💢Chapter 2💢

Ruby folded her hands frowning at the guy who was completely oblivious of what had just happened, his smile waned as wondered if he had done anything wrong. "Um.... Did I something wrong?" He asked and Ruby let out a frustrated sigh. "I can't believe he's still asking!"

"Hey, my name is Dozie. I just parked in newly, that new house around the corner, the one painted wine and yellow. I've been watching you lately with your sisters, you're like five or so. I guess you're sisters right?"

"I don't care even if the house is  painted gold, I don't even care where you've seen me. I don't!" Ruby slapped her face then she shook her head. "Why are guys so gullible?"

"Excuse me?"

"First you insulted me and then you insulted my sister"

"I'm sorry, I don't recall insulting anyone"

"She's my big sister dummy! Our eldest sister."

"What? Wait.... That girl?"

"You're still insulting her"

"Are you pulling my legs or something?"

"Of course I'm the one that looks older because I'm fat. Thank you very much! For next time sake, whenever you want to approach a girl who's walking with another girl. Do so without repeating what you just did. Good day" she snapped zooming off.

Dozie blinked his eyes then he shut them in guilt. "Oh shit"

Ruby walked in while her sister unpacked the ingredients from the bag. She was overwhelmed with guilt. "Sister Dara" she called out and Dara raised up the meat. "The meat is okay shey? It's like as we cheated Baba Abeebat" she answered and Ruby chuckled softly.

"About what happened, I'm very sorry"

"What happened? Wait... Is it what happened a while ago? Ruby it's was nothing, I'm used to it. Story of my life, what if you see the way guys always trip for Boma whenever we go out leaving me out, would you cry for me then?"

"I don't like it when people do that thing! No guy should do that!  You're my eldest sister"

"Does he know that? Why are you getting all paranoid about it? The guy looks hot, I was almost drooling"

"Who cares? He was rude"

"So he didn't say anything to you"

"Did I even give him the chance to?" Ruby hissed. "That's bad. I hope you weren't rude to him" "Well..... what he did was rude, I was so angry"

"You should have at least heard him out"

"I was angry, the only thing I got was his name Dozie"

"One of the ibo names I love"

"Shey?" Ruby asked then she bit her lower lips, "The guy is hot sha"

"Shey?" Dara asked and they both laughed.

Stella Igwe flipped through some documents in her office. Suddenly the door opened and a dark complexion guy, Andy James walked in dressed in a blue short sleeve shirt and a black trousers.

"Who are you and what are you doing in my office?" She asked with a surprise look and his mouth dropped, "Um... I...." He stammered, "I'm looking for you"

"And who are you?" She asked rising up from her seat then she arranged the files to a corner of the table, not paying attention to him. "My name is Andy James, I heard there was an opening"

"And do I look like the human resource manager?" She asked lifting her head up at him and he scratched his head, "I'm sorry, I heard there was sexy supervisor here that could put in a good word for me" he answered she still frowned.

"Lock the doors after leaving" she snapped and he pulled her close wrapping his arms around her waist. "Geez! You're such a strict boss, no wonder your workers are scared of you"

"Who says they're scared of me?" She asked and he laughed. "I've heard things and besides, I'm scared too. You scared the crap out of me! We were acting but it felt so real"

"You know I can be a bit of a drama queen right"

"My drama queen" he answered parting her lips with his. She pulled away looking at the door.

"You know I'm in my office"

"And you know I don't care" he lifted her on the table falling off some documents away. "Jeez!" she muttered but he continued kissing her. Stella wrapped her hands around his neck and a wide smile plastered across her face.

"What are you doing here? You could have called"

"I wanted to surprise you"

"Awwwn... And you did. How was the job interview?"

"The pay was too little, I declined"

"Babe, that's the fifth one this year"

"See, I can't go from being paid half a million naira to being paid a hundred. That's not life, what can that one reach?"

"It's a starting point, many others are praying for this"

"I'm not like others. I'm different, I'm Andy the first of it's kind"

"Babe, it's"

"Let's change the topic" he murmured kissing her lips and she pouted her lips. "That reminds me, I brought the greatest surprise of all time. Remember how you'll always talk about getting married before the Big 30"

"Huh huh?"

Andy brought out a ring, "Baby will you marry me?" he asked and Stella  screamed in joy then she covered her lips with her palm. "Oh my God!" She muttered. "Is this real?"

"What's your answer going to be?"

"It's a yes! Yes, Yes and Yes!"

"You won't believe what happened to me earlier today" Dara said on her you tube broadcast. "So I and my little sister Ruby were walking back home from a very hectic time of higgling and haggling prices in the market the we heard someone whistling at us. Don't be too exciting guys, it wasn't what you think, you know how much I hate whistling right and most times I would rather ignore them. So my sister thought I was the one being called and I turned only for this guy to tell me he wasn't calling me but my elder sister" she paused laughing. 

"How crazy can life get? Her chin  rested on her palm. "Okay, so I read all the comments you guys proposed to me and some of you suggested I try one of those sexy chat groups but I can't do that because my church mind won't make me do it. There are a lot of bad side to chat groups like that. I mean there was this time I tried smiggle; all what these men want is to see your boobs and I don't even have the boobs to show" she laughed at her own joke. 

"So someone said its probably my churchy behavior thats responsible for my being single, do you all think so? One particular Gerald says nobody loves a church goer. Is that true?" She asked pausing for a bit as though waiting for a reply.

"Another comment I found interesting was one from this guy named Guest" she paused then she cleared her throat.

"He said I'm an amazing person that I should just stop searching, he said the right one is going to locate me and I shouldn't be in a hurry. My question for you Guest, whatever your real name is.  If you were in a position to date me. Would you? When you get to know me and see me, know my intents, will you still stick around?"

Dara got out of her room and a six years old boy dressed in a black and white doted pyjamas rushed to hug her. "Kill me Kelvin, kill me because of hug oh" she exclaimed lifting him up and he laughed wrapping his legs across her waist.

"Good morning"

"Good morning dear, how was your night?"

"It was fine, how was yours?"

"I slept well handsome" she answered entering into the room. "Did you pray when you woke up?" "Yes I did" he answered and she entered into the sitting room where Brenda walked into the sitting room to find his father polishing his shoe in preparation to go for a wedding function.

He has always been the kind to turn up early for any function. A habit Dara took from him.

"Good morning Daddy" Dara greeted and his father turn his head at her. "First of the first" he chanted and she smiled, "What are you doing lifting this big man?" He asked and Kelvin laughed.

"He's still my baby" Dara answered kissing him on the cheeks and he giggled trying to weave her kiss. "How was your night?" Her father asked and she smiled.

"It was nice and yours?"

"What can I say? We give glory to God. Aren't you coming for your cousin's wedding?" "I have a show to run and i haven't given any permission, you know we're still dealing this no manager thing and the new manager will soon come. l won't want the new manager catching me unaware but I'll come in late"

"That's understandable. I'm sure your cousin will understand too" he answered and Brenda walked in through the front door, she was about to sneak in when she saw her father. Her heart leapt at the mere sight of her father.

"Good morning everyone" she greeted. "So I'm everyone?" He asked letting out a scoff and she almost rolled her eyes. Her father's strict stare has a way of making her lose all sense of the right thing to say. 

"I'm sorry Dad, I was just nervous"


"......um" She trailed off giving Dara the 'Save me' look.

"Did you sleep home last night?" Her father asked and she gave a  nod, "I did" "Which did?" Her mother's voice sounded from inside the house, it took a few seconds more before she got out.

"Which home did you sleep in?" She asked and Brenda blinked her eyes at mother so she would cover up for her. "Mommy I slept at home oh, I just went to the aboki's shop to get.."

"Will you shut that dirty trap called mouth this instant? Honey, she didn't sleep here. I was going to speak to her about it but thank God it's out in the open"

"I didn't sleep out, I had night shifts" she answered and Dara raised her brow in surprise. Brenda works as a receptionist in a car dealing company. When did they start having night shifts? Dara asked herself, she wondered why Brenda had to fall back to lying every damn time!

"Night shift since when?" Mrs Igwe asked then Brenda exhaled when she realized she wasn't fooling anyone.

"Okay .. something happened and I just had to ...." She stalled and her father shook his head pitifully and disappointingly at her.

"Where did you sleep? You better answer me before i lose my patience" Her father's voice resounded and she moved back in fear.

"A friend's place"

"Which friend Brenda?" Her father asked, "A friend"

"Male or female?" He asked and she stalled. There lied his answer!

He laughed to himself then he scoffed. "Aren't you ashame of yourself?" He asked and she shrugged, "I didn't do anything"

"Shut up this instant! They've caught you already and you're still speaking." Her mother snapped at her.

"You made the first mistake and we're still nursing it. Do so again and I promise you, before God and man, I'll drop my title as a deacon and send you out of my house! You just try it!" He warned and she walked past him into her room and Dara dropped Kelvin on the chair then she followed her in.

"What?" Brenda asked on seeing her, "Instead of covering up for me, what do you do? You kept quiet"

"Will you shut up your mouth!" Dara snapped, "Who do you think you're talking to?" She added and Brenda rolled her eyes. 

"Sister, I don't the way Dad speaks. Must he always remind me of the past. It's gone"

"It's not gone. The past is staring right at you, he's in the living room, he's your own son but what do you care? You barely even looked him in the eyes when you walked in"

"I would have if not for the drama dad had to put up. You know what? I think I'm going to find a place to live in"

"You know Dad's rules, no one is expected live out not under his roof"

"But Stella lives out"

"Because of her job, I'm the oldest and I still adhere to the rules"

"Because you're still single and you're his favourite!" Brenda snapped then she shut her eyes in guilt. "I'm sorry I called you single but, I have a life and I'm not going to let Dad's rules ruin it for me"

"You're not dating are you?"

"No I'm not!"

"Don't tell me you met a stranger and you slept with him"

"No! Why will I do that?"

"Since you're refusing to tell us who the father of Kelvin is, I just assume you slept with a stranger."

"I didn't sleep with a stranger"

"Then who is he? Who is Kelvin's father"

"No one you should be worried about" she sighed. "Where did you sleep then?"

"At Timmy's place. I got fired from my workplace"


"What? Is it not the Manager's wife? The woman is so overbearing. I hate female bosses, they are the worst! Always wearing their certificates on their head like face cap. Abeg! I did myself the favor and I fashied (went) out of the company."

"I thought you said they fired you"

"So what? What are they even selling sef? When last have they sold any car? Since last month that Honda is still there and she's now using her anger on me as if I'm the one that's preventing sales."

"Sounds like it really hurt you"

"Like mad! I was devasted so I went to a bar and I had a few drinks then I went over to Timmy's diner. While I was chatting with him, I slept off, he woke me up no doubt but mehn, I was too tired to stand. The next thing I remembered, i saw myself in his self con this morning and I knew i was done for!"

When Dara entered into her room, she found her mother seated on her bed. "I thought you would want to speak to Brenda" "Why would I want to waste my precious spit on someone deaf?"

"Mom!" She cautioned.

"I'm tired of Brenda, it's like she doesn't want to change and until God comes down to do the job. My hands are off. I wanted to talk to you actually," she rose up from the bed, "I heard you may likely miss your cousin's wedding"

"I'll try my best to come, if I can't, it's not my fault"

"Sweetheart, you have to come"

"Mom I have work"

"Are you sure it's work or it's because if you go, you'll feel bad" She asked and Dara shut her eyes. "Mom it's work, I'm not going to feel bad because Rita is getting married"  "It's good to feel bad once in a while"

"Mom! Would it be good for me to commit suicide too? Cause I'm tired of this marriage talk. I'm just trying to get by with life, emancipate myself by not dwelling on the topic."

"Many couples have confessed to meeting their loved ones in other people's wedding. Who knows, you might meet in the one that will take you down the aisle"

Dara rolled her eyes, "Koko mbok (My dear, please) for my sake, all I ask is that you force yourself to come for the wedding"

"I've heard Mom. Once I'm done with work, I'll come"

"That reminds me, Aunt Rejoice will ne spending the week here after the wedding"

"Oooooh" Dara hissed, her father sister doesn't lose a chance of making harsh retorts at her being single.

If only she could find a place to stay for the week!

"It's Dara's Corner with your girl Dara Igwe. Shout out to every bride holding their wedding today, to my cousin soon to be Rita Okafor. I wish you a happy home, more bliss and a fruitful marriage. I'll leave you with 'stand by you' by one of my favourite couple, Simi and Adekunle Gold. Enjoy!"

At the wedding reception, Aunt Rejoice who saz dressed in a red lace blouse and brown Jorge wrapper walked up to Stella who haf a peach colored gown on. "My favourite!" She called out and Stella laughed as usual.

"See as you are shinning, your yellow keeps on shinning everyday. You have taken our mother's complexion and beauty"

"Aunty!" Stella laughed, "Where is that Agbani, your sister. I haven't seen her around oh"

"She's working"

"So they also call that one work?" She asked then she hissed. "Is it not my little sister's child that just got married. Me I don't know what she's waiting for, whether she's waiting for God to come down to say my daughter my daughter, here is your own. Let me just see her, I have a long list of things that I want to tell her"

"And I have something I want to tell you too Aunty"

Andy showed up at the wedding reception and Stella scurried off to meet him. Her parents turned heads at the both of them.

"When will the reception end? I have plans" Andy said looking at his wrist watch. "Calm down dear, we won't stay till the end. Soon we'll leave and then we can announce our engagement to the whole family."

"Whatever you say love" he answered turning towards her father. "Your father's looks usually scare the crap out of me!" He confessed and Stella laughed.

"Come join us at our table"

"No offense but I'll be fine being on my own. Enjoy!"

"You'll be alone" Stella pouted and he laughed sarcastically.

"Yeah .... I think it's better to be alone than to have your father's eyes drill me to death. Thank you very much but I'm not complaining"

"That has to be her boyfriend" Mrs Igwe whispered enough for her and her husband, Brenda and Ruby who were at the table to hear. Mr Igwe turned back examining the young man, he didn't like what he saw.

Brenda cared less about the discussion she was feasting on the chicken on her rice. What Stella does is none of her business. Stella wss her least favorite sister.

Stella returned back to her seat and Ruby smiled. "So who was that?" Her father asked and she shrugged. "He's a ...." Stella cleared her throat, "A friend"

"What kind of friend?" He asked and Mrs Igwe laughed. "Darling"

"I'm interested in knowing my daughter's friends." He laid more emphasis on thr 'friends'.

"Has anyone seen Cousin James? I better find him" Stella rose up to escape her father's interrogation. Mrs Igwe laughed looking at her husband. "It's definitely a boyfriend"

"Do you have one?" He asked now turning towards Ruby. "No" she answered laughing. "I'm not telling you not have, I don't know why your sister just pretended to look for James. I just asked a simple question and she's running like a chicken."

Ruby laughed out loud then she pulled a bottled water close then she drank from it. "Daddy I'm currently single. Not like I don't date, I'm just single for now"

He glared at Brenda who was still biting a chicken lap, "Do I have to ask about yours?" He asked and she dropped it licking her fingers.

"Do i need to ask? I'm sure you're at the beck and call of most men" he snapped and Mrs Igwe gave him a look.

"Honey, we're in public" she and Brenda shrugged, not ready to let anything ruin her mood.

Dara walked into the party with Boma, she waved at a few family members she recognized then her eyes roamed in search of her parents and siblings.

"Have you seen my parents?"

"No Babe, the only thing I'm seeing are those big chicken on people's plate and it's looking tasty. It's not like those meat that will get lost in people's rice."

"I don't even want to bump into my Aunt"

"That woman sef? She no dey rest?
Babe, let me connect with one of the ushers. Don't worry, I'll get back to you" she zoomed off to where the ushers were serving food.

Dara dialed Ruby's number. Just before she sent called the number, someone tapped her from behind. "Hello darling" she heard then she turned smiling. Her smile turned upside down when she noticed it was a dwarf.

Bad market! She screamed within.

"I like your shape, I like as you dey. I really like looking at thin girls. I'm interested in your type" he smiled revealing his giant brown teeth and Dara wished she could just tell him to close it up!

He opened it's with so much pride, as though the smile was his selling point. "I was thinking we'll go talk someplace, we can go out to a ba, drink some stuff, after that we can skip to the next item"

"What item?"

"Menu menu; item 6" he raised his brow continuously as he responded.

"And what's that?" Dara pretended she had no idea what it meant- Of course the man meant sex!  "The time to do and do now. After all the money I've spent on you, i will now let you go like that. Haba! You serious reason am now!"

Dara withheld her laughter, why was the man speaking as though he has  already bought her the world? She hasn't even smelled the man's money.

"I hope you're aware that you haven't even bought a thing for me"

"Well, it depends on you but I'm sure you won't regret item 6" he winked at her squeezing his lips while making a kissy face at her.

Dara suddenly felt irritated,  "I'm sorry, it's a no for me"

"Ah han? Why now? Wetin I do?"

Everything! Dara screamed within,
We will she even start from? His manners or the fact he looks like a clingy type.

"Sorry. I'm not interested"

"You must give me a reason"

"Is it by force?" Dara snapped taking two steps away from him then she finally sighted Ruby rise up with Kelvin.

"See as she be!" The man snapped, "Breast she no get she dey do yanga! flat yansh like you!" He snapped and she halted.

She felt like turning back to give the dwarf a piece of her mind but she decided to keep quiet and pretend he wasn't talking to her.

The wedding ended without any single advances from any reasonable man. Dara went back home disappointed but she didn't make it show. She smiled and partook in the discussion while her father drove them back to the house.

Shortly after they arrived, Stella whom everyone thought had gone back to her home made a grand entrance into the house with Andy. He held a bottle of wine in his hands as a gift to affirm the introduction.

"Daddy good evening, Mummy good evening" she greeted now looking at Andy who joined in too.

"Everyone, meet Andy. I know my sisters know him already but......" She sighed in fear,  "Daddy, when you asked me who Andy was, I said he was just a friend. I'm sorry I lied. He's not just a friend, Andy is my boyfriend and he just proposed" Stella then she revealed the ring on her fingers.

"I'm getting married" she yelped and Ruby rushed to hug her. "I'm happy for you big sis, congratulations"

Aunty Rejoice busted into an ibo song then she hugged her then she shot a glare at Dara who rose up from the chair walking towards Stella, a faint smile on her face. "It's your time, little sister, shine on" she wished then she embraced her. 

Her Aunt hissed, "Something that you should be hiding face" she snapped and Dara scratched her neck. "Thank you" Stella replied then Brenda finally hugged her too.

Mrs Igwe smiled faintly, one of those smile that doesn't come from within. This was all she ever wanted as a mother to have one of her daughters get married but she wanted Madara to be the first person to take that step. 

Her eyes became suddenly fixed on her husband whose brow was raised in a disproving manner.

"Wow... so he has decided to propose" He nodded. "Mr Man, can you talk yourself? You're not dumb are you?"

"No Sir"

"Introduce yourself, what do you want from my daughter? What do you want from us?"

"My name is Anderson James. I'm from Akwa Ibom, specifically from Ikono local government. I have found the woman I want to build my future with and that woman is Stella. I want your support and blessing" he replied and Mr Igwe smiled.

"I didn't come empty-handed" he raised the wine up,  "That's good, it's not a bad thing, I think it's a good thing. After all the Bible made us know that he who finds a wife, findeth a good thing. I don't kick against dating, but I hope you don't have wedding plans yet"

"Daddy we'll plan that as soon as possible"

"You can't get plan a marriage though, I hope you're aware"

"Why?" Stella asked, "Who is the eldest in the house?" He asked and Stella turned towards Dara. "Sister Dara" "With your little reply, I guess I've been able to convince you that no daughter of mine will get married first when your eldest sister isn't"

"What?" Dara and Stella asked at the same time.

"Dad that's crazy"

"So I'm the crazy one now"

"That wasn't what I meant."

"That wasn't what she meant" Aunt Rejoice Interfered before it went out if hands. She moved close to her brother. "Is it not the same Stella we both know. You should understand her, it's just the anger speaking. Erm, Johnny, let's not rush into making decisions like this. Her husband is here"

"What husband?" Mr Igwe asked firmly, "The fine young man before us now. Is this not what we've been praying for? If you're not praying for it, me I've been praying for it and now that it seems like God has finally heard our prayer. You want to sweep away the blessing like that? Mbanu! (No). Let's think of this"

"I've made my decision sister"

"How can you put such condition Daddy? Sister Dara is still single and we don't even know when she'll even find a man!" Stella snapped and Dara scoffed within.

"No offense" she added afterwards.

"I have made my decision and that's final!"

"Daddy that's absurd! Mummy, Aunty say something now"

Aunt Rejoice walked over to Stella, "Calm down. He's my junior brother, I will handle it" she whispered but he heard it, "Save your breathe sister, I'm not changing my mind. Stella isn't getting married until Isabella does"

"Johnny you can't be serious!" Aunt Rejoice snapped, "How can you say something like that? Things like that were said in the days of old. In times....of... of Elijah and... and Elisha" she stammered through.

"It will take a miracle for your Ada here to find a man, let alone getting married"

"Eh hen, I don't agree with those negative words Aunty Rejoice" Mrs Igwe snapped and her sister in law walked towards Dara.

"Am I lying? Even your daughter knows. How old are you Ada? Is it not 34 years old already? Shouldn't she be in her husband's house"

"Sister!" Mr Igwe warned and Aunt Rejoice hissed. "Let me talk, let me open your daughter's eyes in case she's blind enough to see. Don't let this small stature deceive you, be there forming small stature, the breeze of menopause is coming your way"

"I reject it!"

"Mama Calabar, don't deceive your daughter. When you see the truth you say it! I say the truth in respective of who it hurts! Johnny, you cannot make such decision oh, haba! Stella will be hitting thirty soon and you are here saying they can't plan a wedding. I am not in support of that plan. Even if it's Ruby that wants to marry today, let her marry. Nobody asked Ada to be single! A woman is supposed to spend twenty five years in her father's house and then graduate to her husband's house. You already have nine years carry over, it's even looking as if she will have extra year as I'm looking at it"

"Aunty why are you talking like this now?" Brenda asked and her Aunt raised the back of her palm at her. "Will you shut up there!" She snapped then she sighed looking at her brother who was quietly listening to her.

"That said and done, Johnny, I hope you can reconsider on this your hasty decision"

"I've heard you Sister"

"Eh hen, that's good. That's my brother," she smiled moving close to him then she sat close to him tickling him. "Smile small now. You are always so serious."

"Young man" Mr Igwe called out looking up at Andy, "Sir" "I have heard all you've had to say. You have to be prepared to wait for my daughter. It will only take a while by the grace of God but Stella isn't getting married, none of my daughter will until Dara gets married and that's my final word. If you have any arguments, feel free to talk to anyone that might want to give you ears, definitely not me!" He sounded and Stella groaned angrily.


How was this chapter?

Hope you loved it😉

What's your take on the characters?

What do you think about Mr Igwe's decision?

Let me know your opinion

Thank you 🙏☺️

PS: Next episode will be posted on Wednesday

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