Chapter 11
Oh my God, guys. I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in forever. I've started school again and Jay's passing somehow affected me a lot and it's quite overwhelming for me to edit this chapter. It probably has something to do with me losing my grandma recently. I know that me losing my grandma couldn't compare to Louis losing his mother, but it was still too much for me to handle.
Going to school has kept me occupied and somehow that helps a lot with not thinking about it. So, somehow I managed to finish editing this. I don't know if I'm making any sense.
Anyway, because of that, I think this chapter sucks a lot. It's sort of a filler, I feel like it's trash. So I'm sorry if it's not decent. *cries* I'll make sure that the next chapter would be a lot better and I'll try to include smut or something. finally
Note: I'd like to ask for your opinions on whether you like long written smut or short smut. I've never really written smut for anyone to read before, so I'd like to know your preference. I'll try to do my best, though.
Hope you'd enjoy this one....regardless of how bad I think it is.
And Happy Christmas to those who celebrate! xx I can't believe our boobear is turning 5 this year!
"So, you're moving out in three days and you're only telling me this now?" Alex questions in disbelief, but the expression on his face betrays the tone of his voice. He's even shoving popcorns into his mouth as he asks that. Louis thinks that his friend has been waiting for the day that Louis would drop this news on him, especially with how clingy Louis has been with the triplets.
Louis pouts apologetically anyway, crawling over and climbing onto Alex's lap. "I'm sorry."
"Oi, get off me!" Alex struggles to push him off but Louis holds on, cackling when the attempt fails. "You are dead to me."
"I will miss you a very much lot." Louis tells him, ruffling his hair and then stealing the popcorn Alex is about to eat.
The Beta glares at him. "That doesn't even make any sense."
"You don't look sad at all that I'm going to move out." Louis accuses, crossing his arms and pretending to be terribly upset.
"Of course! That's because I don't have to look at your annoying face any longer." Alex replies, grinning widely.
Louis slaps the back of his head.
"You deserve that, you cock."
"Oh, wow. What are you, ten?" Alex drawls, nursing the spot Louis hit. Then he grins again, putting away the bowl of popcorn he's so obsessed with in favour of cuddling the Omega on his lap. "Of course I am going to miss you a lot."
Louis huffs. "I don't know if you sound sincere or not."
Alex squeezes him tighter, sighing. "I'll miss you, Lou."
"That's more like it!" Louis whoops, hugging Alex around his neck.
"You are a tit."
"You still love me." Louis pulls back and flutters his eyelashes.
Alex shrugs. "Eh, no comment."
Louis chooses to ignore his statement. "Is it alright with you? Me moving out?"
He receives another shrug. "What can I do? Beg for you to stay?" Alex jokes. "Besides, maybe I can finally ask Hailey to move in."
The Omega grins. "Yeah... That sounds good." He thinks for a moment then his nose crinkles. "Please spare my room from all the christening."
"Bugger off."
Louis can't sleep that night. He keeps tossing and turning, restless in his bed. No matter how many times he's squeezed his eyelids close and forced himself to fall asleep and not think of the triplets, that's all that he does. Their faces keep popping up in his mind; one by one.
Louis has got it bad.
He turns one last time and then sits up, huffing irritatedly at himself. He has a job to get to tomorrow, he doesn't have time for this.
He glances at the bedside table and there is his phone, sitting there innocently but somehow Louis feels like it's taunting him. Settling for glaring at the device, he tries to weigh the choices he suddenly has after seeing the phone. He could lie down again and try to fall asleep on his own.... or, he could try and call Harry.
This is stupid. What kind of a mess did the triplets turn Louis into?
He grumbles quietly to himself, lying down again and pulling the cover up. He can fall asleep just fine. He's an independent Omega. He's not needy.
After fifteen minutes and Louis' eyes are still wide open, he almost screams in defeat when he finally grabs his phone.
There's nothing wrong with being needy.
He opens up his contact list and hovers his thumb over Harry's name.
He has an internal debate for quite a moment, then settles with a message instead.
Harry, can I call you?
Louis doesn't look when he presses send, and the moment the message is gone, he panics.
Wait, why the fuck did he do that?
He doesn't even get a minute to entertain his scary thoughts because his phone is already ringing and Harry is calling him.
Wait, Harry is calling him?
Louis clears his throat, scrambling on the bed and fixing his hair regardless that Harry isn't going to be able to see him, and once he's sure he's composed enough to talk to the Alpha, he answers.
"Hi." Louis' voice is so timid when he greets Harry.
"Hey, Lou." Comes Harry's drawl. He sounds worried. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine." He takes a deep breath to calm his racing heart, made so just from listening to Harry's voice. "Just can't sleep."
"Me too." He replies. "Neither can Edward and Marcel."
"Well, what are you three doing to pass the time, then?"
He can hear the grin when Harry speaks. "Edward and Marcel are snogging, if you must know."
"Lucky." Louis sighs with jealousy. "At least he has someone to snog. I only have my pillow."
"Is that why you're so good, then? You've practised snogging on your pillow?" Harry chuckles.
"Now you're putting words in my mouth, Styles." Louis scolds, making Harry cackle.
Harry finishes laughing, then the line falls silent for a moment. "I miss you."
"I miss you too."
This is absurd. They've just seen each other a few hours ago.
Louis should go and have a run to get rid of this nonsense.
"I'll see you tomorrow. So that's okay, I guess. I can't wait, though." Harry admits, making Louis giggle.
"You always this articulate, Styles?" He teases.
"Well, Mum said I'm the most eloquent Styles."
"For some reasons, I find that hard to believe." Louis hums, pursing his lips.
"Oi, are you calling me a liar?" Harry calls out, though he is giggling too.
"I didn't say that." He casually denies. "I just think that Anne wouldn't say the same if I were to ask her."
"Excuse you. I am the favourite child."
"Keep dreaming." Says a voice in the background. Louis isn't sure if it's Edward or Marcel but it makes him laugh all the same.
They slowly slip into a comfortable silence. Louis is more than content to listen to the sound of Harry breathing in and out and it becomes better when Harry starts humming softly, barely audible through the line.
The sound is so soothing, calming, and Louis relaxes even further into the mattress. "Sing to me." He requests softly.
Louis blushes. "Sing to me."
"Okay." Harry replies, and then he starts to sing. "Sleep my little Kovu, let your dreams take wings. One day when you're big and stro-"
"Are you singing me Lion King?"
"Harry!!" Louis chortles, his eyes crinkling.
"Well, what do you want me to sing, then?"
Louis yawns before he could reply, rubbing his eyes. He's already starting to feel sleepy. His eyelids are already drooping. "Anything."
Harry starts singing again, but Louis can't register what song it is. He's already halfway asleep, and the sound of Harry's voice lulls him gradually into his sweet dreams.
"So what's your plan? With the move?" Alex is asking during breakfast the next morning. Both of them are seated at their small dining table again, helping themselves to the meal Alex has prepared. Louis really should pay his flatmate for cooking for him.
Louis sips his tea. "I'm taking the day off on Wednesday, obviously." He taps his foot on the floor. "Anne said she wants to help, so I was thinking of calling her to help me tomorrow. I'll get home early and start packing."
Alex is confused when he glances at him. "Who's Anne again?"
"Their mother."
"Are you going to help me with the move?" Louis asks after a moment of hesitation. Honestly, there isn't much to do with the move and the triplets along with Anne is enough people to handle it, but he wants Alex to be there. Maybe for closure, or he simply just wants Alex's presence, but Louis hopes Alex would be there.
Alex smiles kindly and nods. "Of course! I'll ask for the day off too."
"Thank you, Alex. There's a reason why you're my favourite Beta."
"Oh, shut up."
The bell rings moments later, just as Louis has finished washing his cup. He wipes his hands and looks at Alex with an excited grin. "That's probably Harry."
"You are obsessed." Alex grumbles as the Omega skips out of the kitchen.
"Am not." Louis sing-songs. His friend snickers at him in reply but he doesn't pay it attention because Harry is standing there when he opens the door. "Hi."
"Good morning, Lou." Harry dimples at him, causing Louis to sigh softly and his knees weaken.
"Morning, handsome." He greets, reaching out to pull Harry close and making Harry's smile widen at the comment. Their lips meet before the Alpha could formulate a reply, and suddenly whatever Harry intends to have come out disappears and he's left with the delicious taste of Louis' mouth.
Louis preens the moment Harry wraps his arms around his waist, pressing himself closer so that their chests are aligned with no space in between. He thinks he'll never get over how overwhelming it is to inhale Harry's scent so strongly, or any of the rest of his Alphas, that is. It feels so safe, so wonderful to be surrounded by.
Harry presses his lips to Louis' jaw, trailing down until he's reached the spot that holds Louis' scent gland. The Omega refused to be held responsible for the moan that he releases when Harry sucks eagerly on his skin, nibbling and grazing his teeth lightly across the flesh.
"Are you having sex at my doorstep?" Alex asks from the kitchen.
"Ou-Our, fuck, doorstep." Louis tries to protest but it comes out weakly, his fingers tangling through Harry's locks.
Alex doesn't reply for a moment, and Louis is glad that he is dropping it.
"Are you having sex at our doorstep?"
Louis thought too soon.
"I'm going to kill him." Louis murmurs just as Harry abandons him to laugh.
Harry pulls back completely to admire the mark he's left on Louis' neck, and it makes Louis realise what Harry just did.
He gasps, slapping a hand on the spot where Harry was sucking on. "Did you just give me a hickey?" He asks, his eyes widening.
"Yes." Harry doesn't even look guilty.
Louis doesn't know whether to be flattered or pissed. "This is going to be a bitch trying to hide." He mutters instead.
"Why would you want to hide it?"
"What am I supposed to tell the kids?" He groans. "No, it's okay, children. I just somehow fell and stabbed myself in the neck, is that it?"
"Just say that you have an allergy reaction!" Alex yells in the distance.
"Thank you!" Louis yells back. "I'm glad at least we have someone with a brain in this conversation."
Harry presses his lips together to hide a smile, and he has to kiss Louis on the cheek, the affection inside his chest too much to contain. "If you're done insulting me, can we go?"
"Um, yes." Louis nods, trying to recall what he needs to get for school. "I'll just have to grab my bag and kiss Alex goodbye."
The Alpha frowns at the information. He looks jealous. "Why does he get a kiss?"
"I've been getting kisses for the past five years, Kendall Jenner. Sorry to burst your bubble." Alex says smugly, sauntering into the living room and smirking at him.
Harry pouts. "I'm not Kendall Jenner."
Louis ignores how immature the people in his presence are being and instead steps inside to fetch his bag from his room. When he exits, he walks over to Alex and indeed gives him the kiss on the forehead like he always does. "See you, Al."
"Have a nice day, Lou." Alex says while Louis puts on his shoes.
He sends one last smile at his flatmate before Harry's wrapping an arm around his waist and they're leaving his front door.
By the time they're parked in front of the kindergarten, Louis has already taken off his seatbelt. He quickly leaps forward and kisses Harry briefly before he's pulling away again. "See you this evening!" He says, rushing to hop out of the car but the Alpha grips his wrist.
"Hey, where are you going so fast?" Harry questions, his face torn between frowning and contorting in amusement.
Louis pauses, sitting back down again. "Well, I want to get as many things finished as possible so that I could come home early tomorrow. To pack and all, you know." He explains.
"Oh.." Harry blinks. "Would you like us to come and help you too? I'm sure Marcel and I could be there, but I'm not so certain about Edward."
The Omega brightens. "Yeah, that sounds brilliant. I'll text you the time tomorrow, yeah?" He suggests, leaning forward again to kiss him.
"Okay." The Alpha murmurs his agreement, following Louis' mouth when he pulls back, not wanting to let him go yet.
"You're as bad as Marcel." Louis mumbles as he slaps Harry's chest gently to tease, but he continues to follow the way Harry's mouth is guiding him through the kiss.
Harry doesn't reply, just keeps kissing Louis like the Omega doesn't have places to be soon. The passenger door is wide open, but somehow none of them cares.
Louis finally laughs after a few minutes, pulling back and pressing his palm against Harry's face to shove him off. "Enough, you animal. I'm not going to get anywhere at this point.
"That was the original plan." Harry pouts, disappointed that Louis did not fall for the trap.
Louis grins, climbing out of the car. "You'll get more kisses soon, promise."
"But no amount of kisses from you is ever going to be enough."
That makes Louis roll his eyes, grinning at Harry's pouty face and closing the door. He waves timidly through the tinted glass, signalling the Alpha to get going as he starts towards the building of the nursery.
Harry rolls the window down and finally smiles. He blows Louis a kiss, then the car is driving away.
Somehow Louis finds that it's hard to catch himself not smiling since all he ever thinks about are the triplets and they never fail to make him happy. His lips are still stretched wide across his face when he walks past the door.
Jake comes over to his classroom during lunch, bringing over some food since Louis decides to stay back and finish more work.
"So, I'm taking a leave this Wednesday." Louis tells him while they're seated at his table and having the meal Jake has brought along.
What he said makes Jake pause, his eyes shifting from the food in his hand to the face of the Omega that's sitting in front of him. "Oh? Why?" He asks, curious.
"I'm moving in with my Alphas!" Louis says with glee, his eyes crinkling as he takes another spoonful of food into his mouth.
That pulls a bewildered look from his friend. "Uh... Why can't it wait until the weekend? I mean, it's in the middle of the week...?"
Louis ducks his head as his face heats in embarrassment. "Well, the separation anxiety is getting to me. So we wanted to do it as soon as possible. We've spent quite too much time around each other on the weekend when we saw our parents, so now I can't really stand being away from them."
"Wait, wait." Jake holds up a hand. "You already met the parents?"
Louis nods. "Yeah, I didn't want to mate with people my mother hasn't met yet."
"Afraid of making your own judgement?" Jake guesses, raising an eyebrow.
Shaking his head, Louis plays around a little with his food. Something like his mother's voice is scolding him in his mind. "Not that. I just want my Mum to be happy about the people I'm going to be with for the rest of my life. Besides, you know what they say... Mothers know best." He grins.
"That's nice." Jake comments. "Would you like a hand for the move?"
Louis' eyebrows shoot up across his forehead. "Uh... Thank you for the offer. But I think I'm fine." He quickly schools his face into a smile. "Besides, I can't make you miss the day too. And there's not much to move, anyway." Truthfully, he's thinking more about how his Alphas would react with another Alpha trying to help. They haven't even met him. Louis wants to cringe just thinking about it.
"I'm sure a day off won't hurt."
"Thank you, Jake. But I swear I'm fine. Their Mum is going to come down to help too." Which reminds Louis that he needs to text Anne and tell her.
At first, he doesn't really want to take her up for it. He doesn't want to burden her or anything, more so that the move is suddenly happening really soon. But he knows if he lets the move happen without telling her and getting her to help, she'd probably kill him.
Jake stares at him weirdly, and it makes Louis nervous. Why is Jake looking at him like that?
"Lou?" He speaks up quietly. "By any chance, is Harry Styles one of your Alphas?"
Louis chokes on his food, putting away the container he's holding on the table and slapping his chest repeatedly.
Jake starts to panic and quickly hands him a bottle of water that Louis gratefully accepts.
Once his windpipe is clear, Louis finally looks at his friend in the eye, letting out one last cough. "I'm... I."
"I'd take that as a yes." Jake mutters, and for some reason, he doesn't look pleased.
"How did you find out?" Louis manages to croak, taking another huge gulp from the water bottle.
"I thought I saw you on paper with him the other day." Jake tells him. "Who are the rest of your Alphas, then?"
Louis scratches his neck for a moment, not sure if that should be disclosed to his colleague or not. "Um, his brothers."
As expected, Jake widens his eyes so big they're probably going to pop out. "As in, his triplets?"
How come everyone knows about the triplets beforehand except Louis?
"Yes." He grumbles.
"Oh, wow."
"Yeah.." Louis agrees. "But, please don't tell anyone."
That makes Jake narrow his eyes. "Why not?"
"Well, it's not your story to tell, yeah?" Louis snaps, glaring at his friend in case he starts getting ideas.
Jake lifts his hands up in defeat. They eat in silence after that.
Louis is walking out side by side with Jake when he sees the sleek, black Range Rover waiting for him. His face brightens, and he's ready to go run to the car so he could be in Harry's arms again.
Louis still has manners, so he turns to his friend with a small smile. "See you tomorrow, Jake."
"Yeah, you too." Jake grins. "Your Alpha is picking you up again?"
Louis nods excitedly. "Yeah, he's right there." He turns to where the car is to point but Harry is suddenly standing there, leaning against the vehicle. "Oh."
Jake follows his sight and is slightly taken aback when he sees the supermodel standing in the nursery parking lot. He looks very out of place wearing a floral shirt with three buttons unclasped and his chest exposed for view. Harry's also wearing a pair of sunglasses with his arms crossed and Jake knows that he's looking right at where they're standing.
"Well, you, you should get going then." Jake stammers, smiling awkwardly as he turns to Louis again. He can tell that Harry is glaring, can feel the possessiveness all the way from the building entrance.
"Alright, drive safe, Jake." Louis nudges his arm with a fist, still grinning but not taking his eyes off of Harry. Without waiting for a reply, Louis quickly left to head for his Alpha. His grin widens just as he stops in front of him. "Hello there, Mr Handsome. I wonder who you could be."
Harry cracks a smile at that. "Hello, is it me you're looking for?"
"You are an idiot." Louis sighs, shaking his head. Harry can see that the edge of his mouth is twitching, though.
The Alpha's response consists of silence as he tugs Louis to him and wraps his arms around the small body before slotting their lips together. When the Omega's eyes flutter close and he's passionately kissing Harry back, the Alpha keeps his eyes open and his gaze burns into Jake. Even with his sunglasses on, he knows Jake can feel him staring.
He might not necessarily have to do that to convey the message that Louis is his, but, oh well. What can he say? Harry is very possessive and territorial. One should see him whenever someone tries hitting on Edward or Marcel. It's not going to be different with Louis.
"Would you like to come over for dinner?" Harry asks him once they're settled in the car with their seatbelts clasped and the heater on low.
Louis turns to him, expecting Harry to be joking. But the Alpha looks fairly serious. It's enough to convince him that the offer is truly on the table.
"That would be lovely."
Half an hour later, they're approaching the compound to the triplets' house. Or maybe Louis should say mansion; or manor. He's plastered to the windscreen, his eyes opened wide as he stares in awe at the building that is still quite in the distance but still manages to stand out due to the size. He knows that it is a little secluded so maybe that's why Louis' attention is instantly drawn to it since it's the only one, but he doesn't remember the triplets' place being that big.
"Um.." He clears his throat and turns to Harry. "Has your house always been this huge?"
Harry nods, biting his lower lip. "Yeah."
When Louis thinks about it again, he never really took a closer look to his whole surrounding that morning after he met the triplets. It's probably mostly because the circumstances were much more overwhelming during that time.
But here the house stands. Louis still hates calling it that; that word does not do it justice. "How many storeys are there?" He has to ask.
"Five, if you include the basement." Harry tells him excitedly.
"So basically four?" Louis gasps. "How do you stand the stairs?!"
Harry gives him an incredulous look. "That's why we have the lift."
Louis shouldn't have asked.
"What else do you keep in there? What do you need such a big house for?" He can't help but question, his eyes narrowed now.
The Alpha shrugs. "The house was left for us by our grandfather when Edward inherited the company. We stayed for a year, and we fell in love with it. So we never really think about moving. I honestly couldn't imagine living in a different house. This one is already so perfect." He elaborates.
"So, you didn't buy the house?"
"No. Everything was already there. We just had to bring ourselves and the clothes. Even the Betas were already hired."
They're finally approaching the gate now, and Louis feels like they're entering a palace ground. The gates stand tall, decorated with such sleek but luxurious design. They look beautiful and yet serve their purpose since he can see that they're very strong and sturdy, unlikely to be broken in. Another reason why the entrance is quite spectacular to him is because there are two guards at the gates, and another two in the guard house to the left. He doesn't remember that either.
"Are you royalty and forgot to inform me or something?"
Harry bursts out laughing at his question, but he doesn't reply yet in favour of stopping the car to roll his window down and greet the men at the door.
All of them lift a hand in greeting and then the gates slowly open.
"That kind of gesture is enough for me, but somehow Edward always get a salute. He doesn't settle for anything less." Harry tells him as they drive inside, wide lawn stretched out within the compound. "He's the Head Alpha of the house, so Mum said that he should demand the respect he deserves."
Louis doesn't reply, still observing the beautiful view of this kind of place that the triplets call home. It's one that Louis would usually only get the chance to see on telly.
"And we are not royalty." Harry answers his previous question, finally. "Our grandfather loved a posh life, and even when he did, he was such a humble man. I loved him a lot. That's also another reason why this house means a lot to me."
Louis thinks for a moment. "Did he use to live here?"
"No." Harry's curls bounce as he shakes his head. "He bought it when he was alive, having us specifically in mind. We were told that he designed everything according to what we would need. You could say that we were.." He grins before continuing. "We were sort of his favourite grandchildren. Edward, especially. God, that old man loved Edward so much, I was almost jealous of him."
"Of Edward?"
"No, my grandpa." Harry laughs, slowing down the vehicle right as they approach the garage. "When we were kids, he used to 'steal' Edward from me and Marcel when we were playing. It usually made me sulk."
Louis scrunches up his nose. "You sound like you were a bratty kid."
"Actually," Harry says. "I think I was."
Louis starts to laugh but it dies in his throat the moment they enter the garage and he realises that Harry is still driving. You see, Louis' definition of a garage is one part of the house that provides a place to park the cars, as in, maximum of two cars. But now, being in the garage that Louis notices is underground and with space that's almost the size of those in the mall, he thinks he needs to change his dictionary.
While Harry manoeuvres the Rover to park it, Louis tries to see each and every one of the vehicles that they have. He also tries to count them all but the numbers go missing after he sees the Ferrari.
"How many cars do you need?!" He blurts in panic. He doesn't know why he is panicking but he's never seen so many luxury cars with so little people that own them.
Harry ducks his head. "Marcel is a little bit obsessed with cars, and he somehow always succeeds in making Edward allow him to buy whichever one that he wants."
That sounds interesting. Louis will need Marcel to teach him whatever tactics he has that manages to coax Edward. It might become useful in the future.
Louis frowns when mulls over Harry's words again. "Wait, is Edward the only one who has a say about that?"
"No, not really." Harry grins, blushing. "We just don't like to do things as we like. It's like.. We've always looked up at Edward, since he's our oldest brother. We like being told what to do." The Alpha shakes his head. "Simply put, we like listening to what he says."
Louis doesn't know what to do with this new information. It's not exactly weird, Louis would say. Bizarre, yeah. "Is that a kink of yours?"
Louis chuckles. "So you and Marcel have to ask him first before you buy something?"
"No, we don't have to. It's up to us. We can buy anything we want. But if we ask him for permission, then he knows that we need him to intervene with our decision because we don't know if what we're buying is worth it or not." Harry presses a finger to his chin. "For instance, last two years, Marcel wanted to buy a yacht. He felt like he deserves it; since he's worked so hard and he hasn't really spent that much on anything special. But he also felt like he's just looking for ways to waste our money. So he asked Edward about it, and Edward said no. Marcel trusts Edward's judgement, so he didn't regret that he didn't buy the yacht. But Edward bought him the yacht for our birthday, anyway. I think Edward knows that Marcel deserves the yacht too, he just wants to buy it for Marcel instead of letting Marcel buy it for himself."
That is very cute. Louis gets this tingly feeling in his chest listening to Edward spoiling his siblings.
Louis stares at him. "Why do I have a feeling that you three have joint accounts?"
Harry brightens up and that's already enough confirmation. "Yeah, we do."
"May I ask why?"
He shrugs. "We don't really want to do the, your money is yours, my money is mine. It's just our money. And we know that none of us would ever do anything stupid with the money anyway. We trust each other."
"Do you need to tell the others whenever you spent the money on something?"
Louis finds himself a little surprised to see Harry shaking his head. "No. If it's something like buying a house or a car, then yeah. But if Edward's just out there buying a watch, or eating at a fancy restaurant, then it's none of our business." Harry's face contorts for a few seconds before he adds, "It makes it hard to do surprises, though."
Harry's phone suddenly rings, the sound booming in the quiet space.
"It's Edward." Harry murmurs before he's answering the phone. "Hello, baby."
"Where are you?" Louis can hear Edward grumbling from the line. "I thought you said you're bringing Louis over? Did you stop somewhere again?"
"No. We've arrived ten minutes ago. We're just in the garage."
"What the hell are you doing in the bloody garage? Get him up here." Edward's exasperated tone makes Louis chuckle.
Harry pouts. "Okay."
"I think we should get going now." Louis suggests when Harry has his phone tucked safely inside his pocket again.
Harry and Louis walk up the stairs from the garage. It leads to the entrance hall, and Louis is awed again by the decoration inside. Harry gives him a small smile, keeping a hand around his waist whilst he guides Louis through the house. They walk past the double staircase leading up from the entrance hall and instead head straight to the back.
"You really need to give me a tour of the house before I move in." Louis murmurs as they walk past a pair of double doors. They are tall, grand, and the door handles themselves look more expensive than Louis' watch.
"That I can do." Harry nods.
"What do those doors lead to?" Louis questions as he slows them down to point at the doors that got his attention.
"That's the ballroom." Harry answers. "We use it for parties, gathering, and sometimes we hold our family day here."
Louis nods thoughtfully, gesturing to Harry that they could continue with their journey.
They finally reach the dining room that holds a table for six to find Edward and Marcel already waiting there. Edward has got a file in his hands, a shiny pen tucked on his ear while Marcel is reading a book.
"Hello." Harry beams, announcing their arrival and simultaneously making his brothers look up.
"What took you so long?" Edward asks, folding his file close and placing it on the table while Harry releases Louis and skips over to plop himself down on Edward's lap. Edward appears annoyed but relieved as if he's been waiting for them for too long. Marcel only offers them a smile.
Louis makes his way towards Marcel, but he's unable to take his eyes off of Harry and Edward. Even as he's sitting down where Marcel is pulling him onto his lap, Louis can't take his eyes away.
"I was just telling him about us." Harry is saying to Edward but it's not that that Louis is too focused on. It's the way Edward is looking at Harry, his arm curled around Harry's waist while Harry talks. It's exactly the perfect picture of a little brother telling his older brother about his day, except that there is so much love in Edward's eyes and their body language is anything but platonic.
The thing is, Louis knows what he's getting into. He knows that the triplets revolve around each other, that they're close, and the three of them fuck. But he's never really thought about the fact of how in love with each other they also are. And seeing that amount of emotion in Edward's eyes, directing it to Harry who's talking using a small voice as if he's a little child, it's making Louis' heart grow in his chest and he knows that if he looks at Marcel, he'd probably have the same glint in his eyes as Edward.
He is very excited to see himself become a part of this cute little family that they have.
A pair of lips on his shoulder pulls him out of his thoughts and Louis leans into it when Marcel wraps his arms around him. "What are you thinking of?" Marcel is asking in amusement, probably have seen the look on Louis' face when he was lost in his thoughts.
"The three of you." He replies, shrugging with a smile as he tries to shift so that they are face to face.
Marcel chuckles upon hearing that, the already present smile on his face widening slightly when Louis is locking his arms behind Marcel's neck and pressing their foreheads together. "Did you have a good day?" He asks, but before Louis could answer, he's stealing a kiss from his thin, lovely lips.
"Yeah." Louis grins, pinching his cheek in retaliation. "It's much, much better now, though."
"Hmmm." Marcel hums. "That's good. I wonder why, though."
"It's because I'm here and I get to see you, you dork." Louis giggles, bending down to properly brush their mouths together.
Their kiss is chaste, merely for greeting, but it makes Louis' heart race all the same.
When Louis turns around, it is to find Harry and Edward in an intense liplock, Edward's hands kneading the flesh of Harry's arse through the skinny jeans he's wearing. He instantly squirms at that, willing blood not to rush south at such a hot sight. Louis has seen Edward and Harry kiss. It was on the night that they first met. He remembers thinking how weird but hot it was to see two Alphas kissing; but seeing it again right here and now with Harry licking into Edward's mouth as if they don't have an audience is causing arousal to spike through his whole body. Marcel notices that he's staring and the Alpha clears his throat loudly to break the two apart.
Edward opens his eyes, his hands stilling and his gaze hops from Marcel to Louis. Harry is still passionately kissing his brother, apparently not having heard of Marcel's obvious attempt to discourage their show. "Harry." Edward starts but Harry only kisses him silent. "Harry." Edward tries again but Harry whimpers his protest, unwilling to stop. Louis claps a hand over his mouth, stifling his laughter.
"This is so embarrassing." Marcel groans, burying his face in his hands.
"No, it's not." Louis disagrees, but he's giggling. He grips Marcel's wrists and part them so he could duck against Marcel's ear. "It's so hot."
"Harry, stop." They hear Edward says sternly and when Louis and Marcel turn their attention to the two again, they find Harry pouting with his arms crossed.
Harry huffs at the glare Edward sends him. "It's a crime to ask for your kisses now?"
"Louis is here." Edward reminds him, gesturing to the Omega perched on top of Marcel's lap.
Harry whips his head so fast that Louis almost expects to hear a snapping sound from his neck. The Alpha gasps when he sees Louis, fishmouthing and his eyes opening wide in surprise. Louis can't believe that the bloke has completely forgotten that Louis is here regardless that he's the one who actually escorted him inside the house.
"Is our rut coming?" Marcel frowns, focusing on doing a mental calculation.
"It's not supposed to be for another two months." Edward says, the tone in his voice silently asking Marcel to drop the topic. It's quite unsettling to be talking about ruts when they haven't even gone past the snogging stage with Louis.
Marcel stares at Edward, a little challenging. "Harry's being weird."
"Marcel." Edward warns.
"No, no, it's fine.." Louis assures. "I'm curious too."
Harry sighs heavily. "I'm fine, I'm fine." He holds up a hand. "I think I'm just being a little excited, having our Omega in our home." He admits, sending an abashed look towards Louis.
"I'm glad you're happy to see me, then." Louis winks.
Harry honks out a laugh, resolving whatever tension there is in the room.
"Shall we have dinner?" Edward finally asks, wanting to get to the sole reason they're all gathered here.
"Definitely. I'm famished." Louis agrees, climbing off of Marcel and taking a seat next to him.
"Can I stay here?" He hears Harry asks. Harry is still sitting comfortably on Edward's lap, as if it's his throne and he doesn't want to move, ever. Louis immediately goes fond watching Edward's expression. He looks torn between scolding Harry and letting him stay.
"No." It's Marcel who answers. "Take your seat, Haz."
Harry obeys, although he's complaining the whole time as he moves to sit down opposite Marcel and Louis, with Edward at the head of the table.
Louis is about to question the existence of their meal due to the empty table between them. But before he could so much speak up, Marcel is calling out for someone. And then the Betas start trickling into the dining room, each carrying a meal and whatever is needed on the table.
It happens so fast. The maids walk around in the hall, placing things down as they pass by before leaving. And once the room clears, there are the meals, with a plate in front of them and their cutlery arranged neatly on a napkin next to it. There's even a candle lit up on its holder on the middle of the table.
"Does that happen everyday?" Louis has to ask.
After their dinner, Edward offers Louis a tour of the house. Since Louis had just voiced the same idea to Harry earlier that evening, he agrees. They start with the ground floor.
The triplets show him the entrance hall, the first living room for a small occasion, then the second living room which is much bigger. Both of them are complete with a plush set of sofas, a coffee table and a flat screen. Marcel claims that it's not that interesting. So they move on to the ballroom.
"Oh Christ, it's big." Louis gasps when Edward pushes the double door open.
"That's what he said." Harry pipes in, then smiles gleefully, expecting someone to laugh at his joke.
Edward slaps the back of his head.
"Thank you." Louis mutters.
While Marcel comforts Harry after such 'abuse' - as Harry puts it - Louis walks further into the ballroom and stares at the extravagant chandelier hanging above them. The room is covered with soft, red carpet with small, classic lighting hanging on the walls and beautiful engravings plastered on the ceiling. The ballroom has two double French doors that lead outside, and Louis can see the brightly lit garden through the windows.
It's so easy to forget that this is real life and not some dream when he's here.
"It's so beautiful." Louis comments, walking back to where the triplets are standing and eyeing him carefully. "I feel like a princess, standing here."
"You are one." Edward teases, taking Louis' hand and leading him out while Marcel and Harry help close the door.
Louis blushes, preening at the statement but he says nothing else.
"How many pools do you need?!"
"Well, the pool outside is for when the weather is nice and the one inside is for when it's freezing outside."
Louis gapes. "This is ridiculous."
"You won't be saying that when it's in the middle of winter and you get the urge to go swimming." Edward points out.
"Shut up."
"If this is the dining hall, what was the room where we ate?" Louis voices his confusion upon hearing Edward claim that they've just entered the dining hall.
"That's the dining room." He responds like it's obvious.
"Oh, I'm sorry. We peasants dine at the kitchen table in the kitchen." Louis retorts, glaring at him.
The table in the dining room is big enough to hold an army. He wonders if they even use this at all. But then again, there's a lot of things Louis still doesn't know about the triplets.
"When do you usually use this hall?"
"During Christmas, if Mum and Robin decide to come over. Gemma would come down as well and we'd invite Niall and the rest."
"I don't need a tour of this." Louis says in distaste when they approach the gym.
"Who does the reading, then?" Louis questions, running his fingers along the spine of the books as he walks along the shelf. The triplets patiently trail behind him, letting him entertain himself as they tour the library.
"All of us do."
"I bet Harry reads romance books and cries." Louis smirks, turning around to look at them.
"Actually, that's Marcel." Edward corrects him.
"Okay, tour is over. You can leave me here." Louis is saying when they reach the gaming room. He's already making himself comfortable on one of the bean bags, trying to reach for the controller to the Xbox.
Harry laughs, ready to join him but the sound of Edward clearing his throat instantly holds him on his spot.
"Come on, Lou. We've got another floor to go."
"And then we'll come back here?" Louis asks hopefully, his wide, blue eyes rendering Edward defenseless.
"We'll come back." He promises.
"So, like, this is another hall?" Louis asks confusedly.
Marcel shakes his head. "No. The two downstairs are the living room, for the guests. This one is where the three of us hang out before we retreat to bed."
"Okay, I see." Louis nods. That explains how much cosier and bigger the space is compared to the two on the ground floor.
"When Niall and his family sleep over, this is where we'll hang out too." Marcel adds.
"Are they always here?"
Edward shrugs. "Not really. But it happens more often than not."
"No wonder you get tired of seeing their faces."
"Oh my God!" Louis squeals with excitement when he sees the grand piano.
The triplets beam at such reaction, especially upon seeing how Louis is immediately running to the piano and opening the cover.
"Do you play, Lou?" Edward asks fondly.
"Yeah. But I haven't in so long." Louis replies, staring down at his fingers resting against the black and white keys as if he's having a moment of nostalgia.
Marcel hums. "Play us something."
Louis shakes his head, biting his lower lip to hold back a smirk. "Not yet. Next time."
"Wait, how many guest rooms do you have again?"
"And all of them have an en suite?" Louis' voice is almost hysterical.
The triplets nod.
"Do you even get guests?"
Harry opens his mouth to answer.
"Niall and his family are not considered guests." Edward reminds him.
Harry closes his mouth.
"Our grandfather custom made this house. I'm not sure why he thinks we need it to have a dozen guest rooms, but at least we don't have to worry about space whenever someone comes over." Marcel tells him, sounding as confused as Louis is about the number of rooms regardless that he's been living in the building for years.
"Maybe he was expecting us to have a dozen of pups." Edward casually comments, obviously teasing the Omega.
Louis huffs in response.
After all the touring is done, they settle in the family hall on the third floor with a mug of hot chocolate in their hands. Harry is telling him a story about the triplets' first experience of going camping together and how Marcel has wet the bed because Harry and Edward pulled a prank on him. Louis can't help but to laugh as well when Harry and Edward are booming with laughter after Harry has finished telling the story.
"Hey, cut it out." Louis tries to say when it's been minutes and the Alphas are still howling, though Louis himself is still snorting.
"Don't bother, Lou." Marcel says, bored. "They get like this every time they tell the story."
"Because it's funny, bloody Hell." Edward coughs out, almost tearing up from laughing too hard.
Marcel shoots his brother a glare. "One day, I will expose all the embarrassing stories about you two to Louis."
Louis snickers. How matured.
After taking a sip from his hot chocolate, Louis feels his phone vibrating. It might have been doing that for a while now, and he's only just noticed. Momentarily putting his drink away, he fishes the device out and sees that Alex is calling him. "Do you mind if I take this?" He questions his hosts, holding it up and showing Alex's face.
"No, of course. Go on." Harry prompts.
Louis sends them a thankful smile. "Yeah, Al?"
"Mate? Shit, finally." Alex is saying in relief. "Where are you?"
He frowns in confusion, wondering why his friend sounds so worried. "I'm at the triplets' house. What's wrong?"
"You didn't tell me where you were going, and it's late. I called you a hundred times!" Alex almost yells at him. "Fuck, I thought something had happened to you. I almost called the police."
Louis pulls his phone back to look at the time and gasps. "Oh my God, Al. I didn't realise it was this late. I'm so sorry."
The Alphas are almost thrown out of their seats too when they see the time.
"You're safe, yeah? That's all I need to know." His friend asks, distress still lacing his voice.
"Yes. I am safe. I'm okay." He pauses. "Alex, I'm so sorry. I was, um, I was with the triplets and we lost track of time. I didn't mean to make you worry."
"Good." Alex breathes. "Just tell me where you're going next time. I think my heart is failing me or something."
Louis grins, incredibly fond of his flatmate. "Thank you, Al."
"Of course, Lou." He replies. "What time are you coming back? I mean, are you even coming back?"
Louis bravely glances at Edward, meeting his eyes for a second and once deciding that the green eyes are unreadable, he quickly casts his gaze down again. "I'm not, uh, I don't know. But please don't wait up for me."
"Like Hell I will."
He deadpans. "Yeah, I forgot about your beauty sleep."
"Have fun, you twat. I love you." Alex barks, but there's no bite behind it.
"Love you too, Al."
He cuts off the call, and only then sees that he has fifteen missed calls from Alex for the past hour.
Edward is the first one to speak up after they're left with a short moment of silence following Alex's call. "We apologise, Lou. It skipped our mind how late it's getting."
"It's alright." He assures. "I was having so much fun, anyway."
All of them immediately soften at that.
When Edward and Marcel seem to be having a silent conversation with their eyes, Louis doesn't miss it. He's used to dealing with Daisy and Phoebe doing that. Though, he doesn't point it out, waiting until they would talk to him about it.
He sees that Edward has started glaring, and Marcel is trying to reason with Edward.
He'd never understand this whole telepathy thing.
Finally, the conversation seems to end and Marcel turns to him. "Lou.." He starts but lets it hang there, his eyes meeting Edward's again.
Louis nods, kindly encouraging him to continue. "Yeah?"
"How do you feel about spending the night?"
Well, the questions catches him a little off guard. He hasn't been expecting that. But then again, they're already lounging in the family hall and Louis feels too comfortable anyway. Besides, it's already past eleven.
He looks at Harry in question and the Alpha opens his arms. "There are twelve guest rooms to choose from." He offers.
Louis titters. "Right." He turns to Edward and Marcel and they've got this hopeful expression on their faces that Louis just turns fond. "I guess I'm staying, then."
"Excellent!" Harry rises to his feet. "May I escort you to the room of your choice, then, monsieur?"
The Omega is still giggling when he copies Harry and places a hand on the offered arm.
Louis looks up at the knock on the door and he automatically smiles when he sees Edward slowly entering the room. The Alpha has some folded garments on his hand.
"Hey, you're settling down okay?"
"Yeah. Everything is perfect." Louis tilts his head with a smile. "The toilet is very nice."
Edward's mouth curves slightly into a smirk. "Well, we want nothing but the best."
"Of course." Louis agrees, unable to control his lips from stretching wide all the time. His cheeks are starting to hurt with it. He clears his throat. "Have you got something for me?" He nods towards the clothes in Edward's hand.
Edward raises his eyebrows. "Ah, yes. This is one of Harry's sweatpants and my t-shirt. Figured you wouldn't be comfortable sleeping in those." He gestures to the attire Louis is wearing.
The Omega bites his lip, taking a step closer and blinking a sultry look up at the Alpha. He can see the way Edward's Adam apple bobs when he places a hand lightly on Edward's chest. "What makes you think I would be sleeping in anything?"
Louis smirks when Edward sucks in a harsh breath. "Jesus, Lou."
"Thanks, anyway. I guess I'll have to settle for this for tonight." Louis shrugs, taking the clothes away from Edward and leaning up to press a kiss on his cheek.
"What a tease." Edward says annoyedly, slapping Louis' bum when the Omega turns around and making him giggle. "You don't need anything else, do you?"
Louis shakes his head. "I'm fine."
"Okay. What time do you think you need to leave tomorrow morning?"
"I think I need to be early. I was thinking that maybe you could just take me home so I could change. I can go to work on my own."
"Nonsense." Edward says gruffly, giving Louis that disapproving look again. "I'm driving you tomorrow. I can wait."
Louis shrugs, knows not to say no. Besides, Edward is the one who offered. "Alright."
Louis keeps staring at Edward expectantly after that, making him annoyed that he lets out a huff. "What."
The Omega copies him with a huff of his own. "Are you going to stay here and watch me change? If you want a strip show, you could just say, you know?"
Edward turns a little red, caught off guard. He ignores Louis' laugh and quickly turns around to leave.
Once Louis has changed into the clothes Edward has provided, he returns to the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his face.
He goes to bed right away, wanting to get a good sleep since he still has to go to work and teach the next day.
The bed is wide and comfortable, something Louis would love a lot and he'd probably have no trouble sleeping at all if he has such a bed back in his flat. But he doesn't know why he's still awake, unable to sleep a blink.
He's tossed and turned a few times already, shifting from lying on his back to lying on his stomach and his side. Somehow there's not one that he finds decent enough for him to even try to close his eyes.
Louis doesn't know what drives him to climb off the bed and pad out of the room, but his feet carry him along the corridor until he stops in front of a specific pair of doors.
His breath hitches a little once he realises that he's facing the doors of the triplets' room. They told him when they walked past the doors during the tour, but he wasn't shown the inside. Louis didn't question it, knew that the triplets have a right to that privacy.
Now, there's only a wooden door separating them and Louis suddenly yearns nothing more than to find out how it feels to sleep in an Alpha's arms for the first time.
He knows that it's the Omega inside him that ellicits the sudden need, but he finds himself giving in to the curiosity.
Urging himself to move before he changes his mind, Louis brings up a hand to knock.
The sound of his knuckles colliding twice against the wood feels too loud, booming.
He lets his arm fall to his side again, waiting with bated breath for the door to open.
When it does, it's for Edward to appear with a concerned expression.
"Hey, Lou. Is there anything wrong?"
Louis shakes his head, suddenly getting tongue twisted. "I'm, uh. I'm fine. It's just... Can I- um.." He clears his throat. "I can't sleep." How pathetic.
Edward stares at him.
Louis keeps his head down, unable to look at him when he's being scrutinised that way. It suddenly feels like a bad idea, coming here and knocking for them at such late hour. He shifts from foot to foot, his fingers toying with the hem of his shirt.
"Um.." Edward finally starts after a moment that feels like an eternity. When Louis looks up, Edward is glancing behind him and into the room.
Louis suddenly feels intense embarrassment washing over him. What is he doing? He's staying in the triplets' house, was given a comfortable room to sleep in with perfect accommodation and he's here, trying to ask for God-knows-what from the triplets simply because he can't sleep?
"I think, um, it's okay. I'm sorry, I should go now." He stammers, awkwardly trying to leave.
Edward grabs his arm before he could go. "Stay." The Alpha requests.
Louis halts his steps, walking back until he's standing in front of Edward again.
Edward glances into the room once more, then gives a curt nod. He looks at Louis, releasing Louis' arm to slide his hand down until their hands are clasped together. After a moment of hesitation, he gives a slight tug, a silent invitation.
When Louis meets his eye, Edward looks hopeful but Louis knows that he is free to say no. He doesn't want to, though. God, his inner Omega is already squealing with glee at being given the chance and he has no desire at all to resist.
Louis doesn't utter a word in reply. Instead, he closes their distance and covers Edward's lips with his own.
Edward's smile is brilliant when they part, and Louis wishes he could engrave the sight permanently on his brain. He lets Edward lead him into the room, and his eyes go straight to the huge bed sitting in the middle of the room, where Marcel and Harry are sitting. His heart starts hammering in his chest the moment he hears the door shuts.
It'd be stupid to deny how nervous he is. He's in their room, in their house.
"Hey, Lou." Harry and Marcel chorus, bringing an inevitable smile onto his face.
"Hi, lads."
The room is huge, spacious, probably the biggest one in the house. The bed is also probably custom-made, being larger than a king sized one.
An arm wraps around his waist, and Louis' smile widens the moment Edward awards a kiss to his cheek.
"Let's call it a day." Edward says, squeezing him gently.
Louis nods, and that seems like a confirmation for all of them because Harry and Marcel finally scoot over although there are a lot of space on the bed.
He finds that the bed is extremely soft, much better than the ones that are in the guest room that Louis' fatigue from the whole day finally catches up with his muscles and he is so, so tired all of a sudden. His brain is already shutting down as he joins Harry and Marcel who are already lying down, sighing in contentment when he is horizontal and his muscles starting to relax.
He feels the bed dip beside him, and then the room is dark, only dimly lit by the rays of the moon outside the window.
"Goodnight, Lou." Marcel leans in to kiss his cheek, but Louis tilts his face so that Marcel's lips lands on his instead. The Alpha makes a happy sound of surprise, and Louis smiles timidly into the kiss.
"Goodnight." He replies, chuckling weakly when Harry climbs over his brother so he could kiss Louis goodnight too. "Goodnight, Harry."
"Night, Lou." Harry's deep voice replies, and then Marcel is grunting as Harry finally gets off of him.
Louis hears some shuffling, and he realises that somehow Edward is not on the bed anymore.
"Edward?" He calls out, curious as to why the Alpha is not beside him.
"Here, baby." Edward's soothing voice says, and then Louis can faintly see his outline getting on the bed. Louis immediately relaxes when Edward lies down next to him. He doesn't fully expect it when Edward shifts until he's pressed close to him. It makes the Omega blush pleasantly, knows that Edward can't see his heated face. Louis rolls to his side, curling into Edward. His heart does a jumpstart when Edward wraps his arms around Louis, pulling him in until all Louis can breathe is EdwardEdwardEdward, and he can feel the warmth from Edward's body seeping into his skin and it's the most comfortable Louis has been in months.
"Goodnight, Edward." Louis whispers, feeling Edward's lips ghost over his hair and leaning into it.
"Goodnight, Princess."
And then Louis buries his face into Edward's neck, tucking his head under Edward's chin and closing his eyes. He feels Edward's chest rise and fall against his own, and somehow the sound of Edward's even breaths become his lullaby that eventually sends him into a peaceful slumber.
Louis wakes up in Harry's arms, and the reason he's awake is because of the commotion in the room.
"Shit!" Someone is saying after they knock over a furniture. Louis' brain barely registers it to be Edward's voice.
"Calm down." Marcel is saying.
More shuffling, and then, "I'm fucking late, Marcel." Edward snaps.
"What time is it?" Louis croaks out, rubbing at his eye.
"Um.." Harry's chest rumble when he speaks. He sounds like he's been awake for a long time, probably has been purposely static on the bed so he doesn't wake Louis up.
When Louis sits up and looks at them, everyone in the room is staring at him. He can't really tell but it looks like there is fear in Marcel's eyes and Louis wonders what happened.
"What?" He asks, confused.
"Lou.." Harry starts, touching his shoulder and getting his attention. "Don't freak out... but.."
"It's quarter to 10 in the morning." Edward breaks it to him.
Louis becomes more confused for the moment, because what's wrong with that?
He snaps his head to Edward, ready to voice his question, but then he sees the Alpha, clad in his slacks and pulling on his jacket, reaching for his cufflinks; it becomes clear to him.
"Oh fuck."
"Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm so, so sorry. This never happened before, and I promise that it won't happen again." Louis says regretfully into the phone. His face twists into a frown for a moment, then he relaxes again. "Thank you, thank you so much. I am terribly sorry."
Harry looks at him with genuine concern as he exhales heavily right after he cuts off the call. "How did it go?"
Louis shrugs. "They're not happy, that's for sure. But they found someone to cover up for me, so I guess I really have to thank Miss Campbell when I come back on Thursday."
Harry nods, not knowing what else to say about that. "I'm sorry."
"It's not your fault." Louis reassures, reaching out and placing a hand on his arm. They're seated in the kitchen, at the posh counter with breakfast served in front of them.
"Edward was furious." Harry's voice is clipped. "He made a few Betas cry before he left."
"What? Why?"
"Was screaming at them about why none of them bothered to wake us up when we didn't come down for breakfast." Harry shakes his head, obviously upset. "I mean, it's not their fault."
Louis is quiet for a moment. "What happened, though? I'm confused."
"I don't know, either." Harry tells him. "Usually, every morning, Edward's alarm would drive us mad. But all of us slept through it this morning, somehow."
"Do you think it's because of me?" Louis wonders.
"I'm not sure." Harry says, but Louis can tell by his eyes that he's silently disagreeing with the theory.
Louis groans in frustration, letting his face fall down onto the marble counter.
"I think.." Harry trails off, waiting for Louis to look at him before he continues. "What if, it's just a biological reaction? I mean, it doesn't make sense, but I think I barely even twitch the whole night. I woke up exactly how I fell asleep."
Louis nods his agreement. "I know. It's the best sleep I had in months, too."
They both sigh.
"Well, now I'm worried." Louis mutters. "What if this happens again?"
Harry cringes. "I hope not." He admits. "I don't think we can get anything done if we wake up two hours before noon every day."
Louis chuckles, fond starting to spread in his chest. "I'm sure we could work something out."
Harry grins at him, and Louis takes that as his cue to lean over and kiss him. It's impossible to resist when he has that face on him.
They continue to enjoy their breakfast with more silence than conversation, content to let no words fill the air.
Louis isn't so sure that it could be considered as breakfast, but he's not going to complain either way. The food is so good.
"Do you want to go now?" Harry asks once they're full.
"Yeah. I think we could get more done if we leave now. We can just tell Marcel to meet us there."
Since they woke up late and Louis missed the nursery, Harry suggested that they go to Louis' house to start the packing.
"I'll grab the key. Why don't you fetch your stuff?"
Louis nods, and he quickly runs up the stairs to go and get them, until he remembers that the room is on the top floor. Cursing under his breath, he pads away towards the lift.
"Mum? What are you doing here?" Marcel asks when he finally manages to close his mouth after gaping upon seeing Anne at Louis' doorstep.
"To help, of course." She says impatiently, already brushing past him to walk inside the flat.
Marcel makes a choked sound as he closes the front door. "They're in there." He informs her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and steering her towards the direction of Louis' room.
Harry and Louis are sitting on the floor, in the middle of folding Louis' clothes when Marcel and Anne push the door open to enter the room. They look up when the two appear and Harry brightens.
"Hi, Mum!"
"Hello, dear." She replies, dropping down next to Harry.
"How was the journey, Anne?" asks Louis, looking up from the shirt he's trying to fold.
"It was alright."
"Thank you so much for being here." Louis' eyes crinkle as he smiles at her.
"Of course, honey." She leans over and kisses his cheek. "Are there still a lot of your clothes to be packed?"
"Yeah, we've only just started." Harry tells her.
"I never really knew that I have this much of them." Louis frowns as he picks up a piece of clothing and it's lost to him when he even owns it. "I think I don't fit most of them anymore, really. I think I'm going to donate them."
Anne hums thoughtfully. "Maybe we could separate the ones you still want and the ones that you don't anymore so it'd be easier to pack."
"That's brilliant. Yeah, we should do that."
So they get to work. Halfway through, they start adding another pile, which is for clothing that needs to be thrown away or can be reused as rags or such. Since they have more helping hands, the job gets done faster.
Louis' clothes are settled with not long after, with the good and wanted ones in boxes while the unwanted ones and those up for donation are in black plastic bags.
Louis realises that there are not that much things that he wants to take with him. And it's not like he's going to bring in any furnitures. So by the time the clock reaches six in the evening, they're already settled with everything. All the boxes are put in Louis' room, where they will come and get them the next day. They've all agreed that the triplets are going to come and get Louis and his stuff after breakfast.
"Thank you so much for helping." Louis says again when they're all seated in his less than mediocre but decent living room. Harry has ordered pizza, and now they're all sprawled out on the couch, tired.
"I still can't believe you're here." Marcel says to Anne instead of replying to Louis.
She gives her son an amused look. "Is it that weird to you that I want to help Louis too?"
"No. It's just, you rarely ever come down and now you're here." He says.
Anne nudges Louis who is seated beside her and grins. "Guess I have a reason to come down more often, now."
Louis laughs, pleased.
Harry and Marcel share a betrayed look before pouting at their Mum. "We weren't good enough of a reason?"
"Sorry to break it to you boys, but I'm her favourite now." Louis feigns a smug look, wrapping an arm around their mother.
Harry lets out a scandalous gasp. "You only want us for our Mum!"
Louis shrugs, prompting Anne and Marcel to laugh when Harry makes a jealous, wounded sound.
Once they've cleaned up and thrown away the pizza boxes, Louis is sending them to his door.
"I'll see you tomorrow, Louis." Anne says while she has him in her embrace, squeezing him briefly.
Louis returns the gesture. "See you, Anne. Thank you again."
"Anytime, dear." She pats his cheek affectionately. "Your Mum is a little jealous that I get to be here and help you. But she says she's hoping to come and visit too."
Louis is pretty sure he looks as confused as he feels. "You talk with my Mum?"
Anne beams. "Of course. We've been texting each other since Sunday."
"Edward gave Mum Jay's number before we came home the other day." Marcel explains when Louis looks even more confused.
The Omega's face clears out. "I wonder the things you talk about behind our back."
"They're nothing too bad, I promise." Anne retorts, chuckling.
"I'm sure I can beg to differ."
"I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" Harry finally cuts in, knows that Louis and Anne would probably talk until morning if he doesn't put a stop to it.
Louis nods, glancing shyly at Anne before he takes a step into Harry's arms and tilts his head so that his face is hidden from her view when Harry bends down to kiss him.
He releases a soft sigh, smiling like a fool as Harry releases him and Marcel comes up to take Harry's place.
"Sleep well, babe." The Alpha murmurs before he's kissing Louis affectionately. Louis buries his face in Marcel's shoulder and hums happily when Marcel gives him a brief squeeze.
An hour later, Louis is getting ready for bed, wanting to turn in early so that he could have a good night sleep. Alex had came home a half hour ago, and judging by the knackered state of his friend when Louis opened the door, Louis could tell that Alex is probably already calling it a day too.
Louis can't wait for tomorrow, but he also feels a little sad that he'd be leaving Alex behind.
Without too much thought, Louis grabs his pillow, then starts walking towards Alex's room. He finds the room already dark and his flatmate is snoring softly.
He quietly enters the room, shutting the door behind him without a sound. Louis approaches the bed, slowly getting on and putting his pillow down.
Alex snores himself awake when Louis snuggles up to him. "Wha-?"
Louis giggles.
"Why are you in my bed? You know I don't swing that way." Alex groggily complains.
Louis slaps him.
"You broke into my room, you get on my bed, and you have the nerve to-"
Louis slaps him again.
"Fuck you too, Lou." He finally settles with grumbling quietly, but he lets Louis tucks his head under Alex's chin.
"Thank you, Al."
"What's up?" Alex is already halfway back asleep. "The last time you're here, you had a pretty bad break up."
"It's my last night here, remember?"
Alex doesn't reply, and Louis is only a little disappointed that his friend has fallen back asleep.
"Is this you being a sap, then?"
"Goodnight, Alex."
Alex coos, smushing their cheeks together. "Aww Lou, I love you too."
Louis smiles, relaxing into the bed and letting sleep wash over him.
A/N: I think I cringed when Harry talked about it being a crime asking kisses from Edward cause, oh the irony. I cannot.
Also, I think it's very noticeable that I had to forcibly milk these out of my brain. I was having quite a block as well as difficulties editing. But now that that was over with, I hope I can be more creative with the next chapter.
I don't know how soon I can update after this since I've started my last semester for my foundation studies. And I have more assignments and my schedule is extremely packed compared to my last sem, so we'll see how it goes. If I don't update for a long time, please know that I am not ever giving up on this. I've got things outlined and me not updating would be just because I'm busy. I love you guys a lot, thank you for reading! Do leave a comment about what you think.
Love, Rose xx
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