💢Chapter 3💢
"Mummy you're not saying anything" Stella still complained now looking at the rest of her sisters. "So you all are not saying anything, It doesn't concern you all shey? Mummy?"
"What do you want me to say?"
"Anything! This can't be possible! It can't work! How can Dad put such conditions, we all know it's impossible! When last has Sister Dara ever being on any date"
"Would you shut up your trap! This the third time you're saying it. What do you take your sister for? Do you think she won't find a man of her choice in this lifetime? She will! All in God's time, it's not her time yet"
"But it's my time! So what if I get married before her, it won't be the first neither will it be the last! Dad is just being absurd! I'm going to get married whether he likes it or not"
"You know your father hates it when people go against his words or when you try to make everything your way. Calm down"
"But Mom! It's unfair! It's so unfair!" She snapped leaving the house and Andy followed her.
"See what you've caused!" Aunt Rejoice snapped at Dara so she walked away into her father's room, "Can we talk?" She asked, his disproving face almost discouraged her but she was pretty determined. "I know you're in a bad mood but I bet your mood is not as bad as Moses's mood was when he broke the tablet" she answered and her father laughed.
He loved a good Bible joke!
"I knew I could make you laugh" she added sitting closer to him.
"Just seeing you makes me happy" he confessed and she chuckled softly. "Thanks you Dad" "One day, i just pray you find that man in your life; the one in whom your presence will makes him happy like it does to me. I know out there, there's that man God has reserved for you, it may tarry but soon..." He trailed off and she smiled.
"You still have hope even when I don't even have boyfriend"
"What about you?"
"It's a slim hope, very slim like me" she emphasized and he chuckled softly.
"When I married your mother, she was as slim as you are." "Says who?" Mrs Igwe asked entering into the room. "Sir, who told you I was slim?"
"Mom you were thin" Dara pointed to the wedding picture that hung on the wall and her mother laughed.
"Don't judge your future state base on how your today looks like. You'll be discouraged" Her father continued from where he left off and Dara exhaled. "What if it's Stella's time to get married and you're stopping it for no reason"
"Exactly what I wanted to talk to your father about" Mrs Igwe replied taking a seat on the bed. "I just kept quiet because I know how much he hates interruption when he's trying to play militant" she teased and he laughed.
"Have you to decided to gang up against me?"
"Let's call it an ambush" Mrs Igwe noted taking her seat at the other side of the bed.
"Well.... I don't think Stella is ready yet"
"Why? She's 30!" Dara pointed out and her father hissed. "I don't like the guy" he confessed and Dara chuckled softly. She hated Andy too and it wasn't just because of the fact he used to bully her in school, there were other factors attached to it.
"My spirit doesn't agree with him. Aside from that, i might be wrong about the man but I don't think Stella is ready to take that leap yet. She's too proud, just a good job that pays very well, she's feeling as though she's better than everyone. Imagine being married before her elder sister. I'm sure she'll do everything to slap it against her face"
Mrs Igwe nodded in agreement, sounded like something Stella can do! "I hope with the few time she'll wait, God will open her eyes to see things and get wisdom!"
"Your Dad is a fucking militant" Andy snapped immediately he entered into the car then he looked Stella who was crying. "Babe" he called out, "Take me home!"
Abundant Grace Parish cathedral
At the inception of the church service, the instrumentals played while the choristers swayed left and right in their blue choir robe. The male lead, Lanre held the microphone singing to Flo's no other God compares to you.
🎶No other God compares to You
(No other God compares to You)
No other God compares to You Lord
(No other God compares to You)
I say No other God compares to You
(No other God compares to You)
No other God compares to You Jehovah
(No other God compares to You)
No other God compares to You Baba e
(No other God compares to You)🎶
The song went on as some members of congregations walked into the cathedral with the ushers giving directions.
Dara walked towards the pulpit afterwards with a big smile on her face then she got hold of the microphone which was placed on thr surface of the pulpit.
"Praise the Lord!"
"Hallelujah!" the congregation responded back energetically and she smiled even more. "And they overcame by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony. God has given until us testimonies cause the greatest one is the miracle of waking up in the morning . The first person on my list is, Sister Grace as she comes here to share her wonderful testimony" she announced and a chocolate complexioned lady walked towards her smiling then she passed another microphone to her.
"I want to thank God for preservation. I know if I raise a song, Papa won't be too thrilled so I'm not going to sing, I just want to raise this little song to the glory of God" she cleared her throat.
"Sia fo mu teghe te wo oh
Bor ekom do ayanga wo ke mfon
Bor ekom do Ukpono yen e fin" she raised and it took the keyboard five minutes to settle for a key since she kept changing keys.
Mrs Igwe quickly walked up to the offering box in front of the church from the Deaconess seat to drop an offering. It was a habit of her to drop offering whenever an Ibibio song is being raised.
She waved back to her seat while Dara helped her in completing the song sister Grace up.
"Hallelujah! Church hallelujah!" She exclaimed and the church responded back.
"I want to bless God because it all began last night, I was called by my parents to come home because of one sickness. In my mind i was like, God what kind of sickness is this? I started praying and praying on my way to the house. My brothers and sisters what I saw shocked me, my.... friend was there.... my boyfriend sha we're courting. My brothers and sisters, lo and behold, he just knelt down before my parents and he proposed. Hallelujah!" She announced and screams came from different angles, especially from the ladies; both single and married.
"I just want to use this medium to give this message to those that are waiting for their own time. People like our sister Dara here" she called out and Dara turned to her in surprise.
Why did she have to involve her? Sister Grace was one chorister that hated Dara for absolutely no reason.
Abundant Grace Ministry (AGM) was one of those mega churches in Lagos, with over a thousand members, most of which are not even recognized by the Pastors of the church. Dara of the few choristers that is usually been delegated with duties to carry out in church.
Perhaps it was Dara's diligence in church she found annoying. She was everyone's go to person; reliable and trustworthy.
"Nothing is too hard for God to do oh, even in difficult situation. May all honour, glory be ascribed to his mighty name. Amen!"
"Haba Sister Grace, what was that rubbish you did in there.?" Brenda asked Sister Grace after church service. "What rubbish?" "You think we don't know you did that thing to mock my sister? See don't let it repeat itself again oh" she warned and Grace laughed. "Hey!" She clapped her hands, "E ma gba mi oh. What did I say?"
"Are you still asking? I don't blame you, you don't have the fear of God. Kanipe you fear God a little bit, you wouldn't have said that thing you said"
"For the prayer that I prayed for her to marry quick quick,it's that one you all saw as insult. Na wa oh"
"Me my head always touch. They always say I'm not okay and I know that already. I'm just warning you cause the next time you will mock my sister again ehn, I will fight and receive suspension"
"For what? Are you even a worker in church. Abeg shift make I hear better thing"
"I'll just leave you cause one, I fear God and the house of God and two, I don't want blood on my hands. See as bitterness has made you look old, I have a son and I don't even look this old" she snapped leaving and Grace hissed.
"Oshi sco! (Rubbish), awon young forever geng. Prayer that i was praying for your sister. You did not claim it, you're here warning me. Ojebi! (It's not your fault)"
After service, Stella rushed out of the church, intentionally trying to ignore her parents but Lanre ran after her since it had been long since he saw her in church. "Stella!" He called out and she turned back at him. "Jesus! Can't you just slow down? Where are you running to?"
"I need to leave" she answered and he scoffed.
"Okay, now I see what you're doing. You've made your dad angry and now you're trying to avoid him" "Oh Great! So he can't make me angry, I'm always the one to make him angry"
"You're a very annoying person! You annoy anyone easily"
"We're in front of the church. I know what I would have said to you" she answered and he laughed. "Have you ever thought of representing Nigeria in marathon races. You run like Usain bolt, which is shocking cause you were walking. What if you run, will that make you like flash?" he asked and she chuckled.
"You're an idiot"
"You're still in front church but
at least you're laughing now. I wonder what put you in a bad mood? Or let me rephrase it, what did your Dad do this time?"
"Well.... He...." She trailed off, "I really don't want to start talking about it" "Let's talk over dinner then at the Duncan's"
"I'll love that but, my mood will not allow me"
"Seriously? You know I can make you smile even if you don't want to"
"I won't deny you have that talent" she tapped him on the arm, and he chuckled. "But.... I also have plans"
"Family Sunday?"
"Not exactly"
"Okay how about tomorrow"
"I can't say,"
"Jesus! You and your excuses! Your excuses can hang a man on a tree for the second time. I'm sure if judgement day comes, you'll still give an excuse for your sins"
"You're a big idiot" she laughed and he shrugged. "I'm serious" he continued now dipping his hands into his pocket. "You know work is always busy for me right?"
"I just want us to talk, there's something I've been planning to tell you" one of his hands found way out his pocket and he scratched his hair. Meanwhile, Stella's heart thumped in fear, she knew it was definitely an intro to the chorus 'I like you and I'll want us to date'.
"I have to go now Lanny"
"There she goes again" Lanre rolled his eyes. "Now I'm beginning to suspect you know what I'm about to say and you're intentionally trying to avoid it." Stella scoffed, "I seriously don't! Why will I try to.... " She trailed off.
"I like you Stella, I'm in the house of God and I possibly can't lie in the house of God; as I'm looking at you sef, i'm sure you're aware"
Stella shut her eyes in guilt, "This is weird" she confessed and he chuckled dipping his hand back. "Should I be worried?" He asked and she lifted up her finger showing him her ring. "I'm engaged" she confessed.
Lanre exhaled feeling hurt within then he flashed a smile not to appear too hurt. "I see, I guess I shot my shot too late." "I'm sorry" "It's fine, I'm a big boy, I can handle situations like this the best possible way. I'll just cry a little, and watch some sad movies" he stated and Stella busted out laughing then she returned back to giving a sad look.
"Don't make me laugh in a situation like this. I feel bad"
"Don't feel bad. Don't ever feel bad, I hope he makes you happy, and I guess I'll prepare to eat your wedding rice then, I actually thought it was going to be 'our' wedding rice" he made more emphasis on the our and she pouted.
"I'm sorry" he apologized laughing. "I guess all the appointments you have is with him" "Yes. Can you believe Dad said until Dara gets married, that I can't"
"I knew your mood had to be connected to your father. Well I won't say I'm not surprised"
"It's absurd! Dad is being ridiculous"
"He's still your father, you just have to listen to the old man"
Stella hissed. "That's why I don't like you, you're always supporting him" "If you think I'm going to support you, you're wrong." "When have you ever supported me?" She snapped and he chuckled. "Because you're always doing your things without thinking. You're quick to making decisions, to reacting and saying things you'll end up regretting and if I know you too well, you must have a some pretty annoying things to him"
Stella rolled her eyes, "There he goes again." "How's work? You haven't been in church for three weeks, I suppose it's been hectic"
"Not exactly... I've been occupied that's all"
"Oh." He paused then he assumed his fiance was definitely keeping her occupied.
"You sounded amazing earlier on when you sang, I spoke in tongues." she teased and he laughed. "Be whining me there"
"I'm serious" she answered then her phone rang. One look at the caller ID she looked up at Lanre. "I have to go, I'm sorry" she said then he gave a gentle nod.
"Bye dear and try apologizing to your father" he advised then he painfully watched her leave.
Dara on the other hand was called aside by one of the Pastors, Pastor IK. "Sister Dara, how are you?" "I'm fine Sir" "The service was powerful if you'll agree, you handled the testimony section really well"
"Thank you Sir"
"Forget about what Sister Grace said, you know how she normally do her things."
"I know. I'm not mad about it"
"How about this marriage stuff?" He asked and Dara squinted her brow trying to make sense out of what he just said. "I meant have you finally found a man in your life?"
"Oh" Dara paused feeling embarrassed even though she tried hiding it, "I didn't know that was what you meant" she added clearing her throat.
"Well Sir.... I'm still looking up to God for intervention"
"You know, I was talking to my elder brother's son, Ugo and according to him, he's looking for a wife. He wants someone decent, someone good and I recommended you. I don't mean to impose, if you'll love to see him. We can fix a day or so"
"Oh. No wahala sir, it's fine, you're not imposing at all" she answered,. Deep down she didn't mean it. He was definitely imposing! She was beginning to look like someone who can't get a man on her own!
"I'll give you his number when I drive over to his place and I'll also give him your number then maybe you two can communicate more"
"Great. That's fine sir, thank you"
Stella sighed on entering into her home. Andy walked in clad in a white top and a blue boxer. "Hey baby" he called out then he kissed her on the lips. "Hey" "Are you still sad over your Dad's anger?"
"Yes. That and... Do you know this guy called Lanre in church, my friend, the one I call Lanny"
"Did he die?"
"No! Don't even joke about that! He confessed to liking me"
"I felt horrible! I had to tell him I'm engaged"
Andy laughed. "It's not funny." "What do you expect me to do? It's funny now. What do you want me to do? Feel sorry for the guy? So I was thinking of a way out of this your father's declaration"
"Hm hm"
"There might be a way out, it's either we wait till your sister finds the flesh of her flesh, cause it's not bones of bones. She has enough bones already"
"Not funny!"
"Wait... weren't you the one mocking her yesterday?" "You're not permitted to mock her! Besides I didn't mock her!"
"Whatever you say darling. So it's either we wait and stick to your father's declaration"
"I can't wait, getting married has been my dream"
"I still don't have a job"
"I have savings, we can plan in the next, let's say three months but Dara, I doubt if she'll be able to find a man in five months time" "Then we'll help her find a man, that's my plan B"
"How are we going to do that?"
"Leave it to me"
Aunt Rejoice entered into her brother's room and Mrs Igwe excused the both of them. "Sister what do you want this time?" "Don't make it look as though I have come to bother you, I haven't. I want us to talk like siblings from the same family"
"If this is about Stella's matter, I'll advise you just drop it. I am not interested in discussing it"
"What has that poor girl done to you? You'll only make her feel like you don't care about her and quite honestly I don't think you do"
"She's my daughter, I love every one of them"
"Why then do you treat Ada differently? Girl that doesn't even have a good job." "Sister, please respect my daughter's job. She's doing what she loves. That girl has been through a lot already, this is a job that makes her happy"
"If only God could have given you one male child ehn?"
"What's wrong with the female children I have?"
"If only Ada came as a man, even if she's 44 years old and unmarried, no one will care"
"At the right time, my Isabelle will get married"
"But now it's Stella's time, do you know how I've been praying for you? My children are married oh, I even have grandchildren, the fifth one is even on it's way, don't you want the same?"
"Stella is too proud Sister, I want to humble her a bit. I trust in God that Dara will find her helpmeet soon. Sister you have to understand me"
After Dara's you tube broadcast that night, she received a call from a strange number. She picked it only to hear a soothing voice say, "Hello, I'm I speaking to Dara Igwe?"
"This is she" she answered, "Is this Ugo?" She asked, "Yes. It's him, okay your voice sounds okay" he complimented and Dara laughed.
"What were you expecting? Someone with a very bad voice?" She asked and he laughed this time. "I mean coming from Uncle Ikechukwu, I just didn't know what to expect"
"Are you disappointed? Shee asked and he laughed again, "You sound great, I heard you're a chorister and you're really into the things of God."
"Yes I am, I also have my bad side too, I won't claim all the glory"
"Trying to be modest shey? I get it" he answered and she chuckled once again. "I really love your voice" "I'm an OAP on 95.5 FM, that must be the reason why"
"I'm sure you must be an amazing singer too, I will love a woman that will sing me to bed everyday. I don't mean to sound too forward but I'm sure my Uncle already mentioned that I'm in a hurry to get married"
"Yes he did, and you're forgiven for being forward"
"I can't wait to meet you"
Dara shut her eyes, she has been down that road before. The mere sight of her usually turn guys off. "I hope you won't be disappointed"
"You look like you have an amazing personality. Are you free for a date tomorrow night? I'll really like to meet you" He requested and she gently gave a nod and though he could see her.
"Yes I am, I don't have anything doing"
"Okay... Perfect, let's meet up"
"Where? At the Duncan's, 6pm"
"The Duncan's?" She asked, It's like the only place everyone talks about, what happened to Sweet sensation, Tantalizers, Apples or De cuisines restaurant?
"Their chefs are highly remarkable. As a bachelor, that's were I have my meal but I know when I get married, all that will change"
"What if my cooking skills doesn't compare to theirs?"
"With a voice like this? Come on Dara, I'm sure we can work something out" he answered and she giggled.
"See you tomorrow"
"You too. Good night Dara"
After work at the studio, Dara rushed off to Timmy's diner to have lunch. She stood outside a building with Timmey's diner boldly written on it beside the building was a gym. She wondered why Timmy was yet to changed the typo made by the designer.
"Sister there's something at the back of your skirt" a guy noted and she dusted a white substance off her black skirt before walking in.
Dara cussed silently, she must have gotten it from leaning against a powdery wall. When she was sure the stain was no longer on the skirt, she then walked into the diner.
She smiled on seeing Timi cleaning a cup with a hand towel. He was dressed in a round neck white top, and his usual apron with the inscription Timmy's kitchen worn over the top. On a normal day, she would have sat at the corner to talk to him but she had come in to see her friends, Portia and Boma.
She turned to the left side of the diner to find her fair and chubby friend Portia feasting on a Eba and okro soup while Boma ate rice alone. She waved at Timi before meeting the two ladies.
"Good morning sweeties,"
"Is it not afternoon already?" Portia asked and Dara shook her head. "It's past eleven, what are you ladies gisting about?"
"The Duncans," Boma answered, "I was just telling Portia here how they use their workers for money rituals. Three workers has gotten missing, like this month oh. Three good workers and no one is saying anything, they're all smiling and acting like nothing happened. This is all linked, they're using them for ritual, they are growing richer by the day"
Dara rolled her eyes, Another Duncan discussion! Then she sat on a seat opposite them.
Portia raised her nose in disbelief. "Madam don't strain that nose. Wait until i prove it" "Madam prove it then I'll believe you" "This man Otunba Duncan has used his children's destiny for ritual, do you want me to start listing them from the top? Erm the first daughter, what's that her name sef, Adunni Duncan, Funsho Duncan the first son nko?"
"He's the owner of the gym close to this place! The guy is doing well, all this your assumptions na fallacy of the highest order. Boma abeg make I hear word"
"How do you explain the fact that they're all medical doctors. It highly suspicious"
"What's suspicious? They all want a share of their father's wealth that's why! Let's be logical sometimes. It's not everything you'll be suspecting"
"They are all ritualist! Especially the other guy, Gbade Duncan that will be carrying face anyhow."
"Stop making assumptions! I'm tired!"
"Enough talk about the Duncan abeg, who Dem help?" Dara snapped, "it's like all i ever hear lately. I even have a date with a guy and he chose that place as a venue for it"
"Wait wait wait.... A date? How come you didn't tell us"
"Well it happened last night. A pastor called me aside after church yesterday and spoke to me about his cousin. It made me look like someone who can't get a man of her own"
"Is it not your fault? All these your you tube broadcast that you do. You're putting your life out there" Portia blamed and Dara regretted why she even complained. Portia has never been a fan of her you tube broadcast.
"They're just extra activities to stop me from thinking too much about this marriage wahala. Now I've added this Stella thing to my list of thoughts. I mean with this Stella's proposal and Dad's declaration. I'm sure she must hate me by now"
"It's true sha, small thing, Stella will get angry, imagine how she'll now feel about this one that just happened."
"She's angry and she's not picking up my calls. I've tried calling her but..... She's not even picking up"
"So... um....The guy called yesterday." Dara gushed, "See as she's blushing, what happened?" Boma announced, "How is he?"
"He has a nice voice, one of all those hot voice. He sounds like he should be handsome"
"You have a hot voice too" Boma snapped and Dara frowned at her. "What do you mean?" She asked and Boma laughed. "Babe, you're hot in your own way, don't get me wrong. My point is, what if the guy isn't good looking as his voice sound? Did you even get his Facebook ID?"
"No. I guess I'll find out if he's good looking this evening. You guys just wish me luck"
"Good luck" Portia and Boma chorused and Dara smiled. "Okay Portia, what's your dilemma? When you called me this morning, you sounded like someone in distress, now you don't even look like someone who's bothered as you're feasting on this your Eba"
"Babe" Portia rolled a ball of Eba, "You know I don't get satisfied if I eat in anger, there's a need to push away the anger first"
"Okay what happened?"
"Is it not my husband"
"What did he do this time?"
"He's still comparing me to the neighbor's wife. He said she still looks hot even with three kids, two kids and I'm like amoeba"
"Don't tell me he compared you to an amoeba"
"Babe he did. Mehn, this marriage thing isn't easy at all. I just wish I was single once again" she confessed and Boma laughed. "You're making this marriage thing scary for us oh" she assumed and Portia sighed.
"It's sweet with a guy that doesn't complain about every single thing you do! I'm tired already, I've been in the gym all morning after i dropped those kids off, I've been trying to burn some fat but he doesn't see it."
Dara laughed. "Now you've definitely gained more from this Eba you're eating" "I only ordered for two instead of four, Babe, man shall not leave by exercise alone. Will I die because William wants me to lose weight. Abeg make him go him own way, he told me he'll cheat if I don't lose weight" she said laughing.
"You should have seen his face when he said it, he told me he can't even bring himself down to do it"
"How many have you lost?"
"I've lost a few pounds, a very few pounds but rome they say wasn't built in a day. We're still pushing on. I'm tired of this gym thing. My gym instructor is even tired of me" she complained and two guy, sat on a table behind them.
"I'm Sorry" Dara apologized, "Its okay"
"That's why I don't subscribe to online dating!" The fair guy complained, "What was i supposed to do? She looked nice on that dating site. You can imagine my shock when her brother wheeled her into the restaurant. Someone I was planning to go down with after the night"
Boma hissed inaudibly as the ladies kept quiet. For some reason, the conversation between the guys made them quiet.
"You could have demanded to see the babe's full picture"
"She said she was an OAP in this popular FM, what's the name sef, how was I supposed to know. There's no picture on her Facebook wall that depicts any form of impairment. It always stop halfway and she's always sitting on a chair"
"That's how all these OAPs are, the only thing that's fine is their voices. Any other thing na wash, e be like his guy, Jerome and Dara Igwe of mood FM. Mehn I hear say if you see them eh, you go run!" The fair guy joked and Dara shut her eyes.
Why did she have to be there to listen to this?
"You never seen their picture before?" The dark guy asked and the fair one laughed. "The babe sef they fear to take picture" he joked and they both busted out laughing.
"Will you shut up there?" Portia barked and both guys turned towards her. "Who is this one telling you shut up?"
Dara eyed Portia to keep quiet but she hissed instead now turning towards the guys, "How many unfortunate idiot do you see here?" Portia asked washing her hands. "You open that crooked mouth to call my friend, ugly"
"Who be your friend sef?"
"Dara Igwe,"
"That ugly babe?"
"And he's still opening his mouth to speak again. Abi, brother, have you lost your senses?" Boma got involved.
"You are ladies okay? It's like these ladies have gone mad"
"It's you that has gone mad, don't you have courtesy? You just come to a place and you start speaking like idiots. Look at the both of you sef? Look at the mouth of who is calling someone ugly. Can you create a human being? I pity the poor lady that followed you to that date, I'm sure if she had legs, she would have run out of that useless restaurant on your black face!"
"How is this your business? Madam you better keep quiet"
"You guys made it my business and don't tell me to keep quiet! You're not my husband, all I just have to do Is press the two of you against a wall but I don't want to be responsible for killing two men so if you know what's good for you, leave before i lose my cool more than this" She snapped and the two guys zoomed out while Timi walked towards them.
"You guys just managed to chase my customers away. What happened?" he asked and Portia hissed still angry over it.
Dara entered into Stella's office. "Hello sis" she greeted and Stella rolled her eyes. "I know you're still angry with me over what Dad said. Just know I didn't plan it, I'm still talking to him and if you can just go with a calm head and talk to him"
"How? The last time i checked I'm not his favorite, I don't even know what buttons to press to make him pleased with me"
"Will you all stop saying I'm his favorite?"
"You are, you and Ruby. Brenda's the black sheep and I'm just the other one they don't care about"
"The industrious one, the one that gets chased around by men. I can't believe of all men, Andy is the one you finally decided to settle with" "Don't even get me started with. What do you have against the guy? I know the guy picked on you in secondary school but what the hell? Aren't we Christians, aren't supposed to forgive?"
"Why then are you still angry with me over what Dad said? It's easy to forgive than to forget. Has Andy found another job since he was fired?"
"No. He saw one, the pay was 100 k but he doesn't want it"
"What? It's a starting point, many others are praying for such"
"Well many others are praying to get married too. Why don't you just stop worrying about what doesn't concern and put finding a guy on your to do list"
"I'm trying!"
"Are you? Dara are you?"
"I'm going on a date tonight with a guy, I don't know how it's going to end but I'm hopeful. I know it looks as though I'm not trying my best, but I am. It's not my fault that guys don't find me attractive"
"I'm sorry I said that. I don't even know why I did, I'm just really angry over this issue"
"I understand. I totally do. You should apologize to Dad"
"Same thing Lanre said," "You won't believe it, he asked me out" Stella confessed shutting her eyes in guilt. "Oh my God! When?"
"He guess he finally pucked up courage to do it"
"Don't be stupid! Don't pretend like you didn't know Lanre liked you. Anyone that stays with you two for a minute will quickly denote it, Lanre has been in love with you since like forever!"
"I felt bad when I had to tell him i'm engaged. If it was that time, I wouldn't have hesistated to say yes. Now is not a good time. I'm in love with Andy"
Dara arrived at the Duncan's restaurant before six. There were several couples and business partners conversing and her eyes scattered in search of Ugo.
He found a fair complexioned guy sitting alone, the only person sitting alone. She suddenly became nervous when she realized how hot he was. Could he be the one? She asked herself then she watched him pick up his phone.
Suddenly her phone rang and she immediately knew he was the one. She ended the call only to walk up to him smiling. "Hey" she waved at him and he raised his head at her. A little smile crept through his cheeks. He was a bit disappointed with her body structure.
"I'm sorry I'm late"
"You're not late. I came too early and you did too"
Soon they began speaking and laughing over different range of topics. She couldn't help but admit to the fact the fried rice they ordered was tasty. "Shey I told you?" He asked and she laughed.
Stella paid a visit to her parent's house. She entered to find the whole family seated in the living room watching African magic drama. From the look of it, it seemed like a really interesting drama, one of those kinds that usually involve looking for something in the evil forest to heal the king or queen.
She realized she missed being apart of those to watch the family movie. She would have sat down on the cold floor with a wrapper covered all over her to cover her eyes especially to avoid scenes where the gullible ones gets taken by evil spirit in the forest.
All eyes turned away from the television as she made her way in. "Good evening Dad, Mom, Aunty Rejoice, good evening Sisters"
They all responded individually and Stella sighed folding her hands. "Daddy can we talk?" "Stella, if you're here to beg me into changing my mind, I'll ask that you save your spit and convert it into something productive like your work"
Stella almost rolled her eyes, she was this close to leaving the house again if not that she felt the need to apologize to him. She moved to his front kneeling before him.
"I'm sorry for disagreeing with you, I'm sorry for those things I said. I was really angry and I know it's not an excuse so I'm sorry" she apologized and her mother smiled looking at her husband.
"Have you apologized to your sister?" He asked, it took the grace of God for Stella to keep her eyes from being rolled. It sounded as though the acceptance of her apology now depended on her elder sister's intervention.
"I have" She answered and a smile curved his cheek.
"I'll forgive you after you spend the night here" he demanded and Stella laughed. "Awwwn, just say you miss me!" She teased squeezing herself in between her mother and her father then he chuckled.
"What's the title of this movie and how long have you guys been watching it? Is there hope that I can understand it?"
"The Duncan's ritualism, True or false" Boma crossed her legs staring at the article she typed on her laptop. After re-editing it, she pressed the submit button.
The turn out of the date made Dara happy, she felt like she was on cloud nine, she crossed her fingers hoping some forces don't shoot her down cause it'll only be a bloody fall. Ugo dropped her off at the house then he exhaled, "This was a nice date, a very nice date. I've never had a good time like this in a long while"
"Me too"
"I just....." He trailed off and Dara got worried, "Okay ...." She trailed off then she shrugged. "Why do I feel like you're about to say something bad"
"God Dara! I wish we could do this again. I really do wish we could but...." He exhaled shaking his head. "Oh God! See......" He trailed off again, "I like you, I like your personality, your vibe, you're lovable. I won't mind just calling my Uncle and just thanking for helping me find a wife"
"It's hard to say this"
"You don't find me attractive"
"You're pretty, really pretty, if it was all about being pretty"
"Enough with the praises, feel free to speak about the bad part now. I think I can handle it. I'm used to it"
"I love them big, big boobs and big...." He trailed off, "If i settle for you, i might cheat and God forbid that I do that"
"Oh. I get it. I get it now. I face that every time but it's fine, I believe my guy is somewhere out there. You're an amazing guy too and it was nice meeting you" she forced a smile, "The pleasure is all mine" he answered then she pressed the car knob to get out but it didn't bulge.
"It's locked" he replied pressing a button so she could finally open up.
"Good night!" She waved entering into her gate then she locked it up busting into tears. "God when will this end?" She asked locking the gate.
"When?" She repeated then she walked towards the front door knocking on the door and her mother opened up. There was no point asking how the date went. It was clearly written all over her face.
Her mother quickly hugged her and she leaned against her shoulder crying silently on it.
"You know I said I was going to let guys know how the date went" she said on her you tube broadcast, "It was fine but bottom line is that, I wasn't his type. But the guy was hot, very hot! I thought.... I actually thought maybe the luck was turning, something like that you know but unfortunately, it was different" she shut her eyes as tears poured down.
"God I'm just embarrassing myself now!" She muttered to herself then she turned off the camera!
What do you think about this chapter?
Do you think Ugo was being a jerk? 😡
Let me know your opinion on this matters that are arising 😊
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