💢Chapter 34💢

Chapter 34


Brenda sat in the living room with her legs on the center table watching an American movies while munching on cheese ball. She rubbed her fingers against the neck chain Chris bought her.

Flashes of her Valentine's day came running and she felt tears building.

"That's the look I try to avoid. I didn't even want you to know. If it was possible to hide this from you, I will. I just don't want to start a relationship with lies. I like you Brenda, like really really like you. I think there's hope for us becoming more than this"

That was a perfect chance to confess to him but she didn't. For crying out loud, he didn't want to start a relationship with lies unknown to him she was lying all this while!

"I'm pathetic without you Chris Holland" she muttered in tears then her mother walked in afterwards so she quickly cleaned it. The last thing she wanted was anyone pitying her!

"Aren't you going out?" "Out to where? Mom, I don't feel like seeing how the sky looks like today. I'm comfortable being in the comfort of the four corners of this room."

Her mother pointed at the cheese balls, "Is that Kelvin's cheese ball?" She asked and Brenda pouted, "I just said I should eat small" she replied and Mrs Igwe stared at the three empty packs on the floor.

"I'll replace the packet. I'm just heart broken"

"This isn't healthy"

"I know right?" She looked at the cheese balls in her hand, "But if after giving birth to Kelvin and I still look tis sexy, I don't think there's anything that can make me fat!"

Mrs Igwe shook her head, "That wasn't what I meant. Get your legs off the table!" She chastised and Brenda did. "I meant, your staying indoors, your sobbing will not help matters" "Mommy what do you want me to do. I've paid him a visit, I've left him more than hundreds of messages" she exaggerated.

"You're not going to slap yourself for that lie?" Her mother asked and she rolled her eyes laughing. "Mom I've...." She heaved a heavy sigh as tears rolled her eyes.

"I've done everything womanly possible! I call him every now and then. See," she picked up her phone dialing Chris's number but he didn't pick up. "See! The guy is practically ignoring me and I'm giving him space! He's angry and I don't blame him, when I see him, I get overwhelmed with shame. All my lies will just come flooding and shame will just bathe me!"

"That's very good for you! I'm happy you're beginning to feel shame"

Brenda whined, "Mommy, you're supposed to be supportive" "And I'm being supportive, I've been warning you about your lies. But I feel bad for you cause I know you really liked the guy and he seemed like a good person"

"He's a good person. My sisters are having good relationship life and I'm the only pathetic one"

Her mother busted into laughter, "That's funny" "Even Ruby has Dozie" "Maybe you shouldn't give him a break then" "What? The guy is acting like seeing my face makes his stomach churn"

"Sometimes you don't have to give men that breathing space they demand for" her mother advised and she raised her brow in confusion. "I don't understand"

"Do you still remember our love story? Your father and I?" She asked and Brenda smiled. "Yes." "Remember we met and started dating in Enugu during my service right? There were times we would fight and there were times I would feel like just staying a week without seeing him because of how difficult he can be. You stay three days amd the next, you'll see all the ex girlfriends trooping in"

Brenda laughed, "So Daddy was a bad guy in his days" she teased and get mother laughed. "My point is, the little break you might be giving him can cost you a lot. You can give a man a hour to cool off, I personally don't believe in just letting him be for so long."

Brenda sighed and his father walked into the house with a blank look on his face. "Daddy good afternoon" she greeted, "Good afternoon Brenda" he glanced at the cheese ball in her hands and the remaining wraps on the floor but she kept quiet looking away.

"Good afternoon Darling"

"Good afternoon dear" he answered making his way into his room and she followed him in. "How was your date with Dr. Funsho?" "He's no longer a doctor" "That name never gets old"

"It was quite enlightening" he said sinking into the bed with a sigh. "I might be walking my daughter down the aisle anytime soon" he smiled as tears rolled down his eyes.

Mrs Igwe knelt down before him with her hands on his laps. "Are you okay?" "It's tears of joy my dear, I'm just..... emotional and overwhelmed at the wonders of God."

🎶How many times do I have to tell you, even when you smile, you look beautiful too🎶 Lanre sang while playing the keyboard. Stella folded her legs blushing uncontrollably; It's not everyday she had someone sing to her!

"La la la la, I can't really remember the words" he mumbled and Stella laughed and he continued from where he stopped.

🎶My head's underwater but I'm breathing fine, you're crazy and I'm out of my mind, cause all of me, wants all of you. Love your curves and all your edges🎶

"Says a choir director!"

🎶All your perfect imperfections 🎶 he laughed in between, 🎶Give your all to me, I'll give my all to you, you're my end and my beginning, even when I lose I'm winning and I'll give you all, of me and you give me all of you🎶 he stopped and Stella giggled.

"See as you're making me blush"

"Awwwn, madam blusher. That's what you'll stand to enjoy everyday of your life when we get married" he answered to her surprise. "You ..you just said marriage"

Lanre laughed, "Do you think I'm dating you alone? I'm getting married to you, 2020 is not passing me by. Do you know how long I've been dreaming of getting married this year?"

Stella leaned on him, "Look at this one, what if I was still with Andy" "Thank God we serve a God that doesn't sleep. Do you know how long I've been praying to God to open your eyes to fall in love with me?" He asked and she chuckled biting her lower lips.

"So you're going to sing me songs everyday? Is marriage that easy?" "No it easy but I know you and I've seen you in your worst and best behavior and I've learned to endure them and embrace them. I love you Stella Igwe and I'm going to spend the rest of our lives singing you love songs till you get tired of them.  I'll sing you lullabies if you want" he promised and she laughed. 

"What about when we fight?"

Lanre played on the keyboard, "Then I'll sing, Ma jeka ja rara, ma je ka ja rara, ma je ka ja, o tutu o le mu mi mo, maje ka ja" he sang and she chuckled kissing him on the lips and he kissed her too wrapping his arms around her waist.

Stella broke the kiss planting kisses on his earlobes and down his neck. Lanre jerked and she noticed a buldge on the trousers he wore. Lanre stood up, "Where are you going to?" She asked and he scoffed noticing that her eyes were still settled on his hard on.

"What are you looking at?"

Stella laughed, "What do you think? I saw something I liked and I'm looking at it, when is that a crime?" She asked biting her nails and the sight turned him on even more.

"You're trying to destroy my Christian career shey?" He asked and she chuckled. "I didn't even do anything and you're complaining, what if I actually did something?" She asked in a husky tone and he pointed at her.

"Madam temptress, Weldon, oya come and do and be going" he snapped playfully leaving the sitting room and Stella laughed.

"Should I come and help you?"

Winny walked out of Granny Kadirat's with satisfaction clearly written on her face. "That's the best Ewedu I've tasted in a long time. No offense to my own Grandma, Mrs Abimbola Duncan" she chuckled to herself.

"I thought you didn't want eat"

Winny pushed her bottom lips out, "Are you ever going to let that go?" She asked and he chuckled. "Will you like to come back?" He asked and she chuckled.

"Just call me and I'll come trailing after you. You don't have to worry, I should be able to retrace my step back." She answered and Kadri tried to tell if she was kidding or not.

"You're not kidding are you?"

"I'm not! I really like the Ewedu and the feel of the Amala on my hands. It's not like the one that stupid Rashida does" she commented and he scoffed.

"I don't know who this Rashida is but I'm sure she's not stupid"

"She's a seasonal house maid, comes in once in a while. I was just joking about the stupid" "Becareful of how you speak to people and treat them. I know you're a spoilt brat but you might have to change or else I might have to take my child to train personally"

"Ouch. Don't call me a spoilt brat"

"What are you then? You're obviously one"

"Sorry for ruining your day."

"I entered into public transport for the first time"

"Maybe next time, I'll take you somewhere nice"

"Next time?"

"You're having my baby, you'll be seeing me every chance I get"

Winny chuckled, "The day wasn't entirely ruined. I ate something tasty. I heard pregnant women usually have cravings" "It doesn't manifest till after your trimester" he answered and she glanced at him shockingly.

"You can't be serious! How do you know these stuffs?"

"I read it online besides I always wanted to be a gynaecologist" he answered and she rolled her eyes. "You're really corrupt!"

"I'm serious," "What's stopping you?" "Life, come on, my granny is the only reliable support I have. When I got back from my birth country, I.... I was fixed in SS3 in a public school. Trust me, the experience was horrible!" He laughed to himself as though reminenscening on the experience!

"After Waec, I packed my Pali (certificate) somewhere else" "Why? Because you failed?" She laughed and he scoffed.

"Young lady, I made my papers with flying colors. I'm a smart guy, unlike you" he snapped, "I hope our child takes that part from me"

"If he or she takes my intelligence"

Kadri laughed, "Don't call it intelligence, it's a shame to the word intelligence. I think the word you're looking for is stupidity"

"That's harsh"

"Don't worry, I don't think our child will take that side of the brain. As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, I couldn't go to the University because I realized I had to hustle so I've been hustling since. I would have probably been working in a hospital now"

"As a gynaecologist? Isn't that.... just, why would you choose to....." She trailed off irritated by his choice. "There's just something about women anatomy that gets to me. I want to specially bring babies into the world" "That explains why I'm in this state"

"You're in this state because you asked for it!" He snapped and she scoffed, "What did I ask for?" "You seriously don't remember what happened that night do you?" He asked and she shook her head.

"Just a bit, it's just blurry. I don't remember what we spoke about, just the........." She stalled and he laughed. "Just the sex?" He asked and she cleared her throat.

"Take me home"

Dara propped her elbow in Funsho's bed while she watched Sewa sleep. There was just something about watching babies sleep that excites her, everything they do when they sleep seems cute; when they scratch their faces, when they turn and twirl across the bed, even when they fart.

Funsho walked in holding a bag with Domino on it and she turned her head at him "Good afternoon Babe" he greeted and Dara placed her fingers across her lips. "Shhh"

Sewa opened her eyes slightly then she slowly closed it. Dara sighed in relief, "You're not permitted to shout" she whispered and he nodded, "Yes Ma'am" he answered.

"Welcome back"

"Thank you" he replied raising two customer nylon up. "I got you pizzas and cold stone ice cream, I wasn't sure if you'll like it. The boys love it" he whispered, "I love it" she whispered back then he chuckled raising his voice. "This is ridiculous. We can't be whispering" he sat on the bed and Dara collected both nylon from him.

"She'll wake up"

"She won't" he answered looking at his daughter. "When did she sleep?" "About ten minutes ago. You said Hannah was going to come but she didn't" she whispered and he laughed.

"Stop whispering"


"Stop it" he laughed, "It's funny" he added and she chuckled clearing her throat. "Thank you for the pizza" she managed to say out loud. 

"The kids told me CeCee came"

"I'm sure they must have given you the full gist"

"You mean the, 'escort this lady out of this house' gist? Pamilerin amd Ade downloaded me with it already" he answered and she laughed opening the pizza pack. "I trust them"

"I'm sorry about it"

Dara shrugged taking a bite out of one slice, "Sorry about what?" "Cecelia coming in" "It's not your fault" "Actually, it's my fault. I gave her the right and I've never seriously cautioned her against it."

"It's not your fault"

"Actually it is. I'm taking full blame here"

"Funsho it's fine" she answered then she chuckled, "I just called you by your name. I forgot that I'm supposed to use sweet names like Babe, Shuga, my sweet"  "Don't ever call me, my sweet. You've called me babe before"

"I guess I'm not used to it yet"

"Pick one" he requested moving his lips close to hers and she chuckled, "I don't know, I can't pick one, maybe I'll call you base on inspiration." She bit her lips staring at his lips, she has been wishing to kiss it since the moment he walked in. "What are you inspired to call me now?" He asked and she chuckled  knowing he was obviously flirting but she wasn't sure how to react to it.

"Shuga" she answered and their lips collided. "I've never been in a relationship where I'm missing a guy's kiss or when I'm thinking of kissing a guy"

"Not even with Efe"

Dara shook her head, "No." "If it makes you happy, kissing you is all I ever think about and within me, I'm thinking how will I go the entire week without your lips" "At the gym" she replied and she chuckled at the thought of having to go to his office to kiss him alone.

Funsho laughed too as though reading her thoughts. "Simple, we might have to get married quickly" he teased and she chuckled. "That'll be sweet but won't it be early? We're still getting to know each other"

"I know all there is to know about you Dara. You're the most amazing woman in the world and I want always wake up to kissing your sweet lips" 

"What if I wake up with bad breath?" She asked giggling to herself and he chuckled, "I'll still kiss it like my life depends on it" he replied and she felt her cheeks go hot.

Her heart raced, there were a lot of mixed emotions and she suddenly felt a tingling feeling down there and it felt weird since no man has ever made her feel that way from just speaking to her.

Funsho took her lips into his and they both kissed . "How was your date with my Dad?"

"I came out unscathed" he replied and she laughed.

Stella entered into the house to find her Aunt Rejoice eating Eba and Ogbono soup at the dinning table with her father.

Just the person she was trying to avoid!

They were lost in their discussion they didn't even notice her come in.

If not for the fact she had to greet her father, she would have turned back, she has been trying to avoid her!

"When did she break her engagement to be dating another person? My brother I think your children are under some curses that requires serious fasting and prayer. Can't they be like my dear Stella who would have already been planning for her wedding if not for you"

"Good afternoon Dad, good afternoon Aunty" she greeted slightly bending her knees.

"Omalicha nwa! (Pretty woman)" She smiled, "See as she's looking pretty" she complimented swallowing the eba she just dipped In a soup.

"I should go to my room"

"How are you now? How's work? How's your fiance?" She asked and Stella swallowed hard, she didn't even know where to start from.

"Aunty, I'm fine, work is fine"

"And your handsome man, how is he? You will not let him get your pregnant so that your father will have no choice but to let you two get married"

"Sister!" Mr Igwe snapped, "Better take my advice" she pointed at her.

"Aunty, I'm no longer with him"

Aunty Rejoice coughed choking on the pepper in the soup. "You say what?" She asked then she turned towards her brother. "See what you've caused! The guy got tired and"

"I broke up with him Aunty! He's not the right one for me, I was just blind" she answered and her Aunt washed her hands in a bowl. "You can't be serious, so no wedding this year"

"I'm with another person"

"So quick! Who?"

"My best friend."

"Johnny I told you right?" She asked, "We need to pray and fast against perpetrators of evil in this family." She snapped her fingers while Mr Igwe shook his head.

"My children are not cursed"

"I'm taking all of them to a prophetic service on Tuesday evening. We'll pray concerning this particular relationship, this very one must stay" she noted holding on to Stella's hand. "Repeat after me. This one must stay"

No matter how stupid it sounded she had no choice but to repeat whatever she said.

Boma packed a few clothes along with her laptop into a big hand bag,  then she left her room to the kitchen where her mother was selecting stones and particles from dried hibiscus flowers used in making Zobo drink.

"Boma I no understand why men dey wicked for this life! I dey reason you friend Dara matter. It's a sad news oh, as in ehn, the way I dey pray for that your friend ehn"

"There's no point pitying her, Dara is fine Mom, she's dating."

"Again? Which time she break up with her boyfriend wey she date another?" Her mother asked and Boma laughed. "I can't start to explain to you. Na very long story"

"You dey go out?"

"Yes. I no sure say I go come back this night"

"My greetings to Dara you hear. Tell her say I dey put her for my prayers ehn. I dey put the two of una for my prayers, make una do marry. You don too tay for my house, I no tay reach like this for my Papa house"

Boma rolled her eyes, "I'm not going to Dara's place. I'll be spending the night elsewhere" "Where?" She asked and Boma blushed. "My boyfriend's house"

"Which time you start to date? I no even remember the last time you date person. Since you carry that Kunu go deliver, you don't dey act funny. You don use your toto sell market for me"

A grimace spread across Boma's face on hearing those words from hey mother. "Boma you no fit date that guy?" "Why? Because say na ritualist them be? Mom, I spread the rumour and I'll be changing the post very soon! I judged them wrongly"

"The world is a wicked place. Boma you gats becareful!"

"How does that fit in this context?"

"You no go understand Boma, shebi you don give am free Toto, what if say na the sweetness him dey follow. You no know men, I don dey this world before you."

Boma folded her hands in thought, her mother's words were beginning to make her entertain a little doubt about her new relationship. "Make we even forget that one sef. Poor people and rich people dey different world. You think say the third wife go gree you dey with him pikin?"

"It's the second wife"

"Na third wife for me, Ireti was the first, next to Bimbo, then that other one and the next. The woman no go gree, no rich person go gree make him pikin marry poor people"

"We're not poor"

"Do you have any idea who the Duncan's are? Boma I served under this people, I was their maid. Which family go gree that kain thing?" She asked and Boma grew sad.

"I just dey warn you make you no go climb mountain we too high for you. The fall go too dey tragic"

Winny called Kadri before going to sleep and he picked up. "Hey" "Were you sleeping?" She asked and he shook his head. "I don't sleep by this time. How are you?"

"I'm fine"

"And the baby?"

"Why would you ask that? I don't think the baby's grown yet."

"Just say it's fine. As long as you're resting"  "I have waec and I'm not supposed to stress myself" "Do you even read?" He asked and she chuckled.

"I was supposed to have tutorials with Timmy"

"The guy who turned you down"

Winny scoffed, "Jesus, I'm such a talkative!" she commented and he laughed. "Thank God you're admitting to it"  "He was supposed to tutor me"

"Now you're angry at him"

"He's currently dating my mom. Give me a reason why I shouldn't be angry" "Young lady, listen up. What your Mom does with her life is her business!"  "She's probably having sex with him"

"When has that ever been wrong?" 

"She's 9 years older than him"

"And I'm older than you but we had sex right? Didn't you want to have sex with him too?" He countered and she kept quiet. "You don't understand my point"

"Because you don't have any point! Why did you call?"

"I was thinking about some things....." She trailed off and he wondered what it might be.  "Shoot" "When I came to you, you could have been a gentle man and not have sex with me. Why did you?"

"I couldn't refuse a sexy lady, I never knew you were a teenager. What do you remember from that day Winny?" He asked and she shrugged.  "I don't remember much, just the guilt I felt afterwards. What do you remember?"

"You want to know what I remember?" He asked in raspy voice. "Duh!"

"Your breath against my face, the way you moaned and screamed out my name; Kaddy, I remember when you asked me to release in you. I was stupid and I did, I wasn't thinking and I also remember waking up to find myself sleeping alone" he answered shutting his eyes as though reliving the moment.

Kadri found her being a virgin fascinating. He had plans to get to know her better, maybe she was different from the talkative she met the previous night but she was gone before he woke. Knowing she's just nothing but an arrogant teenager altered every intention he had.

It was the worst best sex he has ever had.

Winny let out a heavy sigh, she was completely speechless. "Did I just weird you out?" He laughed but she kept quiet still. "Your Granny called me, she said I shouldn't take drugs and I should rest too"

"You should take your midnight rest already. Good night Baby Mama" 

"Good night Kaddy"

Gbade and Boma collapsed into the bed, both of them gasping for air.  Gbade reached around her head, pulling her in for a kiss. "Will you be staying tomorrow?"

"I don't know. Mom freaked out before I left" she bit her lips. "Gbade I've got a question, what am I to you?" "Why are you asking?" He laughed and she pinched his belly.

"Just answer"

"My girlfriend" he answered, "My hot girlfriend" he added. "Why are you asking?"

"Something mom said"

"You seemed bothered about something she said. Wanna talk about it?" He asked and she shook her head. "I don't know, she said a lot and I'm too embarrassed to say it. Are you going to tell anyone about us?" 

"Why won't I?"

"I don't know, I'm not exactly a celebrity and my parents don't exactly own any estates. I don't drive fancy cars too" "Who needs a celebrity or a rich brat? I've dated a few rich folks and trust me, the end has been horrible. They're usually snobbish and they're not exactly good in bed" he answered and she chuckled.

"What about your Mom?"

Gbade laughed, "She'll freak out. I can imagine her screaming already, she doesn't like you" "That's reassuring" she said sarcastically and he laughed.

"She doesn't like you at all"

"You're not making me feel any better" he pushed him and he ceased his laughter. "But I'll let her know eventually"

"I don't want to have a tragic fall" she bit her lips and he creased his brow, "Tragic fall?" "I'm falling in love with you and I'm scared it's gonna end in tragedy. Maybe I should just guard my heart in case something happens so I can walk away half hurt"

"There's no point doing that, if there's any consolation, I'm falling too"

"We're from two different world"

"Seriously? I didn't realize I was dating someone from Mercury" he pulled her closer and they both laughed it off. "Don't worry about Mom, I'll take care of it" he planted a little kiss right on the tip of her nose and this brought a smile to her lips.

Dara folded her legs in her bed lamenting to her sisters about how she felt earlier on. "How wet were you?" Brenda asked, Dara gasped and Stella glared at her. "Be considerate Brenda" she snapped then she looked at Dara.

"How soaked were you?"

Dara shook her head, "It doesn't make it sound any more appropriate. I hate that word! Well.... I was.... It was just ... I can't explain it, I felt somehow. I felt ....." She trailed off and her phone rang.

It was Boma so she picked up, "Are you just seeing my missed call?" She asked and Boma laughed. "No. I'm with Gbade and I was kind of in the middle of something so I couldn't really pick the call" she answered and Dara rolled her eyes.

"What were you doing?" She asked then she slapped her forehead finally having an understanding. They were definitely making love!

Boma laughed, "Gbade stop it" she heard her say then she heard her giggled. "We'll talk tomorrow after church. It's totally normal to get turned on, I haven't stopped being turned on myself"

Dara groaned, "Too much information, thank you very much!" She snapped and Boma laughed. "Goodnight Dara" she replied and Dara dropped the phone.

"Senior sister, you know how much I love you shey?" Brenda asked, "I'm going to be plain and blunt, what you felt is totally normal. It's called being turned on and it simply means you're clearly attracted to your boyfriend which is a good thing but the question is, if you're getting turned on now, are you sure you're going to go through with this till wedding ideology?"


5:50 am

Sewa scratched Funsho's face, then she severally poked his eye with her fingers. "Morning princess" he muttered and she smiled to get the attention she wanted.

She suddenly climbed over him making baby noises and he chuckled. "How long have you been awake?" He asked then he noticed torn pieces of the Bible at the edge of the bed.

He groaned and a hiss escaped his lips, he felt like smacking her a little but he wasn't sure where to hit. "If I beat you now, you'll start crying" he chastised looking back at the Bible and Sewa crawled back to take the Bible then she tore out another page. Funsho sat up, slapped her hands and she busted out crying then he held her close to pet her and she stopped crying. 

"Next time you see my Bible, don't touch it again. Have you heard?" He asked and she busted into tears again like she knew her father was referring to her.

"Shhh" he pets her again and she kept quiet.

Dara entered into Funsho's room holding a mini sized cake she baked. She was dressed in a a peach smock dress that stopped above her knees. She had made a new hairstyle, the weavon flow down her shoulders. "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Funsho, happy birthday to you" she sang sonorously bringing a smile to his face.

"Good morning and happy birthday to you" she exclaimed dropping the cake on the bed.

"So early in the morning?"

"Do you know when I left home so i can beat traffic? You can't even say thank you" she snapped playfully now carrying Sewa and he chuckled. "Thank you" he answered with a smile then he moved close.

Sewa ran her hands through the hair and Dara laughed at how creased her brow was. It seemed like she was disappointed in her for losing the braids.

"You losed the braids" Funsho noted and Dara chuckled nervously, "You say it like it's a bad thing. I made this hair yesterday evening, is it bad?" She asked and he shook his head, "I don't think you can ever look bad on anything!" He complimented moving his lips close to hers.

"That's not exactly an answer"

"You look exceptionally beautiful" he complimented parting his lips to kiss her then Shade, Pamilerin and Ade charged in. "Happy birthday Daddy!!!" They all yelled and he smiled at them. Not like he wasn't expecting it, it was something they did every year!

"Mummy Dara!" Pamilerin and Ade called out running to hug her. "So it's Mummy Dara now?" She asked and they they both chuckled greeting in unison, "Good morning Ma"

"Good morning my handsome princes. I hope you guys slept well"

"No I didn't. Ade slept in my room, he kept shooting smelly farts at me"

Ade laughed, "It's a lie oh!" He answered and Dara laughed knowing fully well that he was guilty of the charges. He laughs whenever he's guilty.

"Mummy Dara brought cake!" Pamilerin drooled over the cake on the bed.

"Good morning Ma" Shade greeted Dara now glaring at her brothers.

"We were supposed to sing Dad a happy birthday song" she announced and they all went back into position.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday day to you, happy birthday to you Daddy, happy birthday to you" they all chorused and Dara clapped at how cute it was. Sewa joined her too.

"Thank you all" he smiled, "I haven't had a good birthday in a very long time. This has got to be the best birthday ever in my life, I have my children, I have you" he squeezed on Dara's palm.

Shade cleared her throat noticing they needed to be alone, "We'll be going now. Pamilerin, Ade, let's go, now" "I want to eat cake and see Aunty Dara" Ade answered and Shade blinked her eyes at him.

"Let's go, we all have to prepare for school." she demanded carrying Sewa and they all left.

God bless you Shade! Funsho screamed within. Dara could hear Sewa cry after leaving the room.

"Now that we're alone, where were we?"  He leaned in planting a gentle, soothing, lingering kiss. He dipped his hands in the cake icing then he licked it. "Have you even washed your hands?" She asked and he took another dip stretching it to her.

"Me? Lick that your dirty hand?" "Shey you kissed my dirty lips" "That one is different" she answered and he laughed licking the cake icing off his fingers then he stared at her with thoughts in his mind. 

"What?" She asked and he shook his head, "I can't even say it, they're corrupt thoughts" he answered and her mind ran back to what CeCee had said about how she'll end up having a boring relationship with Funsho.

Should she have licked it off without asking questions? She asked herself, then she brushed the thought off when she felt his lips over hers. She could taste the vanilla flavor she used in preparing the butter icing.

His fingers carressed her thighs and a moan escaped her lips and she withdrew.

"Can we talk?" She asked rising up quickly leaving Funsho worried then she lets out a sigh. "Is anything wrong?" "How can I explain this without weirding myself out?"

"I can't explain it."

"Explain it however you can"

"It's the way I've been feeling. That moment when you see a man you like and it just goes gbish...." "What goes gbish?" Funsho asked and Dara folded her hands, "You know, it now" she bent her knees slightly then she returned back to standing straight.

"I don't.... understand. Can you use more plainer English"

"What's plainer than gbish"

"Even Ade can testify that Gbish isn't even in the dictionary" He stood up walking towards her in his white singlet and a trousers and Dara laughed. "Well... When i see you it goes shhhh"

"Like something telling you to keep quiet?" He asked enjoying her fruitless gestures. Dara placed her hands Akimbo, "Are you intentionally acting like Pamilerin and Ade right now or you intentionally don't understand?"

Funsho withheld his laughter shaking his head, "When you're using sounds like gbish gbish or Shhh, it's hard to put an actual meaning. Your heart is supposed to go gbish when you see me and you're supposed to say Shhh when you're telling someone to keep quiet"

He heard a voice telling him to just pull her out of her misery but he was really enjoying the show.

Dara exhaled, "Okay, when I see you and you touch me, it...the It, goes like shhhh ... Like... I'm feeling right now" "I don't  understand"

"I get wet! Jesus! How hard is it to understand? I don't know who created that word!" She slapped her face and Funsho laughed pulling her close. "I understood your point, I was just teasing you" he bit his lips.

Dara shook her head, "Don't do that it's making it worst" "Do what?" Funsho bit his lips again giving her a flirty look then he threw a wink at her and she quickly grasp his lips with hers and they kissed for a while.

"It's totally normal to get wet"

"Don't say the word!" She snapped covering her face and he laughed again taking her hands off her face. "Take it from a doctor" "What happened to, you're no longer a doctor?" She asked and he chuckled.

"You don't have to feel bad when it happens, it doesn't mean you're a sinner, it only makes you human, it makes you a woman"

"Do I bore you?" She broke the kiss and he scoffed, "How?" "These few days, have I been boring sexually? I know we're not having sex but you know what I mean. I don't want to make our relationship boring"

"Where's this coming from?"

"Well.... I don't want us having this discussion today, it's your birthday" she rubbed his chest and he laughed, "Don't change the topic, does this has to do with what Cecee said?" He asked and Dara shut her eyes.

"I don't want to be a boring virgin"

"You're not a bore"

"Are you sure? I don't know how to talk dirty, talking dirty spices us every relationship. Do I even turn you on?" She asked and he scoffed, "What?" "Sorry.... What Cecee said has got me thinking" she slapped her forehead, "Should I dress more sexier, shorter gowns....I know I don't have that breast but I can show my chest or wear push ups"

Funsho rubbed his forehead tiredly, "You don't need it" "What about the dirty talking. I read that on a relationship article online, that it spices up every relationship" Dara brought out her phone from the back of her pocket.
"I'll show you"

Funsho collected her phone throwing it on the bed grabbing her by the waist. This was followed by a loud thud. They both turned towards the sound only to find her phone on the floor, the screen appeared broken from the distance they stood.

Apparently the phone had bounced from the bed to the floor. Dara folded her hands glaring at him.

Funsho cleared his throat,  "That was supposed to land on the bed." He answered and she laughed at him.

"In my head, it played out really well. It was so cool" he added and they both laughed. "Life just decided to fall my hands" he continued, "Life is never fair"

"I'll get another phone for you" he promised and she chuckled. "What if I have it fixed?" "Don't downgrade me, i mean what's my name?"

"Funsho Duncan" 

"Yep, you got it right! I'm Funsho Duncan, permit me to spend some money on my girlfriend" he answered and she chuckled, "See who's bragging!"

"I love you just the way you are Dara,  I don't want you to change. You don't have to talk dirty if you don't want to, you say more words that turn me on already. Yes I said it, you turn me on, your face turns me on, your voice turns me on. To me, you're the most attractive person in the world and I can't even begin to explain how turned on I am right now seeing you" he confessed and his words washed over her causing her to blush. He drew her close for a warm, passionate kiss, tongues darting intimately between their lips.

Dara pushed him to the bed then she perched upon him and they kissed once again. She felt something poke her and she jerked lowering her head at his visible bulge. 

"That's me being turned on! Literally" he blurted out shyly. "I've been nursing that since you walked in"  Dara lifted her eyes, she obviously didn't know how to react to his confession and his hard on. He cupped her face in the palm of his hand and she nuzzled into him.

"I'm scared"

"You don't have to be, i understand you want to wait till our wedding night. I can wait, If you're not comfortable with it you can....."

"Not that. I'm scared of losing you, losing this. It's been five days now and I've never been more happy. And there's that tiny voice telling me, what if he leaves?"

"He's never leaving, Babe, I'm never leaving" he promised then he turned towards the drawer where he had kept the ring but he thought it through again.

He planned on proposing on his birthday but he felt it will be a lot better doing it in front of the whole crowd. Something to send a message across to the women in his life!

"Are you looking for something?" She asked and he groaned. "Uh...." "What?"

"Nothing really" he licked his upper lips then he exhaled, "I'm here to stay. Don't listen to CeCee, don't listen to anything she says. She's old news and angry, she'll say all sorts of things to piss you off or make you feel subordinate."

Dara sighed wrapping her arms around his neck. "Are you ready for your birthday party?" "Yes. I hope your parents and siblings are coming" "Yes except Stella who has church plans with my Aunt. That reminds me, your Mom asked me to come over, it's going to be a hectic day so....what does the birthday boy want from his baby? I haven't gotten you a gift yet"

"The only thing I want, my greatest wish is you staying put here and your lips on mine forever"

"I don't know if I'm comfortable with the..." She lowered her head at the bulge, "It's always weird at first trust me. I'm not going to hide this from, just make yourself comfortable on it, you'll get used to it eventually" he advised and she did now laughing.

"Oh my God" she muttered, "I'm unapologetic about this, It has a mind of its own, it speaks"

"And what is it saying now?" She asked and he chuckled, "It's saying you're hot" he commented and she blushed, "What should we do about that your wish then?" She hovered her lips over his, "You're the birthday boy, your wish is my command" she answered parting his lips with hers.

"Please be my date to the party" Dunni begged Timmy for the tenth time that week.  "I can't believe I'm asking you out and you're refusing me" she pouted her lips and he laughed in bed.

"I'm not refusing you. I don't know what your parents might think of me"

"They know you and they support my decisions unlike your Mother. Please, I really don't want to be lonely. I don't want to end up getting drunk or smoking tonight. I'm trying to remain in my best behavior"

Timmy sighed, "Okay, fine." "Thank you" Dunni appreciated his response with a long kiss.

"My name is Omolade Carter from Channel 95 and I'm reporting live from live at the Duncan's resident where the birthday party of the first son of Chief Otunba Duncan, Funsho Duncan will be held. It's promising to be a colorful event and we'll be covering it from the beginning to the end"

Funsho entered into the house with Dara, he rolled his eyes on seeing the press then he watched the woman smiled walking towards him, "Happy birthday to you Funsho Duncan" "Thank you very much"

"What are the preparations towards this wonderful day Sir?" She asked then she pointed the microphone in his direction.

"I wish I can stand and answer your questions but I'm in a hurry"

"Who's the woman besides you Sir?" She stretched the microphone at his lips and Funsho smiled. "The woman of my life" he answered holding her away.

Mercy Chuks walked into CeCee's room where she found her seated in her nighties with her legs folded. She wasn't exactly in a good mood and she could see it!

"You've been sulking since Saturday, you're not even acting sane"

"I've never been more sane in my entire life. I'm just in awe, I mean why her? I don't understand Funsho, it's like the guy I felt like I knew.... I don't even know him any longer"

"Maybe it's time to realize he has changed for real. I mean this is the same guy you haven't had sex with in a year."

"11 months and you know why I left"

"What's the difference? The only reason you came back is because you heard OmoToyosi is seriously shooting her shot. You got back to realize you had bigger threats"

"She's not a threat!" She yelled then she sighed, "She's not a threat. Funsho's just using her to pass time"  "A month ago I would have said the same thing if I didn't see this" she passed her phone to CeCee.

"Omolade Carter just sent that to me, he's flaunting a girl. Funsho Duncan doesn't flaunt any woman, I'm shocked. I think he's really serious with this girl oh. Are you going for the party?"

CeCee smirked, "I can't miss it for anything"

What do you guys think about today's update? 😊😄

Who's ready for the party? 💃💃

Something is going to happen at the party oooo, guess what? 🤐

More drama incoming 😜

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