
Harry makes it downstairs before Louis in the morning and the boys knowingly smirk at him.

"Shut it" Harry says before any of them can say a word.

"We didn't say anything" Drew says cheekily

Harry can't keep the smile off his face

"Please don't say anything to him" Harry says, he is worried how Louis will react. Harry is used to the banter and teasing but Louis is only new to this world and he doesn't want to scare him off.

"He's our little brother Harry, we would never" Scott says

"Well it's not like we haven't heard you guys going at it since the girls have been staying" Harry says laughing.

Him and Louis have had a few laughs having been woken up a few times by the boys antics. Even thought the house is big when the rest of the house is quiet it seems you can hear a lot.

Louis then walks into the kitchen before the boys can banter back to Harry.

"Morning Lou" the boys all say at once.

"Oh god" Louis says stopping in his tracks.

"What?" The boys ask confused

"You heard us last night didn't you" Louis says embarrassed. The boys are acting weird and Louis knows the looks on their faces, like they've just been paying Harry out jokingly

"It's okay Lou, we didn't intentionally listen, we all get a bit carried away sometimes, as we hear you've heard" Edward says trying to make Louis feel more comfortable.

"Well I've never heard any of you yell daddy" Louis says matter if factly bantering back with the boys.

Harry spits his coffee out at Louis boldness and the boys laugh

"Maybe not but what you and Harry do behind closed doors is your business don't feel embarrassed, belive me we've seen and heard a lot more than a daddy kink, which we know Harry has always wanted" Scott laughs winking at Louis who blushes.

"Oh god don't start" Harry says blushing finally embarrassed.

"What do you mean? You don't.... you didn't...." Louis wonders

"No baby, I never acted on that, as much as I wanted to you're the first" Harry says smiling slightly

Louis smiles big and looks down blushing

"Well just keep it down in future alright daddy" Drew laughs and Harry throw a packet of sugar at him as everyone jokes around.

Louis finds himself laughing and he's just happy that he has these boys in his life, that they are including him, that he feels accepted and brought into their world for the first time, ever.

"Are you feeling okay about the game kiddo?" Drew asks as things settle down

Louis shrugs

"I can't really do much about it I guess. I just, hate thinking about it all. It's embarrassing and stuff" Louis says quietly.

"Embarrassing?" Edward asks confused

"Why are you embarrassed?" Scott asked

"I just, I'm embarrassed I fell for it, I'm embarrassed I was weak and couldn't stop them. I'm embarrassed that I let Rhys do those things to me and I was too weak and stupid to think he actually liked me" Louis says shrugging at the end.

"Oh darling, you're not weak, you're the opposite of weak. What they did to you was horrible and not something that is easy to understand or get through. Please know that" Harry says reassuringly.

Louis sighs and nods a little.

He just has to suck it up and get through this game as best he can.


The team rally around Louis and the boys and their girls are front row on the sidelines which helps immensely. Louis is nervous and both Rhys and Robbie keep smirking at him and whispering to their team. Their smug faces making him wish he didn't have to play.

"We've got this Lou, let's kick their arses" Noah says

"We've got your back Lou" Jake says

"Let's do this guys" Mac says

and the team cheers as they break apart and head to their positions.

The game goes as well as it could go, London Elite up by three goals by half time. Robbie and Rhys target Louis but Louis team have his back and he has been able to score all but one goal that they've gotten.

It's the final 30 seconds though when Louis is heading towards goal and is about to shoot for the win, he kicks the ball as both Rhys and Robbie come from either side of him and crash into him on purpose. The ball hits the net but Louis hits the ground hard. So hard that he blacks out.

Harry and the boys see Louis go down and panic hit them. Harry jumps the barrier and races towards Louis hurriedly. The team is gathered around with coach as the ref disqualifies James south completely.

"Lou baby" Harry tries as he kneels down next to Louis.

Amy and Sammy come over to help assess Louis but he's completely out cold and they need to get him to a hospital.

An ambulance is called and the boys watch on worriedly as Louis is transported to hospital. Harry goes with him but isn't told much and is sent straight to the waiting room as soon and they arrive.

Louis wakes an hour later, he's surrounded by a doctor he recognises from when he was brought in last time and nurses he doesn't know and the boys are nowhere in sight. He's in a hospital gown, oxygen in his nose and a few drips in his hand.

He's confused and doesn't remember what happened, he starts to panic.

"Hey there Louis, just relax you're okay" The doctor says gently

"What happened" Louis asks groggily

His head is pounding and his knee is really sore.

"You were knocked out on the football field, you've got a bad concussion and your knee was dislocated again" The doctor says. He grabs his flashlight and starts looking in Louis eyes. He winced and turns his head the light really hurting his eyes.

"I'm just going to get your brothers from the waiting room and fill them in okay, I'll bring them back to the room" Doctor Andy tells Louis.

"Can I go home" Louis worries.

"We can chat about that when I get your brothers okay" Andy says smiling gently.

Louis nods

"Just rest, I'll be back okay" Andy says and Louis sighs and nods.

As doctor Andy leaves he tries to remember what happened, his head is so sore though and he doesn't come up with a lot. He remembers the game up until second half and then...nothing. It starts to upset him and Louis starts getting a bit worked up, why can't he remember

In the waiting room the boys are pacing the room.

"He will be okay boys, just try to relax" Amy says gently as she tries to comfort Edward.

"He was out cold, I knew we shouldn't have let him play" Drew says.

"This isn't your fault, Don't blame yourselves" Vanessa says

"Those arseholes will wish they were never born" Scott says angrily.

Seeing his brother go down like that and watching the whole thing from the sidelines, just keeps replaying in his mind.

"Let's just focus on Louis at the moment hey" Sammy says as she rubs Scott's back.

"What's taking so long, I need to be there with him" Harry says frustrated.

Just then Andy comes into the waiting room.

"Boys" he says as he enters.

"Dr Andy" Scott says thankfully.

Andy smiles and the boys gather around

"Is he okay?" They all ask.

"He's okay, his knee was dislocated again but I've put it back in place he will be sore for a while and can't take the field for at least eight weeks. He has a severe concussion and is like to keep him overnight just to make sure he's okay and monitor him, if everything is fine he can go home in the morning" Andy says.

The boys nod and sigh relieved Louis doesn't have any permanent damage.

"Can I stay with him" Harry asks

Andy smiles.

"You can, no problem at all. He's awake now and I've told him I would bring you back to the room" Andy says

The boys grab their things and follow Andy back to Louis room.

They walk in and Harry rushes straight to Louis side

"Lou" Harry says Louis has tears in his eyes and he sits up and latches onto Harry.

"It's okay baby I've got you, you're okay" Harry says gently to Louis.

He manoeuvres Louis so he's sitting on the bed Louis across him.

"You okay kiddo?" Scott asks as he too comes over beside Louis too

"I don't remember what happened" Louis says upset

"That can be normal bud, it might come back to you and it might not, you took a pretty big hit to the head" Doctor Andy says.

"Don't stress yourself out Lou, it's all okay" Drew says.

"Can I go home now?" Louis asks

The boys look to Andy to break the news.

"I would really like it if you stayed the night Louis. You were unconscious for a few good hours and vomiting which indicates head trauma. I need to keep an eye on you overnight" Doctor Andy says gently.

Louis looks to Harry scared.

"It's okay, I'll stay with you, I'll be here the whole night" Harry says as he swipes Louis fringe off his forehead.

"Promise" Louis asks

"I promise darling" Harry says kissing his head.

"If you stop vomiting overnight and you feel better in the morning you can go home okay. I also want to do a few more scans on your knee, just to be safe that it's back in properly and make sure we don't need to operate" Andy says

Louis eyes widen

"Operate" Louis Almost yells.

"Calm down kiddo" Scott says

"But, football, my scholarship. I can't have an operation" Louis says.

"You play professionally?" Andy asks her more concerned now.

"Louis is meant to play professionally next year. He has a scholarship locked in for next year and the potential to make the Man U representative team" Edward explains

The boys are all concerned at this news.

"Okay, well I promise you Louis, I'll do everything I can to make sure we don't have to operate, make sure we can get you back on the field" Andy says.

Louis runs his hands on his face and winces his head pounding.

"I want you to rest now okay, I'm going to give you some pain relief and your job is to relax and rest. Just leave the worrying to me okay" Andy says smiling slightly.

The boys smile at Andy and Harry lays Louis down in the bed.

"I won't leave your side okay" Harry reassures.

Louis nods and relaxes back.

"I'm going to have to wake you every few hours okay, so I apologise in advance for your terrible night sleep" Andy smiles.

Louis nods as he closes his eyes, already to tired to keep them awake and he falls asleep, Harry rubbing his hands through his hair in comfort.

"What do you have to monitor him for? Like can his concussion get worse?" Drew wonders.

"He has some swelling on the brain and I just want to make sure it goes down" Andy explains.

The boys look worried

"It's okay, I promise, I will look after him. He will miss some football though" Andy says

The boys sigh.

"I'll write whatever you need me too, to the school, his coach, the scouts. I'll get him back on the field" Andy says.

"Thanks Doctor Andy, we really appreciate that" Drew says.

"Of course, now visiting hours are nearly over. Harry you can stay and I'll call with any updates if I need too. Otherwise he should be okay for discharge by 10am tomorrow" Andy says.

The boys nod and all kiss Louis on the head goodbye and say goodbye to Harry, Edward let's him know he will drop some clothes up for him so he's more comfortable.

The boys leave and Harry settled down beside Louis. Holding him close not wanting to let him go.

Andy comes in every two to three hours to wake Louis up. He's grumpy and sore when he does and Louis doesn't like it. Andy is glad he's grumpy, it's a good sign.

The next day Louis is released from hospital and is allowed to head home. He's on strict bed rest for two weeks and that includes no sexual activities with Harry at all. He's frustrated to say the least. He's spent most of his last year of highschool at home.

The boys sorted out everything with his coach and his scholarship is in safe hands for next year. Robbie and Rhys were taken off the football team and reprimanded by the school but Harry and the boys wish they could do more.

Louis is just happy he can still play football and his scholarship is safe for next year, thanks to the boys. He just hoped he can do them all proud and make the rep team like he's always planned.


"Louis we're going to be late" Harry yells up the stairs of the penthouse.

"I'm coming, I'm coming" Louis yells as he runs down three stairs in his suit and tie.

"Late to your own brothers wedding, what am I going to do with you" Harry laughs playfully and he grabs Louis and kisses him.

"You're the one who's going to make us late daddy" Louis says playfully.

Harry bites his lip and moans.

"I will never get over hearing you say that darling" Harry says sexily.

Louis smirks and kisses Harry thoughtfully.

"Alright lovers break it up" Drew says as he and Vanessa come into the Kitchen laughing all dressed

Scott and Sammy are getting married and the boys are all in the bridal party. They all still live together in the penthouse and the girls all moved in just over a year ago. The boys are all engaged now and their weddings happening just months apart. It's all huge news in the media and the boys take it all in their stride. Louis not really fazed by the attention the boys get.

Louis is in his second year of college, he was chosen for the Manchester representative team and is considered the next football prodigy. He's developed his own identity and the boys couldn't be prouder of him.

The boys ended up selling snitch and the downstairs and it was all kept under wraps the boys have managed to keep everything That happened to Louis under wraps and thankfully Rhys and Robbie moved away after they graduated.

Harry and Louis relationship has moved to the next level, Harry is planning to propose to Louis in the next few weeks, he's planned the whole thing out and has the ring picked out and the boys all in on the proposal.

Louis can't belive his life has turned out the way it has. He's so thankful he has the boys and now their girls too. And Harry, his Harry, he's so happy their relationship is amazing and they are so in love. He's so thankfully for everything and he knows his parents are looking down on him and the boys and are so proud of what they've all achieved and how well they look after each other. They way they all look after Louis and he means the world to them all.

The End

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