💢Chapter 27💢

Chapter 27


Mrs Igwe opened the door to see her daughter in tears, her heart raced in fear, in matter of seconds more  than ten horrible things that could have happened flashed through her mind. "Jesus Madara, nsi do? (What happened?" She asked and Dara hugged her.

Mr Igwe paced left and right in his room, "I said it! I said it from the very moment I saw that man walk into this house! What's internet job? I knew he was fake! Look at what he has caused my poor Isabelle"

Mrs Igwe knelt down looking up at the ceiling, "God hasn't she suffered enough? How long will she keep on going through these disappointments?" "Don't even disturb God my dear, on the contrary, we should be thanking him for answering our prayers. I'd rather have my daughter single than fall into wrong hands!"

Funsho waited for an update on Dara's you tube page, anything to see her face but there was nothing. "What's going on Dara?" He asked picking up his phone then he finally dialed her number but she didn't pick up his calls. 

Stella sat on her bed and Brenda joined her, "Dara hates me" "Dara doesn't hate you, she doesn't even have that strength to gate anyone. By tomorrow, everything will be okay. We'll apologize and it'll be fine" she assured and Stella cried.

"I don't think I can stay in this room any longer, it reminds me of that idiot! I'm just so irritated"

Brenda pulled Stella's head to her shoulder. "He's not worth your tears, sis, he's not"

The following morning

Dunni gasped out of a nightmare and Timmy held her close. "Are you okay? What happened?" "It was a nightmare" "You've never had nightmares" "Cause I haven't had one in a long time"

"As a son of a Pastor, I'm interested in knowing what it's all about? Who was chasing you?"

"No one. Just.... After I had Winny, two years later I got pregnant again and I lost it" "How?" "I found out I was pregnant the day I lost the pregnancy"

"I'm sorry"

"My drinking habits made me lose it and I've always felt guilty for it but sometimes I think maybe it was for the best.

"Why didn't it make you stop drinking?"

"Thomas has always been my problem, he made me feel less human, less deserving of any good thing. Winny listens to him all the time, that's why when she was asked to pick sides she chose him."

Efe stood by the door and Mrs Igwe opened up. "Good morning Ma" he greeted and Mrs Igwe managed to out on a smile. "My husband is about to leave for work so I'm going to pretend like I didn't see you and I'm not going to let him know you're here so if you know what's good for you, you'll leave before he shows up"

"I just want to apologize to Dara"

"She doesn't want to see you Efe"

"It's something we can work out"

"Can you listen to yourself? You were paid by God knows who to....  How can you work it out? See, I don't even want to start expressing my anger. Please respect the fact that I'm trying to be mature here and leave. Please"

Funsho entered into a room giving Oise eye signal to know if Dara was around but he shook his head. "Why?" He mouthed and Oise shrugged moving close to him.  "Morning Boss, I don't know why? I tried calling her but she didn't pick up neither did she return the calls"

"I've been calling her since yesterday night"

Oise chuckled, "Maybe something came up now. Mehn, you're already worried Sir" "I feel uneasy, I don't feel like she's alright or maybe I'm just overreacting. Take care Oise, I'll be in the office. If you hear any information"

"You'll be the first person I'll tell" 

Thomas knocked on the door and Winny's opened up the door clad in her uniform. "I'll be out shortly" "The driver will be driving you to school today" "Oh" she replied and he exhaled.

"We'll sort this out okay? I won't let you jeopardize your education for anything in this world. Not for any child! Don't say a word about this to any one, just act normal till Saturday, we'll sort it out"


"It's not professional but it's an advisable option" he placed his hands on her cheek, "Don't listen to your mother, what does she know? I'm the sane one here okay?"

"Yes Dad"

Yewande stormed into her son's room while he laid in bed. "Dide duro! (Get up)" She tapped him and he groaned shutting his eyes. "Gbadegesin!" She tapped him hard and he opened his eyes. "I might have to collect my spare keys from you"

"Spare keys wo?" Don't even try it!"

"You come into my room.." he picked up his phone to look at the time. "Great! It's not even seven yet. For what? Another complain?"

"Yes! Gbade, what's wrong with you? Answer me!"

"Shebi you said you will call me when you get to Abuja, did you call me? All my heart has cut finish! Do you know how worried I was?"

"I sent you a text last night"

Yewande removed the scarf she tied around her neck then she swung it across his arm. "Text oshi wo? What happened to your plans?"

"I changed it"


"Cause I felt like changing it! It's my life here Mom, I can do whatever I want" "Gbadegesin!" "Mom! Please can you just...." He trailed off then he groaned.

"Someone at the airport recognized me as a murderer Mom, I just need to change it" "Is it not that stupid girl's fault? Ah, Bimbo should have allowed me teach her some lessons. After I've beaten sense into her, she'll know he difference between a murderer and a innocent person"

"There's no need for violence"

Yewande sat on his bed then she exhaled. "Shebi it's Abuja, you were going to?" "Won't I still come back to Lagos?" He asked and she hissed.

"Have you eaten?"

Gbade laughed, "Remember you woke me up" "I'll be in the kitchen then, Pele my dear ehn? it'll pass soon, have you heard? Don't let it bother you"

"I know"

Past seven in the morning and Dara coiled in bed with a bed sheet over her body. She had an incoming call from Ugo but she watched it ring without picking it up. She wasn't in the mood to speak to anyone! Generally, she has been avoiding all calls!

Kelvin entered dressed in his school uniform, he climbed the bed pushing aside the tissue on the bed then he leaned against her chest. "Sorry" he said and she laughed out loud in tears, "Why are you telling me sorry?"

"You're crying, when someone cries you tell the person sorry right?" He asked and she chuckled nodding her head. "Why are you crying?" "Something bad happened but I'll be fine soon, I just need to cry a bit. You know that moment when you lost your toy and then I promise I'll buy another for you but you'll cry anyways even though the old toy wasn't good" she asked and he nodded in understanding.

"Because you like the old toy"

"Something like that, I just need to cry. It's not as if I can't get another one. I just need to cry"

"Whatever it is, I'll buy another one for you" he promised and she chuckled, "Awwwn, that sweet" she muttered touching his cheeks and Ruby entered dressed in her nursing uniform. "Get up Kelvin you'll be late today!" She threatened and Kelvin sat up.

"I don't want to be late. Miss Deborah will flog my bum bum! My bum bum is still paining me from the last time" he complained then he looked over at Dara. "Promise me you'll smile?" "I promise" 

"Cross your heart"

"I cross my heart" she replied and Kelvin left the room assured she'll stop crying. 

She busted into tears immediately! "Aunty Dara" "I'm fine Ruby, I'll be fine. I just need to let this tears flow. You don't want Kelvin to be late for school"

"Goodbye then"

"Becareful Ruby"

"I will she opened the door and her mother entered with a tray of bread and tea. "Breakfast in bed Dara"  "I don't have the appetite" "I don't even want to hear pim! What's appetite? Am I begging you to have the appetite. It's by force! You need to eat, you need strength for these tears that are pouring down your eyes. You don't know it's strength they usually use to cry?" She teased and Dara chuckled softly.

Ms Igwe dropped the food on the bed then she touched her neck to feel her temperature, "You're growing high temperature" "Mom, I'm fine" answered refusing to accept she wasn't! "Maybe you should call your boss and tell him you need a day off"

Dara scoffed, "He just suffered a break up and he's showing up for work, i suffer the same fate and I'm staying back? When is that fair?"  "Break up? With Brenda?" She asked in shock, "Wh... When?"


"Jesus!!! Why?"

"He found out about her lies"

Mrs Igwe laughed, "That's funny, it's about that time! Poor guy! Where is she now?" "At Stella's" "At Stella's house? And the whole house didn't explode, we all know Stella can't stand her guts "

"Stella broke up with Andy"

"What? When?"

"That happened two days ago but it became official when Andy stole from Stella. He stole her money" "And you guys kept this away from us!"

"They were supposed to tell you themselves, I don't even know why I'm telling you. Andy was even the one that paid Efe, sorry I left that part out." she pouted her lips and her mother groaned. "Your father was right all along, the man sure has good instincts"

"I'm a believer now" she replied and they both laughed. "People are spreading the news that I'm engaged Mom, what will I do?" She cried and her mother smiled. "God will take control"

Aunty Rejoice barged into the room, "I saw Ruby outside and I have been knocking and knocking since" she exaggerated and Dara sat up. "Aunty good morning" "What's good about the morning? Ada? So, you and your mother can be so wicked, you got engaged and you only allowed me hear it from Aboma who heard it from radio?" She asked and Dara's heart leapt in fear. She knew her Aunt was only going to rain insults on her if opens up about the new development.

"I'm sorry Aunty Rejoice, we were going to talk about It when we're sure Ma" Mrs Igwe replied, "After all the radio listeners have heard, I will now hear last. A whole me, your father's sister, I practically raised your father and I can't believe he hide this from me. Where is that man"

"He's at work" Mrs Igwe answered and Aunty Rejoice moved closer to Dara then she busted into laughter. "Gbam!" She tapped her, "You have finals done it, forget all those abuses that I've given you. It's to make top gear up. This is how any first daughter should be, now you'll get married, start having children and I'll come over to do omugwu for you. It's my right!"

And what will be my own right? Mrs Igwe asked within, but she knew more than starting an argument with her husband's sister.

"Congratulations ehn, it's this year now. He'll come to the family and we'll give him the list, I hope he has money very well"

"There won't be a wedding Aunty"

"What? He doesn't want to wed this year? Is he okay? Does he know your age? I hope you're not using small body to deceive him"

"I cancelled the engagement , I already returned his ring today"

"Ah han! Ada, it's like these Calabar village people are affecting you cause it's obviously not my village people. In my village, we get married early, I was 18 when I got married, how old was your father when he got married to your Mom? Are they pursuing you? How can somebody give you ring and you're saying you want to return it?"

"Aunty you won't understand. He's a mistake!"

"So I just paid my way down for nothing?" She busted in Igbo then she shook her head. "I would have stayed at my daughter-in-law's house. The woman is giving me joy, can't you be like her? Can't you be like Stella? What kind of person are you Ada? Are you cursed?"

Portia and Boma entered at the same time then they both greeted Mrs Igwe and Aunty Rejoice being familiar with her. She hissed leaving the room and Mrs Igwe followed her.

"Okay what happened? Why is this your father's sister never in a good mood? How does someone manages to leave life like a witch?"

"She came to congratulate but I ended up breaking the bad news to her" Dara answered while Boma and Portia sat on the bed to comfort her.

"First of all, give us that Efe's address let us go and beat some senses into him" Portia suggested, "Then you'll give us Andy's number let's have arrested"

"Beaten up first and then arrested. In his miserable life, he'll never try that shit again!"

"43 Obakoya close, don't beat him too much, if he loses a teeth, it'll be fine by me" Dara answered and Boma and Portia chuckled softly knowing it was intended to actually make them laugh.

"This isn't a funny matter my dear. When you sent me the message yesterday, my head popped! It was as if I should run out of the house over to your place! Where's that Stella let me slap some sense into her?" Portia added and Dara shrugged.

"Do you also want an address for that one? Lincoln Estate, street number 20. She should be off to work now, preferably go there by 7 pm"

Portia rolled her eyes, "You're joking with this!" "What do you want me to do? Soon I'll be off to work, I just need a reason to do something." She cried, "I just need to feel at ease so I don't end up crying on my show. I mean a lot of people are getting to find out about the engagement. How will I explain to them that I called it off"

"Tell me you at least did the cliche move of throwing the ring at his face? Not just any throw oh, you know that kind of legendary throw that the ring will end up in the middle of his forehead like David, Goliath and the sling?" Portia asked and Dara laughed finding it funny.

"Dara it's not funny," "But it is now"

Portia hissed and continued, "You those kind of throw you call the name of Jesus before throwing it.  When it lands on his forehead, he'll know that David was from isrealite and Goliath was from Philistine. Oloshi!"

Boma scoffed, "Forget cliches, I would have like to open that stupid lying mouth and put the ring in it for him to swallow!" "That one is nice sef, he will still shit it out!" Portia replied and Dara laughed. It was exactly what she wanted!

"Efe is not serious! It's that Andy own that's annoying me"

"Andy has always been annoying right from secondary school.  I'm sure his cup will get full someday and someone will definitely treat his fuck up." Portia affirmed and Boma sealed with "Amen, amen, amen"

"Fire!!!!!" They both added and Dara kept on laughing. "The stupid ring is still there!" Dara pointed at the ring on the drawer. "Look at the stupid ugly ring sef" "So it was ugly and you guys allowed me to wear it?" Dara asked feeling bad and Portia hissed.

"Everything a guy buys is always ugly after break up. We'll take the ugly ring and we'll flush it down the toilet, one less baggage. There's still Funsho and Ugo"

"Efe didn't like me from the start, maybe you guys are right about Ugo, if he didn't like me from the start, he can't like me for I am truly. I don't even know about Funsho, look at his ex-wife and his ex-girl friend. He must have a spec right?"

"Babe, if these guys aren't right for you, unto the next one! There are more opportunities, we'll go out to the bar as usual and wait till someone notices you for you"

"What will make me different from runs babes?"

"You're Dara and you're the most decent woman I've ever met. I don't know what's there not to like about you. You know what? Forget these guys, we're your girls and we're here for you all the step of the way" she squeezed Dara's palm and she smiled.

"Thank you guys. God bless you guys for making me laugh God will also make someone that will make you laugh come you way"

Boma stood up, "Our friend is about to enter into the prophetic, abeg I get work go. Prophecy on you own baby" she kissed him on the cheek. "See you later, I'll probably spend the night here. Don't even cry over that fool, for every tears that pours God will send angels to flog his bombom!" She snapped and Dara laughed.

"I'm missing you already"

Boma blew kisses leaving the room then a call came in from Gbade. "Can we meet at the police station?" He asked and she scoffed. "To do what?" "To meet my father's private investigator called Derin Balogun."

"I can't go"


"Some of us has not been relieved of our jobs like some oh"

"Who's fault is that?" Gbade asked laughing and Boma rolled her eyes. "You're trying to make me feel guilty" "I'm not trying to make you feel guilty anything. It's called reverse tackling, what time will you be free then? I'll pick you up at the studio"

"I don't know, I'm not sure sha... By ten"

"I'll be there. Guess what?"


"I've was in the toilet all night because of your Kunu" "What? Oh. I'm sorry, it has different reaction when"

"Oh please save the chemistry explanation, reaction to what? I was just kidding" he laughed and she rolled her eyes. "See how I got you"

"So... You... Jesus"

"Bring me Kunu when coming"

"I won't bring it since it made you purge"

"I was just kidding, come on, a little play shouldn't hurt" "Says a grump!" "That was your assumptions, our Miss I love to make assumptions. Listen up, I'm not a grump and I'm going to need that Kunu"

"You'll pay, it's hundred naira per bottle

"Yes I will, and please, I'm begging you please put in a straw. You didn't put in a straw yesterday and I had dip my mouth into something a hundred other people have put their mouths in. It's wasn't healthy" he snapped and she shut her eyes in embarrassment.

"Make it three and make it cold too"

"I'll carry the fridge on my head"

"If you have to. Bye Boma" he ended the call and she tightened her fist wishing she could strangle him.

Winny got out of the car clad in her school uniform. She had paid the driver to   in front of her mother's house. She walked towards the front door where she knocked.

Dunni opened up and shut the door at the same time. Timmy was getting ready to leave! "Mom?" She called out and Dunni opened up.

"I'm sorry" she apologized, "I...." She turned back, "What are you doing here?" "I have questions about pregnancies, I'm having this pain at my groin and I just want to find out if it's as a result of it" she noticed her mother turn back again.

"Is there someone in the house?" She asked and Dunni shrugged, "There's a man right? Mom I'm pregnant but you invited a man in the moment I left. That's the most inconsiderate thing ever! When did you start dating?" She asked and Timmy walked out to the sitting to her shock.

"Hey Winny" he waved and she scoffed, her heart broke into tiny pieces then she threw a angry face at her mother.

"I can't believe this Mom!"

"I can't explain Winny, I.... Timmy and I met and we've been dating for a while now and... I know you knew him before be and he's a friend?"

"Knew him? Mom, he's... He's the man I've spent last year crushing over! Mom you're dating the same man I like!"

Dunni opened her mouth in shock,  she has seen scenarios like this in movies, she couldn't believe it was happening to her. "You can't be serious!" "Timmy didn't you tell her?" She asked and Timmy shut his eyes.

"She doesn't know right?"

"Know what? Timmy, what's Winny talking about? You knew she liked you?"

"Timmy's the same guy that rejected me on Valentine's day, the same guy who got me into this same mess that I'm in right now!" She scoffed shaking her head at her mother.

"Shade thought it was depraving having infatuation for someone older, I'll like to know what she thinks about you. Mom you're unbelievable! Dad has always been right about you, I don't even know why I came here in the first place but I'm glad I did. Now I know who you are! A freaking slut!" She snapped and Dunni slapped her twice then she covered her palm over her lips.


Winny ran out of the house crying.

Dunni shook her head staring at Timmy, "I wanted to tell you" "All along you didn't" "Okay, fine, if I had told you what would you have done?"
"The right thing! Leave!"

"Same thing I thought. I was scared of losing you. I love you too much to let it all go away before of some infatuation she had!"

"I spoke about this and you didn't even let me know you were the one! Did you think I won't find out someday?"

Timmy sighed, "I'm sorry Babe, I was scared okay?" "I'm sorry too Timmy, I can't.... If this continues, Winny will hate me" "Babe , you haven't even thought of it"  "It's for the best"


"Please leave my house, " she cried, "Please!"

Brenda knocked on Chris's door. After a minute it waiting, he finally opened up with a grimace on his face. "I know I'm not guest of the century, I just....." She trailed off smiling.

"It actually feels nice to see your face again."

"What are you doing here?"

"I have no idea. I just woke up and I felt the urge to see you" "I don't want to see you"

"And I understand" Brenda whined like a baby, "I understand, I'm not proud of my actions myself. I just wanted to explain it all to you, when it started, how it progressed. I resumed real therapy yesterday and I'm learning things. I'm really learning things and..."

Chris slammed the door shut and her mouth was left agape. She nodded in understanding as tears trickled down get eyes.

Mimi walked into Funsho's office smiling. "Good morning Handsome" she walked up to him kissing him on the cheeks then she ran her long painted acrylic nails across his cheeks. "Is that baggy eyes I see, Sewa hasn't made you sleep right?" She busted out laughing and Funsho glared at her.

"Sorry, I know it's not funny but.... "

"But what? You left Sewa without breast milk and now you're here for peace offering?"

"I poured a ample amount of breast milk into her feeder"

"The one that got soured before afternoon. Not fair Mimi!"

"I've apologized on phone and I'm tired of apologizing"

"Sewa was supposed to suck till the six month and then we introduce other food. That was the deal!" "I had a problem okay? When I took the deal, I never knew I'll get fat, Funsho I needed to get back in shape for my career. It wasn't intentional, I'm still nursing breast pain" she touched her breast.

"It wasn't easy. I'm sorry" she blinked her eyes pressing her hands against his cheeks and he pushed them away then she leaned against him.

"You don't seem to be in a good mood. What's up?"

"I'm fine Mimi. You might want to see Sewa at home"

Mimi's heart melt, "How is she?" "Apart from crawling very well, her has teeth has growing. She's as pretty as ever!"

"This is 95.5 mood FM and if you're just tuning in, it's your girl Dara Igwe on Dara's corner and today, I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Thanks to my nephew and friends who managed to cheer me up. God bless you girls so much, God bless Kelvin for me"

Derin sat in her office, looking into some documents from another case. An idea popped into her mind so she quickly puts a call through to Chief. "Good morning Chief" "Good morning" "If let's say, you are to wire a particular money for certain reasons, who has access to the stamps?"

"Chief Finance Officer, specifically."

"Permission to speak to the Finance Manager?"

"It's a new person"

"Where's the old one?"

"Fired for incompetence"

"Who fired him?" "Dr. Ayeni" "Huh?" "Dr. Wilfred Ayeni"

"Oh. When was he fired?"

"I can't remember now, why are you asking?"

"I'm still conducting investigation Chief. It's slow and I hate it"  "Slow and steady wins the race Derin"

Derin chuckled, "How are you Chief?" "I am fine and you?" "I'll be better when I get to the end of this investigation." "Thank you Derin" "Don't thank me yet"

Boma sighted Gbade park at the parking lot then she walked up to his car. He got out opening it for her and she laughed. "I didn't ask you to ay gentleman" she answered and he closed it going back into the car.

Boma pressed the knob, opened the car then she entered. "Was that necessary?" She asked and he laughed. "I was just trying to be a gentleman" "That's a failed attempt, I doubt if there's anything gentlemanly about you"

Gbade chuckled stretching his hands, "My Kunu" he requested and she brought out two Kunu from her big black handbag and he collected it. "What do you want three Kunu for anyways?"

"The last one is for you. I don't want you staring into my face when i drink mine like you did yesterday" he replied opening one and she chuckled.

"Thank you"

Gbade stretched 500 naira notes to her and she shook her head. "I was just joking, I'll pay" "No. I bought it, it's only fair that I pay. Give me my balance" he requested opening the lid of the bottle and she gazed at him in shock.

"I was just kidding, I'm serious"

"What's 200 to a Duncan?"

"Firstly, 200 naira can get a bottle water and an handkerchief when you're stucked in traffic"
Boma laughed, "Now you sound like a stingy man" "I'm not stingy, I don't buy unnecessary things" "Stingy!" She snapped and he smiled. "Okay fine I'm stingy" he admitted. "Maybe I'll use the 200 balance to get myself another Kunu some other day" he replied then he stretched his hands, "My straw!"
Boma exhaled removing a straw from her bag. "You didn't bring three straws?" He asked and she rolled her eyes. "It's one person that's drinking it now. Don't worry about me, I'll use my mouth"  she replied and he smiled.

"I heard people go to parties to pick used bottles up? I've seen people do it" 

"Shut up and drink if you don't want me to tell you where we got that bottle from" she drank from it looking at Gbade whose expression change suddenly into an irritated one.

"I just lost my appetite for this Kunu" he answered with a serious look then he laughed, "Lies! Even if it's from the gutter, at least you're drinking it too"

Boma laughed looking at him in wonder. "What?" He asked and she shrugged still drinking the Kunu.  "It's really nice, the Hausa milk shake." "Thank you"

"Did your mom grow up in the north?"

"No. She learned it from a friend, it's something she sells in the shop"

"What does she sell Kunu and Zobo?"

"Food, it's like a restaurant, a buka"

"Oh. Not bad"

"Thanks. It's funny now you change from being a grump to...." "It was your stupid conclusion! No offense Boma.  I'm not a grump, I just don't have people to play with." "Your siblings" " Mom had just me and quite honestly, it makes her more grumpy than anything else! She's the second wife and she was supposed to have kids but it stopped at just me alone so she doesn't rapport with the other wives. She  tends to be overprotective. Every African son hates it when their parents become too overprotective, that's what people usually end up seeing in me. Most times I might not be in a good mood, other times, I've just gotten off a call from my mother" he explained to Boma's understanding, "Like the other day at the elevator?"

"Yes. The elevator and the hissing competition. Well it was because I met someone i found very annoying" "Who?" "I.... I don't know if you'll know her, she's popular in her own niche. I don't really think you'll know her"


"Since you insist, her name is Boma Davis and she has been posting shit about my family. My mood changed on seeing her" he replied and she tapped his arm and the bottle of Kunu tilted and poured on his shirt.

Gbade quickly lifted the bottle up while Boma reached for an handkerchief in her bag. "Oh my God I'm sorry" she tried cleaning it off using her handkerchief but it onyl made the stain spread elsewhere. "You're just worsening it! Thank you very much!" He stated and she exhaled.

"You didn't put your hand well, I would have tapped you very well"

Gbade laughed, "Just like what happened at the party" he remembered and she busted out laughing. "The stain was already there" she joked and he laughed. "Are you going to drive out of the parking lot or not?"

"Let me finish my Kunu first, you don't rush this kind of thing. Calm down Ma" he answered drinking from the bottle.

Boma quickly seized the opportunity to charge her phone. "Why do I get the feeling you guys barely have light?" "Our transformer usually gets power glitches, I don't know how to explain it in English."

"Settle for Nigerian English then, the transformer has blow" he answered. "Yes."

"How do you refrigerate the Kunu"

"Generator mostly but they've repaired it though. It's always one week on and off madness so you never can tell when it will blow again. With me, you can't overcharge your phone!"

Brenda sat on a seat at the lobby then Funsho glanced at her then he looked away. "Good day" he greeted and Brenda turned towards him, "Good day, do you know me?" "You're Dara's sister"


"I'm Funsho"

"Duncan, I know. I don't think there's any one in the family that I don't know of. Please don't ask me how"


"How do you know me?"

"From the church and  Dara's web cast"

"Oh." She added then she exhaled afterwards. "Are you okay?"  "Is it that obvious?" "You don't look so well" "You're Chris's best friend right? Well he  just slammed the door at my face"

"Chris will never"

"He did!"

"Wow, he's really angry then"

"I guess he is. I know I've sinned and come short of the glory of being his girlfriend but I regret it okay? I don't know why I'm telling you. I got myself into this mess, you probably won't understand"

"I know a thing or two about bad habits. I know they are hard to quit and I know they are curable in the right hand. Which therapist was assigned to you?"

"Dr. Sommy herself"

Funsho laughed, "You're in good hands but I pity you!" "I've been slapped by her thrice!" Brenda replied and they both chuckled. "Her methods are quite efffective"

"I do hope so" she smiled and Funsho smiled too, "How's Dara?" He asked then he cleared his throat, "I haven't seen her in a while and.... I've been calling and...." He trailed off and Brenda peered at him not sure what to tell him.

"She's.... She's fine." She answered and Funsho sighed in relief. "Thank God! I was worried, you know. I've been having this feeling like she isn't okay, you have no idea how relieved I feel hearing that"

Brenda almost rolled her eyes, who says lying doesn't pay?

"That's sweet. You care about her that much?"

"She's a client and it's expected for a..... I..."

Brenda laughed, "So you get worried about all your clients, is that the lie you're sticking with?" She asked and Filda walked up to them. "You can see Dr. Sommy now, Mr Duncan, Miss Brenda will go in next"

"Let the lady go first" he replied, "I'll wait"

"Awwwn that's sweet, don't mind me. I'm sure you have important things to do"  "Ladies first"  "You're a busy man"

"Are you going to take the chance or not?" He snapped and she chuckled, "Thank you" she stood up walking towards Dr. Sommy's office.

Dr. Sommy who was looking through books in her book shelves turned towards her in surprise. "Funsho was supposed to come in"  "Well he asked me to come in" Brenda replied and Dr Sommy walked towards her, "Repeat what you just said"

"Funsho asked me to come in"

Dr. Sommy slapped her on her cheek and she gasped, "I wasn't lying" Brenda complained rubbing her cheek. "How is it possible?" "We were speaking when you PA came, Jesus my cheeks"

"Oh. I thought you cut in to lines. Well, apologies for the slap, how are you today?"

"I went to see Chris and he slammed the door at my face"

"He's supposed to react that way! What did you expect?" "It was nice seeing his face though" she sat on the seat then she chuckled. "Do you think we're ever getting back together?"

"Wait let me go consult the Oracle" she replied then she chuckled. "The best love stories survives the test of time and challenges." She picked up a book from the shelve then she threw it on the table.

Brenda's eyes fell on the book which had 'Extreme measures' on it. "That's my book" "What should I do with it?" "You're going to read it"  "What?"

"Yes, you're not only going to read it, you'll buy it and read it! It's only 5,000" "Jesus!!!! I didn't even buy textbooks that price in school"

"It's compulsory to buy it, there are a thing or two you can learn from it"

"I don't like reading, I've never liked reading. I'm having headache already, I don't know how I'm going to read it sef. Can I photocopy it?

Dr. Sommy hissed dragging the book to herself. "We're going to be adopting extreme measure technique in helping you. Have you lied since yesterday and today?"  "Yes. I lied to Funsho Duncan that my sister is okay when she isn't. She's suffering a major heart break, turns out her fiance, Efe was paid to date her,"

"What an idiot!" She snapped writing on her note pad. 

"Guess who planned it? My sister's ex fiance, as at that time they were dating Sha. We found out the guy likes Dara and has been hiding it"

"This Dara girl is something right?"

"She's the sweetest person ever! I wish to be like her"

"You can't be like anyone! No! You can only be a better version of yourself and we're going to make that work out. How? For every lie you tell, you slap yourself"

"How will I slap myself?"

"Extreme measures Brenda, it's called extreme measures. This method takes all form of seriousness from you. You're going to be determined to make it work, till you get used to it, I promise you, by the time you've slapped yourself lots of times, you'll get tired and change"

Brenda exhaled, "Will it work?" "It's a theory Brenda, now it all depends on you" she replied then she raised the book up. "I'll knock out 500 from it, last price, 4,500"

Boma and Gbade walked into Derin's office and she lifted her eyes taking off the glasses she wore.  She was quite surprised seeing the both of them together. Boma accused him of murder, shouldn't they be at each other's throats? Why will they be working hand in hand? Or maybe she's just making hasty conclusions.

"Good afternoon Derin" Gbade greeted and she smiled, "What brings Gbade Duncan and a reporter into my office?"  She asked and Boma shrugged, "I'm not a reporter?"

"Seriously?" She raised her brow arrogantly, "Are you sure? Please have you seat" she pointed at the seat and they both sat down looking at each other.

"Who's going to go first? Are we doing the staring game? I have a lot of work to do"

"Um.... Derin, I know you're covering the investigation on Rosemary's death"

"And what about it?"

"Do you have suspects yet?"

"And if I do what makes you think I'll tell it to one of my suspects and a careless reporter" her eyes ran from Gbade to Boma in the most despicable manner.

"I won't appreciate you being rude to me!"

"Hey!" Gbade snapped staring at her then he moved his head close to her, "It's okay, were trying to get information, we can only try to be as nice as possible even though she isn't being nice"


"Are you guys done playing love?" She asked and Gbade turned towards her, "Now you're just being annoying Derin, we just have questions. Tone it down!" He snapped and Boma laughed giving him a look.

Nice as possible ehn?

Derin rolled her eyes, "You're part of the suspect even though Chief doesn't think so" "Who else is a suspect?" "Why are you interested in knowing?"

"I didn't kill Rosemary"

"Who did then? The girl was obviously hiding something and you had a relationship with her"

"It was a freaking one night stand, it didn't happen again" he answered, "From my investigation, you two were close" "She was supposed to infiltrate the finance department and fish out who was siphoning money from the company"

"You knew?"

"Yes I did. But apparently, she found and started hiding things. It wasn't till the day of the party she called, she told me she had documents to give me. Unfortunately... We all know how the story ended"

Derin sighed, "Did she disclose what were in jthe documents?" "Definitely evidence!"

Boma raised her hands up, "If I may speak, I had an interview with Rosemary's sister Magdalene" "You did?" Gbade asked and she nodded.

"She said her sister was chasing something that was bigger than her. She was sleeping with someone from the hospital and threatening someone on phone. At first I thought it was Gbade"

"It was a one night stand and Rosie didn't threaten me! She never did"

"She said Rosie started coming late to work"

"Yes and she never got sanctioned for it. I witnessed it, she changed completely!"

"The question is who was she threatening, maybe she pissed the person off and... " She trailed off shrugging, "Magdalene owns a Cafe and i found it amazing how all her equipments managed to be new. She said it was a gift but I think she knows more than she's saying"

Dr. Sommy watched Funsho with her elbow resting on her desk and her hands clenched in front of her face. She gave him a look like she was about to drill into him with her eyes.
"Why are you staring at me that way"

"I'm trying to read your mind"

Funsho lowered his voice,"And what did you read?" "The only thing I could read is your face, you look like crap! What's making you sad?" "Can you believe it's been two days and I haven't set my eyes on Dara?"

"You survive all these months"

"Has anyone ever grown on you? Just seeing her face makes me happy. I've been having this feeling like she isn't well, maybe I'm being paranoid. Her sister said she's alright"

"Well she lied"


"I have gist for you"


"Turns out your Dara is now a single woman"

"What? She's engaged"

"Apparently, something happened with the sister's boyfriend and a guy named...." She looked into her note,  Efe"

"That's her fiancee"

"Ex-fiancee. Apparently he was paid to date your Dara, and now the secret is all out in the open. She's definitely heart broken, it's totally understandable if she doesn't want to pick anyone's call. Guess who has a chance with her?"

Funsho shut his eyes, "That's not even important, I feel really bad for her. I can't even begin to imagine how she'll feel" "Deny that you're the least bit happy about this turn of events?" She asked and he scoffed.

"He proposed in front of people in the same gym she patronizes, people on the radio station are already congratulating her. I'm not that inconsiderate, she must feel horrible!I should probably stop by at the house to see her"

"To see a girl who might be habouring the all men are scum ideology? Wait till she comes over tomorrow" 

"How am I sure she will?"

"You'll call her and find out, if she does. Put all your cards out, who knows, it might end with a kiss" "It's too early, that's the least on my mind. I just wish I could see her right now and console her"

What do you guys think about today's update?

Saturday is just around the corner oooooh 💃💃💃

I wanted posting a double update but I fell ill since on Friday and I don't know when I'll be posting next cause my hands are weak.

Please put me in your prayers oooo 🙏

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