💢 Chapter 4💢

After several hours of crying over been rejected by Ugo, Dara stared at the screen of her phone for a while before typing on the search option on you tube. "How do i get fat?" She typed and series of videos loaded. She rolled her eyes at one of the videos that emphasized on consistently taking blood tonic.

So untrue!

She has lost count of the number of blood tonic and multi-vitamins she has taken to grow fat, still yet, nothing!

Some videos emphasized on food mixtures to get fat so she did well to save them.

"Personally I take these mixtures and I also undergo exercises to enhance better growth. Like the growth of my buttocks and hips and they work like magic!" The fitness coach on youtube advised.

'How to make my butt and breast grow bigger?'

Dara typed, the results showed, "How to get bigger butt and bigger boobs in 10 days" some had 30 days.

She quickly clicked on the one with ten days.

"How to grow your butts and boobs in 10 days," the woman from the video began, "Well It's not possible to grow your boobs but it's possible to grow your butts ask me how?" She asked, "How?" Dara asked with so much interest plastered on her face.

"Consistent exercising of the muscles, you have to work those muscles day by day until you get your desired results. Before we start the basics of this butt exercises, I'll like to show you a before and after picture of myself"

"Hello Tims" seventeen years old Winny Duncan called out placing her hand on the counter and her cousin Shade Duncan joined her. Timmy smiled at the both of them, "Hey, I see you're both back from the gym"

"Yes and i want my usual" Winny answered. "Coffee? Seriously Winny, you have to stop all these your stupid coffee parole"

"I'm trying to lose weight here Tims, I don't want to end up looking like my Mom"

"Would you stop saying that?" Shade rolled her eyes, "Your Mom is hot in her own way, I mean she had you even with your big head! I'm pretty sure you'll look worst when you're her age" She snapped a and Winny kept quiet feeling defeated.

Timi laughed, he loved Shade for her bluntness, especially when it had to do with bringing out the humility in Winny.

"It's not funny" Winny complained but it didn't stop him from laughing.

"And you Shade?" What do you want?"

"I'll be fine with this water" she raised a bottled water she got from the gym. "I'm not really hungry"

Timi passed a cup of coffee to Winny, "May God help you" "I'll really like to talk to you Tims, if you'll be free"

"No wahala" he replied and Winny turned only to have her coffee spill on Dara's white shirt who was standing behind her.

"Jesus Christ!" Dara muttered and Shade gasped. "Oh my God I'm sorry" she apologized looking at Winny who was pouting, "Can't you apologize? You just stained someone's cloth and here you are doing like a freaking mute" She asked, "Sorry" Winny apologized.

"It's fine"

"What will you wear? Do you have like a back up or something?" Share asked and she chuckled softly,
"Don't worry about that dearies, I'll be fine" she answered with a smile then she waved at Timmy whose eyes fell on the stain. "Ooh that's bad, worst, it's even a white top"

"Is it bad?"

"Yes. Feel free to use the workers bathroom, it's clean"

Winny laughed as she took a seat with Shade. "What's funny? You should be feeling guilty" "I feel bad about it, I'm just laughing because she called us dearies. Who's that one calling dearies like as if she's older than us like that" she turned towards Dara's direction and Shade shook her head. "Is that the retrospection you should be going through?"

"I don't even know what that even means"

"Cause you're a Mumu, if you were blonde, I know what I would have called you"

"Ishi!" Winny snapped looking towards Dara's direction once again. "Give or take, how old do you think she should be?"

"I don't know, maybe in her twenties, I don't know"

"I think she's twenty five or less, nothing more than that. She's now calling us dearies as if she's old like that" she watched Dara go in with Timi. "Where is she going to with my Timmy?'"

"When did he become your Timmy? What if she's his girlfriend"

"He doesn't have a girlfriend, I've done my research" "Would you stop crushing on this guy? I hope you know that a lot of girls also crush on him because he's undebatably hot. You just have to realize he's older than you are"

"That's just news at 12, they'll be more by three, six and eight. I don't care if the whole world is crushing on him, I know love when I see it. Timmy, is in love with me."

Shade laughed then she rolled her eyes, "Can you be more cynical?" "What's it with all these big English, break it down!"

"How's your Mom?" Shade changed the topic and Winny rolled her eyes. "She's still probably drunk at home or something. I don't care, I don't even recall the last time I slept over at her place. I've been sleeping at Dad's"

"Why are our lives this way? I'm still try to get Mom and Dad together but Dad is being unreasonably sturbborn. He doesn't even want to get back with her, I don't even know the chances of getting them back together. I'm disturbed"

"My own Dad still wants to get back with Mom, he tells me everyday but Mom is being irritating, she doesn't even take care of herself. I don't even know the last time she took her bathe"

"She's your Mom, don't speak badly about her. My parents are divorced too but I don't speak badly about any of them"

"Do you think our family is under some sort of curse? Like what they say about us is true"

"Are you still following that blog?"

Winny brought her phone from her hand bag then she swiped through showing her the new article from Boma's blog. Duncan's Ritualism;True or false

"Our grandfather is not a ritualist"

"How are we sure? For what we know, he might have been into it. That's why everyone's life seems pathetic"

"If everyone's life seems pathetic, Grandpa wouldn't have hosted a party for next week. Don't be delusional Winny, we're the Duncan's, we're not cursed, we're blessed"

Mrs Bimbo Duncan, second wife of Chief Duncan walked into her daughter's room then she sneered at Dunni who was all sprawled up in bed sleeping.She opened the window curtains and the sun rays reflected into Dunni's eyes.

"Waky waky! it's morning already! Stop sleeping like it's still five in the morning, even by five some people are already awake"

"Mummy, it's just six in the morning" she muttered still laying in bed and her mother slapped her hard on the lap.

"Dide o jare! kini o n so? Àgọ mesan abo ni bayi! Bawo ni obinrin se ma máa sún titi di ida yii? (Get up! What are you saying? It's past nine already! How can a woman be sleeping by this time?)" She asked and Dunni sat up yawning then she leaned back on the bed.

"Don't even make me start with you this morning, Dunni!" Mrs Bimbo barked and Dunni groaned.

"My head is spinning"

"What do you expect when all you do is drink? Your daughter called me to complain about your behavior. I just thought I should stop by and see how you're doing. The whole house is a mess!"

"I'll clean it up Mom" she answered and her mother sat on the bed.

"What's wrong with you my dear? Ba mi sọrọ, kilo n sele? (Talk to me, what's going on?) Is this as a result of your separation from Thomas? If you miss him, why can't you just go back to him?" "I don't miss that idiot and he's not the reason why I'm like this"

"Then what is?"

"Winner." She replied in tears, "Mummy she doesn't care about me any longer, Ko ki n se ibewo, Ko ki n gbe ago mi mo. Bi mo ba tile gbìyànjú ati ba sọrọ,ko ki n fún mi laye ati sọrọ. (she no longer visits, she doesn't pick up my calls. Even when I try to talk to her she... She doesn't give me the chance to.) I feel like I've failed as a mother. If my own daughter can't even look up to me for advise at this daring age, I don't know what I'm useful for"

"Don't exaggerate it. My grand-daughter cares about you. Shebi she's the one who called me? She cares, she doesn't like your drinking habit and she wants to see a change. You need to change this habit if you want to get your life together. Don't you have work? Or you're not on duty"

"I got fired"

"Who dares to fire you? Omo Duncan, in your own father's clinic. Your father must hear of this!"

"Mom I deserved it."

"Is that what is bothering you? Shebi it's just work, that isn't a hard thing, one single call pere! (Only), you'll have another job. What's hard in this country?"

"Mom I don't want to work. I'm not ready to work. I think it's better I go for a break or something. I was relieved of my job and it was long over due. I've been slipping up at work, I caused the death of a patient and it's not a first. I made a mistake Mom, I killed that man because of my carelessness and he had two kids and a wife" she busted into more tears and her mother exhaled.

"Don't blame yourself my dear"

"Ebi mi ni (It's my fault!) It's my fault mom, I caused it!" She admitted sobbing loudly and her mother embraced her.

"Sorry about the event yesterday" Portia apologized and Dara scoffed, "It's nothing" she answered. "I'm over it"

"You can't be over it so quick" Portia assumed, "No one can be over that kind of thing so quick"

"I'm trying to get over it, I'm trying to avoid the topic. What has happened has happened"

"I wish I was there, I would have broken the guy's teeth"

Dara rolled her eyes, "Would you have preferred he lied to me? Come on, I really appreciate his honesty. I heard mixing Avocado in pap makes you fat" "What?" Portia asked, "What makes you fat?"

"I don't know. I can't even answer that question cause I'm yet to find out the answer. Even when I don't eat I get fat, maybe it's hereditary, you mom is not that kind of fat person"

"How do you explain my sisters scenario?"

"Well... Just try taking vegetables and milk"

"I've been taking that thing since I can't even remember. It doesn't work, I've taken oatmeal, I've done all kinds of biscuit mixture. Remember that year I dedicated myself to drinking milk shake or Tigernut drink only? Portia I'm tired already. I saw this video that you can grow butt and hips"

"True. There are lots of of people doing squats to get bigger butt in the gym. You can register and start yours"

"You think it'll work?"

"It's worth the try"

"I better head off to work. I'll see you at the gym"

Afterwards, Dara went into the gym to register . Then she was transferred to speak to a fitness coach. "Why do you want to do this? What's your aim?" Tise Duncan asked and she refrained from rolling her eyes.

She already filled out her answers on the form given to her. "To grow a bigger butt, I already answered it in the form"

"I know. I just want to know more"

"If I start speaking, i might start crying so...."

"Why will you start crying?"

"Because, my life has been sad and just yesterday I got rejected by my date because I don't have big boobs and buttocks"

"What a jerk!"

"He was just being honest, don't blame him"

"It was a blind date right?" Tise asked and Dara gave a gentle nod. "I hate blind dates! There's nothing fun about anything blind!"

"I don't want to talk about it. I'm trying to move on here, I don't want to remember"

"See dear, i totally get you but this it's my job as a fitness coach to talk you through this process caused it's a process ad I promise you the exercise is going to burn through your skin and muscle"

"Have you ever been through it?"

"No. My butt and shape are kind of natural I didn't need to go all the way but I work out once in a while to keep fit"

"You're lucky. I was born this way and I'm not proud of it"

"Come on, you have to love your shape. I can sense a lot of insecurity and low self esteem emanating from you right now" "Well after years of being rejected, I guess my self esteem got half-buried with my hope"

"What do you mean by years of being rejected, you speak like you're old" She paused looking at the form to check her date of birth. "Wait... I think there's a mistake here, your date of birth has 8th of March 1986"

"There's no mistake... that's my date of birth. I'm 34, or will be thirty four in two months time"

"Oh." Tise found it hard to wipe the shock off her face. "Now you see why I need this exercise"

"We'll assign you a gym instructor, he'll take you up on this journey" "Do you think having a big butt is feasible or it's just a make-believe?"

"I'll tell what I keep telling everyone that walks into this place. Consistency is the key. Don't lose hope until you achieve what you've set your mind to achieve"

"You're nice. I hope you won't mind if I come in here once in a while"

"Ish... I work part-time, you might meet someone else. I'm a therapist, I have where I work, I'm just doing my brother a favour."

"So you're one of the Duncan family"

"Yes I am"

"I thought they said everyone's a doctor"

"People tend to exaggerate it. I'm a psychologist and not a doctor"

"And the boss is also a doctor?" Dara asked and Tise trailed off, it wasn't hard for her to realize the therapist didn't want to answer the question. For some reason best known to her.

"Where is he?" She changed the topic and Tise shrugged, "He barely comes in, Funsho is a very busy man. Doesn't even have time for himself, he has people running his gym for him"

"I can imagine, isn't that the life of every rich people?" She asked and Tise laughed. "Now you sound like one of those people who have a list of stereotyped activities rich people do"

"I do have a long list"

"Ah! Okay now, but I'm sure I don't do some of them"

"You look nice. I guess was just lucky to see you Dr. Bolu for short shea?"

"Yes you were, and I prefer you call me Tise"

Portia got off a thread mill on seeing Dara then she sighed sitting on the floor. "God help me! My husband wants to kill me but God pass am!" "You look like you could use some water"

"Water? I need Oxygen! Why does my husband like to see me suffer? I'm this close to giving up"

"Consistency is key"

"Now you sound like that girl, what's her name Tise Duncan"

"She's a nice woman"

"I see you met her already. The babe doesn't have breast oh but mehn, that babe has that hour glass shape"

"Lucky her. Have you seen the owner of the gym?"

"For where? I've never seen him oh. The guy barely comes in, they said he's always busy"

"How busy can someone be? Abi is he doubling it with being a doctor?"

"It's not my business. I don't go around asking questions. When you see him, ask him. That reminds me, have you seen Boma's post on the Duncan's? Have you seen the comments and threats? May your friend's Amebo not put her in trouble someday"

Gbade Duncan skimmed through Boma's article online then he read through the comment box.

It's true, I've had my suspect for a long time now. Ride on Boma, we are solidly behind you! - Truthlover_56

Lies from the pit of hell, who's paying you to tarnish these people's names? - Omolayo1987

1 reply - Ritualist supporters! You all shall be consumed in the lake of hell fire on judgement day! - Savior_Uwem

It's your mother that's a Ritualist! Senseless hegoat! - Omolayo1987

Gbade scrolled below to get any contact attached to the blog. He finally did then he sent a message to the number. "You're messing with what you don't know shit about. Take down that article or back off if you know what's good for you" he typed then he pressed send.

He didn't care whoever got the message, at least the receiver would get the meaning behind the message.

Boma received the message then she scoffed dialing the number and Gbade took out the sim from his phone then he placed it on the desk in his office.

Mrs Igwe entered into the house to find the door opened. "Ah han, who left the door opened?" She asked hearing Brenda's voice then she walked towards the door which was slightly opened.

"What's it for me when I come?" She heard, this was followed by a long pause. "Don't make it sound like I'm forcing you to do anything. I'm not forcing you, we need to speak, we need to discuss and that's the only place we can discuss since you don't want me in your office so.... What do you say?" She asked and her mother guessed she was definitely talking to Kelvin's father.

She walked in and Brenda stood up, "I'll call you back" she said to the caller ending the call. "It's him right? Your son's father"

"No" she lied and her mother tried to drag the phone from her so she moved to the wall, deleted the number before passing the phone to her.

Mrs Igwe scoffed, "You're an idiot, you know that right?" She asked and Brenda bowed her head. "Six good years and you've been hiding the paternity of your own son. Are we going to have the stupid man arrested? No! All we want is know who he is incase the boy starts to look for his father someday. So that we can all say, here is he oh but no, you prefer to hide it. Keep on hiding it now, you're a mother too Brenda, someday you may get to know how I'm feeling right now! And i hope to God, oh I hope to God that you don't get to feel this way because It's the worst feeling ever!" She snapped leaving Brenda alone in the room.

She suddenly began to cry over what her mother said. "Oooooh! This people will be making you feel guilty anyhow! I need to find another place to live"

Timi sat on the table with Winny after Shade left. "You have my attention for the next thirty minutes, what's up?" He asked and she shrugged. "Erm.... Okay, I've been having issues with my maths and economics, especially the calculation aspect. I seriously don't understand this demand and supply bullshit and quadratic equations are still kicking me in the ass. I don't know how I'm going to pass this year's waec. I was hoping you could be my tutor"

"Well, let me think of it"

"Please now"

"I don't know, I really don't know how my tutoring skills may be even though I graduated first class in the department of economics" he answered and she chuckled.

"Look who's bragging. Can you help me out?"

"It's a yes dear"


"I just said yes.... Geez! Girls and their questions" he scoffed and she quickly left her seat to hug him then she sat on the table.

"Where are we going to have our tutorials?"

"Where else? Here of course! I don't want someone accusing me of child abuse abeg"

"Child abuse? I'm not a child am I?"

"Aren't you like 12?" He asked and she tapped him, "Tims!" She complained and he laughed. "I'm 17 years old"

"Accept my apology old woman" he teased and a waiter called his attention. "Is that all you wanted to say?"


"I'll have to get back to work. See you later then. Take care dear, inbox me when you want to start taking lessons" he replied leaving. Winny squeezed her lips, "I'm not a baby Timmy, stop seeing me as one" she muttered to herself.

In the evening while Dara, Boma, Ruby and Brenda took a stroll on the street along with Kelvin, they bumped into Dozie who had a black polythene bag in his hands. "Good evening ladies" he greeted and they all replied back. "Who's this hottie?" Brenda asked and Boma hissed.

"Have some shame in front of your son"

"Kukuma use microphone to sound it loud that he's my son now" she retorted then she hissed. Dozie's gaze immediately fell on Dara, "I'm sorry about the last time. It was uncalled for and it made your sister angry and I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to insult you"

"It's okay" Dara replied. "I've forgotten about it already" "Forgotten about what?" Brenda asked, "What have I missed?"

"If you all don't mind, I'll really like to talk to your pretty sister." He pointed at Ruby, "If only she would like to talk to me"

"Sure she would" Dara answered.

"Sure? If Daddy sees them together, he'll melt him with just one stare" Brenda answered and Dozie laughed nervously, "Should I be scared?"

"Yes" they all answered and Ruby laughed at how scared Dozie became.

"Just....don't take long" Dara chipped in and they all left the both of them alone.

"Hey" Dozie waved at her, "Hey" Ruby replied back.

"I just want to start by saying I'm sorry for the other day"

"It's fine, I'm sorry too. I mean I spoke badly to you so... I guess we're even"

"Did you say she's your eldest sister the other day?

"Yes. I'm the last born, the one that looks older than everyone. Feel free to mock me for being old"

"God!" Dozie slapped his face in guilt, "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it that way. You don't look old, where did you get that from?"

"A certain guy Insinuated that on Friday"

"I think I was high on something. I had to be high on something" he assumed and Ruby laughed. "Can you ever forgive him?"

"I have already. You're lucky I'm a nice person"

"Thank you" he replied they both chuckled, "The way you flared up that day, I swear I couldn't sleep that night, I regretted even meeting you. Within I was like, Dozie, why did you have to go?"

"Why did you then?"

"Because I've been watching you and I like the way you laugh and act. You're always cheerful and I just wanted to know how it feels to be friends with that girl"

Ruby laughed again, "I'm sure you thought otherwise the day you spoke to me" "kind of, but I realized I was wrong, I've been praying to see you since then, just that I've been busy with work and all"


"How does your family tree work? I won't want to offend another person"

"We're four, Dara's the one you insulted"

"And she keeps rubbing it on my face" he muttered and Ruby laughed again, "Stella's the second child, she's fairer, she comes in once in a while, Brenda, the one who called you hottie, is the third and I'm the last"


"Yeah. Where are you coming from?"

"Work... I just decided to get road side chicken, eat and sleep. A perfect food for a Bachelor"

"So you don't cook?" Ruby sneered and he laughed, "There isn't enough time"

Ruby raised her nose in disbelief, Dozie scoffed, "I can make you lick and eat your own fingers" "I'll like to see you try it" she laughed and he chuckled.

"Is that a challenge?" He asked and she chuckled nervously on realizing she was flirting, "Um.... I have to go,"

"I didn't get your name"

"Ruby Igwe, you're Dozie right?"

"You remembered? So you guys are from the East"

"South and East, Mom is from Akwa Ibom and my dad is from Abia state"

"That's fascinating. Can I have your contact so we could...."

"Sure" Ruby replied with a smile then she sighted her father's Siena coming their way.

"My dad is here already. How fast can you store a number in your memory?"

"Try me"


"O7065100075" he repeated and she smiled watching her father pull up besides the both of them. "Good evening Sir" Dozie greeted fully bending his head.

"Good evening" Mr Igwe answered carefully observing him. "Good evening Dad" she greeted and Dozie scratched his head.

"Hop in" He said to his daughter and Ruby entered into the car and Dozie waved them good bye as the car drove off.

"Who's scaring that one?" He asked and Ruby busted into laughter and her father joined in. "Who's the young man?"

"A friend Daddy, a friend"

How was this chapter?

I know what you guys must be wondering, who are the Duncans? Who is going to be Dara's love Interest and when he is going to show up?🤣😂

Follow me closely✌️

Have a lovely day ahead guys☺️

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