The Missing National Treasure And The Mystery Thief

Chapter 1:
*In the new beautiful day in Coney Island Beach, on the lobby of Slush Kiki Team Base, Stick Kiki doing replace the light bulb with Stick James and Stick Luke hold the ladder, then she finish and climb down careful, he put back the ladder to the garage and he return with them, Stick Luke turn on the light and every light on the lobby is shining and they happy*
Stick James: We did it, look like the lobby of ours base now is so bright and we don't need to worry about walking in the night anymore.
Stick Luke: Also we working together like the best team too, thank you for help us, Kiki.
Stick Kiki: You two welcome, I'm glad to help you two and like i always say, if you guys and everybody got the problem or trouble, please ask me and i can help you guys and them and i can tell my amazing idea and my amazing planning in everytime too.
Stick James and Stick Luke: Yeah, we think so too.
*Stick Luke turn off the light and they walk to the living room, they hear the phone ring and Stick Kiki grab her phone out and press, check and saw the new message, she turn as the both*
Stick Kiki: Guys, ours friends Zave was outside of ours base and he want to meet us is because he want to tell us something.
Stick James: What he going to tell us?
Stick Luke: I don't know, but we should going outside and meet him and we can talk about anything and then we can start the new amazing adventure with new wonderful holiday and new mission too.
Stick James: If you say that, maybe we can meet him outside and we can talk about something together too. *Turn as Stick Kiki* I think we going to meet Zave and see what he going to tell us.
Stick Kiki: Sure. *Reply and press again, put back in her pocket* Ok guys, let wear the scarf and going outside, we gonna meet Zave and see what he going to tell us. *Look as Stick Luke* You can wear more your sunglasses to make your cool if you like too. So let move.
2 Slush Fighters: Ok!!!
*They run to the bedroom and going to the closet, they searching and grab the perfect scarf with Stick Luke grab his purple sunglasses out, they wear the scarf on the neck and Stick Luke wear his sunglasses on his head, they check in the mirror and happy, they run from the bedroom to the doors and open the doors, Stick Kiki close the doors careful and they saw Zave wave as them, they came near as him on outside of Slush Kiki Team Base*
Chapter 2:
*They meet again and they wave as each other too*
Zave: Hey guys, good to see you guys!
Stick Kiki: Hi Zave, good to see you too, do you have something to tell us?
Zave: Yes, i have my childhood friends and also my girlfriend, she is already the part of ours team and she also is my roommate too. Beside, we on the date now.
Stick James: Oh really? Congratulations to you two and congratulations to your girlfriend too.
Zave: Thank you, James. Let me introductions her to you guys. *Turn and call Hazel* Hazel, come over there, i have introductions you to my other amazing friends!
*Hazel was talk with Ryder and Paw Patrol and they hear the call, they run near as Zave and they surprise as each other, then he start introductions as each other*
Zave: Guys, this is Hazel, she is the new member of the first Slush Heroes Team and also my roommate, she was with my room in everytime. And the new characters team is Ryder and the Paw Patrol, they are from Paw Patrol World and they came to ours world is because they like to join the new fun with us too. *Turn as Hazel, Ryder and Paw Patrol* This is Stick Kiki, the amazing friends and the team leader, this is 2 Slush Fighters: Stick James and Stick Luke. They're the amazing team in the world name Slush Kiki Team, but when we are together with them, we can call ours team name Slush Kiki Heroes Team.
Hazel: Hi guys, nice to meet guys! I hope we can be together like the best team!
Stick Kiki: Nice to meet you too, Hazel. Stick James and Stick Luke: And nice to meet you guys!!!
Ryder and Paw Patrol: Nice to meet you guys too!!!
Stick James: By the way, Kiki have her amazing idea and her amazing planning too, if you guys and everybody got trouble or problem, please ask her.
Stick Luke: Yes, because of her, we always have the amazing friends and the amazing team too, but I hope you guys can visit us in sometime if you guys like.
Hazel: That was great, thank you guys so much! Thank you for introduction them to me too, Zave!
Zave: You're welcome, Hazel.
Ryder: So where do we going today, guys?
Stick James: Oh yeah, Kiki, do you have any idea?
Stick Kiki: *Thinking and have a idea* Let go to London, i think this is the perfect weather for we can enjoy ours new wonderful holiday and we can watching around the city, especially we can see the Big Ben too. If you guys need anything, just ask me and i will help you guys.
Skye: Big Ben? We love to watch the giant clock tower in London!
Marshall: Yeah, i can't wait to going to London and explore around the city of United Kingdom!
Chase, Rocky, Rubble and Zuma: Yeah!!!
Stick Kiki: Ok guys, let go to Magic Portal Gate, we are going to London in today.
2 Slush Fighters, 2 Slush Friends and Paw Patrol Team: Yay!!!
*They run to Magic Portal Gate and Stick Kiki say "London", the magical light circle glowing around them and teleport them to London of United Kingdom*
Chapter 3:
*Later, they're arrived in London of United Kingdom, they walking around London and they found the Big Ben clock tower as other side of the bridge, they feel happy*
Stick James: Wow, this is first time we always watching the beautiful Big Ben.
Stick Luke: Especially the clock tower is so big and look fantastic too.
Ryder: Look like ours dream is come true, right guys?
6 Paw Patrol Member: Yeah!!!
Hazel: This is beautiful, i can see everything around London, is so amazing!
Zave: That true, thank you for show us the beautiful clock tower, Kiki.
Stick Kiki: You guys welcome, I'm glad you guys like it, we going to the new amazing adventure and doing new mission later.
2 Slush Fighters, 2 Slush Friends and Paw Patrol Team: Yeah.
*The team keep enjoy watching the Big Ben and when they going to explore other London place, suddenly they saw someone coming this way and surprise, the male detective name Paolo came and stop near as them*
Detective Paolo: Hey guys, good to see you guys.
Stick Kiki: Hi Mr.Paolo, good to see you too, what reason you came to us?
Detective Paolo: I'm came here to find you guys and saw you guys in the bridge and then i found you guys in the bridge.
Zave: Oh i see.
Detective Paolo: Anyway, do you guys going to the London National History Museum?
Stick James: No, something happened to the museum?
Detective Paolo: Yes, national treasure is missing and the national history museum got mess up, everybody got panic and worry.
Slush Kiki Heroes Team: What? Really?!!!
Detective Paolo: Yes, follow me, I will ask and someone gonna explain to you guys.
*He take the team from the bridge and they follow him, they going to London National History Museum for doing investigate mission*
Chapter 4:
*Later, they're arrived in London National History Museum, they shock about everybody was worry and panic, the police team doing the mission around the museum, they going inside and they start talking*
Detective Paolo: I'm bring the special team to help you, do some of you guys want to tell them something? They can help you guys something too, just explain them everything you guys saw.
Professor George: *Came out from the museum and stop near as them* Guys, this is terrible! Every national treasure is missing, someone stolen everything and nothing in the museum anymore!
Paw Patrol Team: Oh no, that not good!!!
Hazel: Can you explain about what happened to the national history museum?
Professor George: Ok. *Explain about he was checking around the museum and happy, then he going to the coffee shop for relax and enjoy the country music, suddenly the mystery thief came inside and steal every national treasure and messing around the national history museum and dissappear away, but when he return, he shock about the national history museum got mess up with every national treasure got missing, he scream and call the police and they start doing the new mission* That what happened.
Slush Kiki Heroes Team: Oh now we get it. *Nodded the head*
Professor George: Please help me find the missing national treasure and get back to this museum, i can't open the museum and let everybody dissapoint!
Detective Paolo: Don't worry, we will help you investigate around the museum and see if we can find anything about the mystery thief you told us. You just need to stay here and make sure keep this place safe. *Turn as Slush Kiki Heroes Team* Ok guys, today is ours new mission, we going inside the museum and investigate around the national history museum and see if we can find any clues or anything we saw, also don't forget to call us if some of you guys found something mystery and let us know, so let move, the world need you guys help.
Slush Kiki Heroes Team: Ok!!!
*They run inside the national history museum and they split out in everywhere, they start investigate around the national history museum for searching the mystery clues and they working together like the best team, they hope about they will find the mystery clues soon*
Chapter 5:
*They still investigate around the national history museum, then Chase spot something on the ground and sniffing, he turn as them*
Chase: Guys, look what I'm found on the ground!
*They hear the call and run near as him*
Ryder: Did you find the national treasure?
Chase: No, but i'm found something evil on the ground, look.
*They look down and Stick Luke touch, check and saw everything have the Blues Paint around the museum, he confused and turn as them*
Stick Luke: Guys, i think i know who is the mystery thief, is was actually ours enemies team.
Stick James: Wait, do Blues Invaders Team came here and steal every national treasure?!
Zave, Hazel and Paw Patrol Team: Wait what?!!!
Detective Paolo: Do you guys know that?
Stick Kiki: Yes, we always fight again them and defeat them together like the best team in everytime and we stop the evil plan with my help too.
Zave: Why do they want every national treasure in the museum?
Hazel: I don't know, but i have a bad feeling about this, if we don't do something, the national history museum will be close forever and professor will dissapoint and worry more.
Zuma: We gonna get every national treasure back, before they going to use for something bad happened.
Rubble: Yes, we are the rescue puppy squad, not the fighting puppy squad, but we can help you guys anything and we can do together like the best team.
Rocky: Yeah, I'm agree, Rubble. *Turn as Ryder* Look like we going to the new mission today.
Ryder: All right, but we need a plan for make sure is safe. Some of you guys have a plan?
Stick James: *Turn as Stick Kiki* Kiki, you're the only amazing friends and the team leader we can count, do you have a plan? If you tell us anything, we gonna help you.
Stick Luke, 2 Slush Fighters, Paw Patrol Team and Detective Paolo: *Look as Stick Kiki and hope*
Stick Kiki: *Thinking and have a new idea* I know how to find them in the secret hiding place with the missing national treasure.
2 Slush Fighters, 2 Slush Friends, Paw Patrol Team and Detective Paolo: Oh really?!!!
Stick Kiki: Yes, i have a plan, since is just different but is gonna work, come here.
*She tell them her new plan and they listen, they agree and they saw every Blues Paint lines on the ground and they run from the national history museum to other place by follow the Blues Paint, they hope about they will find the secret place, where the new enemies team hiding with the missing national treasure*
Chapter 6:
*A few minute later, they keep follow the Blues Paint lines, until they stop as abandoned ship port, they sneaking carefully like the ninja and they hide and check, they found every national treasure on every box and they came near, then Stick James found the truck and he talk with Detective Paolo, he said ok and he tell them about carry every box to the truck, they carry every box in the truck together and they keep working, until no more box and they complete the new mission. They hear the new sound and they can feel something bad happened came, the team nodded the head as each other and then Stick Kiki turn as Paw Patrol Team and Detective Paolo*
Stick Kiki: Paw Patrol Team and Mr.Paolo, i need you guys drive the truck and take every national treasure back to London National History Museum and make sure clean this mess too, while 2 Slush Fighters with Zave and Hazel stay with us to deal with ours new enemies team and we going to fight again them for save the world, but don't come back is because i don't want you guys got attack by them, but we can going to return to meet you guys again after we defeat them, so hurry up, before they came and professor George gonna worry too. So move out and be careful.
Detective Paolo and Paw Patrol Team: Ok! Good luck and be careful!!
*Detective Paolo and Paw Patrol Team run and climb inside the truck, they close the doors and he start engine and he drive the truck away, they happy about they escape to be safe and then Stick Kiki turn as them*
Stick Kiki: Guys, get ready, look like we have the new fight again the new Blues Invaders Team and we going to defeat them, after we defeat them, we going back to London National History Museum and meet them again, also i will check the new enemies real weakness by use my special abilities and i will tell you guys about my new plan, so let go, we going to save the world together.
2 Slush Fighters and 2 Slush Friends: Ok!!!
*They hear something coming and turn, the new Blues Invaders Team name Robo Hokie and his evil army Blues appear in everywhere and he saw every box they stealing from national history museum is gone and he shock, they found out about who is the real mystery thief, he saw the truck far away and the first 2 Blues going to chase the truck, but Stick Luke summon his 2 tomahawk and throw as the first 2 Blues to block the way, he going to chase, but they block his way and he roar, he command and Blues Army charge as them, they have no choice but charge battle as them*
Chapter 7:
*The battle between Slush Kiki Heroes Team and Blues Invaders Team begin. They doing Kung Fu Skill as them and beating them together, other 5 Blues charge as them. First Blues charge as Stick Kiki and he going to kick her, but she dodge and she punch him and uppercut him and kick him and knock him down. Second Blues charge and he going to punch him, but Stick James block his attack and use his head to hit him and kick him and punch him and uppercut him and then grab him and wrestling him down. Stick Luke saw the third Blues coming and he dodge and grab him, throw him to higher and jump, he punch him and uppercut him and spin kick him and kick him to the wall and landing on the ground. The 4nd Blues and 5nd Blues charge as Zave and Hazel, the both stick look as each other and nodded the head and turn, the both charge as the both Blues. Zave kick him and punch him and spin kick him and then uppercut him, Hazel punch him and spin kick him and kick him and then grab him with knock him down, then the both stick knock the 2 other Blues down together and doing high five together. The first 5 Blues got defeat and he command more, other Blues Army charge again and they summon the power, they charge as them. Stick Kiki use earth power and smash them, Stick James use lightning power and shock them, Stick Luke use nature power and attack them, Zave use polaris power and blast them, Hazel use aura power and blast them, then they use "Slushers Kiki Heroes Element Attack" and shoot the power together as them. Other Blues Army got defeat and he shock, they turn as him and he roar, he grab his evil weapon called Hokie Fan and charge as them, they spawn the weapon and charge as him*
Chapter 8:
*They doing fight again Robo Hokie and he keep attack them, he use his evil fan and slice them, they keep dodge from his evil attack and they charge and attack him together, but he keep attack them like the crazy and they keep dodge from his evil attack and they hide in the wall, he searching them and they thinking about how to defeat him, Stick Kiki sneaking and she use her "Magic Enemies Real Weakness Spot Abilities" as him and she turn as them, she tell them about she spot his real weakness and they surprise, then she tell them about her plan and they listen and then they agree, they came out from hiding and he saw them and he going to attack them, but Stick Kiki was behind him and she use the hammer to knock his both wrist, his 2 evil weapon fly away and she use hammer to smash his evil weapon, the Rokie Fan disappear and he shock, he going to attack her but Stick James use 2 gun to shoot his back, he turn and Stick Luke use tomahawk and throw as him, he got hit and Zave with Hazel use 2 different weapon and slash him together, then they going to fight him again. Stick Kiki use hammer and smash his back, Stick James use 2 gun and shoot him, Stick Luke use tomahawk and slice him with throw as him, Zave use Magic Sword and slash him, Hazel use Aura Blade and slash him. He weak and not moving, they finish him by use "Slushers Kiki Heroes Ultimate Combo" and he got defeat*
Chapter 9:
After defeat Robo Hokie and Blues Army, they tired but still alive. They return the weapon and they run escape from the abandoned ship port and ahead to London*
*Later, they're return to London and taking a walk*
Stick James: I can't believe they can steal every national treasure from the national history museum. Especially they doing evil plan too.
Stick Luke: Yeah, if we don't stop them and defeat them, they going to rules over the world.
Zave: But at least we save the world and get every national treasure back to national history museum and we finally defeat them together like the best team.
Hazel: Yeah, i wonder what happened to Paw Patrol Team and Mr.Paolo, they kinda waiting for us.
Stick Kiki: Let go back to London National History Museum and see if we can meet them again.
2 Slush Fighters and 2 Slush Friends: Ok!!!
*They run back to London National History Museum to meet them again*
*Later, they're return in London National History Museum, Paw Patrol Team, Detective Paolo and Professor George with the police team was saw them and happy, he came near to them*
Professor George: Every national treasure is finally back to the national history museum, I'm so happy and everything back to normal, thank you guys so much, Slush Kiki Heroes Team!
Police Team: Yes, especially thank to you guys too, Detective Paolo and Paw Patrol Team!!!
Slush Kiki Heroes Team and Detective Paolo: No problem, that ours jobs to do!!!
Detective Paolo: I'm going back to work, see you guys later, thank you guys for help me this time. Come on, police team. *Wave as them and leave from London National History Museum*
Police Team: Ok, see you guys later!!! *Wave as them and follow Detective Paolo from London National History Museum*
Slush Kiki Heroes Team and Professor George: Ok, see you guys later!!! *Wave as Detective Paolo and police team*
*They walk away from the national history museum and Professor George turn as them*
Professor George: To thank you guys for help me, i will take you guys to explore around London National History Museum and i will introductions aoumd the national history museum, you guys gonna like this.
Slush Kiki Heroes Team: Oh that sound good!!!
*He take them inside and he introduction around the national history museum, they listen and enjoy watching with the happy face, they have the best day ever*
Chapter 10:
*After enjoy watching around the national history museum, they wave as each other and the team going outside, they continue walking around London*
Stick James: This is the best day ever, especially we enjoy watching around London National History Museum.
Stick Luke: Also we like Professor George introductions around the national history museum too.
Zave: Also we finally save the day and we have the best time together like the best team.
Hazel: Yeah, also we have fun too, thank to Kiki for help us and we can working together like the best team.
Ryder: Yeah, If we don't need Kiki help, we got problem or trouble, but she is the amazing friends and the team leader ever.
Paw Patrol Team Member: Yes, thank you for the new amazing adventure with new wonderful holiday and new mission, Kiki!!!
Stick Kiki: You guys welcome, I'm glad you guys like it and like I always say, if you guys and everybody got trouble or problem, I will tell you guys about my idea and my planning too.
2 Slush Fighters, 2 Slush Friends and Paw Patrol Team: Ok!!!
Stick Kiki: By the way, let continue explore around London and until we return to ours base and I'm going to cooking the new dinner and you guys can help me too.
2 Slush Fighters, 2 Slush Friends and Paw Patrol Team: Yay!!!
*They continue enjoy walking around London and they have the best day ever, until they return to Slush Kiki Team Base and Stick Kiki cooking the new dinner with the team help with they have the best time together like the best team. Professor George was happy about every national treasure is finally return to London National History Museum and he get the new jobs in the national history museum too, thank to the special heroes team for help him. Slush Kiki Team, Slush Heroes Team, Heroes Allies Team and everybody new amazing adventure still continue*

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