💢Chapter 46💢
Chapter 46
Double update 📣💃💃
The whole room grew quiet after Yewande left. Funsho clasped his hands in thought, it clearly didn't make sense that his father will hand over everything to a man who isn't his son- If his father had handed the hospital to Thomas, it would have been quite understandable but in this case it just seemed surreal.
"If you have questions, ask now"
Mrs Bimbo stood up walking towards Bosco, "You have been his legal adviser, before you was your father. Couldn't you have advised him about how preposterous this is! No oh! No offense to Thomas oh but his children deserves more not crumbs! Ko ki n se pe emi àti ebi mi ko le ṣe aye lai gba owo lowo Chief. (Not like I can't survive without Chief's money, I can, we can!) But this....... It's almost as if it wasn't written by Chief"
Bosco looked away before gazing into her eyes again, "I already told your husband, but you know how sturbborn he can be especially when he makes a decision. It didn't have to be this way."
Mrs Bimbo scoffed then she left the sitting room.
"In absence of any question, I shall take my leave. Dr Thomas" he called out and Thomas followed along with Tiwa.
Tise got up picking her bag, "Huh..... I should go to work then" "Let's discuss this" Funsho suggested and she scoffed. "No offense, big brother but no. I'm not going to have this discussion, I can't believe Dad will do this. Not like I expected much but a recognition could have gone a long way" she cried and Dunni felt bad for her.
"Good bye everyone" she snapped.
Chioma stared at her three children who were still seated in awe. "Mom tell me you have like a million dollars stocked somewhere?" Adenike asked in a British accent and she kept quiet.
"She's awfully quiet" her brother noted, "Nike we're so screwed"
Adenike exhaled, "Calm down brother, I'm sure she had something stucked in her throat or she's trying to remember. Right Mom?" She asked and Chioma kept quiet.
"Let's not have this discussion here"
"Ehn? Me I don't see any stranger here oh. Is it not just our elder siblings?" She immediately switched to a Nigerian accent, "Mom you don't have a job"
"I have a beauty salon"
"Are we going back to school? We're supposed to leave this week" she added and Choima still kept mute. "What about school? Does it mean our dream is over and we'll be stuck in Nigeria? Mom say something"
Chioma rolled her eyes leaving and Adenike turned towards Funsho. "Temi bami, Ki la ma se bayii? (what are we going to do now?)" She asked and Funsho busted into laughter.
"Kilo wa se British accent re? (What happened to your British accent?)" Funsho asked and she hissed, "Wo, Bristish accent is not necessary now! British accent, oshi wo? I'm already seeing my future in Nigeria. Ah! Why will Dad do this? Even if my inheritance could be my tuition fee, I would have been more than happy. After that, I can now hustle. Where am I supposed to get a job in Nigeria that pays in dollars?"
"You're not getting any job"
"What do you have us for?"
Adenike gasped then she quickly hugged him. "Thank you. I know the situation doesn't call for it but...." she kissed him on the cheek moving towards Gbade hugging him.
"I haven't agreed"
"I've already hugged you so you have no choice" she answered causing him to chuckle a bit. Dunni was the last person she hugged.
This time she turned back at her brothers, "Are you guys going deaf or ungrateful?" She asked and they both laughed. "We're just dumbfounded. Thank you Sir and Thank you Ma" one of the guys appreciated and the other followed suit.
Bosco shut his eyes on getting out of the car. The disappointing look on the faces of everyone broke his heart. "The almighty Barrister!" Thomas called out from behind and he turned to him.
"Good job. I have to commend the way you made it look real"
"And I also commend your acting"
Thomas laughed, "I've often being called an actor. The only left is for me to win an Oscar" he replied busting into laughter and Bosco faked a laughter.
"I should be on my way"
"You haven't exactly handed documents belonging to Chief to me. I need them in my hands"
"True. I shall bring it to your table"
"Even better" he smiled and Bosco looked away to restrain himself from punching him in the face. "I should be on my leave" "Let me not delay you any further" he answered and Bosco entered into his car driving off.
Thomas smiled turning towards Tiwa who had a frown on her face. "What's is with the frown? I should be the one frowning. Why will you let them know?"
"They'll know very soon so what's the point of hiding it? You didn't even stick up for me in there. You just kept quiet like in nothing at all"
Of course you are! He answered within.
"You didn't even add my name to the will?" "Why will I do that?" He snapped unconsciously and she scoffed. "Why will you add my name to it? Oh, so it has gotten to that level right? You're going to betray me. Wait till I tell the whole family all I know"
"You won't be that stupid! You'll get implicated too"
Tiwa laughed hysterically moving close to Thomas, "Does it look like I fucking care? Try me Thomas, try me and see!" She snapped walking back into the house and Thomas held her back.
"That's one thing I hate about you Tiwa! You can be reckless"
"Let me go!" She struggled to get out of his grip and he smiled, "You do know you look hot when you're angry" he complimented and she fought the feeling to blush.
"I didn't mean what I said that way my loving Tiwa. Think of it, imagine putting the two of us as beneficiaries to Chief's will. Won't it be suspicious? Come on! Whenever we do things, we should think. I love you and you know it"
"Are you sure?" She asked pouting her lips. "Whatever I have is yours, Mi casa su casa"
"You didn't even stick up for me"
"I had to show respect, don't worry dear, we'll make each and everyone of them pay dearly"
Soon they walked out of the sitting room and Dunni folded her hands. "Is it just me or that will doesn't seem like something written by Dad?" She asked, "Same thought I had" Funsho answered and Gbade agreed too.
Dunni continued from where she left off, "Dad's can't be that direct and dry. We all know Chief, he would have thrown in jokes that won't make the reading of his will totally boring and the father I grew up knowing. Our father will never be that inconsiderate to leave only Thomas as his beneficiary. I'm not saying it because I hate that douchebag. As much as Dad liked the idiot, he'll never do that"
"If Dad wanted to give him anything, it could have been the hospital, not everything" Gbade added and Funsho scoffed. "In order words, the will is fake"
"Does this mean, you're questioning Barrister Bosco's integrity? Dad trusts him so much" "True but let's look at it from this perspective, even when I worked at the hospital. I still got allowances from Dad, even being married. This is weird, what if Thomas has a hand in this and they're both walking hand in hand?"
Gbade gazed at Funsho, "That might actually make sense, what if he's the one?" "Seriously? Thomas? That's like....." "What's going on?" Dunni asked completely lost as her brothers shared looks that weren't decodeable.
"We don't think Dad's death is natural. With this will and testament that only seem to favor just a person, maybe, just maybe Thomas planned the whole thing. Perhaps he's been the one siphoning money from Dad" Gbade assumed and Dunni rose up.
"Wait, someone's being siphoning money from the company?"
"Yes that was my first no investigation" Gbade answered but it led to a dead end after Rosie was killed" "The one that was killed at the party with poison"
"You knew?"
Dunni rolled her eyes, "I'm a doctor, I did let Dad Into my suspicion that night" "Maybe that was why Dad hired Derin" Gbade guessed.
"Who killed the girl?"
"We don't know. All I know is that she was about to let me know a big secret. I knew it was someone close, like I told Funsho, I thought it was Dr Ayeni but now, maybe it's Thomas"
"In order words, you think Thomas killed dad. How? Dad died of heart attack" she stated now crying, "Dunni, we didn't even see him die. We're living by what we heard, it could have been anything, maybe strangling, poison, we could have carried out an autopsy but we all know that Dad's body is beyond our reach"
"Are they not going to give us his body? What are we supposed to bury?" Dunni asked now wiping off her tears with her fingers. Gbade shrugged, "Maybe they haven't finished sucking the blood yet" he snapped now tightening his fist.
"His children have the right to demand his body. They should not deceive us with
"We don't know. All we have is speculations that we can't exactly prove"
"The finance department" Funsho suggested,"Those guys have been changing their head of department and there's always someone dying. There's not way to actually trace them. They go off the grid, who knows if they're not dead?"
Mrs Bimbo entered into her husband's room shaking her head. "Oko mi, Ade mi, I said I'm not going to cry because I know you're not dead but there is a last will signed by you. If there's a last will and they're reading it, doesn't it mean you're dead already? Cause I can't believe you can be alive and see this kind of thing happen. Willing everything to Thomas? Is it normal? Or there's something going on? If I only I can see you now or call you, I swear I would have....." She trailed off then she remembered Chief's phone.
A dead man won't get hold of his own phone right? She asked then she started scattering the room in search for his phone.
She then dialed the number and it rang then she chuckled knowing even though the phone was taken, it wouldn't have been left on.
He didn't answer the call so she sent him a message. "Whatever you have in mind, whatever your plan is, just know we all love you and we're waiting for your return" she typed then pressed the send option.
Chief received the message and a small smile curved his lips. He was mostly baffled by her foresight!
"It's another morning like never before and I term it children's day although it's not May 27, it's the 16th of March but it means the world to me. Knowing my children are here" Dara began looking at Pamilerin, Ade and Kevin.
"I didn't even plan for this but here we have my children here, starting with Boma Davis" she called out looking at Boma who was carrying Sewa. She then stretched out her palm at Dara. "Waka!" She mouthed and Pamilerin laughed.
"She's the baby I never planned for. Shout to my second baby, Shade who is writing her waec, God's wisdom all the way dear and my other babies are in the studio, Pamilerin, Ade, Kevin and Sewa . Say hi to the listeners"
"Can we go visit Grandpa?" Ade asked and Dara shook her head leaning against the railing of the stairs at the studio. "No. Kevin is around and I haven't even seen him for myself. We don't want to rouse suspicion"
Ade left. "Stay at the lobby and don't follow strangers! Please!" She begged then she exhaled.
"Yesterday was Sewa, God forbid another event like that again!"
"How do you do it?" Boma asked looking at Dara. "Do what?" "Play Mom, it's scary to think of it" "Are you thinking of it?" She asked and Boma chuckled bowing her head.
"It's like you know the right answer to give them. You know what to do, I don't even know a thing about taking care of children"
"I'm clueless too, I'm not perfect but practice makes perfect. You can choose to babysit them" "What happened to the other babysitter?"
"She's been scarce since the university resumed and it's her final year so...."
"You're lucky you know. The kids love you and your future mother in law likes you too. Mine hates me, that's if she's going to be even be my future mother-in-law" she chuckled softly and Dara smiled.
"You're not even trying"
"Because I'm not exactly you. That's your calling, not mine"
Dara scoffed and hissed, "You don't have what to say, whose calling is it? You just have to find that right opportunity"
Ade walked up to seat with Kevin and Pamilerin at the studio lobby. "She said we can't go" "Go where?" Kevin asked they both kept quiet. "To see your grandpa?"
Pamilerin gasped, " Ghen ghen, to ghen ghen, Ade has said something!" He sing-song, "Mummy Dara will beat you. You have broken her trust with your basket mouth" "It's you that have basket mouth, have I said anything since morning. Me that I haven't even talked since morning, when I it's Kelvi that's here. Ask him" he placed his hands akimbo on his waist now looking at Kevin eyeball to eyeball.
"Say the truth and let the devil be ashame. You know that if you lie, you'll go to hell fire. Did I tell you anything?"
"How did you find out?"
"I heard my Grandma and Grandpa saying it. I heard that bad people put something in his food but I'm not the one that said it oh."
"Mummy Dara said we're going to you guys house. We'll go and play in your playroom"
"Me I don't have playroom oh"
"Your room nko?"
"I don't have any room"
Ade laughed, "What's making this one laugh? You have one room and you're happy. I have five rooms, Aunty Dara's room, my mummy's room, Auty Stella's room, Aunty Ruby's room and my grandma's room." He argued and Pamilerin smiled stretching his hands to shake him.
"Good point"
Brenda walked into Prof. Kolade George's office. "There she is" he said with a smile. "Good morning Prof" she greeted, "Good morning to you Brenda. How are you?" "I'm fine Sir" "And your family?"
"They're fine Sir. What about yours?"
"We thank God my dear. I suppose you're here for the form"
"Yes Sir"
"I thought you were never going to come for it"
Dele walked into Rex computer meeting a guy at the counter. "Hey, guy far?" He began, "You want buy something? Like wetin? Laptop? Abi na repairs?"
"No. I just wan ask questions" he replied. "Are you familiar with the name Derin Balogun?" He asked and he quickly shook his head.
"I never hear that kain name before"
"Are you sure?"
"My Oga no dey house, maybe after him come. You go ask"
Dele showed him her picture on his phone, and he still shook his head barely looking at the picture.
Of course he recognized the picture of the woman! He clearly remembered putting a call through to his supervisor the very moment she showed him her barge.
Of course he knew how the whole thing went down!
"If you no get business to do for here, come dey do go!"
Dele brought out his barge, "My name is inspector Dele Giwa and the lady that got kidnapped is my cousin. If you know what's good for you, you'll cooperate with me but we can also do this the hard way too, where I can take you to the police station for questioning" he brought out hand cuffs.
His eyes roamed everywhere in search of some salesman but they were somewhere deep in the shop. "Make I make some calls" "Was that what you did when she came? Who did you call?" He asked and the poor guy exhaled.
"I call my boss"
"Them con hijack her"
"Is that what you guys do here?"
"No. I swear, I no know say na wetin go happen be that. I just call because say na my job"
"What happened that day?"
"She come that day, she con enter go talk to my brother Oke, after she don collect the invoice finish, she con go outside. Na there them catch her"
Dele scoffed, "Who caught her? Where's your brother?" He asked and the boy hesistated. "Please, no arrest my brother, na hustle we con hustle for here" "Where was she taken to?"
"I no want wahala"
"I promise not to get you involved"
Thomas bent down before a weak Derin with a smile plastered on his face. His eyes flickered through her wounds and then back to her. "That's a pretty infected wound. In two day or so, you'll be dead. You're lucky I'm being merciful enough to let you die on your own. Chief wasn't that lucky." He clicked his tongue, "But let me not speak that way. It's a happy day and I came bearing good news, sorry I haven't been visiting frequently but with the whole issue with Chief" he paused staring at Derin who was struggling to speak with the tape on her lip.
"I'm very sorry" he apologized now taking the tape off and she groaned in pain.
"How is Chief?"
"You don't know?" He asked now turning towards the guys . "Didn't you guys inform her?" She glanced back at her then he hissed. "I'm sorry about that Derin, you weren't informed that Chief is dead"
"That's a lie, Chief... Chief can't be dead"
"He is actually dead, like cold dead and you're looking at the heir to his whole estate. I mean I own everything."
Derin cried shaking her head then she fell weakly to the ground. "It can't be" "Well it's the truth, guess who the newest billionaire is? Me, who would have ever thought?" He stood up plunging his hands into his pocket.
"I have business to attend to if you don't mind"
Tiwa's mother, Titilope entered into Wilfred's office and he raised his brow in shock. "This is shocking, coming to my office for the first time, this has to mean good right?"
"With Chief out of the way, I feel like I can do anything" she answered and he exhaled. "He was my friend" "How do you think he'll feel when he finds out the guy he has known all his life is in love with his father's wife?"
"Maybe he would have understood."
"That you've been sleeping with me since I got married to his father, I'm sure he'll understand that" she answered sarcastically and he scoffed. "I'll like to run a DNA test on Tiwa"
"She's not yours"
"Whose is she then if she's not a Duncan. How many men were you sleeping with?" He asked and she stood aback. "How many times have I warned you about having this discussion. If you don't like me for who I am, then forget about it. Why are we even doing this?" She snapped leaving and Dr. Ayeni shut his eyes in guilt.
"I'm sorry but I want to know"
Titilope turned back at him, "What does it matter? We're together now"
"I don't have children, don't you think..... Tiwa is reckless but..... It won't be a bad thing if she ends up being my daughter" "Tiwa called, she said they already read the will"
"So did I hear. How can Thomas be stupid to make himself the only beneficiary, he didn't even leave a dime for the children. I wish he consulted me before making the will"
"What about your share?"
"Honestly, i don't want any part in it. I'm not really as thrilled as Tiwa and Thomas are, I feel guilty most of the time. The only thing I really wanted was to be free to be the woman of my dreams"
"And here you have it" She turned the chair now kissing him on the lips and Dunni and Gbade walked in and she pulled back.
"Dunni" she muttered and Dunni scoffed. "This is just great! This is just...... Godfather, how long have you two been....." She stalled, "Dunni, I can explain" he stood up and she scoffed again.
"There always an explanation"
"Gbade don't use that tone on me!"
"Was Dad aware?"
"No. It's complicated"
"We don't need any explanation, we just want to resume work in our father's company"
"I'm sorry guys I can't do that"
Dunni folded her hands, "I thought I made myself clear that whether you like it or not"
"Yes but it's no longer your father's hospital. I can't do anything without seeking Dr. Thomas's permission"
"I'm sorry Dunni"
"Where is he?"
"He's not around yet but you can both give him a call"
Dunni and Gbade got out of the office. "This isn't right, we don't have to ask for that stupid idiot's permission. I can't call him" she said and Gbade volunteered to make the call.
"Dr Gbadegesin" he began and Gbade wondered why he used his full name. "Don't call me that, you don't ever call me that, why now?" "I didn't mean any offense. I... Gbade I know it's a painful thing what your father did. It's not my fault. I didn't put him up to it, you shouldn't really put the anger on me"
"Who says I am?"
"Your tone sounds harsh"
"I came by to start work. Dr. Ayeni said he needs your permission" "Oh. I'm very sorry about that, I'm yet to work on hospital policies, we'll be retrenching or letting off workers soon"
"That doesn't answer my question"
"Am not saying that you can't have your job back. I'm just saying it's a fresh start, a new season, a new ownership, I can't start employing just like that. I need to start setting some things straight, rules and regulations and the rest"
Gbade scoffed, As though we're strangers" "There's absolutely no need to take it personal, I'll get back to you in a week time"
"I'm engaged" Timmy announced to his parents in his father's office in church. His mother rose up in anger, "I'm not having this discussion with you. You're refusing to take my advice. I want grandchildren"
"She's pregnant" he announced with a smile. "We're having a baby" he added. "I know it's wrong in the Christian way"
"What is wrong?" His mother asked, "At least now I can be rest assured that I'll have grandchildren. When is the wedding?" She asked and Timmy laughed, "I thought you were the one that didn't like her"
"Don't laugh oh, which church is she going to?"
"Dara's church"
"Erm, as long as she's a Christian and she's having my grandchild. You had better start moving away from that stupid house to a family house. Let's fix a date to meet"
"That can't be possible dear, the girl just lost her father" Mr Akande explained, "Ehya, but I won't mind having a personal discussion with her. I know that I definitely owe her an apology. Can you fix a meeting?"
"I'll talk to her about it"
Mrs Akande smiled and Timmy wondered what it is about grandchildren that usually have these women excited about it! "You had better hurry up with the wedding arrangements before they will say shebi it's omo pastor that impregnated someone like that!"
Dara opened the gate of her house for Funsho to drive in. She locked the gate then turned back at Funsho who got out of his car with a sad look. "How was the meeting? I was expecting your call?" She asked as though she wasn't aware of what the outcome of the meeting would be.
"Turned out to be the reading of Dad's will"
"Oh. And....?"
Funsho exhaled, "Everything was willed to Thomas but I think Thomas paid to have the Barrister make some changes. Everything is suspicious now, Thomas is the top on my list now. Dad will never do that"
"He won't" Dara assured then she cleared her throat. "Are you hungry? You look pale" "Where are the kids?" "They're playing inside kevin's room which is technically Brenda's room but what the hell?"
"I came to get them"
"I think you should eat first"
"Where are you?" Gbade asked Boma on a phone call, it sounded as though he'll break into tears any moment. "I'm at Dara's family house, are you alright? Dara told me about the will, Funsho came over, I was expecting a call from you but...."
Tears rolled down his eyes. "Are you okay?" She asked then she heard his sniffle, "I never saw this coming at all, can you believe we caught Dr. Ayeni kissing Mummy Tiwa? That's not even important! Thomas didn't give me my job back" "What?" "He said he'll get back to me next week but we all know that's as good as, having no job"
"What an asshole!" "Do you think he could have plotted to kill Dad?" "Your father wouldn't have given him all, maybe he did. Just let it go before driving, don't drive in this state. I won't want to mourn over you."
"It's so hard"
"Just take it easy, is it about the job? We can work on starting Gbade kunu and logistics" she suggested and he chuckled. "And I won't mind being your sexy secretary at your Beck and call whenever you need her" she added and he smiled.
"Face of Gbade kunu and logistics" he added and she chuckled. "I know it's been crazy but it's going to be okay"
"I hope"
"I have faith. How's your mom handling it? I'm trying to picture her face when they read the will" "She left" "Have you called her?"
"No." He laughed, "My mind has been preoccupied, you're the first person I thought of" "Wow, that's sweet but you should call her now to find out if she's okay"
Timmy entered into his house after an emmergency call from Dunni. He found her crying in bed so he kicked his shoes off climbing on bed too.
"Hey" he called out kissing her on the neck, "What's wrong with you?"
"Thomas didn't give me my job back"
"What the.....? What right does he have?"
Dunni sat up, "They read the will today" "Is will something they read like that?" "A text message was sent us to come for a family meeting which turned out to be the reading of the will. Thomas was given the exclusive right to manage all of Dad's properties"
"Who does that? That's crazy. Not like he's a son or anything. What about your brothers"
"They weren't given a Kobo"
Timmy shook his head, "Huh huh, it's definitely fishy. So your ex husband didn't even add your brothers to it the will. Mehn he's stupid" he snapped and Dunni chuckled softly because he also thought the same way she did.
"I don't think your father can be that heartless. Come on now! Think of it. That will has been tampered with, you guys have to hold him and the lawyer responsible"
"How? It clearly has Dad's signature on it! There's nothing we can do."
"This shit is getting serious oh. Are you sure the asshole didn't even plot to have your father killed?"
Dunni, shrugged, "Who knows, all we have are vain speculations with no proof. If he really, then it's all my fault then, all this wouldn't have happened if I didn't bring him into this home"
Ruby entered into Thomas' office and he stood up smiling. "Good afternoon Sir" "Good afternoon Ruby. I guess you're here to congratulate me. You know I was thinking, will you be free tonight for dinner?"
"Like dinner"
"No! I already said I have a boyfriend Sir"
"And I'm ready to replace him. I'm now the owner of this hospital, I have plans for us"
"I'm resigning Sir. I have a boyfriend that I really like and I'm not ready to give up what I have with him for anything" she answered turning her back to leave and he scoffed.
"I hope you won't regret it"
"I certainly won't" she added walking out of the office.
Dele stood outside the address given by the salesboy. A car parked close by and a police officer who wasn't dressed in police uniform walked up to him. "Sir, what's our next move?"
"I don't know how many men who should be expecting"
A prostitute got out of the gate and Dele quickly walked up to her. "Hey" "Oga, how far? You wan fuck?" He asked and he shook his head. "No"
"Why you con stop me then?"
"If I want to have sex with you, how much are your charges?"
"Five thousand" she began then she rolled her eyes. "I know say you go argue, okay just bring three k. Where you wan do am? You get car?"
"What if I tell you I can pay you ten thousand naira, right now. If you answer these questions" "Ehn?" Her eyes widened in shock, "Ten k? Jesus!"
Dele brought out some money now counting it in front of her, "Oya ask, my body dey do me somehow like say make I quick answer you"
"How many people are in there?"
"Apart from the gateman, three men and woman"
"Is she alive or....." "She dey alive, I see her with my eyes."
"Are you sure they're just three men?"
"I swear, no be my first time here. I be regular asewo for here, the lady get wound wey don rotten self"
"Okay.... That'll be all" he answered passing the money to her and she dipped it into her bra. "You sure say na all be that? I fit give you blow job oh, even give you better knacking (sex) join"
"That won't be necessary but you can help me with something else"
"Distracting the security man so we can get in without being noticed"
The prostitute smiled, "Consider am done!"
Chief shook his head on being informed about the relationship between Dr Ayeni and Tiwa's mother. He recalled his several visits to the house that year.
He was aware of his friend's crush on his father's last wife but he never knew it exceeded just the feelings. Could he have participated in killing him just because of that?
That had to be the most stupid reason ever!
He needed to clear a lot of doubts, if only he could see them personally and interrogate them.
Dele and his team entered into the compound pointing a gun at the gate man who instantly knelt down. "Shhhh" he placed a finger across his lips and the man nodded.
"Can you go and knock?" Dele asked the prostitute but she shook her head, "No oh, them carry gun. I no wan die yet. No vex ehn" she winked at him now dipping a card in the pocket of his jacket.
"Na my card be that. I be beta asewo, I'm only one call away!" She winked again leaving.
"The security man can be our bait"
Dele quickly asked the security to get on his feet and he did. He directed him to the door and he knocked. Dele quickly hid, "Wetin happened?" The fat guy asked, "You deaf? You no de hear word again?" "I think say I hear my name"
"Go your duty post now! You no get business for here"
"I hear"
Dele pushed the door open pointing the gun at him. "Say a word and I'll blow your brains off". He attempted to reach out for his gun and Dele shook his head, "Wrong move, hands up!" He ordered and the fat guy raised his hands.
Dele took out the gun and the guy moved back. Dele and his partner folllowed him only to hear the sound of moaning.
There was another prostitute hopping on another man in the living room. She stopped on seeing Dele. She got up covering her nakedness with her top.
Just when the man decided to reach for a gun, Dele shot him in his arms and he screamed In pain.
Another man got out of a room to see the scenario. In attempt to turn back the other Policeman shot towards his direction but didn't aim at him. "On your knees!"
"We have this place surrounded so you can't escape. You're left with two choices, to either die or surrender to the police, choose one?" He asked and they all kept quiet.
"Where the hell is my cousin?"
Thomas walked through the hospital building with some designer while some staff congratulated him on being head of administration. He got out of the building pointing to the hospital name.
"I want it brought down with immediate effect, will tomorrow be too late?" He asked and the Team leader opened his mouth in surprise.
"Sir, you have to give us like a few days to come up with a design"
"As long it's my name on that thing, I don't care how the design looks like. It's my legacy you're trying to delay, a few more days. No. I want it done with immediate effect and I have the money to pay. You don't have to worry about money, it's not a problem"
Tise sighted Dele talking to a nurse then he turned towards her direction a small smile escaped his lips. He felt as ease seeing her standing there.
In the bad condition he found Derin, he really needed someone to talk to that moment. "How is she?" "She's in a terrible condition, her wounds are infected. At least she's alive" he smiled and she rubbed her palm over his arm.
"Why didn't you have her moved to Dad's hospital, what used to be Dad's hospital. It's by far the best hospital in town" "For security reasons"
"You think the person who kidnapped her might still be...." She asked and he kept kept quiet. "Police secret right? I also owe some client confidentiality"
"The person after her is actually at the hospital" he revealed and she raised her brow in shock. "I don't understand"
"Forget it"
"You've just managed to arouse my interest, don't keep in suspense. What do you mean by what you just said?"
Dele exhaled, "I can't tell you, it's supposed to be a secret" "Okay. Can you believe Dad didn't leave us anything? I know that I've been distant most times but at least he could have recognized us in his will, our names, he didn't even say anything. It's wrong"
"Okay .... Tise, I'm going to let you in on something and I'll need the rely on your doctor confidentiality code" "What? You're scaring me"
"The person who kidnapped Derin is Thomas Balogun" "What?"
In the evening, Boma knocked on a door and a maid opened up. "Good afternoon, who are you looking for?" "Mummy Gbade" "What's your name?" "Boma, I'm Gbade's girlfriend"
"Tani ọ n wa? (Who are you looking for?)"
" Arabinrin kan ni. Ọ ni oruko òun jẹ Boma (It's a woman, she said her name is Boma)"
"Mi ọ fe ri enikankan (I'm not in the mood to see anyone)"
The maid turned towards her, "She said" "I heard her. Well, I'm not leaving until I speak to you Ma. I'll be here waiting"
Yewande walked towards the door and the maid went back in. "What do you want?" "It's a crazy story, I was just heading back home when I realized that I needed to check up on you"
"I don't need anyone checking up on me. I'm not a baby"
"Well, with everything happening, it's enough to make a sane woman go crazy. With the news of Chief's death and this will...." She trailed off and tears poured down her eyes.
"I really don't want to talk about it"
"Then keep quiet, most of the things that usually come out of your mouth are abuses so it's better you keep quiet and let me do the talking. You look like you could use the company too" she said and Yewande leaned on the door folding her hands.
"Do I look lonely to you?"
"Do you really want a reply, judging from the fact you spit fire as words, I'm sure you have very little friends showing up to give their condolence" she snapped and Yewande rolled her eyes.
Of course she was right!
"It's not my fault people can't handle the truth and besides I don't want anyone pitying me" "It's called sympathy"
"Pity is pity, no matter the word you use in qualifying it. First my husband dies and now I find out he didn't leave us anything"
"Is it about the wealth?"
"No! It has never been about the wealth! I loved Otunba with or without the wealth. Even if he had left me a letter, I would have been happy" "Do you really think he would have left you all without anything?"
"I don't know anything anymore."
"You know what I think? I think this is the time you all need to unite as family to sort things out. Look for a way forward"
Yewande wiped her tears. "You're right. It's even Chioma I pity, she doesn't have a solid job. How will she even take care of her children after this? " she asked unconsciously then she exhaled and Boma gasped.
"What? I'm I dreaming or you just actually cared about someone that isn't your son?" She asked, this forced a chuckle out of her mouth. "What do you take me for? A monster?" She asked and Boma smiled.
"Don't answer the question" she added and they both chuckled and Yewande entered into the house then she got out again, "Are you coming in or not?"
What do you think about this Chapter? 😁
So Yewande can laugh and care about someone? Awwwn😂🤣
Thomas is....🤦
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