💢Chapter 28💢

Chapter 28


Boma got out of the police station looking at Gbade. "She knows something and she doesn't want to spill" "Derin has been known to be secretive. Sorry for the wasted trip. I just assumed we'll have more..." He trailed off looking at his phone ring.

It was his Mom!

"More clarity" he continued contemplating whether to pick the call or not.

"You can pick the call"

"I don't think I need to" he dipped it in his pocket. "I'll return the call back, not now"  "Everyone deals with African mothers in their own ways so I get it"

"Mom is more than an African Mom, can you believe she barged into my house before seven this morning only to ask me why i didn't complete my trip to Abuja. I don't blame her, I blame myself for giving her the privilege, I might just have to get my spare keys back from her" he complained and she chuckled.

"Every African Mom feels like they can control their son's life and daughter's life"

"The truth about the whole trip to Abuja was particularly to escape from her and not from the whole thing" "I'm pretty sure she would have shown up two days later to see you" she added and he laughed.

"Wow.... you guessed that right wirh accuracy. Have you.... Have you met my Mom?"

"Yes I have and she wasn't nice"
Gbade laughed, "Sorry about that day. She was pretty mad at you" he answered then he continued laughing. "But on a serious note, you had nerves coming to us after you had me arrested" he answered and she chuckled as they approached his car.

"What was I supposed to do? I felt.... I felt kind of guilty"

Gbade smiled opening the door of the car for her, "You don't have to, I'm going back to the studio" "I'll drop you off, I practically put you through this stress so permit me to take you back" he requested and she entered. He gently closed the door and she smiled then he entered through the other side.

Winny struggled to eat during lunch break at the school cafeteria but she couldn't. The thought of her mother sleeping with Timmy, mixed with her nausea had already managed to put her off lunch.

"Out with it!" Shade demanded and she looked away.

"Out with it now or else  I won't ask again. I know there's something bothering you, you're literally swelling up"

"I don't want to talk to you"

"Well I want to, did I do something wrong?"  "You had to open your big mouth to tell Mom that I was vomiting" "Oh. I told Dad"

"What difference does it make? Uncle Funsho will definitely tell Mom! I'm so mad at you!" "You had...." Shade looked around then she lowered her voice. "You had pregnancy symptoms"

"Thank you very much Dr. Shade"

"Oh quit with the attitude! You know I hate it, I'm not the source of your problem!" "I'm pregnant" she whispered and Shade gasped. "What?"

"Mom conducted a test yesterday and it was positive"

"Jesus! This is horrible, how are you going to do it?"

"Dad wants to have an abortion done"

"That's not a way out"

"Will you help me carry the pregnancy?" "Well I didn't direct your steps to have sex why should I help you?" She snapped and Winny's exhaled.

"My life is ruined"

"I'll be her God mother" she joked and Winny's slapped her arm. "It's not funny. My life is falling apart, I'm pregnant and my mom's a slut" 

Shade slapped her arm, "Shut up!" "Can you believe Mom is having sex with Timmy? They're dating!"  "Seriously?" "I saw them today, can you believe the same guy I loved, the same guy who fixed me in this mess"

"Crush, it was a crush. So what if Timmy is dating your Mom, I think it's cool, as long as he's a good guy and we both know Timmy's a good guy" "Are you listening to yourself?  He's about 12 years older than Mom"

"So what?"

"It's unacceptable! It's unacceptable in every sense! But it's going to sound acceptable to you because it's your daily life right? I mean your father has hundred children from different women!"

Shade slapped her on the cheek and every student at the cafeteria stopped and stare. "Shade you slapped me"

"And I'll do it a hundred times more. How dare you? Winny you have no idea how it feels to love anyone! And please don't blame Timmy for your mess! You got yourself into this mess, not Timmy, not anyone! You're not the only one going through family issues some of us are trying to pull it together, and not trying to look for the next available person to lose our virginity to. You got yourself in this mess, suck it up and accept it, stop being a whiny baby about it!" She snapped leaving then she turned back at her.

"And it's nine years difference dummy! You would have known if you had taken Interest in mathematics!" She snapped leaving and Winny's cried.

Dara knocked on Efe's door and he opened up letting out a sigh of relief. "Thank you Jesus" "Don't thank Jesus just yet. I came to return this" she passed the ring to him and he shook his head.

"Dara I love you"

"Don't make this harder Efe, I feel like slapping you right now and saying a whole lot of things I might end up regretting but I won't let this situation get the better of me so.... Take the ring"

Efe collected the ring , "Dara I'm sorry. When Andy suggested it, as that time it was fun but I got to know the real you and I fell in love with that person"

"So you pretended to like Shakespeare and Chinua Achebe? Have you even read purple hibiscus?"

"No. Just the summary I found online, I don't like those authors, in fact I hate reading! I even thought Romeo and Juliet were the reason for Valentine's day. I don't like your style of music, I love naija grooves, better hip hop and R n B"

Dara nodded, "What about your internet job?" "There's no internet job, I'm.... I'm a ...gi...."  "He's a gigolo, wetin happen? The golo hang for your throat?" Odion replied and Efe glared at him.

"Oga, shoot lasers, no be my business" he showed his face to Dara. "Dara I'm really sorry, you're a nice woman who doesn't deserve this fish here" he answered and Efe pushed him away.

"You're a gigolo, wow"

"Yes.... That's what I...." He cleared his throat, "I'm not proud of it but.... " He trailed off and she scoffed. "I thought I knew you but I didn't even know a thing about you!"  She blinked her tears in.

"I'm sorry"

"Goodbye Efe" she answered dubbing her tears off with her fingers then she walked away.

Timmy cleaned the surface of the counter for the sixth time that day and Henry scoffed. "Guy, if you use this kind strength on top me, e reach to wash my son's away" he joked and Timmy shot a glaring eyes at him. 
"I know say, you dey hurt but this clean up why you dey do. E no go help matter now"

  He tried Dunni's number on his phone all to no avail. He watched Brenda walk towards him and a small smile formed on his face. "Good afternoon Timmy"

"Madam Brenda"

"Thank God say you dey here. Abeg watch the guy, before him commit suicide oh" Henry warned before leaving the diner. "Are you okay?"

"Don't worry about me. How have you been?"

"Horrible! Chris found out that I don't own S and A, he knows that I have a son too and we broke up"


Brenda blinked her tears in trying to be strong. "I'm sorry, I guess everyone's going through a shitty week. The week turned shitty today, to think these days have been magical"

"What happened?"

"Dunni's daughter caught me in her house. I spent the night there and ...." He trailed off. "I didn't tell her Winny asked me out on Valentine's night"

"Because you were scared you won't date you any longer. Trust me I understand you, I've learned the hard, lies are helpful atimes but the damages are worst than the positive"

Timmy raised his brow in surprise, "When did Brenda become so mature?" "Since I started receiving slaps and therapy from my therapist"

"Wow, it's that serious?"

"I want to get better Timmy. I want to stop lying and I want to come clean"

"Okay..... Why does it sound like you're about to make a confession. I know for certain you've lied a lot of times to me"

"Remember the first day Dunni Duncan walked into this diner, I knew her but I never let it bother me. Everyone knows I'm carefree, I didn't cared about my sin or who I've offended. Cause I held no guilt. I didn't even know he was married when I met him."


"It's Dunni's ex- husband. He's Kelvin's a father"


Derin made way through the front door of the Cyber Cafe,she took a quick observation at the equipments which still had nylon attached to it, she took note of how busy the whole place was then she walked towards a young girl, fresh out of secondary school sitting in a little place cut out as a counter. "You want to buy time? How many minutes? 30 or one hour? Or more. The reception is good oh"

"The only thing I'm interested in is seeing the owner of this Cyber cafe?" "She's busy oh"

"Tell her that someone wants to see her"

"Wo, she's busy oh. Me I don't want trouble, she has already shout for me two times already. I'm not going oh"

Derin showed the girl her barge and she gasped, "Jesus! No Yahoo Yahoo for here oh" "Where is your boss or I'll be have you arrested for interfering with investigation"

The girl pointed at Magda who was behind a guy. He was one of her tutors. "Forget that your mother paid me money for your training oh, make another mistake again and I'll kunk(knock) that your head! Thank God I'm behind you. I don't know what kind of head you have!"

"Computer is not my thing"  the boy complained and Magda hissed. "Computer is not my thing" she mimicked, "You can put all the porn site in the world in that stupid head. But you can't, you can't.... put simple control x in your stupid head" She slapped the back of his head.

"Ouch. Aunty Magda"

"Make any stupid mistake again, you'll see what I'll do to you"

"Excuse me" Derin called out and she turned towards her. "I'm sorry, please meet the girl at the counter for anything you want, as you can see, I am really busy"

"Can we talk? This is really important"

"There's nothing as important as"

"Rosemary Ignatius, and how she died. That's what I'm particularly interested in knowing" she snapped attracting her attention.

"Isn't that your sister?" The boy asked and he slapped the back of his head again, "Mind your business!" She snapped walking to a corner and Derin followed her.

"Wouldn't it be better if we speak in a office?"

"Oh. So you'll kill me there and leave me. No oh, the world is too wicked.for me to be inviting people into my office anyhow. Thank you very much. So who are you and what's your business with my sister"

"My name is Detective Derin Balogun and I have questions?"

Magda sighed, a bit worried about nher title. "The other day, it was one amebo reporter that came, now, it's a detective, can't you guys just let my sister rest in peace? She is dead, just let her die in peace!"

"Just answer my question and I'll leave in no long time"

Magda rolled her eyes drumming nervously at the desk, "Oya now, as you can see I was busy before you came" "Have you ever suspected your sister of doing criminal things that could have led to her death?" "No. Is that all?"

"You have to be patient"

"I'm an impatient person"

"Or maybe you have something to hide"

"Why will I have something to hide?"

"Why don't you ask your nervous fingers endlessly tapping away on the surface of that desk?" She asked and Magda glanced at her finges before putting a stop to the tapping.

Derin looked at the new printer close to them, "I've been to a lot of top Cyber Cafes and I've never seen someone own new things like this"
"Have you heard of loan?" "Have you heard of lies, you're lying! How did you come about the new things?"

"I definitely didn't defraud anyone if that's what you think"

"Madam answer my question"

"Ooh ooh person no dey buy something again make them no think say person give am abi she dey do Yahoo Yahoo! Nawa for Nigerians oh!" She clapped her hands and Derin held her arm tightly, "It's like you think I'm here to play hide and seek with you"

"Shuu? I go call guys make them bounce you out oh"
Derin brought out an ID card, "It's like you think I'm joking. Let's try the harsh way then; my name is Detective Derin Balogun and by the power vested in me, I can have you arrested and beaten till you confess or you tell me the truth right here and right now. Don't even joke with me, I'm already frustrated enough by this stupid investigation"

Magda panicked entering into her office and Derin followed her.

"I don't want to be arrested please!" she begged, Derin was pleased to see the fear in her eyes so she grinned, "Perfect, start speaking" she dropped  handcuffs on the table.

"Okay, I'll start speaking. Ask any question"

"How did you come about the new stuffs?"

"It was given to me"

"Who gave it to you? Gbade?" She asked to be sure and Rosemary shook her head. "Gbade only gave me cash and I used it to service the old machines" "Why did he give you money?"

"He was friends with Rosemary, there was this time they slept together sef. I guess he felt bad"

"Who gave you the gifts?"

"I didn't ask for name I swear, they just told me it was a dedication from the hospital."  "Didn't you know your sister's death wasn't normal?"

"I did"

"So you accepted blood money?"

"It wasn't blood money! Who is this world hasn't participated in the use of blood money? Ehn, who? I mean for every money a ritualists use, we have all spent from it!" She tried to make a point that was irrelevant to the question at hand.

"Who are they? I'm in need of names"

"No names"

"What about pictures? Whenever people give gifts they take pictures"

"They didn't allow us snap picture"

"And you didn't consider it suspicious?"

"Rosemary don die, she don die! Why I go swallow paracetamol for another man headache? Even the Chief Duncan himself sponsored her burial, that's only legal one I know"

"And you didn't ask questions?"

"Why? No be question kill Rosemary? Assuming she done jejestically mind her business, she wouldn't she have died the way she did! What's the point of asking questions?"

"I'm Interested in names"

"The equipment receipt carried the  name of the hospital"

"Let me see the name of the company they bought the stuff from"


"The receipt!" She stretched her hands and she quickly removed it from her handbag. Derin grabbed it taking a quick glance at the name and date then she dropped the receipt on the table.

"Thank you for your time" she snapped leaving and Magda heaved a sigh then she called a number. "What kind of gift did you guys give me to have people asking me stupid questions, I mean the other day was a reporter, this time a detective. What's going to happen next? The police coming in to accuse me of killing my sister cause I don't understand oh"

"What's the Detective's name?"

"One Derin Balogun"

"What did you tell her?"

"What do I have to tell her? She threatened to arrest me but I had nothing except the receipt. It's like she's going to the place you guys bought the printers and computer"

"I'll like see an invoice of a particular transaction between you and Duncan hospital on the first of February. I believe the goods were given to a woman named Magdalene Ignatius"

"See, Madam, we no dey do that kind thing for here. Assuming say my oga dey here now" The sales guy said in a thick ibo accent, he was obviously one of those village boys brought in to make it in Lagos.

  "Is it until I swarm in with policemen before you know how serious and grave this matter is! I need my hands on that invoice ASAP and you had better get to it or I'll you'll be arrested for obstruction of Justice!"

"Jesus! Which one be that one again?" He asked then he scratched his head. "If my Oga find out, I for lose my job"

"You can be sure of my discretion. You have my word" she answered and went into a room. He got out with the particular invoice and Derin looked at it, she looked below and saw the signature of the obtainer, it had the initials W. A so she scoffed.

"Wilfred Ayeni, got ya" she snapped the invoice then she flashed a smile at the man. "You've been helpful, thank you dear" she patted his right cheek squeezing #500 note in his hand.

"The weather is hot, get yourself chilled Pepsi" she left the shop putting a call through to Chief.

"Hello Chief" "How's the day going?"

"Productive" she replied, "Your voice sounds good" "Of course it does, did you in anyway request for printers to be sent to the family of the deceased Rosemary?" "I didn't. I only did what every boss in an organization would do, I contributed to her burial and of course I sent money to the family but I never sent.... Why will I send printers?"

"I'm on my way to your office Sir, I think I finally have a breakthrough. I know who has been siphoning money from the company and who might have had hand in the death of Rosemary Ignatius"


Derin chuckled, "Calm down Chief, I'll be there!" She chuckled and he did too. 

She got out, entered into her car, tried starting it all to no avail. "Madam any issue? With the car?" A guy peered his head into the car and she batted her eyes at him.  "No." She replied looking behind to see two suspicious looking men outside.

"No." She tried to start the car and the man entered. She kicked the man then she opened her glove box to reach for her gun. The man quickly covered a handkerchief over her nose, she struggled till she finally fainted.

After a few hours, Chief tried Derin's number all to no avail. "Ah han, where can this woman be? He wanted to leave the office but he had to wait for sometime.

Lanre placed Stella's head against his shoulder that evening while she cried. "We're moving out tomorrow, Andy was the only reason I planned on getting a house for myself. Now everything in this house reminds me of him and it irritates me"

"I'm sorry. I just wish I could wave my hands and ease the pain but I can't"

Stella sighed, "You being here inspite of your own problem is more than enough. Thank you Lanny" "You're welcome"

Dunni stared into her phone as a call came in from Timmy for the twentieth time that day. She dropped the phone picked up her cigarette, then she dipped it in her mouth. She dropped it afterwards busting into tears.

"You're better than doing this each time you get your heart broken? Stop doing to yourself Dunni, it's not his fault, it's not yours, it just wasn't meant to be"

Pamilerin and Ade marched into their father's room like soldiers and Funsho's heart leapt wondering what they might have in mind that moment. "Dad, we need to talk" Pamilerin began, "Okay... I'm all ears"

"Dad, you haven't said anything about tomorrow. Won't Aunt Dara be coming?" Pamilerin asked and Funsho glanced at Sewa who was sleeping faced back in bed.

"Um.... I don't know"

"What do you mean by that?" They both asked and he sighed, "It's.... She's.... Something happened" "What did you do?" Ade asked and he scoffed.

"I didn't do anything. She.... How can I explain it to you guys, she's having relationship issues and.... It's complicated" "Relationship?" Ade asked and Pamilerin grinned, "Is it what I think it is?" He asked, "What do you think it is?"

"Aunty Dara is no longer with her boyfriend which means she's single and available for marriage. Bingo!" He nudged his elbow upwards then he gave Ade an hi five.

"You didn't hear that from me"

"Does that mean you can propose to her tomorrow?" Ade asked, "No!" "But you like her"

"I don't even know if she's coming"

"Call her and find out" Ade requested and he did, hoping she'll finally pick up the call.

"Good evening" she greeted and he sighed in relief. "I was beginning to wonder how long you'll ignore the call!" "I wasn't ignoring the call"

"Are you sure? It seemed like it"

Dara shut her eyes, "I really can't go into details now" "Bad timing?"  He asked and she groaned, "It's a bad day" "Wanna talk about it?" "I can't"

"I take it you won't be coming tomorrow then"

"I will, a deal is a deal"

Funsho smiled, "Okay, thank you and Good night" he answered looking at his kids who were anticipating a response from their father. He hung faking a sad face.

"She said she... won't be coming"

"Why?" Ade and Pamilerin groaned and he laughed, "Got ya! She'll be here tomorrow" he announced and they both danced.

"But listen up, you are not to make her feel sad or stressed, she's not emotionally stable and you are not to let her know I told you she's not emotionally stable. Se o ye yin?" He asked and they both danced.

"O ye wa" Pamilerin answered and they both ran out of the room while Shade walked in. "What has got them so excited?"

"Dara's coming tomorrow"

"The lost bet?"

"Yes. Are you okay?" He asked and she shook her head crying. "No. I had a fight with Winny in school today"  "You look like you could use a hug" He stretched his arms and Shade ran to hug him.


Okon knocked on the gate and Mrs Igwe opened up. "Good morning" "Madam good morning" he greeted and she smiled recognizing the intonation. She didn't waste time to bust into the language.

"Akeyem Owo? (Are you looking for someone?)" She asked and a wide smile curve across his lips on hearing her speak her language.

"Nkeyem Dara ( I'm looking for Dara) "Nkor ini e si do? (I hope there's no problem?" "Iyo oh ete ufok mmi, Mister Funsho Duncan akebo ndiben anye isok  (No, my boss, Funsho Duncan requested that i pick her up" 

Funsho wore Ade a top but he ended up pulling it. "I don't like it" he complained, "Since when?" "Aunty Dara's coming, wear me my church cloth" he requested and Funsho tightened his fist. 

"Ade, I still have a whole lot of things to do. I haven't brushed my teeth"

"Hmm, it's smelling" he cringed his nose and Funsho laughed, "Very funny Ade, because I told you right?" "I'm serious, it's smelling!" He pressed his nose together and Funsho laughed picking up another top"

"What about this one? Make a choice Ade or I'll leave you and you'll end up arranging the clothes yourself" "Okay" Ade agreed and Funsho watched him search through his bag for clothes then he heard the horn from the car.

"She's here" he muttered and Ade quickly wore a top zooming off leaving his father to stare at what he wore. He had a blue top and black knee length shorts on and he reeked like baby barf.

Pamilerin was already at the door with Hannah who was carrying Sewa. 

Dara entered dressed in a knee length white gown with Kelvin who had a T-shirt and jeans on. The boys hugged her. "Good morning Aunty Dara!" They screamed. "How are you boys? I missed you so much!"
"We miss you too!" Ade yelled then he hugged Kelvin. Meanwhile Dara carried Sewa making gurgling noises at her. She felt overjoyed on entering into the house, just a few minutes and she was beginning to forget her sorrows already!

"Did you grow shorter?" Ade asked and Kelvin chuckled knowing it was an insult. "No. Ah there's something on your head"
Ade touched his head and Kelvin laughed, "And he believed it, see his head!" He joked and Ade laughed. "Will you spend the night?"
"Depends on Aunty Dara"
Ade walked close to Dara, "Aunty Dara, will you spend the night?" He asked and Dara shook her head. "I have choir rehearsals and church tomorrow. You'll all be coming to church right?"  She asked and they all nodded.

"Great" she lowered her palm for a Hi five and they both slapped it. Sewa stared at her as though she needed hers so she gently patted her palm against hers.

Funsho walked down to welcome her, they both smiled on seeing each other. Dara sighed, two days really felt like forever! "Hey" he waved and Dara waved back. "Good morning, thanks for the ride."

"You're.... You're welcome" he replied

"We heard you broke up with your boyfriend" Ade added and Funsho shut his eyes in shame. "I didn't say that"  "Dad said you're not emotionally stable" he rephrased and his father face palmed himself.

Dara folded her hands glaring at him. "I wonder what else he's been saying too" "Uh..... There's an explanation for all of this, just give me minutes to bathe, I smell like baby barf and poo"  he replied and she giggled.

"Where can I find the dirty laundries so I can have them gathered"

Funsho chuckled, "About that.... I already paid for the laundry to be done" "What?" "You didn't think I'll make you do the laundries right? I wouldn't have been that heartless"

"What am I suppose to do? The deal says, I'm supposed to do the laundry for two weeks"

"Figure something else out" he replied climbing the stairs and Ade held her hands. "Come and see our playroom!" He dragged her hands and she laughed.

"Has the house chores been done?"

"Yes. The woman comes in by six to clean up" Pamilerin answered, "Have you guys had breakfast?" "Not yet, Dad hasn't made anything yet. He's been too busy trying to make everything perfect"

Shade shut her eyes, "Stop trying to embarrass Dad!" She snapped and Dara smiled at her. "Hey Shade" "Good morning Ma" "Good morning dear. Since no one has had breakfast, I'm practically hungry myself so why don't I make breakfast for everyone to eat while you all go in to play"

"Cool" Ade tapped Kelvin, "There's this cool toy I want to show you but first you must complete the password. PJ Masks, we're on our way." Ade stretched her hands, "Into the night, to save the day!" Kelvin stretched his hands too while Ade climbed up the stairs singing PJ masks' theme song and Kelvin joined in.

Pamilerin chuckled now staring at Dara, "Not like I'm interested in the play, I just want to supervise as a big brother" he answered following them and Shade laughed.

"I seriously don't know why he's maturing? He's still ten?" She snapped and Dara smiled. "I could use a help in the kitchen. What do you guys have?"

"We have chicken in the fridge, tomatoes, pepper, we have noodles and lots of it"

Dara handed Sewa to Hannah, "Where's the kitchen?"

"Do you cook?" Dara asked Shade who was chopping an Onion. "Yes, sometimes though"  she replied in tears, "That's why I hate slicing onions" she confessed.

"Are you sure the onions is the only making you cry? Those tears definitely do not look like onion tears" Dara noted and Shade exhaled loudly while Funsho entered dressed in a blue top and black baggie short.

"Okay what did you do to your daughter?" Dara snapped and Funsho raised his brow in surprise, "I didn't do anything?"

"Are you sure?" She moved closer, "Are you really sure?" She repeated, this time he laughed now turning towards Shade who was wiping off her tears with the top she wore.  "Shebi the horse is here now, hear it from her lips"

"Wait...." Dara turned towards Shade, "Did your father just call you a horse?" She asked and Shade folded her hands, then she feigned an angry look at her father, "Okay, there has to be some kind of conspiracy somewhere" Funsho replied and they both laughed.

"I'm not angry at him, we already reconciled"

"That's sweet then why was she sad?"

Funsho shrugged, "I think she'll be able to explain it better." He paused then he scratched his head, "When the kids told me you were in the kitchen, I thought they were joking"

"Well they weren't" Dara replied opening the pot to check out the rice she boiled. "What are you doing?" "Rice and stew"

"You're not supposed to stress yourself"

"Since you prevented me from doing what I ought to have done, I had to find other alternative"

"There's stew in the fridge"

"We've been eating the stew for a whole week Dad, I'm tired of it. Your stew usually tastes the same way" Shade snapped and Funsho touched his chest in hurt, "Ouch"  "No offense Dad".

"Offense taken" he replied and Dara laughed.

"Let's see if Dara cooks better than mine, which I greatly doubt"

Dara raised her brow, "Is that a challenge?" "No Ma'am, I'll be here to witness the whole thing" "Why don't you just come out clean that you're only trying to steal my recipe"

"Whoa, daddy sorry" Shade exclaimed laughing, "Wow, this has got to be some kind of conspiracy" Funsho assumed watching Dara laugh.

"Now I can't wait to have a taste"

"You will Sir. But first, you must leave the kitchen for the women to cook"

"So you guys don't need extra hands? I can be useful"

"You'll have full rights to be in the kitchen when you're dressed in a gown or a skirt." She moved closer to him fighting her laughter, "And that's a challenge, you should probably take that on"

"So you can have a mental picture of me in skirt for life. Thank you very much Ma, you're both free to have the kitchen to yourselves." He snapped playfully then he left and Dara smiled turning towards Shade.

Then she cleared her throat. "So what's your problem?" "It's not a problem, I had a fight with my cousin Winny. She said somethings about my father having so many children just because I was saying the truth so I slapped her in front the whole student in the cafeteria."

"Maybe you should call her and apologize"

"Winny's annoying, she's at fault"

"Sometimes you have to be the bigger one. It's normal for cousins to fight, even sisters fight. For example, my sisters can be annoying, except Ruby. I have three sisters, I get insulted atimes and I don't care about it. What I care about is maintaining unity. The day my sister announced her engagement in front of the whole family, my father made a declaration that no one can get married if I don't. Stella said a few words, I should have been angry too just like she was but I had to go over to her office on a Monday to apologize. Families need to be united at all times even if it means bringing your pride down, swallowing some insults and apologizing for those insults being dished at you"

"It hard"

"Nobody said it was easy" she answered and Shade chuckled. I feel better now that I've let it out to another person" "You have my number right? you can always call me"

"Remember you promised to call me for prayers?" Shade reminded and Dara slapped her forehead. "I'm sorry, my choir director was engaged in an accident and it's been from one problem to the other. I'm very sorry"

Shade smiled, "It's okay Ma"

The whole family gathered at the table to eat when someone knocked at the door. "I'll go check it out" Hannah left and soon came back with Adetoun and Mimi. "Oh my God, something smells good" Mimi commented then she smiled on seeing Dara.

"Holy smokes! Dara?" She asked then she tapped Adetoun. Funsho's eyes squinted in surprise. How in the world did Mimi get to know Dara?

"The lady at the hospital. What's she doing here" Adetoun asked, "Maybe it's the lady Ade spoke about"

"Oh the one Funsho"

Funsho cleared his throat knowing something stupid was going to spill out of Mimi's lips. "Um..... Dara, this is Adetoun, Pamilerin's Mom"

"And Ade" Ade raised his finger up, "Daddy threw me away" he commented and Dara laughed. "I think he made a mistake, Funsho you might want to reintroduce"

"Meet Adetoun, Pamilerin and Ade's Mom, Mimi is"

"Sewa's Mom, I met her at the hospital and we spoke"

"Who's the cute boy" Adetoun pointed at Kelvin, "His name is Kelvin, he's Aunty Dara's nephew and he's our new friend." "Awwwn and....Who is she?" Adetoun asked, pointing to Dara.

"She's ..... Her name has been mentioned"

"A proper introduction will do now" Mimi supported her friend, "Her name is Dara and she's.... a.....  a friend"

"Just a friend? Mehn Funsho you're slacking" Mimi commented and He glared at her sharply while trying to maintain a normal look. For a moment, Dara wondered why she gave such response but she brushed the thought off.

"Can you ladies come back later?" Funsho requested and Mimi shook her head,  "Not without eating this delicious food, smells nice already"

Dara rose up, "I'll dish some" she replied entering into the kitchen and Hannah followed her. "Ma, the food left is only for one person"  "I know." Dara laughed picking a plate. "Thanks you for coming, I've seen this happen a lot of times to Mom especially when unexpected visitors come so I'll serve this one and you'll take the one on my table to anyone of them"  she answered now dishing the whole rice from the pot then she scooped some stew and chicken on it.

"Do it discreetly"

"So I'm supposed to carry it like no one will see me carry it" Hannah asked and they both busted into laughter. "Maybe you shouldn't have given the food to Okon" Hannah lamented and Dara placed her hands upon her waist. "You should never regret doing good!"

"You'll eat my food, I'll warm up something in the freezer or I'll boil rice"

"No! I'll only feel pathetic, I cooked so you guys can eat. I won't die"

"What will you eat now?"

"I'll scrape the pot" she answered and Hannah laughed again. "Just kidding, I'll just boil another rice" "Wont it be suspicious if you don't come out?"

"Tell them I'm cooking" she replied and Hannah entered into the dinning room, she picked up Dara's food, then she served Adetoun and Mimi.  Kelvin quickly whispered something to Ade and he likewise whispered to Pamilerin.

Funsho rose up entering into the kitchen. "If the food wasn't enough, you could have just said it to them" he snapped at her and Dara stood there speechless.

How was today's update?

Thank you for the prayers, PS, I'm still sick🤢🤮 but I'll be healed by God's grace. Your concern prompted me to type 🤗

Thank God for today's strength to type!

Guess what a short bonus chapter will be coming up on the next slide!

I pray this battery doesn't fail me🙈😂

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