
The music is so addicting I love it, PLEASE listen to it. If you want to support them, search Disney Villain Medley on YouTube!

Izuku rushed home that day, taking about 10 minutes to clean him self up after finally processing what happened.

So here he is now, sitting on his bed and basking in a vat of confusion and fear.

Was he using me? Was he messing with me? What was that?! Why did it feel good... did I enjoy it?! Oh god what's wrong with me... Was he being serious, or is he just teasing me? I wouldn't be insanely surprised if Kacchan really did go that far to mess with me...

Izuku didn't realize he was muttering until his mother walked in.

"Izuku dear? Are you okay? You're muttering an awful lot. Is there something you wanna talk about?"

Izuku turned red, shaking his head and waving his hands. "No! No! I'm fine mom, just thinking about... school! Yeah, I'm just thinking about school and stuff, ya know!" He gave his mom a comforting smile.

Inko give her son a bright smile, seemingly more relaxed. "Okay sweety! But if you need to talk about anything, feel free to tell me! Oh, by the way, the Bakugou's are coming over for dinner!"

Izuku froze.

Oh god no...

This is bad.

This is REALLY bad...!

Kacchan's gonna be over... in this house! Oh god I'm too gay for this...

Izuku was currently panicking to the highest extent possible, sitting under his computer desk with his arms wrapped around his legs, curled up in the fetal position. Maybe he could just hide from Kacchan!


That's actually not a bad idea.

So, Izuku began his job, slowly moving deeper into his closet, hiding behind his clothing.

No. This is a bad idea. Never mind-

Izuku tumbled out of his closet, but then froze.

He heard a door open.

"Mitsuki! Welcome back! Oh, speaking of which, Katsuki, Izuku's in his room! I'm not quite done with dinner yet, so you two can go catch up for a bit if you want!"

Okay. Yup. Now he's officially dead.

Goodbye cruel world.

Izuku scrambled away, hearing heavy footsteps approach his room. He attempted to hide under his bed, but that wasn't working out. He quickly aborted that idea, banging his head in the process.

Instead, Izuku opted for just hiding under his desk again. And last second, as his breathing stopped, his door opened. Katsuki didn't even knock! Izuku could have been changing, for all he knew!

"Nerd? The fuck are ya? Oh."

Katsuki immediately saw him.

"You fucking such at hiding."

Izuku froze up even more, if that was even possible at this point. Katsuki walked over, grabbing the shorter boy's arm and dragging him out.

"Geez, what the fuck. I'm not gonna fucking rape you, ya fucking Deku."

Don't let your gay show, Izuku!

"I-I'm not worried about th-taht!" Okay, so far we're safe...

Katsuki took a step foreword, and Izuku flinched back. Katsuki smirked.

"Tch. Well you're definitely scarred." He pushes the door closed with his foot. "What a fucking joke. Scarred of a little kiss?"

Katsuki didn't really want to talk about the kiss anymore that Izuku, but this was just too much fun.

"Okay, That was NOT just a little kiss! That was an invasion of my entire being!" Izuku was kinda triggered, but in his head was trying his damn hardest to hide that he fucking enjoyed it.

It felt good. Right. To kiss this person he talked to about kissing when they didn't know who the other was. He wasn't sure anymore. He wanted to do it again. But it didn't feel RIGHT. I mean, this is Katsuki we're talking about! He hates Izuku! (little do you fucking know, Izuku....)

Izuku didn't know he was lost in thought till he felt force to his forehead, having been flicked to get his attention. His head shot up, knocking foreheads with his previous bully.

"Ah! Fuckin'- ugh! Watch what you do with that skull of yours!"

"S-sorry Kacchan! I'm so s-sorry! Ow, ow ow..."

Katsuki's scowl depends, but then disappears. He moves foreword while Izuku is still looking down, grabbing the nerds wrist and placing a kiss on his forehead.

"Be more careful. Tch. Nerd..."

Katsuki stepped back, smirking at the effect he had on the poor boy. Red quickly took over Izuku's face, causing his to frantically cover his face in embarrassment. Oh god he did it again... I'm gonna die of embarrassment!

Katsuki has virtually no shame in his body. But there is some.

Just not in this moment.

He picked up the squirming mess from the floor, Izuku yelping in surprise. He was curled up in the blondes arms, a huge blushing mess.

Katsuki flopped down on Izuku's bed, laying down and moving so he had the green head trapped. And he kinda just... laid there. His chin on Izuku's head, nose in his curls as Izuku faced his chest. He planted a small, almost unnoticeable kiss on the smaller boy's head.

It was awkward and scary for Izuku (although quite comforting), but for Katsuki it was kinda peaceful. Ya know, just letting his gay show. It felt right to him.

They couldn't stay there forever, but for now, it was comfy. A nice feeling.

Izuku just buried his face further in Katsuki's chest, trying his best to hide his huge blush. His brain was currently short circuiting, not fully able to process their situation.

It's kinda like cuddling. Katsuki has one arms wrapped around Izuku's waist, the other wrapped around the cute nerds head, fingers tangled in his hair. His legs are wrapped around Izuku's, caging him in a protective hug.

Izuku squirmed a bit, and Katsuki grunts.

"Stop fucking moving, Deku. I'm tired..."

Katsuki felt his eyes close, feeling tired from the day. And soon enough, through the shock and fear, Izuku clenched his own eyes shut. But eventually, noticing the blondes breathing slow, he was able to look up at his old friends face. When he looked up, their noses touched, causing him to quickly put his head down again.

Despite the blond being asleep, his grip was still like iron. But Izuku also didn't quite want that bad to leave... he was comfortable...

He let his eyes close, also drifting off slightly.

Oh god... I think I love him...

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