💢Chapter 32💢

Chapter 32



🎶Today is Friday, everybody like it lalala🎶

Kelvin sang and Dara laughed. She knew her excitement level was definitely because after Friday comes Saturday which will definitely be well spent in Funsho's house.

Although she wasn't sure if she was ready for it. They haven't spoken too well through out the week. Maybe she's still very much bothered about the kiss!

"Aunty Dara, shey we'll go to them Uncle Funsho's place tomorrow?" He asked her and she chuckled nervously. "Yes. You're excited ba?"

"Yes! School will be closing soon, can I spend my holiday there? The two of us we'll go"

Dara laughed, "And I'll stay as what?" "Uncle Funsho's wife" he answered and she chuckled, "Look at this small boy, what do you know about being someone's wife"  "Ade and Pamilerin says that you like their father and I agree"

"You're starting to pronounce Pamilerin well" she touched his cheeks trying to avoid the topic. "Do you?" he pressed on and she rolled her eyes.

"Little man, this is not child's play at all. Sometimes we have to look before we leap and you better rush to the bathroom before you take your bath before you get to school late." She snapped and Kelvin ran off.
Her phone rang and she glanced at it.

"Ugo?" She muttered before picking it up.

"Good morning dear" he began sending smiles her face. "Good morning Ugo" "I'm seriously hoping to God you slept well"

"I did"

"Can we have dinner?


"The Duncans restaurant. I mean it's Friday, what better way to spend the evening. If you're not okay with it"

Dara chuckled, "I am. I'll see you there"

Boma dozed off while typing on the chair. She woke up opening up her laptop to her last draft retrieving all statements earlier made by her about the Duncans.

Her phone rang and she picked up smiling. "Calling so early in the morning? Are we safe?" She asked and Gbade laughed. "Well I woke up thinking about something that has managed to take my breath away" 

"About me?" She asked and he chuckled, "No, about something else, why will I be thinking about you?" He asked and she hissed.

"Are you disappointed?"

"Shut up! So what's this thing you're thinking of?"

"Kunu" he answered and she scoffed. "So early in the morning? It only shows how jobless you are!" "Again, whose fault is it?"

Boma rolled her eyes, "Whatever!"
"Does your Mom do Kunu delivery service? If I want to have a large number of Kunu delivered, how do I go about it?"

"You're not serious! You'll purge!"

"Let me worry about myself, I'm the doctor here not you" "Im sorry for speaking out of turn Doctor" "Apology accepted" he answered chuckled.

She tried hard to fight off her chuckle, for some reason, she didn't want to start giggling that early morning like some love struck teenager!

"Does she?"

"What happened to all those your fine wine at home?"

"Is fine wine Kunu?"

"I can have it delivered, like how many do you want?"


Boma laughed, it sounded to Gbade as though she was mocking him. "Do you want to sell it? Is that it? You're moving from treating and healing the sick to trading in Kunu, you know you should probably, open up a store and call it Gbade Kunu and Logistics"

Gbade laughed, "I'll make you my receptionist, everyone will get to see you when they walk through the door, face of Gbade Kunu and Logistics" he replied and this forced a chuckle out of her.

"Madam, can you have it delivered?"

"The question is can you maintain it?  It gets spoilt when it's not refrigerated. We don't give refunds"

Gbade laughed, "Do you think I live in that place where there's barely light the whole year?" He joked and she scoffed. "Do I blame you?" "Can you get it done or not?"

"It's now 120 for each bottle, you'll pay for delivery services too"

Gbade laughed, "Don't worry, I'll come over to pick it up, delivery service kor, delivery service ni" "Fine! Come pick it up, it'll save me some stress!" "Just kidding, let me stress you a bit. I need twenty bottles"

"Okay 20 bottles shey?"

"Yes. Wait... But if I'm buying 20, shouldn't you cut the price?"

"Dis you study? Economics and management?" She asked and he chuckled, "No, Kunu and logistics" he responded and they both laughed.  "I'll have it deliver when I'm free. I even have something I want to show you"

"Ok then. Don't keep me waiting for too long"

"Sure" she replied hanging up.

"Wetin you dey deliver?" She heard her Mom ask and her heart jumped. "Jesus mommy! You fear me oh"

"Fear fear, Madam wetin you dey deliver?"

"That guy why dey always buy Kunu, he wants 20 so I'll be delivering it"

"No go anywhere oh"


"You no see say na Toto the guy dey find? From two Kunu, e enter four to five now 20. Worst, you dey deliver am for him house! Boma things dey happen for the world today. You no dey open newspaper read?"

"It's Gbade Duncan! Mommy, I'm fine"

"Ah Boma! I'm not making assumptions oh, them say I too dey exaggerate, I dey make assumption, but make you no use Toto sell market for me. I prefer make my Kunu dey for freezer spoil than make anything happen to you. You better no go anywhere"

"Mommy I'm going."

"I go call your elder brother for you"

"Call now!"

"You go see now" she dialed a number walking away and Boma laughed. "Mommy I'll be fine, I'm just going there to deliver Kunu. It's not even now sef!"

After school hours, Winny's driver drove her home. She was in shock after seeing  Kadri leaning on their gate. She stepped out of the car walking up to him.

"What are you doing here?"

"You dropped the address"

"I didn't think you'll be stupid to come! What if my father was around? He would have had you arrested!" "I needed to see you, we only chat"

"What does it matter?"

Kadri scoffed, "Did you just ask that? What does it matter? Winny you're having my child" "You wouldn't have known if I didn't say anything so stop making a big deal out of it!" She snapped walking back to the car.

"I'm not making a big deal out of it Winny. It's actually a big deal for me" he confessed and she turned back at him.

"Because I'm rich?" She asked, "Is that what this is?" She added and he scoffed, "I think I just made a mistake coming here." He left and she shut her eyes.

"Kaddy!" She called out to him but he ignored her. 

Gbade came out with two Kunu from the fridge after Boma had delivered it. She was situated on a armchair at a corner in the sitting room, her left leg tucked under her. She had a jean armless gown on, with a belt straps around the waist.   She opened up her laptop turning it on. Her rang and she declined the call.

"Do you want Kunu or wine or beer or drinks?"

"I'm not in the mood to drink anything" she answered and her phone rang again. "Oooooh oh" she beats her body and he chuckled.

"Just pick his calls, he's sorry" he teased sitting on a small stool opposite her. She rolled her eyes declining the call.

"What's his crime?"

"No crime and it's not my boyfriend! It's my elder brother. I told Mom I was coming  here and she's kind of worried even though I assured her of my safety"

"Who would want her daughter in the house of a murderer, you typed it yourself"

"I know I did and I'm working towards changing that. Wanna go through my article before I publish?" She asked and he shrugged. "What's the essence? I mean, you didn't ask me before publishing the first one!"

"And i fucked up okay and I'm sorry! I just want to make sure you're satisfied with the article. I'm planning on emailing a copy to every member of the family"

Gbade moved sitting on the arm of the chair Boma was seated on, her sweet scent hits her and he exhaled.  "Do you have their emails?" "What are you here for?" She poked his chest and they looked each other in the eye for several long seconds before returning their gazes back at the laptop.

His eyes suddenly roamed around her neck down to her cleavages. His subconscious began to question if sitting this close to her was the nest idea. Boma was undisputably a very attractive woman and he has always been familiar with that fact. Fine, he has always found her extremely attractive but he didn't understand why being this close to her was making his blood run hot!

He was beginning to sweat in a room fully blowing with AC! Is that even normal? He hopes she doesn't notice!

  "Start from here" She pointed and he leaned in,  his breath was against her neck, it sent chills down spine. She rubbed her neck as he skimmed through the article.

Boma's gaze fell on him as his lips moved speedily as he read through it. She stared at the lips and began to  imagine how it'll feel like to actually kiss them. She shut her eyes in shame at the very dirty thought of it, then she looked away leaving him to read it all.

"Done! Not bad, my favorite part was the apology. Talk about a formal apology"

"I've apologized like 50 times already"

"I know. I guess a few more times won't hurt" he replied and she smiled. "I never saw you to be the kind to give an apology or be flexible as being talked into rewriting what you wrote"

"Well I never saw you to be the kind to laugh, what am I saying, to even smile but I was wrong about that too right?" She asked and their eyes locked on each other.

Gbade leaned into her and gave her a warm kiss and she returned the kiss. They kissed, slowly and deeply. 

Thomas wrote down some prescription on a patient's file then he handed it over to Ruby. "She's asking to be discharged" she scratched her neck and he drummed on the desk.

"All these patients sef! What part of she's still under observation she doesn't get?" He hissed, "She's not fit, if she feels she is, let her stand up and pay her balance and leave. It's not my health at risk."

"Okay Sir" she turned her back to leave and he exhaled.

"Sorry you didn't meet me in a cheery mood. I'm just going through a lot." He added and Ruby turned towards him, not interested in having any conversation with him.

She came strictly for professional reason. If she wanted to converse with him, she would have initiated the topic on seeing his counternance! She doesn't understand why the doctor chooses to tell her things.

The awkward moments she has passed through these few days ehn!

Thomas stood up walking towards her, "I'm divorced, and my wife is openly in a relationship. I heard they made a damn live Instagram video about it! Who cares? Let's not forget my pregnant daughter. It's like I'm the only one in the world going through bad things"
Ruby shook her head, "Sir.... Quite the contrary, you're not the only one going through bad things, Mrs Tofunmi for example, the woman who just went through hernia surgery, that's the least on the list of people going through horrible things. You're a doctor Sir and you're quite older than I am. You've seen things to know that what you're going through is nothing compared to what others are passing through right now"

"True" he held her hands and she suddenly felt uneasy. "You know you're a very intelligent nurse. Have you wondered why I've suddenly come to like talking to you?" He asked and Ruby cleared her throat.

He moved closer to her and a grin smeared on his face. "I like you Ruby" he blurted out and she moved back. "I'm sorry Sir, I'm in a relationship, a very serious relationship Sir."

"What a shame, I supposed he's lucky"

"Yes he is.... Sir" she replied under gritted teeth then she stormed out of the office.

"Na wa oh" he laughed to himself, "That one just go like that" he added then his phone rang. He cleared his throat before picking up, "If it's not my ever beautiful Tiwalade."

Boma and Gbade made each other more comfortable on a three seater couch. Both still sucking each other's lips like their lives depended on it. A moan escaped her swollen lips and Gbade pulled back looking deep into her eyes then he grasped her by the chin.

"Before we go any further..."

"What?" She asked and he chuckled, "Are we acting on emotions, I mean the fact we're two hot people sitting together with human feelings... Or..." He trailed off and Boma laughed.

"Who says you're hot?"

"Your eyes" he replied, "I am not oblivious of the fact that I'm really attractive and you're very much attractive too" "Attractive is not a nice comment. I don't know how I feel about you saying that"

"You're extremely hot."

"Have you always felt that way?"

"Yes but I'm getting to really like you and that's the truth. I don't know the opinion you hold but I want us to clear this out before it goes out of hand cause I can't seem to keep my hands off you and....." His lips hovered hers and his eyes quickly trailed around her body and she chuckled kissing him on the lips now spreading her thighs  wide over him and a surge of excitement coursing through his veins as his removed the belt across her waist then he pulled the zippers of her gown down. 

In the semi dark room, Gbade and Boma had lost count of how many  times they've made love. As lips glided over damp skin, fingers massage each other's body, sweat built up lubricating their slippery skin, they both reached another incredible climax.

They both lay side by side weak and breathing fast. "That was amazing" Boma commented and Gbade smiled. "You're amazing" he answered and they both chuckled in bed.

She turned towards him running her fingers through his chest then he planted kisses on his naked chest after which he pulled her close kissing her on the lips.

"I have to be at work" she announced and he groaned in disappointment.

Stella knocked on Lanre's door and he opened up still dressed in his work attire. He had white shirt, red tie and black trousers on.  "Stel? What are you doing here?"

"It was boring at home so I decided to pay you a surprise visit. Did you just get back from work?"

"No. I just got back from church"

"Is there any service?"

"Not a general one. Women were hosting prayers before I left but I went to get the keyboard. I wanted to score some songs" he answered opening the door wide for her to enter.

"You haven't even taken a rest?"

"Babe I'm about to cook and then take my bathe. Maybe I have to skip one, I need to work on that song" "You look really tired" Stella stared at him with pity.

"I'll be fine Stel. Make yourself at home"

"What were you going to cook?"

"Spaghetti" he answered and she gave an inviting nod. "Why don't I lift your burdens and help you cook while you go take your bathe"

Lanre shook his head, "Not like I'm not digggt the idea but, I don't want to stress you" "It's spaghetti, it's not like you're asking me to turn Amala for you" she rolled her eyes entering into the kitchen and he chuckled.

"I know how much you love Onions and pepper. Try not to kill me tonight!" He commented and she pushed her head out, "Do you want me to cook or not?" She asked laughing and he chuckled.

"Go ahead Ma"

A message popped on Boma's phone while she was on commercial break.

Here I am drinking Kunu and thinking of you

Hey, I think i just made a rhyme there 😂

Boma laughed to herself, typing back.

Maybe you should think of starting up a music career 😉

Let's think of a music name then.....🤔

She chuckled getting a cue to go back on air.

I have to go now


I'm listening to you right now, play me a song. Make it romantic😉

He requested and she chuckled going offline then she went back on air. 

"Thank God it's Friday and, for some reason, it feels like Valentine's day. I don't know who else feels that way. If you feel that way, please call in and let us know why and I'll tell you why my day looks like Valentine's day. It's a beautiful night and it's Soul Serenade on 95. 5 mood fm, don't touch the dial. Permit me to Serenade you with this songs I so love, superficial love and helplessly by Tatiana Manaois"

Dara threw her head laughing out loud to Ugo's jokes at the date. She heaved a sigh afterwards. "That's sick" "I'm serious, I was damn hungry and I had to swallow the end with bean porridge"

She laughed again, "I've never been that desperate. I'd rather go on dry fast and pray to God!" She answered and he chuckled. 

"Permit me to say you look pretty again. Red looks great on you" he complimented the red gown she wore and she shrugged. "Thank you Ugo"

"Uncle Ik told me about what happened to you" he chipped in and Dara's counternance switched from happy to a sad one. "What did you hear?"

"He didn't really dive into much details but when I heard yesterday. I won't deny the fact that I was extremely happy. Then I decided to call you hoping you'll pick up my call can't you've been ignoring it"

"I was in a bad mood"

"Efe messed up, it's his loss! Ugo's still here Dara and my proposal still stands. I'm still opened for marriage and I have my ring in my pocket, I know it'll be reckless to propose because you're still hurting but...." He stretched his hands grasping her fingers.

"I want you to know that I'm still here"

Dara exhaled pulling her hands, "Ugo, it's complicated" "What's complicated?" He asked then he leaned against his chair bowing his head. "There's another man right?" He raised his head at her. She couldn't say anything, the only response she could give was a nod.

"You like him?" He asked, she nods again.

"Let me guess, the guy from the other day at the diner, the one whose daughter you were holding" he guessed and she raised her brow In shock.

"How?..... Am I that transparent?" She asked and he shook his head. "Not you, he is. I mean, the guy couldn't stop staring at you all the while you were with me. Innocently, I thought, I thought maybe it was because you had his daughter in your arms...... Now it makes sense why he was staring, I don't blame him for staring, anyone will stare."

Dara blushed,  "What's complicated about it? You obviously like the guy!" He assumed and she giggled. "When we met, Ugo you said, that i wasn't what you wanted"

"And I'll leave every day of my life to regret saying those words. Fine, I wanted the curves but I found a wife in you..... Maybe out of jealousy from that Valentine's night but still.... You would have been the perfect mother for my unborn children, now you're going to be someone else's wife, mehn he's lucky!"

Dara laughed, "I haven't even said yes to him!" "If he's not worth it, I'm ready and available Dara" he teased and they both chuckled.

"Is he worth it?"

"I think he is"

Brenda shook her head after Ruby explained her ordeal with Thomas. "Womanizing son of a bitch!" "I'm sure he's aware that I'm your sister but he still said he likes me"

"Don't believe him!"

"I wasn't planning on! I have Dozie"

"Does he know?"

"Yes. We don't hide things from each other" "What did he say?" "That I should resign"

"Same thing I was going to say. Babe, you might have to resign cause if I know Thomas well, he's still going to press on and trust me, you might fall in love with the jerk, the only reason you're not falling for his trick is because I already told you all you need to know. Thomas is manipulative"

"I can't leave me dream job. Brenda, I just started"

Brenda sighed, "When it's starting to look like it's going to get messy, promise you'll leave"  "I can handle one womanizer, if that's what he is"

"Promise me Ruby!"

"I promise"

Lanre sat on the chair just opposite the keyboard while nursing burning pain from the pepperish spaghetti Stella cook. "I still don't understand your love for pepper. I have injuries in my mouth, no matter the water I drink, it's like the water keeps on leaking! It's like the pepper drilled some kind of hole in my chin"

"I still don't understand why a Yoruba man like you doesn't like pepper?" She snapped and he chuckled. "Well I'm a Yoruba man with ulcer " he answered playing the popular death song trending on internet and Stella laughed.

"The pepper wasn't that bad"

"I'm dead already. It's just my ghost playing this" he joked and she poked his chest. "I'm sorry" she apologized and he chuckled. "I was just joking anyways." He sighed, "I should leave, I'm probably distracting you, you said you wanted to rehearse"

"Don't!" He held her hands, "I may be tired, but seeing your face gives me strength and joy" he continued and she smiled kissing him on the lips and he pushed her away.

"What's that for?"

"I don't know, I just had a crazy thought about how kissing you would feel like" she answered and he shook his head. "No! You're not going to use me as someone's rebound, uh huh! No way! You haven't even gotten over Andy yet"

"I want to get over him."

"Not like this"

"How then? Lately I wish you asked me out instead of Andy. Lanre, you've been my best friend right from time! You've been the one I cry to the one I share my problems with. You've been with me all the step of the way, helping me through this mess and I really want to give us a try"  

Lanre bit his bottom lips in uncertainty, "Are you sure about this?" He asked, "I've never been more sure about anything in my life." She answered leaning forward and he captured her lips with his and invading her mouth with his.
She wrapped her arms around his neck sitting on his lap then he chuckled reminding her of his celibacy till marriage journey.  

"Fine" she answered and Lanre smiled, he hasn't been this happy in a long while.

"Why don't I give you that massage you've always wanted?" She asked moving behind him and he sighed in relief.

"God bless you Stel. You're just giving me excess joy tonight!" He played the notes to 'Vatshaw's Mitchell's You give me joy'.

Stella pressed his shoulders and he shut his eyes in pleasure taking his hands off the keyboard.

"Judgement day where art thou?" He asked and she chuckled. "You and who? I'm not ready yet! I'm still very much a sinner with a lot of sinful thoughts"  she continued the massage.

He held her palm, turned towards her then he pressed a kiss on it.

"Thank you"

Dara went over to Funsho's house and Ade and Pamilerin jumped happily at her presence. "Will you be spending the night here?" Pamilerin asked and Dara shook her head distracted by the loud sound coming from the television.

Apparently they were watching home alone before she walked in.
"I won't be spending the night. I.... I came here so I could talk to your father. Funsho, can we speak somewhere private?"she requested and Funsho climbed up the stairs and she followed him.

"Is it movie night or something?" She asked and he smiled. "Yes, upon Ade's request, we've watched home alone like hundred times" "Sounds like you're tired already"

"I am but Ade isn't"

"I never get tired of watching it, it gets to me everytime, especially the first part" she answered and he chuckled. "The first part is classic" he stopped turning back at her and she smiled.

"Yes it is"

"Do you want to go into my room? I'll understand if you don't want to" he suggested and she shook her head. "Is everything alright? You won't be coming tomorrow right? Is that it?" He asked letting out a sorry sigh.

"You're still angry at me right? That's why you've been distant"

Dara rolled her eyes, "I'm not angry at you. I don't think angry is the world to describe it"


She shook her head, "No! I don't think there's any English word to describe it"

A wide smile curled up Funsho's lips as he carefully took note of the dress she wore. "You look beautiful." "Thank you" "Did you go out?"

"Yes. I just got back from a date"

Funsho's smile slowly faded away, she noticed it.  "Oh. How was it?" "It went well, it was enlightening. Do you like Chinua Achebe?"

"No but I watched Things fall apart on NTA growing up"

"What about Chimanda Adichie?"

"Chi- a  what? Who's that?" He laughed and this provoked a laughter from her. "You don't know her? She's a writer"

"I don't. If you noticed, my field is more scientific and not poetic"

"So you're not into novels and poems?"

"The only thing I'm interested in is rhymes for my children, my favorite is goosy goosy gander, Humpty Dumpty and Old MacDonald. Any other question even though I have no idea why you're asking them"

"I love novels and poetry. Efe pretended to like them so I can like him." She replied and he chuckled finding it amusing.

"Any other questions?"

"I wear dresses and my cleavages barely show except I'm wearing a push up bra" she cried out, "Funsho I have a A cup sized boobs, my buttocks looks like the wall of Jericho fell flat on them"

"I don't care if they're A cup or if there aren't any letters to describe the size. I love you the way you are," he laughed, "I love your ass the way they look, you've never looked more sexier" he bit his lips.

"Were you on Valentine's night?" She sniffled and he smiled, " "My mother's restaurant, I was on a date Shade planned with OmoToyosi"

"Did you pay for my bills?" She asked and he smiled knowing he has finally been caught, "Yes. Sorry I didn't tell you, I didn't feel like you should"

Dara threw her arms around him kissing him deeply. No words said, not like it was necessary anyways.  He returned her kiss with more passion as she pressed herself into him.


Airborne love..... Who's also infected or who wants the effect?😂😂

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