💢Chapter 33💢
Chapter 33
Funsho and Dara broke the kiss and then both stared into each others eyes. Dara bit her bottom lip, her heart raced with excitement.
Shade who was carrying Sewa cleared her throat and they both turned towards her. "I was just going down to meet the boys. You two can continue" she said walking away with a half smile.
As much as she was happy seeing her father together with Dara, part of her wished it was her mother who was in that stead.
"I was going to ask you this yesterday, did you notice Sewa's second tooth has grown" "Yes I did and I would have talked about it if you didn't go about throwing that kiss move at"
"Is it this kiss move?" He moved his lips close to hers and she shook her head. She didn't want any other person walking into them.
"Can we speak more privately?" Dara requested and they both motioned into his room. Funsho leaned closer parting her lips with his. It felt so natural, so right. Her tongue gently slipped between his lips and her arms encircled him, pulling him close to her, holding him tightly.
As he wrapped his arms across her waist and what felt like a jolt of electricity coursed through her body and she literally felt weak.
She broke the kiss now looking up at him. "The movie..." She trailed off and he feigned as though he had no idea what she was saying. "What movie?" He asked kissing her and a laughter broke out of their lips.
"The kids are waiting"
"And I've been dying to have this moment for a very long time now. The movie can wait, unless you want to ...." He asked and they both kissed again.
His hand moved slowly up her shoulder then his fingers gently caressing her soft skin and she once again broke the kiss.
Funsho folded his hands, "Okay what? You have something in mind, say it. I'm all ears" "I...." Dara stammered. "Where should I start from?" She sighed.
"I don't want to have sex yet" she blurted out, "I don't have the slightest clue about a woman's sexual anatomy but I know what I feel when you touch me that way, I can't describe it in words but I know it's called religious suicide, it's dangerous and can lead to anything"
Funsho blinked his eyes in shock, from what Dara just explained, he could deduce she's a virgin but he found it unbelievable.
It seemed logical and reasonable, judging from the kind of person she was but judging from peer pressure and other social factors; people barely kept virginity for long!
"You have never...." He trailed off and she nodded reliving the first time she revealed it to Efe. "Yeah" she replied sitting in bed and he joined her.
"Are you going to leave me now?" She asked and he laughed.
"Why will I do that?"
"Because you're a man and sex is important to you"
Funsho laughed, "Are we still talking about the same sex I went through therapy for?" He asked and she chuckled. "Yes. If you're dating, you'll definitely want...."
He sniggered, "Because I'm a sex addict? Is that it?" He asked and she bit her lip. "Dara I don't care about the sex, heck I'll love to have sex with you some day, some time in the nearest future! I'm willing to respect your decision"
"You'll wait till our wedding night before having sex? It has always been a dream"
Funsho laughed again, "It's almost a year and I haven't had sex. Waiting some few extra months is nothing" he answered and she placed her palm against his cheek then she kissed him on the lips and his hands encircled her waist.
"I'm in the mood for movies, what do you say we go down and watch movies with the kids" "I've always loved it when you use those words"
"What word?"
"The kids" he licked his lips then he chuckled. "Dating me, might come with it's own headache, there might be ex girlfriend or ex wife drama" "I'll try to manage it"
"And my kids, they're my world, I love them"
"I love them too and you know that." "Thank you" he leaned his forehead against hers and she nodded cleaning the smudged lipstick off his lips, "Let's go watch some movies with them"
"It's some minutes before 9"
"One movie"
Winny laid on the bed then she unbuttoned her pyjamas placing her hands on her belly, "It's so hard to believe there's an actual person growing in here. Knock knock" she said to herself then she laughed.
"What am I doing?" She asked then she exhaled rolling her eyes. She closed her eyes to force sleep but it seemed impossible with how she responded to Kadri's visit.
She turned left and right in bed still disturbed so she swiped through her chat list to find someone to distract her.
A message popped up from a guy named William- Would you come over to the house tomorrow? Mom won't be home so, i was kind of hoping we could hang out or practice for waec😎
Winny hissed knowing the guy was just looking for kissing company! Then she checked up on Kadri when she realized he was online.
Hello, she began waiting for a reply but he didn't reply.
Xup, she added but he was really silent on her so she moved to other chats.
Kadri was still online, even till ten minutes later and it annoyed her that he was intentionally trying to ignore her so she called him. "Hello" he said sounding cold.
"So you can be online and not answer my messages?"
"I had other messages popping in besides I was doing something" "What's more important than me?" "Uh... Porn" he answered and she kept quiet.
"I was just joking, what gave you the idea that you're important?" "Well..... I'm pregnant with your child. I'm going to be your baby Mama"
"So that automatically makes you important"
"Doesn't it?"
"Well madam, it doesn't work that way. It's my choice, I can choose to make you least on my priority list." "What? I'm carrying your child, in my womb. Why were you acting like it was a big deal earlier"
"I thought it wasn't a big deal to you"
"But you acted like it was a big deal"
"Because it was a big deal that time. What's your big reason for calling cause I was cooking before you called"
"This late?"
"I just got back from work, I'm tired and I'm hungry"
"So you didn't ignore my messages, you were busy"
"Geez Winny, did you just call me to find out why I didn't reply your message or you have something else to say"
Winny shrugged, she had intentions to apologise to him but she couldn't bring herself down to do it. "Why will I have something to say?" "Good night then" he snapped hanging up and she rolled her eyes.
Funsho and Dara walked down the stairs hand in hand. "Daddy they've shown your favorite part" Pamilerin turned his back. "What part is that?" His father asked and Pamilerin smiled noticing Dara's lip stick were gone.
"The part where the fat guy pressed his hands against the hot door knob"
"That's not Daddy's favourite part, it's the part where the bad guy stepped on a nail" he assumed then they both turned towards their father.
"Shebi?" Ade asked glancing at Dara.
Something didn't seem right, for some reason she looked different from when she came in and he racked his brains as to why?
"Aunty Dara, what happened to your lipstick?" He asked and Shade quickly covered his mouth. "Must you always speak?" She asked and Ade muffled a laughter while trying hard to push his sister's hands away.
"Does this mean you and Aunty Dara are together?" Pamilerin asked and Dara chuckled looking at Funsho who returned the look with a wide smile.
"Yes Sir!"
"Yay!!!" Ade and Pamilerin ran off to hug her, "Does this mean we can call you Mommy?" Ade held her hands and she laughed. "If you feel like it" she answered.
"Will you spent the night here?"
"No, I'll be coming tomorrow but I don't mind watching home alone with you guys" she announced and Ade smiled. "That's great! We were even about to move to part 2!" He waved his hands holding her hands to lead her to her seat.
Funsho's stopped the car in front of Dara's gate while Dara picked up a call from her Mom. It was the fifth time she was calling. "Are you even checking the time? It's eleven already!"
"I'm at the gate already"
"Your father is awake and worried. Where are you really?" She whispered and Dara chuckled knowing she was probably hiding to make the call! "I told you I was at Funsho's place. Mom, I'll explain to you later, come and open the gate or get Brenda to open it" she requested and her mother hung up.
"I think I'm trouble! Dad is awake and worried"
"Maybe I should come in and explain to him"
Dara laughed shaking his head, "I don't think it's a good time! Or good first impression. I don't want my father seeing my new boyfriend as a man that made me stay this late" "I want to meet your father. I've met your Mom, why don't I come in and make it official?" He requested and she laughed again.
"Should I remind you it was only shortly after I introduced my fiance to him, we found out who he truly was" "I'm not like him"
Dara groaned, "That's not my point, he might not trust you" "Parents usually have that soft spot for me" he revealed and she giggled. "You don't mean it" "I want to see your father, there's no dodging it" Funsho got out of the car walking to the other side to open up for Dara.
"My father can be scary" she cried out and he laughed, "And I'm shaking in my pants right now" he shuddered playfully, pulling her out.
They both walked into the sitting room to meet everyone in the living in exception of Kelvin. "Daddy, Mommy good evening, good evening everyone"
Funsho bowed his head greeting everyone and they responded back except Mr Igwe who had a scowl plastered on his face.
"Ghen ghen ti ghen ghen, Aunty Dara's in trouble" Brenda drummed on the center table and Dara raised her brow at her.
"Are you five years old?" She asked and Brenda laughed. "I thought you were supposed to be on a date with Ugo, was there like a date swap or something? What happened to your lipstick? " She asked and Stella slapped the back of her head.
"Ouch! Who won't notice?" Brenda scratched her head while Dara turned towards Funsho whispering, "You didn't remind to put the lipstick on it. Now I'm in trouble for real" she returned her gaze back to her father then she cleared her throat.
"There's an explanation for this...."
"The oily food you ate during your date with Ugo
"Dara" Their father called out, "Do you have any idea what the time is?" "Yes Daddy. I'm sorry, I was caught up with Ade, Pamilerin and Sewa...." She turned towards Funsho. "Who are they?"
"They are his children" he pointed at Funsho who stood there awfully quiet, "And who are you young man?" He asked rising up and he cleared his throat.
"Uh...." Funsho cleared his throat, "My name is Funsho Duncan....."
"My new boyfriend" Dara added giving him a look, "I thought you said you were going to do the explaining? Cat got your tongue?" She asked and they both chuckled.
"Finally!!!" Stella smiled and her father walked close to him.
"So you had the guts to bring my daughter home at such an ungodly hour. Do you even have a wrist watch?"
"I do. I left it at home"
Dara withheld her laughter, "I'm very sorry Sir. It wasn't intended"
"Dad! It wasn't even his fault, the kids slept off so we had to put them in bed and he decided to drop me off. Dad you're scaring him!" She snapped.
"What's your intention with my daughter?"
Brenda raised he hands in surrender, "Okay Big sis, you're okay. I don't need to see this drama unfold. Good night everyone!" She snapped leaving the sitting room.
"Dad it's late and he has to return back home"
"I'll get your contact from my daughter and I'll let you know where we can meet" he promised and Funsho nodded.
"Yes Sir"
"Don't let the fierce look scare you, underneath is a sweet man" she assured and he smiled. "So I have to double our plan with my date with your father"
Dara laughed, "Appears so" she said with a smile and their eyes locked in a gaze which spoke volumes. They both didn't feel like leaving each other.
She turned back to see if anyone was watching then she closed the distance between them and they kissed deeply. She has never been the kind to kiss openly, but this one was an exception.
When she returned back to living room, all other person had left except her father. "Uh ho" she muttered, "I'm in trouble shey?" She asked and her father gently patted the chair for her to sit on and she obeyed.
"Dad I'm sorry for coming in late"
"You're 34 years Dara, it wasn't about you coming late. After all you did the needful to send us a text message. This is more than just the time you came, it's who you came with that matters"
Dara smiled, "I know you're gifted with the discerning spirit of knowing and judging people.... Did you get a bad vibe from him" "No! He looks like a good person but they all do until they break your heart"
She blushed, "I have a good feeling about this one Dad" "So he has children, how many?" "Four" "Wow..... What happened to his other wife? If we want to look at this is the Christian concept, he's a divorcee and if we're looking into the teaching of the..."
"Funsho gave his life to Christ last year Daddy. What happened to when a man is in Christ, he's a new creature? Didn't the word of God let us, he'll make our sins that is as red as scarlet, white as snow? He might be learning but he's a wonderful person these months I've known him"
Mr Igwe exhaled, "Look at how your eyes is sparkling" he teased and she laughed. "There's this convinction I have that he might be the one" "Does the children like you, relationships like this usually tend to have children strain"
"They do and I love them very much"
"Do you know what this entails, you'll have to be their mother at all times and being a mother goes past cooking or cleaning up the house. Do you know what it takes to raise four children and let's not forget you're going to have your own children too. You have to be there to give them morale support"
"I know. I've learnt from the best parents in world Daddy, it's scary to think of but I think I'll be fine, Shade, Pamilerin and Ade are good children. I wish you can meet the cutest, he name is Sewa she's six months now. She's my personal favorite, not like it's not obvious but Ade must never hear me say it" she chuckled and her father felt tears build in his eyes.
For unknown reasons, he felt overwhelmed and emotional like a father about to walk his daughter to the aisle. He simply pressed a hug against her, "I trust you'll do well my dear"
7th of March 2020
Topic: He's working it out for me!
Text: He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end- Eccl. 3:11b
Dara smiled on seeing the topic; knowing fully well that things were beginning to look as though they were working for her! After going through the devotional, she knelt down giving a silent prayer of gratitude to God.
This was followed by a call from Portia, "Babe I just got your message this morning, I didn't get the memo that yesterday was Valentine's day. I mean first Boma and then you! How did it happen?" She asked, causing Dara to laugh.
"How will it happen again? We kissed and now.... We're officially together"
"I already explained to you, it just happened like that. It was special" "Awwwn, look at my bestie of life. Future Mrs Funsho Duncan"
Funsho woke up with Dara in his thoughts, he just had a dream about a wedding with her and a wide smile formed on his face.
It sent ideas running through his mind.
He quickly placed a call through to an old friend. "Hey Yvonne" he began and the lady laughed. "This has got to be a dream! You haven't called me in like, is it one year now? Now you're calling me out of the blues, early in the morning. What's up?"
"I need a favor from you"
"A ring, I need something good, something befitting of a queen" "Wow, okay..... Whose panties are you trying to get into?"
Funsho laughed, "It's a damn proposal Yvonne!" "Why do you sound so In love? Funsho Duncan doesn't fall in love, who are you and what have you done to him?" She asked and he chuckled.
"Funsho Duncan is a changed man and I've found the woman I want spent eternity with." "Wow.... I'm... Dude, I'm shocked!"
"Can you get the damn ring. I called because you're the one person I trust"
Yvonne chuckled, "Well, it's going to be really expensive" "Everything is expensive with you!" He snapped and she laughed. "I'll have it delivered to the house on Monday"
"I'll be doing on Tuesday, my birthday"
"Happy birthday to you in advance then, and don't forget to send me an invite when you fix the wedding date"
Shade picked up her phone the following morning putting a call through to her mother. "So you decided to call today?" OmoToyosi complained, "I just wanted to know if you're still alive" Shade answered laughing at her joke.
OmoToyosi kept quiet. She knew her mother's silence definitely meant that she was angry. "I was just joking. How's Omo Shina during?" She asked, this was followed by a long silence.
"Shey your father has decided to break my heart. How will I be doing then?" "How's your trip to Ibadan?"
"Well.... What can I say, i haven't a replacement for your Dad. Although I'm not planning on finding another. Ah! You see that your father and Cecee, they're joking if they think they ca throw me out of the family picture. I'm coming and I'm coming with full force!"
It was Shade's time to keep quiet, if only she knew!
"You're coming back?"
"You think I'll miss your father's birthday party? No way! Nigbati mo wa laye (When I'm not dead). Funsho does not know what will hit him, it will look like miracle! The way I'll shock him eh! See you on Tuesday darling"
"Sure Mom" she replied hanging up. Her mother was definitely going to receive the shock of her life!
Mr Igwe raised two of his red native igbo top, "Which one is much more scarier?" He asked his wife who laughed on setting eyes on the cloth.
"I see you're preparing for your date. Don't scare the poor man, he might end up being your son in law. He doesn't read off bad aura like the way that Andy did" "This is my daughter's future we're talking about. The girl has suffered enough to enter into the wrong hands."
"What's your plan? Scare the living daylight out of him?"
"No. But a few interrogation will not kill will it? It's just necessary!"
Mrs Igwe let out her subtle laughter, "Just take it easy on the man. He hasn't offended anyone yet" "So which of the clothes do you suggest I choose from?"
Ade ran into Funsho bathing Sewa in her baby tub. He had a red pj mask underpants on. "When is Aunty Dara coming? Have you called her?" He asked and he exhaled taking Sewa out of the tub. "I've called her, she said she said she'll be here soon"
"Did I hear someone call my name?" Dara asked entering into the room with Kelvin and Ade quickly covered his body laughing at the same time.
"What are you doing?" Dara asked, "I'm naked!" He exclaimed running out of the room and Kelvin laughed following him.
"Kelvin you didn't even greet....." She trailed off now glancing at Funsho who was beginning to rub lotion all over his daughter's body. "Morning Babe" "Morning Babe" he replied and She mounted into bed making cooing noises at Sewa who smiled now trying to touch her cheeks.
"Her face is looking so different everyday" she turned towards him and he chuckled moving his face closer to hers.
He wanted a kiss and she wasn't going to deny him, she spent basically all night thinking about it. "Sewa" she muttered and Funsho smiled, "I don't think she'll mind" he answered kissing her and she kissed him back then he exhaled.
"You look tensed.... Is it about you meeting my Dad?"
"We made plans for 10 and I have this feeling like I'm going to go late. Pamilerin didn't let me into the bathroom, he said he's grown up. Imagine my ten years old son telling me he's grown up" he laughed to himself, "Is it Ade's trouble? He didn't let Shade bathe him, he said shade will touch his... and I quote directly from the horses lips, his kini (something)...." He answered and Dara laughed while a naked Sewa crawled up to her and she carried her making funny noises and she laughed.
Funsho smiled. "I still have a lot I want to do, look at the time I'm bathing Sewa" "You don't have to worry, go, I'll do it" "You'll dress Sewa up?" "How hard can I be?" She asked and He smiled.
"I really don't want to stress you. Hannah will still come in to babysit the children"
"It's no bother" she replied and he kissed her lips. "I'll be back as soon as I'm done" "And we'll be here waiting for you" she replied and he kissed her lips once again.
"Thank you"
Being informed about a stranger at the gate, Winny got out of the gate dressed in a blue singlet and a multi colored palazzo shorts. She found Kadri standing outside then she rolled her eyes.
"What are you doing here?"
"To check on my Baby Mama. See, le me just tell you in advance, I won't stand your insults so if you don't have an iota of respect, I'm going to advise you to grow some cause I'm not going to take your shit cause I know you have it in excess" he snapped and she folded her hands, she didn't say a word, she just quietly stared at him for a minute.
"The last time I checked, what are you doing here? Is a question"
"It's the manner you ask it that matters."
"My Dad wouldn't like to see you."
"I don't give a fuck what your father thinks. You have a little me growing in your womb and it's my damn responsibility to take care of the mother and the child. Well, I came to see you and take you out" "Out to where?"
"You'll see"
"Is this like a surprise outing? I love surprises." She squeaked clapping her hands. "Wait ..... Let me tell the chaffeur"
Kadri scoffed, "I'm not entering into the car. We're using public transport" he replied and Winny laughed hysterically, "Nice try! Public transport, I've never used a public transport ever in my life. Except school bus"
"Well there's a first time for everything"
"You can feel free to go with your public transport, just give me an address"
"Then it won't be a surprise will it?" He asked and she folded her hands in thought. "How am I sure you're not planning on kidnapping me?" "You won't know until you get there right? All the same, it'll still be a surprise" he answered and she scoffed.
"I can't believe I'm contemplating doing this" she snapped walking back in. "Are you coming or not?"
"Let me get my jacket!"
Mr Igwe sat in the Duncan's restaurant waiting for Funsho to arrive. A waitress in uniform, Kelly walked towards him smiling. "Excuse me Sir, what do you want? Mr Funsho demanded that we give you anything you want"
"As what? Bribe?"
Kelly shook her head, "No Sir. It's my job and we gave orders already, it's on his tab" "I'm okay with the water before me my dear" he pointed at the semi glass of on the table.
Kelly noticed Funsho coming so she quickly walked up to him. "I've been trying to persuade the man into taking something. He said he's comfortable with just water"
"It's okay. Thank you"
Funsho walked over to him then he bowed his head. "Good morning Sir" he sat down opposite him, "Good morning to you too" "I have to apologise for being late. It's not in my nature to keep anyone waiting but my children....." He stalled.
"This is inexcusable. I'll understand if you're angry"
Mr Igwe glanced at his wrist watch, "You're just ten minutes late so it can be forgiven. "Do you want anything Sir?" "I already ate from home. You don't have to worry about that"
"Okay Sir. How are you doing Sir?" "I'm fine but most of all, I'm worried about my daughter. She's the reason why I called for this meeting. Mister man, I'm not going to beat about the bush. I've never been that kind of person so.... What are your intentions towards my daughter?"
Funsho exhaled loudly, "You can be rest assured they're good ones" "I'm a man, I've been in this shoe and I know that our specie can tend to lie and fool woman. It's a special talent and I sure hope you're not planning to fool my daughter by making her introduce you to us to make the relationship look serious. Then after getting what you want, you'll leave"
Funsho shook her head, "I will never do that!" "But you're divorced" "There's a story to it, please Sir, I beg of you, don't judge me for being divorced" "After four children"
"My ex wife only had one child which is my sixteen years old daughter, Shade. I had the other three because of my love for children, I'm not going to hide anything from you Sir. If you have doubts, I'll try my possible best to clear them for you."
"Dara is my first daughter, I treasure my children and I don't like to see them get hurt" he stated, there were a lot emotions mixed in his voice.
"She has been through enough troubles, heartaches and humiliation so what are your intentions for my daughter?"
"I love Dara, I've loved her since last year Easter when I gave my life to the Christian fold. The truth is, I didn't only give my life to Christ, I gave it to Dara. She has everything I want in woman, she's simply amazing and I have to acknowledge the parents who trained her to be the person she is now. I want so much more from Dara, I want her to be my wife and the mother to my many children, I want to spend the rest of my life, loving and cherishing her"
Kadri held Winny's hands into a building . "Where's this place?" She asked but he kept on walking till they got to a door, afterwards he knocked. "Where are we?" She asked again and he leaned closer whispering, "It's where they're going to keep you hostage" he answered and she gasped.
The fear on her face made him laugh.
A old woman about the age of Sixty three opened the door. "Kadri?" She asked then she looked over at Winny. "Is she the one?" She asked with a hint of Yoruba accent and he gave a gentle nod.
"Come on in" she smiled entering and Winny shook her head. "There's no way I'm going into that house with that old woman. Who is she, she looks like a witch. Look at the way she's smiling like as if ..."
"Watch it Winny! She's my grandmother. I told her about you and she requested to see you"
"And you couldn't take me to see your parents! Why did it have to be a dry old woman"
"I don't have any!" He snapped and her lips gaped in shock.
"Oh. They're dead?"
"Yes" he answered and she sighed now feeling guilty. Kadri entered and she followed him in shutting the door.
"I'm not a witch, you don't have to worry. Amo, ko han loju e (Although it doesn't show on the face)" she moved close to her, "I'm.... I'm sorry I said that, I didn't even know you heard it" "You've said it, you've said it already, you can't swallow it back can you? No! Every woman should be careful of what they say. You can't be talking anyhow" she advised.
"Leave her and her big mouth"
"Iwo naa gbenu dake (Keep quiet) was I talking to you?" She raised her nose at him, "Sioooor" she hissed returning her gaze back at Winny whose tongue were out at him.
"Apology accepted, about how do you young people put it?" She laughed to herself and Winny exhaled.
"(What's your name?)" "Winny Balogun" The granny laughed, "Kini Itumo yen nitori Olorun? (What's the meaning of that in the name of God)"
"Winner, that's the name my father gave me"
"That's a nice name, Asegun (Winner). How's your health?" She asked, "I'm fine Ma" she answered and Grandma Kadirat held her by the arm, "My grandson told me what happened. Sorry ehn, every child is a blessing but I'm sorry yours at to come at this young age. I apologize on Kadri's part. Since he came back to Nigeria, this is the first stupid thing he has done and I'm highly disappointed in him" she noted seriously.
"How are you doing Winner? How's the morning sickness?"
"It's still..... I'm still experiencing it, every morning"
"I read that it'll pass soon" Kadri opined, "Sometimes it doesn't, some pregnant women experience it till the ninth month but hopefully, yours won't be like that"
Winny sighed, "So Winner, how are your parents reacting to this?" "I really don't want to talk about it Ma" she replied and Kadri's Granny smiled looking at her belly.
"What did you have for breakfast?"
Granny Kadirat laughed, "Is that one food? I prepared hot Amala and ewedu soup for you"
"I don't want to eat"
"You don't want to eat what? You had better sit down and make yourself comfortable while I prepare go dish your meal" she walked away and Winny gave Kadri a look.
"I don't want to eat!" She whispered, "You're joking if you think she's going to let you leave without eating. You don't have to worry, the food hasn't been poisoned" he sat down and she sat with him.
"I can't believe you brought me here." She complained and he scoffed. "There goes your complain again, is there ever a time your don't complain?" He asked and she kept quiet.
"Where's your grandfather?"
Winny rolled her eyes, "Awkward conversation ever!" She snapped and he laughed.
"I'm sorry about your parents.... I didn't know they're not alive dead"
"Actually, My mom is the dead one, I have no clue where my father is or who he is." "Where are you from?"
"Seriously? Why? Where are you from? Your grandmother said, when you came back to Nigeria, were you formerly outside the country?" She asked and he gave a shy nod.
"Where? Wait, let me guess, it's definitely an African country. Ghana?" "Nope" "Benin republic, Nigerians are really going there"
"Peru isn't an African country!" "Well, I'm not smart. Quit the suspense and let me know already"
"I wasn't given birth to in Nigeria. I was given birth to in Australia"
Winny gasped, "You're lying!" "I'm not. I'm serious" "What then are you doing in Nigeria?" "My Mom died and i got sent here when I was fifteen, ever since, I've been stuck"
"And you have no accent?"
Kadri laughed, "When you're in Rome, you act like a freaking Roman. I had to blend with the naija ways, the naija hustle. I'm a hustler" he answered winking at her and she chuckled.
Granny Kadirat who was about to bring a tray of Amala and Ewedu out sighted the two of them speaking then she returned it back.
"Sorry about the morning sickness" he apologized and she laughed. "Is that the only thing you'll apologize for? I was watching my shape before you came in"
"Before I came in" he repeated obviously referring to the dirty version then he busted out laughing on seeing Winny's reaction. "I've been drinking coffee"
"Coffee isn't good for the baby"
"You have a phone, Google these things or better still talk to your mother about it"
"Don't be too excited about the pregnancy, Dad might still have an abortion done" "He can't do that"
"He can, he's my father"
"And I'm the father of the child. I get to decide, I'm not joking when I said I'll be with you all the step of the way. Hospital visits to being there when you deliver, I'll be there." He held her hands and she withdrew her hands.
"Why do you care? Can't you be like other guys that will deny it?"
"Would it have made you happy? Well, I'm not other guys, I can never be like other guys" he answered withholding his tears. "My Mom was taken to Australia by a friend of granny just so she could help out and maybe get a job later on. Her Australian boss, got her pregnant and he denied it, even when she tried to speak up about it, she was thrown out to the street by his wife. He denied me, I can never ever deny my own child. It's my mistake, I'll own up to the responsibility" he answered and Winny quietly watched him wipe some tears off.
While Dara laid on the floor along with Ade and Pamilerin, there were papers and textbooks on the floor. She was helping the boys with assignment, she kept Kelvin busy with a home work, personally formed by her.
Okon walked in, "Aunty Mbok (please)" he called out and Dara took a glance at him. "Mbok ku yat esit, owo so o yem (Don't be offended, someone's is looking for you)"
CeCee entered and all eyes turned to her.
Okon scratched his head. "Mbok Ku yat esit (Don't be offended)" he begged, "It's okay Okon, I'll handle this" she replied, "I dey downstairs in case you need me" he noted before walking away.
"Awwwn, how does it feel playing Mom? This is so sweet, you're helping Funsho's kids with their assignments" she asked and Dara rose up. "Can we talk outside?"
"What are you doing here?" Pamilerin asked, "Pamilerin darling, can't you guys greet?" She asked, "CeCee"
"No. I demand proper respect" she moved towards Ade, "Ade dear, didn't daddy teach you to greet your elders when your see one"
"Daddy is going to get married to Aunty Dara. She's going to be our Mommy!" Ade exclaimed and CeCee laughed, "Who? She?" She pointed at Dara who only folded her hands staring at her.
From the silence she deduced they we're dating already! "Wait.... You and Funsho" she scoffed, "I'm pretty sure he has some motive, it can't be true. Funsho adores me, he loves me and he's going to get married to me and you'll all see it!"
"Daddy doesn't like you, go away!" Ade yelled pushing CeCee away and she gasped, "Why are you pushing me?" "Cause we don't like you!" Pamilerin answered.
"Please leave us alone, if you can see, we were busy with something"
"Daddy is with Aunty Dara now, I don't like you" he pushed him and she pushed him back, "Stop being a brat!"
"Will you stop it!" Dara yelled, "Why did you push him? I mean right in my presence?" She snapped charging towards her.
"What are you their mother?"
"I might not be their mother but they've made me a care taker and I won't stand you mistreating them. I admit he was wrong but you didn't have to react that way"
"The children attorney has spoken, I'm supposed to spank him. I was being nice"
Dara scoffed and Shade walked in, "What's the rukus about?" She asked glaring at CeCee. "What are you doing here?"
"She'll be leaving anytime soon" "I won't do that"
"The children don't want you around, they obviously don't like you, newsflash I don't like you too! No one wants you around, Please leave! Please!"
"And if I don't?" She asked and Dara sighed, "Okon!" She yelled and he hurriedly entered into the room. "Ma" "I hate to do this but please, escort this woman out of this house this very moment"
"Don't you dare touch me Okon"
"Miss CeCee mbok, the new madam has given her orders"
CeCee scoffed, she almost went mad on hearing those words from him. "It's not even your house yet and you're acting like queen." She moved towards her. "This crown you're wearing now, there are a lot of women competing to have it and babe, you're the fucking least out of them! You're not sexy, you're just a boring woman who's going give Funsho a boring life, I bet you're both going to have boring sexual life. He's going to get tired eventually, and I'll be here to snatch the crown from you! God! I'll so much enjoy taking it off!"
She snapped and Dara flinched even though she tried not to let her fear show.
"Okon, escort the lady out and for the safety of the children, and for as long as I'll be around, let this be the last time she ever steps foot into this house. Amekop?"
"Yes Ma'am" Okon replied pushing her out. "Don't lay your filthy hands on me, do you know who I am?"
"Mma, your Instagram followers is not important right now. Madam don give orders." He pushed her slightly, "Don't touch me!"
Shade laughed to herself after Okon pushed CeCee out then she smiled at Dara. "That's so cool! I've always wanted to do that!"
Ade hugged Dara while she looked around his face to see if there were any injury. "Are you okay?" She asked, "You shouldn't have spoken that way to her, she's older than you"
"I don't like her" Ade cried and Dara wiped his tears off.
"Please escort this woman out of this house this moment" Pamilerin mimicked Dara and everyone laughed.
"I wish I recorded this moment" Shade commented and Dara chuckled. She didn't even know where she got the nerves from.
What do you think about today's update?
Sorry, it's a rush rush update.
I'm okay now but there has been no light since I got discharged from the hospital so.... This is all I can do!
Have a lovely day!
Thank you!
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