💢Chapter 22💢
Chapter 22
"Everyone thinks I have a problem, I lie a lot and... It's becoming uncomfortable. When my sister suggested I go for therapy; she said she will pay but I just wanted to confirm if it was psychological before she paid for it. Or maybe I'll need to go to a prayer mountain to fast and pray for deliverance from lies"
Dr. Sommy laughed, "Not everything problem is spiritual, trust me, most problem are psychological, scratch that all problems are psychology, you know why? Cause it all starts with the state of a human mind which defines the term psychology. Even some so called spiritual problems can be psychological too, don't get me wrong, I believe in witchcraft more than my husband does but....the state of mind of any individual goes as far as determining how he or she interacts with the world around him or her" she tapped her pen on the notebook on the table.
"I don't know the cause of mine"
"Let's find out then." "I haven't paid"
"Call it your lucky day, a free check up. I don't usually base on this kind of therapy, I'm specially a sex therapist but.... I've always pride in myself as miracle worker so... Why don't we work some miracles? I love a good challenge"
"Okay ...."
"There's a psychological disorder called compulsive or pathological lying and there's another natural phase that come with human being as a result of adaptation and that's lie-mastering and you might just fall in that category. There are several reasons human lie, sometimes you don't even have any reason to, you just find yourself lying. It might be to escape a situation, it might be to blend in. Trust me, there are times you lie and it suddenly becomes a lifestyle. Tell me all about yourself and don't think of lying, for every lie I'll slap you"
"How would you know I'm lying?"
"Try me" Dr Sommy moved close enough then she sat on her desk. "Why are you sitting on your desk?" "Close enough to slap you, is it your desk? Mind your business and start talking" she pulled the notebook and pen close.
"What do you want to know?"
"The basics"
"Um..... I'm 28 years old, I studied theatre arts in the university of Lagos" "Do you have a boyfriend?" She interrupted and Brenda smiled. "I do" "Awwn, she's in love"
"Yes I am"
"Have you ever lied to him?"
"Our whole relationship is built on lies, the first day I met him, I lied to him, I didn't let him know my main reason for being at the party that night....." She bit her lips, "That was where I met him, at the Duncan's party. He was looking so handsome and funny, I lied about my job. I told him I worked as a fashion designer, then I lied about Kelvin, in front of the whole family! I still haven't forgiven myself for it, I really really want to change but I can't cause I love Chris and...... I'm scared I'll lose him"
"What's shameful about telling him your real work or the fact you have a son?"
"I was more or less jobless, my acting career didn't go as planned. I had my first acting gig before Kelvin came in and then my career crashed. I honestly stopped looking for jobs because.... The father of my son promised to take care of me but since I lived under Dad's roof and rules, I had to find any job but I get fired easily and then I took a job at Timmy's diner. Timmy's my best friend"
"Oh kay"
"Who's father of your son?"
"I'm not telling, even my parents and siblings don't know who got me pregnant"
"When did you did you start lying then, has it always been a normal thing?"
"No. After I got pregnant" she answered and Dr. Sommy slapped her cheek. "Ouch! What was that for?"
"You lied, you didn't start lying after you got pregnant. Would you deny you lied as a kid or those times you got more money for handouts that didn't exist?" She asked while Brenda massaged her cheeks. "Fine I have, it was totally unnecessary to slap me, it's painful." She moaned, "I can't even remember the last time I got slapped like this"
"Well, remember that pain the next time you want to answer my question" Dr. Sommy threatened with a smile.
"You just wanted to slap me right?"
Dr. Sommy laughed taking notes on her notebook. , "I was just being professional, now move on" she requested and Brenda hissed inaudibly.
"When did you get pregnant?"
"In the University, I was in my third year when......" She stalled then she bowed her head and Dr Sommy raised her hand at her, Brenda raised her head in fear. "I wasn't going to lie!"
"Just trying to remind you the consequences"
"Was he a student?"
Brenda nodded almost immediately then she shook her head and Dr . Sommy slapped her cheek again. "Jesus! I changed my answer now!" "You lied at first" "Well i took the first excuse you gave me"
"Which is what you usually do right?"
Brenda cried, "Is there like a on or off switch, something I can do. I'm tired, my siblings are tired, I got sent away from home because of this. I want to make people proud of me, make my parents proud but I can't because I'm a good for nothing pathetic liar" "Brenda.... You're not good for nothing, don't ever look down on yourself. You're only a pathetic liar" she added and Brenda chuckled softly.
"I can refer you to it her psychologist that help you, a good therapist or I can take this upon myself but if I do, you'll have to be completely honest with me. I mean no secrets, i can help you out but you'll have to help me first so.... who's the father of your baby and why is it a secret?"
Efe watched Dara as her mouth danced from chewing jollof rice. "What are you doing?" She asked covering her lips in a shy manner. "You're just amazingly beautiful, I'm seeing different sides to you today, or maybe it's because I'm falling in love with you the more" he answered and she chuckled.
"Does your family know about me?"
"Yes, of course they do" he lied, "Very soon, we'll go visit them in Delta. They're all there, my family people prefer staying over there. They're not Lagos fans"
"Except your aunt" Dara answered and he shook his head, "None of them" "What about your aunt, the one you went to visit the other night"
"Oh.... Yes, I keep on forgetting about that one. Yes," he cleared his throat almost punching himself for forgetting that little lie!
"I would like to see your parents and talk to them about this tonight. I hope you don't mind" he chipped in as a tactics to change topic but Dara's mood changed instantly.
She wasn't sure if she was ready to introduce Efe to the family, especially with her indecisions!
"Oh. Of course I don't mind, why will I mind?"
Efw stretched his hands to her and she gave him her hands to squeeze on. "Finally, they'll get to see their future son-in-law." He replied and she chuckled.
"Any tips you feel I should know about before going?"
"My Dad is extremely religious, I already told you."
"I attend Christ Embassy so ... I think I'm free on that part."
"Are you a worker in church?"
"No. But I can be an usher"
"What's your job and how do you intend to take care of my daughter? Sounds like something my father will ask" "And something you'll ask too cause I can sense that coming from somewhere, you want to know what I really do for a living right? I already told you, I do internet business"
"Dad will only conclude you're a fraudster" she assumed and he laughed nervously. "Everything is usually done online, I engage in a lot of internet deals and commission, I help cars and I get commission too. Although business has been somehow but hey, we'll work through it and I'll give you that wedding dress you deserve and we'll take walk down the aisle" he promised then his phone rang.
"Excuse me dear, I have to pick this up" he raised a finger leaving Dara alone and Timmy walked up to her.
"Is it just me or you're glowing today"
"Are you sure?" She blushed, "Have I ever whined you?" He asked and she laughed raising her fingers up to show her ring fingers.
"Ah I see..... So you finally made a choice ehn, I guess you chose your boyfriend."
"I didn't exactly make any choice, he popped it and...."
"You couldn't say no shey?"
"I like Efe, but my feelings are kind of mixed right now. I felt the need to tell him that I wanted to think of it" "But you had this jitter and said yes, trust me I know the feeling. That moment when you want to make a decision and you start to think of the consequences"
Dara exhaled in understanding, "People we're staring, I just had to say yes. Besides, he wants to meet my parents tonight" "Wow.... It's becoming serious oh. Mehn, look on the bright side now, isn't it what you've always wanted?"
"Why doesn't it feel right?" She asked and Timmy's phone rang, "Excuse me" he lifted a finger up before picking it. "Good morning Dad" "I'll be taking counselling in church till 12 pm, I'll like to talk to you today, can you make it possible?"
"Dad, your counselling usually take extra time, if I'm to come, I'll be waiting in a long queue and you don't let me cut queues" "Just do it, don't argue, there's something I saw and I need to talk to you as a father. If you come now, you might not have to wait for too long"
"Mo ti gbo Sir (I've heard Sir) "
Efe walked into the toilet and the phone stopped ringing. The caller called back and he picked up the call. "Andy how far?"
"My number will soon be switched off in any moment and it'll remain that way for a while so.. let's do this fast?"
"You commit crime?"
"This isn't the right time to joke either. I'm expecting results soon, what are you waiting for?"
"What kind of results? Bet results? Football result, lotto..."
Andy scoffed in irritation, "Don't make me angry Efe, you know what I mean. Do what I asked for and I'll pay you your balance"
"You mean Dara?"
"No! I mean Susan, who else?" He barked and Efe rolled his eyes then he cleared his throat, "I..... I just..... I proposed to her"
"What?" Andy scoffed, "You just did what? As what? Without informing me? Why would you? Wait.... So you also grew feelings too? Ah i see, she usually has that effect on every one!"
"Also? What do you mean by also?"
Andy scoffed again, "Do what we agreed to from the start" "I don't need the balance, I don't care. See, I'm ready to start afresh and Dara is my blank page." "How do you think she will view you when I tell them who you truly are and that you were only hired by me?"
Efe shut his eyes, "Guy abeg" he begged and Andy ended the call. "Fuck!" He muttered slamming his hands on the wall.
Chris walked into the S and A Fashion house with a customer bag in his hands, he observed the boutique where there were series of dresses, both English and Natives on mannequins.
One of the sales girls walked up to him, "Good morning Sir" "Good morning" "Are you looking for a dress for a sister or a girlfriend or your wife? I'll help you look around"
"No. Thank you, I want to see your Boss"
"My Boss? Oh, she's not around for now. She's been doing her normal work out routine lately so she usually comes in late. I hope no problem"
"That's strange, I called her and she told me she's at work"
The girl creased her brow in confusion then she called out to her colleague, "Madam dey around?" She asked and the guy in dreads shook his head.
"She's obviously not around, I'm not lying. Madam Portia is not around at the moment"
"Madam Portia?" Chris asked then Portia walked in holding a blue handbag. "There she is, you're in luck." She replied and Portia approached her. "Good morning Madam"
"Good morning Ruth, has Penelope come in to take her stuff?" She asked, "Yes Ma"
"That's good" she replied now turning towards Chris who only watched in awe, "I'm sorry for being rude, good morning Sir, have you seen what you're looking for?"
"He was looking for you Ma" Ruth replied leaving and Portia smiled. "Is this Fashion house joint-owned?"
"Huh? No, I'm the boss Sir"
"Don't call me Sir, call me Chris" he replied and then it dawned on her who he was. "Chr.... Chris Holland? Brenda's boyfriend? " She asked and he scoffed.
"You should have said something now!"
"I could have known what to answer." "You mean lie to me? Like she did" "Does she even work here?"
"Well.... She.... Well, occasionally she.... Who am I kidding? She doesn't work here. See ehn, I'm sorry you got to find out this way, Brenda should be in the place to explain things better to you" she answered and Chris scoffed again.
"I better...." He pointed, "I .... Good day" he added leaving so Portia removed her phone from her bag putting a call through to Dara.
"Babes, the worst has just happened. Your boss stopped by at the shop, I don't know how we're going to let Brenda know oh. Kasala don burst!"
Brenda walked out of relief therapy, her reddened eyes were conspicuous for everyone to see, it was almost like she had conjunctivitis. Dr. Sommy made her reflect on a lot of things and she cried, a lot!
She heaved a heavy sigh looking into her phone to check the time, it was already past ten then her phone rang. She smiled on seeing the caller was no one other than Chris.
"Hey love" "Hey.... Where are you?" He asked and she shrugged looking around to make sure he wasn't around.
"Um.... I already told you. I'm at work"
"Oh" he replied, this was followed by a long silence. "So....... Can we meet? I'll be home in a bit or should I meet you at work?"
"No! I'll be at home, I'll see you there. Are you okay? You sound down? Is that why you're going home? You're not feeling too well? How are you feeling?"
"See you at home"
Mrs Bimbo walked around her restaurant then she made way towards a couple. "If it's not my favorite couple of the moment." She commented and they both flashed a smile at her. "I like how your two still make out time to see each other even during work breaks. I hope our baby is already on the way" she teased and the couples laughed.
She noticed Boma walk in and a smile formed on her face. She openly signalled Boma to follow her into her office and she did. Mrs Bimbo took her seat, "Have your seat Boma" she requested and Boma did.
"Nice office you have here"
"Thank you dear. How's your mother?"
"She's fine but I didn't exactly come to talk about that. I went to see Gbade at the police station yesterday. I've been feeling guilty about what I did and I'm willing to drop my foolish assumptions and ask questions. If you didn't kill the wife, who did then?"
"She died naturally. I was her best friend and before she died, Mummy Dunni called Chief and I together and there she gave me the go ahead to get married to her husband and take care of her daughter like she was mine and I've been doing that for 40 good years and I don't recall ever treating Dunni like she wasn't mine. Everyone calls me Mummy Dunni when it should be Mummy Funsho but I don't care what anyone says, I love being Mummy Dunni, I might not have given birth to her but she's the first daughter I ever had. So no, we didn't use her as a ritual, she had cancer"
"What do you know about the death of officials at the hospital?"
"As you can see, I run a restaurant, you can ask my husband or better yet, Gbade"
Boma snickered then she waved her hands as though going to meet him was mission impossible. "I don't think the mother will be so thrilled to see me" "Gbade doesn't live with his mother, he lives alone. I can drop you an address if you want"
"I don't think that will be necessary, maybe some other time"
"Gbade is planning on traveling and if I know that boy very well, he won't even inform anyone before he leaves. You might be lucky to catch up with him sef. You owe it to him to clear his name"
"I don't owe anyone!"
Mrs Bimbo scribbled an address on a notebook then she tore it out passing it to her.
Stella folded her legs in her sitting room while tuning to various television channel. A call came in from her mom but she ignored it, she didn't want her detecting that things were not alright from her voice.
She sobbed loudly when she thought of how she was going to let her parents know about Andy! Her father will definitely rub it on her face! She could already picture her father saying 'I told you so'. How was she going to get by the month without cash till her next pay day!
Lanre called Stella once again, this time, she answered the call.
"Hey" she tried to sound alright. "Hey? Seriously Stel, how can you conveniently say hey when you've been ignoring my calls. Do you have any idea how worried I was?"
"I'm sorry. I'm.... I'm sorry I couldn't make it, I kind of got late for work"
"You're not even at work. I already stopped by at your work place, Stella I'm worried about you"
"You're in no position to be walking around, you need to rest"
"What I need is to see you Stella. Where are you? I stopped by at the mall earlier on to look for you. I know you're not alright, don't pretend to me Stel. Where are you?" He asked and she busted into more tears.
"I'm home"
"I'll see you Stel"
Brenda found Chris sitting on the couch in his sitting room with his head bowed as though in dejection. She suddenly grew worried. Something was definitely bothering him!
She turned towards the customer bag with on the table. "Hey Baby" she called out in a low voice, walking towards him then she sat close to him. "Are you.... Are you okay? Are you ill? How are you feeling?"
"How am I..." He paused then he raised his head laughing humourlessly to her question then she noticed tears poured down his face.
"Chris are you okay?"
"You asked me how I felt, well I feel stupid, I feel played, that's exactly how I feel!"
"I don't understand Chris..... Why would you feel stupid and played?" She asked and he rose up, "Let me tell you a funny story, remember when you said you were hungry and you needed Afang? I googled a Calabar kitchen nearby and I ordered for Afang and Fufu. I got you sharwarma too and I took it to the fashion house you presumely owned only to realize you're not the boss"
Brenda stood still knowing, she has been caught. She had a lot to say but she couldn't process it, what should be her response? She had lies brushing in but she knew it was useless.
Maybe it's time for her to give up and realized she has been caught? It's because of her lies she got into this mess in the first place.
"I ... I can"
"You don't even work there!" He interrupted her stammering and her lips trembled, "I can.... I can explain" she paused and he gazed at her, his eyes desperately waiting for an explanation even though he knew the odds were against her.
"I .... I can't explain it" she confessed, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry I.... I lied" she cried and he scoffed, "Why?" "I guess I was nervous, I.... I wanted to impress, I mean the chemistry was there and you said I looked like someone who should be into fashion and I ..... I don't have any excuse for what I did...... I didn't want to lie, I just find myself lying even when I don't want to. I have a problem and i know it doesn't justify what I did but...... " She stammered while Chris nodded in understanding.
"That's why you consistently fight with your father right? When Kelvin told me,I thought it was a normal strain, God! Was that why your father told me that I haven't found a wife even though I felt I had. He was trying to warn me right?" He asked and Brenda nodded wiping her tears off.
"It was.... Actually because of Kelvin"
Chris licked his upper lips then he shut his eyes as suspicion brushed through his mind, "He's not your cousin's son is he?" He asked and she shook her head. "He's mine" she answered and he shut his eyes.
"What kind of monster are you? Lying about such a thing in front of your own......" He stalled, "For crying out loud, that little boy called you Aunty Brenda! What kind of mother are you?"
"A very bad mother, I know I'm not exactly mother of the year but..... I thought you would think of me differently"
"Because of what? It wouldn't have changed the way I felt about you, I loved that little boy right from the day I saw him, for no reason! I even told him, he laughed like his aunt! God I feel more stupid!"
"I'm sorry!" Tears poured down her eyes and Chris cried too. "How convenient to apologise! Would you have told me if I hadn't found out about it! You sister didn't even let me know"
"Don't bring Dara into this, please, I'm begging you. It's not her fault, it's mine. I accept full responsibility! Yes I wouldn't have said anything yet but I definitely will. I've been thinking of it lately, that's why I've been sad. Chris I was to be a better person, I went for therapy today" she explained and He shook his head.
"Well it doesn't change the fact you lied, it can never change it"
"Chris, I was scared you'll leave me!" she held on to his hands and he shoved them off.
"It wouldn't have changed the way I felt..... But now, I don't even know what I feel any longer!" He yelled leaving the house and Brenda sat on the floor sobbing.
Timmy entered into his father's office in church and Pastor Akande smiled at him. "I hope you didn't wait too much?" He asked and he laughed. Of course his father knew he had been waiting for almost a hour. He had been informed of his son's arrival by his protocol so he knew exactly when he came and how long he had been waiting.
"Anything you want to confess to me?"
"Wait.... Dad, you do know that I didn't come here willingly. You forced me"
"It's still counselling session with Pastor Akande who happens to be your father so, do you have anything you want to confess to me"
"I've been having sex" He confessed and his father hissed, "Anything other than the obvious?" He asked then he flipped through his bible, then he looked into it.
"Proverbs 18:22" he continued now turning the Bible towards Timilehin's direction. "Do I have to read it? He that finds a wife finds a good thing. I'm quite familiar with the portion but why will you be asking me to read that? Mom is usually the one to coerce me into getting married. Did she put you up to this?"
"No." He sighed, "I had a revelation, i saw you planning a wedding which is strange cause you haven't exactly brought any woman to us"
Timilehin kept quiet, it still amazes him when his father pull those prophetic stunts. "I've been thinking of it"
"The woman I saw was older than you"
Timmy leaned against the chair which made rusty noises. His father instantly took his reaction to be the truth. "How many years gap?" He asked and Timmy smiled nervously,
His father opened his eyes in surprise, "Your mother will persecute you"
"Dad, I love her and I don't care about what mom will think. She can persecute me for all I care" he replied and his mother walked in smiling and they both kept quiet.
This made his mother suspicious of the both of them. She wondered what they might have been discussing about to have them acting weird the moment she walked in.
"Dad, you didn't tell me Mom was around"
"She had to pray with one of the women.... She'll be off to work in any moment" his father answered hoping his wife will not perceive the tension in the room.
"Timilehinde Akande!" Mrs Akande yelled and Timmy scratched his head, he knew he was in for some serious nagging.
"When last have you stopped by at the house to see your own mother?" She asked and he laughed at though what she just said was funny. "We all know why I keep staying away"
"Because you keep neglecting the fact that you need to pack out of that stupid self contain, get married and start having children" she replied and Timmy leaned against the chair again. "Mom you've started again! E ti bere! (You've started again) And you wonder why I don't come home" Timmy threw his face away angrily and her mother walked over to his front to have a better view of his facial expression.
"You don't say! Get angry now! Me I will always say my mind whether you like it or not"
"Mummy Timilehin, don't turn my office into an argument ground. I was discussing with my son before you came"
"No, Daddy, let him talk to my son, when is wanting my son to get married and have children a crime? When did it become a crime?" "Mom, if I want to get married, I'll get married on my own terms, not yours"
"Do you even have plans for marriage? You want to be like them brother Paul and Samson in church, baddest bachelor, 40 and still single, jumping from one woman to another in the name of testing. How long will you test?"
"I do have marriage plans Mom" he replied with an infectious smile which made his mother smile too. "Ah Han, now you're talking" she moved closer to him now massaging his shoulder, "That is what you should have said all along. Who is she? Can't you bring her home let's welcome her"
"I don't know what you might think of her"
"Why? Is she an ibo girl? See, me I don't care oh, as long as she gives me the grandchildren that I want" "She's older" Timmy snapped keeping his gaze on his mother to see her reaction.
"Like.... Like..." She cleared her throat, "How many years did she use to senior you?" She asked and he shrugged, "Just 9"
"Ehn? Did you.... Did you just say just 9?" She counted her fingers, "Like Just 9? Let's do a rough calculation, you'll be 31 this year, plus 9, ah! Mo ku! (I'm dead)" She removed her head tie suddenly feeling hot.
"Fourty years old! Timilehin forty? Ah! Aye mi!"
"Keep your voice down" her husband warned and she sharply glanced at him, "Daddy, are you... Are you hearing what I'm hearing like this? Abi it's only me that's hearing it? Your son is dating a forty years old woman?" She whispered , "Has all the young women gone on strike?" She asked now turning towards Timilehin.
"Why are you so wicked like this gan? Forty years old, not even thirty, not even 32 or 34 years old. Someone that must have clocked menopause, I won't agree oh! Lailai! (No!) So I will not have grandchildren because of her, it's not possible. Eyen o possible!"
"Mom stop making a mountain of this mole hole!"
"You want to marry a 40 years old woman and I'm making a mountain out of..... You haven't even seen mountain!" She replied and Timmy wiped off spit from his face.
"Mummy Timilehin, let's just calm down and discuss this issue. It's something we can resolve and reach a compromise" "What compromise Dad? See, I've made my decision and that's final. If there's any woman I want to be with, it's Dunni and no one's changing my mind. Dad, I'll take my leave now,"
"We are not done yet!" His mother barked and Timmy scoffed. "I believe I am. Goodbye Mom, goodbye Dad" he bowed out of the room leaving his mother to watch the door with her hands on her head.
"The devil is a liar!" She barked now snapping her fingers. "They've used love potion for my son! Ah Jesu! They've used love potion oh"
Tiwa Duncan knocked and entered into Chief Duncan's office holding a white hand bag that contained a blue food flask. "If it's not my favorite sister" Chief said out loud and Tiwa dropped the bag on the desk then she walked towards him and hugged him from behind.
"Good afternoon brother mi. How are you?"
"I'm fine Sir." She replied then she stood opposite him bringing out the food flask. "My mother sends her regards with this home made rice and stew" she opened the flask and the aroma of the food filled the air.
Chief took in a deep breath then he exhaled. "I told her you must have eaten something but she kind of insisted that I brought this to you for the kind gesture. She appreciated the money you sent Sir"
"That's my obligation! Let her to stop thanking me, I was just doing the needful! Tell her I appreciate the food and I'll definitely eat it with joy"
"I'll let her know Sir"
"Tiwa dear" He called out, "Yes Sir" "You haven't said anything about marriage since, I don't understand what you're waiting for oh. Abi you haven't seen anyone"
"I have Sir, we're not ready to let everyone know yet. We're still keeping it but definitely I'll get married, I'll shock you Sir"
"Please do cause I can't wait to hold your hands and walk you down to your husband. Don't wait till I die"
Tiwa waved her hands in horror, "Chief, please don't even joke about such a thing! Please Sir! God forbid! (May God not allow us lose our benefactor!) Brother mi, you're going to live for as long as hundred years, nothing will happen to you, have you heard?" She asked and he smiled.
"I have"
"Brother mi, shouldn't you be resting at home? Agba ti de (Old age is at the corner) . There's a need to rest and hand this whole establishment into the hands of a capable person so you can have all the rest you need"
"I'm still strong to handle things"
"Hand it over to another..... Like my nephew for example" she chipped in then she lifted her eyes to observe his reaction. Chief stalled then he scoffed, "Erm...... It's complicated my dear. Gbade.... I don't know, Gbade is..... He's capable but, I don't know, I'm just skeptical sha"
"He's a good doctor"
"I know, I'm quite aware, I need to be sure he's ready first"
"Or maybe you wish it was Funsho rather than him. I'm pretty sure if Funsho was still working here, you would have freely handed the whole thing to him" Tiwa said and a big smile crept his cheek.
"True but..... He has chosen another path and I can't force this upon him. There's Thomas shey?"
Tiwa gaped in horror, "He's a stranger, family wealth should be shared among the family." "Not like the wealth will not be shared equally among everyone. Every man will receive his or her share, that one is certain. I am a fair father but Thomas looks more than capable to run the company"
Tiwa scoffed, "Brother mi, I think you should reconsider this, I don't like this idea. Gbade is capable, where is he? I checked his office, he...." She cleared her throat, "He wasn't there"
"I relieved him of his job"
Chief sighed, "You probably heard what happened at the party? The girl that died" "Yes. I heard she fainted and hit her head, others said she tripped, some said food poisoning but I didn't take the matter to heart. People die everyday. So it's because of the post that lady made on her blog. That woman probably wasn't sane when she typed that thing. It shouldn't make you fire your own son"
"I didn't fire him"
"Well, it's more or less like firing him if you ask for my honest opinion. I mean he's your son. You should give him the benefit of the doubt!" "I don't doubt him, I'm saving the face of the hospital. People were whispering about it, I did what I had to do"
Tiwa scoffed, Chief was beginning to sound like their father; always doing the needful!
"You should investigate this issue!"
"I'm on it already! Derin hasn't found much except Gbade's attachment to the dead girl, she thinks the girl was trying to cover up something bad. So they killed her" "So she hasn't found any lead yet on who killed the girl?"
Chief exhaled, "None for now" "But Gbade shouldn't be mixed up in this mess, it had to be someone else in that party! One of your guest" "Derin thinks it's someone who works at the hospital"
Tiwa ran her hands through the human hair extension then she exhaled in frustration. "This is becoming messed up, if it's someone in the hospital, are you even safe? Chief!" She called out and Chief Duncan laughed.
"I'll be alright Tiwa, I'm not dying anytime soon"
"Yes you're not"
Ruby pushed a hospital trolley which had Normal Saline intravenous liquid, injection and brown plaster in it. She stopped and hissed when she saw a woman standing in the middle of the exit but she continued pushing hoping to politely tell her to get out of the way.
"I already gave him the food" Tiwa commented standing by an entrance, "Why would you do something as reckless as that? We have a plan and we're working towards it. Don't blow this for us" "Oh shut it! What's my business? I woke up this morning with the credit alert on my phone and I've never hated him more in my entire life. I don't mind if he dies today, it's none of my damn business. Besides he's digging into this matter way too much. We won't want him finding out who killed Rose would we?" She asked and the caller kept quiet for a while before he spoke up again.
"Won't it be obvious you killed him?"
"Who will suspect it? I'm his favorite sister."
"God, Tiwa, you can be so reckless!"
"What's my business if chief drops dead this very moment? What's done is done already, I'll have the satisfaction of attending his burial."
"Not yet!"
"If you're going to keep complaining, I might as well hang up"
"Tiwa, we need to thread cautiously"
"The line is breaking" she made funny noises, "It's breaking badly. Bye bye" she snapped hanging up then she turned backwards to find Ruby staring at her.
How was today's update?
Looks like Chief's life is in danger oh🙆🏽♀️🙆🏽♀️
Is Ruby is trouble?
What will Efe do now?
Stella and Brenda are not having their best moments 😫😫
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