💢Chapter 17💢

Chapter 17

Funsho walked into the dinning room to see CeCee setting the table. There were four plates of and bowl half filled with pancakes.

"Morning love" she greeted and he turned back to see if his children were coming. "What are you still doing here?" He whispered moving close to her then he held her arm. "Leave before the kids come down here, I don't want to start giving unnecessary explanations"

"You don't have to, I'll do it myself" she answered biting her lower lips then she moved closer to him. "Good morning Love" she greeted kissing him on the lips then Shade walked in on them.

"Dad?" She called out and he turned towards her cleaning his lips. "Morning Shade, I made breakfast, do you want pancakes?" Cecee asked and Shade rolled her eyes.

"What do I want to do with your stupid pancakes? Dad, what is she doing here?"

"Shade I can explain"

"What's there to explain to her Funsho? I spent the night here, is that a crime? It won't be a first will it?" She asked and Shade folded her hand glaring at her father.

"What about Mom?" She asked and he shut his eyes. "I'm not with your mom Shade, she lied"

"And Cecee?"

"Neither am I with Cecee,"

"Are you sure?" She asked turning to CeCee who had a grin on her face. "This is just a misunderstanding. CeCee would be leaving anytime soon"

"You know what Dad?" She paused swelling visibly with anger, "Forget it!" She stormed out and CeCee laughed.

"What a drama queen!"  

Dara walked into the kitchen to find Ruby opening the fridge. "Good morning Sis" she greeted and Ruby turned towards her. "Good morning Sister Dara, sorry I didn't see you walk in" she answered taking out cold satchet water to drink.

"Is it a crime to greet my sister again?"

"You know it should be the other way round" she tore the tip of the satchet with her teeth then she drank from it.

"I heard about your fight with Brenda yesterday...." Dara stalled then she chuckled to herself, "I'm sorry sister" "I wasn't going to chastise you for it, it's just funny to think you guys fought in Dad's car, without regards for him"

"I was really angry. How do you do it? Sister Stella is highly annoying, Brenda is worst, yet you're not quick to react"

"You learn to take somethings in, it's called life, life is a lesson itself, we learn everyday."

"Dozie asked me out yesterday" Ruby announced and Dara smiled, "Took him so long! What was he waiting for?" She asked and they both laughed. "He looks like a good guy, or Is he? You should know him better"

"He is. He really is.  How was your trip to the Duncan's? Is the house as big as they say?"

"It definitely is, the rooms are like two of mine, I only entered one but.... You can imagine now. It was a nice visit, that reminds me, will you be going to work?"

"Yes. I'll be going with Mom"

"I forgot to tell you because of the whole drama yesterday. You might just have a job at Duncan's hospital" "What?" Ruby asked dropping the satchet water on the kitchen counter.


"Well, I spoke to Chief Duncan about how you've always wanted a job in his hospital and he said you should come for an interview by 9 today"

"Jesus!!!" She screamed then she hugged her sister. "How? How... What.... This is amazing. How were you able to pull that kind of string?"

"God works in mysterious ways, when the time arose for that topic, I took the chance" she replied and Ruby hugged her again.

"Thank you"

Timmy kissed Dunni neck in bed, then he slowly ran his fingers around her body and Dunni moaned shutting her eyes then her phone rang.

"Urgh!" She groaned picking up the phone to see a call from Winny. "Hey Winny" she said with so much excitement, "Hey Mom, can we meet today?" She asked and she nodded.

"Yeah.... When and where? Should I meet you in your father's house?" "No! Let's meet at Timmy's diner, remember the diner close to Uncle Funsho's gym?"

"Yes I do" she answered with worry in her tone, if only she knew she was in bed with the same guy that owned the diner. What if Winny finds her out?

"I'll see you there by 2, I'm not waiting for extra classes"

"Two sounds fine, are you going to school today?"


"Should I transfer cash to you? Do you need any?"

"No. I'll see you" she added leaving and Dunni smiled at Timmy.

"She wants to see me, that has to mean something good right?"

Regina knocked and entered into Mrs Bimbo's room. She found her looking into her reflection in the mirror, "Do you think this new organic cream likes my complexion, abi it's making me black?" She asked, "Mummy, you're not getting black. It's normal"

"What's going on this early morning that you're coming to me like this?"

"There's this news that this girl posted. Someone posted it on her status ... I just thought you should know" she answered raising up her phone. "I'm not in the mood to read anything, can you go straight to the point, what have we not heard? We've been called Ritualists, what are they saying this time?"

"She's talking about the death at the January party. She said someone at the party killed the woman and the Nigerian police should please intervene and start with Gbade Duncan who is her prime suspect. She placed a whole lot of reasons why Gbade should be held as the murderer"

Mrs Bimbo gasped, "What kind of rubbish is this? Call Yewande, tell her I'll love to speak to her"  "Huh? She won't even mind me. She didn't even honour your invitation to the tea party yesterday, none of the wives did"

"It's their own cup of tea, this is a matter of publicity and our name is in question. Call Gbade, too. I'll like to see them in my office and please find out who the blogger is, odabi pe awon ota ti ran lati ba oruko wa jẹ (it's like the enemies have sent her to ruin our name)"

Gbade got out of the bathroom in a towel only to find his phone ringing. By the time he walked towards it, the call had already ended. He saw several missed calls so he called back.

"Good morning Mom" he greeted after she picked up. "Where do you always keep your phone? Somebody will be calling you and calling you"

"I was bathing" Gbade hissed, "I'm the one your hissing for shebi? Emi lo n pòṣe si (You're hissing at me)"

"Mom" He groaned, "What's it?"  He added, "Haven't you heard?" "What?" "They said you killed that lady that died at the party. Is it true?" She asked and Gbade hung up checking Boma's blog then he saw the update;  "Murderer on the loose; who was Rosemary Ignatius and the mystery of why she died" .

Chris got out from the bathroom in his towel to find Brenda still sulking in bed. "Are you seriously going to remain this way?" He asked taking a seat in bed. "I'm really not happy"

"Why do I feel like you're also angry at me?"

"Why would I be angry at you?"

"I feel like my visit sparked up something. I don't know why I feel that way" 

Brenda kept quiet, "You wanna talk about it yet and I think it's okay but you do know that at some point, you might have to tell me" "I know, not now, please"

"It's cool. Won't you be going to work today?" He asked and she shook her head. "I'm not in the mood"

"I don't like this side of you, you're going to get sick if you're not careful" he advised and she busted into tears again.


Dara exhaled loudly after her exercise then she touched her buttocks groaning out in pain. It was literally burning! Oise laughed at her, "You haven't even started"

"When will it end?"

"It doesn't exactly end, some people usually start feeling the effects from day 15 or 20. Their jeans starts getting tighter"

"I'm tired already, my clothes still fits me"

"Consistency is key, always remember that" He advised and Funsho walked towards her. "Good morning" he greeted with a smile and she returned the smile back. "Good morning"

"Morning Sir"

"Morning Oise, how are you doing?" He asked, "Fine Sir" "When are you going to take the break to sort out the wedding plans?" He asked and Oise shrugged, "Very soon Sir, thank you for asking"

"You're welcome." He replied then he turned his gaze at Dara, "Have you decided what time you'll be free?"

"Not yet, I'll let you know. I'm kinda booked, I'm busy with work stuffs" she answered and he gave a gentle nod before leaving. "See you around" he replied leaving and Oise gave her a familiar look.

"You and the boss are growing close oh"

"Stop it!" She tapped him playfully now feeling bad about it. "It's not a bad thing. What's surprising is that a man that we barely see come to work twice a week is now coming everyday and this started as soon as you started working out here. Call it coincidence but I don't think it is, if you want my honest opinion. I think the boss likes you"

"What?" Dara scoffed, why will this guy say this kind of thing now? When she's trying to block the thoughts out!

"Just my opinion oh, I mean. I'm a guy and we know these things now."

"I'm dating"

"Hey," Oise raised his hands in surrender, "I'm not trying to put thoughts in your head, I'm just saying it's cool. It's okay to like a woman now. Normal guy parole, besides the Boss is not a bad man, the man is set, nice and sweet"

"What happened to not putting ideas in my head?"

Funsho entered into his office to find Tise seated on a swivel chair opposite his chair. She had a magazine in her hand. "Tish?" He called out and she dropped the magazine on the desk turning the chair to face him. "Hello brother?" She asked, "What are you doing here?"

"Good morning"

"Good morning, what are you doing here?"

"To read magazines, what other reason could have brought me here?" She answered sarcastically and he laughed.

"Well I wanted to speak to you, have your seat big brother" she requested and he did then she turned the chair back at him.

"Am I in trouble?"

"No. I just want to make inquiries about some things"

"Let's cut to the chase Tise"

"Dara. She seems to be a topic of interest, dad seems interested in her, so does Mom but I can't seem to understand why. I mean, cooking up a tea party from nowhere, that has to mean something" "Why don't you ask them?"

"Why ask him when I can find out from the horse's mouth? I know it has to do with you and Dara. I couldn't help but notice how cozy the both of you were. The moments"

"What moment?"

"Are you serious going to pretend about this? You seem to forget I'm a psychologist and I already have this figured out. I just wanted a confirmation. You like her right? That explains why you've been consistent at the gym" she explained and he smiled.

"How did it happen? I mean she said you were rude to her the first day she met you."

"It's a very long story"

CeCee chuckled at the thought of Funsho's reaction the previous night. "I still have him, if I had gone further, I would have had him in bed but, I just wanted to give him something to dream of. All these sexiness" she rubbed her hands on her laps and her friend, writer and Blogger Mercy Chuks laughed typing on her laptop.

"You said her name is Dara Igwe OAP at Mood fm right?" Mercy asked and CeCee nodded.

Mercy stared at pictures of Dara in the studio then she scoffed turning the laptop towards CeCee. "Is this her?" "Yes" CeCee replied and Mercy laughed in mockery.

"Abeg, is this who you wasted your spit to threaten? When you gave me the gist, I thought that maybe you were talking about one fine slay queen like that. Funsho usually has eyes for beautiful girls now"

"She's beautiful"

"She's not even curvy. Just take a look at the women in his life, Funsho does not look like the kind that will settle for less. She no even carry front"

"Sounds like a movie I'll pay to watch. People love those movies where the bad boy ends up with the girl no one Imagined"

"That's the oldest cliche of all time and besides this is the same Funsho that we know. That girl can't be his spec"

"I profiled her Mercy, they have this connection, I shouldn't be scared because of how she looks but I know a threat when I see one and she is one hell of a threat!"

Gbade walked through the hospital ward hearing murmurings from nurses. He walked away into his father's office.  "Good morning Sir"  he greeted now turning towards Thomas who cleared his throat.

"Look at the person we were talking about sef. You are not a bastard Gbade"

"Good morning Thomas"

"Have you heard the news? It's like this woman is making the waves on entertainment and blogging. She has managed to attract people's attention and very soon I can see the police getting involved and if we don't find a way to sort this issue out, it's going to get messy and the mess is going to be smeared on all of our faces"

"What do you suggest we do?"

"We do the needful, we meet this Boma girl and pay her off to bring down that story"

Gbade scoffed, for the few times he has met Boma, she didn't seem like the type to receive bribe. The lady was utterly fearless!

"Have you met the lady? I don't think she's going to agree"

"If you have any other good idea, please let us know. We're opened to know oh cause if we don't curb this, bigger Media companies and journalist might want to start poke nosing and that won't be good for the image of the hospital. The whole staff are just yapping about the news"

"I'll like to talk to my son alone. Thomas"

"Okay Sir" he said leaving the office and Gbade turned head at the door then he gazed at his father who had a blank expression on his face.

His efforts to read him proved futile, he wondered what his thoughts might be. "I'm going to ask you this question once and I need the truth so we can know the way forward. Did you kill that girl?"

"I didn't"

"All evidence points at you, I've been planning on asking you but I didn't know how to bring myself down to asking such question cause I don't want to believe you killed her. I learned you were absent for a while at the party. What were you doing?"

"I was busy Sir"

"Doing what?"

"I can't say"

"Were you having an affair with the woman? Just let me know"

"Dad, you know how much I love to keep my things personal . I didn't kill her, period."

"I'm the one you're talking to and you're adding period to it" Chief asked then he hissed.  "I'm sorry Sir"
"You had a meeting with her shey? What was the essence of the meeting?"

"Have you been investigating me? I thought you're supposed to be my father? What happened to trust?"  "What happened to not keeping secrets from your own father?"

"I didn't kill her, I swear"

"You'll be relieved of your duties till further notice. I'll let you know of any further developments"


"I don't want to repeat myself"

Gbade shut his eyes then he scoffed, "Have I made myself clear?" "Yes Sir"

"That's so sweet. I knew the Impromptu tea party was too quick to be for real. So it was one of Mom's match making scheme for the both of you" Tise said after Funsho's explanation, "Yes"

"How did it go then?"

"The more I get closer to her, the less i want to walk away. She's becoming more of an addiction each day. She moved from being a Sunday addiction to daily one. I practically have to come everyday just because I want to see herself."

"That bad?" Tise asked and they both chuckled.

"Who would have thought my own brother will like a girl for almost a year and not make a move on her. I'm proud of the new you, I'm proud of your progress"

His phone rang and he picked it up only to hear Sewa crying. He suddenly became worried, "What's wrong with Sewa?"

  "She slipped, don't ask how cause I don't know how it happened. I just let my eyes off her for a minute. I was watching a movie and she was just there oh. The next thing I heard was her cry, she was facing the floor. She's not keeping quiet, I've sang all the songs I know.  Her temperature has increased because of it, I wanted to give her paracetamol but she pushed it away, It has poured on the bed."

"There are more"

"It's not the matter of more Sir. She might get sick with this loud cry"

"I'll be there before you know it, put the phone against her ears" he requested and she did. "Hey Sewa boo-boo, my beauty" he called out and she instantly kept quiet.

Hannah took the phone off and she resumed crying again then Funsho laughed. "How much airtime do you have?"

Ruby entered into Chief Duncan's office then he smiled at her. "Good morning doctor" she greeted with her knees slightly bent.  "You must be the Ruby shebi?" He asked and she nodded.

"Please have your seat" he gestured and she sat down on the chair opposite him. "So your sister spoke about you, she said you've been submitting your resume. For how long?"

"Since 2016 thereabout"

"Ehya, and you never got called out?"

"No Sir"

"Sorry for the stress, you hear? It's just the standard but today is your lucky day. Your sister is an exceptional woman and I respect her so much. Her humility is all together exceptional"

"You can say that again Sir"

"Can you believe I asked her to demand for anything. She could have requested for money but she didn't. You have a true sister, I hope you know that"

"I do"

Tise knocked on the door of dressing room where Dara was changing up. She intended having a discussion with her so she could make conclusions on what Dara felt for his brothers.

If there will be some sort of hope for her elder brother!

"Who's it?" "Doctor Tise"  "Come in" she replied and Tise walked in to see her dressed in a yellow chiffon shirt and a black trousers.

"I guess you're getting ready for work"

"I am actually" she replied spraying a perfume on her dress.   "I didn't see you leave yesterday. You left the clothes, I'll look up your address so I can send them to you"

"Oh. Thank you"

"Thank you for coming yesterday"
Dara squinted her eyes in confusion,  "Why are you thanking me?"  "You made Funsho happy, I'm a big fan of anything that makes Funsho happy. He's been far from that for a while now"

"He doesn't look that way ... Your brother is always cheerful, he smiles always" Dara replied smiling and she laughed. "Well, not all that glitter is gold. Funsho is really good at hiding his feelings, there's a whole lot going on there underneath those masked smile and laughter" she answered.

Dara became worried and more inquisitive than ever! "Does it have anything to do with Relief therapy?"

Tise folded her hands carefully observing Dara, "Did he..." "No. I found out from a friend, what does he do there? Does he have a problem?" She asked and Tise shrugged.

"Why don't you ask him yourself?"

"I don't want to. I feel like it's not my business, like I don't have the right to meddle. I don't even know how to bring up the topic, your brother isn't even a transparent type, he looks like the kind who likes keeping to himself. I still don't understand why he has four children from different mothers, Funsho is a very complicated man"

Derin entered into Chief's office dressed in a white gown and a black jacket. "Derinola, Bawo ni? (How are you?)" "I'm fine, so you had Gbade fired, why?" She asked and he laughed at how quick she got informed of the news.

"So fast?"

"I found out the moment I walked in."

"Haven't you seen the news trending?

"I saw it, we might have to follow due process and bring him in for questioning. The only reason the police didn't do anything is because you guys managed to keep the issue on the hush hush but now..... They might have to bring Gbade in, did you read the article?"

"Who wrote it, who is this Boma girl? Can you help me investigate?"

"Boma Davis, funny she's friends with the Dara Igwe you asked me to investigate on."

Chief scoffed, "How?" "Dara Igwe, full name, Madara Isabelle Igwe, father, Mr John Igwe, Mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Igwe, she has three siblings, she's mostly seen with two of her best friends, Boma and Portia . She studied mass communication in Unilag, graduated second class upper, she works as an OAP. 90% of respondents in the street she lives  says she's a good person"


"I had to go old school. If it has to do with getting a wife for Funsho, it has to be a reliable research. She's a good person obviously. Slow to anger"

"I know she can't be fake but can you please search this Boma Davis for me, let me see her picture" he requested and Definitely quickly did then he passed her phone to him.

"Ah!" Chief exclaimed on seeing her. "I saw her yesterday! She came with Dara, I don't even understand anymore. Is Dara investigating me?"

"Why will you say so?"

"Cause she asked me questions whether I'm a Ritualist or not. I told her that I wasn't a ritualist. Is she a journalist?"

"No. She's just an OAP. We can't rule that fact that she might be working for her friend too" 

"Good morning to you all, it's ten minutes past the hour of ten and  if you're just tuning in, it's Dara's corner and you just listened to Key to the kingdom by our very own Tiwa Savage and Mr Eazi. So this morning I'm throwing a question out there for everyone. Why is life so unfair?" She asked and her co- host Ehiz, laughed at her question.

"Life has been unfair since the time of John de Baptist. No be new thing"

"I'm quite serious Ehiz, I have a friend who has never been seen to be attractive but all of the sudden she's finds herself liking three persons" "It's not possible to like three people"

"It's not that kind of like"

"Abeg explain"

"She has a boyfriend already but just recently someone who rejected her on a date has been calling her after he saw her on a date with another guy" Dara explained and Ehiz laughed.

"Now he wants to see her but my friend is conflicted. She's trying to sort out her feelings, she doesn't even know what to do"

"Who's the third guy?"

"Someone she's been close with" Dara answered smiling then she cleared her throat. "They have great conversations and connection in a way but he has kids but he's divorced. Let's not forget she has a boyfriend, she's conflicted and will like your advise on what to do. I know there are people with years experience on situations like this so..... What do you suggest people? The phone lines are opened. Your opinions will be greatly appreciated"

Funsho raised Sewa's legs up cleaning the poo that had smeared all over her buttocks with a wiper while Hannah watched him.  He had a earpiece plugged  into his ears. he was listening in to the radio program.

"They have great conversations and connection but he has kids but he's divorced." He heard then he smiled with interest.

Could he be the one she's talking about? He asked within now collecting another diapers from Hannah.

"We have our first caller. What's your name and where are you calling from?"

"My name is Ganiya and I'm calling from Ikotun and I just want to first of all say that I'm a lover of your show and I'm a first time caller" she announced and a first timer bell was sounded for her sake.

"So what's your opinion on this situation?"

"I don't see as a conflict at all. It's only a conflict when the three guys are proposing to you. Women go through things like this"

"Well my friend doesn't go through this, this whole attraction thing is kind of new to her"

"Even though, she's a woman, she should play her cards well and stick with the three until one of them becomes serious with her. Let her not dull herself oh. "

"Seriously?" Dara asked, "Which girl doesn't have like four boyfriends? Sometimes it's only left for her to examine them herself. Which one does she feel is right for her? We girls we use different things as a yard stick, like bed skills, how generous he is, how much he smiles, tolerance, for me it's bed skills oh. You can be broke for all I care, as long as you can give me that satisfaction I want, I'm okay"

"Thank you for your opinion Ganiya, we'll go for a quick music break, it's Wizkid, Olamide with Totori"  

Dara exhaled while Totori played and Ehiz exhaled. "How far? Will you still be available for the show by 3?" "Sure, why not?"

"Cool.  I'm not buying the story you're selling about that your friend crap. It's you right?" he asked and she gave a gentle nod.

Ruby sat in the lobby of the hospital waiting for Dozie. She couldn't help staring at the sticker pasted on the counter. "I no dey take risk, na why I like to carry my condom waka"

Her eyes roamed again to the hypo sticker close to it. "Hey Babe" he called out and Ruby laughed. "There you are" she said rising up and Dozie smiled.

"How was the interview?"

"It was fine, they gave me a few basic test. The test continues tomorrow but I have the job already"

"I knew you would" 

"Do Do, na go be that?" One of the nurses asked, "My shift don finish abeg. I need sleep."

"Na your baby be this?"

"Which baby? Na my my wife oh" he answered holding on to Ruby's hand while she laughed. He stared into her face smiling. "Let's go"

Funsho carefully placed Sewa on the bed after she slept off in his arms. "Thank God" Hannah sighed in relief. His phone rang and Sewa opened her eyes wide again.

Then she cried softly, it sounded more like a complain than an actual cry.


"What's is with her today? Her own is now too much" Hannah complained unconsciously then Funsho carried her picking up the call.

She stopped crying instantly.

"Good morning" he greeted, "This is Mr Sani Sir, Shade's Teacher"

"I know. I hope all is well"

"I just wanted to find out if Shade has gotten home?"


"She said she was sick, so we let her go. She had stomach pain, menstrual pains"

Funsho laughed within, he knew Shade wasnt due to see her period till two weeks time. The teacher had definitely been fooled!

"Oh. Now I remember, the driver called in already. Yes she's at home. Thank you for calling" he answered trying to tilting his head backwards from Sewa who was trying to collect the phone from him.

She didn't even look like someone who was sleeping a while ago!

"Oh. That's good to hear, you're welcome Sir"

"Bye Mr Sani"

Dara sat on one of the chairs at Timmy's counter then she dropped her bag on the counter. Particular by Major Lazer played on while Timmy went back to the counter after attending to a customer.

"Good morning Dara" he greeted and she responded back. "How far? Where's Brenda?" "She called in sick, she didn't sound okay. I guess this lie is her worst, since she seems greatly affected by it"

"It's not for her to be affected by it, it's for her to change for good" she answered and Timmy agreed.  "What's up Dara, interesting story on air about that your friend" Timmy said and Dara exhaled, "Abi, it's hard for her" "Abi, falling in love with three guys. Must be difficult"

"You can't imagine"

"Who do you want to lie to?  You think I bought the whole  best friend crap. That's the oldest lie in the Bible. We all know when a lady asks for advise on something pertaining to her friend, she's actually talking about herself" he noted and she rolled her eyes.

"Was it that obvious?"

"You're that transparent. Three guys huh? I've known you for like how long now? Ten years?" He asked and she smiled. "The Dara I know doesn't just....." He trailed off raising his hands to the ceiling then he dropped it on the counter. "I mean, falling in love with three guys, that's not your thing. You're not the guy kind of girl"

"I'm not in love with them. I only just realized how toast I was about the whole situation after he called last night? My besties think I like him but after he called, I just had that Peace. I didn't even want through call to end. It's crazy"

"Which of the guys?"

"The one with kids, he's divorced"

"Funsho Duncan?" He asked and Dara gasped, "I didn't mention names, I was as discreet as I could be" "The last time you came here with his kids and you two had that weird connection going on"

"Why are you all saying the same thing?"

"Man know thy self. Stop lying to yourself and answer the question sincerely"

"I'm most particularly interested to know his secrets the man has too much secret he's not willing to tell. He doesn't want me judging him, but I want to know. I guess that was the first thing that sparked up my interest then his children, they're fun to be with" Dara chuckled then she rolled her eyes.

"I don't like him, I'm just...." She trailed off and Timmy nodded in disbelief, "No, I'm serious Timmy, I don't really like him, maybe it's because I'm seeing him everyday at the gym"

"You see me here everyday. Why haven't you ever fallen in love with me?" He asked and she sighed. "Who's the third guy?"

"The one who rejected me because I wasn't up to his taste. He said he missed me and I could sense the sincerity in his tone. I don't know what his intentions are but I can feel it like he wants to say something pertaining to dating. I'll be meeting up with him here by twelve and it's...." She looked at the time, "11:34" they both answered and chuckled.

"And your boyfriend?"

"He's fine, I believe this is just a temptation to shake my faith. I mean,  Efe saw me when no other person did! Efe is the love of my life. How are you now? How have you been?"

"I'm dating" he blurted out and Dara smiled.

"You finally said yes to one of these girls. Who's the lucky one?"

"She's older" "Okay..... Like how many years"

"9 but I love her"

"Oh..... Kay, if I know you so well, you saying you love her really means you love her.  I'm not judging but, if she's fourty.... You might never have a child of your own. What if she's past menopause?"

"I don't care. I love her"

Dara exhaled, "That's so sweet, you're so sweet. I really don't want to see the look on your mother's face when she finds out; she'll freak out!" She answered and they both laughed.

"French fries and Ketchup" Shade announced dressed in her uniform, a white short sleeves shirt and a brown plaid bow tie, a plaid brown skirt. She exhaled turning towards Dara.

"Good morning"

"Good morning" Dara answered, "What's up?" Timmy asked her,  "You seem like you're in a bad mood"  "I am and I really don't want to talk about it, I just want Donuts with jam with Pepsi"

"How's Winny?"

"She's fine" she answered going back to seat on a chair then she instantly began to fiddle on her phone. She had gone over to the gym to give her father a piece of her mind but she couldn't find him there.

She found it hard to concentrate in class with CeCee clouding up her thoughts! She couldn't get over the disappointment that her father and mother weren't really back together.  Apart from the fact she wanted them back together, she didn't want her father ending up with CeCee!

Her phone beeped and a message popped In on her WhatsApp.

Where are you? Your teacher said he allowed you leave because you told him you weren't feeling too well. Don't fret, I didn't let him know you were lying about the period

How are you sure I'm lying?

Because I know when you're supposed to see your period and I know you're physically perfectly okay

What about mentally?😒 🤧

You're the sanest person I've ever known.😉

Stop joking around dad, you know what I mean. I couldn't concentrate on class. CeCee back  again in our lives again makes me sick to my stomach🤮 so ....I wasn't exactly lying when I told Mr Sani I wasn't feeling too well. 🤒🤒

Where are you?

Don't you have things to do?

I'll reschedule? You know my mottos, my children first. Where are you? Pascal at the gym said he saw you come in

I'm in Timmy's diner, close to your gym. I came around so I could give you a piece of my mind.

I'll be there in less than twenty minutes. I'll receive that piece of your mind as soon as I get there.  Daddy loves you no matter what 😍😘

Shade chuckled.

Don't even think of bribing me with Emojis, I'm still pretty much angry😠

Don't worry, I'm coming with my A game

What's your A game?

Puppy dog eyes and lots of till you forgive me

He texted and she chuckled again then she sighed dropping the phone on the table.

Dara carried the donuts and Pepsi in a tray down to Shade's table. "Here's your order" she dropped it on the table and a puzzled look spread through her face. "You're not a worker are you?" She asked and Dara smiled. "No. I just decided to help" "Why?"

"Can I sit with you?" She requested and Shade gave a gentle shrug so Dara sat opposite her looking at her uniform.

"You attend Graham's College"


"Are you seriously asking that? Who doesn't know their uniform? All these rich men uniforms are easy to spot" she answered and Shade chuckled softly.

"Shouldn't you be in school?" She asked and Shade shrugged. "I left"
"See, I was a victim of bullying myself in secondary school. Trust me, it'll end before you know it, all you just have to do is be really patient" she advised and Shade chuckled.

"I'm not being bullied"

"Seriously? Why would you leave then?"

"I faked sickness to leave,. I couldn't concentrate"

"Oh. Boys wahala?" She asked and Shade laughed.


"Thank God" Dara sighed in relief, "I'm not an expert on that issue. I don't even know what kind of advise to give anyone except wait for the right time" she laughed nervously.

"Wait for what?"

"Wait before sex; abstinence. I'm sorry, I'm boring you already"

"No" Shade answered, "I could use a company, I'm not having boy issue, I'm not even dating sef to have boy issue. I'm pretty determined, I want to pass my waec first, sit for jamb, focus on my career as a doctor before thinking of relationship."

"That's great, don't let anything push you away from that path." Dara smiled and she chuckled.
"Sometimes friends may want to influence you?"

"I seriously want to see them try it! If Winny can't influence me, who can? Winny is my cousin, the one who poured drink on your white top that day"

"You remembered?"

"Yes. I was quite surprised to see you in Dad's church."

"I never knew he attended my church" "He's been going for a year now" "And you?" "Well.... I'm not used to the lifestyle, I'm not used to that life"

"You just have to build your relationship with God."

"Why? I'm already sixteen years old? Isn't it too late?"

"Let me give you reasons why? A life void of God is useless, life makes more meaning with God in it.  I have been in hopeless situations and trust me, even when you feel useless, there's just something about being in God's presence that makes everything okay. You just have to build your relationship with God"

"What other reasons?"

"That's a summary of everything" she answered then she chuckled on remembering the similar circumstance that happened with Funsho when she was In the taxi with him.

"You sound like your father right now" Dara commented and Shade laughed.

"I'm sorry if it sounds like I'm preaching"

"It's okay. Thank you for preaching to me, it's quite different from CRK in school" she answered and Dara chuckled. "How's your prayer life?" She asked and Shade shrugged.

"I don't have any. I don't even know how to pray" Shade looked up giggling. Suddenly she felt embarrassed. "I can teach you, I'll call you when I'm about to pray and when I wake up to pray every morning. What do you think about that?"  She requested passing her phone to Shade so she can input her number.

Shade thought deeply about it then she input the number in it, "If you try my number and you can't get to me, just know my phone is on airplane mode" she confessed and they both chuckled then she passed Dara's phone back to her.

"My name is Dara Igwe and it's nice to finally speak to you" 

"Shade Funsho Duncan, the pleasure is all mine"

"I never knew Funsho was your father. At first start I thought you two were lovers" she answered and Shade laughed. "That's weird and funny too" 

"I chastised him until your aunt Tise told me you are his daughter. I was so embarrassed" Dara covered her eyes in shame as though reliving the moment.

Shade laughed then she exhaled. "Thank you for coming" she appreciated sinking into her sad mood. "Aren't you going to eat?"

"I don't have the appetite anymore"

"What's going on?"

"Is it not Dad!"

"What did he do?"

"I know him and  my mother are divorced, but I want them back together but now he's back with CeCee, they used to date. I thought Mom had a chance, I'm just sad. My fears might just end up coming to pass"

"What's your fear?"

"Dad ending up with CeCee, she has this hold on him. She's the one person he has been consistent with, dad had a lot of women in his life. There are times I wonder why he's bent on not getting married, I still don't know why but I think it had a whole lot to do with why he's been going for therapy" she answered then she scoffed.

"I don't even know why I'm telling you this" Shade sniffled, "It's okay" Dara placed her palm over the back Shade's palm.

"It's okay to speak up sometimes, it helps reduce the burden in your mind"

"I don't even speak to my mom about this. I know he's been going to Relief therapy center. I don't know why and I don't want to ask."

"Your father can be secretive for Africa!" Dara admitted and Shade laughed.

"It's like you have my old man figured out."  Shade chipped in and they both laughed again.

"Hello Dara" Ugo said from behind and they both turned towards him. He was dressed in a white shirt, black trousers and a black half jacket.

"Hey Shade, I have to go"

"It's fine. Good afternoon" Shade waved at Ugo and he waved back.  Dara rose up  smiling at him, "Let's sit there" she pointed at her usual sitting spot which was still vacant and they both made way to take their seat. 

"I hope it wasn't so hard to locate this place"

"Not at all. I know the gym" he pointed and Dara smiled. "Seriously?" "Yeah.... I used to patronize it, until I moved out from where I used to live"

"Wow... You also work out?" Dara asked, then she chuckled knowing it was a rhetorical question. Of course he works out!

How come he manages to look this hot?????

"Yes I do. I couldn't help but notice your use of also, do you also work out?"


Ugo raised his brow in shock, "Why?" "Don't be scared, I'm not trying to make myself get thinner, I know what you're thinking, what's she doing working out? Is she trying to disappear?"

Ugo shut his eyes, he knew this was a dig at him for what he said after their date. "I didn't mean it that way"  "It's okay" Dara flipped her braids and he smiled.

"You look great, the braids looks really nice on you"

"Thank you"  Dara answered. "How's the day going?" "Good, now that I've finally seen you, how was your own day?"

"What can I say? I have a whole lot of plans and I don't even know how I'm going to schedule them. I have to be at different places, Mehn!" She exhaled.

"I guess I'm also guilty for causing that" he guessed and she nodded. "Yes you are" she replied and they both chuckled.

Funsho walked into the diner with a baby carrier hung over his chest.  Sewa was in it facing front. "Cute baby" one of the waitress said and he laughed sarcastically.

Cute kor, cute ni

"Thanks" he replied making his way in when he noticed Dara at the other corner of the diner laughing with a guy that seemed familiar.

"Dara I really don't want to beat about the bush, I have something to tell you. I've been keeping it in since"

"What is it?" She asked, her thumping in anxiety.

Funsho quietly watched them until Dara spotted him. "Oh my God, Ugo excuse me for a minute, a baby I so love is here"

"It's okay" 

Dara rose up walking towards him, "Hey cutie pie" she said and Sewa smiled waving her hands exposing her one tooth. "Look at how gentle she looks"

"Gentle? Someone that has been giving headache all morning. Can't you see I had to bundle her today?" He asked and she chuckled. "Good afternoon Funsho"

"Good afternoon Dara, he greeted turning towards Ugo, "I thought you said you were booked for the day. You had work stuffs, the last time I checked, you work as an OAP not in a diner"

Dara laughed, he understood his point. "I see you have company"

"Yes. That's Ugo.... he's a friend"

"The Ugo?" He asked and she arced her brow in surprise, "What do you mean?" "It's just something about that name"

Dara folded her arms, "Now you sound like a tribalist" she snapped and he shook his head. "I'm not. I'm just....." He trailed off while Dara raised her nose in disbelief.

"I'm really not" he gave up racking his brains for explanations.

"Your daughter is here" Dara pointed at Shade and he gave a nod. "I know, she said I'm in trouble and I have a lot of querying to attend to so....."

"Can I carry her?"

"If she agrees, she's been tormenting me all morning. I can even dash her for free if she agrees sef"

Dara stretched her hands and Sewa quickly stretched her body to her. She immediately began pulling on Dara's braids the moment she carried her.

"I better return back"

"Yes" he replied taking off the baby carrier off his body then he watched Dara return back to the seat.

"Who's this cute baby?" Ugo asked stretching his hands to touch Sewa but she pulled her hands giving Ugo a Stern stare.

"Ehya, you gave Uncle Ugo ela part one" Dara laughed kissing Sewa on the cheeks while Funsho watched them wishing he could be the one there instead of him!

How was this chapter?🤣😂

What next?

Abeg, who can guess what Ugo's confession might be? 😀

Don't forget to vote and comment. They're like ink to my pen; my inspiration😊

Thank you all 😘

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