💢Chapter 48💢
Chapter 48
Dara woke up to the sound of Funsho exhaling, she watched him bury his face in his palm, she assumed he was feeling guilty over CeCee's death. She leaned over his back, now kissing his neck then she rubbed his arm.
"It's not your fault dear"
"I feel like a great portion is my fault. We didn't end in a good way, the last word I said to her was, shut the door when you're done. I was rude"
"Shhhh. You had your reasons, she shouldn't have committed suicide, it wasn't your fault. Don't blame yourself for it"
Funsho's phone beeped and helooked into the message.
Another Emmergency meeting at the house by 9pm, attendance is compulsory!
Funsho threw his phone on the bed then he hissed, "I'm not going!" "Why?" "Like the last one turned out well. Thomas will be there and I don't want to end up punching him. Can you believe his guts? Changing the hospital name? If I go there, I'll seriously punch him"
"You need to go dear. I was invited too, who knows, it might be worth it. We'll all go with the children, I won't be going to work and I have to pick up Kevin and I bet it'll be fun"
"Remind me again, how did your little meeting with Mom end yesterday?" Gbade asked and Boma sat on him biting her lips, "We ended up hugging, your Mom is kind of funny too"
"Like me"
Boma laughed, "Look at his mouth! Who says your funny?" She asked and he smiled, "If I'm not funny then why do I make you laugh?" He asked and she chuckled.
"That's what happens when you fall in love with someone. You start to laugh at that stupid jokes" "Wow, is that a confession?" He asked and she giggled.
"Maybe" she replied feeling uncomfortable. "I'm sorry. I know it might seem too soon but"
Gbade held her down taking the top position, "You don't have to apologize Boma, I love you too" he confessed kissing and she kissed him too running his hands through his back and his phone beeped.
"You have a message"
"I'm not interested in it"
"Check it" Boma insisted knowing it was definitely a message from Bosco according to the plan.
Another Emmergency meeting at the house by 9pm, attendance is compulsory!
Gbade groaned then he kissed her one more time before looking into the message.
"What's it?"
"A message from MTN" he lied, "Are you sure?" She asked grabbing the phone from him. "But you said....."
"What makes that message different from MTN's message? It's useless. I already attended a useless meeting yesterday. I'm not planning on attending any today"
Boma ran her fingers across his chest, "What if I convince to?" She bit her lips and he laughed, "Let's see" he answered kissing her on the lips.
Winny puts a video call through to Kadri and he picked it up. "Morning Hun" "Good morning" she greeted, "Were you sleeping?" "No. I was having back ache"
"I can come over to massage you"
"Sounds like a sexy idea, except you tried that yesterday and you almost broke my back"
"Shhhh" She whispered turning back, "I'm writing waec, I'm not supposed to mix it with sex"
"I'm okay with that but you couldn't seem to keep your hands off me"
Winny laughed then she bit her lips, "I'm serious Winny, my back hurts from all those massage you gave me. Did you think you were grinding pepper or what? You turned by back into alo and you used you Stony hands to destroy my spinal cord!" He snapped and she laughed.
"It wasn't that back"
"Say that to my almost paralysed legs"
"I'm searching for my past questions" "You forgot it here" Kadri dragged the past question. "I was kind of looking for it. Maybe I'll come over to get it"
Kadri shook his head, "I recognize that look, huh huh, don't come for it. I won't want to be blamed for making you fail you exam. I'm supposed to help you pass." He opened the past question, "Economics, 2016 question, Human wants are insatiable because wants are ______
Dunni knocked and entered, "Hey Babe" "Gotta go Kaddy" "Later" she answered hanging up.
"Let's talk about last night"
"I don't want to talk about Dad, it's not a topic I want to dwell on. It's not fair the way he speaks to you and no man should ever speak to you that way"
"Thank you"
"I was hoping you'll meet up with your brother and get to know him better. He'll be having a niece or nephew from you. Get to know him better"
"It's fine Mom, I'll try" she answered and both phones rang.
Derin opened up her eyes to see Dele above her. "Hey" she smiled, "Are you okay?" "Mehn, is it good to see your face once again." "I never thought I'll hear you say that"
"For the first time, I missed a lot, I missed you, I missed Mom, and Dad. How is Chief?"
"He's better. They're planning on catching Thomas today"
"That son of a bitch! I swear I'll make him pay" she sat up groaning. "Rest Derin, you almost died"
"But I didn't right? Do you know what I suffered because of that idiot? The torture I faced! I want to look into his face when they have him arrested"
"You're not well, you're weak"
"Oh screw it! I have to be there, even if I'll have to be dragged in a wheelchair. I need to be there"
Thomas opened the door to the room where Tiwa's body laid dead in bed then he hissed shutting the door back. He tried the thugs number the following morning all to no avail. He thought of how he was going to get Tiwa's body out of the house and where he was going to have it dumped.
His phone rang and he picked up, "The almighty Barrister" he chanted and Bosco laughed a hearty laughter. "You can say that again" "This one that you're in a good mood like this?"
"Today is a good day"
"It really is. I'm thinking of throwing a party to commemorate this great time of my life. What do you think" .
The only party you'll be throwing will be in prison. Bosco thought, only if he could say it to him!
"Sounds like a good idea but first thing first, there'll be a meeting today by 9pm. It's necessary for everyone to be there" "Why?" "I'll be handing over to you and of course we'll be discussing Chief's funeral arrangement"
"Okay then"
In the sitting room, everyone sat down In the living room, this time waiting for Thomas. "Can we start already?" Yewande asked, "Are we waiting for the president?" She added, "Thomas is supposed to be present"
Yewande hissed picking up her bag leaving and Boma ran after her, "Ma just exercise patience" "Patience is what I don't have" "No kidding, Chief is still your husband, if it's going to be burial preparations, why will the second wife be absent?" She asked and Yewande hissed.
"If I wait ten minutes more and Thomas doesn't show up, I'll leave"
"Fine ma" Boma answered and they both walked back in.
Thoma walked in shortly and Yewande hissed, "Good morning ladies and gentlemen. I apologized for being late. I had to be at the hospital, handling one thing or the other"
"Ka'abo, Thomas for president" Yewande snapped looking away and Thomas quietly watched her. She understood where her anger was coming from. She assumed everyone must have heard about his refusal to give Gbade and Dunni back their job at the spot.
"I understand that you're all angry over the fact that I didn't"
"Oh save it Thomas!" Dunni snapped, "You're naturally selfish period! Stop making excuses for it"
"I'm in the process of change and I simply need time"
"Time Thomas? Did we give you time? When you came here as a poor boy years ago and we allowed you marry our daughter? Just a day as the boss and you can't return the favor"
"Can't we have this meeting without him cause I'm this close to punching him" Funshi rose, "Quiet!" Dara yelled, "Please" she added.
"The president is here now, can we start?"
"We're waiting for one final person"
"Who?" Thomas asked and Bosco smiled. "Where's Tiwa?" He asked, "Why are you asking me? Am I supposed to know where she is?"
"Aren't you her fiance?" Dunni asked and he shrugged, "We didn't spend the day together. It was a busy day, maybe you all should call her"
"I've called her, the number is not available" her mother answered and he glanced at her then as at Dr. Ayeni.
Why will they be invited to the meeting? He thought within, he understood Dr. Ayeni was Chief's best friend but Tiwa's Mom?
She's just a step mom and the last on the food chain for that matter, why will she be invited and the rest step mothers, not invited? Or was it just guilt pricking him?
"I believe we should get down to the burial arrangements" he turned towards Mrs Bimbo, "I believe the first wife should fix a date"
"'I'll never admit my husband is dead"
Thomas rolled his eyes, the maids walk in and Thomas rolled his eyes. "What's going on?" Why do we have maids here? Isn't it supposed to be an official meeting?" He asked giving Eugene a look.
"We we're all called out to participate"
"Who called you guys?" Yewande asked and Dara raised her hands up. "Chief cared about everyone including the maids, there's no point for segregation."
"I'm not comfortable with their presence"
"Why?" Boma asked folding her hands and he scoffed.
"Is this some sort of journalistic interrogation?"
"No. But If i can be in the meeting, they have the right to be too" she answered, "Someone remind me, why is she here?" He asked and Gbade scoffed.
"She's my girlfriend"
"Ah I see, wasn't she the same person who called you a murderer. It's true when they say love makes us do the craziest things"
Gbade attempted to rise up and Boma held him back, "He's not worth it Baby, don't add to his future miseries" she whispered and he wondered what she meant by that.
Pamilerin, Ade and Kelvin walked in and his eyes lingered on Kelvin. "What's going on here? Why do we have children also?" "Does it make you nervous Dad?" Winny asked and he scoffed. "Why will it make me nervous?"
"Maybe because he's the son you didn't acknowledge"
"What?" Mrs Bimbo asked, "Yes Grandma, that little boy is my brother"
"And who says he's my son?"
Dara rose up, "Don't say that in front of the boy" "Why is he here?"
"I'm babysitting him." "So the mother is hanicapped now?"
"Is that the right thing to say to your own son?" "Who bloody cares about the boy? I never did and I never will!"
"Dad!" Winny yelled. "He's just a boy!"
Thomas looked over to where Bosco was seated. "Are you going to get on with the meeting or not? I have far more important things to do"
"Let's agree on a date"
"For who?" A man that isn't dead?" "Mom!" Dunni exclaimed, worried about what her mother's obsession may turn into if she keeps believing her husband isn't dead.
"Anipe your father is not dead! Do you think Chief will be dead and I will not know? I would have felt it instantly!"
They all heard cars drive in and Thomas walked towards the window, "Who are those?" "The people we're waiting for" Bosco answered.
"Relax Thomas, have your seat the real meeting will commence soon"
Thomas hissed, "It's like you don't know I have plans. You're supposed to hand to me the documents" he exhaled, "Let's do it this way, whatever date you guys choose is send it to me. I'll cover the bills for the burial."
"How long will a damn meeting take? What are you so impatience about?" Funsho snapped and he scoffed.
He had a lot of plans for the day. He was supposed to meet with the designers but the number one on his to do list was getting Tiwa's body away from his room.
"Please take your seat" Bosco begged and he hesistated.
The door flung open and Chief walked into the living room with a white agbada and a smile plastered on his face. The horror on everyone's face was quite visible except for those who already knew the secret.
Mrs Bimbo smiled at him and he smiled back.
"Ghost!" Eugene screamed in horror, in attempt to run away, Helen and the Gardner pushed her back and she wondered why they did. Dara had tipped them off, making demands to make sure Eugene wasn't allowed to avoid the meeting or leave the meeting.
Thomas moved back, he has heard of stories about ghost coming back to avenge their deaths, he never thought it will happen to him too!
Tiwa's Mom rose up moving back, "What's..... What's going on?" Funsho asked, scared out of his mind. Could it be the ghost of his father?
Six police men marched in along with Dele Giwa, and Chief Bamidele walked in too now standing beside him.
On seeing the same Uncle who took his father's body out of the hospital, Funsho instantly guessed the death was faked! But why?
"Wait.... Dad" Gbade paused trying to catch his breath. "You're not dead?"
"You can see me?" He asked looking at himself, "I didn't know oh, look at question somebody is asking someone" he answered and Gbade laughed sighing in relief.
It was definitely his father!
"Ehn, maybe I'm dead now! Shebi, human being always escort ghost, maybe my brother and everyone is a ghost" he poked Chief Bamidele. "If everyone can see me, then everyone is a ghost"
"Definitely Dad" almost all the children muttered at the same time.
"Grandpa!" Winny screamed rushing to hug him along with the rest grandchildren. "I'm so happy you're alive! I was so sad!"
"I'm sorry about that"
"How is it possible?" Funsho asked the question on everyone's mind and Chief smiled pointing at Dara and Boma.
They both walked up to him now smiling at everyone.
"You both knew?" Funsho asked, then they both shook their heads. He didn't know whether to get angry or not. "I'm sorry, I wanted to tell you but I couldn't"
"So the bad people will not suspect that he's alive" Ade answered and Funsho turned towards his children. It finally made sense why they were so relaxed about their grandfather's death! Of course they knew it was planned!
"You told them and you couldn't tell me"
"You heard Ade already. I had to do it, I wasn't even supposed to tell them, I didn't want to put them through that heartache!"
"Why fake your death"
Ruby entered and Thomas scoffed, he knew he was definitely toast.
"I got informed that I was being poisoned"
Funsho, Gbade, Dunni and Tise shifted look away their father to Thomas. "By who?" "By my own sister Tiwalade Duncan" he answered and all eyes shifted to her mother.
If there was a way she could disappear, she would have!
"Where is she?" He asked but everyone kept quiet.
Dr. Ayeni kept his eyes shut, he wondered if this was truly the end of the road.
"There was a need to leave the hospital back home so I suggested the get together to have enough time with everyone in case my life gets prematurely cut off. Then I found out one of the workers in the house has been paid to poison every food I eat"
Eugene turned to run away and Helen pushed her back on suspecting she was the one. "I knew it! God don catch you!" She snapped and Eugene knelt down. "Sir, it's not me, it's the devil. The devil used them to pass through me, I swear to God. It wasn't intended"
Mrs Bimbo stood up walking towards her, "Ehn?" She asked now holding on to her shirt. "Ma, I'm sorry, it's the devil"
A slap flung across her face and a sharp cry escaped her lips. "Jesus!" This was followed by beatings from Mrs Bimbo and Yewande, even the other women planned on joining them.
The way they decended on her was compensation enough.
"It's okay!" Chief exclaimed and Mrs Bimbo stopped looking at him but Yewande continued beating her. "Do you want to kill her?"
"You're pitying somebody that wanted to kill you"
"I said it's okay"
"You won't allow us to beat that devil out of the idiot" Mrs Bimbo hissed biting her nails, she wasn't the kind to disobey her husband.
"The police will deal with her matter"
Yewande walked towards her seat then she turned back giving her a loud slap on the face before taking her seat. She threw her face away from Chief.
"After I realized this treachery, I found out the two people I trusted in this world were master minda in the plot to kill me too, Thomas and Ayeni" his heart broke on mentioning their names. He turned towards them and tears filled his eyes.
"What?" Winner asked in shock. "Dad?"
Dr. Ayeni finally raised his head, "I'm sorry Otunba, I had no choice" "You had a choice. What did I ever do wrong? I've been a good friend all my life, I made you in charge of a lot of my affairs, even when you fired my daughter, I didn't question you cause I knew you had her best interest in heart. I never knew you had wicked thoughts! Was it my wealth?"
"It was never about the wealth. You wouldn't have agreed to my relationship with your step mother" "Wait.... Was it because of that you....." He trailed off.
"It would have been better for it to be my wealth. Because of a woman eh! Because of a woman you chose to destroy years of friendship"
"You wouldn't have agreed"
"Why didn't you try me and see? Do you think I was blind and I didn't see the way you usually eye my father's wife when you visit? After my father died, couldn't you have just come out straight" he shook his head now looking at Titilope.
"Iwo naa (You too) What did I ever do to you and your daughter to deserve such wickedness?"
"Will you blame Tiwa? She wasn't regarded by her own father, what did you expect? She wasn't even given a dime, do you that's not enough to mess with any girl's head? All she wanted was to be loved and just because your father found out she might not be his, he deserted her."
"He deserted her?" Mrs Bimbo scoffed, "Have you forgotten what caused it? You were sleeping with men like a dog! Aja lasan lasan! (Ordinary dog) Who would have accepted such?"
" Fine I might have been cheating but let's be sincere, only a heartless man leaves his child out of his will!" She yelled. "All Tiwa wanted was what she never got from her father and I don't blame her for entertaining such thoughts!"
"Gbenu dake jare!" Yewande snapped now rising up too, "I don't blame her for entertaining such thoughts. If you had been a good mother, if God had blessed you with the initiative of being one, wouldn't you have stopped her? Yet you encouraged her and spread rumors of Bimbo killing Ireti when you know it's not true"
Titilope cried. "Chief didn't give me a dime in his will, even Bimbo got something and she was just his daughter-in-law! I on the other hand was married to him yet he treated me like trash"
"Are you not trash?" Yewande snapped receiving looks from Funsho to tone her anger down. "No, let her answer now, is she not trash? Look at how she is? You could have said, my daughter, don't poison your brother but no, your sense did not reach that side."
Chief forced a smiled now looking at Thomas, "Thomas Balogun" he called out to a man that has been awfully quiet since he walked in. "What did I do wrong? I picked and cleaned you up when you had nothing. Is this how you repay my good deeds? With evil"
"I'm sure this is all a misunderstanding Sir"
"Which part? The fact you tried to kill me or what? I know the truth now Thomas. When I learned someone was siphoning money from me, I never thought it'll be you. I assumed it was an inside job from the department, but it was you all along. You killed the woman at my party right? You came to my office after that event and you really acted well. Who would have thought....." He trailed off then he exhaled.
"Even when you came to visit me, acting as though you cared about me. When you don't! All those acts! You think I didn't know? Bosco informed me about your second little visit"
Thomas turned towards Bosco in shock, "Did you think he'll betray me like you did? Not everyone is like you! The will was fake! Even if we say, it's written and it had my signature on it, the clause says, as long as I'm dead but for what I know, I can never hand over all my properties to you when I have my children. No doubt you had 20% place in my heart and original will but I'll have to change it, you don't deserve a Kobo! How long did you think you could have covered up the whole thing?" He asked but he kept quiet still.
"Well.... there was a need for me to die but it wouldn't have been so soon if they didn't threaten to kill Ruby and her family if she doesn't go through with the plan to kill me. I'm sorry for the pains I put you all through, the emotional stress but it was necessary so I can bring these criminals to book"
Funsho stood up angrily, "Please I don't want to see these guy's ugly face again, can someone please arrest him already!" He yelled and Thomas scoffed then he clapped, "You guys probably think this is a movie right and you've caught the bad guy but I want you all to think twice cause, If I get arrested, Derin dies. Yes, I have her and only I know where she is. If I get arrested, I'll have them kill her" he threatened.
The door opened and Derin got wheeled into the sitting room. "Shit" Thomas cussed, how in the world did she escape? He asked and Derin smiled.
"You look like you've just seen a ghost?" She said. This time he was forced to place his hands on his head, it finally made sense why his thugs didn't answer his calls.
"Game over Thomas, you'll be going for a very very long time. Can someone please arrest this motherfucker!" She yelled and Dara coughed, "Language, we have children here"
A policeman held his hands cuffing it behind his back while the others went ahead the cuff Eugene, Dr. Ayeni and Titilope.
"Winny, I think you should leave, you shouldn't see this" Dunni said to Winny who was in tears and she ran away and she ran after her.
Thomas scoffed, "It's not over!" "It's over!" Bosco replied, "No appeal, no miracle will make you spend less than eternity in prison, that I can assure you!" He snapped and he scoffed.
"Move!" Dele ordered while policeman pushed him, "I've spent years of my life Chief! Years of life planning this very moment and you think you can just take it away from me just like that?"
"I'm not thinking, I have taken it away already"
"Nonsense! No one can manage the hospital better than me!"
"Where were you when I started?"
"Chief please, it's the devil!" Eugene shouted as the policemen took her, Dr Ayeni and Titilope out.
"Wo, somebody should please get all these noise out of my house" he yelled looking at Dele, "And make sure Tiwa is caught too"
"Yes Sir" he bowed his head, gave a Tise a look before leaving the house and she smiled.
Chief shared look with Derin, "Thank you. They say with every successful man is a woman, I owe my being alive to these four women here, Derin, Dara, Boma and Ruby. I'm also glad two out of them has been reserved for my two sons"
Mrs Bimbo smiled meeting Dara for a hug and Boma walked up to Yewande. "Do you want to hug?" She requested and she hugged her. "Thank you" she whispered and Boma smiled.
Adenike hugged him now busting into tears, "Good to have you back, I thought you were gone for good. I was heart broken when I heard the will. I was like, what? So he didn't leave us tuition fee?" She moved away and Chief laughed.
"Will I write that kind of dry will? No comedy, nothing nothing, you all should have known"
"We did" Funsho answered moving now hugging him. "God I missed you so much"
"I missed you too, let's do and plan the wedding. We're far behind time" he whispered and Funsho smiled moving towards Dara.
Gbade folded his hands staring at Boma, "Won't you hug your father" "Huggies Pampers" he replied, "I'm just looking at you, I don't even know how to judge your case in my book sef? You didn't even give me a clue. Babe, I was sad, depressed"
"At least you had me" she bit her lips and he hissed.
"I don't know whether to be angry with you or not? Mixed emotions" he rubbed his face letting out a loud hiss and she hissed too.
He hissed back and she hissed too, this time longer than his and he in turn let out another hiss and she laughed placing her hands on his chest while he withheld his laughter.
"What are we doing?" She asked, "Why are you doing shakara now? I know you want to laugh, don't make me tickle you oh. I'm really sorry" she apologized then she laughed, "You should have seen your face when you saw your Dad. You almost ran away" she laughed and he laughed now looking at his father.
"Thank you" he muttered watching his mother hug his father. A wide smile curved his lips as he wrapped arm across her waist.
"You're welcome"
"I cried like a baby and you didn't even give me a clue. No wonder you weren't that bothered, I should have known!" Funsho snapped and Dara shrugged not sure if he was angry or not.
"I'm sorry for not letting you know" Dara apologize and he claimed her lips kissing right there, in front of everyone.
It wasn't what she expected anyway but she loved his response.
"I love you" he confessed and she bit her lips. "I love you too"
"What's motherfucker?" Ade asked and Dara coughed, "Daddy will explain it better" "What?" Funsho asked and she laughed.
Happy new year in advance!!!!!
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Two chapters remaining 💃💃💃
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