Sammy and Amy arrive an hour later, Louis hasn't ventured out of his room at all, so the boys take Sammy and Amy up to his room.
Harry knocks on the door
"Louis" he says
Louis doesn't answer
"Louis" Drew then asks worriedly
"I'm fine, please go away" Louis says
"No chance kiddo, we're coming in" Edward says and he opens the door.
The boys, Sammy and Amy all walk in to Louis room and find him freshly showered in sweats and a tee, sitting on his bed trying to finish his homework.
"Sammy and Amy have come to check you over" Scott says
"Scott I'm fine" Louis complains.
"Well then there will be nothing to worry about" Sammy says playfully
Louis sighs and closes his text books
The boys all sit on Louis couch against the wall and watch on
"Okay kiddo can you lie down for us" Amy says patting Louis pillow.
Louis does, just so they can get this over with.
"Okay now, I'm going to lift your shirt up okay" Sammy says
Louis nods and takes a breath in to get himself ready for the pain.
Amy and Sammy notice and look to one another
Sammy lifts Louis shirt up and they see bruises on his torso but also big purple bruise on his right side, going around to his back.
Sammy starts pressing down softly on Louis bruise and Louis hisses in pain
"Sorry bud, I'm nearly done" Sammy says.
"You're doing really well Lou" Amy says encouragingly
Sammy finishes then sighs.
"Lou, I need you to please tell me the truth, was this injury inflicted by a person" Sammy asks
"Why does it matter?" Louis says sitting up
"Because it helps with my diagnosis and how we treat your injury" Sammy says
"No it doesn't, you're just trying to get information out of me because the boys asked you too, I fell over okay" Louis says
"Okay, okay" Sammy says as she raises her hands in resignation.
"You've got a pretty severe kidney infection that needs antibiotics" Sammy says.
"Shit, will he be okay?" Harry asks worriedly
"He just needs rest, probably the next week off school" Amy says
"And no football for a week, maybe two" Sammy says
Louis is so frustrated he sits up and gets off the bed facing everyone
"Okay, great, can you leave me alone now" Louis says
"Don't you dare have an attitude with us" Drew says sternly
"We are all trying to help you" Harry says
"I don't need help" Louis says
"Look, you need to rest I'll send the boys out for your antibiotics okay" Sammy says
She and Amy usher the boys out and tell Louis he needs to sleep before they are meeting the boys at the bottom of the stairs.
"Someone has hurt him, there are old bruises too, I think it's been going on for a while" Sammy says
"Shit" Harry says
"Why is he lying to us" Scott asks
"I don't know Scotty but first things first we need to get his kidney infection under control" Sammy says
"I'll go and get the prescription " Edward says
"I'll come" Amy smiles, Edward grins back and they hold hands as they leave the penthouse.
"We need to get to the bottom of this" Drew says.
"I think Rhys has something to do with it" Harry says
The boys take that in, and sigh they just want Louis safe and protected and will do whatever it takes to keep it that way.
Louis spends the next few days in bed, he's actually really tired and sore so he doesn't fight the boys when he's told to stay in bed. It's Wednesday when he gets a text message from someone he really doesn't want to hear from.
"Are you coming back to school?" The message from Rhys says
Louis sighs, he doesn't know whether to reply or not.
"Don't ignore me" Rhys messages five minutes later.
"I'm sick, I'll be back next week" Louis says
"Look I wanted to say sorry for last Friday, I didn't mean to hurt you. I really like you Louis and I want this to work out between us" Rhys messages.
Louis is so confused, he has no intentions of ever getting back together with Rhys, no matter how sorry he is.
"There is no 'us' Rhys" Louis replies
There's no response from Rhys but an hour later he gets a message from Cody
"Hey Lou, heard your weren't feeling well, I hope you feel better soon, the team isn't the same without you. We are heading to a club together Friday night to celebrate mid season. You have to come" Cody says.
"Thanks, I'll be fine next week, I'm missing the team too. I don't know if I'll be allowed to come Friday if I'm still sick and I'm not 18 like you guys, I won't get in the club" Louis says back.
"Don't worry about that, We can get you in, we're counting on you to come, pls Lou!" Cody says
"I'll see what I can do" Louis replies
He knows there is no way the boys will let him go out Friday, he doesn't want to miss out on the club with the guys though, besides being the smallest on the team Louis is also the youngest and he doesn't want to be left out.
"Great! see you Friday, I'll let you know details soon" Cody says with a winky face.
Louis sighs and throws his phone on the other side of his bed, he's going to have to sneak out if he's going to have any chance of going to the club with the team.
Friday morning, Harry knocks on Louis door, Louis rolls over to see Harry holding his breakfast like he has been every morning for the past week. Louis hasn't eaten it on any morning and he wonders why Harry is even still bothering to bring him food.
Louis has been ignoring the boys as much as he can, he rolls over facing away from Harry and Harry sighs.
"I'm eating with you this morning" Harry says
"I'm not eating" Louis replies.
"You are Louis William and if you don't I'll be taking you to the hospital, Sammy and Amy's orders" Harry says.
Louis looks towards Harry angrily
"Don't look at me like that, we can do this the easy way or the hard way it's up to you" Harry says as he puts the tray on the bedside table.
"What's the hard way?" Louis asks sassily.
"Me taking you to emergency and them sticking a tube down your throat whether or not your kicking and screaming" Harry says sternly
"Ughh" Louis says frustratingly as he sits up
He takes the bowl of fruit Harry offers him and starts eating, angrily
"I don't know why you're so angry at us, we should be the ones upset at you for lying to us" Harry says.
Louis ignores him, Harry sighs and sits on the bed facing Louis
"I miss you Louis, I miss you coming to me when you had a problem, i miss you telling me everything, being there for you. Why don't you trust me anymore?" Harry asks and it's one of the first times Louis has heard him act vulnerable.
"Things change Harry, I'm not a little kid anymore, no matter how much you treat me like one"
"Believe me darling I know you're not a kid anymore" Harry says and there's a hint of lust yet anger with his tone.
Louis looks at Harry in the eyes and sighs before he's putting his plate down and standing up.
"Whoa where are you going?" Harry asks worriedly
"I can't do this " Louis says
Harry stands up and reaches out for Louis, Louis tries to get free but Harry pulls him to his chest and tries to calm him.
"Shhh Lou, relax it's okay" Harry says and he cups Louis face.
Louis looks up into Harry's eyes and Harry leans in slowly, Louis doesn't move, he's to shocked but when Harry's lips brush his, tingles shoot all over his body and his breathing picks up.
"Relax....relax baby....I've got you" Harry whispers
And then his lips are on Louis, the kiss is so slow and emotional. Harry is on cloud nine and has never felt this way when he's kissed someone in his entire life. He feels centred and at peace and like Louis is home, where he belongs.
Louis pulls back suddenly though, tears in his eyes.
"You're with Jax Harry, we can't" Louis says shaking his head
Harry contemplates his next move carefully.
"Darling, Jax and I, it's complicated" Harry says.
Louis looks confused
"How" he asks shyly.
Harry sighs.
"We just are" Harry says.
"I can't do this with you until you sort things out with him Harry I don't want to get hurt again, please, don't do this to me again" Louis says softly as he closes his eyes
Harry kisses the top of Louis head
"I'm going to fix this, okay and then we are going to sit down and have a really long talk okay" Harry says
Louis nods relived Harry wants to talk at least.
"I have some work to do today, the boys and I will be at the office until late, we will bring home dinner but please stay in bed. We will talk when we get home" Harry says.
Louis takes a deep breath and agrees.
Harry tucks Louis back up into bed and kisses his head.
"We will talk tonight I promise" Harry says
Louis nods and watches Harry go. Harry needs to get to work, break things off with Jax and talk to the boys about how he's going to explain everything to Louis without freaking him out, without him thinking Harry is a freak, without him running away. Harry won't deal if Louis runs after what he's going to tell him tonight. He just hopes their feelings for each other will get them through.
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