💢Chapter 38💢

Chapter 38


Dara's eyes met with Funsho's after she woke up. "How long have you been awake?" She asked, "About thirty minutes or so" "How are you holding up?" She asked and Funsho exhaled.

"I'll be fine, I'm more worried about you, your temperature is kind of high" he placed a hand on her neck again, "When last did you treat Malaria?" He asked and she exhaled.

What was bothering her was way past Malaria, it's called the fear of being at gun point! She can't tell him can she?

"It's been a while sha. I'll get drugs and.."

Funsho laughed, "What did you just say? You'll what? Sweetheart, get a test done first" "You know I can just buy drugs and have it cured" "It's Important to take a test first" he advised and she chuckled.

"Yes doctor" she replied and he laughed. "Any development from Chief?"  "As at when i asked, nothing." He answered and she hissed.

"What's wrong with you?"

"I'm just worried about a lot of things. I have a lot in mind and I can't even begin to explain it. I could use a distraction now!" She groaned moving her lips close to his, "I don't know if this is a sensitive move with Chief in coma but I've really missed your lips" "Same here" he replied pulling her close to her then he kissed her lips.

"Your lips are the perfect distraction." He confessed and she chuckled leaning on his chest. "I've got questions dear, how many siblings does you father have?"

"Nineteen, Tiwa's the last. Dad's the first son of the family" "What's the relationship between your Dad and Tiwa, are they close, from your observation?"

"They're very close, Dad doesn't joke with her"

"And there's nothing your dad will do to make her angry?"

Funsho shrugged then he chuckled, "I don't know. Why are you asking?" "I'm just curious that's all. How do you guys cope knowing you have step sisters and brothers?"  "As time goes, you get used to it. Any other question?" He asked and she laughed.

"Yes. How did you get to see me on Valentine's day to pay my bills? I didn't even notice you"

"Well... You had a red gown on, and did you look great. I was distracted, angry and jealous that night. You kept on laughing to Efe's joke and it made me angry. I'm not ashamed to say I was damn jealous"

"Awwwn, that's sweet" she commented and they both laughed.
"I had just finished having an argument with OmoToyosi, I didn't feel like waiting till the end of the date any longer so I went over to the counter to pay then I heard your boyfriend talking to Kelly, she's a waitress at the restaurant. I wanted to pay my own bills, then I realized your boyfriend had issues paying his and I knew automatically you were going to have issues too so I decided to settle it. I didn't want you to end up washing dishes" he explained and she busted out laughing. "I would have paid! What do you take me for?" She asked and they both laughed again.

"No wonder I had a leading to pay for your ride that day! It makes sense now!"

"I believe we were meant to be" He replied and Dara agreed, "Do you drive?" Funsho asked  and Dara nodded, "I have a driver's license but I haven't driven in a while. I'm always scared especially when I'm trying to overtake a car or make some crazy turns. Why did you ask?"

"Any more questions?"  He asked avoiding the question and she gave a nod.  "How many sexual partners have you had?" Shee asked and he kept mute.

"I make no comments on that"

Dara gasped, "You're going to speak my all means and I'm going to force you if you don't!" She tickled his armpit and he laughed. "How many body count?" "I don't know, I didn't keep count but you can be rest assured I don't have strange diseases and I'm not HIV positive, I still have enough sperm to go six times if you're willing" he joked and she  gasped, "Six children? Do I want to die?" She laughed, "How many do you want?"  "Maybe four or three, I'm not really sure, I haven't made a choice yet!"  She replied and he bit his lips, "How many times have I warned you not to do that again?" She asked and both lips Intertwined In a passionate kiss.

Derin sat on the floor in a room with her hands tied back and and her legs tied too; a masking tape across her lips. While a fat man in the room smoked cigarette and played cards with his own self, Derin just assumed he was already high.  Her eyes roamed around a small phone on the table. There were usually three men or sometimes two but she had no idea where the others went to. 

The rope on her hands were loosened, what if she tackles the man and tries to escape, what if there are other men outside? What if there isn't? She asked herself?
Not like she hasn't tried, the injuries on her face are proof of her escape trials.

If only there could be a miracle to make the the man leave the room so she could make some calls with the phone that's if there's call card on the phone; it should be worth the shot anyways.

Her miracle came when two girls dressed in skimpy wears, one was dark and thin while the other was dark but fat.  "My babes don come"  the man screamed and the girls laughed now staring at Derin.

"Who be this one?" The fat one asked, "Abeg leave that one, no be your first time now. You know how the business dey go. Abeg come hug me jhoor" He demanded and the fat one did. He then rewarded her with a loud pat on her buttocks then he resumed unzipping his trousers.

"I no suck your prick in front of this woman oh, Abeg"

"Ah Han,"

"I say I no do, the only person we I go fit condone na my babe here, na threesome I sign up for no be four eyes! No be exhibition I con do too so.... Make we find somewhere else abeg"

"I no wan commot eyes for this woman now"

"You want do abi you no wan do?"

"Oya make we go another place they all walked out of the room and Derin quickly loosened the rope taking off the tape from her lips.

She didn't bother checking how much airtime he had, the first thing she did was put a call through to Chief.

Mrs Bimbo watched the phone vibrate on the drawer while sat in the Chief's hospital room holding on  to his hands. She ignored the call, she wasn't in the mood to answer questions from anyone. It rang again, this time she took a look at the number, it was a strange number so she left the phone on the drawer.

"Who's that Ma?" Ruby asked and she shrugged, "I don't know. Shouldn't you go and rest? Have you take your bathe?" "I have" "You should rest, you've been here all morning"

"I'm taking note of those who come in, the last time I saw someone walk in, she said it's a mistake but I'm sure she just wanted to see Chief's situation. After they will take pictures and they Photoshop it to make it look like Chief has died"

"Oh... Weldon my dear"

"Shit! Chief what's going on?" Derin asked then she dialed another number. "Hello Cousin" she called out, "Derin? Is that you? Jeez! We've been searching everywhere for you. I actually assumed it was just your normal escape parole like you didn't want to be found"

"I don't have time Dele, I've been kidnapped"

"What? How? When? Are you joking or something? "

"I'm not! I was helping Chief Duncan with an investigation and I found out who the culprits are, they had me locked up here!" "Are you okay? Where are you?"

"I don't know, they knocked me out unconscious. I have no idea where I am, all I have now is information and, you're going to help me tell Chief only him can help me out right now"

"Chief fainted last night"


The fat man settled on a couch and the thin girl climbed on him taking off his top then she went ahead kissing him on his neck while the fat lady unzipped his trousers.

"Wait! My phone!"

"Leave am jhoor!"

"If my my Oga call and I no pick, him go vex. Fine ladies, make una no vex ehn, make I just rush carry the phone."

"It was Funsho's birthday party and he slumped right in front of everyone." Dele explained and Derin cried.  "Oh my God, their plans are working. They're poisoning him, they're poisoning him, you have to let the children know"

"What's poisonous? I can't hear what you're saying, the network is breaking up. Can you hear me?" 
"How convenient for the network to break when I'm about to pass an information. Dele, can you hear me now" "Yes"

The door flung open and Derin  turned to the fat man who brought out his gun from his pocket. "Drop that phone now!" He yelled.

"Give this information to Chief, tell him"

He fired the gun at her arm and she screamed in pain as the phone fell off her hand.

"Derin? Derin!" Dele exclaimed and he walked towards the phone ending the call.

Thomas parked his car at the hospital parking lot when his phone rang.  "What?" He asked on picking it, "Boss, we get problem?" "What kind of problem?"

"She try escape and I con ....I con shoot her, she need medical help"

Omolade sat the lobby while Mrs Bimbo walked up to her. "Good evening Ma, how are you Ma, how is Daddy?" "I know you're just here to get an exclusive news and view of Chief but no! I can't allow you publicize this situation"

"Mummy don't you trust me? People are saying Chief is dead"

"If Chief is dead, will I still be here?"

"That's why we need an exclusive interview to clear the air"

"We're not giving any exclusive interview. Chief is not dead, he's doing well and by God's grace, he'll soon come out of this" 

"Mummy, if I can just take a picture?" She requested and Mrs Bimbo glared at her. "Don't let meforget that you're friend's daughter and give you a dirty slap! Are you deaf? I said I'm not giving you the interview and you're still insisting, are you okay?" She asked and Omolade scratched her hair.

Funsho, Dara, Shade, Pamilerin and Ade walked in through the door.

"I'm sorry Ma" She apologized and Mrs Bimbo hissed, "Sorry for yourself" she snapped and she walked away.

Pamilerin and Ade rushed to hug her and she smiled. "Look at my grandchildren oooo. How are you guys" "We're fine!" They both answered and she glared at them. "Oya give me the right response before I deal with you guys according"

"Mo wa kpa (i'm fine!)" They both answered and she chuckled looking at Shade. "Folashade" she called on her full name and she hugged her. "I'm sorry about grandpa. How's he?"

"He's fine. Can you try saying that in Yoruba?" She asked and Shade creased her brow in thought then she looked at had father who instantly laughed at her.  "The answer is in my face, look at me very well"

Shade laughed, "It's in my head but I can't say it well"  "Good afternoon Ma" Dara greeted her future mother-in-law.

"Good afternoon. I take it you're all here to see Chief, let's go then"

"Daddy I want to use the elevator" Pamilerin said and Funsho laughed, "He's at this down floor" "Aw men! But we'll still use the elevator right?"

Thomas placed a bandage on her wound while she groaned. "That's what you get from being  bad Derin" "What's your deal? Why are you keeping me alive? Kill me already"

"I have conscience you know. People said I'm without conscience but they don't know me. Doesn't mean I'll keep you alive at the end though"

Derin spat on his face, "You're a sicko!" "What haven't I heard before?" He scratched his hair, "I would have held your face and slam it against the wall but you're in luck. Today is shit day,  I've been enduring a lot of shit so....." He trailed off,  brought out an handkerchief cleaning off her spit.

"Or maybe i should forgive you because we share the same surname"

"What has Chief ever done to you, the man has been nice to you, he trusts you. What do you want?"

"Everything he has, I want everything he has to be mine so some people will not brag that one stupid house belongs to them when I can have everything signed to my name!"

"You can't do that! Chief can't be stupid to make you his heir, he has sons"

"There are more than one ways to skin a rat" he tapped her on the cheek rising up and looking at the three men in the room. "Don't touch the woman oh, try to respect women as possible, they are fragile and must be handled with care. I'm talking about extreme care like eggs, I don't want see any more scratch on her body. Do I make myself clear?" He asked and they all nodded.

"Yes Boss!"

"If she tries to escape again, this time shoot her in head" he added walking out of the room.

Ade pressed his hands against his grand father's face and Shade slapped his arm. "Stop it!" She cautioned.  "What is this Dad?" He pointed at the oxygen mask on Chief's nose.

"It's called an oxygen mask"

"Is it used for breathing?" He asked and Funsho smiled. "One point to Ade" he complimented and he laughed.

"Can Grandpa hear us?" Pamilerin asked and Funsho nodded. "Theoretically, he's conscious of everything happening so  technically, he can hear us"

"Then Grandpa listen to this" Pamilerin said, "I already know the questions you would have asked me so here are my answers. I'm fine, school has never been more great and yes I'm still sticking with my ambition to be a lawyer. I've not changing it yet" he answered and everyone chuckled.  "I hate hospitals, You and Dad know how much I hate the injections and the smell. I'll only come here twice, now and another tomorrow when you get better. I love you grandpa, please don't leave us yet" he cried and Dara felt tears build in her eyes.


Winny stood by the door of her mother's room where she overheard nher making a call to Timmy. "You'll be coming over?" She asked, "You don't have to, Winny just moved in and I don't want to issues with her"

"Oh, you won't be staying for the night? Oh great! That's a relief. Thank you for understanding dear. I love you" she confessed then Winny sighed realizing how much her mother loved Timmy.

She walked in and her mother dropped the phone, "Hey love" she smiled and Winny sat down looking down at her phone, Timmy's picture was the screensaver.

"You like him that much?" She asked and Dunni smiled. "He makes me happy and I respect that you're not used to the idea and I promise to keep our business away from this place"

"I'm sorry Mom"

"Stop apologizing, it's fine. It's Thomas fault, not yours. What have you been up to?" "Preparing for waec" "Not that, I meant you and your Baby's father"

Winny laughed, "Nothing's going on between Kaddy and I" "Kaddy?" "It's Kadri, but I like calling him Kaddy" "Hmmm" Dunni stared suspiciously and she laughed.


"You like him"

"I don't! He's just.... He cares a lot about the baby" "Does his parents know?" "He has just his grandma, both parents are dead, well.... His mother is dead but his father is an Australian, he got the mom pregnant and didn't accept it"


"He's an Australian, he was born there, left when he was fifteen so technically Mom, my baby's half Nigerian and Half Australian" she answered and Dunni laughed. "Are you two having sex?"


"I've you been thinking of it?"

"Yes. A lot, every time but.... Will it hurt the baby?"

"Jesus Winny, what kind of stupid, naive question is that?" Her mother asked and she laughed. "It doesn't, there's an extent when it's important for pregnant women to have it. The pregnancy can increase or decrease libido.The hormones sometimes makes you horny but most times in your first trimester. Mine got worst in the second trimester but your father will always push me away, he said I was too heavy" she scoffed then she sighed, "Whatever question you have, just know that I'm here to answer every one of them" she promised and Winny hugged her.

"Thank you"

"You're welcome"

Thomas walked into his other apartment, he found Tiwa sitting on the couch with her legs on the center table then he walked to the bar stand pouring himself a glass of drink.

"What happened to your face?"

"Is now you're seeing it ba?" He snapped and she scoffed, "What's it with the attitude?" "Tiwa love, I'm tired, angry and horny, the last thing I want to do is answer questions or listen to complains"

"Well you're not in luck cause I've got my complain."

Thomas sniggered  before gulping the drink then he groaned with a grimace from how strong the drink was. "How come you never told me you had a son?"  "Who told you?"

"Winny told Yusuf"

He scoffed. "Now that you know, what are you going to do, freak out about it?" "How old is he?" "Why do you..." "How old?" "Six" he answered and she exhaled.

"It was even before we started"

"How many children do you have so far?"

"Only two! I don't even have any, can you believe that drunk Dunni came to the house to carry my baby? And she even had the guts to brag about the house being hers. I swear I'll make her day for this!"

"We'll make them pay for all the unfair things they've done to us" she wrapped her hands around his waist, "One by one, they'll pay"

Portia dropped two can malt on the table then she took her seat not to miss a single gist. "This thing is becoming dangerous oh. I'll suggest you involve the police now"

"I still want to celebrate my birthday this month with the whole of my family. She's threatening to kill our families and she threatened me with a gun to my belly." Dara shook her head, "Babe, I don't know what to do as it is"

"Shey I was tipping Gbade to run a test for poison and he laughed at me. I can use my blog but I love my family too much to lose them!"

"This is crazy! You guys have to tell someone now. Someone has to know, even if it's to tell  Funsho to keep it a secret" 

Chris stepped out of his car holding on to a flower and an apology card and a customer bag containing Pringles and two plates of ice cream. He knocked on the gate and Stella stepped out of the house.

"Chris Holland?" She called out, she has never met him in person. "Stella right?" "Yeah. We haven't really met in person but I know you, i work with an advertising  firm; besides Brenda has been drooling over your pictures" She began opening the gate and he walked in chuckling. 


"Well.... More like drooling and crying over your pictures. I didn't say a word to you"

Chris gestured as though zipping his lips and she smiled. "Good evening.  how are you?" "I'm fine, thank you. And you?"  "I'm fine too"

"Where's Brenda?" Chris asked, "She went out, she's not back yet but you can wait for her if you like"

"Is Kelvin around?"

"Oh yes he is, would you like to see him?"

"Will love to" 

Mrs George poured a fruit juice into a glass cup looking at Brenda who felt uncomfortable. "Feel at home Brenda, you're uneasy"  she assumed and Brenda smiled. "Where are your children?"

"Both married and  in their respective homes. You know we live in a small world. Imagine you being a mother of one of my wards, that's simply fascinating! You know Kolade told me a lot about you, right from when you were class representative in year one."


"You were always popping in and disturbing him, his word, not mine" she raised her hands and Brenda laughed, "She was always relentless, even when I will hide and think that I've escaped her, you'll now hear her say, there you are Dr. Kolade George" he explained and Brenda laughed retrospectively.

"Then one day, Kolade informed me he saw you in class, he said it looked like you were pregnant and then afterwards he finally confirmed it"

Brenda exhaled in shame, "Don't feel bad. It happens to the best of us."  "She was supposed to be a bright student" Prof. George pointed at her, "Until I had my heads in the cloud" she answered blinking her tears in.

"Love does that to the best of us, but it shouldn't stop us from doing what we should. Getting on with life, moving on" she answered looking at her husband.

"I had my first daughter from being reckless in secondary school, waec was around the corner and my belly was as big as a watermelon and I had to sit for waec. When my husband told me, I knew exactly how you felt, I didn't let being a single mother stop me, I had the best parents. I continue through University where I met Kolade and that was where our love story started" she smiled stretching her hands out at him and he squeezed it softly and Brenda grew envious.

Can she ever have such a relationship? One that can last this long?

"My parents I've been greatly supportive but I've been.... sturbborn and angry at myself for the life I lost, what could have been; but you're lucky Ma"

"Come on Brenda, there's always someone out there for every woman, even if they have three children"

"I screwed up. Permit my language, I lied to him about everything, about my work, my son and he's angry, I've begged him, I've done all .... He's still angry" she explained in tears, "Give it time, in time, this will pass, or another guy will come in. Don't give up on love"

Dr. George cleared his throat, "What kind of job will you like to do?" "I don't usually last long in my place of work because I'm not comfortable with the job" "Do you still want to be an actress?" "I'm a failed actress Sir, it has always been my passion but I'm done with it. What's the point of being actress when I won't be able to take some roles because I'm tryig to live an exemplary life for my son?"

Prof George smiled. "You can always do other things. There's this film studies form that a friend of mine dropped at my office for any one interested. You could pick the forms and apply, sit for their entrance on examinations and take a course on maybe film making, directing or even better script writing. Your story looks like one  you can convert into a story, feel free to pick a happy ending for it. There are a lot of opportunities out there Brenda, don't limit yourself"

Brenda smiled, "I've never thought of that Sir" "Now that I've helped you to think of it, how much will you pay me?" He asked and they all busted into laughter.

"Thank you Ma, thank you Sir"

"You're welcome dear"

Kelvin and Chris sat outside the house on the front door step conversing while munching on Pringles. "Shebi I told Ade that in my school, you don't sue teachers for beating. As we entered into the class that was how the teacher, my teacher is wicked oh, she just knock me on my head and said, you think I will not beat you because of you came with your Mommy"

"That's cruel"

"I cried then one small girl now came to my front and said ntoor to me" he explained and Chris, "That's wicked" "I don't blame her, when she came late last week and they beat her, I laughed at her too" he explained and this cracked the both of them up.

"Teachers shouldn't beat children, there are other means"

Kelvin laughed, "Grandpa will say, if you spoil the cane, you spoil the child" He stated and Chris laughed. "It's spare the rod and spoil the child. Well, in your case cane. Grandpa beats you?"

"Not everytime but.... If Grandpa beats you, your ghost will come out of your body and be pitying you" he answered and Chris laughed coughing then he smiled dipping his hands into the tin can of Pringles removing a chips then he chewed it. 

"Will you forgive Mom?" Kelvin asked and Chris smiled. "That's if she forgives me first"

Brenda walked into the gate and he picked up the flower and apology card from his laps the he stood up  walking towards her. "Hey Brenda"
"What are you doing here?" She asked, her eyes glides over the flower which made it so obvious he was coming to perhaps ask her out.

She felt excited but she wasn't going to let it show. "I.... Can we talk?" "No. I'm done talking, what part of goodbye forever didn't you get?" "I'm sorry"

"You're sorry. Well I'm not, I meant all I said yesterday" she snapped walking away, "I'm really really sorry" he apologized and she halted smiling. "I was deeply hurt okay? None of my relationship has ever worked. I told you already, it's always about my money and they always lie! Every damn time just like Pelumi did, you right, she lied about everything"

Brenda turned towards him laughing, "I knew it! It was just too good to be true" "You're laughing" "Of course I am, I was just pulling your legs, acting a little bit. " She collected the card and the flower, "It's been long since I've seen cards like this"

"I'm sorry Baby" 

"I'm sorry too for lying, I was ashamed, I wanted to be perfect for you Chris. I didn't want my son ruining it. I'm sorry for the lies, I promise you there'll be no lies!"

"No lies?"

"No lies, total transparency!"

"My name is Chris Daniel Holland, I got transferred two months ago and I'm currently managing Mood fm right now"  "Sounds Interesting" "What about you beautiful lady in Ankara jump suit" he asked and she chuckled.

She was actually wearing a white jump suit the first day they met. "My name is Brenda Igwe, third child in the family, a world class liar currently going through therapy. I'm jobless! I'm totally jobless, im a failed actress but I'm someone just suggested script writing to me and I want to check it out and see if I'll like it."

"Sounds great. Is that all?"

"No. I have a son too, a son I don't regret having.... I could have aborted him but I chose not to, it was my personal choice, Kelvin and I, we're one package. No one's going without the order"

"I don't care, I love the package"


"I've always wanted to have a child and Kelvin is one of the most brilliant boy I've ever seen. He's sweet, funny and i would really love to raise him with you that's if you agree" he suggested and she gasped.

"Is that a proposal?" She asked and he gave a nod then she jumped on him wrapping her legs across just waist then they both kissed.

"God I missed you!" He confessed  now looking at Kelvin who instantly ran into the house with the tin can of Pringles, "I got you ice cream" "Thank you, but I have another kind of ice cream in mind" she bit her lower lips and he chuckled.

"Don't tempt me" he replied and they both chuckled.

"Are you curious to know who the father of the baby is? "She asked and he shook his head. "Well, it's necessary cause it's someone you know"


"Thomas Balogun" she confessed to his shock. "What?"

Winny laid in her bed making a video call to Kadri, he was topless and appeared to be sitting on the toilet seat. "I just want to say thank you for earlier on, I didn't exactly thank you enough" "It's okay, you should thank your mom and Timmy, they were the real badass" he groaned and she scoffed.

"Did you pick my video call while pooing?" She asked and he groaned again. "Did I ask you to call while I'm taking my shit out?" "You shouldn't have picked it" "I don't even know what I ate. It's like there's a knife with two heads struggling to get out of my asshole" he explained and she feigned vomiting. 

"You're gross!"

Kadri laughed rising up, "Do you want to see it before I flush it? It's a conjoined twins" he teased and she scoffed. "You're impossible you know that?" She commented now staring at his body.

He flushed then he sprayed the whole toilet, "It smells like shit in here" "Are you naked?" She asked and he chuckled, "Why did you ask?" "I don't know" she shrugged, "Just curious" "Should I take the camera down?" He asked and she kept quiet biting her lips.

"Here we go" he slowly brought the camera of his phone down and she hung up laughing.

"Idiot!" She snapped when she heard a knock on the door. She walked towards the door, "Who is it?" She asked, "Timmy"

She opened up the door feeling uncomfortable. "Good evening Tims" she greeted and he smiled. "You haven't called me that in a long time"

"Yeah....." She walked in and he entered closing the door. "How are you Winny?" "I'm fine," "And the baby?" "Kadri said I should say it's fine, it's fine"

"Somehow, I cause  this and I'm sorry"

"Actually I caused it, Shade always say I'm thoughtless most times and it's true. I know I can be careless and insolent too"

Timmy laughed, "All this big words from your mouth? What happened?" "I've been abused a lot of times that's why" she answered and he smiled. "Thank you for helping me with Dad"

"You're welcome. By the way, your baby Dada looks cool"

"He's an idiot!" She answered and he laughed. "Mom is in her room. You can go meet her!" She said walking away and he smiled.  "Thanks, I'll go check her out and don't worry, I won't be spending the night" 

Timmy walked into Dunni's room; she got out in her towels and a smile crept through his cheeks. "Hey sexy" he called out and she smiled moving close to him for a kiss.

"What is you want to say?"

"Yeah huh..... I don't want to keep this again, it's been in my chest and ever since Brenda told me, and when you made mention of it today, I knew I couldn't keep it any longer. okay.....  Remember Brenda?" "The one who worked with you, I do. Why?"

"Don't get mad at me Babe" he exhaled, clenched and unclenched his fist. "Okay .... I don't know where to start"

"Does she have a son?" Dunni asked and he gave a nod.

As we as 6:45 in the morning, Dara was already in Chief's hospital room. She clasped her fingers over the bed then she knelt on the cold tile of the hospital.

"Good morning Chief, when are you coming back Sir? Your wives and children needs you alive, your grand children needs you alive. My children needs you alive, I'll be very very unhappy with you if my children come into this world and don't see their wonderful grandfather. You are a lovely man Sir, you welcomed me even when I thought you were a ritualist. You embraced me in your warm arms and I felt loved and welcomed. You're a rare man Sir, a very rare man with a rare personality, I need you come back and tell you jokes to make me laugh" she chuckled.

"God, you said you'll hear us when we call. Your ears are not deaf, Chief needs to be alive and stand and protect for his family at this crucial time and you're the only one that can restore his health. You are the God of all flesh,  there is nothing too hard for you to do, in Jesus name"

"Amen" Chief muttered into the mask then he weakly turned towards her. Dara opened her eyes In surprise then she covered her palm over her lips. "Jesus!" She called out, "Let me go get the... Nurses, I'll go get the...." She stammered waving her hands happily.

"Oh my God it's real. Ruby!!!!"

It's a miracle 💃💃💃

Chief is awake!!!

Yay!!!! Winny had reconciled with her mother and Timmy

Chris and Brenda are back together!!!!

Your thoughts please?😁😁

Please drop your lovely votes and comments; they keep me inspired!

Much love guys!!!


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