
Chapter 6

"What happened?" A man in white Agbada, asked Boma, he was a police friend to the family , "Like I've been saying, I was just walking jeje on my own when I saw the body on the grass. I didn't do anything to the victim. I don't even know her"

"That'll be all for now" he answered passing a form to her. "Fill out that form, and you had better not fill a wrong number or you'll be a suspect"

"For what now? For seeing a dead body? It's even me that's traumatized"

"Shut up before I take you in" the policeman threatened and Boma looked away to find Gbade staring at her then he walked away.

The party ended abruptly after the body was taken in an ambulance. Boma and Brenda had to go back home together. She couldn't go back to her house so she slept over at Dara's house.

"From the moment I entered into the party, the Calibre of people there, the way they will enter to go and greet Chief Duncan inside that house. What's he even doing inside the house? Shey I told you those guys are ritualist. That's how they will be killing people up and down"

"Just because you saw one body doesn't mean that they killed the person. This could have been done by anybody or it could be a mistake" "A dead body on the floor, it can't be normal"

"You're lucky the police didn't take you in as a suspect"

"That's my only joy but they got my number. They said they'll inform me of any further development, although the man threatened to take me in. I was beginning to annoy him"

"You have to take things easy Boma. What if they call you to tell you to come for questioning?" "I'll simply throw away my sim and change my phone number."

"And what if they come to your resident?"

"I'll change residence"

Dara laughed at her response. "Crazy fish!" "I don't want to go to jail because of one harmless investigation. Abeg oh!"

Dunni knocked on her father's door that night before entering. Her father hissed on seeing her, "Why are you knocking as if you're a stranger?" He asked, "Who knows if you're with  one of your wives" "Not today oh, today is rest day. What do you want my dear?"

"I just wanted to know if I could stay for the night? I'm feeling a bit under the influence and I'm not sure It's safe to drive"

"Is that one question? Isn't this your house?  Ile baba e naa ni ile rẹ. (Your father's home is your home too)"

"Ese Sir (Thank you Sir)"

"Ki ló ṣẹlẹ sí omobinrin ti a ri oku re, nje o sunmọ lati mo ìdí iku re? (What happened to the girl that was found dead, did you get close to her?)"

"I did Daddy, if you ask for my professional opinion, I'll say it's poisoning but it doesn't make sense does it? Who will want to poison her?"

"Who is she?

"Maybe she had enemies, it's my party they now saw fit to kill her in order to bring shame to me. Wo, their plans will never work!"

Chris called Brenda some minutes after she had slept. "Hello" her voice sounded rough and sleepy, "Oh. I'm sorry, were you already asleep?"

"Yes i was" "I'm really sorry" "It's fine. I only slept like ten minutes ago, if it had been later than this. I would have picked up saying all sort of rubbish" she answered and he laughed.

"So you're that kind of girl huh?"

"Yes." She replied and they both chuckled.

"I enjoyed talking to you Brenda, I was wondering if we could do it again maybe tomorrow"

"You're just settling in Lagos aren't you? Aren't you going to fully settle first?" 

"Yes but I won't really mind having dinner with you tomorrow. It's a new month and I want to have dinner with you. I guess you've captured my mind" he replied and Brenda bit her lower lip. "I also enjoyed talking to you" she replied, except the lies she already told!

"I'm sure you must be tired from working tomorrow but I'll really like to see you in the evening"

"Yes. Sure, just pick a time and venue"

"Perfect. I'll let you know then"

"Is this good night?"

"Don't hang up yet, I wish I can hear your voice all night"

"Lies! You're trying to buy my heart aren't you?"

Chris laughed, "You have no idea how real I'm being right now. I don't mind talking till i fall asleep" "I seriously have to sleep, i treasure my sleep"

"Sleep tight dear"

"Good night" she replied and he ended the call.

Brenda placed the phone on her chest then she sighed in worry. "God help and deliver me from lying!"

Mrs Holland entered into her son's room with a wide smile on her face. "Omo mi" "Ah, mummy, I was about to even go to sleep"  "Is that your way of telling me you dont want to speak to me?"

"No Ma"

"I'm so excited about your return more than anyone. Nice party at the Duncan's dont you think? Too bad it had to get interrupted by that tragic incidence"


"Erm, how was your discussion with Tise Duncan"
Chris rolled his eyes, not like he didn't expected it. "It wasn't  as you expected it to me. Dont get me wrong Mom, she looks like a good woman but I'm not interested"
"Hey hey! Omo mi, (my child), there comes a time in life when a man must marry a woman"
"And i will Mom. I promise you i will, maybe not now but it's going to be my choice, not yours."
"Like the woman I saw you talking with shey?"

Chris laughed at the length his mother could whenever she's spying on him. "You thought I wasn't watching shey?" "I knew you were, Mom I promise yiu I'll get married as soon as I find the right one"

"You promise?"

"I promise"

The following morning after church  service,  Boma got a text from an unknown number.

"Thank your stars you've been exonerated. Stop poking your nose into matters that doesn't concern you or else it'll turn back to bite you! Good day!"

Boma tried the number all to no avail. Afterwards, she dragged Dara away from the crowd in church  so she could have a private discussion with her. 

Then she showed her the text message. "Shey it's sounding like a threat right?" "Yes, babe this is some serious James Bond threat. What are you going to do?"

"I've been calling the damn number since, it's not going through!"

"Are you being serious? You're supposed to back off. As I'm looking at this, you might be right afterwards. Maybe someone killed that lady, you don't want to get involved in that kind of wahala"

"See, I'm this close to to saying that  I'm dropping this investigation thing and they can continue to use their heads for ritual but I won't! I'm even more curious"

"Could you be right about your assumptions? Could they really be ritualists?"

"That's what I'm bent on finding out"


"You've just listened to know you by Lapidoe and Simi. So some people asked me why I love Simi so much and I promised you all that I was going to speak up about it. I just love her, there are no specific reasons for it, right from Tiff, she's being making me smile through her music and I never get tired of listening to her sing. " She asked.

"If you're just tuning in, it's Dara's corner on 95.5 mood FM and it's still your girl Dara Igwe, keep your comments rolling, keep the calls coming, keep on showing the love. This babe appreciates it. This is on the low by our very own Oluwa Burna, enjoy!"

Chris walked in smiling, "That was a nice one" he commented and she smiled. "Thank you" she replied, "Do I know you? You look a bit familiar"

"My name is Chris Holland"

"Jesus! Our manager" she exclaimed rising up and he laughed. "Good morning Sir, I didn't know you were coming" "I wanted to surprise you all. I've heard a great deal about you. Dara Igwe right?" He asked and she nodded curious to know what he might have heard.

"Now I'm curious to know what that might be"

"Don't be scared. They're good things anyways, how's business around here?" "We're hoping you'll come and make things more organized"

"I see" he said and they both chuckled then he scratched his head. "The name Dara, is it Yorùbá for Darasimi or something?"

Dara laughed, "No. Not at all, it's Ibibio for Madara" "You're a cross breed" he smiled taking Interest. "You can say that" "Do you happen to relate with anyone named, Brenda Igwe?"

Dara's eyes widened in shock, "How did... What did she do?" "Nothing.... I met her at a party on Saturday and I was really taken by her, she's sweet" "It's not everyday you hear something sweet about her"

"I knew it! She's one onijogbon (trouble maker) shey? She looks like it!" He snapped and she chuckled at his jovial personality. He wasn't even acting like a boss. "Not exactly"

"You don't have to cover up for her. I've already read her palms already, she's lazy too right?"

"To the bones" Dara confessed and he laughed hard.

"Okay... I'll like to know a few thing about her if you don't mind"

"I'm on duty"

"Afterwards. We have a date tonight and I'll like to know somethings I can use against her, a little Amebo will do. The only thing I know is that she's the CEO of Sleek and Affordable"


"That was what she said, at least she has a passion. We'll talk later" he tapped her on the arm before leaving.

Dara tightened her fist in anger,  "Oh my Brenda!"

"So I lied one small like like that, it's just small lie oh" Brenda complained to Timmy and he hissed.

"Telling him you work as a boss of S and A, how's that one small lie?"

"Don't chastise me now"

"I haven't even started" he snapped and she rolled her eyes, his look had a lot of criticism clearly written on it. "How stupid are you? Some times I wonder what is always wrong with you. What goes on in this your head?"

"I didn't even know when it came out of my mouth, the guy is so handsome and cool. I just went with the flow, what was I supposed to tell the guy, that I'm jobless?"

"Yes! It's better than lying! See, my life is a simple opened book. I don't have anything to hide"

"Wo, drop sermon for Sunday service, is there any opening in this your diner? I need a job oh, I need something to help me get out of home, something I can earn money from"

"If you need money, sell your iPhone now"

Brenda gasped, "No way!" "I don't want you sending my customers away"

"I'm customer friendly! Don't even insult me, I'll make you even have more customers"

"What if the Bobo you're tripping for comes in here someday?"

"For where? It's impossible! Is this a story book or a movie? Abeg! That can't possibly happened, he's like those ajebutter (rich) folks, he won't want to eat in this pako restaurant, no offense to you"

"Pele Ma, erm there's no opening for people who don't appreciate the diner"

"Haba! I was just playing, I'm sorry Sir. I need the job and you know it, so how much will you pay me? Will it reach like hundred K?"

"Don't worry, I'll give you two hundred thousand along with all the profits i generate because I love you so much. You better reason well"

"50 k nko?" She reduced it and be he hissed leaving her alone.

"Oya let's negotiate now!"

"Negotiate wetin?"

Dara stormed into the diner then she marched towards Brenda pulling her by the ears. "Ouch! Sister, stop embarrassing me in public"  "I'll stop when you stop lying too! Oh God! I don't even know the kind of person you're turning into"

"I don't have a clue of what you're saying"

"Really Brenda? Really? CEO of Sleek and affordables" she asked and Brenda turned towards Timmy, "Don't even look at me, did you even see me touch my phone? Or even make a call?"

Brenda turned towards her sister, "Who told you?" "Guess who my new manager is, the guy you lied to dummy!" She snapped turning towards Timmy.

"Can you believe this idiot?"

"I'm right in your presence!"

"And I'm blind, I didn't see you. I feel like dragging your ears till they pull out. How many times do I have to tell you? Lying is unnecessary! It only complicates things! That guy seems to like you but your lies will ruin things before you even start anything! You have a date tonight right? You had better make things straight or I will cause I won't be able to work with lies"

"Please now, remember we're sisters oh"

"I'm saying this because I love you. Do what's right or I'll do it for you"

"Timmy" Brenda called out and he glared at her. "Don't even look at me" he said running away to attend to a customer and Brenda shut her eyes.

"Sis.... you're probably angry, I'm sure you're on your period" she paused and Dara rolled her eyes at how right she was.
"We can solve this with a calm mind, we can reach a compromise."

"I'm not changing my mind"

"See, this is none of your business, stop carrying it on your head!" She snapped leaving and Dara hissed knowing Brenda will definitely feel bad about it and later apologize.

She hissed again, this time rolling her eyes, "Siblings are that way, but you just have to love them?" A guy sitting at the corner of the counter reading a novel said and Dara sighed.

"Do i have any choice?" She asked and he shook his head and they both chuckled.

"Seems like you have a handful"

"You have no idea, little sisters can be annoying ehn!" He answered and she arced her brow in surprise. "How did you know she's my little sister?" "I couldn't help but notice you pull her ears, you don't pull the ears of your older ones except you're a bully and I hate bullies"

"I hate them too"


"Yes. I had a horrible experience during my secondary school days" "What was your crime?" "For being too thin, I think the right word would be tiny"

"I was bullied too"

"What was your crime?"

"Being too handsome" he answered and they both laughed. "You're joking right?"

"No kidding, the ugly guys made my life a living hell. Secondary school was frustrating"

"It's not everyday i meet a partner" she chipped in and he smiled. "Others would have said, your big sister but you didn't... I'm shocked"

"I take note of the tiniest details. It's a talent actually"

"I love that characteristics in guys, not many guys have it" she stated now looking at the book he was reading. "Is that No longer at ease?"

"Yes. How...."

"I've read that story a hundred times, you like it?"

"Like? I love it! Chinua Achebe is one of my all time favorite writer"

"I love any good African book from the likes of Chiamanada Adiche, Mariama ba"

"Are you kidding me right now?" Dara pulled a seat close. "I still have goosepimples when I think half of yellow sun and purple hibiscus. People don't really care about the love interest between Father Amadi and Kambili but I feel the chemistry and I'm one of those people who was ready to sentence Father Amadi for following his dreams. Urgh! If only he could just follow love"

"Love is great, it's a beautiful thing in Dbanj's word and it's blind"

"I doubt that, If love was blind, I would have been married now"  answered unconsciously then she let out a sad sigh.

"What do you mean?"

"It's nothing"

"Oh i insist"

"They say I'm thin"

"Who said so? It's a lie from the pit of hell. You're the most beautiful thing I've ever come across. Any Woman who's Into art is worth dying for. Save the shape and sizes for mathematicians, I'm a lover of art and beauty and you my dear, are full of it. Where have you been all my life?"

Dara laughed looking at him in shock, It seemed too good to be true. Psalms 126:1 quickly brushed through her mind, when the Lord turned away the captivity of Zion, they were like they that dream. Could this be the Lord turning away her captivity?

"My name is Efetobo, but you can call me Efe, wanna have lunch with me? We could order something. What's your preference?" He asked and Dara smiled.

"I don't have any, I really don't select food. Sometimes I wonder why I'm not fat"

"Me too. Wait.... Where have you really been all my life?"

Chief Duncan, flipped through some documents in his office at home. "Sir as you see, everything you asked for is there as promised." "That is why I appreciate you Thomas. You are efficient till the last bone, thank you jare! Your days shall be long"

"Amen Sir"

"You can go now"

"Yes Sir"

"What about the case of the girl that died?"

"Ah... The police has already ruled over the case, I'm not much involved with the case"

"So I heard the person who died was a worker"

"Yes Sir, it's very sad. I know mouths wilk wag but I did make sure the news didn't get to the tabloids"

"What about that one that calls me a Ritualist, what's her name?"


"The other one"

"One Boma something like that. Well, we'll try to sort things out, I'll talk to the image promoter concerning it. We'll deal with it even if it means paying her"

"Thank you Thomas. Will that be all?"

"Sir I'll have to express my feelings towards Dunni. I'm really worried about her, being the mother of my daughter and all and being the woman I love so dearly. I have to say I'm deeply worried about her"

"Me I don't understand the two of you. If you see love her, why divorce in the first place"

"It wasn't me that requested for the divorce, it was Dunni and I didn't want issues with her judging from the fact she was acting erratic"

"Ha han, don't use such derogatory term for my daughter"

"My deepest apologies Sir, it's just that If we are looking at the contingencies of what happened in the past, the divorce was a way out. I was even beginning to get scared for my own life but seeing her yesterday all gloomy, I was worried"

"Why didn't you ask her when you saw her"

"I was scared she would have poured wineon me. I just had to maintain my distance just giving her small winks"

Chief Duncan laughed. "You should find a day to talk to her. Maybe you two need to come together and reason things like adults would. Most importantly for your daughter"

"Yes Sir. I'll take my leave now"

"You can"

Thomas rose up leaving and Chief Duncan immediately put a call through to someone. "You won't get angry but I need your help, Can I see you?"

The female receipient hissed and  hung up. Chief Duncan laughed then he shook his head.


Ruby walked into the Duncan's hospital. After waiting twenty minutes at the waiting room, Dozie got out dressed in a white v-neck top and white trousers. "I'm sorry for keeping you waiting z hope you haven't been waiting for too long"

"Only for twenty minutes" she answered and he chuckled slapping his face. I'm really really sorry dear"  "Its okay" she answered rising up from the chair.

"Thank you for coming out to see me"

"I'm jealous of you right now" she confessed and Dozie wondered why. "Before I started working with my Mom at the clinic, I submitted several application to this hospital all to no avail."

"I'm sorry about that"

"Are you free for the day? I was hoping we could habe lunch" he suggested and Ruby smiled, "Sure. We could eat at Timmy's diner, Timmy makes the tastiest meals"

"A guy?"

"Says a guy who's also a nurse" she snapped playfully and he laughed. "Good point. I'll be with you shortly, let me change up?"

Reekado's bank Rora played from the background in the gym.

Dara stood in a squat position, her arms stretched forward as she continuously lowered her body, her discussion with her boss earlier on and Brenda's lies made her even more angry.

Will it kill her to say the truth for once? Are you sure this thing is not a curse that we have to conduct deliverance for? God help that girl!

Funsho who had just arrived at the gym watched her do several wrong post then scratched his eyes on wondering how he'll correct her. Quite frankly, it was totally normal for first timers to exercise in wrong positions but most people usually feel, shy, discouraged or insulted when they get corrected.

"Your squat position is wrong" she heard someone say so she turned towards him trying to catch her breath.

"It's wrong? The squat posture"

"Your toe should be forward, knees shoulder wide apart, keep your laps parrell to the ground at 90 degrees"

"Who are you?" She asked and he scratched his head. Where was he going to start from? "What are you doing the exercise for?"

"Bigger buttocks" she answered and he laughed and Sara felt insulted.

"Of what use is it?" He asked and she scoffed,  "How long have you been doing this?" "A week now" she answered, she didn't even know why she was still answering the man."So you've been wasting your time for a week now, wow"

"Excuse you? On a normal day i wouldn't have paid attention to you but today isn't a normal day"

"Ah, you're on your period right?"

"What?" She asked clearly embarrassed.

"Definitely your period"

"Please, you don't have any right to say that"

"Say what? That you're on your period or that you're doing a wrong squat posture"
"Both of them. It's rude"

"Don't get me wrong but with that posture, it's a waste of time, you'll only feel pains in your legs with no result. Who's your gym instructor?"

"Who are you?"

"Good morning Sir" Oise entered into a room and Funsho chuckled. "Good morning Oise" "When did you arrive Sir?"

"A while ago" he replied, "The lady is doing a wrong squat posture, correct it" he employed leaving and it made sense to Dara who he was. "I see you've met the boss"

"Oh. I didn't even know"

"Let me see your squat position" Oise requested and Dara laughed.

"Now I'm shy,"

Mrs Yewande Duncan,  wife of Chief Duncan walked into her son's office at rhe hospital and he lifted his head at her. "What are you doing here mom?" Gbade asked,  "Is that the greeting a mother deserves?"

"What are you doing here? This is work period"
"Where were you at the party?" Mrs Derin asked her son. "I had to attend to some business" "Business oshi wo?  Do you see how Bimbo's children comported themselves? You were just staring at your phone and making stupid phone calls"

"The last time I checked, Funsho also fiddled with his phone. I don't know why you have snap at me every chance you get. We're not competing here are we?"

"See. Your father is old, God forbid he dies, God forbid! Who do you think would run the company? Is your brother that is a fitness instructor? Who do you think is fit to run? You now! You're a worker in his company and you know the pros and cons"

"He'll give it to Thomas"

She hissed out loud "Thomas wo? Is Thomas related by blood?"

"He trusts Thomas, I mean the guy has been doing this long before me"

"Please don't even make me hear that word two times, Thomas that they married and come into this family. Don't repeat it again, Thomas wo?" She hissed again.

Dara walked towards Funsho's office to apologize to him for how she reacted earlier on.  Before she knocked on the door, he opened up. "Did you miss your way?" He asked, "No. I was..."

His phone rang immediately and he picked it up. "Can it wait? I'll be there in a jiffy"

Dara swallowed her word, waiting for him to end the call. "I'll see you in a bit" he replied hanging up. "What were you saying?" He asked looking impatient.

"Yes I was..."

"Can it wait? I can't listen now, I have to go" he said zooming off and she scoffed then she walked towards the therapy office, she knocked and entered only to find Tise inside  organizing files.

"Hey!" Dara waved at her. "See who we have here, I guess it's my lucky day"

"I guess it is." She said with a smile and Dara had her seat. "How was the work out?" "My butt is burning, apparently I've been doing my squats wrongly or as your brother called it, a waste of time"

"Wait.... You finally met Funsho"

"Yes I did and he's not as nice as you are"

"What did he do?"

"Well.... First he told me to my face that there was no point  doing the exercise. Like it was useless, i mean talk about ruining the tiny shred of self esteem I had left"

"I'm pretty sure he didn't mean it that way"

"I took it that way. Besides I didn't even know he was the boss then until Oise came and then I decided to thank him for taking cognizance of my wrong posture. He didn't even listen to me, he just left like that"

"Because it's almost two"

"What does he do by two?" Dara asked and Tise chuckled. "Nothing exactly, like I said my brother is a busy man. Time is of the essence to him, he has every activity for every time"

"For every time? That only means he works based on routines"

"He can't help it, it's not his fault. It's a ritual he has to perform"

"Ritual?" Dara asked remembering Boma's words. "Ritual, routines, different words same uses"

"Oh. Is it like a business apart from the gym?"

Tise stalled, "I'm sorry I can't spill, why are you so Interested?" "Nothing... Nothing really"

"If you're that Interested, you can ask him whenever you see him. If you'll ever see him again"

Derin Balogun, an dectective walked into Chief Duncan's office with a frown plastered against her face. "Iwo na (You too) smile, now. Frowning is a very close friend of old age. Frown too much and you'll get old quickly"

"Oh save your sermon Chief, I'm not interested!" She snapped and he exhaled. "I understand that you're angry with me but I don't understand why"

"Don't pretend you don't know why Chief! You know very well what I want yet you've refused to give me" "Is it money that you've asked for before that I've not given you?"

"Oh save your stupid money for yourself! I don't want them!"

"What do you want then?"

"To be your official Fourth wife!" She snapped in tears, "Chief, you know I'm not after the wealth or the inheritance, keep it if you want, in fact keep me out of your stupid will, i don't care! I sincerely love you and I want to have a place in your life kike your wives do"

"Ah" Chief Duncan laughed.

"See this woman, wo, my dear you won't understand even I say it to you in English. If it's the old Duncan, I would have to put you in the family way latekan! (Since). I wouldn't have wasted time but I care about you too much to out you through such headache. It's no way for a lady to live, I don't even show my wives equal treatment, I don't even accord them equal respect. There's bound to be jealousy Derin, i won't want to out you through that. It's better you move on from me, find some man who is ready to marry and marry the person. You will make a beautiful wife, not my wife"

"Why did you call me"

"I've been thinking a lot about some personal and business issues and i need your expertise here. You advise cause I don't know what to do"

"What's going on?"

"Dara would you be free this evening to follow me to the church to pray with Sister Nike. She thinks she's close to giving birth"

"Ish.... I have plans"

"What?" Her mother asked in shock then she smiled. "Boma plans?"  "Not exactly, i met a guy today and he seems nice, he called me out for a walk so.... We'll be taking a walk"

"I'm shocked. To think it hasn't bee too long i prayed that prayer about you having better plans." She chipped in and Dara chuckled, "I hope you don't get hurt and becareful"

"Yes Mom"

"So I finally confirmed you're a true onijogbon (trouble maker) today" Chris said to Brenda on the date and she choked from almost laughing. "Have you heard of table manners?" She asked and he laughed at her.

"I'm sorry"

"So I heard you met my sister. The world is too small "

Too small for liars! She said within

"You can say that again, when she told me she was cross-bred it was so easy to put it all together. 

"She confirmed my suspicion that you're lazy" "I'm not exactly Lazy, I'm allergic to hard life, those are two different things" she replied and he chuckled.

Chris laughed out loud they're his head backwards, "Whatever makes you sleep at night dear" "So my sister couldn't say anything nice about me, wow.  .. You think you have a sister"

"She said some pretty nice things though. Are there other things you might want me to know?" He asked and she chuckled nervously.

Where should I start from...

☑️  I'm not the CEO of S and A

☑️   I'm jobless and I can't seem to keep a job

☑️  I'm a single mother

☑️ I love lying and I can't help it

☑️  I think I might be cursed

Brenda blinked her eyes, where was she going to start from. "I have something to say and I don't want you to get angry" she replied and he smiled.

"I cross my heart" he promised; this was followed by a long pause.

"How do you manage to keep your hair curly?" She asked and he laughed. "Are you serious right now?" He asked and they both laughed.

Dara walked through the street with Efe who fixed a meeting for the evening.  "How is life as a OAP?" He asked and she chuckled. "Great, I love my job. It has opened my eyes to a whole lot of experiences, I've met with a couple of celebrities. The last interview I had was with Falz and I'm actually planning on having Niniola one of these days"

"I love the way you talk about you achievements"

"Thank you. I should have been scared of what you'll do to me but I took a leap of faith following you"

"I'm a good guy, I wasn't planning on hurting you or locking you up or playing psycho."

"Thank you for not being psychotic. I will have hate to bring you down with my tasers"

"So you have that?"

"No I don't" she answered and he chuckled. "You have a nice laughter, has anyone ever told you that?"

"Yeah my dad"

"Well you do and you should never stop smiling" he placed his hands on her cheeks and she smiled.

"Thank you" she muttered and Efe raised his phone up to take a selfie. "Let's take a quick picture"

"Can I drop you off" Chris asked after the date, "No. I don't want issues with my Dad, we don't get along for a lot of reasons. He's strict too and we have these rules we have to abide to till we grow old and"

Chris Interrupted her with a kiss on her lips. Brenda kissed him back ignoring onlookers. "I get it." He replied and she smiled kissing him back then he wrapped his hands across her waist.

"Good night" he muttered breaking the kiss and she bit her lower lips.

"It's definitely going to be a good one"

Efe removed his phone dialing a number, "It's a done deal. Easy breezy" he said to Andy,  "Did you kiss her?" "Your didn't expect me to pull such move on a first day right?"

"Point taken"

"Abeg wire me my first payment jare"

"How am I sure you're saying the truth"

"Guy, this thing na moi- moi to me. Give me till the end this week sef and I'll have her tripping for me. Babe wey I don play. I say I follow all your tips, base on say I be correct warri boy now, I no dey carry last for any matter at all. No worry now, I go send you pictures now"

Mehn, I have suffered because of this chapter. I keep losing my documents.🤦🏽‍♀️ Please manage it 🤣

How was this Chapter? 😊

What do you guys think of Efe?

What are your views on Brenda and Chris

How about Dara and Funsho?

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