💢Chapter 45💢
Merry Christmas everyone!!!!!
Sorry I didn't post earlier than this. I was having a busy, stressful and crappy Christmas day😪
Little joy oh🤣
Anyways, enjoy the chapter!
Chapter 45
PS: Lots of repeated scenes but you have to read for proper understanding😉
I saw all your guesses and I think you're not far from it.
Get your popcorn 🍿 🍿 guys, this was how it all happened 😁🧐🧐🧐
11th of March
"I'm guessing Mom didn't allow him see you so he left. Why are as seeing you based on list? We can all come in and save time?" Tise asked her father, "Some things are secretive. When you leave, call only Dara in"
"She'll want to come in with Funsho"
"Only her first"
"Secret wedding engagements that Funsho can't know about" he winked at her daughter and she laughed.
Dara walked in, "You said you wanted to see me alone?" She asked and Chief smiled gesturing to the chair and she sat on it. "Chief you should rest, you can't stress yourself. It's like you're a therapist and everyone's coming for therapy"
Chief chuckled stretching his hands and Dara placed her hands above his palm. "Thank you for your prayers, for those words you said to me...." "It's nothing Chief"
"Call me Daddy or Dad, you're becoming more like a daughter to me"
Dara chuckled, "Yes Dad" "There was one particular thing you said that had me thinking, perhaps it was what woke me out of my coma" he peered at her and she tried to recall all she said to no avail.
"Which one Sir?"
"You said something about protecting my family at this crucial time." "Oh....." Dara scoffed, "It's nothing, I was just overwhelmed" "You wouldn't have said it if it was nothing"
Dara sighed then tears poured down her eyes. "What's going on?" "I can't say it" "Why?" "If I do, she'll kill me and my family" "Who?" "You'll be shocked but you have to trust me Sir"
"Okay......." He trailed off, "I...." "What? You're putting me in suspense" "I'm considering your health Sir, I won't want you having an attack"
Chief sighed, "I promise I won't. Tell me" "Your sister, Tiwa"
Chief scoffed shaking his head in disbelief. "That's not possible" "She threatened us Chief I'll never lie to you, you have to trust me" " I know but why will she do that? I've never wronged her"
Dara shrugged, "But for some reason she wants you dead, I believe your heart attack was induced by poisonous drugs or something" "Tiwa?"
"Yes Sir. Remember the day she brought the food? It was poisoned" "The same food Ruby ate?" "She didn't eat it. She overheard a conversation Tiwa had with someone. She didn't eat the food, she saved your life."
Chief shut his eyes letting everything sink in, slowly it all began to make sense. He had flash back to he following morning after she brought the food.
"No dizziness, no weakness, nothing at all?" Tiwa asked and he shook his head.
"It's stress my dear, why will I be dizzy? Wo, don't worry too much about me, I'll be fine" He answered and she faked a laughter.
"Thank God Sir! I'll still emphasize the need to take a rest or a time off from work"
"I'll be fine my dear"
"The food from yesterday Sir, I was planning on getting the food flask back for Mom. Didn't you eat it?" "Oh. I didn't, the flask should be with Ruby, I gave her the food to eat"
"Who's Ruby?"
"One of the nurses at the hospital. We just hired her sha but she's a nice girl. Well trained and a good company at that"
It finally dawned on him the only reason she called was to find out if he was dead.
Tears flowed down his cheeks. "I can't believe this. I treated her like a daughter, I gave her the best education a man can give a person" he sniffled, "Take it easy Sir, please"
She begged scared he might have a heart attack.
"Does Funsho know?"
"No. We..... Boma, Ruby and i planned on letting Gbade and Funsho know but she came and started threatening us. I'm scared and I don't know what to do"
"I don't know yet but I think she's going to stop till she gets what he wants" "If I didn't eat the food, how in the world did I get poisoned?"
"You want to know my best guess? the moimoi seller," "Iya Beji can never do that!" "Wouldn't you have said the same thing about Tiwa. It's time you stop trusting people blindly, that's one quality I love about you Sir, the way you accepted me and all. For the time being Sir, don't trust anyone!"
Chief shook his head, "This is the same woman I've trusted for years. I don't even eat out, except her food" "Most times, people use those that are close to you to hurt you. I'm not trying to make her sound like a bad person. You can try to investigate if you can. Either that or she's using someone close to you, might be someone from the house,it could be anyone"
"That means my life isn't safe at home or even here"
"What are you going to do now?"
"Spend time with my family before I die"
"Don't speak that way Sir! You're not going to die. We'll figure something out without making Towards suspicious or else she'll fulfill her threats"
"Ah, asepe Bimbo was right all along!" He muttered to himself. "While we think of something, I guess it won't be bad if I have my children gathering at the house together. I hope you'll be allowed to stay for a while"
"I'll try to convince my parents, specifically so I can at least scrutinize what you eat. When will you leave?" "Today"
"Won't it be too early?"
"I'd rather die at home than die in my own hospital."
Funsho entered with Sewa hanging on his arms, "Are you guys done with the not so secretive engagement plans Tise spoke about?" He asked, "What are you guys talking about. Please don't leave me out"
"Let's fix the wedding next month"
"Hey love" Bosco puts a call through to his wife, "Hey. What's up? You don't sound chirpy"
Bosco tightened his fist, "He came to my office again, I don't know what to do Babe. What do you think I should do?" He asked and Dr. Sommy scoffed.
"Do what I know you're capable of, what the man I fell in love with will do. You're a man of integrity, report that douchebag to Chief" "He just got out of coma from a freaking heart attack"
"It's better he has a heart attack again than having himself surrounded by wolves! You had better give him that heart attack or I will"
"I told Chief everything we know" Dara said to Ruby outside the hospital then she looked around again to make sure no one was listening to them. "Seriously?" She asked a bit scared.
"Yes. I had to, if there's anyone that can help us, it'll be him"
"Imagine what Funsho and Gbade's reaction will be after hearing this? Tiwa will become suspicious, hence putting our lives in danger. Chief is willing to pretend about it"
"Good afternoon Sir" Bosco began after putting a call through to Chief,
"Good afternoon son. I hope you're doing okay?" "Yes I am. How's your health Sir, I'm glad you're out of coma." "Same here" "How are you feeling Sir"
"Much better"
"I just hope you have the heart for this news Sir..... I don't want to say anything that'll trigger something" Bosco paused and Chief kept quiet for a while. He wondered what the bad news might be.
Could it be another betrayal. Will he have the heart for it?
"Chief? Are you.... Are you still there" "Can't we see face to face ni?"
"I don't think it's wise"
Chief sighed, "Then what is it?" "Thomas came to the office, was it a week ago or so?" "For what?" "He wanted a peek at your will" "What and you never mentioned it?" "I thought he was just being stupid. I told him off, I gave him a serious warning but bye came today. Making his intentions more clearer. He wants the will changed to favor him. He thinks you're going to die soon"
"It's his father that will die soon!" He snapped quickly, "Was Tiwalade, my little sister with him?" "No." "Abi what's wrong with this people ni? Haven't I done enough for them? Why do they want to repay my good with evil?"
"A news I just heard.... Can you believe my own sister tried to poison me? I don't even know what to think? Shey they are working together or not? I don't know, do you think Thomas has a motive that's different from Tiwa's own? Why are this people so?" He paused tapping his chest gently then he leaned back against his pillow, breathing in and out.
"Chief? Chief?" Bosco called out, scared he might be having another attack. "Chief?"
"Son?" He finally answered and Bosco sighed in relief. "Are you okay?" "Yes. Thank you for letting me know, at least I have people I can trust"
"What should I do Sir? It's my word against him, you can have him arrested and fired for perceiving such treachery"
Chief smiled, "Call him up and tell him you'll do it" "What?" "I have a plan"
The following morning
7:35 am
Bosco exhaled as he dialed Thomas's number. "The Almighty John Bosco Bishop. This one that you're calling so early in the morning, I hope we're safe"
"It's a Yes"
"You wanted to know what my answer will be, it's a Yes"
"I'll be there The great Barrister. Thank you, I'm sure you won't regret this" he chipped in and Bosco hung up.
Dara entered into Chief's room just before leaving for work. "This one that you are all dressed up like this. Have you left me like that?" He asked and Dara laughed. "I have work"
"I was just joking"
"Be very careful of what you eat or drink Sir.... Eugene is being suspicious" "Same thing I thought with the way he acted this morning and she's the only one that actually serves me"
"She warned me not to serve you"
Chit exhaled shaking his head, "Betrayal in my own home and I don't even know why? If I can know where I went wrong" "Sir, you don't have to wrong people before they act wickedly against you. Some people are naturally that way, you don't realize it until the right time"
"Some things are missing, the puzzle is not complete. I still don't know if Thomas has been the one siphoning company's money. I still don't know his reasons or who he's working with, whether Tiwa or not. I need to find the parasitic cycle planning this before I can root it out or else, a parasite would still be left. I need to root them out"
"How? You can't exactly get the truth from them"
"Well.... you don't know the real truth of a matter until your enemies think you're dead. Then you'll see their true colors"
Dara raised her brow, "I don't.... I don't understand" "I've been thinking dear, there might be a need for me play dead one of this days. If I'm dead, will anyone try to kill me?" "The whole family will be devastated"
"I'm just saying there might be a need to secure my life and at the same time, find out things until I catch all the culprits, each and everyone of them will go to prison"
Dara shook her head, "Your grandchildren, do you think they'll bear the thought of losing you?"
"What's doctor Joshua doing here?" Chief asked after Dr. Ayeni walked in with the two nurses and Dr.Joshua.
Dr. Ayeni smiled, "He's simply the doctor that will be in charge of taking care of you Sir and these nurses here, they'll take care of you during your time here"
"That one isn't necessary at all. Why should I be looking for doctors to take care of me when I have my children. Dr. Gbade will duly take care of me, it will be an insult to my children"
"You relieved him"
"I hired him back yesterday, I alleviated the relief as at yesterday. I won't be needing the doctor. Apologies Dr. Joshua"
"No problem Sir"
"What about Nurse Ruby? I was expecting her to be here instead of all these nurses. I need someone I can talk to and she's that person"
"Chief, these nurses are well trained"
Chief faked a smile, he wondered if his trusted friend could be working hand in hand with the enemies, why will he be insisting?
Then he snapped out of the thought, he can't possibly do that. They've known each other for donkey years.
Ayeni ke?? Impossible!
"I don't doubt that. We trained them personally but you know I can bored easily and I'll need someone to talk to every now and then. Ruby is the perfect candidate for the job"
Ruby cried on phone as she tried explaining the whole incident to Dara. "Ruby calm down and explain this better. I don't speak gibberish!" "I'm supposed to give injection shots to Chief today. It's going to kill him Dara, if I don't. They'll kill you. Where are you?"
"I'm waiting for Funsho to pick me up. He went to pick the kids, school is closing today" "It's true! Kelvin too! All these problem is making me forget things" she complained.
"I'm fine Ruby. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. Nothing will happen to me"
"What will I do? I don't know what I'm going to do. If I don't do what they ask, they'll kill me! They're all in on this Sis, Tiwa, Thomas and even the God father, Dr. Ayeni"
"Jeez.... You're going to go to Chief's house and you're going to let him know everything" "What if he has a heart attack?"
Dara exhaled, "Let him know, I'm still waiting for Funsho, when I get back we'll think of something. Don't make anyone suspect anything. Just be smart about it!"
Eugene entered into Chief's room with a glass of juice. "Good afternoon Sir" "Good afternoon. How are you doing Sir?" She asked, "I'll be fine by God's grace" Chief answered his eyes lingering on the glass of juice.
"I brought you juice Sir"
Juice kor, juice ni, he said within, "Drop it somewhere there, I'll definitely drink it" he replied and she dropped it on the surface of the drawer.
"Speedy recovery Sir" she added walking out of the room and Ruby walked holding a tray containing drugs and injection shots. "I brought drugs from the hospital courtesy of Dr Thomas."
"He sends his greetings" she said shutting the door with her legs and Chief smiled at her. Her hands trembled as she spoke but he didn't notice, since it was Ruby, he knew he could trust her.
She walked towards the drawer only thing realize there was a glass of juice there, until that moment did Chief realized that her hands were shaking.
"Ruby are you okay?" He asked and she dropped the tray on the bed. "No Sir."
"What happened? Is this about my sister?" He asked and she gave a gentle nod.
"What did she do this time?" He asked and she cried, ", "She was angry you appointed Gbade and I to be included charge of your health affairs. It's like they had other plans or something. She appointed me to administer what will finally kill you or else I'll lose my entire family" tears poured down uncontrollably.
"How did she find out so quick about the news? I only said it in front of Dr. Ayeni, Joshua and the nurses"
"It had to be Dr. Ayeni. They're planning a funeral soon and it's going to be your funeral! You're supposed to die today but I can't do it Sir" she sobbed, "I can't!"
Chief shut his eyes feeling a sharp pain in the chest. "Was Dr. Ayeni there? Or it's just a guess" "No. He was also in the office when Tiwa was talking about it. They're all in this Sir, Tiwa, Thomas and Dr. Ayeni" she named and Chief groaned in pain touching his chest. "Ah!"
"Chief?" She called out, "Jesus!" She panicked running out of the room.
"Dr. Gbade!" She cried out after which she bumped into him. "It's Chief, I think he's having a heart attack!"
Thomas walked into Chief's room seeing Ruby arranging a sheet over him. Chief flashed a smile at him for no particular reason, maybe It was because his betrayal had managed to put him awe.
He began to wonder how Jesus felt like after having the revelation he would be betrayed by his own. His eyes were heavy with tears but he wasn't going to let it pour.
He only maintained his smile, trying to remain neutral in order not to arouse suspicion. "If I was sharing blessings, you would have been late oh" he joked and Thomas laughed. "Please Sir, forgive this late son of yours" he bowed his head and Chief chuckled.
Son my foot! He said within still maintaining the smile.
"There was an emergency at the hospital and I had to attend to it"
"Have I ever wronged you Thomas?" Chief asked, he had no idea why he asked the question but he found himself asking anyways.
Thomas laughed. "No Sir, you took me in like a child. You gave me a job, a house and a good life, why will you ask such a question?" "Nothing. Just asking people for forgiveness before I finally join my father" he exhaled as flashes of the past breezed through his mind.
"Remember the first time I saw you. When I heard you Impregnated my daughter. I wasn't angry, I saw you as a fine young man, Intelligent then I took you in and I still don't regret it because every good you do to a man carries it's rewards. Always remember that Thomas" he advised and Thomas bowed his head.
Just like every evil you do to every man!
"Don't speak this way Sir. You're not going to die Sir" he assured. If Chief hasn't been made to know the truth, he would have thought Thomas was sincere about his good wishes.
Hypocrites everywhere!
Ruby stormed out. "Excuse me Sir" he quickly followed her out and Chief shook his head thinking of the decision he was about to make and how it'll affect everyone.
Dara entered into the room on Chief's request, this time, Boma followed her in. "Sir, if you keep requesting to speak to Dara alone, it's going to raise eye brows" she analysed and Chief smiled at her.
"At least you're here too Boma" he called out and she smiled, "Hope your feeling better now?" "After all the betrayal left, right and center, how do you think I'll feel? I'm only grateful to God that I now know the truth. Do you know I added Tiwalade as one of the beneficiaries to my will in testament?" He turned towards Dara.
"I'm still blind as..... I don't know why they're doing this"
"I think I have an idea. Are you aware your sister might not be your sister?" Boma asked and Chief shrugged, "It was just a rumour then. I don't know what I know any longer. Everyone I thought I knew ended up betraying me."
"Madam Fisayo told me your father exempted her out of the sharing of his properties and wealth." "How did you find about Madam Fisayo?" He asked and Boma chuckled softly. "I was just doing my job Sir. They weren't given a dime because of the possibility that she might not even be a Duncan, I don't know how true it that is"
"I've never seen her differently or treated her differently or unfairly'
"She's angry because of what your father did to her and her mother. She's revisiting you with the sins of your father"
Chief scoffed shutting his eyes then he slowly let all sink in again.
"What's the plan?" Dara asked, "Ruby can't be threatened again, you all can't be threatened again so I have made up my mind to fake my death tonight. First I'll fake an attack that will lead to my death"
"How will that be possible? Your children are doctors, there's an ambulance on the way already, Gbade will be the one to check you. How will you play dead when you're breathing?" Boma asked and Dara agreed.
Chief sighed, "Good point. If I know my children well, they'll want to see me to be sure I'm dead." He leaned against the pillow in thought then he exhaled.
"I'll die in the ambulance on my way to the hospital. The real question should be, how in the world are you going to get a trust worthy staff into the ambulance that will be quiet and who will stop Gbade and Funsho from entering into the ambulance when the attack starts? Cause if they enter, wahala had entered cause we'll have to tell them the plan and if we do?"
"Funsho will definitely go head on with Thomas, the guy is depressed and angry already" Dara assumed, "I can already picture Gbade throwing punches already!" Boma added and Chief nodded.
"That's the main wahala, if we can avoid that from happening? The way will go well"
"We'll still have the same issue Sir, what about Thomas and your friend, Dr. Ayeni Sir? How will everyone believe you're dead?" Dara inquired and Chief smiled. "This is where my brother will come in"
Boma shook her head, "You're not supposed to let another person in. You don't even know who Tiwa might be working with" "It can never be Bamidele, I can swear on anything that it can't be him"
"What will your brother do?" Dara and Boma asked at the same time.
"He's not a Christian, he's a traditionalist, that's the only way he can chase everyone off. He'll cook up some spiritual lies so they don't come to check up on me. Once I'm able to convince everyone about my death, I'll fold my hands and watch things unfold."
"Okay Sir"
"I still want to find out more truth but in case it doesn't work and something happens and I eventually die, it was nice to know the two of you, and Boma I wish I could know you better"
Dara shook her head, "Everything will go well. Ruby will never administer that poison" "Let's be positive Sir, I know your sister will definitely kill us off but I'm still positive about a miracle" Boma added and Chief hissed.
"It might be through another way or method"
Dara disagreed with a shake of her head, "I have faith in God Sir, it'll will work" her phone rang and she looked into it. "My father Is here already. I'll bring him in"
Mr Igwe entered after being brief about the whole plan. "Have you seat Sir" Chief requested and he dragged a chair closer to his bed before sitting on it. "Tell me about heaven, I want to know about it"
"But Dara said...." He looked back to confirm if they were all alone then he glanced back at him. "Dara said you're not dying" "When I do, I'll like to be there so what do I have to give to be there?"
"Give your life to Jesus and he'll show you the way" he began then he dived into a sermon.
"Do you think I'll make it to heaven or there'll be a mansion for me there ?" Chief asked after Mr Igwe preached, "You're not dying Sir" he answered and Chief sighed.
"In case something goes wrong and I do die, will I go to heaven? I have three wives and I can't count the times I've had affairs too. Although I changed but....." "Any man who is Christ is a new creature, all you just have to do is repeat these words after me. Lord Jesus"
"Lord Jesus....."
After the ambulance drove into the compound, Dara called Ade and Pamilerin aside. "Hey boys" she called out kneeling. "I have something I want to say and I need your cooperation"
"What do you want?" Pamilerin asked, "In any moment from now, Grandpa is going to pretend to have a heart attack and die" "Pretend? Why?" Pamilerin asked and she looked back again.
"Some bad people are trying to harm him."
"What did Grandpa do?" Pamilerin asked, "Nothing. I shouldn't be telling you boys this but I know it'll break you, knowing your grandpa is dead cause that's what everyone will think. He's not dead but you're not going to tell your Dad."
"If he knows, he'll spoil the plan. We have a plan but I want you boys to help me with something first"
The wailing sound from Ruby attracted her and she exhaled looking back.
"What's going on?" Ade looked worried and Dara rubbed his cheeks, "Nothing you should be worried about. The acting just began"
"What should we do?"
"If Grandpa gets rushed into the ambulance, your father and Uncle Gbade will want to get in too"
"What's an ambulance?" Ade asked, "That bus that makes noise" Pamilerin explain trying his best to produce the sound with his mouth, "Oh I know it. Now I get it, if Dad enters, he'll know Grandpa is alright" Ade explained and Dara raised her palm up, "Five points to you?" She commented and Ade slapped his palm against hers.
"If I try to stop your Dad and others from entering the ambulance and it fails, can I count on you guys to help me?"
"Yes Mummy Dara" they both answered and she smiled. "It's time to put on the act, action guys!"
As Funsho ran after the pulled stretcher, Dara who had Sewa in her hands called him back, "What?" "I think you should calm down. You look like..... you're the next to have a heart attack" she answered and Funsho shrugged, "I need to go" he turned.
This time, Pamilerin and Ade held tightly to his hands. "Daddy will Grandpa be okay? What's going on?"
Immediately Dozie entered the bus, Ruby requested the driver drive off quickly and he did.
Chief sat up after a minute drive away from the house. Dozie and his partner bowed his head at him, "Good evening Sir" they both greeted.
"Good evening." He replied looking at Ruby. His looks had a lot of questions and she understood each of them.
"We can trust them Sir"
Chief sighed, "Opari, (That settled,) We have a plan then" "How will we by pass Dr. Thomas or any doctor checking to see see if you're still alive?" Doxie asked, "There's someone waiting at the hospital already. Everything is set all you just have to do is call that man and tell him you've lost me"
A while later, he called Thomas, "Doctor we have a problem!" Dozie yelled shutting his eyes, "What?" "Chief, he's not responding" "Try CPR"
"We have Sir"
"Are you close to the hospital?"
"Yes Sir, there's no pulse Sir. I think we just lost Chief."
Chief Duncan cried himself to sleep on listening into the emotional rollercoaster his children had to go through, especially when he heard Yewande fainted alongside Dunni.
After he got pushed into a room in Chief Bamidele's house. He tapped him but his eyes still remained shut. "Chief!" He called our tapping him again and he opened his eyes slowly.
"I slept off."
"How are you?"
"I'm not fine my dear brother, I have lost hope in people that I don't even know who to trust again. I only have a few cycle that I can trust"
"What's going on? Why did I have to lie to your entire family about your death? I need an explanation and I need it now!"
"Thomas Balogun, Wilfred Ayeni and Tiwade are planning to kill me and take my wealth" "Same Tiwalade?" "Yes."
"See why I never liked that girl or her mother but you on the other hand, you'll choose to think that everyone is good when they're not!
I think you should tell the police, I'll call my contacts"
"Not yet, I want to know all my enemies. None of them will escape, from the fiance department and beyond!"
"Call Derin to investigate"
"They've kidnapped her, that reminds me, can you help me use your contact in getting her cousin's number, Dele Giwa. I can't possibly make any call when everyone thinks I'm dead"
The next morning
"Chief is dead" Dele announced to her shock. "How?" "Heart attack" he answered then his phone rang. He removed it from his pocket taking a close look at the strange number before picking up, "Hello" he said to the caller, "Dele Giwa?" Chief asked and he gave a nod.
"If you're where people are, I'll advise you move away" he suggested and he walked out, "Chief?" He asked, "But... But it's all over the news." "I know, I faked my own death. I'll like to speak to you"
"I have plans with your daughter Tise, I promised that I was going to have lunch with her. Maybe when I'm done"
A woman escorted Dele into Chief's room after which she left them alone. "It's real Sir, you're not dead" "No I'm not" he replied with a small smile. "Good evening Sir" "Good evening. I heard you were looking for me"
"Yes Sir. They were worried about your health Sir, why will you fake your own death?"
Chief sniggered softly then he hissed, "It's a long story. Have you seen Derin? I heard she was kidnapped" "Yes she was Sir, is it advisable for us to discuss this?"
"I've been in the dark for too long, i need to know the truth, whether my heart gets affected or not. Some people are after my life"
"Dr. Thomas, Dr. Ayeni and your sister Tiwa Duncan, I never trusted her since the very day I met her"
"Did you find out about this from Derin?"
"No. I didn't even know what her investigation was all about I had to look into it as quickly as possible so I can find out where they have my cousin hidden"
Chief exhaled, "No word from her?" "None. Why will these three want to have you killed? What's your crime?"
"Believe me when I say that I'm yet to find out. I believe you on the other hand, have a lot to tell me"
"Yes Sir"
"Well I'm all ears"
The next morning
Dara entered into Shade's room to find her mopping her tears off with an handkerchief then she blew her nose. "Your Dad is finally about to have breakfast. Should I make yours?" She asked and Shade shrugged.
"I can't do this Ma, it's too much, waec starts on Monday and I can't even read. I don't know how Pamilerin and Ade are doing it. I'm just practically torn, what did you tell me to call them down?"
Dara sat in bed hugging her, "I started by saying, God's the owner of life, in his house there are many mansions, Chief should be somewhere in one of those mansion" she paused and she smiled.
"Hopefully a beautiful one"
"Yes definitely........" She trailed off pulling away. "But your grandfather won't be going there anytime soon. At least not until he's a hundred years old" she confessed and Shade wondered why she said so.
"Your grandpa isn't dead, it's all fake"
"What?" Shade exclaimed and Dara covered her palm over Shade's lips. "Don't let your father know. I'm telling you because I don't want you failing your examinations"
"Promise me you won't tell your father or anyone" "I promise. I won't even tell Winny, she has a big mouth" "Some people are after your grandfather's life, I'm not going to tell you who so don't ask"
"Pamilerin and Ade knows already right? That's explains why they're so mature about it"
"Yes" Dara answered and she chuckled, "I can't believe I've been crying for nothing!"
Bosco dropped his phone on the table letting out a troubled sigh. "What next?" He asked and Chief Bamidele scoffed.
"The next step is to have the police troop in and arrest those scumbags!" He yelled then he hissed. "But then again, the ball in your court." He turned towards Chief Duncan who was seated in bed.
"Egbon mi, what's the next step?"
"What next?" Chief Bamidele repeated and he smiled. "Let it be" "What?" Bosco asked, "This is..... You have the proof and testimonies to have him locked up"
"Let it be for a while," "Chief..... Today I'll be reading the will" "Not like it's real anyways" "Even though it's not, I'll be the one to read the damn will and also look into the faces of everyone in that room. To look in the face of your family when they find out you left everything to Thomas when you didn't! I can't do that. I don't even know why I allowed myself get convinced into doing this."
"I am curious that's why? What will Thomas do when he thinks he owns all of my properties? Will he be considerate to help my family? What if he did this out of desperation? I'm very curious"
"Desperation oshi wo?" Chief Bamidele snapped at him, "What's the plan" Bosco asked.
"Let him feel in charge and get on his highest horse or feel like he's on cloud nine with my money, his downfall is near. He can see it but he can never ever have it"
Dr Folabi got out to the waiting room where Mercy breathing in and out nervously. He instantly walked up to her thinking of how he'll break the bad news to her.
"How is she?" She asked rising up and he shook his head. "I'm sorry" he apologized and Mercy cried out.
In Chief Duncan's house, all the wives and children, Thomas and Tiwa in exemption of the grandchildren sat in the living room murmuring while waiting for Bosco to arrive.
Dunni stared at Thomas clearly irritated at the sight of him, for some reason, she felt like she should puke on him. "Thomas, what are you even doing here?" Dunni snapped at him. "Look around, we have families only, I don't understand what you're doing here? Where do you fit? You're an ex husband, it doesn't exactly make you a family"
Tiwa who was seated on a couch close to Yewande scoffed, "Thomas is part of the family whether you like to admit it or not Dunni."
"Excuse me, I wasn't even asking you" "I'm just saying you don't have to be rude. Thomas is just as family as each and everyone of us seated here"
"I clearly wasn't asking you and why are you defending him?"
"Cause he's my fiancee" She announced and Thomas shut his eyes, he never wanted anyone to know. Not like he had plans to get married to her!
"Fiancee?" Dunni scoffed, "Yes, I believe you're not deaf, fi...ancee. Everyone wanted me to get married, at least we now know who the lucky man is" she answered and Dunni chuckled.
"I don't even know who's lucky and who's unlucky" she answered, "Excuse you?" "Excuse you too!"
Funsho rose up, "It's okay! Can we not...."
"How long Thomas? How long have you been having sex with her? I won't be surprised if you've been having sex even before our marriage! Was Dad even aware of it?" She asked and Tiwa kept quiet, she knew she had messed up by revealing the truth, surely there was no way to remedy the situation.
"You're just deceiving yourself Tiwa of you think Thomas loves you. The only thing this man cares about is himself! Egocentric son of a bitch!"
"Dunni!" Mrs Bimbo and Funsho snapped and she looked away. "Mom, you don't know the" "Gbenu dake (shut up)" she snapped. "Even though you're angry, control your language"
"I don't even want to see his face!"
Thomas scoffed, not like he wanted to see her face too. He raised his phone then he dipped it into his pocket. "I got the text too or else I wouldn't have been here. Chief is more than a boss to me, he's a father" He answered and she rolled her eyes.
"Tiwa, what are you doing here?" She asked and Tiwa rolled her eyes. "Ah Han, I got the text too, I'm family right?" She asked and Mrs Bimbo scoffed. "Family indeed"
"If there's one person that shouldn't be here, it should be you Bimbo. After all you killed the first wife to get to your position"
"Tiwa!" Funsho snapped.
Mrs Bimbo rose up tightening her fist, "I dare you to repeat that rubbish again if I won't remove your teeth." "Oh please! We all know it's the truth, you murdered Iretiola Duncan the first wife"
Yewande immediately gave her a resounding slap on the face and she gasped touching her cheek which was beginning to burn. "What was that for?" "Ask me another question, you just dare to ask me another question and I'll give you for more slaps as answers. Who is your mate here that you're opening your Mom pra pra pra to be shouting and accusing people? Making noise in my ear"
"You slapped me"
"Ah Han, you're still talking?" She threatened and Tiwa rose up, moving away from her. "Who killed who? Ireti died of Cancer! Who told you Bimbo killed her? Who else? Shebi it's that stupid lying mother of yours shebi?"
"My mother is not stupid"
"She's not! She's an asewo, asewo lasan lasan! (Ordinary prostitute). Tell her I said so, let her come and beat me. So she has mind to accuse someone of something. How many things have people accused her of? Where should we start from? Is it all the men she has been with? Because we are keeping quiet shebi?"
"Oh please, let's not turn this meeting to be about me! Everyone's hurting over Chief, don't transfer your anger at me cause I'm not the one who killed him or made you bitter, it's not my fault you didn't have more than one child"
Gbade was about to speak up when Mrs Bimbo threw the flip flop she was wearing on Tiwa's head.
"Will you all stop it?" Funsho snapped and Yewande rose up angrily. "I'll make you swallow those words"
"Mummy!" Funsho snapped, "Didn't you hear what she said?" "I heard, Tiwa apologize this moment" "Why will I do that?"
"We didn't come here to fight or listen to women argue. If I wanted to watch an argument, I'd rather watch Pamilerin and Ade argue over Henry danger being better than Pj masks. No offense!"
"Omo yi ti... (This girl is too ...)"
"Mom!" He snapped and she kept quiet.
"Tiwa apologize to Mom and Yewande"
"For what? I'm the one that got assaulted and I still get to be the one to apologise"
"We're family Tiwa, apologize or leave" he demanded and she looked over at Thomas to stand up for her but he instead avoided eye contact with her.
"I'm sorry" she apologized through gritted teeth and Mrs Bimbo scoffed, "Siooor! O ma ba e nbe (You shall reap of it!)"
Yewande hissed now taking her seat. "You should thank your stars and also Funsho, I would have shown you that I'm not your mate, I'm not even your mother's mate!"
Funsho sat down and Bosco slowly walked in greeting everyone present and they all responded in their own ways. "We received your text, I hope there's no problem?" Mrs Bimbo asked the question on everyone's lips.
"No Ma'am." He replied then he raised a quarto size envelope up. "This here is Chief's will and testament"
"What?" Funsho exclaimed. "Isn't the will supposed to be read after the burial. We haven't fixed the burial yet"
Bosco cleared his throat, "Well.... It was his wish to have this read shortly after his death." He answered and Gbade gave Funsho a look.
"Shortly could be after his burial, let's do the proper thing"
"I don't think it's necessary.... I think the Barrister should be in the position to make decisions" Thomas answered and Dunni batted her eyes at him.
"Can we proceed?" Bosco asked now tearing up the envelope to remove the last will and testament.
Every heart in the room began to beat for fear of what Chief will leave them.
Bosco cleared his throat before reading from it. "I Chief Otunba Duncan, being of sound and disposing mind, do hereby make, publish and declare the following to be my last Will and Testament, revoking all previous wills and codicils made by me. As long as I'm dead, I appoint Dr. Thomas Balogun to be the Sole Manager of my establishment Duncan's hospital."
"What?" Everyone in the room asked except Thomas and Tiwa.
Bosco cleared his throat again, "He can freely do whatever he please with it. I also bequeath all my real and personal properties to him, he therefore has absolute discretion to distribute the properties to whomever as he seems expedient." He paused and Yewande laughed.
While Tiwa scowled at him, where do I come in? She asked within, "Is that all?" Yewande beat her to the question.
"Yes" Bosco replied.
"You're joking"
"That's all Ma"
"It's impossible" Mrs Bimbo answered, "Chief will never do that"
Bosco passed the document to Funsho, "Signed by your father himself" he afirmed and Funsho shut his eyes in disappointment then he opened them now looking at Thomas.
"I'm just as shocked as you all are" he lied and Yewande picked her bags. "I can't believe I came all the way here for this. This only proves one thing, Chief doesn't care about any of us, not his wives or children. We're just one useless tool in his eyes!" She withheld her tears dashing out of the house.
What do you think about this chapter? 😊
CeCee's dead 😱 What's your mood?
What next if Thomas becomes boss????? 🤔
Slim Hope is slowly coming to an end 😭
A lot is going to happen in the next chapter, who's ready for it? ☝️😂
I sure hope you're ready for it, I bet you, you won't see it coming! Should I give spoilers?😂🤣
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