💢Chapter 47💢

Chapter 47


"Sir he's planning on reconstructing Sir" Ruby said to him and Chief scoffed, "Reconstructing what?" "The hospital, he came with designers and from what I heard, they'll be taking down the name Duncan and putting up his name"

"Putting down my name and putting up his own. After my many years of sweat. Where was he when I started?" He asked then he clicked his tongue.

"Eniyan ma buru (Humans can be wicked) Barely a day and he's planning to bring down my name, my legacy. Ah!"  He shook his head, "I hope he hasn't touched my office.

"He was there earlier on, he's even planning on changing the office style"

Chief shook his head, "Sir I think you should just call off this plan already before more damages are done" she advised and he exhaled, "Thank you for the call Ruby"

"You're welcome Sir. Besides I resigned already"


"I'm waiting for the real boss to come take back his place, there's no way I'll work for that man"

Chief smiled, "Thank you." He answered and she smiled, "Stay safe Sir" "You too dear" he chipped in and she ended the call.

Chief Bamidele scowled at him with his palm supporting his cheeks, "First he refused giving my children their jobs back and now he's planning to bring down my name. Where was Thomas Balogun when I began this dream? He was no more but a poor son of fish seller, a little opportunity and he's acting like Lord"

"If life doesn't humble a man, prison should. I think you should just do what should have been done ever since; arrest that stupid man and his cohorts.  Derin has been found shebi? What are you still looking for?

Gbade, Funsho and Dunni met up that evening so they paid visit to their Uncle with motive of making peaceful request for their father's body. 

The maid knocked on the door of the room Chief Duncan and Chief Bamidele was before entering into it.  "Chief, your children are here. Aunty Dunni, Brother Funsho and Brother Gbade"

Chief gave his brother a look to go handle the situation and he looked away. "I'm not going, me I'm not going oh, what will I say to them?" He asked turning towards the maids.

"You know what to do. Tell them,  I'm having a ritual and that I can't see them now. Don't just let them into this place"

"Yes Sir" she bowed her head leaving the room then she sighted the three of them coming from down the stairs.

"Shouldn't we just wait in the sitting room?" Dunni asked and Gbade shook his head. "What are the chances that our Uncle will let us have our father's body? It's a slim chance so, I'd rather we go in and see the body ourselves"

"What will happen when Uncle Bamidele comes out with a charm?" Funsho asked, "You'll turn back and you won't even find me her anymore. I must have driven off with the car. Only if Big sis will be nice to wait for you" Gbade answered and Funsho chuckled. "Perfect, cause I'm the only one that wants to be turned into a goat"

"Don't worry, I definitely promise to rear you well, I won't even eat you for Christmas" he answered and Dunni chuckled. "This is supposed to be a serious situation, I'm preparing my serious face and you men are not even helping matters here"

Gbade exhaled then the thought of Funsho as a goat popped into his head and he laughed, "You're probably imagining me as a goat now" he asked and Gbade laughed.

"Do you like cabbages, carrots or normal leaves?  I really don't know much about rearing goats"

"If you add your brain to the ingredients, I'll be more than happy to eat it" he answered and Dunni laughed. The maid finally got to where they were then she raised her hands. 

"I'm sorry Sir and Ma, Chief won't be welcoming visitors now"

Gbade raised his brow, "Fine,  We're not here to see him. We want our father"

"He's.... dead"

"Newsflash! We want his body" Gbade replied and she scoffed, "Well, I can't let you do that. Chief Bamidele is busy with rituals at the moment" she answered and he walked past her. "Ewo! (Taboo!)" she said out loud now folding her hands and he halted at the warning.

"Feel free to go in if you want" she added and Gbade shook his head leaving the house.

Funsho scoffed then he raised his voice, "Uncle Bamidele, if you can hear this, I want you to listen well. Whatever you're doing to my father, it doesn't make sense to us. We need to see him and acknowledge his death and the reason behind his death" he paused in tears.

"And we're going to do this. You may have stopped us today,  next time, it won't be just the three of us, it'll be the whole family!" He snapped now leaving with Dunni.

Chief exhaled, "They want to run an autopsy. That's what they need my body for"

Chief Bamidele glared at his elder brother. "See! Only God knows the thought that must be running through their minds now. They'll probably think that I'm responsible for this. I hate being seen as a villain. End his madness once and for all"

Dara went outside on being told Omotoyosi was outside the gate. "Oloriburuku Okon yii, let him in now" She yelled hitting the gate with her car key.

"You dey add Oloriburuku for my name like say my Papa name me Oloriburuku. You still dey get mind dey beg me"

"Oya abeg, ma binu (Don't be offended)" she begged and he looked away, "Let madam come and decide your case"

"Let her in" Dara permitted and Okon opened the door for her to walk In. "If you're here to cause trouble, if going to ask you to think twice cause..."

"I'm not here to cause trouble. I want us to negotiate and talk"

This better be good! Dara said within.

"If there's anything I care about, it'll be my daughter then myself and then Funsho, then my parents. In that particular order. I love my daughter so much, it wasn't easy when I gave birth to her!  Iya je mi gan! (I really suffered!) I can't suffer for one woman to come and start planning evil against her"

"Why will I do that?"

"Ah! Human beings are wicked. Don't you always watch films?" "I do but I don't have eveil thoughts against your daughter. I love all of them like they're mine"

"How can someone love children that isn't hers like they're her own. I don't believe it"

"I guess I can be that way at times. It's part of me. Shade has an amazing personality, she's nice, welcoming, what's there not like about her?"

Omotoyosi nodded, "Funsho try gan (Funsho really tried)" she busted Into tears, "I'm sorry for everything, for threatening you, I was just jealous because I saw something in Funsho, something I've never seen and I became scared and when Shade said nice things about you, I became more jealous and.... She doesn't say nice things about me"

"That's not true"

"I'm not a good mother, I have never been"

"It's not too late to start" Dara replied then Omotoyosi hugged her. Dara opened her lips in shock then she smiled patting her back.

Dara opened Shade's door slightly to see her reading, "Guess what dear? You have a surprise visit" she announced and Omotoyosi entered. "Thank you" she whispered to Dara before leaving.

This left Shade speechless, "Did you just say thank you to Mummy Dara?" She asked and Omotoyosi nodded. "I've come to realize that I've lost the battle and your father's heart belongs to someone else."

Shade smiled walking up to her then she hugged her, "I'm proud of you Mom" "Thank you" she smiled now looking at the books on the bed. "Don't kill yourself with books oh, why are you reading?"


"Ni gba would ni Waec bere? (When did you start your WAEC?" 

Shade shook her head, "Somethings will never change though"  she answered and Omotoyosi felt guilty. "I'm sorry. I'm not proud of myself Shade" she confessed, "i haven't been there for you"

"It's fine. I'm glad you've accepted Mummy Dara" She sat in bed and her mother joined her.

"It's not. It's my fault you know" "What?" "The reason why your Dad and I failed, I failed and I kept on playing the victim. I didn't want children Shade, I wanted the stay in shape. I didn't even want you but you stayed. The second one didn't"


"I'm sorry. I shouldn't tell you but your father has been keeping this, he doesn't want you to hate me"  "Do you expect me to hate you?"

"No. I want you to learn from it. Don't just think there wasn't a reason for our marriage breaking up, there was a reason and It was my fault"

Andy poured himself a drink then a lady walk up to him. "Andy I need the money" "What money?" "Are you seriously asking that question?  The hundred thousand naira you promised to return. Do you know where I had to borrow it from?"

"See, Folake abi what's your name sef? Erm, I don't have your money, in fact I'm broke as it and I don't have shi shi to give you"

Tears suddenly filled the girl's eyes. "You can't be serious Andy" "I've never been more serious in my entire life. I don't have any money" "You promised"

"You won't be the first or the last girl. Just wait till I become a millionaire, I promise to"

The girl slapped him on the cheek, "You're a very stupid person! Money that I want to return back and you're telling me rubbish!" She cried out, "It's God that will punish you Andy! God will send someone to treat your fuck up!"

"Did you just slapped me?"

Bob entered into the bar.

"And I'll do it again and again! Fuck you!" She yelled leaving and everyone in the bar stared at him.

"Fuck you too!" He yelled and everyone that he returned back to his drink.

Bob sat with him, "What was that for?"  "Is it not that stupid girl, is it fola or whatever her name is! Abeg leave the stupid babe jhoor!"

"Sorry I'm late, I had to fix up some things" he said looking at Andy again. "Mehn you look ugly! I think we should just change this bar to your permanent residence"  "Guy, can I get a hundred thousand naira from you?"  He asked and Bob scoffed, "Yes, cause you're so quick to return borrowed money, it's a no"

"I guess I'll be sleeping here alright. Guy I'm broke"

"It's funny how you finished the money you stole from your girlfriend without having to invest it"  "Ex"

"Whatever man! Abeg!  You never hear of investment? How many times will you learn your lesson? How many times can a man make mistakes? The first time you worked in an oil company and didn't save shit and now you stole from Stella and you couldn't invest"

"I didn't steal, i borrowed the money"

"Without her permission, oga that's called stealing"

Andy hissed, "God I don't know how you'll cope with this job that I'm about to give you sef" Bob snapped and Andy turned to him in surprise, "What job?" "I spoke to Mike and he says they're paying well but guy, you gatz to make this work"

A girl walked closer to them, "Hey" she waved then she bit her lips giving seductive looks at Andy, "Can I speak to you alone? I was wondering if I could buy you a drink and maybe we could talk" she said and Andy smiled.

"Yes, yes, yes. Bob abeg disappear, I'll really love to have a drink with this pretty lady."

Omotoyosi bumped into Funsho after getting out of her daughter's room. "Dara told me you were around" he began and she walked towards him hugging him. "Thank you for taking care of her, I would have been a horrible mother." "Yes you would have" he confessed and she laughed.

"Oluya! You cannot even lie" she pulled back and he smiled.  "I'm sorry about Daddy's death." "Thank you"

Dr. Sommy pushed Bosco to the bed then she bit on her lower lip. "Get ready to be worked out" she climbed on him and his phone rang. "No interruptions"

"I'll just silence it" he brought the phone close then he groaned on seeing Chief on it. "It's Chief Duncan, I'm sorry. Just this call" he promised and she sat down.

"Hello Sir"

"Fix a meeting tomorrow morning towards my burial" he announced and Bosco shut his eyes in disappointment. Was he trying to drag this more than necessary?

"I think it's about time everyone knows I'm not dead." He added and a smile curled his lips. "Thank God!"  He sighed. "I'll do that Sir"

"Make sure everyone is invited"

"Yes Sir" he answered and Chief hang up.

Bosco pulled his wife close now kissing her continuously on the lips. "He said he'll reveal himself tomorrow to him" he opened up and she smiled.

"God I wish I can see their faces tomorrow. I hope they'll be arrested"

"Definitely, Thomas will be spending a long time in jail and I'll definitely make sure of it!" He promised and Dr. Sommy kissed him on the lips then she exhaled.

"I can smell a happily after coming soon"

Winny's phone beeped while she was reading,  she picked up the call on seeing it was her father. "Hey Winny" he picked up and she kept quiet.

"You're supposed to start by saying, good evening"

"Good evening Dad"

"I'm outside your mother's house. Come out, I have a surprise for you" he said and she scoffed, "It's not my birthday yet"

"So I can't give my daughter a gift when it's not her birthday. Call it a peace offering, slash pre-birth day gift" he answered and she smiled.

"I'm outside" he added hanging up and she got out of her room.

Dunni got out meeting him, "What are you doing here?" "I didn't come here for you old woman. I came to see my daughter"  "How did you do it? How did you manage to make yourself beneficiary to Dad's properties?"

"Simple, I was a better son and daughter than every of your siblings. I was the son, Chief never had." "Damn you! I don't believe you"

"What's my business if you do or not? Its my damn name on that will. You had better start finding another place to submit your damn resume cause you'll never work in that hospital ever again"

Dunni scoffed shaking her head, "You're an idiot if you think I'll grovel before you. You can go to hell with your damn job! I'll survive like I've been doing all this years"

"Let me see how you'll do that without Daddy's precious money" he replied and Winny scoffed moving closer to the both of them.

"What are you doing here Dad?"

"I came bringing an offer, even you can't reject"  "No" Winny rejected it before he said it.

"You haven't heard it yet." He chuckled raising a car key up. "You've always wanted a car, a house of your own.  I'm offering you all this" "And what's the catch?"

"There's no catch, you can even get to keep your baby. Afterall, it's my grandchild you're carrying. All you just have to say is yes, think of it very well Winny. I'm stinkingly rich now, ill give you all you ever want. What does your mom have to offer? She doesn't even have a job"

Dunni shook her head in fear, she was scared of what Winny's choice will be. "Good question Dad, what does she have to offer? I believe Mom has a lot to offer, a lot more than you, six years under your training and what have you offered? I can't believe I used to fall for that. I don't mind Timmy being my step father, I believe I have a lot to learn from him than you!" She snapped holding on to her Mom's hand and Dunni hugged her busting into tears.

"You'll regret it Winny"

"Where are the men?" Chief asked, "They've been apprehended Sir" "It's Ibeji nko?"

"Same thing, the only person left is the other one who lives with you, what's her name?"

"Eugene. She'll meet her fate tomorrow"

Dara blushed and Funsho smiled watching her, "Is everything okay?" "Yes. I'm just thinking of something" "What?" "Everything works together for they that love God. Everything is falling into place"

"Except Dad" he answered and she shook her head.

"You know i love you right?"

"And I love you too"

"And whatever I do, whatever you might find out soon, just know I did it for you, because of everyone and their safety"

"What are you saying?" He asked then his phone rang. "Hold that thought" he raised his finger picking up the call. "Hello?" He began now looking at Dara, "What?" He added with a shocked look plastered on his face and dara became concerned.

"Yes, yes. Thanks for the.... For the information. I'll get back to you tomorrow" he answered hanging up.

"Is everything okay?" Dara asked, "It's CeCee, she's dead. They said she committed suicide" 

"Oh my God"

Tiwa entered into Thomas's room where he had two glasses of half filled with champagne. "We're still in the celebratory mood. I called the designer to take down Duncan hospital and add, "Thomas Balogun" on it. It's catchy right?" He took a glass drinking from it.

"Not as catchy as the Duncan hospital"

Thomas gritted his teeth, "Someone seems angry" Tiwa noted and he faked a smile. "Thank you for being perceptive my beautiful Tiwalade. Please drink if you wish, let's celebrate to a new beginning"

Tiwa picked up the glass, "I'll definitely celebrate to that cause I'm pregnant as suspected." She announced drinking from it.  "I can picture us already getting married and having our honey moon in Hawaii or Los Angeles. Somewhere that isn't here in Nigeria"

"That sounds magnificent"

"Of course it is. I'll have the card printed as soon as possible, we'll have the wedding next month. What do you think about that? I don't need to know, it's my wedding after all"

Thomas smiled, "Yes it is, your wedding Tiwa, not mine cause I'm not getting married to someone as crazy as you are!" "What?" "Yes I said it!" "You can't be serious!" She snapped then she groaned feeling pains in her belly.

"I'm dead serious!"

"Did you have my drink spiked?" She asked looking at the glass in her hands, the smile on Thomas' face confirmed it.

The glass fell off her hands to the floor.

" Let me tell you a story Tiwalade Duncan, I was a son of a poor trader and my Mom was a fish seller." "I'm not interested in knowing your stupid history!" She brought out her phone from her bag and Thomas collected it throwing it away then he pushed her to the bed.

"It's an interesting part of my life Tiwa. You have no choice but to listen. The poor woman, my mother sold fish to make sure I had the best education. I sold fish too, there were days I smelled like fish to school. I wanted to roll with the big boys, drive the kind of cars they drove but I couldn't, you know why? Because of I was poor, so I became determined. When Dunni got admitted, I closely observed her. I got to know the kind of person she was, gullible to the core, I knew I could use her to get what I wanted so I made her fall in love with me then I knocked her up intentionally. All I wanted was a tie to the great Duncan's family and their wealth and I got it.  I had my first daughter and I named her Winner" he laughed, "The name had a deeper meaning. I won but I wasn't satisfied, I've always wanted more but then you came my way and when you brought up the plan of killing Chief. It was like the perfect push i needed but then you started becoming reckless! I've come this far to have you ruin all the plans i had! He who kills by the sword, dies by the sword. Funny you got killed by what you practically considered as a way out of every sloppy situation"

Tiwa laughed out in pain,  "I wonder how you'll die too" "I've gotten all I wanted, my plans have fallen into place, even if anyone suspects me of killing Chief, they'll have no proof. I have Barrister Bosco on my side, what kind of security do I need again? Bon voyage my beautiful Tiwalade"

"See you in hell"

Thomas raised his glasses up, "Most definitely" he winked at her then he walked out of the room bringing out a phone from his pocket putting a call through to his thugs so they can come get her body but none of them answered the call.

"Could they be sleeping?" He asked then he hissed. He tried it again all to no avail.

The end is near and so is someone's downfall

Or is it? 🤔😂🤣

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