
-3 Years Ago-

Nathan is seen all bloodied and bruised, while also struggling to move as he watches his enemy fly high into the air. The enemy, being the one person, he didn't expect to, or want, be. His older brother, Tyler, or as he prefers to call himself... Omen.

(Past Nathan)


Omen held up a giant Supernova, laughing as he did so, Nathan's eyes went wide at this, that much power in that attack, could wipe out the entire city, or what's left of it anyway. Nathan pushes himself to his feet and shouts out to him.


Omen: That's what I'm hoping for, Nathan. Now, DIE!!!

He fires the attack towards Blade, who was also beaten up badly, as said Saiyan Hedgehog was glaring at the incoming attack.

(Past Blade)

Blade: This is going to hurt.

He prepares to stop the attack, however, before he could even do anything, Nathan runs towards him and gives his rival/best friend, a hard kick, sending him away. Blade tumbles on the ground for a bit, then manages to regain his footing, as he looks towards his rival/best friend.

Blade: NATHAN!!! What are you doing?!?!

Nathan: GO!!! GET OUT OF HERE!!!

He then looks back at approaching attack with rage and slight fear in his eyes, before thrusting his hands forward, letting out a mighty yell, as he stops the attack. He felt his feet being pushed into the ground, as his legs started shaking, he knew that this attack was too strong to stop, but he had to try.

Nathan: OMEN, I won't let you destroy my home! Do you hear me?!?! I will protect everyone from you, even if that means I have to use my own body!!!!

Another Hedgehog stood up, thanks to Luna, as she looks at her friend.


Misery: Nathan, you idiot, no!!!

Nathan gets pushed even further into the ground, as he does his best to stop the attack, while his friends watch on, feeling worthless as they couldn't exactly help him. Omen merely laughed at his brother's declaration, before aiming his hand at his own attack.


He launches one more orb into the attack, causing it to glow and expand, as Nathan's eyes went wide at what he was feeling. Blade, also feeling the same thing, calls out to him.

Blade: NATHAN!!!!!!

Those were the last words he shouted, as the Supernova suddenly exploded, Blade gave off a scream as he defended himself from the shockwave, but it was nothing compared to the scream Nathan gave off when the attack consumed him, ending his life for good, as the attack created a blinding light that covered the area. After it died down, they all realized that Nathan died from the attack, and they all tried to fight Omen as a payback...

He defeated them one by one... Only Blade stayed to stand against Omen, but....

The sounds of Blade's grunts and screams echoes, as he goes flying into view, with Omen appearing and starts kicking him all over the place, before he kicks Blade into the ground headfirst with his legs sticking out. Omen grabbed him by the legs and threw him into the air, before unleashing a devastating barrage of punches and kicks, as he then coats his hands in Ki and starts slashing at him, making Blade scream as he leaked blood from his body before crashing into the ground. The moment Omen landed, Blade instantly teleported all around Omen, landing strong punches and kicks that did no damage to him. He flies back a bit before charging towards him, his body glowing red as a surge of energy coated his left hand.

Blade: CHAOS.... BLAST!!!

He fired a stream of energy at Omen, point blanked, as the attacked created an explosion, with smoke covering the area. Blade started panting, the attack draining him severely, as he watches to see if it took Omen down or not. However, before he could react, Omen's hand reached out and grabbed Blade by the neck.

Omen: Hmhmhm, well, well, with all this beating you still stand on your feet. You are really a very interesting character, Blade... But I am starting to get bored with you, so... which way do you want me to kill you?

Blade: *struggling* G... GO... TO... HELL!!!

Omen: *chuckles* You fool, I don't even need to use my energy to kill you, I will just crush your neck like I did to Flame! Send my regards to Nathan when you see him in the afterlife!!!

He prepared to crush Blade's neck, until an energy blast hits him in the back, making him drop Blade and turn around to see who it is. He wasn't exactly surprised to see Misery standing tall with her hand stretched out, a look of rage etched on her face as she glared at her former friend.


Omen: Misery.....

As fast as lightning, he fires off an energy blast, that rocketed towards her, giving her no time to defend herself as the attack collided with her, sending her crashing next to Luna, who quickly kneeled down next to her friend.

(Past Luna)

Luna: Misery!!! Misery, wake up, please!!!

Blade: *pissed* DAMN YOU!!!

He launches himself towards Omen in a fit of rage, however, Omen quickly coated his hand in Ki and stabbed him, making Blade scream in utter agony, as Omen ripped his hand out and kicked him away, making him tumble on the ground before coming to a stop. Omen hovered over to him and stretched his hand out, energy forming in his hand as he prepared to finish him once and for all.

Omen: DIE!!!

Suddenly, before he could launch his attack, a pink Hedgehog comes in and lands multiple kicks on Omen, despite it doing no damage, and backs away and stands in front of Blade in a defensive position, pink flames covering her hands.


Skylar: Don't you dare touch him, you bastard!!!

Blade: *holding his bleeding stomach* S... Skylar, n... no!!! G... Get out of here!!!

Omen merely laughs at this, his attack charging more and more, as Skylar continued to stand her ground to protect Blade. Luna watches on, before looking at the passed-out Misery, then the now deceased Flame and Elina. She then looks over to Omen, Skylar, and Blade, tears forming in the corner of her eyes as she starts to pray.

Luna: Nathan... if you're still alive and you can hear me, please come back we need you!

Skylar starts shaking, fear seen in her eyes as Blade laid there, feeling helpless. Omen gives off one last chuckle, as Luna then shouted, with all her might, for her savior.

Luna: NATHAN!!!!

Her screams echoed out, as in the crater, where Nathan "died", Nathan's body laid there, unmoved, until he heard Luna call his name, as his eyes snapped out, letting out a growl. Suddenly, a burst of light shot out from the ground, catching everyone's attention, as Nathan floats inside the beam of light, before transforming into his Hyper Form.


Omen: *shocked* IMPOSSIBLE!!!!

Blade: *shocked* NATHAN?!?! How... How is he generating this much power?

Nathan continued yelling, his white fur turning back to yellow, as his quills started to grow longer and go down his back. Meanwhile, Omen started clenching his fists in anger and shocked, confused as to what was happening right now.

Omen: This can't be happening I killed that brat, where is he getting so much power from?!


With one last scream, Nathan unleashes a burst of energy from his body, creating a bright light that filled the screen. When the light died down, we see Nathan in a Super Form, the difference being that his quills were now longer, and his pupils were gone.

Omen stood there in shock at the power his brother had, however, he had no time to think, as Nathan instantly teleported in front of him and gave a powerful punch to the face, sending him crashing into a bunch of debris. His pupils suddenly came back, as he then turns around and looks at his cousin and rival/best friend.

Skylar: *trying to stop the bleeding* BLADE!!! Blade, please wake up!!!

Nathan narrowed his eyes, before teleporting over to them, surprising Skylar as she stares up at her cousin in slight awe and confusion.

Skylar: *shocked* N... Nathan?!

??? Nathan: Katsu-Zuro.

A green glow covered Nathan's hand, as the same glow covered Blade's body, before completely healing him, as all the blood and other injuries vanished, like they never happened in the first place. With a grunt, Blade hops back to his feet and looks at Nathan.

Blade: Nathan... You... What is that?

Super Nathan 3: My guess is... the third level.

That was all he said, as he then turned around and saw Omen burst from the rock he was knocked into, a huge purple aura surrounding his body. Blade also saw this and took a battle stance.

Blade: Nathan, we can defeat him together. I'm strong enough to fight now!

Super Nathan 3: No Blade... I gave you enough power to at least stand on your feet... I need to finish this... Alone.

Blade: *shocked* Nathan, you can't be serious! A-Are you sure?!

Electricity cackled around Nathan's body, with Omen walking towards them, trembling in anger. Nathan turned to face Blade.

Super Nathan 3: Blade go, take Skylar to safety, I'll be fine! Just go!!!

He then turns to face Omen again, with Blade starring at him for a few seconds, then gave a tiny smirk.

Blade: Alright... *looks at Skylar* Let's go, Skylar!

With a nod, the two of them ran back to Luna, leaving Nathan to deal with Omen. Omen then stretched his hand out, and fired off an energy blast that headed straight for Nathan, who merely glared at it.

Super Nathan 3: I had enough. *powers up* Ha!

He then kicks the attack back at Omen, who not only dodges it, but also blocked the incoming punch Nathan threw, as the two of them flew back at bit.

Omen: Heh... I must admit... I never anticipated you would rise like that... But that just means I am going to enjoy our fight!

Super Nathan 3: Fool! Do you really think I am here to give you entertainment? You have no idea what your carelessness with the Emeralds has been unleashed!

Omen: *laughs* I can handle any challenge you pose, Nathan! And I know all your moves, after all, I am your older brother!!!

Super Nathan 3: *appears behind him* You're a monster...

He then lands a devastating kick to Omen's back, sending him flying, before appearing in front of him and lands multiple punches and kicks, then kicks him high into the air, before ending it by blasting him into the ground, a scary look on Nathan's face as he watches Omen crash into the ground and create a crater. Omen lets out a scream of rage, bursting from the ground as he flies towards Nathan.


The two of them started to clash with each other, trading blows with each other, as they then zoon started to create sparks from their clashes, becoming invisible to the naked eye.

Down below, Blade, Luna, and Skylar all looked up in awe at what was happening, none of them expecting Nathan to reach this level of power, much less standing a chance against Omen, who single handedly defeated them all.

Skylar: Amazing... I can barely see them, but wow...

After trading more blows with each other, Nathan manages to end the clash by kicking Omen in the back, before flying under him, and lands multiple punches to his stomach, making him scream at each hit. He finally had enough, and flared up his aura, forcing Nathan back as he flew away, except Omen wouldn't let him leave and fired a few blasts at Nathan, who manages to dodge and deflect all of them. He sees Omen charging up a big one and launches it at Nathan, who floated there for a few seconds, before powering up and holding his hands out, letting out a scream as it connected with him.

Omen panted a little, as he looks at the smoke from his attack, before growling as he sees Nathan's silhouette in the smoke.

Omen: Why won't you die?!

He powers up and flies through the smoke and punches Nathan in the face, the punch instantly clearing away the smoke. However, to his immense horror, Nathan didn't look fazed by the punch at all.

Super Nathan 3: That's it?

Omen growled a bit, before throwing more punches and kicks, except none of them affected Nathan at all, as he just stood there, taking the hits. When that didn't work, he covered both of his hands in energy, created energy blades, and tried to slash/stab Nathan, but Nathan manages to dodge each and every strike, eventually appearing behind Omen. Omen turned and landed a punch and a kick that pushed Nathan back, as Nathan closed his eyes and then opened them, a look of understanding on his face.

Super Nathan 3: It's all clear to me now...

Omen: *confused and nervous* W-What are you talking about?!

Super Nathan 3: You're getting weaker, Omen. The emeralds are starting to abandon you...

Omen: Y-You fool, t-the emeralds are in my control, you can't stop me!!!

Super Nathan 3: *smirks* So, why do you seem nervous? Does the fact that I beat you slowly scare you? Or is it because diamonds do not work and allow you to become helpless in front of me? How ironic... big bro.

Omen: *enraged* *powers up* HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!

He launches himself towards Nathan, and unleashes a flurry of punches and kicks, however, Nathan manages to dodge each and every one of them, much to Omen's anger.

Finally, Nathan decides to put an end to this barrage of punches and kicks, by grabbing Omen's fist. He then gives him a hard glare.

Super Nathan 3: Let's finish it!

He punches Omen in the face, kicks him away, fires an energy blast, then charges up a spin dash and zooms towards him. Omen manages to stop himself and kicks the blast away, but he was not prepared for the spin dash, as Nathan began to hit him all over the place at hight speeds, before kicking him higher into the air, fires off an energy blast that sent him to the ground, before racing to the ground and kicking him back in the air. Omen stopped himself, before unleashing his dark energy and gathered some in his hands.


Super Nathan 3: Suit yourself, Omen. But you asked for it!!

Nathan unleashes his own aura and charges up an attack of his own, as both sides ready to deliver the killing blow.

Omen: DIE!!!

Super Nathan 3: LET'S FINISH IT!!!

With one mighty yell from both sides, they fired off their respective attacks, Omen fired a red energy wave, while Nathan fired a blue one. Both attacks clashed with each other, as the two of them felt the strain of trying to push the other back. They both powered up and gave more energy into their attacks, but when Nathan took a look at his friends, his pupils shrank in rage, as with a yell, he puts even more power into his blast, instantly overpowering Omen, as said Omen started screaming in pain, but Nathan wasn't done yet.

Super Nathan 3: You're finished!

Charging up one last spin dash, Nathan zooms through his own attack and heads straight for Omen. But instead of hitting him, Nathan stops just short of Omen, stretched his hand out, and rips not only the Kronokai Emerald, but the other emeralds away from him. Once that was done, he snaps his fingers as a portal opens behind Omen, then, without hesitation, Nathan blasted Omen through the portal, the portal instantly closing when Omen went through.

"And just like that, the nightmare my brother created, was over. However, it came at a price. My friends Elina and Flame were dead, Misery hated my guts and wanted me dead, and my own parents banished me from our hometown."

-3 years later (Present time)-

"But I wasn't going to let that stop me. I made myself a promise to make sure that I never let something like this happen again."

Nathan, with his arms crossed, opens his eyes and looks up at the sky, a look of pure determination is seen on his face.

Nathan: I won't let history repeat itself, Elina, Flame. I promise.

-Prologue End-

(Yes! Finally, the Prologue is done! I'm happy to show that we are getting back to where we were before. I hope you guys enjoyed this, and I hope to see you guys again whenever I update this again. Also, still plan on adding in more girls for Nathan's little harem, oh, and I gave Nathan, Blade, and Luna elemental powers, please check the bio to know what element they have.)

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