💢Chapter 25💢
Chapter 25
Dara's eyes remained glue to the sticker pasted on the hospital counter. "I no dey take risk, na why I like to carry my condom waka". She heard a lady laugh out loud, apparently they were reading the same thing.
They both stared at each other and Dara was forced to laugh. "But they're right though, one must carry that thing around. You don't want to take risk. HIV is real, let's not even start to mention STI's, jeez!" She commented and Dara chuckled now turning her gaze to "Hypo go white sticker". She needed those distractions to forget her annoying conversation with CeCee.
Let me tell you a little love story about Funsho and I. We were so good together, I was the one person that satisfied him. The one person that contained him, the one person who tamed him. Oh the good old days, you have no idea who the real Funsho is, you're just blinded by the sweetness and his charms. Trust me, dealing with Funsho is going to take more than what you think; I don't mean to be too froward but, Funsho deserves to be with someone who knows him in and out, his favorite sexual positions, his favorite food and fantasies and dark secrets and that person my dear Dara isn't you. Are we clear?
Those words resounded again and Dara scoffed wrapping her hands across her neck, what if she's right? She asked herself. "You're engaged?" She heard the lady asked on noticing the ring on her finger, this pulled her out of her unhealthy thoughts. "Yes" "Is it recent? Or the guy is making you Lord of rings?"
"No. I just got engaged yesterday"
"Congratulations dear" "Yeah...." She replied rather unsure. "Why are you acting like you don't like the guy? If you didn't like him, you could have just said no to his proposal. It wouldn't have taken anything." "Am I that easy to read?" She asked and Mimi gave a gentle nod, "Yes you are dear. I don't know why girls do this to themselves. I'm not scared of making some decisions no matter who they hurt. I'm usually not scared of anyone. I guess I can be that bitchy at times" she answered causing Dara to smile.
"It's rather complicated okay? I like him, I'm not comfortable telling everyone this but I'm at the crossroads" "Another guy shey? Happens to the best of us. Is this other guy worth the stress?" "I haven't seen him today and I'm this close, I mean this close to getting his address to see him. Is it even normal to feel that way for someone who isn't your boyfriend? He has the most amazing kids"
"Seriously? He has kids?" Mimi raised his brow suspiciously, "Yes he does. I'm practically in love with his children; these past few days has been really intensed with me. I guess I need to sort of my feelings"
"I guess so. I'm not in the best position to give advice though but I believe you'll get through it. You're a very sweet person you know that? What's the rush dear? You have your life ahead of you"
"I'll be 34 next month. I'm living on past life as it is or as my Aunt Rejoice would say, I'm living on extra years"
Mimi gasped, "Jesus! You're fine years older than me, here I am calling you dear," she laughed, "Oh my God! This is really fascinating. My name is Mimi Idahosa. What's your name?"
"Dara Igwe"
"Beautiful name, are you a model?" She asked and Dara laughed, "No. I'm an OAP. I work at Mood Fm"
"Seriously? Wow. I'm a model, I model mainly."
"You don't look like a model"
"I'm trying to stay in shape, I gave birth about six months ago" she confessed and Dara chuckled, "Did you bring your baby here? I love babies, is he or she sick"
"Actually she's not sick. She's in a better hand, I kind of left her with her father" "Left her like, left to get to get something or...."
"Her father and I, we're not married. It was an arrangement and after I fulfilled my part of the arrangements, I left"
Dara's eyes widened, the case strangely reminded her of how Sewa's mother left her in the father's care. Mimi chuckled slapping her face in shame. "People give me that look everytime when I say that but I had my reasons. My career is important and I had to go back. My breast still hurts from not breast feeding her"
"I don't want this to sound like I'm judging you or anything but the truth is, i'll never leave my daughter or son for anything, or career" she answered and Mimi sighed.
"I'm sorry" Dara apologized for being judgemental, "It's okay, I get it. You're right"
"Why are you here?" She asked and Mimi smiled.
"I just arrived Nigeria from Dubai and my friend got this pregnancy sickness so I followed her here"
"Is your daughter there?"
"No. She's here in Lagos"
"Tell me you've at least seen her"
"No! Her father will only force me to breastfeed her and I don't want to" she laughed and Dara chuckled. "What's her name?"
"Mimi!" Adetoun called out and Mimi looked at her. "Let's go!"
"It was nice meeting you Dara"
"You too Mimi"
"Hopefully we'll meet someday again" she picked up her black handbag leaving with Adetoun.
Now Dara was left without a company so dived back to her thoughts on CeCee even though she tried to dismiss them.
Ruby walked up to her smiling, "You're still here. Are you sure you won't catch up with other things?" "What's Chief doing? Won't he see me?"
"His second wife in his office oh"
"Is that how you're going to play it ehn Chief? You're going to keep quiet and act like my son murdered someone shey? Have you even called him since you retired him?"
"I didn't retire him, I relieved him of his job"
"Igbayen ko? Kini iyato relieve and retire? (And so? What's the difference between relieve and retire?) If it was Funsho, would you have retired him?"
Chief hissed, "When everyone will be struggling to make my blood pressure normal, you, Yewande usually manage to make it skyrocket! I don't even know who let you in" "You don't know who let me in?" She tapped her chest, "Me Chief, emi Yewande Duncan, iyawo re, you don't know who let me in" she hissed.
"It's not bad. I hope you know he's travelling to Abuja to clear his head" "He's suspect and is not supposed to leave town"
"Let me see the police try to stop him now! If anything happens to my son, I'll hold you responsible! Father of the year!" She snapped leaving the office and Chief exhaled putting a call through to the receptionist.
"Please let her in"
Gbade took a taxi to the airport, he wore a sky blue short-sleeved polo shirt that made his muscular chest and biceps noticeable with a tight blue jean trousers on it. He took off his black shades on entering.
His flight was scheduled for 11:45 so he made way to the the lobby, pulling a luggage. A call came in from his Mom so he grudgingly picked it. "This is the fourth time you're calling me Mom"
"Have you entered the plane?"
"Mom, the flight was scheduled for 11:45"
"I hope you're not angry, because of I'm trying to be a good mother shebi?"
Gbade's rolled his eyes, his mother was trying to play victim but he wasn't going to let himself be coiled in it. "I'm pretty sure you'll call back in the next ten minutes to ask the same question. How about you don't call me until I get to Abuja? I'll call you immediately I get there"
"Sure. I've called my brother"
"I'll be lounging in an hotel, there's no way I'm ruining what should be a vacation in the name of staying with your brother. I'll be in Oasis hotel" "Gbade"
"Bye Mom" he snapped hanging up then a young woman's eyes trailed his body from head to toe. She admired the fact he was a tall, handsome, dark-skinned man with athletic build. She has been listening in to his call from where she sat holding up a newspaper.
"Oasis hotel right?" She asked and he smiled.
"I couldn't help but over hear your discussion with your mother. You're going to Abuja right?" She bit her bottom lip, "I'm also heading there too, and also lounging in the same hotel. Coincidence don't you think?" She asked and he smiled.
"Are you going for business or pleasure?"
"I don't know, i just want to clear my head. Let some steam off, you?" "Pleasure and I have my eyes on someone already" she gazed seductively at him and he looked down feeling uncomfortable.
"Has anyone ever told you, you look hot?" She asked and he smiled. "Thanks, you're pretty too"
Clara stretched her hands at him, "I'm Clara Klein, you?" "Gbade Duncan" "Wait? Gbade Duncan, like the same Gbade Duncan from the Duncan's family?" She asked and he hesistated whether accepting or denying his identity.
"Depends" he answered and she chuckled pulling her hands away. "You're a suspect" "Yes I am but I didn't kill the lady in question, I'm not a murderer"
"Well.... Everyone is familiar with your name thinks you are."
Gbade groaned in frustration taking his seat then he covered his palm over his face. "Damn"
Dara clutched on to her bag as she walked into Chief's office. "Good morning Sir" "Good morning my dear" a small smile escaped his lips. Apart from what she did, he was sincerely happy with her presence.
"Good morning Chief"
"Good morning Dara dear, please have your seat" he requested and she did. "How are you Sir?" She asked and he smiled again, "I'm fine as you can see. I am hail and healthy and you?"
"I feel guilty" she responded, "Sir, I'm sorry about my friend Boma and I'm sorry about she said on her blog. I know you're angry with me"
"Angry? No, disappointed? Yes. I expected so much from you but you went behind me and worked hand in hand with a woman whose aim is to see my ruined.
"Boma was working on assumptions but I wasn't working with her"
"How do you explain those questions you asked me that day?" He asked and Dara stalled, "Boma requested I asked bi I also asked to satisfy my own curiosity. After that incidence, I was clear beyond doubts you all were not ritualists. I had no idea Boma would print what she did! I'm sorry Sir, I'm very sorry" she explained and a very big smile curved his cheeks.
"You weren't aware?"
"I wasn't. Boma can be that way atimes you know, she's inquisitive but she's not a bad person. I'm very sorry Sir. I felt bad after Ruby told me, I almost didn't sleep last night thinking about it"
"Thank God you came. How have you been?"
"I've been fine Sir, how have you been?"
Chief shrugged then he exhaled in frustration. "I had to relieve my son Gbade of his job as an example but his mother has been on my neck. "I'm sorry about that. The other day I was with Funsho, I heard he was arrested. I felt bad for him"
"He was released too, but it was a necessary step to arrest him. How's your relationship with Funsho?" "Sir?" Dara in surprise, "You said you were with him the other day, I supposed you two have been seeing each other of recent"
Dara smiled. "Yes but I haven't seen him today" "Anything new in your life?" "I'm engaged Sir, my boyfriend proposed"
Chief's face moulded into a disappointing one. "Oh"
There was a knock on the door and the woman who sells Moimoi entered into the office. "Hot moi moi Sir" she exclaimed and Chief laughed smiling at Dara. "Do you want Moi moi?" "No Sir, thank you" She replied.
Tiwa knocked and walked into the office, "Good morning brother mi" she greeted, "I can see you have company" she glanced at Dara recognizing her from the tea party.
Ruby's accusations breezed through her mind so she felt uncomfortable. "Good morning" she greeted, "Good morning" Tiwa replied and Dara faked a smile.
"Are you here to get your the food flask?"
"Yes Sir" Tiwa answered and Dara immediately became scared for her sister. What if she becomes suspicious? What if?
Chief pointed to the white bag at the corner of the office. "Ruby dropped it this morning, she said the food was delicious" "It was? Too bad, I wish you had eaten it, I guess you missed out of that one" she stated gritting her teeth, each word pregnant with meaning.
"Where's this nurse now?" She asked, "She should be busy. This is her sister, Dara Igwe" he pointed to Dara who rose up immediately. "I'll have to go now Sir, I have to be at the studio to run a show. Bye Sir," she bowed her head, "It was nice seeing you again..... Miss.."
"Tiwa Duncan"
"Have a lovely day" she zoomed off and Tiwa stared suspiciously at her.
"A very good woman" he commented while the woman who sold Moimoi waited to be paid.
Efe entered into a bar then he directly walked towards Andy who was having a drink. "How did you find me?" He asked and Efe hissed. "Are you seriously asking that?"
"How did your little introduction go yesterday?" Andy asked and Efe hissed again. "It was fine, its just the way the father looks at me"
Andy laughed gulping the remaining glass of whiskey then he requested for a refill. "Being there done that, that fucking man is a bloody militant. Giving you that look like you're a damn stain that needs to be purged clean."
"Probably because the man has good sense. You were not right for Stella"
Andy scoffed, "And you are? Dude, keep dreaming oh. Oga, right for Dara" "I'm in love with her" Efe confessed, "Dara is one of the sweetest, most caring woman I've met. I don't understand why you're keen on breaking her heart? What will be your gain?"
"Guy, i know how you feel, trust me she has that effect on every guy but I don't care about your feelings. Just do what I asked"
Efe bit his lower lip in thought, "This is the second time you're saying that she has that effect on every guy.... Were you also in love with her?" He asked and Andy scoffed. "Where did you get that ridiculous idea from? I'm warning you Efe, don't try me. All it takes is one single call to Dara!"
"Don't threaten me Andy!"
"I wonder what Dara would do when she finds out you're not into literature and you don't know shit about Williams Shakespeare"
Efe hissed then he left the bar.
"That woman is still in Chief's office Ruby, try to stay away from her." Dara warned Ruby on phone while waiting for a taxi by the road side. "I don't even know why Chief had to introduce me as your sister" she complained bitterly and Ruby chuckled. "So you would have rather he didn't introduce me as your sister"
"Maybe an indirect relation like my cousin, not sister" she replied and they both laughed. "Jokes apart Ruby, I'm worried. If what you heard was right and they woman tried to murder Chief. I think the question of how you're still alive after eating the food will be questioned especially when she caught you listening to her call"
"You're right"
"Becareful dear, stay away from that lady no matter what. I didn't refer you to work in a big hospital to be killed. God forbid!" She snapped and Ruby chuckled. "Sister, I'll be fine. I have to attend to a patient now"
"May the Lord God protect you for me"
"Yes Ma'am" Ruby answered and Dara stopped a taxi.
"Brother mi, this Nurse Ruby, is she in anyway fat, like a bit plump"
"But pretty, had this baby face too, fair"
"Ah Han" Chief chuckled, "Have you met her?" He asked and Tiwa faked a laughter on remembering when she found her staring, the horror in her eyes! Could it be she heard what she said on call and probably took the food to stop Chief from eating it?
Even if she ate it, she ought to be dead already or hospitalized! How lucky can a girl get?
"I met yesterday, I wasn't exactly nice to her. I would like to apologise so if you can arrange a meeting, it won't be a bad thing"
Chief picked up his phone dialing the number, "You have her number? When did you start having an ordinary staff number? Sorry to say, I'm just..... Shocked" "She's under special recommendation and besides, Nurse Ruby is a good company. Quite understanding too and she laughs at my silly jokes too"
Tiwa forced a laughter, "Wow"
"Hello Sir"
"Can you meet me in my office, there's someone I'll like you to meet?" "I'm really but I'm busy Sir" "Okay, that's fine"
"She apologized but Chief waved it off, "No need to feel bad Ruby, it's good you're doing your job. Do it well" he advised then he hung up looking up at his sister.
"She's busy"
Dunni entered into her God father's office Dr. Ayeni with a worried look on her face. "Ah, Adunni" "Good afternoon Sir" she greeted and he smiled. "Are you here as Adunni or here as Dr. Adunni?" He asked and she sighed.
"I am here as both Sir"
"Are you okay?"
"My problems never seems to go away Sir, they compound each day" she sighed in exasperation then she stretched a letter at him. "I need to start working again Sir"
He looked at the letter in her hands for a while before collecting it. "Are you sure you're fit to come back? I requested you go for therapy. Where's your certificate of therapy?"
"Sir, I'm perfectly fine"
"If I come close to you, can you assure me you haven't smoked or taken a drink since morning?" he asked and Dunni shut her eyes. "I haven't smoked, but I had a drink when I went over to Dad's house"
Dr. Ayeni's shrugged slightly, not like he didn't expect the reply. "I took a glass alone" "It's always a glass" "I wasn't feeling too well"
"So you remember why I had you fired?"
"Because I made a mistake"
"Not the mistake, I'm not particularly concerned about the mistake, I want you my daughter to get better. Go for therapy and solve whatever life issue you have." "I'm in a relationship Sir and he's helping me get better"
"Does he have a degree in therapy?"
"No, he's a chef"
"What business does a Chef has with therapy? Don't get me wrong my daughter, healthy relationships work but what's more effective is therapy. The right kind of therapy like Funsho for example"
There was a knock on the door and then Tiwa walked in holding the white bag which contained the food flask in her hand then she flashed a fake smile at her. "Good afternoon Dunni" she greeted and Dunni smiled. "Good afternoon Tiwa"
"I see you have company, I'll just come back" she feigned turning back and Dunni raised her hand up. "There's no point. I was leaving anyways"
"Please don't let it be because of me you'll leave"
"My Godfather isn't planning on giving me what I want, maybe I should see my father instead" she chipped in staring down at Dr Ayeni who ended up laughing.
"I wish you luck"
"Goodbye Sir
"Goodbye Adunni" he replied watching her walk out of the door and Tiwa hissed. "What does she want?" "She wants to come back but she's not fit to"
"When I'm done with these people, none of them will be working here!" She snapped, "So when is Chief going to die already?" She asked and a grin formed on her face.
"Calm down Tiwa"
"I'm done being told to calm down Sir, each day I wake up and Chief is alive, I get irritated the more. The more I see him alive, the more I want to take my own life. He doesn't deserve to live, I mean look at him flaunting my father's wealth like he owns it when he doesn't! The only thing I get is a freaking peanut pay and the damn fool expects me to kneel down and tell him, Ese sir, eku ise (Thank you Sir you've done well)" she pitched her voice as tears ran down her eyes.
"I'm done!"
"Shhh! You need to be discreet when saying things like this Tiwa, your voice is too loud. What if someone hears you?"
"When he going to die?"
"Soon, we don't want it to be suspicious. We need to thread smartly. We can't do as we like, remember we have still have to deal with matters concerning his will. Barrister Boso Bishop is known for intergrity, it's not easy to break through him like that. While we break through Chief's health, we're trying to put things together at the same time. You can't afford to be reckless"
Tiwa sat on the chair then she placed the bag on the desk. "This is the flask i used in putting the poisoned food yesterday. They said she ate it, I'm shocked she's still alive"
"Maybe it wasn't a potential poison"
"It is! It's not a first time using it!" She snapped and Dr. Ayeni raised his brow in Interest then she slowly exhaled. "Calm down Towards" she said to herself.
"As I was saying, it's a potent poison and it works within matters of hours. How come she's still alive?" She asked and the old doctor shrugged, "Maybe luck or strong immune system, I don't know"
"Or maybe she was listening in on my call. Maybe she didn't eat the food" she guessed and Dr. Ayeni frowned. "That'll be dangerous"
"I'll deal with it"
"I said I'll deal with it!"
Dunni entered into her father's office pouting her lips. "Good afternoon Daddy" "My first, good afternoon. I hope you're okay with the way you're carrying your lip like this?" "I was in godfather's office a while ago, I submitted a letter to receive clearance to work again but he refused" she had her seat and her father smiled at her, "I believe he had his reasons"
"Dad I'm fine"
Chief Duncan laughed, "You're fine and you're carrying your face like this?" "Cause I have things bothering me" "Until they stop bothering you, this is a profession that requires you to be in your professional state"
"Problems comes all the time and for me, they never end" "You're the one that allows your problem get to you. I wish for the day you'll grow more than your problems. I'm all ears, what's going on in your life?"
Dunni sighed, "I'm dating and I'm 9 years older than him but I love him and I was challenged by his mother who doesn't like me. Winny doesn't know and I don't know where to start from"
"Does your mother know?"
"I told her today" she replied. This was followed by a long silence.
"Remember when I told you to take a trip that'll solidly be behind you. I wasn't a joking. I'm solidly behind you, as long as he's a good child from a good home".
"I'm even the unworthy one, Timmy is a nice man. Dad I want you to meet him, I'm sure you'll like him!" Dunni smiled and his father smiled too.
Chief chuckled, "Wow, does he make you happy?" "I've never been more happier" "Don't let unnecessary things get in the way of your happiness then! Stand strong and face them"
"How do I face the fact that Winny might be pregnant?"
"Ah" Chief opened his mouth in surprise, "How's that possible? When did she...?" "Valentine's day, it was a mistake and now Shade thinks she's pregnant"
"We'll conduct a pregnancy test and hope for God's sake that it comes out negative" "What if it comes out positive?"
"Eh, that means I'll be getting ready to be a great grandfather now abi?" He asked and Dunni laughed. "Dad, be serious" "I'm being serious! There's nothing more I can say than that, I don't support abortion, I have never supported it!"
Dunni sighed rubbing her head, "Take a rest my dear" "Why don't you take a rest too? You need it more than I do"
"Did your mother put you up to this?" He asked and she laughed.
"She's worried about you Dad, I don't want you to die yet"
Dr. Sommy passed Brenda a tissue box so she pulled out some tissue blowing her nose into it. "Have you called him?" "No. I don't want to hurt him more than I already have."
"Your lies will always catch up to you, that one crazy thing about lying"
"I already registered with your therapy clinic. I paid on my account, I didn't want Dara paying, I want to pay so I maybe treasure this even more!" "That good"
Brenda chuckled, "For the first time in years, I hugged my big sister Stella. She's usually stuck up but she duped by her boyfriend, now turned ex. I'm not the only one going through shit. I've forgotten how it felt like to communicate with her, at least something good happened from this"
Dr. Sommy smiled, "Sometimes it takes a firey situation to bring out the gold in us. Where do you stay now?" "My sister's house. I'm moving out very soon to the house he offered me" "You're going to decline"
"What? I requested for it"
"I don't care; you're going to meet your baby daddy and you're going to decline and then you'll return back to your parents"
Brenda shook her head, "They won't accept you" "You'll call for a family meeting, let them know you're undergoing therapy, even if I have to follow you there and you're going to let everyone know who the father of your son is"
Brenda shook her head, "He .. he won't like that. He agreed to..." "Forget about your stupid agreements. It's your sanity and getting your life back that matters now! He's not going to make it sane. You're not in love with him are you?"
"No! All I've always wanted was a future secured for my son when he grows up and he promised that. He promised to make me comfortable as long I don't let anyone know he's the father especially his family"
"Now you're going to listen to my instruction no matter how crazy they'll be. You're going to let your parents know and then you're going to let his family know"
"I can let my family know but I don't know about making his family know about this. He'll kill me!" "He won't, they'r just threats
"Well you don't know Thomas like I do"
Dara watched Portia argue on phone with her husband over who to pick the children up from school. "Please now, I'm begging you oh, I know I'm with the car but I'm kind of in the midst of something important. Just help me now! Please? I love you too" she added hanging up. A grimace spreads through her face.
"Maybe you should go"
"Go where?" She called on the waitress who quickly approached her, "Abeg, he can get angry all he wants. Abeg, I need ogbono soup, I hope Timmy has"
"No, There's only Egusi"
"Oya now, give me four, three, wait, two wraps of fufu and a plate of Egusi soup. You know how I love my soup now" she requested and the waitress left.
"What were you saying about Ruby?" "I said I'm worried things are about to get dangerous. Why will someone want to kill her own brother? If you see the way she was saying, I wish you had eaten it. It was as if I watching a movie and a witch was beside me."
"Fret not Dara, maybe it's just fronting. No allow that matter bother you. How's Stella and Brenda coping? I can't even begin to imagine how the poor guy busted her bubbles."
"Do you know how I managed to look into his eyes at work"
Portia laughed, "I was going to advise you to resign" she joked and Dara chuckled. "I had to clear my name and we're good now. I think we are sha but all the same...." She shrugged running her other fingers on the ring on her finger.
"You're the last man standing now. You still have your relationship, you're both waxing stronger. You're engaged for crying out loud" Portia looked at her ring and she hissed.
"Portia I'm not happy with the proposal. Yesterday he met my parents and it didn't feel like bliss at all. I had to make up explanation for his losses! Babe, i like Efe but I don't know....."
"But you like Funsho the more ,or is it Ugo?"
"When I went to the gym, he wasn't there and I'm feeling uneasy about not seeing him. Its as if I should call him but I don't know what I'll tell him if I do. I say I'm in love with the kids but the truth is, I might also be in love with him"
Portia sighed, "Thank God you're finally admitting to it." "But with this CeCee girl, can you believe she came over to the studio to warn me again?" "Abi the girl had chop witch. She's lucky that I'm not there, wasn't Boma at the studio?"
"She was, it wasn't until the whole thing that I gave her the gist"
"I'm already picturing how that girl will end up. Let her not try shit where I am, the way I'll beat her up" "There's no need for violence now"
"Babe, this is the second time she's threatening you and you say there's no need for Violence, mehn you're too dull! Like I always say, the only shit i can take is that which comes from my husband, all other shit, I can't take. I go just treat her fuck up!"
"She did make a point"
"What point?"
"I can't tell you guys. It's kind of private"
"Are we keeping secrets now"
"It's Funsho's secret, I don't want to be like a blabber mouth" Dara pouted her lips and Portia scoffed, "Whatever now."
"Are you already angry?" Dara stretched her body to tickle her under her armpit and she laughed slightly. "Stop it jhoor, why I go vex? What about your Ugo"
"For Ugo, maybe when I see him, I'll know what I really feel, for now, it's just Efe and Funsho on my mind. I just pray to God to just do something. Show me a sign, or do something, anything!"
Efe slammed his front door while Odion who was designing graphics on his laptop turned his back at him then he returned back to what he was doing.
"Are you not going to ask me what happened?"
Odion exhaled tiredly, "As you can see, I'm working" he answered, "And I obviously don't care, remember I'm still angry with you" "Who your anger help? I'm your cousin for crying out loud"
"I don't want to know what happens in your life, I'm serious! If you're going to put that poor girl through a fake relationship, I'm not interested!"
"So I went to meet Andy"
Odion rolled his eyes, "What part of I'm not interested didn't you get?" He asked and Efe hissed taking a seat. "He's still insisting on telling Dara if I don't keep to his deal" "Maybe he should"
"Which Kain mumu you be?"
"The guy's motive right from the start is that you should date the girl and break up with her, give her hope and then take the hope away shey?" Odion asked and Efe nodded.
"So the guy wants you to stay away from the girl! He doesn't want any guy with this girl. He wants her to be alone, he prefers seeing her miserable, that your friend Andy is sick in the head!"
Winny walked out of the school building in her uniform towards her mother's car. "Mom?" She called out and Winny smiled at her. "Hello sweetie," she waved at her, "Where's Shade?" "Shade is waiting for Okon to take her home"
"Come in then"
"You don't have to worry, I already have tutorial plans with Timmy today" "Tutorials can wait, this can't" "What can't?"
"Come in, we're going home" she replied with a serious tone so she entered the car. "What's going on Mom?" She asked and Dunni showed her a pregnancy test kit.
"Jeez! Mom I'm not..... Why will you?"
"Have you been having morning sickness?" "I'm perfectly fine, I'm not sick"
"Have you been vomiting?" She rephrased and Winny kept quiet, "Shade" she muttered shutting her eyes. "Mom...." She trailed off, "It's the food at the cafeteria! It's bad"
"It's just a simple test or I might have to conduct a pregnancy test myself" she threatened and Winny's heart began to beat fast. "Do I have to take it today? I hate test, I usually end up failing them! I don't want to get pregnant"
"Let's hope to God you're not"
Shade entered walked into the sitting room to find Adetoun who smiled at her. "Good afternoon Ma" she greeted, "Good afternoon Shade. How was school today?"
"It was fine" she replied leaving and Adetoun chuckled, "I know we don't speak but, Shade can we change this whole relationship. Stop looking at me like the enemy, I am not trying to steal tour father away. Or take him away from your mother" she stated and Shade turned towards her.
"It's not like that"
"I don't think Mom has chance any longer"
Adetoun laughed hysterically, "She never had a chance, what finally made you realize that?" She asked and Shade chuckled. "No offense but your mom is overbearing, you've witnessed the number of times she has embarrassed me right?" She asked and Shade nodded.
"What are you doing here?"
"I have two sons for your father in the most inappropriate way but I think they're your brothers too" she replied and Shade laughed. "I'm sorry for asking the most stupid question."
"Besides I personally came to inform them I'll be getting married and they'll soon be having another sibling" she announced and Shade gasped.
"It's not your father this time. I'm getting married and I don't know how to tell them" "Pamilerin will understand but Ade will only bombard you with questions"
Adetoun laughed, "That's my fear" whe replied then she heard the school bus alight in front of the house. "That's the school bus, you might start making rehearsing the speech" Shade nudged and She exhaled walking out of the house where Pamilerin and Ade got down walking towards her.
"Good afternoon Mom" They both greeted and Ade hugged his Mom. "How are you?" "I'm fine Mom, we had test today in school"
"That's great, you know what? You'll give me the full gist. Go in and I'll fix you guys something to eat" she replied and Ade rushed in while Pamilerin gave his mother a suspicious look.
"You're still in Lagos" "Yes, do you want me gone that badly?" "No, it's suspicious" he replied and she laughed nervously.
"I'm fine dear, I missed you guys. Is that so hard to believe?" She asked and Pamilerin hugged her. "Welcome back Mom" he muttered with a smile and they both walked in.
"How was school?"
"Boring Mom"
"What's new lately?"
"There's this woman Dad likes, Aunty Dara, she's coming on Saturday and I'm pretty much excited about it" he confessed to Adetoun's surprise.
Dunni stared at the third test strip then she gazed at Winny who was already in tears. "The same?" She asked and her mother gave a gentle nod. This made her break into more tears.
"God what have I done to myself!" She snapped, "My life is over!" She added and Dunni rushed to hug her.
"Shhh, don't say stupid things, your life isn't over"
"Why is Mommy really doing in Lagos? There has to be a special reason right?" Pamilerin asked his father while he played video game on his tablet. "Why don't you ask her?" Funsho replied changing Sewa's diapers.
"There's a reason right? She doesn't want to tell us" he asked looking into his father's face for answer. "Is she leaving Nigeria?"
Funsho shook his head, "Is she .... Is she getting married?" He asked and he blinked his eyes. "She's getting married? To who?" "A man named Kunle" "A Yoruba man" he nodded as though the tribe mattered to him.
"Will she give birth after she gets married?" He asked and Funsho nodded again, "It's only pertinent she does" "So I'll have another sister elsewhere" he added and Funsho nodded then he laughed.
"What if Aunt Mimi gets married to someone else and she gives birth, will that make her children my sisters too?" He asked and Funsho laughed. "I don't know. I'm sorry things ended up this way, I wasn't thinking things through. I wanted children and"
Pamilerin smiled, "I understand Dad, you don't have explain again. Without what you did, I wouldn't have exist so..." "Where did I get such a mature son from?" He asked and Pamilerin laughed. "I love you son"
"I love you too Dad" he replied then Funsho's phone rang.
He removed the phone from his pocket picking up the call.
"Hey Dunni, what's up?" He asked, this was followed by a sharp cry. "Winny's pregnant" she announced causing him to stay quiet for a while.
"Are you there?"
"Yes. I'm.... Just.... Okay... We'll run another test" "She's pregnant Funsho, I don't think there's any point running tests. This is the worst thing since the divorce, how am I going to remedy this?"
"Calm down Dunni, are you drunk?"
"No!" She answered, "I'm just devasted" "It's going to be fine, call Thomas, don't call Mom yet, we'll sort it out"
Guess what guys?💃💃💃💃
There'll be a double update today, check the next slide for the next Chapter ☺️
What do you think about this update?
Something Is about to happen in the next chapter oooo
Something I'm sure you'll all like🤣😂
Guess what??
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