💢Chapter 23💢
Chapter 23
"What are you staring at?" Tiwa asked, and Ruby masked her horror underneath a smile, "I was about to ask you to... You were blocking my way" She stammered, "Nurse Ruby!" She heard a woman call out from outside the building.
An older nurse finally showed up with her hands Akimbo then she hissed shaking her head, "Is it until the patient faints that you'll attend to her?" She asked then Tiwa hissed walking past her and Ruby sighed in relief.
Ruby cleared her throat. "I'm sorry Ma, I was waiting for the lady to pass" "Simple 'excuse me' could have gone a long way"
"I'm sorry Ma"
"Are you going to stand there like standard Bank or you'll attend to the patient? Hurry up Nurse Ruby!"
"I'm sorry Ma" Ruby apologized pushing the trolley out of the building then she took a turn into another entrance of the building into a room with six hospital bed and three patient occupying three of the bed.
She couldn't stop thinking of the woman and who the she had poisoned.
Could the Chief was referring to be Chief Duncan? A lot of persons can be called Chief right?
"Do you know that woman that just walked away?" She asked Nurse Favour who was walking side by side with her, "That's Tiwa Duncan" she hissed, "Very rude woman, she can't even greet somebody"
"Chief's daughter?"
"No. Chief's step sister, his father married more wives than he did oh, Tiwa is the last Duncan." "Are they enemies?" Ruby asked and the older nurse laughed.
"That's Chief's favorite! He doesn't joke with his sister oh. This strength that you're using to ask questions, if you can exact it to what I just asked you to do. You would have already administed the drip. Instead of asking questions, why don't you focus on doing your job?" She snapped pointing towards a woman who was laying weak on the bed.
Ruby squinted her eyes in confusion. She knew what she heard, it can't be a coincidence can it? How many Chief can there be? She asked within, she'll hate herself if anything happens to Chief when she could have stopped it.
"Ma'am excuse me, I have to do something very important"
"I'm sorry Ma" she apologized running out of the room.
"Hey dear" Dozie called out and she shook her head, "Not now Dozie" she replied running past him, "Are you okay?" "I'll explain to you later!" She yelled without turning back.
She took the stairs instead of the elevator, she didn't have the patience to steadily wait for the elevator!
Mrs Bimbo's left eyes blinked severally and uncomfortably in her. She suddenly felt light-headed so she held on tight to a chair. Being a superstitious woman, she immediately knew the implication of the signs, something bad was about happening, the feeling reminded her of the dream she has been having about her husband so she immediately put a call through to him.
"Oko mi, good afternoon"
"Good afternoon my dear, how is work?"
"It's fine dear, I called you to find out if you're alright"
Chief Duncan laughed for a very long time till he coughed, "Why shouldn't I be alright? You this woman ehn!" "It's not funny Chief" "I know what you're going to tell me you had a premonition so you decided to let me know that they are after my life" he assumed then he laughed shaking his head.
"Mummy Dunni!" He dragged then he exhaled in satisfaction. "I am perfectly fine, I have never been more better my dear"
"Be very careful Chief, be very careful of what you eat, be careful of what you drink. Why don't you call it a day and I'll call it a day too, let me come over and spoil you a bit with my delicious cooking better than any other cooking"
"I have work my dear, although I know it doesn't compare to your cooking, Tiwa's mother sends her greetings and she brought me food. I'll eat very soon"
"Don't eat it"
"Ah Han! Which one is don't eat it again"
"Remember my dreams Chief" "Will my own step mother or step sister just decide to kill me like that? For what reason? Does it even sound logical to you? Wo, Mummy Dunni, I am alright, you don't have to worry, the witches have not seen me yet, I am perfectly alright"
"You don't like listening to me, Oda na, just be very careful for me"
"I will be" he replied then he heard a knock on the door. "I'll have to go now" he replied then he ended the call chuckling to himself.
Ruby entered into the office sweating all over then she knocked l. "Nurse Ruby" he called out, "This one that you're perspiring like his! I hope no problem?" "No Sir, I was running"
"Any emmergency?" He asked and she shook her head. "No Sir I..." She stalled on seeing a white bag on the table. The bag didn't prevent the lid of the blue food flask from showing.
"None Sir, I just felt the need to talk to you"
"About what?"
"Is that food?" She pointed at the food flask and Chief smiled. "Yes it is"
"Oh. Who brought it, if I may ask?"
"My step sister, it's from my step mother" he replied then he chuckled on realizing how it sounded. "I come from a very extended family, my father was polygamous"
"Can I.... Can I eat the food?" She laughed nervously, "I didn't have breakfast and I'm famished" "Oh, you can feel free to dig in, we can eat together. There's love in sharing"
"I really don't like eating in front of my boss and I won't want to impose on boundaries, it's fine if you don't want to give me, I'll just go and get breakfast"
"Take it if you wish. I was actually looking for the company too" he answered and Ruby picked the bag from the table. "Thank you Sir"
"You're welcome. How's your sister?" He asked and Ruby smiled, "Dara is fine" she answered. "You know I'm somehow disappointed in your sister but I don't know how to tell her" he continued and she wondered why.
"What did she do Sir?"
"She was in coyote with that Boma girl to bring down the name of my family. I liked her and I just can't find reasons why she will do that. I trusted her"
Ruby shook her head, "No Sir, Dara will never do that. My sister will be the last person to play that kind of game. Maybe you should ask her personally" "Maybe" he replied then the older nurse walked into the office.
"Look at the person I was even about to complain about. Good afternoon Chief, can you believe this young girl left a patient unattended to, for what reason?"
"She had a reason and we just had a discussion about it" he lied winking his right eye at Ruby, "But doctor..."
Chief raised his hands up, "I'll take care of it" he answered. The nurse left the office and Ruby sighed in relief. "I'm sorry Sir" "It's okay, just don't let it repeat itself, the life of every patient is too important for me"
"Yes Sir. Thank you Sir"
Stella blew catarrh from her nose in to a tissue. She hissed on realizing her running nose had turned into real catarrh.
How much she despised catarrh!
"He's not worth the tears Stella" Dara who had stopped by advised, "Oh Dara! Easy for you to say! You didn't waste your entire life being with him. I wasted almost ten years of my life with that idiot! To think I would have been married to him"
"Everything happens for a reason you know" Dara shrugged, "I believe when God doesn't want us to make mistakes that might cost us our life, he usually ends up working things out. Imagine if Andy had gotten married to you those years when he was working in that oil company. Imagine how your life would have been if he later got fired and the whole responsibility had to be on you"
"I would have had like two kids or one and.... I wouldn't want to leave the marriage"
"So you'll be forced to endure a wicked man. I still don't understand why you ended up dating him, I know you hate this topic but..... The guy used to bully me, you've even witnessed it"
"I liked him okay? He was that senior I liked so much and when he asked me out, I felt like a queen, among all others. He chose me and I just....."
"Remember how many times we argued over this and how many I got insulted?" Dara reminded and Stella busted into more tears. "Andy is an idiot and I'm a bigger idiot. I'm sorry for not listening to you, I'm really really really sorry"
"It's okay."
"God will punish Andy oh! I swear to God, that money will not be useful for him! His account balance will read minus forever, Oloshi, oloriburuku Andy! Andy Oshi! Oluya!" She snapped and Dara laughed.
"That's funny" she muttered and they both chuckled. Stella heaved a sigh and a small smile escaped Dara's lips. "Efe proposed" Dara announced leaning against the chair and her facial expression moulded into a sad one since she wasn't sure what Stella's reaction would be because she was hurting.
"I haven't told Mom or Dad yet, Efe is planning on coming home tonight to see them"
Stella instantly felt guilty knowing the whole Efe idea was all a hoax planned by the same idiot who just stop from her!
"You're not happy right? Wasn't this what you wanted? You thought it was impossible but now... I mean Dad said you guys can only get married if I do, maybe if Efe and I get married.... You guys will be free"
"Dara I'm sorry, you can't possibly....." She trailed off, "You're not even thrilled about the news" "Shebi? It doesn't just feel like I'm on the right track"
"That should be your conscience telling you the right decision to make"
"Or maybe it's because I'm beginning to like others guys" she answered and Stella raised her brow in surprise, "The Dara I know will never...." She trailed off and Dara gave her a defeated look.
"Ugo came back to ask me out, and there's Funsho Duncan"
"The Funsho Duncan? From the almighty Duncan's family?" She and Dara felt uncomfortable. "Are you two that close?" She asked and Dara nodded with a smile. "I'm literally in love with his children. I lost a bet and I'll be doing their laundry for two weeks; the truth is, deep down, in happy about it cause I'll get to be closer to the kids and also closer to him" she confessed and a smile curved around Stella's cheeks.
"You like him"
"I don't understand the way I feel, I like Efe. Ugo is hot"
"The guy rejected you, he's a dog and he should find another vomit, you're not one! Efe is not an option too Dara"
Stella sighed, "I think there's something you should know" she paused and Dara gazed in interest then they heard a knock on the door.
"I'll be back" Stella rose up to open it only to find Lanre standing with a worried look on his face. "Hey, come in" she said to him and he walked in to see Dara seated on the chair.
"Good afternoon Dara"
"Good afternoon Director, Stella is in perfect hands, i guess i can go now" she rose up picking up her bag then she called Stella aside removing some money from her bag. "I don't have much cash in hand right now, I'll definitely transfer to you some."
"Thank you" she appreciated pressing a warm hug against her, "When last have we hugged?" Dara asked and Stella laughed, "Take care dear" she muttered leaving her and Lanre alone.
"What's up with you? Don't even lie to me"
"Are you going to stand or take a seat?"
"I'll stand"
"I confronted Andy yesterday about beating you up and.... I asked him to leave the house. He wanted to use my phone to make some calls and I gave him" she paused after seeing Lanre scoffed.
"That explains why the sales girl said you had insufficient balance. How much did he take?"
"All!" She cried and and he hugged her. "The idiot rendered me broke"
Ruby held Dozie's hands into an empty room and Dozie smiled, "Are you going to explain to me why you reacted that way earlier on?" He asked looking at the bag in her hand.
"Is the food for me?" He asked, his eyes fixed on the food flask in the bag. "No! It's not yours, It was given to Chief by his step sister. I got it from his office"
"Because it's poisoned" she revealed looking out the door to make sure no one was coming. "I don't understand" "I was asked to give adminster drips to a patient, there I heard a woman on a call about a good she poisoned. The moment i found out she was Chief's sister, I had to go back to his office. It's crazy and sounds unbelievable but I know what I heard"
"I believe you Ruby, I don't doubt you. What will you gain from lying?"
Ruby exhaled, "Should I tell Chief?" "Don't! He won't believe you, who are you compared to his own sister, come on!" He stated and she hugged him. "I'm worried Dozie, I'm really worried"
"Shhh, you have the food, we'll throw it away. Chief is fine"
"Till when? Why would someone want to take his life?"
CeCee walked into Dr Sommy's office dressed in a white gown that stopped at her thigh and exposed her cleavages. She had a grin glued to her face. "Have your seat"
"Thank you" she replied taking her seat. "My name is Dr. CeCee Coker, I'm pretty sure you must have heard about me. I'm very popular in my field"
Dr Sommy nodded, of course she has heard enough about her from Funsho and some of her colleagues .
Snobbish and manipulative bitch!
"You know Dr. sommy, from everything I've heard about you, I thought when I booked an appointment yesterday, I actually thought you would be packed and I will have to wait till maybe next week but I'm shocked when I received the notification this morning. Is business that bad?" She asked and Dr Sommy laughed sarcastically.
"What can I say, i guess I'm a mighty miracle worker ? Why will people be gathered here when I take less than stipulated time to cure them. Silver and gold I have none, but I sure I have a talent to raise a dead penis back to life but what do you have except screwing up and screwing with customers you should be helping" She snapped and CeCee laughed sarcastically too.
"I guess you're well informed then"
"I googled up the slut therapist and your face appeared, I guess your reputation preceeds you" she replied and CeCee frowned.
"Personally, I think relief therapy is overrated"
"What do you even know about giving therapy? You're a failed psychologist, I'm pretty sure you studied in a private University, you didn't merit the damn degree but it was given to you anyways. You think being manipulative is psychology? It's penetrating the soul of clients and helping them out of that situation that makes us therapist. Cecelia, sorry, Dr. Cecelia, since you're sticking to that, you're a disgrace to this profession! I wonder why you didn't go into fashion, you look like a high class striper right now. You brag about popularity, babe, the only popularity you is have your screwed up career, your breasts are even more popular than you, no one leaves that out when describing your personality. Shame on you" Dr. Sommy laughed on saying this.
"Do you have more things you want to say? Please continue, please don't stop. I'll really like you to continue, I have plenty from where that came from"
"I heard you're trying to help Funsho out"
Dr. Sommy rolled her eyes, "Hm hm, how is it your business"
"I want us to help each other."
"Look who's trying to be nice, well, I'm a sucker for helping so.... What do you propose?"
"Fine, I know we got off on the wrong foot but we can help each other out. Funsho is a bloody sex addict" "Ah, news flash" Dr. Sommy snapped sarcastically while CeCee tried to control her anger.
"I'm the only one who knows how to keep him tamed"
"Keeping him tamed is not curing him! You used him, you know if he reports you, he can have your license revoked! But what the hell? You're not using anyways so, what do you have to lose?"
"Advise him to come to me, he needs someone like me. Imagine if he ends up being with someone that can handle him, someone that can't satisfy his every itch every hour of the day." "Funsho is a different man now!"
"Oh please! Your treatment is useless, Funsho is a hopeless sex addict. I was trying to help him when I I realized it?" "When did you try? Was it when you were giving him the blow jobs or when you were screwing with him in his office. Please let me know"
"I tried my very best"
Dr. Sommy shook her head, "No you didn't! Honestly I think you're a shame to our profession"
"Oh please! The last time I checked, you're married to a client too!" "My story is a love story that'll forever remain ever green! And it's different from what you had with Funsho. It wasn't love. Funsho doesn't even want to be with you anymore" "Did he say that? Or you're the one trying to make him think that way? Funsjo is going to be mine whether you like it or not! Whether anyone likes it or not!"
"Careful Cecelia"
"Don't call me Cecelia!"
"Careful... Cecelia" she called out again, "Your aggressiveness might just be signs of a disorder or might lead to a disorder"
CeCee rose up fuming, "I promise I'll be coming to give you my wedding invite to Funsho Duncan" she snapped walking towards the door. "I won't hold my breath, I promise!" Dr. Sommy laughed and she walked out slamming the door.
Dr. Sommy laughed and Filda walked in. "What happened?" "A crazy bitch just met a more crazy bitch, that's the last time I want to ever see that ugly face in my office" "I'll make sure of that"
"Thank you!"
"To think the guy is still owing me money, he decided to steal more from me. It's only God that will punish him" she snapped and Lanre laughed. "I can already imagine him having accident in that his stupid car."
"Okay, that one is extreme"
"Extreme? He hasn't even seen extreme! It's our car for crying out!" She sniffled and Lanre laughed again, "What's funny?"
"Andy was your special guy remember? You don't even permit anyone insulting him or making assumptions about him, remember that Sunday afternoon?" "Don't even remind me!" Stella rubbed her forehead in frustration, "You were right all along, I thought you were just speaking out of the fact you liked me. I was just blinded by that stupid idiot! I've been asking myself what I saw in him? Was it those stupid six packs or what? He's not even fine sef!" She groaned angrily and Lanre laughed.
"Remind me never to get on your bad side"
"I'm just so angry at myself"
"It's going to be fine dear. Are you going to press charges?" He asked and Stella shrugged. "He deserves to be arrested shey?" She asked and he raised his shoulders high then he dropped them.
"It's your call not mine"
"I'm sorry for stressing you today. How's your body?"
"I'm fine Stel, it's your I'm worried about"
"I'll survive, till the next pay day. If worse gets to worst, I'll just go back to my parents house for the time being or till I get married. At this rate, I might not even be able to renew the rent of this house"
Lanre brought out his phone, "I still don't understand why you bank with that your nonsense bank what happened to UBA?" He asked and Stella laughed. "Don't even get me started with."
Lanre passed the phone to her, "Your account number" "What? No, I can't possibly...." She pushed the phone away. "You do know these bank things work with time and network shey?"
"I don't want"
"Seriously? You're broke and I'm doing give aways and you don't want" he laughed and she was forced to chuckled too.
"Christmas came in February and you're not happy." Lanre tried the bank code all over again. "Abeg put your account number let me hear word" "How much are you sending sef that he's acting all cool like this?" She snapped in order not to feel uncomfortable and he chuckled.
"Ori kan o o dupe (You're not even appreciative of the one you've got)" he answered and she sighed. "Thank you Lanny. I promise I'll return it back"
"And who asked you to return it back?" Lanre hissed, "I'm helping my best friend who is in need, I don't need the money back"
Gbade's security personnel walked up to him as he swam in his pool. Gbade swam towards him as he approached. "Sir, there's a stranger at the gate, she said she wants to see you"
"What's her name?"
"Boma Davis Sir"
Gbade scoffed, "What is she doing here?" "Should I let her in?" He asked and Gbade shrugged, "Let her in" he replied and the security left him alone to his thought.
What the hell is she doing here? First, she appears at the police station, now she's here?
He got out of the pool wiping his face with a white towel he picked from the lounge chair.
Boma walked towards him along with his security. The man left as soon as he showed Boma to him. Her eyes roamed around his ripped skin and she suddenly felt nervous- the man was practically naked! That's if she'll be counting the black tight short he wore as a clothing.
His penetrating blank gaze prowled over her face, she couldn't even read through his expression. She would like to tell if he was uncomfortable with her visit or not.
"I know in the last person you'll want to see...." She stalled, "I'll like to have an exclusive interview with you one of these days, I don't know if...." She cleared her throat, "That'll be impossible"
"I'll be going on a vacation, but I'll be gone for a week or so? Rain check?" He asked and she exhaled. "How about tomorrow?"
"I'll be leaving tomorrow"
Boma mashed her lips together, "Um.... how about I ask you a few question today, will that be okay?" She asked and he scoffed, "Wait? Now it's convenient for you to what? Ask questions? You've already succeeded in painting me black to everyone that knows my name, what's the point of an interview"
"I realized I made a mistake"
"Who made you realize that?" "Your step mother, we spoke and I'm supposed to undo what I've done but I can't do it without finding out the real truth first. Who murdered Rosemary Ignatius"
"Do you want to interview or interrogate me?"
"Both, so can we get on to it?"
"Yes. After getting a written apology and and an oral apology from you. I was actually expecting you to first apologize before saying anything"
"I was going to apologize"
"What are you waiting for?" He asked with a grin, "You're making it hard for me now" she replied and he chuckled. Boma raised her brow in shock. "Did you just laugh?"
"Is that a bad thing?"
"I heard you don't laugh, I've never seen you laugh" "How many times have you seen me?"
"About seven times, that's why I called you a grump! I heard you're a robot" she snapped and he laughed again. "Jesus! This guys can spread stupid rumours, it's things like this that makes me laugh. Why don't you touch me to find out if I'm really a robot" he stretched his arm and Boma's eyes prowled from his arms to his chest, she couldn't help drooling over it then she blinked her eyes.
"Can you please dress up? I'm not comfortable speaking to a naked man"
"I'm not naked" he replied looking at his short and Boma's eyes trailed down to his crotch. "Seriously!" She snapped and he laughed. "Get dressed, this sgort can be equated to wearing a bikini" she answered and he laughed again.
"I can't even begin to imagine how I'll look on that!"
"I just want to have a first real discussion with you. Can you make that possible? You can call it an interview or interrogation but you need to get dressed"
"Why is it making you so uncomfortable?" He asked wrapping the white towel around his waist. "Are you happy?"
"Elated!" She faked a smile and he smiled too. "I'm glad you are" he replied then he stretched his hands at one of the lounge, "You might want have your seat" "No." "How about a drink?" He moved closer to her and she took a step back.
"Our conversation is currently being recorded and my friends and families all know I'm here incase you're planning on doing something stupid"
"What if I say i don't care about that? That I can still kill you and have you buried at my backyard" He asked in a grim tone and she took another step back.
Gbade busted into laughter again, "Jesus Boma! Chill, I'm not planning on killing you" he replied taking a seat on the lounge. "Let's discuss terms of payment, if you're going to be having an interview with me, you'll have to pay" he joked and she shook her head.
Is he always this playful? She thought to herself. She thought the guy was a complete boner!
"Did you kill Rosemary?" Boma jumped into interrogation, "No I didn't but would you believe me? No!"
"Why have you been threatening me through text messages?"
"I only did that once! I sent you a text and when I did, I threw the sim away cause i realized how crazy it was." "I've been receiving threats to butt out of this thing since the party"
"Well I'm not the one"
"Who then?"
"I don't know.... It can be anyone! Anyone or those responsible for killing Rosie" he answered looking away and Boma noticed his high spirit had reduced.
"I'm trying to understand something here, that night as the party i overheard you on a call with someone you were planning on meeting"
"It was Rosemary, I had plans to meet her."
"It's complicated?"
"What was your relationship with Rosemary? Were you two dating?" "No! We were not.... We had that...."
"Don't say oh. Why are you guys so quick to say oh, it was a one time thing" "It's never a one time thing" "It was a one time thing, a mistake. Rosie was overbearing and we had too much to drink, we were investigating something and.... It happened and ...." He stalled clearing his throat, his eyes met with Boma's.
"You don't owe me anything explanation"
"I thought this was a interview and I'm trying to make this clear. You might wanna have a seat"
"What were you two investigating on?"
"Things I can't tell you" "Why? It isn't bad, why can't you let me know about it? Do you have any idea how I felt when I saw her body on that grass? Something happened and I'll have no choice but to think the killer is you if you don't come out straight with me"
"I didn't even see Rose that night! I was stopped by someone else, an ex girlfriend" "Who's the ex girlfriend?"
"You don't know her"
"How am I sure you're not lying?" She asked and he scoffed. "Her name is Iretiola Brooks, my insane ex-girlfriend."
"Wait..... Iretiola Brooks? Your... She's your......" She trailed off then she sat down close to him. "I thought you didn't want to sit" "Shut up!" She snapped and Gbade laughed.
"I guess you know Ireti"
"Know her? She instigated that you killed Rosemary, she gave me a damn lead and I followed." "I won't say I'm surprised, Ireti can be that crazy. She wanted us back together but I rejected her offer, technically, my entire family hates her especially my mother so she kind of hates us too so I don't blame her for trying to turn this against us!"
No mercy for these ritualist! Let them pay for the hearts they've broken!
Iretiola's words ran through Boma's head so she tightened her fist to control her anger! "No one wonder she was happy when you were arrested. I've been a pawn to get revenge on you! I'm so angry right now! She told me she knew the girl who died."
"She did. She knew I had a one time thing with her and frankly, it pisses her off everytime!" He replied and Boma gave him a suspicious look. "You don't think she..... "
"It couldn't have been her"
"How are you so sure?"
"Cause I've never been more sure of anything in my life. It had to be those siphoning money from the company. That was what I was suspicious of so I hired Rose the help me find out those responsible for it, she ended up hiding things from me, it wasn't until she realized her life was at risk she decided to tell me and give me evidence but..... She couldn't. They got to her before I did"
"Who are your prime suspects?"
"That'll be all. This is not your business Boma, you wanted to know if I killed Rosie, there you have it! I didn't. This part of the discussion is not your business, It's family business" he rose up and she exhaled rising up too.
"I'm sorry," she apologized and he smiled. "For which part? You've erred in different dimensions,I don't no even know where to start. For soiling my name and family name, for making me a suspect to murder, for getting me arrested it making me lose my job, which one?"
Boma shut her eyes in guilt then she opened them once again, "That's a lot of guilt record and I take it you also hold grudges" "Says the same girl that thinks I'm a blood sucking ritualistic grump"
"I'm convinced you guys are not ritualist! I'm not sure about the intentions of each of you. You usually have that grim look. Maybe if you laugh more and frown less" she advised and he chuckled.
"Do you laugh often?"
"No. I guess I'm in a good mood"
"Why?" "I don't know" he shrugged, "I'm just as shocked as you are. Can you leave now? I'll like to make myself comfortable in my own house." He took off the towel and Boma rolled her eyes.
"Goodbye" she walked away then she turned back to the view of his nice ass, then she bit her bottom lips. Gbade turned his head at her and she cleared her throat.
"Were you staring at my ass?" He asked and she scoffed, "I was trying to picture how it'll look with a bikini on it" she snapped not to feel uncomfortable and he laughed.
"You should laugh often and frown less. Just saying..."
Stella opened up her door to find Brenda crying at the door with her luggages, "Chris found out about my lies and I left, can you just let me stay the night?" She requested and Stella hugged her.
While Dara steamed chicken in the kitchen in preparation for Efe's arrival, her mind drifted off particularly concerning Stella's how pitiable situation. Then a phone call pulled her out of her thoughts, the caller was Stella so she slide the green button.
"Hey Stella"
"Brenda is here with her luggages, apparently Chris found out about her lies and he sent her packing" "He didn't send me packing!" She heard Brenda exclaimed, "I can't handle emotional issues like this, I'm going through mine already. Brenda has already finished my tissue! She's crying more than I am. You better come and console your sister"
"Aren't you her big sister?"
"You're the eldest and I'm not as nice as you are" she replied then she sighed. "I still have to stay here because of Efe, he'll be coming any time soon. Console her on my behalf ehn? Today has been very bad for the two of you, how are you guys going to let Mom and Dad know?"
"That'll be left for us to figure out"
"Take care dear" she wished and Stella hung up sitting on the same chair as Brenda. "She said she's not coming. She's waiting for her fiance, did you hear her boyfriend proposed to her?"
Brenda leaned against her shoulder, wrapping her hands across her. "You don't have to worry, I'll be gone tomorrow. I'll find some where to stay" "With what money? His money right? Who is he?"
"Don't ask abeg!"
"Why didn't you bring the afang soup? There's nothing in the house" Stella asked and they both laughed.
"Now she's trying to be funny. When last have we hugged?" She asked and Stella laughed, "Dara asked the same question" "We've been spending years hating each other, we failed to acknowledge how much we need to be there for each other. To support each other, I'm sorry for not being a good elder sister, I was just so disappointed in your after you got pregnant"
"I've been disappointed in you since the day you started dating Andy. All Lanre has ever done was like you but you feel for that big head instead! Same guy that made secondary school miserable for our own sister"
Stella cried even more, "Don't make me feel worst than I already do! I mean we don't even know who the father of your son is. Let's not start fighting" "You're right? Who am I to judge you, we've all made mistakes, I made mine and.... I regret it but I never reflected on it, not until I lied in front of Kelvin. I've done bad things and I never took blame for it" she sobbed and Stella patted her arm.
"It's okay, we all you've always been inconsiderate" she blurted out and Brenda laughed again, "I want to change, be a new person. I wish I can be like Dara and Ruby, they're the only calm ones in the family"
"Sometimes I get jealous of them" Stella confessed and Brenda chuckled.
"Looks like Dara is the only one having a wonderful love life" "No she isn't. She deserves someone better not that idiot called Efe" "Sounds like you know him"
"He's just.... I don't like the way he looks like"
"From Dara's description of the guy, I sensed he's a crook. I never trusted the guy but I mean the guy has proposed shey? That means he's serious but you seem to know more about him don't you?"
"Dara's going to hate me" she busted into tears and Brenda peered curiously at her.
"How bad is it?"
Mr Igwe's eyes stayed on Efe as he eat the rice and chicken pepper soup before him. "So where exactly are you from?" "Delta State Sir" he replied, "Do they have history of beating up women in your family?" He asked, Mrs Igwe, Boma and Ruby who were also seated at the dinning chuckled.
"Darling, don't scare him"
"I'll like to know, for our daughter's sake"
"I'll never do anything to hurt your daughter, she's all I care about lately" he replied staring at Dara who smiled. "What kind of job do you do?"
"I ...." He paused staring at Dara, "I do online trade" "So you're a fraudster right?"
"God forbid Sir, the world has gone past that stage Sir, I mean there's forex trade and there's Bitcoin, the world is now trading in cryto currency. That's what I do Sir"
CeCee walked into the sitting room clad in a blue short gown along with Okon who kept on grumbling at her. "Oga I tell her make she no enter oh, she still enter" he complained and CeCee flipped her hair looking at Shade, Pamilerin and Ade who were clearly disappointed.
Funsho raised his hands, at his driver, "You can leave Okon, thank you"
"See! still don't why you bother stopping me" she smiled sitting in between Pamilerin and Ade. "Is it movie night? Let's watch together then"
"I'm not watching again" Pamilerin rose up and Ade joined him. "Good night Dad" Shade snapped angrily leaving and CeCee scoffed.
"Good night darling" she replied then stretched her hands over the chair. "You guys better start getting used to me cause whether you like it or not, I'm going to be your new Mommy!"
"Is it true?" Ade asked and Funsho shook his head, "No" he mouthed, "Thank God" he sighed leaving and CeCee gasped.
"Your children are rude! I know out children would be different"
"Children? The last time I checked, you didn't want any"
"Well I want one now" she stood up walked close enough for him to look at her cleavages. "Where's Sewa?" "She's asleep"
"Even better, so I can have you to myself then"
Funsho groaned slapping his forehead, "Come on CeCee! I don't want this! Can't you see the signs? I'm undergoing therapy and I'm getting better" "Nothing is wrong with you Funsho" she rubbed her hands on his chest.
"You're perfect!"
"You're wrong CeCee, I have a problem and I'm trying to get better and I'm getting better"
"And you're not tempted to touch me" she bit her bottom lips, "Or explore my body like you've always loved to. You know how good we we're together, you liked me and I know you still do"
"I don't CeCee! I don't!"
"Then explain the buldge in your trousers" she smirked and he looked down chuckling to himself. "It's called nature but I'm not going to succumb to your temptation. No," he shook his head, "I'm a different man than I was"
CeCee rolled her eyes, "Wait.... You're in love, with who? That ugly girl? That broom, that...." She laughed, "Oh my God Funsho, you can do better" "Yes. I can do better, better than you" he answered leaving and CeCee watched him in awe.
"Oh my God CeCee," she brushed her hands through her hair, "You have to act fast, he's been serious"
The world is into cryto .... Crypto currency" Boma who was at the corner of the room typing on her laptop mimicked Efe and Dara who was spreading bed sheets on the bed glared at her. "You fiance was so scared! And the way your father spoke! I pitied the guy sha" "Boma stop it now!" She snapped but Boma continued laughing.
"The guy is fine, spotless oh, handsome. You guys will have fair kids" Boma kissed a finger, "But of I'm being honest, he looks like he might be doing Yahoo Yahoo. We might have to do investigation. Give me the go ahead and I'll investigate him"
"Just like you investigated the Duncans and posted rubbish on your blog" Dara retorted sarcastically and Boma hissed, "That was a one time thing and I'm trying to redeem myself. Shey I spoke to Gbade today," "The only thing I heard the most was about how beautifully carved his buttocks looked" Dara answered and Boma laughed taking her eyes off the laptop screen.
"I swear, I was carried away oh. Do you know how someone will look so hot that his clothes does not do justice to his body. Gbade is an example, his body is just so.." she bit her lips.
"This is how people act and end up falling in love"
"Don't mind me oh, I'm just harmlessly admiring his body. Ah! Jehovah really took his time on those sexy abs" she commented and resumed typing.
Ruby walked in "Congratulations sis" she wished for the third time that evening and Dara laughed tucking the bed sheets into every corner of the bed. "Thanks, is Kelvin awake?" "Yes he is. I just wanted to come out and talk to you"
"About what?"
Ruby sighed then she looked over at Boma, "Chief thinks you were working hand in hand with Boma and he's disappointed in you". Dara gasped leaving what she was doing. "Did he say that?" "Yes he did"
"Jesus!" Dara glanced at Boma, "That's bad! Bom, see what you've caused" she hissed, "I'm sorry" Boma apologized. "First thing tomorrow, I'll go to the hospital and I'll sort this out" she rose up from where she sat and Dara hissed again.
"I better call him" she picked up here phone from on top the wooden drawer. "He might be asleep now, why not wait till tomorrow? You can pay him a visit at the hospital and explain things" Ruby suggested and Boma agreed.
Dara hissed, "How will I sleep this night? He must think badly of me now" "I'm sorry I told you, I had a lot of things bothering me" "Don't tell me you've also broken up with your boyfriend like your sisters?" Boma asked and Ruby's eyes widened in shock.
"Stella and Brenda? What happened?"
"Long story Ruby, just don't let Mom and Dad know yet. What's bothering you?" She asked and Ruby sat on the bed.
"Some people are planning on killing Chief Duncan and I don't know what to do, whether to report to the police or not"
"What? You can't be serious"
"I heard it loud and clear! His step sister, Tiwa Duncan was on a call with another person. She was talking about a food she poisoned. I had to rush to his office to get the food then I poured it away"
Boma squinted her brow in thought, "It doesn't add up, why will someone want Chief Duncan dead? This is a serious accusation Ruby"
"I know what I heard Dara, I just don't know whether to let Chief know"
"We have to be sure first, let's just calm down and think this over. We can't afford to be rash. If you tell him what's going on, what proof do you have against his own sister. Haba, think about it!"
"Your sister's right Ruby, let's just wait"
Funsho knocked on Shade's door and she opened up. "What's up Dad" "Are you okay?" He asked and she rolled her eyes. "CeCee's presence is enough to make me sad"
"I'm sorry. There's nothing between us. You've been gloomy since you got back from school" "It's just examination pressure"
"Are you sure? So it's not boy pressure?" He tickled her and she laughed.
"Dad!" She complained and he chuckled. "Since you don't want to talk now, good night then" "Good night Dad" she closed the door then she opened it.
"Yes sweetie"
"How do know when someone's pregnant?" She asked and he turned his head at her. "Why would you want to know if...." He trailed off, "Winny? Jesus!"
"There's something suspicion about that guy. Something about him doesn't sit well with me" Mr Igwe complained while he laid in bed.
"Me too, but what can we do except pray for her to make the right decision."
"Right decision?"
"Darling, your daughter is in a fix, she's trying to decide who she likes the most among three men who seems to to like her. Remember I told you Funsho Duncan came visiting? " She asked and Mr Igwe nodded, "You should have seen the way he was looking at Dara, even a blind man can tell he likes her" she smiled.
"Who's third person?"
"Pastor IK's nephew"
"Where were all these people years back? Isn't this the same Dara that didn't used to get advances from any man?" "I'm shocked too. I guess God wasn't joking when he said he makes all things beautiful in his time." She answered stretching her hands at him.
"I feel the need to pray for our children."
What do you think about today's update? 😊
Sorry it came late🙏
Something will be happening in the next update, guess what?
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Thank you ✌️
Good night!
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