
The very first house in the fifth lane of the Pushpabagha locality belonged to Smriti's aunt and her family. It was the first hour of the Purvanha prahar. The older members of the house were going to wake up within a few moments, but the girls - Smriti, Saadhvi, her older sister and Tvisha, their cousin sister did not even sleep a wink.

Tvisha and Saadhvi were the same age, and Smriti was four years younger than them. However, this four-year age difference did not affect the bond between the three sisters. Tvisha and Saadhvi had been close to each other since childhood, and after Smriti was born, Tvisha would pamper her a lot. On reaching her teenage, Smriti too gained access to the inner circle between her older sisters where they openly talked about various topics ranging from relationships to academics.

Saadhvi had decided to continue her study of the Vedas at Kashi after passing out from Gyanpith. Meanwhile, Tvisha studied literature at a university in Avanti and looked forward to writing her own plays after graduating. She was greatly inspired by Kalidasa's works.

"Is he really going to meet us? Did he agree to it, or did you force him?" asked Saadhvi, combing her hair with her fingers.

Tvisha giggled and nodded at her. "Yes, he agreed! Look, you are my closest sister and partly my best friend, so he has to meet you." She then turned towards Smriti and ruffled her hair. "As for you, my younger sister, you are tagging along to witness some of these colourful experiences."

Smriti huffed. "As long as you are not taking me in the afternoon, I am fine to tag along." I have my own plans too.

"But in the afternoon, everyone will be at the fair, so we can sneak out to meet him. I promise you, it won't take long," argued Tvisha. "If we go in the morning, there is a high chance that we might get caught. And we certainly can't go to meet him in the evening or at night."

Smriti sat up and adjusted her hair. Passing a naughty smile towards Saadhvi, she said, "And that's why I have a plan."

Saadhvi hovered about in the courtyard, her eyes carefully observing all the elders. Her mother and her aunt were busy in the puja room after taking their bath. They were cleaning the small temple her uncle had installed inside the house and were chatting to each other, oblivious to Saadhvi's presence.

She then returned to the room and told Smriti about her observation. In the meantime, Tvisha had gone outside to check where her father was as her uncle, Smriti and Saadhvi's father was in his room doing his regular morning japa.

Hearing Saadhvi, Smriti declared, "Maa and Pitrishvasa won't go out of the house now. After cleaning the temple and the room, they will do the puja and then go to the kitchen to prepare for today's lunch. I will go and inform Maa we are going to the Devi mandir. If Tvisha didi comes up with good news, then we can execute the plan successfully."

The girls were planning to meet Tvisha's secret lover. Her parents knew nothing about them. Hence he was the secret lover. The boy lived in Avanti and studied with Tvisha at her university. They had been together for two years. Not many knew about their relationship except their friends and now Smriti and Saadhvi. The two sisters were at her home, so she wanted them to meet him. There was still some time to introduce him to her parents. Both of them had planned to do that after the completion of their studies.

Smriti and Saadhvi kept glancing at the doorway for any sign of Tvisha when they heard their mother's voice.

"Is there something you need? Whom are you looking at?"

The girls jumped in alarm. "Umm... no. We are waiting for..." Tvisha looked at Smriti and silently asked her to speak up. Smriti frowned at her, causing Saadhvi to nudge her elbow against Smriti.

Smriti slapped her sister's arm. "Oh, God! Looks like you are still thinking about your wonderful sleep, isn't it didi? You can't even speak properly!" Smriti smiled at her mother and said, "We are actually waiting for Tvisha didi. We have planned to visit the nearby Devi mandir. She told us that she will herself pick flowers for the offerings."

"In that case, I can accompany you three, too. I will just inform your aunt."

"No!" the girls shouted together at which their mother raised her eyebrow.

"Why?" she asked. "Do you have some other plans?"

Saadhvi gulped and looked nervously at Smriti, who kept a neutral expression on her face. She looked at the doorway and back to her mother, saying, "Actually, we do have some plans. After visiting the temple, we want to go for a boat ride in the Narmada and then to the market to buy some things."

"Oh, then it's okay. Have fun, but carefully come back home. And the most important question - will you eat outside or at home?"

Smriti immediately answered, "We will eat outside for now, and will come back home for lunch. Do not worry about us."

Another voice interrupted them. "Ratna, can you come here once? I can't open the lid." It belonged to Aagamita, Smriti and Saadhvi's aunt.

"Coming didi!" answered Ratna. "You all go, and I will inform didi about your outing."

The sisters nodded and heaved a sigh of relief. They turned towards the doorway and found Tvisha with a basket of flowers. She signalled them that the sight was clear ahead to go out.


The temple wasn't crowded at all. The crowd would arrive in the last hour of the Purvanha prahar and would last till the Aparanha prahar until lunch is served to all the devotees.

The girls sat in front of the inner sanctum of the temple to pray to the goddess. The priests were chanting sacred hymns while offering flowers and fruits to the goddess. Outside the inner sanctum, to the right were a group of musicians playing instruments, and two singers who sang songs in praise of the divine mother. Tvisha enjoyed the beautiful devotional songs while Saadhvi focused on chanting her hymns and meditated on the image of the goddess. Smriti, on the other hand, had her attention on a group of dancers standing near the jagati. Dancers in temples were called devadasis who sang and danced for the deity of a temple. The dancers near the jagati were applying red dyes to their fingers and feet. They were soon going to ascend the temple and perform for the goddess.

Smriti looked at Saadhvi, who was deep in meditation. This was a perfect opportunity to go and meet the dancers outside. Had Saadhvi kept her eyes open, she would have asked her to stay put and meditate and then leave the inner sanctum. Smiling to herself, she bowed to the goddess and whispered as if the mother goddess herself was listening to Smriti. "Sorry, Devi maa, but you know I have always wanted to interact with temple dancers. Dance too serves as an offering to you, so let me go, and I promise I shall come back and dance for you right here someday."

She hurried down the stairs to meet the dancers. There were a group of seven dancers dressed identically. They were older than her but did not appear a day older than twenty-five. Each dancer was dressed in a bright yellow saree, and they had neat, thick braids adorned with flowers and hair jewels. Smriti looked at them from the stairs and thought to herself.

They look no less than a goddess!

As her foot stepped over the last stair, Smriti felt some hesitation rising inside her. She wondered if they would welcome her or not. She had seen temple dancers back in Takshashila and even Kashi but never got a chance to talk to them. Her mother had once narrated a childhood incident where the head dancer of the temple had blessed Smriti when she was a baby while holding her in her arms. She was then only seven years of age when she had first heard about it. This story inspired her to study dance dedicatedly in school.

Waving her doubts away, she approached the dancers and bowed to them. One of them asked, "What happened, child? Is there something you need?" Smriti was taken aback when they addressed her as a child. She was already sixteen, a young, youthful girl!

"I don't need anything - thank you. I just wanted to talk to you all. I have never talked to any temple dancer before, but I have watched many of their dances," Smriti leaned closer to them and spoke in a low voice, "which is why I come to temples to see them dance. Don't worry, the deities and I have a deal that I will dance for them someday. After all, even dance is worship, isn't it?"

Another dancer looked curiously at her. "So, you want to be one of us?"

"Oh, no no! My deal has a very long story. Well, my mother told me that I was blessed by a devadasi in Kashi. I am from Kashi, and I learn to dance in my school. My mother loved to dance, but she could not dance, and when the devadasi blessed me, she decided to have me learn dancing along with whatever I studied. Like the devadasi, I want to dance in temples to atone for all the times I did not mindfully pray like my sister does," answered Smriti.

"Ah! Will you watch us today? I know we have met you only a few moments before, but we feel there is something special about you..." The woman trailed off, her eyes intensely gazing into Smriti's. "I hope you don't mind staying for some more time?"

"Um... I want to stay, but I am not sure if... ouch!" Smriti felt a sharp pull on her earlobe."

"As usual, my little sister runs away from praying to the gods," Smriti heard her sister beside her. Saadhvi then apologetically spoke to the temple dancers. "I am sorry if Smriti has disturbed you. I think you have to perform there soon."

"Come on, you don't need to apologize to us. We all have taken a liking to your sister. We would appreciate it if you would let her stay with us for some time more." One of the dancers kept her hand on Smriti's shoulder. "Not many young women come and talk to us like that. We love a carefree interaction."

Smriti looked at Saadhvi with pleading eyes to let her stay. She could meet Tvisha's beloved some other day. Alas, her pleading eyes did not persuade her older sister to allow her to stay with them.

"I could have let her, but she needs to be back home for some work." Saadhvi eyed Smriti and then moved her eyes towards Tvisha who was with a boy in the temple sanctum. "Maybe she can try to visit you in the upcoming days. Won't you, Smriti?"

"I will," said Smriti with a painful smile and a glare towards her sister. She bowed down to the dancers and wished them a good day. Muttering to herself, she said, "Ugh! I will come back here no matter what."

Saadhvi called Tvisha downstairs, followed by the boy she was with inside the temple, who presumably was her lover. Smriti was still busy glaring and huffing at her sister.

She decided to cheer Smriti up later by buying some sweets or by a pair of anklets. Smriti had fancied a pair at the fair yesterday but did not buy it.

Tvisha and Adrit walked a few steps ahead. The four of them were going to go on a boat ride on the Narmada as suggested by Adrit. A concerned Saadhvi nudged Smriti, asking, "Are you still mad at me?"

Smriti raised her eyebrow at her and shrugged her shoulders. "I am still a little upset but I have realized that leaving you all and especially Tvisha didi won't be good. Remember how she was excited about us meeting Adrit dada? I can still recall her light blushed face from our talk yesterday? Perhaps I could leave the devadasis today to please my cousin?"

"When did you grow up?" asked Saadhvi.

"After you left Gyanpit."

The two sisters laughed and walked ahead, planning various ways to tease the young couple on their boat ride.


"So this man is a gentleman, I see," said Ekaksh, stretching his arms out beside Smriti who had her head leaned back against the tree.

Ekaksh got up and stretched his arms again. He moved his face towards Smriti who sighed and spoke not a word. Her eyes were keenly observing the calm waters of the Narmada.

She had arrived here only a few moments ago and was excitedly chattering about the events of the temple and Adrit. But within a blink, her excited self had gone to sleep.

Ekaksh observed her and asked, "Is something wrong? You aren't speaking much today. When we met yesterday, I bet you ever stopped talking for a moment once."

Smriti shrugged her shoulders, her eyes still focused on the river, "I don't know. I am wondering what to talk about."

"You want to go home then? You had a lot of activities today so you must be tired too. We can meet tomorrow if you want," said Ekaksh, but deep down he wanted her to stay a bit longer.

Smriti had charmed this boy. Ekaksh, the oldest prince of Avanti, the next heir of the kingdom, had been charmed by a young girl who hurling abuses at the sun. His favourite place was the riverbank of Narmada. He often spent his time there indulging in the world of colours.

And now he met Smriti at the riverbank.

The prince had just turned eighteen, and next year he was to be announced as the crowned prince, followed by his coronation at twenty-two. The people of Avanti adored the twins and had high hopes for Ekaksh. The people had been showered with the late king's, Maharaja Karunesh's love during his reign and had witnessed the queen's prowess in ruling the kingdom efficiently after his death.

The people of Avanti saw him as the younger version of the late king. Ekaksh appreciated his people finding similarities between his father and son, but there were times when he felt that his identity had been confined to being his father's shadow. He wanted to be a good and loving ruler like his father but did not want to become another Karunesh.

He would be Maharaja Ekaksh. He did not want the title just because his father was one. He wanted to earn it and live up to it.

The prince's brother, Rathish, on the other hand, had already decided to not ascend the throne ever in his life. Both the princes had seen betrayal by some of their family's closest associates for the throne. Ekaksh was the firstborn twin - he had to be the king. Rathish was the second born. He could help serve the kingdom and his people in other ways.

When Ekaksh had first met Smriti, he was surprised that she wasn't able to identify him. Even though Rathish had a major fan-following from children to young girls thanks to his extroverted and charming nature, Ekaksh was still well known amongst the public and even in other kingdoms. Being the son of a powerful reigning queen did contribute to their fame, too.

Ignorance is bliss. Smriti was ignorant about Ekaksh's family and past. She did not see him as the future king of Avanti but as a boy who spends his time painting. She had even compared his looks to a fresh flower to which Ekaksh felt flattered. He even blushed at her compliment. It felt refreshing for him to finally talk to someone without them being alert to his royal status. He could be a normal young boy around her.

"Why not tell me about your school in Takshashila and friends?" asked Ekaksh.

Smriti's eyes gleamed and all her tiredness vanished. She sat upright and clapped her hands.

"My school Gyanpit is situated in the capital city of Takshashila. Our school, unlike the others, is near a forest but is safeguarded well against attacks from wild animals. Even though we all live near the forest, all amenities from the city are accessible to us. The main market is sixty vinadis away. We have carriages to go to the market. The school is spread over a large area to accommodate students from other kingdoms within Bharatvarsha and other nations. Apart from the natives, you will find many Yavana students studying with us."

"I have heard of the Yavanas being proficient in the arts and astronomy. Sadly, I have never met one. Do you have any Yavana friends?" Ekaksh was curious about the Yavanas, who majorly inhabited the northwest areas of the nation.

They once had their own kingdoms in Takshashila, but their power declined gradually. Some of them, however, took control of cities in Gandhar. The Yavanas had married the natives, and within decades, a rich cultural exchange took place between the two populations.

Smriti nodded. "Oh, I have plenty of them. And what you have heard is true. They have taught their craft of sculpture making. If you ever visit my school, I will show you some of them. Also, one of my friends is learning their style of dance. I am interested in learning that too, but I don't think I will be able to learn it."

"You can try it out. You have been into dance for a very long time. I don't think it would be too hard for you."

Smriti's eyes lit up. With a mischievous smile, she asked, "If you come to watch me dance, I will learn it." From yesterday, Smriti would always manage to find some moments between their conversation to tease the prince and make him blush.

The prince scratched his neck and laughed with a light blush on his cheeks. Smriti had begun to adore his blush and had decided to find ways to keep him blushing till the time she stayed in Avanti. She was to leave for Kashi the next week.

After meeting her yesterday, Ekaksh had cursed his fate for not being able to meet Smriti earlier. She had been living in Avanti at her aunt's place for the last two weeks. They could have spent more time, but he was thankful to get seven days with her. Seven afternoons.

Smriti was happy to make a new friend. She had decided to tell her friends about him once she would head back to Takshashila. Ekaksh was her painter boy. Back in Takshashila, she had no dearth of friends. From her tight group of well-known friends to acquaintances between her peers and junior kids, she knew almost everyone from her school. She was always open to meeting new people, listening to their stories and making new friends. Where ever she went, she either had some friends there or would make new ones. Many of them even wrote her letters, to which she regularly replied.

But Ekaksh?

She had interacted with many people, but Ekaksh was new to her. He was like a lily flower - fresh, colourful, and vibrant. They had only met for a day, but she liked him too much as a person. Just like Ekaksh, she too cursed her fate for not meeting him sooner.

She knew she would miss him from the next day itself after leaving Avanti.

Wondering if he would write her letters like some of her other friends, she asked him, "Will you write me letters, Ekaksh? You know I will leave next week, and I may like you too much to end our conversations here." Her eyes contained a hopeful expression.

Ekaksh looked at the sky. The blazing afternoon sun had cooled down to make way for the moon. The moon appeared hazy as if hiding behind a veil, ready to shine soon. It would be time for him to head back to the palace after the moon discarded her veil with the sun going to sleep. Two days with her would be over.

Could he send her letters? He would have to make sure to not add the royal seal.

Would he get the time? He could make some for it. She would make a great friend.

At the same time, why must one worry about future events now? Five days and five afternoons. Five days still remain to spend with a new friend!

"We still have five days, Smriti. Let's continue our conversations under this tree, near the Narmada, for five more days."

With a nod, both of them stared at the sky. One stared at the sun. The other stared at the hazy moon.


Phew! This was a long chapter.. I have my preboards from tomorrow and I al already tired. Along with that, my school is also keeping our practical exams. Loads of work :(

I would appreciate if you would take a few minutes out to comment. Comments work as motivation to continue 😊

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