know."
"He deserves to be angry. Even I wouldn't want to look at your face right now."
A desperate sigh. "I know."
"I should hang up."
"Marcelllll." Harry whines. "Help me."
Marcel sighs this time. "You're an idiot."
"You already said that."
"I'm going to say it again and again until you realise how much of an idiot you are." Marcel tells him. "Louis can do whatever he wants. He's not your plaything, Harry. He's a human being."
"I know...."
"Don't be insecure. He's our mate. We're bonded. That wouldn't have happened if he doesn't want us. He loves us."
"I was just jealous."
"And then you do things you regret. You always do whenever you're jealous. I wouldn't even be surprised if Louis comes back and hits you around the head with a chair before he forgives you."
"Harry, you need to trust him. He trusts you to go for your photo shoot with God knows how many sexy, nude models you have around you. We've always trusted you to travel for work without eloping somew here with a random person you'd meet. So you need to trust him."
"But I don't want to share him with anyone else."
"I was wrong." Marcel drawls. "I would be hitting you around the head with a chair if you were in front of me right now."
"Fuck off."
"I'm sorry." Harry whimpers, nuzzling his face into Louis' neck. It's a silent beg of forgiveness.
Louis harrumphs, turning his face away from Harry.
"Baby.." Harry drags the word out, starting to kiss down Louis' neck to his collarbone.
He shivers, then shoves the Alpha off. "For fuck's sake, Harry."
"I'm sorry." Harry says again. "I'll meet Ian and apologise. I promise."
Still glaring, Louis crosses his arms. "You have to promise not to do this again. You don't trust me. And I hate that."
"I know, baby. I'm sorry." Harry lowers his face, pouting. "I wasn't thinking."
Huff. "Arsehole."
"I'm sorry." He repeats, leaning forward and starting to shower Louis' shoulder with kisses. "I was being immature. I know that I was wrong. Forgive me, baby please? I love you so much."
The Omega rolls his eyes.
"Louis..." Harry exhales heavily, knows that he should just give up. After all, he is at fault. Louis would eventually cool down anyway.
But Harry isn't the brightest at making decisions when it comes to moments like this, so he reaches out and tickles the furious Omega.
They're seated at one of the tables at the hotel's restaurant, all four of them wearing casual despite the luxurious setting. Louis has lost all the tensed elements in the muscles that make up his face. Instead, he's relaxed and happy. He's chatting quite animatedly with Ian and his Alpha, Jeremy. Harry sits beside him, watching the interaction with a calm, contented expression on his face. His arm is rested on Louis' chair, and the Omega sits leaning into him.
"So, what happened to your face?" Jeremy finally asks, addressing Harry. It brings everyone's attention to the long haired Alpha.
Louis blushes.
"I fell." Harry holds a hand up to cover one side of his face, embarrassed. He clears his throat. "It's nothing bad."
"That looks painful, though." Jeremy comments.
Harry spreads his fingers a bit, hoping covering the developing bruise on his cheek would take their attention away from his heating face. "It hurts a bit, but I'm fine." He assures, smiling.
Louis sniggers. "He'll live."
When Harry went and tickled Louis, he had hoped that it would end up with Louis giggling and begging for mercy, and maybe it'd unravel the tension. Wrong.
The Omega had thrashed and flailed, demanding that Harry unhand him. When his Alpha refused to, Louis struggled even harder. In the midst of his attempt, he'd accidentally elbowed Harry in the face. Harry can still remember how loud the sound was when Louis' elbow hit his cheek, and then the next thing he knew, he was on the floor and clutching at his face, groaning in pain.
Louis had gasped, immediately sitting up and climbing off the bed to attend to his 'wounded' Alpha. He'd panicked as if Harry was dying, calling the front desk for a doctor. While they waited, Louis pressed a couple of ice wrapped in a towel to the spot where he hurt Harry. Once the doctor left, Louis pounced on Harry and showered his face with kisses, apologising for hitting him.
Harry is still a little bitter that he's not picture perfect anymore, but he's relieved that Louis has forgiven him; even though he had to sacrifice his face for the price.
"I think that's going to be a bitch trying to hide for your photo shoot." Ian says, staring in concern.
Harry shrugs. "It's going to be nothing that make up couldn't hide." He grins.
Louis hums softly, staring at their vacant table. Their dinner has already been finished and taken away. They've stayed for fifteen minutes now. "I could use some wine right now." He admits.
Harry perks up at his suggestion, his arm sliding down until he has a large hand pressed to the middle of Louis' back. "We can have it, if you want to."
"That sounds great." Ian agrees.
"Well, I wouldn't oppose to it." Jeremy shrugs, laughing.
The wine arrives shortly after they ordered it, and Louis is already tipsy with a red face after a few sips.
"I mean, it's obviously the most absurd thing ever." Louis giggles out after his non-decipherable story, his accent thicker and difficult to understand. Harry watches in amusement as Louis hiccups, his face flushed and eyes crinkled. He's only downed three glasses.
Ian presses his fist to his lips. "He's such a lightweight." He murmurs to Harry, laughing.
"He is." Harry replies with an amused smirk, wrapping an arm around his Omega and pulling him close. "We should go back to our room."
"But whyyyy?" Louis slurs, giggling again. Jeremy and Ian struggle to stifle their laughter. "We're having so much FUN right now."
"You're drunk." Harry chortles, already pulling the Omega to his feet.
"Thank you for this dinner, lads." Harry holds out his hand, and Ian pulls himself to his height before taking Harry's hand and shaking it briefly. Jeremy copies him after. "I'm sorry again, for my behaviour this afternoon."
"Apology accepted." Ian assures.
"I'll pick up the bill." Harry says, gripping Louis' arm to stabilise him when he stumbles into his chest.
"Don't worry about it." Jeremy shakes his head, smiling. "It's on us."
"Are you sure?" Harry furrows his eyebrows, wanting them to be certain. Louis had chosen quite an expensive wine since they thought Harry would be paying.
Harry looks at him with a grateful smile. "Thank you."
Harry holds his hand up to give a slight wave, and then he's already dragging Louis away.
"Babyyyy.." Louis sing songs as he stumbles into the lift after Harry. He quickly crowds up into Harry's space, his lips latching onto Harry's jaw while the Alpha chuckles and reaches out to press the button to their floor. "You're so fucking hot, Harry." Louis whispers, entranced as he shamelessly stares.
"My God, you only had three glasses and you're already this pissed." Harry crinkles up his nose, too fond.
Louis pouts.
"What's up with that?" Harry asks, kissing his jutted out lips.
"You're so hot." Louis moans, stepping forward and pressing his whole body against Harry's. All of a sudden, the lift is reeking of Louis' arousal and Harry's cock twitches in interest. "Fuck me, Alpha."
"Lou." Harry chokes out, his hands going down to grip at Louis' waist when he starts grinding against Harry.
"So delicious." Louis mumbles, hungrily reaching for Harry's buttons.
"Lou, no." Harry cackles when he finally grabs at the little wrists, three of his buttons undone. "We can't do it here."
"But why?" Louis whines, impatiently driving his hips forward until their cocks brush together and he moans.
"Jesus Christ." Harry gasps, gathering Louis into his arms and walking out the moment the doors open. He hurries along the hallway, Louis' legs wrapped tightly around his torso while he tries to find their room. It's quite difficult since Louis is humping him like the horny little bugger he is and Harry is having a hard time trying to even walk straight when Louis is so needy like this. He almost cries when he finally stops in front of their room, shoving his hand in his back pocket and pulling out the card.
They make it inside safely, and Harry lets the door fall close behind him, not even bothering to make sure it shuts properly. He dashes into the bedroom, dumping the Omega on the bed.
"Fuck, you're a horny drunk, aren't you?" He teases at the lust filled eyes staring up at him from the bed.
Louis holds his arms out. "Fuck me, fuck me."
He sounds like a kid asking for a toy.
Harry blinks, and suddenly he's uncertain. "Lou, are you sure? You're drunk."
"Harryy." Louis groans, this time in frustration. "We're bonded. And as your Omega, I demand you fuck me right now."
Harry almost falls over laughing. He spends almost five minutes on the floor cackling at Louis' ridiculous demand. By the time he's standing up again, Louis looks like he won't hesitate to stab Harry if he isn't so desperate for his cock.
Ten minutes later, Harry finds himself underneath Louis with his wrists pressed together above his head. Louis has used the bathrobe belt to tie him up. It's extremely ironic to him, an Alpha tied up while an Omega is in control. Maybe Marcel is right, maybe Harry does let an Omega dominate him.
Louis is sitting with his back facing Harry, his body bent forward and his arm reaching behind him. Harry can feel how hard he is in between his thigh, his cock throbbing at the sight of his Omega pumping three slender fingers into himself, prepping his hole for Harry later.
Louis is making these tiny sounds that are close to whimpers, teeth biting down on his lip as he curls his fingers inside and shivers. "Hmm, oh God."
"Baby, please." Harry pleads, his legs flexing out as he holds himself back from reaching out to touch the pretty Omega sitting on him. Not that he can, his arms are locked above him.
Louis decides to give him mercy, his body relaxing as he pulls his fingers out and straightens. His arm is starting to cramp, anyway. He gets up, and Harry's eyes are locked on his thighs as he turns around until he's straddling Harry properly. Before the Alpha can register it, Louis is pressing his fingers against his lips. Groaning, the Alpha opens his mouth and happily sucks on them. The delicious taste of Louis' slick melts in his mouth and he closes his eyes, hungrily lapping up for more.
The Omega moans, unable to wait. He snatches his hand back, ignoring the wounded sound Harry makes as he reaches back to grip at the cock pressing against his bum. Louis rises on his knees, guiding Harry's cock until the head finds his hole.
He sits down in one swift motion.
"FUCK!" It feels like air is being punched out of his lungs when Louis' tight heat envelops his length and Harry shuts his eyes until his head hurts.
"Oh! Oh God!" Louis' walls contract around him, more pleasured sounds leaving Louis' mouth and then the Omega is coming on Harry's stomach.
Harry doesn't even have time to comprehend the fact that his Omega just came from sitting on his cock alone, because Louis is already starting to move his hips to ride him properly. More heavenly sounds fill the room, along with the noise of their skins slapping together every time Louis drops down.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck." Harry grunts out. Louis is riding him as if he gives no rat's arse about Harry's pleasure. The Omega is clearly only concerned about himself and working for his orgasm. Harry thinks it's really fucking hot.
"I'm yours. I'm yours." Louis starts chanting as he places his hands on Harry's stomach, leaning forward and fastening the roll of his hips. "I'm yours, Harry Styles."
"Lou.." Harry pants out, his legs tensing to keep from thrusting up, knows Louis would probably get off of him and refuse to let him come if he does that.
"I am yours. Never will be anyone else's." Louis moans out, his hips rotating in an eight figure. Harry is positively dying. He could only grasp it after a while; Louis is punishing him in the best way possible for what happened this afternoon. "Do you understand, Mr Styles?"
"Fuck, yes." Harry nods, feeling his lower stomach tightening up. His knot is already starting to swell, and Louis seems to notice it too.
"Will any other Alpha get to fuck me like this, Harry?"
Harry is too caught up in the pleasure to answer.
"I asked you a question." The Omega purposely clenches down on him to get his attention.
Harry shakes his head. "No, no."
"Whose Omega am I?"
"Whose am I?"
"Yours." Louis finally gasps, dropping down one last time before Harry's knot pops and Harry shoves it inside him. Louis mewls as he collapses on top of Harry, his fingers curled on the bed sheet while he quivers through his orgasm from the sensation of come spilling inside him. The Alpha is still growling through it, his hips jerking up slightly to ride it out before he finally stills, melting into the mattress with a long sigh.
Louis lazes around after breakfast with Harry. He'd woke Harry up with a blowjob, which led to morning sex before they finally ate their breakfast. Harry's already left for work an hour ago.
He mostly sits in front of the TV and goes through the available channels. He's not sure if he even watches them. If he's quite honest with himself, he grabs his phone three minutes into whatever show he's supposed to be watching.
It's already day three and Harry keeps coming back in the evening. Louis is starting to get bored of staying at the hotel and waiting for his Alpha. He looks at the time and sighs. It's half past ten, and he's not going to take it anymore.
Louis is going out. Finally.
He turns the telly off, then proceeds to the bathroom for a shower.
When he leaves the suite, his clock reads 11:04 in the morning. He's dressed in a pair of skinny jeans and a grey jumper, his fringe styled to the side with a beanie nestled on his head. Louis makes sure he has everything before he heads to the lift.
The commissionaire greets him with a smile while he opens the door for Louis, and the Omega smiles back just as brightly. He doesn't really know where he wants to go, so he decides to just walk around the area. If he gets lost, he'll take an Uber to get back to the hotel.
He ignores Harry's voice nagging at the back of his head to take the Rolls Royce, courtesy of the hotel.
He goes to find souvenirs he can buy for his Mum and his sisters. Maybe he'll get them key chains. That would surely drive Lottie up the wall. She'd probably be screaming at him for going to America and only getting her a key chain.
Louis chuckles to himself.
Since most expenses are covered by his Alphas, he's managed to save up some money. It's not exactly much but he's pretty certain that it's enough to buy him some things for his beloved friends and family. Maybe he'll get a t-shirt for Alex.
Louis still has the card that Edward gave him, but he's not entirely sure if he wants to use it. He has given it a thought, though. He would use the card if he's buying anything for the triplets, and maybe for himself, but not for buying things for his family and friends.
Louis is in awe as he walks. This is his first time abroad, and he is still having a hard time believing that he's in New York.
He spends a lot of time walking through the streets, and he eventually ends up buying a pair of aviators for Lottie, a jumper for Fizzy, and matching blouses for the twins. Not forgetting his two girls, he buys Eleanor and Perrie a bracelet each. Like he had planned, he bought Alex a t-shirt and a decoration for his flat. As a last minute decision, he includes some chocolates for Hailey.
He still has yet to find something for his Mum.
"You're home." Marcel says in a clipped tone when Edward enters the room, loosening his tie. The older Alpha looks at him with an amused tilt of his mouth, closing the door behind him and shrugging.
"It's late." Edward replies, putting his bag down before continuing his path towards where Marcel is seated on the bed, a book opened on his lap. "Why are you still up?" He asks.
Marcel shuts the book, reaching out to put it away on the bedside table. He looks at Edward, running his eyes up and down his figure. "Was waiting for you."
Edward's smirk widens as he finally takes off his tie and discards it. "Were you?"
Marcel makes an annoyed sound. "Go change and get in bed." He rolls his eyes.
"Alright, alright." Edward chuckles, already spinning on his heels to make his way towards the bathroom. He really, really needs a shower.
Marcel waits quietly while Edward freshens up, and by the time his brother climbs into bed in only his pants, he is already half asleep. He feels Edward kissing his hair before a pair of arms encircle his body. "Sleepy, babe?"
The youngest triplet nods, shifting in Edward's embrace so he could be facing his brother. "The house is really quiet without them." He sighs, closing his eyes and leaning back into the comfortable pillow. "It gets a bit lonely."
"It's just a week." Edward reminds him, using his index finger to groom Marcel's eyebrow. Marcel has to hold back from asking what the fuck he is doing.
"Yeah.." He says instead, exhaling.
Edward lets his fingers brush up until he's gently running them through Marcel's hair. "You should've gone along with them."
Upon hearing that, Marcel hums his disapproval before his eyes are blinking open and he tilts his head back so he could gaze into Edward's eyes. "Didn't want to leave you all alone."
Edward leans down and kisses him softly. "But you are left alone."
"I still get to sleep in your arms." Marcel shrugs, laughing when Edward pecks him on the nose.
"What a sap." Edward accuses, but his mouth is quick to claim Marcel's lips again.
The Alpha's glasses shift when he scrunches up his nose. "You're starting to sound like Louis."
Edward ducks down to nose along Marcel's jaw, sharply inhaling his scent and pressing their bodies closer. "Your point?"
Marcel grabs Edward's face and guides him up so he could kiss him again. "You're such an idiot." He grins, their lips barely touching.
"Now you sound like him." Edward accuses.
"I miss him." Marcel admits. "I don't miss Harry much."
Edward makes a face that says he doesn't believe Marcel at all. "Don't lie. You miss him."
Marcel sighs. "It's bloody annoying how we have two people to miss now."
"Pull yourself together. It's only a week."
"As if you don't miss them." Marcel grumbles, playfully punching at Edward's bare chest.
"I have you." Edward replies, peppering Marcel's face with kisses.
Marcel groans in irritation, struggling to push Edward away. "God, you're just as bad as Harry." He presses his palm flat on his brother's face, holding him back so he's saved from another wave of kisses.
Edward grabs his wrist, holding his hand away while he continues his assault. "Stop pretending you don't like it."
"I'm not pretending." Marcel laughs when the touch of Edward's lips across his face starts to tickle.
Edward rolls over, his mouth covering Marcel's as he pins both of his brother's wrists above his head. Whatever protest that Marcel has is muffled, and eventually it quiets down as he starts kissing Edward back, parting his lips. His hips jerk up when Edward sucks on his tongue, and the Head Alpha pulls back to boom his laughter. "You're so easy."
Marcel pouts. "It's not always that you pay attention to me."
Edward grunts, leaning down and kissing his brother deeply. "I hate when you pout." He says, not letting Marcel reply as he parts his lips again and his brother's tongue meets his halfway.
Marcel gasps for breath when their lips separate with a smacking sound. "Edward.." he moans, hips bucking up. He's already half hard in between his thighs. And Edward clearly knows this, if the smirk on his face is any indication.
He kisses Marcel one last time. "Goodnight, Marcel."
The young Alpha cries out in anguish when Edward rolls off of him. "Edward." His groan of frustration causes his brother to laugh.
"We need to sleep." Edward reminds him.
"Fuck you." Marcel grunts, rolling away from his brother to sulk.
Edward laughs, crawling over until he's close enough to drape his leg over Marcel's thigh. "Aww, is Marcy sulking?"
"Go away."
"You don't mean that." Edward nibbles on his earlobe, his hand already creeping down until he's squeezing Marcel's cock through the joggers his brother is wearing.
"Edward." Marcel gasps, his hips jerking. "Fucking tease."
Edward cackles again, already pushing down Marcel's joggers and unable to contain his pleased smirk when Marcel hisses at the cold pricking at his cock. "Want me to fuck you, yeah?"
Marcel rolls his eyes. "Insufferable." He sits up and takes off his shirt, anyway.
Louis blinks, slowly waking up as he continues lying on Harry's chest, his pillow for the night. He brings his palm up to stifle his yawn and pushes himself into a sitting position. Harry is still sleeping soundly, unbothered by the movement Louis is making.
Harry joins him in the toilet ten minutes later while Louis brushes his teeth, his strong arms curling around Louis' tiny waist before his face is pressed to the Omega's neck. "The bed is cold without you." He mumbles.
Louis only replies after he spits. "Time to wake up, sleepyhead." He retorts, rinsing his toothbrush and putting it away. Then he spins around in Harry's arms.
"Do you want to go out?" Harry asks, his grogginess slurring his speech. He basks in the way Louis' face lights up like the sun.
"Where would we go?" Louis wonders, his breath fresh of mint as he kisses Harry on the cheek.
Harry almost wants to tell Louis that they should just stay in, that he's changed his mind. Because being here, having Louis in his arms and they're both only in their pants, standing in the bathroom, is already enough to make him happy for the rest of the day. It's moments like this that always reminds Harry how much he loves Louis, how content he is with his life. And to think that they didn't even know each other a few months ago, it's bizarre.
But Harry knows it'd make Louis really happy if Harry takes him out. So he kisses his beloved Omega, knows how Louis doesn't give a slightest arse about morning breath, and tells him, "Let's go and be tourists."
Louis laughs, and Harry can't hold back from kissing him again.
They go to Madam Tussauds, and Harry scowls and grumbles as he takes pictures of Louis posing with David Beckham.
"If you ever really pose like that with another Alpha, I'll spank you until you cry." He warns his Omega.
Louis points his tongue out at him, continuing to snuggle up to wax David Beckham's side while Harry takes pictures.
"Honestly, Lou. Victoria is right beside him." Harry grumbles. "And I'm right here."
He is ignored, his Omega skipping away to other wax figures while Harry grumpily trails behind him.
After that, they go for lunch, then proceeds to do some shopping.
"I don't know what to get for my Mum." Louis admits as they walk pass all the stores, Harry leading the way since Louis doesn't really have anything else to buy.
Harry ponders for a moment, his face contorting a bit as they continue to walk. "What about a handbag?" He suggests.
"I'm not sure. I don't really think it's a suitable gift. Besides, I don't know much about those. That's Lottie's area of expertise."
Harry hums in response, his eyes scanning the row of stores they're walking by. Suddenly he's pulling Louis into one of them. The Omega follows him without a sound. "They have nice jewelleries." He says.
Louis is still silent, letting Harry pull him in. There are various of sparkly jewelleries placed safely inside the glass display arranged in the store. The decorations give the area a perfect posh look, but welcoming at the same time. Louis is slightly intimidated at the display, but he's willing to browse through while he's here.
"This one's nice." Harry pauses at one counter, bending over slightly to inspect the one that has caught his eyes.
Louis joins him by his side, peeking at the one Harry mentioned and he makes a face of disagreement. The pair of earrings Harry chose is surely charming, but Louis is thinking of getting something of different sort for his mother.
He leaves Harry there, venturing further into the store as he looks at all the different types on display. Louis eventually ends up by the counter that holds a few pendants with embedded gemstones. One really stands out from the others, captivating Louis with its bright, blue colour, one that reminds him of the ocean. He pictures his Mum wearing it, and Louis falls in love with the precious sparkler.
A warm body presses up against him. "That one's gorgeous."
Louis grins. "Isn't it?"
"Get it for her." Harry says, nodding approvingly. Clearly he can see how suitable it'd be for Jay.
The Omega's face falls a little. "I don't know if I can afford it right now."
The obvious disagreement is etched on Harry's face, but he doesn't say anything about Louis not wanting to use whatever the triplets can provide him. Instead, he thinks for a moment before relaxing, a mischievous smile taking over his expression. "Let's just have a look first. Then we'll figure it out."
Louis wants to protest, but Harry looks like he's not going to leave until Louis gets the jewel, so he gives in. "Fine."
"Hi, how are you two today?" A sales associate comes over in her professional, neat attire, perfectly accompanied with a brilliant smile.
"We're good, thank you." Harry beams back. "Would you mind if we take a look at that one?" He points at the one Louis was looking at.
Her smile widens even more, if that's possible. "Of course not. Let me just take that out for you." She brings it up onto the counter, letting them have access to it.
Harry picks it up, inspecting it closely. "It's so pretty, Lou." He tells his Omega, then turns to the associate. "Does it come with a chain?"
"Yes, we have a selection of chains you could choose from." She informs him, already standing up to retrieve it.
"What do you think?" He offers it to Louis who takes the item from him.
"It looks expensive."
Harry sighs. "You can afford it."
"You don't know that." Louis narrows his eyes.
Harry only winks in response.
The associate returns, showing the chains of different colours and metal they could choose from to match with the pendant.
Harry watches Louis' expression while the Omega assesses each and every one of them. Once done, he takes a look too, taking note of which ones Louis' gaze lingered on. He points at a rose gold chain. "How much could you give us for this?"
She explains to him the material of the metal, and the weight, and all other things which Louis has no idea what they mean. And then she tells him the price.
Louis blinks, the figure taking him a little off guard but not surprising. He turns to Harry, and the Alpha is watching him.
"What do you think?"
"I don't know..."
Harry purses his lips, placing the chain down. "What about the platinum?"
She calculates it for a moment. "It'd be $1,655."
Harry can sense Louis' discomfort, and he reaches out to place a hand on the Omega's thigh. "Could you leave us to discuss for a moment?" He says to the associate. She nods with a smile, getting up and deserting them as requested.
"Harry, I can't."
"You can. How much more do you need to buy it?"
"Four hundreds." Louis mumbles out.
Harry leans closer. "I have an idea."
Louis straightens up with curiosity. "What is it?"
"I'll help you pay." He wriggles his eyebrows. "And you can pay me back in other terms."
The Omega's jaw drops before he overcomes his shock and giggles, lightly punching Harry's arm. "You perverted arse!"
Harry makes an offended face, placing a hand on his chest. "I didn't say you should pay me back with sex, you horny little thing."
Louis laughs louder. "Okay, okay, what is it, then?"
"I've been really tired lately, a massage would be absolutely perfect tonight." He pouts, pretending to grip his shoulder.
The Omega rolls his eyes; it does nothing to hide his fondness. "That's it?"
"A blowjob would be good too."
"Told you, pervert."
"Fine, deal."
"Oh, oh! Look at that!" Louis pats at Harry's arms with excitement, his eyes stuck on the jumper that a mannequin inside the store is wearing. Harry grins at such enthusiasm from his Omega, then turns to look at where Louis is pointing.
"It's a nice jumper, yeah." Harry agrees.
Louis huffs, making Harry laugh. "Of course it's a nice jumper." He rolls his eyes. "It'd look extremely good for Edward, though."
Harry rubs his chin while he thinks, humming. "You're right. It'd be perfect for Edward."
"Come on, then." Louis prompts, already trying to tug at Harry's arm to lead him in.
Harry pauses his strides when his phone rings, and Louis pouts. "Sorry, love. Gotta take this." He says after he sees the caller, leaning down and kissing Louis' cheek. "Why don't you go inside first? I'll be with you right away."
He sighs, but smiles up at him when Harry drops another kiss on his cheek. "Fine." He replies, already walking away. Harry brings Louis' hand up to kiss it as he answers the call before Louis' fingers slip away from his and the Omega disappears into the store.
There are not much people, so Louis is content to look round first. He takes a look at the other jumpers they have on sale, browsing through to see if there are any other ones that are better than the one they saw outside. He peeks out of the window and Harry is still talking on the phone, so Louis shrugs and continues looking.
After a good five minutes and Harry is still on that bloody phone, Louis gives in. He glances to left and right, trying to see if there are any free sales associates to help him. Three of them are standing at a corner, having a chat. He glances around again, not wanting to disturb their conversation. Unfortunately, all the other associates are busy attending to other customers, so Louis resigns with a sigh, walking over to where the three are.
The group consists of two Beta men and a Beta girl, laughing in their immersion of an animated conversation. Louis feels really bad about interrupting, but he wants to get the jumper for Edward. He wants Edward to put it on, and maybe take pictures before he'd peel it off his Alpha and ride him.
No, Louis. Focus.
"Excuse me." Louis puts on a really bright smile as he approaches them. Their chatters stop and three pairs of eyes turn to him. "I'm so sorry, but would you mind helping me? I'd like to take a look at the jumper outside, the black one."
The three of them stare at him like he's grown another head, and for a moment Louis wants to reach for a mirror to see if that had happened. Then the girl clears her throat, blinking as if she didn't hear him properly. "I'm sorry, did you just say you're interested in that black sweater?"
Louis nods. "Yeah."
She presses a hand to her mouth, and it takes Louis some time to realise that she's laughing. "Forgive me, but I'm not sure you could afford it."
Then the three of them burst into laughter.
Louis gapes for a moment. It feels like a smack to his face. He knows he can't afford it. Hell, the sales associates probably knew that the second they saw him. But that doesn't mean that they have the right to be disrespectful to him.
He schools his expression, maintaining his smile. "I'd really like to take a look at the jumper, please."
The Beta man sighs heavily, crossing his arms and shaking his head. His amused look is a bit condescending and Louis doesn't know if he should feel ashamed or angry. "Look, man, that sweater is going to cost you twenty five hundred dollars. It's really expensive."
Louis swallows. "I'll buy it." The card that Edward gave him burns in his back pocket.
"Maybe you should check out other stores, they might have something you can actually afford." The other man sniggers, looking at Louis up and down.
The Omega wants to open his mouth to reaffirm that he can afford that jumper, which he really wants to buy, because he hasn't even gotten Edward anything yet. But before he could do so, the three Betas glance at something behind him and widen their eyes, making excited sounds and slapping at each other's arm. And then they're trotting away, leaving him to stand alone.
He turns around to see the cause that got them behaving like that, then rolls his eyes and his body slumps. The three of them are heading over to where Harry has just stepped into the store. Since they're the only free ones, they're being extra giddy to assist Mr. Harry Styles. Harry, however, barely acknowledges what is being said to him, instead his green eyes search the store until they land on the petite figure of his Omega at the corner.
The lovely smile on Harry's face upon seeing his Omega disappears the moment he notices how upset Louis looks. Instantly, he realises that nobody is attending to Louis and he can feel anger slowly filling his veins.
Harry finally acknowledges the Betas' existence, making them brighten up even when he looks displeased. "Why is no one helping him?" He gestures over to his Omega.
The three of them glance over to where he's pointing and laugh, assuming he's one of the Alphas who taunt Omegas on daily basis and is just trying to find a victim for the day. "Oh, Sir, there's no use wasting time attending to someone who can't afford anything here."
Harry takes a second to absorb that in, and then his fist is fast to curl around one of the Beta's throat. "Say that again."
Louis widens his eyes the moment Harry grabs the Beta, promptly making his way over to them at the wrath on Harry's face.
"I'm.." The Beta man stutters while his colleagues stand there frozen, floored in agitation. "I said.."
"Yes, I dare you to say it again." Harry growls.
Louis reaches the group, trying to ignore the way the other customers are staring at the exchange. "Harry.." He calls out gently, placing a hand on the Alpha's arm. "Let him go, love."
"Do you know who this Omega is?" Harry hisses at the Beta.
"N-No, Sir."
"This Omega is just a human being like you, like me. He doesn't deserve any less respect than I do." Harry barks in his face. "Am I understood?"
"Harry, baby, please." Louis pleads, worried that Harry might hurt the Beta. He just wants to shop in peace.
The Alpha growls, knocking the Beta until he stumbles back onto the floor. "Disrespectful twats." His eyes look up to the other ones. "You are a pathetic excuse for a living."
"Honey, relax. It's fine."
"What else did they say?" Harry finally turns to Louis, his hard gaze urging Louis to tell the truth.
Louis stares at him, then casts his eyes to the sales associates. At this point, it's going to be his words against theirs, and if Louis wants to exaggerate, Harry would believe him with no questions asked. Louis is mad, but he's not evil. He turns back to Harry, shaking his head. "They just suggested that I go to another store." He replies, his voice quiet.
Harry is proper furious as he turns to them again. "Well, they're right." He scoffs. "Let's spend money somewhere else." He watches the three cower back with regrets on their faces. He points at the one talking shit about his Omega. "In any other circumstances, I would not hesitate to kill you. Understand?"
Louis shivers, not sure whether to be flattered or frightened that his Alpha would mindlessly kill someone just because they disrespected him. In times like this, Harry reminds him a lot of Edward. But something tells him Edward would probably have no mercy at all.
"Yes, Sir." The Beta croaks.
Harry reaches out and wraps an arm around Louis' waist, pulling him flushed against his side. "Let's go."
"But, I want that jumper for Edward." The Omega whines.
"Please?" Louis pouts. "We can ask for someone else. I really want to get that jumper for Edward. Please."
Harry sighs heavily, all tension leaving his body. He can never feel anything but fond when Louis pouts like this. "Fine, fine."
"Thank you." Louis grins, hopping up to kiss him on the cheek.
The Alpha turns to the associates still standing there. "Get me someone to help my Omega!" He bellows, causing them to scramble into action.
Louis smiles in victory, snuggling into Harry's side. "You didn't have to do that."
Harry frowns at him. "They were so rude, Lou!"
"They're right, though." Louis replies, shrugging. "I can't afford anything here."
"You know if you want anything, you just have to ask, right?" Harry mumbles, brushing his nose across Louis' cheek.
"I know." Louis retorts. "Honestly, do you really get off on me spending your money?"
Harry's answer is a cheeky grin. "You could say that. I'm really happy whenever you use our money."
"You're so weird. What if I spend your money to buy a house and leave you?"
He hums, his lips finding Louis'. "That won't happen. You love us too much."
"So full of yourself."
"And of course we can afford it!" Harry reaffirms.
Louis' eyebrow rises at that. "So, we're one entity now?"
"Excuse me, Sir?" Someone calls before Harry could reply, and both of them turn around to see a girl standing there with a smile. "How may I help you?"
"Yeah, get my Omega whatever he wants." Harry says, placing a hand on the middle of Louis' back and guiding him forward. "Let's start with the black jumper he really wants to see."
She smiles wide at Louis, friendly and warm. "Of course! Let's go, Sir."
"I can't believe, the nerve of them!" Harry hisses. His face is pulled taut into a big scowl as they hurry along the pavement. Louis struggles a bit to keep up with him, but eventually he manages to walk beside Harry. He's slightly amused at the way the Alpha is behaving, but he understands where Harry is coming from. "So fucking rude! He should be glad Edward isn't here. He would've slapped those low lives with money!"
At that, Louis bursts out laughing. "Why didn't you do it, then?"
"I don't have enough cash for it to hurt." Harry replies, dead serious.
Louis' laughter rings in the air once again. At such sight, Harry slows down his pace, unable to take his eyes away from how beautiful Louis is. "Stop being so upset. You threatened the lad, poor thing."
"He doesn't deserve your sympathy." Harry tells him, pressing his lips together and shaking his head.
"Hush. I got the jumper in the end. That's what matters." Louis replies, still grinning. "Let's go. I want ice cream."
"Fuck, how much did we spend?" Louis wonders aloud as he stares at the number of paper bags on the floor, his hands on his hips. Harry is stood right next to him, his arms crossed with his lips jutted out.
"I'm...not sure." Harry replies in full honesty. "What did we even buy?"
Louis lowers himself down onto the floor until he's seated with legs crossed. "Alright, let's see. I bought that jumper for Edward, the scarf for Marcel, new trousers, and a pair of shoes. And that necklace for Mum." He glances at Harry as the Alpha moves to sit down too. "I think that's all."
"I got two jumpers, that hoodie for you, new trackies, new boots.." He trails off, listing the items away on his fingers and pausing as he tries to recall. "What else did I buy?"
"You also got those sunglasses." Louis reminds him.
Harry claps his hands. "Right." He nods, looking back at the bags. "Why are there so many, then?"
Louis yawns. "Let's figure it out tomorrow." He grows to his feet and holds his hands out towards the Alpha. "Sleep now."
When Harry grins and places his hands onto Louis' waiting palms, the Omega pulls him up to his feet and tugs him forward until their lips are pressed together. Harry makes a happy sound of surprise, his lips stretching wide into the kiss.
"I had a really great day. Thank you." Louis murmurs, wrapping his arms around Harry's neck.
"Me too." Their foreheads press together, Harry enclosing Louis into his embrace with his hands spread wide on Louis' back. "I'm always happy whenever I'm with you."
"Hmmm, am I supposed to be flattered?" Louis retorts, giggling upon the smack delivered to his arse.
"Mean." Harry scrunches up his face in what happens to be disapproval. Louis absolutely refuses to be endeared.
He sighs softly, happily, pecking Harry's lips once again. "Let's get ready for bed."
"Actually, I think you owe me a massage." Harry reminds him as he carries Louis all the way to the bathroom.
"Right." Louis nods. "And the blowjob."
"Yes, the blowjob." Harry whistles excitedly. "Can't wait."
Louis' heart skips a beat when he sees Marcel waiting as they exit the plane, and his heartbeat becomes faster the closer he gets to the Alpha. His pace increases, and he knows Harry won't mind that he's almost running now and leaving him behind to get to Marcel.
It's only been a week, but he feels like he's coming home to his missing puzzle piece.
When he slams into Marcel's chest, the Alpha barely stumbles back. His arms wrap around Louis tightly, and the Omega wants to cry with the euphoria that comes with it as he inhales Marcel's scent.
"Fuck, I've missed you." He whispers, burying his face in Marcel's neck. His little hands are clutching the Alpha's back, trying to hold him closer but distance doesn't exist between them.
"Missed you too." Marcel murmurs against his forehead, his lips pressing over and over again on the Omega's skin. He pulls back to stare at Louis' face, his lips barely stretching to accommodate a smile. "How was America?"
"Good." Louis shrugs. "But not without you and Edward." He frowns when he realises that only Marcel is here. "Where is he?"
Marcel's expression falters. "I'm sorry, babe. He couldn't make it. He'll see you tonight."
"Oh.." Louis can't help the disappointment in his chest, but he is quick to shut the emotion away. "Okay."
Marcel wants to comfort his mate, knows that Louis must be feeling upset. But Harry's on him before he could say anything.
"Marcy!!" The lanky Alpha drapes himself over his brother, kissing all over his face.
Marcel chuckles, hugging Harry as tight as he hugged Louis. "I missed you too." He grins, pressing his face into Harry's neck briefly before kissing Harry's cheek.
They share a sweet, greeting kiss, and Harry's smile is blinding as they pull away, it's clear that he's genuinely happy to see Marcel again. "Can't wait to show you what I bought."
"Harry..." Marcel drags out. "I told you not to buy anything for me."
The Alpha pouts. "But it would look so good on you!" He reaches back and grabs at Louis' arm. "He bought a jumper for Edward, and a scarf for you!"
Marcel's eyes narrow until they're a slit and he's judging his brother and his mate. Louis at least has the audacity to look embarrassed. "How much did you two spend?"
Harry and Louis share a look before turning to Marcel and grinning cheekily.
"Oi!" Marcel widens his eyes at such reactions.
"I swear it didn't reach twenty." Harry holds up a palm, his face innocent.
Marcel's eyes widen even more. "You spent more than ten?!"
"Run!" Louis smacks Harry's side before taking off towards the car. Harry giggles, following suit and leaving Marcel behind to yell at them.
"Idiots." Marcel shakes his head, amused.
The house is dark when Edward climbs up from the garage to the entrance hall, no sign of life at all in the quiet. He sheds the coat he wore to the office, pulling the cupboard open and hanging the coat up. He toes off his shoes, arranging them neatly in row on the rack. The hinge creaks slightly as the cupboard door swings shut. Edward checks the time and sighs; 1.20AM.
He starts walking along the hallway, already having their comfortable bed in mind. If he's lucky tonight, he can't wait to sleep with Louis in his arms. He hopes Harry doesn't hog the Omega. He's had Louis all to himself for a week, after all. Edward has been missing the Omega's scent and warmth.
As he passes the living room, a sweet smell pierces his nose and his steps halt. Is he making up things now? Does he really miss Louis that much? He retraces his steps until he's standing at the doorway to the living room again. The smell is strong, unfading.
Edward doesn't bother turning the light on as he steps inside, his heart hammering in his rib cage at the sight of Louis curled up on the sofa, hugging a jumper to his chest. It's still got a tag on it; a new jumper.
He's careful as he slides his arms under the Omega and picks him up bridal style. Louis shifts at the disturbance, pulling the jumper closer to himself and blinking awake. "Edward?" His soft voice asks, already leaning into the Alpha's touch.
"What were you doing down here, baby?" Edward questions, leaving a lingering kiss on his forehead as he carries him away.
Louis snuggles into his embrace, his cheek pressing at a firm shoulder. "Was waiting for you."
"Should've done that in bed."
"What time is it?" The Omega croaks, lifting his head and squinting around to see where they are. There is no clock for him to refer to.
"Almost half past one."
Louis stiffens in his arms. "You're back really late." He murmurs, just an observation.
"I'm sorry, love. We had a late meeting, and then I had more work to settle." Edward apologises, making his way into the lift and leaning down to press the button to the top floor.
The petite body in his embrace twists around, trying to get down. "I'm heavy." Louis claims.
"Nonsense." Edward snorts, tightening his hold. "You're light as a feather. Harry is a lot heavier."
His comment makes the Omega chuckle, the sound weak from his sleepy state. He brings the jumper up to his face, brushing his cheek across the comfy fabric. Then he frowns, realising why he had it with him in the first place. "I got this for you." He says, holding it up for Edward to inspect. "Saw it and the first thing I thought was how good you'd look in it."
The lift opens and Edward steps out. "Really?" He raises his eyebrows. "Finally, you're spending our money like the sugar baby that you are."
Louis giggles, slapping at his chest. "I'm older than you. Have some respect."
Edward chuckles as he pushes the door to their bedroom open, letting it fall shut behind him and carrying Louis to the bed. Marcel and Harry are already sound asleep, limbs tangled together. He places his mate on the mattress, then takes the jumper from Louis' hand to hold it up. A wide smile spreads across his face. "I like it, baby. Thank you."
Louis smiles, tired and groggy. He reaches out sleepily, demanding a kiss. Edward obliges, feels the fatigue in his bones seeping out at the contented look on Louis' face.
"Wait." Louis gasps when he tries to slide his fingers into Edward's hair. He pulls back, blinking repeatedly. Edward bites his lower lip, trying to suppress his smirk. "What did you do to your hair?!"
Edward laughs, reaching forward and pressing a hand to Louis' mouth. "Quiet, baby." He reprimands, glancing over to see that his brothers are barely disturbed by Louis' unexpected outburst. Louis grabs his wrist and tugs his palm off. "I cut my hair." He explains, as if is isn't obvious enough for Louis.
"But.." Louis stammers. "Your precious curls!"
"I know." Edward nods. "But I felt like it's time to start fresh." He kisses Louis once. "How do I look?"
Louis exhales softly. "You always look handsome."
"Yeah." He reaffirms, pressing close to connect their lips again. Edward hums pleasantly at the familiar taste of Louis on his tongue.
He licks his lips as he pulls back, loving how swollen Louis' own are. "Go to sleep, baby. I'll join you in a bit."
Louis lets him go, snuggling into the duvet while Edward takes the jumper into the closet to hang it up. When he exits to head to the bathroom, Louis is already in deep sleep.
Edward climbs into bed five minutes later, Louis instantly crowding into his space the moment he settles beside him. He turns off the light, then is instantly consumed by the night.
When Louis wakes up the next day, Edward is already dressed for work. His watch is carefully clasped around his wrist, tie looped perfectly where it rests on his chest. His hair is already combed back, and even in the midst of his grogginess, Louis still has the time to appreciate how hot his Alpha looks with his short hair.
"You're wearing it." Is the first thing Louis says. Edward has put on the jumper Louis got him. And fuck, Louis was right. His Alpha looks so delicious. Louis should pull him back to bed.
Edward smiles. "I am. It's very comfortable. Thank you."
Louis rubs his eyes, yawning into his fist. "What time is it?" He asks, stretching his arms out and feeling a little bit awake once he's done.
"Half past five." Edward replies, picking up his briefcase.
That confuses the Omega. "Um, why are you already dressed for work?" Harry rolls over next to him, his arm unconsciously curling around Louis' torso.
"I need to leave early. We have a meeting at seven." Edward tells him. "Are you working today?" When Louis nods, he adds, "Could you ask Marcel to drive you?"
Louis frowns. "Who the hell holds a meeting at seven in the morning?"
"I do."
Edward shoots him an amused look. The Omega is asking too many questions at such hour. "Because I have another meeting at nine." He replies, walking over to the bed.
"What time are you coming home?" Louis asks again. The Alpha isn't willing to respond, instead he ducks down to kiss his Omega on the lips.
The Omega pulls back, a hand on Edward's chest. "You're disgusting." He scrunches up his nose. "Morning breath."
Edward chuckles, already pressing his hand to Louis' jaw and guiding him forward again. "I don't care, baby." Their lips meet, and Louis' protest dies in his throat.
"What time are you coming home?" Louis brings up his previously abandoned question.
Edward stands up straight, fixing his tie that has been messed up from Louis' touch. "I can't promise." He murmurs, his face apologetic.
Louis blinks, can already feel himself pouting. "Are you going to be able to make it for dinner at least?"
"I'm not sure." Edward's tone holds another note of apology.
Louis sighs, lowering his face. "Okay. Drive safe."
Edward sits down on the bed, placing his fingers beneath Louis' chin and tilting his face up until green meets blue. "Baby..."
"No, it's fine." Louis shakes his head, shrugging.
"I'm sorry." Edward mutters, drawing Louis into his embrace.
"Don't be." Louis replies, burying his face against the Alpha's neck. "I understand. You have to work."
Edward kisses the top of his head. "Thank you." His lips linger there, and he breathes in the intoxicating scent of his mate. "I'll make it up to you later, yeah? We'll go on a date."
Louis brightens, pulling back and nodding with a smile. "That's a promise, Mr Styles."
"It is, Mr Tomlinson." He kisses Louis again, and again, and again. God, it's always hard for him to part from Louis' lips. Kissing Louis is a pleasure on another level. "Fuck, can never get enough of kissing you." He groans, claiming Louis' lips again.
"Mff-God!" Louis pushes him back and giggles. "Go to work, you animal."
Edward smiles. "I'll see you tonight."
"I love you." Louis kisses his cheek.
"I love you too."
Edward leans over and drops a kiss on Harry's forehead, then purposely puts his weight on Harry while he tries to reach for Marcel.
"Get off!!"
Louis sighs as he finishes his last work for the day. God, he can't wait to go home and see his Alphas. Cuddles would be perfect right now.
He packs up his things right away, locking the door behind him before he leaves.
He finds Marcel already waiting for him as he exits the building. The Alpha has brought the Porsche today. Louis wonders if he will ever get used to this.
"Hello." He greets as he enters the car, tossing his bag and pulling the seatbelt on.
"Hi." Marcel replies, putting the car into motion. "How was your day?"
Louis sags into his seat. "Tiring." He moans. "I think I'm still a bit jet lagged."
Marcel frowns at that although his eyes are on the road. "You should have taken the day off."
"Couldn't do that. I've already been away for a week."
Marcel sighs. "Well, when we get home you better rest."
Louis pouts. "Actually, I was wondering if you want to go on a date."
Marcel turns fond. "Are you sure, though? We can go tomorrow. You need more rest."
"I'll sleep tomorrow. Let's go on a date!"
"Alright." Marcel grins, excited. "Where to, then, my lovely Louis?"
"I want to watch a movie." Louis voices out. "There's a new Disney one."
Marcel bursts into a fit of laughter, raspy voice filling the car. "Alright. Disney movie, here we come!"
"Should we tell Harry about it?"
"Don't worry. Harry is having a meeting with his manager. It'd just be the two of us for dinner, anyway." Marcel shrugs.
"Oh. Alright, then."
Louis pants, the metal cold under his cheek. Marcel's hand is big on his back, pressing him down onto the car. His own hands are by his sides, curled up into nothing while every little sound he makes escapes into the night.
He's never expected he'd ever agree to this. He had never entertained the thought of getting it on in public, but now here he is; his trousers pooling around his ankles with his shirt bundled up and a fully dressed Marcel is pummeling into him from behind.
It all started so innocent and sweet. Marcel brought him to the clearing where they had their first date to look at the stars after their movie and dinner. Somewhere during their snogging session, Louis had gotten hard and then Marcel was touching him, and here they are.
"Fuck! Marcel, there!" Louis screams when the Alpha drills his prostate, his hand clutching at Louis' hip as he thrusts into him faster. The warmth enclosing around Marcel's cock is so good that he should be coming by yesterday. But he wants it to last.
"Shit." Marcel groans, pushing Louis' shirt up even more and dropping a few kisses on the Omega's smooth back. "You're so gorgeous."
Louis lifts himself up onto his elbows, hissing at the contrast in temperature between his skin and the bonnet. His legs are already shaking, his balls tightening. Louis has a feeling that his Alpha won't last long. His thrusts are already getting sloppy, and his heartbeat keeps picking up. "Marcel, I'm so close." He grits out, a loud wail escaping his mouth when Marcel finds his prostate again.
"Fuck! Me too, babe." He moans, draping himself over Louis' back and playfully biting on his mark.
Louis' vision goes white as he comes, shuddering beneath Marcel's chest.
"Holy fuck!" Marcel slaps his hand on the bonnet, thrusting into Louis once, twice, and then he's locked up inside his Omega, dumping the first load of come with his knot plugging Louis up. "Louis." He sighs, collapsing onto the petite body.
Louis feels his legs go wonky, almost slipping down from the smooth surface if Marcel hasn't caught him. He flinches at the tug on his used rim from their movement, his cock twitching. "Oh God."
Marcel shifts them until he's sitting down on the ground with Louis on his lap, his knot still swollen and come spilling inside his Omega. "This wasn't the brightest thing to do."
"Nope." Louis agrees. "We just had sex in a jungle."
"Well, it's not that deep in the jungle." Marcel protests.
"That's the point!" Louis laughs. "What if someone saw?"
Marcel bites Edward's mark on his neck. "Then they're lucky they had a view of a good show."
Louis shivers at the warm breath on his skin, curling further into Marcel's embrace. "I don't think anyone would enjoy it that much."
"Harry would."
"Pfft, Harry enjoys everything."
Marcel's knot goes down a few minutes later, and both of them cringe at the squelching sound it makes as Marcel slides out. His hand quickly goes to cover Louis' rim, preventing his come from dripping out. He looks at Louis hotly. "I have an idea."
Louis bites on his lower lip. He's certain Marcel's idea won't involve them getting McDonald on the way home.
He presses a hand on Louis' chest, pushing him back until he's laid out on the grass. His fingers are still pressing at Louis' entrance, the rim clenching and unclenching against his touch. "I'm going to plug you up." Marcel says, hearing the hitch in Louis' breath. "Then, when we get home, you'd be all prepped and ready to take Edward or Harry." He blinks. "Or maybe Edward and Harry. How does that sound?"
Louis whines.
Marcel chuckles. "That would be really beautiful." He murmurs. "But we don't have any plug, so I think I'm just going to make you come once again, and then we'll go home so you can rest."
Before Louis could say anything, Marcel is already slipping two fingers inside the Omega, curling them so he could hear the howl Louis makes.
"M-Marcel! Oh! Oh fuck!" Louis claws at his arm, his thighs trembling as Marcel fucks him with his fingers. His biceps bulge every time he shoves his fingers back into Louis' warmth, his hand moving at a frantic speed.
Louis is coming fast, and he's doing it very loudly. His cock throbs and pulses, come spurting all over his stomach. And when Marcel bends him in two to clean him up using his mouth, Louis lets him do it.
"What did you do to him?"
Louis shifts in Marcel's embrace at the voice. He whimpers, then yawns as he opens his eyes to see Edward and Harry staring at Marcel disapprovingly.
"What's going on?" He mumbles.
"He asked me out on a date." Marcel explains to his brothers.
"You know he's still jet lagged. He needs more rest." Edward scolds.
Marcel rolls his eyes. "Well, try telling him that."
"Don't talk as if I'm not here." Louis groans, pressing himself closer to Marcel's chest.
His statement causes all eyes to be on him. "You're awake." Harry says in relief.
"Can't a lad sleep in peace, honestly?" The Omega rolls his eyes. "What's going on?"
"We were just wondering where Marcel took you. You should be sleeping and having enough rest." Edward crosses his arms, his eyebrows furrowed. "You look tired."
Louis scoffs. "My God, he's my Alpha too. He can take me anywhere and do whatever he wants with me. And I wanted to go on that date with him. Stop over-reacting."
"See?" Marcel laughs.
Harry holds his hands up, giving in. "Alright, alright."
"Someone take a bath with me." Louis requests. "That'd be really lovely."
Edward's face is full of affection. "I'll do that." He takes a step forward and holds his arms out. Louis feels like a baby as Marcel transfers him into Edward's hold.
Louis sighs as Edward carries him up to their room and gets the water running while Louis undresses.
"You take my breath away every time I look at you." Edward exhales when Louis walks into the shower without a string of cloth covering his body.
His comment makes Louis blush, and he shyly steps further into the bathroom to head over to the jacuzzi beside the shower room. "I'm already yours. You can cut down on the compliments."
Edward clicks his tongue in disagreement, peeling his top off and pushing his trousers down. "You deserve it." He shrugs, helping Louis climb into the tub before following suit.
"Do you really think that?" Louis asks as he settles himself in between Edward's legs, leaning back against the strong chest.
"Think what, baby?" Edward questions, reaching out for a sponge and lathering it with soap before starting to rub Louis' shoulder with it.
Louis tilts his head when Edward cleans his neck. "That I'm beautiful?"
The motion against his skin pauses. "Is that even a question?"
"Was just wondering."
Edward's hand resumes its work. "Do you really think we're lying?"
Louis shrugs. "I don't know. It doesn't make sense."
"I wish you could see yourself from my eyes." Edward murmurs into his ear, his hand reaching forward and washing Louis' chest. "You're the prettiest thing I've ever seen. I could live ten lifetimes and not find anyone as beautiful as you."
"Ugh, sap!" Louis laughs. "I suppose you're glad then, that you're stuck with me?"
Edward echoes his sentiment. "Very much. I would probably die if I ever have to live without you."
"Drama Queen."
"Honestly, though." Edward's voice turns serious. "It hasn't been that much of a while, but I think I forgot how life was without you."
Louis falls quiet. "Me too."
"You mean a lot to me, Lou." Edward kisses his temple. "Too much."
"I love you." Louis says, closing his eyes and leaning into it when Edward's lips linger.
"I love you too." Edward cuddles him properly. "My lovely Omega. So gorgeous. So hot."
Louis giggles, pressing back until Edward hisses at the contact between his cock and Louis' arse. "You're only saying that because of my arse."
"Well.." Edward trails off, cocking his head. "It's a God's gift, honestly."
"Touch me." Louis breathes, grinning seductively as he glances behind his shoulder.
"So demanding." Edward comments, but his hand sneaks down to touch Louis' rim, making the Omega sigh. "You two were shagging, didn't you?"
"Yeah." Louis admits, pressing back. He wants Edward right now. He knows he should be resting and sleeping, but he's missed his Alpha a lot. He turns around and grins as Edward looks up at him. Louis shamelessly straddles his Alpha, grinding on him to make him hard.
"God, you should be illegal." Edward groans, his hands settling on the dip of Louis' waist as the Omega writhes on top of him.
Louis pants at the way Edward's cock rubs up against his hole, not breaching him yet but it feels good all the same. Once Edward is fully erect, Louis wastes no time reaching back and taking a hold of his shaft, his nimble fingers guiding him until the tip is pressing at his rim.
Edward lets his eyes flutter shut as Louis' heat slowly engulf his length, going down, down, down until the Omega is fully seated on his lap, Louis' bum pressed against his thighs. "You're going to kill me." He squeezes out.
"Ugh, fuck." Louis mewls when he shifts, impatient to get up and start working himself up and down. "God!" He huffs, the air leaving his lungs every time he drops down and Edward is buried deep inside him.
"That's it, baby. Come on." Edward squeezes his arse as Louis properly bounces up and down, riding Edward's cock like a pro. "Fuck, you're unreal."
The water splashes everywhere in the tub, the sound mixing with Louis' high pitched whimpers and Edward's low grunts, creating the perfect melody to accompany the languid way Louis is moving above the Alpha.
Louis' thighs are already starting to ache but the pain is delicious. He moves even faster, angling his hips so Edward gets his spot whenever he drops down. Every single thrust sends him closer and closer to where he wants to be, and when Edward pounds up into him, it tightens the coil in Louis' lower stomach even more, a cry escaping his lips.
"So close! Fuck, fuck! Please!" He begs, desperate. "Edward, please, please."
"S'okay, baby. That's it." Edward soothes him, holding him down while he fucks up into the tender heat. "So gorgeous, falling apart for me like this."
Louis grips on his shoulders for leverage, throwing his head back as he rocks down whenever Edward pummels up.
Louis doesn't make a sound when he comes, just shudders and shakes above the Alpha as he makes a white mess all over their bodies, his walls clenching onto Edward's length that the Alpha chokes out.
"Fucking hell." He exclaims, fucking into Louis one, two, three more times and he comes undone, popping his knot into the Omega and clutching him close while his cock pulses. "Fuck."
Louis hums softly, his lips nibbling on Edward's skin. "We should have more bath sex." He pants out, thighs still shaking with sensitivity.
Edward stares at him, making a face as if Louis had just made a ridiculous statement. Both of them burst out laughing.
"What's funny?" Louis asks, still laughing.
"I don't know, why are you laughing?"
"Because you made that face!"
A knock at the door startles them both. "Hey, you two! It's late! Get out of there!"
"Okay, Mum!" Louis yells back to Marcel, making Edward laugh again.
He shifts on Edward's lap, moaning into pressed lips when his knot pulls at his rim. He snuggles into Edward, trying to get more comfortable while they wait for his knot to go down.
"You okay?" Edward asks when he tucks his head beneath Edward's chin.
"'m fine." He replies.
"Okay." His Alpha whispers, stroking his hand down Louis' naked back. "Lou, I need to talk to you about something."
"What is it?"
Edward hesitates. "Our rut is coming in a few days."
"Okay.. so?"
The Alpha is quiet, and when Louis pulls back, Edward is staring at him in surprise. "You want to spend it with us?"
Louis frowns in confusion. "I'm your Omega, am I not supposed to?"
Edward shakes his head. "No, I don't mean that. I'm just... We get very violent, especially me." He leans forward and captures Louis' lips. "I don't want to hurt you."
"You won't." Louis assures him. "How do you usually spend your rut?" His heart clenches a little at the thought of them spending it with any other Omega.
Edward is possibly reading his mind since he smirks, brushing his thumb across Louis' lip. "It's always been just the three of us."
Louis relaxes, and a tiny giggle escapes his lips.
"Sometimes it's Marcel, but usually it's Harry. He loves being the centre of attention."
"You've never spent it with an Omega before?" Louis asks, timid and insecure.
Edward shakes his head, kissing his cheek. "Never." He blinks once he realises that his knot has deflated. He reaches down to grip himself, and when he nods at the Omega, Louis sits up and his eyes rolls back into his head at the feeling of Edward's come dripping out of him and into the water.
"Got yourself dirty again." Edward shakes his head, looking at the spot of come on Louis' chest.
"It doesn't exactly take a bleach to remove it, stop being so dramatic." Louis rolls his eyes, cupping the water to bring it up to his chest but Edward slaps his hand away before he could make it. "What did you do that for, you dolt?!"
Edward puts his hand to the side, gathering Louis close again before he starts licking the come off of Louis' chest.
"Jesus, you're filthy." Louis scrunches up his face, giggling when the way Edward's tongue licking at his skin tickles.
"There, you're clean now." Edward says proudly.
"God, I mated with a primitive Alpha."
"So, how was America?" Perrie asks him teasingly, giving him a smirk.
"It was fun." Louis replies, smiling wide. He blinks when he remembers what he's brought. "I got you two something."
"You know you didn't have to." Eleanor says, making Louis chuckle from the slight frown in her expression.
"It's alright, I got everyone something."
Perrie clasps her hands together, grinning at a still frowning Eleanor. "Yeay!"
Eleanor rolls her eyes, but a small smile finally appears. "Let's have it, then."
Louis pulls out the velvet boxes containing the bracelets he bought for his girls. The girls widen their eyes as he places the box on their palm each.
"Louis! Oh my God!" Eleanor slaps a hand to her mouth once she opens it to reveal a sparkly bracelet. "It's gorgeous!"
Perrie's eyes are already brimming with tears, staring in awe at the James Avery in her hand. "I can't believe you got us this."
He looks from one of his best friends to the other, then makes a confused sound. "Why the fuck are you crying? It's the only thing I could think of to buy for you."
"It's perfect, Lou." Eleanor says, pulling the bracelet out and staring at it.
Perrie nudges the box to him. "Help me put it on?" She asks, hopeful.
"Of course, darling."
Perrie can't take her eyes off of the shiny accessory as Louis clasps it on around her wrist. "Gosh, it's so beautiful." She looks at Louis and coos. "Thank you so much, Lou!"
Eleanor holds her bracelet out, silently requesting that he helps her too. Louis grins, already getting on with it.
"There you go." He pats at her hand, smiling until his eyes disappear. Suddenly he's being attacked with hugs and kisses on his cheeks. "Jesus!"
"Thank you!"
"You're the best!"
"I know." He laughs.
It's a Saturday. Louis is in the gaming room, sitting alone on the bean bag and focusing on his game of FIFA when Harry strolls into the room with an air of uneasiness around him. The Omega instantly pauses the game upon seeing his Alpha like that. "Hey, Harry. What's wrong?"
Harry shifts from foot to foot, his hands clasped behind his back. The fact that he's so anxious makes Louis nervous as well. "Lou.." He bites on his lower lip, eyes anywhere but Louis. "Can we talk?"
That's how Louis finds himself in the lounge, sitting opposite all three of his Alphas who look like they've just murdered someone and is trying to tell Louis that the dead body belongs to his sister.
"Someone better tell me what's going on before I slaughter each one of you." Louis warns, glaring at them one by one.
All three of them wince at the threat.
"Okay, I'll start." Harry gulps.
The Omega blinks, taking a deep breath. "You're killing me. You're not spending your rut without me, are you?"
The triplets look at each other, confused.
"That's a discussion for another day." Marcel waves his hand. "We need to talk, right now."
"Okay, so tell me what we are talking about!"
"I'm leaving for a month and a half." Harry blurts out, then pauses. "Most likely two."
Louis freezes in his seat. Two months without Harry? "Why?"
"Work." Harry mumbles out, clearly despising the idea as much as Louis does.
"Okay." Louis trails off, turning to Marcel. "What else?"
The Alpha sighs. "I'm leaving as well. Off to Asia for three weeks, then Germany."
Tears prick at Louis' eyes. "You're leaving me?"
"Just for that long. We'll be back after that. Promise." Harry says, standing up and walking over to Louis. The Omega pulls back from him when he tries to touch him, and Harry's shoulders sag.
"Edward will stay with you." Marcel tells him, trying to reassure him. "I'll try to come back before I go to Germany, but I can't promise that it'll be for long."
Louis scowls at the floor, ignoring Harry who's perched up on the arm rest. "Are you leaving for work, too?" He directs the question to Marcel.
"Yeah... Remember the meetings Edward and I attended? They're all involving this project we're working on." Marcel explains to him, slightly worried that Louis is upset.
"Can't someone else go?" Louis wonders.
Edward shakes his head. "At this stage, it's either Marcel or me. We're just starting, and it's important that we lay out everything first. After that, then we can have other people take over."
"Are you going to come back at all during those two months?" Louis asks Harry.
"Yeah. I'll try to come back every two weeks."
Louis' lower lip trembles and his tears fall down even when he tries holding them back, so places his palms over his face. Harry is sliding into his seat and Louis is suddenly on his lap, strong arms holding him hostage. He feels Harry kissing his hair, whispering soothing things, apologising, but none of them really registers in his head. All he can think about is how to live without two of his Alphas for two months. Two months.
He was already a right mess leaving Edward and Marcel behind for a week. How is he going to deal with two months?
His hands are wet when he pulls his head back, his face drenched with tears. He's still sniffing, his little sobs fading away. He glances at Edward, and the Alpha doesn't look happy at all with the situation.
"I don't want to be without you." His voice cracks as he pleads at Harry.
The Alpha hushes him, hugging him tightly. Louis buries his face into Harry's neck, clutching onto him. "Me neither, baby. Me neither."
"When?" Louis croaks when his tears have ceased, pulling from the middle triplet to look at the rest of them.
"In two weeks." Harry responds.
"Me too." Marcel adds in regret.
Louis sighs heavily, curling up and hugging his knees to his chest on Harry's lap. "Is there nothing I can do?"
None of them says anything.
"Hey, come on." Edward says, growing to his feet and walking over to Louis and Harry. "We still have two weeks. Let's make the most of it, yeah?"
Marcel glares at his brother.
"Okay." Louis shrugs, oblivious to the look Marcel is giving Edward.
Harry's expression is a little wary too, his eyebrows slightly furrowed together while he stares at Edward. It's as if he has something on the tip of his tongue to say, but chooses not to at the last second.
Louis wipes his tears, climbing off of Harry's lap and fixing his shirt. Even with his blotted face and puffy eyes, Louis still puts on a smile. "Let's go on a date?"
"Harry!!" Louis shrieks just seconds away from crashing into him, sending the both of them tumbling down.
Edward and Marcel grimace from the distance. That must have hurt.
"Ow.." Louis whimpers, rubbing at his elbow where he's sitting on the ice, Harry sprawled out beside him.
"Why didn't you slow down?" Harry asks, holding his head. He's slow to sit up, the crash making him a bit disoriented.
Louis slaps his arm. "If I knew how to do that, I would have!" He protests. "You're not supposed to just leave me in the middle like that!"
Harry laughs, getting on his feet and brushing his arse. "Come on, up." Louis pouts as Harry helps pull him up, so the Alpha tugs him close until he bumps into Harry's chest, then kisses the pout off of him.
"Cheeky." Louis pretends to complain, but he's smiling as Harry holds his hands and guides him along the ice ring. Most of the people around them skate around freely, gliding from one spot to another with practised ease. It makes Louis a little jealous, especially that he's trying really hard not to fall every two centimetres. There are only two or three people who are like Louis, but it makes him feel a little better.
People had stared when they first appeared, even whispering excitedly while they talk about Harry and Marcel. But now they mostly leave them alone other than occasional fond glances whenever Louis whines and Harry laughs at him.
Marcel and Edward skate together side by side, and Louis almost wants to throw his blade at their heads. How dare they leave him just like that for Harry to handle?
"It's okay, babe. Slowly." Harry tells him, still pulling him along the ring.
Louis moans in frustration. "This is stupid. Who the hell thought it was a good idea to do this?!"
Marcel and Edward skid to a stop next to him. "You suggested it, Einstein." Edward points out.
"My past self can sod off." Louis grumbles.
"Come on, you're not that bad." Marcel says, taking Louis hands. "You just have to believe that you can do it."
"You just have to believe that you can do it." Louis mocks, squealing when Edward reprimands him with a spank.
"Try to skate on your own. Let us see." Edward suggests, skating over to stand next to Harry.
"I can't. I'll fall." Louis complains.
"Just try, yeah?" Marcel tries to persuade.
Louis glares at him. "Fine."
Marcel slowly releases his hands, moving back a bit to give Louis space. "Okay, spin around first."
Louis huffs, but the annoyance on his face quickly disappears to be replaced with fear as he wobbles a bit. He manages to do as Marcel told, facing his other Alphas. Edward has got this smirk on his face, while Harry just looks proud. Louis is definitely throwing his skating blade at Edward's face.
"Okay, now try to go to Edward and Harry." Marcel instructs him.
Louis huffs again, but he doesn't disobey. He leans forward a little, screaming when he slips. His Alphas are all reaching for him, but thankfully, he doesn't fall. His heart is beating wildly in his chest when he stands upright, and Louis tries again. He keeps his eyes on Edward, trying to move his body how he saw Edward and Marcel did. He manages to travel a short distance before slipping again, but he's fortunately close enough to land his face against Edward's chest instead of the cold, hard ice.
"Fuck this." Louis groans, clutching on the front of Edward's shirt to fix his posture.
"No, you did really good, Princess." Edward awards him with a kiss on the cheek, curling his arm around Louis' waist to help him stand. "Do you want to continue skating?"
Louis pouts, shaking his head. "I'm tired, and my bum hurts."
"Want me to kiss it better?" Edward smirks, his lips trailing across Louis' cheek until he can nibble on Louis' earlobe, making the Omega giggle.
He gives Edward's arm a playful smack. "Naughty Alpha!"
Edward chuckles. "Come on now, do you want to ride on my back?"
Louis' face lights up. "Yes! Piggyback!"
"What a child." Marcel insults when he sees Louis draped over Edward's back like a koala, but his smile says otherwise.
"Shut up, peasant."
"I want a piggyback too, Marcel!" Harry whimpers.
Louis giggles when Marcel swats at Harry's offending hands reaching out to him. They quarrel for a bit, but then Marcel is lowering his body with a pissed off face. He giggles louder as Harry climbs onto his little brother and Marcel starts skating along beside Edward.
"I can't believe we're on a date with a couple of five-year-olds." Edward drawls, looking at Marcel with an amused expression.
"You love these five-year-olds." Marcel points out, his mouth still tilted up. "Though, this is not what I signed up for when I agreed to this date." He adds, purposely flinching his body, hoping Harry would fall. But the Alpha has such a strong grip that he barely moves an inch, giggling. Marcel sighs, exasperated.
Louis pats at Edward's chest, making him slow down. "I'm hungry."
"The Princess has spoken. Time for food."
"Are you sure about it?"
"God, this is the fifteenth time you asked me that question."
"We just want you to be sure."
"I am. 400% sure." Louis urges, crossing his arms. "Honestly, how many times do I have to say it?"
Marcel exhales. "Okay, okay. It's just, if you don't want to, it's completely fine. We can get away for a while."
Louis groans out loud, frustrated beyond compare. He scowls at Edward, gripping his hips. "Are you going to knock some sense into your brother or do I have to?"
"Have at it, Princess." Edward widens his eyes, gesturing at Marcel.
The Omega rolls his eyes. "I told you I want to do this. What's the use of having an Omega if he's not going to spend your rut with you? Honestly, are you going to lock me into a room and throw knotted toys at me when I get my heat?"
"Of course not!"
"Exactly." Louis flails his arms. "I want to spend your rut with you. If you're going to destroy my arse, do it."
Harry starts cackling.
"Do you even know what happens to an Alpha in rut?" Edward wonders from where he's leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.
Louis makes a face, then shakes his head.
Harry smacks a hand to his own face, howling with laughter now.
"Shut up!" Marcel growls, sending a cushion flying to Harry's head. It hit him right on target, but the laughter doesn't cease.
Edward focuses on his Omega. "In a rut, Alphas mostly go out of control. It's highly possible that any of us could hurt you without meaning to. Everything is usually clouded, and we're not really aware of what we are doing."
"That's why we're worried if we do anything you don't consent to." Marcel adds.
"Like what?"
"Like triple-teaming you." Harry says, quiet now that he knows they're having a serious conversation.
Louis stares at the floor. "That wouldn't be unwanted, to be honest."
"It's just an example." Edward points out. "What if we take you one by one, take you over and over again? Pass you around? Even if you say anything at that point, I don't think any of us would really have self control. It's risky."
Louis squirms in his seat.
Marcel eyes the movement in disbelief. "Are you seriously getting hot over that thought?"
"Don't blame me!" Louis objects. "I'd want that." He grumbles.
"You like the idea of being used?"
Louis blushes, clamping his thighs closer. "Shut up."
"And if we hurt you, who's going to be responsible for that?" Edward asks.
"You're not going to hurt me." Louis says. "We're bonded!"
"We don't know if we'd want to take that risk, Lou." Marcel admits.
"For fuck's sake." The Omega stands up, all dirty thoughts completely abandoned. "You're not seriously going to deny me from being with my own Alphas during their rut?"
"Think about it, Lou." Edward persuades. "We've only ever been with Alphas in our rut our whole life. Even Harry gets hurt, who's to say you won't?"
Louis buries his face in his hands, letting out an anguished sound before he looks at them again. "Don't you trust your inner Alpha? Do you really think they would let you hurt me?"
"Not in a million years..."
Edward stares right into his eyes, his gaze hard and angry. He doesn't approve of it, and Louis wants to cry at the fact that he'd have to be away from his Alphas on their rut. Until the Alpha closes his eyes and his gaze has softened when he opens them again. "If you are hurt, or even think you're about to be hurt, try everything to escape. Punch us, scratch us, get away."
Louis rolls his eyes. "It won't get to that. Don't be dramatic."
"You haven't been there."
Something happens three days later. Louis is going through the luggage that he took when he went to America with Harry. He's supposed to unpack long ago, but Louis has been putting it off that he hadn't unpack at all. The only thing he's done was took out the dirty laundry. He's currently seated in the closet, getting his clothes out one by one, folding them and separating them. He's almost finished when he hears the small rattling sound after he nudges a tiny bag in the bottom of the luggage.
Confused, Louis folds the jacket he just took out before peeking into the luggage. He retrieves the small bag, wondering what it is. He has troubles recalling what it contains and why he brought it along. He doesn't remember taking the bag out while he was in New York. Louis loosens the knot and unloads the contents onto his palm.
The blood drains from his face and he almost passes out.
He drops the suppressants, gasping out loud as he shoves himself back from being near the bottles.
Sweat begins to form on his forehead.
Fuck. When was the last time he took his suppressants? Why did he even forget to take it?
Truthfully, he can't even remember the last time he took it. Alex always reminded him to take it during their breakfast. The triplets don't know about it, so he doesn't have anyone but himself to remember. But of course he didn't.
Louis frowns to himself; he remembers grabbing the bag to bring it with him because he knows it's important. But it didn't come up in his head to look what's inside. Oh God.
Louis curls up into himself, hugging his knees to his chest and rocking back and forth while he tries to think about what to do.
He can't remember how it was like the last time he got his heat. It was years ago. He'd never stopped taking his suppressants since then. His doctor told him that suppressants would have its side effects, but it would differ from one Omega to another. Louis hadn't cared years back. He just didn't want to put himself in a vulnerable position.
But now, he's got his Alphas. Of course he trusts them. But he's scared.
It took him a lot to get the courage to even have sex with them. But to give them all of him when his heat comes?
God, what is Louis thinking? Of course his Alphas won't take advantage of him. They take care of him, they always do. And they have Louis' consent, because he knows they won't do anything he wouldn't want to.
He sits there, lost in his own thoughts with the clothes still on the floor. He doesn't even notice Edward calling for him until the Alpha is beside him, frowning at how lost Louis looks.
"Baby? Are you okay?" He whispers, placing a hand on Louis' shoulder.
The Omega startles, blinking repeatedly. He turns to Edward, his eyes searching Edward's face. "Edward."
"What's wrong?"
Louis moves, plastering himself to Edward's chest. "You'll take care of me, won't you?"
To say that Edward is confused would be the understatement of the year. But he doesn't question it. "Of course, baby. Always." He squeezes the man in his arms.
The Omega smiles, pulling back and kissing him passionately. "Okay."
"All right?"
He nods. "Yeah."
It happens on Tuesday.
Louis jerks awake drenched in sweat, the moisture covering him front and back, plastering his shirt to his body. Even his hair is wet, sticking to his forehead. He glances at the clock, wondering what time it is and why he's sweating so profusely. It's four in the morning, and his Alphas are still in deep sleep.
A second later he realises that he's burning up, his body in high temperature all over. Louis is about to panic, wondering if he's dying; he's so young. He doesn't deserve death yet! But then he feels the sharp arousal spiking through his whole body, and he freezes in his place. Oh fuck, is he in heat?
The Omega starts sobbing, grabbing at Edward and shaking him violently with hope to wake him up. "Edward! Edward!" He wails.
"What? What?" Edward sits up in alert, trying to identify any danger in the room. When there's none other than his weeping Omega, he frowns. "What's going o-"
"I think I'm in heat." He sobs loudly, burying his face into his hands.
Edward grabs his arms, pulling him close. "Then why are you crying?"
"I don't know what to do."
"It's okay, I'll take care of you. What do you need right now?" He asks gently, pushing Louis' damp hair back. The Omega is flushed, sweating all over, and it's too damn early to even think about anything other than sleep, but Edward still thinks that Louis is the most magnificent thing life can ever give him.
Louis bites on his lower lip, not sitting still in his place. "I need you." He pleads. Now that the Alpha is up and he's being taken care of, it's like the hunger takes over his body and the only thing he can think of is having a cock inside him. "Now."
Edward chuckles, helping Louis out of his shirt when he sees how impatient the precious Omega is being. "Why don't you take off your clothes first, and I'll wake Harry and Marcel up?" Louis doesn't reply to his suggestion, but he continues peeling the offending garments off of his body, so Edward takes that as a yes. He reaches over to Marcel and slaps at his chest. "Marcel, wake up."
The Alpha shakes his head, blinking awake. "Wha-" He takes a whiff and moans. "Is Lou in heat?"
"Yep." Edward nudges at Harry with his foot. "Harry, up."
Harry mumbles incoherent words in his sleep, rolling over and continuing to snore.
"Edward." Louis begs, and when Edward and Marcel look over, he's already got two fingers inside himself, naked as the day he was born.
Marcel's jaw drops, his cock twitching in his pants at the sight. "Oh Lou."
"Take care of him, I'll wake Harry up."
Louis moans once he's got three fingers pumping in himself, looking over at Marcel in frustration. He can't reach that deep with the angle limiting his movements. "Marcel!" He whines, prompting the Alpha into action. Marcel quickly rids of his pants and shirt, crawling over to the Omega. He's already half hard.
"What do you need, baby?" He questions, reaching forward and taking a hold of Louis' cock, red and angry.
The Omega shudders at the pleasure. "Need you. Fuck me. Please. Want your knot."
Marcel obliges his request, manhandling him on the mattress until Louis is lying on his stomach, face pressed onto the bed. Marcel slides into him without any warning and Louis tenses up, his walls clenching down onto the length sheathed deep inside him, causing Marcel to howl in pleasure.
"Did you just..?"
"Please, fuck me!"
He starts to thrust into the delicious body pliant and submissive underneath him, low mewls and moans filling the room as he carefully pushes into his lover with increasing strength. Marcel doesn't hold himself back as Louis' cries grow louder, putting more strain on his muscles as he fucks the Omega faster, their skin slapping loudly in the silence of the night.
"Fuck, yes!" Louis moans when Marcel pounds harder into him, making Louis' arsecheeks jiggle every time he's buried balls deep inside. "Oh God, please!"
Louis' next orgasm comes very fast, barely warning Marcel about its presence. One moment he's rocking down, another moment Louis is thrashing beneath him before going lax.
Marcel pulls out with a groan, stroking himself while he checks on the Omega. "Baby?"
"More." Louis moans, lifting up onto all four.
"Fuck." Marcel grunts, already gripping Louis' hip and guiding himself into Louis' entrance yet again. He resumes his pace, basking in the way Louis screams every time Marcel abuses his prostate.
Soon enough, the pleasure affects Louis' whole body until he's unable to hold himself up. His torso falls back onto the bed but Marcel keeps his arse up with a hand on each hip, pulling him back as he thrusts forward.
"I'm close, baby. Gonna come. Gonna knot you up." Marcel utters the words low in his breath, his thrusts already faltering.
"Want it, please. Want your knot, Alpha!" Louis sobs into the mattress, ready for the part he's been waiting for ever since he woke up. He's going to get his Alpha's knot. Finally.
Marcel growls out loud as he knots, and he doesn't hesitate to push it deep inside Louis, making the Omega shake and come all over the mattress again. He collapses onto him, his mouth finding his bite mark and sinking his teeth into the bumps and ridges where he put them before.
Louis' knuckles are white as he fists the bed sheet, endless sounds parting his lips while he comes over and over again from Marcel's knot and the teeth clamping over his mark.
He only relaxes once Marcel's knot has gone down. His body sags on the bed, a small sigh coming from his lips.
Marcel kisses the back of his head, pulling off and out of him before rolling over. "God." He heaves out, his muscles sore.
Louis slowly sits up, a sated smile on his face even though his joints are screaming at him. His head is still a little cloudy, the burn still alight inside him but not as intense. His cock doesn't even get a chance to go down because he's met with the sight of Edward coming on Harry's face.
Oh. He's sort of forgotten about them two. He was so caught up in taking Marcel's cock.
"Alphas." He whines, making grabby hands at them.
Edward looks over, his face still contorted in pleasure. "Baby, want to help Harry come?"
Louis nods, licking his lips with his eyes glued to Harry's hard cock as the Alpha sits up. He quickly crawls over Marcel to reach the Alpha, lying down in between Harry's legs and taking the Alpha into his mouth within one go.
"Jesus fucking he-" Harry gasps, stars erupting behind his eyes at the surprising warmth engulfing him.
Louis moans, the vibrations travelling along Harry's whole body. He grips the base of Harry's length, his blue eyes glancing up and locking with Harry's as he pulls off and starts bobbing up and down. Since Harry is already worked up from watching Marcel fucking Louis within an inch of his life, it doesn't take him long until he's filling his come down Louis' throat.
The Omega pulls off in satisfaction after licking every single drop clean. He sits up with a smile, happy that he's got Harry half dead on the bed from sucking him off.
"Don't look so happy, Mister. You have a few questions to answer before your next wave comes around." Edward pops his happy bubble.
Louis pouts, but he goes over to where Edward has got his arms opened. He flops down on Edward's chest, grabbing at Edward's wrists and guiding them until the Alpha's hands are on his tummy.
Edward kisses the top of his head, his hands getting to work already, awarding Louis with his demanded tummy rub. "Did you know that you were going to get your heat?"
"Yeah. But I didn't know when." Louis replies.
"How come?"
Louis sighs heavily. "I forgot to take my suppressant. So I expected this."
"Why do you take suppressants?"
"Been taking them ever since I got my first heat." Louis mumbles.
Harry and Marcel are so worn out that they've fallen back asleep in the exact position.
Edward makes a confused sound. "Does that mean this is your second heat?"
"Sort of."
"Lou, our rut comes tomorrow. All of us are going to lose control. Are you sure you want to do this?"
Louis sits up, turning around with a glare. "I don't want to spend my heat without my Alphas, if that's what you are implying."
Edward rolls his eyes. "That's not what I mean." Edward exhales in frustration, as if he's lost as to what he should do. "I won't ever forgive myself or any of us if we hurt you, accident or not."
"You won't. Stop it." Louis retorts. "I trust you. You'll take care of me. Please, don't take this away from me."
The Alpha throws his head back, a thumping sound echoing in the room when he hits the headboard. "Fine. Okay." He sighs, righting his head again. "Do you want to sleep now before your heat fully comes in a few hours?"
Louis' eyes are already glazed over, so Edward feels really stupid for even asking.
"Want to sit on my face?" Edward offers, watching Louis' eyes grow even darker and the Omega nods. "Okay, come on."
Louis scoots back to give Edward space, and the Alpha wastes no time lying on his back. He looks at Louis and motions him over. "Alpha." He whimpers, already crawling up Edward's body.
The Alpha has to take a moment to recollect himself, his cock growing rapidly at the strong, sweet scent that is all Louis once he's trapped in between Louis' thighs. "Lou, you smell so good." He moans, his tongue darting out to give kitten licks at Louis' hole.
The Omega falls forward onto the headboard, clutching on for dear life eventhough Edward has just started.
Edward grips his thighs, locking him into place as he starts cleaning up Marcel's come slowly starting to drip out. Louis' mewls are still soft, so Edward takes his time swirling his tongue around Louis' rim, not breaching him yet.
"Edward." Louis complains with a whine, one hand reaching down to pump himself. "Oh, fuck."
The Alpha begins to replace his kitten licks with widespread, long ones. Louis shivers above him. "Okay?" He pauses to ask.
"Good, don't stop!" Louis gasps, pushing his hips down.
Edward widens his eyes, continuing to tease the Omega. Usually, Louis would be pulling at his hair and demanding that Edward eats him out properly. But his heat makes him so desperate that he'll take anything.
He decides that Louis is wet enough, so Edward easily pokes his tongue inside, making through with ease since he's already stretched open from Marcel's knot. The Omega jerks forward with a loud cry, causing Edward to start fucking him with his tongue in determination.
"Oh fuck!" His shout is muffled against the headboard where he is pressed against. He grinds against Edward's face, feeling tears springing in his eyes at the overwhelming pleasure heightened by his heat.
Edward releases him, using his hands to slap at Louis' arse, squeezing both cheeks in his palm while his tongue works wonders on Louis' hole. He hums at how delicious his Omega is, loving Louis' taste in his mouth.
Louis can't breathe, every single movement Edward makes inside him tugs harder at his abdomen, squeezing his lungs and making his head go dizzy. He closes the grip he has on his cock, rocking himself to his orgasm. He gasps, sobbing when his body tenses up and he finally comes with Edward still licking at his walls, slick gushing inside him and come spilling on his fist.
Edward greedily sucks on Louis' dripping slick, moaning loudly. His cock is already leaking, hard and red and abandoned. His tongue collects every single drop of the precious elixir, until Louis is only wet with his saliva.
The Omega's arousal prevents him from relaxing even after his intense orgasm, and when Edward grips him and flips them around so that the Alpha is on top, it only spikes his hunger even more. "Edward!" He begs, even when Edward puts him on his belly, pressing him down on the mattress. "Alpha, please." Louis nods vigorously upon feeling Edward's cock nudging in between his arsecheeks.
The Alpha doesn't waste any time, finding his way home and growling at the constricting heat. He can feel himself slowly losing control, the need to take Louis however he'd like already making a show. He tries not to think too much about his rut, focusing on his trembling, needy Omega. Edward starts thrusting right away, knows Louis doesn't need anymore prepping.
Louis presses his face into the mattress, muffling all his shouts as Edward fucks him so hard he's moving up the bed. Edward has to grip his hips to make him stay in place. "Ed- Edward, fuck!"
He feels the Alpha's hand twisting in his hair, tugging hard until Louis' neck is stretched and he's curved like a bow. His skin is on fire as Edward continues pounding into him with everything he has. "Ah! Ye-Yes, Edward. Mmm, fuck!"
He forgets who he is for a moment when Edward nails his prostate. He does it again and again, until Louis' high is stripped off of him in the form of warm white splattering on the bed. And even then, Edward keeps going on as if Louis isn't squirming on his cock.
Louis is crying again with the sensitivity, his thighs tensing up at the rapid approach of his next climax.
Edward's knot pops all of a sudden, stretching Louis up before he's filling him with what he needs.
Louis comes undone instantly, and they fall asleep stuck together.
The next morning, after another busy round, the Alphas call for the Betas to drop some breakfast at their door. Harry and Marcel strip the bed to change the sheets and then all of them enjoy the food.
They manage to get a few hours of rest. By noon, the Alphas get their rut and all hell breaks loose.
Twelve hours later, with his heat and the Alphas' rut had fully kicked in, Louis understands where Edward is coming from with his concern. The Alphas grip him so firmly and the way they fuck him is borderline painful. But Louis can't lie, he comes so hard he forgets who he is when they fuck him like that. His inner Omega is living, if he's honest. In the moment of his clouded mind, Louis tucks somewhere in his brain that he should really have a talk about them getting rougher with him in bed next time. He loves it.
There comes a time where they sit in circle, passing him around. Apparently Louis suggested it. He can't recall that, but all he knows that he is having a great time. Harry is fucking up into him where he's straddling the Alpha. Louis' throat is already sore with how much he was screaming from their previous banging, but he can't not make any sound when Harry moves his hips like that.
Harry tosses Louis to Marcel after Louis's came, and Marcel bends him over on the bed, mounting him and lets him scream Marcel's name until he paints the sheets white again. It's only after Edward makes him come again that they finally knot into him, one by one. Edward goes first, emptying his seed inside the Omega. Marcel and Harry play with his nipples until he comes again while they wait for Edward's knot to go down. And once it does, Edward pulls out and Marcel is inside him next.
Louis can feel every single drop of their mixed come dripping down all over his thighs when Harry pulls out of him after his turn, and he has never felt more sated.
They lose their sense of time, not caring what is going on outside their bedroom. All they ever do is sleep, eat, and then fuck until they're too tired to go on.
Louis wakes up the next day with a cock inside him. It turns out that the cock belongs to Marcel, and the Alpha has been trying to wake him up.
Louis takes all three of them after that.
He feels like an animal when he wakes up and it's over four days later. He's filthy. His hair is greasy and the room reeks of sex, and there are come everywhere. His body feels like he's just been hit by a truck, every single muscle protesting as he tries to sit up. God, his hole feels so loose that he thinks they could fit a whole fist in there and it probably won't be a stretch.
A wheelchair. That's what he needs. He can't even walk to the bathroom. Louis positively has to limp his way across. It feels like their first time all over again. Who thought three Alphas would be a good idea? Louis is going to punch Niall in the face. He was the one who introduced Louis to it.
He takes a shower, then indulges himself with a bath. By the time he climbs out of the tub, he's already feeling better. He wipes down his body, then ties the towel around his waist.
His body is bruised all over, mainly on his arms, his hips, and his thighs. They're much worse compared to the ones they left on him during their first time, and they hurt, but Louis loves them. Loves his reminders. His arse is still sore, but Louis knows he'd grow to love it. As he gets dressed, Louis wonders if he'd ever be satisfied with their usual sex after all the 'fun' they had.
When he exits the closet, Edward is sitting on the bed, staring at the floor. He looks up when he hears Louis' footsteps.
"Show me." Edward says, regret and anger painted in his expression.
"I'm fine." Louis assures him, walking over to stand in front of him. "I had a good time."
"Louis." Edward hisses through gritted teeth. "Show me."
The Omega rolls his eyes, pushing his joggers down a little and taking off his shirt.
Edward clamps his eyes shut, and for a second Louis thinks the Alpha is going to cry. "I did that to you. We did that."
Louis quickly puts on his shirt again, shaking his head. "No, stop."
"I hurt you."
"Could you please shut up?!" Louis snaps, his voice bouncing off the walls of their room when he yells. Edward stiffens up, his eyes widening. "Don't ruin this for me, please." He pleads. "I loved every second of it."
Louis presses a finger to Edward's lips. "No, before you say anything, look at your back."
Edward frowns, standing up and walking to the mirror. He turns around and his face blanks out at the red marks along his back, some of them are healing, some are still tender with drying blood.
"I did that to you." Louis bites his lip. "We're even, okay?"
"You're unbelievable." Edward dashes over to him, scooping him up and kissing him all over his face.
The Omega giggles, his legs kicking up and down as he struggles to get away from Edward's ticklish ministration.
"God, shut it!" Marcel lifts his head and groans before falling back asleep.
Edward chuckles, kissing Louis' cheek before putting him down. "I'm going to take a shower now."
"You'll be okay, right?" Louis asks in concern.
"A few scratches are not going to kill me, Lou."
"Just asking, you git."
They mostly spend the whole day sleeping, restoring their energy. Louis takes another shower to freshen up when all of them are finally fully awake later that evening. The Betas serve them various of food since none of them bothered too much about eating during the previous few days, and they gobble up everything the Betas put on the table. Louis can barely take a breath in once he's done eating.
Overall, Louis can say that his first official heat went quite well.
"Louis, wake up."
"No!" Louis protests, rolling over and hugging the pillow.
Marcel sighs, but he doesn't leave. Instead, he scoots over to where Louis is and lies down behind him, his arm wrapping around the Omega. "I'll miss you."
Louis buries his face further into the fluffy pillow, willing himself not to cry.
"I love you a lot." Marcel whispers, pressing his lips to Louis' back.
Louis turns around, abandoning his pillow so he could snuggle up to his Alpha. "I love you too."
"I promise I'll call." Marcel murmurs, kissing Louis in between his eyebrows.
"You better." Louis warns, his eyes already pricking with tears.
"I promise." Marcel repeats. "Will you take a shower now?"
"Okay." Louis nods, getting up and climbing off of the bed. He notices that Marcel is already dressed up. His and Harry's luggage are probably in the entrance hall, waiting to be carried away.
"We'll be downstairs waiting for you." Marcel tells him, getting off and walking over to kiss him on the cheek before walking out.
Louis cries in the shower, but he doesn't tell any of his Alphas that.
Breakfast is filled with silence, Louis snuggling up to Harry while he eats. The Alpha offers him a smile every now and then, kissing him whenever he feels like it.
Louis knows he's just overreacting. It's not like his Alphas are going to war. They'll be back soon. He'll see Harry next week if he's lucky, but he still dreads the time he has to spend without them.
They get a driver to drive them to the airport. Marcel and Harry are going to take separate private planes. They plan for the same departure so Louis doesn't have to go through his heartbreak twice.
He sits on Marcel's lap the whole way, pressing his face into his neck to engrave Marcel's scent into his brain.
The closer they are to the airport, the harder Louis tries not to cry.
The car stops, and Louis' releases a shaky breath. He peeks out the window and stares emptily at the air crafts waiting for Harry and Marcel.
The door opens, courtesy of the driver, and Harry hops out first, followed by Edward. Marcel takes Louis' hand, lacing their fingers together before leading him out of the Mercedes.
Louis bursts into tears the moment his feet hit the ground.
"Shh, shh." Marcel is immediately hugging him tight, until Louis feels like he can't breathe, but somehow that's better than the thought of his future days without him.
"Don't go." He pleads.
"Oh love, I'll be back soon. I promise." He kisses Louis' cheek, tasting the salty tears on his skin.
Louis wraps his arms around Marcel's neck, holding him hostage as their lips collide. He kisses Marcel with everything that he has, his tongue tangling with Marcel's own while they say their silent goodbyes.
They pull back, and Marcel kisses him on the forehead. His lips linger, as does his warmth. Louis can still feel him even when he's stepped away and Harry takes his place.
He clings to Harry, cherishing the hug, making use of the time they have left to kiss Harry with the same passion he gave to Marcel.
Marcel clings to Edward the same way Louis does to Harry. Louis can see that Edward is hesitant to let his brothers go, if the way he's gripping at Marcel's waist and the way he keeps looking at Harry are any indications.
Harry and Louis walk over to where Edward and Marcel are standing, Harry replacing Marcel in Edward's arms.
It happens so fast. All of a sudden he's already in the car, cuddled close to Edward while they head home. He doesn't cry, but neither does he say a word.
He only cries before he goes to sleep. Edward comforts him with his warm embrace, lets him cry. He kisses each of Louis' tears away, running his fingers through his hair and hushing him.
"You'll be fine. We'll be fine." Edward murmurs, kissing his nose and smiling fondly at Louis' flushed face. "You still have me."
Louis dives in, burying his face at Edward's chest.
He falls asleep not long after.
Edward has a concerned look on his face as he stops in front of the nursery the next morning. "You'll be fine?"
Louis nods. "I'm okay, Edward." He assures, leaning forward to kiss him.
"Call me if you need anything, yeah?" The Alpha murmurs against his lips.
"I will. Don't worry about me." Louis feels alright enough to give him a tiny smile. "I'll call you later."
Edward brightens at the sight. "Okay. I love you, Kitten."
"I love you too, Alpha." Louis replies as he pushes the door open and hops out. "Drive safe."
"See you, baby."
Louis had expected it, but he's still let down when he walks out of the nursery and Zayn is standing there. Honestly, at this point, people would probably think that Zayn is his Alpha since he's the only one always making an appearance. His Alphas like to wait in the car.
"Hey." Zayn greets, nodding up at him. "Ready to go?"
"Where is he?" Is the only thing he offers in reply.
"Office." Zayn murmurs, hating the answer himself.
Louis sighs, fixing the strap of his bag before letting Zayn wrap an arm around his shoulders and they head to the car.
"Do you know what time he'll be home?" Louis asks as they're on the way.
Zayn shrugs. "He said he'll text you. But I think he'd be home late. He is a very important person in this project, so I'm not surprised if he works a lot."
Louis nods, staring down at his hands clasped together on his lap.
At the upset look on the Omega's face, Zayn quickly tries to come up with something as a distraction. "Do you want to go and get ice cream?"
Louis ponders for a moment. Does he want to? Would an ice cream sound good?
To be honest, nothing sounds good when he doesn't have his Alphas around. God, get a grip. He doesn't even know why the separation anxiety is getting too much to him.
But he can't let it go on. He can't be too dependent. Louis knows how to have fun on his own, thank you very much.
"Ice cream sounds lovely."
Louis wakes up alone in bed.
The clock reads 1.45AM. Is Edward not home yet? He knows Zayn said Edward would be home late, but it's way past midnight.
Curious, Louis reaches for his phone and dials up Edward's number. It rings for a long time, and he almost worries that Edward is not going to pick up. There's a click and Edward answers right before he's about to cancel the call.
"'Lo?" Edward's raspy voice says into the phone, making Louis shiver.
"Where are you?" Louis asks softly.
There are some shuffling before Edward questions, "What time is it? Oh, fuck!" The Alpha groans. "I fell asleep."
"Are you coming home?"
"I am. I'll be home in half an hour." Edward tells him, yawning. It already sounds like he's packing up his things.
Louis hums. "Are you sure? Is it okay for you to drive?" Louis worries. "You should just stay there." He knows it'd be easy for Edward to get a room at one of the hotels owned by the company.
"And who'd be driving you to work tomorrow?" Edward retorts even in his sleepy state.
"I'll get one of the Betas to drive me. Or I'll even take a car myself." Louis voices out. He's certain he saw a Honda among the luxurious cars they have.
There's silence for a moment. But then, "No, it's alright. Don't want to sleep without you tonight."
"Okay. I'll be waiting."
Edward does slide into bed half an hour later, his socks still on and his tie still intact. He's warm when he wraps Louis up in his embrace, burying his face in Louis' neck and kissing his pulse. "Hey, sorry I'm late."
"You're working too much." Louis says, leaning into him.
Edward hums, too lazy to mumble a reply. After a moment, he changes his mind. "It's a really important project."
"Your health is most important." Louis murmurs.
The Alpha nuzzles closer. "Goodnight."
"Goodnight, I love you."
Remember when I said that I'm going to include conflicts? Buckle up, children.
Hope this chapter is decent, at least. I hate it whenever I have a block and the passion to write just disappears. To persuade it to come back is so difficult. I'm not sure if it's even here yet. Ah, another trash. I promise I'll come back and edit some more. Forgive me. Pray that I'd wake up creative again.
Oh, by the way, should I apologise for the long chapter too? Eeek, I'm sorry. Hahahah.
Leave me some constructive criticism for comments. :) xx
Love, Rose.
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