Chapter 1
You can also find this story on AO3 with my same username and title. :)
WARNING: There's going to be an almost rape scene in this chapter, like it doesn't happen but almost.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything. I wish I do.
Also: It never happened. Not real. Fiction. Okay.
And: This fic is the epitome of clichéd and is filled with too much fluff so if that isn't your thing, I'm sorry.
"Never could I breathe love if I did not first learn to inhale a little bit of chaos."
- Christopher Poindexter
Louis hates the sound birds make in the morning. It makes him feel so calm, peaceful. It gives him the illusion that it's going to be a relaxing day ahead, as if he doesn't have to go to work.
He doesn't mind teaching at the nursery; he loves teaching and being with the little kids that always manage to put a smile on his face. It's working later in the evening that he's not too fond about.
Working at a fancy restaurant has its perks; higher paycheck for one. He needs it to pay for his food and flat among other things. Teaching pre-school doesn't really pay much. His friends who work at the diner survive just fine but they don't have a struggling Mum and sisters to get back to. That's why he has two jobs.
His Mum never said a thing about the financial state back home but Louis knows how much his Mum works to take care of his sisters. That's why he decides to help take care of that too. Working at the restaurant doesn't earn him much more either, but it helps a bit. The first thing he usually does when he gets the paycheck is pay his part of the rent and then send half of the money he has left to his Mum.
She always calls him to let him know how grateful she is whenever he does that. She also always tells him that he doesn't have to do that. But Louis says he lives just fine with it, and he wants to help.
It's a good thing, the salary. But it doesn't mean that he wants to deal with rich people who treat him like shit just because he doesn't own half a quarter of what they have in their pocket. Every night, there's always going to be a customer that's going to put him through a hard time doing his shift. Can't really say he's not used to it, but every once in a while it tends to make him feel shitty. About his situation, his finance, and about himself.
Being an Omega doesn't really help much. If anything, it makes it worse. The flirting, the grope, then the insult that comes when he rejects them. It's tiring and annoying and Louis is barely holding back from punching the Alphas in the face.
He's never punched an Alpha before but he really doesn't want to start figuring out the consequences now. Besides, if he even so much touch them in any provocative way, he would probably lose his job and Louis won't take that risk.
So whether he wants it or not, Louis stumbles into the bathroom and starts to get ready for the day. By the sounds coming from the kitchen, it seems like his flatmate, Alex, is already up and about. Alex is always the early riser and he does all the cooking.
After one accident, both of them know not to ever send Louis in the kitchen again. He couldn't cook to save his life.
When he's dressed in a cream slacks and blue shirt, Louis goes into the kitchen and quickly takes a seat in front of Alex at the small dining table that houses four. Alex has made pancakes and bacon for today, making Louis' stomach grumble and he doesn't hesitate to grab a plate.
"Ready to teach those kids some ABCs today?" Alex smiles at him when he sits down.
"Yeah. And then work at the restaurant after. Ugh." Louis sighs, pouring himself some tea.
Alex is helping himself to some bacon. He leans forward a little, forehead creased. "Maybe you should look for another job. I mean, someone can only stand that kind of treatment for so long."
"I know Alex. But I don't think I have time for a job hunt. Besides, I doubt there's any open job that pays as good as this around the nursery. I can just walk to the restaurant at least after school ends ." Louis takes a bite of his pancake, trying to ignore the worried look his Beta friend is sending him. "I'll be fine. I promise. If anything gets out of hand, and I doubt it will, I'll look for another job straightaway."
Alex doesn't look like he believes him, but he relents anyway with a nod. "Okay, just tell me if you need anything. You know I'll be here for you."
Louis smiles, grateful. "Thank you, Alex."
"Hey, Louis. You're early today." His colleague, Brad, greets when he walks through the back door, giving him a big smile.
Louis hangs his coat by the door and nods. "Yeah, I had no extra work today so I decided to just head straight here. Is it crowded?"
Brad shakes his head reassuringly. "Nope. But I think it would be later, as usual."
"Alright." Louis goes to his locker so he could change into his waiter suit, making sure to style his hair into a quiff so that it'll give him a little of a posh look. He also dabs a bit of perfume on the inside of his wrists, making himself presentable before he walks out.
"Table 4, mate." Andre, another waiter tells him as he brushes past Louis into the kitchen.
"Thanks." Louis sends him a smile as he glances at the table mentioned before grabbing the menu from the counter and heading towards his customer with a friendly smile.
It's a group of four people, two of them are Alphas with an Omega and a Beta. Louis ignores the looks he receives from the gawking, unmated Alphas and hands out the menus. It's nothing he's not used to. One would think these rich people would at least have some professionalism.
"Good evening, my name is Louis and I'll be your waiter for today. Can I get you anything?" He keeps his voice light, professional but warm.
The Beta girl smiles. "Can I have a glass of water, please?"
"Me too." The Omega says, nodding at Louis before she starts going through the menu.
Louis acknowledges their orders and takes a deep breath before turning to the Alphas. "What about you both? Can I get you anything?"
One of them smirks at him. "Yes, you."
Louis internally rolls his eyes. Here it starts.
"Remind me again why we're going for this dinner?" Edward drawls from the driver's seat, his arms crossed while he leans back with an uninterested look on his face.
Marcel makes a tsk sound from the back, still fixing his hair using the rearview mirror while he glares at Edward. "It's our birthday, Edward. We deserve a little kind of celebration."
"Okay, yeah. But don't you think we should celebrate it with other people? Doing it just among ourselves seems a little pathetic, doesn't it?" Edward quips back, raising an eyebrow at his brother. "Besides, our birthday was two days ago."
Harry chuckles in the passenger seat, smoothing down his dress shirt and turning to their eldest triplet. "Come on, Edward. Loosen up a little. We haven't spent time with just the three of us for a while now." He tilts his head with a grin.
"We just sat down and worshipped each other's body three hours ago." Edward rolls his eyes.
"It's not the same, brother." Marcel replies, irritation clear in his voice. "Can we go now? How much longer do we have to sit in the car?"
"Thought you'd never ask."
"We were waiting for you, idiot." Edward shoots him a look and Marcel shifts back bashfully.
"Come on, I've already made a reservation." Harry quickly climbs out, bouncing on his feet as he closes the door and waits for his brothers to do the same. "Liam says this place is really good."
Edward makes sure all of the doors are closed and none of their stuff is left in the car before he locks it. "Well, so far every place he recommended is fine. So he still has our trust." He shrugs, walking off first towards the restaurant. Harry and Marcel always wait for him to lead the way. They never start walking first or go off alone unless they have Edward's permission. It's not even a necessity, they've just fallen into the habit and each of them is fine with the roles.
"Yeah, Liam has a really good taste. I wonder how he knows where to go everytime." Marcel voices, his hand keeps touching his hair and trying to fix it, as if he's constantly worried about it.
Edward catches his wrist mid air, leaning in to brush his lips across Marcel's, sighing into his brother's mouth at the familiar taste. He pulls back to stare intently at him. "You look fine, babe. Stop trying to fix anything."
Marcel blushes, nodding as Edward releases his wrist. "O-Okay."
Edward walks away but Harry holds Marcel back, smiling as slips an arm around his brother's waist and draws him in for a kiss too. "When we get home," he tells Marcel. "I'm going to show you just how fine you look right now."
The blush on Marcel's face reddens and he looks around to see if any passerby heard. "Harry." He whines quietly.
"Come on, you horny bastards." Edward summons from the front door of the restaurant.
Harry chuckles. "Tonight, then, brother." He whispers to the youngest.
Marcel sighs as Harry takes his hand in his and leads him to where Edward is standing. Their older brother rolls his eyes but opens the door, letting a giggling Harry walks inside with Marcel in tow.
Edward sometimes feels like maybe their Mum dropped Harry too much on the head when they were a baby.
"Reservation under Styles, please." Harry says with a charming smile to the host, releasing Marcel's hand so he could brush his hair back.
Edward rolls his eyes; always looking for attention, that one. As if he doesn't get enough from the attention Marcel and Edward give him. Whenever they forget to bask him in love - or so Harry said - the boy would go over to either of his triplet and whine about not "getting enough love for the day" and then Edward would kiss him until he can't breathe and the idiot would get a sappy smile on his face, demanding a cuddle that only Marcel would submit to. Idiots.
"Oh yes, of course Mr Styles. Please follow me." The host says in a clipped, professional tone that makes Harry pout before he walks off, expecting them to be trailing after him.
Harry turns to Edward and whines. "He ignored me."
"Yeah, not everybody loves to see your frog face like we do, Harold." Edward mutters, nudging his brother forward. "Walk, please."
Harry obeys, getting a hand on the back of Marcel's shirt to guide the way while they follow the host so that he could still look at Edward. "Our faces are the same. If I'm frog, you're frog too." He's still pouting.
Edward flicks Harry's mouth with a bored look, making his brother yelp and bring up a hand to nurse his lips. He soaks in the glare Harry sends him.
"Here's your table. Your waiter will be out in a moment. Have a seat." The host stops them at a table quite near the back, Harry having reserved one that is a little secluded since he knows how much Edward likes privacy.
"Thank you." Marcel says as they all take a seat and the host walks away.
"At least you love my frog face, don't you?" Harry snuggles up to Edward's side, giving him a show of his perfect set of teeth.
Edward rolls his eyes, something he never cease to do whenever in the presence of his dumb brother. "Why don't you seek love and attention from someone that would actually grant you them?" He motions to Marcel sitting next to Harry.
"Exactly, Marcel gives me enough love and attention. I don't need to ask anymore." Harry simply says, stroking Edward's chest and dropping a kiss on his brother's neck.
"Why haven't we disowned him yet, Marcel?" Edward drawls to his brother, yet his arm curls around Harry's waist.
Marcel shakes his head. "I've wondered that too many times myself, brother."
"Hey, don't be mean."
"Stop whining, you child." Edward flicks Harry's mouth again when he pouts exaggeratedly.
Harry slaps his brother's hand away. "That's the second time tonight, Edward. You have to kiss it better now." He mumbles and puckers his lips towards Edward.
"You're disgusting." Edward retorts but leans down anyway to gently caress Harry's lips with his own.
Marcel clears his throat, shifting in his seat. "Maybe we should've just stayed home after all."
Harry jumps back in his seat. "No! We're celebrating!" He says in far too much enthusiasm for Edward's liking. Marcel only stares at him fondly. "Where's our waiter?"
"Do you ever stop whining?" Edward says gruffly.
Edward and Marcel freeze suddenly, making Harry open his mouth to ask but his body seems to do the same and suddenly he understands as the scent fills his nose.
It's an Omega and he smells so good it's sinful. Harry's eyes snap up around the restaurant to see the most beautiful person he's ever seen walking towards them. He's got the most magical blue eyes that bring away the brightness of the world with them when they disappear to let his eyelashes flutter in the most sultry way in their natural being before the cerulean blue eyes appear again.
Each step the Omega takes feels like a wave of his scent that washes over them and it gets more and more intense the closer he gets. All three pair of eyes are watching him closely now, yet the steps don't falter at all. Harry subconsciously hold his breath in as the Omega stops at their table and sends them the most brilliant smile ever, as if he's not drowning Harry and his triplet in his delicious scent.
"Hi." Oh God, his voice sounds like the angels are singing down at him from the heaven. "I'm Louis Tomlinson and I'll be your waiter for tonight."
They all stare at him while he hands out the menus and places one in front of each of them, as if they aren't staring at him like he's the Messiah.
Suddenly Edward clears his throat and the rest of his triplets sits straight at the sound, quickly brushing off their body reaction to the omega's scent as they open their menu and start flipping through it.
There is a short moment of silence before the triplets realise that they still have yet to reply to what Louis has said. As usual, Marcel would get too tongue tied and stutter when he's nervous and Edward would just be angry when he can't control himself so it's up to Harry to take over the situation.
"Yeah, I'd like some green tea milkshake, please. Edward would like coffee, and Marcel wants sparkling water." Harry says with a bright smile, casually introducing his brothers and pointing at them respectively to their name.
Louis raises an eyebrow, an action that takes the triplets a little by surprise and would've caused an uproar if it was intended for an Alpha but the triplets are too enraptured by the Omega that they couldn't give a damn.
"Do you want anything for appetizers, Marcy?" Harry asks to his triplet, making his brother glare at him for the nickname.
Marcel shakes his head, huffing quietly and Edward rolls his eyes.
"I'd like a fruit salad, please." Harry says politely, his dimples making appearance as he shoots the cute waiter a smile before going through his menu again.
"Alright, do you want me to come back later or are you ready to order now?" Louis, God even his name sounds cute, asks in a timid voice.
"Maybe you should come back later. I don't know what to choose." Harry says in an upset voice, pouting again.
Edward flicks his brother's lips, something he does out of habit now. Well, usually if Harry pouts his lips, he's entitled to kiss it off but he doesn't think Harry would want that when they have an audience.
He really doesn't expect Harry to turn to him and pouts even more, clearly expecting a kiss from his older triplet.
That goes out the window then.
He can see Marcel's face and clearly the boy is thinking about how dysfunctional his brother is and he can't help but agree even if he's making an annoyed sound before pecking Harry's lips twice, making his brother giggle.
Louis' eyebrows threaten to disappear into his hair but he makes no sound and merely just nods when Harry turns back to him. The waiter checks the order in his hand before proceeding to walk away.
"That is just out of the world." Harry says quietly as they stare at Louis' bottom and the way his hips slightly sway while he walks away.
A slap lands at the back of his head.
"Ow!" Harry rubs the spot, turning to glare at Edward whom he expected it from. "Why did you do that?"
"What?" Edward looks positively upset and bares his teeth. "It wasn't me. Baby brother did it."
Harry confusedly turns to face Marcel.
"You deserve that. Of course you would embarrass me in front of someone like that." Marcel hits him again, just for the sake of it.
Harry scoots his chair closer to Edward and swats away Marcel's offending hand. "Edward, he's bullying me."
"If you pout again, I'll cut your lips off." Marcel threatens, pointing his finger at a giggling Harry.
Harry merely grabs Marcel's wrist and kisses the pointer finger erected at him. "Who would suck your dick, then?"
"Edward will."
"No, I'm not. Fuck off." Edward protests dryly, but it is obvious to them that Edward has amusement dancing in his eyes.
"I'll suck my own dick, then." Marcel says, determined not to let Harry win.
Harry widens his eyes at something behind Marcel before holding a hand against his mouth and bursts out laughing. Then there's a delicate voice speaking with obvious hesitation. "Um.., should I come back later?"
Marcel sputters as he turns to face Louis who looks like he's desperately trying not to laugh. "I, um..."
"Trust me, mate, I'd rather not know." Louis giggles as he places the respective drinks in front of each of the triplets.
He completely misses the way the triplets stare at him fondly, jaw slacked and eyes widened. Louis looks so cute and soft while he softly giggles into the back of his hand, hugging the tray to his lower torso. Harry wants to write sonnet and songs and worship the heavenly sound Louis is making right now, preferably while cuddling the Omega to his chest.
It seems that even Edward is captured by such a beauty sight in front of them. Marcel has this lovestruck expression on his face and Harry is sure his own is not that much different.
The petit Omega is still smiling that his eyes crinkle, blushing a little when the Alphas keep staring at him like that. "Are you lots ready to order now?"
"Yes." Edward answers, his hand pinching Harry's thigh so the boy would snap out of it and get back to their pending dinner.
"Oh, yes!" Harry jumps in his seat, quickly agreeing with Edward as he tries to go through the menu again although he's been doing that for the past five minutes.
Edward orders himself a steak, his favourite, while Marcel asks for grilled salmon. And Harry just has this crestfallen look on his face while he scowls at the pictures of food staring back at him.
"I still don't know what to eat." Harry growls, petulantly knocking his fist on the table.
Marcel rolls his eyes as he hands his and Edward's menu back to Louis. "A baby biscuit would probably do for you."
"Hey!" Harry pokes his little brother, his face lighting up when Louis chuckles.
Edward flips Harry's menu and points at the page. "Don't you like this one? Order it." He says, tugging at Harry's earlobe to get his attention.
"Okay." He nods with a bright smile, pecking his brother on his jaw before turning to Louis and ordering himself the pasta.
When Louis walks off again, Marcel leans back on his seat and glares at Harry. "You are the worst, Harry."
"It's okay, brother." Harry reassures with far too much joy as he strokes small circle on Marcel's chest with his pointer finger. "I think he just finds me funny."
Marcel smiles softly, bumping his head gently with Harry's. "Yeah, probably."
Harry's grin is wide and blinding. "Exactly. Now come here, you haven't kissed me all night long."
"Your constant desire for attention is annoying." Marcel snickers but tugs Harry forward by his tie, making his brother fall onto his lips with an "oomph!"
Edward watches Harry's hand flattens on Marcel's chest as he rubs him under the fabric coyly. He doesn't have to look to know Marcel is reaching behind Harry to cup a cheek, making the second triplet whine into the youngest mouth.
"Want you." Harry murmurs into Marcel's mouth, his tongue licking into the parted lips.
Edward doesn't know whether to throw himself or his triplets off of a cliff while Harry tries to get Marcel to finger him in public. He knows both of them have a thing for exhibitionism kink but that doesn't mean they have to get it on everywhere they go.
"If you both started fucking here, I swear to God." Edward growls, irritated beyond compare.
Harry pulls off of Marcel and his eyes are clouded with lust, though he makes the effort to shoot Edward an embarrassed look while he squirms to hide his bulge.
Marcel is fixing his skewed glasses, pulling them off since they have fogged up in the middle of the heated snogging session that is far too inappropriate in public.
Louis wipes off a new layer of sweat from his forehead as he stops to catch his breath. The room is cold but he is sweating heavily, his heartbeat refuses to calm even after he's taken a few deep breaths.
He's never reacted so strongly to an Alpha before, or to be more specific, three Alphas. He was so giddy out there, giggling like a school girl with a crush in front of them.
Usually he's able to suppress any biological reaction in his body no matter how attractive the Alpha is but tonight, everything he knows about self control seems to be flying out of the window.
Maybe it's because they are attractive and there are three of them. And they seem really nice. They didn't even flirt with him, they flirted with each other. It's not hard to know that they're triplets, they all look the same. Except with different appearances. But their body language also says that they're really comfortable with each other. Probably far too comfortable if Louis must say.
There's Edward with curly hair reaching past his shoulder. His eyes are wide, dark green and the colour is really beautiful but his gaze is really cold. He looks really calm and collected though Louis can tell he won't want to mess with someone like Edward but somehow he looks also fond of his brothers. Edward gives him a weird vibe, though. Louis can't exactly be a judge of that since he doesn't know him but Edward interests him deeply.
He knows the other one is Marcel. The one with short, curly hair and glasses that would've made him a nerd in school but all Louis could think when he looks at him is hothothot. Marcel resembles Edward a little in the sense that he's a little collected but from the intense blush Louis got just now, Marcel is probably shy too. Louis wonders if he's shy in bed as well.
He suppresses a shiver, feeling his slick starting to form and quickly cutting off any train of thoughts that leads that way.
Then there's the other one. Louis doesn't know his name but he's weird. He's got these lanky limbs and an air of happiness he brings to the people around him. He's always smiling and cheeks always dimpling, as if none of the thing in the world bothers him. Louis wonders if he's high. He's got the same eye colour as Marcel, bright green that are just as beautiful as Edward's. Though, his curly locks only stop past his neck.
He would love to think more about the triplets but suddenly Erza is calling him and why should he imagine the triplets when he can see them in real life?
Louis carefully heads over to the triplets' table again, flicking his hair to the side when it gets in his eyes and blushing once he sees that they are already looking at him even when he's not halfway there.
He secretly regrets changing into this pair of pants instead of the one he was wearing just now. That one hugs his curves just right and shows off his asset. Well, too bad.
Probably next time, then. Hopefully there'll be a next time.
When he walks over, he gives them a bright smile, acting as if his body is not reacting to the presence of three handsome Alphas before him. He just wants to abandon everything and submit to them and - whoa. Okay where did that come from?
"Food's here." If they notice his voice is a little higher, none of them say anything.
"Louis, right?" Edward suddenly says, his voice grave deep and it automatically sends shivers down Louis' spine. He squeezes his thighs, screaming at his body for betraying him like this.
"Y-Yes." He almost whines his reply.
Edward leans forward, his gaze stoic and face unreadable. "Could you bring us some wine?"
Louis nods his head, not trusting his voice.
"Edward, your meal looks delicious!" The one whose name Louis does not know says excitedly in his seat while Louis focus not to accidentally drop their meals as he places them carefully on the table.
Edward swats the boy's hand away when he tries to steal a chip. "Back off, Harry."
Oh, his name is Harry. Louis ignores the urge to try and see how it rolls off his tongue.
"Mean." Harry points his tongue out before looking excitedly at his own meal. "Thank you, Louis!"
Louis flinches and nods, blushing red while he serves Marcel the salmon he ordered.
"Is there anything else I can get you?" Louis wonders aloud, blinking repeatedly at the sight of Edward's tongue peeking out to catch a drop of gravy from the steak hanging off his fork. Red, wide tongue.
Oh God.
Louis tenses, waiting for their answers.
"I think we're fine now, don't forget the wine though." Harry reminds.
Louis couldn't be on his way much faster.
He knows that maybe they'll wonder about their wine taking such a long time but Louis needs to calm himself. He's got no time to wank so he just has to take a couple of deep breaths and think about dead things.
When he returns with the wine, Edward only has a quarter left of his steak, Harry's looks barely touched and Marcel is only halfway through. They give him a smile while he pours them the wine. Well, except Edward; he just acknowledges Louis with a nod.
He tries not to linger too long to stare at his beautiful customers but God knows Louis drags his stay just a little.
When he makes sure they won't be needing him around anymore, Louis makes to walk away but someone from another table calls for him.
It's a girl from a table of three, two males and a female Alpha. Louis suddenly longs for the triplets fond looks instead of the hungry, lustful ones being directed at him right now.
He doesn't let his guard down, though, quick to go over to the customer.
"May I help you, Ma'am?" Louis asks politely, the female having the one calling for him just now.
"Yeah, I would like to have some more caviar, please." She smiles at him politely, showing no look of interest at all. Louis can sense that she's mated and gives her a curt nod in acknowledgement with a small smile.
Louis turns to the other two still staring at his body as if his clothes are offending them. "Do you gentlemen need anything?"
"Yeah, I need to know what time you finish tonight." One of them, a red hair with a pierced nose licks their lips, making Louis shudder in disgust. Of course they take it the wrong way and thinks he's shivering in pleasure. He wants to choke them when their smirks widen.
Louis shakes his head, trying to be as polite as he can. "I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I won't be available tonight."
"Why not, lovely? It's not like you're mated." The other one, black haired with earrings says.
"Well, I'm not interested." Louis makes to walk away, shaking his head when a hand circles his wrist and tugs him back to the table.
"Jake, leave him alone!" The mated female Alpha hisses, dropping her cutleries.
Jake, the red haired who grabbed Louis scowls at his company. "Stay out of this, Sarah. You have little Gina to get back home to."
"Please let me go." Louis says, trying to stay calm before he does something stupid like punch the bloke.
"Come on, pretty. Surely you want to come home with us tonight. Let us show you how lovely you are." The black haired coos.
Louis panics a little. Catcalling, flirting and groping is normal, but never does any customer grip on him so he couldn't escape like this. And it's not a big deal to Alphas whenever Omegas get treated badly. They could care less. The number of Omegas has increased rapidly for the past two decades and it's not uncommon to hear about an Alpha having two or three Omegas.
Since the number of Omegas risen, nobody has really cared about them that much if the Omegas don't belong to their nests. Louis has heard too many times of the cases where Omegas get raped and killed afterwards because of unmated Alphas on their ruts. At first people sort of freaked out, but now hardly anyone bats an eyelash. People think it would help balance out the eco-system.
So Louis wonders if anyone would really care if he gets beaten up or taken away right now. If anything, people would probably get upset over the fact that there's a commotion disturbing their dinner time.
His employee wouldn't bother too since the manager is an Alpha and is likely to find a replacement soon enough.
Jake drags Louis so he is standing between Jake and his black haired friend. "Don't." Louis hisses, trying to push Jake's hold on him off but his friend quickly grabs his other wrist and pins it to his side.
"It's okay, lovely. Let us have a little fun at least, if you don't wanna come home with us." Jake tries to assure but it only make Louis feel like kicking him in the face.
The female Alpha, Sarah, glares at her company. "I command you to release him now, Jake, Gordon."
"Don't touch me." Louis tugs his hand, his Omega strength no compare to the Alphas' hold.
"Loosen up a bit, Sarah." Gordon rolls his eyes.
Louis flinches away when Jake's hand touches his thigh. "Get away from me!" He raises his voice a little.
Jake and Gordon laugh. "Such a feisty one, this is."
"I'll say this one more time. Release me." Louis threatens, wishing he still has the pocket knife but no, unfortunately it was in his other pants in the locker room.
When the hand on his thigh doesn't go and only seem to roam further, Louis thinks he has no choice but to act.
He crouches down and tugs both of his hands down so the two Alphas holding his wrists get pulled forward towards each other and knock their heads together. Once the pain register in their brain, both of them release Louis' wrists to nurse their throbbing head.
Louis smirks, getting up and quickly scurrying away. He doesn't miss the impressed smirk Sarah throws him. It feels good to be able to do that but that doesn't mean that he isn't shaken by the roughness of the two Alphas, doesn't mean he's not scared.
When he gets to the kitchen, his colleagues quickly walk over to him. Amelia is checking his wrists while Brad gets him some water and the other fuss around him.
"Lou, are you okay?"
"That was so badass."
"You should've just kicked their asses, Lou. See how they get beaten up and no one gives a shit."
"I'm so glad you're okay."
"I'll ask Damien to take that table for you from now on."
"Do you need a moment?" It is Oliver who asks him that and he releases a relieved breath, nodding vigorously at his friend.
"Yeah, yeah, could really use a smoke right now." Louis admits, a little out of breath as he sends grateful looks at them. "Need a moment alone, just for a minute."
Several people patted his back and he also gets a few hugs. "Take your time, buddy. We'll cover for you."
Louis couldn't get to the back door fast enough. When he is out of the building, Louis releases a shaky breath. He slips his hands into his pockets and walks, not really knowing where to go but he needs a walk.
He probably only managed to walk a few blocks before he's sitting down on the alleyway and tears are streaming down his face before he is sobbing his heart out. He can still feel the grip on his wrists, making him scratch at his skin, still wailing as he tries to get rid of the feeling, rid of the redness and pain on his flesh.
He tries to act strong, powerful to rid of unmated Alphas but the behaviour only encourage them, somehow. But if he's polite and submissive, they still take advantage of him and Louis doesn't know what he should do.
He didn't ask to be an Omega. He wanted to be an Alpha so he could find an Omega that he could protect, love and care for. So when he presented as Omega himself, Louis knew not to expect to find a decent Alpha for himself. It's hard.
Even if there are, it's difficult to tell. He's tried to get on with a few Alphas before, all of them behaving like normal, respectable gentlemen but once Louis tries to test them with patience, their true colours show and he'd almost got raped too many times himself.
So Louis told himself that it would probably take a miracle for him to find an Alpha for himself. Because he has lost hope and trust for the Alphas.
The Styles Triplets look nice, though.
Louis shakes away the little voice in his mind. It always starts like that. First he thinks the Alpha is nice, he agrees to go to date with them, they get on, bla bla yada yada yada, and then they go berserk the moment Louis says no to sex.
He doesn't really want to get his hopes up, but the Styles Triplets really caught his eyes and he knows it'd be a long time for him to let that go. It's the best anyway. He needs to protect himself cause no one will.
Louis sits there quietly, his wrists red and bleeding from his scratching while he hugs his knees close to his chest. There, at least the pain he feels now is only caused by himself. He sniffs every now and then, wiping the tear that decides to come with it.
When he feels better, his head isn't clouded and his heart doesn't tug in his chest anymore, Louis carefully brings himself to stand up on shaky legs. He stays there for a moment, just taking a deep breath and trying to get a grip on himself.
The moment he starts to walk, he is thrown to the ground and two shadows loom above him.
"Well, well, well, you're not that sly now, are you?"
Louis gasps, turning to find Jake and Gordon staring down at him. He doesn't waste a minute and scrambles onto his feet to make a mad dash but he is barely moving before he is down on the ground again.
"Nowhere to run now, sweetie." Jake grips his legs, tugging Louis towards him.
"Get off me!" Louis gets a hold of Jake's head and digs his nails as deep as he can into his scalp until he draws blood.
"Son of a bitch!" Jake bellows, using his own grip to draw blood from Louis' arms too. The moment Louis groans in pain, Jake slaps him hard across the face, sending him flying back to the ground. "Gordon, be a good mate and hold him down, will you?"
"No!" Louis thrashes as Gordon grips his arms above his head while Jake works to roam his hands all over Louis' thighs. "Let me go! No!" He cries out, tears springing in his eyes again when Gordon reaches down to palm Louis through his pants, making his dick fill up against his will. "Fuck off! Let me go! Please!"
"Nobody's going to listen to you, bunny." Gordon smirks down at him, pulling his shirt out of his pants while Jake undoes his button.
Louis sobs loudly, clenching his eyes close and listening to the sound of his pants unzipping. He shudders with his wails as he waits for dirty hands to pull his pants down.
But it never comes.
Suddenly all hands on him are gone and he hears loud, deep growls that make him shiver. Louis wonders what's happening. Have more Alphas came for the taste of him? He can't open his eyes to find out, he doesn't want to see who would be the ones to ruin him. So Louis lies there, sobbing while fights happen around him.
A wary hand touches him on his shoulder and he flinches, letting out a heart wrenching sob. "Please." He begs quietly, wrapping his arms around himself.
"Oh dear." A hushed, gentle voice says quietly. "I'm not going to hurt you." The hand migrates from his shoulder to his hair, brushing back his fringe in such a soothing way that Louis can't help but lean into the touch. "Louis, can you open your eyes for me? I promise no one would hurt you."
Louis shakes his head, his body still shuddering with the effect of his sobs although he's only reduced to sniffs now.
"Louis, please. I won't hurt you. Open your eyes. I promise, nothing is going to hurt you. Please look at me." The voice begs, still in a low, gentle tone. Louis notes the hint of desperation in his voice though.
He doesn't really think too much about it. Louis takes a deep breath and his eyelids slowly flutter open. His vision is blurry so he takes some more time to blink before it clears and he sees Marcel crouching as he stares down at Louis.
"M-Marcel?" Louis croaks, his throat sore and his voice is barely there. The hand in his hair doesn't stop stroking.
Marcel nods carefully, watching every twitch of Louis' face. "Hey there. You're safe now. Don't worry. We won't hurt you." He promises, massaging Louis' scalp softly.
Marcel's voice is really soothing and sincere so Louis nods. "Okay." He says weakly.
"Can you get up for me, darling?" Marcel asks softly.
Louis takes a moment to reply. "Okay." He says again, the arms around himself loosening so he could slowly push himself up to sit. Marcel's hand quickly steadies him once he's in a sitting position.
His head spins a little but other than that he's fine. It's only then that he registers the heavy smell of blood and two other presence beside him and Marcel.
Louis doesn't hesitate to jump into Marcel's arms when the unknown two start towards them. Marcel falls back onto his bum as he cradles Louis safely on his lap.
"Don't worry, that's just Edward and Harry." Marcel says in his ear, brushing his hand up and down Louis' back.
When the curly heads appear in the light, Louis visibly relaxes. Edward has a murderous look on his face but Harry just looks like something pains him. Both of them are rushing towards him that he could barely contain the flinch when both of them crouch in front of him where he's wrapped in Marcel's arms.
It is Harry who speaks up first. "Did they hurt you?" He asks, voice surprisingly very gentle.
Louis shakes his head.
"Your wrists." Edward simply states, nodding at Louis' hand clutching to Marcel's shirt.
"No. That's.. I-I did that myself." Louis admits in a tone barely audible to the three Alphas.
Marcel gasps. "But why?"
It makes Louis' eyes shine with fresh tears and he buries his face at Marcel's neck. "They, they gripped me too tight. Don't want to feel anything they left on me."
Edward growls at that, jumping onto his feet.
"It's over, Edward. They're dead anyway, nothing you can do." Harry says firmly to his brother.
Louis' eyes widen as he turns to gape at Harry. "Who-Who's dead?" He stammers, fearing he already knows the answer.
Edward smirks. "Those sons of a gun that were very disrespectful to you, kitten." He says, crouching back down to tap Louis' nose and making the Omega shiver. "Ripped their throats myself." He claims proudly.
And only then Louis registers the blood on Edward's and Harry's shirt, soaking them as if they just bathed in red. It makes him gasp, quickly reaching out to touch them both.
"Are you two hurt?" He asks in panic, trying to find any gash or tear on the Alphas' chests.
Harry shakes his head, gently pushing Louis' hand off. "No, we're fine."
"It's you who needs to be looked at." Edward says with a tone of finality in his voice, giving no room for Louis to protest. Not that he wants to.
"Can we take you to ours, Louis? We have a doctor friend who can check up on you. Then we'll send you back home." Marcel asks politely, the light tone of his voice letting Louis know that he can absolutely say no.
He wants to, he doesn't want to separate from the triplets just yet. Mainly because they make him feel safe. Although he tries to tell his conscious mind that that's probably because they just took him out of a bad situation and that doesn't mean they can't cause him trouble.
"How do I know you won't hurt me?" Louis asks timidly.
Harry suddenly burst out laughing, shocking all of them. "Sorry for startling you. I just remembered that one time spaghetti came out of Edward's nose." He sputters before going into a full blown laughter.
"Harry, what the fuck." Edward hisses, kicking his crouching brother so that Harry falls onto his side. He's still cackling like a mad man so Louis figures Edward didn't do it to hurt.
Eventually the air is lifted and Louis chuckles quietly at the sight of Harry howling like a maniac at just a memory that his siblings clearly take no humour in.
"You're the worst." Marcel snickers before paying attention to Louis again. "Can you walk?"
Louis bites his lower lip. "Yeah, I think so."
Marcel helps him to stand up and he does so shakily but finally is able to stand on his own. The moment Louis steps forward, his legs give out underneath him and he stumbles forward into Edward's blood soaked chest.
"Ewww." Is the only thing Louis manages as he pulls back to spit out to the side while Edward supports his weight.
Harry seems mad enough to be checked into a mental hospital and Louis worries for the state of his brain.
"Is he....okay?" Louis asks, motioning to Harry who's rolling on the ground, clutching his stomach while Marcel seems to struggle not to just step on his brother.
Edward shakes his head. "He didn't grow past the mental age of five." He grunts, looking down at Louis. "Guess I have to carry you, then?"
Louis blushes but nods and a second later Edward has him in his arms bridal style as he starts to walk, leaving his brothers behind.
"Thank you for saving me." Louis murmurs quietly, carefully pressing his nose into Edward's collarbone. Even with the smell of blood, Louis can tell Edward smells nice.
The Alpha says nothing, just continues to walk and Louis feels so comfortable, so warm and safe that he unknowingly falls asleep to the sound of steady beating of a heart.
A/N: Do tell me what you think! Leave a comment and vote if you liked that. xx :)
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