
Chapter Text
The next morning Louis is a nervous wreck, he didn't sleep much and he's actually scared of going to school.

"You okay Lou?" Drew asks the next morning as Louis doesn't touch his toast, his stomach in knots.

"Yeah, Fine, just a test today" Louis lies.

"Okay, well I'm sure you'll do fine bud" Drew reassures

"Ready to go Lou?" Harry asks as he rushes in the kitchen, Scott and Edward on his tail.

"Yeah" Louis sighs.

"You haven't eaten" Edward says pointing to the full plate of toast on the bench

"I'll eat at school" Louis says.

The boys don't push

"I'll pick you up after soccer today Okay" Harry says.

Louis nods.

"Also kiddo, our monthly work dinner Is this Friday, we will make an exception for you too see Rhys if you'd like" Scott says.

Once a month the boys have a "work" dinner, it's really a dinner for the boys to get together with their subs or girlfriends that Louis doesn't know about.

Edward and Amy have hit it off and have been dating for two months and he wants to introduce her to the boys as his girlfriend. Harry is also bringing Jax home for the first time, to meet the boys. Scott has been dating Sammy, Amy's work partner and Drew has had a girlfriend for over a year, Vanessa. The boys are all ready to have real relationships and to settle down, apart from Harry.

Louis doesn't know any of this though and assumes they have big execs over to the house to schmooze.

"Um..sure" Louis says quietly

Inside he's freaking out, he doesn't want to see Rhys alone on Friday but there is no way the boys will allow him to see Noah instead.

Louis is quiet most of the drive to school and Harry hates it. He hates Louis being so upset and distance from him.

"Want to talk about anything Bub" Harry asks, hoping the nickname loosens Louis up and he lets Harry in.

Louis looks to Harry and then back out the window, he really doesn't want to talk to Harry about Rhys, especially since Harry rejected him and they haven't even addressed that issue directly, they've just pretended it didn't happen.

Louis doesn't want Harry to think he's useless and pathetic, that he can't hold down a boyfriend. Louis is also frustrated, Harry expects him to talk to him when Harry can't even respect him enough to do the same.

"It's fine, unless you want to talk about getting each other off and pretending it never happened" Louis's says bravely.

Harry is completely taken back, he splutters and doesn't even know what to say. He's shocked. Luckily they pull up to school.

"Saved by the bell" Louis says sassily.

"Louis" Harry tries.

"Forget it Haz, See you after training" Louis says sighing as he gets out of the car.

Harry doesn't leave and instead watches Louis make his way to his group of friends. Harry can't believe Louis brought that up, can't believe he was brave enough to be so sassy in front of Harry. It's true though, Harry knows they haven't discussed it and Harry feels so awful, he thought for Louis sake it was best to try and avoid the situation.

Harry watches as people dote all over Louis, ruffling his hair and smiling and laughing with him. Louis is the light in everyone's life and lights up a room as soon as he enters, Harry is besotted with him and loves him to death, he can't get these feelings to stop and it's absolutely frustrating the hell out of Harry.

Harry watches as Rhys then walks over to Louis and his group, Harry hates Rhys with everything in him, he also notices Robbie shift, the one who hurt Louis knee is with Rhys. If Harry could get away with it he would murder those two shit heads. Louis seems to go pale and tense up when Rhys puts his arm around Louis, Harry senses something is off but he gets beeped out of the drop off line and leaves the school ground with an uneasy feeling in his stomach.

"Did you tell anyone about yesterday? Your brothers?" Rhys asks Louis as his grip around Louis waist tightens.

",,no" Louis says shakily.

"Good boy" Rhys says and it sends shivers down Louis spine, Rhys sounds evil, not like when Harry calls him a good boy.

"Look Lou, I like you but sometimes you do need to be put in your place and told how to act, you should be grateful that I'm willing to help you be a better person and boyfriend" Rhys says.

Louis looks him in the eyes and Louis sees how serious he is, maybe Rhys is right, maybe he isn't a good boyfriend, maybe he does need help. Harry obviously doesn't want him for a reason and Rhys wants to help him become better.

"Okay.. thanks" Louis says shyly.

"Of course babe" Rhys says,

The day goes on slowly and Rhys is by Louis side for most of it, his touch is rougher and his possessiveness makes Louis really uncomfortable, he doesn't want to be near Rhys, but he keeps reminding himself that Rhys is helping him. Rhys does physically hurt him a few times, slight pushes and grabbing Louis to hard but Louis takes it, deserves it, at least that's what Rhys tells him and even after half a day of Rhys being like he is towards Louis, he's starting to believe him.

Harry is waiting for Louis when he finishes practise and doesn't take his eyes off Louis when Rhys kisses him goodbye, Harry notices the possessive way Rhys touches Louis, the jealousy behind his eyes, the way he grabs at Louis. It doesn't sit right with Harry and he refuses to believe Louis is happy with Rhys.

Rhys watches Louis hungrily as he walks to Harry's car.

"You tapped him yet Rhys" Robbie asks slyly

Rhys laughs

"Not yet, he's a tough nut to crack but I will, I'll get him. He just needs me to persuade him a little first, you know what I mean" Rhys smirks.

"Well, you're a lucky one, I'd love to tap that arse, he's fucking gorgeous" Max says

"That he is boys, you never know I may share him" Rhys laughs and the boys laugh with him, Louis oblivious to their piercing eyes on him and the laughter behind his back. Harry, although can't hear what's being said, knows Rhys is a dick and Louis is nothing more than a possession to him.

"Hey bub" Harry greets Louis as he slips in the car.

Harry can instantly tell something is off with Louis, his eyes are glistening and Harry's heart breaks.

"Hey" Louis says quietly as he puts his seatbelt on.

"How was school?" Harry asks.

"Fine" Louis says and resumes his position of looking out the window,

Harry really misses how things were between he and Louis, misses their talks and laughing together, Harry misses Louis laugh and being the cause for it.

"So How's Rhys going?" Harry says trying to sound nonchalant

"Fine, he's fine" Louis says quickly.

"Are you happy?" Harry asks.

And that gets Louis angry.

"Why do you care" Louis says upset.

"Of course I care, why wouldn't I care if you were happy or not, especially in a relationship" Harry says back angrily.

"It's none of your business and my relationships don't concern you" Louis says.

"Well actually they do" Harry says.

Louis is about to respond with a snarky response when he remembers Rhys words, how Rhys is trying to help him be a better person and boyfriend. Rhys says he talks back to much and he shouldn't argue with authority figures as it's disrespectful. Louis closes his eyes and tries to hold his tears back. Rhys is right and Harry probably hates him because he doesn't listen and doesn't respect the boys and their rules.

Louis sighs and changes his attitude.

"He's fine and I'm happy thanks for asking" Louis says quietly.

Harry looks to Louis confused, he's glad Louis isn't still yelling at him but this is so unlike Louis....the submissive side, Harry thought we would like it but it isn't Louis and Harry is very confused.

"Are you two sex" Harry asks and it's so awkward.

Louis closes his eyes to try and not respond angrily.

"Harry I don't want to talk about this with you...please" Louis says begging in his tone.

"I just want you safe and protected, that's all" Harry says quietly.

"No Harry I'm not having sex" Louis says and Harry visibly relaxes.

They pull up to the penthouse and they park the car. Both boys get out and head towards the lift. Harry goes to lead Louis inside and doesn't miss the visible flinch from Louis as he touches his lower back.. Harry doesn't mention it but makes a mental note.

The boys are placing out dinner when the lift doors open,

"Hey kid, how was practise" Edward asks as he and Harry walk in.

"Fine" Louis says.

"Why don't you go wash your hands, dinner is done" Scott says as he kisses Louis on the head and places the last plate on the table.

The boys are all in sweats and T-shirts, Harry takes his coat off and drapes in over the kitchen stools, eying Louis carefully,

"I'm not hungry" Louis says.

"Okay, Lou, I'm sorry but that's not an excuse anymore, this not eating thing is stoping right this second Go wash up now" Scott says voice full of authority.

Louis stares at Scott wanting to talk back but Rhys's comments keep going through his head.

Louis doesn't argue just leaves the room to head to the bathroom and wash up.

Scott looks to Harry who shrugs back.

"No idea what's going on, he won't open up, he did tell me he and Rhys aren't sexually active which is a relief, other than that though, I've got no clue" Harry sighs as he sits down at the table.

"I don't know why all of a sudden he would stop eating" Drew says as he hands Harry and the boys a beer and takes his seat next to Harry.

"Maybe he's stressed about school" Edward says. As he and Scott take their seats, Scott at the head of the table and Edward to his left.

Before the boys can respond Louis comes back in and sits next to Edward, opposite Harry. He keeps his head down and doesn't say a word.

The boys start serving up dinner, it's chicken pasta and smells and looks delicious. Louis puts two small spoonfuls on his plate, Harry then grabs the spoon and puts another two big spoonfuls on without another word.

Tears prick Louis eyes, he's not not eating on purpose he's just not hungry.

They boys eye Louis carefully and get to eating and the usual banter around the table, minus Louis. Louis just can't take his mind off Rhys and his shoulder is actually really sore after Rhys hurt him today. And his body aches after practise, along with his knee. He just wants to go to bed.

"So Lou, did you organise to hang out with Rhys on Friday?" Edward asks.

Louis tenses and looks towards Edward.

"Um, can I hang out with Noah instead" Louis asks.

The boys look at one another

"Are you and Rhys, did you break up?" Drew asks carefully.

"Um like, yeah maybe, I'm just....I don't really want a boyfriend right now" Louis says.

He needs to break up with Rhys, needs to do something, being alone with Rhys makes him feel physically sick.

The boys are concerned at Louis reaction, Louis seems scared for some reason and the boys agree he can hang out with Noah instead.

"Just this once okay, you are still grounded" Harry says pointedly,

Louis nods, relieved the boys agreed.

Louis finishes about three mouthfuls before he heads upstairs, he takes out his phone and arranges to see Noah on Friday. He then also, sends a message to Rhys, he may be a chicken breaking up with Rhys over message but he just can't face him.

"I think we should break it off Rhys, I'm not looking for anything serious right now" Louis sends it before he can think twice about it.

He receives a message back instantly.

"Big mistake Louis" it says.

Louis swallows hard, at least Rhys didn't try to get him to change his mind.

Louis has a shower, gets changed for bed and tries to sleep, he's nervous about facing Rhys tomorrow but he feels a lot better now that he's broken things off.

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