
Louis wakes and the pain in his knee is bad. He forgets he's mad at Harry and calls for him desperately.

"Hey, Hey, Lou, it's okay I'm here, what's wrong" Harry asks as he hurries into the lounge.

"My knee, it hurts" Louis says upset.

"It's okay, come here" Harry says as he picks Louis up gently and holds him close like a child.

Louis sniffs cutely and clings on to Harry.

"Come on darling, I'll take you back to bed" Harry says, he's just so thankful Louis is letting him near him

They make it to Louis room and Harry puts Louis into bed and gives him some pain relief, Harry pushes his luck and strips down to just his track-pants and no shirt and gets into bed with Louis. Louis thankfully doesn't protest. Harry gets comfy and makes sure Louis is comfortable, Harry is so close to Louis and as he pulls him in to his body they lock eyes.

Louis is looking innocently at Harry, his gorgeous blue eyes shining up at Harry, Harry is absolutely gone for Louis. He's just beautiful and sends butterflies to Harry's stomach, gives him feelings he's never had before.

They stare at each other, the sexual tension becoming frustrating, their breathing pics up as Harry cups Louis cheek.

"Harry" Louis says desperately.

"Fuck" Harry gives in he has to, hearing Louis say his name like that, being in this position, feeling Louis against him. He leans down and claims Louis lips.

Their first kiss, feeling Harry's lips on his has Louis desperate. Harry's lips are so soft, he tastes of vanilla and dominance and Louis can't get enough. Harry slides his tongue inside Louis mouth, he tastes amazing and Harry can't get enough of him, he's beautiful and this moment is everything they thought it was going to be.

It's instant heat and desperation as both boys are desperate to feel each other. It's fast and both boys are breathless. Harry suddenly grabs Louis arms and places them over his head, trapping them.

"Fuck you're gorgeous" Harry pulls back breathlessly to say.

Louis whines high in his throat.

"So good for me baby, so good for me" Harry says as he grinds down on Louis hard on, Harry is insanely hard and it happens so fast as they grind on each other, Harry dominating Louis and his every move.

"Harry please" Louis begs and that send Harry over the edge hearing Louis beg his name.

"Fuck baby" Harry says desperately.

They grind on each other moaning desperately, they are fully clothed but it's hot and they both get lost in each other. Soon they both feel the coil in their stomachs.

"Come, be a good boy and come for me" Harry says and Louis whines already completely on edge and comes all over himself, Harry following suit instantly groaning Louis name.

They are both breathing hard and no words are said as Harry pulls Louis close and cradles him as Louis falls asleep.


Louis wakes up alone, clean but alone, he gets out of bed forgetting the pain in his knee and heads downstairs to find Harry, what happened between them was everything Louis has ever wanted. Having Harry touch him that way meant everything, Harry means everything to him and Louis feels like somethings wrong, he has a disturbing feeling in his gut.

Louis wanders downstairs and stops in the kitchen as he hears Harry's voice coming from the lounge.

"I'm going to the club, I need to let out my frustrations" Harry says angrily.

"Harry" Scott says sighing,

"I can't be with him Scott, I can't, he's different, he's not what I need" Harry says.

"You know that's a lie" Edward says,

"Running off to Jax is not what you need" Drew says.

"I have to go" Harry says and he storms from the lounge to the kitchen, he stops in his tracks when he sees Louis.

They stare at each other for a minute, Harry sees the hurt behind Louis eyes and he can't deal with it.

"How much of that did you hear" Harry yells angrily.

Louis jumps at Harry's tone, Harry never speaks to him like this.

"Um...just" Louis says sadly

"Just what?" Harry spits.

"Just that....I'm not good enough, um that I'm not enough" Louis whispers.

Harry sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose.

"It's okay Harry, I understand" Louis says.

Inside he's absolutely shattered.

"I just came down for some pain relief, I'll get out of your hair" Louis says and he grabs the pain relief of the bench and heads back upstairs, Harry watching him go.

"Fuck" Harry yells and then he's out the door, heading to the club to dominate his sub and gain back some control

Upstairs Louis is a mess, he breaks down behind his locked closed door. He really thought Harry wanted to be with him. Louis had a slight piece of hope but not anymore. Clearly Harry thought he was a mistake, that it was all a mistake. Caught up in the moment

The boys check on Louis a few times but he claims he is fine. No way is he going to show weakness or vulnerability to the boys, especially emotions that clearly don't matter to Harry.

Louis claims he's sore and has an early dinner, before Harry gets home and the boys thankfully let him. He's fast asleep by 7pm.

Harry comes home late, smelling of sex and looking disheveled, the first place he heads is to Louis room, he opens the door and just stands in the doorway, he watches Louis sleeping and it hurts. Harry fucked up with Louis, yelling at him like that was wrong but his feelings can't get in the way, he will only end up hurting Louis and he can't do that to such a precious, innocent boy. He loves him too much to hurt him.

Louis doesn't stir and Harry eventually heads to bed, he has to make it up to Louis and hopefully things can go back to the way they were.

The next day Louis gets ready for school and heads downstairs, his knee is killing him but he doesn't want to miss another day of school. He's met with all the boys in the kitchen.

"Morning bud" Edward says

"Morning" Louis half smiles as he goes to get a water from the fridge.

"What would you like to eat darling?" Scott asks.

"I'm not hungry and I'm late so I'm just going to go" Louis says.

"Are you sure you're okay to head to school?" Drew asks.

"Yeah" Louis replies.

"Let me just get my keys and we can go" Harry says gently, he usually takes Louis to school.

"No it's fine, Noah is coming to get me, he's downstairs" Louis says

That hits Harry hard, he's fucked things with Louis.

The boys look at each other

"I can pick you up after school" Harry tries.

"It's fine, I um...I'm going to soccer training" Louis says.

"You can't play on your knee" Harry says pointedly.

"I'm not, I still have to support the team, Noah will drop me home" Louis says.

The boys don't get a chance to answer before Louis is out the door without so much as a goodbye.

"That was weird" Scott says.

"Yeah, he's mad at me" Harry says.

"Well hopefully you two can sort things out" Edward says,

Harry nods and they get to heading in to work. Harry has a lot on his mind and hopes Louis can forgive him.

At school Louis tries to forget Harry and his problems, tries to focus on his friends and make it through the day. Everyone is doting on him and fussing over his sore knee. He's used to it, being the youngest and growing up with the boys.

It's soccer training when Louis is watching everyone practise while he sits on the bench, coach asking him every two seconds if he's warm enough. Louis is freezing but he won't admit it, curling his blazer around him as best he can.

The boys are just finishing up when Rhys comes sauntering over to Louis, he's all sweaty and has a slight smirk. Louis thinks he is cute but nothing compared to Harry. Rhys sits down next to Louis and has a drink of his drink bottle,

"How's the knee?" He asks Louis kindly

"Yeah, okay thanks" Louis smiles shyly back.

Rhys smiles.

"I was wondering if you were free Friday night? Would love to take you out" Rhys says confidently and Louis is a little shocked.

He normally would have turned Rhys down but why not? Rhys is a nice guy and Louis knows he's wanted to ask him out a while now.

"Um yeah, I just have to check with my brothers, but yeah I'd love too" Louis says back shyly.

"Gosh you're cute" Rhys says and Louis blushes

"Here, give me your phone" Rhys asks and Louis does, Rhys programs his number in and calls himself from Louis phone.

"Just send me a text later with your answer" Rhys winks and Louis again, blushes.

"See you soon cutie" Rhys says and walks his way back to the lockers.

Louis watches Rhys go as Noah walks over smirking.

"Get it Lou" He teases.

"Shut up" Louis whines.

"So you said yes to a date?" Noah asks.

"I have to check with the boys but he wants to take me out Friday" Louis says

"So Rhys Butler is the one to actually get a date with the infamous Louis T" Noah says.

"OH my god, Shut it Noah" Louis laughs.

Louis isn't oblivious to the attention he receives and the ogling eyes, the whispers of crushes behind his back. He's never been interested before but he guesses if he's going to get over Harry he has to start somewhere and Rhys seems nice.

Noah chuckles and he and Louis get to leaving, the car ride is spent with Noah teasing Louis the entire way home.

When Louis reaches the penthouse, he sighs, he really doesn't want to face the boys. The lift dings and Louis enters to the boys all sitting around the table for dinner.

"Hey kiddo" Drew announces happily.

"Hey" Louis half smiles.

"How was practise?" Scott asks

"Good" Louis replies

"There's dinner in the oven for you, made you your favourite" Harry says.

"Thanks, I'm not hungry I'm really tired... I'm just going to go to bed" Louis says.

The boys look at each other concerned.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Scott asks

"Yeah I'm fine" Louis says and he heads upstairs

The boys sigh as Louis walks off to his room.

"Somethings up with him" Scott says.

"He didn't eat again, it's not the first time, it won't be happening again" Harry says.

"Go easy on him Haz" Drew says.

Harry sighs and gets up to start cleaning up dinner.

Louis has a shower and changes into his pjs, he then remembers he needs to ask the boys about going on a date with Rhys. He makes his way slowly downstairs, his knee still giving him some grief. He finds the boys all sitting in the lounge room together, watching TV.

"Scott?" Louis asks as he walks in.

Drew pauses the TV and the boys all look towards Louis. He's so gorgeous and small in his navy pjs. Louis has always loved them and the boys have had to buy the same pair every year for him because he refuses to wear anything else. It's no surprise Harry brought the first pair for him years ago. Harry still smiles when he sees Louis wear them.

"Hey bud, what's up" Scott asks

"Do you need some more pain relief for your knee?" Edward asks

"No, it's" Louis says, he doesn't know where to start, he's never approached the boys about something like this.

"Are you hungry, I can heat up dinner for you" Harry says

"No.... I was actually wondering if I can go out Friday night with a um...a friend" Louis asks trying to be subtle.

The boys look at each other

"Like a...boy...friend?" Edward asks and Louis blushes.

Harry is absolutely fuming inside and stays silent.

"Maybe" Louis shrugs.

"As long as we meet him first, that's fine kiddo" Drew says.

Louis nods relieved it didn't take much convincing, the boys are always so overprotective

"Your first date huh, that's exciting" Edward then says smiling.

"Yeah, I guess.....thanks " Louis says and then walks out of the room, the death stares from Harry not going unnoticed

The boys watch him go and turn to one another

"We all knew it was going to happen one day" Edward smiles

"Yeah, I'm surprised it's taken this long actually" Drew says

"Well we didn't have to say yes, god knows who this guy is, we should be vetting him, we always said we would" Harry says a little aggressively and the boys smirk at him.

"We know Haz and we will absolutely, but Louis is a smart kid and this is the first guy he's ever dated, he's got to be special in some sense" Scott says

"Well I already don't like him and I don't want Louis dating" Harry says

"Well do something about that H" Scott winks at Harry who throws a pillow at Scott who laughs.

Harry doesn't like this one single bit.

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