💢Chapter 19💢

Chapter 19

The following morning

A female nurse walked into the hospital ward where Lanre was. She stood by the door watching him sleep in bed with bandages on his arm and a few plaster on his face. Then she glanced at Dara whose head was leaned against the bed praying loudly.

After Dara had finished praying, she walked in moving to where he was. "This one is still asleep" she commented and Dara smiled.

"Good morning nurse" Dara greeted, "Good morning, sorry about your husband"

"Lanre is not my husband, he's my choir director and best friend.".

"Naim you spend the night for?"

"He would have done the same for me" she answered and the nurse shrugged, "I just wanted to check if the patient is awake"

"I'll call you whenever he wakes"

"No wahala now" the nurse replied  walking out of the room and Dara held Lanre's hand. "You'll be fine"  she promised and he smiled.

"I know" Lanre muttered and Dara exhaled in relief, "Thank you Jesus! The nurse just left. Let me go and call the nurse" 

"Not yet"


"I don't feel like answering routine check up question" he replied and Dara laughed. "You're not serious, you need to be checked out, last night you gave us quite a scare"

"Us? How did you get to me sef? Were the neighbors the ones that rushed me here?"

"Neighbors kor! I knew something was wrong last night after the call so I called Dad and he drove to your house but they said you haven't arrived so we took to the street. We called your number and it rang. That was how we found you lying behind a car bleeding from your nose and mouth."

"I hope no one on the street noticed"

"Well, after I raised alarm, some people came out"

Lanre groaned, "They'll definitely be talking about me now. I can't imagine!" "Is that what your worried about now?  Those guys broke your ribs and arm"

"I can feel the pain all over, you don't have to say it" he groaned again and Dara felt for for him even more.

"I'm sorry. What really happened?"

"Nothing much, three guys cornered me, they wanted to steal from me" he lied as a cover up,  he didn't want to start pointing accusing fingers at anyone.

"Dad checked your pocket, they didn't take your wallet. He  said the attack was intentional and I agree cause I clearly heard someone talking about you stealing someone's wife on phone. Is that true"

"No! You know me now, I'll never do something as stupid as that .... I have never in my life made advances on someone's wife and I'll never do!"

"What happened then?"

"They said they wanted to teach me a lesson"


"I don't know, he probably sent them"


"Stella's boyfriend" he answered and Dara tightened her fist. "Are you sure?" "They didn't mention his name but it had to be him"

"I'll call Stella"

"Don't! I don't want her seeing me this way and I don't want her to know. She won't believe me, we'll only argue and fight again, you know how your sister can be"  "She needs to know she's dating an animal! Andy has always been an asshole but this one..... This is too much" She answered and Lanre shrugged, the movement of his shoulders made him squeeze his face in pain then he laughed.

"This people really did a number on me oh.  What's the time? I'll still have to go back to the bank to report this"

Dara's phone rang, she removed the phone from her handbag then she looked at the caller ID, it was her gym instructor. "I have to pick this" she raised her index finger before picking up the call.

"Hello. Good morning Oise"

"Good morning Dara" Oise greeted by back. "Your voice sounds down, I hope you're okay"

"I am, I'm just......" She stalled then she exhaled, "What's up Oise? I can't talk now" "I just wanted to say that I'll be a little late today for our session, I have to drop something off and I'm not promising to be there on time"

"I don't think I'll be coming"

"Ah Han, why?"

"I can't even start to explain..... My battery is kind of low and this hospital socket is faulty and I can't even charge my phone. I just have two percent so I can't even start to explain anything to you"

"Did you just say hospital?"

"Yes dear, I'm in a hospital"

"What happened now?"

"Oise, I can't explain, if I want to dive into explanation ehn..." She exhaled once again then she rubbed her forehead. "I'll talk to you later dear"

"Stay strong oh"

"Thank you, bye" She said then she hung up. "That was my fitness coach. I'm not working out today?" "Because of me?"

"Because I'm tired and I'm using you to catch a break. All those squats and lunges, do you think it's easy?" She asked and Lanre busted out laughing.

"Why bother trying it?"

"Maybe my bombom can have hope"

Omotoyosi folded her hands in bed with a bed sheets covered around her breast. "Omo Funsho yii can be stupid atimes, I mean Efe, aren't I hot?" She asked Efe who was wearing his top. "Answer now, am I not hot?"

"Shey I've done all I wanted to do now. We had mind blowing sex didn't we? You're paying me to please you sexually not listen to your endless complain about your ex husband. You never tire for this guy? All you do is complain and complain about him"

"Would you be available tonight?"

"This is the last"

"Wait..... Were you really serious about having a girlfriend thing?" She asked and he nodded, "Why do you make it sound like it's a bad thing"

"You're a gigolo, that's your job. Which woman will want to settle with someone like you?"

"So in your plastic mind now, you don look me finish con conclude say I no go ever marry" Efe hissed, "Well newsflash, I have a girlfriend. A very good woman, who knows, she might be the one to bear me my unborn children"  he answered and Omotoyosi hissed.

"Is it not an ordinary gigolo that's liking somebody anybow like this? Se wo sepe fun Funsho nii? (Is Funsho curse?)" She asked then she busted into tears.

"It shall not be well with you CeCee!"

Stella got out of the bathroom in a pink towel when she sighted the screen light of her phone go off. She groaned now glancing at Andy who was at the other side of the bed fiddling with his phone.

"Why didn't you tell me my phone was ringing?" She asked, "Babe, you were bathing" he answered not taking his eyes off his phone. Stella picked up the phone then she saw several missed calls from two particular unknown numbers.

Her phone rang again and she picked it up this time. "Babe, babe, babe, it's me Yolanda from church," "Yolanda?" "The one in the choir now! Na wa oh"

"Oh" Stella snapped her fingers even though she had no idea who the 'Yolanda' was. "What's up now?" "Abeg, call me, I don't have airtime" she said quickly hanging up and Stella called her back.

"Good morning, what's up this morning. How did you get my number?"

"Babes, I've had your number like since ehn! Where are you?"

"In my house, what's up?"

"Shouldn't you be at the hospital?"

"My father, my father, anyone that wants me to spend time in the hospital will spend time and extra time" "Abeg calm down Stella! No one is wishing you bad here, all the s prayer points you're raising is unnecessary. I thought since you're close to Lanre now, that you should be there with him"


"Didn't you hear?"

"Hear what?"

"Lanre was robbed and beaten on his street, he's in the hospital"

"Jesus!" Stella exclaimed and Andy turned towards her, "Which hospital?" "I don't know, you should ask your sister and father. I heard they took him there"

"Seriously? I've heard, thank you Yolanda. Thank you" she said ending the call. "Jesus!!!" She repeated again, this time to draw Andy's attention.

"What happened?"

"Can you believe Lanny was robbed and beaten last night? They said he's in the hospital and Dara couldn't even tell me!" 


"Okay? Is that what you're going to say?" She asked dialing Dara's number.

Andy busted into pretense tears then he laughed. "Was that what you wanted me to do? Cry, because he's my brother. For the notice, I don't even cry when my brothers are in the hospital" he hissed and Stella shook her head then she rolled her eyes.

She dialed her sister's number then Dara picked up the call.

"Which hospital are you guys in?" She asked and Dara gasped, "How did you find out?" "One Yolanda called me, why didn't you tell me? To have to get the information from a complete stranger"

"Lanre didn't want you to know"

"Why? You know what, I'll be there, let him know that I'm so angry with him!"  Stella snapped hanging up then she threw her phone on the bed now glaring at Andy.

"You don't look good when you're angry"

"Can you at least be considerate?" She asked and Andy chuckled.

"Is he dead?"

"No! God forbid! I'll just die!" Stella answered opening her wardrobe where she removed a gown she had planned on wearing for the day.

"Because he's your boyfriend?"

"Not that. I won't want fighting with him to be the last thing I did with him!" "Where are you going to?" He  asked, "Where else? To the hospital"

"What about work?"

"I'll use your car"

"And what will I use? I have to meet up with my guys at the island. Tunde and co"  "I thought you were job hunting?"

"Man shall not live my searching for jobs only, it's gets tiring Baby"

Stella shook her head again then she scoffed, "I don't even want to have this argument with you right now. It's way too early. I'm too worried to think, you're driving me there or else you'll be prepared to see this angry face for the whole week!" She threatened and he faked a smile.

"Yes Ma'am"

Dara gazed at her phone after Stella hung up. "Who told her? Lanre
asked, " "Yolanda" "That amebo! What did she say?" "She's coming, and she's angry at you for not telling me earlier"

Efe got out of the hotel, in front was a jewelry store. A smile curved his cheeks as he walked towards it. He entered into the jewelry store. He walked towards a lady at the counter smiling, "Good morning" he greeted and she replied smiled back.

"Good morning to you too, we haven't opened up for the day Sir but what do you want?"

"Your best collections of rings, I want to propose to my girlfriend"

CeCee poured wine from it's bottle into a glass then she carefully picked up the glass drinking from it. Mercy entered into her room stilled dressed in her nighties. "Hey C, When did you come in?"

"A while ago"

"What's up? How was your night?" She asked and CeCee kept quiet.

"Babes, I hope no problem?" She asked and CeCee hissed. "Didn't you have a good time? I mean, you usually come back from Funsho's house satisfied, abi did the sex disappoint you"

"It's a rather disappointing story"

9 hours earlier

"Does this remind you of something cause I'm having a little dejavu moment here. Remember the many times we made love, how many you'll find me in bed in your shirt, how many times I'll pretend to be sleeping only to get caught by you. Let's make more memories Funsho" CeCee whispered unbuttoning the shirt she wore and Funsho blinked now looking at Sewa.

"We don't have to worry about her, but I'm not promising to be quiet" she stopped halfway enough to for Funsho to see her cleavages. She moved closer to hhiming grinning. "You know what? I want to watch you unbutton your shirt off my body. Whoa! I just got turned on by saying that.  Or maybe you can tear the shirt off as usual" she bit her lips touching Sewa's cheek.

"Your father and I are going to make sweet love tonight and I promise not to wake you up durl!" She said and Funsho's glared at her.

"What? She doesn't understand what me, does she?" She asked running her hands down his trousers and he moved back.

"If you don't mind, I'll like to put Sewa to sleep"

"I don't mind, I'll be here waiting"

"Goodnight CeCee" he added almost immediately and she raised her brow in surprise, "What?" "Goodnight!" He snapped leaving the room.


"There wasn't any sex"

"What? That's impossible"

"Shey?"  CeCee turned her back at her, "But he did rejected me! He wanted me, I could see the desire burning but he had this restraint"

"I thought he had a problem and when he sees you he gets all....." Mercy trailed off and Cecee nodded. "He's undergoing therapy"

"I thought he's been doing therapy and it hasn't been working"

"The therapist has to be a damn good therapist cause it's working"

"What kind of therapist is that?"

CeCee picked up her phone, "I'll definitely find out"

Boma's mother heard a knock on the door then she opened up to see Mrs Bimbo by the door. It was a face she was familiar with, she used to work  with the Duncans in the seventies and eighties.

"Good morning Ma" she greeted and Mrs Bimbo raised a brow at her. "Tamara?" She asked and she scratched get head.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm looking for one Boma, I guess she's your daughter then"

"Yes Ma'am."

"It's been a while, almost 38 years. I didn't really understand why you left. There was no notice, you just left" 

"Well I had to"

"Why?" She asked and Mrs Davis shrugged.

"Can I come in so we can talk better"  "With all due respect Ma, No." she replied now scratching her neck. "I don't understand"

"Have you come to kill us too?"

"I don't understand, why will I want to kill you?"

"Like we don't know" she muttered and Mrs Bimbo scoffed, "I don't want any issues please, just leave my daughter out of this"

"Out of what?" She asked barging in then she looked around the sitting room. Then she took her seat, "Where is she?"


"Tamara, ma je ki n binu (Don't make me angry) cause I'm already boiling as it is. What's all this rubbish? Do you see me holding a gun or did you see me with body guards to beat you up? (kí ni mo ṣe sí ẹ) What did I ever do to you?"

"It's not me you did anything to, it's Mummy Dunni. Your own friend! You and Daddy Dunni killed her for selfish reasons then you took her place!You took her daughter and you took her place!" She snapped and Mrs Bimbo shut her eyes.

She couldn't believe Tamara had been withholding such grudge for over forty years!

Boma walked in dressed in a maroon colored gown holding her a black handbag. She was about leaving for work. She couldn't hide her surprise on seeing Mrs Bimbo.

"Good morning Mrs Bimbo Duncan" she greeted and Mrs Bimbo nodded. "Morning. You're the Boma right?" She asked, "The one that been writing all sorts of things about my family."

"It's called an expose Ma"

"It can't be called an expose if it's a lie, or can it?" She asked rising up and Boma shrugged, "They are speculations still under investigation"

"Under investigation? And you posted it on your blog. I let you into my house with your friend and you used it against me"

"Okay, Dara wasn't involved, leave her out of this! This is my investigation! My curiosity"

"I'm not asking you to not to make investigations oh, do! Don't go around making tainting our names when you don't know the real truth. Have you ever sat down to ask any of us questions about our family? No! Have you sat down to interrogate Gbade, have you even sat one on one to know the kind of person he is?"

"He's a grump! And I won't be surprised if he was the one that actually killed Rosemary"

"That's what you get for watching from afar. Gbade is more than what you see, he's my son even though I didn't birth him. He's my son and I know he's not capable of murder, laye! (Never). Are you aware he's been relieved from work?"


"You've opened a channel for our enemies to work against us. Do you know how many people will want to rise up and use your news against us?"

"What's your main reason for being here?"

"To pay you off, but I want to try another means, a nicer approach"

"I don't believe you're this nice. I don't believe your acts, my mom told me you and your husband killed the first wife"

"I didn't kill my friend, I never did. You and your mother have the same problem, you make too much conclusions without knowing the real truth. If you have questions, ask! Don't make assumptions"

"What's the truth then?"

"We're not ritualists, a ko tii ṣe right (We've never done it before). My husband's money is purely from his business and investments. I'm not a lazy woman, I run a restaurant that's well known in the whole of Lagos. You might not take my word for it but I'm going to give you this one advise; ask questions before publishing assumptions! Like I said, I initially came so I could buy you off but immediately I spoke to your Mom, I realized the only the thing that's profitable will be clearing our name and erasing untrue assumptions. We've been hearing all sorts of news about our family but you can actually help us rewrite our story"

"I'm not God"

"You can change how people view us; Let's strike a deal. I have the truth, if you want an exclusive story to write on, this time a real story, from the horse's mouth. You know my office" she answered leaving the house and Boma glanced at her mother.

Andy stopped the engine of the car and Stella got out. "Are you not coming in?" "Why should I?" "Andy?" "My phone is blasting with calls, babe i have to go"

"Andy, I need someone to drop me off at work"

"Order a Uber"

"If you leave, I'll be really angry,"

"I can't wait anymore. Love you dear"  he said driving off and Stella tightened her fist. "Andy! Urgh!" She groaned and a few passersby glanced at her.

"My question is why will God allow this kind of thing happen to someone who's coming from the house of God?" Lanre's sister, out of the three choristers that had come visiting asked, "I mean, Brother Lanre didn't go to the club oh, he went to the church straight after returning from work"

"These things happen to test our faith" Mr Igwe answered, "God is not an author of confusion, he probably did it for a reason. Who are we to question God and the way he does his things?"  He asked and everyone kept quiet while Lanre chuckled.

"Me, I'm not even angry at God, it's someone else that's taking the fight to God" he hissed and everyone else chuckled.

"But it's unfair oh"

"Remember Job in the Bible?" Mr Igwe noted a knocked on the door interrupted them. They all turned heads to see Stella and Lanre smiled at her. "Good morning Dad, good morning everyone!" 

"Good morning!' They all answered in unison.

"So i ran all the way from home to this hospital only to see you smiling?"  "What did you expect to see me doing, crying?" He asked and she chuckled.

"Sulking a little bit maybe" she moved closer now touching his cheeks, "See what those idiots did. It shall not be well with them"  "Stella!" Mr John her warned, "Daddy, this people deserve curses, let me just take off my clothes when I get home, I'll curse them properly" she added and Lanre laughed.

"Awwwn. Sorry dear, would you be going to work?" "Yes. I'll have to report this" He replied and Lanre's sister cleared her throat then she gave the choristers a look, "We'll be going now, brother Lanre"

"No wahala. Thank you guys for coming" he appreciated and they all left.

"Dad, I have something I want to talk to you about outside" Dara gave him a look then he rose up, "Brother Lanre, I'll go to work after whatever Dara has to say" "Thank you for everything Sir"

"Thank God my dear. May Jehovah Ralpha give you speedy recovery"

"Amen Sir" He answered with a smile then he watched Dara leave with her father. 

"Most times, you girls are usually blind to seeing the truth and see love even when it's in front of you" Mr Igwe commented just after the leaving the room. This caused Dara to laugh, of course she understood what her father meant!

  "Lanre and Stella right?"

"I meant that generally, I've seen women make mistakes. Jump into marriages when it's not time. I don't want any of my children making such mistakes"

"Lanre likes Stella but Stella doesn't"

"I still don't understand what she doesn't like about a good looking, God-fearing man like Lanre. What about your own man? He is invisible? We don't even know how he looks"


"Where is it paining you?" Stella asked, "Are you seriously asking that? It's paining me everywhere, even my bumbum is paining me" he answered and they both laughed. "Why are you laughing then?"

"Can't you guess?" He asked and she shrugged, then she shook her head.  "Because an angel walked right in a few minutes ago; because of you Stel" he replied and she smiled again.

"I'm trying to act like you didn't just use a cliche. I was scared, I was really scared. I mean after the way we left things on Sunday, I needed to see you. What happened? Did they rob you or something?"

"No. They didn't take anything from me"

"I don't understand, how?"

"They said I tried taking someone's wife"

"Lanny, you're not that kind of person. Why would anyone accuse you of doing that?"

"I think ..... I know you're not going to agree with this, you might probably get angry at me again but I think your boyfriend did it. I have never been involved in extra marital affairs, the only woman I've ever loved is right in my presence and all of the sudden some men stopped me to teach me a lesson to stay away from you. Do the maths Stella"

"That's a lie, Andy would never, why would...." She stalled then she remembered telling him about the argument she had with Lanre on Sunday.

"Jesus!" She muttered then she walked out of the room and Lanre called her back. "Stel!"

She removed her phone from her bag calling Andy but he didn't pick up; probably driving then she felt tears build up in her eyes. "It can't be.... God!"

Funsho walked into the gym, he looked around but couldn't find Dara so he wondered what must have happened. He didn't even see her gym instructor, around so he made his way to his office where he saw Adetoun seated by the door with her legs folded while holding up a magazine.

"Morning Funsho" she greeted rising up and he arced his brow in surprise then he closely observed the woman in front of him, she looked different, he just couldn't pin point what exactly made her look different.

"Morning Toun" he greeted unlocking the door. He entered into his office and Adetoun followed. "This one that you're here today, should I be scared?"

"You don't have to be, I came on a serious mission" she answered and Funsho observed her once again. "We haven't seen you since first of January"

"I've been busy with work, remember that I don't exactly stay in Lagos and I've been calling the children. I took a flight down here after work yesterday"

"And you couldn't tell me"

"I wanted to surprise you. I'm staying up with my sister for time being"

"If you wanted to see the kids, you could have just gone home directly"

"I know I just....." She stalled now playing with her fingers and Funsho's walked up to her. "There's something different about you" he paused, "You're pregnant" he blurted out and she nodded.

"That was what I wanted to tell you but as usual, you always end up finding out."

"Who's the father?"

"Definitely not you" she answered laughing then she exhaled. "Remember that guy Kunle, the one I told you that I was dating?"


"He's the father and before you give me that look, we're in a serious relationship and he proposed. We're getting married and I don't know how I'm going to let Pamilerin and Ade know. I'm conflicted"

"Ehya, who's going to tell them now?" Funsho laughed and she raised a 'Who else?' brow at him.

"You're joking! There's no way I'm announcing that to the kids, no!"

"But.... I can't bring myself to say it, Pamilerin will bombard me with questions and I'll try to make Ade understand things. Mo fo'olorun Oba be e (I beg you in the name of God). Help me announce it, I'm ashame"

"They're mature boys, I'm sure they'll be able to take it. Just take a day fast and then hand the rest to God"

"Funsho!"  Adetoun hissed, "How did we end up in this mess self? I wonder why I took the deal" "Are you regretting having the kids cause I don't"

"I don't! But when things like this arises, it's just makes you..... "

"Does he know you have two children?"

"Yes. That was the first thing I did! I'm not ashame of my children, I love those boys. How are they?"

Funsho got out of his office after Adetoun had left then he met Oise who was speaking to a man. "The game just taya me watch abeg!" He heard him complain, "Have you seen Dara today?" "No Sir, Good morning Sir.  I called her. She's at the hospital"  he answered and the man walked away.

Funsho's mouth gaped in surprise,  "What?" "That was what she said, then she said she couldn't really explain much and....."

"She seemed fine yesterday"

"Maybe she's not the one, she just sounded down somehow"

"Which hospital?"

"She didn't say. I'll give you her number so you can call her"

"I have it" he answered and his caused Oise to smile.  "Why are you......" "Nothing, I'm just shocked you have her number that's all" he cleared his throat then he chuckled.

"Is it a bad thing, I mean she's a client" 

"No sir! It's not," Osie laughed, "Why are you still laughing, you're making me feel uncomfortable" "Don't even pay attention to me Sir. I'm one of the people that holds the opinion that Miss Dara is a good woman, a beautiful woman and it's totally okay and mature to be interested in her"

Funsho smiled, "She is really beautiful. Well, that'll be all. I'll be off now, let me know if you find out anything" Funsho said leaving the gym then he dialed Dara's number all to no avail. 

He began to feel uneasy then he returned back to the office to check on the information she provided on her entry form in order to know her address.

Stella called Andy's number in her office but he refused picking up the call, neither did he return her previously calls.

This had Stella wondering whether he was intentionally avoiding her calls.

Funsho knocked on a door and Mrs Igwe opened up. "Doctor" she called out and he wondered how she knew him.

"You're probably wondering how this woman got to know me" she added from reading the expression on her face.

"I never forget a face Ma"

"We brought a woman who was in labour to the hospital about years ago because she had complications. I was the second mid wife in charge, she ended up having triplets"

"Now I remember, I'm sorry, I didn't realize.... I only came to know you months ago" "Months ago? How?" She asked and he exhaled.

"I heard Dara is at the hospital, I've been trying to call her"

"Oh. She had a low battery but she's charging it right now"

"How is she? What happened?"

Mrs Igwe squinted her eyes in confusion, why would he be asking how her daughter is?

"Which hospital was she admitted into?" 

"Oh. Dara wasn't the one admitted, it was her friend."

"Oh" he sighed loudly then he felt a little bit embarrassed afterwards. "I'm sorry for overreacting, I thought.... Now I feel stupid"

"You don't have to feel stupid Doctor, it's okay"

"I'm no longer a doctor Ma, I run a gym. I'm just Funsho" 

"I heard but once a doctor, forever a doctor. Have you heard of that phrase?" "No."

"Now you have. Come in, I'll get Dara for you"

"Thank you Ma" he answered following her in.

"Don't think I've forgotten about how you managed to know about me months ago. Are you a spy?" She asked turning her head at him and he shook his head.

"No ma'am. I knew you from the church"


"Yes Ma"

"Have your seat, I'll be back in a bit" 

Dara got out of the bathroom in her towel then she went over to where she charged her phone then she turned it on. She immediately tried calling Andy then he picked up.

She wanted to scream at him for what he did but she found herself remaining calm. Andy was definitely going to hang up if she kept ranting so she decided to keep calm.

"This one that you're calling me, what's up?"

"Where are you?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"I was hoping we could talk, where are you?"

"I'm chilling with my friends, I no get your time abeg!"

"I don't mind coming there, we need to talk."

Andy stalled and she placed her hands on his forehead then he hissed. "Where are you?" "I'm at home" "I'm not coming to that your fucking home"

"I'm not asking you to. Where are you? Please, I'm begging you. It's not something I'll like to say on phone"

"Because you begged, I'm at Olive Clubhouse but you won't be quick enough to meet up with your ten o'clock show."  "What do you care about my show?"

"Miss Marcaroni,  the traffic is mad so...... Pick a place I'll meet you later in the day?  What is this all about sef?" He asked and the door flung open. "You have a visitor" Mrs Igwe announced.

"You're not deaf as much as you're thin" Andy added and Dara tightened her fist angrily,  "We'll talk about it there." She hung up then she turned towards her mother. "Who is it?"

"The doctor, or the owner of the gym"  

"Funsho?" Dara rose up in surprise. "What's is he doing here?" "Why don't you dress up and ask him personally" she replied, "You've been sad since you got back, what's going on?" She asked and Dara sighed. "I don't want to talk to you about it now. Maybe later" Dara answered and her mom shrugged leaving the room.

Andy dropped the phone then he gulped a glass full of drink then he signalled the bar tender for a refill.  His friend Bob turned towards him,  "You didn't pick up your girlfriend's call but you picked up this one. Who called?" He picked up the phone to see "Miss Marcaroni" then he laughed.

"Okay now it makes sense"

"What makes sense"

"Why you picked now"

"What are you saying"

"I mean, whether you admit it or not, you've always had soft spot for that girl." "Shut up!"

"I seriously don't get you Andy, I don't understand your feelings Andy, you hate her, you dey date her sister but yet you still like her"

"Shut up!"

Bob laughed, "Na wa for you. Remind me again, why do you hate this girl?" He asked and a guy held him by the shoulders. "I don collect the babe number, but mehn, the girl carry mouth odor, abeg I no do again!"

"What should I offer you? And I'm not going to take no for an answer" Mrs Igwe stated and Funsho who already seated in the living room. 

"I already ate before leaving home Ma"

"Okay dear."

"Nice home you have Ma"

"Thank you dear." Mrs Igwe took her seat then she smiled at him,  "How long have you been in church? How did you know us. I mean it's a big church" She asked and he smiled,

"Okay, um...... Where should I start from? I knew you for being Dara's Mom"

"That's quite specific. Give me one reason why I shouldn't think you're a spy right now cause I seriously don't understand why you'll take interest in Dara and why your father has decided to take interest in my daughter all of the sudden. That means you knew her before she started her work outs at the gym"

"The first time I met your daughter was in church, she led worship on Easter day. That was how I knew you all. I'm not a spy, her coming to the gym was purely coincidental. I was surprised the first day I saw her."

"Are you two friends?"

"Yes and no Ma'am, well.... We're yet to place a boundary where we stand, whether friends or not. Where's she?" 

"Oh... She's dressing up but she'll be out in a giffy".

  "Women don't usually dress up quickly"

"Well you haven't met me that's why" Dara got out clad in a yellow gown with white collar and Funsho rose up smiling. For some reason, he felt some kind of peace from seeing her face!

He felt like his day just became complete!

"Good morning" he greeted and she scoffed,  "What are you doing here?" She asked and he scoffed.

"Aren't you supposed to respond to his greetings first?" Mrs Igwe asked and Dara laughed.

"I like your Mom"

Dara rolled her eyes, "I'm sorry Sir, good morning to you, now back to my question. What are you doing here?"

"Oise told me you were at the hospital so I automatically assumed you weren't feeling too well" "Awwwn, so you came. That.... That's sweet of you" she replied then she cleared her throat as he Dre close to her arranging the collar of the gown.

   "It was a mistake on my part. A friend of mine was...." She trailed off, "It's a long story though. Mom, meet the owner of the gym I work out in" She turned towards her mother then he cleared her throat again.

Her throat suddenly felt lumpy.

"I've met him already dear, Doctor Funsho and I met once years ago when one of our patients had complications while giving birth"

"Wow" Dara turned towards Funsho as though seeking for confirmation of the information. 

"Yes we've met"

"I was actually about going to the studio"

"I'll drop you off then"

"Don't you have other things to do"

"I have an appointment with my....." He trailed off then he cleared his throat. He had an appointment with his therapist but he didn't know how to tell her without sounding vulnerable.

"We can go now" he quickly changed the topic and Dara nodded.

"Let me quickly get my bag"

"I'll be outside waiting" he replied and she walked into the room while he kept his eyes glued to her till she was out of sight.

Funsho cleared his throat then he smiled at her mother. "Thank you Ma, for inviting me in. I should be going now"

  "You're welcome dear"

Gbade got out of his room for the first time that morning. His main purpose was to cook since he was hungry. His door bell rang so he opened up to see his mother.

Yewande who was clad in a butter lace barged into the sitting room. "Be ignoring my calls oh, be ignoring it. You'll have children some day, don't worry okay?"

He closed up the door now looking at his Mom. "What are you doing here?" "I was worried about you, maybe you'll be depressed or something. You know the way your mood changes I like someone on period"

"Mom I'm fine! I'll be fine, I'm trying to enjoy my leave. I'm even planning on travelling, I haven't really taken a break, this might be an opportunity to do so"

"To where? You should go to Abuja"

His door bell rang again, "Exact where I had in mind" he replied, walking back to open up then she saw two policemen in their uniforms.

While Funsho drove, glanced at Dara who propped her elbow against the windshield in the car while she leaned her head in her palm.  He tuned the radio channels to Mood FM where  'Tems, Looku Looku' was being played.

"Damn it must be something really serious to have you so quiet" He commented and she turned towards him with a small smile.


"Is it that serious?"

"What did you ask me? I just said yes for nothing. I had no idea what you asked" she answered and they both chuckled.  "I'm sorry I thought I could get away with it" she added and he laughed harder then he groaned as they approached a traffic.

"I said, you must be going through something really serious to have you thinking this way"

"It is actually."

"Does this have to do with your friend in the hospital? Is it your boyfriend?" "No! My best friend who's a guy" 

"What's the long story?"

"I didn't even let Mommy know"

"I'm not your Mom am I?"

"Yes and you're not a friend either. What are you exactly?" She asked and he shrugged, "You tell me" he replied and she propped her elbow again. Then she glanced back at him.

"My sister's boyfriend kind of sent some hoodlums to beat up my best friend, Lanre, the choir director" she explained and Funsho nodded in understanding. "He likes her right?"

"Way too much if you ask me"

"Which of your sisters?"

"Which do you know?"

"You'll be surprised"

"I dare you to say one of their names"

Funsho laughed, quite challenge by it.   "If I say it, what do I get?" He asked and she smiled. "I'll wash your clothes for the week"

"You're not serious"

"I'm serious. I'll wash your clothes and your children's clothes"

"Can you make it more challenging?"

"If you say the three names, they're three, if you can say the three names, I'll wash your clothes and tour children's clothes for two weeks"

"Hand washing?"

"Is it my leg i'll use before?" She asked and he smiled. "Deal. Stella, Brenda and Ruby"

"What!!!" She exclaimed, "How?" "I won so I'll be seeing you when? I usually take the laundry to be done on Saturdays" 

Dara rolled her eyes, "I feel cheated. How did you?"  "Your youtube broadcast" "You've..... Wait.... How?" She asked, "I'm one of the subscribers" he replied then she covered her face being shy.

"How long have you been? Was it after we met?" 

"I'm not telling but it's been a long while"

"Before I started coming to the gym?"

"Yes"  he replied so she laughed throwing her gaze outside the window then back at him. "How long have you been stalking me?" She asked and he laughed.

"Hey! I'm not stalking you, I just..I listened to your radio program and ....." He trailed off and she smiled.  "You listened.... Jesus! The first day we met, you acted like you didn't know I worked as an OAP"

"You usually talk about your family on your broadcast.  How your day went, your sisters and friends has featured one way or the other. That was how I really recognized your Mom and that's how I know your friends, you can imagine the shock I went through when I saw you at the gym" he answered chuckling and Dara looked at him with so much surprise.

"All those while I was leaving speechless! Jesus! I feel like a fool right now and I feel like you're a spy"

"That's why I didn't want to speak about it, now you're looking at me like I'm a criminal, you have that, egbami oh, he's going to use me for ritual look like you had that day we entered into the taxi together"

"Why didn't you just come out straight to tell me you knew me. It would have been easier"
Funsho sniggered, "How would you have viewed me? You would have obviously thought I was stalking you or something. Or maybe I didn't tell you too because of the thrill" he replied and she chuckled.

"What thrill?" She asked and he turned to her biting his lower lip then he laughed bringing out his tongue a little. This forced a giggle out of Dara, she had no specific reason for giggling,  or maybe it was the fact she was seeing this transparent side of him.

"That thrill when you know someone has already judged you and you know deep down you're not that person and you seriously don't want to tell her because you still want her to think that way or you really don't want to dive into long stories. Yeah..... That thrill" he whispered then he laughed biting his lips again.

Dara suddenly felt her heart racing, some how, what he was doing with his lips was arousing some kind of joy in a kind of way she couldn't explain.  She quickly looked out the window then she let out a quick sigh.

"That day in the car....." She cleared her throat then she glanced back at him, "I was kind of convinced you were into ritual and ritualism. Somehow my bestie, Boma had managed to put the idea into my head"

"Your friend Boma Davis"

"Yes... How? I have to stop asking how, since you're a spy"

Funsho laughed softly,  "She's been really creative with her write ups about our family" he said sarcastically and Dara instantly felt bad. "I'm sorry about that.... For what it's worth, I don't agree with her methods."

"It's fine."

"I had to discuss with my brother yesterday. I don't even know why I'm saying this"

"What did he say? Boma really thinks he's guilty"

"Gbade didn't do it, he was relieved from work yesterday"

"I'm sorry about that. Boma is sturbborn!" She ran her hands through her wig, "Dad is pretty much interested in meeting her. The only annoying thing is that she hasn't even conducted any interview with anyone of us, these conclusions are just.... It's not a first but she seems to have believers"

"I'm sorry"

"And now?" He asked and she arced her brow in confusion, "You said you were pretty convinced we were ritualist"


"And now?"

"Not anymore"


"I guess I'm getting to know you and i kind of had an exclusive interview with your father. God! I hope he doesn't think I'm working with Boma."

"I'm sure he won't, the man likes you"

"Okay fine! I was working with Boma, I had our calls recorded. Your father told me how he made his money and I only did that because I thought you guys were planning to use me for ritual on Sunday. You guys were being too nice"

Funsho laughed, "God!" He paused still laughing, "What's funny?"  "I'm sure you pictured me wearing red wrapper and probably drinking people's blood" he guessed and she busted out laughing.  "I actually pictured you in white, you guys wear white a lot"

"I look good on white"

"You really do look good on white" she commented and he smiled, "Thanks" he replied and she cleared her throat feeling uncomfortable, she looked out the window again now shutting her eyes.

Funsho noticed so he chuckled to himself. It was becoming obvious that Dara liked him, even though she was trying hard to hide it.

"The traffic is mad"

  "If I had walked, I would have been at work already" she replied and he laughed at her exaggeration.

"It's not too late to start walking" he answered and she chuckled. "You should laugh more, the issue with your choir director, it'll pass" "I'm meeting up with her boyfriend Andy"

"The bully from secondary school?" He asked and she shook her head, "Why do I feel like I'm spooking you out?"

"That's how you probably knew the men in my life. I should stop talking about my personal life on YouTube"

"I pay attention to details and they easily stick in, I guess it's one of the skills from being a doctor" he replied then he smiled. "What are you meeting him for?"

"To give him a piece of my mind"

"Are you sure you don't want company?"

"Don't you have an appointment with your..... Who did you say you had an appointment with again?" She asked and he suddenly withdrew. His smile immediately disappeared.

"Funny.... Just when i thought we were making progress." 


"You're always always secretive and for the first time you actually opened up, now..... Does this appointment have to do with Relief therapy clinic or whatever it's called"

"How....?" He trailed off, "Boma saw you coming out from the clinic. I don't want to make wrong assumptions. Did you go for visiting"

"I go there for therapy" he replied and she stared at him in interest and he forced a laughter. "Look at how your eyes lit up with interest, you're probably wondering what does he need therapy for?"

"What do you need it for?"

"I can't say.... I really don't like talking about it?"


"You're going to look at me differently"

"Differently how? What's new under the sun? Is it a disorder, food disorder? Bipolar disorder? What other psychological disorder again, schizophrenia?" She asked and he laughed. "Bipolar? I've never been aggressive, I'm not the aggressive type. Do I look like one?"

Dara laughed, "No. It was just a wild guess. What is it?" "Do you really need to know?" "Yes. What is it? What's the big secret Funsho Duncan?"

Funsho exhaled looking into her curious eyes, "I'm...... I'm a sex addict"

✍️Author's note✍️

Apologies for taking this long. Our transformer got spoilt and I couldn't charge my phone well.

Besides, I didn't want to post 2,000 and 3000 words only. I see others do it but I can't.

Number of words: 7908 words

Okay guys, which do you think is preferable? That I post daily 1000 + words or I type a lot and post two days later?

How was today's update?😊

What do you think about the revelation in this chapter?🤣

Andy likes Dara????😲😲😲
Who would have thought so?

Is Efe going to propose?😂🤣

Funsho, a sex addict????

What next? 🤷🏽‍♀️

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