The Bell Test... I'm On Kakashi's Team!

I am so sorry for how long this took, I was nearly done on this extra long chapter and suddenly my laptop SHUT DOWN~! I am so pissed and Was like Fuck this.


Yuki's POV

I got up from bed to meet a horrible beeping noise, my alarm clock.

I lifted it up and though it at the wall, shattering and cracking was heard and I got up sweatdropping.



I shook my head and started to get ready, today was the bell test, I hope they would understand the meaning of the whole test. I glanced outside and studied the height of the sun.

About 9 o'clock it was, the team (not Kakashi) would be waiting at the training fields right now, with no breakfast. I giggled at them internally and grabbed my Katana. I never go anywhere without it and it would always be by my side. I put on a blue fighting Kimono with white flowers and shorts underneath. A pair of Ninja sandels then I looked at the reflection in the mirror. I looked hot, and awesome. I would so date myself. I made my way into the kitchen and made myself some eggs and toast, ahh... Poor guys, my team would be starving right now.


''Kakashi! Open up!'' I banged my fist against the door and waited for him to come. The door slowly opened and there was the jounin scratching his head looking at me.

''Hi Hime. What you doing here?'' He asked me, I sweatdropped,

''Its 10 o'clock, I think we sould be going now if they would even have enough time to try to get the bells.'' I replied, he was a mess right now...

''Okay... Wait.'' His eyes widened in shock. ''How do you know where I live?''

I stared at him, ''This is exactly what happens when you walk to slow on your way home dude, or you could just call it stalking.'' I deadpanned, and he sweatdropped.

''Okay, I'll be down soon.'' He said, and I nodded, might as well not be too late. Nah who am I kidding? I should be even more late.

We both poofed in with Kakashi next to me and me crossing my arms, in front of the training grounds. To see Sakura's hair in a complete mess, Naruto nearly falling asleep on the ground, and Sasuke sitting with his arms crossed.

''Hey guys! Lovely weather we're having this morning!'' Kakashi greeted them, waving.

''KAKASHI-SENSEI!! YUKI HIME-SENSEI!!!! YOUR LATE!'' Sakura and Naruto shouted at us, yep it was very amusing.

''Well a black cat crossed our paths so we had to take the long way,'' I said smiling at them, they huffed and shouted back.

''Thats a lie!!!''

I turned my head to see Kakashi with a alarm clock on a tree stump, RIP to my alarm clock from this morning, I hope clock heaven is nice to you.

''This alarm clock is set for noon, your mission is quite simple, retrive these bells from us.'' I held up my bell and Kakashi did the same. Altogether there were only 2 bells.

''You may use any means nessesary, meaning any weapon, including shuriken. If you don't come at us with the intent to kill you won't get the bells.'' I explained.

''But sensei! Those weapons are dangerous! You could get seriously hurt!'' Sakura shouted out to me.

''Trust me, I am a jounin, I won't get hurt, you won't even be able to touch me.'' I smirked.

''Yeah but what about you Kakashi-sensei! I mean you couldn't even dodge that eraser! Yuki had to catch it for you!'' Naruto said, laughing.

''Class clowns are usually the weakest links. Loser.'' Kakashi told him, I could clearly see Naruto getting angry and he charged at Kakashi.

I laughed, shaking my head. ''Sensei? Aren't you going to do anything?'' Sakura asked me,

''Nah, just watch this.'' I grinned.

Like magic Kakashi did what I thought he was going to do and appeared behind Naruto holding his arm which weilded a Kunai knife. ''Well, how do I put this? You finally came at me with an intention to kill. I think I'm starting to like you guys.'' He said.

''But don't be in such a hurry, we didn't even say start yet.'' I narrowed my eyes at Naruto who looked back at me scared of my stare. I smirked at the reaction.

''Yuki? Ready?'' Kakashi asked me. I nodded.

"Ready? Set, go.'' I plainly said and poofed out. I stood behind a tree watching Kakashi's next move.

The 3 also had hide pretty well....







Make that 2.

Naruto being the dobe he was just stood in front to Kakashi. ''You me right now! I wanna fight you fair and square!'' He shouted at Kakashi. I shook my head, stupid boy. I decided to just leave this to Kakashi and go looking for the other 2.

There she was. Didn't take long at all when her ass was sticking up from the bushes. Sakura gasped suddenly and shouted to Naruto from the bushes, that idiot, if this was a real mission the enemy will know where she is. Her and her red ass.

''Naruto! Get out of there! He's going to destroy you!'' My face scrunched up in confusion, I have to watch this. I quickly and silently jumped up a tree and looked at Kakashi and Naruto's battle.

She was right! Kakashi was doing the sign of a tiger! Thats fire jutsus! Naruto was going to die!

''Hidden leaf secret finger jutsu!'' Kakashi shouted, oh no... I now know where this is going.

''A thousand years of death!'' My eye twitched, idiots... both of them...

Kakashi... You perv.

It wasn't a jutsu...

Kakashi poked Naruto in the ass...

KAKASHI YOU BAKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I shook my head and jumped down from the tree and behind Sakura, might as well have some fun myself.

''Sakura... Behind you.'' I whispered into her ear, sending her shivers. She turned around and I gave her an evil grin, (more like crazed.) and she screamed....

God... her scream was f*cking loud!

I put my hands up to the sign of the boar and cast a genjutsu on her, Sakura's eye temporarily dimmered and she was caught. Leaves swirled around us as I vanished. Watching from the trees.

''Huh? What happened? Where's Yuki?! HUh?! I felt something?!? Where is it!?!?! AHH!??!?!'' I chuckled at her when she was going to start pulling her hair out, ha ha shame on her.

Time for step 2

My illusion of 'Sasuke' started.


''Sasuke!'' Sakura yelled hapily and turned around to face him. But 'Sasuke' had kunai's and blood all over him, and he was leaning on the tree next to him.

''Sakura! Help me! Please help me!'' I really wanted to laugh but no it would blow my cover, so I just grinned.

Sakura's eyes started tearing up and she screamed again and fainted.

God... Girls these days...










I think I just insulted myself

I left her there on the ground and went to look for Sasu-kun, I then heard some grunts and punches being made. Guess Kakashi got there first. I hid and watched them fight.

After watching them fight I scowled at Sasuke, I can't believe he the most smartest out of them all didn't understand the reason for this test. He is a brat to me right now.

''I think we might have taken it too far...'' I mumbled to myself.

''Yep I think we did.'' A familiar voice said from behind me, I nodded in agreement.


''Lets go.'' I said to Kakashi, time was up.

As we were walking back the Hatake decided to make coversation. ''You know, Sasuke touched a bell.'' I looked at him in amazment.

''He has progressed.'' I replied.

''Yes, but he just caught me off guard thats all.'' Kakashi pouted childishly. I laughed.

''He used mostly Taijutsu yes?'' I asked

''Yeah how did you know?'' Hatake asked me, I tilted my head and smiled distantly.

''I taught him some of what he knows...''

***FLASHBACK*** (I will try to make it simple because 4 year olds are simple)

''Sasu-kun! Ichi-kun!'' My 4 and a half year old self shouted out at Sasuke and Itachi talking. They glanced at me and smiled.

''Sasu-kun! I-'' I stumbled and fell onto a rock and my leg started bleeding, it stung a lot but I didn't want to cry,

They both rushed to me and helped me up, Sasuke was about 7 and Itachi was about 13-14 years old.

''You know Yuki-hime, you can cry from the pain if you want.'' Sasuke told me, I shook my head wiping my nearly formed tears.

''Mummy says a Shinobi never shows there tears, even if someone dear to them dies.'' I said sniffling.

''You are stong little Yuki.'' Ichi-kun patted my head and smiled closed eyes.

''Arigatou.'' I said, grinning, all pain disappeared. ''Sasu-kun, lets play Ninja!'' I yelled happily to Sasuke.

''Yuki, if you already are a ninja, you can't play ninja!'' Sasuke and Itachi started laughing at me.

''I knew... That...'' I frowned

''Yep, you sure did...'' They tried to contain their laughter but it really didn't work.

''Stop laughing! Fine, you can't laugh when I am better than you at Taijutsu can you Sasu-kun?'' I grinned at him, Sasuke quickly stopped laughing and smirked

''Lets make a competition then shall we Yuki?'' He smirked.

I nodded, laughing, ''Oh Sasu you know you can't beat me! And I'm 4!''

''Shu-! Shut up!'' Sasuke pouted while I laughed.

***FLASHBACK OVER!!!!!!!***

As me and Kakashi walked back to the clearing I saw Sasuke pouting secretly like he did before, when we were young. Naruto was already tied up to the post and Sakura was sitting down too.

''Well, about this exersise, we both have decided not to send you guys back to the academy.'' Kakashi explained to them. There abviously a catch and Sasuke could also tell.

But Naruto being... Naruto was getting all happy.

''What? I passed? All I did was faint and fall over, do I get points for that?'' Sakura asked.

Both of them started cheering and shouting.

''Then! Then that means all 3 of us....?!'' Naruto started.

''Yes, '' I started to say. ''All 3 of you will be dropped from the program, permanetly!'' I smiled,


''Drop us from the program? That means we can never become ninja! You can't change just change your mind!''

''Actually I can, because you don't think like ninja, you think like kids, like brats.'' I put my hands into my pockets, yes I was younger than them but I can still act like a teacher and act older than them.

Sasuke started getting pissed and he jumped and charged for me.

''Oh Sasu-kun thats just won't do.'' I tutted and twisted his arm that was coming for me. I grabbed it, twisted it and pushed him down on the ground with his arm on his back.

''Sasuke, you think its all about you'' Kakashi said, he was standing.

''LET GO OF SASUKE!!!!! YOU CAN'T STEP ON HIM LIKE HE'S SOME BUG!!'' Sakura shouted at me, I glared at her, manners young lady.

''Shut up.'' I hissed at her. Kakashi's eyes widened, he obviously haden't seen me this angry.

''You 3 don't know what it means to be ninja. You think its a game huh? Why do you think we put you on teams? Do you understand yet?!'' I growled at the,

''I don't know what you mean!'' Sakura stuttered.

''You brats never understood what this exersise was all about did you!? This is what determines whether you pass or fail!''

''But thats...'' Sakura said.

''Ugh, use your big head, why do you think there are 3 people on a team?!''

''I DON'T KNOW!'' Naruto yelled out.

''So basic... TEAMWORK!'' I shouted at the top of my voice.

''If all 3 of you had come at us, you could have taken the bells, well might have had a chance'' Kakashi finally said. ''We pitted you against eachother, we wanted to see if you had come ahead of that and put the team first, not yourselves. A Genin should have a natural feel to teamwork.''

I glared at each of them. ''Sakura! You always obsessed with Sasuke who was gone! Whereas Naruto was right in front of you and you wouldn't lift a finger to help him! Thats why my genjutsu worked so easily!'' I told her sternly, she bowed her head down in shame.

Then Kakshi started talking, ''Naruto, you did everything on your own, EVERYTHING. Brat.'' Naruto also looked down.

''And you Sasuke'' I pushed his head down into the ground even more, he flinched when I didn't use his pet name. ''You thought everyone was soo far beneath you that they were worthless. And who was the one who beat you in a simple game of Ninja when they were 4 and you were 7, huh? Me.'' I growled at the level he had stooped to. ''Such arrogance. Teamwork is the most important thing in a Genin's life! For example,'' I took a kunai out of my pouch. ''Sakura, kill Naruto now or Sasuke dies!''

They all gasped, (well except from Kakashi who was smirking at my boldness)

''That is the types of situation faced in a mission. The enemy takes a hostage and someone can end up dead.'' I put my kunai back into my pouch and started standing up, after pushing Sasuke to the ground once again. I got up and looked at Kakashi.

''Look at this stone, the names engraved on it. Some of my closest friends' names are on this stone. They are all KIA'' Kakashi explained.

''I want to be on that stone! Believe it!'' Naruto exclaimed.

''You don't get it brat,'' I kept the harshness in my voice,

''KIA means killed in action.'' Sakura whispered to him.

''Alright, we will give you one more chance, eat to build up strength, but, Naruto doesn't get any. You punishment for trying to eat before us.'' Kakashi told him.

''And if anyone tries to feed him, that person will immediatly fail. I make he rules, you follow them. Got it?'' I snapped at them, they looked scared, just what me and Kakashi were aiming for.

We then poofed out of there seeing range. Hiding in the trees. Waiting if they were actually going to feed him. They talked a bit then finally fed him.

''Lets go.'' Kakashi whispered to me, I nodded. ''Right.''

We did a jutsu that created wind and ran up to them with incredible speed, ''YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!''

''YOU DISOBEYED US!!!!! I HOPE YOUR READY FOR THE PUNISHMENT! Any last words?!'' We shouted at them in complete unison.


We practiced.

''But... But you said!''

''We are a team!''


''All 3 of us are 1! We can't let Naruto be dead weight if he doesn't eat!''

''Yeah! Wait... Hey!''

I put my hands together faking to start a jutsu, ''The 3 of you are one? Thats your excuse?''

''You guys.... Pass.'' Me and Kakashi smiled at them.

Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura just stood there, ''Huh?''








''But, how did we pass?'' Sakura asked,

''Baka, just be happy Sasu-kun made you guys pass.'' I rolled my eyes.

''Well,'' Kakashi chuckled at me, ''All the other teams I had never passed, because they did completly what I asked them to, a ninja must see through deception.''

I knew what to say, my mum said this to me before, ''In the ninja world, those who break the rules are scum.'' I turned around and saw Kakashi wide eyed, I wonder why? ''But, those who abandon their friends are worst than scum.'' I finished.

Naruto was nearly in tears, Sakura's eyes were glistening, and Sasuke looked pleased. Stupid limited emotions of his.

Me and Kakashi were pleased with the outcome and we smiled to ourselves.

''You know... Their kinda cool.'' Naruto sniffed still on the post and nearly crying.

''Hn, Team 7's first mission starts tomorrow!'' Kakashi did a thumbs up while I laughed at him, ''What?'' he asked me, I shook my head and walked away.

''See you guys there.'' And I poofed out.

First mission starts tomorrow.



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