Louis spends the day lost in his thoughts, he contemplates not going out with the team because he wants to talk to Harry, needs to talk to Harry but when he gets a message from Scott and 9pm telling him not to wait up, that they will be really late tonight. Louis gets fed up and he can't help the hurt feeling in his chest.
He gets up, gets dressed in skinny black jeans and his grey button up, sleeves rolled to his elbows like always, vans on his feet and hair styled in a quiff. He heads downstairs and catches a cab to the club.
Cody said they were meeting at a club called SNITCH, Louis has heard of the club, apparently it's elite and god knows how he's going to get in to a club like that.
When he pulls up, the team is waiting for him, everyone including Rhys and Robbie.
Everyone greets Louis with head ruffles and hellos and Louis sticks to Noah's side as Cody leads them to the front of the club. He exchanges a few words with the bouncer before they are all being ushered in, Louis not even being checked for ID.
Once in the club they get taken to a VIP area, and Louis looks around the club and is in actual awe, it's amazing, simply amazing and classy as anything.
"Nice huh" Noah says as he sees Louis taking in the place.
"It's awesome" Louis says
"Well it ought to be, your brothers own the club" Noah laughs.
Louis double takes
"Huh?" He asks confused
"You didn't know that? It's one of the places they are most famous for owning" Noah says
Louis is in complete disbelief he had no idea, just another thing his brothers hide from him.
Louis doesn't get a chance to reply before Cody is handing him a drink
"Will I get in trouble? I'm underage" Louis asks,
The boys have let him have a few drinks before, but he's never been drunk.
"Relax Lou, I know the manager and you know the owners" Cody chuckles
"Yeah well if the owners find out I'm in here I'm fucked" Louis says.
"You didn't tell them?" Cody asks
"You think my overprotective brothers would let me go to a club being underage and let me drink, especially in a club they own that I had zero idea about, no way, I snuck out" Louis says
"Well shit, best make the most of it then" Cody says and Louis smiles
"I guess so" Louis says smiling back.
Louis let's loose a little and has fun with his friends, he doesn't drink a lot but he enjoys watching the team get drunk and be funny.
At about 11 he decides to go to the toilet and when he comes back out he's met with Robbie
"Hey Lou" He says
"Um hey" Louis replies shyly.
"Look, I need to talk to you about Rhys" Robbie says.
"What about him?" Louis asks deadpan
"Look, he's really sorry for everything and really wants to make it up to you" Robbie says.
"Well I don't need him too, it's fine" Louis says
"Rhys has been going through a really hard time, his mum is really sick and he's not handling it very well. I know what he did to you is no excuse but can you just hear him out. Let him explain, he really is a great guy and he really really likes you" Robbie says.
Louis sighs, he didn't realise Rhys was going through so much, he feels slightly guilty and even though he has no intention of getting back together with Rhys, Louis thinks he should at least give him the opportunity to explain.
"Fine, I'll hear him out, where is he" Louis asks.
"He has a surprise for you actually, he was hoping you could come downstairs, meet him there" Robbie says.
Louis is confused but he still goes with Robbie. Robbie leads him to an elegant elevator and Robbie shows the guards something before they are allowed inside. When they get to the bottom level the lift doors open and there is a huge grand foyer with marble everywhere. It's beautiful.
They then walk up to a reception desk.
"Good evening gentleman, Mr Shift, your room is ready" the guy at the desk smiles, he's about 30 cleanly shaven and dressed impeccably.
"Thank you Charlie" Robbie says.
Charlie then looks at Louis carefully, studying him closely.
"Is your name.....I'm sorry but is your name Louis?" Charlie then asks curiously
"Um" Louis starts confused
"No this is James, he's on the football team too, Rhys is expecting him" Robbie says curtly.
Louis looks towards Robbie confused.
"Right sorry" Charlie says.
"No problem, and remember no matter what no disturbances" Robbie says
"Of course" Charlie says
Robbie then leads Louis down the hallway to a room. Robbie opens the door and ushers Louis inside. He finds Rhys sitting on the bed waiting for him.
He looks around the room and his breath gets caught in his throat, the room is white with a bed in the centre it's covered in grey lush sheets. But the room has sex toys everywhere, all over the walls and in the draws, things hanging from the ceiling. Louis quickly catches on that the room is soundproof and he turns nervous.
"Hey Lou" Rhys says and Louis's attention is brought back to him.
Louis turns around and sees Robbie shut and lock the door
"What's going on?" Louis asks carefully.
"Look Louis, I really thought that you were a decent guy, I really thought you wouldn't have been such a pussy when it comes to relationships and I really thought you would have put out by now" Rhys says.
"What are you talking about?" Louis asks.
"We had a bet going, Robbie and I, to see how long it would take me to get you into bed" Rhys laughs.
Louis stays silent
"He also offered to share Louis and now we both haven't gotten what we've wanted" Robbie says as he comes in closer.
"Well, abusing your boyfriend isn't exactly the way to get someone into bed" Louis says dryly.
He then moves past Robbie to open the door, it's locked though.
"You're not going anywhere Louis" Rhys says still from his spot on the bed.
"What do you want?" Louis asks upset as he turns around to face the boys.
"We want what we didn't get the chance to have" Robbie says.
"So what, you're going to rape me and hope I won't fight back or tell anyone?" Louis asks sassily,
"Look around Louis, do you think you're in the kind of place that people would believe you were raped and not hear voluntarily" Rhys smirks.
At that Louis grows nervous,
"And you definitely can't take two of us" Robbie smirks.
"So your mums not sick, you tricked me to get me here?" Louis asks
"Of course we did, and we knew you were stupid enough to believe it" Rhys says.
"Fuck you Rhys" Louis says.
"I would shut that pretty little mouth of yours if I were you" Robbie says.
"You know what Robbie, why don't we shut his pretty little mouth for him" Rhys smirks and before Louis can fight back he's being grabbed, gagged and handcuffed. Louis struggles as best he can, screams as loud as he can from behind a gag as he's brutally laid into.
Outside at reception Charlie has pulled the folder Harry and the boys gave him when he started working at the club. It has photos of every person that is absolutely not allowed inside the club and one very very specific person that he was told if ever entered the club to call the boys immediately.
When Charlie sees the photo of Louis is the same as the boy who he questioned, he knew he should have trusted his gut.
Charlie goes to the phone and tries the boys immediately.
Harry and the boys arrived home to an empty house, they have been trying Louis phone over and over with no luck. They are all starting to really worry, it's after midnight and no sign of Louis.
Harry's phone then rings and he sees its Charlie, he mutes the call knowing he was supposed to organise a few things at the club that he hasn't done yet, it's not important at the moment and he just needs to find Louis.
Five minutes later and Harry's phone rings again, so does Scott's.
Harry answers curtly.
"What is it Charlie" Harry sighs.
"Sorry Mr Styles, sorry for disturbing you. Look I think Umm, your Louis is in the club, he was with two other boys. They told me his name was James but I pulled out the folder and I'm 100% sure it's Louis" Charlie says
"Shit, that's great work Charlie, thank you. Who were the boys he was with? Where is he now?"
"The boys are Mr Shift and Mr Butler, they are regulars" Charlie says
"So he's in the room with them?" Harry asks on edge
"Yes, he didn't seem to have any idea what was happening" Charlie says
"Get security and get him out of that room, we're on our way" Harry says.
Harry hangs up and Scott hangs up the phone too
"That was Jeremy, Louis football team is at SNITCH and Louis was there too" Scott says
"Yeah well he's downstairs now, with Robbie and Rhys, we need to get to him" Harry says.
"Shit" Drew and Edward chorus and they all rush to the car and to the club to find Louis.
Meanwhile at the club Charlie and their four security officers are knocking on room 27, they are getting no response so Charlie has no choice but to unlock the door from his side, no matter what they all see. He knows the boys won't be happy if he delays getting into the room.
When the door is open they see Louis tied up and gagged hanging from the ceiling barely conscious in just his white boxer shorts. He's black and blue and being whipped by Rhys and Robbie.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing in here" Robbie yells angrily.
"Get the fuck out, we said no interruptions" Rhys says
"Sorry boys times up" Charlie says and he motions to two of the guards to detain Rhys and Robbie.
"Get him down" Charlie instructs as the guards help Louis down from the shackles, he stirs as he's untied and Un gagged and placed on the bed.
"Hey kid, can you hear me" one of the guards asks concerned as they try to get Louis to rouse.
Louis opens his eyes and is in pain, he's scared shitless and comes too abruptly, he has no idea what's going on and sits up and backs up against the headboard of the bed scared.
"Hey it's okay we aren't going to hurt you" the guard says kindly
Louis sees Rhys and Cody on the floor on their knees hands tied behind their backs yelling abuse. Louis hands go to his ears and he shuts his eyes trying to block everything out.
Suddenly the boys enter the room worriedly.
"Louis, Jesus" Harry says as he sees Louis first.
Harry rushes towards Louis and Louis launches at him and hides in his neck. His grip tight.
"It's okay baby shhhhh it's all okay now, you're safe" Harry says.
"The police are on their way" Charlie states to the boys.
"Thanks Charlie" Edward says
"You guys are fucked you understand, how dare you touch him" Drew yells at Rhys and Robbie.
"Can someone call an ambulance, something's wrong" Harry says worriedly as he takes in Louis state.
"They are already on the way" Charlie says
The boys nod and they try to keep Louis conscious and warm while they wait for the ambulance.
Thankfully it's Amy and Sammy who show up, at the same time as the police come to take statements and take Rhys and Robbie away.
Edward and Drew will go with the police to help with statements while Scott and Harry stay with Louis.
"Louis kiddo can you hear me?" Sammy tries as Louis is laid on the bed.
"Shit he's black and blue, what did they do to him" Scott asks as the boys really get a good look at Louis.
Harry then turns towards Rhys and Robbie who are smirking as the police get them up to take them away. Harry loses it for a split second and the police don't stop him when he launches at Rhys and grabs him around the collar of his shirt. He lifts him up roughly
"You will pay for what you did to him you little fucker. I'll make sure if it" Harry spits as he pushes Rhys into the officers hands.
He then turns back to Louis and focuses on his boy.
"Louis" Amy tries and at Amy's voice Louis stirs and opens his eyes again.
"Hey their Lou, just relax for us" Amy says as Louis begins to panic.
"It's alright darling we're here it's all okay" Harry says.
"Can you tell us where you're hurt kiddo, what happened" Sammy asks.
"My stomach and back" Louis chokes
"Okay sweetheart, I'll give you something for the pain" Amy says.
"Louis, I need to know, did they rape you?" Sammy asks seriously and the boys hold their breath awaiting Louis answer.
"They didn't rape me, they were going too but they beat me first so I couldn't fight back, then you came" Louis says.
The boys relax a little
"Okay that's good, good boy Louis" Amy says
"We are going to have to take you to the hospital though Lou, you do have some pretty nasty injuries and we just need to check you're okay" Sammy says.
"No, I.... I want Harry" Louis says upset.
"I'm here angel, I'm here this time, I'm not going to leave your side I promise. I'm right here" Harry says.
Louis relaxes as Harry calms him, Amy hands him the green whistle again and Harry helps Louis through the pain and is by his side the entire way to the hospital.
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