💢Chapter 41💢

I think NEPA is against me doing double update today.😂🤣

I was going to post two updates today but I'm not done typing the next chapter and with this present  battery🔋 percentage ehn.... If I continue typing, I might not post today. So lemme just kukuma drop this chapter 😁

Chapter 41


20 minutes earlier


Tiwa smiled knotting Thomas's red tie, "Think of when we'll be married with kids." "Why are you suddenly talking about kids?" "I feel like I'm pregnant" she revealed and he scoffed.

"What? You're supposed to strictly be on pills! We agreed...."he stalled, "How will you keep the baby? Who will tell them is the father of the baby?"

"What's there? Thomas I don't see the big deal about this! I mean you're divorced... except you're the one who doesn't want us together" she snapped and he almost rolled her eyes.

Mehn, Tiwalade, it's too early for all this your drama!

"I married his daughter, now I'll get married to the sister"

"I'm not his sister abeg!" She snapped and Thomas watched her remove a cigarette from her bag, she lighted it up and smoked it running her hands through her hair then she puffed out the smoke exhaling.

He scoffed.

"How many times will I tell you not to do that in my front?" He asked and she scoffed.

"Then stop making me angry! You know what Thomas, this days you've been making me mad, skipping things, keeping secrets! You know that I hate it"  she moved closer and he cringed his nose in disgust still staring at the faint smoke that escaped out of the end of the cigarette.

"Have you missed your period?"

She inhaled the cigarette then she looked sideways puffing it out, "Yes"

"Have a pregnant test done then, I'll book you up for abortion"

Tiwa scoffed, "You're not serious! In fact, you can't be serious!  What do you take me for? Winny? I can't be dating a grown ass man and still go for abortion"

"Not like it'll be your first, how many abortions have you had in your lifetime, three? Four?" He asked and she switched the cigarette to the other finger then she flunged her hands across his face giving him a hard slap on the face.

He rubbed his face, another slap? It had to be a messed up week! Maybe the week was cursed!

"Don't you ever!" She snapped, "I can endure a lot, not that! If I'm pregnant, I'm not having any abortion done, we'll speak to a wedding planner and we'll plan out wedding" she demanded and he scoffed.

"Is that an order? When did you start giving orders?"

"I'm not giving you orders, all I'm saying is that I'm not having the damn abortion done! I'm having this child whether you like it or not. Don't forget who brought up this plan in the first place. I'm the one that had been suffering through, I'm the one everyone has been asking when I'll get married!" She snapped, "I love you Thomas and i don't like it when you act this way?"

"What way?"

"Like you're going to discard me the moment we get everything"

Thomas sniffled, he didn't feel like listening to her get all emotional! He moved close to her hugging her. "My ever beautiful Tiwalade, my love, the love of my life"  he raised nhee chin up.

"Don't get this way. You know I love you"

"Prove it!" She demanded and he kissed her on the lips and she responded with a smile. "I love you, I just hope this love doesn't end up being my undoing" she exhaled.

His phone rang in his pocket so he removed it surprised at the caller ID, he quickly swiped right to answer it.
"The Almighty John Bosco Bishop. This one that you're calling so early in the morning, I hope we're safe"

"It's a Yes"


"You wanted to know what my answer will be, it's a Yes"

"I'll be there The great Barrister. Thank you, I'm sure you won't regret this" he chipped in and Bosco hung up.

A wide smile of victory formed on his lips while he raised his head staring at Tiwa. "Has he agree to it?" "Yes Tiwa" he smiled.

"Thank God!" He sighed in relief and Tiwa smiled.

"Let's prepare for a funeral then"

Mrs Bimbo entered into her daughter's room to seeing coming out of the bathroom. "Are you okay?" "Yes, I'm sorry I had to leave that way. I wasn't all that into the food"

"The last time I heard you complain of garlic or even onions was when you were pregnant with Winny" she chipped in and Dunni quickly picked up her phone from the bed checking the date.

Dunni's palm hovered on her lips in surprise and her mother exhaled.

A call from Timmy came through and she left it ringing. "Pick it" Her mother whispered but she shook her head. "I can't"

Boma sliced tomatoes in the kitchen. Gbade walked into her chewing it and his face contorted in grimace. "What?" Boma asked, "You're eating tomatoes" "Is it bad?"

"I didn't say it's bad. I can't eat it sha"

"Tomatoes are rich, it's nutritional qualities are"

"Calm Miss nutritionist, I wasn't arguing with you . I'm a doctor remember?" He asked and she raised a knife stabbing it to the air and he chuckled blowing kisses at her.

"Madam, I'm hungry oh. Is this how I'll starve when I get married to you?"

Boma laughed, "Perfection takes time baby" "Maybe you'll be fast if you focus of slicing instead of eating the tomatoes while you slice" he answered and she continued laughing.

"We woke up late Remember? You were supposed to visit your Dad but someone decided to go for  morning rounds. You should be happy I have the strength to even slice" she replied and he laughed to himself walking towards the freezer. 

He opened the freezer then he faced Boma, "We have a problem Baby, a big problem" he announced and she wondered what must have happened. "Is it your Mom?"

He scoffed, "It's bigger" he answered and she creased her brow in thought, "What can be bigger than your Mom" "There's no more Kunu in the fridge," he answered and she hissed then she laughed.

"You're not serious"

"Baby, I'm serious. I've never been more serious. When I left the kitchen in the evening, there was one Kunu left, what happened to it?"

Boma shrugged, "Maybe there's a ghost in the house" she answered and he nodded, "Okay, this seems like a job for Sherlocks Holmes" "Actually, maybe Scooby Doo, Sherlocks Holmes dealt with humans"

Gbade laughed, "I don't need scooby Doo cause I'm dealing with a human thief called Boma" he wrapped his arms around her waist and she laughed. "I'm not the one, it's the ghost. Okay, I just decided to drink one Kunu and you're complaining"

"I might have to start putting CCTV cameras in the kitchen to monitor what happens to my Kunu" he replied and she busted into more laughter.

Tiwa called Eugene and she grudgingly picked up the call. "Give me the good news" she smiled, "Uh.... Ma ..." "Why are you stammering like an idiot? Don't even dare give me a bad news"


"What happened?"

"You said I shouldn't give you a bad news"

"Will you shut up and speak now!"

"Shut up or speak, which one do you want?"

Tiwa scoffed, "Are you messing with me right now?" She asked and she shook her head. "Ma I couldn't give him his tea" "Why?" "Because she cooked"


"Mr Funsho's fiance. This morning, she cooked everyone's food and she made tea for Chief so.... I don't know"

Tiwa scoffed, "Find another way to give him" "Ma? Till evening Ma" "Till evening? Can't you see that we're preparing for a funeral very soon? You had better find a way soon or you'll get it good from me!" She threatened hanging up and Eugene hissed.

"Which wahala I carry myself enter like this? Jesus Christ of Nazareth help me" she exhaled rolling her eyes then another call came in from Cynthia.

Tiwa called Thomas but he didn't pick up because he was on his way to the office that moment.

Dara carried the dishes Into the kitchen despite being asked not to. Eugene joined her in carrying the dishes. "Excuse me Miss, Ma" she said on entering into the kitchen,  "Yes?" "Erm, please don't take this the wrong way but..... erm, cooking for Chief is my duty so please for next time sake. Don't cook his food or make his tea again. Thank you"

Dara scoffed, "Who made it your duty? Chief?"

"No." She shook her head, "As... Being the oldest maid in the house, I....." "You crowned yourself Chief in charge of cooking his meal" Dara snapped and she kept quiet.

"I'm not telling you not to cook, no, but as long I'll be in this house. I'll cook however  way I feel like, whenever I feel like and I'll dish the food to whoever I feel like. You don't give me orders"

"I wasn't giving you orders"

"You know what I heard and I can as well report you"

Eugene knelt down, "Please, I'm begging you. I was just trying to..... Don't take it the wrong way"  "I've already taken it the wrong way, next time you should be careful how you speak to people" Dating stormed out of the kitchen leaving Eugene to beat her body literally.

"Na wa oh. Small talk she dey vex,  She no even resemble person wey fit get that kain vex"

Chief laid in bed enjoying a discussion with Dunni. "What does the result say?"

"I haven't gotten the test yet. I'll have to stick with hospital test so I can be hundred percent sure, what if it's just a false alarm?" "Will it make you happy?" He asked and she shrugged.

"That it's a false alarm? I won't be happy. Having another child after Winny that year has always been my dream but..... I'm old"

"I have watched a 50 years old woman delivered triplets. How it happened, I don't know but I termed it a miracle. What if you end up getting pregnant with twins ehn? Wouldn't that be special? Sure it might not be as easy as a 25 years old giving birth but it's possible"

Dunni smiled, "You give me hope Dad, even when it seems so slim" she leaned her head on his lap. "I'll just go crazy if anything happens to you"  "Even if I go, you'll be fine dear"

"Dad, I was this close to breaking up with Timmy yesterday because his mother wants grandchildren and I thought I might never be able to ...." She trailed off. "This will be a miracle Dad" she cried and Chief smiled.

"I can die now and be happy"

Dr. Ayeni walked into Chief's room with two nurses who instantly greeted him and Dunni. "Chief Chief, going morning" he smiled at him and Chief smiled back. "Good morning Dr Wilfred"

"Good morning Godfather" Dunni greeted, "Good morning my dear. So Chief, how do you feel this morning?" He asked, "I feel like I'm 20" he answered and Dr. Ayeni laughed looking at one the nurses who immediately brought a sphygmomanometer close to him to check his blood pressure.

"Is this really necessary? I said I feel like I'm 20" he repeated and Dunni laughed. "Dad, it's just due protocol, you know it's very necessary"

"What happened to patient's testimony?"

Dunni laughed again, "Daddy, you're arguing as though you're not even a doctor" "I said I feel like 20" he repeated causing the nurses to laugh.

A doctor walked in and Dunni frowned on seeing him. It was one of Thomas's friends. "Good morning Chief, Good morning Dunni" he greeted and Dunni responded with a frown.

"What's doctor Joshua doing here?" Chief asked and Dr. Ayeni smiled, "He's simply the doctor that will be in charge of taking care of you Sir and these nurses here, they'll take care of you during your time here"

Chief smiled, "That one isn't necessary at all. Why should I be looking for doctors to take care of me when I have my children. Dr. Gbade will duly take care of me, it will be an insult to my children"

"You relieved him"

"I hired him back yesterday, I alleviated the relief as at yesterday. I won't be needing the doctor. Apologies Dr. Joshua" "No problem Sir"

"What about Nurse Ruby, I was expecting her to be here instead of all these nurses. I need someone I can talk to and she's that person"

"Chief, these nurses are well trained"
"I don't doubt that. We trained them personally but you know I can bored easily and I'll need someone to talk to every now and then. Ruby is the perfect candidate for the job"

Dr Ayeni gave up, there was no way he could win the argument. He just stood there shaking his head, he couldn't really understand his friend this moment.

Dr. Ayeni walked out of the room with Joshua, "What's the plan now?" Joshua asked and he shrugged. "Nothing, Chief has spoken"

"God father!" She called out and Dr. Ayeni waited while Dr. Joshua walked away.  "You guys could have done better than Joshua"  she commented, "He is a fine doctor" "Just like Thomas right? Birds of same feathers" she answered and he chuckled softly.

"Don't let sentiments get into right judgements Dunni"

Dunni shut her eyes then she opened it. "I want to get back to work. I'm ready Sir" "No you're not" "But Sir" "Where is your certificate of therapy?" "What?"

"We can't afford to lose lives because of"

"I said in okay Sir. Why am I beginning to feel like you don't want me back in my own father's company? I said I'm okay and I know that I'm okay and fit to practice, yet you ask for some stupid certificate. God father, as much as I respect you and hold you high, I can't stand and watch you make conclusions on me. I've spent how many years of my marriage being told what I'm not, I'm not going to stand and listen to you tell me to be what I'm not. If I say I'm fit to practice then I am. I'm not going to have this discussion with you any longer, I'm resuming work on Monday morning Sir, good day" she snapped walking away and he exhaled shaking his head.

Tise entered into Dunni's room. She found her sister settled in bed.  "I remember when I was always so jealous of this your room" she said and Dunni chuckled. "What was special about the room?"

"I don't know. I just grew jealous for no particular reason."  "Are you visiting or you're staying like everyone?" "I'm here to stay."

"How are you?" "I'm not fine, I'm looking for how to locate a guy called Dele Giwa. He stole my heart away and I might just need it back"

Dunni chuckled, "I haven't heard you so smitten since forever!" "Shey?" She asked and they both laughed. "This guys just slipped from my hands, I don't know if I'll ever meet him again"


" I just overheard your argument with God father Ayeni"

Dunni rolled her eyes, "Are you going to chastise me?" "Nah" she replied raising her palm, "Hi five big sis" she raised her hands and Dunni slapped it.
"You don't think I was being rude?"

"You can't stand and let people dictate what you're supposed to do with your life. If you say you're fit to practice, then you are."

"I don't know why I feel like Getting d father is acting strange. Like for some reason he's trying to prevent me from working at the hospital?" "Why will he do that?"

Dunni shrugged, "I don't know" "Let's  focus less on the less important things and more on...." She brought out pregnancy test kits from her bag. "Oh my God" Dunni covered her face with her palm.

"No way"

"Yes way. Mom sent me to come down here with it"

"It's a beautiful morning and if you're just tuning in, it's your number one radio station, 95.5 mood fm where we bring you the best entertainment,  It's your girl Dara Igwe and your guy Ehiz on Dara's corner and we are talking aboutthe forth coming mothering day which will be my birthday"  She rang the bell.

"So what does it take to be a mother? What are the attribute that makes you one a mother? Is a mother the woman that gave birth to you or is the term more than that. I hold my opinion but I'm dying to hear yours. So....the number is 08001256700, I repeat 08001256700. The lines are opened for you to call."
The phone line beeped and Dara answered, "We have our first caller for the day, what's your name and where are you calling from?" "My name is Funsho Duncan" he answered and Dara laughed covering her face.

"Look at how she has shy" Which teased,  "Oh my God, Jesus! What are you doing?" "I'm listening to favourite program. No offense to the other programs but I'm listening to the voice of the woman who stole my heart away" he confessed and she chuckled.

"She's speechless man"

"I truly am"

"So Sir, what's your take about the topic today?"

"To me, motherhood is not just by genetic connection, it's an exercise, it comes naturally for some and others have to learn it but for you Dara, it comes naturally. Your the way you love my children like they're yours is recommendable. Thank you for loving my children and I love you for it"

"I love you too" she confessed to him and then he hung up.

Dara wiped some tears off her face and Ehiz laughed at her. "Someone's emotional in the studio, let's give three gbosa for our dear Fiance." He raised his hands and Dara laughed.

"You're not serious"

"Gbosa!" Ehiz began

"Gbosa! Some crews from the studio joined in.


Dele Giwa pulled over outside the Duncan's gate then he got out of his car, dipped his hands into his pocket to remove his ID card before making his way to the gate. He knocked and a huge body built man opened up the gate. He creased his brow since it wasn't a face he recognized.

"Inspector Dele Giwa" he showed him the ID, "I'll like the talk to Chief" he requested and he observed him from head to toe.

"Chief will not be receiving any visitors that isn't family"

"Tell him it's important"

"I'm sorry" he apologized then he heard a car horn from behind. He turned back and the man signalled for the door to be opened.

Dele looked at who was in the car, it was Gbade so he walked towards him. "Good morning to you" "Good morning" Gbade answered and he he showed him his ID

"Inspector Dele Giwa, a cousin to Derin"


"I came to see your father but these people won't let me in but I won't mind having a conversation with you.  I have questions to ask"

"Let's talk inside"

"The security....." He stalled reading the look on his face. "Oh. Thank you"

Gbade opened the car and he entered. He drove in now looking at him. "Did Derin send you? Has she found anything on the murder case?" He asked and Dele folded his brow in oblivious. 

Should he play along or come out straight about not knowing shit about Derin's investigation?

"What murder case?"

"Rosemary Ignatius"

"Who's that?"

"Are you sure Derin sent you"

"Derin isn't the kind to get all chatty about her investigation." "Then why are you here?"

"I came to find leads on her investigation"

"She's your cousin, why don't you ask her?" Gbade asked and he looked away. "I would have if I could. Derin is missing" "What?" "Let me rephrase it, she has been kidnapped"

"How's that possible?"

"Some bunch of dickheads or assholes grabbing people and keeping them without their consent" he answered sarcastically and Gbade scoffed. "I get the sarcasms but how, I mean when?"

"I don't know but I learned you and lady were the last people to visit her that day." He answered and Gbade scoffed nodding his head.

"I guess I'm a suspect then. I'm not shocked, I've been called worst, I've been called a murderer, a ritualist. If you don't mind, I'll like to meet my father now"

Dele hesitated, "I'm not pinning blames, all I want is a freaking lead. What did you two discuss on?" He asked but Gbade kept quiet, refusing to answer any question.

"Do you know how I found out my cousin was kidnapped? She called me, maybe she stole the phone, I don't know. All I know is that she called and she was trying to pass a message to me when I heard a man's voice and a gun shot. Whether it was fired at her, I don't know. All I want right now is to find my cousin, dead or alive"

Tise walked Into the toilet where Dunni was seated on the toilet seat staring at the test. "I might have to conduct a test myself when I resume work" she said and Tise smiled.

"Why are you smiling? I haven't even said anything"

"Am I having another niece, no, this time it better be a boy" she teased and Dunni chuckled. "It's positive" "Yay!!!" She screamed hugging her.

"Cheer up Big Sis. Better days are coming. This is your story and it's ending well already, don't worry, soon we'll be attending weddings anyhow. Today it'll be Funsho's tomorrow it'll be yours"

Dunni laughed, "Look who's talking, you're not even talking about yours" "My case is a special one, well except my knight in shining armor comes knocking at the door which is impossible"

"My girlfriend and I went to meet Derin to find how much she knew about this girl that was murdered. Apparently she didn't say much" Gbade explained in the living room, "Did you guys tip her off about anything related to the issue. Something she might want to check out"

"Uh...." Gbade racked his brain. "Boma mentioned something about Rosemary's sister, Magdalene. She owns a cafe but she couldn't have known the Cafe right?"

"How hard can it be to get such information?" Dele scoffed. "Is that all?" "Yes" "I'll like to talk to your father"


"To ask him questions, he might know something. Derin trusts him and doesn't actually hide things from him"

"Dad had a heart attack, any bad news can make it worst. Wait a few more days more" he begged and Dele rose up.

"I guess I should take my leave then but I'll like to get your contact and an address to this Cafe"
He passed his phone to Gbade and they both exchanged contact.

"Dele Giwa?" Tise called out walking down the stairs to meet him. "Hey....." a smile quickly curled up his lip. "Are you seriously trying to remember my name. Ouch, I'm so hurt right now"

"I wasn't, it's Bolu, I remember vividly. I don't forget names"

"Good afternoon Gbade" Tise waved, "Good afternoon Tish" he replied leaving the both of them.

Tise folded her hands staring at him as though he was in some kind of trouble. "If I recognize that look, it looks like I'm in trouble. I swear I didn't forgot your name"

"No you didn't but you forgot something alright" she snapped and he wondered what. "Please remind me"

"My contact information, you didn't get my number, or emails or Facebook ID or my IG Info. You didn't even say goodbye, I've met a lot of men but I've never seen anyone like you" she complained and he exhaled rubbing his forehead in guilt.

"Guilty as charged"

"What should we do about that then? You're the Policeman, so inspector what should we do to this guilty fellow?" "All I can ask from this pretty lady is her forgiveness" He requested and she chuckled.

"You're lucky she's in a good mood"

"Thank God" he exhaled. "I'm sorry about the other day. I was rushing to meet up with an assignment"   "Did you even think of me after it? After you left, did it cross your mind?"

"About the beautiful lady I met, of course it did before I slept but truthfully, it got quickly replaced by other thoughts." "I like when men are honest" she complimented then she cleared her throat.

She had no idea why she said that, his presence had a way of messing with her thoughts!

"I.... I guess you're here to see Dad then?"

"I can't speak to him in his condition"

"Is it bad?"

"Yes" he replied and she folded her arms across her chest. "If you ever feel the need to talk, I'm a good listener, did I mention that I'm a therapist too?" She asked and he smiled.

"I'll be fine. Thanks for the offer though, but I have to go now"  "Okay..... Am I that boring?" "No!" "Or does it seem like I'm hitting on you? Is that it?" She asked flipping her hair.

"I'm sorry, I didn't even bother finding out if you're married, dating or not" she covered her face and he dropped her hands down. "I'm not married, neither am I dating anyone at the moment, nor am I interested in starting any relationship yet." He answered and Tise felt her heart break in two.

"I'm here on a purpose. I can give you the full attention you want, sincerely,yours  a  pretty woman like you deserve all the attention I  the world but I don't I'll look be able to do thar. Besides I don't want distractions, I'm sorry." He added and Tise forced a smile. "It's okay. Thanks for being honest"

"Honest just made me sound like a total douchebag"

"Just a little douchy but.... It's your opinion and I have to respect it. It was nice meeting you while it lasted, I'm sorry if it ever looked like I hit you"

Dele shook his head, "Don't apologize for that" "No ... Let me explain, I feel .. What other word is worst than awkward?" She asked, "Crap" he answered and they both chuckled. "Yes. Crap, the reason is"


"No. Let me explain myself, I don't usually throw myself at guys"

"I didn't even realize you were doing that. This is totally un..."

"Shhhh and listen" she demanded and he held his lips causing her to giggled. "I haven't liked anyone in years, I've been uninterested in relationship not since my days in University and I was very very young in University  so..... What was I even saying? Oh I haven't liked anyone and no guy has ever made me nervous in like but you walk in and made me feel clumsy and I thought, maybe he's the one. It was just a damn day but you stole my heart away and I'm requesting that you give me back" she said and he kept quiet with his hands still glued upon his lips.

"Permission to speak?" He managed to say, "Granted"She laughed and he took the fingers off. "It's not everyday I meet someone this hot and still reserved in my field and I've met a lot. I just don't have the time"

"Give me back my heart then" 

"I don't really feel like doing that. I don't mind grabbing a meal or two one of these days."

Tise smiled.

Gbade stood by his father's room, he watched him pick up the remote to change initial channel he was watching. "Awon Chinese movie you, Wo ma pa ro gan! (All these Chinese movies and their lies!)" He complained and Gbade laughed walking in.

"Good morning Dad"

"You didn't have breakfast with us" Chief said and he smiled. "I was..... He stalled, "I was busy" he answered and his father gave him a look.

"In the morning? Were you jogging or exercising? I called and you didn't answer"

"Something like that" he answered and they both laughed understanding each other. "How are you feeling Dad?" "Just a tickling pain around my chest region"

Gbade raised his brow in shock, "What happened? You've never been the kind to open up about things like this" "Why will I hide things from my own doctor?"

"What? What about Dr. Ayeni and Thomas?"

"I've handpicked you be my personal doctor through this phase. I can't have a stranger look after me when I have capable children" he answered and Gbade smiled.

"This means a lot to me"

"I'm glad it does"

Gbade sat on the bed then he requested his father lift up the top he had on and he did. "Where exactly do you feel the pain Dad?"

Ruby held hospital patient file to her chest then she groaned in regrets before entering into Thomas's office. "Good morning Doctor" she greeted and he smiled at her. 

"Ruby dear, please have your seat"

"It's not necessary Sir"

"Please do" he demanded and she did. "I was looking for someone to speak to" "Sir, to give you patient files for consultation"

" I have a problem Ruby" he added, "And I need your advice. I see you as a very sensible woman"

"Thank you Sir"

"It's not a compliment dear, it's the truth. You know I've been watching you closely these days. You're a brilliant woman, you look like you should be a doctor. Don't you think so?"

"What's the problem Sir?" Ruby cuts in and he smiled.

"Yes. My problem, it's much. I can be a pain in the ass sometimes, most people consider me a pain in the ass most times. Do you?" She asked and she shrugged.

"Be honest Ruby"

"We're supposed to handle patient files but still you're making demands that we discuss when some patients are waiting out there. You're hitting on me even when you know that I have a boyfriend....." She paused and he nodded.

"That settles it, I'm a big pain in the butt"

Ruby chuckled, "Not that, you're just persistent" "Well, it's one of my bad habits. I have this crazy drive of wanting more" "Like Oliver twist?" "Yes. Like Oliver twist. No matter how much I try, how hard I try to curb it, it shows. It's like I have no control over it!"

Ruby cleared her throat, she decided to take the opportunity, perhaps he'll slip up. "Like what? More of what?" "Power... Wealth, you" he replied now moving to her back and she suddenly felt uncomfortable.

"It's not everyday a girl says no to me and you know what I do when I go to sleep? I think of it and it's kind of annoying to think of it and then again I think, It's a challenge and who doesn't like a good challenge?" He smirked and she exhaled.


"Let me guess, you're going to use the patient file as an escape from the topic"

"I thought we were going to dwell on your problem. I haven't seen a problem yet" "Well...." He pressed her shoulder softly. "Where should I start from, my Oliver twist nature is just the beginning of my problem. I'm about to make a decision that might be in my conscience till I die but the truth is, I've been planning this for years now, been looking for how to execute it, there hasn't been any progress but then God finally answered my prayers and sent me a solution."

"How bad is it?"

Thomas hesistated then he returned back to his seat. "I don't just let anyone in on my dark secrets"  he replied and she exhaled. "If it's that bad, then you should desist from doing it. If it's going to remain on your conscience, why bother doing it?" She asked with intents and he scratched his head.

"You don't understand. I've had this planned for years, I've had to make sacrifices"

Tiwa pushed the door open, walking in with Dr. Ayeni and Thomas rolled his eyes. "Good afternoon the good doctor, The lovely Tiwalade" "Hello darling" she greeted shutting the door and Ruby stood up on hearing her voice,  "Dr. Ayeni, good morning. I have to go" "You don't have to" Tiwa replied and Dr. Ayeni gave a look, if Ruby wanted to leave, she should be permitted to leave, afterall, they needed time alone to think things through as a team.

"No. I have to" Ruby persisted and she pushed her back using her index finger,  "And I'm saying you don't have to" she folded her hands, "You're exactly the person I want to see, thank God I met you at the right spot" she answered and Ruby's heart began to race.

"What's going on Tiwa?" Thomas asked,  "We all need to talk"

He rose up from his seat giving her a look, "Shouldn't we.... Do that alone?" He asked laughing nervously at Ruby, he doesn't like coming off as the bad guy in front of others. Ruby wasn't supposed to know he or Dr. Ayeni  had hands in whatever she had planned out.

"Oh this one is way too big for the three of us. Remember we're planning a funeral real quick right?" She asked and Ruby felt her legs go weak.

How can she say something as harsh as that so casually and not feel guilty? Was she even human?

"Tiwa!" He gave her a look while Ruby's eyes pierced him then she turned towards Dr. Ayeni who instantly wished the ground could open up and swallow him.

"Guess who my dear brother wants to take care of him?" "We sent Joshua already" Thomas looked at Dr. Ayeni, "Chief rejected him!"


"My brother.....the damn man rejected....." She trailed off to catch  her breathe. "He said he wants.... Gbade to take care of him, Gbade and our dear Ruby here" she clapped her hands, "Isn't that just lovely?" She asked moving close to Ruby.

"You know what that means right? If Gbade and this girl here take good care of Chief, we might not have our funeral so...... We need her to take bad care of him" she placed her palm upon Ruby's cheeks while she shook her head.


"Think twice before you say no pretty. I'll hate to kill you"

"Kill me then, I don't care" she cried, "What about your sister Dara, think about her" Tiwa leaned against the desk, "She's living in that house and all I just have to do is have someone shoot her after work. That'll be really tragic"

Ruby cried, "Please don't hurt her" "I won't, all you have to do is help us kill Chief" "I can't" she answered and Tiwa looked at the wall clock in the office, "It's just 28 minutes past ten, your sister will still leave the studio, should I make the calls? Who will you prefer dead? Your sister or Chief?"

Ruby exhaled then she wiped off her tears, "I'll do it" "Are you sure?" She asked and she smiled moving close to her. "If you dare double cross me, I'll end you!" She threatened, "I'll do it! Can I leave now?"

"As long as you don't go saying anything to anyone!" Tiwa replied and she zoomed out of the office.

"Talk about killing several birds with one stone" she laughed sitting on the desk and Dr Ayeni shook his head. "Why do you have to be so careless all the time?" "What's careless about this? I just helped us. What would you have done? I just saved our asses but as usual I get blamed"

"With this kind of attitude, you'll get us into trouble. The only reason I'm taking this attitude from you is because of your Mom" "I'm pretty sure the only reason you're taking my shit is that slight possibility that I might actually be your daughter."

"Your mom says"

"We both know you don't believe even though you've been the one fucking her! You still think I'm your daughter right? Well, bullshit cause I'm a Duncan and I've been cheated and I'll get my revenge" 

Madam Fisayo poured herself a glass of Kampari then she looked over at Boma. "Should I pour you one?" "No Ma. Thank you" "If you say" she answered then she downed it all.

"Ah"  She said with a smile. "Now I can answer your questions. Ask them?" "Does Tiwa Duncan have anything to do with what's happening to Chief?" She asked and Madam Fisayo shrugged, "I can't say for certain, I heard something like that"

"Is there anything she might have against Chief to want to do that?"

"No oh, not Chief,  It's her father she has a score against"


"Well her father married alot of wives, the last was Titilope, Tiwa's mother. She was one young sisi like that. They call her Sisi but I personally call her Asewo. I don't even know why he made that mistake, among his wives, that woman was the worst!"


Madam Fisayo hissed, "Let's leave that topic, it's been buried in the past" "I thought you said no Duncan is supposed to fight against each other?" "Remember the clause?"

"Except he or she isn't .... Tiwa isn't a ....." She trailed off.

"Yes, we knew it, even Chief Duncan her father knew it. He didn't leave her a personal dime and he didn't say why. Chief doesn't hand properties to females the men in the Duncan's family take care of their women but they had their share of the properties except Titilope and her daughter. The only thing they had was the surname and Chief's word to take care of their needs. It's been upon Chief's shoulder since Baba died."

"Chief hasn't done anything wrong now, why will she want him dead?" "Why else? Revenge now"

"To what use? If she's having revenge? Why didn't kill everyone in the family?" "Chief is the first son, there's just something with evil doers and them bitting the fingers that feeds them" 

"If you know so much? Why then do you keep quiet?"

Madam Fisayo laughed, "It's the normal order of life, do you know the number of things I know? The secrets in government that I know. How many deaths I know of that I've never said a word about? How do you think I stay alive?  Madam Fisayo does not pokenose into people's business, I know things and I tell people what they need to know"

Then it hit Boma, do you have any idea who killed Rosemary Ignatius then?" She asked, "Who's that one?" "The girl who died in Chief's January party?"

"Oh. Poor girl, I was there at that party you know. I don't know who killed her but all I know is that she died by poisoning" "How do you know?" She asked and Madam Fisayo laughed.

"It's not our first time seeing people die by poison." "Why did they wave it as though nothing happened, that meeting was filled with doctors, why will they act like nothing happened, why will they sweep it under the rug?"

"If you want to know who killed the girl. Find out those who carried out the test on her there you have your suspect. That's all I can tell you"

How was the update?😁

I guess I'll update tomorrow then

Emotional episode coming right up guys 😫

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