💢Chapter 8💢
Chapter 8
Boma walked up to a friend of hers who was dressed in a nurse uniform then she sighed in relief.
"I don't know how you guys manage to work here with this whole Ritualist vibe"
"You and this your Ritualist something"
"Hey Amanda, I'm going to expose who the Duncan's are and I'll post it for the world to see. The news will trend everywhere, even on opera mini news"
"Any news can trend on opera mini"
"Whatever. I know i haven't spoken to you in a while but, I need your help to answer some questions for me"
"What question?"
"Let's find somewhere private first"
"What question?"
"Questions pertaining to death of Rosemary Ignatius"
Amanda looked around, "I'm kind of busy right now" "What?" "What exactly do you want to know" "She didn't die normally right?"
"They said it was food poisoning that killed her. Allergies, besides she had asthma too"
"But you don't believe it. What was her closeness with Gbade Duncan"
"Djdj was my friend okay.... I was suspecting something between the two of them. Like a secret relationship, Rose was involved in a lot of secretive and dirty things. She didn't tell me sha"
"Can it be possible that Gbade Duncan killed her?"
"I don't know, I don't know if doctor can do that but... The guy's a grub... I won't be surprised"
"I have a date" Dara announced to Stella on entering into her office. Stella was clad in a black suit, a red camisole and a black skirt. "What kind of date?" "What kind of date will it be before? Valentine's date duh! I don't know how fruitful it can get, I don't even know whether to put in any effort, but... I'm just so excited about it"
"Oh. Don't be negative" Stella advised, "Who's the guy?"
"A guy i met a week ago, his name is tobo, for short. This guy is everything I ever hope for in a man. He understands me, he's into literature like i am, he has good music taste. He's funny too, he's too good to be true, he dislikes everything I do, he's the perfect man for me and he doesn't even care about my stature. I'm scared, I don't want to mess up this day. It's Valentine's day, I just want to make everything perfect"
"You like him already?"
"Is it wrong to? I really don't know what to do. I'm clueless"
"Pray to God like you always do so he could show you the way"
"You know very well that i pray everyday. That aside.... I mean, what should I do? What should I wear, I don't want to mess up the date. Who knows, this might be the answer to our prayer, might be the one to walk me down the aisle so you guys can finally wriggle out of Daddy's terms" she nudged her elbow against Stella's arm and she in turn chuckled nervously.
She wish she could tell Dara that it was all Andy's plan but part of her was relieved knowing her sister was happy and that her boyfriend's plan was falling to place.
"Besides you're way fashionable than i am so I'll need all the help I can get except you already have plans"
"I can squeeze time for you"
Dara hugged her from behind, "Thank you very much"
Immediately Stella alighted from a taxi that stopped her directly at her parent's gate, her phone rang. "Hello Baby" she picked up with a smile. "Hey" Andy's voice sounded down and she couldn't help but wonder why.
"It's Valentine's day dear, cheer up! Can't wait for us to get to our plan for the evening"
"That was why i called"
"Huh huh, no! Wo, Andy, No! Whatever you're going to say it's no from me"
"Babe, it just came up all of the sudden"
"What happened all of the sudden?"
"A job that I have to check out in Portharcourt. I didn't even know the interview will be tomorrow"
"Saturday? Who sets up interviews on Saturdays? And why are you going today? Portharcourt is not exactly a day's journey why can't you just go tomorrow?" "You know these things"
"What things?"
"Okay fine, Steve called me to come over, I couldn't say no"
"You couldn't say no to your brother but it was convenient to cancel our plans!" Stella rolled her eyes. "Babe chill now, it's just one freaking Valentine's day. We'll have plenty more together with me by your side doing you right the way you like it"
"Oh please!" She snapped then she sighed knowing he was right too. "It's Valentine's day baby, Brenda's got a date even Dara's has a date"
"You know what? When I get back, I'll make it up to you Baby"
Stella rolled her eyes, "I love you" Andy confessed, "I love you too"
"Aunty Rejoice is around Brenda, are you not going to say hi to her" Dara asked Brenda who was applying mascara on her eye lashes.
"Point of correction, Aunty Lamentations, there's nothing Rejoicing about that woman. Her own is to complain from A- Z"
"Aunty Rejoice is not bad" Stella argued, "Because she's your favorite. It's me and Dara she hates so... you don't know where the shoe pinch until you wear them. I'm not saying hi to anybody, why is always coming on Fridays sef, why can't she stay in her son's house? Who told her we want to see her frowny face?" Brenda hissed and Dara shot a look at her.
"You talk too much"
"I'm not lying now. Abeg, shebi you picked Stella to do your make up over me shey?" Brenda complained brushing the brown powder over her all ready made face. "Yes she did, get over it! Na wa oh" Stella snapped holding a pallette of concealer, examining the two brow she drew on Dara's face.
One seemed higher than the other so she pressed the concealer brush against the brow to make it more equal even though not completely equal.
"My make up skills are more than hers I hope you know" Brenda still pressed on in her complains.
"I didn't call you because you're unreliable!" Dara answered truthfully and she responded with a frown. "One day I'll shock you guys"
"Don't you do that like everyday?" Stella asked dropping the brush and Dara laughed.
"You know what sis, I'm not going to let you guys ruin my valentine /birthday mood no matter what. This is my birthday and my night" she rolled a lipstick on her lips then she smacked her lips together.
"Who's the guy this time around? You've never serious with any guy" Stella assumed, "Well this one's different" Brenda answered with a shrug and Stella glanced at her sister who was seriously blushing. She guessed Brenda was definitely thinking about her date.
"Whoa! Wait... You really like him?"
"Yes I do. He's an amazing guy, he's funny, he's good looking. God! The thought of him turns me on"
"Is it the sex?"
"We haven't even had sex yet but I'm planning on it tonight"
"So you're sleeping out? Dad will kill you"
"Why? I mean I'll be staying with you for the night right?"
Stella rolled her eyes, "You can't be seriously using that lie!" "Babe I'm way ahead of you" Brenda snapped her fingers like a diva. "Like they'll believe you!" Dara snapped.
"What's my business if they don't. If they don't, let them follow me now"
"What's your problem with lies? Must you lie every damn time?"
"Let he who be think she has not fault cast the first stone. I lie, you lie, everyone lies, it's not a new thing. The only person that can cast that stone will be Saint Dara over here"
"I lie too"
Brenda laughed so hard, "If the Saint herself can admit to lying, abeg who am I?"
"I hope you come out straight with him tonight. Tell him you're not the CEO of S and A"
"What?" Stella asked in shock then she shook her head unbelievably at her little sister. "You are a disgrace" "Don't use that term on me please!" "Why won't I use it? Don't you know your lies are always embarrassing?"
"Is it your embarrassment? Abeg, let kaluku mind their business before they'll say I've insulted someone oh"
"Will you two shut up?" Dara snapped, "Will it kill you to be in a room and not argue? Are you not siblings from same mother and father?"
"Maybe you should ask Stella"
"Shut up!" She snapped now glaring at Brenda.
"Look at the two of you pouring spittle all over my face all in the name of make up and arguments"
"Brenda is too insultive!"
"And you're not?" Dara looked up at Stella then she scoffed. "I've lost count of the times you've insulted me, do I even react? No! Do you think I don't want to slap you silly or remove your tongue to wash the bitterness off it? I don't react because that's the only way to achieve peace. We're siblings, we quarrel but we make up, why don't you guys try to be mature like for once sef"
"The wise one has spoken. I'm sorry if I've said anything wrong" Brenda apologized and Stella rolled her eyes. "You're always saying wrong things"
"Whatever! Let me just give a silent prayer to God. Oh Lord my God, it's Valentine's day and we're going out on a date. God make this day work out well for each of us"
"Amen!" Dara and Stella exclaimed, "Let the guy fall deeply with Sister Dara"
"Amen" Stella answered, "So that some people can have peace of mind to plan their wedding"
"Amen oh" She answered again, this time stretching her hands.
"Father as i step out, I know I'm going to sin, I'm planning on sinning but I ask for your forgiveness in advance cause this girl's going to have some good sex" she snapped her fingers again and Stella glared at her then she looked at the door as though her parents would bust in any moment.
"What? Mom and Dad are watching news jhoor"
"You better use protection this time around" she snapped and Brenda frowned.
Stella stepped into the sitting room looking casual in a red camisole she wore earlier on and the black skirt. She left her suit in Dara's room.
Her parents, Aunt Rejoice and Ruby who were anticipating to see how Dara would look like turned heads at her.
Brenda stepped out in a silver knee length gown. She noticed the disappointment on everyone's face as she walked in without Dara. "You guys cannot even hide your disappointment. Don't I look pretty?" She asked and her mother chuckled.
"You look nice" Ruby commented and Brenda smiled, "Merci (Thank you)" she replied in French and her father laughed, "The only French she knows" he whispered throwing his eyes back at the television and Ruby busted out laughing.
"Well I present to you all, your precious Dara Igwe!" She said out loud and Ruby rose up clapping her hands as Dara walked in of her room dressed in a red gown. Her father took his eyes off the television, and a wide smile crept through his cheeks.
Wow" Ruby exclaimed. "Someone looks takeaway" she blew kisses and Dara laughed. "Thank you, you guys are making me feel uncomfortably cherished"
"Ogini Ada, Why won't you feel uncomfortable?" Aunty Rejoice rose up adjusting her wrapper, "Why? Please tell me why?" She paused again and Dara restrained herself from rolling her eyes. "Who can be comfortable to stay in her father's house for 34 years, 34 years oh!"
Mrs Igwe turned over to her husband signalling him to stop him from talking. "Sister" He called out, "Don't sister me. Let me tell this woman something. Like I always say, don't let your small stature deceive you. I keep on telling you, don't let your small stature deceive you!"
"I'm going on a date"
"That one is your business! You had better not mess this one up"
"Aunty when will you be leaving?" Brenda asked and her Aunt squeezed her face. She didn't need to say much, she got the message Brenda was trying to send.
"You this Ekwensu (devil)"
"Did I say anything? Let me do and go before some people will use their own to spoil my mood. Bye Mom, Dad, everyone else" she waved leaving the house and Aunty Rejoice tightened her fist.
"One day I will break that her tiny legs and twist that her running lips. Ishi ewu (Goat head!)" She clicked her tongue returning her gaze on Dara.
Her father walked up to her smiling, "You look exceptionally beautiful."
"Thank you Dad"
"Who's the man that's making you dress this way? I haven't seen you this dressed up in a long while except to church service. You haven't even gone on a date in forever"
"We're actually friends" Dara answered and her mother laughed.
"It usually begins that way my dear. If he's the right one, it'll definitely grow"
Ruby unplugged her phone then she started taking pictures of the her sister. "Don't you have a date too with that guy you've been walking with?" Mrs Igwe shot a look at Ruby, "We're not dating but I'm sure he must have fixed something if wasn't on night duty"
After Stella left, while in a taxi, Lanre called her on phone. "Hey Valentine mistress" he called out and she chuckled softly. "I know say you no dey carry Valentine play. I know you probably have a long list of plans"
"I did"
"Why are you using past tense?"
"Forget it, it doesn't matter anymore"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes.If I tell you will it change anything? No!" She replied and Lanre laughed. "At least it'll make you feel less better. I know you very well"
Stella rolled her eyes, "What are your plans? Any plan with the girl?" "Which girl? I made plans with Jesus!" He replied and Stella blinked her eyes totally confused "I'm.... lost here"
"Youth Valentine's special program in church."
"Yes. I'm in church already, Pastor Afolayan called me up on my way from work to set up some things. The program is about starting sef, i have to go now"
"Andy cancelled our plans so I have no plans for tonight."
"Oh." Lanre paused, "I'm sorry about that"
"It's nothing. It'll be better to be in church than staying at home alone"
"True. Thank God I called, see you in church"
Duncan's restaurant
Shade watched her father type away on his phone then she collected the phone from him. "It's going to be okay. You don't have to worry about anything m" she assured and Funsho scoffed. "I'm seizing your phone for the night"
"And I'm seizing your allowance for the month" he threatened and she gave it back to him.
"Dad, you don't seem to be in a good mood"
"Because I didn't plan to go out, remember you called to fix this plan"
"Isn't it boring being indoor?"
"No it's not and you know it. We usually have good times together; fatherhood isn't exactly boring"
"I didn't mean it that way. I meant, being without a date"
"Well i have a reason for it"
"What are your reasons?" She asked and he hesistated. "It's complicated" "Are you dying?" Shade asked and Funsho laughed. "I'm not dying anytime soon."
"Then what's wrong with you? You're my father yet I don't even understand you . I wish I can see your thoughts"
"I'm fine."
"Mom said you didn't used to be this boring and I can also attest to it"
"I'm not boring Shade"
"You live a boring secretive life, when you're not living it with us. From home to gym to wherever you go to and then back home. It's no healthy way for a man to live" she said her mind and Funsho laughed. "You can't be serious. Humor me dear, what's the right way for a man to live?"
"With his wife and children" she answered and he looked away.
"It's complicated"
"You say that every time and i don't understand what you mean" Shade complained getting tired of hearing the the same excuses from her father.
"Evening lovelies" Omotoyosi said and Funsho raised his head at her. She had a red and white stripe gown on. "Evening" he replied and she took her seat opposite him. "You look pretty Mom" she commented and her mother squealed.
"Awwn, see as you just made me blush. Ose my dear"
Shade cleared her throat looking at her father. "What?" Funsho asked, "Comments, you're supposed to make comments" she suggested then he took a quick glance at Omotoyosi, he had nothing nice to say but he had to put a little effort so not ro disappointed his daughter.
"You look....." he stalled, "You look wonderful Toyo"
"And you're still very much hot baby" she commented removing her right foot from the silver heels she wore then she seductively rubbed them over his laps and he shot a glare at her.
His phone rang and Shade peeped to look at the caller. "Is that Cecee?" Shade asked rolling her eyes and Funsho kept quiet knowing his daughter's guess was right.
Omotoyosi dragged the phone picking up the call. "Madam! Awon gboko gboko, husband snatchers. Weldon you hear, my husband is unavailable tonight. Try again later, please we're having Valentine's dinner, do well not to bother us. God bless you. Thank you very much. Don't mention my dear" she snapped ending the call.
She stretched out the phone to Funsho who stood mesmerized by by her guts. "That settled, can we make some fucking order abi are we not hungry?"
Efe stood outside the restaurant then he sighted Dara from afar off then he walked up to her smiling. "Whoa" he muttered and she blushed clutching her purse. "Good evening to you" she greeted and he blinked his eyes sincerely.
"Sorry... I was.... I was just..." He stalled then he cleared his throat.
"You look ravishing"
"I don't know why I feel so insulted right now. You guys don't act this way on a normal day. I should make up often"
"I'm sorry... Your natural face is okay... You just look so.... Pretty, the dress, whoa..."
"Thank you" she replied then he held her hands into the restaurant to their reserved table.
Johnny drille's 'My love' played at the background as he performed live on stage with his guitar in his hands.
Dara watched him with a big smile on her face. "I'm a big fan of Johnny, he's one of my favorite alternative artiste in Nigeria" "Same here" Efe lied. He has never been a fan of alternative or rock songs.
He would rather listen to hip-hop or Afro-pop than listen to Alternative songs.
"Funny that I've been following him since project fame" she added and he smiled. Finally! A topic he could flow with.
"I still don't understand why they stopped that show. Just when I was expecting to see what weird acts people will exhibit in auditions. They just had to stop it"
Dara laughed, "True! The auditions are always very funny" "What a bummer that they had to stop it" he answered. "I went for their auditions once" he confessed and Dara laughed.
"You're not serious are you?"
"I am." He answered and she laughed. "Now you're mocking me" "I'm not. Apologies but are you for real?"
"I've never been more real. I went once, 2014, I auditioned in Lagos"
"How was the turn out?"
"I was chosen"
Dara gasped, "Seriously?" She asked and he let out a hearty laughter from her sarcasm. "I could have sworn I saw a particular Efetobo in project fame"
"Feel free to mock me all you want"
"I'm sorry" she apologized now covering her lips with her palm. "So you sing too"
"Well I've been told a few times that i sound like 2face"
"It's amazing how we have so much in common"
"Dara?" Ugo who just walked in with a lady called out and Dara turned towards him, "Hey" she waved at him. "Wow" she heard him whisper, "You look...."
"Thanks" she replied without hearing the full comment. She scratched her neck now looking at the full figured lady besides him, she returned her gaze back to Ugo. "Happy Valentine's day"
"Wish.... you same" he replied then Efe cleared his throat.
"Baby" the lady called out placing her hands over Ugo's shoulders.
"Sure. Nice to meet you again Dara" he answered and she smiled. "You too"
Ugo left and Efe cleared his throat again. "I'm sorry for doing that, I shouldn't have" "It's okay. So..... Who is he? An ex?"
"No. I was recommended for him, we had a nice date but I didn't meet his requirement" "Did you like him?"
"Initially, i did. I mean seeing someone handsome, and knowing you could have a chance with him... My hopes were raised until it crashed at the end of the night. My hopes usually gets crashed at the end of the night. Every damn time!"
"Hey!" Efe snapped looking into her eyes. "Not this night"
"You have the most beautiful eyes" "Are you kidding me?" She laughed again, "I have a normal Nigerian eyes" "That even makes it even more beautiful" he affirmed and she smiled.
"Thank you"
In Chris's home, while they both sat over a table for two, he watched Brenda raise a spoon to her mouth. "Why are you looking at my spoon" "Because the food has been poisoned" he answered and Brenda chuckled dropping the spoon.
"Very funny" she replied and he scoffed, "You thought I was joking right? I cooked the food personally. Well my kitchen skills are usually left to myself but Funsho usually say my food are always salty. But to my taste buds they're normal,"
"Now I'm scared"
"Just taste it"
Brenda put a spoonful in her mouth then she spat it out. "I'm not really a good cook but I do know how a good food tastes like" she answered and he laughed. "Was it that bad?"
"Bad is an understatement. I think the word is worst!"
"Not even worse. That bad?"
"It's the past participle dear, neither bad, nor worse, its the worst!" She retorted laughing and Chris laughed too now placing his palm against hers. "I thought a good old romantic dinner would do. Did I just ruin your birthday?"
"No but I'm really hungry"
"I'll make order for pizzas, do you like pizzas?"
"I do but we can cook something else. I'm not the best chef in town but I can cook an alternative with the ingredients left instead of waiting for some order" she said rising up.
"Should I be scared of you burning my kitchen down?" He asked, "Haha, very funny" she said making her way into his kitchen.
Dara laughed out loud over Efe's jokes in a restaurant then she covered her mouth for fear of being loud. "Please don't say stuffs that will only make me laugh. I'm sure people already think I'm crazy"
"Only an insane person will think that way. You're the most sane person I've ever met"
"Why do act like I'm perfect? What do you hate about me? There has to be something you hate about me. I can't be all that nice, amazing, I've heard those comments from you more times than I can count and it looks unbelievable. The guys I've met..."
"Hey," Efe placed his hands above hers, "I'm not those guys, I'm Efe" he reminded, making her chuckle a bit.
Suddenly he took his hands off raising his fingers as though something just crossed his mind.
"Okay, okay.... There's something I hate about you"
"What's that?"
"I hate the way my heart stops when I think of you, when I see you or when i see you smile."
"Don't be silly" Dara blushed then she scratched her neck, a small breath escaped her lips. "I'm dead serious." "I hate the fact the first thing that crosses my mind when I wake is you, I hate it but i can't help it. You know I've searched all novels and it's just makes me conclude that I'm falling in love with you. Will you be my girlfriend?" he stretched his hands at her and she smiled giving a gentle nod.
Omotoyosi held a glass of wine staring seductively at Funsho. "I think we should do a family retreat or something. Like a family get together, let's get together and just have fun" "Sounds brilliant, don't you think so Oko mi?" Her foot now rested on his crotch and he cleared his throat.
"Toyo" he called out, "Oko mi" "Can we um... Can we speak outside for a bit"
"You can say anything here in front of our daughter"
"Outside, now!" He demanded leaving and she flashed a smile at Shade. "This your father can be so serious" she hissed taking a drink before leaving.
🎶L is for the way you at me
O is for the only one i see
V is very very extraordinary
E is even more than anyone can adore🎶
Lanre danced while singing L-O-V-E by Frank Sinatra as he walked through the streets after church service and Stella chuckled. She was beginning to feel embarrassed with the way people were beginning to stared at them.
"Stop dancing or else I'll run away from you"
"You're can't be serious"
"Wait til I do it. People are staring at us. Should I remind you that we're not in Broadway. We're in Nigeria and I'm sure these people around are this close to getting a rope to tie you if not that there's a sane woman walking with you" she answered and he laughed.
"See as you just used style to finish my career" he snapped playfully and she laughed. "How do you manage to do it?" She asked and he smiled.
"How I managed to bust this Micheal Jackson moves?" He asked and she laughed shoving her shoulder against his. "In your mind! I meant how you sing, run those notes. Dara was blessed with the voice, I sing like a frog"
"I've heard you sing, you're not that bad." He answered then he groaned in pain. "What?" "I'm just really tired, I haven't even had a rest and I could use a massage right now"
"Sorry. I think you should go back home"
"And miss out of spending valentine with you? No way!" He replied then he caught Stella stealing glances at a Suya joint. "I'll just go back home and rest"
"On Valentine's day? I wonder why your boo had to leave. I'm not judging him but I'll do all in my power to make my woman especially on days she loves like this, when she really expects it. Are you sure you don't want us eating out?"
"I'm fine"
"What about Suya?"
Stella smiled, "Were you reading my mind?" "No, I know you have a long throat when it comes to Suya, especially when it comes to eating the onions; besides it's been ages since we've had that moment together" He said walking towards the Aboki.
"Aboki good evening"
"Customer good evening, long time way I see the two of us and together. Abi madam travel?" He asked and Stella laughed. She kept quiet, she wasn't ready to start up unnecessary discussion.
"Make i give una the usual?"
"Sure, I for like taste small" Lanre stated and Stella shut her eyes in shame then he looked at the Aboki once again, "I don't know this guy, I don't even know the village he comes from"
Lanre chuckled taking a quick glance at her. "Why is this one forming? You that will end up eating the onion like it isn't the same onion you use at home" He answered and she laughed.
"It's not the onion, it's the perfect spice they use. It's heavenly"
"And the newspaper too, I'm pretty sure you eat the newspaper too when you're alone in your room" he teased running away and she ran after him.
"Oko mi" Toyosi called out to Funsho outside the restaurant and he glared at her in returned. "How many times will i warn you to desist from calling me your husband?"
"Ṣe a n jà? (Are we fighting?)"
"No we're not, we're clearly not fighting but I expect some form of maturity from you. What was that thing you were doing under the table?"
"Come on dear, it was just a simple Invitation. I'm free tonight and I won't mind stopping by"
"To do what?"
"What else again?" She bit her lips and he scoffed.
"That won't be possible"
"Oko mi" she placed her hands over his chest and he pulled away.
"Don't! Please Toyo, don't!"
"What's wrong with you? Our daughter wants us together, why don't we give her what she wants? I love you baby. You know I do"
"Well I don't. I clearly don't!"
"What's biting your ass? What has you in a bad mood?"
"For starters, you! I'm sorry but I don't love you and you know we're through. We're divorced Toyo, the only reason I agreed to this ridiculous idea was because of Shade. I love my daughter and I care about her happiness"
"So do I! Being apart is hurting her, she wants us back together. Let's not make things anymore difficult than it already is. We'll get back together, raised our daughter to be a wonderful woman"
"So now you're interested in raising her?" he asked then he scoffed. "Have you forgotten so soon what you did before she was born? Or afterwards" He asked and she rolled her eyes.
"Oko mi, that one is in the past"
"The only reason Shade likes and care about you and gives you that respect is because she has no clue of what you did and for goodness sakes, I still want it to remain that way."
"Why must you prove to be difficult Funsho! Kilode gan? (What Is it?) Haven't I apologized enough? Must you always bring up the past?"
"We're going to go in now and we're going to act like everything's okay and for Shade's sake, please have some respect for yourself and stop trying to tempt me, please"
Ugo watched Dara laugh and his date noticed, "Are you here for me or you're here for her? I really don't understand anymore. You've spent ten minutes staring at her. You think I have eyes to see that you're drooling over her. What's there that you're even staring at?"
"She has been laughing since we came, it's rather disturbing"
"And how is it your business? Is she supposed to cry? Ugo, are you going to pay attention on me or I'll just leave. Choose one"
While Brenda waited for the food to get done, Chris entered into the kitchen with a gift bag. "What's that?" "It's a gift to my girlfriend. Happy birthday dear"
Brenda collected it then she opened it removing a red rectangular box, she opened it removing a gold neck chain . "I saw this exact neck chain recently on the internet. It cost about how many dollars. How.... How? How .... Okay..." She paused, "Okay fine, I know you're the manager at the radio station but... this is crazy. Who are you really Chris?"
"Haven't you done your research?"
"You have the most simplest Facebook page, minimum friends like you intentionally don't want anyone finding out about you."
"Okay...." He stalled, "I have a secret of my own"
"Jesus! You're not a ritualist aren't you?"
"No!" Chris laughed.
"God! You think in the most creative way ever! I'm not a ritualist, my name isn't Chris Daniel alone, It's Chris Holland"
"You lied!"
"Technically I didn't, Daniel is my middle name, I just don't like people knowing who I am"
"Wait.... You're Chris Holland, like the Holland's family. One of the richest family in Lagos"
"Jesus!" She gasped.
"That's the look I try to avoid. I didn't even want you to know. If it was possible to hide this from you, I will. I just don't want to start a relationship with lies. I like you Brenda, like really really like you. I think there's hope for us becoming more than this" he said holding her by the hands.
Brenda suddenly felt guilty then she shut her eyes on remembering she had a secret too she would love to share, "You think there's hope for us?"
"Why weren't you being entirely truthful?"
"Most girls would only date me because of my wealth. I got tired of it, so I left Lagos to Abuja where I can be Chris Daniel Holland and no one gives me the shocked look like you did some minutes ago"
"I love money, like really well, I won't deny that but.... I'm not into you for the money. I think you're one of the hottest guy I've ever met. I liked you the moment I saw you at the party, scratched that, I loved you from the very moment I saw no you"
"You've not asked me for a dime for someone who likes money"
"Because I have shame too, I can be shameless atimes but not with you. I can't believe you're one of the Holland's children. That explains why you were at the party there other day"
"You're doing it again"
"I'm sorry, i just feel like I'm talking to a celebrity." She wrapped her arms around his neck and he chuckled. "Can I get your autograph?" She asked and he busted out in laughter.
"If you're a good girl" he replied and they both shared a long passionate kiss. "What do you say, we skip dinner and head to the room?" She asked and he chuckled.
"What's the rush? We have the year to ourselves. Let's not ruin it with sex, I know it's expected after Valentine evening but I really don't want to ruin what we have"
"Ruin what? We're in a relationship already, we're not friends"
"We'll have to take things slow, I've been in a whole lot of relationships, every girl expects sex at the end of the date like it's a norm. Especially when the guy has just gotten them a gift"
"It wasn't because of the gift" Brenda answered in shame, "It has been my fantasy"
"We're still getting to know each other, slow and steady wins the race baby, your military father must want you home. I'll drop you off after dinner"
"I already dropped a text message that'll be sleeping over at my sister's house"
"Oh. Let's spend the night cuddling and smooching then" he replied and she sighed chuckling softly.
"Cool but I'm shocked"
"You just refused this package" she gestured at her body and he laughed. "Are you angry?" He asked and she chuckled again now shaking her head.
"No. I'm not, it's a first and I've never been more interested in any person in my entire life"she replied giving him a kiss on the lips.
Winny entered into Timmy's diner dressed in a white crop top and red high waist trousers then she sneaked up on him tickling in him from behind and he chuckled.
"You're supposed to be scared"
"Seriously?" He asked, "I guess your plan failed then. Didn't you say you were going to come later, I waited and i didn't see you"
"I know, I had to come now. I knew you'll still be around that's why I'm here."
"This late? Won't your parents be worried?"
"I told Dad I'll be staying out with Shade" "You told Dad? I really don't understand your parents, what about your Mom?"
Winny rolled her eyes. "You don't like talking about her" "Because she doesn't matter that's why. She cares less about what happens to me and I care less about her too. Dad already agree I spend the night with Shade; can we not talk about this?"
"Where's Shade?"
"She's out with her family"
"So you lied"
"100 points for realizing that Timmy"
"Drop the attitude Winny! Why would you lie to your father?"
"Cause I want to spend the night with you" she moved closer to him and he scoffed, "I don't understand" "Don't act stupid Tims, you know I like you. I really really like you, the truth is that I'm in love with you and I think you do too" she wrapped her hands around his neck and he pulled away from her grip.
"Well I don't"
"You do. We connect in so many ways, I was hoping to make you my first"
"Jesus Winner!"
"What?" She moved closer placing her hands on his chest then she kissed him on the lips and he pushed her slightly. "Stop this nonsense! What are you doing?"
"Don't you like me?"
"I don't. Winny I don't see you that way, you're like little sister to me. I don't view you that way I'm sorry"
"But" she moved close to him and he pulled back, "Please leave" "Tims" "We'll talk better tomorrow when you're in your right sense, for now, good night Winny"
In preparation to leave, Efe requested for his bill and a waitress gave him the bill on a piece of paper. Efe's eyes almost popped out on seeing the amount on it.
"Is everything okay?" Dara asked, "Yes" he replied clearing his throat then he excused himself for a moment to talk to the waitress at the counter.
"Is that all the bill or you guys made a mistake sending me someone else's bill?"
"How is it someone else's bill?"
"It's damn expensive now"
"Didn't you know before coming here?"
"I heard it's costly, not this costly now"
"So you seat listening to Johnny Drille sing and you made order for expensive wine, and you expect the food to be what? Four hundred naira per plate? Why didn't you take her too some other eatery along the roadside?"
"E never reach that one now"
"Oga I'm only being polite in the best possible way"
"Okay let's discuss now"
"What kind of ishi discussion is that? Are you going to pay or not? See," the lady raised her hands, "I don't want any wahala, just pay. I don't even want to involve Mummy Duncan into this matter sef"
"The problem is that i don't have all the cash at hand and I was wondering if, we can just strike a deal. Maybe I can stake something"
Annie reached for the phone, "I better inform management" "E never reach that one now." He whispered holding her hands then he plunged his hands into his pocket removing his phone then he called Andy.
"Hey" Andy answered, loud music banging from the background.
"Abeg guy, can you transfer some money into my account?"
"I resemble your bank?"
"See, I'm on a date with Dara and I don't have enough money to pay for" "What happened to the 100 k I sent?" "Abeg what's 100k? Guy, just save my face"
"Efe, I'm busy right now and I can't start calling Stella cause she's angry at me. Today's not a good day so... Find someone else"
"I'm in this mess because of you oh. I was trying to impress. Oya, just send me my balance"
"You're supposed to receive your balance after the work is done, a deal is a deal. Don't bother me Efe, goodnight!" He snapped and Efe looked at his phone.
"Look at this ....." He trailed off and Annie laughed.
"Bad market shey?" She asked then one of workers whispered into her ears. "Okay" she grinned now looking at Efe, "My eyes are on you, Kelly watch him oh"
"I hear" Kelly replied and Annie left.
"Can we talk?" Efe asked and Kelly hissed. "About what?" She asked and Dara walked up to them.
"What's going on here?" She asked and Efe flashed a smile at her. "It's fine, everything's fine, I'll handle it" he replied and from the looks of it, she could already tell the story already.
"Is it the bill?"
"How much is it?" She asked and he gave it to her after much hesistation.
"I'll pay".
"What? Please don't. I can pay, it's just that I can't even begin to explain what happened"
"It's fine, I'm serious" she flashed a smile. "Why didn't you just tell me?" "I didn't plan for it to be this way"
She brought out her card frkm her purse then she stretched it out to the girl and Annie walked towards them. "There'll be no need for that, someone already paid the bills"
"What?" Dara and asked in shock. "How's that possible?"
"Who paid?"
"A man, and that's all you're permitted to know."
Dara's first suspect was Ugo, her eyes darted towards where he sat only to find no one there.
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Could it be that Ugo paid their bills? If he didn't, who could have?
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