Chapter 12


Uhh, hi.... hehe. I know it's been too long since I updated and I'm so, so sorry for that. Super sorry!! I was actually going to update on my birthday which was on 14th of January, but then, aha! Of course the worst had to happen which was me stepping on my laptop :))))) (don't even ask why or how it happened, just don't) while I was editing, so I had to rewrite some parts of the chapter. Dark times, dark times. But phew, glad I got through that. I also wanted to update on Harry's birthday but I couldn't make it since I've been super busy, haha (kill me) But anyway, here we are.

I hope you'd enjoy this chapter. I don't even know what's going on in this one, I have too many things on my mind. But my semester is going to end this April and I just can't wait! School has been super stressful and I'm not sure law is for me.

Alright, enough chit chat. Apologies for any mistake. Enjoy the chapter! :)


Alex is already up and about when Louis rouses awake the next day. The space next to him is empty when he pats the mattress, and since it's cold, Alex must have been up for a long time. Louis decides that he can still laze around in bed, so he rolls over and sighs in contentment.

He's going to move in with the triplets today.

Louis is quite excited but he's also nervous at the same time. He thinks of how they'd be the first faces he'd see in the morning, they are the people he'd have breakfast with everyday, and when he comes home it would be to their waiting arms.

It sounds quite redundant, but Louis is positively giddy.

The Omega doesn't think he can wait another minute anymore, so he quickly gets off the bed and rushes to the shower. He's like a child getting ready for a school trip.

When he pads into the kitchen fifteen minutes later, Alex has just finished serving toast and eggs for the two of them. The smell of the delicious food makes Louis' stomach rumbles, and the awful sound alerts his flatmate of his presence.

Alex turns to him and raises one eyebrow, making Louis grin sheepishly. He proceeds to take his seat.

"Morning." The Omega chirps.

"Morning, Lou." Alex smiles, pulling off the worn out apron he's wearing and hanging it up by the wall. He walks over to their small counter, grabbing two steaming mugs which Louis figures are their tea. "Made it like you always like." Alex tells him, taking a seat opposite of Louis and pushing the mug towards him.

"Thanks, mate."

"So.." Alex starts. "You excited?" The Beta smirks teasingly, starting to take small sips from the tea at the same time that Louis does.

If Louis is any more excited, he'd be bouncing everywhere he goes. He doesn't tell Alex that, though. "Very much. Quite nervous too, to be honest."

"Eh, that's normal. You'd be fine." Alex shrugs. Then, it appears that he's recalling something and a confused look takes over his face. "So, I took some look at the things you're taking along with you, and there are not many boxes, don't you think so?"

"Well, yeah. I figured that I'm not going to bring everything, of course." Louis tells his friend. "Some of those things benefit you more than me."

Alex smiles again, this time wider. "Thanks."

"No problem."

"I can't believe this day finally came." Alex says quietly after a moment of silence.


The Beta smiles again, genuinely happy. "You finally found someone to be with, you're settling down."

Louis puts his fork down. "I know."

"I'm very happy for you, Louis."

Louis places a hand on Alex's shoulder, squeezing him briefly. "Me too, Alex. Me too."


"What do you mean that's a house? That's not a house! That's a bloody mansion, is what it is!"


"Hush, Harry, you don't deserve an opinion!" Alex barks, causing the Alpha to laugh.

"Are you telling me that Louis is going to live inside that?" Alex flails his arms towards the direction of the triplets' place, his limbs almost knocking over Harry who is driving.

Louis giggles.

"Did you know how lazy he is? You better give him a room on the ground floor or he'll never make it anywhere past the first three steps."

"Oi!" Louis scolds.

"It's true, mate." Alex gives him an apologetic look but he doesn't look guilty at all having insulted his friend.

Harry laughs again, louder this time. "Well, it's good for Louis, then, because we have a lift!"

"A lift!?" Alex echoes in shock, widening his eyes. A second later he is shaking his head in regret. "Louis, please give me a moment later to say goodbye to your abs. They're going to be non-existent in two months time."

"Fuck off, Alex. You can walk back home."


"Louis, they have cars more than we have fingers. I think I need to lie down."

"There, there."

"Jesus, stop making a big deal out of everything." Edward huffs as he walks past, and Louis doesn't even register what Edward is saying because he's too busy ogling the Alpha's biceps.

Alex groans in annoyance. "Easy for you to say! You see a Lambo on a daily basis."

"If it makes you feel better, go take it for a ride." Edward calls back from down the hall.

The Beta hops up faster than Louis has ever seen him move. "Really?"

"Take those boxes up first, you lazy arse!"

Louis bursts out laughing at Edward's reply, and he nudges his friend. "Come on, Al. They're not going to carry themselves."

"But I thought they have maids?"

"Now who's being lazy?"


"Well, that was tiring." Alex huffs, sliding onto his bum on the floor and wiping his forehead.

Marcel stares at him. "You carried three boxes."

"Up three flights of stairs!" Alex protests.

Harry makes a confused sound. "Why didn't you use the lift?"

"He was trying to prove his strength." Louis rolls his eyes as he replies, not sure whether he should be embarrassed or amused.

Edward scoffs.


"Louis, their closet is the size of our rooms combined."

"I can see that, Al. You're not my narrator." Louis has to resist the urge to roll his eyes again, but he can tell that Harry and Edward are probably doing it.

While Louis helps Harry and Edward take out his clothes from the boxes they've brought up, Alex grants himself a tour of the closet.

"Is this a real Rolex?"

"If you touch anything, I'll cut off your arm." Edward warns.

Alex sticks to Louis' side after that.


"We're done already?" Alex asks in surprise. It's only past 2 in the evening, but they've already finished unpacking and are currently seated in the lounge on the top floor with Anne's biscuits served on the table.

Louis nods in confirmation. "Yeah... Most of the things I need are already here, so I only have to bring my personal belongings."

Alex shrugs at the answer, glad that they got that over with. "Fine by me, it's time for cuppa, anyway."

Edward appears just at the right time with a tray in his hands, housing six mugs for each of them. Anne trails along behind him with more biscuits.

"God bless you." Alex beams at the woman, lighting up like a child on Christmas.

She chuckles, placing the biscuits down on the coffee table and taking a seat. Edward sits himself down next to Louis, curling an arm around the Omega.

"So, do you plan to throw a party?" Anne directs the question to her sons as all of them help themselves to the biscuits and tea. When all she receives are confused stares from the triplets, she sighs and elaborates. "To announce that you've found an Omega. Your aunts and uncles would love to meet him."

Harry cringes. "Do we need to invite Aunt Helga's children?"

Marcel and Edward shudder next to him.

Upon seeing such reaction, Louis grows curious. "Who are they?"

Anne opens her mouth to answer but Marcel speaks up first. "We're quite certain that they're the spawns of devil. They're horrible."

"You know that one cousin that you have that is the most annoying, insufferable human being that exists? Yeah, except that there are three of them." Edward mutters, then shudders again. "And to make things worse, they're all siblings."

"Now, now, that's rude." Anne scolds.

"Mum, trust me, they don't deserve courtiousness." Harry says.

Alex has been inhaling the biscuits like there is no tomorrow, but then he pauses to pipe in. "Please invite me if there's any party. I love drama." He ignores the look Louis sends him.

"Well, I'm sure they can't be too bad." Louis tries to say.

The Alphas look at him.

"You want to meet them?"

"Why would you want to meet them?!"

"I want to learn from the people that make your life a living Hell." Louis says sweetly, fluttering his eyelashes.

Edward turns to his siblings. "Brothers, it's still not too late to kick this Omega out."

Louis slaps his arm.

"I'm just kidding." Edward quickly assures him, giving Louis a smile that could make him melt. He's also kissing the side of Louis' head to add to the effect.

"You better be." Louis huffs, crossing his arms and trying not to pout. That would be quite embarrassing to do with Anne and Alex here.

Edward chuckles softly, leaning down to brush his nose along Louis' cheekbone. "You know I won't ever let you leave now, right?"

"I think I should call my lawyer."

Edward pinches him.

"Anne, your son is abusing me!" Louis says aloud as he nurses the spot Edward 'abused'.

"I question your sons' judgement about choosing him to be their Omega." Alex whispers to Anne, making her laugh. His voice isn't as low as he expects it to be, though.

"I can hear you clearly from here." Louis glares.

"Well, I'm not taking it back." Alex replies, popping another biscuit into his mouth.

"That's enough, boys." Anne says in a strict voice once she's done with laughing. "Let's have our lunch."

Alex looks up at that, baffled. "What are these for, then?" He motions to the empty plates in front of them that used to house batches of delicious biscuits, half of which was consumed by him alone.

"Just something to snack on." Marcel tells him, finishing his tea.

As all of them grow to their feet to head to the dining room downstairs, Alex siddles up to Louis. "You should say goodbye to your abs too."

Louis snickers at that. "The way I see it, you're the only one who's been gobbling up anything edible Anne puts in front of you." How ironic.

Alex lifts up a pointer finger, ready to retaliate but what Louis said is true. He glares at the Omega, closing his mouth. "Twat."


Anne decides to leave at the same time that Alex does, winking at Louis and making him blush when he hugs her at the doorstep. Apparently, the triplets hired a driver for her that takes her anywhere she wants to go. So, she offered Alex a ride.

"Goodluck christening the whole house." Alex wishes him very loudly after the two shared an embrace and Louis swears he's never wanted to kill Alex as much as he does at that moment.

Thankfully, his Alphas pretend they did not hear that. But Louis can see that Marcel and Harry have turned beet red while Edward tries not to smirk.

Louis sighs in relief when Edward closes the front door after they've sent the two out, glad Alex isn't around to embarrass him anymore.

"Alex is very fun." Harry says as the four of them make their way up the stairs from the entrance hall to the lounge on the first floor.

"He can be embarrassing at times, and he does it on purpose." Louis says in mock irritation.

Marcel grins. "At least he's willing to come and lend a hand."

"Unlike Niall who bails last minute." Edward rolls his eyes.

That reminds Louis... "Why did he say he can't come again?"

"Hana had a stomach ache, so they had to stay home." Harry tells him, taking a seat once they reach the lounge. Louis drops down beside him, then frowns.


"Yeah." Edward nods.

"Who's Hana?"

The Alphas freeze, looking at Louis as if they are expecting him to say that he's joking when he asked that. Once they realise that he is serious, they become confused.

"Wait, you don't know who Hana is?" Edward asks warily.

Louis shakes his head.

"What?" Marcel gasps.

"Nobody's told you?" asks Harry.

Their reactions prompt exasperation from the Omega. "What are you talking about?"

Edward gapes for a few seconds. "Hana Claressa Malik-Payne. Our goddaughter. The Malik-Payne clan's first child."

Louis widens his eyes. "Niall has a child?"

Marcel and Harry give him a worried look. "They have three."

"What the fuck?"

"Niall didn't tell you?" Edward guesses. The reaction on Louis' face is an answer enough.

"How could he not tell you?" Harry wonders aloud.

Louis stutters to answer that. "Well, well, we didn't exactly have the time to sit down and talk about it, did we?"

Edward sighs, waving his hand to dismiss the topic. "Anyway, Zayn told me that they're going to come over. The whole lot of them."

"Even Heather?" Harry asks, the hope obvious in his voice.

"Even Heather." The oldest triplet confirms, trying not to smile fondly at the excited expression on Harry's face.

"And who the fuck is Heather?" Louis is going to get a headache.

All of them share a look. "Just wait until they get here." Marcel finally says.

Just as he utters the words, Edward perks up and he raises his eyebrows. "Speak of the devil."

"They're here?" Harry claps his hands, excitedly getting onto his feet.

"Aren't we going to go and greet them?" Louis questions when none of them makes the move to head downstairs. Harry is standing, but that's it.

Marcel snorts. "We never do that."

"Our house is welcomed for them at any time, any day." Edward informs him, just as Louis sees a little girl with blond hair appears in the lounge.

"Uncle Edward!!" In a second, she's ran inside and is struggling to climb onto the mentioned Alpha's lap. Louis doesn't even have a moment to be surprised, she moves so fast!

"Louis.." Marcel grins. "This is Hana."

Upon hearing the introduction, the little girl snaps her eyes to Louis. He notices right away that she has Niall's eyes, bright and blue as the sky. Then she is gasping, holding her hands to her mouth.

"Oh my God!" She shrieks. "You're Louis!"

Surprised at such reaction, Louis' face takes time to form a proper smile. "Uhh, yes, that's me?"

She starts squealing, jumping off of Edward and abandoning him in favour of running over to Louis. The Omega is absolutely taken aback when she jumps up and embraces him instead.

"What the fuck?" Louis mouths at his Alphas behind her back, awkwardly curling his arms around her and patting her.

They look like deers in headlight themselves, and Edward shakes his head at him. "I don't know." He mouths back.

Hana looks extremely happy when she pulls back and searches his face, the smile on her face as wide as can be. "You're so handsome!"

As Louis blushes, he hears Edward booming with laughter. "Isn't he?"

"Hana, why are you hugging Louis?" Marcel can't help but ask. The question sounds so awfully put that Louis immediately cringes.

Hana is barely affected by it, and she directs her smile to Marcel. "Because he's Mummy's best friend, isn't he?"

Fond spreads in Louis' chest. "Yes, yes I am. How did you know that?"

She turns back to him. "Mummy talks about you a lot. He said that he was separated from you, loooong ago." The Omega chuckles when she drags the word out. "But now he's found you again."

"What a brilliant girl you are." Louis coos, pinching her cheek lightly and making her giggle.

"Where are your Papas? And your Mum?" Harry finally asks, addressing that Niall and his husbands still haven't appeared. "And Heather?!"

"Don't be too excited, Harry.. Jesus, you're going to scare the kid." Marcel rolls his eyes, reaching out and petting Hana's hair.

"I'm not scared of Uncle Harry." She protests, turning to Harry who has started bouncing on his heels. "They're coming up. Papa Zayn was folding Heather's stloller."

Louis laughs at her lisp.

"How old are you, Hana?" He asks, curious.

She brightens up, excited at the question. "I am going to be six this December!"

"December?" Louis' eyes light up, his eyes crinkling when she nods. "My birthday is in December too!"

At that statement, the Alphas in the room shift their eyes to Louis curiously. Now they're listening.

"Really?" She shrieks. "Mine is on the tenth, Uncle Louis! When is yours? Tell me, tell me!"

Louis beckons her close, trying to whisper in her ear which makes her laugh loud. When she's finally still and listening, Louis tells her.

The girl gasps, pulling back to look at him in disbelief. "Really?" She repeats.

"Aren't I special?"

"Yes, you are!" She agrees, giggling.

"Hana, when did Uncle Louis say is his birthday again?" Marcel asks gently, trying to coax an answer out of the girl.

Hana starts tutting, waving her pointer finger at him. "Uncle Marcel, when people whisper at other people instead of saying it out loud, that means it's a secret."

There is a second of total silence before Edward, Harry, and Louis completely lose it.

"Marcel just got scolded by a six year old!" Edward gasps out in between his howls of laughter.

Louis coos, trying not to laugh when Marcel starts pouting. "Aww, it's okay Marcel."

Hana quietly giggles into her hands.

Louis looks at her, already so fond albeit only knowing her for a short while. "Is your tummy okay?" He asks, concerned.

Hana nods vigorously, beaming. "It's better now!"

Louis' reply is halted when they hear the familiar Irish accent coming from the hallways, and finally Niall appears with Zayn and Liam trailing behind him.

"Evening, lads!"

"Nialler!" Louis calls out excitedly, and Hana quickly moves aside. He hops up onto his feet by the time Niall reaches him, grinning from ear to ear, and then Louis is pulling him into a bone crushing hug. "You fucker, you didn't tell me you've popped some out!"

Niall looks embarrassed at that, and he chuckles. "Sorry, mate. But I see that you've met Hana."

"Yes, I did." Louis turns until his gaze lands on the little girl seated back on Edward's lap. "She's the spitting image of you."

Niall laughs. "Hope she won't grow to be the little devil I was when I was that age."

"Or how you were when you were in high school." Louis adds, and the two of them burst out laughing.

Niall moves on to Marcel and Harry, leaving Louis to Zayn and Liam. "Hello." He grins at them, a little taken aback when he sees a little bundle of life in Zayn's arms.

"How are you settling down, Louis?" Liam asks, his eyes kind as always.

Louis takes his eyes off the little baby and looks at Liam instead. "It was fine. Anne made us biscuits."

Something flickers in Liam's face. "Anne was here?"

"Yeah, you missed her biscuits, sorry mate." Marcel taunts, shrugging.

Liam's face crumbles and he looks like a kicked puppy. "I can't believe I missed them."

Zayn laughs, and when Louis glances at him, he looks like a God. Niall sure is lucky. "It's okay babe, you'll get to have them one day, for sure."

The baby in Zayn's arms whimpers before Liam could say anything.

"Heather!" Harry gleefully bumbles over, glancing excitedly at the groggy baby. "My favourite baby!"

A little laugh surprises Louis. It isn't coming from Hana. Instead, a little boy appears from behind Zayn and looks up amusedly at Harry. "Silly Hawwy, only Heather is baby."

Harry takes Heather from Zayn, pointing his tongue at the boy. "And that's why she's my favourite. She doesn't insult me like you do."

Zayn seems to notice how confused Louis is about the little boy, so he nudges the boy forward, closer to Louis, then smiles. "Louis, this is our boy, Haziq."

Brown eyes look up at him, and Louis almost melts. "Hewo!"

"Hi, Haziq." Louis crouches down, waving timidly. His heart almost bursts with happiness when Haziq smiles at him. He's got the same smile as Liam. "Nice to meet you."

"You're nice too!" He states, leaping forward and briefly encirling his arms around Louis' neck. "You are vewy hands-um."

Zayn clears his throat, chuckling. "He means handsome."

Louis giggles. "Thank you, Haziq. You are very cute!"

"Thank you!"

Louis doesn't really talk much throughout the night. He is entranced watching his Alphas deal with the children. It's easy to see that Edward seems to be Hana's favourite Styles, while Marcel is fairly close with Haziq. And Harry; well, Harry won't let anyone else touch Heather until he's satisfied that he's given her enough attention, so if she ends up favouring him over anyone else, Louis can't say that it'd happen willingly.

The Malik-Payne clan leaves after dinner, and the house suddenly feels really quiet.

"Well, Hana is really precious." Louis murmurs fondly.

"Isn't she? Lovely thing." Edward agrees.

They are currently in the lift, heading to the top floor, to their room. Their.

It's been embarrassing when Edward had sat him down earlier that day to ask him if he's still on board with his decision of not staying in the same room. Once Louis recalled the dreamless, best sleep he had the night he slept in Edward's arms, he changed his mind embarrassingly quickly.

He suddenly feels really nervous now. The doors have slid open, and Harry and Marcel are already out. All of a sudden, the thought of being with them scares him a lot. Especially after what Alex said.

They haven't talked about it yet, is the thing. Should Louis expect anything to happen tonight? Is he ready?

Edward is waiting for him to exit the lift, holding a finger against the button that holds the doors open. Harry and Marcel notice the Omega's reluctance, and Louis sees how they're already turning around to come back for him, but a small sound of Edward clearing his throat has his brothers continuing their way down the hall, disappearing from view.

Edward releases the button, and shortly after, the doors close.

Within heartbeats, the Alpha has Louis pressed against the wall, crowding into his space. When Edward speaks, his breath blows against Louis' lips. "Hi."

"Hi." Louis replies weakly, his blood racing.

"Are you okay?" Edward asks quietly, resting his palms on Louis' hips. "If you're having a change of heart, it's okay."

Louis shakes his head, his lips pressed together. "I don't think I can sleep without you, knowing how close you are."

Edward stares into his eyes for a moment, searching for answers. Louis silently thanks God that his knees are still holding him upright. "Then what's wrong, baby?"

"I'm just nervous."

Edward continues staring at him. "Why?"

Louis sighs quietly, his body starting to grow lax when their chests are pressed together and he can feel the rise and fall every time Edward takes a breath. He hesitantly meets Edward's eyes, hoping the Alpha won't be able to feel the way his heart jumps. "Do you even know the things you do to me?"

Louis gasps softly when Edward presses closer.

"It's just us."


"It's okay baby." Edward murmurs softly, nuzzling into Louis' pulse point. "It's just us.." He repeats.

The Omega is quiet, content to just let Edward hold him. His hands are slightly trembling where he is holding onto Edward's arms.

At one point, Edward has started to rub his palms slowly up and down Louis' back, warm and soothing. It's an attempt to calm him down, but each time Louis exhales, his heartbeat increases.

"Talk to me." Edward prompts, his voice still soft.

It's probably been ten minutes that they're here, and yet Louis is still as nervous as he is before Marcel and Harry left.

He closes his eyes for a moment, not quite sure how to put it into words. "I'm..."

Edward's forehead slowly starts to crease as he pulls back to look at Louis. "Did you think...." He pauses, making Louis open his eyes until they're eye to eye. "Did you think anything is going to happen tonight?"

Louis blushes, unable to meet Edward's gaze as he nods.

"Baby..." Edward's face eases into a fond expression. "Nothing is going to happen if you don't want it to." He grips Louis' waist, smiling down at him. "We weren't even thinking about that, to be honest. We just want to sleep." He admits. "God, Tomlinson, get your head out of the gutter."

Louis hits his arm, putting on a scowl.

Edward's smile falters when he sees the hint of insecurity painted on Louis' face. "It's not that we don't want you, yeah?"

"I know." The Omega retorts, but Edward notices how the tension in his body dissipates.

When Edward kisses him, Louis' heart is still racing, but for a completely different reason. He focuses on the way Edward's callous fingers are cupping his face, how their lips are pressed together, and he's relaxed as ever when they finally step out of the lift.

Harry and Marcel brighten when he follows Edward into the room, their room. They tell him how relieved they are that Louis is feeling better, and that he's here. It makes Louis realises that he needs to stop getting his knickers into a twist, because his Alphas are sort of perfect, really.


When Louis jerks awake in shock upon hearing the loud, blaring sound of a ship, he gets extremely confused. Why is there a ship? Where is he?

"God, turn that off, Edward!" Marcel groans, reaching out and nudging the eldest Alpha awake.

"Jesus Christ." Harry mutters, rolling over and attempting to go back to sleep.

Louis is still a little bit shocked. And as he watches Edward stumbles off of the bed, Louis finally understands what Harry means about Edward's alarm driving them mad.

"What the fuck?" Louis finally gasps, clutching his chest.

The ship horn finally stops, and the room is quiet again.

"Sorry for that, Princess." Edward yawns, turning the bedside light on. Louis squints at the intrusion of his vision, blinking repeatedly until his eyes are used to the light.

Louis yawns too, turning to see that Harry and Marcel have gone back to sleep. "What time is it?" He asks Edward, rubbing his eyes.

"Fifteen after five." Edward replies, picking up his phone to check his emails. He looks like he's still not completely awake, only one eye popping open as the screen unlocks.

Louis makes an inhumane sound of distaste. "What do you set an alarm at five in the morning for?"

"In case you didn't notice, I need to get to work."

"In case you didn't notice, so do I." Louis retorts, crossing his arms and rolling his eyes. "It's too early. Come back to bed."

Edward sends him a ridiculous look. "I need to start getting ready."

"Start getting ready at six. Come hold me some more." Louis pouts, reaching out to make grabby hands towards his Alpha.

Edward shakes his head, smirking slightly while Louis looks like a petulant child. "I'll wake you up at six, go back to sleep."

"Huh, shame." Louis raises his eyebrows. "I was thinking of joining you for shower later, but okay."

The Omega turns around, hiding his smug grin when Edward's face falls. His lips are still twitching as he lies back down, pressing a hand to his mouth to muffle his giggles.

"Princess," Edward calls softly. "Do I still have a chance to accept that offer?"

Louis shrugs, rolling over until he's facing Edward. "Maybe? I'll consider it after you've cuddled me."

Before Edward could even reply, another pair of arms are encircling Louis, holding him tightly that it forces a squeak out of him.

"I can cuddle you, babe. You can shower with me." Harry whispers excitedly into his ear, even draping a leg over Louis' thigh.

"Excuse me, if I recalled properly, he made that offer to me." Edward protests, already approaching the bed. He looks ready to steal Louis from his brother.

Harry points his tongue out. "Excuse me, if I recalled properly, you rejected that offer."

Louis bursts out laughing, shuffling back to fit himself closer to Harry. His eyes are twinkling when he looks back at Edward. "Yeah, Edward, you sure did imply that you didn't want to cuddle me, which means you don't want me to join you for shower."

Edward's eyes widen at the accusation, disbelieving that his Omega and his brother are teaming up to go against him at this point. "Jesus, I don't need this right now."

Harry cackles with laughter as Edward finally leaves for the bathroom, grumbling incoherent words under his breath. "You're still going to join him, aren't you?" Harry questions. Louis doesn't have to look to see the amused smirk Harry is giving him.

Louis wriggles in his arms, trying to loosen up the hold so he could escape. "Maybe." He replies, sitting up and grinning at Harry once he's succeeded. "Are you going to join?"

Harry rolls over and sprawls out on the bed again, his hair pointing everywhere. "I'll pass." He murmurs. "Want you all to myself, later."

"Nobody's saying anything about later." Louis quirks an eyebrow at that, slowly climbing off the bed. The way disappointment takes over Harry's face makes Louis laugh. "Hold your horses, Styles. There's only one me."

Harry chuckles, watching Louis go and not even trying to take his eyes off of the way the Omega's arse jiggles with every step that he takes. "We still have the weekend."

Louis ignores him, the blood pounding in his ears makes it hard for him to think of anything else other than the fact that he's about to join Edward in the shower.

He spent some time thinking before he fell asleep last night.

He kept thinking about what Edward had said, the words echoing in his head over and over again.

"Nothing is going to happen if you don't want it to."

It makes him realise how much the triplets are holding back, initiating almost nothing with Louis just because Louis doesn't look like he's completely sure about himself most of the time.

Louis doesn't know why he hasn't initiated things himself, either. Something tells him that it's because a part of him is still scared about advancing to that stage of their relationship. All of his past relationships ended mainly because the Alpha was too insistent, and Louis wasn't ready.

He's ready now, but he's still scared.

He didn't know how ready he was, how much he's been wanting for it to happen until he felt how disappointed he was when Edward said that the triplets haven't even been thinking about it. At first, he was quite offended, thinking that his Alphas don't even look at him that way. But he knows that they're simply reacting to what his body language is giving off.

So, he has to make a move; but he can't come off too strong. Something in his heart says that he should just go with the flow, would make it more natural. But somehow he feels like he should have a plan; not that Louis is good with planning when it comes to this. Hell, he doesn't have any idea what he wants to do.

The sound of water turning on tugs Louis back to the situation at hand, making him realise how long he's been standing there.

Shaking his head, Louis starts to grip the hem of his shirt, ready to pull it off.

He pauses, taking in a deep breath.

His heart skips a beat when his shirt lands on the floor. The water is still running. It sounds like it comes from the sink.

The butterflies have started fluttering in his stomach, filling in his chest too.

Louis decides to leave the sweatpants on, not entirely sure if he wants it to be off yet.

His hand trembles as he reaches for the door handle, but the hinge makes no sound when he pushes it open.

Edward is standing by the sink, staring at himself in the long mirror planted against the wall above the counter. He's got a razor in his hand, running it down his jaw.

The Alpha's eyes snap over to Louis' figure in the reflection the moment he senses movement. His hand pauses, the motion of shaving fresh stubbles along his jaw only halfway done. Edward watches quietly while the Omega shuts the door behind him without a sound and then leans back against it, briefly meeting Edward's eyes through the mirror. Edward puts down the razor, shaving foam still coating his jaws and chin.

"Hi." Louis greets shyly, the blush appearing on top of his cheekbones.

"Hi." Edward says back, waiting for what Louis would do. When nothing happens, he continues. "Are you sure you want to be in here?"

Louis knows Edward is trying to make sure that Louis knows what he wants, but it's suddenly starting to become annoying. He huffs, pushing away from the door and slowly stalks forward.

Edward is only wearing his pants, his broad back on display. Somehow, that makes Louis' blush intensify. The way Edward's back muscles ripple as he shifts is weirdly turning Louis on.

"I want to brush my teeth." Louis says, rolling his eyes; as if that's the sole reason why he's now standing next to Edward.

The Alpha chuckles, dimples denting his cheeks as he shakes his head and picks the razor up again. As Louis brushes his teeth and Edward continues shaving, the two of them occassionally share stolen glances they manage through the mirror, quickly turning away whenever the other has noticed that they're staring.

Louis doesn't know whether to punch Edward or himself for being so disgusting at such ungodly hour.

Once Louis has put away his toothbrush and Edward's face is smooth again, the Alpha clears his throat. "So.."


Edward's mouth inevitably tilts up again at the feisty tone. "So," He tries again, willing Louis not to interrupt. "Are you joining me for shower after all, then?"

Louis turns to him with a scoff. "Who says I'm joining you?" He dismisses the amused quirk of Edward's eyebrow, not sparing the Alpha another glance as he proceeds to head towards the shower.

"What are you doing, then?"

"Taking a shower, what do you think?"

Edward is almost sure that a question mark has appeared above his head. "I thought you are not joining me?"

"I am not." Louis reaffirms, turning his back to Edward again. "You are joining me."

Edward almost chokes on his own spit when - without any warning whatsoever - the Omega grips his waistband and pushes it down, letting the fabric pool around his feet.

Edward won't lie. He's spent nights, and sometimes days, imagining how Louis would look like naked. It's hard not to do so when Louis looks like that. But the amount of daydreams he's had of the Omega is nothing compared to how naked Louis is in real life.

Louis is perfect. His back is lean, smooth and toned, leading down past the attractive dip of the bottom of his spine to the supple flesh that Edward really wants to bite into. His arse is full, rounded; it makes Edward's hands itch to touch while he watches Louis steps away from the abandoned sweatpants on the floor, his arse jiggling deliciously. And his thighs, God, his thighs. Edward's mouth is already watering, yearning to suck and kiss and bite on his skin.

Louis Tomlinson is the walking embodiment of art.

Meanwhile, the Omega is trying not to flee from the scene. He can feel how intensely the Alpha is staring him down, and despite how nervous he is, his cock has already started to fill up. He's still standing, and that's a wonder because he swears his knees are shaking.

When he speaks up, he's thankful that his voice is still steady. If it's a little higher in pitch, none of them points it out. "You coming?"

He slowly approaches the glass door leading into the shower, pulling it open and leaving it that way while he enters. While he turns the water on, Louis doesn't look, but his ears pick it up when Edward gets undressed and walks over to join him.

His skin prickles once Edward is standing behind him; quite a distance in between them, but he can feel the electricity on his body as if Edward is draped over his back. The glass door has swung shut.

The shower is spacey, wide. It could probably hold ten people at once, but Louis can't breathe.

"Baby.." Edward is suddenly talking in his ear. Louis can feel the heat radiating off of him, much warmer compared to the water. It runs a shiver down his spine.

Louis turns around, the arousal spiking through him getting more intense. "Hi." His body itches as he fights back a squirm when slick starts to form inside him.

"Hello." Edward grins, taking a step forward.

Louis backs up, his breath hitching as Edward continues edging forward, following him, until Louis' spine hits the glass. The Alpha crowds up into him, yet there is not one spot of their skin that touches.

"May I touch you, Princess?"


And then Edward's mouth is on his, their chests pressing together without any layer of cloth in between them for the first time. Louis opens up straightaway, letting the slide of their tongues happen and willing the moan that escapes past his lips.

The Alpha's arms curl around him instantly, palms sliding down from his waist to his arse and squeezing the flesh while Edward nudges forward so that their hard cocks brush together.

"Edward." Louis exhales shakily into his mouth, making Edward push up against him even more. Louis mewls his approval, shuddering in pleasure as Edward's cock slides deliciously alongside his, trapped in between their stomachs. "Oh, fuck."

"Love the sound you make, baby." Edward growls, attacking Louis' neck with his mouth. He latches onto the skin, starting to rock their hips together and pulling out choked moans from the Omega.

"Feels so good." Louis gasps, jerking his hips forward to seek more friction when Edward teasingly pauses his movement.

The Alpha grunts softly at the needy sound Louis makes, reaching down and gripping his thigh, holding him in place. "Stay still, Princess." He resumes thrusting then, the hold he has on Louis is almost bruising.

Louis whimpers, teeth bashing onto his lower lip as he nods his assent. His palm is flat on the glass wall behind him, head thrown back at how good it feels to have his skin burning up where they are pressed together. His cock is throbbing almost painfully, probably twitching with every thrust of Edward's hips.

Suddenly Edward stops again, pulling back until they're not touching anymore. The sound Louis makes in his chest is embarrassing but his body is too hot that he could not care, just wants Edward to touch him everywhere, anywhere. He's suddenly very desperate but he can't be capable to mind, just wants his Alpha against him.

"Shh, I've got you, Kitten. I've got you."

And then Louis can't think, because Edward is touching him, his huge hand curling around Louis' length, swallowing him. It makes Louis look tiny, but that thought is immediately out of the window. Edward is pumping his cock, hurtling Louis closer to his orgasm. The Omega is drenched wet where his arse is pushed up against the glass, probably looking really obscene from the other side, and he's momentarily confused because they're not exactly under the shower spray, which, fuck. They're wasting water instead of saving it.

"You smell so good, so perfect."

Louis moans again; realising that his hole is drenched with his slick.

Edward's grip tightens, and Louis' body doesn't even warn him before it happens. The Alpha pumps him twice, twisting his grip at the head and suddenly Louis is coming so hard with a shout. His eyes flutter shut with it, his stomach hollowing and his mind blanking, making him tense and freeze up. His cock pulses, come splashing across his stomach and spilling over Edward's fist.

"Holy shit." Edward gasps, gritting his teeth when Louis' nails dig into his skin. He's unable to take his eyes off of Louis' cock, where he's still sliding his hand up and down the Omega's length, helping him ride out his orgasm.

Louis doesn't open his eyes, but his body starts to relax and he releases a soft mewl, shifting his hips back when sensitivity starts to take over.

Edward finally releases him and takes a hold of himself, using Louis' come as lube. He pumps himself hard and fast, staring at Louis' face; the Omega is sated and relaxed, relying on the glass wall behind him to keep him upright.

"Look at me." Edward orders, slapping a hand on the glass at the side of Louis' head.

Louis obeys, his mouth parting open as he stares up at Edward in earnest. The sight of those blue eyes does it for Edward, groaning quietly as his hips stutter before he's shooting off onto Louis' thigh.

The Omega moans again, but the sound is quickly muffled by Edward's mouth.

They're sticky and filthy, exactly the opposite of an outcome of a shower despite the fact that that was the initial plan. Louis should be disgusted, but he's never felt more relieved.

The Omega can't help but giggle when they separate, scrunching up his face at the squelching sound of Louis' come pressed in between their stomachs. "Ew."

Edward smiles fondly at him, running his thumb over the corner of Louis' mouth before he's kissing him again; absent of the heat and lust, just sweet and chaste.

"I wonder how much water we just wasted." Louis' eyebrows furrow together, staring at the shower head still raining droplets of heavy rain onto the tiled floor.

Edward shrugs, pursing his lips. "Can't really say I mind sacrificing that in exchange of the religious experience I just went through."

"Shut up."

Later on, Louis has Edward lathering soap on his back. The Alpha finds himself unable to resist dropping kisses on the nape of Louis' neck every now and then as he does it, the tan skin demanding attention that Edward couldn't say no to.

"Do you regret it?" Edward asks quietly after a moment filled with comfortable silence.

Louis hesitates, confusion filling his expression. "No." He finally responds. "Do you expect me to?"

"No." Edward shakes his head, the brush of his lips on the back of Louis' neck tickling the Omega a bit.

"Do you?"


"Regret it." Louis clears his throat. "Do you regret it?"

Edward makes an annoyed sound low in his throat. "Of course not."

"I'm just asking, sheesh." Louis rolls his eyes. "Someone woke up at the wrong side of the bed, did he?"

The comment makes Edward growl, and Louis gets a palm colliding with his arse.

"Hey!" Louis reaches back to rub the spot Edward just swatted, all the while complaining, "You need to stop being so abusive."

Edward does it again, smacking his palm down onto Louis' other cheek. The Omega has to bite his lip so that he won't let out a moan. "Are you sure you don't like it?" He chuckles, holding Louis by the shoulders to spin him around.

"If you want to push your luck with that, go on." Louis challenges, crossing his arms and scowling up at Edward. He might be doing that just to take the piss out of his Alpha. No way he would admit that it makes him gush with his slick those two times Edward spanked him.

Edward tries, but he couldn't suppress the smirk slowly crooking his stretched lips; his Omega is so feisty, and he loves it.

"Stop looking at me like that."

The smirk widens even more. "Your wish is my command, Princess."

"Good." Louis huffs. "Now kiss me, then turn off the water. I'm starting to crinkle like a bloody prune."

Edward reaches out, pulling Louis up against him. "A very good looking prune you would be, though."

"Flattery gets you nowhere, Styles." Louis scoffs, but he has already loosened his arms, instead curling them around Edward's neck.

"I'm already here with you, I think I can live with that."

Louis can't believe how corny Edward can be. He really, really wants to punch him for making Louis listen to that with his own two ears.

He kisses him instead.


Edward keeps stealing kisses from him everytime they so much brush against each other. Louis is starting to think that Edward is walking back and forth across the closet on purpose. All Louis wants is to get dressed at his section of the closet in peace.

"Stop it." The Omega hisses warningly when he feels Edward pawing at his arse again, pulling him in by his chin. He still shuts his eyes and kisses him back when their lips meet, though.

"I'm sorry, Princess. You're very hard to resist." Edward proves his point by squeezing the ample cheeks heavy in his palms.

Louis rolls his eyes, his dress shirt only halfway done, so he pushes Edward off to finish with the buttons. "Stop thinking about me."

"Who says I'm thinking about you?" Edward retaliates, returning to his drawers of watches. He pulls one of the drawers open, scanning through his collection to try and decide which of them he would want to put on for the day.

Louis rolls his eyes again, doing up the last button. "If I were to guess that you are probably thinking about touching my arse again, would I be wrong?"


"You hesitated."

"It's a good arse, innit?"

Louis shakes his head, tucking his shirt into his trousers before walking over to the floor length, two metres wide mirror. He spins around a bit, trying to check if his shirt is properly tucked at the back too.

Louis can see through the mirror that Edward is staring at him, or his arse, specifically. "You're doing it again."

"I'm finally allowed to do that, I'm not going to stop." Edward claims, putting on the watch he has chosen.

"Who said you're allowed?" Louis pretends to snap. Horror flashes on Edward's face and Louis has never seen someone looks away that fast.

"Sorry." Edward mutters sheepishly, avoiding Louis' eye.

Louis can't help it, he bursts out laughing. "You're so weird, Edward Styles."

Edward seems terribly offended that Louis has called him weird, and he finally looks at the Omega with his forehead crinkled. "Harry is the weird one."

"I beg to differ. All of you are weird."

"And yet you still chose us as your Alphas."

Louis shrugs, approaching the cabinet to find a tie. "At least you're hot."

"Is that so?" Edward scoffs, grinning amusedly at Louis from his part of the closet.

Louis pulls out a blue black tie, trying to match it with his attire in front of the mirror. Suddenly Edward is standing behind him, clasping a hand down on Louis' shoulder and holding another tie in his other hand.

"Here." Edward says, offering the tie he's holding towards Louis. The tie is almost the same shade of blue black that Louis has in his hand, except that it's velvet.

Louis scowls at the tie Edward offers, then his eyes shift to the Alpha. "Why is it velvet?"

Edward shrugs. "Harry thought I would love it."

"Do you?"

"I do."

Louis stares at the tie again. Then he sighs. "Alright." He murmurs, putting the tie he's chosen back into the cabinet.

Edward seems fairly smug that Louis has agreed to the tie he's chosen for him.

"How much does this cost?" Louis asks, scowling at Edward as he holds out a hand for it.

The Alpha shrugs, not passing it over to Louis. Instead, he walks around until he's stood in front of the Omega. "Harry bought it. Ask him." He says, wrapping the tie around Louis' collar and tugging him close.

Louis rolls his eyes. "I'll probably have to take care of this more than I do my own life."

"Nonsense." Edward huffs, starting to tie it for him. "You should be wearing pretty, luxurious things that you deserve."

"Well, I can't exactly afford them, can I?" Louis huffs irritatedly. "And they're just clothes."

Edward hums thoughtfully, giving one last touch to the tie before he deems it decent. "Right."

Edward is still smirking at him, and it pisses Louis off so much. Everytime Edward makes that face, Louis just wants to grab him and smash their lips together until he can't breathe. Truthfully, he wants to kiss Edward whenever he does anything, really. It's probably unhealthy.

"A penny for your thoughts?" Edward's smirk slowly disappears, replaced with a fond, lazy smile.

Louis shakes his head. "We should get going."

Edward groans, but as Louis walks out, he is quick to follow suit.

"Stop staring at my arse."


Louis' phone rings right after he's sent the last student out for break, Eleanor's face appearing on his cellphone. He quickly rushes to his table to grab the device, wasting no time to answer the call.

"Hey, El."

"Hey, Lou!" Comes her voice.

"Louis!!!" Another person hollers excitedly in the background.

Louis frowns for a moment, that voice sounds like it's.. "Perrie!!!" He exclaims, a wide grin spreading across his face.

Eleanor laughs. "Yeah, Lou. We're waiting outside for you. Come on out."

"Wait, what?"

The elated moment evaporates. "Don't tell me you forgot, Lou." Exasperation drips from her voice when she speaks. "We promised to have lunch together, remember? It's Thursday!"

"Oh shit." Louis whispers. "I'm so sorry. I've completely forgotten. I'll be out in a minute."

"Wanker." Eleanor hisses in annoyance, then she cuts off the call.

Louis immediately gets into action, digging his bag for his wallet. Once he's made sure he's got everything, he dashes out into the hallway.

Right after he's thrown himself out of the main entrance, it only takes him a second to find the Mazda parked in front of the building.

Unable to stop himself from smiling, he hurriedly approaches the car. Finding the door unlocked, Louis opens it up and slides into the back seat. "Hello, girls."

"Lewis!!!" Eleanor shrieks once he's closed the door. Before he could react, she's already climbing into the back seat and attacking him with a hug. "Oh, I've missed you a lot!"

"You're choking me." He squeaks, her limbs wrapping terribly tightly around his neck.

Eleanor's sweet, excited face twists into a glare as her grip loosens. "You deserve that, you twat. How could you forget we're having lunch today?"

"I'm sorry." Louis pouts, hoping his face is cute enough for her to forgive him.

Eleanor only manages to glare at him for two more seconds before she huffs out a laugh. "Fine, fine. Jesus, I could never stay mad at you."

"It's my cute face." Louis claims.

Eleanor ignores him, pushing him back by his face as she climbs off of him to retreat back into the passenger seat.

"Hey, Pez!" Louis greets happily, leaning forward to kiss Perrie's cheek. She giggles, turning around in the driver seat and blowing him a kiss. "How have you been?"

"I've been lovely." She replies, reaching out to give him an awkward one armed hug before she lets him settle in the back seat.

"We're having lunch at The Ledbury. Is that okay, Lou?" Eleanor asks while Perrie drives them away.

Louis hums, trying to recall what kind of a restaurant Ledbury is. Ledbury is not exactly the kind of place you go to for an everyday lunch. It's quite expensive. It's not that he can't afford it, but it's a little out of his monthly budget. If he joins them, he'd probably have to eat bread for a week.

But then Louis remembers that he's not staying with Alex anymore, and food is not really a problem, especially for dinner. And his brain brings up a memory of what happened this morning....


"What is this for?" Louis asks in confusion, staring at the gold card in his hand before he looks at Edward again.

"For you, of course. You can use it to spend for anything you want." Edward replies, looking at him with kind, patient eyes.

"I don't really see the point in that?"

"You don't have to use your money anymore. You're our responsibility now, whatever you want, it's on us."

"Edward.." Louis whimpers, shaking his head. "I don't want this."

Edward sighs. "Lou, you're our Omega. And we want to spoil you. We never get to have anyone to do so."

"But I don't really want to buy anything." Louis protests, looking at the card as if it's burning his skin to be holding the thing.

Edward places a comforting palm on his shoulder. "It's okay. You don't have to. But keep it; at least when you find things to buy, you'll have the money."

Louis sags, his face falling. "I don't want to feel like I'm taking advantage of you."

"You're not." Edward groans. "Fuck, Lou, we have enough money to buy you anything you want for the rest of your life for ten lives probably. We've always wanted to have someone we can spend money on. This is not about you, really. It's about us."

The Omega cocks his eyebrow, a small smile teasing the edge of his mouth. "It's all about you, isn't it?"

"Yes, of course." Edward replies, pecking the Omega on his lips.

Louis lets out a long, heavy sigh. "I have no choice with the card, do I?"

"Nope." Edward shakes his head, popping the p. "I've set the limit for the card at.." He thinks for a moment. "I think it was five hundred, so you'll be fine."

Louis relaxes into his seat. "Five hundred pounds?"

Edward throws him an incredulous look. "Five hundred thousand pounds."

The Omega shrieks, accidentally sending the card flying and it slaps Edward in the face.

"Louis!" Edward scolds, sighing heavily and bending over to pick up the card that has fallen onto his shoe.

"Sorry." Louis shrinks into himself, feeling bad for doing that.

Edward hands him the card again, and this time, Louis takes it willingly. "Please use it whenever you need to, okay?"

"Okay, Alpha."

"That's my Princess." Edward smiles fondly, reaching out and tracing Louis' jawline with his thumb.

Louis preens, blood filling his cheeks.


"Lou?" Eleanor's voice snaps his attention back to his current whereabouts.

"Huh?" He responds, his eyes blinking to focus.

"We were asking if it's okay with you, eating at Ledbury." Perrie repeats.

Louis nods before he knows what he's doing. "Um, yeah, yeah, sure."

Perrie engages Eleanor in a talk that Louis doesn't think he can get involved in, and he takes the chance to pull his phone out to call Edward.

"Yes, that's exactly what I said." Edward is saying to someone as he picks up. "If something as simple as this can't be done, what's the point of me hiring you?"

Louis shivers, pleasure running through his body at the authoritative voice Edward is using.

"I'm sorry, Sir." Someone replies, timid and scared.

"Get out." Edward commands, his tone dismissive. Louis waits as there is some shuffling and then Edward is speaking to him, voice soft and gentle. "Hello, baby."

"Hey, Edward." Louis replies, fond.

"How's your day going?"

"Um.. Eleanor and Perrie picked me up for lunch from the nursery.." He trails off. "Would you mind if I use the card for that? We're going to Ledbury."

"Kitten, I told you." Edward chides. "You can use the card for anything you like. Max it out, I don't mind. I'll increase the limit if you want me to."

It's surely flattering to have Edward say such a thing to him, and Louis feels so spoiled and he hasn't even used the card yet.

"Alright..." He murmurs. "Thank you, Edward."

"Anything for you, baby. Take care, yeah?"

"You too." Louis whispers, noticing that Eleanor and Perrie have fallen quiet, trying to eavesdrop on his conversation.

Edward cuts off the call, then, leaving Louis with nothing but silence but his heart is singing. He doesn't even know he's grinning until he realises that Eleanor is staring at him and Perrie has got her eyes locked on him through the rearview mirror, and the grin vanishes. "What." He says instead, defensive.

Perrie smirks. "Nothing, absolutely nothing."

Eleanor nods along, making a quiet sound of agreement.

Louis already knows they won't go easy on him when the questioning starts.



"You already know." Louis whines, shaking his head. He's already let the cat out of the bag during their phone calls, what more do they want from him?

Perrie shakes her head. "Not everything. Something must have happened in these past few days. Tell us."

Louis groans. "We went to see each other's parents." He barely finishes the sentence when the ladies squeal in excitement.

"Then?" Eleanor prompts, the excitement clear as ever on her face.

He glares at her. "I moved in."

The two of them gasp happily.

"Are you bonded?"

"How were they?"

"Did you take them all together or one by one?"

Louis looks like a deer in headlight as he processes the questions. "What?"

Eleanor scoffs, crossing her arms. "Come on, Lou. Share with us."

"The problem is there's nothing to share."

Eleanor and Perrie frown at that, sharing a confused look with each other before he's the centre of their attention again. "What do you mean?"

"I'm not, bonded, yet." He hesitantly says, keeping his eyes down.

Perrie and Eleanor gasp again. "Are you going to make it special, then?"

"I don't know, to be honest." He shrugs. "We didn't really sit down and talk about it."

Perrie hums. "You should. When are you planning to do it?"

Louis bites his lower lip. "As in, mate?"

Eleanor nods.

"I don't know."

Perrie coos, scooting her chair closer to his so she could engulf him into a hug. "It's okay, babe. You'll figure it out."

"Are you ready, though?" Eleanor asks, keeping a focused attention on his face.

Louis blushes. "I am, I guess."

She raises her eyebrows. "Are you saying that if tonight they initiate anything, you'd go with it?"

Louis doesn't reply.

"How far have you gone?" Perrie wonders.

"I haven't touched any of their cocks, if that's what you are wondering about." Louis' face flushes, getting harder and harder to maintain eye contact with them.

Perrie and Eleanor share another look. "Well, what have you done, then?"

Louis squirms in his seat. "Well, Edward and I took a shower together this morning."

Eleanor gives him a suggestive look. "Did anything happen?"

Louis can't help a small smile, his blush intensifying. "He got me off."

"Did you touch him?"


Perrie scoots even closer. "You didn't do anything? You didn't suck his dick?"


His friends feign an annoyed face. "Oh come on, Lou. You know you can talk about anything with us."

"You two are so nosy." He complains, only half-heartedly.

Eleanor flips her hair back, leaning forward. "That is true."

"Have you thought about it?" Perrie continues asking him.

"About what?"

"Sex, mating, bonding, all that." Eleanor waves her hand, her voice not necessarily low enough. A middle aged woman two tables away frowns disapprovingly their way.

Louis sighs heavily. "Of course I did." Another sigh escapes him and he sags back into his seat. "But like you said, I'm scared."

"Why, exactly?" Eleanor questions, tilting her head to one side.

He looks at her in disbelief. "Well, I'm sorry for being scared. The only person who has touched me is me!" He pauses. "And maybe Edward."

Eleanor and Perrie don't even look fazed.

"Have they asked you to do anything you don't want to?" Eleanor asks.


"Have they touched you without your permission?" asks Perrie.


"Do you feel like they are going to ask you to do anything that you wouldn't want to do?"

Louis gasps, betrayed. "Of course not!"

"Would they ever touch you without your permission?"

"I don't think so." Louis murmurs, recalling Edward's reaction to Louis pretending like he disapproved of the Alpha staring at his arse.

"Then what exactly are you scared of?" Perrie stares at him, her eyebrows furrowing together and her lips pursed downwards in confusion.

Louis doesn't reply yet, because the waiters choose that moment to come and deliver their food. Once they're alone again, he speaks up. "They're just, I don't know.. They're so perfect, and..."

They stare at him expectantly, waiting for him to continue.

He huffs. "You know, I'm inexperienced and all." His shoulders start to hunch, trying to make himself small. "I'm scared I'm not going to be good enough for them, you know?"

Eleanor and Perrie stare at him with their mouths open for a moment. And then they burst out laughing.

At Louis' offended face, Perrie is quick to reach out and grab his hand. "No, we're not laughing at you."

"Actually, we are." Eleanor pipes in, still cackling.

Perrie tries warning her with a look, and Eleanor sputters but her laughter doesn't cease. The blonde rolls her eyes, deciding not to pay attention to Eleanor. "If we're being serious, Lou, your arse is already a godsend. It's probably enough to make up for any mistake you're going to do."

Louis narrows his eyes at her. "I can't decide yet whether I should be flattered or offended."

"We're serious."

"Lou, they're your Alphas. And they sound like they genuinely care a lot about you. I don't think you have to worry about anything." Perrie assures him.

Eleanor nods her agreement. "Yeah. Besides, you're really one hot Omega. I wonder how they go on this long without bedding you."

Louis scowls at his friend. "Hey."

"I'm not objectifying you. I'm just saying, if I were them, I'd be on my knees begging to have a taste of you."

"Should I be worried?" Louis teases, sending all of them into a fit of laughter.

"Fuck off."

"So, have you come to a decision yet?"

"About what?"

"Whether you're going to take the three of them at once, or are you going to go one by one?"

"I don't know, what do you think?"

"Well, how would I know? What's your preference?"

"The thought of being with all of them excites me, but at the same time, I don't know if I can handle that?"

"Our bodies are made to take that, don't worry." Eleanor winks at him. "It's even worse when you are in heat. You'll be begging for it."

Louis blushes, hoping it won't come to that.

"Speaking of which, when's your heat?"

Louis pauses. "I'm not sure."

"Lou, what the fuck? How could you not know?"

Louis groans. "My first heat was my last heat. After going through that without an Alpha I want to be with, I never want to be in the position ever again. I started taking suppressants right away. Haven't had any heat since then."

Eleanor chuckles, amusement dancing in her eyes. "Oh, Louis, you are going to be in one Hell of a ride."


"How was your day?" Edward asks as Louis settles himself down in the passenger seat.

"Fun." Louis chirps. "Am so glad I got to see Eleanor and Perrie again."

"You haven't seen them in a while?"

Louis shakes his head. "No, Eleanor is always overseas for work, and Perrie gets really busy, being a nurse and all. So I only get the chance to see them once in a while."

Edward nods, signalling that he's listening. "Was Ledbury good?"

"Yeah, nice."

Louis hums, reaching out for Edward's hand. After all that talk with Eleanor and Perrie, he suddenly wants nothing more than to be with his Alphas. At times like this, he's really grateful that he has friends who don't judge him and help him with his problems no matter how weird the problems are.

Edward instantly clasps their hands together, bringing them up so that he could drop a kiss on the back of Louis' palm. "Your heart is racing." He suddenly points it out.

Louis blushes, his smile uncontrollable. "Yeah, it's been doing that a lot around you, lately."

Edward doesn't reply, but he carefully brushes his lips across the inside of Louis' wrist.


"Um... why are we here?" Louis asks quietly as Edward leads him into the store, their hands clasped together with fingers intertwined. The Omega hopes his palm is not sweating too much.

Edward pauses in his track, turning to him. "I'm buying you new clothes." He tells him, squeezing Louis' hand once.

Louis doesn't get a chance to start questioning that statement because a salesgirl chooses to come and greet them at that moment.

"Hello, welcome. How can I help you today?" The girl asks politely, flashing both of them a friendly, professional smile. It makes Louis relax a little.

Edward gives a curt nod in Louis' direction. "We're looking to buy him some new clothes."

Her face brightens and she starts to walk off, Edward trailing behind her and pulling Louis along. "Of course! What kind of attire would you be looking for?"

"Edward." Louis whimpers, pleading the Alpha to listen to him.

"What is it, baby?" He questions, stopping them again. The salesgirl doesn't even look offended that they are yet to answer her question, content to stand a few metres away to wait for them.

"I'm flattered that you want to buy me clothes.." Louis cringes as he looks around, wondering how much one piece of a dress shirt would cost in this kind of store. Then his eyes find Edward's face again. "But they don't have to be bought from here."

Edward's face softens. "Kitten, I want to buy you new clothes. Don't you think it's up to me to choose the brands whatsoever?" He replies in amusement, eyebrow quirking up.

Louis pouts. "I don't need expensive clothes."

"No, you don't." Edward agrees, nodding his head thoughtfully. "But we can afford them, so I don't see any problem."

"No." Louis protests. "You can afford them, I don't."

Edward sighs, but there's still a small smile on his lips as he steps closer. "Don't think too much about it, yeah?" His arm curls around the Omega's waist, a hand reassuringly stroking his hip. "Let me spoil you, please. I want to."

Louis narrows his eyes, the pout still intact in place. He crosses his arms and huffs quietly. "Do I even have a say in this?"

"Of course." Edward says, nodding again. "You can choose what colour you want to have."

The Omega can't even be upset because Edward lets out this quiet laugh when Louis hits his arm, a sound that Louis has noticed is only reserved for Marcel and Harry; and him.

"Fine." He rolls his eyes, body relaxing again. "Fine."

"Fantastic." Edward's smile widens, kissing Louis' cheek. He keeps his arm around Louis' waist even as he takes a step back and stands next to the Omega.

The salesgirl smiles again when they approach her. "Are we doing alright?" She tilts her head to one side, noticing Louis' discomfort just now.

Louis nods. "Yeah, we're good."

"Good. Where would you like to start?"


"They all look the same!" Louis is close to screeching as Edward asks him to choose between three white dress shirts that look identical.

Edward hums, pursing his lips as his eyes goes from one dress shirt to another. "The embroidery is different." He notes, looking at one of the salespeople that is holding two of the dress shirts. The salesperson nods in agreement, not daring to say otherwise.

Louis is going to lose his mind.

"They're just shirts!" He tells the Alpha.

Edward hums again. "You have a point." He waves his hand. "We'll take all three."


"Hush, princess. Do you want to look at the blue ones too?"

Louis falls silent for a second. "The dark blue ones." He grumbles.

"Okay." Edward walks over to him, kissing the edge of his mouth. Louis wonders when he let himself become so defenceless against an Alpha.

As Edward walks off to ask the salespeople to bring them dark blue shirts for Louis to look at, the Omega's phone starts ringing. His face breaks out into a smile when he sees that Harry is calling.


"Hey, Lou." Harry greets him back from the end of the line, making his smile stretch wider across his lips. "Why are you not home yet? Are you and Edward doing fine?"

"Yeah, we're alright. Edward is taking me shopping." Louis tells him. "He kept insulting me and my clothes."

Harry laughs. "I'm sure he means well."

"By insulting me."

"He just wants you to dress nice."

"He just wants me to dress in expensive clothes, you mean." Louis corrects him.

Harry cackles louder. "Edward loves spoiling people. Just let him do it."

Louis sighs heavily. That is one thing he thinks he'd struggle to get used to. "Right. I just think that this is all unnecessary."

"It is. But it makes Edward happy." Harry reminds him.

Louis takes a look at his Alpha nearby, noting how engrossed he is into a conversation with a salesgirl about the dark blue shirt that he is holding. The colour is really nice and it looks so soft.

"Harry, I'll call you back?"

"It's okay, Lou. Just kiss me when you come home later."

Louis grins. "I can do that."

He cuts off the call and pushes the phone back into his pocket. Shortly after, Edward appears with the shirt he was holding.

"What do you think of this one?" Edward asks him, warily showing the shirt to Louis.

Louis touches the fabric with reluctance, his face clearing out with impression when he finds it to be really soft. "It feels so nice!"

"Do you want it?"

Louis can't help the small laugh. "Okay, Edward."

Edward kisses him, brief and chaste. But somehow Louis is still hyperventilating even when Edward has walked away again, calling out for the salespeople to pack up the clothes Louis has chosen during the past hour.


Louis bites on his lower lip, his heart probably doing a weird, excited dance in his chest while he watches Edward walks around the car. The Alpha is not even looking at Louis, too busy fixing his jacket despite they're already home and he would most likely take it off for a shower later. And yet Louis can't take his eyes off of him, watching him while he walks up to the passenger door to open it up for Louis.

Louis is being treated like a princess, and he loves it.

"Why are you smiling alone to yourself?" Edward asks, his eyebrow tilting up with amusement glinting in his eyes.

Louis' smiles even wider, and his cheeks tint a little as he climbs out of the car. Edward refuses to step back as he holds the door open, letting Louis crowd up into his space once the Omega has exited the vehicle.

"Just thinking about how happy I am." Louis mutters softly.

It's unfair, really. Although it hasn't been that long, Louis has been in this position - where he's close enough to Edward to be able to count his eyelashes - for too many times already. And yet it still takes his breath away when they're in such proximity that he can pin point the exact spot of the Alpha's freckles on his face if he wants to. And it's certainly not fair at all that Louis feels like he's going to get an asthma attack, while Edward stands there as if Louis doesn't affect him at all.

Edward smirks, and Louis is pretty sure his heart just stopped working. "Is it us making you happy?"

Louis replies with a nod, his arms snaking around Edward's torso as he slowly steps forward until they're pressed together. He buries his face into Edward's neck, inhaling the Alpha's scent. His eyes fall shut, and he feels like he could burst with how content he is when strong arms curl around him and hold him tight. "I'm so, so glad that I found you, Edward. All of you."

He feels Edward's soft lips against his hair. "And I you, Louis. And us you."

Louis lets him go after a moment, giving him a small smile. Edward keeps Louis close to him as he locks the car before leading the Omega away to the door that leads up to the entrance hall of their home.

"Aren't we going to bring the shopping bags along?" Louis questions, stopping halfway up the stairs.

"The Betas will get them later, baby. Don't worry." Edward assures him.

The Omega nods, only then remembering that they have the Betas to help.

"I'm going up to take a shower and then nap." Edward says as they enter the lift, pressing the button to the top floor. "You should have a rest too before dinner."

Louis shakes his head. "I want to spend time with Harry. Haven't got to do that yet."

Edward doesn't reply to his statement, just gives him a curt nod to signal that he heard the Omega.

The doors open, and both of them step out, their shoulders brushing.

Edward suddenly pauses in his steps, scratching his head. "Listen, Lou.."

Louis listens attentively, but he can't deny that he's a little nervous of what Edward is about to say. The tone of his voice scares him a little, as if Edward doesn't know whether or not to talk to Louis about whatever he currently has in mind at the moment.

"Since you're spending time with Harry.." Edward starts, making Louis' heart beats a little faster. "Do you mind if Marcel joins me for shower?"

Louis sucks in a sharp breath, then bursts out laughing.

At the Omega's reaction, Edward awkwardly chuckles, although it does nothing to conceal the obvious confusion on his face.

Louis can't hold himself back, he has to surge forward and kiss Edward, wrapping his arms around his neck. Although it's not a proper kiss because Louis can't stop smiling, the Alpha still presses his lips back against his.

"What's funny?" Edward questions, his tone scolding.

Louis loosens his hold a bit. "Why are you asking me? You don't need my permission to have fun with your brothers." Louis murmurs, wriggling his eyebrows.

Edward bursts out laughing. "You're ridiculous."

"Excuse me? I'm not the one asking stupid questions around here." Louis bites back.

"So you don't mind?" Edward stares down at him, his hands warm on Louis' hips.

"Nope." Louis confirms, popping the p. "Honestly Edward, I'm the new addition here. I don't have a say."

"Of course you do."

Louis raises his eyebrows at that. "You wouldn't do it if I asked you not to?"

"Yeah." Edward kisses his nose. "But I know you wouldn't say no."

"How come?"

"Mainly because you might just join in instead." A hand pinches his bum, making him squeal in surprise.

"Don't get your hopes up too high, Styles. You haven't even got me in bed yet." Louis teases, giving off his confident vibe, yet his cheeks still colour.

Edward falls silent for a moment, a serious expression taking over his face. "We're ready whenever you are."

Louis turns redder, but he's smiling, and he's pulling Edward close again. "Okay." He says, and then he's walking away, calling out for Harry.

Yep, Edward wants to keep him.


"Harry!" Louis beams when he finally finds him in the gaming room.

The mentioned Alpha looks away from the screen of the TV, his own face turning into a beam. "Hey, Lou. Didn't know you're back already."

Louis walks over to him, straddling Harry's lap on the bean bag. Harry doesn't even get a chance to be surprised before Louis is covering his mouth with a greeting kiss.

"Hi." Louis whispers when he pulls away, only slightly so he could speak. He can feel Harry's breath on his lips.

"Hello." Harry grins.

"How was your day?" Louis asks, reaching up to brush his thumb across Harry's cheek. He's pretending that he's brushing something away, but God knows he's just finding excuses to touch him. Not that he needs one.

"Not that eventful. I mostly slept." He replies, leaning into Louis' touch.

"Sounds fun, better than work." Louis purses his lips. Harry's mouth is so pink and tempting that he can't hold back from dipping down and kissing him again.

"I disagree." Harry says when they part, but he doesn't give space for Louis to reply, because their lips are connecting one more time. "I'd definitely take a day with kids over sleeping any day."

"You would, wouldn't you?" Louis narrows his eyes. "You should take my place then, be a teacher instead."

Harry giggles. "I would love to, Lou. But I have zero knowledge on how to be a teacher. We can't let the future generation be ruined by an incompetent educator like me."

Louis bursts out laughing. "I'm sure you can't be too bad. Besides, we're only teaching them the basic things like numbers and ABCs." He says. "And your face itself would be enough to make them listen to you."

"It's okay, I love my job." Harry grins, showing off his dimples.

"Yeah? Good." Louis bends down, pressing their foreheads together. "You're amazing at it anyway."

"You think so?"


Louis gives him one last kiss before he's shifting until he's sitting in between Harry's legs instead of on his lap. When he sees the game on the TV, he grows excited. "I want to play too!"

And that's how Edward and Marcel find them two hours later, with Harry resting his chin on Louis' shoulder, his arms looped around the Omega, and they're both shouting at each other over the game.


"So, have we decided?" Marcel suddenly asks, appearing from the closet without wearing a shirt. Instead, the piece of clothing is in his hands, and he's moving it around until he finds the right way to put it on. Louis finds the sight of the topless Alpha very appealing.

Harry sits up a little and shakes his head. The movement disturbs Louis' peace where he was comfortably snuggling into Harry's chest, and the Omega whines. "Sorry, kitten." He apologises, moving so that he's leaning against the headboard again with Louis tucked in his side. Once Louis is quiet and cosy, Harry turns to his brother. "Edward wants to do it either on Saturday or Sunday. We haven't decided yet. Which one do you think it should be?"

Marcel hums thoughtfully, pulling the shirt down over his body and Louis is sad that the view of toned abs and milky skin is gone. "Sunday is okay, I think. If we do it on Saturday, we won't really get the time to spend together, since they're most likely to stay for the night. If it happens on Sunday, we still have Saturday."

"Wait, what are we talking about?" Louis asks, confused. He doesn't even bother lifting his head; Harry's chest is very comfortable.

Marcel climbs onto the bed. "The party. You know, the one Mum suggested?"

Louis lights up excitedly upon hearing that; he even makes the effort to lift his head to look at the Alpha. "Really?"

Harry nods in confirmation, making Louis turn to him. "Yeah. Mum told us to celebrate our birthday as well."

"That's great!" Louis cheers, the happiness on his face prompting the Alphas to cast him fond looks. "I didn't get to celebrate it with you, yet."

"If you want to celebrate, I could think of a special way." Harry insinuates into the Omega's ear, a mischievous smirk starting to appear on his face. His hand that was originally on Louis' waist slowly makes its way down to his bum, gripping a cheek.

Louis blushes, giggling. His heart skips a beat at the suggestion and he can't exactly put a finger on what he's actually feeling at the moment; is he nervous, or is he excited? He doesn't know. Why is he even giggling?

"Get your head out of the gutter. We're spending it in a civilised, proper way, where there would be children and other human beings present." Marcel reminds them both. "Any other kind of celebration can be discussed later."

Harry pouts.

Louis shrugs. "Next year then." He winks at Harry, making the Alpha laugh.

Marcel turns on the TV, flipping through the channel to find something for them to watch before they sleep.

Louis notices that Edward is not around, then voices his concern.

"He's in his office." Marcel informs him, putting the remote down upon stumbling across a channel showing Harry Potter. "They are discussing a new project on the phone. The directors told me it's going to be a huge one."

"Well, that's great!" Louis replies. "Does it have to happen at this hour, though?"

Marcel crawls up the bed until he can move under the blanket, cuddling up behind Louis. "It's a conference call. There are other people from other continents. So Edward wanted to do it at a time that would be most convenient for the majority of them. Besides, it's not that late."

Louis hums, agreeing. It's only ten o'clock, so he tells himself not to worry too much that Edward wouldn't get enough sleep.

"Talking about a project.." Harry starts, his eyes shifting from Louis to Marcel. "I might have a new one coming up."

Marcel's face brightens at the same time Louis' does. And they chorus out a, "Really?"

"Well, tell us about it then, Haz." Marcel prompts, grabbing the remote to lower the volume. Harry looks happy with the response that he got, but he also looks a little smug.

"I can't tell you yet. It's still an ongoing one." He says instead.

Louis really wants to kiss the smug grin off his face.

"What about you, Marcel?" Louis asks, turning around and leaving Harry's warmth in favour of snuggling up to Marcel's side.

Marcel grins, curling his arm around Louis' shoulder while both of them ignore Harry's complain of being left alone. "Nothing much, why are you asking?" He teases, bending down at the same time Louis stretches his neck until their lips meet halfway.

Louis hums softly into the kiss, giggling slightly when he feels Harry pawing at his arse before the Alpha is laying his head on Louis' hip, arms curled around Louis' legs. His hand slowly rubs up and down Marcel's chest, enjoying the feeling of toned pecs beneath his palm.

"I was asking if you got anything new going on, twat." Louis laughs as their lips separate with a smacking sound, his hand playfully slapping against Marcel's chest.

"Oh." The Alpha howls with laughter too once he realises his mistake. "I might have a new book coming." He shrugs.

Louis is immediately intrigued. "What is it about, then?"

"It's a secret."

Louis pouts. "How come?"

"It just is." Marcel replies unapologetically, kissing Louis' cheek.

Harry snorts below them, his eyes transfixed on the telly. "Don't bother trying, Lou. Marcy never tells anyone about what he's working on."

"That's not true!" Marcel gasps scandalously.

"It's true." Another voice says, and Louis brightens that his third Alpha is here too. Edward appears at the door with a tired expression, but there's faint amusement in his eyes caused by the exchange between Harry and Marcel.

"Yeah." Harry rises onto his bum, pointing an accusing finger at his younger brother. "You've never let me or Edward read your books before they're published."

Marcel scowls, but only half-heartedly. "I can't believe you actually hold a grudge about this."

"That's because Harry is petty." Edward supplies, disappearing into the closet.

"Hey! I'm not!" Harry protests so petulantly that Louis chortles at the expression on the Alpha's face.

"Harry, you told someone to step on a lego because she wasn't looking at you when you smiled at her." Marcel reminds him in a monotoned voice.

Louis bursts out laughing.

"I was ten!"

"Jesus, are you still ten, then? Stop fighting about this." Edward complains as he reappears into the room, wearing nothing but a pair of shorts and a worn t-shirt.

Marcel and Harry fall silent at that, knowing better than not to obey. However, it is still entertaining for Louis to see that two of the triplets are glaring at each other despite Edward telling them to cut it out.

Louis slowly shifts away from Marcel as Edward gets on the bed, reaching out for the front of Edward's shirt and tugging him close. A pleased sound comes up from his throat when Edward shuffles up until he's smothered the Omega with his body, their chests pressing together.

Louis' heart starts beating faster as Edward's lips dominate his. The thought of all four of them on the bed, and it's still quite too early to go to sleep, makes him excited all of a sudden. Like a flick of a switch, arousal courses through his body in a flash.

Edward moves a bit and suddenly he's fitted in between Louis' legs, and when Louis opens his eyes, Marcel and Harry are there. They're not even looking at him; they're caught up in a cuddle, probably making up for the small argument they had just now, but Louis feels hot, and he just wants.

His cock is twitching in his pants, and Louis moans when Edward massages their tongues together just right. "Edward." He pleads, channeling all his desires through that one single moan of a name.

Edward pulls back, staring at him right in the eye. "No." He doesn't say it harshly, voice still gentle and quiet, but it hurts nonetheless. Before Louis can slide out from underneath him in embarrassment and hurt, Edward quickly kisses him again. "Not tonight." He murmurs, hugging Louis tightly.

"Why?" Louis breathes out in confusion, hurt still lacing his voice.

"Tomorrow's Friday." Marcel says, reaching out to brush a thumb across his cheek.

At Louis' frown, Harry adds in. "We don't want you and Edward going to work tired. And it's not exactly fun if me and Marcel wake up without you two on the day after our first night." He winks cheekily, making Louis blush.

"Okay.." Louis finally yields, hiding his face in his hands.

Edward chuckles softly, rolling over so that he's lying next to Louis instead of on top of him. "Don't be embarrassed." He consoles, trying to pull Louis' hands down so that he could see that pretty face. Louis does not relent.

"I just got rejected by my Alphas, let me live." The Omega retorts.

"Hey, come on babe, we did not reject you." Marcel murmurs, patting Harry's hip so that the Alpha would move away, giving space for Marcel to get to the Omega.

"To be honest, we'd mount you right now if we can." Harry says, a little bit solemnly.

It sounds so ridiculous that Louis can't help the giggle. "Nothing's stopping you."

"Not tonight." Edward says again, stricter this time.

"Edward is." Harry says in response to what Louis previously said.

"Tomorrow night." Marcel suggests. "Or Saturday night, whichever you prefer."

"You make it sound like you're going to take the whole night." Louis sighs, his tone accusing.

Edward smiles although Louis can't see him, and he tugs at the Omega's wrist to drop a kiss on his cheek. "Trust me, kitten. We are."

"I mean, your arse itself deserves at least two hours of attention."

Louis finally shows them his face again, bright red and disapproving as he looks at Marcel. "Don't talk about my arse if you're not going to touch it tonight."

Edward pinches one of his arsecheeks, making him squeal in surprise. "There, I touched your arse. Now go to sleep."

"Bossy." Louis grumbles, slapping Edward's hand away and sitting up on the bed.

All of them watch in amusement as Louis starts crawling away.

"Where are you going?" Edward is the one who voices the question in the triplets' heads.

"I'm cuddling Harry tonight, you can have Marcel." Louis feigns an annoyed look at Edward, nudging Marcel away from Harry so he could shamelessly fit himself at Harry's side.

The middle triplet whoops in victory. "Ha! In your face, Edward!" He points an index finger at his brother.

It's uncanny how synchronised it is when Edward and Marcel roll their eyes that Louis bursts out laughing at how done they are with Harry's antics.

Harry kisses the side of his head and Louis loves it, loves the feeling that he's cared for. He closes his eyes, leaning into the caress of soft lips.

Edward turns off the lights while Marcel turns off the telly, and suddenly the room is dark and quiet.

There are some shuffling while Louis' eyes slowly get used to the dark, and then he can see that Edward has got his arms around Marcel, the latter being the small spoon. The sight is fairly cute.

"Goodnight, Alphas." Louis murmurs, followed by a small yawn.

"Goodnight, Lou." Harry whispers, and Marcel echoes his words.

"Goodnight, love." Edward says.

Louis falls asleep with a smile, his face pressed to Harry's neck.


A/N: I know I was supposed to write long smut but, I wanted Louis to have a moment with one of them first that is short, awkward and just, blergh. Not sure if I managed to convey that in my writing, I suck at writing but I want to do it anyway. So take what you can get soz. Besides, writing smut is art. And art is hard! There's a reason why those two words rhyme. And I suck at art, :/ But don't worry, their mating and bonding night is going to come soon. I don't know how I'm going to pull that off, I'll try.

I hope the chapter is okay. Did you cringe as many times as I did? Yes? No? Do tell me what you think in the comments, and leave a vote if you haven't! Thank you for reading!!

Love, Rose xx

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