Part 10: The Art of TPing is complex
10. The art of TeePee'ing is complex
"I still can't believe I agreed to this," Snotlout huffed as he crossed his arms that were encased in long lace gloves. "Pick a costume out of the hat they said, it will be fun they said."
"Snotlout you shouldn't gripe," Hiccup just rolled his eyes as he was dressed in a pink bunny costume with his floppy ears drooping somewhat.
"That's easy for you to say. You don't have these big lace undergarments itching in places that shouldn't itch." Snotlout muttered which caused Hiccup's brows to shoot up. "Whoever chose Little Bo Peep from Toy Story is getting a beating."
"What's Snotlout complaining about this time?" Astrid asked as she was helping Tuffnut carry some platters with finger food. She was dressed as the Joker while Tuffnut was Pluto. Toothless and the other dragons who were napping nearby merely rolled their eyes at the antics of their riders.
"Snotlout you do know you didn't have to wear the lace underwear right...." Astrid commented once Hiccup had filled her in.
"Now you tell me!" Snotlout groaned. "I even wore the bonnet!"
The doorbell rang and Ruffnut, dressed as Mickey Mouse, went to answer it. "You guys made it just in time!" she exclaimed upon seeing Fishlegs, dressed like the Red Power Ranger, and Heather as Super Mario. The mustache was slightly crooked but no one seemed to care.
"I hope we didn't miss karaoke," Heather happily exclaimed as she handed Ruffnut two bottles of wine for the party.
The night progressed pretty merrily from then on with Hiccup and Astrid singing a duet of Mamma mia, Snotlout surprising everyone with a Celine Dion song and Fishlegs trying to do another duet with Tuffnut, although that one was a little off key. The gang was pretty drunk and even the dragons were sleeping in front of the fire. Ruffnut was pouring herself another glass of wine before laying back into the plush couch.
"So who do you think is gonna be the unlucky sap this year of the school halloween prank?" She asked.
"Hmmm?" Hiccup looked up at the conversation while Astrid was using him like a plushie rabbit. She was half asleep and hugging his middle. Fishlegs was also somewhat dozing and Heather's eyes widened when she saw the time on her phone. It was nearly two AM. The food was long gone but the wine and mead were still flowing. Snotlout himself didn't seem at all tipsy. He had since ditched the sky blue lace bonnet and was happily sipping a flagon of mead.
"Oh, each year the senior students pick a teacher and prank them on Halloween. Last year it was Alvin. They duct taped his desk chair to the ceiling." Ruffnut explained.
Heather, who had gone to grab some water to drink, looked out the window and frowned. "I think you guys might be the unlucky ones this year." She stated causing the others to blankly blink at her. "I see toilet paper all over your yard."
"What?!" Tuffnut shot up from the couch and opened the door to see their front yard and house covered in toilet paper. "The little demons TeePee'ed our house! I AM SO PROUD OF THEM!"
"Wha? Let me see," Snotlout stumbled forward in his wide dress.
"Be careful Snot. The art of TeePee'ing is complex. Why, if you aren't careful you can wind up stuck." Tuffnut warned.
"It's toilet paper. How bad can it be?" Snotlout scoffed and stepped outside to see just how much was covered.
"Well don't say you didn't warn him." Ruffnut rolled her eyes.
"Eh.... what's going on guys?" Fishlegs said groggily as Heather woke him up to come look.
"The highschoolers TeePee'ed our house while we were drunk." Ruffnut laughed. "I have to hand it to them. We didn't even hear them."
"Hiccup, what are you doing?" Astrid asked as Hiccup ran past them with his phone after spotting something out the front window. Everyone kept looking as Hiccup painstakingly tried to press the record button while having pink rabbit paws. When successful he then pointed the phone at one of the trees on the twins' property. Now everyone looked in that direction and they saw Snotlout dangling and caught in the toilet paper that was hanging from the tree. He was also hanging upside down causing his very poofy Victorian lace undergarments to be visible.
"HICCUP HADDOCK YOU STOP FILMING THIS INSTANCE AND HELP ME DOWN DAMMIT!" Snotlout shouted once he spotted the camera flash.
The End (Possibly)
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