💢Chapter 35💢
Chapter 35
"Still reporting live from the Duncan's resident, we can see the preparation getting hot" she turned back at some people dressed on lemon and black trouser entering into the house.
"I recognize that Brand from anywhere. That's definitely Perfect event planning and the rumors reaching us is that the entertainment for the day will be done by various celebrities. How better can the day get?"
Dara and Funsho knocked on Chief's study then she entered. "Good morning Chief" she greeted and Chief smiled. Eugene the housemaid pouring tea for him.
"Good morning Dad"
"Good morning my dear."
"Good morning Sir" Eugene greeted Funsho, she glanced at Dara feeling relunctant to greet her. Dara noticed, it's not so hard to whiff people with characteristics like this.
She probably thinks she's a teenager or something.
"Good morning" she greeted only because courtesy demanded it, "Good morning to you too" she answered then Chief demanded she made tea for the both of them.
"Okay Sir" She nodded her head walking out of the room.
I guess congratulations are in order for the would be latest couple" He said fully aware Funsho planned on proposing to her that day.
Funsho gave him a look and he laughed shaking his head, "You did not take that one from me" he answered and Dara glanced at the both of them. "Is this a secret message thing?" She asked and Chief pointed at the chair.
"Please have your seat"
"Maybe I should leave you two alone Sir. I was going to meet up with Mummy. Later Sir, later dear" she flashed a smile at Funsho before leaving.
"I didn't know they invited the press. I thought it was going to be more closed. At this rate, all the women in my life will come and the last thing I need is drama happening on my birthday"
"Your mother took the liberty to invite them. I thought you were going to propose to Dara"
"I wanted to then I thought it through. I knew my exes will be there so I wanted to pass a message across. Seeing the press, I can guess the number of women that will be lining up already. I wish it was a private party"
"Sir Funsho just came in now with that his skinny girlfriend. Who would have thought he'll end up choosing that girl, she doesn't even look like his type. The party is for real, I don't think he's going to change his mind" she said on a call then she noticed Dara behind her then she hung up.
"Are you lost?" She asked and Dara shook her head, "No. Where can I find Mummy Funsho?"
The DJ played Teni's gele while everyone seated swayed their head to the music. Funsho and Dara stood by while they waited for the MC to announce them to take their seat on a chair reserved for the both of them, it felt more like a wedding than a birthday. The MC seemed to be having fun telling jokes.
She was dressed in a blue gown with a cutout slit, Funsho on the other hand had a short sleeve slim fit white agbada on, the front embroidery was colored blue to match with Dara's clothing.
"It's true what they say, men will end up dating all the slay queens and end up getting married to dweebs" she complained to another lady, Toyin sitting close to her. "I only came to see if it's true oh. When Mercy posted that picture on her blog and I saw the girl's structure. I thought maybe it was camera error. Look how straight the babe looks, so Funsho can see curves and follow ruler" Toyin snapped and the lady close to her laugh. She glanced at Funsho hoping he'll notice her presence.
Funsho groaned on seeing the two of them, Dara turned towards him then she looked at the lady who instantly winked at Funsho. "Another ex girlfriend?" She asked and he shook his head, "Her name is Toyin but we didn't even date"
Dara gasped, "Apart from the fact you were a sex addict, how many flings have you had?" She asked and he laughed nervously not willing to answer the question.
CeCee and Mercy walked into the party. Mercy had a red Lacy gown on while CeCee was dressed in a purple gown that stopped at her thigh, her cleavages were on exposure; she was dressed to kill and she had one person in mind, Funsho Duncan.
Funsho and Dara's eyes trailed on her and Cecee smiled when she noticed it. "It's like a Major, major party for congregation of exes" she commented and he chuckled feeling bad. "We could dish the party and celebrate elsewhere. I'd rather be in the comfort of my room, just being close to you, kissing you than being here" he confessed and she chuckled.
"It's your birthday and we're going to celebrate it even with all your flings peering at me as if I'm the cause of their misfortune."
Boma walked up to her, "That ugly CeCee just walked in" she commented and Funsho laughed leaving the ladies to meet Chris. "As if I didn't see it"
"What is she doing here?"
"Trying to show her good looking body of course."
Boma turned towards her again, "It's like she's trying to sell a market. Look at how she's dress, I don't even need to bend too much, I can see the color of her panties from here sef" she exaggerated and Dara turned towards her.
"I don't even want the thought of her to bother me at all."
"Just know that, if she tries shit. We your babe is solidly behind"
"Shouldn't you be gearing your mind towards finding out how your boyfriend's mom might think about your relationship?"
Boma exhaled "That aside, anything that happens, if the babe tries shit, WWE Is going to go down here"
"They're talking about you" Mercy noted and Cecee smiled, "I know. You know how much I love the attention. It's making me horny already" she looked over at Shade who was already giving her a stare from where she sat with her brothers and Winny.
Then she blew kisses at them.
Pamilerin caught the invisible kiss in his palm then he threw it away glaring at her. She frowned in return.
"What's she doing here?" Pamilerin asked, "No one was exempted from the party so, she has every right to come" Winny answered, "I don't like her"
"If we're looking at the truth here, she's a lot more prettier and hotter than your father's girlfriend" she answered and all eyes glared at her.
"What did I say?"
Chief requested someone called Thomas and Ruby's attention in bus study. After they got in, they found him sweating in his office. "Ah han Chief" he called out moving close to him.
"Are you okay Sir?"
"Do I look okay Thomas?" He grimaced, "How do you feel Sir?" He asked and Chief exhaled, he didn't want to worry anyone. "Chief, you have to help me here"
"I feel pains in my chest but it's not serious, I've been feeling a bit light headed" "Since when?"
"Maybe yesterday" he lied looking at Ruby who gave him a look. "What about shortness of breath?" He asked and Chief kept quiet.
"What are you suggesting?"
"Heart attack Sir"
"I'm fine now, I'm not having a heart attack" he sighed in relief, "Why did you call us then?"
"I'm a lot relieved now"
"Chief, maybe you should sit this one out. Take a rest for the night" Thomas advised and Chief scoffed, "Sit what out? Funsho's birthday? You want me to miss that special moment when Funsho will propose to Dara? No oh"
"These are clearly the signs of a heart attack"
"How can you affirm such without properly checking my blood pressure?" He asked and Thomas exhaled, pointing to the sphygmomanometer at the corner of the office.
"Pass me the sphygmomanometer Nurse" he requested and she did. He threw the earpieces of the stethoscope in his ear then he tied the sphygmomanometer around Chief's upper arm.
"It's a bloody ex party in here" Chris said to Funsho who agreed with a nod picking a glass of wine from the one of the ushers. "I can see Toyin, CeCee and let's not forget, Toyosi!"
"And Brenda?" Funsho noted gulping the drink and Chris chuckled staring at Brenda who was seated at the table with Kelvin and her parents. "It's an ex convention alright" he agreed glancing at CeCee.
"Careful on the drink dude, you don't want to get drunk before the proposal."
"I want everything to be perfect. I'm scared something bad will happen. I'm having a really bad feeling"
"I'm having a bad feeling" Mrs Bimbo complained to Regina. "Like what?" "Something bad is about to happen and I don't know what. (Something bad is about to happen)"
Regina exhaled, "Ma, it's not the time to be negative. It's your son's birthday party. Let's be positive and hope for the best" she encouraged and Mrs Bimbo smiled. "Let's hope for the best then"
Thomas walked out of the office leaving Chief with Ruby, "You lied to Dr. Thomas, that other day, you felt light headed. My sister and I witnessed it" "I'm fine, it's just old age" "Then take a rest, I think you should sit this one out"
"I can't. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine, not a word of this to anyone" he begged and she nodded. "Let's go Sir" " You can go, I'll be out in a bit." he answered and she nodded walking out of the office.
Thomas was outside the door waiting for her. "Do you know you look amazingly beautiful this evening?" He asked and she had to refrain from rolling her eyes. "Thank you Sir" "If I had met you before this your boyfriend, maybe you would have fallen in love with me" he answered moving close to her.
"Your lips" he grinned, "I can already picture it doing a whole lot" he muttered and Ruby looked away. "Thomas?" Tiwa called out and he smiled.
"Excuse me while I go attend to a friend" he whispered and Ruby walked away.
"What are you doing here?"
"I was looking for you" she answered turning towards the Ruby's direction. "What are you doing with her?" "Your brother wasn't feeling too well and he called us. I was just playing nice to the nurse. You know how I care about the way people think about me"
"Why did it look as though you were flirting with her"
Thomas laughed, "Flirting with who? A fat girl when I have a hot queen like you. You did not see how she looks like over soaked bread. I don't even find her attractive"
"You had better not!" She snapped looking towards Chief's office. "What's wrong with him" "His blood pressure is extremely high" "I do hope he dies this very night and make me happy" she whispered and he covered her lips.
"Chief is just steps away"
"Who cares, he'll die eventually" she snapped and Thomas scoffed, "You didn't tell them to increase the dose did you?" She asked and Tiwa smirked folding her arms.
"It's about time he dies"
Chief got out of the office and Tiwa quickly walked up to him. "Brother mi" she called out and He smiled at her. "My favorite"
Dunni walked hand in hand with Timmy over to where her mother was. "Good evening Ma" Timmy bowed his head, "Good evening dear" she took a close observation at him.
"Mom, meet Timilehin Akande. The one I talked about" she leaned against him, "My boyfriend" "I've heard a great deal about you Ma, it's a pleasure to meet you" he bowed his head again not sure if the response he'll receive.
"So you're the one that has been putting smiles on my daughter's face? It's nice to meet you too. Timilehin shebi? Where are you from?"
"Ondo Ma"
Ruby returned back to her seat angrily and her family seated noticed her sour expression. "Is everything okay?" Mr Igwe asked and Ruby shook her head. "Not exactly, I'm having a bad feeling. I just hope everything turns out alright"
Iretiola walked towards Gbade smiling with a glass of wine in her hands, "Hey Baby" she called out and he frowned at her. "What are you doing here?" He asked and she laughed, "You think I'll miss the hottest party of the century? You gotta be kidding me." She sipped her drink now biting her lower lips.
"Besides, I knew you would be here and you've been avoiding me, your security don't let me in. The only place you never really avoid me is in parties. Gbade I miss you, I miss us" she ran her other hand on his chest.
Boma cleared her throat and Iretiola turned towards her. "What is she doing here?" She asked in worry, "Gbade this woman is a reporter, she's the one that has been writing awful things about you guys, I'm sure she's here to make investigations. You should have the security throw her out" she demanded and Boma scoffed.
"What a lying, manipulative bitch you are!" She snapped and she flinched, "I can't believe you just did this, I already found out you were manipulative but this.... wins it all!" She added now standing beside Gbade who held her by the waist.
Iretiola shook her head in disbelief, "It.... can't be possible... the two of you?" "Yes, Boma is my girlfriend" "She wrote bad things about you, she called you a murderer!"
"Have you checked the latest post on her blog?" He asked, "Iretiola, I know you tipped her about the whole Rosemary thing" "And you believe her because?"
"Because I've realized she was just misguided she's a good person with a good heart and you on the other hand is the worst mistake I ever made. It's been over between us, the sooner you realize that, the better" he snapped and she withheld her tears then she hissed leaving.
"I'm in awe at how she quickly turned it at me but I'm starting to also feel sorry for her. She really does like you" "Not as much as I like you" he replied and she smiled.
"Should we meet Mom now?" He asked and she shook her head, "Let's wait a bit" she replied and he laughed. "At this rate, we might not tell her tonight. Are you okay?" She asked and Boma shrugged.
"I'm worried for my best friend and two, being here once again is kind of nostalgic. Reminds me of when I saw Rosemary's body"
OmoToyosi shook her head staring at Funsho who had just returned back to Dara then she walked towards the both of them.
"What did your friends say?" He asked, "They're offering to be my personal security incase an of your ex tries to bully me" "I think CeCee's in trouble then" he answered and she laughed.
"What are you laughing at?" Omotoyosi raised her voice, "What's funny?" She snapped and Funsho rolled his eyes. "You are with oko o lo ko (someone's husband) and you're laughing?" She snapped and Dara exhaled.
Shade shook her head full of shame, "What in the name of God is mom doing?" She muttered to herself from where she sat.
"Toyosi, we can discuss this more amicably" Dara suggested but her anger was too hot to be quenched by pleas. "Who are you calling Toyosi? How dare you call me Toyosi, do I look like your mate?" "Can we not do this here? It's too public and you're raising your voice!" Funsho snapped at her.
"Was I talking to you? Is it not this husband snatcher that I was talking to?" She charged at her. Adetoun and Mimi her held her away while she chanted insults at Dara.
People began to stare and Funsho noticed Toyin laugh and raise a glass at him. He hissed now looking at Dara who was clearly embarrassed. "I'm very sorry" "It's okay" "It's not okay Dara, it's not and I have to do this as quickly as possible"
"Do what?" Dara asked and he knelt down and everyone gasped and the music stopped. This attracted everyone's attention including Omotoyosi who was trying to struggle out of Adetoun's grip.
Dara gasped and covered her palm over her lips in surprise while Pamilerin and Ade ran towards his side, "Daddy, you're supposed to wait for us" Ade complained and Dara laughed.
"I'm lost of words to say Babe, I've spent my life making bad decisions, I've done things that I'm not proud of. A lot of people wondered why I never took getting married seriously well, it's just because I have been waiting for the right one. Dara, it's you I want, you're the one my heart beats for and you're the one I want to call wifey and make the mother of my many children. I want you to be the one i spend my life with, the one to wipe those tears off your face. Like I said I've spent my whole life making bad decisions, I think this is the best I've ever made. Dara Igwe, will you marry me?" He asked and Pamilerin knelt down.
"Will you marry us?" He asked and Ade knelt down too, "Please marry my Daddy!" Ade requested and Dara threw her head backwards in laughter. "Yes I will, I'll marry you Funsho Duncan" she answered and they all rose up and some people clapped.
The music quickly switched to Teni's Marry then Funsho pulled her close by her waist kissing her and Dara kissed him to in respective of the fact people were staring and her parents were watching her.
Omotoyosi fainted and Adetoun raised her hands up. Mimi glanced at her fingernails then she hissed.
"I can't believe she broke my fingernails."
Shade gasped on noticing her mother faint.
CeCee felt tears build in her eyes, she struggled to blink them back in but it dropped eventually so she wiped them off, "Sorry" Mercy sympathized, "I don't need pity Mercy, it isn't over until the fat lady sings. We're still pushing with the plan"
"It's okay oh, it's okay oh" The MC said into the microphone as Funsho and Dara continued kissing. They both stopped laughing and looking into each other's eyes.
The MC sighted Chief so he decided to make a special recognition of him, "A special man just walked into the party, a man I so much appreciate and respect, industrious to that core, a philanthropist a Chief and a doctor, Chief Otunba Duncan!" He announced and every hands applauded him and Chief smiled walking towards them even with the piercing pain he felt his chest.
The ushers hired, led him to his seat after which Mrs Bimbo joined him pointing at Funsho and Dara. "Look at the love birds" "At least he has taken the first step"
"Can't we feel the love in the house? Let's give it up for the celebrant and his fiance as they both walk to their seats!" He exclaimed and a lady who had a big smile on her face ushered both of them to their seat.
Kelvin's eyes met with Chris who was having a drink alone so he waved at him and he waved back at him. He glanced at Brenda then he looked away.
"Let's go and meet Uncle Chris" he suggested and Brenda shook her head, "He won't want to see me" "Go" Mrs Igwe smiled and Brenda exhaled.
Mrs Holland held a light complexioned woman who was clad in an orange gown towards Chris. "Do you remember Pelumi Banks, your junior sister's friend, she used to visit the house that time when your sister was still in the country. You might not recognize her again, she's now a grown-up woman. Look at how beautiful she looks. Let me leave you two to discuss" she walked away and Chris rolled his eyes.
"Hello" Pelumi waved, "We meet again, to think used to call you Brother Chris, should I still call you that?" She asked and he shook his head.
"I don't think that will be necessary. Wow Pelumi, you've really changed, you don't even look like the girl I knew back then"
"Why do everyone say that?" She asked and Chris smiled. "Cause it's the truth and you know it. How have you been?"
"I've been fine, I..... I've been traveling"
"Wow, is it a job requirement or something?" "Not exactly. I..." She shrugged, "It's a personal choice to travel, I'm planning on starting a business other than just depending on my father's money"
Chris raised his brow in fascination, "Wow, that's a good decision. I really don't like people who depend on family wealth." "I came to that realization and I've been working on myself"
"What are you interested in starting?"
"A beauty shop or a make up empire" she replied and he chuckled. "Girls and make up en!" "Don't I look pretty as I am" she asked pointing at herself and Chris smiled.
"If you can lose a little bit eye shadow. I don't think the orange is working, there's something about black people using orange that throws me off"
Pelumi folded her hands, "The last time I checked, orange is the new black" she leaned closer to him and he laughed. "I totally forgot about that" he answered and they both laughed.
"What business have you been doing before this change. What was it you studied again....." "Medicine and surgery" she answered and he chuckled. "That's cool. How did that work out, did you work in any hospital?"
Pelumi laughed nervously, "Yes I did but then I realized it wasn't my calling so ..." she shrugged, "I resigned and..." She cleared her throat, "Enough talk about me! What about you Chris Holland, what have you been up to?" She asked and Brenda interrupted them.
"Sorry to interrupt but I need to speak to Chris, I hope you don't mind. Thank you very much, God bless you for agreeing with me. I won't take time, I promise you" she said and Pelumi opened her mouth in surprise.
She didn't agree to anything.
"Later Chris" she said leaving and Brenda raised her nose in disbelief as she left. "I was chatting with someone" "She's lying"
"What? That's preposterous, are you listening to yourself?"
"Believe it or not Chris, she's lying"
"How are you sure?"
"Can I know, I can feel it. Call it a lie radar, I can whiff a liar from afar" "What do you want Brenda?" "I want to talk"
"I have nothing to say to you Brenda, I'm sure all you'll say will be lies. You're the liar here and not Pelumi. Not everyone is like you Brenda, not everyone is like you" he retorted and she felt tears build in her eyes.
"Okay ....." She nodded holding Kelvin away.
"Mummy is sorry for what she did. Please talk to her. Please" he begged holding his mother back and he shut his eyes, "Fine. Let's talk" he agreed and Brenda urged him to go back his grandparents.
"I want to meet Ade"
"Not yet, people are too much, go back to Grandma and Grandpa" she demanded and he did. She made sure he was seated before turning towards Chris.
"Can we talk in private? There has to be a private place right?" She and he quietly took the lead while she followed.
Adetoun and Mimi had Omotoyosi moved into the sitting room through the help of an usher. Shade walked in with a bottle of water while Dunni followed too. One look at her mother and she instantly felt sorry for her.
"Is she okay?" Dunni asked and Adetoun shrugged, "You're the doctor, do some magic"
Shade opened up the bottle pouring the water on her mother's face and she gasped. "Tani Oloriburuku to da omi...." She trailed off on seeing Shade. She closed the lid and Dunni smiled.
"She's fine! She gave me such a scare!"
"Ah! Funsho" Omotoyosi snapped her fingers, "He can't propose to that crayfish. God forbid!"
"Toyosi, Funsho loves him!" Mimi stated, "It's not possible! There has to be a fucking explanation for this! My name is Omotoyosi Shina omo Chief Shina, I can't be disappointed, i refuse to be disappointed!"
"It has already happened, my brother just proposed to the woman he claims to be in love with. You can't do anything about it!"
"What will happen to me then?" She asked in tears, "No oh! He can't be happy in this lifetime with another woman! I mean I've waited all this while for while for him. Hoping that someday he'll change his mind and get married to me"
"Oh please Toyo! You don't like the children, the only person but Dara does"
"What if she's pretending?"
"She's not Toyosi and you know it! Deep down you know she's a good woman and Funsho deserves her!"
"Shut up!" Omotoyosi yelled, "Shut the fuck up the both of you!"
"Calm down Toyo" Dunni begged and Omotoyosi scoffed, "Calm down? Did you just tell me to fucking calm down? Easy for you to say, you're happy flaunting your young boyfriend but I'm not sad because of your stupid brother"
"Mom!" Shade snapped pulling a stool close to her then she sat on it. "Please, I'll like to be left alone with my mother if you all don't mind" she pleaded and everyone left the sitting room.
Omotoyosi cried and Shade felt even more sorry for her. "I'm sorry about what happened but Mom you have to understand that the deed is done. There's no going back from this. Dad likes Mummy Dara and they're good together"
"Mummy Dara? Are you being serious right now?"
"I like her Mom, she's a nice person. She makes everyone happy, my brothers are usually happy with her, she helps out with assignment. Have you ever helped me with assignment?" Shade asked and she sobbed.
"I'm hurt."
"I'm sorry but you can't change it. All you can do is embrace it, don't go around creating scenes. It doesn't make sense!"
Thomas walked up to Timmy, "Good evening" he greeted. "Good evening, you're the Timmy right? Or whatever the name is called" "It's Timmy or Timilehin"
"Not like I care anyways. So you're the one that pushed my daughter into doing what she did"
"Other men would have take the chance but I declined. When is that a sin" "She's pregnant now, I hope you're aware and now you're shamelessly having sexual relationship with her mother"
Timilehin gritted his teeth and clenched his fist, "What's your point?" "Don't you have conscience? Dating the mother of a girl that likes you. The two of them still have relationship strain, don't you have conscience at all?"
"What's your point?"
"Encourage the unity of these two by leaving her. Just dump the woman, afterall, you're a fine young man who can possibly get a lot of beautiful women. Not that one that you're dating now"
Timmy scoffed, "What's wrong with Dunni?" "I don't want you to get offended, I say it because I care about you.... See that Dunni of a woman...." She trailed off then he noticed her walk by.
"Talk about the devil" He dipped his hands in his pocket. "I suppose you were talking about me. What were you saying?"
"I was about to dive into how careless you can get. You know you have more bad characteristics than the good side. Well anyways, what can I say, I'll take my leave my now. You two enjoy the party" he answered looking at Timmy.
"And please monitor her drink in take, the lady has no control with drinks" he tapped Timmy leaving and Dunni shook her head. "Don't let his words bother you. How did you cope with him, one minute and I'm restraining myself from punching his ugly face"
"The drinks and cigarettes were my refuge"
Timmy raised clenched and unclenched her hands. "If that man comes close to me one more time to say shit about you. I promise I won't be so nice"
Chris stopped at the garden, "What do you want to say to me? Just know the only reason I agreed to this is because of your son. "Thank you" she clasped her hands.
"I missed you" she confessed, "Do you miss me?" She asked and he scoffed staring at her. He didn't know the right response to give, of course he missed her, he has only being clouded by the anger as a result of her lies.
"I don't" he lied and she moved close to him, "I don't believe you" "Oh seriously? This is incredible!" "I already told you, I can whiff a liar from afar and you mister reek of it" she squeezed his agbada pulling him close for a kiss.
He didn't waste time to kissed her back, their tongues found each other; damn did he miss kissing those lips! He slides his hands down her waist.
"God I've missed this!" She confessed and he moved back shaking his head. "I cant" "Come on Baby, I love you and I miss you. I'm going through therapy, I submitted a form to join the prayer group in church, I've been praying and I know I'll get better definitely" she cried and he still disagreed.
"How am I sure you're not lying?"
Brenda wiped her tears, "You know what Chris, I'm done with this. Have a nice life with Pelumi or whoever! I swear on the God who made me, my hands are off! Mom said I shouldn't give up but I can't do this anymore. I know I was wrong and i hurt you and I admit to it and I'm trying to change. Can't you just..... Can't you just forgive me and give me a second chance?" She sobbed throwing her head backwards.
"Goodbye forever Chris" she snapped leaving and he watched her leave. He wished he could stop her and wipe those tears off her face but he found himself glued to where he stood.
Iretiola dialed Yewande's number. Yewande left the high table for the other wives to pick the call, but the truth is, she wanted a breathing space from seeing Mrs Bimbo laugh with Chief.
Iretiola followed her. "Mummy Gbade!" She called out and Yewande turned back at her, "You! Were you the one that called me? Adereti abi whatever you are called." "Iretiola Brooks"
"Ehn ehn, Iretiola Broke. Did I ask you? Or did I tell you that I'm interested in your name. I don't like you, I have never liked you for anything"
"You've never liked anyone your son dates. Maybe you should marry him yourself!" She snapped and Yewande scoffed, "Emi (Me?) I'll call security to kick you out" "You can do whatever you want, it's not my business. Do you know your son is dating the same woman who called him a murderer?" She asked and Yewande raised her brow in doubt.
"You're lying"
"How do you explain the fact they've been together since the party began? Just thought I should let you know" she flipped her hair walking away and Yewande scoffed.
"It can't be"
CeCee walked towards Funsho and Dara's seat and a bouncer stopped her. "I just want to speak to the birthday boy" "Maybe you should wait till the end of the party or till he leaves his seat. For now, go back to your seat"
CeCee scoffed looking at Funsho hoping he'll look towards her direction and he did. He looked away. Shortly after he heard his phone vibrate then he looked at it seeing a message.
Congratulations are in order. Your guards don't want me to come over. Meet me in the house if you don't want me making a scene, i won't be easily trashed like Toyosi! We have pending serious discussions! Send Dara my greetings, I'm really happy for her!
Funsho groaned letting out a hiss and Dara who was laughing at the MC's joke turned towards him. "What's it?" She asked and he passed the phone to her for her to skim through it.
"You can go"
"I don't want to"
"Just go. Don't take time"
Stella walked into Lanre's sitting room while he locked the door. "How was your this one must stay convention?" He asked and she laughed. "What do you think? I prayed till I got tired." She turned towards him and he smiled.
"Aunty Rejoice was my prayer partner. Sweetheart, right now I can't feel my hands and the ushers, they didn't allow people sit anyhow. If you seat, the whole church will give you this look like you're the devil himself!" She snapped and he laughed.
"Ehya sorry, you didn't need the prayers babe" he wrapped his arms across her waist. "This one is definitely staying. I'm not going anywhere" he winked at her and she kissed him on the lips.
"Thank you"
Funsho walked into the sitting room then he sniggered on not seeing her there. He knew she was definitely in his room. He shook his head knowing she definitely had plans but he knew he had the strength to withstand whatever she had planned out.
He climbed up the stairs into his room where he saw Cecee sitting on the bed with her legs crossed. He expected her to be naked in bed as usual but seeing her still cloth, he assumed she was being honest about having a serious discussion.
"What is it you have to say?"
"First," she rose up adjusting the gown that had gone up her thigh. Then she looked at the slightly opened door. "Congratulations on your engagement. What you did there, proposal of the century, really romantic and that speech Funsho, that speech was so hot. I couldn't be help being envious of Dara" she smiled biting her lower lips.
"Secondly, then it hit me. How will it feel to have sex with an engaged Funsho Duncan and the thought of it turned me on" she ran her hands on his chest and he pushed it away. "Stop this"
"What? Tell me you're not turn on the least bit by this." She bit her lips then she ran her fingers on his lips.
She kissed him on the lips and he kissed her too pulling back. "Shit!" He muttered cleaning his lips and she laughed. "I said it! You're still in love with me!"
"Deep down you're still that sex addict. You haven't changed have you?" She wiggled her boobs. "Do you want touch, it's yours to touch" she moved towards the dresser table then she grabbed her buttocks, "I know you want to grab them too, guess what? I'm not wearing panties, it'll be like old times" she added and he scoffed.
"Stop fooling yourself CeCee, I don't love you and I never will. I love Dara, you're nothing but one of the mistakes I made!" He snapped turning his back to leave then he turned back.
"Let this be the last time you ever pull a move like this. Do this again and I swear on my life, I'll have you reported and your license revoked" he snapped leaving the room and CeCee sat down on the bed in tears.
Yewande walked up to where Boma and Gbade were now sitting. "What's this rubbish I'm hearing about the two of you bayii?" She asked and Gbade shut his eyes. "Ireti" he muttered while Boma kept her eye down not wanting to look into her angry eyes.
"Mom.... I don't think this is the right time to discuss this. You're angry"
"Why won't I be angry? You're dating the same woman that called us ritualists! The woman who called you a murderer" "She retracted her report"
"Igbayen ko? What about the damage that has been done? Didn't you change your mind on travelling because someone thought you're a murderer!"
"Gbenu oshi dake jare!"
"Mom you're raising your voice" Gbade slapped his face in shame.
Funsho returned back to his seat with guilt pricking him. Dara was still laughing to the MC's jokes. His scent had mixed with more feminine scent she recognized, CeCee's scent.
"What did she say?" She asked,
"This man I respect has a speech to give to the birthday boy and our newly engaged iyawo. Let's give it up for Chief Duncan!" He exclaimed and everyone busted into a round of applause.
Chief mounted up the stage then he called Dara and Funsho to come stand with him and they both did. Funsho was excited about the call, he was beginning to think of what he'll say.
Not like he would have lied, but telling her the truth that moment didn't seem like the right thing either!
Chief gazed at the two of them for a while and a wide smile formed on his face.
"Funsho is my beloved son in whom I an well pleased with....." He stalled trying to control the pain in chest. "I am grateful to God for counting him worthy of seeing yet another birthday. I have never been so excited about anything as I am today about the engagement between my son and my future daughter in law, Dara Igwe..... I....I..." He was sweating then he fell to the ground, face flat on the floor and Dara's eyes widened in surprise as she squat beside him.
Happy Sunday!!!!
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Trouble oooooh
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