💢Epilogue 💢

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"I thought you were going to work towards getting me that appeal? I can't rot in prison"

"That's what I've been busting my ass trying to do. You stepped on the wrong toes Thomas, everyone's determined to make sure you grow old and die in prison"

Thomas slammed his hands on the table, "What about what I asked for?" He asked and the lawyer exhaled, "Your daughter is fine, she has given birth"

"Did the baby survive?"

The man raised his brow at him, "Aren't you supposed to ask if she's okay?" "If there were any complication, I'm sure you would have mentioned it"

"The baby survived and It's a boy, a beautiful baby boy. How did I know? I paid her and her husband a visit and she sent her greetings. She's a strong woman"

"Girl, she's just a girl."

"Thomas, I think you might have to find another lawyer cause I'm tired of this! You've been in prison for months and you're still the same obnoxious son of a bitch you've always been. Will it kill you to change? She's your daughter whether you like it or not and he's your freaking grand son! What did you expect huh? You expected him to die? He didn't, he survived!"

"When you're done preaching, take your leave and find a way to get me out of this hell home"

"You know what Thomas? I'm done! Why don't you find another brother to clean your ass cause I'm done with this! I'm done with you! Yes, you paid my tuition fees and all but you know the difference between you and I? I was satisfied being the son of a fish seller but you weren't!" He snapped leaving then he returned back,  "Guess what? Dunni also had her twins the same day and no she's not dead, neither are the boys dead, they're all damn alright! You can hit your head or punch your fist on the wall all you want, it doesn't change the fact they're all happy and you're not!" He snapped leaving and Thomas shut his eyes, as much as he fought the tears, it found it's way down his cheeks.

January 2021

Chris entered into the room to find her typing on the laptop in bed. He entered with a customer bag, "How's my pregnant wife doing?" She asked and Brenda smiled.

"Good evening Baby, we're both fine"  she answered taking her eyes off the screen of the laptop.

"Are you still having the cravings for Afang soup and it has changed to egg soup? Cause I brought Afang soup"

"The last one didn't taste so good"

Chris sat in bed dropping the nylon on the bed and she dragged it near. "I got this one directly for your Mom, remember I told you that I had something for her" "I remember. Thank you"

"You're welcome. She told me to come over, she needed me to drop some clothes she bought for Kevin, it's in the car. She wants Kevin to spend another holiday with her"

"Holidays are over and the house is far away from his new school."

Kevin entered then he rushed to hug him, "Daddy welcome, when did you come back?" "Not too long, how are you little champ?" "I'm fine" "I hope you took care of Mom?" "She has been typing all day!"

"Sweetheart, Mommy needs to blow and pay bills too"

"Who's asking you to pay bills" Chris asked and she chuckled. "Daddy come and play games with me, I'll win you this time" "Is that a challenge?"

"I'm stepping up"

"I'll be there shortly" he replied and he rushed out quickly.

"Just make him win for the first time and he'll leave you in peace" she suggested and he chuckled, "I'm thinking of it"  "I won't mind sending Kelvin so we can have our alone time" she replied and he laughed and leaned forward, kissing her on the lips.

"Mmmh, I've been waiting to kiss that lip all day long!" she confessed with a smile. "How was work?"

"It was fine."

"Have you spoken to the movie producer you trust?"



"He said he's not too thrilled about the story of the liar that ended up having a breakthrough" "What?" "But he said he's thrilled about Slim Hope and it's going to be a good series, he suggested you stretch it out and maybe bring the whole like story into it"

Brenda smiled, "He said that?" "Yeah. Guess what? Abimbola Craig is interested in it, only if you can stretch it to become a mini series"  "You're joking right? Abimbola Craig, skinny girl in transit of Ñdani TV" "I'm serious Babe, he said he'll fix a meeting with the both of you. If you're interested"

"Am I crazy? Of course I'm interested!" She replied now hugging him, "Awwwn, this is good news. Thank you"

"Anything for you"

Sister Grace shook her head as she scrolled through Dara's WhatsApp status. Her heart sunk deep as she scrolled through pictures of Dara, Funsho and her baby, she was boiling with anger knowing she should have gotten married before her and probably had a child too before her.

A call interrupted her thought process. It was a church member so she answered faking a smile. "Good evening" "Good evening" the caller answered, "How far, I heard sister Dara just gave birth to a very beautiful baby Boy"

"Ehn ehn and so?"

"I'm just telling you now"

"So that I can what? Will I use the information to do my masters? Is this the stupid information you called me to tell me"

"Shebi you always like gist"

"Oshey, newscaster! Three gbosa for you. I'm the one that always like gist, shebi my name is Tatafo" "Ha han, ki la gbe, ki le ju"

"You have gbe something, that's why I'm ju-ing this one at you! Don't you always mind your business? You think I don't know what you're doing? You're calling just to use style and mock me"

"Ah Han? Quite the contrary but I don't blame you now, it's guilty conscience that's worrying you. Wasn't that how you always sharp your mouth anyhow about Sister Dara, shebi she's married now. Where are you?" The lady asked hanging up and she busted into tears.

She glanced at the picture of Dara and her baby again then she hissed. There was a knock on the door and her little sister opened the door smiled at Gbolahan. "Brother Gbolahan, good evening" she called out and he walked in smiling.

"How are you?"

"I'm fine"

"Where's Grace?"  The both walked through a short corridor leading to the sitting room. "Look at your wife there" she pointed and he walked close to her.

"Hey dear" he moved his hands close to her cheeks and she swatted it away. "Will you get that hand away from me?"  She snapped and he touched her cheeks.

Grace stood up slapping him on the cheek, "Are you mad ni? Abi you were deaf when I said I didn't want you to touch me"  "Jesus! Aunty Grace!" Her sister yelled and Gbolahan rubbed his cheeks, he has endured abuses and insults from her, he wasn't ready to endure this one!

"Grace, you just slapped me" "Yes I did! Why won't I? Tell me, why won't I? Ah Gbolahan, why are you so wicked?" "Me? You just slapped me and now you're asking how...."

"Yes! You're wicked! Ika ni o!  You're a wicked somebody! It's God that will punish you for me! Gbolahan, o so mi di lady of the rings! It's a year since we've been engaged, I hope you're counting cause I am!"

"Should I remind you, you forced the engagement on me! I wasn't ready yet!"

"I told you what we could do! You didn't listen to me. Now you've turned me into a laughing stock. I had leave church because of you! Gbolahan please, just give me some space abeg"

Gbolahan scoffed bringing out a ring, "I was going to come over to propose, my own proposal, not yours. You know Grace, people usually ask me what I see in you, you're insultive, inconsiderate and mean but I've always loved you for who you are. This, is the height of it, I can't do this any longer" he said leaving and Grace dragged him back, "Gbolahan wait, please I'm sorry" she knelt down and he shook his head.

" I'd rather give this ring to Lanre's sister, Yetunde is deserving of it than you." "You should just say you've been eyeing her!"

"I haven't! I have eyes for you only but a man will rather be with someone that respects him than someone that doesn't. Goodbye Grace!" He snapped leaving the house and she shut her eyes.

"What just happened?"

"I think the man that's supposed to be your husband just walked out on you" her sister answered.

Andy returned back from work in the evening. He pushed the door knob down to find it opened.  He assumed his girlfriend was home so he went in with a smile plastered on his face.

"Uche!" He called out her name but there was no response so he walked into the room to find his dresser table scanty.

"What the... Did the organize the room or what?" He asked opening the wardrobe to find her luggage missing.

"What the...." He picked up the phone calling her immediately. "Hey Baby" she called out standing in front of a gate. "You didn't tell me you were traveling, I came in to find your bags gone a the door opened."

"Shit. I'll have to apologise for that. I've been expecting your call all day" "Why? Missed me much?" 

Uche laughed, "You haven't noticed have you? You really were in love with me right?" "Why are you asking?" "You haven't noticed there's a certain missing one million naira from your account?"


"Yeah .... Sorry about that, I was thinking should I make it that much or not but what can I say? Who doesn't like money?"

"How did you?"

"Eleven months trailing your ass and fucking you every damn time, do you think I was doing it for fun? Okay fine, I'll admit it was fun while it lasted but, what the hell? A girl gotta do what a girl gotta do"

Andy inhaled and exhaled quickly as though he was about to have a heart attack. "Uche, I don't understand. What are you saying?"
"I'm saying I took your money oh!" She snapped busting into ibo, what's so hard to understand there?" She asked returning back to English.

"Are you stupid?" He asked and she laughed.

"No! I'm not, actually I'm smart, I've been really smart. I've been studying you all these while Andy, you've been a hard nut to crack but I eventually did" 

"I've never wronged you"

"True but how does it feel being dished the same food you dished others ehn? Should I remind you of a certain ex girlfriend you stole from? Or the girl that day at the bar? The one that asked of her hundred thousand naira but you were being a bitch about it?"

"How did you know?"

"I was at the bar dummy and I heard every damn discussion. It was actually the reason I decided to talk to you."

"Who are you really? Is your name even Uche?"

"First name, Uche, last name Obiafor. I didn't lie about my name, my job is put guys like you where you deserve to be"  "Guys like me? What are you? A girl avenger?"

"You can call me that" she smiled, "My super power is pay back"

"I'll have you arrested"

Uche laughed, "I dare you to. I'm sure the company will like to know how come you have such amount in your account."

"That money isn't completely mine, they'll arrest me"

She faked a tears then she laughed, "Boo hoo! Does it look like I care? Nemesis just caught up with you Andy, deal with it! You deserve prison you know?" 

"What about you? If you look at it closely, we're the same."

"We're not the same Andy. Well, till my own nemesis catches up to me, this is your nemesis. Have a nice life asshole!" She snapped hanging up then she smiled. 

Stella sat on the couch in the living room with her seven months gone belly while Lanre massaged her swollen foot and she smiled. "I can't wait to have my foot back" "it's not bad"

"What's not bad? The last sandals you bought didn't even fit in and you know I love that sandals"

"I bought another one"

"That one that looks like Moses shoe? Didn't you know it was because of that shoe most of the isrealite didn't make it to the land of promise"

Lanre laughed, "Preach on Pastor, I'm feeling you." He replied and she chuckled. "Why didn't you tell you didn't like the shoe that day at the store" "It was the fourth shoe you were buying, I felt sorry for you. I don't know what's so hard in getting my size" she answered and he laughed.

"Have you seen your leg?" He asked and they both laughed.

"Baby I know it's been crazy lately with the mood swings and all, with the cravings" "At least you didn't eat roasted snail today"

"Now that you've mentioned it......" She trailed off and he gave her a look, "Baby, it's late"  "Just kidding" she answered and they both laughed it off.

"I just want to say thank you"

"For what? Being your husband? Baby, it's my job to satisfy you and I promised you already, I'll do all in my power to make you happy, for better for worse" he smiled leaving her legs and they both kissed.

They were both interrupted by a knock on the door. "I'll go get it" he rose up on his feet walking towards the door then he opened up seeing Uche.

"Good evening" she greeted, "You must be Lanre right? Stella's husband. I'm looking for your wife" "Who are you?"

"My name Is Uche Obiafor, I can't get into details. I promise I'm not a psycho killer on the loose. I'm just someone who had her best interest in heart and I have something that rightfully belongs to her and I'll like to give it back"

The End ?

"Wait a minute........" Dara said facing the camera on her you tube broadcast smiling. She had a pink silk night gown on. "I know I promised to keep you guys informed about how my delivery went, what happened and all but I've been busy with my baby and all. I still have to take care of the children"

"Off that thing and rest!" Mrs Igwe yelled.

"Mom please, I'm broadcasting" "Mma broadcaster, you won't sleep now that your baby is sleeping" 

"I'm not feeling too sleepy Mom." She returned back to staring at the camera then Funsho walked into the room.  "Sewa is finally asleep!"

"Thank God!" Dara sighed smiling at  her mother who was shaking her head, "Let me start going to my husband's house, the remaining pepper soup is on the dinning table, Have you heard? If you like eat, if you like don't"

"Thank you Mom. I love you! "

"Should I come by tomorrow to bathe the baby or your husband will do it?" "I'm not comfortable with the way he's holding his little hands but I trust him to do it well, he's already done a good job with the rest" she answered and he smiled.

"Asiere! (Good night)" She exclaimed leaving. "Asiere" Funsho replied back making Dara laugh.

"What? I said it well? I already told you to teach me this language"

"Yes, like I can speak it well. Why don't you learn from Okon?" She asked and he laughed glancing at the baby on the bed while Dara returned to looking at the camera.

"So as I was saying, where was I sef? Yes! I've been busy with the children. My delivery was fine, Funsho brought his son out personally because I couldn't get to the hospital quickly. I didn't even know it was an actual labour until my water broke at home. In a kind of way, I delivered at home"

"You're leaking" Funsho interrupted her pointing to the milk stain that had formed a circle on her breast region. She pressed her palm upon it groaning in pain then she turned back at her baby.

"When you want them to wake they won't!" She exhaled looking back at the camera.

"Joy of motherhood. Guys, this is my last broadcast and I just want to say I've never been more happy In my entire life! Right from the beginning, when I began my broadcast, it was filled with lots of bad reports and disappointments but God has been faithful, it's not me, it's God. When he enters into a situation, when you get him take the wheel, he makes all things beautiful in his time. Who would have thought Dara will end up this way? Being married to the most amazing man in the world. I complained about not having children at my age now I have five children and I'll still have more! My counsel to everyone out there waiting for that special somebody, don't ever give up on God. Even if you're 34 or 35 or getting older, don't give up! Even if your hope is as slim as I am" she laughed to herself, "Or your hope is as slim as a needle, don't give up! Cause God is still in the business of performing miracles even when all hope seems lost. Good bye!" She waved stopping the video.

And that's a wrap for Slim Hope!

Personally I've learned a lot from this, what about you?

Silent readers, it's the final chapter. Please break the silence, vote and comment. Thank you !🙏

For everyone that has supported me one way or the other through comments, I say God bless you richly! To my silent readers, God bless you too!

You guys are my inspiration! 😍😍

I'll notify you all when I start posting my new book.  When no I do, please add it up on your library and reading list so you'll be notified when I'll really start making updates.

For now, peace out


Thank you!😘😘😘

Packaging Osas

Coming soon.......

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