Chapter 14


You know how I've been moaning about my finals and not having time to write? Well, it turns out I was so sick and tired of reading law that I kept taking 'little' breaks to write so that I won't be too stressed out, and I guess I was too stressed out that my brain vomited these 25k words out instead of trying to remember all the cases and sections.

I'm so sorry for this terribly long chapter. I am as horrified as you are. But interesting things happen in this chapter *cough* smut *cough*, so I think it could be excused...? There is also the party.. Um, quite a lot of things happen but I didn't want to separate it into two because I was hoping to minimise the number of chapters as much as I can.

And also, oh my God! I can't believe I almost reached 4k reads? Wow, I remember when I was about to reach 1k and I was so excited. Thank you so so much! I know it's not even that much but I'm really happy?? I don't think I ever made it clear how much I appreciate each and every one of you. Every single comment you left, the votes that you gave, they all mean the world to me. I'm sorry that sometimes I take time to reply to your comments! I get really confused sometimes involving the places that you left a comment? I don't even know why I get confused about that lol. But I wish I could reach through the screen and give you a tight hug. I love you all so much! Thank you for the support that you have showed. It means a lot to me as a writer, and sometimes when I read your comments I feel like 'hey, maybe I don't suck much'. So thank you for giving my fic a chance, and thank you for giving me the support that I need.

I've checked this chapter multiple times but it's so long!! If there's any mistake, feel free to point it out. I feel like I forgot something. 

I hope you would enjoy this chapter. :)


Louis is proper excited that night, buzzing everywhere he goes. He's a little clingy after dinner, and if he's not hanging off of Edward, he has himself glued to Marcel or Harry, craving all of their attention more than usual. If none of them is paying attention to him, he would purposely climb onto one of his Alphas' lap and make sure they entertain him.

He's currently on Marcel's lap where all of them are seated in the top floor lounge; and every time Marcel tries to ask, Louis would just kiss him to shut him up. And well, Marcel is not going to complain anytime soon. Not when Louis' lips are so addictive and Marcel can't get enough. Louis is so petite and tiny in his embrace, the Omega's arms wrapped tightly around his neck with their chests pressed together and Marcel still has a hard time believing that he gets to have this; gets to have Louis looking soft and pliant like this, gets to have Louis kissing him with so much passion.

Louis' lips are swollen and his cheeks are flushed when he suddenly pulls back. There's a look of anticipation on his face that makes the triplets curious.

"Are you planning something?" Edward can't help but ask him, casting his eyes to the newspaper in his hands.

Louis narrows his eyes at the question, directing a warning look at the Alpha although Edward isn't even looking at him. "No." He responds, a little too defensively.

"You have something going on in your mind." Harry says, forehead creased as he stares at him.

Is Louis that easy to read?

"Only when you're excited," says Edward, not even sparing Louis a glance. The Omega didn't realise he said it out loud.

"What are you so excited about, then?" Marcel wonders, genuinely curious. "Does this have anything to do with what you bought with the girls?"

Louis nods, biting on his lower lip.

Hearing that, Edward folds the newspaper in two and puts it down. "Well, what did you buy?"

Louis giggles.

"Should I be scared?" Harry asks, just to make sure that he's not the only one who hears it.

"Don't worry Harry, I'm scared too." Edward replies. What he said completely contradicts his emotionless face.

Louis rolls his eyes, climbing off of Marcel's lap. The sad rumble in Marcel's chest is ignored. He grips his hips, glaring at Edward. "You're a meanie."

"Am I talking to a ten year old?"

Harry laughs, clapping his hand to his mouth. Usually he would be the receiving end of this conversation with Edward.

The Omega sighs, taking a hold of the hem of his shirt before pulling it over his head. He meets his Alphas' confused gazes when he's got it off, and the sultry side of him comes up. Louis smirks, tossing the garment towards Edward. It lands on the Alpha's head, covering his whole face. Edward hums pleasantly at the sweet scent of his Omega filling his senses.

"Meet me in our bedroom in ten." Louis winks, then escapes before what he said registers in the Alphas' head.

As he pads away to their room, Louis hears the sound of Harry's eager howl. He giggles, his pace fastening as he grows even more excited, his blood racing with thrill and arousal.

Louis is already half hard when he reaches their room and heads straight for their closet. He quickly starts digging away for the recent shopping bags. He's so excited he's almost bouncing up and down on his feet. At the same time he also can't sit still with how nervous he is. But Louis is going to focus on his attire first. The moment he finds the wanted garments, Louis quickly rids of the rest of his clothing and puts them on.

He is shaking with nerves and excitement as he stands in front of the floor length mirror, observing himself in the reflection. Louis has to admit that the garments do look nice on his skin.

He's so glad he asked for Eleanor and Perrie's help. He was worried he wouldn't make a good choice, but since he had brought the girls along, he pats himself on the back for the satisfying outcome.

He had put on the white corset he chose last minute earlier that day. It fits perfectly around him, accentuating the curve of his waist flowing out to his hips. The corset was a little expensive and Louis had been quite reluctant when they were at the cashier and he saw the price, but Eleanor had insisted that he takes it since he's using the triplets' card and he's buying this to put it on for them anyway. He's glad he listened to her. The fabric feels really comfortable on his skin and it smooths out whatever bulge that he has.

Other than that, Louis had matched it with a pair of translucent white stockings that reach his mid-thighs, clipping it on to an equally white garter belt and suspenders. The garter belt is accompanied with a short skirt that leaves absolutely nothing to the imagination.

But what tops the cake is the white, lacy knickers he has beneath the small skirt, his cock tucked at the front where he's already starting to leak pre-come onto the fabric.

Louis turns around, and he giggles to himself when he sees how good his arse looks in the knickers.

Regardless how appealing he sees himself in the reflection, Louis still can't help but feel insecure about dressing up for the triplets. He sure hopes they like it. He doesn't want to think about what would happen if they don't.

Louis faintly hears the sound of the door to their room opening, and then Marcel is calling out to him.

"In here." Louis replies, the nerves intensifying. "Don't come in!!" He shouts when he hears approaching footsteps.

The footsteps stop, and Louis sighs in relief.

"Are you okay?" Marcel asks, concerned.

"I'm fine. I'll be out in a minute."


Louis takes a few deep breaths. He can do this. His Alphas love him. They would love his body too.

He shuts his eyes for a few seconds, calming himself down.

Once his heartbeat has been mollified, Louis makes his way out of the closet.

Edward is playing with his phone when Louis exits, and none of the Alphas sitting on the bed have noticed him yet. Marcel is talking to Harry, their conversation a little mute to his ears. All he can hear is his pounding heartbeat.

Louis sucks in another deep breath, then clears his throat.

When three pairs of eyes land on him again, his heart stops momentarily.

"Hi." Louis blushes at the attention, smiling shyly as he keeps his gaze on the floor.

Edward whistles low, dropping his phone and making Louis preen.

"Wow." Marcel sighs in awe.

"Jesus Christ."

"His name is Louis." Edward reminds his brother.

Louis gnaws on his bottom lip as he spares the Alphas a glance, and Edward is looking at him like he's going to pounce any second. It's turning Louis on, a lot.

His cock twitches in his knickers, and slick starts to form inside him, making Louis press his thighs together.

Harry and Marcel are too gobsmacked to react, staring at Louis with mouths fallen open and saying nothing.

"Is this okay?" Louis tilts his head to one side, wondering if the Alphas are fine that he initiated this. Tomorrow's a Saturday after all; they should be able to sleep in.

"Yes, baby." Edward approves, his phone long forgotten. He leans back onto his hands, raising his eyebrows. "Are you just going to stand there?"

Louis gulps, his throat suddenly dry. He carefully starts taking a step forward, keeping his eyes on Edward the whole time.

Edward looks so calm yet his eyes are burning with so much desire that it helps boost Louis' confidence a little, and the Omega fastens his steps until he reaches the edge of the bed.

"How do you want to do this, then?" Edward asks softly, unmoving.

Louis shakes his head. "I don't know. Teach me, Alpha."

Edward's jaw clenches, his breath coming out a little harsher.

Louis flutters his eyelashes when he sees the tent forming in his Alphas' trousers, suddenly loving this reaction he's receiving from them.

Edward blinks and regains his composure, his mouth tilting up. He nods towards his brothers. "Well, they look a little shaken, don't you think?" His smirk widens. "Why don't you give Harry a kiss and let Marcel touch you?"

Louis' breath hitches a little at the thought, his cock filling up even more as he climbs up onto the bed to comply with Edward's order. He crawls over to Harry, skin prickling with heat at the way Harry is staring at him. The Alpha watches him like a hawk as he follows Louis' every move. His eyes are wide open, pupils dilated where the green could barely be seen.

Louis almost jumps on him when he reaches Harry, stopping once he's seated in between the Alpha's spread out legs and crashing their lips without any hesitation. Harry places his hands on Louis' hips, pulling him close until their bodies are pressed together. Harry's hands start to slide down to cup beneath his thighs and lift him up until Louis is properly straddling him.

The taste of their tongues brushing together is driving Louis mad, and he clings to Harry, feels Harry's growing cock nudging his arse. As he slowly gets lost into the way Harry is kissing him, Louis faintly hears Edward encouraging Marcel to touch.

He almost doesn't hear it when Marcel says quietly, "May I, Lou?"

Louis pulls back from Harry. "Yes, please."

Harry chuckles at the needy tone, tugging him down again.

Louis feels another pair of hands on his lower thighs, sliding up slowly to his hips. A moment later another body is pressed up behind him, and Louis moans into Harry's mouth when Marcel starts showering his exposed shoulder with kisses.

Louis is dripping inside his knickers, his cock hurts with how hard he is and his slick almost soaking it up. When Harry rolls his hips up, Louis mewls at the contact.

"Gorgeous." Marcel whispers in his ear, hands returning to his thighs and running his hands all over the Omega's tanned skin. Every single touch sends sparks that travel straight to Louis' cock.

"Please." Louis begs, the touches and kisses are no longer enough.

"What do you want?" Edward asks him.

"More." Louis pleads, his hips unconsciously pushing down onto Harry's for more friction. The pleasured sound of Harry's gruff voice in his ear just burns him up even more.

Marcel cups his hand on one side of Louis' face, guiding Louis' face around to claim his swollen lips. The movement stretches Louis' neck back, the skin exposed to Harry and the Alpha takes no time getting his mouth onto him.

Louis doesn't even realise that his hips are moving on their own accords, rocking back and forth against his two Alphas. One of his arms is curled back around Marcel's neck while the other arm rests on Harry's shoulder. Louis' soft moans don't escape past their pressed lips, and the way Harry is sucking on his neck reminds Louis of what is to come when they mark him later. The multiple touches are nothing like Louis has ever felt, so it's no wonder that he can already feel the familiar tugging in his lower abdomen.

His eyes are blown wide when Louis pulls back from the kiss, their lips parting with a smacking sound, lust clouding his gaze and turning to Edward. "Alpha." He calls out, making grabby hands towards him.

Edward smiles at him kindly, beckoning him in. Louis wastes no time untangling himself from Harry and Marcel, quickly crawling over to him.

Before Louis can climb onto his lap, Edward grabs his arms and wrestles him down onto the mattress. Louis gasps, but it quickly turns into a moan when Edward presses himself in between Louis' thighs, their cocks pressing together against the layers of fabric. "Got me so hard, baby." He murmurs, brushing his lips on Louis' cheek as one of his hands start roaming the body pressed underneath him.

Louis parts his legs, wrapping them around Edward's waist, and the Alpha starts rocking down. "Kiss me." Louis pleads in between the pants coming out from his mouth.

Edward complies, kissing him feverishly, muffling the sounds the Omega releases whenever his hips rut down just right.

Suddenly Louis' hands are on Edward's chest, trying to push him back as he withdraws from the kiss with a choked moan, face contorted in pleasure. "Stop, please, I'm gonna come." His whines come together with his attempt to squirm away.

Edward chuckles, leaning down and licking his pulse point. Louis tries to push harder but the Alpha doesn't budge. "It's alright, Kitten. Come for me." He assures, rolling his hips faster.

Louis' whimpers grow higher as he lets himself succumb to it, hips stuttering before he freezes and letting out one long whine, his body shuddering beneath Edward as he comes, his eyes clenching shut and his mouth parting open.

"So good, love." Edward praises him, littering his face with kisses as his urgent thrusts slow into languid ones. "Look so good when you come."

Louis almost wants to melt into the mattress as he slowly regulates his breathing, chest heaving.

He gets a soft kiss on the lips, and then Edward is climbing off of him. Louis opens his mouth to protest, but it dies down in his throat because Harry and Marcel have undressed, their cocks hard and red against their stomachs. Louis' mouth waters, and he's slowly getting hard again from the sight.

"Alphas." Louis says with need. "Touch me."

Marcel is the first to move, reaching out and placing a big hand on Louis' tummy, rubbing him there. Shortly after, Louis feels a pair of hands on his calves, and then Harry is kissing his ankle. Marcel kisses him once, and then his hands brush lower as he moves down Louis' body until calloused hands are parting his thighs. He leans down, pressing his lips on the wet spot of the skirt. "Got yourself all dirty, baby." He murmurs, his lips traveling south to nibble gently against the line of Louis' growing erection.

Louis bites down onto his lips, fingers running through Marcel's hair and tugging gently when Marcel mouths at his bulge. "M-Marcel..."

Edward joins his brothers in the touching fest, moving to sit above Louis on the bed and leaning forward to kiss him upside down while his hands add up to the two pairs of hands stroking the petite body. Edward nudges one of Louis' nipple through the fabric, making him cry out. Louis subconsciously separate his legs even further when he feels Marcel starts to suck gently at his thigh.

The Omega is fully hard again, pressing uncomfortably against the material of the lacy knickers and starting to chafe.

Edward pulls back, and all of a sudden a ripping sound cuts through the air. Louis' eyes fly open, feeling the coldness of the air biting into his skin and causing goosebumps to rise all over his torso. It takes him a moment to realise that Edward has ripped his corset apart. "Edward!!" He shrieks in disbelief, sitting up and simultaneously pulling away from all the kisses he was receiving. "That was bloody expensive!" He turns around to scowl at his Alpha.

"I'll buy you ten more of them, Princess. Promise." Edward tosses the garment behind him before nudging Louis down again.

Louis pouts. "You could've just taken it off like a normal person."

"Where's the fun in that?" Edward grins, pecking him.

Louis sighs, pulling him down for another kiss.

Edward tugs on Louis' lower lip with his teeth as he pulls back before he goes down, closing his lips over one of Louis' nipples without any warning. The Omega gasps, gripping Edward's hair. He has always had sensitive nipples, and the way Edward's warm mouth wraps around it is making his toes curl.

"Oh God." Louis' pecs twitch when Edward teasingly bite onto the hardened bud, nudging it with his tongue. His hips jerk up when Marcel rubs him through the knickers, reaching down to cup his balls and stroking up his length again.

Meanwhile, Edward releases his nipple with a pop and moves on to the other one, his fingers pinching and toying with the one he just abandoned.

When they stop touching him, it happens all at once. The hands disappear from his body, and suddenly his knickers are being ripped apart.

"Stop doing that!" He exclaims, exasperated.

Harry giggles.

"How else do I take it off, then?" Edward questions, lifting the ruined garment to show it to Louis. "It'd be stuck under those suspenders."

Louis clutches his temple. "It's not stuck. I've worn the knickers over them."

"Well, how was I supposed to know? It looks complicated there, the easiest is just to rip it off." Edward retorts.

"You could have asked me."

"Yeah, because that would be so hot. 'Excuse me, hello, we're about to have sex and I don't know how to take your knickers off. A little help, maybe?' Brilliant, Lou." Edward retaliates, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Marcel and Harry start howling with laughter because Louis' cock is hanging out and Edward is still holding the knickers and they're about to have sex but the two still have the time to bicker.

Louis tries to keep his angry expression up, but he ends up laughing too. "Oh bollocks! I can't believe you, Edward."

"You're the one making a big deal out of ripping things." Edward grins in amusement, shaking his head.

Louis sighs. "You're such an idiot. I love you."

Edward raises one of his eyebrows. "Is this going to be a habit of yours, then? Insulting me before saying you love me?"

"Take what you can get."

Marcel has grown tired of their banter, so he grips Louis' ankles, then effortlessly flips the Omega over. Louis screams in surprise at the manhandling, but when he realises what happened, he mewls pleasantly where his face is pressed into the mattress, his arse hanging up high in the air. The position Marcel put him in is basically presenting him to all of them, exposing the most intimate part of his body.


Marcel feels like he's going to get a heart attack.

Louis blushes, burying his face deeper into the bed. God, he's naked down there, free for all of them to see. He feels a little nervous, but he bundles his hands up on the bed sheet so that he won't do something like cover himself up. He had already gotten himself waxed so he's as smooth as a baby, but Louis isn't sure how his Alphas would think about his drenched hole.


"Fuck, you're so beautiful." Marcel moans, a hand already wrapping around his cock and pumping slowly.

Louis takes a deep breath, heat creeping up onto his face. "Do you like what you see?" He hopes it isn't obvious from his voice how insecure he is.

"Very much." Edward confirms, reaching out and smacking one of Louis' arsecheeks, gripping the flesh and groaning. Louis squeals, his body jerking forward. Edward releases him, then shuffles back on the bed. "Go on then, Harry." Edward prompts his brother with a smirk and a gesture. "Put on a show for us."

Louis perks up, wondering what Edward means by that. His cock twitches painfully at the unknown excitement, and suddenly his body is hyper aware, waiting for the moment that Harry would start touching him. When Harry scoots closer, Louis can feel him moving on the bed from the way the mattress dips. The first thing he feels is Harry lifting up the fabric of the small skirt of the belt, fully exposing Louis although the skirt never accomplished anything to cover him up in the first place.

"Look so incredible like this. You're so fit." Harry murmurs, kissing Louis' thigh and gripping his arsecheeks. He hums appreciatively, spreading his legs even further and exposing his pink hole.

"Jesus." Marcel chokes out.

Louis sneaks a peek behind him, curious as to what is happening. He preens when he sees how flushed Marcel is, his cock disappearing into the hole his fist has formed around his length. Edward lazily observes the way Harry is still kissing Louis all over his bum, looking like he isn't interested, but the heavy erection pressing against his abs proves Louis otherwise.

The large hands holding him start to massage his flesh, kneading sensually while the pair of lips migrate up his leg to start kissing his balls. A quiet sound escapes Louis' lip at the light caress of soft lips brushing up slowly to his hole. He whines when Harry skips over the tight ring of muscles. Harry spends his time kissing all over Louis' arse but not where Louis wants him most, building the anticipation but all Louis wants is Harry's mouth on him.

"Harry." He pleads, pushing his arse back.

The mentioned Alpha chuckles, striking Louis' right cheek before petting the red skin. He repeats the same thing with Louis' left cheek, pulling another sigh out of the Omega. "What do you want, love?"

"Want your mouth." Louis replies bashfully, hiding his face.

Harry hums. "Want me to taste you?"

Louis doesn't reply, too embarrassed to confirm nor deny.

He's lucky Harry finds him cute. The Alpha gives him mercy, finally parting the fat cheeks in his palms and dropping a kiss on the Omega's tiny, wet hole. Louis makes a pleased but embarrassed sound, wishing he could disappear into the mattress but pushing back for more at the same time. "Is this where you want me to kiss you, baby?" Harry teases, kissing all over his rim and getting slick on his lips.

Louis nods into the bed, his knuckles almost turning white where he's got the bed sheet clutched in his hold. He's already got a layer of sweat over his back, and his fringe is sticking to his forehead.

"Look at you, so wet." He licks his lips, extending his tongue to taste the slick that's leaked out. Louis pants out, his body quivering at the tender touch that's barely there and yet he could feel it, the pleasure running all over his body. Harry groans at the sweet taste of his Omega. "Fuck, you taste delicious, baby."

Harry starts giving kitten licks on his hole, his grip firm on Louis' arse to make sure he has all the easy access to eat his Omega out. If he intends to restrict Louis' movement by doing so, it would be pointless because the Omega is not going anywhere. He traces Louis' rim with the tip of his tongue, gently putting in force but not breaching him quite yet.

When he gets the first broad lick from his balls up to his crack, Louis squeals.

Harry does it again, and again, and again, until Louis is a quivering mess, shamelessly begging. Harry chuckles, pulling back to press his thumb against the puckered skin, watching Louis' muscles relaxing to take him in but he doesn't push further.

"God, look at you, Lou." Edward speaks up when Harry goes back to licking him, still teasing. Louis preens at being addressed by his other Alpha, spreading his legs wider. His cock hangs in between his legs, throbbing with arousal. Harry is driving him crazy taking his sweet time to tease.

"Harry. Harry, please. Please." Louis is not above begging, pushing his hips back to get Harry to do something, to give him more rather than continue licking across his rim that Louis can feel how wet he is from Harry's saliva mixed with his slick.

Edward chuckles, a deep rumble in his chest. "Should he really give you what you want? We love hearing you beg." If Louis can, he would've grabbed the nearest pillow and fling it over to Edward's pretty face. But Harry chooses that moment to start wriggling his tongue past Louis' entrance, moaning out loud at the overwhelming taste of pure Louis that explodes on his taste bud.

The vibration travels along Louis' nerves and one of his leg jerks out a little in pleasure, another throaty sound filling the air. After Harry recovers from the mind-boggling effect of tasting Louis' slick directly from the source, Harry begins to eat the Omega out with proper determination. He buries his face in between Louis' arsecheeks, breathing through his nose as he probes into Louis' inner walls, his tongue relentless in lapping up all the slick he could find within the Omega's hole.

Louis doesn't know how he manages, but he eventually finds himself with a hand reached out behind him, grabbing Harry by his hair to keep him where he is because he is doing all the wonders Louis never knew one could do with their tongue and he is embarrassingly close to coming.

"Enjoying yourself?" Edward teases, his voice strained. Louis' eyes are clouded and he could barely comprehend his sight when he sees Edward casually stroking his cock at the sight of Harry eating him out like a pro.

Tears spring in Louis' eyes when the familiar feeling inside him indicates that he's getting closer and closer, his balls already tightening up. "Fuck, oh fuck! Ha-Harry!"

He sobs into the mattress, screaming out when Harry doesn't stop licking into him. The Alpha holds him so tight that Louis is sure he would bruise but he doesn't care, he just wants to come.

Louis' cock finally pulses and he comes across the mattress when Harry sucks lightly on his rim, making his head spin and he chokes out a cry, his hips trembling. His face is drenched with tears as he pressed his cheek onto the bed, boneless and spent.

Harry smacks his arse and drops one last kiss before he finally releases him.

Louis barely has the energy, but he manages to roll over onto his back, still panting.

He can see Edward kissing Harry with an eagerness of tasting Louis on his brother's tongue. It's strangely hot that Marcel tugs on Harry's shoulders to kiss him too after that. And Louis doesn't feel neglected at all even though his Alphas are kissing and touching each other and not him. He needs some time to recover.

Marcel crawls over to the edge of the bed, opening the drawer from the bedside table and pulling a small bottle out. He eyes Louis like a hawk as he takes Harry's previous spot in between Louis' thighs. His eyes are hooded, and he looks like a famished man presented with the most scrumptious meal his eyes have ever laid upon.

"Gonna open you up now." Marcel forces out, popping the bottle open with trembling fingers.

Louis hums his approval, bending his knees and spreading his legs again. His cock is flaccid on his stomach, but he's sure it'd get hard again in no time when Marcel fingers him. It's one of those times where he's thankful that an Omega can have consecutive orgasms. "You okay?" He focuses on the Alpha, wondering why Marcel looks shaken as he places a dollop of lube onto his fingers before placing the bottle down.

Marcel has to blink before he can answer him. "Just wondering how you can be real." He murmurs, reaching down and pressing a lubed finger against Louis' entrance.

Louis flinches at the contrast of the coldness of the lube against his heated skin.

"Sorry." Marcel says quickly, shaking his head as if reprimanding himself for not warming it up first.

"S'okay." Louis replies, cock twitching. "Am I doing okay?"

Marcel grunts at the question, rubbing the lube into his rim, circling the entrance with the pad of his finger. He leans forward, covering Louis' body with his own to kiss the precious Omega he gets to call his. "You're perfect. I swear to God you drive me crazy."

Louis smiles against his lips. "Glad I'm not disappointing you, then."

"You could never." Marcel breathes out, pushing his finger past his rim, slow and steady.

Since Harry's enthusiastic eating has opened him up a little, Louis swallows Marcel's finger without any resistance and he quickly accommodates the welcomed intrusion.

"Oh." Louis sucks in a deep breath, clenching down on the single digit to get used to the feeling of having someone else's finger inside him.

Marcel pulls out and pushes his finger back inside, pressing in until it reaches his knuckle. Louis throws his head back at how deep Marcel's finger is already reaching. His own fingers could never go that deep. "God..."

Marcel withdraws it again and adds another finger as he pushes back in. Louis groans at the slight burn, his chest heaving while Marcel scissors his fingers to stretch him out.

"Okay?" Edward is suddenly sitting beside him, stroking his hair to distract him.

Louis nods, smiling at the fact that Edward is checking up on him. "Yeah, okay." He inhales and exhales, only slightly aware of Marcel adding another finger, then another.

Marcel does something with his fingers, curling them while pressing deep inside him and Louis sees stars. "Ah, fuck!" He arches his back, his arse clenching.

"Found your spot, didn't he?" Edward smirks, unable to stop himself from kissing all over Louis' face.

Louis can't formulate a reply even if he wants to, because Marcel keeps rubbing him at his spot as four of his fingers shove deep inside him. He is having a hard time remembering his own name. "Edward, Edward, please!" He gasps, trying to pull away from Marcel. "I'm ready, please, please. Don't want to come yet."

"Okay, baby. Want to come on my knot, yeah?" Edward nods at his brother and Marcel finally pulls his fingers out, wiping them against the bed sheet before moving away.

"Want it. Want your knot." Louis confirms, suddenly feeling desperate for it.

Edward kisses him, deep and slow as he climbs over Louis. His body smothers Louis' figure, their thighs warm when they touch. The Alpha reaches down and takes a hold of his shaft, guiding it over to where Louis is hot and wet, ready for him. "Gonna knot you, mark you up, make you mine."

"Yes, yes. Please!" Louis cries out in reply to everything he said, but also in response to Edward rubbing the head of his dick against his rim. He jerks his hips up, wanting the Alpha to get inside him already.

Edward tuts in disapproval. "Be patient, baby." He grips Louis' thigh, holding him down.

Louis bites his lower lip, staying still and holding his breath. Edward kisses him again, and slowly starts to push into him, putting force against his entrance until his head is pushing through.

"Holy fu-" Edward is barely inside but he's already stretching Louis out this much. Louis doesn't know how he's going to survive.

Edward continues pressing in until Louis is a flushed mess under him, whines and whimpers coming from his lips. "Are you okay, Kitten?" He asks, peppering Louis' face with kisses as he halts his hips.

"Don't stop." Louis says, spreading his legs even more so he could take him deeper.

Edward nods, obliging his request. He has a hard time breathing once he's bottomed out. Louis is so, so tight and warm around him and Edward is almost lightheaded every time slick walls clench onto his cock, trying to familiarise with the feeling. "God, Louis.." He grunts, grinding his hips in shallow thrusts.

Louis clutches onto his biceps, his mouth fallen open but no sound escaping him as Edward moves his hips in a small eight figure. "Edward, fuck, p-please."

The Alpha pulls out before snapping his hips forward again, burying himself to the hilt in one swift motion. Louis clenches his eyes shut as Edward repeats it again and again.

"So deep inside me." Louis breathes out, lost into it as Edward begins a steady rhythm. "So big."

Edward groans, stealing a look at his brothers. Harry and Marcel both are stroking themselves without an ounce of shame, patiently waiting for their turn but enjoying the sight at the same time. He glances back down to the Omega beneath him, face flushed and mouth gaping as endless sounds of pleasure come out from his sweet lips every time Edward pummels inside.

He pauses his thrusts, grabbing the Omega's ankles and pushing his knees up until they're pressed against Louis' chest before he dives back inside to fuck him properly. Louis screams when Edward pounds into him, the sound of their skin slapping filling the air. In this position, Edward feels much bigger, hitting all the right spots within him. The Omega is almost moving up the bed, his body bouncing every time Edward drives his cock deep inside him again and again.

"Edward! Oh Edward!" Louis sobs, unable to do anything but take every unforgiving thrust Edward gives him. He's hurtling closer and closer to his orgasm, can do nothing to soften the blow.

Whenever Louis clenches down onto him, Edward seems to take that as a sign to fuck him faster and faster, moving with rapid thrusts that his hips are almost a blur against Louis' own. He barely notices the dainty hands scratching down his back, only focused on all the sounds Louis makes.

"How does it feel, baby?" Edward mouths at his neck, licking the spot he'd bite on when he knots later.

The things Louis is aware of is very few. He's aware of the sticky tears drying on his face, of the ache in his throat. He's slightly aware of Edward's fingers gripping at his thighs. But when Edward fucks into his prostate, Louis is gone. All he could feel is the electricity jolting up his body.

And Louis screams.

He honest to God screams like he's being murdered as he comes all over the both of them, the unrelenting way Edward keeps pounding into him drawing more weak spurts of come onto his stomach.

"Oh shit." The Alpha grunts, his knot starting to grow when the angry sway of his hips diving into Louis' constricting warmth becomes too much.

Louis doesn't tell him to stop even though he's squirming with the sensitivity, whimpering through the rough way Edward is fucking him. It's the third time he came, and every single touch is intensified. Edward's knot finally pops and he shoves it deep inside the Omega, locking them together as his cock spills the first load of come.

"Oh. Oh!" Louis arches his back, clutching onto the Alpha while his eyes roll into his head at the intense pleasure, exposing his neck, ready.

Edward doesn't waste any time, baring his canines and clamping his teeth down onto the spot that holds Louis' scent gland, cutting through the skin as he cradles Louis' head. The Omega shudders in his arms; tiny whines are the only sounds he make as he endures through the pain. Edward brings his hand up to rub up and down at Louis' arm, helping him stay calm while the bitter, metallic taste of blood implodes on Edward's tongue. The Omega's whimpers are almost inaudible, and when the pain has eased into pleasure, Louis doesn't make a sound while he comes again from the intense physical and emotional sensation of the bond and the mark, trembling in Edward's hold.

Edward pulls back and licks over the wound to seal it, nibbling lightly as he whispers soothing words to his Omega. "Mine." Is one of the thing he says, kissing all over Louis' throat but always going back to lap his tongue over the mark. He sneaks a glance at the Omega and finds him with his head hung back, eyes fluttering. Edward presses open mouthed kisses on his neck, trying to coax Louis to come down from his high. "Where are you, love?" He questions, quiet as to not to startle Louis.

"Hmmm." Louis responses half-heartedly, his eyes unfocused.

"Baby, are you with me? Can you come back to me? I miss you." Edward coaxes, nuzzling his face into Louis' neck. His knot is starting to go down, but he doesn't mind staying connected with his mate like this for a moment longer.

"Right here." Louis finally says after a good five minutes, a mere weak whisper. "'M right here."

Edward smiles fondly as Louis' eyes flutter open again, having to blink a few times before his vision clears. His eyes are still droopy, and Edward places a loving kiss on his lips, barely giving Louis time to respond. "I love you, Omega."

Louis' mouth twitches, and that's the closest thing to a smile he can manage. "Love you too, Alpha." He replies, his limbs finally working again and he brings his hand up to rest on Edward's arm.

Edward kisses him one last time, then reaches down to grip himself so he can pull out. Louis winces as he does so, but he looks very content to lie there, his hole red and used, Edward's come steadily leaking out of him.

Louis sighs, sated.


"Mmff - fuck!" Louis sobs weakly, his body thrown forward every time Harry and Marcel thrust back into him. He doesn't know how he even managed to get here with two huge cocks fucking up into him, but some time after Marcel inserted a few fingers when Harry was fucking him, the youngest Alpha had plastered himself on Louis' back before squeezing his cock in alongside Harry's. Louis has never felt more full, almost splitting into two and he's already came twice from the feeling of sitting on two impressive girths and lengths and yet he doesn't want it to end.

After Edward marked and bonded him, they gave him some water and food to snack on before letting him sleep. Louis loves that they wrapped him up and cuddled him. When he woke up half an hour later, Louis was more than ready to take Marcel and Harry. They've went soft while waiting for him to rest, and to get them excited again, Harry taught him how to suck Marcel off. He didn't expect that he would actually get Harry and Marcel after that.

Harry reaches around Louis's body and start pinching his nipples, trying to get the Omega to come again. He's already close himself. The insistent way Marcel rubs up against him while the both of them are tucked inside Louis' tight and warm body would never allow an Alpha to last long. He hisses when Louis clenches down and he tugs at Harry's wrists, crying out and begging at his Alpha, hoping to get the Alpha's hands away from his sensitive nipples, but Harry's strength doesn't compare to his, and he continues toying with the hardened buds. The pornographic sounds Louis makes are music to his ear.

Edward chuckles from where he is sitting on the sofa, content to just watch. After all, he did have his satisfying turn before. He has nothing against letting his brother have theirs to cherish their sweet Omega. Besides, he's sure that there are more time for him to explore Louis' body again.

"Is something - fuck! - funny, Edward?" Louis snaps, his face contorted up in pleasure. The tears are streaming down his face and his hips are trembling where he's still bouncing up and down on two cocks but he still wants to call Edward out. He thrashes a bit when Harry rolls his nipples in between his thumbs.

"Wish I could take a picture, honestly." Edward says.

Marcel buries his face into Louis' shoulder, his hips snapping faster and faster, making the pitch of Louis' cries go higher and higher. "I'm so close." Marcel announces, shifting his legs so he could resume fucking into the Omega as if there is no tomorrow.

Louis is going to die. He's sure of it. Harry and Marcel are fucking him like they want to ruin him. He's already so sensitive but it hurts so good that Louis just wants to take whatever they give him. His throat is already starting to go sore again from all his screaming. He has lost count on how many times he'd came tonight.

Harry growls behind him, his cock still pumping into Louis with vigour. The Omega can't even make a sound any more, can only bite on his lip and embrace the endless tears streaming down his face from how heavenly it feels to have his Alphas taking turn fucking up into him so that he's never empty, driving their cock into his prostate over and over again.

Louis shudders, his legs giving out. Marcel growls, gripping his thighs and holding him up, spreading him open with his elbows tucked underneath Louis' knees, not slowing down.

"You're just taking it." Edward mutters, interested. "Bet if they want to make you come again before they knot you up, they can."

Louis doesn't know what his point is. He can barely hear what the Alpha says, let alone formulate a reply. His cock hurts with how much he needs to come, and yet Louis wants to wait until they knot him up first.

Marcel curses, his thrust wavering and he slams in one last time until he's locked inside the Omega, his knot popping and he starts coming with a loud shout. Louis shakes violently as he is pushed over the edge too, causing Harry to reach his peak as well when he tightens up around them that Harry sees stars, two knots finally buried deep inside Louis.

Harry bites him first without any warning, teeth sinking into his shoulder before Marcel follows suit, biting him at the crook of his neck and filling him up with steady loads of come.

Louis is barely breathing as he drowns in the abundance of stimulation being put on his body that he only manages to grip onto Marcel's shoulders before passing out.


"Morning." Harry murmurs in Louis' ear before his lips press against his hair. The Alpha knows Louis is awake before Louis is even aware of it. Louis hums, the action done with protests from his throat. He shifts closer to the warm body lying beside him. He's so comfortable with Harry's arm wrapped around his shoulder, and Louis sighs appreciatively as Harry tightens his hold.

"Mmmm." Is Louis' delayed, lazy reply. His eyes flutter but they haven't opened once.

Harry chuckles at the response, unable to stop himself from brushing his lips across Louis' cheek. "Sore?" His breath blows into Louis' skin as he asks, his tone teasing but he still sounds concerned.

Louis frowns with his eyes still shut. He hasn't even noticed the delicious ache all over his body until Harry pointed it out. His arse is sore, and Louis instantly gets flashes of the things that happened last night. He whimpers in irritation, snuggling even closer to Harry's warmth.

"I'll take that as a yes." Harry chuckles, closing his eyes as he nuzzles their faces together before proceeding to kiss Louis all over his face.

The Omega huffs, shaking his head and blindly trying to push the Alpha off with his palm.

It makes Marcel chuckle from somewhere on the bed. The whole sight of Louis giggling quietly while he attempts to shove Harry away is making Marcel's heart do a lot of things. He crawls closer to his brother and his Omega, lying down behind Louis and kissing his hair. "Sleep in, baby." Marcel suggests, leaning down to kiss his bite mark on the junction of Louis' shoulder.

Louis shivers at the touch, his mouth forming a small smile. "Mmkay."

And then he falls back asleep to Marcel petting his hair and Harry still kissing his face.

When Louis rouses awake again, Harry has been replaced by Edward, and he can't feel the presence of the rest of the triplets in the room. Louis has got his face buried in Edward's neck, subconsciously inhaling the Alpha's scent with greed. He has no idea how he got into that position.

"Are you ready to wake up?" Edward asks him, his voice rumbling in his chest as he trails a finger down Louis' bare back.

The deep sound of his voice reminds Louis of last night's events, and it slightly arouses him in the midst of his grogginess. The idea of taking Edward again seems very appealing but Louis will kill someone before he gives up sleep at this point.

"Fuck off." He says, groaning as he pushes himself up onto all fours, not even bothering to open his eyes. He can feel Edward watching him in amusement as he climbs on top the Alpha, dropping down and making Edward his pillow. He finds the sound of Edward's heartbeat where his ear is pressed to his chest soothing. "I'm so tired. Want to sleep forever." He mumbles.

"Don't." Edward brings his arms up, cradling the body on top of his. "I'll miss you a lot."

"Will you?" Louis moves up along his warm mattress, tucking his head under Edward's chin.

"Very much." Edward nudges the top of Louis' head with his chin, laughing when Louis makes a complaining sound. "Not sure if I can live without you at this point."

Louis yawns. "Sap."

"I mean it."

Louis hums, kissing Edward's chest. "I get it. You love me." He squeals when a smack lands on his bum following his words.

"I love you." Edward pauses. "Although the whole purpose of your existence is to annoy me."

Why does Edward keep talking to him? Louis wants to sleep!

"That wasn't what you said when you were fucking me last night."

Edward chuckles, sighing softly as he brushes Louis' fringe to the side. "Sleep, baby."

"'s what I've been trying to do. Stop talking."


When Louis finally decides that he has had enough sleep and he should wake up, there is no one in the room. He rubs his eyes as he slowly sits up in the middle of the bed. The back of his palm presses to his mouth, stifling a timid yawn. When he glances at the bedside table, his eyes widen in surprise.

How is it already five in the evening?

Oh well, it's not like they have anything important to do today.

Maybe there's the picnic they planned, but that can be done any other day.

He flips the duvet over, surprised to see that he is still naked. He takes a look around the bed, blushing to himself when he notices that the bed sheet has been changed. He wonders how the triplets managed to do it after Louis was knocked out cold. His face grows hotter when he recalls how full he was being stuffed with two huge cocks inside him. Louis shakes his head when his own cock stirs a bit at the reminder, ignoring his growing length and getting off the bed to start padding away towards the bathroom.

He is sore. Louis can't believe this! He takes the first step and almost falls over when his arse protests at the movement.

He has a feeling that Edward would get a twisted, sick pleasure of seeing Louis limping everywhere.

The first thing he sees when he arrives at the bathroom is how much bruises are littered on his body. His eyes land on the marks on his shoulder and neck, and Louis can feel happy tears welling up in his eyes. He is bonded.

Louis has always been worried that he would never find someone to settle with. He could never have imagined that this day would come.

God, he was on cloud nine. The memory of having Edward marking and bonding him was like looking through a blurry vision. He couldn't recall much, he was that into it. And when Marcel and Harry marked him at the same time, Louis remembers being in heaven before he passed out.

He stares at himself in the mirror, unable to stop smiling at the sight of how happy he is. He almost doesn't recognise himself in the reflection. His hand reaches up, tracing his fingers over the marks embedded on his skin.

He's bonded.

He can't seem to wrap his head around it.

Louis spends almost half an hour running his fingers over every bruise the triplets left on his body, inspecting the contrast of the colours on his tanned skin. There are fingermarks wrapped around his thighs, and Louis can't even guess to whom they belong to, all of them having gripped him there last night.

The sound of his bones popping and the way his muscles are aching as he stretches out are strangely satisfying.

Once he's showered, Louis rushes to get dressed so he could go downstairs. He already misses the presence of his Alphas, probably caused by their recent bonding, but Louis is really hungry so his Alphas can wait. Food is priority.

The first place he heads to is the kitchen, his stomach growling loudly and he makes a silent wish to have eggs right now. An omelette would be great.

The Betas are relaxed when he arrives, wiping the counters and sorting the groceries while they talk and laugh. Some are cutting up vegetables, some are kneading the dough, some washing the dishes. He smiles, approaching a group of Betas sitting at the small table situated at the corner of the kitchen. It's probably a table for them to sit down and rest but the Betas there are peeling some potatoes. "Hello." He greets in a friendly voice, giving them his best smile.

They gasp when they see who he is, their chatter dying out and they waste no time growing to their feet to bow. "Good evening, Sir."

Louis cringes, laughing awkwardly. "Please don't do that. I'm not of royalty."

"Apologies, Sir." One of them replies, looking like it's taking her a lot not to bow again.

"How can we help you, Sir?"

Louis grins. "Well, firstly, you should stop calling me that. Just call me Louis." He shrugs. "Even my students don't call me that."

They chuckle softly.

"Would you like anything.." the Beta girl says, her face scrunching up. "..Louis?"

The Omega bursts out laughing. "Good try." He winks. "Could you fix me up with some omelettes? I'm quite hungry."

"Of course! Where would you like to have it?"

Louis swiftly takes a seat at the nearest seat. "Here, of course. Is it alright?"

The Betas look at each other.

"Um, yeah, sure."

"Omelettes will be ready in a few."


Edward had to ask one of the Betas about Louis since he can't find him anywhere and the Omega had left his phone in their bedroom. He thinks that it's quite weird to go and look for his mate in the kitchen, but when he arrives, it's inevitable that his mouth instantly curves upwards.

Louis is sitting at the table, a plate of half-eaten omelettes in front of him. His fork is in the air where he's holding it, but he hasn't bothered shoving the food into his mouth for a good while. He's too busy talking.

The sight of Louis eating isn't weird at all. Whatever Louis does is endearing to Edward, if he's honest to himself. But he's ten times more fond with the sight of the Betas crowding up around the table, some of them crouching down while listening intently to the story Louis is telling. If the Omega had stolen the Betas' heart while he has his breakfast, Edward wouldn't be surprised at all. The Omega has a pull in him that can attract anyone, as if he's a magnet.

"And then I said to them, 'What do you mean I have to pay? I thought it's already mine?'" Louis finishes his story, and the small crowd roars with laughter.

The Alpha smiles wider at the sight, wondering how a single person could bring in so much happiness just by being in the room. He approaches them and clears his throat, causing the laughter to fall silent as they glance up at him. The Betas have a slightly alarmed look on their faces, guilty at being caught not doing their job. But Edward can't be bothered; after all, it was his Omega that caused the distraction. He doesn't think he can get anything done if the Omega is around, either.

Slowly, the Betas start to disperse, murmuring words of apologies to him and bowing as they pass by, getting back to work and leaving the two of them alone.

"Hi." Louis brightens when Edward walks up to him, still trying to finish the meal the Betas have prepared. It has slightly gone cold, but Louis enjoys it anyway.

"Hi." Edward replies, placing a hand on his shoulder and leaning down to kiss the top of his head. "You've decided to be up, then." He comments, teasing.

"Well, someone can only sleep for so long." Louis makes a show of his row of white teeth, causing Edward to be even more endeared at how cute his mate is.

Edward grabs another chair, sitting down next to him. "How are you feeling?"

"Less hungry now."

The Alpha snickers. "I mean after last night."

Louis' face doesn't show any reaction, but Edward can see the slight blush spreading across his face, can hear his heartbeat fastens. "Um, fine."

"Are you sore?"

Louis turns to him with a blank face, though the blush is still prominent on his cheeks. "I'm eating."


"Stop disturbing me." Louis turns back to his food.

"Are you seriously shy after what happened last night?" Edward accuses, poking the Omega at his side.

His action tickles and Louis shrieks, slapping his hand away. "The Betas are here. You're making them uncomfortable." Louis grumbles, scowling disapprovingly at his Alpha.

Edward knows that that's not relevant at all because the Betas are not even listening, too caught up in their job. But he entertains the Omega anyway. "Alright, alright."

Edward scoots closer as Louis continues eating, burying his nose into the Omega's shoulder, sniffing and kissing him. Every contact on his body sends a shiver along Louis' spine, but he knows Edward loves such reactions coming from him.

"Katie, I'm done!" Louis quickly calls out at the Beta when he sees her passing by.

She smiles, heading straight to them and starting to pick up Louis' dish. "Was it good, then?"

"Delicious." Louis nods, patting his tummy. "Thank you."

"Of course, Louis." She says, then nods to Edward, bowing slightly before she leaves. "Sir."

"I'm so full." The Omega moans, growing to his feet and stretching out his limbs. Edward is giving him a weird look as he stands too, but Louis is currently being reminded of his state of walking and so he ignores Edward's intense stare. Instead he holds his arms out. "Piggy ride." He requests.

Edward rolls his eyes, but he turns around and crouches down to lower his body.

Louis cheers, climbing onto the Alpha and wrapping his limbs tightly around Edward's torso. He squeals when Edward stands up straight again.

"Go, go!" Louis says excitedly, pointing at the kitchen exit.

Edward complies, and it earns him a kiss on the cheek.

"Where are Harry and Marcel?" Louis questions, burying his face at the crook of Edward's neck as they walk down the hall. His Alpha smells so good. Louis should make this his permanent mode of transportation.

"Marcel's out for a while, and Harry's at the gym."

Louis makes a disgusted sound. "I can do without Harry for a moment."

"What's wrong with the gym?"

"I don't go to the gym."

"You don't have to. You're perfect."

"Shut up."

"Don't deny it when I compliment you. It's what I think of you." Edward reprimands him kindly, his hands reaching back to grip at Louis' thighs curled around his waist. "I love you, all parts of you. Don't think badly of yourself."

Louis sighs. "Okay." Then he presses his lips to Edward's skin before adding in a hushed voice, "I love you too."

Edward halts his steps. "Good. Now, where would you like to go?"

The question prompts a smirk from the Omega, and he loosens his arms around Edward to brush his hands up the Alpha's chest, purposely pulling his shirt up. "I've always had this fantasy of being fucked in an office.."

Louis giggles when Edward groans out, already heading for his office.

It's his first time entering Edward's office, but he'll spend his next visit to look around the room. For now, Edward is telling him to strip and bend over the table. And Louis is a good Omega, so he shall submit and obey his Alpha.


Now that they've went all the way, Louis doesn't hold himself back from demanding the pleasure his Alphas could provide him. But his constant need for sex is starting to be worrying.

The next morning, Louis gets up at the same time Edward does, already trailing behind the Alpha for the bathroom. Edward strictly says that they shouldn't have shower sex in the morning, but it ends up with Edward tugging on his hair and bending him over in the shower anyway, fucking him within an inch of his life.

The Omega is really persuasive, Edward doesn't think he stood a chance in the first place.

They start to skip dinner. Louis would always start tearing at his Alphas' clothes the moment they get home, and they always end up giving in because Louis finds out that they are completely at his mercy when he begs and he uses that to his own advantage.

Marcel and Edward would attempt to let him down whenever they're a little hungry or tired, but Louis' insistent persuasion beats them every time. The only person who would agree to his constant needs is Harry.

Harry is always up for it. To think of it, Harry has always been unsatiable, and now they have Louis to add up to the equation. Marcel has a feeling that Edward and him would be dead by the end of the month if Harry encourages this kind of behaviour from their Omega.

"I'm quite sure this is a phase." Edward says on Wednesday, standing by the bed with his arms crossed while he watches Louis hungrily tugging Marcel's clothes off. Harry is undressing himself, and Edward ogles the sight of his brother's toned pecs without shame.

Marcel throws his head back when Louis starts mouthing at his cock through his pants, his trousers already pushed down past his ankles, dainty hands already working to get it off too. "Maybe." He replies to Edward, his stomach hollowing when Louis sucks teasingly on the head.

"Shut up." Louis finally says, kissing Marcel's growing bulge before sitting up. "I'm trying to make up for all the years I've been a virgin."

Edward laughs softly, amused. "Or you probably are just as unsatiable as Harry is."

"Hey! I'm not unsatiable." Harry complains, his bottom lip jutting out. It's a ridiculous sight. The Alpha is already naked as he stands, his cock half hard.

"You are." Marcel says, wiping his nose. "You would jump us everyday if you could."

"I wouldn't!" Harry protests, placing a hand on his chest. "Louis is jumping us everyday. What do you have to say about that?"

Edward sighs. "Can we just get on with it?"

Louis makes a sound of agreement, hooking his thumbs into Marcel's pants and licking his lips as he rids the last of Marcel's clothing.

"I'm still sure it's just a phase." Marcel says in reply to what Harry said.

Louis groans in annoyance. "Seriously? We're talking about this right now?"

"You beg for it everyday!" Harry reasons. "Even I don't do that."

Louis blinks at him. "Would you rather I beg at someone else, then? I'm pretty sure a lot of Alphas would gladly let me hop on their dick anytime, any day."

"No!" Three Alphas growl at him simultaneously, and Louis smiles proudly.

"Show me who I belong to, then."

When Louis lies asleep curled up in Harry's arms after too many orgasms later, Edward thinks that this Omega has such brilliant ways to get what he wants from the three of them. He almost wants to scowl at Louis' sleeping figure.

He's hungry, and he's fairly sure that the rumbling noise he's been hearing for the past ten minutes is coming from Harry, but none of them makes any move to get some food regardless that they skipped dinner. It's mostly because Louis would wake up in a couple hours and all of them are going to the pantry to have cheese on toast that Louis would make.

Their lives were normal before Louis came around. None of them had ever skipped a meal just for sex. Okay, maybe a few times. But not for three consecutive days. Then an Omega with thick thighs and an arse to die for came around and everything got turned upside down.

They wouldn't change a thing.


Louis almost falls over in surprise when instead of Edward waiting for him outside the nursery, it's Zayn.

"What are you doing here?" He asks, widening his eyes.

Zayn chuckles, tossing the cigarette he's been smoking and putting it out with the sole of his shoe. "Edward can't make it. Sent me instead."

Louis is slightly disappointed, but he tries not to let it show on his face. He was hoping he could suck Edward while they drive home. "Thank you." He says, still grateful that Zayn is willing to come and fetch him as he steps forward to hug him in greeting.

"I'm sorry that it's me and not him." Zayn murmurs, catching whim of what Louis is feeling and patting his back in comfort. "He's stuck in a meeting again."

The Omega doesn't reply, can only give him a sad smile as he pulls back. Besides his dirty fantasy of blowing his Alpha while driving, Louis also misses him a lot. It's ridiculous since Edward fucked him so hard that morning that Louis can still feel his dick coming out of his nose, but it's the effect of their still fresh bond. And Louis can't help the sadness inside him that he can't nuzzle into Edward's neck and inhale his scent.

"Cheer up, it's not like you won't see him again." Zayn teases, nudging Louis' shoulder.

"Eh, shut up."

Zayn grins, nodding his head towards the car. "Come on, then."

Louis complies, ready to follow him, but then he instantly gets the feeling that he left something. "Wait." He says, his steps halting.

"What's wrong?" Zayn asks him with concern, stopping too.

"I left the house keys in my office." Louis tells him, patting his pockets. Yup, they're empty.

"I have spare. And besides, Edward told me to take you to my house. Marcel's at the office too." Zayn reaches a hand out.

Louis pouts. "All my Alphas are abandoning me now, are they?" Recently this morning, Harry had woke up early and joined Edward and Louis for breakfast. He said that he has a photoshoot in Manchester, and he won't be back until dinner.

"They're not." Zayn chuckles, his outstretched hand lifting up to pinch Louis' cheek. "They're quite busy today. They'll see you tonight. Come on, babe."

Louis huffs. "Fine." He sulks, going up to Zayn and letting the Alpha wrap an arm around his shoulder. He's not Edward, but he'll do.

"Louis!" Someone calls out as they take their first step, stopping the both of them. Louis turns around, making Zayn do so as well. It's Jake, and he's walking towards them.

Jake's wide grin falters a bit at the sight of Zayn, and for a moment he looks confused, then his eyes widen. Louis wonders what the fuck is going through inside his head.

"Hey, Jake." Louis says, snapping the Alpha out of his thoughts. "What's up?"

Jake blinks. "Oh, yeah. I think you left this in my office. It was on the floor." Jake holds something out, and drops it into Louis' waiting palm.

It's the house keys.

"You didn't even leave it in your office." Zayn reprimands.

Louis ducks his head, blushing in embarrassment at his mistake. How could he be so careless? He pouts at Zayn. "I'm sorry. Please don't tell Edward."

Zayn snorts. "I'm not a snitch. Liam is."

"I'm telling Liam!"

The dark haired Alpha watches him blankly. "And so are you, apparently."

Louis turns back to Jake. "Thank you so much, mate! Edward would kill me if I lost this."

"Don't worry." Jake assures, still watching Zayn. He has this look of awe in his eyes, and Louis almost thinks Jake is attracted to Zayn. Who wouldn't, anyway?

That reminds Louis. "Um." He looks at Zayn again. "Zayn, this is Jake. Jake, this is Zayn."

"I know." Jake blurts out. "You're Zayn Malik."

Louis narrows his eyes. "You two have met?"

Zayn shifts from foot to foot, awkwardly avoiding Louis' gaze. Jake gapes for a moment at the question, and he looks surprised upon seeing Zayn' reaction.

"Lou... you don't know?" Jake is still gaping. "Zayn Malik? The model?"

Louis blinks. "Why is everyone famous?!" He freaks out, elbowing Zayn and crossing his arms as he storms off.

"Shit." Zayn panics a little, contemplating if he should say goodbye or dismiss Jake. In the end, he just runs off after Louis without even looking back. "Lou, wait!"

Zayn wonders how Louis walks so fast, he almost struggles to catch up with him. Almost.

Louis reaches the car and stands by the passenger door, waiting for Zayn to unlock it.

"Why are you even upset?" Zayn asks once they settle inside the car, Louis still huffing.

The Omega turns to him with a scowl. "It's already overwhelming to think that I can get papped just for walking side by side with my Alpha. And now I have to worry about people taking pictures of me with you, an Alpha that is not mine who is also famous." He rants. "Why can't Liam be the one who fetches me?"

Zayn's mouth drops open. "It's not my fault that I'm famous!"

"I'm not saying that it is!" Louis shoots back. The corner of his mouth twitched and he relaxes into his seat. "And I'm not really that upset. I'm just pissed that I didn't know sooner."

"You twat!" Zayn nudges him with his fist. "I thought you were going to make me walk home!"

"Don't make me laugh! Who would drive, then?"

Zayn grins, starting the engine. "Your friend probably just had one of the weirdest encounters."

"He'll live."


"Uncle Louis!!" Hana shrieks excitedly when she sees him, her little feet already carrying her across the room.

He beams at her, crouching down and opening his arms moments before she collides with him. "Hello, love!"

She hugs him tightly, then pulls back to hold him at arms' length. "What are you doing here?" The little girl asks, her big blue eyes filled with wonder.

"Hana." Zayn scolds gently. "That's not a nice thing to say when someone comes over."

She quickly casts her eyes down, pouting slightly. "I'm sorry."

"It's alright." He assures, kissing her cheek. "I'm here because your uncles won't let me go home."

"Why is that?"

Louis scoops her up, making her giggle excitedly. He plops down onto one of the couches and lets her sit on his lap. "Well, they were worried that I'd be bored if I'm alone, so they sent me here."

Hana makes a happy sound. "Of course, Uncle Lou! We can play together! You'll never be bored." She says, pressing her hands on his cheeks and smushing his face.

Zayn cackles in amusement watching the exchange, shaking his head. He disappears past the doorway, and then Louis hears him calling out for Niall.

"Thank you, Hana." Louis grins at her, booping her on the nose. "How's school?"

"It was okay." She shrugs. "There's this one boy who keeps pulling on my ponytail."

Louis frowns, already so protective of her albeit only knowing her for a short while. He's always loved kids and it makes him more fond of her that she's his best friend's. "Did you tell the teacher?"

"Yeah." She nods, giggling. "She said that he only does that because he likes me."

The Omega pales at that, wondering how such way of thinking still exists and why it is being passed down to the kids. He shifts her a little so he could look at her in the eye. "Hana, did you tell your Mum or your Papas about this?"

She shakes her head.

"Listen, love. Someone who likes you won't do that to you. Have you ever seen any of your Papas do that to your Mum?" He asks softly, and she shakes her head, watching him intently. "Right. So, the next time your teacher says that, you tell her that he's hurting you and it makes you uncomfortable. If she doesn't tell him off, you tell your parents about this, okay?"

Her eyes are almost sparkling as she nods. "Okay. You're so clever, Uncle Lou!"

"Thank you, love."

Niall appears from the door, grinning widely at his friend. "Heya, Lou!"

"Neil!" Louis smirks, gently putting Hana aside so he could hug his friend. "How have you been, mate?"

"Eh, same old." Niall shrugs, pursing his lips. "You'd like anything?"

"Just water, thanks."

Niall winks, then disappears through the door.

"Uncle Louis, do you want to see my drawing of Haziq?" Hana tugs at the hem of his shirt to get his attention again, holding up a piece of paper.

Louis takes it from her, moving to sit down. "Of course, love!" He looks at the drawing and hope he's not frowning in confusion, but he is having a hard time deciphering what he is seeing. "Um..."

Hana squeezes in under his arm, sitting on his lap before she's pointing at her drawing. "This is his head, and this is his tail." His tail? "And these are his big teeth!"

"Are you sure you're drawing your brother and not some monster you saw in the telly?" Louis asks, staring intently at the image she's drawn using crayons.

Hana giggles. "Uncle Lou! Haziq is a dinosaurous!"

And how did Louis miss that?

"How come?" He asks, genuinely confused.

"We watched a story about dinosaurous. And t-rex likes to eat people! Haziq wants to be a t-rex too; that's why he bit me the other day!" She tells him with so much passion.

Louis bursts out laughing. Niall has such cute kids. "Did he?"

"Yeah." Hana nods, holding her arm up and pulling back the sleeve. She shoves it at his face. "See?"

There is a faint bite mark on her arm. "Aww, poor thing you. Let me kiss it better." Louis coos, pressing his lips to the mark and making her giggle. "But it's not right to bite other people, no matter how much you want to be a dinosaur. You should let Haziq know."

"I know." Hana tells him. "That's what Papa Zayn said. Haziq apologised to me after that. He promised he won't bite me anymore."

"What are you two talking about, then?" Niall comes back into the living room with a tray in his hands. There are two cups of tea, a small plate of biscuit, and a glass of water.

"I was telling Uncle Lou about Haziq!"

"Is it about Dino Haziq again?" When Hana nods, Niall laughs. "Stop telling everyone about it, you're embarrassing him."


The triplets come over for dinner at the Malik-Payne's later that night, and Louis honestly enjoys his time so much that he feels sad by the time they have to leave. He finally understands Harry's obsession with Heather. She's honestly such a cute baby. Louis is glad he got to play with her enough before Harry came over and stole her from him.

As they walk to the front door to go home, Louis promises Hana that he'll come over again to see her again, and even Haziq gives him a hug.

"How was your day?" Louis asks Edward while they were in the car heading home.

"Tiring." Marcel answers for his brother, heaving out a sigh. "That meeting was so long because we couldn't come to a decision."

"Was it settled, then?" Louis wonders.

Edward shakes his head. "Not really, we need to meet up again for that."

Edward and Marcel are knackered to their bones, and Louis and Harry watch in quiet amusement as all of them walk into the lift and Marcel is ready to fall asleep on his feet.

It must have been a long day for the two.

Edward takes a shower while Marcel claims he's too tired to do anything, so the latter changes his clothes and brushes his teeth then quickly buries himself beneath the duvet.

"I have a project in America, so I'll be going there next week." Harry announces after all of them are settled in bed.

Edward and Marcel look at him, too tired to form any expression that they just stare with a blank face. "How long?" Both of them ask at the same time.

"Just a week." Harry shrugs, then directs a smirk at Louis. "Do you want to come with me?"

Louis widens his eyes. "You're pulling my leg." He accuses.

Harry grins with a shake of his head. "I'm not."

"Are you serious?" Louis wants to scream.

"Of course."

Louis lets out a happy shriek, turning to Edward and Marcel. "Can I go?"

"We're not your Mum." Edward replies.

That's an answer enough, and Louis shrieks louder. "Oh my God!!!"

"You'd have to take a week long leave, though." Marcel snuggles close to Edward as he reminds Louis, hoping Louis would be okay with it. He really wants Louis to go and enjoy himself.

Louis falls quiet, thinking about it. "It'd be a non-paid one, though. Is that okay?"

Marcel and Harry sigh heavily.

"Lou, it's okay. We'll always take care of you, love." Marcel assures.

"You can quit your job if you want to, to be honest." Harry says. "You don't have to do anything."

"Bollocks! I'm not letting you guys be the only ones to work." He grumbles his protest, crossing his arms.

"We don't mind. In fact, I think Harry gets off on you using our money for your own pleasure." Edward interrupts.

Harry doesn't even deny it.

"I still want to contribute to our income, though I know it barely compares to what you three make. I want to feel like I'm doing my part." Louis says quietly, feeling very timid. God, they're so different in terms of their financial state. Louis doesn't want to be a leech that uses up his Alphas' money and not work for his own.

Edward hums. "It's up to you, kitten. But you know that you're our full responsibility. Many Omegas just relax at home once they're mated."

"I know. But staying at home sounds so boring." Louis scrunches up his face, complaining. "Besides, I won't have anything to do. The Betas do everything."

Marcel nods in agreement. "He has a point."

"But.." Louis blushes, hiding his face away. At such behaviour, his Alphas perk up with interest. "Maybe when we have kids.." He trails off, uncertain about bringing it up but all of them are staring at him expectantly.

Edward smirks. "We're listening."

Louis sees his suggestive face and throws him a pillow. "Maybe I'll quit my job, then. I want to be a full time mother."

The three of them are quiet, imagining Louis being pregnant with their children, waddling around with a bloated tummy, whining and waking them up at three AM for cravings and foot massage that would entail. Not to mention the sex.

"Are you three getting worked up imagining me knocked up with your pups?" Louis asks when he sees their eyes starting to cloud up, attacking each of them with another pillow.

"Ouch! Don't blame me." Marcel pretends to cry out, putting his hand up to block the attacks.

"Yeah. I mean, a pregnant you would be so hot." Edward tries to reason, then gets a smack to the face.

Louis narrows his eyes. "Let's see if you still say that when my mood would be all over the place and I'll be screaming at you because you forgot to close the door."

Harry makes a terrified face. "That sounds traumatising."

"It's not going to be if you don't forget to close the door." Edward reminds him.

"I never forget to close the door."

"Well good, make sure you don't do it or Louis will have your head on the wall."

"Why are we talking as if Louis is already knocked up?" Marcel asks aloud.

Three pairs of eyes shift to Louis' tummy and the Omega gasps, using the pillow to cover his body. "I'm not pregnant, fuck off!" He says in exasperation, an intense blush filling his cheeks.

"Well, too bad." Edward purses his lips.

"Babies are conceived during heats, even I know that." Louis huffs.

"We know. We're just teasing you." Harry giggles, crawling over and kissing Louis' cheek.

"Arseholes." Louis mumbles, not responding when Harry kisses him on the lips.

"Baby.." Harry whines. "Don't ignore me."

Louis punches him on the arm, then pecks his lips. "Goodnight."

Harry grins, snuggling up to his Omega once they're lying down on the bed. "I love you." He murmurs, kissing the back of Louis' head.

They can already hear Marcel and Edward softly snoring, fatigued from the busy day.

Louis rolls over so that he's facing Harry, pressing his face into his chest and loving how Harry squeeze him into his embrace. "Love you too."


"Are you sure these are the colours you want?" Edward asks Harry the next evening, both Louis and Edward had came home earlier to plan for the party. Marcel is dealing with the guest list, checking out the number of people that have confirmed their presence.

Harry nods. "I think they go well together. And it's too late to change them, anyway."

"Right. So, have we decided how we want it to go? What time should we have the dinner?"

"Maybe at six?" Louis suggests. "That way we can start early and the guests don't have to stay for too long, considering the next day's Monday."

Harry nods thoughtfully. "Yeah, Lou's right. Six should be fine. At least we'll put out the food then, and we can make our speech once everyone's settled down."

Edward hums, writing it down. "Did Marcel handle the cake?"


"We're not missing anything, are we? There's no dress code, right?" Edward questions, flipping back through the small book in front of him.

"Not really. I think everyone would know what to wear."

"What time is Mum coming over tomorrow?"

"Noon, I think." Louis answers. "My Mum said that Anne offered them a ride, so it's possible that they're going to arrive together."

"Should we clear the garage?" Harry asks, concerned.

Edward frowns. "I don't think we have to. They can just park outside. Only Gems' and Zayn's car should be in the garage. And Robin's, if he decides to drive."

"Yeah, that sounds okay." Harry purses his lips. "I don't think he's driving, anyway."

"I can't wait." Louis grins, excited to see his family again.

"Me too. Can't wait to show you off." Edward smiles, kissing Louis' cheek.


Louis is still a little groggy on Saturday morning as he rubs his eyes when Marcel informs him that their families are arriving soon and he should shower.

"I love them, I do." Louis admits. "But can't I sleep in a little? It's a Saturday."

"Up." Marcel pats his thigh, not giving in.

Louis rolls over, groaning again. "Five minutes."

Marcel sighs. It should be dangerous how much control Louis has over him. "Ten minutes."

"You're the best." Louis mumbles, already halfway asleep.

Exactly ten minutes later, Marcel tugs the duvet off of him, exposing Louis to the coldness of the room. "Shower." He says, ignoring the Omega screeching in complaint.

"No." Louis rolls over when Marcel tries to touch him, so that Marcel can't reach him.

"Your Mum is going to be here soon. If you don't get up, I'll make her come up and wake your lazy arse up."

Louis has never sat up faster.


Edward feels Louis' presence before he sees him, his heartbeat faltering slightly before picking up pace when he sees the Omega trailing into the ballroom. "The Princess has finally decided to grant us with his presence." The Omega is wearing one of Edward's jumpers, the clothing swallowing his small body. Edward can't believe how cute and gorgeous his Omega is. The jumper is too big for him that the sleeves fall down his hands. And he's wearing tights; Edward couldn't imagine him up if he wants to. Louis is so soft.

Louis' eyes sweep over to him in a lazy motion, changing his direction and starting to head over to where Edward is sitting. "I wish Marcel didn't try to wake me up so early." He pouts.

"It's almost noon." Marcel says back.

Louis gives him a look that says he fully disagrees, then shamelessly climbs up onto Edward's lap. "I'm hungry." He says, his lower lip jutting out even more. "Feed me, Alpha."

Edward kisses his nose. "So demanding." He says, trying to disapprove, but no one can deny Louis when he pouts like that. "What do you want, Princess?"

"I want Yorkshire tea and sausages." His small hand settles on his tummy at the thought of food.

"The Betas can have those on the table in ten."

"I want to eat here." Louis says, patting Edward's thigh. "On my throne."

"Okay." Edward smirks, cupping Louis' face and kissing his lips. "Love sitting on your throne, don't you?"

Louis teasingly bites on Edward's lip, nodding in a sultry way. "Love riding it more."

"Tease." He scolds, pressing his lips to Louis' again. The Omega giggles as he pulls back, and Edward stares at him fondly before calling out for one of the Betas to inform him of Louis' request.

Once the Beta goes away, Edward gets on with whatever he was doing before Louis came down. Louis pulls back from where his cheek is pressed to Edward's chest to look around as he rests his chin on Edward's shoulder; Marcel is giving instructions to a group of Betas, explaining to them how to decorate the ballroom. His eyes sweep over to the entrance when he feels Harry's presence, and Louis has a moment of epiphany. Oh, he's bonded.

Louis keeps forgetting that little fact.

He smiles to himself, bringing a hand up to press at his bite mark, the skin still bumpy under his touch. Fuck, how did he get here? How did he get so lucky?

"How long until they arrive?" He hears Edward ask Harry as the Alpha arrives.

"Fifteen minutes or so." Harry replies, and Louis' heart beats faster when Harry leans over him to kiss Edward before he bends down and greets Louis with a kiss as well. "Hey."

Louis kisses him again, unable to stop himself from doing so. Harry is just so gorgeous and wonderful as are his brothers, and Louis still has a hard time believing he's mated and bonded with this person in front of him, and the person he's sitting on, and the other person ordering the Betas around. "Hey." He finally says back.

"Have you had anything to eat?" Harry asks, brushing Louis' fringe out of his eyes.

"They're making me something." Louis tells him, shifting a little on Edward's lap to make himself more comfortable.

Harry nods, glad to know his Omega is not being left to starve. "Good."

"Hey, Haz." Marcel calls from where he's standing. "Could you please come over here for a second?"

"Yeah." Harry turns around, straightway heading for his brother.

"You're so small." Edward suddenly says, catching Louis' attention again.

Louis looks around to meet his eyes. "Excuse me?" He places a hand on his chest, mocked.

"You're so small and tiny." Edward repeats, putting down his phone and the file he is holding.

Louis narrows his eyes, but he leans into it when Edward places his palms on his hips. "I'm not."

"You are." Edward reaffirms, kissing his cheek before leaning in to whisper into the Omega's ear. "Could hold you up against a wall and fuck you until you cry right now."

Louis' body prickles with excitement at his words, and for a moment he forgets that Edward is insulting him. He's not small, for God's sake. He might be a little short, but most Omegas are short! "Then why are we still here?"

Edward pulls back and snorts. "Because your mother is arriving soon, honey."

"Being cockblocked by my own mother, unbelievable." Louis shakes his head, whispering in regret.

Marcel and Harry stifle their laughter from afar, making the Betas talking to them frown in confusion.

"Are you still desperate, then?"

"Fuck you, I'm not desperate." Louis retaliates, playfully elbowing his chest.

Edward looks at him like he's talking shit. "You were literally jumping on everyone every night."

Louis groans, his cheeks heating up. "It's not my fault my Alphas are too hot for me. Can't keep it in my pants."

Edward laughs. "Rubbish. You're a walking art."

"As if."

Edward sighs heavily, pressing his nose to Louis' jaw. "I'm serious. You have no idea the things you do to us just by existing."

"Enlighten me, then."

"I might end up taking you right here if we start bringing that up." Edward bites his skin gently, and Louis is suddenly reminded that there are still people around them. He is vaguely aware of how he has his legs wrapped tightly around Edward's waist, lost as to when he straddled the Alpha in the first place, and his arms are curled around Edward's neck.

"God, it's true." Louis says in shame. "I am desperate."

Edward throws his head back and laughs again. "It's not a bad thing."

"It's going to die down soon." Louis promises. "I won't jump your bones everytime I see you anymore."

"I feel like that's still not going to happen."

"Sod off! Give me some credit." Louis glares.

Edward wants to kiss him even when he looks at Edward like that, so he does. Louis gasps into his mouth, but he immediately grows pliant in the Alpha's hold, melting against him.

"Please stop snogging and do your job, Edward." Marcel throws a piece of crumpled paper onto his brother's head.

Louis pulls back, rolling his eyes at Marcel. "Just come 'ere if you want a kiss too, you tit."

"Me! Me! I want a kiss!" Harry bounces on his feet excitedly, raising his hand.

Marcel narrows his eyes at Harry when he hears that, taking the first step out towards Louis. That sets Harry into a sprint.

"Why are your brothers like this?" Louis asks exasperatedly, watching both of them compete against each other to reach Louis first.

Edward has a sense of urgency to protect his Omega against the two idiots. "I don't know them."

Louis chuckles, leaning back to lay his head on Edward's shoulder while he waits for his petulant Alphas to arrive.

"Get off of me!"

"You're the one pushing up against me! Fuck off!"

Louis and Edward roll their eyes.

Marcel stumbles when they finally arrive to where Louis is sitting on Edward's lap; it may have happened because Harry tripped him but Harry would never admit that. It lands Marcel right into the Omega's arms.

"Desperate much?" Louis asks, grinning down at the Alpha.

Marcel laughs. "For you, yes."

"Hey!! I want a kiss too!" Harry complains when Louis leans down to kiss Marcel, his lips already parting to welcome the intrusion of his Alpha's tongue. Harry's plan completely backfired.

Edward expresses his irritation through a groan. "Please stop whining. I'll kiss you if it shuts you up."

Harry brightens, walking around so he could slot himself next to Edward and press their lips together.

The Betas want to be annoyed by the whole ordeal but the four of them are disgustingly cute that they can't even feel so.


"I'm home!"

"Mum, this is our home." Edward drawls upon seeing his mother and Robin walk into the door with her making such a claim.

"It's still a home." She retorts, causing Robin to chuckle.

Louis doesn't have to wonder where Harry got it from.

"How have you been, love?" She questions, wrapping Edward into her arms like he's a little child. In her eyes, he probably still is.

Louis' mind flashes back to what the triplets told him about her late husband, and Louis wishes he could resurrect the arsehole just to kill him again for doing what he did to Anne, to his boys.

"I've been fine." Edward replies. He's a little taken aback, Louis' emotions are too intense that Edward could feel it. He releases his mother then watches his Omega warily as she approaches him.

The anger inside Louis dissipates in an instant, and Edward relaxes. Louis turns fond as he hugs Anne tightly, both of them exchanging happy greets.

"Where are Harry and Marcel?" Robin asks after Edward gave him a brief hug.

"They're inside." He answers. "Have you eaten?"

"Yeah, we already stopped by for lunch." Robin smiles, his eyes kind as he looks over to Louis. "How are you, Louis?"

Louis beams. "I've been well, thank you."

As Anne and Robin disappear further into the house to look for the other two boys, Edward steps up to his mate.

"You okay?" Edward questions.

Louis raises his eyebrow, amused. "Why wouldn't I be?"

Edward pulls him in with his hands pressed on Louis' back. "You were angry."

Louis looks alarmed, confused as to how Edward knows.

"Did you forget?" Edward whispers, leaning down and kissing the bite mark on Louis' neck.

Louis sags in his hold, defenseless when Edward nibbles on his mark like that. He keeps forgetting that they're bonded, and that the triplets could feel his emotions if they're intense enough.

"So, why were you angry?" Edward presses, tracing his tongue along the indents and bumps on the mark, making Louis weak in the knees.

"Was just reminded of something." Louis pants, pushing Edward off. He doesn't want to look desperate when his mother comes in later. "Stop trying to seduce me. Bad Alpha!"

Edward licks his lips, his wild eyes running up and down on Louis' body. "Stop being so ravishing, then."

"I'm wearing your jumper! How is that ravishing?"

"You have no idea, Princess."

Thankfully, Daisy and Phoebe run inside before Edward could elaborate on that. "Lou!"

"Hey babes!!" Louis opens his arms, happily embracing the girls. "I've missed you."

"We've missed you too!" They reply, tiptoeing to kiss his cheek.

"How was the drive?"

"We slept the whole way." Daisy says as both of them take a step back so they could greet Edward as well.

Louis chuckles. Daisy and Phoebe are almost every bit like himself when it comes to car rides.

"Lou!!!" Fizzy squeals when she walks in and sees him, starting to run. Louis almost falls over when she slams against his chest, hugging him tightly. "I missed you!"

Louis hugs her back as tight, probably almost crushing her but she doesn't complain, happy to inhale the familiar scent of her brother. "I missed you too, babe." He buries his face into her hair.

She kisses his cheek before her hold loosens and she holds him back. "You gained weight a little."


"It's a good thing!"

Louis glares but Fizzy just grins up at him, her feigned innocence is almost irritating.

"You're lucky I love you." Louis pokes her cheek with his eyes narrowed, causing her to giggle.

"I love you too!" She ducks down from his prodding finger to skip over to Edward.

Louis shakes his head, a smile forming on his lips. It widens when he sees Lottie strolling in, the girl trying to put an indifferent expression but he knows she's happy to see him.

"Hello, love." Louis says softly, already holding his arms out.

Lottie gives up her pretense immediately, a smile lighting up her face and she rushes into his embrace. "Missed your ugly face."

"His face is not ugly." Edward scolds.

Lottie sticks her tongue out from where she's pressing her cheek on her brother's shoulder.

"I'm so happy to have all of you here." Louis sighs.

"Me too!" She pulls back to give him an excited face. "I can't wait for the party! We're totally going shopping!"

Louis' eyebrows shoot up across his forehead, creasing his skin. "What?"

"That sounds like a good idea." Edward agrees, an arm wrapped around Fizzy. Daisy and Phoebe have disappeared inside, probably looking for Anne.

"Yes!! We're taking Lou shopping!" Lottie says happily, running for Edward.

"I didn't agree yet!"

"You should go, find something nice to wear tomorrow." Edward says to him while he hugs Lottie.

"Are you insulting the clothes I have now?"

Lottie pulls back from Edward and turns around, rolling her eyes at the same time she crosses her arms. "For God's sake, Lou. Let your Alpha buy you new clothes. He's not incompetent."

"See? I knew the Tomlinsons are brilliant." Edward says, messing up Lottie's hair, causing her loud shriek to fill the room.

Louis is too fond of the sight of Lottie slapping Edward's hand away and starting to lecture him. He can hear her saying something about personal space and respect.

Fizzy rolls her eyes at the whole thing. "We don't have to buy anything fancy." She says to Louis, trying to get him to agree.


Louis hears a chuckle and his face brightens up, smiling so wide that his cheeks hurt. He turns around and there is his Mum, standing at the door and shaking her head. "Mum!!"

She hums when Louis is safely tucked under her chin, her arms wrapped tightly around him.

"How have you been, darling?" Her lips press to his hair. And if Louis was having a stressful week, all of his problems would be washed away by now, because nothing feels better than being in his mother's arms. When he's in her embrace, nothing could get to him. That's where he is safest, and parting from the warmth of her hug is one of the most difficult things to do. Louis forces himself to do so anyway, pulling back so he could look at her.

"I've been good." He gives her a toothy smile. "My Alphas take good care of me."

"I'm sure they did." Jay stares at him knowingly, and she uses her hand to tilt his chin up so she could see the marks on his skin. "I'm happy that you're happy, baby," says Jay, winking.

Louis blushes. "Thank you, Mum." He mumbles, nuzzling his face into her collarbone.

"Alright, Mama's boy. That's enough." Lottie snickers from where she is standing. "Get ready so we can go."

"Look at her, Mum! She's bossing me around!" Louis whines, not even bothering to look at his sister.

"But she's right, though. Find something for tomorrow." She stares at him. "You should wear a suit."

Louis raises his eyebrow. "A suit?" He turns to Edward with the questioning tone.

"A suit would look gorgeous on you." Edward agrees, subtly licking his lips. Louis rolls his eyes.

"But you three are wearing suits."

"Then there'd be four people wearing suits." Edward replies.

"I can't see where this conversation is going. Can we just go inside?" Lottie huffs, already heading in as if it's not her first time here.


"Buy your sisters something." Edward reminds him.

Louis nods. "I will, don't worry. I've got some savings." He grins.

Edward's eyebrows furrow in disapproval. "Lou."

The grin vanishes, replaced by an exasperated look. "Edward." He says back. "I've accepted that sometimes you want to spend money on me. I'm slowly getting over that." He sighs, taking a step forward and closing their distance. When they're close enough, his arms snake around Edward's neck, holding them loosely there. "But I can't let you do the same for my family."

"I want to. We want to." Edward replies, frustration written all over his face. Yet he still presses his hands on the dip of Louis' waist, indulging himself with the way the Omega is flushed against him.

"It always comes down to this." Louis groans, hanging his head. "Why can't we agree to disagree when it comes to money? I have money, you know. I work. I'm not entirely useless."

"Don't say that." Edward hisses softly. "You're not useless."

"I'll buy what I want for myself using your card." Louis starts, giving Edward a look when the Alpha tries to speak up and simultaneously shutting him down. "But I will use my own money to treat my sisters."

Edward stares at him, face still taut. Louis has to wait for a minute before his face softens and Louis gets a small smile. "I'm not going to win this one, am I?"

Louis shakes his head. "Nope. Not when I'm your Omega." He kisses Edward softly in thanks.

"I won't have it any other way." Edward's hands brush down until they're cupping his arse.

Louis rolls his eyes. "You only want me for my arse."

"I want you for you." Edward corrects him. "This," he accentuates his point by slowly starting to knead the Omega's supple flesh in his palms. " just a bonus. One that I'm very grateful for."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Louis smirks, kissing him again.

"Are you two done with your goodbye? Honestly, Lou, we're only going out, not leaving the country." Lottie steps in with her arms crossed, making a slightly disgusted face at seeing the Alpha grabbing her brother's arse like that. It's slightly disturbing.

Louis doesn't let her interrupt them; he continues kissing the Alpha as if she never stepped in.

"Honestly, stop snogging!" Lottie hisses.

Louis purposely moans into Edward's mouth, both of them stifling their laughter when Lottie lets out a gasp, as if she can't believe that Louis is not listening to her. "William!"

Edward's hands move down onto his thighs, hoisting him up so Louis could wrap his legs around Edward's torso and the Alpha kisses him feverishly, shamelessly letting his tongue brush past Louis' lips.

"Mum!!" Lottie screeches in horror.

Louis throws his head back and lets out a bark of laughter, almost falling over. Edward chuckles at Lottie's angry face.

"Don't be mad. We're just teasing you, love." Louis tells her, hopping down onto the floor.

"As if we'd ever get it on in front of you." Edward snorts.

"Prats." Her arms fall back to her sides as she turns around to get back to the living room, still glaring.

Louis and Edward follow her, the quiet laughter not stopping.

"What are you taking?" Marcel asks when he sees Louis and his brother.

Harry thinks momentarily then replies to Marcel although the question was directed to Louis. "He should take the Rover."

Louis panics. "No!"

Everyone turns to him with confusion, even their mothers.

"Why not?" Harry asks, his face contorted.

"I'm scared. What if I scratched the car?" He wonders in horror, already imagining it happening.

Lottie scoffs. "No way. You're a good driver. It won't happen."

"It's been a while since I drove." Louis admits.

Marcel walks over and places a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "You'll be fine."

"I'm not going to be responsible if anything happens to your beloved car." Louis warns.

"Nothing's going to happen." Harry says in amusement, handing him the car key. "Take care, yeah?"

Louis sighs, nodding and tilting his chin up, silently asking for a kiss. Harry complies with his request, pecking his lips before Marcel does the same.

"Have fun!" Anne and Jay say at the same time from where they're seated at the sofa, sipping their teas.

Daisy and Phoebe shriek in excitement, already running out from the living room. Fizzy and Lottie trail behind them, pretending they're not as excited but Louis knows better.

"Call if you need anything." Edward reminds him one last time.

"I will."


"Oh my Gosh. I'm scared." Daisy gushes, staring at the sleek, black Range Rover in front of them.

"Fuck. Me too." Louis cringes. "Let's just have Anne's driver take us."

"No way!" Lottie protests. "Unlock the car, Lou."

Louis sighs, doing as she said. He is not at all surprised when Lottie climbs into the passenger seat while she ignores Fizzy's complaints.

"Ready?" He asks reluctantly when all of them are seated with the seat belt on.

"Ready, Lou!" His sisters chorus back, and Louis has to smile at that. It makes him feel a little better. He can do this. He can take his sisters out.

Daisy presses her hand to her eyes when Louis shifts the gear. "Don't do that!" Louis rebukes. "You're making me nervous!"

"But I'm nervous!" She replies.

They make it out of the garage safely, although Louis is driving at the speed of a snail.

"We'll never make it before nightfall, Lou." Lottie comments.

He doesn't look at her. "Do you want to drive, then?"

"No, thanks."

"Then shut it."

He starts to get used to driving again after they've left the compound, going through the straight road to head back to the city. At least he's starting to speed up at this point.

"You're doing good." Fizzy praises him, hoping to encourage her brother.

"Thanks, Fiz." He smiles into the rearview mirror. "I'm still nervous, though."

"Just get us there and back home in one piece." Lottie says.


"We're home!" Daisy and Phoebe call out after hanging up their coats, then run into the house carrying a handful of paper bags without waiting for the rest.

"Thank you for taking us out, Lou." Fizzy reaches up and kisses his cheek, and Louis can tell from her smile that she really appreciates that all of them got to spend some time together.

Louis pecks her forehead. "Of course. I've missed all of you."

"Thank you for paying for our stuff." Lottie chirps, blowing him a kiss.

"That's it? I don't get a real kiss?" Louis pouts.

Lottie ignores him.

Fizzy laughs at that, wrapping her arm around Louis' elbow as both of them start walking into the house. Anne and Jay are still there, engrossed in their conversation until they notice that the children are back. The triplets are nowhere to be seen.

"How was it, then?" Anne asks kindly.

"It was alright. I didn't scratch the car." He shrugs, slightly proud of himself.

Daisy steals all attention when she stands up, holding out the dress they just bought. "Mum! Look! Louis bought me and Phoebe this dress!"

Jay and Anne gasp in delight. "Oh honey, it's gorgeous!"

"That one was expensive." Lottie points out. "And he bought me a bracelet."

"He bought me a new palette!" Fizzy wants to show off too.

"Oh Jesus, you don't have to tell everyone that." Louis scolds, his face heating up when his Mum gives him a look of admiration.

Anne chuckles. "They're really happy, let them be."

"What about you? What did you buy?" Jay asks, curious about the lack of bags Louis is carrying.

"I bought a suit. The girls helped me choose that. I hope it's okay."

"Excuse me, are you saying you don't trust our judgement?" Lottie quips in.

He points his tongue out.

"Where is the suit, then?"

"It's still in the car. I'll get the Betas to fetch it because I need to get it ironed for tomorrow." Louis explains.

Jay watches him with a knowing look. "So we don't get to see it until tomorrow?"

"Cheeky!" Anne comments when a grin is the only reply.


Louis looks around him, the sound of happy chatters and high pitched giggling of his sisters filling his ears. It's clear that Jay and Anne are best friends by now; they're almost inseparable. They're even sitting together at the table in the dining hall.

Gemma had arrived with her family in the evening, and Louis can see that Adrian has taken a liking to Daisy and Phoebe, sitting in between Louis' sisters and laughing when any of them entertains him. Fizzy, Gemma, and Lottie are talking in hushed voices. It makes Louis wonder if they're planning a secret mission or if they're exchanging embarrassing stories about Louis and the triplets. He turns to his left and his Alphas are laughing with Robin and Michael.

Louis isn't engaged in any conversation with any of them, but he's never felt so happy that two families are united together in a gathering like this.

"You're very quiet." Harry suddenly whispers into his ear.

Louis raises his eyebrows at the acknowledgement. "Am I?"

"Yeah." He tilts his head. "What's up?"

"Nothing." Louis leans forward and kisses him assuringly. "I'm very happy."

Harry smiles, willing to believe him if he says so. "Okay, baby."

After dinner, all of them retreat to their rooms to freshen up. Louis comes back out to the lounge on the top floor and Daisy and Phoebe are chasing Adrian around, all of them in their pyjamas.

Anne and Jay have made hot chocolate for everyone, so all of them sit together like they're on a big sleepover after Edward suggested that they watch a movie.

Daisy and Phoebe want to watch Zootopia, and since they're basically Adrian's current favourite people, he enthusiastically agree with whatever Daisy and Phoebe said. Louis wants to indulge himself with a relaxed, happy cartoon so he also agrees.

Lottie and Fizzy don't mind and the rest of the adults could care less; Zootopia wins.

Louis sighs happily, leaning back into the strong chest where he is seated in between Marcel's legs.

"Well, someone's happy." Marcel comments, his lips brushing Louis' ear.

He nods, lips stretched wide across his face. "I am. Love it when everyone's here."

"Me too." Marcel smiles, kissing the spot behind his earlobe.

"How's the decoration going?" Louis asks, earning a hush from Lottie. For someone who was indifferent at the start of the movie, she sure looks like she's truly into it. Louis whispers his sorry, then turns back to Marcel.

"Everything's going fine. Have you decided what to wear?"

Louis nods. "Yeah, bought it with the girls."

"Bet it looks lovely on you." The Alpha presses his lips on the back of Louis' head, curling his arms around him.

Louis hums pleasantly. "They helped me choose. And I think that the suit looks good on me."

"You'd look lovely regardless of what you wear." Marcel kisses his neck. "But I can't wait to see it anyway."


"Goodnight, Mum." Louis bids her after a supressed yawn, kissing her cheek. "See you tomorrow."

"Goodnight, Boo Bear." She hugs him tightly, then leaves for the guest room she's staying in.

Louis watches her until she's no longer in sight before he retreats back to the master bedroom. Harry is already snuggling under the duvet while Edward is drying his hair and Marcel has just exited the closet wearing only joggers.

Louis heads straight for the bathroom, brushing his teeth and washing up. When he comes back, Edward is sitting on one of the couches, typing away on his phone while his brothers are cosied up on the bed.

The Omega walks over, climbing on to join his Alphas and happily letting Harry cage him in with his arms. "What's Edward doing?"

"Writing some emails." Marcel yawns.

"Be there in a bit." Edward says distractedly, his fingers still pressing on the screen.

It's quiet for a moment, Louis already getting sleepier by the seconds. And then Marcel speaks up.

"I just realised something."

"Do we want to hear it?"

Louis doesn't notice he had his eyes closed until he opens them and Marcel is glaring at Edward.

"What is it, then?" Harry voices.

Marcel huffs. "We went two whole days without sex."

"Oh no." Louis says, pressing his hands to his cheeks. "Am I being an incompetent Omega?"

"Is that the only thing you think about, Marcel? I thought Harry was the insatiable one." Edward sounds regretful, shaking his head.

Harry mirrors his brother, clicking his tongue as if disappointed. Louis bursts out into laughter.

"Fuck all of you." Marcel groans.

"Already did." All of them respond at the same time.

Louis laughs until his stomach hurts, and Harry sounds like he's seconds away from an asthma attack, but Marcel is struggling to not let a smile make an appearance, so Louis is sure that the Alpha isn't that mad.

"If you're up for it, I'm up for it." Louis says after a short silence following their laughter.

"Shut up and go to sleep." Edward grouses. "My cock is going to fall off if we do it everyday."

Harry hums, his hands already fondling Louis' arse. He's mulling it over, but says nothing in the end.

"I can't believe you rejected me." Louis says; he doesn't sound like he's upset at all.

He slightly feels the bed dip, and then the lights go out. "No one is penetrating anyone tonight."

"Jesus, you could've worded that better." Marcel reprimands, and Louis hears a slap.

"What even is going on in this conversation?" Louis face palms in the dark.

"It's a pointless one, go to sleep."


"I'm nervous!" Louis announces as he walks into the living room, startling Daisy and Phoebe who are on their phones, then he walks back out, not even bothering to look at their reaction.

"I'm nervous!!" He moans, walking around the whole floor telling everyone so.

"For God's sake, shut the fuck up!" Gemma yells at him from somewhere inside the house.

"I can't! I'm nervous!" Louis yells back.

He finds the triplets in the ballroom, and the place looks gorgeous that he forgets the sole purpose of him coming there. There are banquet tables everywhere, filling one part of the hall. The other part is left empty for dancing, so Louis is told. There are a row of tables against the wall where the food will be placed, and the decorations are already complete. Flowers fill every corner of the hall, on the tables, on the ceiling, on the walls. Louis feels like he's about to marry the triplets instead of just being introduced to their family.

Marcel is having a small discussion with a Beta who looks like the one of the chefs, and Harry has a checklist board in his hand while he speaks to a group of Betas that would be their waiters for the day.

Edward is standing near the double French doors, a male Beta standing next to him while he points at the tables and around the hall, the Beta nodding every now and then.

Louis waits patiently, and not long after, the Beta talking to Edward finally leaves, so Louis takes the chance to speak to his Alpha. "Hi."

"Hey, love. What's all the whining about?" Edward chuckles; he certainly heard his Omega announcing to the whole house about how nervous he is.

"I'm losing my mind." Louis says. "I'm going to die with all this nervousness."

"Don't be. They'll love you." Edward promises, placing a hand on Louis' arm and gently pulling him forward so he could dip down and kiss Louis' nose.

Louis sighs. "You sound so sure."

"Well, maybe Aunt Helga's children won't. But they don't like us either. So you're fine." Edward shrugs. "And even if they don't like you, it won't change a thing. We don't have to see them anymore after this."

"Okay." Louis relaxes a little at that. If they're not going to see those people again, Louis won't feel that bad if they happen to not like him. "Is everything ready?"

"Yeah." Edward nods. "How are you liking it?"

Louis' eyes almost twinkle. "It's beautiful."

"The guests would start arriving by 5, so we were thinking that you can come down after everyone is here." Edward tells him.

"Why is that?"

"Just to keep up the suspense."

Louis laughs. "You do know that Niall's family already know how I look like, right?"

Edward gives him a fond smile. "I know. It's for my family. They're going to be charmed off their socks."

"Such high expectations of me."

"I wish you see yourself the way I do." Edward mumbles, kissing the corner of Louis' mouth.

Louis sighs, pressing his lips onto Edward's cheek. "How would the party go, then?"

"Once everyone has arrived, we'll call you down, and by this time the guests would already be seated. We're just going to say something about celebrating our birthday, and we'll introduce you. Then we'll cut the cake. It'll be short and simple." Edward briefs him.

"I feel like we're getting married."

"Not yet."

Louis blushes, ducking his head and unable to stop the smile from spreading across his face.

"Go and get ready."

"But I thought I don't have to come down until everyone is here?"

"Then go bother someone else, I have things to finish." Edward kisses him one last time, then the Alpha is walking away.

Louis admits defeat, leaving the ballroom and looking for someone to disturb so he could take his mind off meeting the triplets' big family. He decides to go and talk to his sisters.

His family was given two rooms, his Mum and the twins are sharing while Fizzy shares with Lottie. Louis walks up to Fizzy and Lottie's room, knocking on the door.

"Come in." He faintly hears Fizzy calls out.

"Hello." Louis greets as he pushes the door open. Fizzy is sitting on the bed, playing with her phone while Lottie is sitting in front of the vanity and brushing her hair.

Lottie's eyes shift to him in the reflection of the mirror. "Hey, Lou!"

"Are you girls ready for the party, yet?" Louis asks, smiling when he sees how pretty Lottie is in her dress.

"Sort of." Fizzy turns off the screen of her phone, paying attention to her brother as he sits down next to her on the bed. "I don't want to change yet."

"The guests would start arriving in an hour and a half, you still have time." Louis tells her. "You look lovely, Lotts."

"Thanks." Lottie grins at him.

Fizzy stares at him quietly, contemplating whether or not to speak. She clearly notices that something's bothering him. "Is everything okay?"

Louis sighs heavily. "Okay.."

Lottie stops brushing her hair at that, placing the brush down and getting up to approach the bed. "What's up? You know you can talk to us about anything."

He stares at his sisters for a moment, not sure if he should unload his burden onto them or not. "I'm super nervous about the party."

"Why's that?"

"Well, I don't know how their family would react."

Fizzy scoffs. "Lou, Anne loves you. I'm sure their uncles and aunts would do too. Besides, the whole point of this party itself is to show you off, not ask them to help decide whether or not they should accept you. Besides, you're already bonded. You don't have to be too worried."

"I know." Louis exhales, digging the heels of his hands into his eyes.

"Then what are you worrying so much about?" Lottie narrows her eyes.

"Don't you think that somehow, they're too good for me?" Louis whispers out.



Louis wants to scold them for their language, but he himself curses too much, so he's mostly just amused.

Lottie clutches her temples, sitting down on the bed. "No, Lou. That is such a negative thing to think about. Toxic! Get rid of it from your mind. Destroy it. Whatever you do, don't think about it like that." Her hands start flying everywhere as she talks. "You are one amazing Omega. You're handsome, and you're kind, you're generous, you always help us whenever we need you and you took care of me and Fizzy when Mum wasn't around. And you still sent us money even when you were struggling yourself. So don't say that you don't deserve them. You love so much, and you're always bringing joy everywhere you go. You deserve the triplets, they make you really happy. There is so much more to you than trying to fit with whatever image the society is putting on Omegas these days, so if they can't see that about you, then they can choke."

"Lottie!" Louis reprimands, laughing softly though his eyes burn a little.

She ignores him. "And they're not the ones you're mated with, it's the triplets. And they love you. I know they do, they look at you as if you hung the fucking sun. So it shouldn't matter what their family is going to think. If they say anything bad, you can just throw them out of the house." Lottie huffs.

Louis smiles, tears threatening to fill his eyes. He's so touched with what she said. Normally he would be the one to say those kind of things to her, to convince her that she's more than what people see. He's so used to holding his sisters when they cried because other Omegas insulted them for not living up to the expected Omega behaviours at school, he used to tell them that regardless what people say about them, Louis believes his sisters are the best people and if they can't see that about them, then it's their loss. He can't believe he's getting back what he said long ago.

"Thank you, Lotts."

"I agree with everything that she said." Fizzy adds in, already scooting closer to Louis to pull him into a hug. Lottie joins in shortly after, not wanting to miss out from the group hug.

"I love you two." Louis kisses the top of their heads, holding them tightly.

"And we love you." They chime back.


Louis is sitting on the edge of the bed, clad in his dark blue suit that he bought yesterday with his sisters. His hands are pressed together, hoping he's not sweating too much from his nerves. He's been ready for ten minutes now, waiting for everyone to arrive and Marcel would come up to fetch him. His hair has been styled into a slight quiff, and Louis would've put on a pair of aviators had the party been outside, but it's indoor, so he decided to abandon it.

Marcel comes in a few minutes later, and he's smiling really brightly. It eases the butterflies in Louis' stomach a little. Marcel's face changes when he eyes Louis up and down and the Alpha has to take another look. "Wow. You look..." He shakes his head. "Fuck, Lou."

Louis blushes at the fact that his Alpha can't even form a coherent sentence. "What?" He asks, slowly standing up.

"If it weren't for my uncle and aunts waiting downstairs, I'd bend you over right now." Marcel sucks in air using his nose, his nostrils flaring.

Louis giggles. "You like the suit?" He smooths the jacket down.

Marcel bites his lip, nodding. He reaches down to grip Louis' thigh, the pants are so tight on his arse and legs that he looks even more sinful than he usually does. Get a grip, Marcel! "I'm going to die."

"You're not." Louis rolls his eyes, though he's nothing if not fond. "You look handsome."

"Well, you look stunning." His hands slowly brush up to cup Louis' arse. They feel even more amazing in his touch, and Marcel doesn't know how but he completely doesn't mind that an Omega has this kind of effect on him.

Louis chuckles, pushing his hands away. "Stop. We won't get anywhere if you keep touching me."

"I wish that would happen." He grins.

Louis shakes his head. "Edward will kill us if we don't come down now."

"Alright, alright." Marcel gives up, wrapping an arm around his waist as they both start to head out.

Marcel steps into his space while they're in the lift, kissing him deep. "You'll be fine." He assures, his thumb stroking small circles on the back of his hand.

"Thank you." Louis feels his mouth twitching. "I love you."

"I love you too."

The ballroom is buzzing with chatters as Marcel leads him to the doors, stopping them before they could cross the threshold to give time for Louis to breathe before they enter.

Louis appreciates the gesture, and he send a grateful smile to his Alpha. He sucks in one last deep breath, then nods.

Harry and Edward are the first ones to notice him as Marcel leads him over to his brothers, and Louis blushes when their jaws drop and Harry starts eyeing him like he wants to take Louis right there and then.

The guests are slowly settling down, most of them too busy getting the food, some already seated at their tables, and some have already noticed Louis' presence. He doesn't have to look around to find his family; his Mum and sisters are already seated on the front table with Gemma and her family. Anne and Robin are at the table next to them with a few empty spots for Louis and the triplets later on. And behind them is the Malik-Payne clan. He can see Hana lighting up upon seeing him, raising her little hand to give him a small wave.

Louis grins, waving back.

"You look ravishing, as always." Edward says. The way the Alpha is looking at him makes Louis feel like presenting.

"God, I suddenly regret this party." Harry complains, his hands itching to touch his Omega.

Edward clears his throat. "Control yourself, Haz."

Harry sighs heavily. "I know." Then he whines. "God."

"Go on, Edward." Marcel prompts, knows that people must be dying to eat the mouthwatering food they have in front of them.

Edward nods. Then all of them turn to where the guests are seated, Edward clearing his throat once again, louder this time, getting their attention. Slowly, a hushed silence starts to fill the room, the chatters dying out and all eyes are on them.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you so much for being here today. We appreciate that you have honoured us with your presence on this fine evening." Edward pauses briefly for the murmured replies of excitement. "The reason we have invited you today is for a little celebration of me and my brothers recently turning twenty-five, and also because we have finally found our mate."

A loud cheer carries through the room, some even giving out wolf-whistles.

Edward grins, waiting for it to die down again before continuing. "Turning twenty-five has been no different than turning twenty-four, except that we're now halfway to thirty and I'm pretty sure Marcel is freaking out." Marcel glares at Edward, and the guests chuckle. "It's only been a year, but we've grown to be better people than we were last year, and we would like to thank all of you for being here for this celebration."

"Without further ado, I would like to introduce our lovely mate who we found shortly after our birthday. He's the best present any of us could ask for." Edward takes Louis' hand, and leads him forward a little, presenting him to the audience. "Ladies and gentlemen, Louis Tomlinson. The love of our life."

Louis is flushed red at being introduced as such in front of the triplets' family and their friends. He is sure that his face is a scarlet shade especially when they start giving a round of applause.

Louis quickly steps back, shy. Edward chuckles, but he quickly signals for the Beta to bring their cakes to the front. "We've got cakes to celebrate, and we'll make sure everyone gets a slice. Thank you for being here again, I hope you'd enjoy the food."

With that, everybody starts to dig in.

The triplets lead Louis over to their seats, letting the Omega sit down before they follow suit.

"How are you feeling?" Anne asks, placing a hand on top of his.

Louis shrugs. "Fine, mostly. I didn't realise how much this feels like a party of the Victorian aristocracy until I was at the front." He cringes.

Anne laughs softly. "My sons are pretentious like that, but we're just here to have fun today."


After they eat, the Betas put on some music that's a little upbeat so people could dance if they want to but everyone can still talk without having to yell. Louis' twin sisters are already on the dance floor, giggling as they try to move according to the beat of the song.

"Do you want to go and meet everybody?" Edward leans into Louis to ask, a hand placed at the small of his back.

"Yeah, let's do that."

Edward smiles, giving his brothers an affirmative gesture, all of them standing up.

"Do you want me to come with?" Anne offers, putting her napkin away.

Marcel shakes his head. "It's alright, we've got this."

"Thank you, Mum." Harry walks over and drops a kiss on her cheek.

"Be nice to your beloved cousins!" Anne reminds them as they start leaving the table. She receives groans and disgusted sounds of disagreement.

"We'll be nice if they are nice." Edward mutters under his breath, causing Louis to laugh.

They lead him to the first table that holds one of their aunts and her family. Based on the triplets' relaxed, cheerful faces, Louis can tell that these cousins are not those of Aunt Helga's children.

The people at the table are delighted when they see them approaching and one of them stands up as they arrive.

"Well, if it isn't the famous cousin." The person says to Harry, raising his eyebrows with a teasing smirk.

Harry honks out a laugh. "Marcel's famous too."

"Yeah well, happy birthday." The cousin reaches forward and gives Harry a brief hug before doing the same with Marcel and nodding at Edward. Louis is a little weirded out at that.

"Thank you." Edward nods back. "Matthew, let me introduce you to Louis." He says, gesturing from the cousin to the Omega.

Louis puts on a bright smile. He's still a little nervous, but most of it has seeped away during his whining earlier. "Hello, nice to meet you." Louis holds out a hand, and Matthew takes it firmly.

"It's a pleasure to meet you too, Louis." Matthew's smile is friendly, and he releases Louis' hand shortly after that.

Harry spins around slightly, beaming at his aunt. "Aunt Maggie! Meet Louis."

Aunt Maggie stands up with a bright smile on her face, rushing over to Louis and grabbing his face before kissing both of his cheeks. The young Omega blushes, giggling. "You're such a handsome young man!" She coos, then turns to her nephews. "You boys did a great job at choosing your Omega."

"He's perfect, isn't he?" Marcel sighs, a bit dreamy. Louis pretends his face doesn't heat up even more.

"Thank you." Louis says quietly, flustered.

Aunt Maggie places a hand on Louis' arm, leading him away from Edward and closer to the table. She gestures towards the occupants. "These are my children." She starts pointing. "That's Gary, and that's his wife."

He's starting to loosen up, genuinely enjoying Aunt Maggie's attention on him and the conversation they've got going on with her children joining in. It's probably why he barely notices how proud his Alphas look while they stare at him, he's doing well in getting to know their big family after all.

Louis is still smiling brightly even after Edward finally stole him from Aunt Maggie because they won't stop talking. "She's nice." He comments when the four of them are slowly heading over to another table.

"She is. She's lovely." Marcel confirms. "She used to give us money every time we visited. Mum never knew."

"Actually she did, she just never mentioned it." Edward informs his brothers.

Louis grins. "She's probably my favourite Aunt."

"She's the only one you've met."

"What's up with Matthew, though? Why didn't he hug Edward?" Louis wonders.

"He's scared of Edward."

"Ah, there are the boys!" Someone is saying as they reach the next table before Louis could reply, and Louis quickly schools his expression again. It's probably one of their uncles, and Louis can already tell that he'd get along well with him. He looks really friendly.

"Uncle Henry!" Edward cheers, opening his arms and they share a brief hug. "Glad you made it!"

Uncle Henry chuckles. "Of course, my boy. I wouldn't miss it for the world!" His twinkling eyes shift over to Louis and - if possible - they brighten even more. "Louis, right?"

"Yes, sir." Louis cracks a smile, extending his hand. "Pleasure to meet you."

"And you too, son." His eyes almost disappear as he smiles, taking Louis' hand and shaking it. "How are they treating you? Good?"

Louis shrugs. "They've been good boys." He says, and both of them share a laugh.

"Good, good. You tell me if they get up to no good." He murmurs, playfully giving Harry a warning look.

"I will, don't worry." Louis winks.

"Ah, what a charming young lad you are." Uncle Henry says, pleased. He turns around and beckoned a woman, possibly his wife, to come over and join them. "Come here, Angela. You have to meet this boy."

Aunt Angela looks so excited to see him as she stands next to her husband, making Louis feel as if he's not meeting her for the first time. "Oh, Henry, he's so precious!"

The triplets are ready to start shining light beams out of their faces at hearing such compliments from others about their Omega.

"He is. I'm so proud of you boys. You make a good match."

"Thank you so much." They chorus back, Edward coming over to place a hand on Louis' waist.

Louis is very pleased to find how friendly and lovely Uncle Henry's and Aunt Angela's children are. Each of them even stands up to give him a hug, welcoming him to the family.

The triplets are clearly close with Uncle Henry, and they spend a little bit longer at that table, caught up with happy chatters and laughter. Louis almost forgets that they still have to meet up with the rest of their cousins, and it isn't until Marcel excuses them that he remembers again.

"Oh shit." Edward mumbles under his breath when they are on the way to the next table.

Louis is alarmed by that, and he starts getting anxious. "What? What's up?"

"Be prepared for Aunt Helga's children."

That's the only warning Louis gets, and suddenly Harry is happily crying out for Aunt Helga's name. The woman herself is smiling fondly as she stands up, letting Harry dive into her arms.

"You've grown so much since I last saw you!" She grins, letting Marcel and Edward hug her too.

"How have you been, Aunt Helga?" Marcel asks politely.

While they exchange their greetings, Louis observes the people sitting at the table. One thing he notices is that they're staring at the Styles as if they've already planned the triplets' murder hundreds of times in their heads.

"So this is Louis?" Aunt Helga directs her smile at him, snapping his attention back to the conversation at hand. "You're so lovely. You're perfect for these boys."

"Thank you." He says, touched. Louis can barely keep the smile off of his face when she grabs his face to kiss his forehead.

Aunt Helga's face morphs into a strict expression as she points at the triplets. "You take care of him."

"You don't even have to remind us." Harry grins.

Aunt Helga's smile returns. "Good. Now that I've finally met your mate, I'm going to the loo. Been holding it in just so that I won't miss meeting him."

Louis laughs out loud at that, and she pats his shoulder before excusing herself. His laughter doesn't last long because Aunt Helga's children grow to their feet and start approaching Louis and the triplets, acting as if they're superior than everyone else.

"Hello." Louis holds out a hand, telling himself that he's going to play nice regardless of all the things he's heard from his Alphas. Earlier this week, Louis had requested that his Alphas tell him about them. They told him there was Natasha, the eldest, followed by Aaron, then Lydia. They've described Natasha as the one who loves power, she's always been controlling since they were kids. She and her siblings were furious when they found out that Edward inherited the company. They love wealth. They wanted it. They were hoping - despite the slim chances - that Natasha would inherit it. Natasha is exactly as Edward told him; intimidating, and she has a bad vibe.

Louis guesses that the woman who is currently standing in front of him now is Natasha, Aunt Helga's first. She's exactly as how the triplets have described her.

Instead of replying to Louis' greeting and taking his hand, she leers at him up and down, her eyes unkind. Her lips curl back as if she's disgusted, and Louis hears Edward's low growl, but he doesn't let her expression affect his composure.

His eyes fleet over to Natasha's siblings, Lydia and Aaron. Honestly, Louis doesn't like how Aaron is looking at him, and all of a sudden he can feel annoyance rising up inside him like a bile in his throat.

"I believe he said 'hello', Natasha." Edward says, tension starting to seep into the muscles on his face. He will not approve of anyone disrespecting Louis like that.

She pulls a face, but her hand reluctantly reaches out and shakes Louis' briefly. She releases him after a second, as if it burns her skin to be touching him.

"How's the company?" Lydia suddenly asks, casting a look at Edward as if she's expecting him to say that he's going bankrupt.

"It's doing wonderful. We've got a new project going on." Edward says, his voice lighter and excited as if it's his most favourite topic.

Marcel nods vigorously. "Yeah. We recently had a conference call with representatives from Italy and China. There are still more people we need to reach out to to establish more foundations in other countries so we could secure a place. The progress is going really good." Marcel elaborates.

Louis doesn't want to be too amused, but he can't help it when their cousins' faces grow more and more sullen with each word that comes out of Marcel's mouth.

"Interesting." Natasha says. She doesn't look interested at all.

Harry stifles his laughter into the back of his palm, then clears his throat. "How are you three doing?"

Lydia scoffs. "We're okay. Do you even care?"

Louis is a little taken aback. Why is she so bitter?

"What do you do, Lydia?" Louis questions, his interest genuine.

She raises her eyebrows, then a smug expression takes over. "I'm a model." She crosses her arms, her stance shifting.

"That's nice. Do you travel a lot too, then?" Louis wonders. No matter who it is, he loves to know the experience of the people who gets to hop from one country to another even if it is for work.

"Sometimes." She shrugs, then nods her head at Louis. "What do you do, then?"

Louis brightens up. He loves to talk about his job. His career is something that he truly enjoys doing. "I teach at the nursery."

Natasha and Aaron burst out laughing.

"That's all that you do?" Lydia scoffs. "How much can you even earn in a month?"

Louis frowns. There are still people who think like this? "It doesn't really matter to me. I love to teach." He says, keeping his voice in line.

"It doesn't matter to us, either." Harry cuts in. "I mean, at this point, Louis can go to the nursery to teach without being paid a single cent and it won't affect him or any of us."

"That's all he is, then? A gold digger?" Natasha snorts.

Louis' mouth falls open. Did she really just say that? Anger prickles at his skin and Louis has to take a deep breath. "I'm not a gold digger."

"Sounds like something a gold digger would say."

"Natasha." Marcel warns.

Lydia laughs haughtily. "I'm sorry? Did she hurt your precious little Omega's feelings?"

"No, you didn't." Louis says. "I pity you that you have to bring another person down like that just to make you feel better about yourself." He tilts his head to the side.

Her cool facade drops. "How dare you say that to me? You're just a disgusting Omega they probably picked up at the sidewalk."

Edward growls again, and this time, Harry and Marcel join in.

"Are you angry, Edward? Because it's true?" Aaron challenges, the tone of his voice causing Louis to narrow his eyes. He doesn't look like a person who'd take it up if people challenge him up for a fight. Does he really want to push it with the triplets?

"I honestly don't see the appeal with him." Natasha purses her lips, her eyes running up and down his figure again. Louis can tell that she's lying. She's an Alpha, and Louis has lived through many years of having Alphas gaze down his body like how she's currently doing. He wants to vomit. "His thighs look like they're going to rip through those trousers anytime."

Before Louis can take a breath, Edward is suddenly in front of him, his hand curled around Natasha's throat. He makes a rumbling sound deep within his chest, and Natasha growls in response.

"Edward!" Louis hears Anne's horrified voice in the distant.

"You dare body-shame my Omega in my own home?"

Louis reaches out, tentatively touching his Alpha. "Edward..."

Edward hisses in warning to Natasha, shoving her back. "I want you three gone. Or I'll have security throw you out myself." He warns, hands curled into fists.

"Your Omega is that helpless, then?" Lydia challenges. Louis admires her bravery; daring to speak as such to the Head Alpha of the house even when her voice is almost shaking with fear. "Can't even stand up for himself?"

Louis places a hand on Edward's chest, holding him back as he steps forward. He gives Lydia a small smile. "The thing is, babe." He enjoys the way she contorts her face up when he calls her that. "Even if I say anything, I doubt it'd make it through your thick skull anyway."

She breathes out a scandalous gasp. "Are you calling me dumb?"

Louis places a finger on his chin. "Not exactly the word I would use. But the fact that you even have to ask speaks for itself." He shrugs, then walks away without waiting for a reply.

Louis uses the back door to escape, and even if it makes him slightly better that the Betas are laughing too because of what he said, Louis has a hard time fighting back tears. He doesn't want them to see him in his weakness, so he quickly exits the ballroom until he's in the kitchen. Only then he buries his face into his hands and cries.

Someone tries pulling on his wrist to see his face, and when Louis looks up, it's the last person he'd expect to come and comfort him.

Louis wipes his tears away, but new ones keep squeezing out. When he speaks, his voice cracks a bit. "I'm sorry I didn't behave."

Anne gives him a small smile. Her dainty hand reaches out, and she nudges his away so she could brush the tears off his cheek with her thumb. "They crossed the line, anyway. Never knew what their problem was."

"I'm not a gold digger." Louis says, suddenly having the urge to make sure that she knows that. He doesn't want her sons for money. He can get them on his own, regardless of how little it is compared to the amount they gain on monthly basis. The lump grows in his throat again and his vision blurs.

"Come with me, Lou." She prompts, moving to stand beside him to place a hand on his back. Louis follows where she leads.

For the first time since Louis moved in, he finally steps out into the garden. It's so magnificent that for a moment, his tears stop and Louis feels like he's in a castle compound that comes out of Disney fantasies.

The land is spread out hundreds of metres ahead of them. Even though the sun has been replaced by the moon, taking away the light with it, the garden is still bright from the rays that come from the scattered lamps all over the corners of the land.

There is a huge water fountain in the middle of the garden, surrounded by neatly trimmed shrubs forming semi circles around it. There are a few tables and chairs near the fountain, and ahead of the area is filled with tall, shady trees that Louis knows would be a perfect napping spot during the day. He can hear the sound of the water, and the sight of various kinds of flowers planted along the pathways makes a dreamy sight to Louis' eyes. He wonders why he never stepped outside.

Anne leads him to the fountain, sitting him down on one of the benches there. She stares at him silently, and when he thinks that she's not going to say anything, she finally speaks up. "I know you're not a gold digger." Her voice is soft, careful, as if she's worried Louis might flee to refuse listening to what she wants to say. "I've never once thought so, and I still don't think so. And neither does Harry, or Marcel, or Edward."

Louis bites his lower lip. "I never ever once think about money."

"Louis, honey." She reaches out and touches his knee. "You don't have to prove yourself to me. You don't have to prove yourself to anyone."

"I know." Louis nods in regret.

"I'm sorry they said that. I'd never expect they'd behave like that in such an event."

Louis doesn't have a response for that, so he keeps himself quiet.

"They got to you, didn't they?" He would've feel threatened by that question, but the way she puts it is so gentle, motherly and reassuring.

Louis' bottom lip quivers again. "I meet them once, and they got to me."

"What did they say?"

Louis lifts his head, looking at her after the whole time they've been sitting there. "They said things about my thighs." His head drops again. "I've always hated how big my thighs are."

"Can I ask you a question, love?"

Louis sniffs, millions of thoughts running through his head. He does wonder what her question could be. "Okay." He says anyway.

"Why does it matter even if your thighs are big?"

Louis can't answer that. He didn't expect that. Why is he insecure about his thick thighs? Why did it get to him when Natasha pointed it out? "It means I'm not appealing." He mutters, squeezing his eyes shut. He can't look at her when he admits that.

"Says who?" She wonders. "Did my sons cower back in disgust when they saw your thighs?" The tone in her voice says that she would slaughter them one by one if he says yes, and Louis smiles a little.

"No." Louis shakes his head, his body starting to relax.

"Then there's no need for you to worry about it." She murmurs.

"It's just.." Louis trails off, but upon seeing her encouraging look, he continues. "Sometimes I look in the mirror, and I see myself, and it makes me sick of how big my thighs are. And I'd feel so ugly, so insecure."

"Would you say the same thing if it was one of your sisters?" Anne asks again. "If she has big thighs too, would you look at her and tell her that she's ugly, and that she won't be appealing?"

"No!" Louis quickly says, shaking his head repeatedly. "No, God, no." He'd never do that to Lottie or Fizzy, or even the twins. He won't do that to anyone.

"Then why are you doing it to yourself?"

Louis doesn't have an answer.

Anne scoots closer, slowly hugging him. "Are you not comfortable in your own skin, Louis?"

Louis tells her that he loves who he is, loves being himself. But he can't help to despise the Omega part of himself. It makes him sick and angry that he's subjected to the things he had to go through just because he's an Omega. And he knows that he shouldn't ever feel the need to fulfill what the society laid out the characteristics that an Omega should be, but sometimes he can't help but feel like he should be what the society said. And sometimes that makes him upset because he's not thin and perfect, unlike the image they've set. He doesn't have a flat tummy, and his thighs are too big.

Anne lets out a sad, heavy sigh. She reaches up and touches his cheek. "Oh honey, Gemma used to be just like you." She sounds so dejected with the information Louis just told her. Tears start welling up in her eyes. "You know, it used to break my heart so much that she feels that what she is would never be enough. And my heart is breaking all over again."

"Love yourself, Lou." She starts. "Who you are, what you have now is all that you're ever going to have. And my sons love you so much, I love you like you're one of my own children. You are beautiful inside and out, and I want you to be happy. Embrace every part of yourself that you have, it belongs to you for a reason. And when you learn to accept all of you, no one can ever use it against you. That's a part of you, and when you love who you are, no word anybody says is going to matter." She hugs him again, her arms tighter around him this time.

Louis clutches onto her, burying his face into her shoulder. "Thank you, Anne."

"I hope you'd soon learn that our worth is not placed in our appearance." Anne kisses his cheek. "It's how we carry ourselves, who we are inside."


When Louis returns with Anne, both of them are laughing and joking around. She truly is an amazing woman and mother. It's no wonder she's managed to raise her children to be as amazing as she is.

They come across an alarmed Edward in the entrance hall.

"Where were you?" Edward asks, walking up to him with relief. "I was worried."

Louis smiles. "Anne and I were having a talk."

Edward kisses his forehead, his lips lingering slightly on his skin. "You okay?" He asks, genuine concern written all over his face.

Anne is right. The triplets do love him. He has nothing to worry about.

"I'm fine." Louis murmurs, not wanting to discuss it yet. They can do it later. Or not at all. "We should get back to the party. I haven't met our friends yet."

"He's right." Anne agrees, helping him out of this one.

Edward gives him a look that says this isn't over, and Louis replies with a small grin. After pecking him on the mouth, Edward gives in and they walk back to the ballroom.

Marcel and Harry are at the doors. They immediately relax upon seeing Louis with their brother and mother, smiling and laughing again. The moment Louis left the ballroom after the whole scene with Aunt Helga's children, Edward made sure that the three of them left with their partners at that moment. All the while Marcel apologised over and over again to Aunt Helga who seemed barely affected by the idea of her children being kicked out. After that only they realised that Louis wasn't around, and the three of them had panicked, sending one of the Betas to do damage control and keep the guests entertained while they find Louis.

They were worried sick that the Omega was hurt by the words thrown at him, and it became worse that they couldn't find him anywhere. Seeing the twinkle back in Louis' eyes again promises the triplets that Louis is fine.

"Hey, love." Marcel smiles, and Louis goes straight into his arms. "Missed you, babe. Where did you go?"

"My bad, boys." Anne winks. "Kidnapped him for a moment."

Louis giggles. "We went out to talk."

"Are you ready to get back to the party then?" Harry questions, kissing the side of Louis' head.

"Yeah. Are Eleanor and Perrie here? They said that they were going to be late."

Harry nods, taking his hand when Marcel releases him. "Perrie is here with her Alpha, Jesy."

Louis excitedly drags Harry inside, wanting to see his friends. And he knows Alex is around too. He can't wait to introduce Hailey to Harry.

"Louis!!" Perrie and Eleanor call out in delight upon seeing him enter.

He can see Jesy standing next to Perrie, and Eleanor is alone since her Alpha is unable to make it. Louis entertains them for a moment, thanking them for coming and chatting about the party. Perrie and Eleanor try to bring up the whole issue with the bad cousins, but he subtly shuts it down. They get the message and give him hugs, instead. Louis appreciates it.

Louis realises that they still have other guests to entertain, so he excuses himself and pulls Harry along as he looks for Alex and Hailey.

Hailey is speechless that she gets to meet Harry Styles in real life. Louis and Alex share a good laugh when she squeaks at the hug Harry gives her in greeting, the squeak transitioning into full on crying real quick. They spend ten minutes trying to calm her down. Once she gets over it, she manages to have a conversation with Harry. Though, Louis can see that every now and then, her face would still flicker with disbelief.

Despite what happened, Louis genuinely enjoyed the party. Some of the triplets' cousins had even walked up to him and started telling him how much they hate Aunt Helga's children too and that they never even liked them even when they were kids. One of them said that Aunt Helga did her best in raising them, but they were a lost cause.

Edward had steered him away from that conversation because he thought that it was too 'negative'. Louis felt so too, but he loves a good gossip. So as soon as Edward was distracted, Louis found himself sitting with the cousins again and listening to all the things they did to Aunt Helga's children as pranks just to get at them when they were little.

By the time they were sending everyone out, Louis felt like he did a good job socialising with the triplets' family. He didn't spend much time with Niall and his family and apologised for that, but Liam waved his hand and said that they didn't mind. After all, they will still see each other every now and then. And the sole purpose of the party itself was to announce Louis as a new addition to the triplets' big family and it was more important that Louis spent more time getting used to being with them anyway.

"I know I didn't even do much, but I'm knackered to me bones." Louis sighs in pleasure when he's changed into his joggers and is safely snuggling into their comfy mattress.

Edward chuckles. "Maybe it's from all the talking. You won't shut up when you talked to Aunt Maggie."

Harry climbs on the bed and drops a kiss on the back of his head. "We're so glad the party went well."

"Not as well as it could've been." Louis sighs at that.

"It's not your fault. They were arseholes." Edward rolls his eyes.

"Yeah. Besides, Aunt Helga herself looked like she didn't want to admit that they're her children if anyone asked. She was so embarrassed that she excused herself early." Marcel tells them.

Louis rolls over, lying on his back. "I actually like her."

"Aunt Helga is nice. It's just her children..." Harry trails off.

We don't have to see them ever again." Edward supplies, hoping it'd make them all feel better. He's changed into a t-shirt and a pair of shorts, looking very soft as he places his phone on the desk against the wall and walks over to get onto the bed.


"What did you talk about with Mum, by the way?" Edward asks in suspicion, bringing up the topic they dropped earlier that day.

Louis smiles at the memory of the words Anne said, knowing that he could take it to the heart and it'd just make him a better person. "Nothing."

Edward reaches out and swats his bum. "You're lying, Tomlinson." He proceeds to settle himself next to Harry, letting his brother rest his head on his arm.

Louis' smile widens, and he sits back up on the bed to look at all of his Alphas. "I am."

Something changes in Edward's face. "Is it about what Natasha said?"

Louis' smile falls, and he keeps his head down.

Marcel growls. "I will kill her, one day."

"We love your thighs." Edward says. "I hope you know that."

"Scratch that. We love every part of you." Harry hums. "But your thighs and arse deserve a shrine."

Louis bites on his lower lip, blushing. "Prove it, then. Let me sit on your face."

"I volunteer!" Harry gets up on the bed, already trying to crawl over to where Louis is sitting but Edward clutches the front of his shirt and holds him back.

"Harry, Mum taught us to respect the elderly." Louis throws his head back to laugh at Edward's strict expression. "I should go first."

"No." Marcel cuts in. "You should love the youngest. So I should go first."

Louis laughs louder. He's secretly very pleased that his Alphas wouldn't oppose the idea of being buried in between his thighs, but he's honestly really tired. "You know, on second thought, I'm very sleepy. Let's just sleep."

"Now you've done it." Edward smacks his brother.

"Hey!!" Harry frowns, pushing at Edward's arm. "Didn't even do anything." He says through a pout.

Marcel shrugs, not really bothered. He fluffs up the pillow, then pulls the duvet up so he could lie down. Louis crawls over to join him, laying his head on the Alpha's chest. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Lou."

"Love you, Lou."

The lights go out, and Louis falls asleep not long after that.



HOW WAS THE SMUT?! I'm super nervous about it. I don't know how to write smut I'm helpless!!! :((( Do tell me what you think about it in the comments! Please be nice to me, I already know I suck huhuhu. But why are there too many things happening in this one? I can't even keep up with it myself askjfhskhjgfksdff

And I don't even know shit about corporate things or business things let's just pretend that Marcel and Edward are making sense :>


Thank you for reading! And if you read it at the earlier notes at the beginning of my story, I mentioned something about not wanting to have any conflict for plot purposes or climax whatsoever. But well..... I think I've changed my mind. So from now on, things would probably get interesting (??). ;)

Leave a comment and a vote if you liked it!  Thank you!

Also, why I gotta sell my soul and family to be able to afford Harry's album I'm so poor yall hahah

Love, Rose xx

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