Chapter 10

"Fuck, she's going to hate me." Louis groans when they finally arrive into town.

Edward sighs. This is probably the fifth time Louis has said that. He knows that he just keeps saying that for the sake of whining about the whole situation, but he knows Louis is also really worried. "She won't."

"She's a lovely woman, our Mum. And she is already so excited about meeting you. There's no way she would hate you." Marcel assures, rubbing a hand up and down Louis' back.

"Besides, if she does hate you, so what? We can elope and get married in Vegas." Edward shrugs, glancing at him through the rearview mirror.

Louis leans forward, clutching Edward's seat and pointing his index finger at the Alpha in the reflection. His forehead creases and he glowers at Edward. "We, are not getting married in Vegas." He hisses.

Edward chuckles at receiving such reaction. "Of course. You deserve a spring wedding in Italy, don't you?"

Louis leans back in his seat and harrumphs. "You bet your arse, I do." He says, crossing his arms. Only then he notices that Harry and Marcel are staring at him and Edward, their eyes shifting back and forth with their mouths parted open.

The Omega is confused for a moment until he realises that he and Edward have just discussed the possibility of them getting married. Not that it's impossible, but that thought is too scary for them to even think of since they're still progressing through baby steps with their relationship. With that in mind, his face heats up so fast and Louis quickly turns away, unable to look at them in the eye.

The ride is silent after that. But Louis' mind isn't. He keeps internally screaming about the conversation he just had with Edward and how nervous he is about meeting their Mum. All his attempts to let his thoughts drift away to something else are to no avail.

He feels like he's going to pass out.

A body presses against him, and Louis is really glad for it. He is just about to melt into the leather. "Hey, you okay?" Marcel asks, wrapping an arm around his shoulder. He must have noticed that Louis isn't looking well.

Louis leans into him. "Just nervous."

"It'd be fine." Marcel presses his lips to Louis' forehead. "I came out okay. I think you would do better."

Louis sighs, his heart hammering in his chest regardless of Marcel's attempt to help him relax. He opts to watch the view outside instead, hoping it'd take his mind off the intruding thoughts and allow him to calm. As they drive past the stores, Louis' eyes catch something and he perks up, staring out of the window.

"What is it?" Marcel questions when he notices Louis' sudden interest.

"Can we get ice cream, please?" He begs even though it's only his first time asking for that.

He watches Edward and Harry share a look before the former's eyes are locking with Louis' through the mirror again. "Sure."

Louis waits patiently while Edward turns around and finds them a parking spot. It takes quite some time since it's a Saturday but they eventually find one.

All of them wait until the engine has been cut off before they're unbuckling their seat belts and then Louis is throwing himself out of the door. The fresh air helps him a little and he exhales, bending over with his hands clutching his knees. He hopes he won't be this anxious when he's finally meeting the triplets' Mum.

"You're that nervous, huh?" Edward mutters as he exits the vehicle and fixes his shirt.

Louis ignores him, focusing on his breathing. It's not like he's never met a parent before. He has done it multiple times and he should've been used to it by now. And now he truly understands what Marcel felt. He doesn't want to fuck anything up. God, he'd never forgive himself if he does anything wrong and ruin this chance.

He knows it's not going to be that bad. After all, he's been in this position a few times. But his thoughts are unforgivable, making him panic with their judgment of the possibilities of every bad thing that could occur and how likely is it to happen.

Louis is thinking too much until he visibly pales. That's probably why Edward is grabbing his shoulders to straighten him up and tries to make Louis look at him. "Babe, come on. Breathe."

Louis inhales and exhales, blinking as Edward repeatedly pats his face. It takes him a while before he could focus on those dark, green eyes.

"You'll be fine." Edward promises, pulling him close.

"I know." Louis sighs heavily, shaking his head a little. "I know."

The Alpha ducks down, kissing Louis lightly. It works a little to comfort the Omega. After all, Louis could never think of anything else except his lips when Edward is kissing him.

If Louis is out of breath after they part, at least it's only because of the kiss. He sends a tiny smile at the Alpha, licking his lips. He's feeling much better now, calmer.

Edward is fairly collected and he doesn't appear to have the slightest of concern about the idea of Louis meeting his Mum.

It won't be that bad. Louis tries embedding that into his brain and hopes he'd hold on to that long enough so that he won't freak out later on.

"Come on." Edward prompts, curling a hand around Louis' waist as they walk in and see Marcel and Harry who are already standing in front of the counter. Both of them are giggling and cackling, probably coming up with ridiculous matches of flavours and toppings.

Louis skips forward, running towards the two in his excitement of finally getting ice cream. For the moment, he's going to let his need for the cold dessert overshadow his fear. "What are you two going to get?"

"Marcel wants to mix strawberry and yam."

Louis makes a face, a disgusted sound falling out from his mouth. "Strawberry is nice but if you do that, I am not kissing you again." He tells Marcel with his nose scrunching up.

"That's so mean!" Marcel exclaims, widening his eyes.

"Get something else, Marcel. Stop with your peculiar choice of ice cream combination." Edward drawls, stopping to wrap an arm around Marcel and giving him a teasing smile.

Marcel rolls his eyes, admitting defeat. "Alright, alright. I'll just get a cookie dough ice cream."

"Nice." Harry comments approvingly, eyes running through the choices all over again. "Maybe I'll get chocolate chip."

Louis hums. "I want mint. It's my favourite."

Once Louis gets his cup of two scoops of ice cream, he is fast to shove spoonfuls of them into his mouth. The Alphas watch fondly, silently grateful that Louis looks genuinely happy without any trace of his nervosity making an appearance.

As they walk out, Harry sees a store further down the road, so he pats Louis on the shoulder to get his attention. "I'd like to get my Mum some scented candles, do you want to come with?"

Louis nods, already trailing behind the Alpha.

Marcel frowns, quick to follow them as he doesn't want to be left behind.

"Don't take too long! I'll be here." Edward calls out, tucking his wallet back into his pocket.

Marcel lifts a hand to indicate that he understands, so Edward lets them leave.

He looks around while he waits, wondering if he should do so in the car or stay where he is. He comes to a decision after a few seconds, choosing the car and makes to head back to it.

"Edward?" A female voice says, surprised. "Edward Styles, is that you?"

Edward halts his steps. If his memory is not failing him, that voice sounds familiar. Hesitating before he turns around, he takes a deep breath before he finally spins on his heels to face the woman. Right as he has guessed, it's.. "Rebecca." He says, nodding curtly. "Rebecca Bennett, right?"

"Yes!" She squeals. Before Edward could react, she is throwing herself at him and wrapping him into a hug. "It's been so long!"

Edward curses silently as his cup of ice cream almost falls. He clears his throat, easing his way out of her grip and taking a step back. "Yeah, how are you?" He asks. Edward doesn't really want to be here and talk to her. He'd rather be in the car while he waits, but he doesn't want to be rude. He hopes his face is coordinating right and he's not giving her a grimace.

Rebecca Bennett was a girl from his class when they were in high school. She is the grandchild of Murphy Bennett, his late grandfather's best friend. Their families were really close because of that, and the Bennetts used to always invite them over for dinner and open house.

Rebecca developed a liking to Edward some time around their junior year. It's always been a wonder to the triplets why exactly she liked him. He had always seen her as a family friend and that's that. Edward's never had a proper conversation with her as friends, let alone treat her as something special.

There was never a confession about her feelings towards him, but Edward knew. In fact, everyone knew. She used to wait at the school gate for Edward and his siblings to arrive so she could walk with him to their class. Harry and Marcel didn't like her at all since she was always trying to steal Edward's attention from them. It's not like Edward really willingly walked with her. She's just, there and he's never had the heart to tell her no. He also doesn't find any harm in that since they're headed for the same destination anyway.

Edward might not be the friendliest among the three but he respected her even if she's just an acquaintance. And he knew that a dispute between the grandchildren could later on reform to be a dispute between the grandfathers, so Edward was always polite to her. He wouldn't want their families to fight over something so petty. Even now that his grandfather is gone, he sees no reason for him to ruin the harmony they have.

The last time he saw her was a few Christmas back and that's it. They only managed to meet for a brief exchange of Christmas wishes before they have to go on their separate ways.

He isn't sure if she's still into him after all these years. He hopes not. It's been so long and it'd be really pompous of him to think so.

"I've been good. What about you? You look even better with age." She smiles, keeping her hands on his biceps as she eyes him up and down.

Edward chuckles at that, shaking his head. "Yeah, I've been well." He clears his throat. "So, what do you do now?"

"Oh, I own a salon down the road. Was just walking around for fresh air, didn't expect to bump into you." She murmurs, and Edward has a to do a retake when she flutters her eyelashes at him.

He takes another spoonful of his ice cream. "Oh, that's nice. It's always easier when the business is yours."

"You would know, of course." She jokes, weakly punching his arm and giggling. "I heard you inherited the company."

"Yeah. It was a little hard for me to deal with at first, but eventually I got the hang of it." He shrugs, wondering why he is having a small talk with her. Don't get him wrong, he's thrilled that he gets to see an old friend. But he doesn't exactly find it favourable to have said old friend shamelessly and very unsubtly ogling him.

"That's good." She nods, biting on her lower lip and stepping closer. Edward mentally pats himself on the back for not stumbling back. "Do you want to go and grab a coffee or anything?"

It makes him pause. He knows a sultry voice when he hears one. Seeing the way she's preening, his face twists into a confused frown. "Are you asking me out on a date?"

"Yes." She doesn't hesitate.

Guess she's finally making her move, then. Seriously, she can't seriously still be into him? It's been years, and Edward doesn't think he's worth it for her to be crushing on for so long.

"Oh... um, actually, I.." He starts, only for her to cut him off when she sees his hesitation.

"Are you mated?"

"No." He shakes his head. "Not yet."

She looks relieved at that, and her smile widens. "Then what are we waiting for? There's this one cafe I know that makes the best coffee." Rebecca tells him, curling her arm around his elbow. Edward is slightly offended that she's touching him as she likes.

"No, no." He shakes his head, trying to get her hold off. "I'm already seeing someone.

She frowns, and her grip doesn't loosen. "Is it someone I know? A girl from our school?"

"No, you don't know him."

She processes the information quietly. A moment later, her face clears and the smile returns. "Well, then it could just be two mates getting coffee."

"Listen.." Edward starts, gently pushing her arm off of him. "I would love to. But I don't think it would be a good idea."

Meanwhile, Louis, Harry and Marcel are just walking back from the store with a paper bag in Harry's hold and their ice cream cups gone.

Louis is laughing at the story Marcel and Harry are telling him about the first time the two of them got drunk and thought there was an earthquake just because Edward slammed the door too loud when he was getting inside. Both of them had scrambled to find a place to take cover while screaming at each other as if they're more than two metres apart. Edward found them lying on the floor and giggling while they count to ten, alternating between the other for each number. None of them knew what they were counting for. Harry said Edward yelled at them for half an hour for being so reckless and behaving like idiots, all the while they're still on the floor. But then the oldest triplet had carried each of them to their room and forced glasses of water down their throat. As much as Edward likes to scold his brothers, he still takes care of them.

Louis literally stops mid-laugh when he sees a woman, an Omega nonetheless, hanging off of his man's arm.

Marcel and Harry wonders why he's got that expression on his face before they follow his line of sight and gasp, horrified.

"Is that Rebecca Bennett?" Harry blurts out.

"Oh no. This can't be good." Marcel mutters as Louis stops dead in his track, throwing a glare in the direction of Edward and the unknown Omega.

"Who. Is. That?" Louis asks through gritted teeth, his face twitching when she puts her hand on Edward's shoulder after he's pushed her arm off.

"Um..." Harry stammers, a little panicked. "She's our old friend from school."

"O...kay.." Louis taps his foot on the floor, crossing his arms. "Doesn't explain why she's touching him."

Marcel scratches his non-itchy head, not sure if he should tell Louis or not. "Well, she used to have the biggest crush on Edward when we were in high school. It'd be quite bizarre if she hasn't gotten over him, but..."

Louis doesn't need to know more than that before he's storming off.

"Oh no." Harry breathes, walking side by side with Marcel as they follow Louis to approach Edward but delaying their arrival.

"Baby!" Louis hollers when he reaches there, completely ignoring the other Omega and walking up to Edward. He gets a surprised look before the Alpha is beaming at him and Louis wastes no time nudging the girl off. He doesn't pay attention when she gasps, albeit him not being subtle at all. Being caught off guard, she releases Edward and Louis plasters himself onto the Alpha. Then he's wrapping his arms around Edward's neck and pulling him down, seeking his lips. He hums to express how pleased he is at the way Edward is kissing him. Though, Louis lets himself get lost into it for a few seconds before he pulls back and slots himself at Edward's side.

"Excuse me." Rebecca says, blinking. "Who are you?"

Louis raises his eyebrows as if he's only noticed that she's standing there. Who pushed her off just now? Certainly not Louis, that's for sure. "Oh, hi! I'm Louis. Are you Edward's friend?

She looks too gobsmacked to respond so Edward clears his throat, trying not to laugh. "Babe, this is Rebecca." He gestures towards her, then looks at Louis. "This is Louis, the one I said I am seeing."


"Yeah. And next time, please keep your hands to yourself at all times when you see him. I don't appreciate people touching what's mine." Louis smiles as if he has just advised her on what shoe colour goes well with her dress.

Rebecca turns pink, embarrassed. "I'm sorry."

Harry quickly steps forward with Marcel, placing a hand on her shoulder to save her from Louis' wrath. "Hey, Rebecca, do you remember me?"

Meanwhile, Louis pulls Edward away to get some privacy. The Alpha stays silent as Louis starts brushing across his arms and chest, as if trying to get rid of the traces of the other Omega. Louis doesn't hold back from expressing the contempt on his face.

Once Louis is done with it, he stands tall and forces Edward to look at him in the eye. "Next time, I won't be so kind." He hisses. "If you let another Omega touch you again, I'll break your face."

Edward is barely affected, his face remaining calm. "She was the one who started touching me."

"You have a say in letting her to do so or not." Louis retorts, crossing his arms. "You better thank God I didn't start pulling her eyelashes out one by one."

The Alpha's face contorts as he imagines the kind of pain that would inflict. Then he finally cracks, smirking down at Louis and reaching out to grab him by the elbow. "Is this you being jealous?"

"Do I not have a right to?"

He pulls Louis close, pressing his palms onto his hips and bending down to kiss his cheek. "I don't mind you being jealous." He says. "It's just that you look so hot when you are, it's driving me mad."

Louis flushes red and he huffs, but he doesn't try pulling away. "How come that's my fault?"

Edward chuckles, his hands brushing from his side to the back of Louis' body. His palms hovering slightly on the top of the Omega's arse. "I didn't say it was."

Louis takes a deep breath and stiffens, then relaxing into him. "Stop harassing me, we're in public." He warns weakly, but he's trying to get Edward's touch lower, just where he wants it to be.

The Alpha leans down, their cheeks pressed together and his lips against Louis' ear to call out a whisper. "Lou.."

"Yeah." Louis responds breathily, his eyes fluttering shut.

"Can I touch your arse?"

His question makes Louis tense, and the Omega bursts into laughter as he pulls back. "Bloody Hell, who even asks that?" He sputters, pushing at Edward's chest. His cheeks hurt with it and his reaction causes Edward to laugh too. "Now you've done killed the mood." He accuses, his laughter dying down to transform into a pout.

"I was trying to be polite!" Edward reasons, unable to wipe the smile off of his face at seeing Louis so happy.

"Yeah, but you sound like a perverted old man!" Louis gives him a look, then laughs again. "You could've just said something like, 'Can I touch you?' and that would've been sufficient. And not everything has to be asked, alright?" He sighs. "At least not with me." His voice lowers and he presses up against Edward again.

"So does that mean yes?" Edward's hands return to Louis' lower back.

Louis shrugs. "I suppose, if you can't control yourself."

"Don't talk as if you weren't trying to get me to touch you either." Edward grumbles, attacking him with a short kiss.

Louis rolls his eyes as he pulls back. "You can't prove anything."

"I honestly don't know how I tolerate you."

"That's very rich coming from you."

"If you two are done being disgusting without us, Mum is waiting." Marcel says, walking past them and heading straight for the car. Harry dimples, walking after him.

"He's right." Edward agrees, grabbing Louis' chin and pecking him once again. "Let's get going."

Louis frowns, pouting after Edward releases him. "But you haven't even got to touch my arse yet." He laments, then laughs, following the triplets to the rover.

Edward sighs, opening the back door for Louis and motioning for him to get inside. The Omega grins his thanks. Right as he is climbing inside, Edward's palm collides with his backside and Louis squeaks, blushing red when he realises that Edward has just smacked his arse.

"It jiggled!" Edward exclaims in awe, and when Louis looks back, Edward's eyes are flitting back and forth between Louis' arse and Louis' face with his jaws slacked.

Louis pushes him away by the time he's settled inside, his face scarlet and hot. He quickly closes the door once Edward stumbles back. "Jesus Christ, I'm choosing idiots to mate with." He grouses.

"Heyy!!" Harry says, offended. "Even me?" He accentuates with a hand pressed to his chest.

"Especially you." Louis scoffs, turning away when Edward gets into the driver seat.

Marcel laughs.


By the time they reach their destination, Louis is nervous again. It's not as bad as before but his heart is slightly racing as the car rolls to a stop.

Harry is already so eager, giggling and hopping out before the engine dies. He's behaving much like Louis was, and it calms the Omega slightly to see him that way.

Marcel helps Louis exit the vehicle, throwing him a kind and reassuring smile. Since Harry and Edward have no problems getting their bags, Marcel doesn't mind leading Louis up to the entrance of the bungalow that stands before them.

The Omega appreciates that Marcel doesn't ring the bell straightaway by the time they've stopped at the front door. Instead, he gives Louis a questioning look, silently asking if he's ready and reassuring him at the same time.

Louis takes a deep breath, squeezing Marcel's hand tight before he blinks and nods curtly.

The bell echoes twice in the house.

Exactly seven seconds later, Louis counted, the door flies open and a beautiful lady stands before them.

She squeals with delight the moment she sees them. "You're home!!" The joy is clear as ever on her face, and Louis can't help but smile too upon seeing that.

He's also happy for her, looking at the way she's beaming at the fact that her sons are back home.

But then she's grabbing his hand and tugging him into a hug. Which, wait, what?

"Oh, I'm so glad you're finally here! I was dying to see you!" She gushes, squeezing him tightly. Then, she pulls back and holds him at arm length, staring at his face. "You're such a cute little thing too!" She claims, starting to shower his face with kisses and Louis giggles at the treatment, lighting her face up even brighter.

Before the triplets could properly react to their mother treating Louis as if it's not their first time meeting, she's already pulling him inside.

The whole situation doesn't really dawn on them until her voice still gushing excitedly to Louis is merely a faint noise and the three of them are the only ones still standing outside with the door left opened by a quarter.

"We are her children." It's Edward who breaks the silence. The three of them are staring at the door in disbelief; their mother who always greets them with kisses at the door is now nowhere to be seen. Instead, she's inside with their Omega. "Did she forget that? She gave birth to us!

"She didn't even glance at us." Marcel adds, his mouth opened in a gape.

Harry makes a wounded sound, stomping his way inside with a pout glued to his face. Edward and Marcel follow with a huff, marching past the entrance in irritation and offence.

When they reach the living room, Anne is still fussing over Louis.

"Gosh, you're such a handsome young man!" The woman is enthusing, holding his cheeks. "My grandchildren are going to be so beautiful!" Then her hands grip his shoulders and spin him around. "What a nice body too! Look at these hips, perfect for child bearing."

Louis chuckles bashfully as he is spun back to face her, his eyes locking with Harry's. "Thank you, I suppose." He smiles, turning back to Anne.

"Mum, stop harassing him. You'd make him run for his life before we even mate." Edward complains, walking over to place their bags on the couch. He has his hands on his hips, looking at his mother disapprovingly.

Anne ignores him, patting Louis' shoulder. "Gemma was restless waiting. We were both very excited to meet you! She would love to know that you've arrived." She squeezes him once, letting him know not to move.

Harry shakes his head as he drops the bags he's carrying onto the couch too. "Sorry about that, Lou."

"It's alright." Louis assures, smiling from ear to ear. "She's so pretty!"

"That she is." Marcel agrees. "Such a fuss too, sometimes."

"I can hear that, Marcel." Anne says from somewhere in the house. Then she is calling out loudly, and Louis figures that she's probably at the stairs. "Gemma!! Louis is here!" She reappears in the living room a moment later.

"Gemma! Louis is here!" Edward mimics his mother, speaking with his voice higher in pitch. It makes Louis and Harry laugh. "Who cares about your brothers? It's only Louis who matters."

"Aww honey, of course I care about you. You're my babies. I get excited every time you come back. Let me be excited for Louis once." Anne coos, walking over to him and kissing his cheek. "Although, I might have missed you a bit."

"A bit." Edward echoes as she hugs him tightly.

Anne shrugs in innocence, stepping back from his embrace. "Well, what can I say? You come back home almost twice a month."

"Can you believe this?" Edward asks exasperatedly, looking at Marcel while Harry whines his way into his mother's arms. "She actually complains that we come home too much. Other parents complain that their children are not home enough and ours complain about being tired of seeing our faces."

Marcel is about to respond, until he sees that Harry is still hugging their mother and he decides that it's been too long. "Come on, Haz. It's my turn." He pulls at Harry's sleeves to tug him off.

"No!" Harry protests, clutching onto his laughing mother.

When he's successfully detached his brother from her, Marcel quickly nudges him aside so he could take Harry's place.

Louis laughs at their behaviour, admiring how close they are with their mother.

Suddenly there is the tell-tale sound of someone running down the stairs. "Is he here? Where is he? Where is he?" A young woman appears at the doorway, gasping when she sees Louis and coming to a complete stop. "Oh my God! He's so cute!"

"I know right?" Anne says gleefully.

And then the young woman - who Louis concludes to be Gemma - is squealing and dashing into the living room to slam herself into Louis, squeezing him into a hug so tightly he's squeaking.

"Please don't kill him." Marcel pleads, pinching the bridge of his nose.

Harry agrees with the sentiment, staring worriedly at his sister trying to squeeze their Omega to death.

"I'm not killing him." Gemma objects although the Omega is heaving when she releases him.

"I'm okay." Louis confirms after his coughing fit ends, lifting a thumb up.

"See?" She says, gesturing to Louis and giving the triplets a smug look.

Louis smiles as he looks at her, noticing that she slightly resembles the triplets and Anne.

"Come on, we really need to talk." She doesn't give him time to respond, already tugging him halfway out of the room before she even finish speaking.

Harry watches the interaction and his eyes narrow into a slit as his sister and the Omega disappear to the back. "Why do I feel like she's going to do what I think she's going to do?"

"If she tells that story about me in freshman year, I will personally cut her hair in her sleep." Marcel frowns.

"Yeah, I'll help you with that." Edward murmurs. "Did you prepare a room for Louis?" He asks the question to Anne, starting to gather their bags again to be carried upstairs.

She nods, trying to help him with the bag but complying when he refuses to let her carry even one. "Yeah. It's the room opposite yours." The way she eyes him fails to be inconspicuous. "I better not catch you crossing over to his door in the middle of the night."

Edward feigns an annoyed face. "Oh please, if anyone's creeping to his room, it's Marcel."

Marcel perks up at the accusation and glares at his brother. "Excuse me, I still have my manners. I'm not going to do that."

"He seduced Louis at his mother's house." Harry snitches, pointing at Marcel.

Marcel gapes, ready to protest but he knows what he did was wrong and seeing the shocked look on Anne's face, he settles for grumbling incoherent words under his breath instead as he ducks his head.

And then the lecture starts.

Meanwhile, Gemma has just fixed Louis a tea and joined him at the kitchen counter. "So..., where do you want me to start?" She asks, smirking at him.

Louis lets the tea cool first, not taking a sip yet. "With what?"

Gemma makes a sound of disbelief. "Their embarrassing stories, of course! That's what I'm here for, hello?"

Louis blinks, then laughs. "Oh Jesus, you're doing this on purpose, aren't you?" When she shrugs one shoulder without a shame, Louis laughs louder. "Okay, tell me one of Edward's."

"Ah yes." Her tone says that she approves of his choice. "This happened on their eighteenth birthday."

The way Gemma starts off her story sparks Louis' interest and he leans forward.

"Edward doesn't get drunk often, he usually drinks only to get a little tipsy. He never did like it back then, and he certainly hates it now. Edward despises not being in control of himself. Anyway, on their eighteenth birthday, somehow their friends managed to coax the triplets to join them at a hotel where they threw the surprise party." Gemma cups her mouth, then leans closer. "Edward told me he hated it but I think everyone else begged to differ."

Then she straightens up, pretending Louis isn't giggling and continues. "So they finally got Edward drunk, fully wasted. The only reason they succeeded with that was because they booked rooms at the hotel so none of them has to drive home. It was 2am. Edward was drunk. I think he doesn't even remember who he was. He drank so much."

"Were you there?" Louis can't help but ask, curious.

"Yes, I was invited last minute. Harry texted me where the party was and I was pissed because I wasn't informed earlier but I'm glad I went." She tells him, nodding. "Edward could barely walk but he refused any help from us so one of the guys, Nick, I think, he gave Edward the key to his room. I vividly remember that Nick said the room number was 265. Edward took the key and disappeared. So we continued the party with Harry and Marcel."

"When the two got drunk as well, I told them to call it a night. They went to their room and got inside with the spare key, then passed out." Gemma starts laughing. "Apparently Edward didn't make it to the room at all!"

Louis widens his eyes. "Oh my God? Where was he, then?"

"He tried getting into the room 235 because he heard the wrong thing." She squeezes out in between laughter. "When he didn't succeed with the card, he knocked on the door and a man opened. Edward was too pissed to realise that nobody should've been in that room."

Louis has to laugh when she starts cackling, slapping her thighs.

"He went to the toilet, started pulling his pants down to take a shower. He still got his top on when he climbed into the tub and fell asleep like that." Gemma is almost hysterical. "The man was a few inches taller than him, a body builder with tattoos all over his body and a very intimidating moustache. Somehow the man thought it was shit arse o'clock and trying to get Edward out would be too much of a bother so he let Edward sleep there. Imagine what Edward thinks of that when he wakes up in a tub with no pants!"

Louis joins her cackling until his sides hurt and his eyes tear up.

"Wha-What happened, then?" Louis sputters, wiping his tears away.

"He almost forgot his pants when he ran out of the hotel room and headed straight to Marcel and Harry. You have to see the look on his face! I was there when they opened the door cause we were worried about him. I swear I almost got an asthma attack!"

Louis tries to imagine it and both of them laugh loudly at that again.

"The worst thing is, while we rushed to check out because Edward was super embarrassed, the moustache guy was down there and he called for Edward." Gemma tells him.

"Oh no." Louis giggles, cupping his mouth.

"Moustache guy apparently found the whole situation amusing, so he and his kid took a polaroid after Edward fell asleep. "He gave it to Edward but Edward burned it right when we reached home."

"Aww, why didn't you save the evidence?"

"Believe me, I tried."

"I reject Marcel's motion to cut your hair in your sleep. I'm burning it instead." Edward says as he enters the kitchen, glaring at his sister.

"Oh, cheer up, little brother. Louis is going to be your mate. He deserves to know you at your best and you at your worst, which is when you are drunk." She says, and shares a laugh with Louis again as she offers him a high five.

"Both of you are dead to me." Edward spits before he leaves.

Louis watches him go with a smile. "I think you should sleep with an eye open tonight."

Gemma shakes her head. "You're mistaken if you think I'm going to sleep a blink."

Louis' grin widens as he takes a sip of his tea, almost cold. He's really enjoying his stay so far.


They are in the living room, Louis sitting on Harry's lap while Harry and Marcel are talking with Gemma. The embarrassing story of Edward that she told him and the hysterical laugh they've shared over it was a really good ice breaker. Gemma calls Louis her best friend now. Edward has gone sulking, opting to help Anne with dinner instead of sitting in the same room with Louis and Gemma whom he has taken the initiative to name as the Traitors.

And then it happens.

"Mummy! Mummy!!" They hear the voice before a child appears.

The little boy runs straight to Gemma, waiting until she's looking at him before he launches into a panicked babble. "He's awake and he's crying and I don't know what to do and he won't take his milk and I think he wants you!"

Gemma holds her hands up, signalling that she's listening. "Alright, alright. Come on." She takes his tiny hand, growing to her feet and turning to them. "Excuse me for a moment."

Then the only ones left in the living room are Harry, Marcel, and Louis.

"Who was that? He's so cute!!" The Omega coos, face brightening up at the knowledge that there are children in the house, little children.

Harry and Marcel smile. "That's Adrian. He's going to be five this August. He's Gemma's first."

"Such an adorable little thing!" Louis is scrunching up his face, unable to contain his excitement.

Before Harry or Marcel could express their fondness at the sight, there is a tiny whimper and Gemma reappears with a baby in her arms and Adrian by her side.

Louis gasps again, leaping off of Harry and staring with wide eyes as Gemma walks further inside.

She sees his face and laughs. "Would you like to hold him?"

"Yes, please!"

Beaming, Gemma moves to transfer the groggy baby to Louis. The Omega coos lovingly once the cute little baby is nestled in his arms.

"He's so precious! What's his name?" Louis asks, cooing again when the baby yawns and his squinting eyes try to open.

Gemma leaves his question hanging for a moment in favour of taking the seat she vacated moments ago. Once she's comfortable, she lets Adrian climbs on to sit with her. "His name is Max."

Louis turns around, not noticing the look on his Alphas' faces as he walks over to Harry and claims his previous seat.

"Hello, Max." Louis murmurs softly when the baby looks up at him, wonders filling his eyes as he reaches up to Louis. The Omega giggles when a tiny hand slaps gently on his cheek. "My name is Louis. You are a very cute baby." He tells Max. "I haven't met a cute baby in a long time. The last time was when I looked in the mirror when I was two years old, probably."

The rest of the adults in the room laugh at that, watching Louis fondly while he continues talking quietly to Max. The child giggles and slaps Louis excitedly now and then regardless that he doesn't understand what the man is talking about.

Edward has decided that his sulking time is over and he needs a break from the cooking so he walks into the living room to join his siblings and Louis. But once he sees the latter sitting on Harry's lap with a baby in his arms, Edward spins on his heels and goes back to where he came from.

He ends up in the kitchen again, clutching his temple. The Alpha stares questioningly at his mother. "What did you feed me? I was seeing things out there."

"What was it you saw?" Anne asks, her attention not fully on him while she puts things back in the fridge.

"Louis is there.... with a baby..." He trails off, frowning at what he's saying. "I think I need to lie down."

"That's probably just Max. Stop being a child and help me with this, come on." Anne pretends to scold, ushering him off.

Minutes later, he's helping her peel the potatoes, standing next to her.

"So..?" Anne starts, her eyes fixated on the potato in her hand. She ignores the look he gives her. "Why were you so shaken seeing Louis with a baby?"

Edward makes a low sound in his throat. "It made me imagine things.. like him being a mother to my children." He admits, shaking his head furiously as if the images are flashing behind his eyelids and they are disturbing.

"That might happen in the future, probably sooner than later." Anne responds, still not looking at him. "What's the big deal?"

Edward is silent for a moment. "Don't you think it's too fast?"

This time Anne does look at him, raising her eyebrow. "You know it's not. If you're following the usual tradition, this is considered really slow, don't you think?"

Edward sighs. "I know..." He murmurs. "But Louis makes me feel like he deserves everything before we take it further. He deserves flowers and chocolates, you know, those stuff."

She laughs at his grumpiness. "Oh honey, I never knew you'd be the romantic one."

Edward grumbles some more in response.

"Edward, I'm sure he's happy with where you are in your relationship. Otherwise, he won't be here." She tells him, turning to the task at hand again. "Besides, our society makes it that the usual kind of progress in relationships are fast tracked, and delaying your own is just going to make him question why things are moving so slow and he might feel rejected."

Edward doesn't reply right away, mulling her words over. "You're right." He exhales heavily. "He was questioning me why things between me and him are not moving quite as much as it is between him and Marcel and him and Harry." He tells her, thinking about Louis being affected that Edward isn't kissing him the way Harry and Marcel do.

"See?" She points out. "I know you're taking things slow because you want to respect Louis should he wish to break it off before things get serious, but you're taking the risk of hurting him if he's in it for good."

"I know." He replies, sighing again.

Anne hums. "If you're so worried, let him take the lead." She suggests. "I know you're an Alpha and it might not be according to your natural behaviour to let an Omega dominate something, but if you're so worried about him, let him make his own decision instead of trying to make any for him. If not, you might do something that'd hurt both of you."

"Alright." He murmurs after staring at her in reply, then he kisses the top of her head. "Thank you, Mum."


"You're so good with him." Gemma says observantly as she watches Louis puts Max back to sleep.

"Yeah?" Louis grins, turning to look at her after staring at the baby the whole time. "Used to take care of my sisters when they were little."

"That's so cute." She beams. "You're going to be such a good mother one day."

Louis blushes at that, ducking his head and returning his attention to the sleeping baby in his arms. "You think so?"

"Yeah." Gemma replies. "You love kids, don't you?"

He's grinning wider when he looks at her again. "Very much." He confirms.

"Then you're going to do a hell of a good job being a mother. You're good with my kids." She points out, shrugging. "I'm pretty sure you can win any kid's heart, to be honest."

"Thank you, Gemma." He smiles. After another moment of rocking the child, he finally gets up and passes the baby back to her.

"I'm going to put him back in bed. Do you want to take a shower first before dinner?" She questions, slowly getting on her feet and cocking her head to a side.

Louis thinks about it for a moment. Harry and Marcel have gone to take a nap, and Edward is still in the kitchen helping Anne. There's no one around to entertain him, so Louis finds that the idea for him to freshen up sounds very tempting. "Yeah, that'd be lovely."

"I'll show you to your room." She offers, starting to lead the way.

"Thank you." He stays close to her as they walk out of the living room and headed for the stairs. On the second floor, they stride down a hallway and arrive in front of an open door.

Gemma smiles as she spins around to face him, nodding at the room. "This is where you'd be staying for the night. Mine is on the other hallway across the family hall, and the triplets' room are right there if you need anything." She points to a door opposite them, a little farther back. "You have an en suite so I don't think you'd have any problem with using the toilet."

"Thanks again, Gemma." He grins.

"Sure." She nods. "One of us would call you down for dinner later, so if you want to take a nap, that'd be fine."

The grin widens. "Definitely."

She winks, walking away.


True to his words, Louis does take a nap after he's showered and changed into something more comfortable. He had put on a t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants before he gets on the bed and lets himself drift off.

He is waken up twenty minutes later by a tiny knock on his door. Assuming it's one of the triplets or Gemma, Louis yawns and rolls over in bed before he calls out a quiet, "Come in."

He totally doesn't expect to see Anne standing there.

Louis gasps, quickly sitting up on the bed as she enters the room and closes the door behind her.

"Did I wake you?" She asks, giving him an apologetic expression when she sees his face.

Louis shakes his head with a faint blush. "It's alright. I was just napping, anyway."

Her smile returns and she slowly walks up to him. "May I sit down?" She questions, hesitating.

"Yeah, sure." He nods, blinking repeatedly to fully wash away the trace of sleep.

"Thank you." Anne slowly takes a seat on the edge of the bed. "How are you settling down?"

"I'm doing okay. Everything is nice and it's really comfortable."

"Yeah? Do tell me if you need anything." She reminds him. "Edward told me that you're planning to move in, soon."

Louis nods, grinning sleepily. "Yeah. I've been thinking about it, and I was thinking of packing my stuff right away when we get back."

"That's great!" She beams. "I was wondering if you would want me to come down and help you with the move."

Louis stares at her in disbelief. "You would want to do that?"

"Of course!" She laughs, tilting her head slightly.

"That'd.." Louis stutters a bit, unable to stop himself from smiling so wide. "That sounds nice. I'd love for you to do that, if you don't mind."

Anne reaches out and wraps her hand around his cheek, pulling him close so she could kiss him on the forehead. "I don't mind. You're going to be family soon."

"Thank you so much, Anne." He murmurs, reluctantly wrapping his arms around her. "You make me feel so accepted."

"Oh, honey, of course."

Louis kisses her cheek and stays when she engulfs him into a hug.

The door suddenly bursts open and Harry appears, staring at them in surprise. He freezes with one foot crossed over the threshold. Horror fills his eyes when it registers that his mother is the one inside.

Louis pulls back and can't help his giggle when Anne glares at her son, who is now gaping.

"Harry, did I teach you not to knock before you enter someone's room?" She scolds, looking very scary as she looks at the Alpha like that.

"No." Harry whimpers. "Sorry, Mum."

Anne huffs disapprovingly when Harry steps back out and closes the door. She turns to Louis with a strict expression. "Never let them disrespect you." She tells him with a pointed finger.

Louis nods, deciding that he really, really likes Anne.


"What time are you going to leave tomorrow?" Anne asks casually while they are all seated for dinner.

Robin had come home a few minutes before dinner started and he was introduced to Louis. The Omega finds himself a little intimidated at the father figure, but Robin shows him a warm welcome and Louis gets comfortable again by the time they sit down at the dining table.

Louis also met Gemma's husband, Michael.

"We just arrived a few hours ago and she's already imagining her time with us gone." Edward grumbles, stabbing his food.

Anne and Louis chuckle at his comment, making the Alpha complain under his breath.

"There, there." Gemma tries to persuade her brother, reaching out and patting his shoulder. "It's okay to be the least favourite child."

Louis' chuckle turns into a laugh, shooting Gemma a look that makes her smirk.

"I don't know you." Edward claims, nudging her touch off of him.

Marcel doesn't find amusement in the whole situation and he rolls his eyes, always the sensible one. "Probably before noon." He says to Anne. "We were planning to take Louis out for lunch."

His mother coos. "Aww, that's sweet."

Louis pauses, glancing from one triplet to another. "I didn't get the note?"

Anne makes a scandalous face, turning from Louis to Marcel.

"You haven't asked him yet?" Marcel scolds, directing an upset tone at Harry.

Harry whimpers nervously. "I was about to, but Mum was in his room."

"You were?" Edward snaps his eyes to his mother, then turns to his Omega questioningly, suspicious.

"What did you talk about?" Marcel is being more subtle, but his curiosity is clear.

Louis narrows his eyes. "Why do you want to know?"

"What Louis and I talk about is strictly our secret." Anne states, prompting an annoyed sound from Gemma. "I will tell you later, honey." She says to Gemma without looking at her.

"Oh, so that's how it's going to be from now on?" Edward feigns annoyance as he drops his cutleries.

Louis' eyes narrow even more until they're merely a slit and he himself can barely see. "Yeah, what are you going to do about it?" He challenges, tilting his head back smugly.

Edward falls quiet at that, staring at him intently instead. "God, you're so hot."

"I agree." Harry murmurs. They are responsible for the flush that spreads on Louis' cheeks.

Robin clears his throat.

"No flirting at the table." Anne finally cuts in, though Louis doesn't miss the amused tilt of her mouth.

Gemma hides her laugh in a cough.


"So, do you agree?" Marcel asks after he heaves himself down onto the seat next to Louis on the couch. Louis doesn't respond to his question right away. Instead both of them watch quietly for a moment as Edward plays with Adrian; the Alpha making ridiculous sounds and blowing raspberries on the child's tummy. It makes Louis smile so widely his face threatens to split into two.

Then finally, Louis turns to Marcel. One of his eyebrows lifts up, making Marcel frown questioningly at his response. Seeing that the Alpha is struggling to figure out why Louis isn't saying yes or no to his question, he gives in with a small laugh. "You haven't even asked properly, yet." He points out.

Marcel realises his mistake at last, and he becomes speechless for a moment. Louis waits while Marcel collects his thoughts. Marcel finally opens his mouth after scratching his temple. "Yeah, I.. I think that should've come first."

The Omega bursts out laughing.

"Would you go out for lunch with us, Lou?" Marcel asks, simpering. His lips stretch wider when Louis leans close and presses a kiss to his jaw, a palm pressing on his shoulder. Marcel hums pleasantly. "Is that a yes?"

"Well, it's not a no." Louis shrugs, the mischievous smirk on his face growing at the confused sound Marcel makes. He chuckles softly, wrapping his arm around Marcel's neck and gently pulling him down so that their lips meet. The Alpha sighs into the kiss, his contentment causing Louis to smile against his lips. "Of course it's always yes for you." Louis tells him.

"Well.." Marcel clears his throat before continuing. "Good, because I probably would've ran out of the house crying if you said no."

Louis' face falls and his eyebrows knit together into a frustrated expression. Marcel is about to ask him what's wrong when he says, "Bugger! Should've just said no to see you do that."

Marcel laughs. "I don't think it's a pretty picture."

"I reckon you'd look proper charming, with the snots and all."

Marcel kisses him again, shutting him up.


When Louis rouses awake, it's half past seven in the morning. He lets himself lie on the bed a little longer, rolling over and staring out of the window.

His thoughts drift to the events that have been happening in the past days, the past weeks, and everything is still so surreal to him. He couldn't help but smile though, thinking about how they're really doing this and he's at the triplets' parents' house and he's going to move in with them soon. All of a sudden, things are getting exciting.

He had been a little scared, but now he can't wait for the day to come that he'd be staying with the triplets. They'd be there for him to kiss, to touch, as much as he wants.

The thought runs a shiver down his spine and Louis decides that he should get up and take a shower before he'd start imagining inappropriate things he can do with the triplets when they're constantly there with him and out of prying eyes.

After he's done with the shower and is all dressed up, Louis straight away starts packing his stuff then puts his bag by the door.

As much as he has enjoyed his stay at the bungalow with the triplets and their family, Louis would love to be with the triplets without anyone else around. It'd feel quite wrong to invite them to his room for a snog, especially after what had happened at Louis' house. He really doesn't want to face that embarrassment again.

When he walks downstairs, he finds the triplets already up and about in the kitchen. The three of them are not trying to be quiet at all regardless that it's a Sunday morning. Louis wonders if they're this loud every time they try to make breakfast.

"Marcel, the eggs are tasteless!"

"Shit, I forgot the salt!"

"Edward, where are the sausages?"

"They're in the fridge, where else?"

"I told you to get them out."

"I didn't hear anything."

"Harry, where's the salt??"

"It's where it should be, Marcel. When's the last time you came home?"

"It's not here!"

"Oh, it's in my hands."

Louis bursts out laughing at the door, watching the three of them moving around in a rush and yelling at each other.

The noise he makes causes the triplets to stop their motions to peek at the interruption.

Edward snickers. "Someone woke up at the right side of the bed." He comments.

Louis rolls his eyes, walking into the kitchen and pressing himself to Harry while Edward and Marcel continue to work with the breakfast.

"Good morning, gorgeous." Harry greets, tossing the salt to his brother before he wraps his arms around Louis. The beam on his face suits him well, lighting up his features so beautifully that Louis feels like he doesn't want to look away.

"Morning." He replies, wondering when such a thing like him tracing his knuckles along Harry's exposed collarbones - because the shirt is big even on him - feels normal but at the same time makes his heart race all the same.

"Did you sleep well?" Harry asks, nuzzling his hair and dropping a kiss on top of his head.

He nods, allowing himself to kiss a spot on Harry's neck. "Slept like a baby through out the night."

Harry cups his jaw, unable to prolong the moment when he knows both of them are wishing for the taste of each other's lips. Louis' eyes are so blue when he looks up at Harry, but then his eyelids are fluttering shut because Harry is leaning down, keeping his other hand firmly on Louis' hip and pulling him close before their mouths are pressed together. Louis takes another step, until there's barely space between them and Harry's overwhelmed with the smell that is all Louis.

He gently moves his lips, nibbling and tugging with his teeth. It makes Louis moan. He loves hearing that sound.

Harry shifts his touch, pressing both of his palms on Louis' back while he pulls the Omega closer. The action elicits another pleased sound out of the petite body in his arms. He's just sliding his hands down to cup Louis' ample cheeks when someone clears their throat. Assuming it's just his brothers, Harry ignores it, letting himself knead the flesh in his hold and making Louis preen. Then the person clears their throat again.

Only then Harry realises that the voice sounds nothing like Edward or Marcel. He pulls back quickly, snapping his head to the side and widening his eyes when he sees who is standing at the entrance.

Louis whimpers the moment Harry denies him his lush lips, but after following Harry's gaze, he flushes red.

Anne stares at them with an eyebrow cocked up, her arms crossed and there's an amused but disapproving hint in the way she's looking at them both. "I don't mind you snogging, but please don't do it in the kitchen."

"Um, I.." Louis finds it excusable that he stumbles over his words as he quickly untangle his limbs from around Harry and takes a step back.

"He was just saying good morning." Edward cuts in to save the day when Harry only stands there in embarrassment, still gaping like a fish.

Anne's eyebrow raises higher on her forehead. "Really?" She teases, if the smirk on her face is anything to go by.

"Yeah." Edward nods to confirm, walking over to Louis. He scoops him into his arms out of nowhere, causing Louis to gasp. His tiny hands curl around Edward's neck in reflex. "And now, it's my turn."

Louis hides his face at Edward's shoulder the whole time the Alpha carries him bridal style out of the kitchen. He doesn't know if the fact that Anne is laughing makes it better or worse.

Edward brings him to the living room, placing him down. Louis barely gets comfortable standing on his feet before Edward is pushing him up against the wall.

"Edward." Louis whimpers when Edward presses their bodies together.

"You look very pretty in the morning." Edward says, kissing a spot behind Louis' ear.

Louis' breath hitches. "Am I not pretty any other time?"

"You are." Edward says, then grabs his chin and tilts his face up so that he could cover Louis' already swollen lips with his own. He kisses him feverishly, making Louis moan and the Omega struggles to keep up with the way Edward is kissing him. Before they both get worked up over it, Edward pulls back and smirk at his artwork. His thumb tugs gently at Louis bottom lip, staring at the flushed cheeks and twinkling blue eyes in front of him. "Now you're even prettier."

Louis blinks, panting as he tries to control his breathing.

The Alpha grins, then proceeds to kiss Louis' cheek. "Good morning, Princess."

And then he steps back, disappearing out of the door before Louis could diminish the excitement in his veins. He blinks repeatedly, willing his knees not to wobble too much.

When he returns to the kitchen again, Edward is making some tea while Harry and Anne are seated at the counter, laughing amidst their lively chatter, and Marcel has just finished with the sausages.

"How do you like your tea?" Edward asks when he sees Louis, deciding to make the Omega a cup too.

"Milk, no sugar, please." Louis smiles, joining Harry and Anne.

"No, Mum! I swear! I was telling her that it's sticking out of her wig, but she won't listen!" Harry gasps out in between laughter, making Anne laugh along with him.

Marcel comes over, placing a hand on Louis' shoulder and dropping a chaste kiss on his lips when Louis looks up at him. Louis grins, watching Marcel continues his way around the kitchen and finishing what's left of the breakfast.

Not long after that, Edward and Marcel have joined them and each of them has a plate of breakfast in front of them.

Louis notices that they're not complete and he frowns. "Where's Gemma?"

"She wants to sleep in." Harry shrugs. "Guess she doesn't want to deal with the kids yet. They always wake up when she does."

"Oh, alright."

Anne blinks as if she's reminded of something. "Lou, don't forget to give me your phone number. So that I could call you later on."

Louis nods, knowing that she's talking about helping out with the move. "Of course."

"What are you two up to?" Harry asks, narrowing his eyes.

"Nothing that concerns you too much." Anne assures, her eyes flitting down to her breakfast.

"Too much?" Marcel echoes. "Does that mean it still concerns us?"

"Would you stop prying?" Louis scoffs. "Eat your breakfast."

Marcel and Harry pout. "Fine."

Louis doesn't miss it when Anne throws him a wink.


"God, it's been so lovely to have you here." Anne gushes as she hugs him one last time.

"I"m glad I came, too." He replies, rubbing his hand up and down her back.

"Call me when you decide, yeah? I'll be down right away." She says after pulling back, brushing his hair to the side.

"Yeah, thank you, Anne."

Louis finds himself being tackled by Gemma next, almost falling back with her hanging over him. "Oof!"

"Would you stop trying to kill him?" Edward groans out frustrated noises at the sight.

Gemma laughs out loud, pointing her tongue at him. "He's too precious, I would never!"

"Glad to know that." Louis sniggers, wrapping his arms around her too.

"You better give me a call sometimes. Tell me what my idiot brothers are up to." She warns when they are parted, pressing a finger into his cheek.

Louis rolls his eyes, pushing her hand away. "Yeah, yeah, I will."

Gemma sighs. "I think I'm going to miss you."

"I'm going to miss your kids." Louis replies, making her slap him on the back of his head. "Ow!"

She ignores his pained cry. "If any of them give you shit, give me a call too."

"I don't think they will, but I'll keep that in mind." Louis mutters, smiling.


Louis doesn't move yet, staring at her. "Okay, Gems. I admit, I'm going to miss you too."

"Good." She repeats. "I was about to pour water into your bag if you didn't say that.



Marcel drives for the journey back to London. Harry has decided to stick to sitting in the passenger seat while Edward enjoys the pleasure of being in the back seat with the beautiful Omega in his arms instead of driving for the whole journey and letting his brothers have all the fun.

"Am I allowed to know where you three are taking me, yet?" Louis questions when they've been driving for almost an hour. Edward is very chatty when he's not driving. They've been talking a lot, and since Louis has something to focus on, he doesn't get sleepy.

Edward nods with a mischievous smirk. "Of course, we're taking you to lunch."

"I hate you." Louis pouts in reply, crossing his arms.

"No, you don't." Edward murmurs, kissing his nose. "It's just lunch, yeah?"

"Nothing fancy?" There's a hopeful tone in his voice.

He sees the way Harry and Marcel stare at each other. "Um..." Marcel gulps. "It's not too fancy, but we've already made reservation."

Louis sighs heavily. "Then you better be glad. I was planning to wear joggers."

"You'd look good, anyway." Edward says.

"You're just saying that." He claims with a huff.

"You'd love the place, Lou." Harry chirps excitedly from the front seat, shifting so he's facing the back. "The food is so good."

The eldest Alpha hums his agreement. "Yeah. The pasta was incredible."

"You better not order the same thing again, Harry." Marcel threatens half-heartedly, throwing his brother a look momentarily before he's turning back to the road again.

Harry sulks, glaring at Marcel. "But it's good!"

"Yeah, well.. You have that every single time we go there. Try something else."

"There are a lot of things on the menu other than your 'precious' spaghetti." Edward adds, backing up Marcel.

Louis makes a feigned annoyed sound. "Stop bullying him."

"See? Only Louis understands."

"I'm disowning both of you." Edward announces calmly.

Louis reaches out and slaps a hand on Harry's shoulder. "We can go and elope to Vegas, Haz."

"Now you want to elope?" Exasperation is clear as ever in Edward's voice as he leans back and rolls his eyes.

The Omega turns to him and looks him up and down scrutinisingly. "That's what people do when they're disowned." He says, like it's the most obvious thing ever.

Edward heaves out a sigh, but he's looking at Louis like he's the most valuable thing ever.

Louis doesn't tell him that it's very hard for him to breathe when Edward looks at him like that, but he thinks Edward knows anyway.


The food is amazing.

Louis almost moans every time he takes a bite. It's that good. He has to forgive the triplets for bringing him to such a posh restaurant when he asked for otherwise, since he gets to taste the delicious feast.

Each of them gets a different meal and they give Louis a taste of what they're having. Louis preens when instead of letting him have a taste himself, they decide that it's better to feed Louis. He feels like he's in Heaven. Besides, what's better than having the Alphas' attention on him while they feed him marvelous food and caress his hair?

He cuddles up to Harry the whole time, and the triplets let him get whatever dessert he wants.

After Marcel deals with the bill, Harry helps him up and keeps a hand wrapped around his waist while glaring at any Alpha who even dares look at Louis. Despite Louis pointing out that people are staring at Harry because he's Harry Styles instead of staring at Louis, the Alpha doesn't stop mentally killing people who even turn in their direction when they walk past.

Louis doesn't admit it, but Harry looks really hot when he's being possessive like that.

In the car, Louis dreads every second that passes the closer they get to his flat. He can't stop shifting, but refuses to move away from Edward's side and he keeps inhaling the Alpha's scent. He's trying to bury it into the cells in his brain, hoping it'd be properly stored for Louis to recall when he misses the triplets later on.

Edward doesn't really show that he's too bothered about the idea of them parting, but Louis can tell that he's trying to savour the moment as much as Louis is anyway. Louis is sure that the way Edward won't stop kissing the side of his head and the way his arm tightens just a bit around him every now and then say a lot.

When the car rolls to a stop, Louis does not whimper in disappointment.

None of them moves at first, letting the moment drag on longer.

But then Marcel is clearing his throat and climbing out of the driver seat, heading straight for the bonnet.

This time, Louis finally does nuzzle his face into Edward's chest and whines, shaking his head.

"It's alright." Edward assures him.

His heart starts beating faster at the thought that they would leave, and it would just be him and Alex, with no Styles for him to kiss or touch. He whimpers again, clutching tighter to Edward. "Don't go."

"It's okay." Edward says again. "One of us will come and see you tomorrow, yeah?"

Louis sucks in a long breath, holding it in for a moment before he exhales heavily. His arms slowly start to loosen from around him. "Okay." He whispers, acceding.

Edward smiles at him, and Louis smiles back, but his heart is struggling in his chest.

He walks straight into Harry's arms after he gets out of the car, pressing his nose into Harry's collarbones and letting Harry's scent wash over him. Harry lets his stay in his embrace drags on a moment longer, dropping kisses on Louis' hair and forehead.

Once Louis is satisfied, he finally steps back and his arms fall from around Harry back to his sides. He turns to see that Marcel has already gotten his bag out. He sighs heavily again at that, teeth sawing on his bottom lip while he waits for Marcel to walk to him so he could be clingy before the three of them would leave him.

They haven't even mated, not yet parted, and Louis is already going through what probably is the separation anxiety they talked about.

He clings to Marcel, mulling things over in his head as he tries to think properly about the upcoming events of the days throughout the week.

Although they probably only separate after a good five minutes, Louis still thinks their hug lasted for five seconds.

"I'm, um..." Louis starts, brushing his hair to the side. He stops there, though, not knowing how to continue or what to say.

"I'll send you to work tomorrow." Harry offers, staring intently at the Omega. He can see how nervous Louis is about the whole thing. God, get a grip, Tomlinson.

"Yeah, good. Yeah, okay." Louis nods, unwillingly picking his bag up.

Edward steps forward to take the bag, reaching out to him. "We can send you to your door."

Louis shakes his head, gently pushing Edward's hand away. "No, I don't think that's going to be a good idea."

They hesitate, but eventually nod. They understand.

"This is so ridiculous." Louis complains, unmoving from his spot as he stares at each of the Alpha. He can see it on their faces; they want to be away from him as much as he wants to be away from them. Not at all.

"Have you decided?" Marcel asks all of a sudden, remembering that Louis still hasn't given them an answer as to when he'd like to move in.

Louis blinks, clearly having forgotten about that as well. "Wednesday." He blurts. "I'll take the day off."

"You sure?" Harry inquires, wanting Louis to be absolutely certain with the decision. He's been really hoping to have Louis move in soon, but he wants Louis to make a choice all on his own. It's a big decision.

"Positive." Louis guarantees.

"Okay. Wednesday, then." Edward nods.

Before he enters the building, Louis gets a kiss from each of them, and it at least makes him giggle when Edward smacks his bum as he turns to walk away.

Louis doesn't watch them leave, heading straight to the lift. He doesn't think he can do that.

When Alex greets him happily at the door, telling Louis he's missed him and grabbing his bag to help him inside, Louis feels the tugging in his heart from already missing the triplets dissipate a little. Thank God for Alex.


A/N: I've went through this quite a lot of time. But I am merely human so please forgive me for any mistakes. :') Thank you for reading, I love you! Please leave me a comment, and a vote if you enjoyed that. Have a nice day! <3

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