💢Chapter 39💢
Chapter 39
Sorry I didn't post. I ran out of data 😔
Thank you Busola6642 for being a sweetheart, for your consistent calls and messages whenever I don't post. I really appreciate it😘
Thanks also to those who had me in mind but couldn't reach out.
Love you guys! 😍
"Olorun Ose ti o ti e k doju ti mi (God I thank you for not allowing me see shame)" Mrs Bimbo rubbed her hands looking up to the ceiling as a smile curled Chief's lips. "What's all this fuss for? Was I dying before?" He asked and everyone laughed.
"Dad I wish you saw how you looked like" Funsho laughed and Dara chuckled. "Did anyone take any picture?" He asked and his mother shook her head.
"I wish I did so I can show him how he looked like, lying down like one vegetable" she mocked, "Mummy!" Dara exclaimed In surprise, "Chief, I don't agree with her"
"No let her have her fun, she I she said I looked like vegetable, she should have kukuma used me to cook Efo riro" he answered and everyone laughed, glad to have him back.
"Talking about Efo riro, if I can lay my hands on one sweet Efo riro with all the condiments that I like, I will be more than healthy"
Mrs Bimbo smiled, "I'll give the orders" she answered then she sat close to him kissing his cheeks. "Ah han, how many days was I gone?"
"I was worried sick"
"I'm too young to die? Common 36 years old man like me will now die, even God will not allow it" he teased again and they all chuckled again.
Gbade walked in letting out a sigh of relief. "Thank God!" "So when you told you, you thought what? That we were pulling your legs?" Funsho asked and Gbade chuckled.
"Seeing is believing brother" he replied standing behind Funsho. "Why are you all getting emotional? Se eyan ku ni? ( Did someone die?)" He asked and Thomas walked in with his lab coat on.
"It's good to see smiles on every faces this morning. You know Chief, you're going to need to take a long rest after this"
"I will" he answered and everyone murmured in disbelief, "Ah han, why are you all.... I said I'll rest"
"Tani? (Who?)" Mrs Bimbo asked raising her nose in belief, "Ask him, I've been telling him to take a rest but this man is sturbborn. He's a sturbborn man"
Chief chuckled, "I was considering it" "When?" Everyone asked and he busted into an heart laughter then he coughed pressing his chest.
"Easy Dad" Funsho said while Mrs Bimbo poured a bottled water in a cup then he passed it to him. He shook his head rejecting it.
"So someone cannot laugh in peace again with them thinking it's a heart attack" he hissed then he shook his head. "Oma se oh. Laughter is a food for the soul"
Gbade and Funsho rolled their eyes. "He's not even speaking like a doctor" Gbade complained and Funsho agreed. "It's simple philosophy" "Philosophy is not science Dad" Funsho argued.
"It is the mother of science. Do you want to argue it?"
"I'm in the mood for some arguments" Gbade raised his hands and Funsho shook his head then he tapped him, "Let's save the argument, we don't want the old man having another heart attack again" he answered and everyone laughed including Chief.
"So you have used style to win the argument like that. Well, I'll take a break from work, only a break"
"Chief, it's house arrest oh" Thomas noted and Mrs Bimbo pushed her tongue out. "House arrest kor, house prison"
"Chief it's a serious matter oh"
"Eyen naa da, I'll just have the same heart attack, you're all avoiding"
Dara rolled her eyes, "We're definitely going to make sure he stays put at home" she assured and Chief scoffed, "But we all know how I hate staying idle, I have to do something"
"Well, Chief, you work but not overwork yourself"
"Am I carrying blocks? Shebi, it's in the office I usually stay to sign documents, clear some documents, do a little consultation"
"Now we're going in circles? The same argument all over again. Please anyone that can talk to him should oh"
Dara placed her hands over Chief's palm, "Chief the bottom line is that you're going to need rest and a whole lot of it, at least till you get okay. You're going to have all the company you want from your children and I promise to stop by day by day"
Chief raised his hands in surrender, "I give up, house arrest it is then"
Everyone heard Yewande's voice from outside the room, she was obviously insulting a nurse. "My heart attack queen is here" he commented and Gbade chuckled.
"Sorry for yourself!" She exclaimed and she walked in then she hissed as all eyes turned to her. "Can you imagine that nurse, it's like she's wearing her uniform on her face. If you see the way she waved her hands and slapped me here" she pointed at the side of her cheek.
"She's just happy she met me in a good mood"
"I really don't want to imagine how your bad mood will look like" Gbade commented and her mother hissed now staring at Chief.
"When I was in Coma, I heard everyone's prayer and request so ..... I'll like to talk to each of you and address some issues. First with my dear, Yewande" he forced a smile and everyone got up leaving.
"I see you're alive"
"Not like you wanted me dead" he smiled and she sat on the bed hugging him, " Emi ko tun mọ idi ti emi ko le duro binu si ọ fun igba pipẹ (I still don't know why I can't stay angry at you for so long" she cried and he smiled.
"What did I ever do wrong Yewande? Where did I go wrong? Kini idi ti o fi ma binu si mi nigbagbogbo? ( Why are you always angry at me?) Is it because of Gbade? Because I relieved him of his job?"
"That and many more." She exhaled, "I feel like you hate me" "I don't hate you" "Then why do you treat me differently then?" "Because you nah a lot"
"Because I'm angry and you don't even realize it"
"What are you angry then? Thirty five years and you've never opened up" "Because I know you hate me, for having just a child"
"Where did you get such idea from?"
"Don't deny it, you were disappointed. That was why you got married to that Ibo woman" "No. Even if you had three children, I still would have married Chioma because of my insatiable desire to have wives. I was disappointed but you gave me a son, a son I love"
"That's a lie, you prefer Funsho, you've always preferred Funsho. Tell me the truth Chief and I want nothing but the truth; if Funsho was still working as a doctor in the hospital, wouldn't you have taken your hands off it and given him the management to handle?" She asked and he sighed.
"Truthfully, I would have because of his dexterity but I've learned to love my children equally. I don't hate our son, he's our son and I love him. I'm just observing him, he's too reclusive, too cold and cut off from the rest of the world. That characteristics gan is enough to drive someone away, no one wants a boss that's too serious, doesn't talk, doesn't laugh and he definitely got it from you
Yewande looked away, "He's laughing now" "Why?" "I don't know, maybe it's because of the girl he's with which is the best matter I'm planning to dive into. Gbade cannot date that reporter"
"The Boma Davis?"
"Yes. The girl tarnished our image, his image, she made you fire him"
"I swore that I'll never come in between my children's relationship only when it's a matter or life and death" "Ah, Chief, you can't allow that. Why are you speaking this way now?"
"Has Gbade complained to you?" "No but"
"He's laughing now shey?"
Yewande rolled her eyes, "I'm sure she's giving him good" she answered and Chief laughed. "Good is a good thing" "Chief stop joking jare," "Wo, Yewande, you like keeping grudges left and right. At least have you forgiven me?" He asked. "Unless you disagree to that relationship or else, I'll have an heart attack oh"
"It's your husband's hospital and you won't pay a dime so join the club Ma" he leaned against the pillow and Yewande pouted her lips at his harsh and direct response.
Dunni slammed the door of her car at the visitors parking lot only to hear someone call her name from behind. She turned to see Tiwa then she smiled, "Hey Tiwalade" "Hey Aunty Dunni" "That sounds wrong in different ways cause technically you're my aunt"
"Technically, you're six years older than I am so I should owe you that respect"
"How are you?"
"Excited to know Chief is okay, all my nights of crying. I guess God finally answered our prayers" she replied, "Yes he did. When Mom called me, I was so excited"
Tiwa scoffed and Dunni shrugged, "What?" "It amazes me when you call her, Mom. She's not your mother" "She has always been my mother, don't speak that way Tiwa. I know the two of you are usually at loggerheads but I won't stand and watch you talk about her that way"
"I'm sorry but I mean, judging from the fact that she killed your mother"
"Stop it! Mom had cancer"
"Are you sure it was the cancer that killed her? I'm really sorry, I'm really really sorry. I hate sounding like a bad person but I've never trusted your mother and besides my mother has enough reason to think Bimbo killed your mother, the original first wife of Chief Duncan. Just think of it" she tapped Dunni's arm before walking into the building.
"I'm sorry" Gbade apologized to his father, "I'm glad you're okay, how do you feel internally Dad?" "Are you trying to cross examine me? I said I feel okay doctor. Your mother said something about your relationship with...."
Gbade rolled his eyes, "She's going to be angry for a very long time cause that's the woman I intend getting serious with" "Marriage already" "Not yet but..... I'm seeing a future with her"
"Does she make you happy?"
"Yes Dad" he chuckled, "You have no idea"
"That's all I ever wanted for my children; for them to be happy. Dunni found love with a young man, your elder brother is engaged to a woman she loves, you are happy and your little sister Tise..... Maybe along the line she'll find someone she'll like and the rest of my children. Seeing you all happy is like food to my soul and I won't want to miss being present at everyone's wedding so you all should not bother about me dying yet"
Gbade smiled, "I'm glad" "So what do you think about picking up your job at the hospital?"
The chattering of Chioma's children in British accent filled the waiting room as they walked into the waiting room with their mother. Mrs Bimbo smiled at them, "Enle oh, our Oyinbos are here" "Good morning Mom" they all greeted then they laughed as though calling her Mom was funny.
"In Yoruba please"
"But Ma'am" Adenike argued, "No arguments!" Chioma noted, "You all know the drill. Whenever you're all in Nigeria, you lose the accent and speak properly in Yoruba especially when you're dealing with her"
"How will people know that we schooled overseas?" She asked and her mother glared at her. Adenike knelt down, "Ekaaro Ma"
The two boys bowed their heads greeting her in Yoruba.
Mrs Bimbo watched Dunni's sad countenance with Interest. She noticed Dunni throw glances at her but she had no idea why. "Why are you sad? Is this about your altercation with Thomas yesterday?" Dunni's eyes widened in surprise, "How.....?" "I call my grandchildren everyday, Winny gave me the gist"
"That girl has a big mouth"
Mrs Bimbo chuckled, "I'm shocked Thomas can do that, I was just looking at him when he walked in and I just can't believe it's true that he has a child outside marriage"
Dunni scoffed, "Looks can be deceiving, at least I have my daughter back with me" she smiled and her mother placed her hands over her palm. "Was my mother's death natural? How did she die again?"
"Why are you asking?" She paused then she scoffed looking at Tiwa who was fiddling with her phone. "You two came in almost together.... She spoke to you didn't she?"
"I don't doubt you Mom but.... I just need to clear my doubts"
"I was your mother's best friend, I was a food vendor, I had a shop of my own, I was doing well. That night your mother went into labor I was with her, all the step of the way. I brought her food, some might have thought I poisoned her but I didn't. When you got out, you were the pretty and very tiny"
Dunni chuckled, "You were incubated and was it the fourth day, Ireti called Otunba and I in. I didn't subscribe to the idea, I had someone I intended to be with. Your mother held my hands and your father's and she joined us together. I made her a promise to love and cherish her daughter and husband then she took her last breath. I've been working everyday of my life to live to that promise. May her soul rest in peace"
Dunni smiled, "What about the man you intended to be with?" "That one? I don't know where he is now. I ended up falling in love with your father so it didn't matter. Your father is a very attractive man"
Dunni smiled, she couldn't agree more! "Why do you and Tiwa hate each other so much?"
"It's a long story Dunni, a very long story. Excuse me" she rose up walking up to Tiwa. "Come with me" "Why?"
She held her by the hand pulling her into a room. There was a patient and some family members there so she smiles and got out still holding on to her hands.
"What are you doing?" She asked and Mrs Bimbo pulled her into another room, when she realized the room was free she let's go of her and slapped her on the face.
Tiwa gasped raising her hands at her and she pushed her hands away. "I slapped you and you want to slap me back, A je gbe ni? (Are we age mates?) I'm old enough to give birth to you!"
"How dare you slap me?"
"Let this be the last time you ever speak to my daughter in that manner about Ireti!" "I told her what she needed to hear!"
"It's not true and you know it! Why don't you leave already?"
"And leave my brother? I'm part of the family, He needs me by his side"
"You're not family, you're not even a Duncan"
Tiwa laughed hysterically, "Says who? Where's your proof?" "Why don't you ask that whore you call a mother?"
Tiwa raised her hands again and she held her hands, "Laye re! (In your lifetime) Don't ever raise your hands at me, in your life!" She snapped swatting it away. "I don't like you and I never have, you don't have good intentions. Why do you stick around?"
Dele walked in meeting the receptionist who was dressed in a white nurse uniform with red and blue pen hanging from the pocket on her breast. "Good morning to you"
"Good morning, what can I help you with? You don't look sick, are you here to visit someone?"
"Yes. Chief Duncan"
"Oh" she paused bringing out a log book of visitors "What's your name?" She asked running her eyes on the long list. "Dele Giwa, but I don't think you're going to find my name there"
The nurse raised her head, "You're not family are you?" "No" "Family friend?" "I won't say I'm a family friend, I'm a cousin to the family friend" "I'm sorry, only family on the list"
"Please it's important that I see him"
"I'm sorry. Mrs Bimbo made the merit list of who to visit Chief." She looked away to where Mrs Bimbo was seated. "She was there a while ago, maybe you should wait and talk to her"
"Thanks" he replied and she smiled.
"You're welcome" she replied as he hissed taking a seat close to Tise at the waiting room. He turned his gaze at the fair looking lady fiddling with her phone. She was on Instagram, "Good morning" he muttered rubbing his forehead and Tise glanced at the dark handsome and muscular man sitting beside her.
"Uh ...." She cleared her throat, "Good afternoon, sorry good ....." She paused shutting her eyes, "Did I just say good afternoon?" She asked now opening it and he chuckled.
"Sounded like it"
"That's so embarrassing, I don't know why I said that. Good morning" she replied back and he smiled back. "Are you sick or you're waiting for someone?" "Do I look sick?" "No, but you sure look stressed out"
"It's a crazy story. I was actually in Ibadan investigating an event I had to drop because something more urgent came up. I've been on the road since four am, I guess it's normal to be stressed out but I won't die"
"You're a police officer?"
"I don't think I like the sound of police officer." He answered and they both chuckled. "Inspector Dele Giwa is the name" "Like the Dele Giwa in olden days politics"
"Except in this case, this one will not get killed by a letter bomb" he chipped in and Tise laughed out loud attracting attention of others in the hall.
Dele chuckled too. "So what's your name?" "Dr Boluwatise Duncan, feel free to call me Tise" "Wait.... You're part of the family" "Yes" "You don't even have Chief's complexion. You're Madam Bimbo's daughter right?"
"How do you know so much? I know we're popular around Lagos but..."
"I actually came here to see your father. How's he, the last I saw on news was that he fainted" "He's fine, you're in luck cause he just woke up" she replied with a smile and he smiled back.
"So you're a doctor? Aren't you on duty?"
"I'm a psychologist"
"You don't even look like any" "What do I look like?" "Like a model or one of those Instagram Queens"
Tise giggled, "I don't know if I should be offended by that response. It's hard to tell, is that a compliment or an insult?" She asked and he smiled.
"A compliment. You know I did a little psychology during my first year studying criminology"
"Oh really?"
Mrs Bimbo got out and his attention immediately shifted, "Excuse me Bolu, I'll really like to talk to your Mom" "He picked the name I don't like" she joked and he chuckled making his way to Mrs Bimbo.
"Excuse me Ma, can I have a word with you?"
"Sure. Are you a reporter?"
"No. Inspector Dele Giwa, I'll like to have a word with your husband"
Tiwa heard this so she stayed close swiping idly on her phone, "Why will an inspector want to speak to my husband. Don't you know he's in a critical situation" "It's about Derin Balogun, she's my cousin and she sent me here and I'm here to ask Chief some questions."
Mrs Bimbo folded her hands, "Why isn't she here?" She asked and Dele hesitated, "She has been kidnapped" he replied reading through her sincerely shocked expression.
"When, how?"
"Chief is the one I want to see" "He's in a critical condition, do you want him suffering another heart attack? No! I won't allow it, tell and I'll personally know how to make it sound okay. He cares about Derin, and I'm sure he will suffer another attack if he knows."
He shook his head glancing at Towards then he cleared his throat, "It'll be highly unprofessional to do that. No one Is to be trusted" "Trusted Bawo? (Like how? Is anyone after his life please let me know. I'm his wife" "If I can talk to him, maybe I can start up an investigation and find my sister"
Dele exhaled, not like he had any clue what was going on. Only that someone is poisoning Chief and the damn gun shot he heard before the call ended. For all he knows, Derin might be dead!
"I'm sorry Ma" he replied looking towards Tiwa's direction. "Are you eavesdropping on our conversation?" He asked and she shrugged, "Why will I do that? I don't even know you!" She snapped leaving.
"Who's that?"
"Tiwalade...... Duncan" Mrs Bimbo answered then his phone rang. "How far?" He picked up the call leaving and Tise scoffed. He didn't even bother to say goodbye to her or even get her contact.
She rolled her eyes in disappointment, she hasn't paid attention to any guy in a very long time!
Tise walked in sadly to meet her father, "Why the long face" "Some guy I was giving green light just left like that without even looking at me twice" "Which motor won't drive off on seeing a green light?" Her father asked and she laughed understanding the point he was making.
"A green light is supposed to make him drive towards me not drive away. He seems like he had somethings to do but I'm just really disappointed." She exhaled now resting both hands on her cheeks.
"That reminds me, he said he wanted to see you. His name is Inspector Dele Giwa"
Chief's eyes lit up in Interest, "Did he come with Derin?" "No. You know him" "He's Derin's cousin, why did he leave?"
"I'm guessing Mom didn't allow him see you so he left. Why are as seeing everyone based on list? We can all come in and save time?"
"Some things are secretive. When you leave, call only Dara in"
"She'll want to come in with Funsho"
"Only her first"
"Secret wedding engagements that Funsho can't know about" he winked at her daughter and she laughed.
Timilehin stood at the counter listening to a girl advertise a online food stuff delivery service. "Like our crayfish are cheap and affordable, we do a lot of slashing on prices of goods"
He heard the door of his diner close, he looked at the door to see his mother standing by the door scowling at him.
"Timmy, I fit borrow your charger?" Henry asked leaning his hands on the counter. Timmy shook his head still looking at his mom who was now approaching him and Henry traced his look. "Your Momcy dey around oh. Oh boy, you're in trouble oh" he added, "I'll excuse you" the lady said leaving and Henry turned towards Mrs Akande.
"Good morning Ma"
"Good morning Henry" she replied watching him leave. "Good morning Mom" he greeted and Mrs Akande gasped, "So you still remember that I'm your mother?"
Timmy chuckled as her sarcasm, "I thought you forgot oh since I left you several missed calls you've refused to return." "I knew what you were going to say already" "Are you still with her?"
"Yes Mom and don't try to convince me cause she's the one I'm going to end up getting married to"
Mrs Akande nodded, "Your father has been talking to me trying to make me see reasons. I'm going to ask you one question Timilehin and I want you to answer it sincerely. Forget about love, push it to one side, omo nko? Don't you want children? Don't you dream of having children run to you shouting Daddy Daddy welcome? Don't you?" She asked and he looked away.
"I thought so too. If she can get pregnant and have a child for you, then I'll support whatever decision you make. Don't make a decision you'll end up regretting."
Dara walked in, "You said you wanted to see me alone?" She asked and Chief smiled gesturing to the chair and she sat on it. "Chief you should rest, you can't stress yourself. It's like you're a therapist and everyone's coming for therapy"
Chief chuckled stretching his hands and Dara placed her hands above his palm. "Thank you for your prayers, for those words you said to me...." "It's nothing Chief"
"Call me Daddy or Dad, you're becoming more like a daughter to me"
Dara chuckled, "Yes Dad"
Tiwa entered into Thomas's office while Ruby stood afar off gazing at the door. "Was there any emergency you forgot to mention?" "Something that has do with Derin?" She asked and Thomas shrugged, "Like what?" "I just called Joe and I got the answer out of him"
"Oh.... I forgot" He feigned as though he just remembered. "Oh you forgot" she mimicked, "Derin called someone and you're not scared"
"She didn't say anything, Joe said she didn't say anything"
"Well newsflash. I just overheard a discussion"
"Are you the only one overhearing things?" He asked walking up to her.
"Well and I guess i'm that lucky. So, as I was saying, I overheard a discussion between his cousin and Bimbo. Guess what? He's a police man, and some people will say I'm the only one screwing things up. Kill the woman you'll be keeping her as though she's important. What do you want her for?"
"Something might come up, maybe an exchange or something. Anything can come up, unlike you," he moved close to her slapping her cheeks softly, " I don't act rashly"
Tiwa rolled her eyes, "I don't understand why I'm still in love with you" "I can think of several reasons" he muttered giving her buttocks a squeeze. "Let's find him and kill him before he starts digging"
"Let's fix the wedding next month" Chief suggested after Funsho walked in; he had Sewa in his arms. Dara's eyes almost popped out in shock, "Won't it be too early?"
"Early how?" He asked and Funsho smiled, "That was exactly what I had in mind"
"You too?"
"Won't you like to get married before that Sister Grace in the choir?"
Dara giggled at the thought, of course she will! She can already picture the look on her face already.
"Who is sister Grace?" "She's this mean choir member who doesn't waste time to pick on her because Dara was still single and she got engaged. I'll like to see the shock on her face on our wedding day. Hopefully she doesn't fix a wedding date before then" He explained chuckling and Dara laughed staring at him.
"How long have you had this in mind?"
"Since the say she embarrassed you in front of the whole church"
"That's good" Chief nodded. "He who laughs last....." he trailed off and Funsho smiled.
"What do you guys think about coming to the house to spend the week as and perhaps the next week with me?" Chief suggested looking at Funsho, "Your mother suggest a family meeting, I'm really digging the idea now"
"I came face to face with death and I survived. If it's the last thing I do, I'll like to spend time with my children and grandchildren before ....." He trailed off then he sighed.
"Imagine the whole Duncan staying under one roof again. It'll be like when you all were little, the grandchildren will have their space. The house is big enough to accommodate everyone"
Funsho exhaled rubbing his forehead, "I spoke to Dara about it and she already agreed" "I think it's a lovely idea, the grandchildren can be close to him, make him happy" she smiled at him and he chuckled staring at his father.
"You're supposed to stay and be under observation"
"The Irony is killing me already. I can't be the owner of a hospital and be sleeping in that same hospital. I'm perfectly fine, I can't remain in the hospital when I can have my children examine me day in and day out"
"Okay then"
Boma knocked on Chris's office then she pushed her head through a slightly opened door. "Do you have a minute Sir?" She asked and he gave a nod. "Thank you Sir" she walked in and he smiled.
"Nice show earlier on" he commented and she blushed. "Thank you Sir." "Please have your seat Boma, stop acting like a stranger"
Boma shook her head, "I think I'm comfortable standing" "Are we safe?" "Yes Sir. I was thinking about the Duncans" "Your favorite topic" he chipped in causing her to chuckle.
"How long have you known the family?"
"For as long as ..... I can't say, Chief and my father have been close friends. I've known Funsho since I was ten" "Let's say if there's someone that can give me scoop on let's say.... Some family secrets, who can you refer me to"
"Urgh!" A grimace spreads across his face, "The last scoop you did made people assume the Duncans after ritualist and you also had Gbade arrested"
"I already changed the post. This one is different, I'm only trying to make investigations before making conclusions like I usually do. Please help me here, it's very important"
Chris sighed, "If there's anyone you can talk to, it's Madam Fisayo. She's a gossip although she doesn't lie about what she says. She's straight forward but she loves drinking, a bottle of Kampari is all it takes for her to start spilling"
"Where can I find her? Can I get an address?"
Dele sat on Derin's seat looking through some files on her table while a police officer looked down at him. "Did Derin ever divulge anything concerning the Duncan's investigation?" He stopped searching now looking at the man before him.
The man raised his brow at him, "As if you don't know your cousin. She never reveals anything, she believes anyone can be an enemy" "Of course she does" he drummed on the table in thought.
"That day she left, did she say where she was going to?"
"No. Just that, she had visit from two people"
"Who and who?"
"Actually they came together, it's only one I know Gbade Duncan and one woman"
"Why were they here?"
"I didn't ask, it wasn't my business. After they left, she took off but she didn't say where she was going to"
Dele gave a gentle nod, "Okay....." "Can I leave?" "Was there any suspicious movements it visit apart from Gbade Duncan's visit? Any other visit from another member of the family?"
"None that I remember oh"
Dele sighed, "At least I have where to start my investigation" "I'll take my leave then Sir" "What do you know about Tiwa Duncan, something about her seems fishy"
"Who is that one? I don't think there's any of Chief's children that's Tiwa"
"His sister"
"Me I don't know that one but I can find out if you want"
"You do just that"
After school hours, Winny knocked on a door and Kadri opened up with nothing on except a blue stripe shorts, a bit sagged, revealing a red underwear.
"How did you get here without getting lost? I was expecting to pick you up at the junction"
"Well, I followed your direction besides I had to use public transport, I told Mom not to pick me up because I had plans. Mom doesn't have a driver and she has only one car"
"Wow, she's simple"
"I don't want to be like though"
"It's cool to be simple, I love being simple" he replied and she barged in. "Sorry I forgot to tell you come in" he replied laughing at his own reply.
Winny laughed looking at the shorts.
"What's funny?" He looked down and she continued laughing, "Nice shorts Superman" she commented and he chuckled shaking his head.
"This is my humble abode, make yourself at home"
Winny looked around, "It's very small" she commented and he frowned, "Not like I was expecting you to say anything nice before" he snapped and she suddenly felt guilty.
"I didn't mean it that way. Let me try this again, you have a lovely... home" she lied and he smiled without saying a word.
"You know you look different on your uniform right? If you had come in that night on your uniform, I wouldn't have even touched you" "Do I look that ugly in it? It's the bloody skirt right?"
Kadri laughed not saying a word. "Is it that bad?" "No. You just look really small than you do when you're on your house wear" he explained clearing his throat.
"Are you hungry?"
"Okay, what do you want to do? I still don't understand why you suggested coming in the first place" "Well...." She trailed off unbuttoning her shirt.
"What in the world are you doing? Stop it Winny!" He moved close and she scratched her hair. "Why?" "I can't.... The first time was a mistake"
"Remember when you asked me if I've been feeling like....." She trailed off again, "Yes and I don't want to go elsewhere. I don't think I want to open up to someone else. I want it to be you" she confessed and he threw his head backwards then he looked at her.
"It's fine if you don't want"
Kadri shut her up with a passionate kiss on her lips then she wrapped her arms across his neck. Then he lifted her upon a desk he uses in ironing his cloth and they both continued kissing.
"Lock the door" she demanded, "I know" "They said I should have protective sex"
Kadri grinned, "You can't get pregnant twice can you?"
Dr Sommy bit her pen staring at Funsho, "When was the last time you stopped by?" She asked and he shook his head, "I can't remember the last time I stopped at the gym since Dad collapse."
"I'm sorry about that, Bosco told me. I heard he's awake"
"Yes he is"
"I mean I don't see how a man as strong as Chief will collapse to the floor that way. There's this video I saw on Instagram and they replayed it over and over again. It makes you ask, is it natural?"
"I believe it's the stress factor"
"Stress factor? I would have said someone's behind the fall but what's my business? I have a very creative imagination" she replied and Funsho fell into deep thoughts.
"Why will someone try to murder my father?"
"That's the most naive question I've ever heard and it's quite disappointing it's coming from the lips of a 38 years old man" she snapped and he exhaled. "There are enemies everywhere you turn, there's this Yoruba idiom I so much love, the insect eating up the vegetable that's supposed to be a kind of support for it. It's always within, but again, wild imaginations, but if you want my advice, keep your friends close and your enemies closer"
"How do you know your enemies?"
"There's this book I have, how to spot an enemy but it's really really expensive. You'll have to pay before reading it" she teased to lighten up the environment and he laughed.
"Ole! (Thief)"
"How's your love life?"
"CeCee and I kissed"
Dr Sommy's eyes widened in surprise,"What?" She asked then her expression got mixed with disappointment. "But I told her off at once but it doesn't change the fact that we kissed"
"And the bitch will probably be waiting to use it against you. Have you told Dara, tell me she knows already"
"Great!" She said rolling her eyes.
Boma knocked on a gate holding a gift bag containing a bottle of Kampari and a man who was chewing stick opened up. "Good morning to you?" "Se ko'o si?" The man asked without returning her greetings.
"Mo n wa Madam Fisayo (I'm looking for Madam Fisayo)"
He removed his chewing stick then he spat out on the floor then he busted to pidgin "See as you take dey spoil my language, e no even sweet for your mouth. Oya change am to English"
Boma almost rolled her eyes, he wasn't even speaking English! "I dey find Madam Fisayo" "She dey busy" "Why you con allow me waste time interpret am for you now?"
"Maybe I wan hear your voice now"
"Wetin she dey do?"
"I no felt give information for free"
Boma dipped her hands in her hand bag removing five hundred naira from it then he handed it to her. "Them tell you say I no get five hundred?" He asked and she gasped adding another five hundred naira from it then he handed it to him and he collected it.
"She no dey do anything for hand. She just dey outside they collect breeze"
"I'll like to see her"
"Add two k and I go do magic now now now!"
Boma looked into her bag, "I only get one k"
"You no serious be that now?"
"I said i don't have two k!"
The man eyed her from head to toe, "As you fine so?"
"Cashless society! You get POS?" She asked and he hissed stretching out his hands, "Bring am" he requested and she removed the money forcefully dropping it on his palm.
"I hope say you no be spy?" He asked peeping into the bag then he grinned on seeing the content. "You are doing, your facts correct die!" He hailed letting her into the house.
Boma walked in, not sure what to expect. Whether she'll end up dead or not? When has she ever cared about that as long her curiosity were fed with information!
She looked forward to see a fair complexioned woman sitting in her verandah holding up a newspaper. Besides her was a white chair but there was no one sitting there. She walked up to her only to realize the complexion was a lot more reddish from several bleaching cream mixtures.
She had a armless chiffon gown on, "Good morning Ma" Boma greeted and she dropped the newspaper on a stool close by. "Who are you?" "I'm Boma Davis"
"Boma Davis? The one that went about spreading rumors about the Duncans being ritualist? The one that called Gbade wa (our Gbade) a murderer. Give me one reason why I shouldn't send you out now?"
"I changed the post"
"I heard" she eyed her from head to toe just like the gateman did! "You're not bad looking sha" she commented clearing her throat and Boma cleared her throat not sure whether to say 'thank you' to the compliment.
Was that even a compliment?
"What do you want? A Job? " She asked and Boma shrugged, "Information" she answered and she laughed. "And I'm the information officer right?" "No Ma, I heard your someone that can help me" she removed the bottle of Kampari dropping it on the newspaper and a grin formed on her face.
"People always say, why don't you ask for Champagne, won't it be classier?" She asked then she pointed to the other chair and Boma sat on it then she chuckled.
"What kind of information do you want?"
"On the Duncans"
Madam Fisayo laughed, "Are you not dating one of them?" She asked and Boma raised her brow in shock and Madam Fisayo laughed.
"I like it when they do that you know. I have an obssession with being current. If I can't help you with the information, you might have to leave. I hold the Duncans dear!"
"Who are you to them?"
"I'm family, so what information do you want?"
"Who do you think will have any reason to want to kill Chief?" She asked and Boma noticed her stall. She definitely knew something. "Chief comes from a peaceful family, it's in the blood, the Duncans stick up for each other. They can't harm themselves or else they'll meet a curse."
"A curse?"
"They call it a myth but, you see Chief Goriola Duncan? Chief's father? The man, strong traditionalist, having so much children and a lot of wealth and knowing what accompanies money. The evil in money, left a lot of rules, so the Duncan's can't turn against themselves. They usually have this reserved behavior if you look at them closely. I don't think any real member of the family related by blood will want to hurt Chief. Besides, they said it was an heart attack"
"But you don't believe it is right? Who will want to have him dead? Tiwa Duncan right?" She asked and she stalled. "Let me guess, you have the call already recorded right? I don't work that way so I'll advise you stop the recording" she requested.
"I can't do that. It'll be my word against them!"
Boma didn't want to come out straight that she knew Tiwa was the one. "I can't speak for now. Why don't you come tomorrow" "Why does it sound like you're trying to avoid me? What if I come and i meet an ambush? Can I even trust you?"
"No, but come tomorrow morning and I'll let you know what I know. Simple as that"
Boma exhaled. "Okay Ma"
Thomas made way into Bosco's office. "The mighty John Bosco" he called out, "Should I congratulate you on the case you won, it's all over the papers" he began and Bosco scoffed not in the mood to be flattered by him.
"Thank you" he replied, "You can have your seat" he added and he sat comfortable on the swivel chair.
"You know I know Chief didn't make a mistake choosing you as his legal pal. You're highly reliable, accountable and responsible. When Chief goes, imagine the two of us working pari passu"
"Goes where? The last time I checked, Chief isn't taking any trips"
"I mean.... If he eventually he dies. Let's be sincere here Barrister, what if he dies any moment. Come on, we can really benefit from this if you do the right thing"
"Which is?"
"Changing the will to my favour," "Remember I warned you about speaking to me about this? I already warned you, the next time you speak to me about this, I'll have touch reported to Chief"
"Come on, be sensitive, the poor man has already suffered an heart attack already. He's in a critical state so you can't afford to break any bad news to him. Imagine us being partners ehn?"
"Partners in Crime?"
Thomas rose up placing his hands on his desk, "Think big Barrister! Ah Han! Don't limit your thoughts. If by the time they read the will and they realize he willed everything to me, they won't doubt you, you know why? Because you're a man of integrity, you owe your loyalty to that family. You have nothing to lose here but instead, a lot to gain! Time is ticking and I want you to seriously think of this" he pleaded then he plunged his two hands into the pocket of his trousers.
"Have a nice day ahead" he added leaving and he dialed his wife's number.
"Hey love"
"What's up? You don't sound chirpy"
Bosco tightened his fist, "He came to my office again, I don't know what to do Babe. What do you think I should do?"
How was today's update?😎
Secrets huh? 🤔
What do you think Barrister Bosco will do?
Will he betray Chief's trust ?
Drop your votes and leave comments.
Will be dropping the next episode tommorow! 💃
Love you all😘
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