💢Chapter 44💢

Chapter 44


Happy birthday to ladiwisdom

Wishing you wonderful years ahead!

"How are you doing?" Adetoun inquired from Funsho on a phone call. "Guess?" "Losing one's parents can be exasperating, speaking from experience. How about the children? How are they coping?"

"Sewa doesn't even know what's going on. Pamilerin and Ade are being damn mature about this" "They didn't break down?"

"Dara spoke to them"

"How is that possible? They love their Grandpa"

Funsho shrugged, "I don't know what Dara did but it's working." "I was supposed to be there but I'm still at Kunle's parents house. They had guest and they've been speaking hausa since morning"

"Don't tell me you still don't know how to speak Hausa" he asked in Hausa and she chuckled. "I don't" she replied in English, "Kunle is teaching me though. His Mom said she wants me to get fat before I give birth."

Funsho chuckled. "You've never wanted that"  "Good luck telling that to my mother in law"

Okon entered into the living room, raising his hands so his boss can notice him. "Excuse me Toun, I'll call you back" Funsho said hanging up, giving Okon the floor to speak.

"Oga mbok, I don't mean to bother you. In fact, I suppose not to come but....." He trailed off, "Madam say make I no allow her enter but as you dey house"


"Yes. She say she come give condolence say she no go commot if I no allow her enter" he answered and Funsho hissed, "Let her in" he requested then he watched Okon walk out of the house.

Ade ran down the stairs running from Pamilerin. 

"Will you two stop that before I release my Koboko on you!" He snapped and Ade scratched his head then he innocently sat on the couch. He instantly knew he has done something wrong.

"What did you do?" He asked and Ade laughed. "We were in the playroom, when I bent to pick up my you. That was how Ade farted into my face and you know how smelly his farts are!" He snapped and Funsho laughed within but he managed to give Ade a strict look.

"It didn't smell"

"It smells like beans, all my clothes is smelling like beans" Pamilerin cringed his nose,  "I was just playing oh"

Pamilerin held him down an a loud fart escaped his buttocks. "Right in my presence again? It's like as if you guys have missed my Koboko"  "Daddy I wanted to do my own back!"

"You're the big brother, you don't do your own back. You beat him and teach him a lesson" he answered and Pamilerin chuckled.   "You two better top playing with farts, it's not funny. Next time you get reported Ade, I won't be so lenient. Apologize to you elder brother now!" He requested and Ade instantly felt bad. 

"I'm sorry" 

"Pamilerin Apologize too for being immature"

"I'm sorry" he apologized.

"Dad I'm hungry" Ade complained and Funsho rolled his eyes, definitely another weird craving!  "I want rice and chicken pepper soup" he announced and CeCee entered into the house dressed in a pink gown that stopped below the knee, it exposed a little cleavage.

Funsho could deduce from the way she was dressed that she was coming from church. "What are you doing here?" Ade asked, "Daddy, what's she doing here? I don't like her" "Go to the room and play. I just want to talk to her for a bit" 

Ade and Pamilerin ran off, "Help me check if Sewa's still sleeping so she doesn't fall off!" He yelled and CeCee rolled her eyes. "I still don't get why they don't like me." "Maybe if you haven't pushed him the other day" "Dara told you right?"

"I heard that part of the story from the horse's mouth" he answered letting out a sigh. "What do you want? I thought I made it clear that I don't want anything to do with you"

"I'm sorry about Chief" she moved closer and he moved back shaking his head. "Don't be scared of me" "I'm not scared of you. I'm scared of what you might do. I trust myself but i don't trust you"  he replied.

"You're done right? You can go"

"Wait" she begged, "Let's talk. I came so we can talk, Funsho I love you, I can't do anything without you. I can't think straight without you"  "I love Dara with all of you heart. She's the one I'd rather spend my life with."

"What happened? We used to be really good together. You loved me" "I never loved you, It was lust and you knew it!"

"You know why I kind of went off the grid for a while? It was for you, you weren't the only person getting therapy, I was getting mine too" she revealed to his shock.

"I don't understand, you were also...."

CeCee shook his head, "No. People usually say I'm crazy. I guess there's a reason behind it. I'm not a sex addict, I'm schizophrenic. I've had it since high school and..... when I met you, I had the need to be better so I left and I've on drugs to get but it seems so impossible to get better when I'm not getting jealous. You know what? I regret the decision of leaving so much!" Tears poured down her cheeks.

"If I had been there, I bet if you would have thought of going for a better therapy. Even if you did, I would have been here to torment your therapy to failure!" She snapped, "Now she's going to have what should have been mine, I'm so angry!" She added running her hands through her hair.

CeCee exhaled, "She won't be able to make you happy sex wise!" "You don't know that" "I know her type"  "I don't care, I love her. Get it into your head, I love her" "What If I tell her we kissed and I have pictures to prove it?" 

Funsho scoffed, "You're seriously playing the threat card. Wow CeCee!" He scoffed shaking his head. His phone rang, he glanced at the caller's ID, it was Adetoun so he picked up now looking at her.

"Please shut the door when you're done" he responded coldly now entering into the kitchen.  "Who are you speaking to? You sound harsh"

"It's CeCee"

"What's she doing there?"

"It was supposed to be a condolence visit but ....." He exhaled opening the freezer where he brought out a plate of stew. "I know you said you'll call but guess what?  Kunle and i already fixed a wedding date. Guess when? First week of April"

Dara entered into the house with Kevin to the smell of her stew. "Hello everyone!" She called out and Funsho got out of the kitchen. "Welcome back Baby" he moved closer to her claiming her lips.

"How was service?"

"It was fine. Mom and Dad sends their greetings"

"Yeah. Will you eat rice? It's not ready yet but I cooked enough"

"I'm really hungry but I have your lips in mind" she bit her lips and they both kissed. "Where's Sewa?" "Sleeping in the room"

"Did you wedge her well?" She asked, she didn't even wait for a reply, she climbed up the stairs into Funsho's room.
Sewa wasn't in bed, the only thing in bed was a pink flannel. She heard pamilerin and Ade's voice from the playroom so she automatically assumed she was in there with them.

"Hello boys" she exclaimed and they both hugged her. "Mummy, Pamilerin pollute on my lap" Ade complained, "He started it!"

Dara looked around the playroom for Sewa. "Where's Sewa?" "She's sleeping in Dad's room" "That's weird, she's not there. I even thought she was here"

"No. Maybe she's with Aunty Shade" Pamilerin guessed and Dara decided to check it out. Shade was reading in her room, but Sewa wasn't there.

"Have you seen Sewa?"

"Good afternoon Ma" She greeted, "Good afternoon dear, have you you seen her?"

"I've been reading, I didn't carry her"

"That's strange" she left the room. "Sewa!" She called out no matter how stupid it was, then she quickly ran down the stairs into the kitchen.

"Funsho, Sewa's not in the room"

"What?  Check the playroom, the boys are playing there"

"I checked."

"Maybe Shade"

"She's not with me"  Shade answered entering into the kitchen, "How's that possible? I left her on the bed, maybe she's underneath the bed"  he zoomed off to the room where he did a thorough search for his daughter.

"Did you see her leave the room?" He asked Pamilerin, "No Daddy, he last time I checked was when you told me to check on her after that woman came"

"Who?" Dara asked and Funsho shut his eyes, "Shit" he cussed silently, "CeCee" he removed his phone from his pocket dialing her number. 

"Oh hello Funsho" she began and Funsho heard Sewa's cry from the background. There was no point asking! 

"Jesus CeCee! Where's my daughter?"

"With me, we're somewhere" 

"Somewhere? How did you get past Okon?"

"She was sleeping so it wasn't so hard"

"This is her home, bring her back" "No" Bring her back right now or I'll press charges"

"Press all the charges you want. I don't give a fuck. I'm taking her"  "CeCee, please bring her back"

"No! I don't feel like it"

"I'm coming down there" "Don't even dare! Do so and you might not see your precious daughter again"

Funsho scoffed, "You won't dare! You'll rot in jail" "I had suicidal plans already so.... don't bother threatening me, it won't work"  "What do you want?" "You"

"You can go screw yourself" He yelled and she laughed.

"What's she saying?" Dara asked, "Please CeCee, please, don't hurt my baby. I haven't even gotten over the trauma of Dad's death. You can't do this to me, please"

Dara grabbed the phone from him, "Where are you?" She asked and CeCee laughed, "Just who I wanted to speak to." She replied and Dara's heart melted on hearing Sewa's cry.

"CeCee, she's crying! What are you doing to her?"

"I'm not doing anything!"

"Pet her then!"

"Shut up! Don't tell me what to do" "What do you want? That little girl has not done anything to you"

"Meet me at my house, come alone. If I dare spot anyone else...." She trailed off and Dara exhaled nodding her head. "Fine, I'll be there, sent me an address" "Ask Funsho" she answered hanging up.

"Did you just say something that sounded like I'll be there. You're not going anywhere" he stated and she handed the phone to him and he quickly puts a call through to Okon.

"Where were you when CeCee was taking Sewa out?" He snapped at him, "Oga, I no understand, she no carry any body oh, I just she as she  just drive and commot. That's all" 

"You're fired Okon" he snapped hanging up and Dara's eyes opened surprisingly, "What was that for?" "The life of my daughter is in the hands of CeCee, it's his job to watch what happens around here"

"He's been doing it for for how long now? You said it yourself, you trust him, we spoke about him the third time we met, remember? This is just a mistake, you can't fire the poor man because of it"

"She's right Dad" Shade agreed now looking at Dara. "What does CeCee want?" She asked, "She asked me to come over to he house"


"I don't know"

"That woman is just crazy! What does she want with Sewa?"

Funsho shook his head, "Baby, i'm not letting you go alone" "Please, if going there will make her hand Sewa to me. I'll willingly do it, God forbid something happens to her. " "I'll just go crazy" he answered, "The truth is I can't let you go alone,  we can stay here arguing about that or we can go now. Shade watch the food I was cooking,  I'll go grab my car key"

Sewa cried as she crawled towards the door. "This is beyond crazy CeCee! You can't even take care of yourself, much less a baby!" "I...." Her eyes roamed everywhere.

"The girl is crying! Pet her"

"She doesn't even want me to carry her"

"How did you escape officials?" "I told them she was supposed to spend the fucking weekend with I and my children but her cries were making me drop her off quickly"

Mercy shook her head, "You're doing it again, it's happening again!" She snapped and CeCee cried. "Well..... What am I supposed to do?" "Leave Funsho's house without carrying his baby! What were you thinking? The girl is probably hungry now, do you happen to have any baby milk or paracetamol for the headache she might be feeling now from all this cries?"

"I'll make tea for her or Golden morn, anything!"

Boma stared at her article on her laptop, she wanted to upload It without thinking things through but she knew she had to consult Dara first. She picked up her phone putting a call through to her.

"Hey Boma"

"Hey, so I'm through with my article and I'm one click away from posting oh"

Dara turned towards Funsho who was driving, "Don't do it yet" "Why?" "We need permission to do that. We can't afford to complicate things more than they are" she answered and Boma sighed.

"You're with Funsho right?"

"Yes. Something came up, CeCee came to the house, she took Sewa" "What? That bitch! How was she able to do that?"

"We don't know. She wants to see"

"Babe don't go. This is the part in all soap operas where the crazy woman holds the heroine captive. All about Camilla,  la Ravancha, Lorenzo's wife, When you're mine, Catalina and Sebastien. There's always a crazy woman in every story and that bitch is crazy. I'm serious, don't go"

"I can't leave Sewa in her hands Boma, I've made up my mind already! Just don't make that post yet"


Funsho pulled over at the estate pointing at a building. "Mercy lives at the lower floor" "It's not her house?" 'No. She lives with her parents, they usually don't let her stay alone because she's not mentally okay. It didn't make sense until now. I shouldn't have let her in"

"Don't beat yourself up over this. What's done has been done already" "It was supposed to be a condolence visit! Why will she...." He trialed off, "I haven't even dealt with Dad's situation and I'm dealing with this! God why?" He asked and Dara held his palm.

"It's going to be fine, nothing be is going to happen to her. I'll go in there" "I'll go with you" "Please, let me go alone, trust me on this one Funsho, we don't want to piss her off"

She knocked on the gate severally and Mercy opened up. "Good afternoon, I'm looking for CeCee" "I'm not in support of whatever she's doing, just know. She's here" she entered and Dara followed her in.

She could hear Sewa's continuous cry even before entering and her heart bled. Immediately Sewa saw her she crawled towards her but CeCee held her back.

"So it's so easy to go after her right?" She carried her. "What's it about her that's special? You're trying to act like your Dad right?" She asked in tears and Mercy rolled her eyes, "If the police gets involved and I get arrested as an accomplice, I won't be so happy"

"Leave me alone! Can't you see I'm busy?"

"I can't watch this! Call me when it's over!" She snapped entering into her room and CeCee hissed.

"Let's discuss CeCee, I'm here, what do you want?"

"Funsho, I need you to leave Funsho. That's all I want! Can you get me that?"

"I love him"

"Not as much as I do. I loved him right from the moment he walked in for therapy. Fine, it was lust then it turned into an obsession but I truly love him and I want you to make him see that"

"How? Okay, why don't you just give me Sewa and I'll hand her over to someone outside then you can do with me what you want"

"You were supposed to come alone and do you think I'm stupid?"

"Hand her over to the person outside and I'll remain here. Even if I'll be a prisoner just let Sewa, please, don't hurt her" Dara begged in tears and CeCee quietly observed her.

"You'll do that for her?"

"That's what any mother will do" she sniffled and CeCee looked at Sewa who was still struggling to leave her side. "You're not her mother" "I love that girl like she's mine! I love them all! Please just give her to me"

"Funsho and I kissed, are you aware of that? I have pictures to prove it" "I do, he told me himself"

"Like an hour ago?"

"Like days ago" she answered and tears poured down CeCee's eyes. "Damn it he really does love you" "And I love him too, why can't you just accept that it's over. Hand Sewa to me?" She asked and CeCee dropped her down.

Sewa quickly crawled to where Dara was and she carried her up pressing a warm hug against her. Sewa instantly stopped crying, "Hey" she sighed in relief, "God, you're burning up"

"I wasn't going to hurt her, I didn't plan on doing it. Just empty empty threats" she replied sitting on the floor then she sobbed and Dara felt sorry for her.

"Are you okay?"

"No! I'm not! I can't be okay with all this that's happening! You have my man! How can I be okay? You're living my dream" she replied wiping her tears off. 

"Wasn't it all about the sex with Funsho? He had a problem and you took advantage of it"

"I could have called Funsho and ask for sex in exchange for his little girl but I didn't, you know why? I'm done wanting that, I want something serious, I want to get married"  "There are other men out there, fine they might not be Funsho but it's worth the try"

"Why don't you take the advice yourself? I'm not likable, my parents don't like me, they're highly disappointed in me. Funsho is disappointed, I can't seem to get anything right. All this sexiness and nothing to show for it. You can imagine how I felt when I found out my competition shifted from Toyosi to you! Right now feel like a piece of trash, a fucking loser!" 

"Don't say that. It's not the end of the road yet"

CeCee scoffed, "You have Sewa already, please leave my house" "Thank you" Dara muttered leaving the house. Funsho who was standing outside by the gate, sighed in relief on seeing Dara come out with Sewa then he scrolled through his phone contacts.

"What are you doing?"

"Calling the police"

"It's not necessary" "What if it happens again? I'm not taking chances" "I don't think it's necessary, she's going through worst already"

"She kidnapped my daughter"

"And she gave her back to me. We spoke Funsho" "She's manipulative!" "I don't think she was being manipulative, she's .... I don't even know the word to use in expressing it. She's in a devastating state" she revealed and he plunged his phone back into his pocket.

"Hey princess " he stretched his hands to carry her and Sewa instantly started mumbling sounds that sounded like complains. "Ehn, the wicked woman carried you when you were sleeping, and she made you cry" he guessed and Dara chuckled.

"She must be hungry"

"That's why she's complaining, let's get out of here"

Funsho watched Sewa sleep at night then he heard a knock on the door. He opened the door to see Okon, "Oga I just want to let you know that, I have pack my things and will leave tomorrow"


"You fired me"

"When did I do that?" He asked, "Go back to sleep Okon. I was just angry, you should be watchful next time" "Thank you Sir, Oga Sosongo, Abasi aya diong fin (Thank you, God bless you) God bless you Sir" he bowed his head and Funsho smiled.

"Good night Sir"

"Good night Okon" he replied shutting the door and Dara got out of the bathroom already dressed in her night gown. 

"Do you think I should hire a security?" He asked and she laughed out loud. "If you like, but it's God who protects"

"Like he protected Dad" he snapped withholding his tears and Dara climbed the bed. "Why did you say that?" "I have reasons to believe Dad's death isn't normal. Why didn't God protect him?"

"Don't question God, he's unquestionable. His ways are not our ways" she answered now placing her hands over his chest. "Can you believe someone has been siphoning money from the company and I only got to find out now." He scoffed, "It makes me wonder how this whole thing started and how it got to this" 

Tears trailed down his cheeks and Dara wiped them off. "It's all going to be fine. I promise you"  she assured and he pressed his forehead against hers and she smiled.

"Is Dad going to come back to life?" He asked and she chuckled, "If I Dara Igwe can be spending my nights with a man I'm not yet married to, anything is possible" she replied kissing him on the lips and he kissed her too.

"Be open minded and positive. Your children needs that positivity"

Monday morning

6:45 am

Funsho's phone beeped and he quickly glanced through it. It was a message from Barrister Bosco Bishop.

"Emmergency meeting at the Duncan's. Attendance is compulsory!" 

Mercy knocked on CeCee's room holding a tray containing a plate of spaghetti and fried eggs on it.  "CeCee? Open up! You didn't eat last night, I bet you must be hungry" she added yet there was no reply.

She pushed the door open only to find CeCee on the floor and an empty drug container close to her. "CeCee!" She screamed.

Dunni stopped in front of Funsho's gate and Okon opened up the gate.  "No need Okon, I won't be entering" she yelled and Winny got out calling Shade. "We're down stairs, where are you?"

"I'm still in the room"

"God I'm going to fail, Shade I can't understand a thing. I've been reading and I don't understand the specimen. I can't even draw a fish well, much less to label it!"

"Can you even spell biology?" Shade asked and Winny kept quiet. "You're stupid" she snapped and Shade laughed.

"I'll be out shortly"

Dara entered into her room, and she smiled greeting her.  "Are you ready?" She asked and Shade gave a nod. "I'm nervous though." "It's normal to be nervous, everyone gets that way. I remember my WAEC and NECO that year. Have you eaten?"

"I really don't have the appetite"

"Your brain needs food before it can work. You're not going to school without eating, not on my watch"

Shade laughed, "I'll eat at the cafeteria, I want to meet up with my study buddies and Winny wants me to read into her ears. She said she can't understand a thing and they're outside already"

"You'll be fine, I already prayed for you

"Thank you" Shade answered and Dara held her hands. "Let's just say a short prayer and that'll be it"

Funsho got out meeting Dunni, "Good morning Uncle Funsho" Winny greeted, "Good morning sweetie" he replied and she went back into the car.

"Good morning Sis" "Good morning Funsho. I just got a text" "From the Barrister? I did too" he replied and a phone call from Gbade interrupted their conversation.

Funsho answered the call putting it on loud speaker.

"Did you also receive the text?" Funsho asked to Gbade's amazement. "You did too? Why will he send us impromptu messages. I had plans to be at the hospital"

"So did I" Dunni replied.

Bosco dropped his phone on the table letting out a troubled sigh. "What next?" He asked and Chief Bamidele scoffed.

"The next step is to have the police troop in and arrest those scumbags!" He yelled then he hissed. "But then again, the ball in your court." He turned towards Chief Duncan who was seated in bed.

"Egbon mi, what's the next step?"


Chief is alive 💃💃💃💃

I know of a lot of readers that will be happy over this news especially Pacesetter12  -She threatened me oh🤣😂



The next chapter will explain how it all happened. Can I get your best guess? 😁

See you guys in the next chapter

I don't know when I'll be posting though!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New year in advance!💃💃💃

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